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incorrect-thuggory-quotes · 15 days ago
Thuggory: So much death. What can men do against such reckless hate?
Hiccup: Ride out with me. Ride out and meet it.
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companion-of-the-dragonmark · 4 months ago
Title: The Quest For the Bird-That-Does-Not-Exist || Chapter 1
This is an unknown story in the reign and Saga of King Hiccup the Third, 13th King of the Renewed Wilderwest. One of Hiccup's Companions, Thuggory the Steadfast, Heir to the Meathead Tribe, upon hearing of Camicazi's boast of having gone to the Land-That-Does-Not-Exist, begs Hiccup to take him to that land and search for the rumoured Bird-That-Does-Not-Exist: the Gobblefeather, an elusive yet supposedly easy-to-hunt bird that only exists in the Land-That-Does-Not-Exist.
Will Hiccup and Thuggory be able to find this legendary bird, or will they be gobbled up by unseen horrors yet to be discovered?
Warnings: None
Rating: G
Chapter(s): 1 / ?
Words: 1,635
Status: In-Progress
Characters: Hiccup Horrendous Haddock III, Thuggory, Camicazi, Fishlegs No-Name, Toothless, Windwalker, Wodensfang, Gobblefeather (OC), The Doomfang, Old Wrinkly, Druid Guardian.
Relationship(s): Hiccup & Thuggory, Hiccup & Thuggory & Gobblefeather (OC), Hiccup & Thuggory & Camicazi & Fishlegs No-Name, Hiccup & Old Wrinkly & Druid Guardian, Hiccup & Toothless, Hiccup & Toothless & Windwalker & Wodensfang
Thank you for your support and for your patience. My apologies for being absent for so long, but here's one of the promised Thuggory fics I had planned on doing this year. I plan on posting some more fics throughout this month. Be ready!
Long Live the Wilderwest!
— Companion of the Dragonmark
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thewolfwarriors · 1 month ago
Wolf Warriors is now on YouTube!
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Ill be uploading all the episodes on there :)
Channel is below!
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quiet-art-kid · 10 months ago
a lil treat for the fanom
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
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They’re on a road trip
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blep-23 · 2 years ago
Please tell me Thuggory gets mentioned more guys. Please. I love him.
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oseytorvan · 2 years ago
Thugstrid Microfic - Challenge
"Public Library of Mitsfield dwarfs any of Berk's landmarks. Do you want to make sure?"
Astrid bit her lip, trying to hide a grin. Through the slightly open window, street noise flew into the room and the sunset stained the walls with reddish highlights. Astrid touched her bangs with her fingers, excitedly rereading the message. 
Thuggory Hughes. Broad-shouldered, responsible, competitive, he could not help but ignite a fire in the blood. During the five days spent in Mitsfield, Astrid managed to get used not only to the sunnier climate, but also to his special attitude towards her. 
Despite his athletic physique, which often attracted Astrid's eyes, the young police sheriff did not look like a Snotlout. His flirtation was devoid of obsession and vulgarity, but always gave the opportunity to play hard to get. 
Astrid wanted more. Meetings at long–distance conferences helped them get closer, but unambiguous glances from the other end of the hall and thinly veiled teasing - it was damn little. And Astrid didn't want to rush, but her mind painted pictures in which she was pressed against dilapidated bookcases while calloused palms left traces of heat on her skin… 
With this message, Thuggory challenged her again. A challenge that Astrid couldn't help but accept. 
"...oh, great! I've been talking to the wall all this time!" 
The blonde barely tore her gaze away from the phone and thoughtlessly stared at Fishlegs' displeased face. It turns out that all this time he was turning circles around her room and wailing something, nervously wringing his hands. As usual. 
"Did you say something?.." 
"Astrid, we can't lose our heads!" He even dared to shake her a little. "Stoick reported that illegal motorcycle racers have made bedlam in the city again! A very large accident, there are victims! We have been discussing this problem at the conference for almost a week and still…" 
"I know!" Astrid shrugged irritably, shaking off his grip. "I know… You're right, Fishlegs. We have to get ready. Send a request to the mayor's office of Mitsfield. We need an emergency meeting." 
The imperious note in Astrid's voice brought Fishlegs to his senses. 
"Okay..." he nodded, swallowing. 
Astrid pursed her lips and resolutely turned the phone down with the screen. Fishlegs is right. She mustn't lose her head.
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hoodeenie · 1 year ago
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huehue more book 1 sketches
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zariahthechocolatecookie · 1 month ago
I've been rereading the httyd books, and I just have to say... Thuggory is an amazing character. I forgot how awesome he was.
He might be one of my favorite side characters now
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stargazingdustbunny · 4 months ago
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Fanart of one of my favorite characters <3.
