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bedforddanes75 · 5 months ago
mental breakdown on my close friends instagram over pics @officalgeorgestaniel posted. not. normal. losing my FUCKING MIND
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bitterkarella · 1 year ago
Midnight Pals: Shedding
[mysterious circle of robed figures] JK Rowling: hello children Rowling: i have terrible, bone-chilling newsss Rowling: did you know that india willoughby exisssstsss? Rowling: thiss makess me ssso mad
Rowling: i know you're all ussed to me being ssubtle Rowling: you know, talking about womensss ssafety and all that Rowling: but i'm done with that Rowling: now i enter endgame
Rowling: tonight my rage ssshall fuel my final transssformation Rowling: tonight i sshed my ssskin for the lassst time Rowling: gone will be the resspectable normie lib ssspotted patterning Rowling: henceforth i shall wear banded patterning [puts on arm band]
Rowling: now i sshed my ssskin and obsserve my transformation to full blood purity fascism Helen Joyce: but dark lord! it's too obvious! Joyce: what if the rubes notice? Rowling: just point to that old "wear whatever you want" post and pretend i meant it
Rowling: i'll be right back, gonna go shed a sskin Rowling: now before i leave one lasst directive Rowling: you lot don't do anything ssilly while i'm gone Rowling: you know, anything that would make our entire causse look dumb or anything Joyce: you can count on us, dark lord!
[Rowling exits] Joyce: so Joyce: anyone wanna hear this new fan fic i've been working on Jesse Singal: when does mommy get back
Joyce: so Joyce: so my story has draco/hermione otp, noncon, dubcon, cuckolding, underage, lemon, coffeeshop au, crackfic Kathleen Stock: noooo helen! don't read fanfic! don't you know fanfic turns you trans? Joyce: sorry its a risk i have to take Joyce: for science
Joyce: look, i'm going to scientifically prove that fanfiction turns you trans Joyce: luckily i'm built of stronger stuff Joyce: the rest of you just plug your ears Stock: what about you, helen? Joyce: lash me to the mast
Stock: i've been writing a fan fic too Stock: it's about the love between the Unknown, an evil choclatier who lives in the walls, and this mysteriously sexy lady oompa loompa who everybody loves who is named Stathleen Kock [permaberry, leaking juice, enjoyment, enemies to lovers]
Rowling: ok i'm back Helen Joyce: dark lord! how does it feel to shed your lib skin of plausible deniability to don your extremely online skin of blood purity? Rowling: i feel sstrong! powerful! like a new ssnake! Rowling: i feel like i can sssay Rowling: ALL THE SSSLURSS!!!
Rowling: tinktonk! cricklecrack! boofnoggin! i can sssay them all!!! Rowling: no now mudblood can ssstand in my way! Rowling: doess india willoughby still exissst? Joyce: yes dark lord! Rowling: [coiling in rage] the cheek!!!! the audacity!!!
Rowling: ugh, look at india willoughby, performing feminine joy! Rowling: womanhood isn't about joy! Rowling: true femininity is being miserable all the time, posting and also being banned from seeing your grandchildren
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roosterforme · 2 years ago
A Formal Reprimand | Hangman x Reader
Summary: Above all else, Jake prided himself on his spotless Naval record. When his wife inadvertently causes him to be formally reprimanded during a deployment, he plans to give her a fair share of the punishment when he gets home.
Warnings: Fluffy smutty fun
Length: 3000
Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x Female Reader
Seriously, who let Jake on my masterlist!? Banner by @mak-32
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You clung to Jake's body, your eyes welling up as you held onto him. He kissed your beautiful lips one last time, swiping away your tears. He should have probably already been aboard the USS Nimitz, but he just couldn't seem to pull himself away. 
"I'll miss you." Your broken sob had his heart aching as he held you tight. Everyone bustling around the dock just knocked the two of you closer together, but he didn't mind that one bit. 
"I'll miss you more, Darlin'," he promised. "It's just two months. You'll hardly notice I'm gone." 
His crooked smile made you smile and laugh through your tears. "I think I might notice that my sexy husband isn't around," you told him, wiping your eyes on the collar of his uniform. "But two months isn't so bad." Your voice was soft and so familiar, and Jake took a moment to close his eyes and memorize it. Because falling asleep without your voice in his ear would be the hardest part about being away from you.
Jake sighed. "I need to go now, before I get a reprimand." He kissed you softly and whispered, "I love you so much." And then he was finally tearing himself away from you, turning back to watch you crying and waving. It was just two months this time, but it still hurt him to leave.
It was so bad. Jake did almost nothing except look forward to the moments when he could talk to you. But even the rushed facetime calls just made him miss you more. You held up the dog to wave at him and told him about work. You looked like you were doing just fine, and Jake pretended he was, too. 
But at the end of each call, he'd lean in closer to the screen and ask you to say something that he could think about before he went to bed. Sometimes your response was sweet. Sometimes it was decidedly dirty. But he always loved watching your lips as you responded. 
A few weeks in, he was talking to you, and you looked so good, Jake felt himself stirring a bit. "You gonna tell me something I can think about before bed, Darlin'?"
"Mmhmm," you hummed, slowly unbuttoning your blouse as he leaned in closer. He figured he was probably drooling, but it didn't matter. You weren't wearing a bra, and when your peaked nipples came into view, you whispered, "If I were with you, I would have your cock in my mouth right now. And I'd let you cum all over my face, just the way you like to."
You were running your fingers along your tits, and Jake was throbbing for you. 'Darlin'," he grunted, "I'm gonna need that kind of special treatment when I get home."
"Anything you want. I hope you've been enjoying those polaroids I tucked into your bag."
"Almost every day," he promised, and you blew him a kiss.
When the call ended, Jake hustled awkwardly back to his bunk, praying that Fanboy was still at dinner or the gym. Empty. Perfect. He quickly locked the door and unzipped his pants while he reached for the collection of polaroids he had hidden with his clean laundry. 
And there you were, with his cock in your mouth during an anniversary trip to Bora Bora. And again with his cock buried in your pussy. And another one with your hands on your tits. He spread the photos out on his bed and wrapped his hand around his length. 
"Fuck," he groaned, focusing on a photo of you using a pink toy on yourself that he had taken a few months ago. Those gorgeous tits and your perfect face on display. He jerked himself off a little faster, thinking about your voice and your warm hands. He was so close, so fucking close. Jake reached for a handkerchief and finished in it, panting as he thought of the way you'd be giggling as he blew his load onto your face. 
He missed you so much. Missed everything about you. As he zipped up his pants, he wondered when he'd be able to call you again. And then he heard a key in the door, followed by Fanboy's voice, and Jake started to panic. He scooped up the polaroids and looked around.
"Shit," he gasped, shoving them between the pages of the murder mystery paperback he'd brought with him to read when he got bored. He tossed the book back onto the small nightstand just as his bunkmate came bounding into the room.
"Hangman!" Mickey greeted him. "Get changed. Let's hit the gym."
Jake swallowed hard and tried not to look as suspicious as he felt. "Sure," he agreed, turning to his dresser before his friend could see that his pants were still unbuttoned. He pulled out some gym clothes, and a few minutes later, he and Fanboy were on their way to workout. 
A week later, Jake had completed a strenuous mission, and he was exhausted. But by the time he returned from the showers, ready to crawl into his bed, Fanboy was already sound asleep and snoring. Loudly. Jake groaned and grabbed that book he never got a chance to start. The lounge would probably be deserted right now, and maybe, if it was empty, he could sleep a little while in there. 
It seemed like he passed every single admiral aboard the aircraft carrier on his way, and he stopped to appropriately address each of them. When the lounge was in sight, Jake turned just in time to smack directly into Admiral Simpson. He watched in horror as his paperback went flying out of his hand, and as the pages separated in midair, Jake's brain short circuited. In a fraction of a second, he recalled what was depicted in each one of the eight polaroid photos he had forgotten were tucked in there. And then he got to watch as each one came loose from the book and sailed through the air.
He could actually see the photo of you bent over the kitchen counter in nothing but his dog tags as it soared past Cyclone's head. "Fuck!" Jake shouted, eyes wide as he raked his fingers through his hair in a state of extreme panic. He lunged for the closest photo, but Cyclone's boot came down on it before he could do anything about it.
"Lieutenant Seresin. You will not use that foul language in my presence. Do you understand."
"Yes sir, Admiral Simpson," he managed to choke out, standing at full attention. But Jake's eyes were scanning the floor, trying to locate the other seven polaroids. If he could just get them before Cyclone or anyone else actually looked at them...
But it was too late. He watched as Admiral Simpson moved his boot and bent to pick up that goddamn filthy looking photo.
"Explain this, please," Cyclone demanded, holding it up.
"Sir," Jake began, blood rushing from his face. "I...."
"Is this pornography?"
Jake took a deep breath and shook his head as he said, "It's not porn! It's my wife! Sir."
With absolutely no expression on his face, Cyclone held out the photo for Jake to take. "Pick them up. I never want to see them again. And meet me in my office at 0700."
"Yes, sir," Jake ground out, and as soon as he walked away, Jake was crawling around on the floor, making sure he located each and every beautiful photo. He tucked them back into his book, silently thankful that none of his masterbatory materials had been confiscated or seen by anyone else. It was bad enough his commanding officer got to see your ass and tits. And now, as he headed back to his bunk, the apprehension set in. He didn't know what to expect at seven in the morning.
Cyclone was still pissed. Jake made sure his uniform was spotless without any creases. Every single pin was straight. There was not a hair out of place on his head. But Simpson still scrutinized every part of him. 
Then he surprised Jake. "I know what it's like to be away from your spouse, Lieutenant. I know how...challenging that can be. However, you will not be caught with that kind of material again. Or your formal reprimand will turn into a potential discharge."
A formal reprimand. Jake didn't have so much as a tardy note on his flawless record. Until now. "Yes, sir," he agreed, picturing the photos all wrapped up in an oversized envelope and tucked away in his duffle bag. Whatever his punishment was going to be, it was not good. 
"Lieutenant, you'll give me three hundred pushups every morning while I drink my coffee on deck for the remainder of your deployment. And once we are back at Top Gun, that will continue in lieu of your lunch breaks. For a month."
"Yes, sir," Jake responded, shoulders squared.
