#Turbo Jazz
tiny-tf-faces · 4 months
Hello again! :D I've come back to offer you another batch of barely recognisable colourful blobs, specifically ones selected from the G1 cartoon
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In order of appearance, we have: Brawn, Windcharger, Skyfire/Jetfire, Bumblebee, Jazz, Prowl, Spike, Thundercracker, Skywarp, Dirge, Ramjet, Thrust, Rumble, Hoist, and Grapple
Also I'm not entirely sure if you'd allow it, but I've decided to include some hilariously off-model Gobots in the mix as a little self indulgent bonus:
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In order of these guy's appearance, we have: Smallfoot, Turbo, Scooter, and Crasher
(Fun fact: The first three Gobot pictures were all taken from the same shot, and the other two were from the same episode as that shot as well. The episode Ring Of Fire had a whole host of off-model moments jhgfdghjh)
Wow, that's so many! I'm gonna get lazy in the tags for this one. Thanks for sharing your collection!
I know pretty much nothing about Gobots, but it's interesting to have them on the blog! Valid too, since (if I remember correctly) they're Hasbro-owned car robots
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sunset-synthetica · 9 months
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some very simplified designs to get used to the team's shapes and also Ripper/Exec bc I can
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alteredphoenix · 1 year
Jazz Fenton is by far the best older sister I’ve come across in cartoon media and blows pretty much every 2000s-era Disney Channel big sister figure out of the water for the sole reason and sheer fact she actually loves and cares about her younger brother, isn’t self-absorbed, and doesn’t treat him like total fucking trash.
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thelastgherkin · 1 year
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LEGACY EVOLUTION Deluxe G2 Universe Laser Cycle
Nu jazz.
More like this:
Legacy Evolution Deluxe Class G2 Universe Jazz
Legacy Velocitron Speedia 500 Collection Deluxe Class Road Rocket
Earthrise Team: Autobot Alliance Prowl
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luchikigroman · 1 year
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Семейное фото
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kinda weird to me how basically every other language gave all of megamix's sequels unique names and then the english version just didn't bother for 90% of them-
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pinkanonwrites · 8 months
TFA Jet Twins/Reader longpost!
I have SO MANY thoughts about the reader and the Jet Twins, and many many magnificent treats that my dear friend @archie-sunshine has drawn at my behest (begging). These are all pertaining to the Liason Reader in my fic Washrack Academy.
I can't make that more clear. They just both like the same reader and sometimes a gal just wants to be in a big bot sandwich, okay? If you've got some sort of grievance to air about that do it in MY ASKBOX instead of Archie's. He drew all these at my behest so don't go pitching a fit at him for sating my dark passenger.
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OKAY SO In my head both the twins are turbo-virgins. Neither of them got much chance to interface when they were construction drones and now even though they have a lot of fan-bots Sentinel keeps them on too tight a leash to go around slammin' and jammin'. So there's multiple levels of curiosity the more they learn about humans vis-à-vis the human reader.
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Jetfire is a lot more infatuated with the reader than his brother is. Jetstorm is just curious about humans, but Jetfire has a burgeoning crush. It's hell for him because either him or Jetstorm have to accompany the liason to the washracks to make sure no bots on base are putting them in danger when they're at their most vulnerable.
He's... handling it. Sort of.
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No worries, Jetfire. You'll get there.~
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Jetstorm on the other hand is really curious about interfacing with a human, not because he has any feelings for the reader (at first), but because he wants to be the first Cybertronian to interface with a human for clout. Jokes on him though because human pussy hits stupendously different and he gets infatuated about it.
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Also sidebar but I have an HC that skinny bots like the twins and Jazz who don't have any plating around their torsos/waists have metal mesh bodies for flexibility. Downside is if your wires get crossed your internal interface panel will retract without retracting the external metal mesh and you get a little jumpsuit boner. For my amusement.
