#Ursula Von der Leyen
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Irish MEP Luke 'Ming' Flanagan calling for Ursula Von der Leyen to resign for her unwavering support of Genocidal Israel, he brought receipts.
Source: @lukeming on Twitter
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#free gaza#gaza strip#irish solidarity with palestine#free palestine#palestine#gaza#news on gaza#al jazeera#boycott israel#israel#Ireland#Irish#Irish pride#Proud to be Irish#Éire#Luke ming Flanagan#MEP#european parliament#The EU#Ursula Von der Leyen#Resign Ursula#Twitter
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The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, is a hypocrite, a fool, or both.

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Ursula Von Der Leyen gravement malade. Une méchante pneumonie d'extrême droite l'a chopée comme il fallait. 2 janvier 2025

Merci de lui laisser un petit mot pour la suite...
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by Rod Liddle
If only our TV news programmes and politicians could bring themselves to call it all ‘Far-Right Terrorism’, then something might get done – because we all know that Far-Right Terrorism is the biggest threat to our democracy. But they don’t. Even though it is, of course, far-right terrorism, lower case – the real far-right terrorism which our politicians do not want to think about and indeed lock people up when they complain a little vociferously about it.
A week or so back the Dutch football club Ajax of Amsterdam played a cup tie against the Israeli side Maccabi Tel Aviv and as a consequence what the media carefully call ‘pro-Palestinian’ thugs attacked the visiting Jewish supporters, with five hospitalised and 20 to 30 more injured. Many of the attacks were carried out by young men on mopeds – according to one Dutch politician, Moroccan young men on mopeds, which is about as close to actually identifying who these perpetrators might have been as you will get. The Israeli government reacted with shock, booking two planes to bring the football fans home from the fetid ghetto that parts of the decent, liberal Netherlands has become. Dutch politicians lined up to do the platitude stuff. The reliably witless Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, was among the first out of the blocks: ‘I strongly condemn these unacceptable acts. Anti-Semitism has absolutely no place in Europe. And we are determined to fight all forms of hatred.’
Just read that vacuous bilge again – the bloodless and vague ‘unacceptable acts’ and ending with a commitment she does not remotely mean to keep. Oh, and anti-Semitism has absolutely no place in Europe? Au contraire, Ursula. It has many, many places, largely as a consequence of policies enacted by people like you. So, in that crescent (fittingly) of Europe from north-west France, through Belgium to Rotterdam and the Hague – and now arcing further north, to Malmo – these are the places where a large diaspora of Muslims from the Maghreb and the Levant have settled. Hey, it’s just occurred to me – gee, could there perhaps be some connection? If there is you can bank on the mainstream politicians and the mainstream media not to make it.
#football#amsterdam#antisemitism#ajax of amsterdam#european antisemitism#all forms of hatred#ursula von der leyen
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Quindi assicura di voler tenere la barra dritta sulla transizione green, ma anche su questo punto, senza gli States, l'obiettivo appare molto più difficile da realizzare. "Tutti i continenti dovranno accelerare la transizione verso le emissioni nette zero e sostenere il peso sempre maggiore del cambiamento climatico. I suoi effetti non possono essere ignorati. Ondate di calore in Asia, inondazioni dal Brasile all'Indonesia, dall'Africa all'Europa. Incendi boschivi in Canada e California. Uragani negli Stati Uniti e nei Caraibi. Il cambiamento climatico è ancora in cima all'agenda globale", ha assicurato Ursula.
Apposto siamo!
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The look ❤️
#hi mom#political mom#protective mama#ursula#ursula von der leyen#volodymyr zelenskyy#president zelenskyy#zelenskyy#ukraine
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Parla il peggior sacco di letame del ns continente,
Ursula Von der Leyen:
«L'Europa deve spendere di più e meglio per dare sostegno all’Ucraina.
L'Europa deve avviare la produzione di una nuova generazione di armi per la vittoria"
Io credo invece che l'Europa, (cioè i suoi cittadini), debba marciare fino a Bruxelles, catturare questa psicopatica e consegnarla a Putin.