He was the first person outside of Fishlegs and maybe Old Wrinkly to truly appreciate Hiccup's ingenuity and leadership, he managed to be everything a viking was expected to be while still being open minded. He was one of Hiccup's strongest supporters in the war, and one of the first dragonmarkers. While he is a relatively small character, he is definitely one of my favorites.
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incorrect-thuggory-quotes · 2 months ago
Thuggory: Hiccup for King! 💪🏻😆
Mogadon: Son, he's already King. 🤨
Thuggory: I know. I just wanted to say it again. It just rolls off the tongue. 😁👌🏻
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I'm working on the first chapter of a Thuggory-centric work right now. I'm super excited! Writing it as a birthday fic for myself. I should have it done within the next couple of days.
I know I've been talking about writing fics for Thuggory for the past 2 years without having done anything, but the past 2 years were rather difficult for me and I didn't have the motivation. Now that it's the Year of the Dragon, I have a lot of motivation now!
Thank you for your patience.
— Companion of the Dragonmark
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thewolfwarriors · 1 year ago
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Whos this? 👀
When the last part is done, Ill be posting Chapter 1!
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savebatsartedition · 1 year ago
Happy Birthday Hiccup Horrendous Hadock the Third!
I've never really had a chance to celebrate this little guy's birthday, so I went ALL out! (Are you kidding me? 10 year anniversary year of How to Train Your Dragon 2, year of the dragon, AND a leap year?? There was no way I was missing it.)
So, as a little gift I made two things for him! :D
How to Throw a Birthday Party - A short oneshot set after the ending of the final book in the series. (Under the cut or in the link right there. 2,088 words.)
PISTA TOMA - Httyd books meme - I've been wanting to make one of these memes for a while, and I have had no luck in figuring out characters to make it with, so if the above fluff fic didn't suite you, enjoy a little bit of vague angst. ...in animation meme form. (Youtube video below, but if you want to see the scratch version, possibly to remix, the link to that will be in the description.)
Notes: If there are any canon inconsistencies, it’s because I haven’t read one of these books in a little under a year lol.
I did try to write it like it was really a How To Train Your Dragon book though. :3 It’s really fun to try to do haha.
Hiccup yawned and stretched in his bed, feeling the Woodensfang and Toothless' warm wings flicker against his side as the little green dragon grumbled something half asleep about the mean master waking him up. Light gently glowed from the doorway into the main room in the hut, and for a moment Hiccup felt quite like going right back to sleep.
He rolled back into his pillow, planting his face right down in the soft fabric and feathers and hissing out another yawn in a failed effort to suppress it. At his side Toothless also hissed, and as Hiccup did his best to get back to sleep (in his tiredness, he was entirely unaware of how much his movements were disturbing Toothless), the little dragon’s bright green eyes snapped open to stare angrily at the back of Hiccup's head.
“ Mean Hiccup! ” Toothless all but yelled, causing Hiccup to jump up in alarm as if he had been shot, “ T-t-Toothless was JUST getting to bed! ”
Hiccup nearly fell backwards out of the bed as Toothless headbutted him in the shoulder, his little gossamer wings flickering in the dark morning air as wisps of smoke rose from his toothless mouth. 
Holding his shoulder, Hiccup regained his balance and began to apologize to Toothless. It seemed that even after achieving relative peace after the Dragon Rebelion, there wasn't much he could do about Toothless' attitude.
Hiccup chuckled and swung his feet over the edge of the bed, fumbling for his helmet (just a regular old Hooligan helmet, that pretentious bloodstained crown would never again touch his fiery hair if he could do anything to help it) before placing the familiar weight on his head.
As Hiccup adjusted the helmet in the reflections on a shield that had apparently been put in his room with him, Toothless flapped up onto his shoulder, seeming to have forgotten all about being tired as the distant scent of breakfast reached his little warty nose.
“ W-w-ill Toothless get some of that fish downstairs? ” Toothless asked, starting directly into Hiccup's eyes even as Hiccup focused on his reflection, “ T-toothless KNOWS there's food downstairs ,” he placed a claw over his heart, “ Toothless can s-s- SMELL it, ”
Hiccup laughed and finished readjusting his helmet. (It was surprisingly difficult to get it to intentionally miss covering his dragon mark.) “ Yes Toothless, ” he said in dragonese, which was the language dragons and hopefully humans spoke to each other in, “ I'm sure you can have the fish, ”
Toothless whooped in joy and jumped into the air, turning a little summersault before landing on Hiccup's helmet. (Which very quickly titled out of the position the boy king had so carefully put it in.) Hiccup sighed and reached up to pet the small dragon. Things had gone back to normal so easily, it was almost as if they had never even changed in the first place.