Last but not least here's a few delicious pieces of all of them together. Jetfire is a bit more shy, Jetstorm is way more bold, but humans are tight and wet and crazy soft and they both get pussy drunk REALLY easily. Once they get a taste they can't get enough, skulking around the base like a pair of un-neutered cats looking for their liason beau.
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That's all for now! A NSFW sequel to Washrack Academy is on the horzion, I promise you. So my fellow Jet Twins enjoyers, keep an eye out! (Also LMK if you need captions for any of these pics, the lettering got compressed a bit so it may be harder to read.)
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solradguy · 1 month
Ohio-Michigan beef is so funny our economies both mega turbo shat the bed with the collapse of the auto industry circa 2008. We're both rusty, snow-buried, states the rest of the country dunks on every chance they get, we've both got huge music cultures (mostly blues/jazz up in Michigan, mostly rock/metal in Ohio) with hilarious amounts of overlap. There was a war over an itty bitty strip of land that the US government had to step in to resolve like breaking up two siblings slapping each other. We've both had corrupt as HELL local governments. Literally why are we fighting. Indiana is right there
We each should send a representative to this intersection of our three states and have a flintlock pistol dual at sunset. Winner gets Toledo
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acronym-chaos · 1 month
Jax (TADC) Inspired ID Pack
[PT: Jax (TADC) Inspired ID Pack].
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[PT: Names].
Ace, Axel, Bandit, Blaze, Blitz, Boomer, Buster, Byte, Chaos, Chester, Chip, Crash, Dash, Dax, Dexter, Dizzy, Echo, Felix, Finn, Flash, Frenzy, Gizmo, Glitch, Harley, Jazz, Jett, Jinx, Joker, Kicks, Kip, Knox, Loki, Max, Mischief, Neo, Nix, Pixel, Pogo, Quirk, Razz, Rebel, Riff, Riot, Rocco, Rogue, Ryder, Scrappy, Scout, Skipper, Slick, Sly, Snaps, Sparx, Spike, Spaz, Tango, Trick, Turbo, Twitch, Vandal, Vex, Vortex, Wily, Zip, Ziggy, Zane
[PT: Pronouns].
Anti / Antic / Antics; Cha / Chao / Chaos; Clow / Clown / Clowns; Craz / Craze / Crazes; Hop / Hop / Hops; Jest / Jeste / Jesters; Jig / Jig / Jigs; Pran / Prank / Pranks; Quir / Quirk / Quirks; Quip / Quip / Quips; Ras / Cal / Cals [Rascal]; Snar / Snark / Snarks; Spri / Spring / Springs; Tri / Trick / Tricks; Trick / Trick / Tricks; Whim / Whim / Whims; Wit / Wit / Wits
[PT: Titles].
The Chaotic Jester, The Digital Troublemaker, The Maniac with a Smile, The Master of Chaos, The Mischievous Prankster, The Unpredictable Fool, The Virtual Rogue, Trickster of the Circus,[Pronoun] Who Bounces Through the Digital World, [Pronoun] Who Flips the Script, [Pronoun] Who Laughs in Code, [Pronoun] Who Pranks the Program, [Pronoun] Who Tricks and Tangles, [Pronoun] Who Twists the Game
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[ID: A purple thin line divider shaded at the bottom, end ID]
Requested by @gamecraft101!
Also tagging: @pronoun-arc @id-pack-archive
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kagebros · 1 year
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Move over, Mirage, there's a new Porsche in town!
[image ID: An illustration with Jazz from Transformers with the ROTB/live action style. He is a 2002 Porsche 911 Turbo with a light grey paintjob and blue streaks. In the corner is his head with his visor removed, revealing his eyes. End ID]
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thedragonemperess · 1 month
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(The cut-off name there is 'Mammon.')