"We'll start today," Admiral Simpson replied, and Jake followed him out onto the deck. The sunlight was bright, and he would have rather been dressed in anything other than his khaki uniform, but Jake did three hundred pushups while everyone working on deck watched. He did them while Cyclone sipped his mug of coffee. He did them while counting them off for himself. And he didn't complain. There was no time for him to change before his meeting, so then he got to sit in his own sweat for a few hours. 
This went on for eighteen more days. By the end of his deployment, everyone knew Jake had been reprimanded. Everyone enjoyed the chance to watch his morning pushups and give him a hard time afterwards. But nobody knew how he had earned them. Not even Fanboy.
In fact, there was only one person who Jake would allow to know the truth, and he planned on making sure his wife took a little bit of the blame. And maybe a bit of her own punishment as well.
One more hour. Just an hour and Jake would be back. You were already waiting at the dock, hopelessly desperate to see your sweet husband. "Jake!" you shouted his name, jumping up and down and trying to fight through the crowd to get to him as soon as you saw him. 
Oh, he looked so good, and when you finally reached him, you threw your arms around his neck and kissed him. "Jake, I missed you so much," you whispered against his lips, dragging your fingers up through his hair and then down his arms. "You're huge! How much were you working out?"
He wrapped one big hand around the back of your neck and you moaned for him. Right there on the dock. You whined his name as he held you in place. "Darlin'," he drawled, his big, thick fingers wrapping around your neck until you had to squeeze your thighs together. "I'm a little sore from all the push-ups."
"Push-ups?" you asked, reaching for him again, but his hand was firm on your neck. "Jake?" you whispered. "Please, let's go home. I need you."
But he just shook his head, kissed your forehead once and said, "You need to be punished. That's what you need, Darlin'. Now let's get you home and get started on that."
"Punished?" you asked, but he didn't say another word. He guided you through the crowd, his hand slipping down to spank your butt through your dress before he squeezed you. 
"Yes," he replied, and once he got his bag and both of you settled in his truck and started the engine, he smirked at you. "You really loved the idea of me jerking off to those polaroids, didn't you, Darlin'?"
You moaned and ran your hands along your bare thighs as he drove toward home. "Yes. Did you love looking at them?"
"Oh, I sure did. But do you know who did not love looking at them?"
Your eyes went wide and you turned to look at him. "Who? Someone else saw them?"
Jake laughed sardonically as he glanced at you. Your head was swirling with embarrassment, but nothing prepared you for when he said, "Admiral Simpson caught me with them."
You gasped. "Your boss saw them?"
"He sure did, Darlin'. And he gave me a formal reprimand. On my perfect record."
"Jake," you whispered, your brain supplying a million questions. He prided himself on his perfect record, fifteen years in the making. He also prided himself on his relationships with his commanding officers. "How many pushups did you have to do?"
"Oh shit. And it's going on your permanent record? Will you have more punishments when you go to work on Monday? What else happened? How did he see the photos?"
Jake pulled into the driveway and parked his truck. Then he unbuckled both his seatbelt and yours before reaching for you a little roughly. "You know what? I don't think I'm going to answer any of your questions until you share a little bit of my punishment. After all, you're the one who sent me away with the polaroids." 
"Jake," you gasped as he squeezed your thighs and kissed you hard. He climbed out of the truck with you clinging to him. "I'm sorry, Jake. I didn't know you'd get in trouble."
"Hmmm," he hummed, setting you down as he dug out his house key and unlocked the door. He pushed the door open and followed you inside, and you looked up at him with wide eyes. "Seems like I remember you telling me how you'd love to suck my cock."
Your moan was loud and needy, and when you glanced down, you could see that your husband was hard in his uniform pants. "Let me do it," you begged. "Let me give you a blowjob."
He grasped your chin in his hand and forced your gaze back up to his green eyes. "You will," he promised, and you had to bite your lip to keep the pathetic little noises you wanted to make at bay. He kissed your forehead and added, "Just exactly the way I want it. Every day until my punishment has been lifted."
He pulled you closer still grasping your chin as you softly asked, "How do you want it?"
"Rough," he replied, and you whimpered as he guided you to the floor in front of him. "I want it rough, Darlin'. Think you can handle that?"
You were already unzipping his pants as you looked up at him. "Of course. But Jake... is it really a punishment if I want it so fucking badly?" you asked, dipping your hand inside his underwear and pulling him free. He was huge and hard and you had missed your husband so much. And you knew he'd take you to bed and give you whatever you wanted after you got to do this for him. 
"You want it rough?" he asked, green eyes focused on your lips as you parted them and took his cock. When you nodded, sucking on his thick length, he grunted. He wrapped one hand around your neck and the other around the back of your head. "You feel so good. I'll make it rough for you."
And then with one smooth thrust, your hands were grabbing at his thighs as he hit the back of your throat. You sucked in a breath through your nose, and Jake stroked your neck with his thumb as you gagged. "Fuck," he gasped, pulling himself out until you were left licking and sucking on the tip, and then he rammed himself deep again.
You were trying to say his name as you gagged. Tears filled your eyes and saliva dripped down to your chest and the front of your dress. But your husband told you that you were such a good wife, the only one he wanted, and then he went a little faster.
"Jake," you gasped, taking a deep breath when he withdrew. But he used his big palm at the back of your head to push himself deep once again. He was groaning, and when you cupped his balls with your right hand, he went even faster. Quick little strokes gagged you, and the wet sounds were making you clench around nothing. 
"A formal reprimand," he growled, and you took him the whole way and held him there as he licked his lips, and whispered, "Fuck, Darlin'." He gave you no warning. You gagged on his hot cum as he filled your throat. You tried to swallow him down, but you felt it drip out of the corners of your mouth. And then he withdrew and with a few strokes of his hand, he painted your face with the last of his ejaculate. 
"Oh my god," you groaned, your throat sore and raspy as you wiped his cum from your cheek. But he was already pulling you to your feet, one arm wrapped around your waist as he kissed your neck.
"You okay?" he asked softly. 
"Yes," you promised, licking your lips clean. "I loved that."
He groaned next to your ear. "I knew you would. I knew it wouldn't even be a proper punishment."
You wiped your face and licked your fingers clean. "You promised me I'd be getting punished as long as you were. You promised me, Jake."
Your husband kissed your lips and swiped his tongue into your mouth. "You really want to do that every day for the next month?"
"I can't believe you got in so much trouble for the polaroids," you whispered against his lips. "But you're crazy if you think I'm not going to take my own punishment like a champ."
"I love you," he crooned, holding you close. "It's good to be home."
"I missed you. And I'm sorry your photos got confiscated."
Jake chuckled, appraising you with those pretty green eyes. "Oh, I still have them."
"You still have them? But I thought Admiral Simpson-"
He kissed you hard again before he said, "I got off easy, Darlin'. I'd take a hundred formal reprimands as long as I get to keep those polaroids."
You rolled your eyes and took his hands in yours. "We can always make more."
"That's what I'm counting on," he drawled with a smile. "Now go grab the camera like a good girl and meet me in bed."
Thanks for reading! I kind of missed writing for Jake! Maybe I'll do this a little more often. Thanks for @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls
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gamercookies · 3 months ago
"Strip Club Dreams: A CEO's Hidden Desires"
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Genre: Romance, Smut
Word Count: 4.7k
Warnings: CEO!yoongi, stripper!yn, spanking, BDSM, use of “slut”/“daddy”, finger-fucking, face-fucking, grinding, bj, teasing, nipple-play, worshipping. 
Note: Today is my birthday!🥹 Yayy! So as a little thanks, I wrote this ofc, for me it’s the longest I wrote lol, thanks for the bday wishes and enjoy!
As a CEO, Min Yoongi, has been working his ass off every single day, making sure the company doesn’t lose money or something goes wrong. Today however, it’s his birthday, and he doesn’t plan to celebrate it, but much rather work. His friends on the other hand, want him to leave early for his birthday.
But then, yoongi’s friends storm into his office without permission. Jimin says, "Hey buddy!, maybe you should leave early and celebrate your birthday with uss~?" "Yeah bro, there’s this club nearby and we were thinking that it should be where your little celebration should occur!" Hoseok exclaimed happily. 
"Seriously? A strip club, why do you think I’ll celebrate my birthday today over there? I’m literally working." Yoongi says coldly looking up at them three. "But come on it’ll fun! You should join us, I’ve already invited Jin, Taehyung, and Namjoon already. Come onn, just one night." Jungkook says pleadingly. 
"Fine.. only because you guys are coming, but it’s just one time, you hear?" He says standing up from his office chair. As he quickly shuts his desktop off, making sure everything is neat before he turns off the lights and heads out with his friends by car. 
Yoongi, Jungkook, Jimin, and Hoseok arrive to the club, and heads to the reserved VIP lounge where the others are waiting. The atmosphere of the strip club is loud, flashing lights, and sensual music filling the air. Drinks are being served and the crowd cheers as a performer starts dancing on stage.
"Alright, let's get this party started," Jimin shouts over the noise, raising his glass. "To Yoongi's birthday!" The others clink their glasses together, except for Yoongi who just nods slightly, not really in the mood for celebrating. He looks around the room, taking in the sights of half-naked dancers and rowdy patrons. This isn't really his scene, but he's trying to make an effort for his friends.
Just then, a dancer approaches their table, her eyes locking onto Yoongi. "Hello, I’m your private dancer for tonight, hmm.. handsome, can I get you anything?" You say leaning near his body seductively. Yoongi blushes a bit looking at your body before he stumbles to respond, "Uh, I guess a cup of beer for now, thanks." You walk away to get his drink. "Hmm, someone's shy tonight," Jin teases, noticing Yoongi's reaction. "What's wrong, Yoongi? Never seen a pretty girl before?" Taehyung chuckles and pats Yoongi's back reassuringly. "Don't mind her, Yoongi. Just relax and have some fun." Jin reassures him.
Yoongi responds feeling flustered and unsure by the environment; "I'm fine, guys, really. Just... not used to this kind of thing, that's all." In less than 5 minutes you return with his drink, you set it down and lean in close again, your hand brushing against Yoongi's arm. "Anything else I can get for you, handsome?" Yoongi's heart races at your touch, but he tries to maintain his composure. "No, thank you."
