#Tw mentions of rape
What the hell is bisexual goth. Genuinely. I've seen people referencing it multiple times and can find fucking nothing on what it means. Is Will the bisexual goth? Am I the bisexual goth? what the FUCK is going on. Please, I am begging someone to explain.
(Ik this is a confession and I should be posting this in the confession layout and then responding in the tags but I feel like this was made with like idk needing an immediate explanation so I’m just gonna explain this as fast as I possibly can)
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Bisexual Goth is a character from this shitty horror movie called “Kill Teaser” who was played by Will Wood. And when I say this movie was shitty I mean fucking horrible - if it’s not a disgusting rape scene it’s just boring.
Everyone unanimously agreed that Bisexual Goth was the only good thing that came out of that movie as she was the only interesting character and Will was the only good actor in that movie - tho imo although I liked Bisexual Goth she didn’t really make the movie suck any less since she’s only in two scenes and the second scene she’s in is her basically getting assaulted in this car and it’s played off as a joke by having her scream “CISHET FUCKING SCUM” at the guy who assaulted her
I have no clue why Will Wood is even in this movie (my theory is that the director or someone working on the movie thought it would be funny if they got their ‘kinda queer’ friend to play a transfem character) but I do know that he has said somewhere that he regretted being in the movie and has in fact encouraged people not to watch it
TL;DR: She’s a character Will played in a bad movie that he regrets being in
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dean thinks he's starting to get worse. Sure, he's lived with how he feels for Sam since that one morning when he was 15, horrible realisation and self-disgust. But now it's gotten more intense, more violent. 19 years old and he thought that it would get less intense as he left puberty, it didn't. He looks at Sams sleeping form and has to fight the insane urge to reach out and touch. He wants Sam, pathetically, constantly.
Last year he saved a woman who was being raped by a demon possessing her husband's body. It's shameful, it's so horrible that he can't think of it head on but. He wants that, he wants to watch his hands touch Sam, touch where he wants, not caring how much he squirms and begs him not to. It's an innately selfish thing too, his want to be forced to do it, if it wasn't his fault, then Sam doesn't have to hate him. It's like having his cake and eating it too. It's selfish, it's disgusting. He prays at night, prays to have his hand forced, prays to not have a choice, just a front-row seat.
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itsquakey · 11 months
Not a call-out post, but a message for others within this community
Trigger warning for noncon/ the grape word and other stuff below
Hello, just like I mentioned this is NOT A CALL-OUT. This is a note for mainly minors and people here that may be sensitive to things an account covers I discovered.
The user that I have stumbled onto is someone called currupted-galaxy-soldier-army
This user uses from what I've seen Noncon (known as nonconsent) in their stuff which is not handled properly in my opinion. (It almost is which I'm glad at least this person is trying to do)
From what I have witnessed this person does NOT USE IT AS A FETISH. This person is using their own trauma and projecting it onto a character as a coping mechanism. Also no, this isn't proship, "Proship" would allow rape and abuse in a relationship as a form of romance which this person has not depicted from what I've seen. Honestly it's stupid how many people see a series or art depict rape in a way that isn't romanticized and call it proship. (In terms of non romantic uses of this my point still stands).
IF you are uncomfortable with the stuff they do be free to block them. This is mainly for those who are uncomfortable with these things.
And for user currupted-galaxy-soldier-army if you are reading this, may I suggest making a pinned post regarding outright stating the things your account covers to allow people to understand what you do instead of blindly walking into it. I'd also recommend for content that is moreso NSFW in nature or covers content viewed as mature in nature, leave a trigger warning at the top and leave a READ MORE option so people don't have to see it.
Edit: So I got a couple asks as well as talking to a friend and from what I have been TOLD (I do not have proof due to their main blog being deleted) this person is indeed that type of Proship, meaning yea blocking and avoiding is likely the best way. I haven't seen any of that stuff on the blog aforementioned just a really strange usage of rape which I still do believe it's a unusual case of a minor using this shit to cope with their trauma sadly, the self shipping with a 9 year old and metakirby shipping? Yea that's bad and there's no defense for that and I can only say I hope once they become an adult they realize that that's not good. I also have been told this user dabbles in ACTUAL nsfw porn-type stuff online. Here's a message to minors for this: IT IS FINE TO DRAW NSFW AS A MINOR ITS GONNA HAPPEN SOMETIMES (AND I AM AN EXAMPLE OF THIS) JUST DO NOT POST IT ANYWHERE ON THE INTERNET KEEP THAT SHIT IN A VAULT LOCKED WITH A KEY.
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finchers-ipad · 9 months
I edited together some of my favourite moments in ‘The Making of The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo’!! video credit to @ channeliv5780 on Youtube (they have uploaded the full bts documentary it’s really cool btw)
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timdrake-yumm · 2 years
So pretty much everyone agrees that Dick is the most physically affectionate of all the batfam, right? So how much more tragic would it be if after Tarantula, someone tried to hug him (whether they knew about his new trauma or not), and he flinched.
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ironunderstands · 2 months
Tw for mentions of non con/r@pe
I’m working on the “there was only one bed,” Aventio fic currently, and it’s gonna be centered around aphrodisiacs, so it’s gonna discuss issues of consent, and well, non consent, so even if I’m obviously gonna put it in the tags, I’m just gonna give a heads up on that.
Also no there will be no actual rape/non-con but it will be referenced.
This is just a draft but here’s about as bad as it’s gonna get
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Stay safe out there y’all
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minty-mumbles · 2 years
Febuwhump Day 13: Forced to Harm a Loved One
Read the full collection of my febuwhump ficlets on AO3
“N-no, no!” 
Warriors cringed internally as he heard Wild’s cries. It was terrible having to listen to the sound of his pleading and know that it was he who was causing Wild so much pain. He was the one responsible for this, he was the one choosing to do this to Wild. He was-
Warriors did his best to shake off those thoughts. It wouldn’t help anyone if he fell into a downward spiral of horrible thoughts. Wild needed him to be present and aware. And really, Warriors wasn’t the one who was hurting him. Not that he would ever say it- and certainly not now- but it was Four who was the one causing Wild’s pain. 
Warriors was just the one holding him down, not letting him get away or buck Four off of him where the smithy was straddling Wild’s weakly kicking legs. 
Warriors was just the one holding him down, and that was almost worse. 
Wild was a free spirit. Warriors had known from the day he’d met the champion that he was a hard one to pin down, figuratively and literally. He was always moving and didn’t like being told to stay still. (One time Legend had snapped irritably at Wild about his habit of rocking back and forth on his feet, and the look WIld had shot the veteran had been absolutely scathing. No one ever mentioned that particular habit of his again.)
Being told not to wander off was also irritating to the champion, but at least he’d finally gotten in the habit of letting them know when he was planning on disappearing. Warriors thanked the stars for that, as it had saved them more than one headache in the past few months.
All of this put together signaled a very free-spirited hero.
Warriors had always suspected that Wild had some sort of issue with being restrained or confined. For a split second of selfishness, Warriors wishes he was not having that suspicion confirmed.
But the life of a hero wasn’t easy. The battlefield was a dangerous place, and even if a delirious hero pleaded and begged, his blood-soaked bandages needed to be changed. Warriors wished that they hadn’t let Wild put his tunics back on after dressing his wound in the first place. But they couldn’t’ve known that the wound would end up becoming infected.
Warriors looked up to check the process, trying to gauge how much longer this was going to go on and how much longer he would need to listen to his brother cry. The smithy’s eyes were frantically cycling through nearly all the colors of the rainbow, but he kept as steady a hand as possible in this scenario. 
It took a great deal of careful maneuvering to get Wild out of his Champions’ tunic. They persisted though, even as Wild cried out in pain and panic. 
If it had been anyone else, they would have simply cut the tunic off and spared themself the trouble. But they both knew that Wild would kill them later if they destroyed the tunic his Zelda had made for him. They didn’t bother to be so careful with his undertunic, simply using Warriors knife to cut it off of Wild. He would be able to borrow one of the others' spare tunics until the group reached the next town. 
The entire process of removing his clothes so they could get at his bandages seemed to be agony for Wild. Warriors knew from experience that lifting your arms when you had an injury on your side hurt. But it wasn’t only that. 
“No, stop, I don’ wan- I don’ wanna take m’ clothes off. Sto’ it- Four, stop.” 
Wild’s words were slurred but still understandable. Warriors risked a glance up at Four, and found that the smithy looked like he wanted to cry to. He visibly steeled himself, took a deep breath, and continued. His eyes had settled on purple and green, the blue and red retreating from his gaze. 
Warriors tried to follow his example, taking a steadying breath and trying to ignore Wild’s wails.
Wild may be confused and combative- as evidenced by the bruise forming on Four’s cheek- and more than a little out of touch with the situation, but he was obviously still present enough to recognize the two of them. It only made the situation worse, that Wild was able to call out their names when he begged for them to stop. 
Wild had taken his shirt off in front of the rest of the group plenty of times, not to mention the time he had shown them all his cars. But there was a difference between removing clothing consensually when you were lucid enough to understand what was happening, and having your clothing removed and cut off when you were only partially present in your own mind. 
Warriors felt sick.
Maybe Wild had no reason to be this defensive. Maybe he was just delirious and confused. That still wouldn’t make it okay, but it would make the whole situation easier to smooth over when Wild comes back to himself. But Warriors had a sinking suspicion that the issue ran deeper than that.
Maybe, Warriors hoped, Wild simply didn’t want to show off his scars. The champion acted rather nonchalant about them, but that didn’t mean he was obligated to show them off. 
But maybe, Warriors shuddered, maybe Wild was afraid of something, something that Warriors himself had been through and would never wish on anyone. There were very few reasons someone would try to forcibly remove someone else’s clothes, and none of them were good. 
