#Trump in Europe
mysharona1987 · 30 days
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theogmrpandabear · 22 days
“Honestly there’s no point in voting”
Buddy, Pal, Amigo-
Like it or not we are all on a bus headed to go right off a cliff, and voting is the only way to avoid careening off the edge, by either stopping the bus, or slowing it down long enough to find a solution.
Some people will knowingly vote to drive off the cliff. :/
If you, and every other person with your mindset, think it’s ok to abstain from voting it’s the same as voting to go off the cliff and die , because like it or not, the people wanting to drive off the cliff will vote to do so.
Don’t let other people tell you voting doesn’t work or change things, it. does.
We have been so conditioned by false media and propaganda to normalize cynicism in politics that we have come to believe that our choices don’t matter, that our voices shouldn’t be heard, that we should be ok with all the wrong things in our society, and anything or anyone saying otherwise is villainized and stigmatized
And maybe you might have a point in your cynicism, it might really all just be that bad….
but the fact is- would you rather at least TRY and stop the bad things from happening by voting, for your future, for the future of your family and friends, for the sake of being able to say “I Tried.”
Or would you rather just sit back and let the bad things happen because “there’s no point?”
(Don’t forget the big election isn’t the only one that counts, the small elections matter too)
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casstelli · 2 months
do usamerican leftists think that if they don’t vote the government will spontaneously collapse to make way for their socialist utopia
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Kamala is doing everything she can lads.
Try and grasp the situation here: she is the presumptive nominee of a party that is comprised of both staunch Israëli opponents and hard line Israëli supporters. She also is going up against a party of exclusively the latter, and wants to try and convince as many people deciding between the Democrats and Republicans to vote for her in November. She cannot afford to lose because if she does, America will turn into a fascist theocracy for the foreseeable future, and then we will all be fucked because America is the most influential country upon global politics.
So Kamala Harris CANNOT AFFORD to say any more than she is saying about the war in Palestine right now, because if she does, she risks losing the support of a large and potentially election-deciding group of swing voters.
I am a supporter of a free and prosperous Palestine. I believe that Israël has no right to exist as a country, and that it is an apartheid state. But I also have some amount of common sense, and I see that there has to be a compromise here. As, it seems, does Kamala Harris. Watch the video above to see what I mean.
I am not a resident of the United States. I live in the Netherlands, where in the last election, the party with the most votes was the party who wants to ban the Qur’ān and close all mosques, advocates for increased and more violent policing, wants to retract the official apologies made for the Netherlands’ involvement in the Slave Trade, and ban puberty blockers. That’s not because most people want to do those things. It’s because people didn’t fucking vote. Well there are more reasons than that but that’s one of the main ones.
So, Americans. From your friends over in Europe. We like you. We don’t want you to live under a fascist theocracy. However, we don’t have the power to stop that. Only you do, and you can do it by putting aside your grievances and seeing the big picture here. In other words,
I’m not gonna go into all the rest of her policies, but coming from a gay genderqueer socialist I think she’s pretty solid. Obviously she and I don’t agree on everything, but that’s because we’re unique individuals with different personalities, upbringings and backgrounds. Yknow, like how normal society is? I’ve been hearing so much discourse on this kut website and most of it boils down to “she’s not a carbon copy of me so I won’t vote for her”.
Guys, what the fuck happened to the tolerant left? What happened to the people who welcomed different ideas and beliefs? Are they in the room with us now??? Grow up. Go to your silly little American voting website and register to vote. I don’t know which website it is but someone can link it in a reblog or something idk.
And for my European friends. I know we all dislike how much influence American politics has on our lives. I fucking hate it. But we live in a globalised world, for better or worse, so try as best you can to make as many Americans that you know and love vote for Kamala Harris - or whoever it ends up being - come November. That’s the most we can do to ensure the right wing parties of our own countries don’t see Trump and follow in their footsteps. It’s happening in the Netherlands and we are already seeing the consequences over here. I’d talk about them but this post is too long.
(pwease :3)
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thashining · 9 days
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i-merani · 7 months
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Bro is greenlighting a ww3😭😭
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palestinegazafree · 9 days
We ate chicken for the first time in a year😭
Alhamudulilah First, we thank the donor who donated to us and enabled us to buy chicken thighs that we had forgotten the taste of. For the first time in a year, we are eating meat🥰
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We are very impressed by the solidarity of many in the West with us. Your support is a lifeline and the only solution to save us from this war.