Jungkook grins mischievously from across the table. "You’re also very sexy by the way! Why don't you show our friend here what you've got?" He blushes even more deeply, clearly uncomfortable with the attention. "Hey, cut it out, Jungkook! I don’t think she would-" You smirk at his response, "Oh don’t underestimate me, I can do that" You exclaim as you walk towards Jungkook’s gazed direction. "How about a performance for all of you?" As you start to undress slowly, revealing more of your curves. The others cheer and whistle, clearly enjoying the show, while yoongi is silent watching this scene occur.  "Hey! Maybe give this birthday boy a little present for him, after all isn’t that the reason we invited him!" Namjoon yells teasing yoongi in the process. 
"Namjoon, s-shut up!" he mutters under his breath, feeling embarrassed and out of place among his friends' raucous behavior. You smirk upon hearing the request and walk towards his body. "Don’t worry birthday boy, I’ll give you a quick lap performance~" You whispered seductively in his ear. Yoongi swallows hard, his heart pounding in his chest. He knows this is crossing a line, but the alcohol and the provocative atmosphere have gotten to him. When you start straddling his lap, he lets out a soft gasp, hands instinctively gripping your hips. Your hands move to his chest as you grind against him, feeling his hardness through his pants. Yoongi bites his lip, trying to maintain control, but it's getting harder by the second. The others continue cheering and drinking, lost in their own revelry, unaware of the charged moment unfolding between you two. Your lips brush against his ear once more, sending shivers down his spine. "Oh you must be hard.. So, how's the view from down here, birthday boy?" 
Yoongi groans softly, his grip tightening on your hips as he fights the urge to pull you closer. "y/n... this isn't right, but-" he whispers hoarsely, but his words lack conviction. He can feel himself growing harder by the second, straining against his pants. “Y-you're...you're amazing..." he manages to stammer out, his voice barely audible over the thumping music. His hands slide up your sides. "H-how about we take this to a private room? Just the two of us, away from my friends, baby girl?" He says leaning his hot breath in your ear. 
You grin wickedly at his suggestion, knowing exactly what he means. "Mmm, a private show just for you, birthday boy? How could I resist such a tempting offer?" You purr, giving his erection a subtle squeeze through his pants. With a seductive smile, you stand up, offering him a hand to follow. "But there’s always a price."  He looks at you confused. "Follow me to the front desk, we’ll discuss." Yoongi stands up, as his friends cheer him on, and follows you confused to the front desk. "So..? We’re here, now what?"
You smirk at Yoongi as you both approach the front desk, leaning against it. "Well, birthday boy, the private rooms usually come with a hefty fee, especially for VIP treatment like this." You lean in close, your voice low and sultry. "But since it's your special night, I might be willing to make an exception... for a price. Here’s a list of what you can decide from me." As he receives the “menu”. "Oh please, I can pay all this, I’m a CEO who makes a lot of money but I’ll only choose what I want from you~"
Yoongi takes the offered list, his eyes widening as he scans the explicit options. His face flushes red with embarrassment and arousal.
Inside the menu:
1. Blowjob - $300
2. Anal Play - $780
3. BDSM Session - $1200
4. Threesome (with another dancer) - $1500
5. All Access Pass (full night, unlimited services) - $2500
Prices may vary depending preferences and negotiations.
Yoongi scans through the rest of the menu. "Uhm.. I’ll pay for BDSM" Yoongi smirks, "Trust me, I can do that, I’ve seen it before so I already know what to do with you, babygirl."
"I-.. I’ve never done BDSM before.. no one has chosen that, you’re my first." You blush stumbling your words.  With that, you take the payment from Yoongi and lead him to a secluded room in the back, the heavy door clicking shut behind them. Inside, the space is dimly lit with red candles, and various restraints and toys are scattered about. Felix turns to face Yoongi, his expression a mix of excitement and dominance. "Where’s your BDSM kit you guys keep in the club?" He questions as he walks towards your body. 
You giggle playfully at Yoongi's question, reaching behind a curtain to reveal a large, leather-bound case. "Oh, it's right here, silly. Let me show you what we've got." You open the case, revealing an assortment of implements - whips, floggers, paddles, and more exotic items like clamps and spreader bars. "Uhm.. w-what are you gonna choose for tonight?" You say nervously looking down onto the carpeted floor. 
He reaches into the case and pulls out a sleek, black flogger made of supple leather strips. "This should be fun," he purrs, running the tips of the flogger along your arms, making you shiver. "Now, let's get started, shall we?"
"I-I've never done anything like this before," you admit quietly, your voice tinged with a mix of nerves and excitement. "On all fours babygirl, you made me real pissed about you being near my friends.. and the truth is, I wanted you." He says while getting ready to spank you with the flogger. At Yoongi's command, climb up to the bed getting on all fours, presenting your bare bottom to him. "Yes, sir," you murmur, your voice trembling slightly. Just as Yoongi raises the flogger to strike, "Wait!" You plead, your eyes wide with a newfound boldness. "Before you punish me, maybe... maybe kiss me so I can feel better afterwards?"
Your words hang in the air, a challenge and a promise all at once. You wait with bated breath to see how Yoongi will respond to this unexpected twist.  Yoongi pauses, taken aback by your sudden submission. "Alright, baby girl," he says, his voice deepening with a new authority. "Let's try this again. On all fours, hands behind your back. Now. Also, it’s daddy to you, slut."
You present your ass completely to him while your hands are behind your back. "Y-yes daddy.. sorry for presenting myself to your friends than the birthday boy." You whisper, your voice trembling. 
Yoongi steps closer, the soft leather of the flogger brushing against your exposed flesh. He circles around, admiring the sight of you bent over and vulnerable. "That's it, baby girl," he praises, his voice low and husky. "Present yourself nicely for Daddy." With a swift motion, he brings the flogger down across your upturned cheeks, the sharp crack of the leather echoing in the room. You gasp, your body jolting from the impact, but you don’t squirm away.  
"That's for teasing me earlier," Yoongi growls, delivering another strike, this one landing lower on her thighs. "And for making me humiliated in front of my friends, especially namjoon telling you to do a lap performance for me." He continues to spank you in rhythm, the flogger leaving red welts on your creamy skin.
"Ow, ow, Daddy... it hurts..." you whine between gasps, your voice thick with emotion. "But... but I like it too..." Despite the pain, you can feel your pussy growing wet, your clit throbbing in time with the flogger's impacts. Which you’ve never felt so alive, so desired, so thoroughly claimed.
"P-please, Daddy... can I have a kiss after?" You beg, your cheek pressed against the mattress. He's pleased to see you squirming and whimpering, clearly enjoying the discipline despite your protests.
"Good girl," he murmurs, his voice softer now. "You take your punishment well. And yes, you can have a kiss... but only after."
He sets the flogger aside and kneels behind you, his strong hands gripping your hips as he pulls you up onto your knees. Your faces are inches apart, breathing heavily in sync. "On your knees  Now, and open up for Daddy," Yoongi commands, his lips hovering temptingly close to yours. 
Yoongi's hands move swiftly, getting a pair of handcuffs quickly fastening around your slender wrists. He secures them to a ring on the wall, leaving you kneeling on the floor, helpless and exposed. Your heart races as you look up at him, a mix of fear and excitement coursing through your veins.
"Now, since you asked so nicely for a kiss, I think it's time you showed Daddy some appreciation," he says, his voice dripping with dominance. "Get those pretty lips wrapped around my cock and suck until I tell you to stop."
He steps out of his pants, his thick erection springing free. The head glistens with precum as he strokes himself slowly, his gaze burning into yours. "Don't make me wait, baby girl. Take Daddy's dick deep and show me how much you want that kiss."
"I-I’ve never done a blowjob to someone in a while.. I’m not sure if I can do it, your cock is big for my mouth." you stumble to say nervously, hoping he’ll be gentle with you. Yoongi's expression darkens at your hesitation, his grip tightening on his shaft. "What did I just say, baby girl?" he growls, his voice low and menacing. "You're going to suck Daddy's cock like a good little slut, whether you can fit it all or not. Now open wide and take it in."
Without waiting for a response, he presses the tip of his cock against your lips, forcing them apart. His thick length slides past your teeth, stretching your mouth wide as he thrusts deeper. You choke on his cock, tears pricking at the corners of your eyes as you struggles to accommodate him.
"That's it, gag on it, y/n." Yoongi snarls, pulling almost all the way out before slamming back in.
Your throat constricts around his thick cock as he forces it deeper, the head bumping the back of your tongue. Tears stream down your face as you gag and sputter, trying desperately to breathe through your nose. But Yoongi shows no mercy, fucking your face with brutal intensity.
"Mmph, mmph!" are all the sounds you can manage as he pounds into your mouth, saliva and precum mixing together. Your jaw aches and your neck burns, but still he doesn't relent, using you for his pleasure alone.
Yoongi's pace quickens, his hips snapping forward with ruthless abandon as he ravages your throat. He can feel you struggling, hear the desperate muffled noises you make around his cock, but it only turns him on more.
"That's right, take it all, you filthy cumslut," he grunts, his balls slapping against your chin with each thrust. "Daddy's going to fill this pretty mouth up until you're choking on my seed."
His climax builds rapidly, the pressure coiling tighter and tighter in him. With a guttural roar, he buries himself onto your mouth and erupts, pumping jet of hot cum directly down your throat. You gag and cough, trying to pull away, but Yoongi holds your head in place, ensuring every drop marks you as his. 
You struggle to swallow, your throat working frantically to keep up with the torrent of cum, but it's like trying to drink from a firehose. "Ggghkk, mmph!" you choke out, your vision blurring at the edges as you teeter on the brink of passing out. But even as your strength fails, Yoongi keeps you pinned, milking every last drop from his spent member before finally withdrawing with a satisfied grunt. You collapse back onto the wall, gasping for air as the cuffs dig into your tender wrists.
He releases your cuffs, letting them clatter to the floor as he reaches down to help you stand. "There you go, baby girl," he says, his tone softer now that the heat of the moment has passed. "Daddy took care of you real good, didn't he?"
He brushes a strand of hair from your face, his thumb gently wiping away a tear track. "Now, about that kiss... Open up for me, sweetheart."
As you part your lips, Yoongi leans in, capturing your mouth in a deep, passionate kiss. His tongue explores the warm depths, tasting the lingering salt of his own release mixed with your sweetness. When he finally breaks away, you’re both panting. "I..I need your cock inside me, my pussy is wet and needs your cock in me." You whine. 
