#Titus is banned
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misakiisstupid · 2 days ago
Headcanon: Damian Wayne and His Plushie Collection
Damian Wayne is an assassin, a vigilante, a fearsome warrior.
And he has a massive collection of plushies.
It starts by accident.
At first, it’s just one—a tiny, worn-out stuffed hawk that his mother once gave him when he was five. It’s the only childhood possession he ever kept. Hidden in a drawer, untouched but never forgotten.
But then?
The Batfamily happens.
It begins with Dick.
Because of course it does.
Dick sees Damian staring a little too long at a display of stuffed bats in a toy store window while they’re out on patrol. He doesn’t say anything then, but the next morning, Damian finds a plush bat on his bed.
He scoffs. Tt. He doesn’t need such things.
… But the bat stays on his nightstand.
Then comes Alfred.
One evening, Alfred simply hands him a stuffed lion. No explanation. Just a small, knowing smile.
Damian stares. “What is this?”
Alfred clears his throat. “Master Damian, every young boy deserves a childhood.”
Damian insists he doesn’t care. He is the heir to the League of Assassins, the blood son of the Batman. He has no need for such—
… The lion is now sitting next to the bat.
Jason gets involved.
Jason overhears Dick talking about it and loses his mind.
“He’s a tiny, angry gremlin, but he hoards plushies? That’s adorable.”
So, of course Jason starts bringing him the weirdest ones.
A plush Joker (which Damian set on fire). A plush skull that Damian actually liked. A plush potato ("Todd, what exactly am I supposed to do with this?").
Jason cackles every time Damian tries to pretend he doesn’t care.
Tim? Tim weaponizes it.
He learns Damian hates being perceived as soft. So what does he do?
He buys him a pink bunny plush.
Damian nearly murders him.
(But nobody misses the way Damian quietly places it on his shelf later.)
Stephanie and Cass escalate it.
Cass gifts him a plush tiger.
Steph gifts him a massive unicorn.
Damian acts annoyed but doesn’t reject them. They take this as permission to keep going.
One week later, Damian comes home to find his entire bed covered in stuffed animals.
He storms into the Batcave, furious.
Tim is crying from laughter.
Bruce finds out.
One day, Bruce walks into Damian’s room and stops cold.
There are at least 40 plushies scattered across the shelves, bed, and floor.
Damian stares at him. Daring him to say something.
Bruce just sighs.
"… You need more shelves."
And that's that.
Final Count?
Dick gifts him plushies because he wants to give Damian the childhood he never had.
Alfred supports the hobby and occasionally sneaks new ones into his room.
Jason does it just to mess with him, but also secretly cares.
Tim turns it into psychological warfare.
Steph and Cass just want to see how many they can get away with before Damian snaps.
Duke joins in once he finds out.
Bruce doesn't even question it anymore.
Damian will never admit he likes them.
But if anyone dares touch his collection without permission?
They will suffer.
Titus is not allowed near the plushies after an “incident.”
Damian absolutely has plush versions of Batcow, Alfred the Cat, and Jerry the Turkey.
One day, someone finds him napping in a pile of them. (There are photos.)
He pretends not to care, but if someone gifts him a new one, he keeps it. Always.
His favorite? The tiny hawk from his mother.
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theanxiousbookdevourer · 6 months ago
Some of my favorite reactions and follow-ups I found while researching my "favorite parenthetical" post:
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thewhatsupdate · 11 months ago
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surfthroughtheparadise · 2 years ago
Idk why everyone forgot his famous iconic works " kill all the jews and banished them again".
Alas, poor Hadrian. One of the most competent emperors, forever known only for his love of walls and twinks
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theaceofarrows · 3 months ago
A list of things that have occurred during Christmas time at Wayne Manor
9 year old Dick hung stockings from the chandelier, and one fell Bruce's head and gave him a concussion
Jason's first Christmas at the manor Dick woke him up at 6:00 a.m. to surprise him and open presents, and he scared Jason so bad that he gave Dick a black eye. They still bring it up every year
Someone put a throwing star in a snowball that resulted in a trip to the ER
There is a tally mark board of how many times Jason can quote A Christmas Carol between December 1st and 25th
There is also a tally mark board for how many times someone utters the phrase "Someone's halls are getting decked." It always reaches at least 36
Someone's halls DO get decked
The song Jingle Bells Batman Smells has been banned under penalty of no dessert
Steph tried to spray paint the Christmas tree purple
Titus was dressed up as Rudolph, and Ace was dressed up as Max from The Grinch
Someone put chili flakes in the hot chocolate pot
Bruce was gifted Green Lantern merchandise by all of his kids
Alfred the cat, has managed to knock over the Christmas tree 6 times. The tree is 17 feet tall. Alfred, the cat is 7lbs
Cass got everyone to do The Nutcracker with her while Alfred recorded it. It reached a billion hits online
Tim gifted Dick a framed picture of him in his Dicsowing era that he took. Dick hung it up
One of the bats in the Batcave somehow ended up with a miniature Santa hat
Damian stabbed multiple people with a candy cane
Jason gifted Alfred shotgun shells
Bruce tried to help make Christmas cookies and put salt in them instead of sugar, and now no one will let him live it down
Somebody wrapped Bruce's presents in Superman wrapping paper
Jason and Damian made a gingerbread Tajmahal. Duke, Cass, and Tim made a gingerbread castle. Steph, Dick, Bruce made a collapsed gingerbread building (it was supposed to be a log cabin)
Someone but fake antlers on the Batman
Tim gave Damian coal. Damian stabbed him with a candy cane; again
Someone gifted Jason a tire iron
Damian dropped a box of tinsel on Duke when he was trying to get Tim, so Duke later dropped a box of fake snow on Damian
The Christmas tree got decorated with Batarangs
A fistfight nearly breaks out because of an argument of whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie. It happens every year
Tim has been tied up in garland and hung from the ceiling
Batcow ended up on the front of the Wayne family Christmas card
Multiple people have tried to electrocute a sibling with Christmas lights
Someone made the ham explode in the oven
There's an annual wrapping paper roll sword fight. There's always a minimum of 4 injuries, but the winner gets to pick the Christmas movie
Duke wore a Batman Christmas sweater for the ugly sweater contest and won
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pricetagofficial · 2 months ago
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Day 23: Movie Night
Pairing: Jason Todd x Reader
Warnings: Language, Dick is a menace
A/N: Welcome to day 23! We are in the final days until Christmas! I hope you all have a good week! Header by me, Divider by @cafekitsune
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It was the final few days until Christmas, and you and Jason were sitting on the couch together enjoying the night.
Or you would be, if you could decide on a movie.
What was originally supposed to be a movie night, turned into you finding out just how many movies were banned in Wayne Manor growing up.
Some of the most iconic Christmas movies ever made, Jason has only seen a few times to not at all.
"So, explain to me why Elf is banned again?
Jason had his arm wrapped around your shoulders, holding you tightly into his side as the movie of topic played on the television.
"This one wasn't actually anyone's fault. Bruce just hates Will Ferrel and never let us watch it."
