ink-arnate · 1 year
@ira-sturm​ replied to your post: Fucking GETS them!
Floops over like a noodle and totally not seductively at all.
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“Oh nooooo~ You GOT me~”
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lunarbranded · 5 years
★ ★ || @vaciiviity
"An hour ago? Must not have been very filling if that's the case. I'll order us some pizza or something if you want. Pretty sure I still have a menu for the one down the street laying around at home somewhere." It was one of the cheaper pizzerias and Noctis favored it heavily, so much so that they called a few times to make sure he was still okay.
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This was odd though. Noctis knew sometimes he got hungry since he usually ate on time to keep himself under control. It was easier to stay on a schedule. Either way, he hummed softly and started after Prompto. "Yeah alright. You were looking for a phone case right? Some kind of cutesy thing?"
He couldn't talk much. Noctis had bought a Gudetama plush two stores ago and his phone case had a chibi mackerel on it. "Might be able to find one over there at that toy store, plus they seem to be having some kind of sale. Looks promising."
If Prompto couldn't concentrate, then Noct could at least do that for him. He reached over and gently put his hand on the blond's lower back. "And Prom, you know... if you need to, I can take you back home so you can rest."
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scalebranded · 5 years
🔥  @dawnryse (Noctis has requested the queen’s attention)
Her father’s declaration of the treaty agreement had been enough to turn her stomach and, truthfully, she’d been tempted to burn him then and there. Ultimately, she hadn’t but it was only through communication that she chose not to - his plan was ambitious and one that she wasn’t entirely sure would work but... if it caught Lucis off guard, it could mean their downfall.
And it had.
Daenerys hadn’t been involved but she’d watched from one of the monitors while at home in Niflheim’s castle. Of course, the Weapon hadn’t shocked her, nor did the fact that the Prince was on the run. She’d seen him once in passing while he was retrieving the Regalia. Unlike the Chancellor and High Commander, she stayed back and watched the situation, her dragons off in the distance. 
Biding her time and forcing patience was difficult, particularly seeing the huge fuck up that was Altissia take place. She’d never held much love for the Oracle but her fate had no real impact on Daenerys - they’d never met - but still, she waited. And as she did, her time finally came when the sun became less scarce. The people needed hope and she was happy to provide it from dragonback - flying refugees to Lestallum, bringing in supplies as she could, providing fire when it was needed. 
So she unofficially took up the title of Lucian Queen, as she was originally supposed to as per the treaty but what she didn’t count on was for Noctis himself to return. The doors of her hall opened, nothing grand but clean and spacious enough that she could see a fight coming, and her MTs stepped forward, lining the edges of the hall.
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Daenerys didn’t stand but she lifted her head to look upon the man before her. Gone was the innocence of his youth and what replaced it was a man who resembled his father far too much for her comfort. The silence in the hall seemed to drag on and she looked behind him. His Shield and Adviser stood close, along with his personal Crownsguard, but it was no matter. Should they attack, the MTs would serve as a distraction long enough for her to reach Drogon.
It was now that she stood, when he was halfway down the hall’s runway, hands clasped in from of her. “The whispers were true,” she declared. “The Chosen King has returned.” Her voice seemed loud in the hall, enough that she almost wished the volume weren’t so great. There was no doubt that his entourage had told him about the things she’d done - particularly the punishments she saw fit to dispense.
“Our people are doing well, given the circumstances, and your arrival can only mean good things for them. Perhaps their faith has not been misplaced. If it would please you, I am certain we have accommodations here fit for a king if you’d like to rest before you venture into the Crown City.” Though she knew that Ignis Scientia didn’t trust her, Daenerys knew who would tell her what she needed to know, particularly from the Shield and Crownsguard. Her birds were everywhere. 
A smile came over her face that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Now, perhaps, we may serve the people together.”
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His vision was blurry and Prompto could barely stand to make it to his bedroom. A small, one bedroom apartment in L.A. was probably a saving grace, even if he were unable to keep up with bills without two jobs. Maybe that was why he’d lost Noctis. 
Gone all hours. Hardly ever answering his phone. Cryptic texts. Not telling Noctis where his second job was located or what he did. Now that he looked back on it, there was no wonder why his best friend had stopped talking to him - who would want to put up with that? 
How had he put up with him in the first place? 
