A place to harness peer pressure and the fear of letting down one’s fellows that is intrinsic to the human spirit for good
Don't wanna be here? Send us removal request.
Cancer is a gift.
And I hear you pause. Your shirt cuffs come unstarched. You hold your breath. But what I meant to say is:
Cancer is a gift. It slows you down. You have a moment over life now, hovering in the air above your body. You feel your breath. You take a day. You breathe. You take another day off work. You forget your appointment at the dentist. You breathe. Maybe, before quixotically returning to the office, you spend a week in Rye. You watch the dogs on the beach. You press your feet into the sand. You breathe. You visit the hospital. You visit your uncle. You visit your uncle in your hospital from your sacrosanct chair. You breathe. You fold him tumours out of origami paper. You blow up the tumours like balloons. You breathe: you think about tumours in lungs, blenching, beating.
Cancer is a gift. It slows you down. You put a pause on life and rather breathe, waiting for the day of cancer’s second, greater joy.
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If Alan Bennett Can Do It…
There were a call for her last
Friday. Afternoon,
I think it was, but I don’t know really. The day’d kind of
Blurred out like.
Somebody called her.
Of course, I say ‘Wrong number,’ and I hang up
Sharpish, but there it is.
Somebody called. Just out of the blue,
Just rang her up in the phone. Well,
There was bound to be somebody
I even told her about it,
You know. She seemed pleased. Mind,
She never seems pleased now.
Always frowning, never
The lady she used to be. I say to her, ‘Buck up
A bit with your smile, love.
Show us your teeth,’
Only she never does. But,
Like I say, she smiled at this. Says,
I should bring the phone ‘round here for her,
But joking as she says it, and I chuckle,
And as I leave I get to whistling.
Reckon I might disconnect that home phone. Never
Anybody calling me,
But the ad men, and the council
With their ‘Mr Grady’ bloody bull language.
They call me up every Saturday,
Right when I’m in the middle of my tea:
‘Mr Grady, just a minute
Of your time. Oh, Mr Grady,
Just a moment to discuss
that new edition
You’ve tacked on to your attic.
Not quite up to code,
and there’ve been
Complaints from the neighbours.’
They always will complain
But it won’t do much good now,
If I make up my mind to shut it off. Shut
Up that prank caller too.
Called us a few times now, always
Asking after her health, fitness.
I’ll pull the bloody wires out.
Got another call
On her birthday, of all days.
We were having our own celebration,
When the phone starts off
Like a mad dog, barking.
Now, I’m alone
In the house: the boys
Are in Marbella, and Ruth’s gone too,
So for a bit of a treat
I’ve given her the run of the place.
Gag on, of course,
But we’re down in the bedroom
And the phone starts off.
Well, it’s back upstairs
And down again for me,
And at my age that’s no mean feat.
I answer the phone and it’s that same voice:
‘Can I talk to her? Are you hurting her?’
Silence on that end again,
Then: ‘Is she still alive?’
‘I’m so sorry.
It’s a wrong number.’
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Out in Edinburgh
Me and my skinny white dykes, we’re hitting the town. They give me authenticity; I give them panache. Who doesn’t want a little high yella fever on a psychotropic jaunt, something to spice up an anorexic fantasy? Pills or poppers, the ladies nod as my hair curls in time to the music, frantic beat: Dizzee Rascal’s my best mate, I speak facetiously, turn my head and flirt with the butchest one. It’s been a night to remember. The night breeze hits me in the stomach as we walk out the club, each breath of air a truncheon to the gut.
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Walk in London. Walk,
And while you are walking
In London remember that
Centuries have walked in
London just as you have.
Your walk is the same as
All the years who have been
In London. A walker in London
Walks with a millstone
‘Round her neck, just
Walking under weight. A
Decade walked in London,
On a London street, and
Still walks there, and you,
As you walk in London,
Walk with it. You can walk
Without the weight - but not
In London, and if you’re not
Walking in London, well, why
Walk anywhere?
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Woman Friday
What you mean,
Civilisation? I’ve
Got the soup pot
Over the fire (no
Help from you!)
And a chicken in
Its feathers still
Waiting plucking,
And you want
Talk to me about
Christian moral
Structures? Look
You, Robinson -
Man, if you really
Think an English
Education can
Improve a heathen
Soul like mine, I’ll
Sit down here and
Contemplate the
Bible while you
Make us a meal.
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There is too much emptiness in my mind and it is full up
i cannot think;i am in
nothing deep; the breath
breathes out of me;i
cannot think;i am not
here but in the fog; it
weaves me;i cannot
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“I guess
the fashion now,
but I don’t know.
There’s something about
of it that doesn’t sit right
with me.
When I’m dead, I want to grow worms like
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Sort-of Sestina (I am Answering a Phone Call from my Mother and She is Having OPINIONS)
Yes. Yes, I understand that, Mum, but really-
Yes. No, I do see what you mean, it’s just-
Uh huh. Right. I guess that’s reasonable.