In order, we've got:
The child of the Snow Queen (based largely on Lev Atamanov's 1957 film. I am well-aware of the fact that this isn't Disney but neither is Morgana so like I can do whatever the hell I want). He/They
The daughter of Tinker Bell. She/Her
The son of Scar. He/She/They/It
The granddaughter of Madam Mim (and sister of Mad Maddy!). She/Her
The child of Oogie Boogie. He/She
The daughter of Kristoff and Anna. She/Her
The son of Anna and Kristoff. He/Him
The son of Hans. He/Him
The son of Turbo/King Candy. It/Its
Soren is my main and most developed OC. I love the idea that disgraced and ex-royals and nobility have their own little social circle on the Isle, and Soren tends to float around that. He is the Snow Prince, after all. However, he also frequents the pirates and acts as a sort-of spy for Uma. Has a complicated, blurred relationship with Gil but they sort themselves out post-D3. Their whole inner complex is pretty run-of-the-mill for the Descendants characters: What they want to be for their parent is entirely against what they want for themselves. Their mother, before resorting to essentially total neglect, wanted them to be just like her: Cold and emotionless. But without access to her magic, that was a pretty hard feat and essentially didn't work. They then internalize the idea that, in order to gain their mother's praise, they just need to do better at being immune to all emotions and emotional ties. If my previous comment about Gil doesn't say enough, then let me be perfectly clear in saying that it doesn't work. He feels more connected and at home with the pirates than anywhere else, even after he gets into Auradon, and it continues to fuck with their sense of identity until post-D2.
(With Soren being my main, first, and most developed Descendants OC, he's the one I ended up forcing into the movies. If I ever end up writing a fic for him, like, all of D2 is gonna end up different XD)
Tamara is someone I came up with for my own AU of the fic Regime Change by Link_Heights (I love that fic so much holy shit I HIGHLY recommend it), but have since turned them into a background friend for Jane and Lonnie. I keep going back-and-forth on making her a fast flying fairy because I thought it'd be really funny if she was the same fairy type as Vidia and a fauna fairy because that's the type of fairy the IRL I loosely based her off of says she would want to be. I'm leaning towards fast flying, though, because I love the idea of her doing track and having to train herself not to use her wings while running. It also creates an interesting clash between Auradon tradition and Pixie Hollow tradition - in Auradon, people tend to dress according to their family's colors, but in Pixie Hollow, they dress according to the colors of the type of fairy they are. A love-interest for Harry within the AU, but definitely not a peromanent one since she was really just using him to rebel against her mom.
(Don't ask me how Tinker Bell has a kid when I'm going by Tinker Bel movies canon. It's Descendants, half of the characters' parents should be dead and none of the time periods of the original stories match up despite all of the technology being modern. Nothing makes sense, anyway. Once again, I can do whatever the hell I want.)
Sika, Mimi, and Oscar are all the main (and only) musicians on the Isle. If I had to base their personalities on any musicians, I honestly wouldn't have a comparison for Sika but he is very chillaxed and laid back, Mimi would be Avril Lavigne, and Oscar would Will Wood. They all dabble in different types of music, but Sika mains alternative and hard rock, Mimi mains pop-punk and pop, and Oscar mains jazz fusion and folk punk. Sika doesn't have very high goals and is content to live out the rest of his life on the Isle. As long as he can play music, he tells himself he's fine. In reality, he's definitely really depressed, but that's a conversation for when he leaves the Isle. He doesn't have a stage name. Mimi wants to tour the world one day, and is essentially the family disappointment for it. She wants nothing to do with witch craft and her grades in school (she goes to the witch school on the isle) reflect that. This affects her more than she lets on. Her stage name is Mammon. Oscar has a wonderful relationship with his father(s)* and all he really wants to do is live in a world where he's not constantly ridiculed or made into an easy target by other kids on the Isle. As much as he loves music, it's not something he can see himself doing forever and really just wants to see Halloween Town where he knows, deep down, he truly belongs. He'd also love to join - not take over, join - his father on Boogie Man business when he gets older! His stage name is OzRock.
*See: The other ask I got about my OCs (that I tagged you in!).
