#Top 5 movies October 2024
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ulkaralakbarova · 5 months ago
Top 5 movies coming to theatres this fall
Even though 2024 has almost passed by, many fascinating movies are still yet to be released. October offers a brand-new lineup of movies that will make every moviegoer’s experience unforgettable as the weather cools and the leaves start to change their color. This autumn, there’s something for every taste, from thrilling horror films to touching tales. These October releases will make an impact…
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classichorrorblog · 5 months ago
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October 2024 Horror Movies Watched
#19. Toolbox Murders 2 (AKA Coffin Baby) (2013)
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tremendouskoalachild · 5 months ago
Does the Batman Epic Crime Saga (they better come up with a better name fast) chronology make sense? well, no. am i gonna write a rambling tumblr post about it? you know it!
spoilers for The Batman (2022) and the first 4 episodes of The Penguin (2024)
The Batman is set during Bruce's second year as Batman, and takes place over one week: starting at 8 pm on Thursday, October 31, and ending on Wednesday, November 6.
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The Batman was originally filmed as though it is set in 2019, and the days of the week in Bruce's journal match that year's calendar. the shooting was put on hold due to the pandemic, and once it resumed the movie's setting was moved to 2021 (some other dates in the film match that year, and it can be extrapolated from graphics shown on screen). The Penguin takes place firmly in 2022, retconning this.
according to his diary, the Riddler got the idea for his grand plan to reveal corruption in Gotham on Friday, July 16 (of that year, meaning 2021, presumably; the day matches the 2021 calendar). that would mean he spent 3.5 months (107 days) planning and setting it all in motion. he likely intended on using the election's date from the start.
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The Waynes were killed 20 years prior to Don Mitchell Jr's murder (October 31), to the week, during Thomas' mayoral campaign (this corresponds to 2001, as seen in the Riddler's video).
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here we run into my lack of familiarity with DC lore, but i believe the implication is that Mitchell became mayor in 2001, served 4 consecutive 5-year terms (and was up for reelection in 2021), and Maroni was taken down due to Carmine Falcone's information shortly after Mitchell first took office (the timing of the Maroni bust is very tenuous; i'm largely going by the various claims that Falcone has been the top dog for 20 years, and that removing Maroni was what got him there. there is also Annika's confused recollection of Mitchell telling her Falcone was the informant on that case, and that that's how Mitchell became mayor, even though we know the bust happened during his term. however, Oz was supposedly involved, as alluded to by Sal in The Penguin, and he was merely Sofia's driver just 10 years ago, before moving up in Carmine's organization and gaining control of the drops operation, which was already controlled by the Falcones at that time.)
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The Penguin starts one week after Carmine Falcone is killed and the flooding starts (on Election day, November 5), so November 12, 2022.
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Oz kills Alberto at night, and spends the time until his next shift securing an alibi and hiding the body, with the help of Vic. Oz takes Alberto's phone and looks through his calendar app, which is showing the current day as November 13, noting he has a shipment scheduled for the evening of Monday, November 18 (this day matches the calendar for 2024 and 2019, but definitely not 2021 or 2022).
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The next day (November 13, assuming Oz checked the phone after midnight - seems likely, he went in at night, had a long discussion with Alberto, killed him, dragged his body to the car, and "recruited" Vic before this), Oz reunites with Sofia, recently out of Arkham thanks to her father's death. He is told to move the drops operation to Robbinsville by the Falcones within 48 hours, visits his mother's house, as well as Salvatore Maroni in prison, and frames the Maronis for Alberto's murder.
Presumably the next day, November 14, he visits Sal again, planning their heist. Luca Falcone has arrived to take over the family by then. We see the move to Robbinsville being ambushed by Maronis at night, likely 14 to 15 November (i doubt Oz organized the move he didn't want to do the same day he was ordered to do it, while coordinating with the Maronis; i also doubt Viti would let him get away with missing the 2 day deadline without a fuss). Sofia recruits a detective within hours to find the mole.
Alberto's funeral is on the following day, November 15 (not that it's particularly useful, but we know it isn't a Sunday from Francis mistakenly trying to go to Mass. if we accept the Monday is the 18th, then it must be Friday). After the funeral, Luca suggests to Sofia she leave for Italy. That night we see Vic bury Castillo and Ervad, and Sofia team up with Oz.
In the evening of the shipment, so November 18 according to the calendar, Sofia and Oz start putting their plan in motion. Graciela tells Vic she is leaving the next night, November 19. Johnny Viti confronts Sofia, telling her she has two days left in Gotham before either leaving for Italy or being disposed of, and gives her a boarding pass with the date Thursday, November 20, 2022. (in case you're curious, no, November 20 2022 is not a Thursday. more bizarrely, we know it was Monday on the 18th, so November 20 has to be a Wednesday. the last time Nov 22 fell on a Thursday was 2018, before even the original scrapped setting of the movie.) the boarding time is in the evening, so Johnny seems to be counting the next day, November 19, and the day she's supposed to leave, November 20, as her two days.
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The next day, November 19, Sofia and Oz go to the Triads to negotiate, then blackmail Johnny to secure an audience and trial run for that night. It goes well but the Maronis arrive, and a dazed Sofia calls Dr Julian Rush for help after Oz abandons her.
She wakes up at his place the next morning, November 20, and mentions she is supposed to be on a plane to Italy by the next day - not that evening, as it says on the ticket her family bought her. Maybe she's confused after her traumatic incident, or is ignoring the ticket and choosing to interpret Johnny's ultimatum differently.
Julian says she has been out of Arkham for only a few weeks (she was exonerated through Alberto and Julian's efforts after Carmine's death, November 5th - 16 days earlier, so it appears that process was quick). She crashes a family dinner that evening, implies she is leaving the next day, and kills everyone in the mansion except for Gia and Johnny Viti during the night. She wakes Johnny up in the morning of November 21, where we end episode 4.
as for the flashbacks:
Vic's takes place in the hours before the flooding starts, not only confirming that it happened in the evening on November 5, but also that it was Tuesday. This date works for either 2019 or 2024, and matches the day of the week from Alberto's phone in episode 1.
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Sofia's flashbacks: 10 years prior to The Penguin, in 2012, reporter Summer Gleeson approached Sofia Falcone with information about several women working for Carmine Falcone strangled over the last decade, so roughly 2002-2012. she herself was killed in the same manner shortly after, and the murders got pinned on Sofia. Sofia was arrested on Carmine's birthday, September 5, and she was held responsible for the murders of Summer and 6 other women (presumably the same ones Summer told her about, as her murder was made to look like Sofia trying to shut her up).
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from The Batman we know that Maria Kyle was also strangled by Carmine during this period, in 2004:
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while we're looking at tombstones, the Falcone family's plaques in The Penguin episode 2 are the source of Carmine's birth date:
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Alberto's body is recovered the day after his murder, and the date November 13 is used on his.
some random tidbits about different characters' ages:
Bella Reál is 28 (said on the tv broadcast in the opening of The Batman).
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Bruce Wayne is around 30/was around 10 when his parents died (not said in the film but mentioned in interviews).
Edward Nashton's fake ID under the name Patrick Parker has his date of birth listed as 03/30/1985, which would make this persona 36 in 2021. the ID under his real name appears to list 1984, which would make him around 37/17 at the time of the Waynes' murder, or 1994, making him around 27/7 at the time of the murder. the second interpretation is supported by the Riddler: Year One comic miniseries, written by Riddler actor Paul Dano, showing Edward as a little boy meeting Thomas when he announces his mayoral campaign (and appears to fit better with the speech Edward gives in the film).
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Annika Kosolov was born on January 1, 1998, making her 23 if the film takes place in 2021. she is also Estonian. neat.
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Selina Kyle was 7 when her mother was killed, which happened in 2004 according to Maria's tombstone in The Batman, making Selina around 24 if we use the 2021 setting (25 for the retcon timeline, birth year around 1997 either way).
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Sofia Falcone was 9 when her mother was killed, which happened in 1994 according to her plaque in The Penguin, making Sofia around 37 in the show (birth year around 1985), around 27 when she was arrested and taken to Arkham.
edit: we actually do have Sofia's birth date, thank you @thevoidstaresback93! she was born on January 3, 1985, making her 27 at her arrest and 37 in the show.
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from the above we also know that Carla Viti was 28 at Sofia's arrest and must be around 38 in the show.
similarly, we know Johnny Viti, which is apparently his legal name, was 43 in the flashback and must be around 53 in the show.
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from his plaque we know Alberto was 38 when Oz killed him, and is a year or two older than his sister Sofia.
Carmine Falcone was 65 when the Riddler finally killed him.
his victims were mostly young women whose exact ages we don't know, long dead before the present day events; we only know that Isabella Falcone was killed at 34, and Maria Kyle at around 28.
Victor Aguilar is 17, since his ID shows his date of birth being April 23, 2005. his girlfriend Graciela is probably around the same age, since they go to school together.
