#Toronto Youtube
babakca · 1 year
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Cherry Blossoms at High Park  From YouTube film 
FilmMission - on Youtube.  
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hkthatgffan · 5 months
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Alongside the interview, Alex Hirsch also sent me and Hana each a personalized Gravity Falls drawing made and signed by him. This was mine.
I can now say that Dipper and Mabel have visited Canada and specifically, my home town of Toronto.
Thank you so much, Alex ❤️
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I'll probably never own Journal 3 Special Edition. But this imo is even better. There's a pretty funny story that happened regarding this drawing that I'll be sharing in the behind the scenes video I got coming on the channel next month on just how we got this interview to happen.
I also made a scan of it so I have a digital version too!
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Be sure to check out me and @fordtato's interview with Alex if you've not yet.
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vivalamusaine · 8 months
Hozier saw all the memes about musicians going on world tour to 3 cities and decided to go to every dead end sticks nowhere place instead. Saskatoon? You're on the list. Casper Wyoming? Fuck it why not. Bend Oregon? Never heard of her but she's been blessed. I love this mischievous ethereal weird man.
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The six-part docuseries will show the League's most compelling characters, all at different stages of their careers.
Episode One, called "Best of Rivals," features friends Nylander and Pastrnak discussing the rivalry between the Maple Leafs and Bruins. The season concludes with a two-part episode of Tkachuk and the Panthers' pursuit of the Stanley Cup against Draisaitl, McDavid and Hyman of the Oilers.
Boston Bruins: David Pastrnak, Jeremy Swayman
Colorado Avalanche: Gabriel Landeskog
Edmonton Oilers: Connor McDavid, Leon Draisaitl, Zach Hyman
Florida Panthers: Matthew Tkachuk
Nashville Predators: Filip Forsberg
New York Rangers: Jacob Trouba
Toronto Maple Leafs: William Nylander
Vancouver Canucks: Quinn Hughes
Vegas Golden Knights: Jack Eichel
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bluestonewings · 4 months
The PWHL YouTube chat mod is hysterical. Game has gone 0-0 into double OT. “I have off work tomorrow because there’s no game we can go all night”. Someone called her a bot and she responds “bestie. I’m a person” and has taken it personally ever since. “If we hit 20k streams i break out the kazoo”. People are trying to guess her favorite team via her favorite color. YouTube gal if you see this you are the funniest mfker alive and I love you.
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conkreetmonkey · 1 year
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brian-in-finance · 22 days
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Remember… there’s a loving relationship with his partner and former trainer Caitlin (Caitríona Balfe, convincing if woefully underserved in a typical “concerned spouse” role), running their own gym where they offer lessons to kids, and having enough local hero clout that there are still younger students begging their moms to snap pictures with him. — IndieWire
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dontforgetukraine · 15 days
TIFF: And so it continues... 2
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Headline from news site The Globe and Mail: "Russians at War is an exceptional documentary and needs to be seen" written by Marsha Lederman (Source)
This is the opinion piece about the film "Russians at War" that gave me incredible psychic damage. Let's explore it, shall we?
Marsha first describes the film as a "brave and exceptional documentary. It shows, unvarnished, the horrors of the war". She then explains the latest situation with TIFF canceling the film. (It's actually suspended, Marsha, according to TIFF, but this inaccuracy is the least of my concerns compared to the rest of the bullshit you wrote.)
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While TIFF obviously must keep audiences safe, the anger around this film is unjustified. It is a cowardly move to work to suppress this courageous film. And it is a mistake. This documentary in no way glorifies Russia or its army or its war effort. This film in no way demonizes Ukraine or its people.
Marsha just spat in the faces of Ukrainians everywhere. She doesn't explore why there is outrage over this film or what the Russian propaganda points are (Again, the points are in the damn trailer!). Apparently Ukrainian anger is unjustified, despite the Russian subjugation, imperialism, and propaganda they have suffered, including this film. Ukrainian anger is unjustified despite how they constantly have to fight against Russia's narratives about them.