To Wild’s hazy mind, which obviously didn‘t recognize that he needed to change his bandages, there would be only one option left. Being held down and stipped out of his tunic… 
Warriors’ next breath came out as a shuddering gust of air, and he had to resist the urge to gag.
The cries of their names made it obvious that Wild knew who was trying to get his clothes off. Warriors and Four were only trying to help, but from Wild’s point of view? 
Warriors wished the other heroes were here. Twilight, at least, would be able to help soothe the panicked champion. The ranch hand had a way with the wild hero, and always managed to calm him. Maybe restraining Wild wouldn’t’ve even been necessary in the first place.
Anyone else would have been a help too. Just having someone there to reassure Wild who was actively trying to disrobe him or holding him down would have made their task easier.
But there was no one else here. It was only Four, Warriors, and Wild, alone in a strange era. The other heroes were Hylia-knows-where, separated from the three of them by the very fight that had injured the champion. 
Leadership now fell to Warriors. He was the oldest, and the highest up in the pecking order the heroes had seemed to naturally fall into, back when they had first met. He was the one in charge.
Normally, Warriors would not flinch at this. He was one of the finest captains in the Hyrulean military. He was more than used to leading, even if he had to make a hard decision that might hurt some of the people under his commands. 
But selfishly, Warriors wished that just this once, the burden of making hard decisions did not rest on his shoulders.
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beardeddetectivepaper · 2 months
Tw: Mentions of r*pe, k*lling, violence, etc
Crimes Against Humanity in Ethiopia's Western Tigray Zone
Tigrayans in the disputed Western Tigray Zone of Ethiopia have experienced a relentless campaign of ethnic cleansing by security forces from the neighbouring Amhara region and their allies. The campaign of killings, rape, mass detentions, and forcible transfers amounts to war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The Ethiopian government needs to call on security forces and militia to end these atrocities, allow humanitarian agencies access, including to detention facilities, and support credible justice efforts to ensure those responsible for grave crimes are held accountable.
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musicfeedsmysoul12 · 9 months
Pulling on the Strings of Destiny: Act 2 Chapter 19
Summary: Four days pass for Japan, and everyone is on edge.  They wonder, and wait. What will happen next for them? Will Midoriya  keep rising? What sort of things would she face. They all turned towards  the screens, wondering. None more so then the future class 1-A, more so  as they get a glimpse into their first sports festival, first  internship and their final exams. Watch as Midoriya’s future continues  to unfold, as she learns more about her family, society and herself.
Warnings: References to underage pregnancy and the assualt of a minor. References to child harm. Toga Himiko to, she is her own warning.
On Ao3
 The break right after everything was very loud, with people talking about what they had just witnessed occurring. They were in awe at the fight between Midoriya and Todoroki, everyone talking about how they’d looked.
 “That sort of power!” An office worker named Kanjo Nioi said, his arms raised as his nose sniffed the air. Being able to smell emotions was difficult at the best of times, but he loved it. It helped cue him in about the thoughts of others.
 “They’re going to go far,” his cubicle neighbour agreed. Koichi Hotaru leaned back in his chair. “They also need to work on damage control as suggested.”
 “Eh, heroes,” Nioi said. “They always make messes.”
 “But that amount? If both went all out, nothing would be left,” argued Koichi.
 “Okay, point, but it’s gotten to the point where, frankly, as long as no bodies are lying around, do we care about the damage?” Nioi asked. “I mean, if it isn’t our places that got trashed, I mean.”
 “Well, no, but dude, I don’t want more property damage,” Koichi sighed. “Society needs to stop putting so much focus on the flashy side of heroics. We don’t need more property damage.”
 “...I guess. Wish we had more fights like that, though, that was awesome.”
 “Just watch this; I have a feeling things are going to get messy,” Koichi muttered. “Especially with the bomb kid.”
 “Oh yeah, man, that kid is a bit nuts. I thought he was a cool guy after the USJ, but this? How can you just attack someone because they beat you? And claim it’s cheating?” Nioi shook his head. “Mental.”
 Many others agreed with that statement, including Mitsuki as she pinched her nose. Katsuki responded, after his shock, with anger at the idea he would be getting a third strike.
 “He cheated!” Katsuki screamed. “It wasn’t a fair fight if he-”
 “Is it a fair fight when you have explosions for hands, and he doesn’t?” Masaru’s voice asked. He had come up to his son’s room to listen in and wasn’t pleased. “Is it fair you have training we paid for so you can use your Quirk effectively? Is it fair that you are stronger and faster than a lot of kids?”
 “It’s not the same!” Katsuki insisted.
 “How isn’t it, Katsuki, tell me? Because he didn’t fight? He did. He fought the same way you do, with his Quirk. You just hate it because it doesn’t match your worldview, and you lost. If this is your answer to the idea someone can be better than you, and we already know you apparently threw fits about not being top in English, how can we trust you not to be the next Endeavour?!” Masaru demanded of his son. Katsuki stared at his father in shock, turning to his mother, who shook her head.
 “Don’t look at me, I can’t trust you.” Mitsuki told Katsuki. “More so since your thoughts on Izumi sure show you would only be after her since she can have strong kids. How is that different?”
 “I’m not after her just because of that!” Katsuki shouted.
 “Wait, you’re still interested?” Mitsuki realized, staring at her son. “Are you serious?” Katsuki just glared back. Masaru sighed.
 “So we can’t trust you not to become the next Endeavour,” Masaru said. Katsuki looked to his father in dismay.
 How could he think that? He wasn’t Endeavour who beat his wife and kids! He was fucking Bakugou Katsuki, the next number one hero! He was the best! He wasn’t some loser so obsessed with winning he’d fuck everyone else over!
 (Katsuki ignored that Shinsou did the same as he did, trying his best with what he had. He ignored the fact that he was very much in the wrong. It was easier to focus only on his anger and the feeling of betrayal his father gave him.)
 Katsuki was the best of the best. The future number one hero, the strongest hero of all time. He did not lose, not to some Eyebags fucking idiot who couldn't get into the hero course! Katsuki was not the next Endeavour; he had a reason to be so angry! The fucker cheated! He cheated! It wasn't a fair fight. Hell, it wasn't a fight at all.
 “Being a hero is about beating villains!” Katsuki shouted at his parents angrily. “It's not fucking fair!”
 “He won fair and square; you just don't want to admit it, Katsuki.” Mitsuki sighed, not wanting the same argument again right after finishing the first one. Masaru shook his head, deciding to go a different way.
 “Not to mention you attempted to attack a fellow student outside of a match.” he frowned. “If we’re lucky, it'll just be a strike. You could be expelled for that.”
 “What?!” Katsuki stared at his father in shock, unable to believe it. No, no, that wasn't… no!
 They wouldn't! He was Bakugou Katsuki, future number one! They wouldn't do that! He knew they wouldn't!
 He'd be apologized to when Nezu saw the truth. After all, the fucker cheated! Okay, maybe the attack was an issue, but he was angry! It was Katsuki’s right to put Eyebags in his place!
 … okay maybe not. Thinking about it, the whole thing was bad to do on TV. He kind of got why they were mad about the PR issue. And maybe the physical stuff.
 The future would show Katsuki in the right, though. This wasn't the end. It couldn't be the end; he knew he was right. He had to be. He'd been right about Auntie, after all.
 He would prove himself. He would be shown with Nezu agreeing that Eyebags cheated. He would be on top. He would! He was destined to be the best of the best!
 He would not fail that. He’d show them all, and later on, he would get Deku. It was the perfect hero story.
 Entering the school, Shouta was alerted to something on his phone, frowning as he looked at it. “Apparently, Fatgum saved a kid who ran off from an abusive situation and got inspired by Limitless.” he nodded to Izumi, who flushed.
 Was she already inspiring people? Wow.
 “Aww sounds cute,” Hizashi said, grinning at his husband. “Let’s go meet the kid then!”
 “Might help, kid’s nervous,” Shouta said. Izumi followed the adults as Tomoe buried her head into Izumi’s neck, obviously tired of everything.
 The walk to the principal’s office felt long for some reason, and Izumi grew more nervous with each step. Would the girl like her? Was this her first fan? What was it?
 Reaching the office, the door opened instantly to reveal Nezu serving tea to Fatgum and Amajiki while a little girl with silver hair ate a cookie. The door opening had startled the child, causing her to jump up and turn. Her eyes widened.
 “Limitless!” the girl said in awe, her eyes shining. Izumi smiled back as her as Tomoe lifted her head upon hearing a child. The girls stared at each other before Tomoe pointed at the girl.
 “Pretty!” she smiled, and the girl blushed.
 “You're pretty too!” the girl exclaimed, and Tomoe beamed happily.
 Izumi decided then and there that she liked this child.
 “I Tom-o!” Tomoe introduced herself.
 “I'm Eri.” the girl said.
 “Eri!” Tomoe giggled. She yawned, blinking. She didn't want to sleep, but she was so tired. She wanted to know Eri better cause she was beautiful, and her horn was so cool, as was the girl's shimmering hair. She really liked it!
 “I’ll be here if you need to nap!” Eri said nervously. Tomoe nodded and rested her head back down. Mama would make sure Eri stayed around; she liked the girl.
 “It's nice to meet you, Eri,” Izumi told the child, who blushed, looking down. “I hear you escaped a bad man.”
 “Like Limitless,” Eri whispered. Izumi smiled, nodding.
 “Yeah, like me,” she said.
 The adults in the room watched as Izumi gently spoke to Eri, eventually sitting beside her on a chair with Tomoe dozing away. Shouta looked at Hizashi, who grinned.
 They would have to figure out where Eri could go now. Their apartment wasn't that big.
 Meanwhile, Eri was trying not to panic. This was Limitless and Tomoe! They were so nice! Limitless was smiling at her and talking to her and…
 Eri didn’t know how to react. It felt so nice and made her feel warm, like the tea that Mr. Nezu had given her. It wasn’t like the tea Overhaul had at his place, bitter and tasting a bit weird. It was delicious, and Mr. Nezu said it was apple cinnamon tea, which Eri was so shocked about. Apples could be tea?
