cannedinternets · 6 months
Yanno, a thing i see a LOT in fics is that the Batfam think Danny is a meta, b/c ghosts don't exist. Which is valid, i mean they ARE a team of detectives with a shitton of wacky themed rogues and, at least on batman's part, a noted distaste for and disbelief in magic and the supernatural.
But bruce and tim have both worked with ghosts directly. (Maybe the others too? fuck there's a LOT of comics and animated series and-) So i think it would be much funnier if they think he's not a ghost, b/c Ghosts Don't Work That Way.
In fact, b/c Communication Is Not The Batman's Strong Suit, I think it's funny if all of them are wrong but for different reasons.
Bruce - has worked with Deadman. You can't see or interact with ghosts without magical outside intervention. Thinks Danny is a magic user who transforms a la Shazam/Captain Marvel.
Dick - Clown trauma? Mind control Trauma? One of your rogues tried to brainwash you to be his son/weapon? Damn kid you're like me if i had it even worse. Thinks Danny is a "regular" kid vigilante with a schtick.
Babs - Well the video evidence she can find deffo lines up with him being a super, but there's a hardcore blackout around his town, he doesn't legally exist, AND any outside info she runs into is usually cutoff by someone (tucker or technus depending), AND he's mentioned cloning. So he's probably a designer "cloned" (ugh dc that's not how cloning works) meta kid that's being taken advantage of by the government and/or cadmus.
Cass - Thinks Danny is a terrible liar (true) who is counting on the refuge in audacity to keep people from realizing what he is (also true). Thinks he's someone who got themed meta powers in a lab accident and is playing up the ghost thing b/c he fights ghosts constantly.
Jason - Glowing green eyes? Ability to manifest green constructs that look like they're made of goo? Constant death jokes? Aww, this dude is just another me but he is also a meta/somehow got anime girl powers out of getting dunked in the lazarus pits.
Tim - worked with Secret. Ghosts can fly, shapeshift, go intangible, teleport, posses people. Thinks phantom is an actual ghost that is possessing/overshadowing Danny, possibly consensually? He's looking into it. Ironically, is the closest to the truth.
Steph - Hasn't seen Danny do anything that the other bats can't do, and HAS seen him work on an engineering project for 16 hours straight. Thinks Danny is something like the bats, either under-powered or completely non-powered and makes up for it with tech and mystique. Also thinks Danny is a great ally in gremlinship.
Duke - his Ghost Sight does NOT play well with ghosts, ironically. Thinks Danny is some sort of eldritch horror with a human guise. He seems cool tho, Duke isn't gonna judge someone based on looks even if they do give him migraines.
Damian - thinks that Danny is a Pit Demon and you are all insane.
Jarro - thinks Danny is a Green Martian. Also thinks Danny is awesome.
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the-scarecrow-of-aus · 5 months
Time limits and being late for dinner
Danny, pinned down by gunfire on top of a wounded red hood who caught him in his territory and chased him into a rivals warehouse:
"Hey hood, soo... hypothetically, if I was to remove your helmet how long is the detonation trigger?"
Jason starting to lose conciousness and slur from blood loss:
"Like half a second after it triggers, it'll blow before you can clear my head, why?"
"Cool, that gives me half a second to see why my sister is obsessed with your ugly ass!"
"What? Wait... who's your sis-"
*grabs Jason's head by the helmet and phases it straight off and through his body using the momentum to throw it towards a group of shooters in a single move*
[There's a loud bang and the shooters duck for cover as two go down screaming from the shrapnel]
"-ter... hey! How'd you do that?"
"Ugh, I was right, you remind me of Johnnie. Oh well, c'mon man, well be late. Not something you want to experience when jazz is waiting"
"Jazz... Wait! Are you kidding me, the bookworm Jazz, is your sister?"
Danny braced his arms across hoods chest under the arms like they were floating in water and leaned backwards, red hood and himself suddenly unburdened by gravity slid through the wall covering their backs and disappeared from sight (if not sound as Jason dazedly kept commenting on the cute girl he'd mistaken for babs and if she actually liked him back)
They were late, jazz was definately gonna be mad!
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incorrectbatfam · 1 year
I really enjoy your retail Seph so I ask myself this how would the rest of the Batfam fair in the same boat?
Margie | Batfam | Rogues | Justice League
[grocery store] 
Steph: Think you're ready for the deli counter? 
Duke: Psh, yeah. How hard can it be? 
Bruce: Hi, I'll do ten pounds of brisket, please. 
Duke: Brisket. That's... uh...
Steph, whispering: The brown one. 
Duke: *starts scooping taco meat* 
[clothing store] 
Steph: The most important thing is to balance candid feedback with staying on the customer's good side. 
Dick: Got it.
Bruce, coming out of the dressing room: How does this look? 
Dick: Terrible. 
Steph: Babs, can you ask Table 3 how they like their steak done? 
Babs: Sure. 
Babs, to Bruce: How would you like your steak done? 
Bruce: Medium rare, please. And can I get some more ice? 
Babs: Absolutely.
*ten minutes later*
Babs: One steak with ice. 
Steph: Once you see their order on the screen, just tell them to go to the next window. 
Cass: *nods*
Bruce: *pulls up to the drive-thru*
Bruce: One Batburger combo, hold the fry seasoning. 
Cass: *puts the order in*
Cass, whispering ominously: See you at window. 
[furniture store] 
Bruce: Can someone help me move this dresser to my car? 
Steph: Sure. Jason? 
Jason, exhausted: Seriously? I just hauled that lady's fridge.
Steph: Jason...
Jason: Ugh, fine.
Steph: And don't forget to smile.
Jason, smiling through gritted teeth: You owe me.
[coffee shop] 
Steph: Okay Timmy, you're on register. 
Tim: Yes ma'am.
Tim, to Bruce: What can I get you?
Bruce: I'll do the smoked salmon, cream cheese, and bagel sandwich.
Tim: Would you like cream cheese in it?
Bruce: ...Yes.
Tim: And smoked salmon?
Bruce: That's what I said...
Tim: And you want that on a bagel?
[call center] 
Steph: School projects are so weird nowadays. Anyway, Damian, did you read the employee handbook?
Damian: All 917 pages. 
Steph: Nice job. I'll have you take the next call then. 
*phone rings*
Damian: Wayne Enterprises account support, how may I assist you?
Bruce: I need to change my password but the website is undergoing maintenance. 
Damian: One moment.
Damian: *types into the computer*
Damian: Done.
Bruce: You... you changed my password?
Damian: Yes. 
Bruce: What is i—
Damian: *hangs up*
Damian: *gives Steph a thumbs up*
[at home]
Bruce: Steph, between you and me, you're the best among us. 
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ragnarokhound · 2 months
Ooh what about...Teacher au, actor au, and pokémon au. Ships open to whatever but jason in them preferred 👀
For the AU ask game!
THESE ARE ALL SO GOOD, YOU ARE CRACKING ME OPEN LIKE AN EGG (like with a previous ask i might answer one and then maybe circle back with a reblog or smth to answer the others fjdlsaja WE'LL SEE IF I HAVE TIME TODAY) and I'm jaytim til i die so that's what i'll be speculating on for the most part lmao
Teacher au... oh the hot gossip that would fly in that staff lounge...
Five fun facts about a teacher au I'd write:
Jason teaches either english or drama. Or maybe he would teach drama IF admin hadn't fucking cut the drama program last year and left them to organize a club instead. "there's no funding" they say, and yet the basketball team is getting all new equipment, all new buses (not even district-assigned! their OWN BUS), a whole new fucking facility--
Tim is the basketball coach. (He teaches math/comp sci/engineering). Drama ensues.
(The basketball team went to state last year Mr. Todd, sorry if success means getting more interest and therefore funding from the community, but maybe there's a lesson to be learned here) (>:0 he did NOT)
Principal Wayne doesn't play favorites (except he totally does, Principal Grayson at their sister school in Blüdhaven applied for that job specifically to get away from the bullshit. He wishes he could have sniped Babs as his office manager, but she's too entrenched. RIP) but Tim is obviously Bruce's newest, shiniest hire and after Jason came back from medical leave (motorcycle accidents suuuuuuck) he's extremely miffed to see what's been changed in his absence
Real conflict would take place when one of Tim's star players tries out for the school play and gets the lead role because Jason can see that this kid has talent AND THEY NEED THAT. (Drake is, unfortunately, correct; if they can take their production of Chicago to the National Drama Festival, then maybe they'll get the support they need to reinstate the drama program. Or whatever. UGH) Tim is pissed because this kid has a shot at playing professionally and this could fuck his chances if he's not giving his A-game during championships this year. Cue no longer passive but rather outright aggressive arguments between Mr. Todd and Mr. Drake BOILING with sexual tension while, idk who, Jon Kent probably Does His Best to be a teenager lmao
(BONUS FUN FACT: they 100% fuck in their hotel at Dramafest, because of course the drama club made it, and of course Mr. Drake came along. To support his student, obviously. And not at all because Tim saw the play that winter to support Jon and saw how good he was and Jason got in his face about it after the show and all the tension from the whole semester boiled over and they made out backstage like they were teens themselves again. Not at all. That would be unprofessional and irresponsible.)
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b0nes-mcgee · 11 months
It’s time for music headcanons with the batfam, bc if I don’t get this out of my head and onto page, I’m going to implode.