I got like nothing on Kira and Adrien 😭 I swear to God it's not because they're AKs, I just really don't have anything to go on with them. I feel like they'd be very basic characters, overall! Adrien is being raised to claim the throne, since he's a year older, but neither he nor Kira really want that responsibility. They both idolize Jane Porter and Milo Thatch (and, although this is something neither of them would ever dare to say out loud, Captain Hook), as they would love to explore the different corners of the world. Adrien wants to do so in the name of science, while Kira wants to do so in the name of fun. Personality-wise, though, Kira takes more after both Anna and Kristoff, while Adrien takes more after his aunt Elsa. Like I said, they're very basic.
Hansen is literally just A Guy. He also tends to frequent the royal/noble circles on the Isle and is quite literally the only person to consistently break through Soren's 'I Must Be Like My Mother' complex. He dated Evie for a hot second there but he's very gay and very down bad for Anthony Tremaine so it didn't last long. He tends to blend into the crowd on the Isle, and he is perfectly fine with that. Unlike most kids on the Isle, he is very vocal about wanting to be nothing like his father, but he means that in more ways than one. While, yes, he doesn't want to be a villain, he also doesn't want to carry the title and pressure of being royalty. He literally just wants to be A Guy. His dream is to open a bar or bakery or pottery or any other small shop where he can live a relaxed, content life. (Of course, in the case of Anthony, since he knows how dead-set Anthony is on carrying on his family's legacy, Hansen also wouldn't mind being a house-husband).
Tobias is arguably even less thought-out than Kira and Adrien because at least I have a basic foundation for them set in stone. Tobias is essentially all up in the air. I'd like to imagine that King Candy has a candy store on the Isle but also uses it as a cover-up for like. Making and selling drugs. He's a pretty decent father, and likes to make sure Toby is always okay and included in his work (for better or for worse) and is doing well and school and he's okay overall. However, he's told Toby stories of his glory days since it was young, and that has definitely had an impact on it. Toby is a fantastic mechanic and has gotten itself out of a good amount of trouble due to promising to figure out generators or small vehicles for people on the Isle. (It has also, somehow, ended up on Cruella de Vil's good side due to its ability to maintain her car, which is a nice bonus to his minimal reputation.) Toby's dream, though, is to be an even better racer than its father, Vanellope von Schweetz, or any of the Sugar Rush racers. It understands where its father went wrong, but is still mad at his enemies for never giving him a second chance. Couldn't they have just saw that he was hurting? Well, being on the Isle has given it a life-time of hurting, so when it finally gets off the Isle, it's gonna show everybody what that can lead to. Also, uh, slight side-note, it and Soren are twins. I just thought it would be really funny if those two had kids together because of royalty reasons and then got really attached to the concept after thinking about how that would impact Tobias and Soren's relationship.
(Once again, don't ask me how Wreck-It Ralph is canon. See: My previous two defenses.)
I'm sorry that this took so long for me to get to! I'm also gonna answer an ask that @angelwiththeblue-box sent me about these guys with some other miscellaneous stuff that's probably just gonna end up being me rambling a bunch about whatever train of thought I latch onto first. Thank you so, so, so, so, SO much for the ask!! :DDD
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modeus-the-unbound · 7 days
`Begins walking toward you in a menacing manner` I have word from the council: They demand (respectfully) the horny Damsel thoughts. For peace and prosperity and all that jazz
Fufufufu! You're approaching me?
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If the council must be informed of my Nsfw headcanons on Damsel, fair enough.
I think Damsel would more or less be in physical relationships with most of the other vessels. Casually kissing Witch on the cheek to say hello, having possesion sex with Spectre, taunting Adversary into yoga sessions that rapidly devolve into sweaty sex on her couch. All that. Turbo-slut Damsel is peak, because in this sake headcanon no one judges her for it. It's just who she is. She loves her friends and wants to express that as far as her friends comfort zones will allow her to.
