#Troy Young
hplovecraftmuseum · 2 months
'THE OTHER, Encounters with the Cthulhu Mythos'. Shown below is Book Two in a series of 3. This collection of 7 (book 2) tales is the work of author Troy Young. Book 2 was published in 2020. The cover was designed by Raesgo Creative. The first glaring element of this collection to consider is that the language and style are nothing like Lovecraft's. The tales are casual, 'modern' in flavor, and somewhat meandering. None of these aspects are blatantly negative, but if one is looking for something in the tradition and style of Lovecraft the reader will be disappointed. Various character names from Lovecraft are scattered throughout these tales, but their essence is only vaguely in keeping with HPL's originals. For those who have been turned off by Lovecraft's literary style but are still hoping for the outre' and bizzare, these stories might have value. All in all THE OTHER, Encounters with the Cthulhu Mythos, might represent a fairly entertaining product of the contemporary, post Derleth era of Lovecraftian fiction. Not my cup of poisoned tea, but perhaps worth a look for those with a taste for subtle horror circa 2020. (Exhibit 517)
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arttuff · 2 months
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young justice vs the titans is a very "bullying your younger siblings" vibe
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younes-ben-amara · 4 months
إنهم يسرقون محتوى الناس ويعدِّلونه قليلًا ويقدِّمونه دون إشارة للمصدر الأصلي
ما هذه المجموعة من المختارات تسألني؟ إنّها عددٌ من أعداد نشرة “صيد الشابكة” اِعرف أكثر عن النشرة هنا: ما هي نشرة “صيد الشابكة” ما مصادرها، وما غرضها؛ وما معنى الشابكة أصلًا؟! 🎣🌐 🎣🌐 صيد الشابكة العدد #71 مرحبًا بكم والسلام عليكم؛ 🎣🌐 صيد الشابكة العدد #71📰🆕 أعدادٌ جديدة من نشرات آل رديف البريدية🕵️‍♂️ إننا نعيشُ في ثقافة الجَمّاعين بلا علم* – شهرة الإنترنت غالبًا ما تتضمن النهب*ترجمة كلمة…
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wobubling · 2 months
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wolfythewitch · 2 years
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princesses of sparta
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minnie-draws · 3 months
I love how despite him being the eldest sibling in his own family, Dick Grayson is always gaining older sisters in the TV shows and comics. Donna the og wonder twin, Artemis in Young Justice, and Barbara in the 2004 The Batman cartoon. He just radiates annoying younger brother energy with them, and I love it.
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oocdc-tweets · 15 days
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fast typer
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disco-troy · 3 months
Donna Troy is truly the character of all time. Always struggling with how people percive her. Needing to be perfect on the outside if not on the inside. Spending her entire life hiding her faults from outside eyes.
And then the monkey paw curls.
She gets erased and brought back with Wally’s memories of her. All of a sudden the facade she’s put up all her life becomes her. She becomes what she’s always projected to the world.
But it fixes nothing. Instead of worrying about showing her flaws to the world she worries she’s successfully erased them. The jokes is on her. She finally perfected the mirage of herself, but instead of freedom she finds herself in a self built prison, trapped in a watered down Donna Troy, the hollow image of perfection she cultivated all her life.
Her response is to scream in her own voice for the first time in her life.
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theflashjaygarrick · 2 months
Feel free to elaborate as much as you want in your response.
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clambuoyance · 2 years
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[DC] Old unfinished drawings from April/may that maybe one day I’ll revisit and finish 😢 also I think I’ll change it to Fab Five so I can add Roy 😔
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umbrellacam · 5 months
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Tales of the Teen Titans #53 - Dick and Kory vs. Donna and Terry; very cute doubles match inside Titans Tower
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Batman (Vol. 1) #468 - Tim practicing against a ball machine at Wayne Manor. Bizarrely, he's shown playing both left- and right-handed in different panels (but primarily left). Artist mistake Ambidextrous Tim evidence?!
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toulousewayne · 4 months
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🌿🍃Toxic Lover: Pt: I
Nightwing X male!reader with a former team who had become Poison Ivy like meta-human.