You were about to argue, but looking at the movie you were watching, maybe it was a good idea. You didn't want to know what Jason's siblings would do when they were kids with this movie.
"Polar Express?"
"Dick tried to the hot chocolate thing with Tim and Stephanie. You remember the rug that used to be in the lounge?"
You looked confused. "What rug?"
That sounded like a lame reason, but you didn't exactly blame Bruce either.
"Grinch?" You tried.
"Tim and Duke tried to make the sleigh, and rally poor Titus into it. Bruce banned it because Damian almost killed them for that." he chuckled. "Hilariously, it was Dick's idea but Damian would never do anything to him."
You laughed, you could see the scenario playing out in your head. Damian running around with his sword, after a frantic Tim and Duke with Titus barking after them with a single antler on his head.
"The Santa Clause?"
Jason snorted. "Bruce woke up one night with Dick on the roof trying to scare Santa."
Your eyes almost bulged out of your head. "What in the world?"
"Is a much nicer sentence than what Bruce said when he found him. At least, that's what I've heard."
At this point you were running out of Christmas movies.
"Home Alone?"
White Christmas?"
Jason nodded. "That's allowed."
"A Christmas Carol?"
"Muppet version only,"
You didn't know what else to say. "Just how many of these are Dick's fault?"
Jason didn't even hesitate. "Just about every single one of them."
A meeting needed to be scheduled to speak with Dick and why he must ruin every Christmas movie.
"What about Die Hard?"
You watched as Jason shifted beside you. "That's actually my fault," he admitted.
"What did you do?"
Jason chuckled as he looked at you. "I may or may not have hidden in the vents one Christmas after coming back, with an airsoft gun and may or may not have shot everyone, except Aflred obviously."
Your jaw dropped. "You did not, as a grown-ass adult?"
He nodded. "I even quoted the movie every time I shot them."
"You are unbelievable."
Jason seemed to take offense to that. "Hey! Dick literally recreated the traps from Home Alone and made them more effective. If he wasn't stopped, someone was going to die."
You crossed your arms looking at him. "And how old was he?"
"He was like 12."
"He was a child!
"He acts like one."
You let out a groan and leaned back on the couch. "Well good news. He isn't here to ruin them so we are watching every movie you missed out on."
Jason looked at you once more with a smile. "Sounds like a plan, princess."
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fcthots · 1 year ago
if gus is in the batcave with jason, i bet gus likes to creep out titus or tim. he definitely scratches and bites dick and tim
Tim tries to pretend he isn’t afraid of Gus, but Gus can sense his fear. You can see it in his eyes. And the things is, Tim likes cats, but Gus is some sort of chunky eldritch horror who preys on his weaknesses. Tim swears the cat appears out of nowhere.
Gus will only ever exercise to chase after Dick. There are several surveillance videos of Nightwing RUNNING through the bat cave with a cat chasing him. Babs hands the videos out like candy on Halloween.
But, unfortunately, Gus is now banned from bat cave because he kept running up to Bruce to bite him out of nowhere and would not stop. He is mostly banned tho bc Selina thought it was fucking hilarious and Bruce did not.
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ametrictonofaudacity · 2 years ago
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Yandere Platonic Batfam x Trans Masc Autistic Reader
Hello! A bit of an authors note. This particular series will be dealing with transphobia, all of which stems from personal experience. Be advised when reading!
Warning: This is a yandere work, and as such, has themes of obsession , violence, stalking, conditioning and manipulation. Trigger warning for this particular one include the above warnings. They’re all pretty mild tbh.
Looking back on it, you knew there was nothing you could have done. That Dad Bruce had planned and pre-planned every meeting since your first interaction to draw you in, to learn more, before he had finally just taken you to the Manor. That there was absolutely nothing you could of done to outsmart the World’s Greatest Detective, who had become inexplicably obsessed with you, alongside all of his kids.
That didn’t make it any easier. It didn’t get rid of the guilt, or the frustration, or the fact you had been so close to doing what you wanted to do with your life. It didn’t help the ugly knot in your chest that would well up, tight and complex and full of emotion, and it didn’t help the bitter rage that would sit heavy in your belly some days.
You sigh, gently scratching behind Titus’ ear, and his tail thumps against the hardwood as he wiggles closer, nose snuffling for any treats. Finding none, he continues to preen under your petting and you laugh, pressing a kiss to his forehead with a smile.
“I had wondered where Titus had gone.” Damian comments, sitting next to you. Out of all of your “siblings”, Damian never really.. set of that anger in your chest. He was younger than you, still a child, and even though it sucked it made sense that he would follow in the behaviors others had set out for him. It made you sad, sometimes, but not angry.
“Me and him are just chilling. Isn’t that right, Titus?” He woofs softly at the sound of his name, and you laugh, scratching behind his ear again.
“You are going to spoil him, one of these days. I hope you know that.” Damian scolds, like he had a leg to stand on. You had seen him sneak the dog treats and snacks every now and then, something you were all explicitly banned from doing to prevent the dog from trying to get into the trash or on the countertops. “Are you watching Star Wars again?”
He sounded far too judgmental for your tastes, and you frown, reaching for the remote.
“I didn’t say to change it. Todd had simple remarked the other day that you watched it often.” He interjects, and you feel your shoulders unwind. You were.. defensive, of your interests, and it always upset you when someone mocked you for having them, no matter how much you wished it didn’t.
“Jason hardly knows how to mind his business half the time.” You grumble, then stretch. Damian slots into the seat beside you like he had been planning to all along, and you sigh tiredly. Despite the fact that you heavily suspected Damian was touch-starved to all hell, he would never outright ask for a hug, or go for one, instead slotting himself into a position where it would be very easy for you to hug or cuddle him.
Sometimes, it made you too sad not to. This time was one of those times.
You wrap an arm around your little brother Damian, letting him decide whether or not he actually wanted the affection. He sinks into your side easily, and you shift, eyes fixated on the screen.
You try not to wonder how much of his hesitance came from genuine trauma and how much came from the careful calculation he inherited from his father. It would only upset you.
You watch as the characters on the screen argue, the lines familiar enough that you mouth along, and the sky darkens outside, time passing in that strange, crawling way it did when you were totally relaxed and falling asleep. Part of you is glad Damian sought you out, the soft sounds of his breathing lulling you to sleep. Your eyes droop, and you sigh, letting your head fall back against the cushions.
“Awww.” The sound of a quiet coo makes you nearly jump up, arms tightening around Damian, and you only stiffen further when you see Dick leaning against the door, a broad grin on his features. He watches the two of you, Damian, who was no doubt awake, and yourself, and his eyes are sharp and piercing enough that your stomach turns.
“No one told me you’d come out of your room, baby bat.” He huffs, and moves toward you both on silent feet.
“Perhaps they simply wanted to spend time alone, Grayson.” Damian sniffs, but does nothing to prevent Dick from clambering onto the couch, wrapping an arm around you and Damian both. Despite not being even close to the youngest, Dick always treated you as a younger sibling, something that drove you insane and made rage bubble up whenever you thought of it too much.