Protesting something this egregious is not cowardly. Ukraine's fight against Russia and its narratives is not cowardly. This film is not free speech but paid speech. And this film is not courageous. Marsha clearly didn't look into the director, how she has 11 films with RT, how she lied about coordinating with the command to get a military uniform so she wouldn't get shot by the Russians (hmmm, why would they shoot her, I wonder?), or how she illegally crossed the internationally recognized borders of Ukraine and probably violated Canadian sanctions. :)
Also, from everything I have read, not much sympathy is given for the Ukrainians. But what is expressed is nostalgia for a time when Ukraine was denied the right to exist. There is no remorse or examination of war crimes that happened elsewhere, nor is there remorse for invading.
Btw, Marsha missed the part about Russians calling Ukrainians fascists and Nazis, which is one of the major justifications for Russia entering the war.
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Propaganda? Please. Triumph of the Will this is not. This is eye-opening and gutting. The only “propaganda” this documentary serves up is an anti-war message that should be delivered as far and wide as possible. The experience of watching the film has something in common with war: you can’t wait for it to be over. It is excruciating.
Marsha is either in on it or is too ignorant and uninformed to recognize it. The end result is the same. She didn't even bother to look up what the propaganda points are! They are so easily to find! Ask an expert like Timothy Snyder for fuck's sake before you post this irresponsible drivel. You fell for the Kremlin's propaganda like how a snake eats an egg! You swallowed it whole without question!
-"Russia and Ukraine have always been inseparable. I miss the brotherly union."
This is nostalgia for an era when the Ukrainian nation state was denied the right to exist.
This is part of the narrative that Ukraine cannot exist without Russia.
Putin has stated this narrative too, saying Ukraine is inseparable from Russian history and culture.
-"An order was given, we went in."
Seriously, where have we heard that line before, I wonder...
The director suggests the Russian soldiers are just tools in a larger political game.
This is part of the narrative that it's Putin's war and his alone. Ordinary Russians are innocent and should not be punished. Ordinary Russians committed war crimes willingly. They've been rewarded with money, medals, and awards. Ordinary Russians invaded Ukraine. To shift the blame to a higher command is to absolve them of their crimes.
The supposed "oppositionists" to Putin that were exchanged recently even parroted how ordinary Russians shouldn't be punished and how sanctions should be lifted.
-"If I'm fighting in a fight, I always need to know that i'm right." ; "I came today so that my kids don't go tomorrow"
This is the narrative that Russia was right all along to invade Ukraine in order to fight NATO's expansion and encroachment on its sphere of influence.
Furthermore, the narrative ignores the reason why countries that have experienced Russian imperialism and aggression want to join NATO in the first place. Sovereign nations should be able to decide what to do with their futures. NATO isn't encroaching on anything.
There's a scene where Russian soldiers are talking to their families on the phone, thus promoting Russians are fighting for their families and children while ignoring the fact they are the aggressors who came to Ukraine to kill Ukrainians and Ukrainian children and seize their territory.
-"Whataboutism" from the classic Russian propaganda playbook.
Russia amplifies supposed neutral voices that are "asking questions" such as the director, but might not necessarily want clear cut and defined answers.
This derails clear cut moral cases to distract and confuse people from the actual problem of Russia being the aggressor and invading. This is done to promote inaction and indecision to the problem.
"I saw no war-crimes" is an attempt to excuse and white-wash war crimes. To cast doubt on culpability.
-The director stated she saw no war-crimes committed.
The director doesn't examine the idea that any war-crimes may have been screened from being put in the film
The director doesn't examine that they have occurred in other places at other times.
No mention about victims, witnesses, or survivors.
-Aggressive Victimhood
Humanizing the aggressor diminishes the will to assist in fighting back against the aggressor.
"Russians at War" is a manipulation of public perceptions of the war made by professional propagandists.
This is done to perpetuate Russian violence and aggression towards Ukraine.
-According to people that have seen the film, there is:
No discussion on how the war started, or who started it.
Denial of documented war crimes committed in Bucha
Russian soldiers express they are tired of the war, but no discussion of Russia starting it or how to end it.