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minniethemoocherda · 1 month
Iridescent: Chapter 22
A/N: Can't believe Transformers One comes out next month!! Ahhhhh!! So excited!! Xxxxxxx
Once again, high command was a complete mess.
Ratchet was still unconscious.
Ironhide and Chromia still spent most meetings flirting with each other.
Thanks to Bluestreak, Bumblebee hadn’t gotten more injured than he already was. But that didn’t stop Optimus from frantically fretting over his ward who had been in the crossfires of two too many Decepticon attacks.
Red Alert was on the verge of another break down. They hadn't been able to find any evidence of how Silverstreak had escaped but somehow she must have because nobody had seen a shade of her in over twenty-four hours. Inferno had been temporarily relieved from his medical duties so that he could keep his partner sane.
And Prowl… well even those who weren’t as used to deciphering the tactician’s usual lack of outward emotion, could tell that something was off.
Silverstreak's betrayal had affected them all in different ways.
Jazz hadn't been as close to Silverstreak as he had to other members of Spec Ops. But he'd trusted her. Not only with his own life but with the lives of everyone that he cared about. And Jazz didn't trust easily. Even though he couldn't feel pain, he still felt like he had been stabbed in the back.
It was a miracle that Mirage and Hound had been discharged from the med-bay barely an hour before it became a fiery inferno otherwise he might not have had a spec ops at all. However the pair still weren't healed enough to brace the Decepticon infested planet to try searching for the traitor and with trust in spec ops currently at an all time low, Jazz had decided it would be best to employ some outside help, in this case the bounty hunter Devcon.
He just needed Prowl's permission to sign off on it.
Which was why Jazz was the one who discovered the state of their commander's office.
Prowl's office looked like it had been ransacked by a turbo-wolf. Rows of previously alphabetised meeting reports were now shattered across the floor. The desk and half of it's draws had been flipped over. And the seat next it out had gone out the window.
Which was to say nothing of Prowl himself.
The mech was living up to his name, prowling up and down the room, smoke practically steaming from his nose like an animal waiting for an excuse to pounce.
It was rare sight to see Prowl lose his composure. And Jazz wasn't going to lie to himself that the sight didn’t send a shiver of thrill down his spinal strut even if this time he wasn’t the one responsible for it.
"What?" Prowl demanded when he noticed their presence, apparently not even surprised at Jazz hacking open his door anymore.
"Go see Bluestreak." Jazz told him.
Prowl's eyes darted to the datapad in Jazz's hand.
"You can sign these tomorrow." Jazz said, hiding the pad behind his back. As per usual he ignored all warning signs of danger and strolled closer to the mech. Thankfully Prowl appeared to be too busy fighting with himself to take a strike as Jazz. "So go and see Bluestreak."
"She does not want to see me." Prowl stated, shaking his head as though he could shake his thoughts right out of his audio receptors.
"You're her brother." Jazz countered, placing a hand on Prowl’s cheek. The metal was hot to the touch. Unusual for the mech who always appeared so cold. “And Silverstreak was the one who hurt her. Not you.”
Under the hold of Jazz’s steady hand the commander could no longer shake his head, finally forcing him to focus on the spy’s words. Jazz could practically see the gears turning in his head as the logic of his own words against him settled in. Even if the stubborn bastard didn’t want to admit that Jazz was right.
"Plus I know that your shift ended an hour ago and we both know that I can and will hack you out of your profile so you’re not going to be doing any more work tonight one way or another.” Jazz pointed out with deliberate cheek. This close he swore he could see the wire under the metal of Prowl’s temple pulse. “So are you going to see her or what?”
Jazz grinned as Prowl spoke through gritted teeth.
“It appears I do not have a choice.”
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tinydefector · 1 month
What if we show to the bots the band Cybertronic Spree ?
I think they would LOVE it !!!
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I'm rather ashamed to say it, but I don't keep up with lot of modern music so I had to go look these up and listen too.
