#christopher titus
rebeccaotool · 9 months
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hezigler · 2 months
KAMALA HARRIS PICKS VP: TIM WALZ! | Christopher Titus | Armageddon Update
The greatest failure of our democratic republic is that of the fourth estate.
"The modern conservative is engaged in one of man's oldest exercises in moral philosophy; that is, the search for a superior moral justification for selfishness." John Kenneth Galbraith
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astralbondpro · 1 year
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Titus // S02E15: NASCAR
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namesisfortombstones · 9 months
This needs to be playing on a loop until the election.
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snowy-nostalgia · 2 years
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“Marching forward, towards the murder.”
(New Titus horror au piece!)
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danepopfrippery · 2 years
My favorite style of terf is the ones who assume when u talk about a loved one that your misgendering them. They then go on really weird rants that dont apply at all any way (like sayinh my nephew is just prbly a gay boy…o honey).
One of the things ive been proudest of in my life is that i was always on the right side despite never knowing any lgbtq folx growing up. I remember when Ellen did her sitcom kiss and my god ud think it was like someone doing full frontal nudity during the superbowl. They went on and on and on about it and like the kiss was by todays standards not even worth a thought. I remember saying to my gma (i was like 11/12) ‘someday this will seem ridiculous. Its just a kiss jesus.’
If u can stomach outdated language this is both a good look into how it was, and how decent folk could see it going (its still a fantastic episode the ending is chilling considering trump years. But no warnings minus being beat up a bit off screen no one is harmed or dies)
2001, 9/11 was recent af.
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thewhatsupdate · 6 months
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Florida. It's a dumpster fire set by meth heads, filled with alligators and defended by RepubliCan'ts with less of an IQ than the pre-fire dumpster. #IHateLivingInFlorida
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dailymusemaniac · 1 year
remind me of my dad  with out the beer lol 
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I wanted to share this with you cuz this is my favorite comedy act lol
Thank you!
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Caitlyn: Vi's gone.
Cassandra: Good, you didn't need her anyway.
Caitlyn: Mother, she took your rifle.
Cassandra: Well then, you better go and apologize to the young lady.
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hezigler · 3 months
BIDEN vs TRUMP?? VOTE!!! | Christopher Titus | Armageddon Update
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"I quit drinking because I am not good at drinking. I know it, my friends know it, the fire department that had to put me out knows it."
-Dabi, probably
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sapphire-weapon · 3 months
thinking i might turn anon back on soon because if i don't start shitposting about RE again i'm gonna start screaming about politics and no one wants that
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snowy-nostalgia · 2 years
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Okay but what if Dave is the one who snaps and not Titus like he feared
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