No sympathy for Ukrainians that a Russian soldier attacked and whose land he invaded.
A Russian soldier promoted narratives about a coup and armed rebellion in Kyiv being carried out by the US in 2014.
The narrative that Russians never want war, they never attack, and they only end wars.
Ukrainians are called fascists and nazis, which is a core justification for Russia starting the war.
The Russian military makes a statement, "Holiday is victory." This goes unchallenged and with no commentary. This of course means for Ukrainians a Russian victory is subjugation and annihilation.
A dead civilian is shown in occupied Donetsk but without context. The Russians use Donetsk's residential areas as a shield to shell the Ukrainian army and they hide behind locals. Thus, locals get killed from the return fire, which fuels more propaganda of "Ukrainians killing their own people."
A Russian occupier says this land is historically Russian.
Obviously, there's more. A great breakdown video about the film is here. It's 27 minutes long, but hits everything about the film and Russian propaganda. Much of it is also listed above, but there is plenty I didn't mention in this post.
But let's get back to Marsha's article.
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The feature film All Quiet on the Western Front, which also humanized the “wrong” side of the First World War with its devastating portrayal of a young German soldier’s experiences, won four Academy Awards last year, including best international feature film. Russians at War, which dispels the myth that there is any glory involved in war whatsoever, deserves similar recognition. It certainly deserves a chance to be seen.
Is Marsha seriously comparing "All Quiet on the Western Front" to "Russians at War"? These films and situations are not similar at all.
I won't speak for the rest of the world, but on "my side of the pond", we are so far removed from World War I, the only time we think about it is in a history lesson, a textbook, or a movie. We can look back on it with hindsight and safely explore different aspects of the war without sparking outrage and traumatizing anyone. Most if not all of the discontent I saw that came from "All Quiet on the Western Front" was due to historical inaccuracy, how the weapons were portrayed to be used in certain situations, and how scenes with the trenches and barbed wire were set up. There is emotional distance.
Let's not forget, the original book is a piece of fiction based on the collective experiences of WWI soldiers and the author. The characters are fiction.
This is reality with real people suffering from Russia's aggression. it is absolutely ludicrous to compare "All Quiet on the Western Front" to "Russians at War". Ordinary Russians are committing horrendous, inhumane, and evil crimes, so much so that it is hard for the human mind to comprehend the scale, quality, and magnitude of it all.
I don't need Russian soldiers to be humanized, because we have already seen what humans can do both in history and the here and now. There is a great capacity to do immense good and to do incredible harm. Instead of protesting the war and the government, Russians have chosen to support the war. Ordinary Russians have joined the war for money or to have their prison sentences cleared. Ordinary Russians have willingly posted their crimes on Telegram with pride. Ordinary Russians have tortured and killed Ukrainians, subjugated them in occupying lands, kidnapped and trafficked Ukrainian children, and so many other atrocities. It is a choice they made, and they should not be absolved of it.
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Of course, Russians is much more sensitive. It is a documentary to begin with, but also because this catastrophe is happening right now. It is bringing agony to Ukrainians at this very moment. Nobody should have to experience what Ukrainians are suffering through at the hands of Russia.
You ignorant little shit, you literally wrote "the anger around this film is unjustified" in the beginning. You dismissed the anger people feel about this film and you have the audacity to only now knowledge the pain Ukrainians feel? Your words. "Propaganda? Please." Fuck off.
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Russian fighters – some drafted, some indoctrinated, some there to keep their families fed back home or a friend company at the front, some there because they don’t know why – are also victims of this war. As one notes in the film, they are at war with themselves. “Slavs against Slavs.”
Oh, look, Marsha! Another piece of Russian propaganda that you have confirmed is in the film! Now, it can be explained for those that don't know (which includes you apparently! :D).