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revelations from the Riddler video:
Martha Wayne's parents were killed in 1981 (her mother killed her father and then herself), and her father was 36 at that point.
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Wayne Enterprises sent the cease and desist to the journalist digging into Martha's family history on February 16, 2000, over a year and a half before the election in October/November 2001. what a dramatic period of time for everyone involved.
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one last hilarious thing: this date in the canon comic released in October 2022, in the same year as the film, fits with the 2020 calendar.
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lgbtpopcult · 1 year ago
October 2024 wlw entertainment rundown
Lucky My Love, First episode drops October 28th on YouTube
Everything Now, Netflix, October 5
The Fall of the House of Usher, October 12, 2023
Tripped Up, October 20,
Books, Games, Music etc.
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In A World Of Our Own: Chasing Dreams And Love
Sophia Miller, an openly lesbian supermodel, enjoys her solitary life in the bustling heart of New York City. But when her gay millionaire best friend, Chris Anderson, requests her to play his pretend girlfriend for a family gathering in Texas, she can't refuse. After all, Chris is on the brink of becoming the CEO of the billion-dollar Anderson Corp.
Enter Alissa Anderson, the Oxford and Cambridge-educated, closeted lesbian daughter of the conservative and formidable Henry Anderson. With the CEO position at Anderson Corp now up for grabs, Alissa finds herself in a fierce rivalry with her own brother. Ascending to the top of the family business and shattering traditional gender roles has always been her ultimate dream. However, her well-laid plans begin to unravel when she encounters her brother's "girlfriend" at a pivotal family gathering on their Texas ranch.
When Sophia and Alissa's worlds collide at the Anderson estate, everything is on the line: the coveted CEO position, concealed sexual identities, a sham relationship, and a burgeoning real one that threatens to bloom amidst the chaos.
“Sushi for Empress Setsuko” is a cozy and comedic point & click adventure game and yuri dating sim set in a fantastical Japan-inspired land. Follow Mizumi Nagashima as she travels around the Empire, seeing gorgeous views, catching delicious fish, and charming beautiful women.
3 Oct, 2023
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Iris Kelly Doesn't Date
A fake relationship after a horrible one-night stand is anything but an act in this witty and heartfelt new romantic comedy by Ashley Herring Blake.
Everyone around Iris Kelly is in love. Her best friends are all coupled up, her siblings have partners that are perfect for them, and her parents are still blissfully married. And she’s happy for all of them, truly. Iris doesn’t want any of that—dating, love, romance. She’ll stick to her commitment-free hookups, thanks very much, except no one in her life will just let her be. Everyone wants to see her settled down, but she holds firmly to her no dating rule. There’s only one problem—Iris is a romance author facing an imminent deadline for her second book, and she’s completely out of ideas.
Perfectly happy to ignore her problems as per usual, Iris goes to a bar in Portland and meets a sexy stranger, Stefania, and a night of dancing and making out turns into the worst one-night stand Iris has had in her life. To get her mind off everything, Iris tries out for the lead role in a local play, a queer retelling of Much Ado About Nothing, but comes face-to-face with Stefania, whose real name turns out to be Stevie. Desperate to save face in front of her friends, Stevie asks Iris to play along as her girlfriend. Iris is shocked, but when she realizes the arrangement might provide her with some much-needed romantic content for her book, she agrees. As the two women play the part of a happy couple, lines start to blur, and they’re left wondering who will make the real first move....
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Moonlight in Garland is a cozy open-ended life-sim video game that sees you making a new life in the bustling metropolis of Garland. Find an apartment and make it perfectly yours, befriend your neighbours, grow your urban garden, solve community problems and experience all the weirdly wonderful stuff that city living offers.
Of course, city life isn’t all farmers markets and fancy coffee. Will you step in to stop the heritage building from being torn down and preserve a piece of history? Look after the neighbourhood so more residents stick around? Figure out which jerk is stealing packages from the mail room? Be swept up in a whirlwind romance along the way?
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earth-64 · 5 months ago
Wake Up Call - Nintendo Alarmo
All through Summer 2024 the Nintendo fandom had been in a fervor. The Nintendo Switch’s reign had eclipsed its seven year apex: the time had come for a new flagship piece of hardware to take its place. The stage seemed to be set: the game releases were thinning, the Nintendo Directs sparse, and the major game releases clearly smaller, outsourced, and not the main focus of development. Nintendo had already acknowledged the new machine’s existence with an assurance of it being announced within the fiscal year, followed by a continuous promise below each and every announcement stream that there “will be no mention of the Nintendo Switch successor during [...] these presentations.”
As the dog days passed by, during the fleeting few weeks of Fall that still existed between the ever widening record-high Summers and devastating Winter storms, it seemed undeniable that the stage was being set. Nintendo filed new patents for motion sensor technology. Word got out that they were filming a commercial for a new piece of hardware. They flew out content creators to demo something kept under wraps. And on October 9th, 2024, fans awoke to a flurry of notifications, an early morning unheralded announcement shaking the very foundations of what was thought possible for the gaming giant: 
Nintendo’s smart alarm clock. A touchscreen device with a sleek interface, loaded with 35 themes inspired by 5 games (and more to come), and a $100 price tag. Their patented motion sensing technology made for a hands-free experience. Set the alarm once and from then on, each and every morning, your eyes would flutter open to a jazzy Mario tune, and your triumphant rise from bed would be rewarded with a victory jingle, a “Lets-A-Go!”, and a shot of nostalgic dopamine. 
But is nostalgic the right word? The motion sensor only works with a very specific set-up: most notably being limited to one person, a small bed, and a room that will remain otherwise empty through the night. No spouses, no pets, no roommates. It was clear this was intended for a child’s room. So no, it wasn’t nostalgic. At least not yet. It was designed to create new nostalgia.
Nintendo Alarmo, along with the similarly aimed Pokemon Sleep, are part of Nintendo’s long-running obsession with intentionally forming habits and responses. From the scheduled broadcasts of the Satellaview to the daily-task centric Animal Crossing series, and especially the predatory practices of their mobile game releases, Nintendo had a penchant for designing parasites that attached themselves to your waking (and non-waking) cycle. 
Today I’ll be sharing excerpts from interviews with people who received Alarmos as children, and uncover the shocking effects of waking each morning to a pavlovian coin-get jingle. But first, speaking of coin-getting, a word from today’s sponsor: LoanFast. Is payday just a—
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God what a waste of time. Shit’s always so negative these days. These nostalgia-grab video essays used to be pleasant. Here’s an old-school animated movie you haven’t seen since the DVD bargain bin! Top ten cartoons of the 2010s! The misunderstood genius of the Wii U! But nah, now time has crept past the optimistic millennials. We’re struggling to find the diamonds in the rough patch that was the 2020s, to salvage anything from that fucking trash heap of a decade. God, no wait. Now I sound like them. I grew up with that age of media. I love that age of media. It’s just so easy to let the zeitgeist of doomerism– Okay stop. It’s way too easy to let these things override my brain. I had to mentally backspace the phrase “easily impressionable” right there too. I watch these videos with their big words and their gloomy ways of lookin at life and I feel it all start to seep into me. 
Millennials will convince you that the 00s were the peak of human creation. That the 10s were the last big push of creativity. But that's just not true! My cartoons were way better! Our video games are just objectively cooler and bigger! Adults get stuck on trying to make fun of my generation for the same few bullshit things, if I hear one more Skibidi Rizz I’m gonna– Shouldn’t think like that. I’m 24 now. That’s an adult. I’m an adult. I keep saying that and it doesn’t sound any more true. It happened so fast. It took so much time but it happened so fast. I was just a kid, playing Super Mario Odyssey on an old LCD, and then I was a teenager and a lot happened, so much happened, and now I’m an adult playing Super Mario Odyssey on an old LCD and nothing happens, nothing ever happens. I am an adult and it is Christmas Eve and I am alone.
It was Christmas Eve then too. Back when Christmas felt like Christmas. I was 12 years old when I got the Nintendo Alarmo. December 24th, 2024 when I tore open my first present of the year. It was tradition to get one present the night before, usually something to pass the time until I was more tired than I was excited for the next morning. You wouldn’t think a clock would keep me busy but I spent the whole evening fiddling with the options, looking at every theme, resetting the time to hear the top-of-the-hour jingles for each game. I remember dad helping me put in the wi-fi password, I remember mom’s hurried trip to whatever convenience store was still open on the holiday because the damned thing didn’t come with an AC adapter. She brought back a package of Reese’s and one of those juice drinks with a plastic toy on it. It was… a Spongebob one? Yeah, and I set it on the shelf and it fell off during all the unwrapping the next day and it rolled underneath the shelf and it was down there for months and I’m remembering every single time I was sitting on the floor playing Mario and Luigi Brothership after getting it the next day and every single time I could see the Spongebob juice topper below the tv smiling at me and I never thought to get it I never put any thought into it being there it was just there until a day my mom must have swept and it wasn’t there and I didn’t think about it not being there. Until right now. 