Oh, isn’t it? Well, like I say, I don’t know exactly.
Right, and so she- Huh. Well, that seems rude.
I’m sure she’ll come say sorry by and by.
I’ll tell you more about Moira. She’s said bye
To the suburbs and moved to York. It’s really
Bold, especially at her age. I’m not being rude,
But if I were going on for sixty-nine, I’d just
Sit where I was and grow mould. Well, exactly!
But we all know she’s never been reasonable.
Speaking of: Tania. Now that’s a reasonable
Person! Lord knows how or why, but by
His will I guess they’ve come together. Exactly
How their marriage works that well, I really
Can’t guess. Some kinds of couples just
Give up on fixing each other - but that’s rude.
So, Tania’s tenure in York! Well, she’s in rude
Health as usual, but the very reasonable
Steps she typically takes for Moira just
Aren’t that practical up there. You can’t buy
Vegan milk at a dairy, you know. Really,
They should move into the city. There’s exactly
Moira’s brand of nonsense there - exactly
The linens, exactly the beeswax wraps. Rude?
Well, possibly - but the fact is she’s really
Out of her element now! Unreasonable,
To suddenly choose rurality. She’s all by
Herself there, but for Tania, and I just
Worry about her on her own, with just
The wind - Tania too, of course. I’m not exactly
Sure what I’ll hear when I come and pop by
Next Wednesday. Maybe another rude
‘We’re doing fine on our own.’ It’s reasonable,
I admit, that they want some time, but really!
I’ll say bye now, sweetheart. You just
Get on with your real life. Our chat has been exactly
Right: being rude with someone reasonable.
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My Sympathies Lie With Bosie
And his surfeit of love. To be fair
Is a monotony; the lover acts,
Straining, eye trained to the crowd.
He weeps damascened tears, and
His audience weeps alike: while
The fibreglass beloved waits
For the cue to a hand-raise, or
The grime of their sacrosanct
Smile. When the lover looks,
She summons Helen, Paris
Cressida in nylons and a tan; love
Smothers her darling in antiquity,
So that a man may be Achilles
And no longer any of himself but
A picture frame. Women have been
Swallowed whole by poems, sonneting
Their dead virtues as the love-
Predator grows sleek on feeling.
Bosie knew it. Knew it, and so spake: if he
Would go to Hell for me, why wait?
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Well, what is it like?
I am reading a book. and the man who has written that book has raped me. or a girl like me and the pages are cream still, not red and sticky round the edges. just cream. they rustle cream round the edges when I turn them and laugh. at this joke he’s made on chapter twenty three. and while I laugh a girl is raped. or I am, laughing, raped. my throat is sore with it. and for all that the joke is a good one and I cannot help but laugh. with him? I am the girl, raped, laughing. I am the voyeur, stooping to catch her half-drunk cries and pickle them in laughter. laughing, I pin her down myself. as I pin pages, folding back these Rohypnoled pages, laughing all the while. I am reading with my teeth.
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A Day Out At The British Museum
all we gather here, to honour
this gilt and marble idol at the antique altar
with its worn-down face.
with its dead blue eyes.
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Has masticated me. Cobblestone teeth
Have ground me up. I am palatable,
My body crushed under the same sky
That savoured Roman ruins, reduced them
To rubble. Still hungry, this beast city
Seasons me with its overburdening time.
When it swallows, I am gone.
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Spring coast, and the gulls
That follow instinct fly: wings
Beating like our hearts.
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It is the devil!
And he mocks himself at us!
And he stretches out his feline neck
And his ermine bracelets
And his wolf throat
And he laughs at us!
And he grins like an ape
(And his teeth are yellow like an ape’s)
And we can feel his breath on us!
And he winks,
And he winks often, and lividly, and well,
And our proper sensibilities are maligned!
Whatever shall we do?
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I hold my poem in my hands
And spit on it, and shine it well
So it can stand the world’s demands
And give ‘em hell.
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I peel it back:
Paring skin, tearing chalky tendons,
Baring orange flesh under my cat o’nine tails.
All I seek is wisdom:
Some small insight into the seasons’ turn,
How rot can bloom at the core of an orange.
All I find is silence:
My ripened stoic keeps its secrets
And the bureaucracy of nature breathes out.
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Freed from the burden of writing good poetry, I choose the superficial. I am writing poorly. I will use idioms if I care to, and similes like a bridge to my meaning. My words may not move your soul, but you will hear them and appreciate the logic in my saying so. “The woman,” you will think to yourself, “has sense. So few poets nowadays have sense.” Because I have stopped at mediocrity, perhaps we can talk to each other. Maybe we can even have an honest conversation. I, in my plain little way, will speak my nothings and you will reply with banality, and so we shall proceed: saying nothing, wording all.
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