But seeing that photo of Noctis smiling so brightly next to his childhood friend, Lunafreya, had felt like a semi-truck to the abdomen. She meant the world to him. How in the world could Prompto ever think he even came close to being as important to Noctis as Luna had? The bottle of vodka in his hand swished as he downed another large gulp, concentrating on the ringing on the other end of the phone. 
Voice Mail.
He should have known, really. A soft laugh left him, low and unsurprised, why would Noct answer anyway? Then came the beep. Prompto huffed softly and pulled his pillow over to his lap, burrowing his face into the fabric. It still smelled like Noctis. The line held dead air other than Prompto’s soft, ragged breathing - Prompto was on the verge of tears again.
“I remembered your number,” he muttered. Already, words were slurred. “Was my fault, you know. Our friendship crumbling like it did, I mean. I should have tried harder. God, why does this pillow still smell like you? I mean, we were just friends, right? Yeah, I thought so. I mean, why settle for shitty discount bacon when you could have an amazing sirloin or something. She’ll be a great friend to you, I know that. Maybe more than that. I just...” 
He cut off and let out a loud groan, gripping the neck of the bottle harder than he intended to. “God, this is stupid. Felt like shit when I saw that you’re better off without me and I miss your stupid face, jerk. And how good you smell. And how nice you are. And, you know, how cute you look when you’re sleeping.” Prompto took another long drink until he couldn’t take more from the bottle, huffing loudly. 
“Why do you gotta be so amazing? That’s not fair dude...” He didn’t bother to say good bye, Prompto simply hung up the phone and leaned against the wall, staring up at the ceiling fan. “Maybe I’ll go get like... marshmallow vodka next.”
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skylinesentinel · 6 years
Continued from [X] | @endurraesa
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“Illusions are great.” It was a small comment, one of simple observation, that Peter couldn’t hold back. A smile came up behind his mask and he gestured slightly at Loki’s form. “Looks aren’t everything, so that’s a good thing. You know the whole cliche of that ‘it’s what’s inside that matters’? It’s not exactly wrong.” 
He leaned forward and tilted his head, an animated, nonverbal question mark. “So uh... Need any help or anything? Pretty sure the Avengers aren’t gonna be running over here after all that. They usually take care of their own only.”
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chainedoracle · 6 years
[X] | @scourgestained​
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“No, I am not,” she agreed. How many times had they fought about this issue? Far too many to count, she supposed, but it would always hang over their heads. “However, you cannot be there to protect me your entire life. You have duties and obligations to the Empire that keeps you from doing so, correct? Therefore, your loyalty should publicly lie with them.”
Of course, she didn’t mean to downplay his feelings, but Lunafreya was ready. She’d been ready for years. “Stuck to your duties and I will adhere to my own, dear brother. My future is not promised but I will ensure the safety of our star first and foremost. Please understand, Ravus.”
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fonicsight-a · 3 years
Tag post, feel free to ignore! [1 / 2]
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queencxiii · 7 years
Continued from [X] | @kingrlccxiii
Normally, Aulea never questioned what her husband did when he was out in town but this was more than a simple tabloid. She’d learned to deal with those years ago and, in her mind, she did well enough with them.
Picking up the hem of her dress, annoyed with how over the top the design had become, she walked over to the table and put one of the newspapers down. 
“An affair with an enemy country,” she muttered. “Niflheim has been taking shots at Lucis for years. You fought them and now they’re coming here? What is going on, Reggie? What are you not telling me?” 
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After the arrest of the Sugar Man and Jughead’s drag race, Cheryl found herself making her way across the tracks and into Southside High school. There were stares, of course there were, they were being graced with the presence of royalty. Heels carried her down the hall until she found the dark haired, beanie-wearing Serpent she was looking for.
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A clawed hand grabbed him by the arm and Cheryl began to try to pull him into a nearby stairwell, amber eyes flashing in warning toward anyone who attempted to follow. Once the door closed, she spoke. 
“So, I have it on good authority that your little racing buddy has been giving you issues. Ghoulies, right? I can give you the best protection that Riverdale has to offer, something the Serpents don’t have. Are you interested or am I wasting my time?”
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ink-arnate · 1 year
@strebcr​ started following ink-arnate
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“You smell like watermelons.”
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scalebranded · 5 years
🔥  @chainedaccursed (Ardyn has requested the queen’s attention)
Being around the Chancellor had always created a sense of unease in her heart. Looking up at him was the only option she had aside from speaking to him from a distance. Disrespectful. The voice of her old matron crowed in her head as she forced her feet to carry her the few yards toward him.