Yoongi smirks, pleased by your eagerness. He selects several toys from the collection - a spreader bar, nipple clamps, and a small vibrator. "Not yet, baby girl. We've got some fun preparations to make first." He removes your bra letting your breasts hang freely, and attaches the clamps to your sensitive nipples, watching you wince as the metal grips tight. "Ah! T-that hurts!" You moan. Then he positions you on the center of the mattress, remove your soaking wet panties before strapping your ankles to the spreader bar so your legs are spread wide and held firm.
"This will ensure you stay nice and open for Daddy," he explains, running his hand along your inner thigh. "Now, let's get this sweet little pussy ready for my cock." He turns on the vibrator, the buzzing noise sending shivers through your body as its tip teases your entrance.
"Oh god, oh god... it feels so weird..." You bite your lip, trying to stifle a moan as the vibrations intensify, the toy gliding over her slick folds. "Please, Daddy, I don't know if I can take much more..." Your words trail off into a whimper as the vibrator nudges deeper, stimulating your G-spot with relentless precision. Your hips buck involuntarily, seeking friction against the unyielding mattress. "Please! C-can I cum? I really need to daddy~!" You moan pleading for release. 
Yoongi chuckles darkly, clearly enjoying your desperation. "Cumming without permission isn't allowed, baby girl. You'll have to earn that privilege." He increases the vibrator's speed, the intense stimulation pushing you closer to the edge. Your juices flow freely, coating the toy and your thighs. "But since you're being such a good slut for Daddy, I might consider letting you orgasm...if you can make it through one more thing for me," he purrs, reaching for a bottle of lube. "Are you ready to take Daddy's fingers in your tight little cunt?"
"Y-yes daddy.. b-but please remove the vibrator from my clit!" You plead whimpering for relief and release. With a smirk, Yoongi removes the vibrator from your throbbing clit, allowing you to finally catch your breath. He sets the toy aside, his attention turning to preparing your pussy for his touch.
"Such a needy little slut, aren't you?" he teases, squeezing a generous amount of lube onto his fingers. "Don't worry, Daddy will give you exactly what you need." He starts with one finger, slowly circling your entrance before pressing inward. You gasps as he penetrates you, your walls clenching reflexively around the digit. "That's it, y/n.. relax and let Daddy in," he encourages, gradually adding more fingers to stretch you open. Once he's certain you can accommodate him, Yoongi begins to pump his fingers in and out, curling them to hit that special spot inside you. 
"Oh fuck yes! More..!" You moan as you roll your eyes back in pleasure. "C-can I cum now please? I don’t know how much I can hold it!" Yoongi smiles, pleased by your responsiveness. He continues to finger-fuck you with increasing vigor, feeling your slick walls flutter around his digits.
"You're doing so well, baby girl. Just a bit more and you can have your release," he assures her, adding a third finger to deepen the penetration.
As he thrusts, his thumb finds your swollen clit, rubbing firm circles over the sensitive nub. The combination of stimulation proves too much, and your orgasm crashes over her like a tidal wave.
"Yes, cum for me! Milk my fingers with that greedy little cunt," Yoongi commands, driving his fingers harder as you shake and tremble beneath him, your juices gushing out to coat his hand. He withdraw his fingers, bringing them to your lips. "Clean up, sweetheart."
You obediently lean forward, licking Yoongi's fingers clean of your essence, savoring the taste of your combined arousal. "Mmm...thank you, Daddy. That felt amazing~" You say with a blissful smile, still catching your breath. "I'm ready for your big cock now. Please fill me up. But can you please remove the nipple clamps they’re hurting them a lot.."
Yoongi chuckles, removing the nipple clamps and tossing them aside. "Aww, poor baby. Daddy didn't mean to hurt you too much." He gives your nipples a gentle squeeze, watching them pucker and harden under his touch. "But these little buds look like they could use some more attention though.” 
"L-like worshipping my tits..?" You ask him a bit confused but aroused by the idea of his big hands around your breasts. Yoongi grins, pleased by your interest. "Exactly, baby girl. Daddy wants to worship these perfect tits of yours."
He cups your breasts, thumbs brushing over the sensitive peaks as he kneads the soft flesh. "So round and full, just made for sucking and playing with." Leaning down, he takes a nipple into his mouth, swirling his tongue around it while his hand continues to massage the other breast. He sucks gently, alternating between the two, leaving them wet and swollen. 
"Ahh yessss...just like that daddy! Suck on my tits! Make them all wet and sore~" You moan loudly, arching your back to push your chest further into his eager mouth. Your fingers tangle in his hair, holding him close as you lose yourself in the sensations.
Yoongi hums in approval, his lips and tongue working tirelessly to leave your breasts dripping with saliva and arousal. He releases one nipple with a pop, admiring the pink, puckered bud before moving to lavish attention on the other.
"That's right, let Daddy have his fun from these delicious tits," he murmurs against your skin, nibbling lightly as he suckles. "They're going to be so sensitive and perfect for biting later, when they're nice and engorged."
After thoroughly worshipping your chest, Yoongi sits back, a satisfied grin on his face. "Mmm, now they're even more tempting than before. But we shouldn't keep Daddy's big cock waiting any longer, should we?" He stands, stroking himself as he gazes down at you, his thick length already leaking precum.
"Y-you're right, Daddy needs to put that huge cock inside me," You say with a lustful gaze, spreading your legs wider to show off your prepared hole. "P-please, I want it so bad! Fill me up with your big dick until I can feel it in my throat!" You beg eagerly, desperate to be stretched and claimed by Yoongi's massive member. Your pussy clenches in anticipation, soaking the sheets with your juices as you await his next move.
Yoongi's eyes darken with lust at your desperate pleas, his cock twitching in his grip. "Such an eager little slut, begging for Daddy's cock. You want it so badly, huh?" He steps closer, the head of his erection brushing against your slick entrance. With a slow, deliberate thrust, he sinks into your welcoming heat, groaning at the exquisite sensation of her tightness enveloping him.
"Fuuuck, you feel incredible, baby girl," he growls, his hips rolling as he buries himself to the hilt within you. "So hot and wet, just made for Daddy's cock.." As he sets a deep, punishing pace, Yoongi reaches up to roughly palm your breasts, squeezing and kneading the supple flesh. "Look at these perfect tits bouncing with every thrust."
"Fuck yes! Fuck me harder with that big cock, make my tits bounce more!" You moan arching your back and rolling your eyes back in pleasure. 
Yoongi grips your hips tighter, slamming into your with renewed ferocity as he relishes her enthusiasm. "That's it, take Daddy's cock like the dirty slut you are!"  His heavy balls slap against your pussy with each brutal stroke, filling the room with the lewd sounds of their coupling. Yoongi leans down, capturing a pert nipple between his teeth and biting down hard enough to make you cry out.
"Mmmm, I love hearing you scream for me," he rasps, releasing your nipple with a pop and laving the abused peak with his tongue. "Your tits are mine to play with, to mark up however I want." With a particularly forceful thrust, Yoongi grinds his pelvis against your clit, ensuring you feel every inch of his throbbing length stretching you open. "Gonna fill this filthy cunt with my seed, mark you as mine inside and out," he growls, his voice strained with desire.
“Hnnnggghh...too much...can't take it...Yoongi! I’m cumming!" As you scream at the top of your lungs, convulsing around his pistoning cock as you soak both of you by your release.
With a final, savage thrust, he buries himself to the root and erupts, filling you with his hot cum. His cock pulses and twitches, painting your insides with his essence as he rides out his orgasm. "Fuck, yeah...take it all, you naughty little cumslut," Yoongi pants, collapsing onto you as his semen leaks out around his softening member. "Daddy's marked you good now." 
"C-can you remove this spreader bar now..?" You say panting as you ride out your orgasm. Still breathing heavily, Yoongi carefully lifts the spreader bar from beneath your thighs, freeing you from its restraints. "There you go, baby girl. All done."
He settles beside you on the bed and pulling you into his arms. "Rest now, you've earned it after taking Daddy's cock so well," he murmurs, nuzzling your hair affectionately. "We can cuddle and recover together." As you snuggles against him, Yoongi strokes your back soothingly, content in the aftermath of their intense lovemaking.
"Well.." As you sit back up from the bed. "I think we should change and maybe head home, you forget we’re in a private room you paid Mr-rich-ceo-min-yoongi, but anyways.. we should check on your friends too"
"Ah, right. Guess I got a bit carried away with you, didn't I?" He glances over at you with a warm smile. "But I'm glad I did. You were amazing, as always."
Standing up, Yoongi stretches languidly before starting to gather his clothes. "Yeah, let's get cleaned up and head back. I'm sure the others are wondering where we vanished to." He winks at you. "And who knows, maybe we can recreate some of our fun back at my place someday soon."
As you as you both are changed you give him a quick kiss, leaving him blushing as you both intertwine hands and head to the VIP lounge.  Yoongi's eyes widen slightly at the sight of his friends sprawled out across the couches and floor, clearly intoxicated and exhausted. "Looks like the boys had quite the night themselves," he remarks dryly. 
He yells at them, "Guys wake up! We’re going home, and I’m paying the bill this time because y’all are fucking drunk and literally some of you passed out."
By the sudden outburst, Hoseok groans, rubbing his temples while Jimin mumbles something incomprehensible into his cupped hand. Jungkook and Taehyung are already fast asleep, their heads lolling to one side. "Oh, come on Yoongi, don't be such a buzzkill," Jungkook slurs, attempting to prop himself up on his elbows before flopping back down. "We're just enjoying ourselves..."
Namjoon's bloodshot gaze focuses on Yoongi as he struggles to sit upright, his words slurring together. "Yoongi...how was your gift? The pretty girl?" He nods towards you, a lazy grin spreading across his face. "It was great, Namjoon. In fact, I'd say it was the best birthday present I could have asked for," he says sincerely, giving your hand a squeeze.
"But wait! I never asked you guys for a girlfriend! H-how’d did you guys know?!"
Namjoon smirks still drunk, but murmurs, "Even though you’re a cold-hearted CEO, I happened to hear one day about your ‘kinky ideas’ about wanting a girl since you were single for years. So we planned this so you could find her, and we told her about you beforehand and bam, you guys fucked."
Yoongi's jaw drops, his eyes widening in shock as he processes Namjoon's revelation. "What?! You knew about that, You bastards! Damn it, Namjoon, why didn't you tell me you were setting me up?" Turning to you, Yoongi's expression shifts to a mix of surprise and amusement. "You sneaky thing," he teases, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Guess I should thank Namjoon for playing matchmaker, huh? Guess he found out my desires."