 Limitless gave her the same warm feeling. A buzzy thing that made her feel safe. Limitless would be able to save her and be there for her. Eri just knew it.
 (She was worried about the two men with Limitless, but they seemed nice on the screen. Maybe they would be nice to Eri, too? She liked them… perhaps they would.)
 “So, Eri, can you tell us more about where you were?” Nezu asked the girl. Eri winced, deflating a bit, but she glanced at Izumi, making the girl lift her head.
 “Yes. His name is Overhaul. He says… he says my Quirk is a curse,” the little girl told the principal. “He… he wants to use me to make other Quirks go away.” The girl swallowed. “Like I made Daddy go away.”
 “What happened?” Izumi asked the child. “With your Daddy.”
 “He… my horn was glowing, and he grabbed me cause I was scared, but he started shrinking until he was my size and then smaller and…” Eri burst into tears, unable to continue as she shook her head. “Daddy…” Izumi looked panicked, glancing at Tomoe in her arms, but Hizashi stepped in. He knelt before Eri, making a soft whistling noise that distracted the child.
 “Hey, focus on me,” he said gently. “It’s okay.”
 “It’s okay, Eri. Accidents happen. I deafened my Mother,” Hizashi said gently. “I know other people who hurt others badly with their Quirks to when they first activated, including killing them. You’re a child, Eri. It wasn’t your fault.”
 “Mommy told me it was. She left me with Grandpa and Overhaul,” Eri whispered.
 “It wasn’t your fault,” Hizashi repeated. Eri began crying again, putting her cup down and reaching out to Hizashi, who didn’t hesitate to hug her. Shouta hid his smile in his scarf.
 Hizashi was always good with child victims.
 “Overhaul is part of that Yakuza group Nighteye is looking into,” Fatgum said lowly. “I think he’s the leader after the old one just happened to end up in a coma,” he looked at Nezu after the last line. The stoat grinned in response. He’d do his hacking later, but he would figure out what exactly happened.
 “Mirio umm…” Amajiki squeaked, coughing before pressing on. “Mirio said he’d heard that they were dealing with Trigger. Not Quirk suppressants…”
 “It’s temporal,” Izumi said out of nowhere. She was squinting at Eri, who was finishing her crying into Hizashi’s arms. “Your Quirk Eri, it’s temporal.”
 “Huh?” Eri asked.
 “You said he got small? You… deaged him.” Izumi nodded slowly, her eyes narrowing in thought. “Making someone smaller isn’t the same as fading someone out of a plane of existence or that. Plus, if he was using you… oh umm…” she coughed, shaking her head. “It’s a lot of info and grown-up kiddo. You wanna hear it?” Eri bit her lip before shrugging.
 “I overheard a lot of stuff to grown-up some maids said,” Eri said. “Like how Overhaul has a Quirkless kink? He likes you a lot, and the others thought it bad touch creepy? Rappa said that. And said he wasn’t sure if he wanted to fucking follow a fucking rapist.” Eri frowned. “What does that mean?”
 Izumi’s face had gone pale. She stared at Eri in horror before she swallowed, shaking her head. “A rapist is what Yamanaka was to me, how he hurt me. And the rest is adult stuff I do not want to talk about with you.” She admitted.
 “Okay. What does temporal mean?” Eri asked, eager to avoid thinking of Overhaul as she stayed in Hizashi’s arms.
 “It means time based… ish? I don’t know the actual definition, but it’s related to time. I think you reverse time on things which…” Izumi hesitated.
 The pro-heroes knew what she would say, though. That was big. That sort of Quirk was incredibly rare; add in with the fact that it worked on people? If Eri could control it, there wasn’t a doubt the child would become an incredible healer if she chose to. But there were the dangers.
 Trafficking. Quirk marriage proposals. Forced recruitment into gangs or even by the Commission if they chose.
 Hizashi glanced up at Shouta, who nodded. They had even more reason to take Eri in then and the ability to protect her if things went to hell. And they would protect her. She was so young, and having this on her shoulders…
 They would protect her.
 “I like time,” Eri said softly. “I… Overhaul doesn’t care what I watch, but he hates new stuff, so it’s all old stuff like Doctor Who…”
 “Oh!” Izumi smiled. “I watch the old episodes too.” It was the only show that still had original episodes that were findable. The joke was that the Doctor had come to make it happen, and Izumi half hoped it was true. “The new seasons are good too.” There was no focus on Quirks; rather, the Doctor was the star without a Quirk, though given he was an alien, the debates from the fandom got loud.
 “I like the Lady Doctor, but I like others too,” Eri said.
 “Ooh, the original female Doctor? She’s cool. They had a recent female play the role,” Izumi said to Eri, who smiled happily up at Izumi.
 “I’ve always enjoyed the Tenth,” Hizashi said, looking at Shouta, who sighed.
 “I like the Thirtieth.”
 “You just like that 'cause they have a talking cat in the show.” Hizashi accused.
 “And?” the group laughed, with Fatgum quietly reporting things to Nezu and the others debating over the old show. Eventually though, Izumi ended up speaking with Fatgum about possibilities for Overhaul, the man deciding after seeing Izumi theorize about Eri’s Quirk (with no proof yet they would need to double check themselves) while Eri spoke with the adults.
Nezu sipped his tea as he watched Shouta and Hizashi coax Eri into talking to them. Good, it would be best for them to get Eri to trust them as soon as possible, given that Nezu would pull more strings to give them custody. How the child described her Quirk was worrying. Not even just the worries raised by Izumi’s hypothesis. But saying it was called a curse.
 A curse for what was most likely a temporal Quirk? Preposterous! Ridiculous and outright vile for this Overhaul to do that. Not to mention how Eri mentioned one of his men being concerned about how the villain spoke of Izumi.
 A villain who said concerning things about a young teenager while said villain was obsessed with Quirks? Nezu felt his fur bristle and his jaw want to bite.
 He watched as the little family began forming, with the adults as Eri’s parents. Good, young Izumi had enough with Tomoe as her child; Eri would be just another burden, even if Izumi refused to admit it. Perhaps if Tomoe was not around, Nezu would let it be, but… well, Nezu wanted all his students to succeed. Adding another child for Izumi to raise would only lead to more pressure she did not need as the future number one.
 Which reminded him. Bakugou, Monoma and Shinsou. He already okayed the idea of Shinsou being given a place in the hero course as long as he put in effort now, similar to the other members. Monoma would be put into 1A now instead of 1B, and Nezu would watch how Kendo grew on screens. But Bakugou…
 His future self would hold on for as long as he could but with an attack on public television for such a reason… Nezu would face some pressures. Another strike would be waiting for the boy and a suitable punishment. Usually, a third strike resulted in suspension, but given it would be his internship week… Nezu figured his future self would pick the boy’s mentor. It would most likely be one of his teachers who would keep him out of sight. He was already on the protocol which would protect him and UA from the nastier media demanding a reason why the boy was not expelled in a second. It would also be an issue with people demanding a reason why Bakugou had been allowed to participate and why he was on the flag policy… ugh, the thoughts and PR concerns were endless there.
 Nezu sighed, shaking his head. He wanted all his students to succeed. He would never allow this version of Bakugou into his school. The boy had already tried to assault a random civilian, so they couldn’t anyway, but Nezu could somewhat hope the boy would do better in the future. Even if this version would never be his student… he still wanted the future version to shine. If not, if they saw the boy removed from his school… well, he would accept it. Perhaps he would go to Second Chance and do better. He could hope.
 “How can you think about talking to them again?” Tenya asked Tensei over the phone, anger evident in his tone.
 “Tenya, there is a lot you don’t know about my relationship with ID, and one of them is how we broke up,” Tensei warned.
 “You broke up because they left, and they instantly found a new partner!” Tenya shouted. “I saw you crying all the time, Tensei. I-”
 “They found a new partner so fast to hurt me, yes, but I hurt them first by cheating on them!” Tensei snapped. Silence answered him. “I got drunk and stupid. I was angry they were leaving. We hadn’t broken up yet as I was trying to convince them that we could still do long-distance or something. A woman walked up to me, hit on me and then… I slept with her. I cheated on Info Dropper, and they found out because they know everything. It was a nasty breakup, and I regret what I did. They hurt me just as bad with their insults and name-calling, instantly moving on to a new person, knowing it would hurt. But you can’t just claim I was the only one hurt Tenya.” Tensei said softly.
 “I… I have to go.” Tenya hung up, and Tensei closed his eyes. Shit. His parents made noises about letting them calm down before hanging up. Good, Tensei didn’t… well, he didn’t want to remember exactly what happened with ID right then. Too bad he was going to.
 “Wow,” Native said. “Never knew that’s why you broke up.” His voice didn’t hold judgment. Some disappointment, but no anger or him judging Tensei’s choices. And he didn’t hit him like Nemuri did when she found out. Or refuse to speak to him for a month like Hizashi or give him looks like Shouta. Maybe because it was years ago, and Tensei regretted it.
 (He really did.)
 “I fucked up. Bad with that,” Tensei sighed. “Then ID went off and met Sara,” he snapped out the name, thinking of the villain who’d betrayed ID. Sara had seemed nice enough, a Quirkless woman who was sweet and thoughtful. Who loved ID fiercely and never shied away from Squirt’s Quirk. Then she’d shown her true colours.
 (It was one of the last times Tensei saw ID. The funeral of their parents dressed all in black with their brother Squirt beside them. ID blamed themself, hating how their choice of partners led to this. Tensei wished he could have done something to ease their burdens.)
 “And they got fucked over again,” Native said. “I was part of the task force taking down that organization,” Native explained to Tensei. “I saw what Sara did to Squirt. No wonder he went mute after that.”