Summary:Your a former Titan teammate, you and Dick have unresolved feelings and you become infected with the same toxins and chemicals that turned Poison Ivy into a meta-human.
It was a simple mission. Get in and get out. It wasn’t supposed to go the way it had.
Y/n was a skilled fighter and vigilante, he trained with Black Canary, WildCat, Wonder Woman and the League of Assassins. He operated as solo vigilante since he could remember.
He worked with most of the league and helped them as much as he could. He helped Batman and Robin a lot since he did very similar missions to them. When Dick formed the Titans and went solo as Nightwing he asked Y/n to join him. Y/n worked well with Starfire and Raven, he had fun playing games with Cyborg and Best Boy. He often hung out with Dick and Donna and Wally would visit often too.
Y/n took some time from the team and did solo missions for a while before being called by Dick to help him,Wally and Donna with a rescue mission in Metropolis.
“We just need to find the data bank with the information containing Ivy’s records and research. Luthor was help to gather and stored it in his lab. We need to get the information and destroy any bioweapon schematics.” Dick instructed.
“Anything we should be aware of,”Y/n perked up from his seat in the jet. Donna adjusted her sliver lasso to her waist,”Is Ivy herself involved?”
“As far as Batman’s intel can confirm she’s been missing for the last three months.” He confirms.
“Great so no giant kale bushes to crush us, noted.” Wally quipped. Y/n chuckled as Donna and Dick rolled their eyes.
The Quad split into pairs;Wally and Donna and Dick and Y/n. Donna and Wally took the research offices upstairs meanwhile, Dick and Y/n took the lower levels.
Dick sneak into some of the office while Y/n found a hidden lab. He took photos, and took a flash drive to take the data from the server. He found several vials, tubes and plants on a desk and took photos.
“Nightwing, I’m in this lab. It looks they’ve extracted some of Ivy’s original pheromones and try to weaponize them.”
“I’ll be there soon…kinda busy.” He heard a loud bang and a punch. Y/n turned around to see a scientist and three guards at the doorway.
“Sorry you found this, but unfortunately Mr. Luthor doesn’t what this getting out. Boys don’t let him leave.” The scientist quickly fled as the guards moved in.
“Sorry lapdogs,but I’m leaving with the drive.” Y/n sprang into action and started fighting.
“It’s a trap,you have to get out of that room.” Nightwing’s voice filed the hero’s ear. Y/n managed to take out two goons but the last one was the biggest and blocked the only exit. He rushed Y/n and managed to forcefully shove him into the computer and servers. Knocking Y/n off his balance and disorienting him. He had cuts on his faces and blood trickled from his lip.Then, while he was stunned he took him and threw him into the desk with vitals and pheromones.
The two guard got the their feet and assisted in beating him to a pulp. Y/n was loosing his consciousness and went in and out. “..Dick—help.” He winced.
The large goon took the remaining vitals and smashed them over the hero. He threw the plant cart on him too and took out a lighter.
“Mr. Luthor sends his regards.” He threw the lighter at the spilled chemical and engulfed the room in flames.
The fire spread through out the facility and Nightwing managed to find the source. Toria and Flash managed to get to him but the flames were to high.
“We need to save him!” Nightwing tried to go towards the labs but Toria stopped him.
“You can’t go in there you’ll die!” He tried to push her but she wasn’t budgeting. Tears streaming down his face he begged his friends.
“Please, we have to try, please.” Wally nodded.”Get him to the surface I’ll try to get to Y/n. Go now!” He barked. Toria grabbed Nightwing and sped out of the lower levels as Flash created tornados to clear up the flames.
Dick set on the jet without his mask, tears, bruises, and soot. Donna stood guard watching as the building’s flames were put out by firefighters. Wally entered the vessel with a stretcher with a white sheet on top.The form on it was Y/n’s body. Dick didn’t say a word as more tears formed in his eyes.