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faeruy · 1 year ago
I have to talk about the devils in Baldur's Gate 3 because they're kind of my favorite thing. I promise; its probably not for the obvious reasons. Sure, they're charmingly evil, and intelligent and sexy and all that. But what Larian does that I fucking love is really take the devil contract thing seriously. Not only do they make it clear that most of them are lawful evil and therefore LOVE contracts, they also have unique contract styles. Which is a great bit of detailed world building and has the added benefit of making devils BIG FUCKING NERDS. Spoilers ahead and also casual swearing, 'cause I'm like that.
Anyway, first up; Raphael? Drama queen. Apparently wishes he was a bard because not only do his people have to sing their contracts, but he has his own damn theme song. Its SO EXTRA and ridiculous. Like... Sure he's dangerous, he's a devil. You meet him for the first time and he drops these clever lines and is vaguely threatening, but by the time you get to the House of Hope, you learn he's a theatre kid on a power trip with an ego the size of the Sword Coast. 10/10 characterization, and it almost made me not want to kill him. Almost. I'm not one to leave a devil alive when I can loot the body afterward.
And Mizora? No singing for her; bitch is the insurance agent of your nightmares. Her contracts are labyrinthine and full of opaque business legalese and she takes great pride in knowing every word of it. She references clauses and subclauses of Wyll's contract with all the glee of a Trekkie rattling off the specs of the USS Enterprise. Fucking Nerd. No wonder she managed to get herself captured; she's a pencil pusher, not a fighter. You can see why she's the right hand of a more powerful Archdevil like Zariel, because quite frankly, she gets too caught up in the fine print to ever successfully execute a grand ambitious plan of her own. (The fact that Mizora doesn't appear to have ambition beyond furthering Zariel's goals is probably a whole post unto itself, the conclusion of which is definitely "they fockin'"). Don't get me wrong, she's still terrible, but you start to get the impression that devils aren't that different from cats; it's just their nature to be a bit of a shit.
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sinkthoseshipspoll · 2 years ago
Welcome To The Ship Poll
Round One Master List
Round Two:
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Side One:
Moby Dick from One Piece VS. Ever Given from Real Life
Millennium Falcon from Star Wars VS. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-D)[Enterprise-D] from Star Trek
Gigantic from Zero Escape VS. Ship of Theseus from Real Life/Philosophical Thought Experiment
B'rel class Bird-of-Prey[Klingon Bird-of-Prey] from Star Trek VS. Thousand Sunny from One Piece
Side Two:
The Aurora from The Mechanisms VS. Battleship Halberd[Halberd] from Kirby
S.S. Anne from Pokémon VS. USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) from Star Trek
USS Voyager from Star Trek VS. Going Merry from One Piece
Lor Starcutter from Kirby's Return to Dream Land VS. Ghost from Star Wars Rebels
So, you may know my original ship poll @bestshipsmackdown (currently doing pre-qualifying rounds to fill out eight missing spots in the official bracket), and you may be wondering, ‘Hey why are you doing a whole separate ship poll?’ And you’re right! That’s super weird of me.
However!! This time it’s not about relationships! It’s about vessels! This is all about what’s the best ship, whether it be a steamboat or space voyager! You get to submit the contestants!
General Rules:
No people or relationship ships should be submitted.
Real ships can be submitted, but I would definitely prefer if people stuck to fictional ships.
Use internet etiquette: curate your own experience. If you can’t simply block the blog and move on, when you don’t like something, you’re too young/immature to be on the internet unsupervised.
While you’re here, why don’t you check out these cool poll blogs while you’re at it!
@vs-coughing-baby @super-shapeshifter-showdown @let-them-say-fuck-tournament @best-fanfic-trope @camebackwrong-tournament @fictionalband-bracket @gender-swag-bracket @fashion-disaster-tournament @childr3ns-book-bracket @namedafterflowerstournament @least-sexy-man-competition @ultimate-poll-tournament @thecompetitionshowdowntournament @cringefailloser-tournament @lighthairdarkhair-battle @catgirlgames @dead-character-showdown @rock-swag-tournament @certified-dumbass-competition
And of course, here’s the form to submit your ships! [closed until season 2 of the bracket is ready to commence]
Have fun!
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starryswitchy · 2 years ago
✨ if BTS were the bridge crew of a Star Trek ship ✨
I have spent an absolutely u n h i n g e d amount of time on this
setting this in the 2370s, on a Lotus Flower class starship (bc how could I not?) with an exploration mission LET'S GO
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Captain Kim Namjoon (obviously). A Bajoran, deeply philosophical & anti-imperialist. Top of his Academy class, just made Captain. USS Bangtan is his pride & joy, but his real devotion is to his crew, especially his 7-man bridge crew. His typical uncool Captain hobby (they all have one) is reciting poetry.
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XO Commander Jung Hoseok, 2nd in command. Human, curious & deceptively hardy. Joon's details guy. Runs the crew with an effective combination of terrifying strictness & genuine love. Might close his eyes & hold on tight during ship maneuvers, don't call attention to it. Idolised by the junior bridge crew.
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Chief Engineer Min Yoongi. Human, but raised Caitian (his parents were Federation citizens living on Cait, he went to Caitian nursery and school, had all Caitian friends and babysitters). People find him impossible to read; this is partly by his design & partly bc his body language is literally catlike. Genius engineer who secretly loves being relied on for miracles, but complains constantly. Very protective. The earpiece is so he can listen to music while he works; you know things are really fucking serious if he takes it out.
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Chief Medical Officer Lt. Commander Kim Seokjin. His job consists of saving lives and yelling at people for being excessively heroic. The only one who can overrule Joon, if medically necessary. Enjoys spending time on the bridge making unhelpful jokes. Has ALL the best holosuite programmes. Told half the ship that the old-fashioned glasses are just for show because he likes the vintage aesthetic and the other half that they've got state-of-the-art micro-scanners for instant diagnostic information relay. Actually he's short-sighted but doesn't want to tell his patients he hasn't gotten around to getting that fixed yet.
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Chief Comms Officer Lieutenant Park Jimin. Human-Betazoid, with empathetic psychic abilities. The ship's literal mood-maker. Adores his job, which he sees as "getting the whole galaxy to like him". Absolutely fantastic at first contact. Inseparable from Tae; they were the only two half-humans in their Academy class. Jimin had a harder time at school, despite not standing out so much visibly, and has absolutely flourished now he's found his place.
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Chief Tactical Officer Lieutenant Kim Taehyung. Human-Orion & more than willing to use anti-Orion prejudices to manipulate situations. He plays up his sexy, sultry, vague persona, but his crew knows he's exceptionally hard to deceive or outmanoeuvre. Deadly loyal, especially to Jimin. Has a reputation for bending the rules, but it's hard to argue with his results.
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Helmsperson Ensign Jeon Jungkook. Vulcan, very physically strong, mildly confused by everyone. Ace pilot, set Academy records in piloting & martial arts. It's his first day on the job, first ship, first crew, & he's so determined to impress his hyungs he's kinda scaring them!
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doctorstrangereview · 1 month ago
0149: Defenders #26
Cover Date: August 1975 On-Sale Date: May 20, 1975
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After numerous interruptions, Valkyrie and Jack continue with Val's identity crisis. And guess what? It gets interrupted. The Guardians overstay their welcome and provide lots of flashbacks that don't use rounded panel corners. Also, there's no real villain (yet.)
Continuing his attempts to win back who he thinks is his wife, Jack and Val have gone to New Jersey for some reason. Jack thinks hanging out by some dangerous cliffs is a great environment to reconcile with his wife. Val again informs him that, while her body is that of Barbara Norris, her mind is the Valkyrie and she doesn't remember anything about their relationship. Jack surprises Val with a kiss and she doesn't have a good reaction to it. Val gets ready to head back to the Defenders sort of headquarters at the former riding academy that Kyle bought when an earthquake start rattling the cliffs apart. Of course Jack is too close to the edge, falls off and has to be rescued by Val.
Back at Defenders HQ, Nighthawk announces that the weather is going haywire all over the place. Doc announces that he believes this is the fault of the Guardians temporal shenanigans. The Guardians vehemently deny it's their fault while the Hulk asks the import question: "How can men be from tomorrow when it's still tonight?"
Doc counters the Guardians' defense saying they forgot something. Vance Astro exists in his future form and as a child. It's really messing things up.
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Basically, they need to get the heck out of there before the Earth resembles Alderaan after it encountered the Death Star. The problem is their ship, resembling a little USS Enterprise, has been discovered by the media. How will they get it repaired and send the Guardians where they belong?
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While the reports question why the "alien" ship is named Captain America and why it's written in English, Martinex leaves the ship with little Vance Astrovik in tow. Doc realizes that killing little Vance will have poor implications for big Vance and the timestream in general. He conjures a big bolt of magic which transports the ship and its two passengers to a location more convenient for the Defenders.
Martinex says he can have the ship space-worthy in a few hours but it can't take off inside the atmosphere. Doc says it's not a problem. Get to work!
Vance Astro doesn't appear to be mechanically inclined so he and little Vance (who doesn't know the big guy is really him from the future) a story. The Earth had an ozone crisis which turned out much more significant than Val's identity crisis. Vance's explanation is really amusing!
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This causes a skin cancer epidemic that forever banished sexy, skimpy clothing outdoors. But that was just a stopgap as people still got cancer at accelerated rate and needed to replace body parts. Hence, bionics. (The Six Million Dollar Man was a popular show when this was published.) Like a certain time travelling TV show, this lead to a form of cybermen fighting each other. The space program used the last of its funding to send a man on a 1,000 year journey. A nuclear power plant exploded and finally the nations of the world got together to stop killing everyone.
This ended when Mars attacked (using tripod vessels, thank you H.G. Wells) and decimated the human population. Someone named Killraven rose up to form a resistance. The Martians bolt one day for unknown reasons and the planet turns into techno-feudalism. This doesn't last long and a new world federation is formed. Humanity engineers sub-species that can survive on other worlds from Mercury to Pluto. Eventually they start building starships.
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They reach some of the nearest star systems and meet actual aliens. Around this time, the rocket they launched 1,000 years ago lands and out walks Vance Astro! So that's where it went! About a year after this, the federation gets conquered by a lizard race called the Badoon. The Guardians, representatives of all the humans, the sub-species and the other members get together and fight their conquerors. They took the largest ship they could find and, with a few stops along the way, wound up on Earth in the 20th century.