 “He’s a good guy, didn’t deserve the bullshit in his life.” Tensei sighed. “Born with a puppeteer Quirk, voice-activated… huh, think they’re related to Shinsou?”
 “It’s ID; I wouldn’t be surprised if they said they were All Might’s nibling.” Native snorted. “I’d believe it, too.”
 “They convinced us Nezu was their father for our entire UA career. They would.” Tensei laughed before he sighed. “The cheating wasn’t even worth it.”
 “Not a fun time?” Native asked.
 “She was a fangirl in the rabid, oh I can see us having a million babies and running off into the sunset with all the money you make way,” Tensei said. “I think she works for the Commission now.”
 “Ick, that sucks.” Native sighed. The two stood there a little longer. “So I know you being hurt by Stain sucks, but what about the sports festival so far?”
 “I am immensely proud of my little brother, and also, the crush he is totally developing on Midoriya is both cute and a little sad,” Tensei said. “He won’t do anything because she’ll be uncomfortable, and nothing will happen unless she realizes she has feelings for him.”
 “You think she has feelings for him?” Native asked in surprise.
 “Eh, not yet. But I think it'll be him or Uraraka she’ll fall for. She bonded with them quickly,” Tensei shrugged. “Plus, I think she needs someone who doesn't have too much baggage on their mind.”
 “I can see it,” Native allowed. Tensei laughed as at UA, Tenya stared at his phone.
 His brother… cheated? His brother didn't… His what…
 It felt like a hundred thoughts were occurring in his mind at once, with none actually clicking.
 Tensei cheated.
 Info Dropper got a girlfriend barely a month after the breakup.
 Tensei slept with someone else while in a relationship.
 Info Dropper broke Tensei’s heart.
 Tensei betrayed his partner.
 Tenya felt his breath quicken as he tried to think. No, this couldn't be happening. It had to be fake. It was a lie; there had to be a different explanation-
 “Tenya!” a feminine voice said. “Tenya, it’s Nemuri. Breath with me, kid.” dramatically loud breaths echoed around him, letting him breathe with his teacher even as his mind spiralled.
 “Tensei cheated,” Tenya breathed out.
 “He told you,” Midnight sighed. “We’re going to step outside for a bit, okay, kid?” Tenya followed her out of the common room, moving so they would sit outside in the grass. She didn't speak, letting Tenya go first.
 “I don't understand,” Tenya said after a moment. “Why… why would he…”
 “Tensei was feeling betrayed and lonely. That's what he told us, and it's bullshit,” Nemuri said. “He made the choice to sleep with someone else. He was drunk, but he still did it.”
 “I… he's better than this!” Tenya said angrily.
 “He is now. But he was a very angry young adult,” Nemuri said wisely. “He was hurt ID wanted to join the Court and angry that they didn't want him to follow them. ID was angry he didn't understand how much it meant for them to be offered the position and that he didn't understand they needed to be able to spread their wings as it was.” Nemuri sighed. “Frankly, I thought they'd break up anyway, even without the offer. ID is aggressively independent, and Tensei has his family. I think he had ideas of ID using his agency as a paper agency to work from and using the prestige of the Iida family.”
 “Paper agency?” Tenya asked.
 “Underground term. Paper agencies are where underground heroes can join up and have a fallback if needed. ID would never go for it even then, but I think Tensei hoped. Said hope was dashed, though, making him bitter. Hence why I thought they would break up anyway, since ID would never choose to go to work at the agency. Wanted to make their own name as a hero and not just the partner of a legacy.” Midnight sighed. “It happens a lot, kiddo. You’ve heard stories, I assume?”
 Tenya nodded, thinking of the stories he’d heard from eavesdropping on his family. Young heroes who rose quickly were called gold diggers for marrying or dating legacy heroes; their success was always attributed to their partners and not themselves. Legacy heroes using their influence to keep partners with them or control them. Info Dropper would have worried about the rumours. Hell, Tensei actually dated a hero who was like that, grasping for influence, and he hated it.
 (Tenya remembered how happy Tensei was with ID and how broken his brother had been.
 Did Squirt remember the same? Tenya dimly remembered the older man, the younger brother of ID. But he wondered if Squirt hated Tensei the same way Tenya hated ID before.)
  “He made a bad choice. And he hates himself for it, even though I know ID has forgiven him.”
 “They forgave him?!” Tenya asked in bafflement. “How?!” cheating was horrible, disgusting. How could ID forgive Tensei? He was Tenya’s brother, but he couldn't bear the thought of seeing him so soon, not after learning how badly he had betrayed his partner.
 “ID went through a worse hell with Sara. I don't know if you remember this, but Sara murdered ID’s parents.” Midnight said bluntly. Tenya looked at his brother’s friend in horror, mouth open in shock. “Plus, ID fucked up too. They never told Tensei about the offer; he found out through a third party. Never hide that kind of stuff from your partner. I'm aromantic, and I know that.” Midnight shrugged. “The two worked through it even if they aren't dating right now.”
 “… they'll get back together,” Tenya sighed. He did not know how to handle that. For years he hated ID, seeing them as the person who broke his brother’s heart. He understood why no one told him the whole story, but it still threw him off. It felt like something broke when he learned that.
 How could he look at his brother the same?
  Hitoshi’s dad had shown up at the school. Hoshi waved at the principal, not moved by the man’s simpering about honour or whatever the slime ball wanted to discuss. The man only wanted to make himself look good by having Recovery Girl’s grandson at his school.
 “Where are we going?” Hitoshi asked his father.
 “To our place. Your grandma texted saying she’s fairly certain Nezu will offer you a place, but given you need more time to get in shape, it’ll be conditional as long as you can hold up on working out.” Hoshi told his son.
 “I can do that,” Hitoshi grinned. “I can’t believe I beat that bastard.”
 “You did good,” Hoshi told him. He reached out to ruffle his son’s hair, making Hitoshi whine playfully. “And you get to fight a cute girl next.”
 “Oh, yeah, no. She’s gonna kick my ass.” Hitoshi said wisely. “I’ll take the hits.”
 “Not denying she’s cute?”
 “I think she’s not ready for any sort of relationship right now, and I’d let her approach me,” Hitoshi said.
 “Smart, though she may never approach you even if she was interested.” Hoshi hummed. “Though that’s in the future.”
 “Where I’m a hero,” Hitoshi said in quiet awe. His father chuckled, happy his son’s dreams were being realized.
 He used his fire.
 Shouto didn’t know how to feel about that, the knowledge he chose to unleash those flames. But he’d done it because the fire was his own. Not Endeavour’s. Midoriya reminded him of that. The dual-haired teen focused on his school work, mimicking the more studious members of his future class other than Iida, who had an unpleasant call with his brother.
 Shouto used his fire and lost the rock-paper-scissors. But he also gained friends? Uraraka seemed worried about Iida, which made sense, and Asui was working on the schoolwork, while Aoyama seemed torn on something. What exactly, Shouto didn’t know. But he was laser-focused on thinking about something.
 It was for the best; Shouto didn’t know what to think.
 The fire he hated (feared). The fire that hurt him (mom hurt him because of it).
 He’d used it in the future, and… he should use it now. Endeavour couldn’t hurt him here at UA. He was safer, right? From the sounds of things, his father wouldn’t be able to get him back. Shouto liked the sound of it but was worried. What about Fuyumi? Would she be okay? Natsuo? (Mom?)
 He was safe. That was important. He… he had to save himself first, didn’t he? He had to focus on making sure he was okay. He thought Burnin’ told him that once when the sidekick was teaching him things. She’d told Shouto the first priority in a dangerous situation was yourself. Focus on making sure you live, then worry about people around you. Shouto…
 Shouto never used his fire because of his mother. He resented Fuyumi when she spoke about Endeavour being their father (she stopped after the first episodes. Her face grew tight, and she stopped smiling as much at the man. What did it mean?). He barely knew Natsuo due to them being kept apart. He hated his father and never wanted to be near the man if he could help it.
  Shouto… he didn’t know what to think. He felt lost and confused. He could use his fire. Midoriya showed him that. She showed him by kicking his ass and being so powerful, so amazing it was like seeing a goddess brought down to the mortal realm. She was beautiful, deadly, untouchable.
 He would never chase her. Endeavour’s words were in his ear, and he couldn’t do it. He told himself he wouldn’t. He would never go for Midoriya when she would be someone Endeavour approved of. He stuck by that, even as he remembered that feral smile she gave, surrounded by lightning.
 Shouto would use his fire. He wouldn’t hurt himself to spite Endeavour. But he would not be more than a friend to Midoriya. Maybe it was hypocrisy or a double standard, but he already would be using fire. Giving in to date Midoriya wasn’t something he could do.
 He hoped she understood.
Ochako was worried about Tenya. Whatever Tensei told him was obviously BAD or like at least hard to hear. Probably something about the breakup. That kind of drama was always about horrible personal stuff. Ochako wanted to know so badly, but she reminded herself of her small oath. She would stop going after secrets like that. Not her business, nothing she needed to know.
 So, instead, Ochako thought about the future. Seeing Midoriya like that, the other girl that powerful and strong was… oof. Ochako didn’t have words for how her heart leapt or how the other girl made her feel like she could take on the world. It was just… the spark of Midoriya. She inspired people and made them feel hopeful the world would be better.
 Plus, the whole mom thing? Inspiring, beautiful. It felt like a freaking anime at times, Midoriya getting a superpower from the greatest hero, being a teen mom, and her own bio dad being some big-time villain. Hell, Ochako was pretty sure she’d seen the same plot before.
 It was… just amazing. Ochako felt so lucky to know Midoriya, to be friends with her. And the crush was… again, no words. Ochako didn’t know what she would do. She told herself no dating while in school, wanting to focus on heroics. But… Midoriya made it hard. Tomoe made it hard.