Russia has co-opted the term "Slav" to mean Russian and only Russian. They do this to deny the existence of other Slavic ethnicities, such as Ukrainians, and subjugate them. This further fuels the narrative that Ukraine cannot exist without Russia, that Ukraine is inseparable from Russian history and culture, that Ukrainians and Russians are one and the same and that Ukrainians don't exist. Hope that helps. :)
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And a talented filmmaker, without an official posting or even a press pass, followed them almost all the way to the front so that we could know about it. And be outraged. Not at the film; at the war. Censoring art is never a good idea. But keeping this film under wraps is denying the public of more than the experience of seeing an excellent movie. It is restricting access to a vital message: an unforgiving indictment of war. Peace.
The Russian army has restricted soldiers from being able to use phones. There is no way in hell the director could waltz in with sophisticated camera equipment, sit with a bunch of Russian soldiers for MONTHS, and film whatever she wanted without the FSB and GRU knowing. Canadian organizations that funded this fell for the lies. TIFF fell for the lies. And you, Marsha, fell for the lies.
So, you want to be outraged at war? Fine. Of course, war is horrific. But make sure you damn well know who the aggressor is in this war. It is Russia and Russia only. There is no both sides-ing this.
It takes millions of people to support a genocide and millions more to commit it. It is not Putin's war but Russia's war.
No matter what, this propaganda film is a win-win for the Kremlin. It's a win if it is shown, using the West's cultural centers, festivals, and institutions to spread its narrative, and a win if it is not shown to further fuel its propaganda.
But I think Kate Tsurkan from the Kyiv Independent said it best.
"It is our responsibility to categorically reject any attempts to excuse or rehabilitate the Russian war crimes being committed in Ukraine, and to ensure that the suffering of Russia’s victims is neither forgotten nor minimized — it’s the very least we can do for the tens of thousands of Ukrainians whose lives they stole and destroyed."
This isn't the first time Russia has pushed its propaganda pieces through cultural festivals, nor will it be the last.
Know who the enemy is.
Remember who they are.
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oldshowbiz · 5 months
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The Sound of Toronto Radio.
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hearty-an0n · 9 months
delivering on that pwhl info carrd!! toronto disappointed me so much i put the youtube stream in a different window and worked on this after the first period
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 5 months
By Clayton DeMaine
In the footage of his attack,  a man whose face is covered by a keffiyeh, a Palestinian headscarf that is a symbol of solidarity with anti-Israel militias, attempted to steal Zelig’s Israeli flag out of his hands.
A female protester can be heard screaming at the attacker out of fear the attack would lead to their protest being shut down.
Zelig reported the incident to the police and has hope that despite their identities being concealed, his attackers will be identified.
Campus police told Zelig that it was too dangerous to arrest his attacker on the spot due to a lack of backup.
Zelig said he would understand the protesters more if they called to end the violence. Instead, many called for Intifada, violent resistance against Israelis, or the dismantling of the state of Israel, which would necessitate violence.
“I don’t want Palestinian kids to die. if one Palestinian is dead, it’s one too many for me, Honestly,” he said. “there were zero calls for the release of the hostages, Imagine.”
He said one poster he found particularly offensive said, “We don’t want two states we want one Arab state,” referring to Israel and Palestine.
According to Zelig, he was shocked at how many students inside the encampment were wearing “communist merch.”
He said a booth inside the camp advocates for a communist revolution in Canada, something he finds egregious as an immigrant from Ukraine as his grandparents, who survived the holocaust, were killed by the communist regime there.
“I was really proud of what I did because while I was walking there…people came up to me, whispering, “Am Yisrael C’hai”  or  “Thank you for what you are doing,” he said.
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rocknrollflames · 9 months
Unreal. June 1991. One of their best shows. Seriously - you HAVE to watch this. Best Perfect Crime I've seen. The smaller the stage - or at least the closer together they are on stage - always the better Guns show. Izzy's mic is actually loud enough in Dust N' Bones here too. Love it. One of the best Brownstones I've heard without Steven. ❤️. Not enough footage of Izzy and hardly any spotlight on him, but other than that ... great.
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annieqattheperipheral · 4 months
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Drumeo - Ashton Irwin Breaks Down 5 Seconds Of Summer Drum Parts
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bichettes · 2 months
anyone else seen this?
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