“Nah. They’ll typically sneak off to the library if they want time alone.” He wasn’t wrong, per se, but the flippant way he says it makes you send him a tired glare. “What’re you watching?”
“Star Wars. The fifth one.”
“That’s the one with the Vader reveal, right? When he’s like “I am your father” and all that?” He questions, and you send him a tired glare.
“You’re older than me, how are you not more familiar with Star Wars.” You complain, and he laughs, settling further into the seat next to you. There was no escaping it now, unfortunately. You were stuck in the cuddle pile until he either let you go, the movie ended, or Alfred came to your rescue. Given that there was nearly an hour of movie left, you really hoped the third option would happen.
“Hey! I spent most of my childhood running around fighting crime, you don’t really get super into sci-fi after meeting actual aliens!” He defends, grinning.
“I feel like that would only increase the interest more, but okay.” You snort, and he laughs.
For the most part, the three of you are silent. Dick has a running commentary throughout the movie that you ignore, only pausing to correct him when he is simply just outright wrong, and Damian doesn’t say anything at all except to remark on how stupid the two of you were.
Then the scene on Cloud City comes on. The reveal.
It makes you.. uncomfortable, seeing how desperate Luke is to get away. It makes something tighten in your chest as you watch the screen, and Dick must realize because his eyes cut to you and suddenly the remote is in his hands, turning off the show.
“Not in the mood for all the dramatics.” He lies with an easy grin, even though you know that the reason he changed it had nothing to do with him and everything to do with you. “Let’s just sit and watch this, yeah?”
You weren’t even sure what show he had put on, and so you shake your head, pushing yourself up.
A strong arm pushes you back. Your heart starts hammering in your throat, an awful mix of anxiety and something else, and you glance over at Dick, trying not to think about the way Damian had eased back with a frown and how your fingers were wrapped tightly around Dick’s arm in alarm.
“Dick. Let me up, I have to use the restroom.” You lie, even as you hear your heartbeat thundering away in your ears. Dick was in a mood today, and you had no clue why or who had put him in that mood. Either way, it had your stomach churning and the hair on the back of your neck standing up.
“Yeah, no problem.” He lets you go easily, at that, and you slip away, trying to make it look like you weren’t running.
The door to your room shuts quietly behind you. The hinges are well-oiled and silent, another precaution they had taken when they had moved you in, so that you couldn’t hear them coming and going. For once, you’re grateful for their never ending paranoia. Now that you had picked up their silent hair, it made it easier for you to slip in and out of your room without detection.
You curl up on the bedspread, not bothering to go under the covers. You felt.. unwell. Hurt and angry and anxious. You felt confused and upset and a million other emotions you couldn’t name.
You had been bickering with Dick before the scene. Acting like siblings, behaving like a family. It was a harsh dose of reality in that no matter how much you cling to your anger, they were steadily working their way into your life, casting you in a role you had never wanted to play.
Or, actually, you had. You had wanted to be a part of their family, but not like this. You had wanted all of it, the loving father, the siblings, the unwavering support. But not at the cost of your freedom.
There’s a soft knock on your door, and you swallow. You hope it’s not Dick, because you didn’t feel like being yelled at and you didn’t feel like being guilt-tripped.
“Come in.” You croak, and the door opens with a whisper of air. Jason or Bruce, maybe? They were always careful to announce their presence when they were upset, although Cass also showed that same level of care when she comforted you.
The bed dips under their weight, and your body slides toward them, even when you don’t turn your head. Not Cass, she was too light. Bruce or Jason, then.
“Dick said you got upset, earlier.” A warm hand buries itself in your hair gently, and your lip trembles, even though you refuse to look at your Dad Bruce. He doesn’t demand that you do, thankfully. “Wanna tell me what you set you off?”
“What do you think?” You snap, teeth bared at nothing, and he continues stroking your hair, gently detangling the strands the best he can.
“I won’t know unless you tell me.” He comments neutrally, and you know that he’s playing you for a fool and it makes you so mad that you push yourself up, twisting around to face him.
“Really?! What have all of our conflicts been about so far, Bruce?” Your shoulders are hiked up. Angry. Defensive. You know you’re mad and you don’t care.
“(Y/N), I know you don’t understand just yet but it was for the best-“
“For you!! I didn’t get a choice, you didn’t give me a choice, and that’s the worst part!!” You shriek, and the bubbling anger that had been locked up and hidden away is finally escaping, in hot tears running down your face and your enraged shrieking. “I never had a choice! I just wanted- I wanted-!”
Sobs tear themselves from your throat, ugly and raw, and when his hand lands on your shoulder you shrug it off, pushing yourself away from him to stand on your own to feet.
The worst part is expression. Guilt and sympathy and sadness make an awful combination, and you grip the desk, rage pulsing in your veins. How dare he be sad when he did this. How dare he be sad when you were the one who had been ripped from your life.
“You wanted someone to take care of you, (Y/N). You needed help.” He says slowly, standing up. His posture is open, gentle, a non-threat. You aren’t fooled, and shuffle back.
“I had it under control! I was fine!” You snarl back, and he shakes his head, his face gentle.
“You didn’t. You weren’t sleeping, barely eating, you were constantly stressed because of your family… that’s not under control. It’s unhealthy.”
“And this is?! Ripping someone from their home, their family, because what-?! You wanted to? You’re awful! You’re selfish! I want to go home, take me home, let me go-!”
Warm arms wrap around you, pressing you into a broad chest, and you shriek against the fabric, trying your best to thrash. Despite being entirely human, his arms are like warm steel around you, unmoving, and eventually, your struggles cease, and you go still.
“I know what I did was selfish. I know it was cruel, (Y/N). But I just… I couldn’t bear losing another son. Your siblings, they can defend themselves. They have the training, the skills. But you were a civilian, struggling to stay alive and get through school, and I could only do so much to help you.”
His voice is thick, and you refuse to look up at him. He had the annoying habit of being painfully genuine when he knew it would rip your heart out.
He leans back, and begins to gently wipe your face, brushing the tears of your cheeks. Despite the screaming, he don’t look angry, but there’s a heavy, awful sorrow in his shoulders that makes you want to cry. Which makes more angry tears spill down your cheeks because how dare he make you feel guilty for upsetting him.
“I can’t lose another son.” He admits, voice cracking, and you swallow. Hearing him call you his son was.. it was a mixed bag. Old hurts and new ones creating something new. “And I knew, if I let it continue on, something terrible would have happened.”
“You could have asked me.” You croak, and he shakes his head.
“You wouldn’t have said yes. You had put everyone’s needs above your own, you would’ve self-destructed if I had left you there.”
The worst part was, he was right. You had been feeling so small and trapped that even if he had offered, you wouldn’t have accepted. It was a bitter pill to swallow.
“I know this isn’t fair. But you’ll get through this. And we’ll help you, every step of the way.” A gentle kiss to your forehead, as he smoothed back your hair, and he smiles down at you.
“Dinner is going to be in thirty minutes. Would you like to join me downstairs or stay up here until then?”
Your mouth is dry. Your face is red and teary and upset. Your eyes are puffy from crying.