Fave first, Dick is definitely a indie pop/indie rock kinda boy. Not just because I identify with that, but also bc he gives me those overly energetic, bubbly vibes, that I feel like only come from Grouplove, Vampire Weekend, and Adam Melchor. I also feel like he’s a Mitski and Boygenius kinda bitch, bc ough, boY, he has angst. Said angst can only be expressed through sad girl music, bc he will die before he ever expresses his feelings about anything to anyone.
NEXT we have Jason, I think he’s an emo ass boy, ngl, but specifically like folk punk. He listened to twin sized mattress one time, broke down crying, and hasn’t looked back. Also things like The Mountain Goats, PUP, or Modern Baseball. Ugh, I could make a whole ass playlist for this boy. If he’s with other ppl, I think he’d play something more mainstream of the emo genres, like Arctic Monkeys or The Strokes.
DAMIAN, I THINK, IS COMPLICATED. So, for one thing, he grew up in a weirdo environment, where they probably never listened to music, and if they did, it was “”tasteful”” music, for rich ppl. That, or it was culturally significant. So, I think I’m his exposure to music after moving in with Bruce, he started just absorbing absolutely all the music he could. Like, he’s an everything enjoyer. His spotify liked songs are a minefield, bc one second it’ll be playing Chet Baker, next it’s Viagra Boys, then some country shit, then Chopin, and then it’s Lil Nas X.
BABS, I think, would be a folk music/sad girl music enthusiast. She really likes Ryan Adams, Phoebe Bridgers, Hoizer, Mitski, etc. It’s something that she and Dick bonded over when they first started dating. I think with her, she appreciates the calm/slightly sad music bc she lives in a rlly crazy world, and she just wants to meditate a little when she’s sitting at that desk all day, trying to keep her family and friends alive.
Timmyyyyyy is a Kpop enjoyer. Sorry, I don’t make the rules. Specifically, he probably likes SEVENTEEN or ATEEZ a lot. He actively tries, every day of his life, to not stan any of the members, but it’s rlly hard when he’s had two hours of sleep in the past week, and Yoon was just really cute in that last interview. I also think he’s really into trap and pop. He knows all the lyrics to every recent song on the top 100 list.
Duke, I think is really into R&B. I think he’s amenable to pop/rock/rap, etc., but he really just wants something to belt out. Common occurrences are finding him in the kitchen, making an omelette, singing Amy Winehouse at the top of his lungs. If u catch him doing it tho, he gets rlly shy. His guilty pleasure is theatre music. He has to bribe his family to go see Little Shop of Horrors with him.
Stephanie has a 2000s-2010s pop addiction. Anything that makes her feel like Hannah Montana is her SHIT. She’s out here blasting Bubblegum Bitch and early Taylor Swift. You also can and will find her crying to sad One Direction songs. When she’s moody, she will unironically play My Chemical Romance. She understands pop punk a lil bit, but the lyrics tend to get male-manipulator-y, so she sticks with the bands she already knows.
Alfred likes 50s/60s jazz/pop. Frank Sinatra, Chet Baker, etc. It reminds him of home, and of his family. He also really likes old French music, like Joe Dassin. I’m ngl, I don’t know old music enough to add more to this one, but u get the idea 😭
BRUCE. Ugh. He’s definitely the kind of dad who never moved past the music of his childhood. He firmly believes that the Beatles is the best band of all time, and no one can convince him otherwise. I think he tends to gravitate towards the rock/goth end of 70s/80s music, so things like the Cure, New Order, maybe a lil bit of Siouxsie and the Banshees. His goth phase was INTENSE, Alfred can attest to this.
Ok, Cass is defo a similar situation to Damian, grew up with literally silence, so music is a super new thing to her. But I think she really enjoys all kinds of genres. I think that especially instrumentals get her, bc it’s just noises that she can focus on, no lyrics to distract her from the sound. I think she also likes to “sing” along to said instrumentals, but mostly it’s just making noises to the same beat and sound, but it’s very off-key.
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breadandblankets · 4 months
Pls pls pls hate on the Tim Cass twins thing more, it's so weird.
oh my goooooodness nonny you are enabling me so bad lmao, gd i love hating
putting this under a cut cause it got a lil long and i don't want people to see hate that don't want to! ^.^
Cass can really Never be given a break from DC and DC fans making her whole life and personhood be about white men huh, and in the Rare cases that the whole "twin" thing has Any substance outside of just calling them twins or drawing them with their faces smushed together it is never as interesting (to me) as the almost brush we had with Jason and Cass Actually Being Siblings
i know that last bit isn't canon but it has More canon basis than the tim cass twin thing, but regardless
it abuts the "tim is east asian" headcanon that as we are aware, is racist lmao, so you run the gamut of white washing cass or uncomfortably race bending tim to make this work and it is, at the end of the day deeply uncomfortable and weird, i have No idea why or how people have latched onto this but Okay
even if you don't do all of that and are just like "oh they just look similar" they All Look Similar, why do you think we keep joking about identical looking robins, you could do this with Any of them why is it Only Ever Tim
Cass is, to me, a character deeply Deeply defined by her relationship to other women, yes she has male characters that are extremely important to her and her story but to me they pale in comparison with the women in her life. You can't bring up a single batboy that will ever Ever hold a candle to the impact of Babs, Shiva, Steph, the BOP, etc
(its almost refreshing seeing as how steph is in many ways the opposite, she is defined by the men in her life, and she's jerked around by them, they make the big impacts etc)
Cass is not a toy to prop up white bat boys. You are manufacturing a false connection and then making her nothing but that connection. There are more characters there are Better characters to make Cass friends with, i am very glad to be a Duke fan whenever i try to dip my toe into the Harper tag for instance.
I think at this point that Tim is a Better character when he's not with the bats outside of like Dick and Bruce lmao. But thats just going to make the superfam fans mad at me for foisting tim fans on them XD.
Please, genuinely engage with the characters as they are, as they exist, theyre better than fanon gives them credit for, Tim is a better character than fanon would lead you to believe and this is Me saying this, No 9 Tim Drake Hater. Cass is more than this and deserves better from fandom that what some have done to her.
ugh im such an optimist i cant even hate properly fuck
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ladytauria · 11 months
trick or treat!
thank you for asking! 🎃
have a snippet from the vampire!tim wip~ tentatively titled icy hands, icy heart, and based around this summary:
Tim assumes the others know he’s not, and never has been, human. He's wrong.
tentatively am thinking it's going to be jaytim but right now all i have is 2k words of jason, damian, and duke discovering tim's vampirism, and tim discovering that, in order for people to know things, you have to tell them.
in his defense, he did tell alfred, bruce, and dick. (& maybe babs)
Tumblr media
“So you’ve been a vamp this whole time?” Jason is scrutinizing him—particularly his neck.
“I was born one.” That gets Jason’s eyes on his face again.
“Vampires can have babies?” Duke blurts.
“Yes,” Tim says. Though not without difficulty. If one of his parents had been human, it would have been easier—but they weren’t, and it hadn’t been. His parents were… protective as a result. Their jetsetting hadn’t been born out of a desire to see the world at any cost—though, Tim was sure it factored in—but, rather, decreasing the possibility they could be exposed. It’s hard to suspect someone of vampirism if they’re never around, after all.
That was also why they had so little in the way of domestic help—especially after a near-miss with Tim’s last caretaker. And why they moved him schools so often. (He had to miss so many days, especially in the summer and spring months, when everything was bright and sunny. Online school would have been easier, perhaps, but inspired its own problems. Tim needed to be as normal and human as possible.)
Tim isn’t sure those had been the best decisions—and neither, in the end, had his father. But it was too late to go back and change them now.
“I’ve… definitely seen you out in the sun,” Jason says, though he sounds as if he’s suddenly doubting his recollection.
“You have,” Tim agrees. “It’s… taxing. I have to feed well before I head out, and even then, I make sure to cover up as much as is reasonable. It helps that Gotham is the way she is, though.” Nearly perpetually cloudy, the sky clogged with pollutants despite environmentalists’ (and Wayne Enterprises’) best efforts.
“I’ve never seen you drinking blood, though,” Duke says.
“Yes you have,” Tim counters. “You just didn’t realize that’s what I was doing. I don’t usually feed from people. I buy pig’s blood from a local butcher.” A discreet one, who catered to people like Tim. “I don’t drink nearly as much coffee as it looks like I do.”
“But you do drink coffee,” Jason says, the skin around his eyes creasing suddenly. “Don’t you?”
Tim remembers the bag of expensive coffee grounds Jason left at the Nest, a few weekends ago, and smiles. “Yes. I can drink and eat human food. Mostly for the taste, but I do have to be cautious with caffeine and alcohol. Hits my bloodstream much faster, you understand.”
“You don’t feed off of humans?” Damian asks, scrutinizing him again.
“Not usually,” Tim repeats. “There have been a couple of emergencies, and I’ve had to drink from Bruce and Dick a time or two.” And, of course, there had been Tam, during his time away. That had been the most he’d ever fed from a human before, and he understood why some of his kind refused to feed from anything else. The taste had been exquisite, and the power—
Tim mentally shook himself.
“What about…” Duke gestured vaguely towards the medical bay. Everyone—except Tim—had a cache of blood there, to be used in case of emergencies.
Tim shakes his head. “Too processed. It’s like eating a snack cake, except it also tastes disgusting.” He had tried it once, during that first emergency. He hadn’t wanted to bother Bruce. Just the smell had made him want to wretch, but the actual taste? Ugh. And even draining the entire bag had done very little to quell the hunger. He hadn’t tried it again since.