Thus, the flashback ends and little Vance is in tears. He asks if this could all come to pass. Big Vance tells him that the future isn't carved in stone and it may not happen.
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Doc then sends little Vance home in a very Dorothy (without the silver/ruby slippers) fashion. Doc's spell also wipes the kid's memory of these events. Someone REALLY needs to have that consent conversation with Doc! He's been doing this for over a decade at this point.
Val and Jack arrive as Martinex informs the crowd that the ship is ready. What great timing! Martinex informs them they still need to get the ship into space before they can crank the ignition. Doc again says "Don't worry about it!" and they all need to get aboard. Jack tries to stop Val who again has a bit of a violent reaction and gets aboard. Jack doesn't follow.
The Guardians are a bit astonished that Doc was able to zap the ship into orbit, but mention the whole time travel bit and Doc's like "yeah, I took care of that too. Look out the viewer." Yup, they are all in the 31st century and the Earth is enslaved by the lizard people certain conspiracy theorist think run the planet.
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So, yeah, this is the beginning of an extended story arc. The Guardians and the Defenders are going to be up into each other's business for a while. For a story that's mostly flashback this works better than it should. There's no real villain (except maybe the press who are more in the way than outright evil.) Vance talking with past self is touching. Everyone skirting around the fact that the two are really the same person is cute. It doesn't matter in the end because Doc just zaps it all away.
Once again Doc is a plot device more than a full character. That's saved for the guest stars and for Val, who is dealing with her body's husband. Man, it feels weird to type that!
We'll see what Starhawk has to offer next issue.
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isawhitney · 1 year ago
Why They Should Have Let Me Onboard The USS Enterprise
Yellow skivvies suit me. Always have. I suppose
It’s the air of responsibility, that military sheen that screams
‘Don’t fuck with me.’ Jim Kirk’s suburban smoulder’s
Hot, but it’s got nothing on my intergalactic pout,
When I start glaring from the captain’s chair. Blue works too,
But I’m not so keen on medicine (although I do take an interest in
Finding out how well Bones lives up to his name). Same
Goes for green - the formal fit’s fine but not my scene, not like
That sexy yellow jersey. Still, perhaps it’s a mercy. You beg
And beg for saffron threads, and next thing you’re lying crimson
With the dead, red-shirted into oblivion.
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legend5911 · 2 years ago
Bed to heart
An exciting morning in MPT where everyone is doing his/her job to make the place look beautiful. They all are very happy because after giving letters to the department from the last 3 years, now they send a new SHO to their station. Hm is extremely happy because now her workload will decrease and she can work on her character development and at last will get CR from her senior and she too can be SHO of any station.
Everything is looking good and it's time for new SHO to arrive, everyone after completing the preparation, sitting on their respective seats eagerly waiting for the new SHO to come.
Here she comes, a Jeep stops in front of station, and a 6ft lady with muscular strong arms comes out in her uniform with sexy goggles on her eyes. Everyone stood up in a line and saluted their senior.
Everyone introduces themselves, at last it was hm's turn.
"Jai hind maddam sir, haseena malik, SI of MPT reporting"
Ks nodded and stood in front of her, they both had an eye lock of 2 seconds, ks raised an eyebrow, hm did the same. Ks frowned at this, hm gives the same facial expression.
Ks smiles and says while looking at hm
"Ham hai Karishma Singh, SHO of MPT. Hamme koi matlab nhi hai kaam kaise kiya, kya kiya kyu kiya, hamare under kaam karna hai 2 cheeze dimaag Mai fir karlo, case jaldi se jaldi khatam hona chahiye jiske liye tumhe jo kaam bola jaayega usse jald se jald khatam karoge, aur doosra iss vardi pai koi daag nhi lagna chahiye, aur kooch gadbad ho jaaye toh public mai nhi aani chahiye warna ussi public mai Jeep ke peeche baand kar poore shehar ka chakar lagawayenge woh bhi hamari speed pe."
During all this conversation, both ks and hm were having eye lock, they were seeing each other's facial expressions and trying their best to make other break the eye lock and this will result in their victory in dominating other.
"Is that clear..?" Ks asked everyone said yess mam
" Go back to your work and u miss haseena, give me a visit of the whole thana including the record room and my cabin" ks said while going in another direction to pick up her stick and cap.
In record room
Hm is pinned to the wall, ks had her fingers wrapped around hm's throat and she pulled her up the ground.
"Your eyes are making me furious, if u continued your gaze, I will pull both of them out" ks warned
"Ahaan..? Don't u think I can say same lines to u" hm said with confidence.
Ks put her hand in hm's pant and inserted 2 fingers in hm, she raised an eyebrow, "wow, see what we have, a pool of precum flowing, does my words made u this horny..?" Ks asked.
"Yess you made me horny the moment u entered the mpt" hm said
"U too did the same, your curves and this hot face made me hard the moment I saw u" ks said to which hm's eyes pope out
" U have a dick..?" Hm asked
"U wanna see it..?" Ks asked
Hm nodded to which ks pulled her hand making hm fall on ground, hm sat in kneeling position after cleaning dust from arm, and she saw ks put her face near her pant and the imprint of dick was pretty visible, it was pretty big and thick, hm could say that just by seeing the imprint. Hm tried to open zip, which was a bit difficult because  it was pushing the pant away as it was growing making the pant to tore. Hm somehow managed to open that and she put her hand in boxer making her shaft to come out.
Hm gasped looking at size and thickness it was flaccid yet 9 inch long and 4 inch thick, with veins popping out making it more dangerous by looks and the mushroom head with pink tip was looking like a hammer.
Hm kissed the tip and then took the tip in her mouth making her face to stretch out. She took some length in her mouth making her to chock, and as she took almost half of it in mouth, her jaw started paining, here ks got fedup , so she took her face and started moving it in and out, in and out which made hm to moan and ks moaned as she was about to cum, after a min, ks came directly in her mouth. Hm drank each spurt and drop. Ks pulled it out and patted her head, "good girl"
Hm stood up and kissed ks passionately and stick herself to ks. She jumped on her and wrapped her legs around waist.
"I wanna have sex with u each day, or whenever one of us is horny, other will be present, just physical thing, no emotions." Hm said
"I wanna have sex with u each day, or whenever one of us is horny, other will be present, just physical thing, no emotions." Hm said
" I don't like it when anyone, gives me an order and u are my junior so never dare to do that" ks said.
" You are my senior only during job hours not after that" hm said
Ks looked at another side and after a snap of second hm was at ground having a hand printed with red ink on her cheek km looked down and pulled her up from the collar, "Haan senior kon hai ?" Ks asked
" Job ke. Baad bhi senior kon hai"
" And what I don't like ?"
" You being ordered by me"
" See how cute good girl u are, keep one more thing in your mind to always call me daddy, otherwise"
" Sure daddy"
Ks smiled and said " chalo jao abhi" and as hm turned, she received a very tight spank on her ass cheek making her tears in eyes because of heavy hand.
Hm's pov
Kya cheez milli hai aaj, badhiya. Aisa senior hona chahiye jab chahe sex karlo. Kissi din kaam na karne ka Mann karre to ilzam ispr lga do ki tumhare karn hi nhi chal pa rahe hai raat ko control kar liya karo.
But kya janwar hi milla hai, ladki chodo kissi ladke ke bhi kabhi itne heavy hand hote hai, aur chehre pe har waqt gussaa. Haan cum kaafi tasty tha aur amount bhi kaafi zada tha. Anu toh kacha khilaadi tha tik hi nhi paya hamare aage shayad ye tik jaaye, abhi Tak toh aisa lagta hai ki shayad ham khud na tok paaye karishma Singh ke aase. Ohhhhh..... Sorry sorry daddy, chaliye dekhte hai, what this new daddy do.
Ks caller hm in her cabin
"Yess daddyy"
"haseena Hamko ye pta chala hai ki tumhara CR par hamare sign honge. Mtlb agar ham chahe toh Aaj tumhe SHO bna de agar Naa chahe toh agle 10 saal tak tha raho"
"Daddy I wanna be SHO too please sign on it."
"Naah abhi nhi, abhi toh hamme bhut thakan ho rha hai, jao gate band Karo aur hamare samne nachna shuru karo"
" Ji"
She closed her door and started dancing In front of ks making her hard again
That night, ks fucked her very hard, let's go in the room where everything started.
It was around evening when ks and hm went together to hm's house. While whole ride, hm was roaming her hand on ks's pant and whole body which made ks hard. And once ks parked the car, hm ran to unlock the door and opened the door, but as she did that, ks picked her up on her hips and started kissing her passionately.
"Bedroom kha hai..?" Ks asked
"Upar jaake last room" hm said and again started kissing.
Haseena pov
While we both were reaching the bedroom, both had removed their shirts and bras in stairs.
Once we entered the room, ks threw me on her bed, and once we both removed our lower, ks jumped on me and sat on stomach, further wrapped fingers around my throat and squeezed my throat making me choak. She slapped me tightly,
"BEG !!"  She ordered
"What ?"
Again 3, 4 slaps
"BEG..!!" She ordered
"Daddy please....... Please fuck me." I begged
She moved her hands on my boobies and started massaging it making me moan, she squeezed it very tightly, I held the bedsheet very tightly making my knuckles to turn white. She pinched my nipples, they were very sensitive to her touch, I curled my toes at moan loudly.
After some playing with my boobs, she went down and entered 3 fingers making me pop out my eyes, she started in and out, in and out, in and out. I was only moaning and screaming at this. My walls started collapsing, and was about to cum when she stopped and took out her fingers and slapped my pussy 4-5 times, they were very very hard. I screamed at each. 
She stood up and pulled my head toward her dick, squeezed my face making me open my mouth and the next thing was her massive shaft in my mouth, it was just tip and i was feeling full, she pulled my head through hairs in a jerk which gave me extreme pain, almost half of her dick was in me, i was having tears in my eyes. I tapped her thighs making her know its very muchh, she ignored my taps and continued her work. After 2 mins, she pulled it out of mouth and started jerking it in front of me. In matter of seconds, she released 10 strings of her cum directly in mouth, i was about to spit it out when she closed my mouth with her hand and put her dick on my lips like we apply lipstick.
once i swallowed everything, she moved down and put her shaft in my main mart, it was about half of length when i screamed very loudly. 