You don’t want to be alone, either.
“I’ll come downstairs.” You whisper, and he smiles, kneeling to grab your weighted blanket. When you both sit on the couch, he ticks it around your shoulder, sits next to you, and puts on some show or another you don’t recognize.
He is warm and solid against you, and eventually you fall asleep, exhausted.
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chaoscouncilcreaturecorner · 7 months ago
🧊⛓️💀 About
This post will hold information about our system and about this blog! Please read at least the rules/blog part before you request!
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.:˘°🌌*🌑;˙+´~ About the Blog
.The Rules of The Blog are:
💜 Keep Things Civil and preferably SFW unless the Fandom you are requesting from is the one that's usually NSFW in itself. We won't be doing requests from fully NSFW and Sexual Media, however, things like Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel are alright! 🩷 Be respectful of the ones who lead the Blog and of each other! Treat others the way you wish to be treated in return! Saying that you had a bad day isn't an excuse to act disrespectfully! 💙 This Blog is for Fictionkins, Alterhumans, Therians, Otherkins, Conceptkins, Plantkins, and basically, any other kind of kins except for kinnies/kinning for fun who wish to be disrespectful to alterhumans without looking into information about what being an alterhuman/therian/otherkin actually is! We highly advise you to read a carrd we linked down below! We don't mind factkins either because they get enough hate already. If you are confused about why we don't mind them there is a very nice carrd that explains our own reasoning too alongside what it means to be a kin and what "kinning" really is, we will link it at the bottom of this post! [Kinnies please read it as well if you stumbled on this blog before requesting things!]
.Blacklisted Requests:
🪻Fully Sexual Shows [Shows focused on the acts themselves and not shows which contain them, if it was the latter about half of the fandoms would be banned from our thread!]
🫧 Themes: Character Death, Torture, Sexual Acts in Moodboards/Stimboards/Etc.
.Things We Will Make:
🤍 Moodboards
🩶 Stimboards
🖤 Neopronoun Suggestions
🤍 Name Suggestions
🩶 LGBTQIA+ Flags [Xenogenders Included]
🖤 Userboxes
🤍 Kin Calls
🩶 System Source Calls, Canon, Media, Etc. Calls has moved to this blog
🖤 Userboxes
🤍 Therian & Kin Tips/Help
🩶 [New !!] Headers
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About Us
We are a Disabled Traumagenic [DID/OSDD] and partially soul-based system from Europe. We only recently figured out that we have an additional spiritual origin as well, however, we also have DID due to childhood things. We use TraumaEndo or Mixed nowadays. We are bodily a young adult however we do have littles and middles as well so for the sake of them we will keep our age at that! Several headmates are also alterhumans, therians, conceptkins, fictionkins and so on! All Frequent Fronters [[Except for the Littles/Middles who are under 16 who will not be allowed to participate in the Blog for their safety!!]] will have their own symbols on our blog and we may or may not also post a small bit about ourselves as well!
🧊⛓️📻 / 🧨⛓️📻 Alastor/Wilbur/Ghostbur [[Main Host - Sources: DSMP, Brain Made Source & Hazbin Hotel]] ⚡📺Vox [[Co-Host - Sources: Hazbin Hotel]] 💃🏻💗🕺🏻Angel Dust [[Sources: Hazbin Hotel]] 💣🔥Kai [[Sources: Brain Made Source]] 🪐♉ /🪐♉🐉 Titus/Ace/Taurean/Terrence [[Sources: Brain Made Source]]
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.:˘°🪐*⛓️;˙+´~ DNI List
- Pedos, Terfs, Zoophiles, Racist, Ableist, etc. people - Anti: LGBTQ+, Xenogender, MOGAI, Alterhuman, Otherkin, Witch, Pagan, Therian, Furry, Endo [We are Endo Neutral, Endos are welcome here !] - Anti: Allosexual, Alloromantic, Aromantic, Asexual people who's stances don't align with most people's beliefs [Ex. Sex Favorable Asexual people, Romance Repulsed Alloromantic people, Romance Ambivalent Aromantic people] You guys are more than welcome here and you all are valid ! - We also don't support people who still follow Content Creators who had allegations with a lot of backed up evidence. An example is Wilbur Soot and Shelby and other girlfriends situation [Those who are fictives, factives, etc. are welcome!]. People who follow Content Creators who proved their innocence after allegations are still welcome !! [So in this case if Wilbur Soot was proved innocent supporters would be welcome, but otherwise not.]
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All of the dividers are from: saradika.tumblr.com! Thank you so much for these beautiful dividers! ^^
The carrd we mentioned earlier: https://kinninginformation.carrd.co/
Last Edited: 9/3/2024
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spacedace · 2 years ago
Here have some fluffy Jon/Damian/Elle (Super Serious Chaos? Super Serious Chaos) where Jon & Elle bully exhausted pre-vet college student Damian into taking a nap with the cruel application of cuddles on the couch:
Jon’s hand was wide and warm against his back as the Kryptonian absently swiped it along Damian’s spine. Meanwhile Elle was intent on gently dragging her nails along Damian’s scalp, fingers soft through his hair. Between the two of them, the soft couch they’d bullied him into getting when they moved into the apartment and the slant of sunlight they were currently all laying in, Damian didn’t have a chance.
He was supposed to be studying. He had an exam next week for his zoology course and it didn’t matter if he knew the information front to back, he was going to get a perfect grade. But then Jon had splayed out on their plush and over-sized couch with some documentary about scientists attempting to grow seeds discovered preserved in permafrost. And Elle had been pestering him about shrimp posture at his desk - he had perfect posture, thank you he was just making sure to get close enough to his study material, his back hurt because he had patrol last night, nothing else - so he’d allowed her to herd him over to study in the living room instead.
And it was a law of the universe that a Kryptonian wearing soft fleece Robin-themed pajamas basking in the sun was always going to be the most comfortable place for a Bat to perch. So he’d sat down beside his boyfriend - no he had not flopped, he’d simply allowed gravity to do the work for him, it was energy conservation, it was practical - and prepared to study as Elle took her own spot curled up sideways in Jon’s lap with her legs tossed over Damian’s. Sun-sleepy Kryptonian’s were an ideal landing place for ghosts with fire cores as well, obviously.
Somewhere along the line his significant others had conspired against him.
It was the only explanation for how his notes ended up tossed on the coffee table haphazardly while he laid face down across the couch in a nest of pillows with his head in Elle’s lap and Jon’s arm curling over his back, eyes drooping as he lost the battle with sleep. Titus, the traitor, had hopped up to lay against his legs, a heavy warm weight drawing him further and further down. Elle had started humming a song somewhere along the time she’d begun playing with his hair, and Jon was giving those low - near imperceptible - rumbling purrs he gave off when content as he traced patterns along Damian’s back.