Why didn’t that thing come with an AC adapter, god that’s so stupid.
I think about all that and I don’t think about everything that happened afterwards. I’m 12 years old and it’s Christmas Eve 2024 and I’m getting the Nintendo Alarmo and now I’m 24 years old and it’s Christmas Eve 2036 and I look over at the window sill next to my bed and the Nintendo Alarmo is still there, still ticking. The AC adapter has been replaced a couple times and it’s a bit dinged up but it’s still ticking. So much happened all the while that clock kept ticking. I’m still ticking. I’ve gotten so worked up over this fucking video and I’ve been scrolling my home page this whole time. I try to actually read the titles my eyes are glossing over: “The Untold Story of Minecraft’s 1.50 Disaster”, “What Went Wrong With Forza 2030”, “Does Sony Regret Dropping Out of Consoles?” and I almost click the last one to see which retired executive guy they’re interviewing and personifying the whole company onto this time and I stop myself. It just takes one god damn clickbait title to manufacture curiosity like that and I’ll be watching another two hour video about job layoffs and feeling like shit again. I’m so sick of feeling like shit. It’s getting harder and harder to find content that makes me feel good. 
I decide to just turn the damn thing off. I sit there in the dark for a minute, as a dim light comes from across the room: it's 11:00pm and my Nintendo Alarmo is displaying a top-of-the-hour animation. Mario runs into view, bumps a block 11 times. I hear the little coin-collection jingle 11 times, and then the screen defaults back to its calmer darker state. 
I google for a day calculator on my phone and punch in that Christmas Eve and this one. 
4,383 days. If you take into the fact that after the Animal Crossing theme releases I swapped to that for Halloween and Christmas mornings, that’s 22 Animal Crossing mornings, and 4,360 Super Mario mornings, and 1 Mario Kart morning that I hated. Who the fuck wants to wake up to tires screeching? And the “FIRST PLACE VICTORY!” out-of-bed message was a bit patronizing even for me. But yeah, 4,360 Super Mario wake up calls. 4,360 times I have heard the Super Mario Bros. theme song as the very first sound of the day. Through thick and thin, from one side of the country to the other, through every school morning from 2024 onward and every single day of every job I’ve worked, it's remained constant. A morning without that jingle is just not conceivable to me, it's as natural a part of life as anything else. As sure as I’ll eat food and as sure as I’ll take a crap and as sure as I’ll turn my computer on and as sure as I’ll sleep again the next night is as sure as I will hear that jingle. Speaking of, sleep.
I brush my teeth with Scooby Doo bubblegum toothpaste and a toothbrush that I avoid looking too closely at because its got Spongebob on it and I’m too tired to let myself start back down that path of thinking about the things I took for granted. I can feel on my teeth that the brush is awfully frayed. I’ve been putting off buying a new one for months. I don’t know why. I could just grab one at the store and swap it out and it would make me feel so much better and be so much better for me, but I just don’t do it, I just never think to get it while I’m there and that just happens everyday and I blink and it's been months and my toothbrush is still frayed. 4,360 times. 4,360 times. 
I catch my brain multi-track drifting and decide I can’t sleep without a distraction. I open Youtube on my phone and start scrolling for something to play while I sleep. I crawl into bed and I just barely remember it's Christmas tomorrow. I grab the Nintendo Alarmo and thumb through the settings, swiping through menus. 
When I wake up tomorrow I’ll think that maybe I was just too tired, maybe I just got other shit on my mind, and that maybe these old LCD touchscreens are just over-sensitive pieces of shit or that maybe just maybe I am. But tomorrow my eyes will open at the time they’re used to opening anyway and I’ll be ready to hear the special Animal Crossing Toy Day Jingle that I was so certain I set it to, and I’ll hear the horrible screeching of tires on pavement and something will snap in me and I’ll hear the “FIRST PLACE VICTORY” and think about the empty platitudes and the 12 years I can barely remember and the four thousand wake-up calls that accompanied me as I kept sleep-walking through them and I’ll wake up and something will shatter and I’ll spend Christmas morning cleaning up the shards. 
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hamsteriffic · 1 year ago
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Miraculous Fandom Stats
Ao3 Wrap Up 2023
I don’t know if anyone has done this, I hope I don’t step on anyone’s toes. Here a wrap up for 2023 for Miraculous Ladybug!
This study only assesses the fanfics posted by the last update, so if there was an older fic that was from 2021 that was updated in 2023, this would be captured by this study.
📈 The data presented here is a snapshot of the Fandom on: 05 Jan 2024
🖤 Works posted to Ao3 in 2023
In 2023 there were 10,515 fanfics posted (including crossovers and all languages). The median word count per fanfic was 2,268 words. In general, each fic received 5 comments, 561 hits and 36 kudos (median).
A majority of fanfics were not crossovers (Fig 1). The peak of Ao3 posts for Miraculous Ladybug was in 2021 with a total of 11,350 fanfics. Fanfics with crossovers have had a steady rise in popularity from 2018 with a peak of 2,609 in 2021.
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Fig 1. A total number of fanfics posted to Ao3 in 2023 for the Miraculous Ladybug fandom without crossovers (blue line) and with crossovers (dotted line).
Note that this analysis will excludes crossovers (a separate analysis to come!).
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Fig 2. Total number of completed fanfics (red) and incomplete fanfics (pink) posted to Ao3 in the Miraculous Ladybug fandom for 2023 (excluding crossovers).
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Fig 3. Total number of words per fic published or updated in 2023. The median word count per fanfic in 2023 was 2,268 words.
The most frequently used tags for 2023 were (in descending order):
Fluff (1495)
Angst (1040)
Identity Reveal (982)
Aged-Up Characters (968)
Alternate Universe (732)
Hurt/Comfort (700)
Adrien Needs a Hug (510)
🏆 Highlights in 2023 include
Miraculous Ladybug Season 5 Finale, s05e26, Re-Creation (Part 2) (First Airdate: July 01, 2023) [2]
Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie (Released: July 05, 2023) [3]
Miraculous Paris Special (Preview Screening: October 15, 2023) [4]
🖤 Most Tagged Side of the Lovesquare in 2023
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Fig 4. Percentage of fanfics tagged with different sides of the Lovesquare.
Note that these are only taking into account fics that use this tag. There may be fanfics that have sides of the Lovesquare that are not indicated. This analysis also includes tags for Marichat May, Ladrien July etc.
Adrinette (34.5%; 737 fics)
LadyNoir (32%; 677 fics)
MariChat (23.5%; 501 fics)
Ladrien (10%; 213 fics)
🖤 Top 10 Characters Pairings on Ao3 (excluding Lovesquare)
Alya/Nino (927 fics)
Luka/Marinette (734 fics)
Juleka/Rose (405 fics)
Nathaniel / Marc (337 fics)
Felix / Marinette (317 fics)
Gabriel / Nathalie (286 fics)
Adrien / Luka (269 fics)
Felix / Kagami (183 fics)
Adrien / Kagami (159 fics)
Kagami / Marinette (158 fics)
There was a large shift in a number of pairings, in particular there was a dramatic increase in the number of fics tagged with Felix Fathom / Kagami Tsurugi (see below the cut for Season 5 spoilers). Other notable mentions are also Marinette Dupain-Cheng / Zoe Lee with a 2.5 fold increase in fanfics posted in 2023 (63 in total) compared to 2022 (26 in total).
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🖤 Conclusions
It’s been a big year, and one that is controversial in many ways. I was just curious to see if there’s a decrease in activity since the season 5 finale, but it looks like the fanfiction writing is going strong. But are fans tuning out? Or are we trying to create more fix-it fics? (I will delve into that in a different post, since this was quite labour intensive).
There have been some interesting changes in relationship tags as well as tags for Sentimonsters (below the cut).
Methodology, References and Season 5 Spoilers below the cut:
Warning: Season 5 spoilers below:
🖤 2023 was also the year Feligami became official
This has lead to a dramatic increase in fanfics for the power couple.
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Fig 5. The total number of fanfics posted on Ao3 for Felix / Kagami, represented per month saw a dramatic increase since the release of Season 5 in 2023 (blue). In contrast, I have plotted the total number of fanfics per month 2022 (red).
💔 2023 was also when the sentimonster theory was confirmed
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Fig 6. Fanfiction that have used tags for Sentimonsters since 2018. Note that this is not a cumulative plot and that the numbers are individual works from each year tagged for Sentimonster.
In 2023, there were 192 works that tagged for Sentimonster Adrien, and 95 for Sentimonster Felix and 34 for Sentimonster Kagami. Recent usage for the tag 'Adrien is not a Sentimonster' was also observed (21 cases).
Please don’t be mad at me. I’m just a stats hamster.
The analyses start from Sep 05, 2012 when the first promotional video (PV) for Miraculous Ladybug was publicly leaked [1].
Since the website is very active, the information may change as this data is best considered to be a snapshot of the fanfics posted at this point in time. Also note that the filter is also for last update, and not first posted, so that older fics may be captured in later datasets. But for the purposes of this study, I am assuming that if the author is updating, then they are still active in the fandom.