Jason snorts. “Tracks, I guess,” he says, like he’d never thought of it before. Which, to be fair, he probably hadn’t. “So, s’that how you were able to stalk us for so long? Vampire magic?”
Tim snorts. “Oh, no, I didn’t have the energy for that,” he says, shaking his head. “It maybe helped that my reflexes were quicker, and I was still a bit faster than a human kid, but. No, that was all me.”
“What do you mean you didn’t have the energy?” Damian crosses his arms. “You were going out into the field impaired?” Despite being a head shorter than Tim, even with Tim being seated, he still managed to look down his nose at him.
Aw. Baby bat is worried.
“No,” Tim says. “Well—yes? I guess? Kind of?” He grimaces, and tilts his head. It’s been a long time since he’s had to explain any of this. “My parents didn’t want word getting out that we were vampires. There’s a lot of stigma, still. Few bad apples spoils the bunch, you know how it is. So, we pretended to be human, as much as possible. That meant I had to go to school. During the day. Which, like I said, is draining. I wasn’t—“ He paused, raising his cup to his lips. It’s coffee, this time, though now that he’s no longer consumed by his work, he can tell he needs to switch to blood soon, if he wants enough time to get down to normal strength for patrol.
“I wasn’t impaired in the way you’re thinking. By the time it was time to chase Batman and Robin—or, later, be Robin—I usually had time for a nap and some blood.” He didn’t always take the nap. “I wasn’t at ‘peak performance’ per se, but, I wasn’t exactly impaired, either.”
Damian’s face is pinched.
Tim sighs. “Look, physically, I was fine. Magically, I couldn’t do much. That’s all that means.”
The skepticism on Damian’s face gives Tim a bad feeling. Oh well. That's future Tim's problem to deal with.
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rubydubydoo122 · 6 months
In every universe Jason Peter Todd dies young. It’s a fate sealed across the multiverse. Maybe he could hope that there’s one universe where he doesn’t. aka, Jason, Dick, and Bruce go multiverse hopping, and are not having a fun time. (Ps, when I started writing this fic I hced Jason as Latino, but I don't really believe in that hc anymore, so just a heads up if you don't like that hc)
TRIGGER WARNING -> Child Death. (it's Jason)
“It seems that instead of teleporting us to a set coordinate, the device is sending us across different realities.” Bruce roughly folded up his suit and placed it in the duffle bag. “It’s too early to see if there’s a pattern, or if it’s random, but we were in the first two for different amounts of time. The first one lasted for two hours and 10 minutes, the second reality lasted for an hour and three. Knowing Tim, he’s already working on a way to pull us out. We are going to figure out how to help from our end.”
Dick balled up his suit and tossed it into the duffle, “Should we ask our counterparts for help?”
Ah, ok, so they were just going to skip over the fact that they had just watched Jason die. Twice. “Depends on the universe. Vampire Batman sucks .” Pun very much intended. 
He realized Bruce and Dick were giving him twin confused looks, “You two aren’t the only ones who’ve gone on multiversal adventures.” Jason shook out his fingers. This is why he hates the cold. The bone deep pain is annoying, and it causes his joints to stiffen up like an old man.
Dick frowned, “When?”
Jason shrugged and took weight off of his left knee and hip. Stupid crowbar. “After Duela Dent died, but before Bruce got lost in the timestream.”
“Ahh, so during your villain era.” He zipped up the duffle bag.
“No.” Jason crossed his arms and huffed, “There was a brief moment of time where I was toeing the line of Anti-Hero. It was during that era.”
“You always toe the line of Anti-Hero.”
Jason pitched his voice and wrinkled his nose, “ You always toe the line of– ”
“Boys.” Ugh, Bruce said it in his ‘Robin’ tone. “Focus.”
Jason peeked out the window. Oh! Bingo! “The Library’s across the street.” It was a good place to gather information, especially if you were stranded without electronics. Jason would know. He’s done it many many many times. 
He used to go to this Library all the time. When Babs used to tutor him, when Bruce tried to give him something familiar. When he’d come here every weekend with Mami and they’d sit on the couch shaped like a stack of books, reading for hours and hours. Then they’d come home with a stack of books to last them through the week.
Dick glanced out of the window, “Think we’ll run into Babs?” 
Jason snorted, as they walked out of the door. “Think we’re in a timeline where she hates you for being an idiot? Oh my god, what if you’re with Kori right now?”
Dick squinted at him, “What if… you shut your mouth, Mr. I died a kiss virgin .”
Jason flicked his forehead, “Imagine going back and forth between the same four redheads for over a decade. Couldn’t be me.”
Dick swatted the back of his head
“Ow! Bruce! Dick hit me!” Did it actually hurt? No, but it’s the principal of the matter. If your older brother hits you, you have to overreact to get him in trouble.
“What– Bruce, but Jason started it.”
Bruce didn’t respond to that, to which Jason gave Dick a shit eating grin, “Well whaddya know? You die three times, you become the favorite.” 
“ Jason .”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. Sorry old man.” The crosswalk turned green, but they made sure to triple check before actually crossing. It’s Gotham. No one drives like a sane person.
No one in Gotham was a sane person. It’s because of all the curses, and the water. 
The only other person who seemed to be in the library was the librarian, and no, it wasn’t Babs. He couldn’t figure out if that was a good thing or a bad thing. He’ll figure out once they know if this is a good Batman Universe or a bad Batman Universe.
They made a beeline for the computers, and Bruce used the guest sign on. It was 2014, so Jason was probably Robin, unless it was one of those timelines where he didn’t even exist. They first went to the Gotham Gazette, and surely enough the top headline was from two days ago, and read, “Batman and Robin send Two-Face back to Arkham. ” Along with a picture of Batman with a hand on Robin’s shoulder while they watched Two-Face being loaded into a cop car. It was definitely him as Robin, and he’s pretty sure that was the day he tried to kill Two-Face because he had killed Papi.
So it’s a Good Batman Universe.
Dick started fussing with Jason’s hair, “You should bring back the hair loopies.”
Jason was about to swat Dick’s hand away, but then he realized that maybe Dick needed the physical contact to confirm he was alive, so he just fixed Dick with a look. “It doesn’t look the same with the white streaks. And I don’t feel like dying them black. It makes it look like I’m balding when the roots grow in.”
Dick frowned, “You mean you don’t bleach it?”
Jason just raised an eyebrow. He’s been keeping the vitiligo a secret from Dick and he was not about to ruin it because they were stranded. He’s not ashamed of it or anything, he just wants to see how long it takes Dick to figure out. The patches that have lost pigmentation look more like freckles, and since he’s gotten a proper diet the patches haven’t grown. 
The only people who know are Bruce, Alfred, and Leslie, and they’ve all been sworn to secrecy. 
He used to dye his hair in his Robin days. Just to preserve their secret identity. Now, since he wears a helmet, it doesn’t really matter. (That and he’s legally dead. He doesn’t really need to keep his secret identity a secret.)
Even though they knew they could trust this word’s Batman, Bruce continued to go through news articles. Mr. needs to know everything about ourselves.
The main door to the Library opened, Jason, Dick and Bruce all looked to who came in and froze. “Bruce, you didn’t have to bring me here. We have so many books back at the manor.” That was his little tiny baby voice. That was a little tiny him.
“I know, but sometimes, having something familiar to fall back on can be nice. Especially when everything’s so new,” Huh. 
He forgot about how caring Bruce could be at times. (He didn’t. He could never forget. Not when he was one of the few people who have ever shown him kindness. He just chooses to push that Bruce deep down to be locked up in his memories.) Now he’s all doom, gloom, and brood.
He heard his younger self scoff, “Did you…” Jay trailed off “ Papi?”
The pair came closer to them, before stopping a few paces away.
Jason gave them a smile. He wasn’t sure what he was going for, awkward, or apologetic. Maybe a bit of both.
Bruce (the older one) cleared his voice from where he was sitting, “Hello, Bruce, Jason. ART is nice,” Alternate Reality Travel . “Maybe we can look at those books together.” 
Honestly, it was just a crazy good coincidence that the Art section was in the back of the library. 
Bruce (the younger one) crossed his arms and stood slightly in front of Jay. “What’s the story?”
It was a chance to weave their code phases into what they were about to say. Would they be the same throughout the multiverse? 
“ One bad night , we were tracking down an operation run by one of the newer rogues, and we got hit by an interdimensional ray. We’re being thrown across realities seemingly at random. We have only been to two so far.” 
Younger Bruce nodded, then looked to Dick, and then to Jason. A soft smile appeared on Bruce’s face (One that radiated so much pride it hurt,) “You two are so big.” Before either of them could respond to that, He patted their shoulders, “Alright, let's get to the manor. Maybe we can figure some things out over there.”
They went to leave, but before they did, Jay snagged a couple of books off of different shelves. Maybe being a book nerd was also a universal constant. 
They waited for Jay to check out his books, and then they hit the streets. Younger Bruce apparently parked a couple of blocks away. He’d been awfully quiet since they said they were from an Alternate Reality. Though, to be fair, the timing is awful. He remembers being really withdrawn. For a while after he learned Papi was dead. 
They were walking in pairs on the sidewalk, both Jasons in front, Dick and Bruce behind them, and the old Old Man bringing up the rear.
“So… Dick, how are things in New York?”
Jason and Jay shared a look. He forgot how awkward they used to be if they weren’t screaming at each other or working on a case. 
“Actually, I live mostly in Gotham now. It was Blüdhaven for a while, but with five other siblings, you wanna stay close to home.”
Bruce blinked, “F- Five?”
