#Uncle Ron
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ethiack · 4 months ago
Katt William EXCLUSIVE | All The Diddy Bodies EXPOSED
Katt Williams is back, and this time he’s exposing all the bodies under Diddy, everyone that got buried because Diddy wanted his crimes to stay hidden. From mysterious deaths to sudden illnesses, the connections are wild. And Katt Williams might’ve been on to something all along.
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shadie-dealing · 7 months ago
This was from just after I moved into Aunt Parl's house:
She gave me half the attic. It sounds like a LOT more than it is. Cousin Lilly has the other half, and you can't even stand up straight in here. I've got a foam mattress on the floor, and a night stand. Lily out up a blanket curtain.... She's mad. This was her "OWN ROOM", and my being here had screwed that up for her.
Cousin Birch (don't call him bitch, he's twice my size), had to share with Rowan. Birch is 15, Rowan's only 8. Lily used to have to share the other kid's room with her sisters, Rose and Daisy...
God my family sucks at names!!!!!
What even IS Jessamy... You saying Jasmine and got a stutter? Whatever. Everyone calls me Shade anyway, cuz of my skin and my name. Kinda funny, that being Momma's last name, but only half'a mine. She never did explain all that, and Aunt Pearl clams up like a professional spy if you being it up.
I don't think anyone but Momma could make her say... Or.. geezuss... maybe Momma told her never to tell. That gives me goose bumps in bad ways. Momma was good to me, but it's scary to think about what she could have done. The world doesn't know how lucky it is she's a good guy...
Pearl and Ron are fighting. I haven't been here very long, but I think this might be kinda... Geeze. Note to self: WEAR SHOES. Otherwise gonna be picking glass outta ma feet later. Anyway. I think they fight a lot. That's sad. The cousins are all grumpy and scared all the time... Why would Momma bring me here?!?!
I gotta sleep. I start at the cousins' school tomorrow. I'm scared to go. The cousins aren't nice. I know it's cuz they're unhappy, but they don't have to be mean to me. I'm scared the other kids are gonna be mean. I got my gloves, long sleeved shirt, hoody, jeans, boots, I even got a face mask, like I'm worried about gems or something. With my hair and hood maybe kids won't notice so much. The wings and tail I can kinda keep low key, but it's hard. Not comfortable. Ugh.
Like, I'm still grateful for Mom not letting them chop me up... But I also kind of wish I didn't have them sometimes.
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kairithemang0 · 1 year ago
Whatever gender Joey Richter is is the gender I require
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daddiesdrarryy · 4 months ago
Pansy: Did you hear, Ron? Blaise is planning on courting you properly now
Ron: Then he can admit failure already, because I’m not gonna fall for his tricks!
Draco: Be careful, Ron. When Blaise wants something, he always gets it
Pansy: And sleeps with it
Ron: Not me! He’s never getting in my trousers, I swear on my uncle Bilius’s grave!
*a week later*
Ron, cuddled by Blaise in his bed after they slept together: Well fuck
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scottishaccentsareawesome · 2 months ago
(IceMav!Parents and Young Daggers AU (again :)) - Ice and Mav come back from date night and the inside of the house looks like a bomb went off, with Slider hopelessly trying to clean the living room)
Iceman: SLIDER! Slider: In my defense, all the children are still alive!
(they all suddenly hear a loud thud and crash upstairs)
Young Jake(after a couple moments): - I'M OK! Slider(to Ice and Mav): See? Still alive!!!
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frc-ambaradan · 1 year ago
So many epic variant covers for "Uncle Scrooge and the Infinity Dime"! 🤩
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Gabriele dell'Otto and J. Scott Campbell.
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Peach Momoko and Ron Lim.
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Walter Simonson and Steve McNiven.
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Elizabeth Torque and John Romita Jr.
Plus we have the two regular covers (A and B) by Alex Ross and Lorenzo Pastrovicchio:
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alicentsstark · 9 months ago
5-year-old Halo: Cry me a river! Maverick: Callie, I'm not loving this attitude Iceman: You seem a little mean, kid Halo: Sorry should I call you a Wambulance? Later that day...*Maverick and Iceman arguing over something* Slider: You guys are so dramatic. Do I need to call you a Wambulance? Callie: Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa Wa!
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knightofthenewrepublic · 6 months ago
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unlawfulchaos · 2 years ago
Bradley, on the phone: Hey Uncle Sli! I just used your prank on Ice, he's never gonna guess who did it-
Ice, from the other side of the house: BRADLEY, I KNOW THIS WAS YOU!
Bradley: Shit, he started counting, I gotta go, Uncle Sli. It was worth it!
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angie-in-a-jail · 2 months ago
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"you're so precious to me..." Ok so does Kawasemi know there's 2 other gays watching him be tragic or does he think he's alone w his situationship
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spinachbobsquarepants · 1 year ago
I like to apply Richpez to pretty much any Lauren Lopez/Joey Richter pair of characters to see how funny it is. Like yeah, there's Ron and Draco, and that's pretty funny, but there's also Linda and Uncle Wiley, Bug and Bugette, Jingle and Jangle, and my personal favourite, Craphole and the baby buffalo he shoots.
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browsethestacks · 11 months ago
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Uncle Scrooge And The Infinity Dime #01 (2024)
Art by Lorenzo Pastrovicchio, Alex Ross, Peach Momoko, John Romita Jr., Walter Simonson, J. Scott Campbell, Ron Lim, Elizabeth Torque, Steve McNiven, And Gabriele Dell’Otto
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kairithemang0 · 1 year ago
Y'all I am so bored
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randomtacoscry · 5 months ago
Who can guess what part of my fic im writing?
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scottishaccentsareawesome · 1 month ago
(IceMav Family AU - Slider comes over to babysit the kids while iceman and Maverick go out for dinner)
Slider(looks around the room and points at each kid as he sees them):...Alright I see The Grumpy One[Jake], The Funny One [Mickey], The Quiet One [Bob], and The Cute One [Callie]....where's the Diabolical Menace of the group?
Maverick: Natasha's at a sleepover. Slider(leans over to Jake and Mickey, who are on the couch):...Natasha gets invited to sleepovers?
Jake: Yeah, we were surprised, too.
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pollyna · 2 years ago
The night Bradley wakes up to find his parents sleeping on the ground around his bed is the night he gets annoyed because "nobody told me we were doing a sleepover!" So he takes his too-big-of-a-soft-plush, that's goose-shaped, and goes straight to cuddle with his dads. But Uncle Slider is there too, and Uncle Slider is the best person to cuddle when his parents aren't around, and he looks a little lonely. So he pats his dad's blond head and makes space for himself and Goosey between his uncle's arms. He's comfier than his bed, and Bradley doesn't have a single nightmare all night.
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