To get an idea on what was posted to Ao3 this year, I have filtered for last published date 01 Jan 2023 - 31 Dec 2023. Note that while there was only an option for selecting by Last Post Date, which meant that works originally posted earlier (pre-2023) would still be captured if it was updated within the bounds of these dates.
Furthermore, it is also possible to backdate works on Ao3 which may also give false results. However, it may be likely that if this did happen it would only be a small percentage of fanworks. As such the data is an approximation of fandom activity during 2023.
Relationship Tags
I have followed the Ao3 rules so that / are taken to mean romantic relations and & for platonic relationships. In this analysis, I have combined the numbers for Felix (PV), Felix Graham de Vanily and Felix Fathom.
[1] Miraculous PV (https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/Ladybug_PV)
[2] Miraculous Ladybug Re-Creation (s05e25) World Premiere (Switzerland) (https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/Re-creation_(The_Final_Day_-_Part_2)#google_vignette)
[3] Ladybug & Cat Noir: The Movie (https://m.imdb.com/title/tt10364034/releaseinfo/)
[4] Miraculous Paris Special (https://miraculousladybug.fandom.com/wiki/Miraculous_Paris)
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jdramasource · 3 months ago
JDRAMASOURCE*:・゚✧ 2024 Tumblr Top Posts!
1. January — 70 notes Jan 8 2024 ( 1 Byou Saki no Kare, 2023 )
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2. February — 234 notes Feb 14 2024 ( Koi wa Tsuzuku yo Dokomademo, 2020 )
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3. March — 493 notes Mar 24 2024 ( Watashi no Shiawasena Kekkon, 2023 )
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4. April — 267 notes Apr 25 2024 ( Watashi no Shiawasena Kekkon, 2023 )
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5. May — 1,074 notes May 2 2024 ( Godzilla Minus One, 2023 )
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6. June — 1,389 notes Jun 3 2024 ( Golden Kamuy, 2024 )
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7. July — 1,078 notes Jul 21 2024 ( Ace Attorney, 2012 )
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8. August — 229 notes Aug 6 2024 ( 18x2 Beyond Youthful Days, 2024 )
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9. September — 292 notes Sep 26 2024 ( Sakaguchi Kentaro and Lee Se-young, 2024 )
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10. October — 382 notes Oct 16 2024 ( Ace Attorney, 2012 )
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11. November — 63 notes Nov 13 2024 ( Bleach, 2018 )
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12. unfortunately did not make a post for December but here's a favorite from this year! ( Gintama 2: Rules Are Made To Be Broken, 2018 ) :
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Thank you always for following and sharing all things jdrama related! Here's to another year of watching new and old jdramas/movies in 2025~! 🐰✨
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elizadushkudaily · 2 months ago
Thank you Carmen and 2024 Recap!
One year ago today we celebrated Carmen (@whatisyourchildhoodtrauma) joining Eliza Dushku Daily as a gifmaker! Cheers to Carmen for taking requests and creating beautiful art! And last year our posts got more notes than any previous year. Here are Eliza Dushku Daily highlights from 2024.
POLLS! Started these in May and did 11. Top 3 by number of votes:
Top Faith Dream Scenes? (poll #2 / 436 votes / 3 rounds) Top Missy Bring It On Outfits? (poll #1 / 89 votes / 2 rounds) Favorite Eliza Scary Movies? (poll #7 / 86 / 2 rounds) (Thanks to Carmen we already have gifs of several poll winners.)
Started character tagging and the Dollhouse every episode meme series! Updated the filmography page and completed the Dollhouse Text Masterlist!
And most importantly - GIFS! Here are our TOP 2024 GIFS!
MOST POPULAR: Annabel in Soul Survivors dancing at the rave request (353) MOST UNDERRATED: One Shot short (117)
MOST POPULAR: All of Missy's Outfits request - Bring It On (2.6k) MOST UNDERRATED: Megan in The Kiss (157) BONUS UNDERRATED: Eliza in every episode of Dollhouse 1.01 Ghost (217)
MOST POPULAR: Annabel in Soul Survivors (1.0k) MOST UNDERRATED: in Off Season: The Lex Morrison Story (244)
MOST POPULAR: Faith in BTVS 7.18 Dirty Girls (2.0k) RUNNER UP: Missy telling off the cheerleaders request - Bring It On (1.8k) MOST UNDERRATED: Joe in Bottle Shock (208)
MOST POPULAR: Faith in BTVS 7.22 Chosen (1.3k) MOST UNDERRATED: Bianca in Jane Wants a Boyfriend (194)
MOST POPULAR: Sissy in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (252) MOST UNDERRATED: Eliza in every episode of Dollhouse 1.04 Gray Hour (217)
MOST POPULAR: Lena in On Broadway (247)
MOST POPULAR: Faith in ATS 1.18 Five By Five dancing request (733) MOST UNDERRATED: #5 Faith Dream Scene (poll result) - BTVS This Year's Girl 4.15 - Picnic with The Mayor (299)
MOST POPULAR: #3 Eliza Spooky Flick (poll result) - Megan in The Alphabet Killer (228) MOST UNDERRATED: Patricia in The Saint (196)
MOST POPULAR: #1 Eliza Spooky Flick (poll result) - Jessie in Wrong Turn (790) UNDERRATED: #2 Eliza Spooky Flick (poll result) - Annabel in Soul Survivors (339)
MOST POPULAR: Faith in BTVS 4.15 This Year's Girl (722)
MOST POPULAR: Faith in ATS 1.19 Sanctuary request (552)
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bone-honey · 1 year ago
Happy Klowntober everyone!
I bring you a prompt list for this year’s spooky month, featuring prompts relating to your favorite space invading Klowns! 🤡 These can be used for art, writing or whatever comes to mind. As short/sketchy/lengthy/detailed as you’d like!
Post your work using the tag “kkfos klowntober 2024” to make sure everyone can see it!
I take a while to do my work, so I’m posting this ahead of time to make sure everyone sees it in a timely manner, as I know writing can take more time than art, however!!! Only begin posting in October, as that is when the event will begin!
1 - The Big Top
2 - Popcorn
3 - Stars
4 - Cotton Candy
5 - Hunt
6 - Hypnotize
7 - Laugh
8 - Balloon
9 - Magic
10 - Smile
11 - Costume
12 - Ruffles
13 - Puppet
14 - Trick
15 - Rage
16 - Pie
17 - Trapped
18 - Cherry On Top
19 - Krazy House
20 - Drag
21 - Zapped
22 - Mimic
23 - Nose
24 - Sleep
25 - Party
26 - A New Look
27 - Movie
28 - Dance
29 - Ice Cream
30 - Klowns or Clowns
31 - Knock Knock
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eddie-redmayne-italian-blog · 3 months ago
Eddie Redmayne Starring Opposite Julia Roberts in Sam Esmail’s ‘Panic Carefully’ (Exclusive)
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British actor Eddie Redmayne poses on the red carpet upon arrival for the UK premier for the movie "The day of Jackal" at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, Southbank, in London, on October 22, 2024. JUSTIN TALLIS/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES
The 'Mr. Robot' creator wrote the script and is directing the Warner Bros. feature.
By Borys Kit December 11, 2024 10:30am
Eddie Redmayne, currently starring in Peacock’s buzzy series Day of the Jackal, has joined Julia Roberts and Elizabeth Olsen in Warner Bros. Pictures’ Panic Carefully.
Sam Esmail, the creator of the well-regarded thriller series Mr. Robot, wrote the script for the feature and is directing.
Plot and character details are being kept in the hard drive, but the project is described as a paranoid thriller that has tonal influences of Silence of the Lambs and involves the hunt for a cyber terrorist. The film is also a reteaming of Esmail and Roberts after Netflix hit Leave the World Behind.
Esmail and Chad Hamilton are producing via Esmail Corp., along with Scott Stuber, Roberts, Marisa Yeres Gill and Lisa Gillan. Kevin McCormick and Chrystal Li are overseeing the project for Warners.
Panic Carefully came into the studio after a heated bidding war earlier this year. Part of the appeal for the filmmakers was a commitment to a theatrical run, which this year has been a growing factor in the selling of projects for filmmakers.
Redmayne’s Jackal series, in which he stars opposite Lashana Lynch, has proven to be a surprise hit with critics and audience since its debut in November. It was ranked no. 1 on Peacock’s top 10 TV shows and in the Top 5 streaming originals in the US during its debut week. The actor, who is one of the show’s exec producers, received Golden Globe and Critics’ Choice nominations for his performance. The show has already been renewed for a second season.  
Redmayne was recently seen on Broadway reviving his role as the Emcee in Cabaret, earning him a Tony nomination for lead actor in a musical. He also played the part in the 2022 West End revival, which he initiated, and went on to win the Olivier Award for best actor in a musical.
The actor, who won an Oscar for portraying Stephen Hawking in The Theory of Everything, is repped by CAA, United Agents, and Jackoway Tyerman.