 Ochako imagined, guiltily, a future with Midoriya. Being a hero couple together, Tomoe as their daughter. Rising the ranks, kicking ass and taking names together. Being extraordinary and strong women. Tomoe becoming a hero…
 It felt amazing.
 God, why did she have to develop feelings for her best friend?
 Enji, because he could not be Endeavour now and must think of himself as a civilian as much as it galled him, glared at his supposed ally. Nara ignored him, instead letting his agents work. Once they were finished, Nara sent them away to face Enji alone.
 “What the hell are you doing, Nara?” Enji demanded.
 “Saving my ass.” Nara snapped. “You fucked up big time here, Todoroki. I don’t care you beat your family but fuck, it got out, and now we’re going to have to make sure you don’t ruin everything.”
 “It’s training!” Enji snapped. “I did what was necessary; it wasn’t abuse!” Nara paused, staring at the man before he burst out into a loud laugh.
 “Oh, you ACTUALLY think that? Really? You believe that you aren’t abusive? Wow, how delusional can you be?” Nara laughed a little more, shaking his head.
 “I’m not. I-”
 “You smacked your wife, you tormented your youngest, you ignored your middle children, and your eldest is dead. That’s not a good father,” Nara said coldly. Enji opened and closed his mouth, trying to refute it.
 “When you just say it like that-” he began, but Nara cut him off.
 “Then explain how you aren’t,” Nara said coldly.
 “I allowed Fuyumi and Natsuo to go to university!” Enji said.
 “Do you know what they studied or are studying?” Nara asked. Enji paused.
 “...Fuyumi is a teacher,” he said, trying to remember what Natsuo was in school for. He knew it; he approved, but… he couldn’t…
 “Medicine, specifically, he wants to work with psychiatric patients. The fact I know this because I read the file on the way here, but you don’t, is pathetic. And Fuyumi is a teacher, but she did a double major in psychology and teaching.” Nara sniffed. “You ruined the plans, Todoroki. The rivalry we hoped to continue between Hawks and your youngest isn’t possible now.”
 “Rivalry?” Enji asked, confused by that.
 “Hawks will make a fantastic number one, and we hoped Shouto would be like you, desperate to be on top so he would draw viewers to the stations and cause mountains of merchandise to be sold,” Nara sighed. “Pity it’s no longer possible.”
 “...What?” Enji stared at Nara, who ignored him, instead turning to leave.
 “Have a good day, Todoroki. We’ll update you when we decide your punishment,” the commission agent said before he left. Enji stared after him, unable to move.
 What did… did… Nara hadn’t wanted Shouto to beat All Might? But… Enji looked at his hands, confused.
 What the hell was going on?
 Outside the office, Nara made plans. Midoriya would be the number one; the future showed it. But they could get Hawks close to her. Nara felt annoyed Hawks was gay, given how perfect that relationship would look if they played it right, but they all had to make some sacrifices.
 With Info Dropper back in Japan, though, they would need to tread lightly. All it took was one name, and that hero could learn everything about Hawks, which wouldn’t be a good thing.
 Kai snarled, looking at the bitch who let Eri get out. The maid stared back, her hands twitching. The prototype of Quirk suppression bullets caused pain, and this scum was perfect for human testing.
 “You let her go,” Kai snarled.
 “Go fuck yourself,” Kuira said. “What you were doing to her was the most disgusting horseshit I have ever seen, you bastard.
 “I’m saving humanity,” growled Kai. “Quirks are a disease, a blight on our history! They are-”
 “You’re crazy,” Kuira said, closing her eyes. “Just fucking kill me already, there’s no point in trying to convince me of shit.” Kai scowled and stomped away. She would be used as their human testing subject. See how long she would last.
 “Overhaul,” Chronostasis said to him, but Kai ignored him. Eri was gone; without her, they couldn’t continue their mission. They needed her blood to make the bullets! There…
 There could be another answer. It occurred to Kai as he walked, making him pause. Midoriya Izumi. The beautiful Quirkless woman who he needed to save from the disgusting disease around her. Quirks would only ruin her, and that One for All was the worst of it! He would not let her tarnish herself with it, but her blood…
 Could she replace Eri in their goals? Could her blood be used? Why… he thought she could. Kai smiled to himself. It seemed there was more than one reason to get Izumi.
 Civilians around Japan discussed the future. Many were still raving about the fight between Todoroki and Midoriya, all in awe at the amount of power thrown between them. The brilliance shown in their faces and how they worked. Future titans of the Quirked world are being born in front of them. It was impossible not to feel awe.
 Some, though, spoke of the Bakugou fight.
 “That boy doesn’t seem to know how to deal with losing,” one old woman said. “Schools pampering him plus over permissive parents.”
 “I don’t think they’re permissive,” argued her grandson. “The few scenes didn’t show that.”
 “Hmm, permissive ain’t the word then. Perhaps those folks are more the ‘oh boys will be boys’ types who give their child whatever he wants. Think I recognized that woman; she a model, ain’t she?”
 “...I think so, yeah,” her grandson said.
 “See? Too much money, schools thinking they can ride the coattails and a nasty personality no one stomped out created that boy. He’s the type of hero we don’t need, someone I wouldn’t trust.” the grandmother nodded.
 “Think he’s a lost cause?”
 “Few people are, and he’s young. Needs a really good humbling, and to get it through his skull, he ain’t all that, but he can get it.” the grandmother said.
 Elsewhere, Spinner was speaking with Liam.
 “I don’t really get why he was so mad,” Liam said. “He lost, why call it cheating?”
 “Probably cause Shinsou used his brain rather than his fists, and Bakugou doesn’t understand you can fight without beating someone up,” said Magne, who had overheard them.
 “He is very much that type, reminds me of a former classmate,” Spinner said. “Guy was convinced being a hero meant beating the shit out of people, not protecting them or being good people. He failed the entrance exam to every hero school because he never studied, thinking they just wanted strength. The guy tried to go vigilante and got killed.”
 “Ha!” another worker said. “One of those stories, yeah, I knew a guy like that. Hell, I think I know where he is now if I’m right about Stain.”
 “Stain?!” the rest of the group demanded, staring wide-eyed at the woman who scoffed, tossing down the building materials.
 “Yeah,” said the woman, tucking a lock of pink hair behind her ear. She’d only introduced herself as Hanako, staring down those who tried to pry. “I think I went to school with him before, bit of a fucking weirdo. Not too sure. If he is, I’ll be going to the police. He was obsessed with heroes and had a huge hard-on for All Might. He got into the hero course, but I hear he became so butt hurt no one was there for a noble cause, so he dropped out to be a vigilante.” Hanako rolled her eyes. “He’s got a big black-and-white view of the world. But I honestly think he wants to go down in history himself as some sort of great person who realized the hero system is corrupt or something like we don’t all know that.”
 “Oh, one of those guys?” Magne asked. “Who wants to get the shiny gold star for being a decent person or something?”
 “Pretty much,” Hanako sighed. “He got a lot of shit for his Quirk when we were in school, given it’s blood-based, and I think his parents let him run wild because they felt bad for him. Inflated his ego and let him think he created this revolutionary idea when anyone with two brain cells can figure it out. Issue is he puts heroes onto a pedestal and hates when people shake his little dream of heroes being perfect beings.”
 “No one is perfect,” Spinner said dryly.
 “Nope, he’s just dumb enough he thinks heroes need to be held to a perfect standard. Frankly, I don’t care if the hero saving me just wants a paycheck. I want to be saved.” Hanako said. “That’s what matters; he’s not going after doctors who want the money. It’s heroes he hates. That should tell you all about his ideals there.”
 “He wants fame himself but pretends otherwise. Hypocrite,” Magne sneered. Spinner shook his head in disgust.
 Maybe he once would have liked Stain, but hearing this while seeing Midoriya fight so hard…
 Spinner knew who he found more inspiring.
 His sister was amazing. Tomura couldn't stop smiling as he thought of how fantastic she’d been, kicking the ass of that stupid hero brat. He did not like that boy. He would stay away from Izumi if he knew what was good for him! Izumi was Tomura’s sister, and Tomoe was his niece. Only trustworthy people deserve to be around them.
 Tomura hummed as he pulled out his DS. With an hour, he could get some grinding in with his games. Sensei told him he would be busy during this break with something. Tomura was very interested in knowing what the man planned.
 In his lair, Hisashi listened to Dr. Garaki as the man listed various people they could use. Hisashi had plenty of shell companies and hidden funds that All Might missed in his purge. It was child's play to use them.
 Izumi would be his successor over Tomura, her bodyguard. But she would need a group of people she could rely on, meaning they needed to be people she could see herself in.
 “Toga Himiko,” Garaki said. “She's a serial killer who goes after people she is attracted to. She has a blood-based transformation Quirk and a need to have around 20 ML of blood a month. Her parents believe in Quirk suppression so they refused it before.”
 “Is it starvation that made her this way?” Hisashi asked.
 “Highly unlikely. 20 ML isn't much, and she would get from having a rare steak if needed,” Garaki disagreed. “As well she displayed sociopathic signs early on as a child, even before her parents forced her to go without blood and act normal. I believe though it is easy to concoct the idea she did suffer from it given her attitude.”
 “Send out feelers to lure her in,” Hisashi decided. “She will be perfect as a show that society harms certain Quirk types. Maybe mess with her mind, too, so she doesn't mess up and clue Izumi in. Who else?”
 “There is the eldest Todoroki, the one we saved? He'd be a good choice given how your daughter empathized with the youngest,” the doctor said. Hisashi nodded. He would be a good choice, yes. “We also have a Quirkless mercenary to consider, sir.”
 “Oh? Tell me more.”
 Z checked her gun, ignoring the screaming of civilians on the street. A simple headshot took care of her mark. Sweet and simple. She let out a long breath, putting the gun into its case. Sneaking a military-grade rifle into Japan had cost her a lot. But it was so worth it, given she could do hits easier.