We in Gaza are suffering greatly and we hope that everyone will help us overcome this ordeal. My little son, who is 17 months old, needs you.
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Your support is our lifeline ❤️
Donation link for my family Donate and share
My campaign was vetted by ✅90-ghost🫂 My campaign was vetted by ✅buttercuparry My campaign was vetted by ✅effen-draws🫂 My campaign was vetted by ✅schoolhater🫂 My campaign was vetted by ✅sayruq🫂 My campaign was vetted by ✅mushroomjar🫂 My campaign was vetted by ✅cagandante-communistoide🫂
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izooks · 7 months
The Prime Minister of Australia talks about the United States if Trump is president.
Trump’s love for Putin, and any authoritarian is not good for the rest of the free world.
Let’s once and for all, remove this stain from the fabric of the United States so we can resume our place as the leader of the Free world. 🌎 vote blue, vote Biden
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botto-b-bobbs · 3 months
Democratic Socialism is tough to actually establish because it requires constant participation from both unions and voters. The EU elections showed us what happens when disillusioned leftists choose not to vote for puritanical reasons. The right wins every time. Biden may be an old sex offender who is supporting a genocide, but Trump is that and more. So please, if you're American and trans, gay, an LGBTQ ally, a union member, an avid protester, a woman, or anyone at all, PLEASE VOTE in November. If Trump wins, the Supreme Court will get even more conservative, the alt right will feel more empowered to commit hate crimes, the genocide in Gaza could get worse, unions and protesters will be stripped of what little power they have left, and we'll have someone who attempted a literal coup back in the White House.
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godisarepublican · 5 months
Mike Johnson Betrays America
Biden is way too old, he's senile so he can almost be forgiven for paying the Ukraine to launch terrorist attacks on Russia, flirting with nuclear war. But Mike Johnson has no such excuses.
Apparently the House of Representatives is ready to increase the size of the budget deficit for an undeserving Ukraine.
Johnson has bent over for Biden!
I wonder what they're blackmailing him with?
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mysharona1987 · 23 days
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”Alleged Israeli strike”
But what other suspects is there?
Unless it was Denmark or Italy or Malta or an Agatha Christie butler that killed this poor man.
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sher-ee · 2 months
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fulesthefirst · 2 months
As a tour guide, I often have American customers. And in general, "the stupid American" stereotype is not true.  Most of the time, they are intelligent and curious people who simply didn't learn European history in too much detail, so they have some questions about it. That's fine, that's why my job exists. But sometimes I meet the other type of American who asks me stuff like, "So is Hungary part of the Czech Republic?", and I just want to combust right then and there. 
How can they even begin to understand the nuances of history if they don't know basic geography? How can these adults be so ignorant about the world around them that they travel to a country without even realizing that it is an actual independent country? Did they even know where they were?? And you're saying they can vote?! In a country whose politics are admittedly influencing the entire world?!? Jesus...
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originalleftist · 2 months
I'm going to be blunt: There is literally nothing-NOTHING-in this world more important right now than keeping Trump and Republicans out of power.
He could easily blunder us into nuclear war, or cause one with his invitation to Putin to invade Europe (and he just picked a VP who supports territorial concessions by Ukraine). But even more than that, while Biden has set us on track to cut carbon emissions in half by 2030 and reach net zero by 2050, Trump's approach to the climate crisis is to actively promote more fossil fuels, and actively suppress and ban alternatives. If he wins, BILLIONS could and probably will die.
Whatever you do to help Democrats beat Trump, it may very well be the most important thing you ever do in your life.
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joseantpol · 2 months
🗣🔫The fight for peace with those who want peace
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❗️Over the past few months, the world has been shocked by a number of assassination attempts on the world leaders who, one way or another, tried to achieve an early peace in Ukraine. First an attempt was made to assassinate Prime Minister Fico, the President of Iran was killed, and this weekends an attempt was made on the life of ex-President Trump.
⚡️I would like to remind You that all these leading opinion leaders in different countries have repeatedly spoken about an early cessation of hostilities in Ukraine by any available means. It seems that someone does not want to develop a peaceful initiative on this problem and tries to take such initiators out of the game by the most radical method.
💥The probably won’t stop at Trump. Hungarian Prime Minister Orban, Serbian President Vucic and others who want to stop the bloodshed on the territory of the Ukrainian state as soon as possible may become the next victims of such incidents.😳
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