#Ukraine Government
defensenow · 5 months
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bonesashesglass · 11 months
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They only blocked the bill because the package didn’t include aid to Ukraine, it’s a small step but it’s still a step.
In the meantime, we need to keep sharing, posting, and calling or messaging our reps. Even just talking about it with people goes a long way to spreading the word of what Israel is doing.
Let’s keep it up. We won’t stop until Palestine is free 🇵🇸🇵🇸🇵🇸
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reportwire · 2 years
Russian drone strikes damage 5 buildings in Ukraine capital
Russian drone strikes damage 5 buildings in Ukraine capital
KYIV, Ukraine — Russian drone strikes damaged five buildings in the capital, Kyiv, on Wednesday even as Ukrainian air defenses thwarted many more, authorities said. No casualties were reported. The attacks underline how Ukraine‘s biggest city remains vulnerable to the regular Russian attacks that have devastated infrastructure and other population centers, mostly in the country’s east and south…
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vita-min-ze · 1 year
I feel like the root problem of american tankies' shallow ideals is redirected american exceptionalism. Internet and globalization has caused them to realize that that they're not in fact the best country in the world as school etc has told them. But instead of understanding that they have problems just like the rest of us (though tbf, their ability to cause other nations harm is unmatched) they now flipped to saying that the us must be the worst country in the entire world and the source of all evil. They cannot comprehend that non-americans are perfectly capable of doing the most heinous shit and thus assume that behind every war or conflict lies a us conspiracy and influence - because surely non-americans are just so innocent, naive and primitive and unlike americans lack the cunning to advance their political goals without help by the US. The fact that not only the US government but also its enemies can be vile at the same time and that sometimes they can even be on the good side is completely beyond them which is why they are never truly against imperialism, genocide or opression unless it is done by americans or their allies.
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truth4ourfreedom · 3 months
🚨🌎 Ukraine lunch US ATACMS Missiles into Crimea today.
This after Joe Biden & The West granted Ukraine permissions to strike Russian soil using American weaponry.
You are all witnessing the early days of World War Three in real time.
I saw another post where these missiles allegedly hit a beach in Crimea and killed/injured many beach goers.
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simply-ivanka · 2 months
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beauty-funny-trippy · 17 days
"...it is absolutely well known that these dictators and autocrats are rooting for you to be president again because they're so clear, they can manipulate you with flattery and favors. And that is why, so many military leaders, who you have worked with, have told me, you are a disgrace.
"That is why, we understand that we have to have a president who is not consistently weak and wrong about national security, including the importance of upholding and respecting in highest regard, our military."
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reality-detective · 3 months
Leaked phone conversations show VP Joe Biden leveraging a $1 billion loan for the removal of Ukraine's prosecutor general. 🤔
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justacynicalromantic · 3 months
In early 2014, Ukraine was a neutral country, with a pro-Russian president, and with 70% of Ukraine's population against NATO membership. Yet Russia bluntly violated Ukraine's neutrality and annexed Crimea, then launched a covert invasion of Ukraine in the east.
Petro Poroshenko won the presidential election later in 2014 having promised a settlement with Russia, keeping a special status of the Russian language in Ukraine. He was initially sceptical regarding NATO accession, underlined Ukraine must rely on its own strength to provide security.
Did Putin meet Poroshenko halfway? Not at all. The regular Russian army entered the Ukrainian territory in mid-2014 to fight the Ukrainian troops, which led to the Minsk-1 agreement signed in September 2014.
Further text - down under the cut, or you can follow the Twitter link to the original post:
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Few weeks later, Ukraine's parliament adopted a law that would guarantee the then Russia-controlled part of Donetsk and Luhansk regions additional economic, financial and cultural powers.
How did Putin react? Russia staged sham local elections in the occupied Donbas, and then sent the regular army again to Ukraine in early 2015, which led to the Minsk-2 agreement signed in February 2015.
Zelensky was even more sceptical regarding NATO accession. Asked about NATO, he once famously said he never pays anyone a visit if he has not been invited. He won the presidential election promising to compromise with Russia - to stop shooting, sit down with Putin and talk.
Did Putin meet Zelensky halfway? Not at all. He actually raised the stakes by issuing the Russian passports on the occupied territories of Ukraine even before Zelensky assumed the office, putting him in a difficult political position since the start.
Zelensky was ready to drop Ukraine's NATO bid in an exchange for the Russian troops withdrawing from Ukraine. The talks were held already before 2022. What did Putin do? He launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine.
In the first weeks of the invasion, Zelensky was yet again ready to drop Ukraine's NATO bid. But he wanted to obtain international security guarantees. What did Putin do? He demanded that Russia must be consulted before any aid would be given to Ukraine in the event of aggression.