 The blue-haired woman slipped the gun into her case, which looked like a backpack. She walked off the roof to the door, pulling on a wig from her bag giving her red hair. A pair of fake glasses, stick a mint into her cheek to have her speech slurred if she was spoken to and slip a rock into her shoe to hobble. Add to the fact she was dressed like any college kid; she would be good.
 As Z walked, she checked the floating screen. She felt a bit proud of Midoriya. She'd never tell anyone but as a kid, she would have jumped at the offer of One for All. She would have done anything to get it. Now, Midoriya was using it while gaining a good degree of fame.
 Proved all the Quirkless equals weak fuckers wrong. Z had carved out her niche in the underworld, and maybe Midoriya would have been more impressive if she had stayed Quirkless, but Z respected the hell out of the kid. From one Quirkless woman to another, watching the kid claw her way up after what happened to her had been fucking impressive. Z wasn't as strong when she'd been a teenager.
 (Then she was eighteen and screaming because of her fucking father’s friends. Her own father said the men could use her as a broodmare. It was a blur, and she suddenly had blood on her hands from smashing their heads in.
 She got strong then. She'd been weak before.)
 Z hummed as her phone rang. The money. She acted like the college kid she was supposed to be posing as she checked her phone. Only the fact that she had years of experience kept her from reacting too heavily.
 I have a job for you. The Boogeyman wants you. -Giran
 Why the fuck did he want her?
FlammenTaenzerinSuzaku gave us Kanjo
Hotaru Kokichi came from ArcticWolfPlayz
-Tensei’s situation with cheating was a really messy one, with Tensei feeling angry ID was leaving and not considering stating (to his mind, ID was seriously debating it at the time because they loved him) and getting drunk where someone could take advantage of his anger. It wasn’t assault, Tensei was not that drunk. But he wasn’t thinking that clearly. ID’s reaction to find a rebound instantly isn’t great either. Basically, both hurt each other badly and regret it. They still love each other and yeah, they’re slowly gravitating back to each other, but they have some shit to go through.
-Tenya wasn’t aware cause he was a kid, and Tensei was ashamed. He’s now being forced to see Tensei isn’t this perfect person. I also kind of wrote my own feelings about when I discovered my father’s affair and then learning my mother did the same. I was just shocked. Confused. And I also came to the realization I lost respect for them. I love them but knowing that kind of broke a lot of trust in me.
-this entire chapter became just bits of everyone and their thoughts cause I had no idea wtf to do and went: hey let's talk about why Tensei and ID broke up. Then it became this.
-I debated about saying this but to not get peoples hopes up: I am 95% sure TodoDeku isn't going to happen in this world. I do have a pairing in mind, but I'm not… 100% certain. I'm letting the story go where it wants. But I Don't think they would do well together. Both have so much trauma they're healing from and I think if They date each other they may ignore their own trauma cause its easier. But I dunno. Izumi thinking Todoroki is hot is one thing, dating another.
-Izumi will not be Eri’s mother. This is something I decided on ages ago because as Nezu points out: she has to much on her shoulders without Eri, and adding more isn’t good.
-Without Spinner or Magne, we need another villain, don’t we? There’s a reason I introduced Z.
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waywardsou2 · 3 months
╔═*.·:·.✧ Mars Elsher ✧.·:·.*═╗
(Art Coming Soon)
General Info
Mars is a human Padawan that is 16 years old. He has light brown hair that is messy and often tied up. His Padawan braid is short as it was recently cut off by the enemy during a battle. His eyes are blue. He wears a shirt and shorts combo with a green over coat that is shorter than the traditional cloak but very similar. He comes from Ord Mantel
He is trans and queer
He sees his Master and the Squad as his family, he doesn’t hide or mask his attachment as well as his Master but he can’t help it. He’s never had this before.
Backstory and Events
Mars was born on Ord Mantel but abandoned when the Jedi first informed his parents about his Force sensitivity. His parents were told when he was 4 and then found/collected by the Jedi at 13 and taken in as a youngling to become a Padawan. He trained very dutifully but often struggled. He was taught by Master Yoda until he graduated and became the Padawan to Master Kuiper. He learnt much under Master Kuiper but wasn’t blind to his Master's relationship with the rest of the Jedi order. He is glad that his Master cares for him but worried that his Master will be sanctioned if he is found to be breaking the rules of the Jedi code. Mars is extremely close and attached to his battalion and often throws himself into the front lines to keep them safe. Often to his detriment. His light saber is white – this is due to his time in the dark side when his family abandoned him and his ability to thrive on afterwards.
Mars lived on the streets for a while he was abandoned at the age of 6 when he started asking his parents about becoming a Jedi, they believed that they could simply ignore it and hide when the Jedi came looking for him. But his curiosity grew and he started talking about it every day. That’s when they had had enough. The took him into the city centre of Ord Mantel and left. He got lost and never found them again, until the Jedi came to get him he was on his own, he scavenged, lived in abandoned buildings, stole, lied, gambled. Anything he needed to do to survive, he also used to help people, return their stolen belonging, help lost children get home... but one day someone was attacking an unarmed person in the street. Half the victims clothes had been torn off and Mars knew what was going to happen. So he stepped in, shoved the victim away, gave them his coat and they ran off. He was prepared to fight but the attacker was stronger than he originally thought and quickly overpowered him. Seemed to attacker it didn’t matter the victim. That night Mars was left in the cold side street. His clothes torn to shreds, a scar on his chest and several bruises were left behind. That night he couldn’t move, he was so sore and tired so he stayed on the ground and hoped that he would simply pass on from the cold. But the person he had saved from the attacker initially came back. They gave him back his coat. Helped him to his feet and took him home. He learnt that her name was Elina. And after that, she took him in. She became his best friend and almost like his big sister, she took care of him and he begun to strive for a better life, still waiting for the day the Jedi would come for him. He was 11 at the time. But after this event his life had darkened and he began to slip. Now he always carried a weapon on him looked for any signs of the horrible person from that night. He would not hesitate. All it would take was a good glance. And Mars would end him then and there.
Mars is trans, his dead name is Meila, not only was his curiosity towards the Jedi what drove his parents away but his coming out as being a boy. When he joined the Jedi he told them of this. If Elina had accepted him why wouldn’t the Jedi and lucky they did. Master Kuiper was so accepting and helped him whenever he needed. Even organised for the Kaminoans to perform his top surgery!
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alfredsolos · 1 year
Hello, how are you? Can I ask for headcanons? What if damian wayne /or al ghul/ cheated on the reader with someone else and the reader found out and broke up with damian, how would damian react? Would he regret it? Would he be sad? Would he try to get the reader back? I mean, can you make headcanons by adding other things that you can think of like that? Have a nice day
Hi! First of all I'm doing amazing and thank you for the ask.
So, I don't really like x reader headcanons and I don't really make posts consisting of that. But since you took your time to ask, I'm gonna change it a little and give you my headcanons for "What would happen if Damian cheated on his partner?". You can still think of this as a x reader post though.
I believe that, to talk about this kind of topic, we need to get into details. Before going into the whole cheating thing, let's talk about:
What kind of person Damian's partner be?
I made a similar point in another post, but I don't believe in opposites attract. At least not with Damian. So for Damian to be involved in a romantic relationship with someone, that person needs to be similar to him.
By similar, I mean his past and life experiences. Damian had a very brutal and unloving child hood. He was never seen as a child so he subconciously became more mature and indifferent to deal with the trauma and abuse. What I believe is that, his partner would have a similar background. Maybe an assassin like him or a runaway or just someone with a very bad childhood. I don't think that person would be childish or immature at all. I think his partner would be someone either as indifferent as him or a little crazy.
As you may have noticed, I didn't specify a gender for Damian's partner. I don't think it would matter to him to be honest. I know that the fandom portray him to be very traditional and sometimes homophobic. But I don't believe that's a correct assumption to make. For one, Talia herself has slept with women in canon. So I don't think he would be homophobic either.
Going on about the partner's character: I think they would be someone who'd be indifferent to Damian's troubled past and the crimes he (was forced to) commit. I think they'd be understanding and soft from time to time.
I personally think that It'd be very cute and hilarious if Damian's partner was someone who is very flirty. Or at least very blatant just like him.
Another favorite headcanon of mine is that, him and his partner would be the kind of couple who wrestle and playfully fight, throw shit at each other, make fun of each other. They'd look as if they hate each other, but deep down they're just in love.
My previous point + but his partner knows how to fight too. So they're just casually having a death tournament during a date.
Before the cheating, what happens?
I'd like to point out that I don't believe Damian would cheat on someone unless it's a misunderstanding or after a fight in which he thinks that they're broken up because he never had a relationship before and doesn't know how it works.
For that, I'm gonna split this part into two. One, it's a misunderstanding. Two Damian thinks they've broken up.
Damian thinks they're over:
As I've pointed out before, Damian's partner would be someone with a past like his and indifferent to most crimes. You can think of them as a villain, anti hero, or just a talented fighter who just doesn't give a fuck.
And since they're indifferent and potentially doesn't mind committing crimes, the Batfam would not like them. Especially Bruce. So due to that, a fight could break out between Damian and his lover and they'd respectively storm out.
You may be asking, why won't they just have a deep conversation with each other? Well like I said, bad life bad coping mechanisms.
And to Damian, who is very blunt in his actions himself, this would mean that they'd broken up.
I don't wanna keep this long so time passes and Damian, although still in love and confused about his partner, would obliviously try to move on with life. I don't think he'd seek out a relationship himself. But other people would. So maybe that could be how he gets "caught cheating". By his partner.
It's actually a big (and dark) misunderstanding:
In this headcanon someone makes a move on Damian without his constent. And that's how he's "caught".