Dick snorted, “And that’s not even counting the ones who you’ve emotionally adopted. I don’t think B would be able to give you an official number. It’s always ‘I have six children, but there's also…’ and then proceeds to list seven more names.”
The Old Man just grunted.
Dick kept chattering about Bruce's adoption addiction, as they made it to the cross walk. Vaguely talking about random habits each of them have without giving too much away. Though it was another dimension, Jason didn’t know why Dick didn’t just tell Bruce outright. Maybe if Jay had some siblings before he learned about Sheila, one of them would be able to talk him out of going. Though, the only ones that were currently available for Bruce to take in were Cass and Damian, and neither of them liked Jason all that much. Damian’s quarreling about being the ‘blood son’ might even drive him away even faster. 
Jay tugged at the end of Jason’s sleeve, his voice was small when he spoke, “Does it… does it ever get better? Does it ever… stop hurting?”
Jason thought about it for a minute. He couldn’t exactly tell the kid that grieving your parents goes forgotten when you’re mourning the person your Dad used to be, even though he’s right in front of you. How miniscule those griefs seem when every moment you’re mourning yourself for what seems like till the end of time. “I mean, when you think about Mami does it still hurt?”
Jay chewed the inside of his cheek and nodded. 
“It… It never really stops hurting. You’ll miss people who meant the whole world to you. People who still do. Even though it’s been years, some days I’ll have the overwhelming urge to put on Billy Joel because I miss listening to Papis voice singing along. Sometimes I just want to curl up in someone’s lap and have them run their fingers through my hair because that’s what Mami used to do. Sometimes—“ he’ll bake too many treats because working in the kitchen seems to bring Alfred’s spirit to life right next to him. Sometimes, Bruce will be yelling at him about his ‘recklessness’ and Jason will have the overwhelming urge to grab his arm and run up to the library because he missed the nights they used to stay up together reading. He misses Bruce’s deep timbre lulling him to sleep. He missed the way Bruce would somehow fend off his worst nightmares. “Sometimes, you miss people so badly. So bad that it hurts something deep inside you, and that pain never really goes away. But the more you let yourself feel that hurt, the less painful it is. So it still hurts, but it gets better. Even when things seem hopeless. Does… Does that make sense?”
“Yeah.” Jay nodded, setting his eyes on the couple in front of them. “So…Are Babs and Dick together in your universe? Or is it Wally? Or Kori? Why does Dick only have a thing for redheads?” 
Jason snorted as the little green walking man lit up, and the couple immediately started walking. “Beats me, little man.” He could totally see them all in a polyamory though. It would solve a lot of problems for Dick.
They must not be from around Gotham if they trust the drivers that much.
Jason watched as Jay’s eyes widened, and he suddenly bolted, “ Move !” There was the sound of a horn, as Jay shoved the couple out of the way. Followed by the sickening crunch of a body making impact with a metal sheet.
No. He wasn’t supposed to get hurt here. Obviously it was an alternate reality, but how could he have just died from something as simple as a car crash? Why did he have to have a martyr complex and save those people?
“No, no, no, Kid, stay with me.” He lifted Jay up and onto the sidewalk. He could hear yelling in the background, but couldn’t bother to pay attention.
“‘M ‘Rgna g’rge”
Jason had to think about that for a moment, “ Regina George ? Seriously? You just got hit by a car. Not a bus.”
Jay just coughed and gave him a bloody smile.
Punctured lung, probably. That’s not even counting the probable head injury, and– the fatality rate for car crashes are higher for children than adults. Jay’s not gonna make it.
Bruce kneeled next to Jay, and swiped the hair from his forehead, “Old man Bruce is calling 911, Dick is yelling at the driver.” 
He made eye contact with Jason. They both knew Jay wasn’t making it out of this one.
Jay probably knew that too. “Th’re’s a…place… ‘the sidew’lk ‘nds…”
Bruce’s mouth twitched before he began to recite the poem, “ There is a place where the sidewalk ends; And before the street begins; And there the grass grows soft and white; And there the sun burns crimson bright.” His voice got softer and softer with each word, like it usually did while he read in the library, “And there the–the moon-bird rests from his flight; To cool in the peppermint wind.” Bruce sniffled and looked at Jason. Eyes dangerously glossy. Like tears were about to pool out. 
Jason swallowed the lump from his throat, “Let us leave this place where the smoke blows black; And the dark street winds and bends; Past the pits where the asphalt flowers grow; We shall walk with a walk that is measured and slow; And watch where the chalk-white arrows go; To the place where the sidewalk ends.” 
“ Yes we'll walk with a walk that is measured and slow; And we'll go where the chalk-white arrows go; For the children, they mark, and the children, they know; The place where the sidewalk ends.” Jay’s eyes glazed over, as the last of his light dimmed behind them. Jason’s stomach knotted as he brought two fingers to gently slide his eyelids shut. He’d done that for multiple people who he had found dead in the alley, he just never thought he’d ever do that for himself. “ May holy Mary, the angels, and all the saints come to meet you as you go forth from this life.”
Then everything turned to white.
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ambelle · 2 years
BobaWhatever was extremely wrong about DickKory's romance just like that Vullein person was wrong about their never being a core 4. Hilarious how instead of admitting it they both decided to pretend they never said any of it. Both so ugly ugh!
Anyway what are some of your favorite romantic scenes from season 2 & 3.
They think we've all forgotten but my memory is sharp when it comes to haters. Boba shipped DickBabs and Vull shipped DickDawn LOL. I remember boyzzzz.
Anywho this is gonna be long!
I feel like DickKory have a lot of subtle interactions in season 2 & 3 and then they have obvious romantic moments. So I'm gonna split them in 2.
So my favorite subtle moments from 2&3
This scene in 2x01. Dick couldn’t come right out and say he wants Kory to stay so he says "this model seats five" LOL. He just wants her there with him wherever the road takes him.
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Their ruinion in 2x05 where he's so shocked and happy to see her time stands stills. He completely forgets all about Jason and Slade in that moment. Then of course when he opens up to Kory here and instead of telling her how he feels he compliments her. She sees right through this and ends up saving his life. The rest of this ep is romantic to me so I'll talk more on that later.
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2x11 doesn't get enough love! Kory's speech about finding friendship and love I interpreted to be about Dick. This has never been confirmed so I consider it to be a subtle nod about Kory's true feelings. She then listens to Donna give this long rant about Dick causing his own problems and how she refuses to help him. Kory knows he's dramatic and got himself locked up but she also knows Dick is a good man. She refuses to leave him in prison and is determined to free him along with Rachel.
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2x13 has a few suble moments with Dick asking about Kory but I find this scene where he checks her out funny so it sticks out in my mind.
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3x01 is very cute. He looks to Kory like they are proud parents then spies on her during her news interview. Then all of our favorite part is him running over there and hiding in the shadows just so he could flirt with her about "the media's" love for her.
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3x06 They were giving strong married vibes in this episode. I like this scene in the hospital where he lets go of the hard-ass act to admit it bothers him that Gar is angry with him. Kory explains Gar is afraid and Dick then spends the rest of the episode bonding with him.
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3x07 I liked that Kory knew not to involve Dick in dealings with the mob because she understood it would trigger him. Also found it funny how quickly he got over that considering he flipped out at Babs over shutting down Oracle just moments before. Kory can do no wrong. Also it's super cute their little moment during the fight later on where they smile at each other.
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3x08 Lastly this kitchen scene was like covert flirting. Kory was blatantly checking him out and sharing food with him. Mind you he was supposed to be going on a date with Babs that he spent their phone convo trying to get out of. What a mess LOL.
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And my favorite romantic moments
2x05 yeah...Kory was the only one on his side during that group discussion. She was the one not operating on emotions and selfishness. When Dick spoke to her about how he wanted her to stay with the team Kory figured out he was trying to say goodbye. She then showed up and saved his life. Dick honestly started fighting the hardest once she showed up and he felt she was in danger.
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2x09 I love how Kory is seated behind Dick during this scene. She didn't judge him for what happened with Joey and when Hank hit him she stood up immediately. Hank clearly got the hint and all of Dick's terrible friends fuck off somewhere (plus Rachel who gets a pass). Kory wants to stay with himbut she can't. And her leaving is what pushes Dick over the edge to run off and self-harm.
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3x06 I feel like it takes a lot for Dick and Kory to say out loud they are worried for each others safety but Kory couldn't take it anymore. He got shot and was still being reckless. Kom immediately notices the tension.
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3x12 is self-explanatory! It's their future baby and proof that they are meant to be in each other's life <3.
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cephalog0d · 1 year
Batfic - Rhymes with "Pest"
Rating: Teen and Up (language)
Category: Gen
Characters/Relationships: Dick Grayson & Jason Todd
Words: 553
One day Jason would figure out how to actually Batproof his space, but today was, apparently, not that day.
(Full text behind the cut or over on AO3)
One day Jason would figure out how to actually Batproof his space, but today was, apparently, not that day. Thankfully it wasn’t the actual Bat himself, although Dick was on a bit of a sliding scale with regard to how little Jason wanted to see him, depending on their relative moods. Personally Jason had been feeling okay, although the unexpected company definitely put him a little on edge. At least this didn’t seem to be a visit of the “I have a sanctimonious lecture and you’re going to hear it” variety, considering Dick was currently slumped on the couch and staring vaguely somewhere in the vicinity of the ceiling without acknowledging Jason’s appearance.
Jason was reserving judgment on whether that was better or worse than the lecture option.