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frankendykes-monster · 5 months ago
Countdown to Halloween 2024 ranked
54. The Willies (1990)
53. Hell High (1987)
52. Face of The Screaming Werewolf (1964)
51. Terrifier (2016)
50. The Last Halloween (1991)
49. Cathy's Curse (1977)
48. The Last Shark (1981)
47. Godzilla × Kong: The New Empire (2024)
46. Creepozoids (1987)
45. The Horror of Frankenstein (1970)
44. Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks (1974)
43. Man Beast (1956)
42. Tourist Trap (1979)
41. Daughter of Dr. Jekyll (1957)
40. Fiend (1980)
39. Vampyros Lesbos (1971)
38. Devil Girl From Mars (1954)
37. Halloween Hall o' Fame (1977)
36. Nightmare (1981)
35. The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra (2001)
34. Peeping Tom (1960)
33. Violent Shit (1989)
32. Invaders From Mars (1986)
31. Eggshells (1969)
30. Night of The Ghouls (1959)
29. Scream, Blacula, Scream (1973)
28. The Strange World of Planet X (1958)
27. The Colossus of New York (1958)
26. The Scooby-Doo Project (1999)
25. Night of The Living Doo (2001)
24. Scooby-Doo! and The Reluctant Werewolf (1988)
23. The Great Bear Scare (1983)
22. The Wasp Woman (1995)
21. The Cyclops (1957)
20. Frankenstein and The Monster from Hell (1974)
19. The Tingler (1959)
18. The Boogey Man (1980)
17. The Dragon Lives Again (1977)
16. Quatermass and The Pit (1967)
15. The Brain That Wouldn't Die (1962)
14. Mad Love (1935)
13. The Alien Factor (1978)
12. The Walking Dead (1935)
11. Dr. Caligari (1989)
10. The Deadly Spawn (1983)
9. Invaders From Mars (1953)
8. Alucarda (1977)
7. Uzumaki (2024)
6. Sole Survivor (1984)
5. Nosferatu the Vampyre (1979)
4. Shock Waves (1977)
3. Frankenhooker (1990)
2. Invasion of The Body Snatchers (1978)
1. Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974)
What a productive year. October lasts all of 30 seconds which is why I have to start watching these in July if I want to make any decent headway (31 films is not enough). I desperately tried to make this a year of "have not seens" after last year's top spots being flooded with films I already loved; we mostly did it, mostly. Another top heavy year with relatively few abysmal entries, let's get started.
The Willies is the grand shitshow for this year. It feels like it's an evolutionary precursor to something like Goosebumps or Are You Afraid of The Dark?, but it mostly plays to gross out rather than scares. I don't normally care for anthology horror films to begin so to start off a film with brief segments like a woman eating a deep fried rat or a little white dog being microwave exploded and then doing extended stories on monsters hiding in the school bathroom does not do it for me. The most minimal points possible for some decent lighting and special effects but they are not enough by any means to make this worth watching. Stay away.
Onto the 1980's horror: Hell High is what happens when a film crew asks "what if we put a woman into a situation and didn't stop". I want to call it misogynistic torture porn, but I don't want to devalue that phrase for when I use it for a film later on here, but suffice to say a woman is tortured. Emotionally. For very little reason. Universal was right to block The Last Shark from US theatrical distribution. Not because it's a very blatant Jaws ripoff and they wanted to protect their copyright, but because it's abysmal and nobody should have to pay money to see this. I think the stock footage of sharks juxtaposed with the unmoving props between shots is funny, and some of the soundtrack elevates the experience, like the high shrill drones when the shark attacks a helicopter. Creepozoids is an odd one because 1987 was a bit late for a Mad Max/Escape from New York/Alien knockoff but also too early for some Full Moon tier/softcore porn adjacent 1990's production, so it loses out on both fronts. Fiend I'm struggling to even recall, I feel like Don Dohler had one movie in him (see: his plethora of alien invasion films) and him trying to branch out did him no favors. Nightmare is one I want to enjoy because it's beautifully shot but I feel like I've seen one too many slasher adjacent films at this point that include plot points like the killer having a troubled relationship with his mother or him moonlighting as a regular guy (still better than Pieces mind you). Same with Violent Shit. I feel like my tastes are pretty attuned to films that are just gore effects showcases but this one doesn't have any zany concepts to justify or compliment it, so it just falls flat.
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The Boogey Man belongs to that tirade of Halloween knockoffs that flooded theaters up till about 1984 or so, but it puts in some extra effort like having a ghost be the main antagonist and a symbolic interest in mirrors, which is much more than could be asked of films like Terror Train which came out the same year. Dr. Caligari is the obligatory "this is what Tim Burton thinks he's doing" film of this year; its sets and its performances are perfectly otherworldly to a humorous degree. It's something of a quasi-sequel to the 1920 film but its relationship with logic is attuned to such a frequency that it's not a hindrance. Very hard to objectively quantify, you're either in the target audience or you aren't, so of all films here take its tier placement the least seriously. The Deadly Spawn is such a gloriously gross film. The house it's shot in isn't supposed to be disgusting on purpose, it's just one of those century's old buildings where I feel like I'd revulse if I had to touch any surface, and that's before fleshy alien monsters break in and start shredding people to bits. Sole Survivor is one of those magical "missing link" horror films, we've finally found what comes between Carnival of Souls and Final Destination. The actual scares in this film are incredibly minimal as it prioritizes atmosphere that balances between comfort and unease, something incredibly rare for films of virtually any genre. Don't go in expecting ghosts and you'll be pleasantly surprised.
Taking a brief-ish detour to the 1960's, Face of The Screaming Werewolf is one of those films I'm more angry at than anything because it's one of those films that's just the combined stray footage of multiple previous films. Rare for these to be produced in the western market (most of the examples I think of are from (south)east Asia) but it's infuriating nonetheless to see something only to discover it's a worse version of multiple better things you could be seeing. Peeping Tom is our "most overrated" entry winner, I don't know why so many people applaud this one, I feel like barely anything of substance happens to such a degree that any ounce of suspense you could draw from this just disappears, and what a shame with the concept at play here that feels as if it would take another decade for everyone else to catch up. Eggshells is the directorial debut of Tobe Hooper and while cohesive narrative is virtually nonexistent here, the amount of experimental editing keeps this going throughout the entire runtime, you can definitely see where The Texas Chainsaw Massacre came from down the line. I feel like I'm somewhat disappointed with Quatermass and The Pit (not sure what "The Pit" refers to now that I think of it) mostly becasue the first two Quatermass films are among the best 1950's science fiction films. All three are theatrical remakes of television mini-series and that's most felt here with how so much of the film takes place in the single location of an unearthed Martian ship in the heart of London. I do love that we have a science fiction film positing that humans are partly the genetic ancestors of aliens prior to people taking that seriously with books like Chariot of The Gods. The Brain That Wouldn't Die is magical, sometimes those oft hated 1950's/1960's science fiction films have something to give back to the rest of us. Here it's a man so obsessed with his own work that he sees his wife's death as an opportunity to try and kill other women so that he can use their bodies as grounds to bring her back. Which sounds like something else I watched...
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...said film being Frankenhooker, which has largely the same plot but now functions as a dark comedy. God. I hate so much that the capitalist enclosure on the production and distribution of film prevented us from getting so much more from Frank Henenlotter. The man is one of the best to ever direct horror, and anyone who thinks this film or any of his other work are "bad movies" just flat out do not know what they're talking about. I think compared to Basket Case and Brain Damage however, Frankenhooker is the one that "keeps giving". You think you've seen everything the film has to offer and then something like a hotel room full of women combusts as they succumb to the effects of exploding crack or Elizabeth (the titular character) has her head punched back and starts spewing smoke and electricity everywhere. Film is a magical medium of art.
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Terrifier is what I held onto "misogynistic torture porn" for. No narrative, no character work, just opportunities to show Art the Clown dismember and murder women in revolting ways. It's one of those films that vindicates everyone that doesn't like this genre and makes me wonder what I'm doing sitting side by side with people that like this shit. I think Art cutting off a woman's breasts and scalp and attaching them to his nude body to disguise himself as another prior female victim of his is when my mouth went agape and audibly asked what the fuck am I watching, cannot stress enough how much it takes to get that reaction out of me. There's an upfront showcase that Terrifier knows that it's trash and revels in it, I mean there's an early scene where we see Art has spelled out his name in his own shit, and I'm not sure how to interpret that other than I feel like I might be landing in a Duchamp's Urinal trap. For reasons that allude even me I am still eyeing the prospect of watching both sequels.
I think my overall reaction to Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire is one of "whatever". A passably bad film is a definite improvement from the abomination that was Godzilla vs. Kong but it's admittedly easy to rise up when you start from the bottom. Adam Wingard more or less sucked all the joy I could muster out of the Monsterverse, I truly do not care anymore. If anything can be gleaned from this film it's that this is a film made to reconfirm people's existing biases of "I hate the boring human scenes, I'm only watching this for the monsters." Kong is the best actor in this film because the special effects team have to have him actually emote in response to a given situation, which is more than could be asked of anyone actually on the set, apparently. It's a miracle that this came out in the shadow of Godzilla Minus One than on its own terms.
