#Ukraine Summit
defensenow · 15 days
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is-this-working · 12 days
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Okay Duda, okay. You just earned yourself a cookie 🍪
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panimoonchild · 14 days
"Today it is Ukraine, and tomorrow it may be East Asia," said Fumio Kishida, the Japanese prime minister
The Peace Summit Declaration was supported by 80 countries and 4 organizations.
Earlier, Reuters published a draft declaration stating that Russia should hand over control of the Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant to Ukraine, open access to ports in the Black and Azov Seas, release all Ukrainian prisoners of war, and return children deported from Ukraine.
Among those who did not sign the declaration are Saudi Arabia, Thailand, India, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil, and the United Arab Emirates.
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The picture shows the countries and organizations that supported the declaration.
Important statements that were made: ▪️ "Putin has put forward proposals to resolve the war. But he's not talking about negotiations, he's talking about Ukraine's surrender," US Vice President Kamala Harris. For context, Putin was talking about the withdrawal of the Defense Forces from Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia, and Kherson regions, the lifting of sanctions, and Ukraine's refusal to join NATO.
▪️The president of Georgia confirmed that Russia plans to open a new naval base in Abkhazia. The Austrian chancellor called for pressure on Moscow to agree to a real peace process, while the Croatian prime minister added that his country is for peace where victims should not surrender.
▪️"Our efforts have led to the reunification of 34 Ukrainian children with their families. And we continue to work on the reunification of many others," the Prime Minister of Qatar.
▪️"The consequences of war are felt all over the world. Today, a farmer in Kenya knows about the war in Ukraine… This summit should not be a meeting of friends only, and both friends and enemies should be here," the President of Kenya. The need to involve Russia was also mentioned by a representative of Saudi Arabia, who said that "difficult compromises" are needed for the negotiations.
▪️"Today it is Ukraine, and tomorrow it may be East Asia… Peace in Ukraine should be based on international law and without changing borders," the Japanese prime minister said.
Zelensky responds to Putin's ultimatum
"This is a mistake that is useful for us. Here, behind the scenes, countries said that with this message, Putin conveyed to the whole world that everything he had said before about a real desire to end the war was multiplied by zero. All countries said this. Even those that have a different view, or had a different view. And this is also a success for us," the President said.
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silverfox66 · 19 days
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Washington, D.C.: Resist NATO Countersummit & March
Saturday & Sunday, July 6-7
In early July, NATO will be coming to Washington, DC for a summit meeting and to celebrate its 75th anniversary. The antiwar movement will meet them with counter summits, meetings and protests. This year, our protest of NATO takes on an added importance because of the Genocide it is supporting in Palestine. Support of the Israeli colonial-settler state and its genocidal policies is not new for NATO. In a statement on the NATO website called, “NATO and Israel reaffirm strong partnership,” NATO lauded their “mutually beneficial partnership.” After all, it was the European and North American colonial powers that created the entity called Israel in the first place and have supported it ever since with military, financial and political aid. Today, we can see how this is helping Israel in their genocide against the Palestinian people. It is US and NATO weapons and money that are being used by Israel to kill the Palestinian people.
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torillatavataan · 1 year
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acnews · 15 days
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pellinni-photo · 11 months
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head-post · 2 months
G7 delayed decision on use of frozen Russian assets until June
The G7 has postponed a decision on the use of frozen Russian assets until June, according to a statement issued by the G7 foreign ministers following their meeting in Capri.
The document notes that the parties will continue to study options “in accordance with our legal systems and international law.” The results of the “study” will be presented at a meeting of G7 leaders in June.
Washington supports the confiscation of Russian assets, while EU countries say this is a violation of international law, insisting that the profits from the assets be used in Ukraine’s favour.
On Thursday, European Commission Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis expressed hope that the European Union, which holds the lion’s share of the frozen assets, would approve in the coming months a separate EU measure to use profits or interest earned from the assets to help Ukraine.
Read more HERE
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shattered-pieces · 4 days
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is-this-working · 14 days
-Macron is crying
-Trudeau is crying
-Boris is sobbing
because holy damn what a hug!!
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alaturkanews · 14 days
Western leaders reject Russia's peace offer
The premiers of Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom have dismissed Russian President Vladimir Putin’s cease-fire terms. Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni called Putin’s terms for peace “propaganda,” as she wrapped up a Group of Seven summit in southern Italy. Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Sholz had a similarly negative reaction to Putin’s proposal. In an interview with German broadcaster ARD…
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troythecatfish · 23 days
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
That distant boom you hear is Vladimir Putin's head exploding at frustration with the upcheck of the alliance led by President Biden.
Ret. Adm. James G. Stavridis, former Supreme Commander of NATO, commenting on this week's NATO summit in Lithuania and President Biden's visit to Finland – currently NATO's newest member.
Adm. Stavridis was in conversation with Joy Reid and David Jolly on MSNBC.
Putin's unprovoked and illegal invasion has had the direct opposite effect on NATO. The alliance is stronger than ever with the recent addition of Finland, impending addition of Sweden, and the eventual addition of Ukraine.
When Joe Biden was in Helsinki he stood in the same building where Donald Trump cowered before Vladimir Putin in July of 2018. That's the contrast Adm. Stavridis couldn't get over.
Biden was warmly welcomed by NATO allies and leaders of Nordic countries. That's a contrast to how other leaders openly made fun of Trump in 2019.
Trump keeping classified nuclear secrets next to his Mar-a-Lago toilet is a perfect metaphor for the current Republican attitude on national security and international stability.
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katinasmarkizas · 1 year
Happy to see him in Lithuania.
Slava Ukraini! 🇱🇹❤️🇺🇦
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