“There something you need?” he asked bluntly as he shed his boots and jacket and headed to the fridge and grabbed a drink.
“Nope,” Dick said with a pop.
Weird, but whatever. Maybe he was just hiding from Bruce. Or the Bat Baby. Or Babs. Or her minions. Or something else entirely, who the fuck knew, there was no blood or tears or yelling so Jason assumed it wasn’t anything catastrophic. (Or at least not immediately catastrophic.)
He already regretted his next question, but better to be prepared, or at least know if he needed to execute a quick escape plan.
“Something you want to talk about?” He tried not to sound as deeply hesitant and distasteful as he felt at the idea, but he might not have succeeded considering Dick snorted a laugh and twisted his head to finally look at him.
“Not even a little.”
Well thank fuck for that. Existing in the same space and not talking about things was something Jason could probably handle.
“Good answer.” He dropped one of the bottles he had grabbed generally in the direction of Dick’s head. (Un)fortunately he caught it before it could hit him, absently opening it and taking a sip before his face scrunched up in disgust.
“Ugh, cherry, really? Why do you buy this?”
“Because I base all of my grocery shopping on what I know you, specifically, hate,” Jason deadpanned.
Dick narrowed his eyes at him and pointed an accusing finger.
“Your tone says sarcasm, but your history of spite-based decision making says that’s a possibility.”
Jason swiped the bottle back and took a swig before dropping onto the couch.
“You know I just drank out of that,” Dick pointed out.
“I’m not wasting a perfectly good drink because you have terrible taste. Not like anyone in this fucking family has any concept of ‘personal boundaries’ anyway.” He gestured at Dick’s general presence to emphasize the point.
Dick made a vague noise of agreement and shifted, swinging his legs up onto the couch and, subsequently, onto Jason.
“What did I just fucking say?”
“I was here first.”
“It’s my place.”
“Then I’m a guest,” Dick said with a smirk.
“It’s pronounced pest.”
Dick rolled his eyes and glanced at the TV.
“Can I-”
“Absolutely not.” Jason moved the remote as far out of reach as he reasonably could, just to be safe.
(If he ended up ultimately choosing something they could both stand to watch it was only because he didn’t want to torture himself just to annoy his brother.)
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awhitehead17 · 1 year
Lively Intermission
Tim & Jason, Sassy!Tim, Grumpy!Jason, Humour, Injuries.
Summary: What had been a quiet night quickly turns interesting when Tim stumbles upon an injured comrade, one who is less than happy to see him.
Enjoy! :D
Straddling his bike Tim takes a moment to breathe after dealing with a scuffle between two rival gang members. It wasn’t worth his time but it did break up what had been a quiet night so far. The guys weren’t even important gang members either, they were just being disruptive more than anything, and Tim dealt with them easily enough. He put them in their place and sent them on their way in opposite directions.
On his bike Tim brings up his communications map, scanning the area for something to do. It’s only half way through his patrol time but the night has been quiet. Something that is both a blessing and a curse. A quiet night is good because then they’re not dealing with anything astronomically dangerous but on the other hand a quiet night is boring.
Not seeing anything on his map Tim sighs and taps his ear piece. “O? I’m wrung dry here, you got anything for me?” He gets a quick confirmation from Babs on the line before she tells him she’ll get back to him shortly.
It’s as he’s waiting when something grabs his attention.
A drop of rain lands on his thumb. Dismissing it immediately Tim scowls as he cruses the weather. It wasn’t supposed to rain that night, stupid Gotham weather, it’s July, it’s not supposed to be raining this time of year. Another raindrop lands in the same place, this time this one seeming bigger than the last and unlike the last one it carries a smell Tim is all too familiar with.
Upon further inspection he finds that it’s not rain: it’s blood. A couple drops of blood had fallen onto him.
Becoming alert Tim tells O he’s got something and climbs off his bike in order to go and find where the blood is coming from. Looking above where he’s parked there’s a fire escape attached to the side of the building. As he looks up he watches as another drop falls from the sky and onto his bike where his hand had previously been. There’s no visible body on the fire escape so the blood could be from anything, it doesn’t matter though, Tim needs to go and investigate.
Jumping up onto the fire escape he begins searching around until he finds a small pool of blood on the first platform. The blood is on the edge and trickles down the side and off the metal to drop down below. It’s fresh and the iron smell is even stronger here than it had been at his bike. Glancing around further Tim spots a trail of blood leading up the stairs of the fire escape, the blood can be seen on both the stairs and the railing, whatever is bleeding it’s obviously been severely wounded. Tim follows the trail. He’s surprised yet not when he eventually finds himself up on the roof of the building.
At first there’s nothing to see on the roof. It looks as deserted as it normally would be, however the blood still continues along the roof towards the air conditioning unit installed there. This is where Tim sees the trail bend around the unit and out of sight, whatever is bleeding may be behind the unit.
Unknowing what he’s about to approach Tim extends his bo staff and carefully approaches the unit being sure to keep his steps as light as possible. As he gets closer he spots what looks like legs sticking out followed by a body and a very familiar uniform…
“Hood?” Tim breathes out unsure on what he’s seeing.
Jason is the one wounded and bleeding all over the place?
Tim drops his defensive stance and puts his weapon away and walks around the unit so he could see the man fully. The red helmet follows his movements.
“Ugh, replacement, what do you want? How’d you find me?”
Tim blinks, feeling completely caught off guard at the whole situation. “You uh,” he stammers for a moment before finding his words, “you bled on me. I followed the blood trail up here.”
In response Jason snorts although Tim figures it’s either in disbelief or because he’s in pain and can’t think up a retort. Speaking of which, Tim eyes him more closely and only then does he realise the man is holding a hand to his side, there’s blood seeping past his fingers coating his clothes and dripping onto the floor creating a small puddle underneath him.
Without thinking about it Tim grabs his medical kit out of his utility belt and approaches Jason, crouching down at his side. “What happened?”
“Oh you know-“ the man hisses when he shifts, the pain tugging sharply at his side, “the usual. Stray bullet here, stray bullet there, dodge and duck knives left, right and centre.”
Tim pulls Jason’s hand away from the wound to get a closer look at it. Jason is still rambling.
“Lucky bastard got me in the side with a stupid shot. I certainly got him back but I’d rather not gain any new holes in me thanks.”
While he examines the wound, Tim refrains from commenting about his rambling, a sure result of blood loss no doubt, and realises there’s a big issue.
“Hood I may need to do a field bullet extraction as I can’t see an exit point. There’s also the issue of how much blood you’ve already lost.”
When he gets no response Tim glances up but is only met face to face with the expressionless helmet. After doing a quick scan of the area and deeming it clear Tim moves away from the wound in order to remove Jason’s helmet. When he finally sees the man’s face Tim finds Jason looking pale, his eyes spacing out, bruising dotted over cheeks and jaw. Tim shakes his shoulder and it elicits a reaction from the man.
Jason grunts. “What? What’d you say?”
Tim sighs, nonetheless he repeats his words. “I need to do a field extraction of the bullet because I think it’s still in you.”
Jason blinks at him, frowns, and then lightens up grinning weakly. “Oh! No need, I’ve done it already…” then the man proceeds to drop a bullet into Tim’s hand with his blood covered fingers.
Tim eyes widen. “You - you’ve… of course you did, why am I not surprised. Okay with that sorted I’ll patch you up for now until we get you somewhere where we can do scans and properly take care of the wound.”
After placing the bloody bullet into his utility belt – for further examination later on – Tim patches up Jason’s wound. It’s a messy job, one which has Jason occasionally flinching and hissing, but Tim does it as quickly as possible. The bandages will need to be redone but it’ll do for now.
Tim looks at Jason and finds the man’s eyes drooping and his body slumping. Tim knows this next part isn’t going to be easy. Reaching out he shakes Hood’s shoulder, gaining his unfocused attention.
“Where’s your nearest safehouse?”
Tim bites his tongue to stop his frustration seeping through. The fact Jason is even conscious right now is surprising.
“Your safehouse. Where are we going? I would take you to the cave but we both know how well that’s going to go down.”
“Yeah fuck that,” Jason grunts with a frown of disapproval. The man pauses and just as Tim’s about to prompt him again he speaks up with an answer. “Uh, there’s a place, ‘bout four blocks from here.”
Tim bites down another sigh. He has no idea how the fuck he's going to get Jason to his safe house, the man is twice his size in both weight and height, Tim is strong but dragging Jason’s limp ass – cause he ain’t going to be any help in his current state – is pushing even his limits. That’s not including going over roof tops and across fire escapes.
Just as Tim starts putting a plan in place he hears a loud thump come from behind him. Acting on instinct, in one move Tim shoves Jason down to the floor so his face is hidden and in the next he’s on his feet with his bo staff extended towards the threat. He falters when he sees Nightwing cautiously approaching him.
Tim straightens up and watches as the man approaches then as he takes in the scene of Jason pushing himself up right and cursing Tim with every insult under the sun.
“Hey Wing, how’s it going?” Tim asks lightly despite the situation.
Dick glances at Tim, before looking at Jason and back again. He takes a moment to answer. “Just fine thanks. What on earth…”
“Hood decided to spice up what had been an extremely boring night so far.” Tim says cheerfully, grinning when he catches the glare Jason is sending his way.
“Fuck off replacement, I didn’t ask you to be here.”
Dick turns to Tim. “It has been rather quiet hasn’t it. I’m more on edge during these types of nights instead of the chaotic ones. It’s been a while since Gotham’s been this quiet.”