This was pay back for staying out until five last night on patrol even though he had a class at seven-thirty. He’d told them he would be fine, he’d done far worse on far less sleep. Timothy routinely juggled a dozen or so projects at a time with just an hour or so of sleep ever few days and Damian was far more competent than him. That argument - for all his grumbled weak protests in the face of Jon and Elle’s unimpressed and worried expressions could be called an argument - had apparently not swayed them though. He was fairly certain Jon had texted the family group chat - Damian’s phone had been confiscated upon stumbling returning home from Gotham U on the grounds that he would end up running off to try and join in on one of the cases one of his siblings mentioned if he was allowed to keep it, again - to ban him from patrols for the rest of the week.
He’d have to get his revenge somehow. He couldn’t just let them run roughshod all over his life like that.
Maybe he could make some sù yā for dinner. Elle had picked up fresh bamboo shoots along with some other stuff on her last portal hop when she’d found herself in Guangzhou. And Jon’s grandparents had passed along some carrots and ginger from the farm that they needed to use.
Last time he’d made the dish Jon had almost cried and Elle had glowed so brightly it had looked like the sun had taken up residence in their dining room. The two had nearly set the apartment on fire fighting over the last piece. Their shrieks of despair when they realized Damian had eaten it while they were tussling had been more satisfying than every victory over every enemy he’d ever faced combined.
Yes. A fine vengeance indeed.
But…later. After he’d lulled them into a false sense of security. Let them think they had the upper hand and strike when they least expected it. It wasn’t that he was falling asleep. No. It was tactical. And had nothing at all to do with the surge of affection and warmth and security that came with having them so close, doting on him. He was tactically allowing himself to appear vulnerable. Nuzzling closer and tightening his hold on them where he’d wrapped his arms around the two was a ruse.
Jon squeezed back, tight enough to press the air out of Damian’s lungs and sooth away some of the latent anxiety over his upcoming test. Elle swiped a lock of hair that’d fallen into his eyes away, palm curling around his cheek and thumb softly stroking along his temple. On the TV scientists droned on about soil composition and growth rates of similar modern plants. Titus gave one of those low grumbling whines that meant he’d fallen asleep where he was curled up against Damian’s legs and was happily dreaming.
Damian allowed his eyes to close. Content to drift to sleep in the arms of the two menaces he loved most in the world.
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spilladabalia · 3 months ago
I didn't know O died in February 2023.
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O was known for being an insanely good lensman, his part in Powell Peralta's Ban This Video & playing in bands such as Olivelawn, Fluf, Circle One and the Titus Skate Band. [O's passing is] Real shitty news. For those who don't know who O is, I highly recommend you check out his music and skate work. Some of the best skate shots in the 80's and 90's. A truly amazing Musician, Skateboarder & Artist.
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our-lady-of-keys-church · 2 months ago
Frequently Asked Questions
Wait... what?
Yes, Catholicism is Wicca, so jot that down. If we're going to resolve everyone's religious trauma, let's start with that.
What about the ban on a man wearing a woman's clothing and vice versa?
You know the passage about wearing the clothes of Jesus, the specific person? Catholicism, being Wiccan, asks us to not "wear the clothes" of a specific man and woman (God), as no human can be God.
Women aren't allowed to be ministers in Catholicism. What's that about?
More estrogen is definitely needed in the papacy (more melanin would be appreciated as well, actually).
At some point, people were persecuted for being Christians. Intergenerational trauma?
Popes don't launch crusades anymore, though, and the only other possible claim to the papacy is that men can't give birth if sexually assaulted. That's essentially what this boils down to. So why are we designing a system around this in the year of our lord 2024?
Now that vasectomies and maternity/paternity tests exist, people in the priesthood can prove they aren't having children.
In the case of sexual assault, it's generally considered acceptable to take the morning after pill.
Although, if someone has to have a surgery or afford a pill, that could make it a class issue. The implication of that is that only those who could afford that are "holy enough" for the position. We could add life-stage requirements to the ministry instead. People could enter the priesthood after menopause or something.
What about the Petrine Precedent and the Biblical passages banning women from the priesthood?
 Current requirements for the Catholic priesthood and papacy are that someone act with integrity and virtue and be male, celibate, unmarried, closely connected to a Catholic congregation, and subject to a medical examination and psychological screening. The Petrine Precedent is cited as an explanation as for why women can't be popes. However, no one's arguing that only Jewish fishermen (the first disciples) are allowed to be popes.
Too many people turn away from Christianity entirely precisely because of not seeing people who look like themselves in positions of authority within the church. And too many people turn away from the church because of Bible passages that must be clarified. People are prevented from knowing the fullness of Christianity by others’ exclusion of them (or thinking others exclude them), even if this exclusion is often subconscious. We now know that prejudice is subconscious, thanks to modern research in the field of psychology. Even if exclusion is subconscious, people tend to justify the resulting status quo just because a situation is the way that it is, regardless if there is any evidence to support maintaining the status quo.
The main arguments against women being ministers are 1 Corinthians 11:1-15, 1 Corinthians 14:34-35, 1 Timothy 1:4, and Titus 2:3-5. Also, maybe Ephesians 1:22-23.
1 Corinthians 11:1-15 explains that we are all connected to God and Jesus, that Jesus and God are everyone's head. This means biology doesn't determine one's eligibility for priesthood. 11:4-7 might just be about the importance of shaving facial hair so that face masks adhere better to the face, better preventing the spread of communicable diseases (I think everyone should be wearing face masks during flu season, if possible, though) and avoiding sunburns. 11:8-9 talks about how God didn't bring humans to Earth and about how Adam deceived Eve into committing the original sin: bringing someone into the world biologically. The only way to give birth while continuing in the faith, in the love and holiness with propriety described in the new testament, is in a non-literal way.
1 Corinthians 14:34-35 refers to how Jesus should be the only one speaking through someone when they minister, and since we're all connected to Jesus and God, biology doesn't determine who he speaks through.
1 Timothy 2:12 states that A man, THE man, women don't have authority in the church over is Jesus.
Titus 2:4-5 refers to BDSM. People should get comfortable with switching. Christianity is all about equality through Christ, so the only Biblical reading of Titus 2 is through a BDSM lens.
Ephesians 1:22-23 includes the physical realm. Plenty of humans are still making the choice to bring people to the physical realm.
About that... You know how our lord and savior left us all a bit prematurely under super unfavorable circumstances? and how we're all destined to experience physical and psychological suffering while we live until we eventually die, possibly from an illness that draws out the dying process uncomfortably or from a random accident that might happen in a few minutes or few months or few decades (we never know)? Yeah... existing in a non-physical realm where we float around with God and Jesus all day is objectively better, yes?
Genesis is all about how God created the physical world, including humans who exist in physical forms, so... Why are we here if that wasn't God's plan for us? God was pretty approving of the corporeal world in Genesis. What about the instruction to be fruitful, increase in number, fill the earth, and all that?
Right. Here we go... Galatians 3:19-20 acknowledges that human error was very much involved in the old testament. People thought they were divinely inspired to do a lot of things that contradicted the 10 Commandments, for example (like in Numbers 15:32-36).
"God blessed them and said to them, 'Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground. Then God said, 'I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground-everything that has the breath of life in it-I give every green plant for food. And it was so."
That's a great argument for veganism and working to change animal companions' digestive systems to be herbivorous. "Ruling over" doesn't equal harming. God says self-defense is okay, though.