The glut of 1950's science fiction films are a perennial staple of the Halloween countdown but they don't have a huge showing this year. Man Beast is one I'm going to confuse with all the other yeti movies of the decade though having a main antagonist that's actually a human hybrid gets it some points for originality. Daughter of Dr. Jekyll infuriates me because women who become monsters in film never get to be "hideous" and "scary" like their male counterparts, I'm throwing tomatoes at this one. Devil Girl From Mars is mostly memorable for having a giant clunky robot a la Gort, but the actual titular antagonist doesn't "serve cunt" enough to warrant interest, she should have taken notes from The Astounding She-Monster. The Lost Skeleton of Cadavra is an honorable mention because it's a feature-length pastiche of the z-grade films of this era. I don't think it's particularly funny and I kind of wish they lampooned a "good" film of this type rather than make something that fits in line with the middling genre efforts. Night of The Ghouls is the last horror film directed by Ed Wood and I feel like I enjoy it slightly more than Plan 9 From Outer Space. It's far more competent in producing that lulling insomniac reaction than Wood's prior efforts but I still don't "get" the attention his work consistently gets. The Strange World of Planet X gets a special pass from me just because the finale has a bunch of giant bugs attacking stuff. Moving on.
The Colossus of New York is an oddball modern Frankenstein of sorts with a guy being transformed into a giant robot and struggling to maintain some attachment to his former life. It doesn't always work but once again giant clunky robots are giant clunky robots. I'm something of a Bert I. Gordon apologist so something like The Cyclops is going to hit harder for me than it does for most people. I just like people wandering around Bronson Cave and poor matte shots of giant animals moving in and out of frame, okay? The Tingler was the oddest revisit I've had in a while. I don't think I fully "get" William Castle's approach to film but what stuck out to me is how this one takes place in largely two locations and how Vincent Price's character is kind of the antagonist, experimenting on animals, himself, and other people (resulting in a murder) to get at the Tingler. Much like in House on Haunted Hill I'm not wholly sure how some of the spooky things in this film actually work and I don't think I'm meant to, adding to the bizarre nature of the entire series of affairs here.
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Invaders From Mars...oh yes. One of the absolute best 1950's science fiction films is also the most lyrical and dreamlike. It reads at times like a Soviet parody of an American child's story would be like; a boy sees every institution designed to protect him as a child and as an American turn against him on account of some nefarious foreign invader, so his only course of action is to get the US military involved. It plays out so well because it's a POV piece from a young boy, which eases over any leaps in logic both in terms of form and content of this film. Which is more than can be said of the remake, part of the diminishing returns of Tobe Hooper's then contract with Cannon. The film largely follows the same plot structure but decenters the frame through which we see it unfold giving it a "the military is legit" vibe. It also is just a bit more mean-spirited in ways that are designed to taunt the audience versus the original film's more hardened edge to it. I think a great summation of the difference between the two is that the 1953 film had Martian bodyguards that are clearly guys in fuzzy green pajama suits, but they're more threatening than the ones in the 1986 film which are giant quadruped Stan Winston monsters. I digress. Had this come out 20 years later it would be classified as part of the wave of "why are they remaking everything?"
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Speaking of remakes, briefly want to mention the 1995 Wasp Woman. It's The Wasp Woman for the 1990's, now with explosions and softcore sex scenes. I can't wholly defend the original 1959 film despite my affinity for it, so let's just say this one is of comparable quality.
The 1930's are a delightful treasure trove for horror but sadly we only have two up for offer. Mad Love makes me curious as to how other adaptations of The Hands of Orlac handle the material; I was convinced a guy got his head surgically reattached and with artificial hands to boot. Always good to see Colin Clive and Peter Lorre. The Walking Dead feels like a dry run for what Boris Karloff would do later that decade in the much better The Man They Could Not Hang, just with him as the victim here and not the mastermind. Truly some of his best work as an actor as he has to float through the world not being allowed to live or die, that shit sticks with you.
We watched a scant few Halloween specials proper, I always feel like I want to watch every Halloween special possible but sometimes the enthusiasm leaves me. The Last Halloween is trash, but that's on me for thinking something made for very small children would appeal to me as an adult. It crams far too much into its brief 22 minute runtime, so the only thing that manages to escape into the zone of interest is that the CGI aliens are actually very well done for a 1991 television production, had this been all about them (voiced by Hanna Barbara stalwarts such as Frank Welker and Don Messick, along with Paul Williams), this would have been far more tolerable. Halloween Hall o' Fame is the first of apparently several Disney television specials that repackaged their theatrical shorts inside a live-action framing device. It's quaint but this format would live and die by the quality of the shorts included; I'm not intimately familiar with Disney's back catalogue solely because they've barely released anything on home media but I absolutely adore the one where Pluto goes to Hell and is put in a kangaroo court with cats on the jury. I feel like the novelty of The Scooby-Doo Project and Night of The Living Doo have carried them along further than their actual quality have, stray artifacts from when Warner Bros was briefly testing to see if Scooby could be an adult property now, doomed to the same fate as Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law. The latter of these two specials made me come to terms with the fact that David Cross was "a big deal" at some point. The Great Bear Scare is the winner here. How could you not like an animated special where bears have to stand up and be brave against an oncoming horde of Halloween monsters? What makes this an oddity (sort of an obligation for me and Halloween specials) is that this is animated 100% without in-betweens, so every character in every scene cross-dissolves in real time between their keyframes. Depending on who you are it could be ridiculously distracting or make you step back and appreciate how hard animation is.
Clearing out our remaining animated showings, I felt like I would really get back into Scooby-Doo and The Reluctant Werewolf. In the mid-late 2000's when Cartoon Network was desperately trying to excise showing anything from their backlogs, this is one of those films that was on repeat constantly as midday viewings especially over summer. It's just so far removed from what Scooby-Doo "proper" is that it's an enigma, I go to bat to defend each of the "red shirt Shaggy" movies but this is brain melting at times, there is no mystery to solve, monsters are real, Fred/Daphne/Velma are completely absent, half the film is dedicated to a drag race, it goes on and on and on that I feel numb after a bit. Uzumaki...it's good. I feel like the fact that this was in production hell for five years following the first trailer release made me stop caring so all the shenanigans regarding the reaction to the animation dropping off (the production team got screwed over, how the fuck do studios not have the money for FOUR EPISODES, David Zlasv strikes again) brushed off of me. Regardless of that I think the actual pacing would have restricted this given how much sequential material from the manga now has to occur concurrently. It gets by solely because it's Uzumaki and as such it channels such a foreboding sense of dread and despair that is unreal. This more than anything is the true epitome of cosmic horror because there is no "source" or "identity" behind the threat that is warping reality around you, there is nothing to oppose and be defiant against, which was true of the manga and it remains true here. Bravo.
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The 1970's prove to be another sporadic decade for horror. Cathy's Curse proves that no matter how good technical effects are, do not watch any Carrie knockoffs. Blah. Frankenstein's Castle of Freaks...you took a movie where a Frankenstein monster fights a caveman and made it boring, congratulations. In the interim between 2021's viewing of Curse of Frankenstein and now, I've made the effort to watch the entirety of the Hammer Frankenstein series. They make for a brilliant reinterpretation of the source material with Frankenstein effectively being antagonist: he kills consistently for his experiments, which often time warp and alter people's identities along with their bodies. The "holy triumvirate" of the series as referred to by me would be The Revenge of Frankenstein, Frankenstein Created Woman, and Frankenstein Must Be Destroyed, all for showcasing new stuff that can be done with the character and any prior influences such as the Universal films being absent. Then comes The Horror of Frankenstein, a soft remake of Curse of Frankenstein, with Terence Fischer and Peter Cushing both absent. It's a dry and tedious affair that just rehashes what Curse already did, just now with a black comedic angle and no real consequences for Frankenstein himself. It's easily the worst of the series and why I'm glad Hammer backtracked for Frankenstein and The Monster From Hell. This is probably the first instance in film history where a sequel has consciously ignored a preceding remake, and while it's not wholly original either, it's comfort food for fans of this series, and now employs a darker more claustrophobic setting in an ~insane asylum~. Not the best ending for the series, but Hammer, along with Toho and Ray Harryhausen's efforts with Columbia, sort of represented the "old" styles of horror that were pretty quickly being replaced as the decade went on. This film specifically came out the same year as the likes of The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, it was a transitional period where what horror once was was cast away. Still not sure why the monster in this film looks like a Neanderthal man but that's just me.