Just as Tim’s about to respond a loud groan gets his attention and he looks over to find Jason keeling over from where he's leaning against the air conditioning unit. Tim looks back at Dick and jabs a thumb in Jason’s direction.
“Are you busy? Can you help me with him?”
Dick nods and together they move towards Jason. “That’s why I’m here. O picked up on what’s happening and called me over knowing to keep it under wraps from B.”
With Dick here it means they can support Jason between them, it’s still not easy considering Jason is taller than Dick but having Dick to lean on certainly helps Tim out.
Ignoring Jason’s swearing as they get him to stand up, Dick glances at Tim. “Where we going?”
Placing Jason’s helmet back on his head, and muffling his grumbling, Tim tells him, “four blocks from here. My bike is below, so if we can get him down to the ground I can ride him there.”
Together the three of them start a slow shuffle towards the edge of the roof.
“Fuck you guys.”
Tim rolls his eyes. “Y’know you can try and be more appreciative Hood. You could always say ‘thank you for helping me,’ or ‘thanks for not letting me bleed to death on a random rooftop.’ Manners go a long way y’know.”
“I’m gonna shoot you replacement.”
Tim snorts. “Sure, I should probably be more concerned but considering you can’t even stand on your own, I think I’m good for now.”
“You’re a ray of sunshine Jay.” Dick comments as they finally reach the fire escape at the edge of the rooftop.
“I’ma shoot you too goldie.”
Dick laughs, unbothered by the threat like Tim had been.
“Sure sure. When you’re better.”
The three of them work their way down the fire escape in silence. Tim would have thought Jason finally passed out but the occasional muffled swear tells him otherwise. When they eventually make it to the ground Dick helps Tim place Jason on his bike and helps to secure him so he can ride without Jason falling off.
“I’ll meet you at the safehouse and I’ll help you get him inside.” His brother tells him as Tim reeves the engine.
“Sounds good,” Tim acknowledges, “see you in a bit.”
With that Dick climbs back up the fire escape and Tim prepares to drive off. Before he moves he hears Jason mumble behind him.
“Why you helping me?”
The question makes Tim pause. For the first time that night Jason sounds anything other than annoyed. There's exhaustion in his tone but it’s mixed with what Tim would class as apprehension.
“Because, despite you denying it, you would do the same for me. Despite us being at odds most of the time we look out for each other.” Before the man could respond Tim changes topic. “Now hold on, it’ll only be a minute or two until we reach your safehouse.”
Tim reeves the engine again and this time takes off, easily navigating his way through the back alleys of Gotham’s streets. He wasn't lying about looking out for Jason, he’ll stick around for a day or two to make sure he looks after the wound and to make sure the man has food and the right necessities he’s going to need. After that Tim will leave him be, especially before Jason makes good on his threat to shoot him, a grumpy and injured Jason isn’t known for his patience or tolerance.
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zorilleerrant · 1 year
Heads Up, Seven Up
Tagged by @clockwayswrites: post the last 7 lines of your current WIP - of which I also currently have too many, so let's have some:
Back Compatible, my current Camp NaNo project
(Legal or not, that’s a career killer, and we literally all know that, I do not need your advice on any of it.) Whatever, the café the company liked was straight out of the box anyway, they didn’t even update the color scheme. I would’ve updated the color scheme. I love updating the color scheme. I change my whole house like every other day, just for fun, you can’t even customize a font for the signage? (The neon wasn’t even well shaded. At least our bar looks like actual neon.)
I think Bruce Wayne is a Dracula, my Dracula rewrite
Seeing bits of buildings, enormous skyscrapers blown apart, orbiting some other planet’s moon – there’s an ache to it, knowing something so awful happened here, but it’s not personal. It’s just a piece of a palace or an office building or a theme park, and you know real people were there, but you don’t – but I saw someone’s home. A child’s bed, I think, floating all alone, just the corner of a room with drawings on the wall and bright colors and a doll on the bed. I saw what I think was a calendar. I saw a piece of wood half-carved and intact, just floating along. Abstract figures starting to take form. And I keep seeing these escape pods, all working, all empty.
and but my dreams they aren't as empty, The Jason Fic, which I'm just about to actually write the chapter for so I can't give you the actual lines, but here's the end of my notes for this section:
Babs: You've got more people over there than we do. I bet you could take a vacation. Jason: Kind of what I'm doing Here. Babs: Hmm. Maybe you should stay home, then. Jason: And, what, watch Miriam plagiarize things? Babs: You take that back! That was an accident and she apologized and Vienna is actually completely in love with her about it if you were wondering. Okay. We're watching this. And you better not get a crush on the Smutty Professor, even once he takes his shirt off, you basic bitch. Jason: No promises. I am pretty basic. Babs: Ugh. Men.
in case any of you like tag games and have something you want to share: @wolfsbanesparks @theshaddowedsnow @zettelkaestchen @glassandmetalwings @teashoesandhair @rowandriftwood @ihavethreetimdrakeblogs
(also if I didn't tag you but you want to be tagged in these things let me know because I like tagging people but I just have to guess who's interested at any given time)
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dibs4ever · 2 years
Library chat
Dick Grayson was not jealous
At 19 years old he was most definitely not jealous of whatever was happening in Barbara Gordon’s social life
He was just a concerned friend
A concerned friend who was also in need of a book from the library
He entered the Gotham Library and began scanning the shelves for....what book was it again?
“Can I help you?” Came a voice that caused him to jump. He turned to see none other than his red headed best friend
“Babs, didn’t think I’d see you here”
Barbara tilted her head “Really? At the library, where I work?”
He chuckled , his eyes taking in her appearance. She was wearing her glasses. Indicating she had been on the computer. Wearing her work uniform of khaki pants and a black collared shirt with the library’s logo in the corner. Her hair pulled back in a loose ponytail, a few strands hung loosely-framing her face. He couldn’t help but take notice of the pen that was clipped in the middle of her shirt where the three buttons rested. Two were buttoned, the pen weighing her shirt down exposing just a little bit of-
“Earth to Grayson.” Barbara’s voice cut in
Dick shook his head “Heh yeah guess you’re right. I need a book.”
Barbara nodded “A book. Care to elaborate Boy wonder?”
He smiled “School has me writing an essay on historic crime cases. I chose the D.B. Cooper Hijacking.”
Barbara nodded “Well for starters you are in the fictional romance section. Books on what you need at in the non fiction under crime.”
He smirked “Lead the way.” Dick waved his hands allowing Barbara to walk infront of him
“So ugh you liking this new job?” He asked as they walked across the library
Barbara nodded “I am, very relaxing. I feel like I’m useful.”
He smiled as he continued to walk behind her “Babs you are always useful.”
She looked over her shoulder to smile at him “Yeah but I mean in real life.”
He quirked an eyebrow “What we do at night isn’t real?”
Barbara shrugged “It is but it’s just....don’t you ever want to be useful as Dick Grayson instead of-“
Dick nodded “Of course why do you think I’m going into law enforcement?”
Barbara laughed lightly “Is that really much different than our night jobs?”
Dick shrugged “I’d like to think so.”
Barbara stopped in front of a shelf Dick was silent for a moment as she scanned the shelves
“So umm you still seeing that guy? Jackson Brod was it?” He asked
Barbara looked up, now holding a book “It’s Jason Bard and you know it. And. If you must know nothing is official yet we're still just talking” She passed the book to him
“This one is good for eye witness stories.”
He nodded holding the book “Okay, but Babs don’t you think it’s a little too soon? To move on to another guy?”
Barbara rose an eyebrow “Move on? From who?”
Dick shrugged “I- I don’t know I just. I don’t know if he has the right intentions you know. He’s a cop. On the same force as your dad and you’re the commissioners daughter. Your -“ he lowered his voice “Batgirl.”
Barbara smiled “He doesn’t know the later and Dad says he’s a really good Cop. So it’s not like he’s using me to work his way up.”
She leaned down, grabbing another book off the shelf and handing it to him “This book is amazing with its detailed information on multiple different theories and why people believe them.
Dick nodded, looking down at the books then setting them on the table next to him “So ugh any idea when he will ask you to make it official?” He asked
Barbara shook her head “where is all this going Dick?”
Dick shrugged his shoulders “a guy can’t make sure his childhood best friend isn’t being used?”
Barbara quirked her lip “I can take care of myself” she gave him a playful punch to the shoulder
He smiled rubbing the spot where she had touched “I know I just” he sighed “I don’t know. I miss you I guess. Between day jobs. And School. I feel like I only see you during our night duties. I don’t even always see you then and when I do it’s not like it’s us.”
She smiled “I miss you too. But Dick, we’re getting older. We knew this would happen”
He nodded “Yeah I umm you’re right. Maybe we can hang out? Tomorrow on your lunch break”
Barbara’s face dropped “I would but I’m actually meeting up with the male of your concern.”
Dick’s lips went flat “Right, well I better get going I Umm I’m meeting up with these girls for lunch-yeah. Two of them.”
Barbara furrowed her eyebrows “What about your books”
“Gotta go Babs, don’t wanna keep them waiting.”
With that he dashed out, leaving Barbara in confusion. She knew he probably wasn’t meeting 2 girls for lunch. That wasn’t like him. But what if he was? And if he needed these books so bad why did he leave them?
Barbara picked up the books. She’d check them out for him and bring to him on patrol next time she saw him.