You're saying it's just another creation myth? You know, if Adam and Eve had just listened to God, everything would have been fine. God doesn't interfere with free will, so God doesn't predict what will happen in the corporeal world, as far as human actions are concerned.
A tree could have fallen on them, they could have choked on something, and no matter what happened to them between creation and death... at some point, they still would have had to die. Everything in the corporeal world is subject to decay. Being aware of one's mortality and the mortality of everyone one knows is generally considered to be unpleasant. The worst imaginable circumstances have befallen people and have caused so much suffering. The only way, I think, to reconcile the idea of a just God with the existence of the corporeal world is if God didn't create it and if no natural phenomena that occur in the physical realm are God's fault. The plague stories are instead humans' attempts to explain natural phenomena. While God can't interfere in the physical world directly, physically, They still created the heavens, the Earth, and humans by guiding people's spiritual development.
 “From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live.”-Acts 17:26
 Whether or not they will be there is a different matter since God does not interfere with free will. 
Creation possibility: Whether matter always existed or God always existed, you still encounter the puzzle of something starting from nothing eventually. Maybe there could never be "nothing" because "nothing" has to be proportional to "everything," and "everything" includes a universe where something can result from nothing and matter can create itself. Maybe all of the possibilities caved in on themselves and left us with a universe like this one.
Whatever happened, there's no doubt that existing in a way that doesn't involve the constant threat of physical harm and eventuality of death is objectively better. Regardless of why it exists, making it so that future generations don't have to live in the physical world, "closing off the portal to it," seems best.
Spaceships exist now. We're living in the perfect era to (hear me out) convince everyone to stop giving birth biologically (adopting and living with people of various ages and abilities so that everyone has a support system and carrying on as usual by focusing on science, on healthcare, on religion, on everything else that makes life more pleasant for everyone in the meantime), and then send the last remaining people on Earth to another planet where they blow up Earth and live out the rest of their days on the other planet until they die of natural causes. This will prevent anything from evolving into humanoid beings and all of this starting all over again.
The amount of collaboration required will be the best thing humanity could ever accomplish. God's just waiting for us to close the portal in the most 10 Commandments way possible.
What about all of the plagues and other punishments God's hurled at people throughout the Bible?
Human error again. Just beings don't punish. We know now, thanks to modern science, that punishment isn't effective for long-term behavior change or for instilling internal values (aside from the importance of not getting caught, usually).
What about Hell?
Not an actual place where people are eternally tortured. It's more of a state of mind caused by drifting away from God. People will be forever separated from God ("good") if they deny Jesus's teachings in life, only in the sense that they can't change what happened while on Earth and they might experience discomfort because of that. The Holy City is there to welcome everyone when they're ready, though.
There's something about dogs, people who practice the magic arts, and the sexually immoral (sex workers and people who practice homosexuality, for example) being excluded from that city?
People die from dog attacks every year and they use neighbors' yards as restrooms. There are small dogs and dogs can be litter trained, though. They're guarding the city. Now if we could just fix cats' digestive systems so that they're omnivorous, like dogs, instead of obligate carnivores...
The Wiccan Rede hadn't been invented yet. Using magic is fine now, though. :)
The passages about homosexuality are definitely a reflection of the ignorance and prejudice of the time, unless they are specifically referring to people breaking vows of celibacy as monks, nuns, priests, etc. Celibacy is mandated for all clergy. We know now that homosexuality is just as healthy as heterosexuality, however, in general.
As for prostitution, there weren't STI tests, hysterectomies, oophorectomies, or the effective contraception options we have today available then. If someone is safe about it (requiring clients to show proof of a negative STI test each time, for example), sex work is just another career. There are even ways to stay safe without using contraception, but rates of violence experienced by sex workers are high, so it may be risky to have that career without using contraception. Regulating sex work can improve safety (studies have shown a decrease in sexual assault rates where sex work is legalized and regulated).
If there are concerns about the widespread use of contraception (Pope Francis stated that contraception could sometimes be appropriate, such as when preventing transmission of the Zika virus, while Paul VI had some concerns. More research is needed to explore the latter's concerns.), according to Planned Parenthood, fertility awareness methods are 77%-98% effective. Other methods are more effective (IUDS are 99% effective, for example, but only work for a few years or so). According to The Complex Relationship Between Contraception and Abortion by John Cleland, published by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, 70% of unintended pregnancies are due to non-use of contraception and 30% of unintended pregnancies occur while using a contraception method. It's possible to be sex positive and Catholic. Just learn how to have sex safely (by reading evidence-based articles by medical professionals) if you plan on participating in it.
According to the Catholic Church, a hysterectomy could be considered morally acceptable if the uterus could not sustain a pregnancy. "...when the uterus is found to be irreversibly in such a state that it is no longer suitable for procreation and medical experts have reached the certainty that an eventual pregnancy will bring about a spontaneous abortion before the fetus is able to arrive at a viable state." "Removing a reproductive organ incapable of bringing a pregnancy to term should therefore not be qualified as direct sterilization, which is and remains intrinsically illicit as an end and as a means."
We know that hysterectomies and oophorectomies are associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis without having estrogen replacement therapy. People need estrogen replacement therapy for years afterwards (often until the average age of natural menopause at around 51 years old) to prevent the risk of osteoporosis and fractures, so that's definitely something to consider.
According to Pope Benedict XVI, sterilization as a primary objective is morally illicit. Pope Paul VI taught that "direct sterilization, whether of the man or of the woman, whether permanent or temporary" is to be "absolutely excluded as lawful means of regulating the number of children."
Preventing cancer is a great objective. Setting out to prevent cancer (including testicular cancer) prevents sterilization from being the end and means. If you produce fruits of the spirit, are you ever infertile, really?
There's also something about worshiping idols mentioned. How does being accepting of the magic arts and Wicca prevent that?
You know who asked themselves something similar? St. Jerome. He immersed himself in pagan literature and had doubts about the propriety of it. He eventually concluded that classical literature, that Greco-Roman letters, might be properly used to serve the Christian faith. It was St. Jerome who translated the Bible from its original Hebrew and Greek to create the Latin Vulgate Bible (still used today). St. Augustine of Hippo maintained, like St. Jerome, that "good Christians" shouldn't enjoy pagan culture but could still use it for Christian ends.
There's a lot in classic literature that would be deemed problematic in our times. The odds are that you won't enjoy all of it. Sifting everything through a Christian Platonism lens, giving elements from other religions a "Bible Vibe Check" (Does everything adhere to the 10 Commandments and Jesus' teachings?) can prevent the worship of idols.
Why is Catholicism Wicca, though? Male pronouns are used exclusively to refer to God.
Gender fluidity exists. They could have been having a "he/him" era. They did use "our" to refer to their self. The exclusive use of he/him pronouns could have just reflected the patriarchal structure of that society. An entire population feeling like they don't have a seat at the table without any reasonable explanation is what happens without proper representation, though, and gender inequality results in a multitude of societal ills (the gender pay gap, gender-based violence, political representation, mental health issues, etc.). So seeing the divine as one gender isn't an evidence-based way to bring about a healthy society.
"Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea, and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move across the ground. God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them."
Are there any specific deities we should focus on in terms of identifying and having a relationship with the God of the Bible?
The specifics are less important than everything passing the Bible Vibe Check (in line with the 10 commandments and Jesus' teachings). The Catechism of the Catholic Church states that every form of social or cultural discrimination in fundamental personal rights on the grounds of sex, race, color, social conditions, language, or religion must be curbed and eradicated as incompatible with God's design (1935), promotes the mutual enrichment of cultures, and the Bible encourages to see everyone as another self. We have something to learn from everyone. God presents in various ways to people (hence the cautioning against graven images). That said, this message was brought to you through Hecate (Trivia) worship. ;) And you should explore the Eleusinian Mysteries... And much of life is experiencing some discomfort as we work toward reaching our full potential, isn't it? And everybody dies, yes? And there's a lot of focus on bread in Christianity, right? We could argue about the specifics for a while. You'll figure it out.
Right, so about guarding the gate to the physical realm by blowing up the world in a Catholic, 10 commandments sort of way, with no one on it... We should start working toward that and sort out all of the ways that could potentially go wrong. I imagine practice would be involved... very far away from Earth.
And if so many things are considered Catholic, what isn't Catholicism?
Which means there's a place for you in it. :)
Any other hot takes on current social issues?
Same old, same old. Sin's bad, God's good. Capital punishment hasn't been shown to be more effective than life in prison at preventing crime and it's more ethical. Assisted suicide should be made illegal because intentionally contributing to the deaths of patients is the opposite of healthcare. There should be more gluten-free options in restaurants. There are no restaurants where I live, one of the five largest cities in the United States, where there is a gluten-free menu for those who have celiac disease that doesn't involve added sugar. May of the options are sweet treats. Increasing the amount of gluten-free menus with healthy options that don't contribute to obesity (a main public health crisis of our time) would be great. Anyway, that's why gluten-free communion wafers are available. Jesus is gluten-free now.
Why read the Bible? It seems a bit...violent.
Both the old and new testaments illustrate the importance of the 10 commandments and Jesus' message. You could start with those, keeping that in mind, and then work your way through.
Are we going to talk about the ritual cannibalism thing?
Yeah, that one's a little weird. Granted. But you know what? Life lessons, art, community, addressing self-consciousness about being bald while protecting people from sunburns, BDSM, and ritual cannibalism. Catholicism has something for everyone, doesn't it? What's not to like?
Jesus may have been taken from us, but his body fertilized the ground and is in the food we eat, and once we eat that Jesus is a part of us and the cycle continues. So, really, Jesus is always still here. "With him, in him, and through him." Catholics understand "The Yearning."
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By: Andrew Doyle
Published: Dec 12, 2023
Towards the end of Christopher Marlowe’s play Tamburlaine Part Two, our marauding anti-hero burns a copy of the Quran, along with other Islamic books, as a kind of audacious test. “Now, Mahomet,” he cries, “if thou have any power, come down thyself and work a miracle.” Two scenes later, he is dead.
We might see this as a cautionary tale for our times. After all, it isn’t only Turco-Mongol conquerors who find themselves punished for Quran-burning. Last week, the Danish parliament voted to ban the desecration of all religious texts following a spate of protests in which copies of the Qur’an had been destroyed. Inevitably, the new law has been couched as a safety measure. This burning of the book, claims justice minister Peter Hummelgaard, “harms Denmark and Danish interests, and risks harming the security of Danes abroad and here at home”.
He has a point. Even unconfirmed accusations of Quran-burning can be sufficient to prompt extremist violence. In 2015, being accused of defiling the holy book, Farkhunda Malikzada was beaten to death by a ferocious mob in Afghanistan while bystanders, including police officers, did nothing to intervene. Many filmed the brutal murder on their phones and the footage was widely shared on social media. In 2022, a mentally unstable man called Mushtaq Rajput was similarly accused and tied to a tree and stoned to death in Pakistan. Earlier this year in Iran, it was reported that Javad Rouhi was tortured so severely that he could no longer speak or walk. He was sentenced to death for apostasy and later died in prison under suspicious circumstances.
But while we might anticipate that the desecration of the Quran would be proscribed in Islamic theocracies, it is troubling to see similar laws being passed in secular nations such as Denmark. The government had not been so faint-hearted when faced with similar problems in 2005. After cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed were published in Jyllands-Posten, a global campaign from Indonesia to Bosnia demanded that the Danish authorities take action. The government stood firm and the judicial complaint against the newspaper was dismissed.
In a free society this is the only justifiable response, albeit one that takes considerable courage. And the climate of intimidation that has descended since is a product of our collective failure to defend freedom of speech against the demands of militants. When the Ayatollah Khomeini pronounced his fatwa on Salman Rushdie for his novel The Satanic Verses, one would have hoped for a unified front on behalf of one of our finest writers. Instead, much of the literary and political establishment abandoned or even censured him. In the Australian television show Hypotheticals, the singer Yusuf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens, implied that he would have no objections to Rushdie being burned alive.
That a work of fiction such as The Satanic Verses could not even be published today gives us some indication of the extent to which we have forsaken the principle of free speech. If we are so squeamish about the burning of Qurans, why were so many of us indifferent to the burning of Rushdie’s book on the streets of Bolton and Bradford? Yusuf Islam’s remark about the author’s immolation might have been flippant but, as Heinrich Heine famously wrote: “Where they burn books, they will in the end burn people too.”
The ceremonial burning of books in Germany and Austria in the Thirties has ensured that the act will always have a unique charge, and a disquieting, visceral effect. It is why, for instance, the most memorable scene in Mervyn Peake’s Titus Groan is when the villain Steerpike sets fire to his master’s library. It is a gesture designed to repudiate the very heights of human achievement, to hurl his victim into a spiral of despair. When Rushdie saw his own novel publicly incinerated, he confessed to feeling that “now the victory of the Enlightenment was looking temporary, reversible”.
The burning of the Quran leaves many of us similarly troubled. We do not need to approve of the contents to sense that the destruction of a book is symbolic of a desire to limit the scope of human thought. When activists post footage of themselves gleefully setting fire to copies of Harry Potter, one cannot shake the similar suspicion that they would happily substitute the books with the author herself.
But while many of us find the burning of books instinctively rebarbative, to outlaw this form of protest is essentially authoritarian. And to reinstate blasphemy laws by specifying that only religious books are to be protected is fundamentally retrograde. Of course, such laws already exist in most Western countries in an unwritten form. In March, a 14-year-old autistic boy was suspended from his school in Wakefield, reported to the police, and received death threats after he accidentally dropped a copy of the Quran on the floor, causing some of the pages to be scuffed. He may not have committed a crime, but many people behaved as though he had.
And the same unwritten laws are in force in the fact that few would be brave enough to publish cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed after the massacre at the offices of French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo in 2015. Five years later, the schoolteacher Samuel Paty was beheaded on the streets of Paris simply for showing the offending images during a lesson on free speech. Closer to home, a teacher at Batley Grammar School in West Yorkshire is still in hiding after showing the images to his pupils and stirring the ire of a righteous mob.