There a lot of very dark scenarios for this. You could say he was drugged, forcefully held down or just frozen in shock. So when the partner finds them, the assaulter would quickly get the fuck out of there leaving Damian in shock. And seeing him stammer and in shock, the partner could assume the worst of the situation.
Whether if it's the first or the second option, one thing the partner would do in both of these situations is to hurt or try to kill the person Damian "cheated" with.
Going from the first option, Damian would be incredibly confused and annoyed. Like he had thought that they'd broke up, but that person just shows up and randomly tries to assassinate people he interacted with. He'd try to stop the attacks and after a couple of misunderstanding they'd work the truth out of each other and hopefully move on with their life never talking about the "incident".
If you preferred the second and darker option: Damian would go off the radar while his partner kills the assaulter not knowing it was actually a rape situation. The partner would then try to forget about Damian but eventually seek him out because they'd be still hurting from the "betrayal". You can even go down into the self harm and body issues path for Damian.
They find Damian and after a very long and uncomfortable conversation truth comes out and everything is just fucked again. As they're both people who don't know how to deal with emotions properly, they'd seperate for a while.
You can end this with an unhappy ending like this. Or they can get back together after a long while and try to understand and bond with each other more thoroughly. Their relationship would be stronger than ever.
Anyways, this is the end of my headcanons. I know it's not really what you asked but hopefully you'll like these. And if you have any more headcanons you want to talk about, please ask!
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hyperrockforte · 6 months
PSA: Rebeccah is someone who's said and done adhorrent things, from being a bad boss and not paying her staff to allowing creeps in her server 3 TIMES! once with Nek0Pan then with Sean Sohr(KoopaEquality) and lastly with Brandon The Brony Pony, thats ontop of other shit like getting a person she called a friend recount her trauma of being molested by her father. this is amongst a whole host of other issues, i urge those who see this post to watch the video in full.
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mynameiskanade · 4 months
justice for alastor / tvy0m1 , wtf are those anons bro....
This is highly immature of anons to like.. harass someone over making an appreciation post for another parentail figure, and like.. he DIDNT know it was lexis birthday? what was he supposed to do, suddenly know it was her birthday? "You do know that..." SHUT THE FUCK UP AND ACTUALLY LISTEN TO THE OTHER PERSONS SIDE YOU DUMBASS
ALSO that doesnt justify threatening him to get r-worded and shit... HES A MINOR. DO FUCKING BETTER ANONS AND ACTUALLY UNDERSTAND THE SITUATION.
stop being immature, and understand that yalls reasoning to harass someone is so fucking childish 😭😭 dont harass people in general, XOXO
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twig-the-edgelord · 5 months
why do you hate hazbin hotel
I do want to quickly state that I am FINE with people watching it, unless they like one VERY specific character. It’s one of the few things that I honestly think its better to pirate.
A lot of my moots and friends like it, and that’s fine I’m fine.
Another thing this isn’t a full thread, nor am I going to find too much evidence but I’ll link what I can! Also I don’t know how much of this has been addressed/ debunked. I will try to keep it factual and what I know up to be correct. No one is immune to false information.
I don’t care for the content it’s self but a lot of the characters are hurtful stereotypes (ex:angel being a hurtful gay stereotype, the flapper character being a Jewish stereotype)
Even if Viz says that a character isn’t Jewish it is very clear what she’s SUPPOSED TO BE!
She had/has a story bored artist who had a rape fetish working on the dancing scenes of the song poison, which is about Valentino’s abuse to angel and how he wants to get out. It is ok if this is how you cope however that should be kept to yourself. It is very VERY triggering for a lot of survivors, and teaches others that it is acceptable. I’m not comfortable looking at the evidence to this however there are plenty of screenshots. I cannot believe in good faith that she is taking this seriously if someone who is that open about liking it is at all working on such a thing.
Her Nazi oc (this thread also goes into other things)
Another part is its fandom.
Both of these characters are canonically rapists
Tumblr media Tumblr media
Staols (the bird) only allows Blitzo to have the book if they have sex every month (which isn’t how consent works) and Valentino (the moth) has scenes where he is abusive (sexual, physical, and verbal) to angel dust. Both of these characters are beloved by the fandom.
Especially Valentino, who is treated as a hot, sexy, and quirky character. He a the bad guy, yet both Viz and the fandom love him. It’s fowl. I hate it.
This was made extremely quickly but if there’s anything you’d like to add/I got wrong do feel free to reblog or comment. There is a LOT of misinformation going around about the show and its creators.
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timdrake-yumm · 2 years
I’ve come to realize that there are several different types of Tim Drake fans, that can all be sorted different ways, but I’m going to sort them this way:
Hate/Dislike Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, and Damian Wayne: idk if this is a result of cancel culture or what, but the fact that they’ve all wronged him at least once is apparently the worst thing in the universe, as though not everyone has done something that could be perceived as wronging Tim at some point in comic history. I hate to break it to you guys, but y’all are extremely biased, and Tim isn’t so innocent either
Hate/Dislike Jason Todd and Damian Wayne: This is because they both tried to kill Tim at one point and you haven’t been able to let it go. While this is more valid than the last one, I still think you need to chill with the character hate, they’ve both been through some pretty traumatic stuff and we’re mostly not in their right minds when they did that. I mean, I’m not saying it’s okay that they tried to kill Tim, but they’re also fictional representations of what might occur if you came back to life after having died only to see all your insecurities thrown at your face, or if you were raised by a murder cult.
Hate/Dislike Damian Wayne: Now this group of people likely fall into the mentality that because at one point Tim hero-worshipped Jason, he must not have hard feelings for him, and therefore neither should you. But also you can’t forgive the 10-year-old for acting on his traumatized, raised-by-a-murder cult mentalities, like any 10-year-old has the ability to think outside their biases born from the childhood they were provided.
Love/Like ALL the robins: You either believe that Tim wouldn’t hold hard feelings, so neither should you, or you realize they’re all fictional characters who hold the fatal flaw of having flaws and not being perfect individuals.
I’m not saying that any of this is 100% accurate or anything, and you could probably throw some variations of adding Bruce, Stephanie, or even Alfred into the mix, but these are the thoughts that I had while taking a shower yesterday and have only just now put into typing.
Anywho, basically, there are people who don’t like Dick Grayson because of what happened when Dick gave Damian Robin, and while I see your perspective, and I don’t agree with his actions at the time, Dick was a desperate, young adult who just lost his second father and was thrust into a role and burden he never wanted. Of course he made mistakes, anyone would! I don’t believe he was ever trying to alienate Tim the way it ended up being. (Side note: the wanting to put Tim in Arkham is fanon, and should not be used as a reason for disliking Dick. I believe there was mention of therapy, but that’s it, and while it’s extremely hypocritical of Dick to suggest therapy while not being willing to go himself, it’s not like he was exactly wrong. They all need therapy; even before everyone he loved was dying around him Tim needed therapy. You probably need therapy too.)
For everyone who dislikes Jason Todd, I see your reasoning, I really do. He took his hurt and pain out at being replaced and unavenged out on Tim and likely did some pretty heavy psychological damage whilst doing so. It’s a bit hypocritical of him to be so upset about being replaced when he 1. Doesn’t know the full story and/or 2. Was a “replacement” himself. But you have to remember that none of this is really about Tim. Maybe that makes it worst, maybe that makes it better, but it’s the truth. Jason literally died and came back to life, and the minute he gains complete thought he realizes he’s been in the hands of the League of Assassins, and that his torturer and murderer is still out there causing harm to everyone he can. Was he wrong to take all of this out on Tim? Yes, obviously, Tim was just trying to help and honor Jason’s legacy. Does he deserve a chance to make it up to Tim and be better? Also yes. Batman preaches about second chances, which is part of the reason why he doesn’t kill, but to me that’s like being someone who’s never been a victim of rape or abuse, and telling someone who has been a victim of rape or abuse that they’re wrong for being traumatized and that they should forgive their rapist or abuser and just get over it. That’s not how trauma works, and even if you’re against killing someone yourself, you don’t get to tell a victim how to protect themselves from those who harmed them. Locking him up didn’t and doesn’t work, and all he’s doing is creating more victims without any inclination towards change or remorse.
Sorry, that went into a bit of a rant that nobody asked for. Not that anybody asked for any of this, of course. Anywho, the point of all that was to say that Jason Todd is a victim. I’m not saying that Tim isn’t a victim, and that he shouldn’t also get the same allowances as Jason of course. Tim also went through a very traumatizing experience, he should get to do what makes him feel safe. (Another side note: forgiving someone and putting yourself back into a harmful situation are two different things. You can forgive someone and also want to never have to see them again. That’s valid, and even if that person isn’t actively trying to harm you anymore, their presence in and of itself can still be harmful.)
This all leads into Damian Wayne. I mentioned before that Damian showed up as a traumatized 10-year-old straight out of being raised by a murder-cult. Damian, like Jason, is a victim and deserves the chance to grow and change. Tim is also a victim, and deserves not to constantly be in a state of Danger. So what does this mean? I’ve seen some people mention that Damian is never actually punished for any of his harmful actions. And I’ve seen other people wonder how you plan on punishing the traumatized 10-year-old. I’m not a parent, but I am currently studying psychology, and I believe some of the same stuff applies. You can’t just throw Damian in jail or ground him or something, that’s never going to work, and will only alienate him further— reducing his likelihood of listening and being open to change. Damian needs to be shown that his actions have consequences though (Look at me acting like he’s a real person). You can’t just hear/see him actively trying to harm someone and be like :( bad Damian. That just tells him that he’s never going to be punished for his actions, and can therefore get away with it. You need a balance, and to also recognize that Tim is allowed to be defensive and not want to be in the same room as Damian. You see Damian do something wrong? He’s benched from being Robin, and you explain that this is not what Robin represents and that Robin doesn’t bring harm to innocents. However, when you see him do something good? You reward him. Now you have positive reinforcement showing that certain actions have benefits. Damian is a victim of his past, but he’s also a child emulating what he knows. There’s a difference between not punishing him for being a victim, and teaching him to not create his own victims.