Tourist Trap desperately tries to be one part Psycho and one part Texas Chainsaw, and it admittedly starts off with a nice hook of animatronic puppets being the main focus of the film, but it falls through the cracks and just becomes another random 1970's horror film. Vampyros Lesbos makes me realize that my infatuation with Zombi 3 last year did not mean I'm suddenly infatuated with Lucio Fulci's overall filmography, exceptions are not the rule. Come to think I don't think I've seen a single lesbian vampire film that I'm smitten with, how do you make this boring and not sexy at all, fuck you. Scream, Blacula, Scream is the obligatory Blacula cash-in sequel, nothing worthwhile to see here and none of the charm and significance of the first film is carried forward here, sigh. "DEDICATED TO THE MILLIONS THAT LOVE BRUCE LEE," The Dragon Lives Again is one of the plethora of films featuring Lee impersonators following his death, showing Lee in Hell as he has to find a way back to Earth while also fighting off The Godfather, Dracula, The Man with No Name, Emanuele, Zatoichi, and James Bond while allying himself with Popeye and Dr. Who. No I am not making any of this up, yes, this film was made with very little money so it sounds far more interesting than it actually ends up being, but it's a cute film, I can't be mad at a film made for me, nor can a movie showing Popeye eat spinach to fight mummies or Bruce Lee knocking out Dracula with his "third leg" be something you don't go out of your way to watch.
The Alien Factor is Don Dohler's first and best film. I love the fact that a dozen people made a small scale alien invasion/slasher film in their backyards with actually solid special effects for something that was probably made on the weekends. You can't hate this film, it's made from pure love for what was already decades old genre material. Had some of the script and acting been tightened up this could have become one of the more widely recognized independent films of the decade. Oh...Alucarda. I hate when they make a lesbian devil worshiper film between girls coming to terms with theirs sexual orientation and then they aren't the heroes of the story. We've come a long way since then.
Given that the Eggers film is still a few months out, I'd say Nosferatu the Vampyre is my preferred interpretation of the story (not my favorite Dracula adaptation overall mind you). Let me say that I think remaking Nosferatu is ridiculous solely because you're just doing Dracula, again, just with some stylistic details brought on from a specific prior Dracula. But this film goes all out. It's one of those times where I'm reminded of why slowly paced films with shots that last minutes at a time are so great. It relies very little on narrative (the extent/nature of Dracula's power of the geographic barriers between Wismar and Transylvania go unexplained) but you get so thoroughly sucked into the setting and the characters that you can't complain. This has undeniably the best portrayal of Mina in any Dracula film, she's effectively the protagonist by the second half and each of her encounters with Dracula are on her terms, he's effectively powerless against her even if she ensures they both die in the end. Also, rats. So many rats. Everywhere. The plague is in town.
Shock Waves is just great 1970's horror. Shoot on location, hold the camera in hand the entire time, do it cheap, have a dreamy distant narrator, and make it grisly. I do find the concept of Nazis engineering platoons of super soldiers and we only seeing just the one in this film is probably the scariest thing about it, it invites you to think about what else is happening out of sight. My favorite first watch of the year.
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1978's Invasion of The Body Snatchers is also a phenomenal remake. This one is difficult for me to talk about because it just pushes all my buttons, I felt like I wanted to cry throughout the duration of this viewing, it is an incredibly mean film. Someone you know just one day turns on you, and then everyone else follows suit. You think you know your surroundings and your city but everything is flipped upside down and you can't even describe why. From the very start when you see the premature pods land on Earth it's made immediately clear that no one is making it out of here, it was too late as soon as it started.
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But there can only be one #1, and this year it's Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla. Another instance of "nothing is going to beat this" as soon as I rewatched it. I feel like I'm alone in considering this one of the absolute best in the series, I feel like between the espionage and exploration and blood and laser fights that this is just one of the films that reminds you of why we make and why we watch movies, you get to have some semblance of every possible human emotion watching this. There's not much more you can ask for.
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aliteraryprincess · 4 months ago
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October 2024 Wrap Up
Well this was a month. I usually love October. The weather starts to get cooler, Netflix adds a bunch of horror movies, and it's Victober (Victorian October) over on YouTube. Unfortunately, my month got bogged down by job applications and dissertation revisions. And then my grandmother died. So yeah...
Books Read: 6
Everything I read this month was for Victober, and other than one dud, it was a great reading month! Three five star reads is fantastic! No Name is my favorite of the month, but Deerbrook and The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes are close behind. Ariadne was dreadful, which is unfortunate since I'm supposed to be writing a dissertation chapter on it.
No Name by Wilkie Collins - 5 stars
A Woman of No Importance by Oscar Wilde - 4 stars
Ariadne: The Story of a Dream by Ouida - 2 stars
The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle - 5 stars
Deerbrook by Harriet Martineau - 5 stars
Sensational Victorian: The Life & Fiction of Mary Elizabeth Braddon by Robert Lee Wolff - 4 stars
On Tumblr:
Not as much stuff here as last month, but I managed to take some photos!
September 2024 Wrap Up
Book Photography: Thornhedge by T. Kingfisher
Book Photography: No Name by Wilkie Collins
Book Photography: Deerbrook by Harriet Martineau
Reblogged: Manga Recommendations
Tagged: What Would You Take From My Room Poll
Victorian Literature aliteraryprincess Has Read - Updated 2024
On YouTube:
And there's a ton here, mostly for Victober. It's my favorite yearly bookish event.
Underrated Victorian Recommendations #8 | #victober
My Top 10 Favorite Victorian Characters | #victober
September Wrap Up | 16 books for #shaketember #shortyseptember & more!
Victorian Literature I've Read in the Past Year | #victober
Currently Reading 10/14/24 | #victober
Let's Talk About Margaret Oliphant! | #victober
Reading a Book for Every Year of the Victorian Period | #victober
My Dissertation Chapter On The Doctor's Wife | #victober
November TBR | Nonfiction November & more!
September and October Book Haul
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itsvivace · 6 months ago
tw: flashing lights !!!
Sad Girls Club is a fictional sub-unit of the fictional thirteen-member girl group, VIVACE, consisting of five members : EUNMI, NOELLE, ARA, YANA, & HAYEON. VIVACE is split into three active sub-units to promote in, and today, we’ll be exploring their first and most famous unit, Sad Girls Club. Sad Girls Club explores more of VIVACE’s mature side, along with heavily Second Gen inspired music, which has captured the hearts of fans all around the world.
— 2019 - 2021 . . ALL EYES ON ME . .
A few weeks after VIVACE’s debut, I-Teen Media announced that they would be debuting their first sub-unit under the name Sad Girls Club. Due to the popularity of ARA, NOELLE, & HAYEON, their debut was hugely anticipated by even non fans of VIVACE. Sad Girls Club debuted on October 2, 2019, with the self-titled mini album “SAD GIRLS CLUB” consisting of five tracks, “Like This” serving as the title track. SAD GIRLS CLUB debuted with 96K album sales, and Like This immediately charted #1 on every South Korean chart within the first week of release, even getting the girls their first win on their second week of promotions.
Sad Girls Club would return six months later on April 4, 2020, with their first single album, “My Attitude”, consisting of two tracks, “Inside Job” serving as the album’s title track. The album debuted with 139K album sales, with Inside Job debuting at #3 on the chart and moving up to #1 a week after release. Inside Job was the start of their slower and more mature sounding music, which gained them a bunch of fans during this era.
A few months later on August 5, 2020, they released their second mini album, “REVOLUTION”, which consists of six tracks including the title track, “VILLAIN”. REVOLUTION is a more noisy and experimental sound than what they usually did but the album still debuted with 194K album sales and debuted #2 on charts.
As an end-of-the-year release, they dropped their third mini album, “WOMAN”, consisting of five tracks, including the title track “Woman”, on December 14, 2020. Woman trended for its second-gen sound and woman-empowering message, which earned the album 482K album sales and #1 across global charts.
Sad Girls Club would only release two things in the year 2021. On May 23, 2021, they put out their first digital single, “Pretty Savage”, which charted #3 on Melon and #2 globally. They would then come back on July 15, 2021, with their fourth mini album, “Movie Star”, consisting of six tracks, including the title track, “N♡︎DE”. They would comment on the unfair standards and sexualization women go through, especially in the music industry, which earned them Album of The Year in 2021. Movie Star would give them their first million-seller album, debuting with 1.3M album sales and all of the songs on the album hitting the top ten on charts.
— 2022 - 2023 . . I LIVE FOR THE APPLAUSE . .
With the hype from Movie Star starting to die down and having no comeback announcements from Sad Girls Club, fans were beginning to get anxious waiting for a new release. They would release their first full album, “SUPERWOMAN”, on January 28, 2022, consisting of twelve tracks, including the pre-release single, “SUPERLADIES”, and the second title track, “I Am The Best”. SUPERWOMAN is a powerful album about empowering women, self-love, and self-appreciation. SUPERLADIES would gain 85 million views within the first 24 hours and earned them six music show wins. As of August 2024, SUPERLADIES is one of Sad Girls Club’s most viewed music videos, with 953 million views. I Am The Best went viral for its second-gen influence and powerful sound, releasing with 294 million views in the first 24 hours and giving Sad Girls Club eleven music show wins. The music video is currently at 1.2 billion views, their most viewed music video ever. SUPERWOMAN debuted with 7.8M album sales and sold out almost instantly, making it Sad Girls Club’s biggest release.