In the sky above them, her three dragons circled the fort and she thought of the past few weeks, anger beginning to bubble in her chest once more. “I believe I specifically requested to be present at the Crown City when she fell. Why was I not informed?” 
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More specifically, her own father had failed to inform her that he was going to the Crown City and not the magitek research facilities as she’d been told. The collective roar of her dragons overhead was ignored by her, she would attend to them later. 
“And now, I have reports that the Lucian Prince was not present. Was my father so sloppy as to allow such a thing?” She tilted her chin upward, lavender eyes unamused, and narrowed them. “I can only assume that what you are working on is going according to plan so please, do tell me what I can do.”
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@heroicglaive liked this post!
To say he was worried was the biggest understatement of the year. Injured chocobos were all over the place, mostly because of daemons attacking them, so when a Glaive brought one in to the stand, Prompto was beside himself. He grabbed what he could from a First Aid kit near the shop and ran over to the man. 
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“Looks like they’re barely an adult. Bring them over here, you’ll have to hold her down so I can take a look at her.” Prompto waved the man over to a small table near the stalls. “Looks like it could be broken, the leg I mean. Maybe some damage to the wing too but... we just have to be careful and take care of what we can right now. Dad can call in a professional.” 
Prompto grabbed a muzzle for her beak, just in case she got bite-y, and got to work. The leg was wrapped up easily, it didn’t take long at all, but the wing was proving to be a bit difficult. He received several little warks of protest whenever he tried to move it. “So... you’re a city boy, huh? I’ve seen a few guys in uniforms like yours come through here, none were kind enough to bring us injured chocobos or help us out...”
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skylinesentinel · 7 years
May had come in with a turkey as big as his torso and he’d been helping her to make food for almost two days in preparation for a Christmas Dinner. It was already turning out to be a huge affair. 
“..and she had the nerve to bring up Mayday as a guilt tripping point! How dare she? I told her, I said you have absolutely no right to say anything about what my boy wants to do with his family. And she hung up on me! Peter, I swear to you if we lived in Tennessee, I’d be marching right over there to give her a piece of my mind.”
Peter chuckled softly and handed Mayday a plate of celery and peanut butter, allowing her to run off before he grabbed the tub of butter. His aunt was fired up after a talk with Peter’s mother’s side of the family and he was certain that if May had any say in it, she would have done just what she said.
“Don’t doubt that,” he muttered. “After I butter the dish for your hot rolls, I’ll start on the pasta salad.” May grumbled away at the stove and Peter finished his task. He stepped into the living room and dumped himself on the nearest chair. Peter was exhausted and it didn’t help that he felt losses harder on the holidays but he closed his eyes and sighed softly. At least he wasn’t on call to work. 
Cracking an eye open, Peter peeked over to Mayday chattering away to Wade, repeatedly telling him she liked making ornaments out of dry macaroni in school.
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chainedoracle · 6 years
Continued from [X] | @triggerxhappy
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“There’s nothing wrong with being scared, Prompto. Fear can... do many things but if we allow it to hold us back, we would get nowhere.” Luna played with her own fingers, twirling a ring around one as she thought of what to say. Not knowing what was going on in his head made the task slightly difficult.
So, she reached out to take his hand, a smile finally coming to her face as she did. “You’ve done so much to help Noctis on his journey. Take pride in your strength and support, without you Noctis may not have made it this far.” 
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Continued from [X] | @scvietassassin
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“I don’t need that much sleep. Survived on less.” In fact, he’d gone a few days without sleep having to help Wade with getting information for some damn hit he was trying to do. 
Instead of listening, he sat at the edge of the table to look out at the surrounding area. Weasel knew he wouldn’t have been spared had Wade not brought him here. “Early today for night guard. You take more shifts than needed?” 
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infcrnalis-blog · 6 years
❛  roses are red, violets are blue … sunflowers are yellow, tulips come in all sorts of colors, so do roses – I really like flowers – daffodils are also yellow.  
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“I wasn’t aware you had such an interest in botany, Gladio.” Well, now he was curious and that was quite a thing. “Does this mean that you know of a flower that doesn’t have a variety of colors? I’ve always wondered if there was one that stayed the same. Could never stray from my favorite - the tiger lily.”
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