Una simile criminale non può girare a piede libero
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#european union#mick wallace#ireland#ursula von der leyen#palestine#palestine news#palestine war#gaza#gaza news#gaza war#israel#israel news#israel war#gaza update#politics#geopolitics#war#war news#war update#world news#international affairs#international news#global news#breaking news#current events#middle east#west asia#foreign policy#eu#europe news
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Brussels has set up a defensive office within the EU bureaucracy called “The Trump Task Force.”
"The leaders of the European Union are nervous about President Trump: (1) ending the war in Ukraine, and then (2) ending the Marshal Plan, thereby taxing their exports to the U.S as Trump demands tariff reciprocity; and lastly (3) forcing them to pay for their previous NATO commitments." - Sundance

BRUSSELS — Top European Union officials have met with the bloc’s ambassadors to talk through what it would mean if Donald Trump wins the U.S. election, 12 EU diplomats told POLITICO.
“They’re worried about trade but mostly [about] Ukraine,” one of the diplomats said, adding that Brussels foresees “abrupt changes on U.S. policy even before the inauguration.” The diplomat, like others quoted in this piece, was granted anonymity to speak candidly.
The conversations revolved around two areas of uncertainty should the Republican candidate reclaim the White House: Whether Washington would continue to support Ukraine and the prospect of higher U.S. tariffs for all incoming goods.
[…] The meetings come amid reports the bloc has set up a rapid reaction force to prepare for the fallout of the elections, colloquially known as the “Trump task force.” The EU wants to hit back hard on trade if Trump wins.
Trump has warned that he won’t defend “delinquent” NATO allies spending less than 2 percent of GDP on defense. And he has threatened to slap 10 to 20 percent tariffs on all imports to bring manufacturing jobs back to the U.S. On Thursday, Trump called the EU a “mini China.”
“They don’t take our cars, they don’t take our farm products, don’t take anything. You have a $312 billion deficit with the EU. You know, the EU is a mini — but not so mini — is a mini China,” he said.
Three of the diplomats said that the discussions also touched upon the EU’s relations with China, with Trump set to antagonize Beijing even more. The meetings involve six Commission departments and cover topics such as trade, energy and digital policy — areas that could experience turbulence if Trump returns to the White House. (read more)
#trump 2024#european union#zelensky#WEF#klaus schwab#olaf scholz#jens stoltenberg#ursula von der leyen
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Ursula von der Leyen nomina Peter Strohschneider, professore di storia medioevale perché supervisioni un importante rapporto sull’agricoltura; il professore guadagnerà 973,79 € al giorno.
se credevate che l’amichettismo fosse un fenomeno solo italico, vi siete sbagliati, prima la Metsola nomina il cognato come capo di gabinetto (“La Meloni si e io no?”), adesso la Ursula che nomina Peter.
In molti hanno trovato esagerato il compenso per questo studioso, molto meno ha stupito che un medioevalista si interessi di agricoltura, noi per fortuna siamo abituati a gente che non c’entra niente con l’incarico che ottiene, Lollobrogida è “laureato” (Università Cusano) telematicamente in giurisprudenza ed è ministro dell’Agricoltura, della Sovranità Alimentare (qualunque cosa sia, Dio ci perdoni tutti) e delle Foreste (quelle che sono rimaste).
Molto probabilmente i contadini da ora in poi andranno al lavoro a piedi o su un carro di buoi, periodicamente metteremo una parte di terreno a maggese e faremo la rotazione delle colture, reintrodurremo l’aratro a versoio trainato da buoi o cavalli e ricorreremo al “debbio” (no a Paolo Del Debbio), cioè all’utilizzo delle ceneri delle erbacce estirpate come fertilizzante.
Un ritorno al medioevo insomma, pensate che io stia scherzando? Neanche per idea, Francesco Lollobrigida ha proposto il “servizio civile agricolo”, cioè l’idea di offrire ai giovani l’opportunità di poter lavorare quasi a titolo gratuito (i rimborsi previsti coprono appena le spese) nelle aziende agricole in cambio del 15% di posti riservati nei concorsi pubblici.
Insomma, stanno reintroducendo la servitù della gleba, dove il nobile proprietario delle terre obbligava i suoi contadini a prestare gratuitamente lavoro per le courvée che desiderava effettuare.