To sum up, Ukraine has consistently tried to reach a deal with Russia over the last decade, and was open to giving up on its NATO bid in exchange for the withdrawal of the Russian troops from Ukraine. Russia never reciprocated, never showed a good will, kept raising the stakes.
Both Poroshenko and Zelensky were initially sceptical regarding Ukraine's accession to NATO. Both wanted to get a deal with Putin. And Putin himself pushed both of them to seek NATO membership out of no other viable alternatives.
Up till now, Putin has shown absolutely no willingness to compromise with Ukraine. His war aims remain maximalist - subjugating Ukraine and changing its regime. He seeks Ukraine's partition, and will turn what is left of Ukraine into Russian protectorate.
Russia's imperial self-conception is that of Russian elites at large, and not just Vladimir Putin. The Russian leadership simply cannot reconcile with the existence of a sovereign Ukrainian statehood.
Therefore any sustainable Ukrainian-Russian compromise is currently not possible unless the Russian cost-benefit calculus changes. Only credible risk to the stability of the Russian regime would impact this calculus. The easiest way goes through defeating Russia in Ukraine.
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defensenow · 5 months
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
“America likes to tell a certain story about itself: It’s a safe haven, a place of refuge for the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free. It’s a story that history shows hasn’t always been true. But thankfully, it just got easier for Americans to take matters into their own hands and turn that aspiration into a reality.
The Biden administration on January 19 launched the Welcome Corps, a new program that will allow groups of Americans to directly sponsor refugees to resettle in their communities.
Whereas recent programs have focused on bringing over people from specific places — Afghanistan, Ukraine, Venezuela — this program makes it possible for private citizens to resettle people from any place in the world, so long as they are refugees as defined by the US Refugee Act.
Under the Welcome Corps program, you and a few of your friends can pool together funds to provide an immigration pathway that allows vulnerable people who may not otherwise be able to immigrate the ability to rebuild their lives in the US. Forming a private sponsor group involves bringing together at least five adults in your area and collectively raising $2,275 for each person you want to resettle in your community. With that money, sponsors commit to helping them through the first three months there, which can include securing and furnishing housing, stocking the pantry with food, supporting job hunts, and registering kids for school.
It’s a powerful way to improve life for the newcomers, granting them protection from persecution or violence in their country of origin, plus the chance to access health care, education, and socioeconomic opportunities. It can also improve life for everyone who’ll be in the newcomers’ orbit, including you and your neighbors. Research suggests welcoming refugees will likely benefit your community as a whole, for example by opening new businesses that revitalize neighborhoods. In Canada, a similar private sponsorship program has proven immensely popular and successful over the past decade.
But you might be thinking: Why should it fall to private citizens to fork over the cash, time, and energy to resettle refugees? Shouldn’t that be the government’s job?
...It’s a fair point: This is the government’s job. That’s why the advocacy groups that pushed for the Welcome Corps program insisted that any refugees who come to the US via private sponsorship should be in addition to the number of traditional, government-assisted resettlement cases.
The State Department has signaled that it agrees. This means that by sponsoring a refugee, you can play a role in allowing the US to take in more refugees overall. It really is additive.
And unlike prior programs for Afghans or Ukrainians, which were temporary, ad hoc responses to crises, the Welcome Corps is intended to be a permanent fixture. The hope is that it’ll complement the traditional resettlement process, which has been struggling for years.”
-via Vox, 1/27/23
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reportwire · 2 years
Donors meet in Paris to get Ukraine through winter, bombing
Donors meet in Paris to get Ukraine through winter, bombing
PARIS — Dozens of countries and international organizations were throwing their weight behind a fresh and urgent push Tuesday to keep Ukraine powered, fed, warm and moving in the face of sustained Russian aerial bombardments that have plunged millions into the cold and dark in winter. An international donor conference in Paris was expected to raise and help coordinate many tens of millions of…
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reallyneedsalife · 1 year
can we stop speedrunning history on repeat, please
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truth4ourfreedom · 4 months
400,000 Dead Soldiers: Former Army Colonel Douglas Macgregor Describes the Dire State of the Ukraine War
An estimated 400,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been killed in battle — an increase from the previous estimate of 300,000-350,000.
Recent counteroffensive resulted in the loss of at least 40,000 lives.
An estimated 40,000 to 50,000 Ukrainian soldiers have become amputees.
Hospitals are filled to capacity.
Full interview + clips: https://vigilantnews.com/post/united-states-on-the-brink-of-a-catastrophic-war-that-could-destroy-us-former-army-colonel-explains-to-tucker-carlson-why-the-war-in-ukraine-must-end
Follow https://t.me/statessecrets
The truth is out there! We are wasting billions of $ in a war that cannot be won! All to prop up the companies that are profiting from the disaster. An immediate cease fire needs to happen!
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mightyflamethrower · 1 year
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