And that has been my unwanted and unasked for rant about the robins. Another side note, but if you create media that depicts any of the robins or Bruce, or any DC character in a negative light, I’m not telling you to stop. I can think that they don’t accurately depict who the characters are suppose to be and still love reading the angst.
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My thoughts on Yellowjackets Season 1
Major spoilers for season one under the cut. Also, long
Okay I'm going to break this up into parts because I'm mentally ill and neurodivergent, need I say more?
Stuff I predicted.
First and foremost, I fucking called it that Coach Ben was gay. I was watching it with my cousins and I announced to the room: "The coach guy is gay, you can quote me on that!" Just for the record, my gaydar is very good.
Jackie's death was extremely sad, but I knew the second hallucination!Shauna let her inside. There's no way she would forgive her or be forgiven that fast, teenage girls are terrifying.
Predictions for the future:
They are 100% going to eat Jackie. Nuff Said.
Javi is dead. If not now, then soon.
There is a 0% chance that Shauna's baby is going to survive. Giving birth is dangerous enough on its own. But a teenager giving birth, in the woods, with no medication, no food, no doctors, under absolutely horrifying mental circumstances. There's no way in hell.
For this prediction, it must be known that I know absolutely nothing about lighters. But during the scene where Jackie was trying to light the fire before she died, I noticed that she was having trouble with the lighter. This could have been because she was shivering, or to further drive home the fact that she isn't good at "outdoorsy" stuff, but lighters do run on a small amount of fuel. And if that runs you can no longer use the lighter, it is also unlikely the lighters were full when they got them (I'm assuming they got them from the cabin, as it would be weird for a teenager to bring a lighter to a soccer game) So if the lighters run out or stop working, will they run out of fuel?
And, we have to talk about my least favourite arc of all time, Misty and the Coach. I hated this so fucking much. Adult Misty slays but '96 Misty makes me want to die. Anyway... I think he gon be outed. Misty fucking assaulted and terrorized this guy for so long, and then he told her that he was gay. She isn't going to sit on this, she's going to tell everyone. I don't think anyone's going to be homophobic, because they were all fine with Taivan, but I do think that this is going to really alienate her from Nat, who is Ben's best friend and #1 supporter.
In terms of whos, the head-honcho with the scary mask is, at this point, I'm almost certain that it's got to be Lottie. At first, I was betting on Taissa because of the whole "Became a leader in her adult life" thing, but now I'm shying against it, and I'm not quite sure why. Lottie is my first choice, not from a character standpoint, but purely from a literary one. She is the only character that has not yet appeared as an adult (next to Van) who has gotten any real characterization. And Van just kind of seems like a prop to be Tai's girlfriend and someone to get injured a shit ton. (I love Taivan, don't get me wrong)
Flight 571
If you don't know, flight 571 was a real flight, carrying a Urgarian rugby team, that crashed in the Andes. It is often known as "The Miracle of the Andes." Of the 45 people on the flight, 16 survived, and they did so by eating each other. It was a big hyper-fixation of mine for a while.
One of the biggest differences between the Yellowjackets vs 571, is the setting. As 571 crashed in the Anes, where there was absolutely no life, and their flight obviously crashed in the forest, where they can hunt. But as winter approaches, the two climates become more and more similar, which will probably lead to more parallels.
There are already a shit ton of parallels, starting way back in episode 2, with none other than Van. Her Flight 571 parallel is, arguably the most famous of the group, Nando Parrado. And although your parallels aren't glaring, there is no questioning that they're there. Nando had a fractured skull and was in a Coma for three days after the crash. At first, he was to be counted among the dead, but at the last minute, he was pulled back into the plane, where he survived and became one of the most important people on the flight and one of the survivors. This is a parallel to the way that Van almost died in the fire, but survived and became a very important figure.
In relation to the whole "eating Jackie" thing. In the real-life flight 571 They didn't eat the already dead, they only ate the people that had consented to be eaten when they were alive. This will most likely not play into it at all here, but I want to see how they handle the morality of the situation
Another thing that came up a lot in the crash of 571, was whether or not they could physically;y stomach the meat. Many passengers, even when dying of starvation, could not stomach the meat of their fellow passengers. Again, I doubt this will come up, but It would be dope if it did.
Rationing horror. I want it. I know I'm a jerk, but there is one instance in 571 that has always stuck with me, and this is the fact that one of the 571 passengers (I believe it was my man Nando) ate one chocolate-covered almond over the course of three days. First the outer layer of the chocolate, and then the two slivers of almond, one at a time. I don't have a reason for it, but I really want this to play a part.
I'm very confused about how the cannibalism wasn't immediately found out when they were rescued. In the real-life Andes flight, people figured it out almost immediately. They were immediately rushed to the hospital, and when the doctors puzzled out that they had to be eating something, it was all out in the open pretty fast. I'm curious how the Yellowjackets managed to cover it up.
Things I Loved
Pretty much the whole show. Even the things I hated (see below) are either so small or made sense narratively that it allowed for a really enjoyable watching experience. It was beautiful to look at. Amazingly acted. Amazingly scripted. And just an all-around excellent show.
Things I hated
The Misty/Ben arc. I hated this so fucking much. Ben is my favourite character, and he was straight-up getting harassed by Misty. She also only stopped when she forced him out. And even then she didn't stop being bitter about it. ("[Ben] tricked me into falling in love with him") She also TRIED TO RAPE HIM??? Even after he said no multiple times during episode nine. It also made me cringe, super hard, which isn't as important but still makes me hate it. This is why I have '96 Misty. I understand that it made literary sense, but still...
The fact that 571 is canon in the Yellowjackets universe. It is mentioned in a throwaway line said by that reporter. I believe in episode eight, It feels like a mistake, like when Hot Tub Time Machine was referenced in Endgame. I have already said that it is clear that Yellowjackets is loosely based on flight 571, which makes me feel weird...
The way that schizophrenia was presented. I'm not Schitzo Spec, nor a medical professional so I'm not speaking from experience, but from the research I've done, it can be pretty harmful to use hallucinations to convey evil things or to present it as a gift. Both of which are done in the show
Character Thoughts:
I am completely separating the '96 characters from the present day. In my mind thus far they are different people. This is in literally no order
Reporter: Literally no strong feelings about her what-so-ever, don't even know her name
Those three random girls: You know who I'm talking about. I don't even know their names so I don't care.
Jeff: I hate him. He makes me want to murder him. He cheated on his girlfriend with her best friend. Then blackmailed her friends for money because people didn't want his furniture. 0/10 do not recommend
'96 Misty: I really hate her, even more than Jeff. She's the only character who I like the present-day version of her more than the teen version. Again, the whole Misty/Ben act made me really deeply resent her
Present-day Misty: I love her. So much. She and House should team up and create the malpractice hospital of the century. I was on the fence about her until the very end when she poisoned the reporters cigarettes. And now I love her.
'96 Lottie: I think that she needs a bit more development, and I can see her becoming one of my favourites. Apart from my thoughts on her schizophrenia, I think that with a bit more characterization she can become almost perfect
'96 Vanessa: I love her. Again, I feel like she is mostly being portrayed as someone to do gruesome stuff too, and as a prop for Tai., but the crumbs of Characterization we get for her are awesome. I love the way that she took Lotties weird bone/good luck charm with her. Is shows that she's really sweet and a good person.
'96 Nat: Yes. Her. Yes. Also, she's definitely queer and no I do not take criticism. I think that, even though she's so broken, her and Travis have a really unique and great bond, even at their worst. I also LOVE her relationship with Wen (Don't worry, we're getting to him) She's probably my favourite of the girls.
Present day Nat: Unpopular opinion, but just eh. She's a very tragic character, and that's important for the story. I think that her grief, and her relapse, are very realistic. I can empathize with her, but she isn't very interesting and one of my favourites.
'96 Jackie: I hate her too. I think she's whiny, and doesn't pull her weight. And her insane amount of pouting is what got her killed. I understand that there was a whole arc about her not pulling her weight, but I don't think that ever got really resolved. She did the seance, but that definitely did more bad than good. I wish she wasn't dead, but she irritates me.
'96 Travis: I definitely think he had some of the best development out of all the kids. During the first couple of episodes, I was team eat Travis first and now I'm team eat him second or third. Still not my favourite, but I don't hate him.
'96 Shauna: I think that she's a bi-disaster and in love with Jackie, but honestly to me she seems a bit one-sided. I don't really have super strong thoughts on her
Present-day Shauna: The worst of the adults. Even if it turns out her husband is blackmailing her, she shouldn't have cheated, especially if she didn't know. She pretty much neglects her daughter and kept those journals even though it meant putting her team in jeopardy.
'96 Javi: I think that at the beginning, he had the potential to be interesting. Especially with the whole, dead dad/gum thing. But we haven't really heard from him in a while, so there isn't much to say.
'96 Tai: I like her a lot, I think that she is the one whose characterization as a child comes through the most as an adult. You can see her leadership come through and strengthen as the season go on, which obviously morphs into her becoming senator as an adult.
Present day Tai: Fine. Just fine. I think that her arc as an adult is quite interesting because most of her reach characterization came through in her marriage/parenting/politics stuff, and not in the mystery. But she's fine.
Ben: Oh my precious. Oh, my baby. This man can do no wrong. he could eat literally everyone else, including Nat and Van, and I would continue to give him cuddles and words of affirmation. My favourite character of all time, the reason I hate '96 Misty. If anyone does anything to him they are dead to me forever. That one scene where he's high on shrooms and screaming at the sky that he's gay. Goosebumps.
I'm a really fucked up person who just spent almost hours writing an essay on a show she isn't even done watching yet.
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