"you are very tight"
next thing was like someone on drill machine in me, i was blank out unable to think anything, 
after i came 3 times, she cumed tons of load in me.
then i slept in her arms.   
Next day, when I woke up, I saw ks had left. I found it a type off movie scene and looked for the note she would have left for me. But nothing was present around me. I pout, "that's not fair"
I looked at time, it was 9:00 AM. I know I was late but no issue, now I am not the one who is only incharge of thana. So I took my time, had a bath then made breakfast. And went to MPT
As I entered,
"Jai hind haseena maddam " cc said
"Jai hind"
"Maddam aapko karishma maddam bulaa Rahi hai, unhone bole ki jab aap aao toh aapke paas bhejna"
" Okay"
I ran to her cabin
" Daddyyyyyy"
She glared at me and stood up from her seat
" Jai hind Haseena malik, SI of MPT"
"Jai hind ms" I said sadly, my whole mood got spoiled.
She went behind me and...........
Next thing was I pinned at table while her one hand in my head and other holding my both hands.
"U are late"
"Yss maddam sir"
"And what's reason"
"Because u screwed very hard and I was unable to wake up" I lied, because she was not that hard
"Ahhhhhhh......." I screamed at 2 spanks
"Now what's truth"
"I am lazy, I thought now u are present in mpt, I can go late" I said not daring to say lie again.
"So I think you should get a punishment"
She pinched my ass cheek tightly.
I nodded, "yess daddy punish me"
"No it's ms, your senior not your daddy"
I went and closed the gate and windows. I looked at her and put both my arms around her. I made her look at me and because of height difference my dominance was increasing. I asked, " why are you getting punished ?"
"Because I am late"
"What's time now ?"
"11 AM"
"And what should be your arival time ?"
"9 AM"
" So you are late by ? "
" 2 hours"
" So for next 2 hours you will remain nude in my cabin"
" Okay maddam sir"
I sat on my seat and commanded her to remove all her clothes.
She removed all of clothes nd knelt down looking at her knees
I threw 2 files down on ground.
Complete both files and you have two hours.
"Maddam sir I will complete them in half an hour" she said with a shock expression
"Still you ha e 2 hours for it" I said this because I am the one who knows the plan
She nodded and opened the file. It was having two vibrators and a pen.
She looked up at me
"Put one in your clit and another in ass" I ordered
She fearingly put them. Once she was ready, I ordered, " you have to keep file on ground"
She moved forward almost laying on ground.
I turned on the first vibrator i.e clit one it was at slow level and I can see her rubbing her legs.
After 5 mins I increased the speed of first while turned on another. I can see her getting turned on, and her speed of writing is decreased.
I without any warning turned both on maximum, she immediately started moaning and she dropped the pen, I can see her legs shivering.
She looked up at me and said, "dadddyyy........."
"Awww poor puppy"
I can see, she is about to cum and at that moment I stopped it making her whine.
She looked at me with teary eyes, and did a whine. "Pleeaaassseee .......?"
"My poor kitten wanna cum, but she is not allowed. It's your punishment so you can't enjoy it. Now complete those file asap" I said.
She didn't argue and immediately started her work. After a minute I too increased some speed making her breath to increase and her work to slow down as her whole concentration was between her legs.
I kept the speed same for some time. It was almost 45 minutes when she looked up at me after sometime first one.
"Aww puppy completed first one ?. I think she deserves to cum. Come in my lap"
She came up and I pulled both vibrator out and entered 2 of my fingers in her. She had a pool of precum downside. I smiled at her and started moving my fingers in and out making her moan. Once she was at her edge I entered third one and started biting her neck making her cum immediately. I smiled at her and brought the fingers near her mouth she cleaned them immediately.
Then I pushed her downside, she opened the second one and looked up at me shockingly.
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tortoisesshells · 2 years ago
top 5 ships (as in boats)?? :')
I'm going with fictional ships for the sake of argument, but:
(1) The Flying Dutchman (potc)- Dead Man's Chest knocked me off my chair (and onto the grimy floor of the theater in [town name redacted]) several times, but the sudden appearance of the Dutchman surging out of the water really set a new standard for "oh now that's a fucking haunted ship". She's decaying. She's got a massive pipe organ that's purely there for the drama. She's a cursed ship of the dead and damned. Who among us can best her?
(2) The Kerberos (1899)- ship of NIGHTMARES. Massive props to the member of the production team who said they wanted the Kerberos to feel like the anti-Titanic: you clever bastards succeeded beyond your wildest dreams. Dark, menacing, incomprehensibly portentously decorated even in the first class dining saloon, subject of wildly unethical science experiments, complete with mysterious trauma oubliettes, hundreds of miles from anything, and the command structure conveniently pre-disintegrated! I'm booking passage aboard as we speak.
(3) USS Constitution (Fallout 4 vintage) - you know, I don't think enough people have asked the most important question of our time, which is (to whit): what if we allowed robots (who apparently believe themselves to be Isaac Hull and his crew) to strap moonshot rockets to the sides of the USS Constitution? The answer is: well, thank goodness for live oak sides, even 200+ years after the end of the world. Anyway, my good friend Captain Ironsides has never let me down.
(4) USS Tiger Shark (Below) - HAUNTED. SO HAUNTED. What if you were on a submarine that wanted you to die, as well as, you know, the whole of the Kriegsmarine operating in the Atlantic, as well? It would suck, but the record player with a mind of its own (and the mirror that's displaced in time?) were undoubtedly rad. A+ submarine.
(5) The Pequod (Moby-Dick) - "[...]you never saw such a rare old craft as this same rare old Pequod. [...] She was a thing of trophies. [...] tricking herself forth in the chased bones of her enemies. All round, her unpanelled, open bulwarks were garnished like one continuous jaw, with the long sharp teeth of the sperm whale, inserted there for pins, to fasten her old hempen thews and tendons to. Those thews ran not through base blocks of land wood, but deftly travelled over sheaves of sea-ivory. Scorning a turnstile wheel at her reverend helm, she sported there a tiller; and that tiller was in one mass, curiously carved from the long narrow lower jaw of her hereditary foe." bless Ishmael for finding this cool, and even sexy, as opposed to running back to the green hills of New England.
Ask me my "Top 5" anything!
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aerialworms · 2 years ago
Thanks for the WIP meme tag! Can I ask for more details about Boldly Go, please? 👀
Absolutely, thank you for asking!!!
Boldy Go is the first fic I wrote in my Destiel Star Trek fusion AU, Tales From the USS Impala. It's a PWP where Dean (First Officer) notices Cas (half-Vulcan Captain) has been getting real stressed and is taking it out on the crew, so he suggests they sleep together as stress relief (and totally not cause he has a crush on his captain or anything, no, he just respects his uh. professionalism.) Cas sees this as a logical arrangement to meet both of their needs, and doesn't read any emotion into it, leaving Dean confused and a little hurt at the end when he treats it like a one-night stand.
What was difficult to write about it is that I wrote it from Cas' POV (in third person, but following Cas), and trying to write smut while using the voice of someone who a) is unfamiliar with human expressions and emotions, and b) would not know 'sexy-sounding' words for genitals etc was incredibly hard (pun intended). Mad respect to K/S shippers who write from Spock's POV! I think I pulled it off, though. I did try writing it from Dean's POV, but I found getting into Cas' head and observing Dean's behaviour from his alien point of view was way more interesting to me, if more difficult to get right. Plus, from Dean's POV Cas came off as detached and cold, but I wanted to show that despite his mask of emotionlessness he feels deeply, just like Spock.
That said, I might rewrite it once I've written the first (chronologically) fic in the series. I'm wary of changing their characters in the prequel to this, so I want to have that drafted before I edit this one and the third in the series, since how they meet/interact in the prequel will inform their characterization later on. We'll see!
Also, fun fact: Boldly Go is a working title, shorthand in my WIP folder for To Boldly Come (Where No Man Has Come Before). There's a good chance I'll just publish it under that name, since I can't think of a better one 😁
Some behind the scenes stuff: I wrote this fic at the start of NaNoWriMo last year, after saying I was going to spend November finishing my other WIPs. I'd just started watching Star Trek and absolutely loved the Kirk/Spock dynamic and thought it mapped well onto Dean/Cas. So naturally, instead of working on any of my other fics, my brain latched onto the AU and made me write it. It was just supposed to be a oneshot (And then I was totally gonna go work on my WIPs!), but then I kept thinking of more and more fic ideas for this fusion AU, and I wanted to tell the story of how they met (A Rose By Any Other Name Would Be Just As Annoying), then have some angsty getting together (The Law of Possession), because after Boldly Go, they become friends with benefits and they both catch feelings, although neither of them talk about it properly cause they're repressed idiots (affectionate), and, and, and ---
I ended up with 13 fic ideas for this universe.
None of my other WIPs got finished.
I hope to actually start posting this series soon, since I fixed a plot problem in A Rose and can now bash out a first draft. There's plenty of stuff in my head and on paper, I just gotta keep at it!