The failure of the school’s headmaster, as well as the teaching unions, to support this man against the demands of religious fundamentalists is revealing. Why must those who claim to be defending the dignity of Muslims treat them as irascible children? At the same time, as Sam Harris recently pointed out, there is an oddity in the fact that so many Muslims do not appear to be alarmed that “their community is so uniquely combustible”.
The bitter reality is that terrorism works, particularly when so many governments across the Western world are seemingly willing to fritter away our bedrock of liberal values. This has been actuated, in part, by an alliance of two very different forms of authoritarianism: ultra-conservative Islamic dogma and the safetyist ideology of “wokeness”. The latter has always claimed that causing offence is a form of violence, and the former has been quick to adopt the same tactics. This is why protesters outside Batley Grammar School asserted that the display of offensive cartoons was a “safeguarding” issue, and the Muslim Council of Britain criticised the school for not maintaining an “inclusive space”. The same censorious instincts have been updated, and are now cloaked in a more modish language.
In a civilised and pluralistic society, the burning of a holy book might provoke a variety of responses — anger, disbelief, or just a shrug of the shoulders — but it should never lead to violence. Back when The Onion still had some bite, the website satirised this “unique combustibility” through the depiction of a graphic sexual foursome between Moses, Jesus, Ganesha and Buddha. The headline said it all: “No One Murdered Because Of This Image”.
Freedom of speech and expression still matters, and if that means a few hotheads and mini-Tamburlaines might burn their copies of the Quran then so be it. It is unfortunate that we have reached the point where Islam must be ring-fenced from ridicule or criticism, whether due to fear of violent repercussions or a misguided and patronising effort to promote social justice. But for this state of affairs we ultimately have only ourselves to blame, and in particular our tendency to capitulate to religious zealots when they seek exemption from the liberal consensus.
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fryingpan1234567 · 2 years ago
Give me… give me Tim Drake being a teenager™️
He’s a high schooler, right? He’s like sixteen?? Ain’t no way that mf stays home all the time
Cause listen. I myself am an avid lover of shit horror movies and reading by myself and whatever, but if I don’t get out of the house with my friends all the time I lose my mind (granted my house isn’t a mansion and I’m not a superhero but we’ll move past that)
He’s got Conner and I’d HOPE he’s made at least some sort of acquaintances at school, especially because he’s a rich badass with a motorcycle. And he knows how to root out people who are trying to use him for anything so the people he hangs with are good ones
Going to the mall as a group and showing each other really ugly clothes and going “You’d look fabulous in this”
Damian gets busy and asks Tim to take Titus for a walk and Tim’s friends are like WHAT I LOVE HIM (Dami doesn’t get him back for the rest of the day)
Whenever Bruce calls him with the group he’s gotta be like “guys guys shut up” and they’re in the background making obnoxious noises
But it’s worse because a lot of the times it’s about a case so Bruce will be like “Tim there’s been 4 murders report to the scene immediately” and his friends are pretending to fuck in the background
CONSTANTLY making fun of him spontaneously disappearing
But still covering for him when he does
Steph and Duke are in the group too, even tho Duke is a year or two younger
Conner flirts with everybody so no one connects the dots that they’re dating until one day Tim runs up filming for his Snap story, goes “VIBE CHECK!!” and drags him into a kiss he was NOT prepared for, and then runs off again in front of the whole group
Everybody is big brain with a caffeine addiction. They became friends for a reason, obviously
They fight over who gets to go on Tim’s bike w him when they go places. His extra helmet that’s reserved for his friend group has a big purple sticker on the back that says ‘WHORE’ in glittery cursive. If he takes literally anyone else on his bike (a rare occurrence but still) he’s got a regular black helmet
(Steph loves the whore helmet)
Please picture Timothy Jackson Drake (attempt to anyways) smuggling banned food onto campus to stuff in his and his friends’ lockers because they’re too lazy to leave every time they want food
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inverted-typo · 1 year ago
What do you think will be stronger: Damian's ban on feeding Titus treats from the table or the puppy dog eyes with which Titus will look at Raven, begging for a treat?
An unstoppable force vs an immovable object. You know Raven will give him treats, to Damian’s displeasure but he knows he can’t stop the inevitable
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andywinter16 · 2 years ago
Some random headcanons for FFXV because I want to cry and hug my idiots, but sadly they´re fictional. So I wrote something to cheer us all!
- all the glaives are foreigners, there definitively were situations with mispronuciation or just simply forgetting words:
 “You know what I mean, it looks like a hat.” “What? What thing like hat.”  “ You can used it for cooking! And I don´t mean a pot. “Oo, you mean that thing with holes?”  “Did .. did you guys meant colander?”
- Tredd is oficially banned as babysitter for Axis´s children (because teaching them how to blow up whole city ain´t good idea, Tredd)
- Luche, Sonitus, Pelna and Crowe are the type that when they drinks a hot bewerage are absolutely melting the cold inside them
-there is a tradition that before mission whoever slaps Nyx´s butt will have luck and won´t die on the deploytment. (That was proven correct many times ) Nyx was unaware of this till recently ...
- Crowe is avid tea drinker (loves green tea with lemon), absolutely hates plain black coffee with sugar
- Libertus is great at winning prizes at amusement park. Always wins so much that he gaves it away to children
- Luche never swears ... ALMOST never swears. He breaks this belief when his idiots do something EXTREMELY reckless. (or when someone was being asshole to glaives) Well, then he´s got some very colourful words for them
- Titus owns a small cabin near lake. It´s beautiful here and so calm. When he´s got a time, Titus packs his bag and take his doggie there.
- glaives have got into lot of drunken shennaningas ... like having a race with those mobility scooters 
- Axis once burned water for coffee. In his defense, he didn´t sleep for like 48 hours cuz his children were ill and couldn´t sleep
- Tredd hates needles! And it doesn´t matter if it´s at doctor or tattoo artist, Tredd is scared!
- If you get ill, Pelna is the one who will take care for you. (cooking you food, buying groceris, cleaning,..) And no, he doesn´t give a damn If he gets ill himself in the process. 
- Sonitus has great fashion sense. That man knows how to dress to impress. (More than once was invited as fashion guru to help pick outfit for their date)
- When Luche kiss someone he cradles their face in his hands to prolong it. The closeness and intimacy makes his heart melt
- Pelna sometimes likes to spent his time alone (to charge his energy). He usually spents somewhere out of city (some nice hike) or at home where he tinkers with computers. Also likes to play videogames, these days he enjoyed Animal Crossing.
- Nyx is playful boy and loves to make people smile. He absolutely hates when those close to him feel miserable. Whatever it takes, Nyx will make it better.
- I believe I said that before but Titus loves watching soap operas. (Rosalia, Esmerald,..) And reads absolutely sugary romances that would cause cavities. Don´t judge him, he loves good sappy ends!
- Libertus is actually big softie, If you get past his mean and guarded demeanor.  Gives the best hugs and cuddles!
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