(Me after looking up these)
Omg, omg cybertronic Spree is fucking wicked holy shit!. I could definitely see the bots watching this and then deciding they are going to make a band and cover human songs. But I could also see them watching and them having a full-blown fangirl moment. "By primus! Did they make a costume of me !?!?" And they would start sobbing in delight. Ask if they could leave comments asking the band to cover different songs they like.
And woah, TWRP also found out that they and Dan Avidan actually sing a favourite of mine, which is Starlight Brigade. But humans touch sounds very much like it's meant to be five nights at Freddy's song, and it's wicked. But I'll also add a Spotify link of songs I can see the lost light listening to over the speakers. I'd recommend shuffling this playlist
But alot of cybertronians happen to very much like
- Cybertronic spree
- Daft Punk
- Scandroid
- Night runner
- mystery skulls
- Smash into pieces.
Now onto so bots and their favourites songs out of the playlist. Time for my wheel spinner. Giving each character between 1-3 songs. I didn't get to doing every bot and this is a mix and not everyone is part of the lost light but enjoy the human songs I believe each of the bots like.
Ratchet: what you know: two door cinema club, little talks: of monster and men,
Drift: nightcall: Kavinsky, turn: the wombats, neo-tokyo: Scandroid.
Rodimus: I'm still here: John Rzeznik, running away from home: smash into pieces,
Blaster: pour some sugar on me: Def Leppard, harder, better, faster, stronger: daft punk, money for nothing: dire straits.
Jazz: The man: The killers, turbo lover: Judas Priest, walk this way: areosmith.
Swerve: Butterfly: Crazy town, lifestyle of the rich and famous: good Charlotte, drunk Arcade: Bombs away. /
Starscream: Mad world: Smash into pieces cover, toxic Brittany Spears,
Beachcomber: spend it: Peking duk, electric Feel: MGMT,
Brainstorm: writing on the walls: Scandroid, Derezzed: Daft punk,
Whirl: 19-2000: Gorillaz, brutal: Olivia Rodrigo, 18+: scene Queen.
Blurr: we own it: 2 chainz & Wiz Khalifa, I ran: bowling for soup, Tokyo drift: Teriyaki Boyz.
Moonracer: Shut up and drive: Rihanna,
Swindle: Money: lime cordiale, kickstart my heart: motley crew, robbery: Lime cordiale.
Red Alert: Arcadia: smash into pieces, the less I know the better: tame impala,
Bumblebee: if you ever leave I'mcoming with you: the wombats,
Tarn: tainted love: soft cell,
Pharma: losing my mind: Mystery skulls,
Megatron: life: Neffex, Empire of steel: Essenger,
Rung: lanterns: birds of Tokyo, starlight Brigade: TWRP,
Kup: Fortunate son: creedance Clearwater revival,
Let me know if you would like to be added to tag list (tagged for every fic)
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sunset-synthetica · 1 month
ok I know you don't do free requests so do ignore this if you don't feel like it, but,,, Turbo overkill characters as TFs?
anon ily this was actually a great request
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I had soooo much fun with these. I even have notes because of course I do.
Maw's alt. mode is a spider, as per his second phase in his last boss fight. It fits his personality, given he's weaving a web right from the start and herding everyone to get caught in it, and for most of his encounters, his movements are fast, jittery and sudden.
The spider's 'face' also let me emulate that weird mechanical thingy he has on his chest. Some of the spider legs make up his prosthetic arm, and I used the rest to balance out the colors a bit and replace some of the details around his midsection that wouldn't have fit.
For Johnny, I gave him two alts, meaning both his car and the bike he randomly finds during one level. He's fast, and since he uses his leg chainsaw(s) to slide around and quicken his movement, and since the bike specifically is a pretty small vehicle with a limited amount of large parts, I used the wheels for his legs. I also kept the asymmetrical coloring of his hands/arms, so the bike's front portion- mostly the turret and chainsaws- make up his left arm. The bike's turret and laser beam replace his mini rocket launcher upgrade.