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afriendlyood2 · 1 year ago
Confession of the most arrogant sjw ever, aw shiiii
hello, I have a flow of thoughts about hyperreality, digital instruments, fandoms and anger and arrogancy...
and mental health of course
so basically many influencers before my unpopular and even cancelled ass already noted that we have entered this digital agenda era when gadgets are stealing our attention and overwealm our brain to the point that we forget our own thoughts and real world around us
and that is their very agenda, as digital marketing specialists are batteling for the space on our phone screen and seconds of our attention, and public speakers and polititians are battling to drag us into the discourceTM bc "how can you be out of politics you ignorant jerk the world is on fire" etc etc. many described these mechanisms before so I won't repeat what they have said already, it's out on Youtube and many otehr resources.
and also many said before me how fandom discourse went to shit... well, it was shit even in my youth... we would battle over this problematic bullshit even by that time which was the early social media era of late 00s - early 10s (now it is even more radicalized though, to my horror)
but I as a millenial am horrified of how gen z and gen alpha folk are not yet realizing where it will get them in 10-15 yrs time... it will get them in hell, as I as a 30 yrs old millenial see from my own exeperience. some of them won't even survive mentally and I am even not overstimating the problem, as this is also real.
back in the day we had this cursed AOT fandom. I knew a girl from my city (I was in early 20s she was still a school teen) - an easy imaginable situatuion, as the fandom is mostly made of these age people. notable mention - by that time culture geek culture wasn't open to the self critisism sentiment yet, actually the opposite - geeks were made cool, "brainy is the new sexy" bullshit was sold to you by sherlock bbc or the big bang theory or shit like that, so geeks and especially millenials were HIGHLY arrogant and gatekeeping (i mean uss callister was yet to happen, in the meantime we actually head star trek into darkess coming out tbh). add that to the western way of white saving everyone and pull the discourse from a higher position of somebody morally dominant and 'progressive' and you will get quite a sick mental cocktail to spoil everybody more or less geeky and intellectual stepping into the online fandom game, especially if you faced bulling in school before that or smth... that shit alltogether can make you this arrogant main character with savior complex, fr, and I am horrified to see that in modern fandm teens cause THEY HAVE NO IDEA where it can lead them, yet I sadly do.
well /dark batman music theme/ let me tell you where it can get you you little arrogant social justice dick reading this
back in the day I as I told you I knew a girl who did some AOT fanfiction which you guys as I did by the time would call problematic. because that's what you see online right? a person writing some hateful words in their art online. basically puting a negative emotion of hate and only that emotion, not what stands behind it and creates it - you're to arrogant to see that, so you judge that little hateful teen (the fact that we are making teens feeling negative things 'problematic' is some sick shit to begin with in the first place - they are teens they are SUPPOSED to feel these things, the world is going at them, come on). that fact that I was arrogant to judge her even though we had an attempt at friendly conversation and understading each other... basically it locked her up - if a person judges you, you don't wanna talk to that person, you close from that person right? yep. that's what she did... as somebody who was ACTUALLy bullied by everybody by the time, literally by everybody from her social circle - and she WOULD tell me if she would trust me enough and if I wouldn't judge her, thus I would give her shelter orgs and psychiatrists or smth, I knew some by the time so could help.
thing is the girl - tw here - killed herself. I got to know that stuff from her then-time bf who came in his riddler era to avenge me later in 2020 and for damn sure he hated my arrogant ass as I was an adult who knew his gf and had recouses for giving helo yet not the knowledge of the girl's sutiation, and not to mention we are from the same city btw. bruh my mental image crumbled right before me and in intence karma hit I tried to repeat this girl's fate TWICE since 2020, and second attempt was here in Krk after I escaped Kharkiv in 2022, this year's June. I considered myself not worthy of life and happiness because I didn' see her troubles back then.... ugh.... call that catholic gulit of smth, but I am eating myself to this day. many say - this doesn't help actually and you need to live and help the living, not to crumble over the dead ones. but for damn sure I feel the guilt EVEN THO I am not her abusive classmates or older 'protectors'.
Social justice is sometimes arrogant and blind and it SHOULD NOT BE goddammit, stop and reflect on yourselves - are you really that morally right?
Also dear gen z and gen alpha
Those who have an ok social circle of family and friends - pls drop ya phone and get to them RIGHT NOW. For those who escape to the digital world from abusive surroundings - bruh some of us out there are arrogant as shit, but please tell your pains and seek for help I beg ya, and seek for shelter in REALITY, cause YOUR REALITY is abusive in the first place and just running into the virtual world sadly won't save ya, you need a safe space irl as well fr.
That's my message of this awful Batman Daredevil and oh my god Lenny Bellardo kinnie I am in my 30s. It is not told in calm voice, I am screaming here to ya. Shit will get fucked fr. Take care of these things pls.
P.S. as tho my arrogancy in that interaction was real - these folks, oh the irony, used my guilt to put not just her death on me (even tho it's on her abusers), but also the mess in the workplace of my ex boss - not to mention she later put the death of an ex colleague on me (jeez she died because of being overwelmed by activism she did during the war so this is ON OUR ATTACKERS DAMMIT) cause it was so suitable to force me into guilt for something I am not responsible for, so she and these folks became as ugly in social justice as I am LOL. Such an irony of things turning back at them right? All these people are Ukr refugees like me btw. We all have to learn fron this.
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greatmountainfloofsquatch · 1 month ago
I remember that clown show. He flew in himself, in an S-3 Viking, so he could play "Top Gun" and make himself look macho; I remember the unseemly cooing over how "sexy" he looked that came from several of Fox News's female anchor clones. And then he gave a bullshit speech on the flight deck of the USS Abraham Lincoln, claiming victory just because Saddam's military had quickly collapsed.
Anyone with any sense of history knew that this was not the hard part; the hard part would be winning the peace, rebuilding Iraq correctly and in such a way that preserved the safety, freedom, dignity, and well-being of the Iraqi citizenry. Anyone with any sense of political realities knew that Bush and his cronies were precisely the wrong people to do that job, as they were intent both on plundering the country and flexing their authoritarian intentions on the populace. Anyone with any sense of decency knew that this was going to turn into a terrible insurgency, a continuing bloodbath that would kill at least many thousands, if not more.
Unfortunately, most of the punditry of the day proved themselves to lack any of those senses, and those who had them were routinely shouted down as "hating America".
I missed most of the Iraq war due to being a baby, but every time I read about it I start wondering why we aren’t all talking about it all of the time
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seagulls-paradise · 11 months ago
"Oriskany" - First & Last Thoughts - Seagull's Memories
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I was stationed at Naval Schools Command, Treasure Island. That's a small flat island in the middle of San Francisco Bay. It was my first duty station. I was maintaining electronic test equipment for an Electronic Technician "A" school on the island. I just received my new orders. Sea Duty aboard the USS Oriskany CVA 34. I had never heard of Her so, I started asking others on the island if they knew anything about this ship. The "CVA" told me that she was an attack carrier of some kind but no one I talked to had ever heard of this "Oriskany" thing. 
The orders also stated that before reporting aboard I would spend a few weeks in a "C" school learning something called NTDS (Naval Tactical Data) SRC-16 radio transmitter - receiver system (one of the Navy's first communications networks) at Mare Island Naval Shipyard, somewhere close to San Francisco. 
When I got to Mare Island and started the school, I also started asking around if anyone knew anything about this "Oriskany" ship. I found one old instructor that knew about her. He broke out into a huge laugh when I mentioned I was going to the Oriskany. He asked me who I pissed off. He said she was the OLDEST THING AFLOAT! Her SRC-16 system was serial number XN1 #1. That meant it was experimental model number 1 and was nothing like the machine I learned in school. Well, at least I now knew something about this thing called "Oriskany."
On the 17th of April 1973, I stood at the head of a pier in Alameda California. On my port side stood the USS Enterprise. Pride of the Navy, Queen of the sea. She was all decked out to start her sea tour tomorrow. Today she stood tall sleek and shinny. A necklace of aircraft around her island, She looked like an Ensign standing inspection, not a scratch or bruise on her skin, wrinkle in her uniform, and not a hair out of place. So beautiful and "sexy" - A sailor's "dream boat".  I could almost feel her tugging at me, whispering a beautiful sea chantey in my ear, trying to lure me away from my destination on the opposite side of the pier. 
On the starboard side, stood the Old Bitch of the Sea - Oriskany.  Just back from her sea tour yesterday. There she stood, Her uniform of grey: dirty, torn, wrinkled and tattered. Her skin scratched, bruised, covered in soot, salt and seagull crap. As I walked up her after-brow I could smell her sweat. Sweat from hundreds of miles in scorching sun and rough stormy seas, sweat from dozens of weeks at Yankee Station with flight ops sometimes going 24 hours a day. She was old, ugly and decrepit and she smelled of death.
At the head of her brow I stopped, turned and saluted her ensign. As I turned a 180, grabbed my packet of papers to hand to the Brow Watch, I thought: What the hell am I doing here? Did I piss off God? Why couldn't I be ridding that sleek young thing across the pier? The world knew her name and who's girl she was. Why am I, not even 20 years old yet, why do I have to ride this lonely Old Bitch of the Sea that no one knew, and from the looks of her, no one cared about?
On 14 June 1976, I stepped out on her flight deck for the last time. Slated for decommissioning instead of being cleaned up primed and painted, she was being stripped of all of her equipment. As I looked around I saw Her uniform of grey, still dirty, torn, wrinkled, tattered and Her skin scratched, bruised, covered in soot, salt and seagull crap from Her last Westpac. She was older and probably a bit uglier, but she wasn't the old bitch of the sea that I thought she would be. Once you got to know her she became a Fighting Lady. "The Mighty 'O' "is what we called her. A bitch to her enemy, but a Mighty Fighting Lady to her crew. She was the last of her kind, the last Essex Class Carrier, the last of the mighty fighting ships that took back the Pacific from the Japanese. From Alaska in the north to all the little islands that dot her south, the Essex Class Carriers fought and won the Pacific war. No, Oriskany wasn't the old bitch of the sea, She was the proud mother of the modern carrier, the first "SUPER CARRIER." Without the Essex Class Carriers like Oriskany, we would not have the sassy, sleek and sexy carriers of today. 
As I walked down her after-brow for the last time, I walked slowly so that I could savor her sweet sweat from missions to Korea and Vietnam, all the flight-ops involved in those wars along with the storms and typhoons we weathered. Along with her sweat is the always welcoming aroma of Subic bay with just a hint of Olongapo bar-maid perfume mixed with the breeze off shit-river. 
...Sorry, I just couldn't help a little Westpac reminiscing.   
ETN3 Harbit - Proud to say "I served on the USS Oriskany CVA 34" 
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As I grow older I realize the magic of "belonging" to some place or time. I was on the USS Oriskany CVA-34 for an incredibly short time considering the length of my life at the present moment (73 years) and I remember the day I came aboard and the day I saluted her ensign for the last time. I did not realize it but I was taking a part of her with me and leaving some of myself behind. I now realize that I will never truly leave her, nor will she ever leave me. She is in my makeup today. The things she taught me I have used through out my life. Of all my education, the 4 years aboard her was by far my greatest learning experience. 
She was decommissioned on 30 September 1976. The old girl was slowly torn apart but she did not whimper or cry, she realized she had stood her watch and it was her time to be relieved.
She did not die because she lives with in the 10's of thousand of sailors that have crossed her deck during her watch and to me she will always be "the Grand Old Lady ...... the Mighty 'O'. The last Essex Class ship made. The last Great Warrior of WWII. 
ETN3 Harbit OE division, May 1972 - July 1976.
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nerdyydragon · 6 years ago
Star Trek more like “sexy, unnecessary glamour shots of the USS Enterprise” 60 year compilation
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