“It’s all my fault.” He hissed. Donna placed a hand on his shoulder,”It’s not Dick, you can’t blame—“
“It is. I asked him to come, I asked both of you to come and it nearly killed you all. I—l..” Dick broke down in tears and shouted. He rocked hisself and sob and Donna comforted him. Wally placed a hand on his other shoulder and talked him through it.
Dick sat in his seat at the cemetery in Gotham. The small crowd of heroes dressed in black one by one left the small private ceremony for Y/n. Dinah gave a worried look at Dick whose gaze hadn’t left the spot where Y/n’s casket had been lowered into the earth and covered with fresh soil.
Bruce stood next to her and they didn’t speak right away but Dinah broke the silence. “Diana told me what happened from Donna. He hasn’t been the same.” Bruce didn’t reply.
“Well he be okay?” She hummed. Bruce turned to his friend and looked back at his son.”They were in love Dinah, it was obvious to most of us but not them. I’m not sure he if knew he loved Y/n as more than a friend, but I know he won’t stop until he can give him justice.”
“You think he’ll kil-“
“I hope not but I can only help him through this, I’ve learned a long time ago to not try to pressure him into a decision.” He walked to Dick and gave his shoulder a squeeze.
“Let’s go son.”
Y/n saw his life flash before his eyes during his attack. Between each rib being fractured, another punch to the back, or kick to the stomach he felt his favorite memories flood his eyes.
From training the younger members of Young Justice with Dick’s little brother the third Robin, game nights with the Titans, going to a concert with Dick he practically dragged him to.
That concert was the best night of his life he felt so carefree, not birdied with the responsibilities of being a more experienced hero. Not feeling like he couldn’t tell his best friend how he truly felt, and just watch from a distance as he went out dates with other girls or laughed with the guys at games nights.
Y/n knew he was in deep shit from the moment he met the Last Flying Grayson, and he didn’t care.
The band was one he like since he was in Middle school,and he begged Dick for weeks to go with him, eventually he agreed to go because he felt bad for missing so many plans to help his family with their own missions.
“I hope they aren’t a snooze fest because I could have stayed home and listened to Tim explain Quant-Time travel.” He joked as Y/n pulled on his hoodie he just purchased.
He shoved his shoulders,”Don’t even Grayson these guys are the best. You’re not gonna regret it. Plus, don’t act like you don’t love Timmy’s rambles.” Y/n fired back.
He held his hands in surrender. “Hey I had to think of something.” Y/n took Dick’s hand and dragged him into the arena just as the music blared through the speakers. Y/n was unaware of the crimson color that painted Dick’s face. And to busy to notice the stole glances Dick took through the night.
The smell of smoke burned Y/n’s nostrils and he chocked on it. But the blood in his mouth took out some of the harsh smells. The flames were roaring in the room and shortly everything began to spin. Y/n barely regained consciousness before everything swiftly went to black.
Then it went Green.
The green light became paler and paler and the sound of a heartbeat echoed. Almost in slow motion. Most of the light became closer too. Became bright white and the sounds of Gotham City came hard and fast like a gunshot.
Y/n stood up in the middle of the street and he noticed something wasn’t right. The last thing he remembered was dying in Metropolis and now he’s in old Gotham. To his left was the build up of traffic and to his right was Gotham Cemetery. He tried to move but fell to the ground.
“The fuck.” His hoarse voice choked out. He noticed his arms were covered in slime of some kind and leaves. He saw a small puddle and took a glance at his reflection. His face was the same but more beautiful, sharper features, deep green iris, and fuller lips.
“Hey freak,get outta the way!” A voice shouted and honked his horned.
Y/n snapped his head up and grew easily frustrated,his head was still spinning and blaring horn was causing more pain.
“Ugh, can’t you be idiotic somewhere else.” With his hand on the ground it began to shake and large vines jumped through the concrete and began to crush the car. The driver managed to get out before it was crushed to pieces. Y/n slowly got to his feet and stumbled.
“That’s new.” Several other drivers fled their cars and screams. Two officers drew their weapons and order Y/n to freeze. Something in Y/n slowly turned and began to change in his feelings toward the police.