But as she made her way to the desk she couldn’t help the unsettling thoughts that ran over her. What if Dick was having lunch with a girl? What if that’s what he came, to tell her- he was talking to a girl. He was always awkward around ladies. Despite his charming good looks when it came to being around a girl he liked he turned into a goofball. What if he had come to ask her advice?
Part of her thought she should ask him, but another, a much more overpowering part didn’t even want to know about a lady catching his eye. Having that feeling confused her to no end.
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thefanpov · 2 years
Jason(20 years old) sitting on the table with his Phone and Coffee: "Ugh..."
Damian(17 years old): What are you doing?"
Jason(20 years old): "Been so long with out them... mom... Luna..."
Damian(17 years old): "..."
Jason(20 years old): "Luna's account is still in my contact in 8 years... and she is still missing..."
Damian(17 years old): "I ain't losing hope finding my sister..."
Jason (20 years old) who chatted her missing or dead sister in his contact saying, :: Hey, hiw are you feeling know? ::,,:: R.I.P Sister::,,:: Rest In Peace:: and he sent it...
Liam(6 years old) who playing games from his mother's phone and seen a recent message: "Huh?, Mama! There is a recent message from your phone!"
Luna(16 years old): "Give it to me dear!"
Liam(6 years old) gived the phone to Luna: Boba!!! Let's play outside! I'am bored!!!" Liam running upstairs to pull out his brother out of their room...
Lucid(22 years old): "I'am home- Hello Darling, what's are you doing?"
Luna(16years old): "This man... my god..."
Lucid(22 years old) look over to her phone to see the chat: "Aren't you going to reply?"
Luna(16 years old) kissed him in the cheeks: "Yup, I'll reply him, the kids are waiting you upstairs..."
Lucid(22 years old) who kissed back: "Alright, see you later Darling..." Goes upstairs to see his kids..."
Jason(20 years old) sipping in his coffee while watching the whole fam about 1 hours 39 minutes and 46 seconds like Tim, Damian fighting over something as usual, Dick giving some few advice to Duke, Cass scrolling through her phone, Stephie and Babs chit-chatting, Bruce and Clark trying to stop the fight between Tim and Damian, as Jon in the middle of the fight: "Hmn, noting change-" received a message, look over it and chocked from his coffee...
Luna- :: It So Cold Down Here~ ::
Elijhai(18 years old) sees Luna with a deep smile: "Uh... Lucid... is Luna okay?, she seems smiling silently..."
Lucid(22 years old) glanced over to Luna: "Ah- she chatted one of his adoptive brothers..."
Elijhai(18 years old): "Which one?"
Lucid(22 years old) Making paper plane with his kids: The that might hate me cause I made some babies with his sister..."
Elijhai(18 years old) Confuse as fuck: "..."
Lucid(22 years old) Flew the Paper Plane as Liam Chases it: "The one doesn't trusted me over Luna..."
Elijhou(18 years old) Comes in through the window: "It's neither Damian, Jason, Bruce, Tim, Dick, Jon, Connor, or Clark ..."
Lucid(22 years old) Plays Uno with Lilac as Liam draw with crayons: "The one who Iyan fucked up with..."
Elijhou&Elijhai(18 years old): "Ah- the one Joker tortured..."
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Still Breathing Part One: Into The Tiger's Den
Chapter 5: Homecoming
Whining is not something Bruce has ever been particularly good at dealing with, so of course both his sons have perfected their skills in exactly that. He knows he’s been something of an enabler over the years, giving in when they just won’t stop and he feels overwhelmed. Alfred’s always been better at putting his foot down, particularly when they’re injured. God, Bruce wishes Alfred were here right now, but he left an hour ago. So Bruce is stuck dealing with this on his own.
“I want to go home, Bruce.” Jason flails as much as his injuries will allow, which isn’t much but it has the desired effect. “How long are those quacks going to keep me here? It’s been months!”
It’s been two weeks.
“I miss Alfred and Dick and the manor! I miss Dick’s stupid dog jumping right in the middle of me every goddamn morning! I miss my room! …Bruce. Bruce, I miss homework! Get me out of here before I go completely crazy! You’ll have to lock me up in Arkham! I’ll become a new villain to rival the likes of Kite Man and Killer Moth! You’ll have to call me Homework Man or something.”
Pinching the bridge of his nose in a futile attempt to stave off the latest in a series of headaches, Bruce tries, “They want to keep you for a while longer, Jason. It’s only reasonable, son, you almost died. Just… try to bear with it.”
“Like hell.” Jason pouts, crossing his uninjured arm over his chest and looking away. This should be a triumph. It’s the first time since the incident that Jason’s been well enough to pout, but all Bruce can do is groan.
“Wow, you can just feel the cheeriness in this room all the way down the hall, I swear.” The only time Bruce has ever been happier to see Dick was the last time he saved Bruce’s literal life.
Jason seems less enthused. “Great, the cavalry’s arrived.”
“Hey, I heard you say you missed me, kiddo, you don’t get to take that back.” Dick laughs when Jason makes a face.
“Oh, shut up, Dickface.” Jason grumbles as Dick sits on the edge of the hospital bed.
“Don’t talk to your brother like that,” Bruce scolds, knowing it’s useless the moment he opens his mouth. He doesn’t know why he bothers.
Sure enough Jason is disappointingly unfazed. He just raises an eyebrow at Bruce before turning his attention back to Dick. “Convince him I’m well enough to go home.”
“You’re asking the wrong person there, Little Wing,” Dick answers, though there’s a hint of sympathy in his voice despite his refusal. “If it were up to me you wouldn’t be going anywhere for another six months.”
Jason sighs, dramatically, a talent he’s nurtured quite admirably throughout his time as Robin. “Ugh! Get me Babs or Alfred! We need someone with some real sense in here!”
“They’d tell you the same thing, Jay.” Dick says, patiently. “Being homesick doesn’t mean you’d recover any faster at the manor.”
“Doesn’t mean I’d recover any slower, either!”
Bruce mainly tunes them out as they continue their argument. Jason’s not ready to go home yet, no matter how he protests. Worse, Bruce isn’t sure he’ll be properly equipped to care for Jason at home yet. Jason hasn’t shown any hints of psychological trauma from the incident thus far, but he’s regrettably good at hiding such things until they reach a breaking point. He’s been practicing that since long before he came to live with Bruce and it’s something he’s stubbornly clung to despite Bruce and Alfred's best efforts. It’s something that’ll be difficult to navigate around if--
“Why do you even care?” Jason snaps, abruptly, and something in his tone brings Bruce’s attention immediately back to the conversation happening in front of him. There’s a tension in Jason’s shoulders, a set to his jaw, and just an over all air that Bruce is not a fan of. God they do not need Jason and Dick at each other’s throats again. He needs to step in now before it explodes.
But when he looks over at Dick, he pauses. Because Dick is calm. Not calm before the storm. More Dick Grayson with a plan calm. He glances at Bruce for a moment, but just speaks to Jason. “Because that’s what brothers are supposed to do right? Care about each other? So why don’t you tell me why it’s so important to go home right now, instead of say, in a week?”
It takes a moment, Jason’s face going through a range of expressions before it all finally explodes. “Because I hate it here! All I can do is think and think and remember and it’s all driving me over the fucking edge, Dick! I fall asleep and I wake up and there’s… what if… And I just… I…”
Dick is faster to react than Bruce, carefully wrapping his arms around Jason before the tears really start to fall. Letting Jason cling to him and murmuring a gentle, “Shh, it’s okay, Jay, it’s okay. I got you.”
With a strangled sound, somewhere between a sob and a hiccup, Jason buries his face in Dick’s shoulder. Jason never cries, never lets himself show emotions like this at all. Bruce grips Jason’s shoulder with one hand and winces a bit when Jason’s hand leaves Dick’s back to grab Bruce’s wrist tightly. In the silence that follows Bruce finally understands. It’s more than boredom, more than homesickness.
After several hitching breaths, each deeper than the last, Jason mumbles, “Please… Please just take me home.”
“…They might insist on keeping you for a few more days,” Bruce says as softly as he knows how, exchanging a look with Dick over the top of Jason’s head. “But… with Alfred’s medical training, they might allow it. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Okay… okay.” Slowly, bit by bit Jason’s grip on Bruce and Dick loosens until he’s let go entirely.
Reluctantly, Bruce lets go as well and Dick follows suit.
Bruce makes his way to the door slowly watching out of the corner of his eyes as Dick gently ruffles Jason’s hair and says something, low and quiet. Something that makes Jason laugh. Bruce pauses in the doorway, just for a moment. Just to take in the sight of his boys. His sons. He's still not sure what he did right for the universe to bring them into his life. He sighs and leaves the doorway to begin his arduous task. There's going to be a lot of paperwork.
The towering face of Wayne Manor has never looked so good. It’s home. Jason’s coming home! He missed it so much. If asked he’d never be able to describe the joy welling up in his chest at seeing Alfred standing in the open door. He can’t wait to get inside, back to his room and his books. He can’t wait to eat Alfred’s cooking again! It’s been forever since he had something that didn’t taste like rubber and grossness. Alfred couldn’t make something as nasty as hospital food if he tried!
A joyful bark announces Ace only seconds before the huge German Shepherd bounds out of the bushes and slides to stop a few feet away. He circles them for a moment, lowering his head, sniffing at the wheelchair. Jason just shakes his head at the antics. This dog is supposed to be a trained guard dog, but he’s always been more of a goof ball. Apparently satisfied that the chair isn’t very interesting, Ace yips happily then, before Bruce can stop him, hooks his front legs over the right side of the chair – Jason’s uninjured side by some coincidence – and starts desperately licking Jason’s face.