Prossimamente è prevista anche la reintroduzione dello jus primae noctis.
E allora, cosa state aspettando? Tirate fuori zappe, roncole e falcetti e iniziate ad affilarle.
#ursula von der leyen#francesco lollobrigida#metsola#servi della gleba#Peter Strohschneider#medioevo#jus primae noctis
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This Buzzfeed article I'm reading on Yahoo News is a bit of a downer (see link here) but at the same time I can't stop laughing because the AI they must be using to describe the photos is so seriously dispassionate in its inability to identify famous people it really seems like the descriptions are being narrated by some hopeless cynic who's out to be as deliberately, maliciously obtuse as possible, refusing to display the tiniest modicum of respect by feigning ignorance of the hugely famous (and infamous) currently dominating world headlines:
"Person in a formal suit seated at a desk in an official-looking room, gazing directly at the camera"
"A person wearing a "Make America Great Again" cap and a dark jacket stands gesturing with their hands in a room with a window and curtain backdrop"
"Two people in formal attire walking together, one in a suit with a polka dot tie, the other in a light blazer, appearing to be in conversation"
"Person in a suit and windbreaker holds a red cap at a Daytona 500 event backdrop. Another person stands behind, wearing a suit and tie"
"Person walking outdoors beside white pillars and a window, with bare branches visible in the foreground"
"Two men, one wearing earbuds and a gray coat, the other in a black coat, standing outdoors with a blurred background"
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I still can't believe that EU weakens protections on wolves because a wolf killed ursula von der leyen's favorite pony
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Energiewende uber alles!
E sarà la nostra fine. Il Partito Popolare Europeo (PPE), il più grande gruppo politico del Parlamento Europeo, di cui la CDU fa parte, ha nominato Ursula von der Leyen a capo della Commissione Europea. Sotto la sua guida dell’Unione Europea, l’economia sta crollando, l’industria sta scomparendo e l’islamismo sta proliferando. A quanto pare, tutto ciò non ha importanza perché gli europei hanno…
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We love an Ursula-Volodymyr reunion 🇪🇺🇺🇦
#ukraine#volodymyr zelenskyy#president zelenskyy#zelenskyy#zelensky#russian invasion of ukraine#ursula#ursula von der leyen
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EU plans to strengthen defence spending, von der Leyen says
The European Union will propose a €150 billion loan to boost defence spending after decades of underinvestment and as US President Donald Trump rolls back American security on the continent, LuxTimes reports.
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen also said the EU would propose activating a fiscal clause that would allow countries to use their national budgets for €650 billion in additional defence spending over four years without triggering budget sanctions.
Von der Leyen said the package, combined with new loans for defence spending, could raise about 800 billion euros if governments take full advantage of the new leeway.
“We are in an era of rearmament,” she told reporters in Brussels on Tuesday. “Europe is ready to massively boost its defence spending.”
Once-in-a-generation moment
Europe is seeking hundreds of billions of euros in additional funding to continue supporting Ukraine, especially after Trump ordered the suspension of all military aid to Kyiv. Von der Leyen called it a “once-in-a-generation moment” and has previously said the EU needs around €500 billion in defence investment over the next decade.
Von der Leyen sent a letter to member states listing options for strengthening national defence in the near term. The proposal will be discussed by EU leaders at an emergency meeting on Thursday.
Leaders are expected to assess the most favoured ideas and instruct the commission, the EU’s executive body, to work on them further before concrete proposals are put forward as early as the next meeting on March 21-22, said people familiar with the matter who spoke on condition of anonymity.
Many EU countries, including France and Italy, are in difficult budgetary situations and have little financial capacity to dramatically increase borrowing.
The letter also lists several other options, including raising private financing through the capital markets, reallocating other EU funds to defence, expanding European Investment Bank lending to include some military projects currently excluded, or using the European Stability Mechanism, the eurozone’s 500 billion euro bailout fund.
Read more HERE
#world news#news#world politics#europe#european news#european union#eu politics#eu news#ursula von der leyen#von der leyen#defense#defence#defense spending#defence spending#defence sector
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