“Freeze Freak!” The older officer hisses,Y/n cocks his head to the side with smirk.
“Pathetic pigs, you never appreciate the things you take for granted. You worthless meat sacks.”
The two officers look at each other,”Meat-what?” It’s short lived as vines bursted through the growing and take them prisoner. Y/n strolls over to them. He chuckles.
“Mother Earth wouldn’t be to proud of you. Nature will always win.” He takes his nails and scratches both across the face and then plants begin to grow out their faces and they gag. More large vines rise and take Y/n underground.
He re-emerges in the old Gotham Greenhouse in Robinson Park. More vines and flowers bloom in the old building giving it a new look. The old overgrown plants become green and flourish again with life.
“Men have ruined you, I don’t know what yet, I know can revive you. But I promise you will be avenged. I am Mother Nature’s new branch and I will take Gotham first then, we will cleanse the rest of this planet.” He laughs to himself before the sound of glass shatters.
He worlds around to see Nightwing.
“Y/n,what happened to you. You were dead.” Y/n felt conflicted. On one hand he wanted run to Dick and get his help, but on the other hand he wanted to crush him and turn him into mulch.
Nightwing drew closer, “This isn’t you N/N. I don’t know what happened in the last 72 hours but you aren’t yourself. I can help you but you have to let me.” His voice was strained like his had been yelling or not speaking. It didn’t go unnoticed but something in Y/n didn’t care and he was constantly fighting a battle within himself.
“I can help you,Y/n you have to understand I care about you. But you have to stop.” Nightwing earpiece buzzed and Y/n could heard the voice of Robin from a nearby plant. The words: Cops. Killed. Poisoned. Y/n.
Nightwing turned to him with a blank expression and a tighter grip on his weapons.
“Y/n, let me take you get help. I promise I won’t let anyone harm you.” His voice wasn’t as raw as it was. It was stern yet cautious.
The switch in Y/n flipped and the smirk and sultry voice returned.
“Dick, join me,” he persuades, “Become my Adam and help me flourish this place into a new garden. Just for the two of use.”
Nightwing took a defensive stanch. “Can’t do that. I’m sorry.” The last part was a whisper but Y/n caught it.
“Well then I’m sorry too.” With the flick of his wrist and two large flowers sprouted. The plants around Nightwing were now healthily and quickly attacked him.
Y/n rose several feet in the air on a seat of large leaves and petals. Nightwing dodged the vines but is eventually became captured after miscalculating a step after trying to not harm Y/n.
He’s wrapped in vines and is unable to move. The vines bring him closer to Y/n who purrs.
He runs a thumb across Dick’s lips. “I never noticed.” He whispered.
“What?” Dick huffed. Y/n takes his face and brings it closer. He has a soft smile and Dick is conflicted.
“How much I wanted to do this.” He kisses Dick. He tries break free of his binds but after a few moments he stops and kisses back and soon the kiss deepens and Y/n has to stop. He places his forehead against Dick’s and sighs.
Dick’s eyes are glossed over and his blue eyes are a pale green.
“Yes, my Love?” He says deadpans. Y/n sighs to himself and releases him.
The virus in Y/n grows stronger. And he laughs to himself.
“We have a few housewarming gifts to give out. Fetch them for me Darlin.” Nightwing mindless obeys and leaves Y/n who glances at his appearance in the water fountain for the first time noticing the torn up suit he was buried in.
“It’s time for a new Harvest.”
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gffa · 1 year
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allovesthings · 4 months
Me: I like Young Justice (the show) and I do love Wally and Dick's friendship both in the show and in the comics (check Titans 1999, and The Flash plus Nightwing)
Also me: In my opinion, Young Justice's impact in the comics probably led to the erasure of Donna and Dick's relationship to some degree in favor of the Birdflash friendship both in the fandom and more and more in canon (I'm not okay with that) in this essay I will...
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hellrobin · 1 year
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wonder girls and boy wonders
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minnie-draws · 15 days
Follow up to my previous post about the older sisters of Dick Grayson, I have discovered that reblogs are not the same thing as a post 😅. So here's an actual post.
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