Jason can only laugh and scratch the dog’s ears. “Yeah, yeah, love you too, ya silly mutt!”
It’s then that Dick finally intervenes, grabbing Ace’s collar and pulling him off. “Okay, Ace, let the kid breathe.”
Ace whines but otherwise just follows along beside the wheelchair, close enough to pet but not so close as to be in the way as they continue on to the house.
“Welcome home, Master Jason,” Alfred says and somehow his voice doesn’t crack under the weight of all the emotion it contains. Product of a big heart, Jason suspects.
He feels a bit awkward now, not for any good reason, it’s just a little… hard to take those kind of emotions directed at him. So he just smiles sheepishly. “It’s good to be back! You didn’t change anything in my room, right?”
“Perish the thought, young sir!” Alfred’s mustache twitches in such a way that Jason’s long taken to mean he’s terribly amused by the suggestion. “I hardly needed to. It remains as immaculate as the day you left it. Unlike Master Richard’s current room as you can imagine.”
“My room is just the way I like it!” Dick squawks with mock indignation. “I can find everything whenever I want and that’s all that matters!”
Alfred winks knowingly at Jason. “Of course it is.”
“If you all don’t mind--” Bruce sounds like he’s spent all day herding cats, which between Jason and Dick bickering, the paparazzi being bastards as usual, and all the hassle of getting Jason discharged from the hospital isn’t all that far from the truth. Jason’s pretty sure that Bruce would rather deal with the entire population of Arkham than go through any part of this morning again. “--I’d like to get Jason situated in his room.”
“And then you’re going to take a nap right?” Dick prompts lightly. Wrangling Bruce into getting some proper rest has been a trial and a half and Dick’s been doing most of the work.
“If it will get you to stop asking me that, then yes,” Bruce grumbles, only proving that he needs to get some real sleep.
Jason shrugs his good shoulder and decides to back Dick up. “Hey, after all you’ve put up with you deserve an old man nap.”
“I don’t know how to take that…” Bruce sighs, but there’s a deep fondness there suggesting he actually knows exactly how to take it.
Dick still pipes up with a quick. “From Jason? It’s a declaration of affection.”
“Oh, shut it, Dickie.”
“You shut it.”
“I’d like it if you both gave it a rest.” Bruce says, wryly as he pushes the wheelchair into the house.
Something seems different the minute they get passed the door, but it takes a moment before Jason realizes what it is. “You installed an elevator? When—Why?”
“According to the doctors you’ll be in a wheelchair or on crutches for quite a while yet. It seemed like a worthwhile investment.” Bruce shrugs like it’s nothing, which for a guy with literally millions of dollars to his name it probably is, but still…
“Okay but when?”
“I contracted the workers as soon as they told me you’d recover… or rather I asked Alfred to do it.” Bruce smiles a little. “It accesses every level of the house, including the cave, though that requires a special code that I’ll show you later.”
At that Jason leans over closer to Dick and, affecting his most dramatic stage whisper, says, “By which he means he’ll tell me in about six years when I finally convince him that I’m well enough to go back on patrol.”
Dick nods and joins Jason in giving Bruce the stink eye.
“Boys…” Bruce sighs.
“Hey, I’m injured! That totally grants me a free pass to make fun of your paranoid ass, Pops.” Jason probably delights way too much in the way Bruce smiles every time Jason even gets close to calling him ‘Dad’.
With a clap of his hands, Dick starts shooing them all towards the elevator. “Come on, you three, I thought we were taking Jay up to his room, not lollygagging in the lobby! Let’s get a move on!”
“If it was not abundantly clear already, Master Richard has developed something of an infatuation with the manor’s latest renovation.” Alfred informs Jason with a fond smile.
Jason laughs. “Really?”
“There’s a control for speed.” Those are the magic words.
Automatically interested, Jason leans forward a bit. “How fast?”
“It’s not a toy, boys.” Bruce tries, but he has to know they’re not listening.
“Fast.” Dick answers Jason’s question with a mischievous grin.
“Hot damn!” Jason exclaims. “I gotta try this shit out!”
Alfred pats his shoulder. “There will be plenty of time for that later, young sirs. For the time being, why don’t we get Master Jason settled in his room.”
“But, Alfie!” Jason whines, giving Alfred his best puppy-dog eyes and thoroughly upsetting the actual dog in the room that Dick has to hold back from crawling into Jason’s lap.
Unfortunately, Alfred developed an immunity to pleading long before Jason came into the picture. “Next time.”
For the first time since he woke up, Jason is alone. Alfred’s preparing dinner, Dick left to go prepare for patrol, and between Jason, Dick, and Alfred they actually did manage to convince Bruce to go take a nap in his own goddamn bed. So Jason has his room, his thoughts, and the laptop linked up with the computer in the cave all to himself. It’d be wrong to say he conned the laptop out of Bruce, but well… he had only managed to get it on the pretense of needing to catch up on homework. Something which he is definitely not going to be doing, at least not right now. Joking around is all fine and good, but knowing Bruce it really will be ages before he lets Jason anywhere near the cave. Longer still before Jason will be able to look in to any theories he might have, but he wants to get a head start any way. The only way he’ll get that is by watching the video of the man who rescued him.
Either the video from Jason’s mask was destroyed by… what happened or someone, probably Dick, buried it deep. Jason can’t find it. He kind of doubts it’d be all that useful anyway so it’s probably for the best. The one from Bruce’s cowl, or at least an edited down version from the looks of it, is sitting out in the open like they’d expected him to do this. Which knowing this family they probably did. Whatever. Jason hits play on the video, no use fussing about it.
The video starts with Bruce digging through the rubble pile apparently not hearing the voice calling for him at least not until the guy shouts his real name. Bruce finally looks up and Jason gets his first real look at Alvin. The video’s a little blurry and there’s so much smoke and dust in the air that it’s difficult to get a good read on him. The best Jason can do is, he looks like a half drunk college student who grabbed someone else’s jacket when he got kicked out of a bar during a fight. That leather jacket really doesn’t look like it fits with the rest of the guy’s aesthetic. There’s blood stains on the sleeves and he’s carrying himself like he’s got a bruised rib. That’s about all he can gather from this clip.
Looks like most of the direct visuals of Jason’s injuries have been cut, which on some level Jason’s kinda grateful for. He’s pretty sure he doesn’t need to be seeing that shit. The next clip is in the jeep, Bruce keeps taking his eyes off where he’s going and glancing at Alvin, which is making Jason want to scream at him, but that can wait, the closer look at Alvin is appreciated.
His clothes are scuffed up, though some of them look like they were probably pretty fancy once upon a time. His hair is black and long enough that he’s managed to tie it back, though that seems to be doing nothing to keep some of it from escaping to fall in his face. A bit on the smaller side, both in height and frame – that jacket looks a little big on him. He’s covered in dust and blood, looks like he’s been through hell. Maybe literally, that’s probably possible. They should ask Raven about that or something. Whether he came from hell or not though one thing’s for sure, he definitely looks out of place. Like somebody plucked him out of some college dorm and plopped him right in the middle of the desert. He’s not even well equipped enough to be a kid on taking a trip around the world before college.
He does look a bit familiar though. Jason could swear he’s seen him or someone who looks like him before. It’s like it’s not exact, just some features are the same, but not all of them. A bit like he’s seen someone related to the guy before. He can’t quite place it though so he keeps watching.
They get to the camp and after a few minutes of Bruce looking back and forth between the medical tent and Alvin who’s being patched up by an assistant he finally approaches Alvin and really talks to him. From the moment Alvin opens his mouth the Gotham accent is clear as day. It’s pretty ritzy too. No wonder he seemed familiar, Jason probably has seen someone who looks like him. Probably at one of those godawful parties Bruce made him go to or something. Dammit, why can’t he remember?
Next time he gets dragged to a gala he’s going to pay extra special attention and be on the look out for anyone who looks like Alvin, even just a little bit. Maybe – just maybe – this will lead somewhere.
He hopes.
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littleeyesofpallas · 1 year
Ugh extremely annoying the way this Gotham War thing ramped up. There really needed to be more time on the ground with individual batfam seeing their expectations fulfilled or subverted by the new state of crime in Gotham under Catwoman's management and to see Batman's impotent rage against it and established real personal stakes for everyone. Make it clear what exactly doesn't sit well with Damian or Tim or Dick, and what specifically wins over the likes of, say, Steph and Jason or Babs. Really give us a line thru the batfam on what part of the great crusade against crime is most important. Is it the vengeance? The justice? Protecting the innocent? The thrill of the chase? The solving of the puzzle? Instead weve just got this rabid batman making the choice too easy, and subsequently making anyone siding with Zur crazed Bruce look even dumber by proxy.
I almost... Almost appreciate revisiting some.of the robin specific relationships in this issue(138) but it feels flimsy without any real ground work in this arc to back it up. I love Dick invoking Bruce's on trust in him to make the call to stop him. I love Tim telling Bruce "You can't argue this Bruce. This is my everything. Saving you from yourself it why I became Robin in the first place."
But also I have always HATED the """daddyissies"" gimmick people love to fall back on with Bruce and the kids because legitimately MOST of them absolutely should NOT see him as a father figure. Jason and Damian obviously, but Bruce and Dick were young adults together, they're peers. Duke and Tim had their own parents for the bulk of their formative years. Babs and Steph still HAVE parents. Cass would've counted for father-daughter drama but she's MIA in Spirit World or whatever.
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