Sad Girls Club would come back on June 23, 2022, with their fifth mini album, “Club 5”, consisting of five tracks including the title track “Live It Up”. Club 5 shows a slower and more mature side to Sad Girls Club which earned the album 4.8M album sales and Live It Up hitting the top five on the South Korean charts.
They would end the year off with the release of their second single album, “Bad Boy”, consisting of three tracks including the title track of the same name, “Bad Boy”. They would continue their slower and mature sounding songs for this album which made it get 4M album sales and debuted first on the Global Charts.
Sad Girls Club released their sixth mini album, “Breakfast At Tiffany’s”, on February 4, 2023, which consists of six tracks, including the title track, “Lion Heart”. Breakfast At Tiffany’s has a '60s aesthetic and is heavily themed around media created from then. It also talks about the downside of Hollywood and the movie industry as a whole and how it treats its actors, which gave the album 7.6M sales and charted in the top ten.
In a huge suprise to fans, they released their second full album, “The Plastics”, on June 3, 2023, consisting of fifteen tracks, including the pre-release singles “Get In, Loser”, “You Can’t Sit With Us”, and the title track, “Queen B”. The album was completely based off the movie “Mean Girls” made in 2004 and is filled to the brim with references to the movie. The album debuted with over 9 million sales, five music show wins, and a performance at the 2023 Grammy Awards, which they were nominated for.
Sad Girls Club released their third full album, “I’m The Drama” on October 16, 2023, consisting of eleven tracks including the title track, “DRAMA”. This album brought many worries of Sad Girls Club being possibly overworked but nothing was outwardly confirmed other than a few hints some of the members made. The album sold 14 million copies overall and is what fans say was the start of their “Reputation” era.
The latest release from Sad Girls Club is their second digital single, “Hopeless Romantic”, released on November 29, 2023. The song charted third on the charts but fans still say it was overall forgettable and earned the group a suprising amount of hate. As of September 2024, Sad Girls Club have not made a comeback despite the members outwardly stating they would like to have one soon.
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ao3feed-superbat · 5 months ago
thrilled and freaked (halloween marathon)
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/xc6q2Xp by prolocity watching a movie marathon goes poorly... or does it? ... Clark found that same spot again, and hoisted him on his lap, his hand never leaving his ass. He palmed at it as Bruce continued to practically eat him alive. All of that warmth, the heat under Bruce’s skin from the moment the night had started needed to be spent. His heart pounded against Clarks, and the hair on his arms spiked from the anticipation of it all. “Wow, thrillers really get you going?” Clark said in amusement, lips all over his neck. He felt his teeth sink in gently.   “You get me going,” Bruce stretched his words in a lazy way, coaxing Clark slowly. He was still composed. Composed enough to allure him like this, which he didn't particularly hate doing either… The laziness was also definitely from his near drowsiness, probably still evident on his face. He groaned playfully, loud and lewd. “You sure you didn’t just want an excuse not to watch the movie? Getting too freaked?” “No i’m not—” He put a thumb to his mouth and Bruce glowered down at him. “I know, I know. You're just so scared that you couldn't help but crawl up here for some help.” “That’s not even–”   rapraprap Words: 5133, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Series: Part 5 of Superbat October!! (2024) Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: Explicit Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent Relationships: Clark Kent/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Resolved Sexual Tension, Kissing, Biting, Movie Night, movie marathons, The Shining References, Cheesy, Crack, Established Relationship, Sweet/Hot, Banter, Making Love, Halloween, Idiots in Love, Bruce Wayne is So Done, Clark Kent Loves Bruce Wayne, Bottom Bruce Wayne, Top Clark Kent, Not Beta Read read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/xc6q2Xp
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yen-sids-tournament · 3 months ago
Yen-Sids-Tournament's Tumblr Top 10 for 2024
1. SuperbOwl Day!!!! Poll 593 notes February 11th
2. Animated Sequels Finals: Cinderella III: A Twist in Time v The Lion King II: Simba's Pride Poll 234 Notes April 7th
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This was a mini poll created for the tumblr SuperbOwl Holiday // This was a semi final poll for our Sequels tournament, it just barely sent LKII to the finals against Pirates of the Caribbean 2.
3. Mulan: Animated (1998) v Live Action (2020) Poll 231 Notes May 9th
4. The Lion King: Animated (1994) v Live Action (2019) Poll 198 Notes May 5th
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These were the two most voted in poll of our Original or Remake interim poll series.
5. Pirates of the Caribbean Captains Poll 171 Notes November 12th
6. Favorite Fairies Tournament Announcement 125 Notes May 4th
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This was one of the polls from the Pirates of the Caribbean theme week we hosted in November // This was the post announcing the Favorite Fairies mini tournament, with the rules and link to the submission page.
7. Maleficent v Lilia Vanrouge Poll 111 Notes May 20th
7. Best International Women's Day (Disney) Movie? Poll 111 Notes March 8th
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Tied at 111: This is the first round Favorite Fairies poll between Maleficent and Lilia Vanrouge, the most engaged with poll of the tournament , sending Lilia to the next round // This is a mini poll we posted for International Women's Day.
9. Animated 8: Aladdin and the King of Thieves (1996) v The Lion King 1 1/2 Poll 90 Notes March 10th
10. It's BOOp Time!! (again) Poll 89 Notes October 31st
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This is the 8th Animated match up of the Sequels Tournament // This was the poll posted when we were blessed with Boops for Halloween
Compiled by TumblrTop10 (@ jetblackcode), personalized by us.
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mi6-cafe · 6 months ago
It's Occult October!
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Sp00qy season is upon us! This month we want you to make or rec fancreations that involve Bond characters and anything that’s uncanny, wyrd, monstrous, magical, or spooky. (Or, you know, anything that has to do with the characters celebrating Halloween or related holidays.)
Tag us in your recs and creations so we can reblog them. As always, all ships, gen fic, and genres are welcome! You can also add anything to our AO3 collection.
Sp00qy fanfic readalong
On October 31st at 9pm eastern, join us for a special night of reading spooqy fanfics on discord!
Fics are not limited to 00Q, but we do prefer shorter ones so we can read a lot for our special event. If you have stories you'd like to suggest, please add them to the list here.
Last Drabble Writer Standing has begun!
Each week, for four weeks, we will be sending out a specific prompt to our LDWS participants. Prompts include a topic or image, a word count, and sometimes a genre or an extra challenge! Each writer creates a drabble inspired by the same prompt, and then those drabbles are posted anonymously and voted on/given feedback by amazing readers! 
In addition to the weekly rankings throughout October, there will be one final drabble writer at the end who has the top number of votes overall--the Last Drabble Writer Standing! Also, the long fic readalong crew is reading the drabbles every Saturday night and see discord for other offers for similar in other timezones.
The first week has concluded, but check #LDWS 2024 for round two coming out on Saturday!
Saturday Cafe: October 5 and October 19
Come join us in the fandom Slack as we write, draw, sprint, plot, brainstorm, cheerlead, and generally have a good time trying to get things done together. If you’d like an invite to the Slack, go ahead and message @castillon02 or @spiritofcamelot!
Bond Book Readalong, Saturdays at 9pm ET
The longfic readalong crew is taking a break from fanfic to go back to the source material. We will be taking a couple months to read Diamonds are Forever. This is a proper detective novel full of diamond smuggling, Felix Leiter, and a really over-the-top bad guy. Not to mention our latest Bond girl: Tiffany Case.
We will provide a digital version of the text for you to follow along, but we also recommend seeing if your local library has a copy. We’d love to see you there. You are welcome to listen if you don’t or can’t read aloud!    
When: Saturdays at 9pm eastern/6pm Pacific.
Where: We’ll be reading on discord in the readalongs channel. (Invite to discord here)
Please join us to read or just hang out.
Other social events
We have loved all the movies, game nights, even TTRPGs that happened during Fest this year and we hope to see more of them throughout the year!
In October, Linorien will be hosting watch parties for Candela Obscura - Needle and Thread. This is a horror-themed mini Critical Role campaign. Please check the watch party calendar linked below for the times and join us in discord.
This month especially, we will happily promote other watch party events of spooky movies or whatever else you would like to organize.
Weekly events:
WIP Wednesday: You can post an excerpt of your WIP on our post or make your own post and mention the @mi6-cafe. Either way it’s a fun way to show people what you’re working on, Bond fandom or otherwise.
Weekly Bond movies: Hosted by womble every Sunday at 8am Pacific time, join us in Discord to watch one of the Bond movies. Keep an eye on the watch party calendar linked below for updates.
Want to host your own event in the Discord or elsewhere? Let us know about it so we can add it to the calendars!
Watch Party Calendar MI6 Cafe Calendar   If you need help adding these calendars to your personal one, check out this post.
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