Both vehicles also support his grayscale + red color theme so I kept that, and went for a more square, occasionally rounded shape with his silhouette.
Jazz was a pain in the ass, but I ended up going with a weirdly modded sports car, since that fits him overall. He's fast- he has the Turbo Time augment before Johnny takes it for himself- which my friend had the idea of translating into an engine on Jazz's back. I also tried to make his colors more coherent- while the rest of the cast has the classic gray + 2 main colors + minor details look, Jazz is an absolute clusterfuck with yellow, turquoise, pink and a reddish light brown as main colors, and pink, orange, red and purple for details. Not counting like 3 shades of gray. Ouch. I included all of them, but tried to balance out how they're used.
The design does make sense though, as he's more naive, inexperienced, brash and excited than the rest of his team, and quite a bit younger likely, given his voice and over-excited nature.
Finally, Ripper. She's very fast and precise, using the Telefragger sniper rifle as her main weapon, and thrusters to get away from Johnny during their fight, lending her some amount of air capability together with her grappling hook.
I figured a jet would fit all that, plus the resulting shapes would let me keep the curvy lower half / sharper upper half contrast her model somewhat uses. She lost her left arm after Johnny defeated her in ep2, and replaced it with a gun/cannon at some point, and I also retained that.
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eldritchamy · 13 days
@strangetree replied to your post “Minutes Since I was last in absolute fucking agony...”:
They're there for two weeks after the story ends! Two weeks of pure unbridled Becca taunting! I need this in my veins.
​Yeah like, in the epilogue chapter we learn that what happens immediately after the main story is Celosia is with Phoebe and Jazz in the maintenance deck for a long time, and when she finally carried them down she bumped into a LOT of people in the lobby who were VERY excited to see them all together like that because they INSTANTLY figured out what (finally) happened.
Several things very obviously must have happened after this point.
Becca Dextris teases them both RELENTLESSLY, especially Phoebe, and they all become friends
Jupiter talks to Berberi and admits SHE is ready to become a floret. She probably fucking begs to have her implant like the same day, and technically Cestro Umbrae is probably qualified to do it
There is probably also a LOT of very affectionate warm welcomes to PHOEBE ESPECIALLY at actually becoming a part of the Compact for real. Everyone loved her throughout the story. The entire hotel knows (as of Chapter 10) that she was basically made for this. She's a perfect fit for life as a floret, and EVERYONE knows it.
And they would eagerly and enthusiastically welcome her to it. Probably to a level that's a bit overwhelming and Celosia has to put her foot down and insist they give the poor girl some space, but I'd be willing to bet that BECCA IN PARTICULAR makes sure they stay in contact, and would be more than happy to help them get used to everything about their new lives.
And they DEFINITELY fuck.
Jupiter too, she was MAD horny for Amaranth in Doll Mode.
But GOD I really need to READ all of this happening instead of just imagining it, you know?
The story has such an incredibly HOPEFUL tone to it. This is the life Phoebe was made for. This is everything that's right for her. This is a life that's going to make her happy and fulfilled.
I just want to read actual chapters where we get to see the poor girl coming to terms with BEING happy. Learning all the stuff she didn't know yet about life in the Compact, and realizing she loves it.
And get that girl a goddamn MIRROR! She's been on Class Gs for days now, she NEEDS to literally SEE her reflection as a better, happier version of herself.
If The Grand Folia Hotel, as we have it now, is the story of Phoebe learning how to LEAVE her old life, I want a sequel where we get the story of Phoebe leaning how to THRIVE in her new one.
And I absolutely want Becca Dextris to be there to help her learn the ropes, because she was SUCH a good character and had such good chemistry with all of them.
And she was turbo thirsty for Phoebe. She would LOVE being able to bring out Amaranth.
I really want to see all of them just living together on the Phellos.
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