“ T-toothless is the best lost thing, after all, ” Toothless all but crowed, turning circles on Hiccup's helmet as he headed out of the bedroom and into the main room of the makeshift hut the vikings had set up. (Though he was sure to grab his sword along the way, just in case. Vikings worked fast, as the hut proved, and even if they were in a state of peace, he had no proof they would stay that way for very long, no matter how much he wanted them too.)
“ Yes Toothless, ” Hiccup replied back absentmindedly, skirting around the sleeping forms of his mother and father and past the empty rolls where he knew some other Viking royalty had been put to sleep, “ Yes you were, ”
He hadn't thought about it when he was in his room, but he was pretty sure that Fishlegs and Camicazi had been missing from their own blankets when he had woken up.
Quietly he slid open the front door, careful to shush Toothless until it was closed again in case he started yelling again. (He had seen his mother twist in her sleep when Toothless had last crowed.)
“ Do you think Toothless will get to have c-cod?! ” Toothless asked excitedly, “ T-toothless is in the mood for cod! ”
“ Does it smell like cod? ” Hiccup asked him, reaching up to pick up the little dragon (and also to fix his helmet, again), " If it smells like cod you can probably have cod, ”
"Or tuna," Toothless said thoughtfully, "Toothless ALSO in the mood for tuna..."
It was a shockingly warm day out for the season, but Hiccup still shivered as a chilly ocean breeze flew past him. Toothless didn't seem to mind it so much, but he didn't argue as Hiccup placed him back on the soft fur of the vest over his shoulder.
Hiccup followed the scent as Toothless struggled to place it, though he was also somewhat unsure of what it could be, he was hungry. Maybe it wasn't smart to be walking around camp as a newly crowned King of the Wilderwest all by his lonesome, especially when he was still fairly bruised, but he didn't care. He was hungry, and he was still tired, and maybe he wasn't thinking quite straight.
He turned a corner between the tents, and suddenly the source of the smell was within his reach.
A campfire, with a large pot presumably containing many kinds of fish hung over it, sat at the center of a small clearing in the tents and huts, but that wasn't even why his heart suddenly glowed.
“Fishlegs!” he called, waving to his friend as Toothless crowed and leapt off his shoulder, aiming straight for a pile of delicious fat fish that had not yet been added to the stew, “Camicazi!”
His two friends waved back at him, grinning wide grins, but they weren't the only ones around the campfire.
“We were going to invite your parents,” Camicazi told him, elbowing him in the side good-naturedly, her mood dragon Stormfly winding around her legs like a very long, very purple cat as she wished Hiccup a good morning, “But they were dead asleep and we didn't want to wake them,”
”Hey Hiccup!“ Fishlegs grinned at him, though he looked somewhat ill (which Hiccup guessed probably stemmed from the fact that a very sleepy looking Barbra the Barbarian was sitting and chatting with some of Camicazi's Bog Burglar friends.) ”Good morning for fish, right?“
Hiccup shrugged and smiled. (Though he certainly agreed with Fishlegs, he didn't want to insult the shivering shape of his friend's vegetarian hunting dragon Horrorcow, who had once again found her place as a large lump under Fishlegs’ vest.) ”Good morning to see you guys!“
”Hiccup!“ called a voice that Hiccup recognized as Thuggory the Meathead, ”Are you gonna ask Toothless to wait until everything is done cooking or are we starting right away?!“
Hiccup turned to see the tall Viking Heir struggling with Toothless, who was eating a humongous tuna that Thuggory seemed to have been right about to dump into the stew. 
”Oh Toothless!“ Hiccup called, racing over to his snickering friend and taking him (complete with the fish larger than he was) into his arms, ” Don't you want to wait until all the cooking has been done? “ He said, continuing in Dragonese.
Toothless giggled and continued chowing down. Clearly he preferred the taste of nice raw fish. (Hiccup couldn't say he agreed, but he was glad that Toothless seemed to be subdued for a second or two.)
Hiccup placed the tuna and dragon on the floor together, trying to ignore the loud sounds of chewing that floated up from them as he reached out a hand to shake Thuggory's hand. To his surprise, the Meathead heir laughed and drew him into a hug instead.
Hiccup nearly choked as he was lifted into the air, his feet dangling for a couple of seconds as Thuggory greeted him, before he was set back down. 
”It's great to see you again Hiccup,“ Thuggory explained, ”Especially after all that cool stuff you did back there,“
”Good to see you again too,“ Hiccup laughed, though he didn't really like the constant references to the battles of the Dragon Rebelion, ”Just doing what a friend of dragons has to do,“
”Hiccup!“ called Camicazi, catching up with him. (Though Fishlegs lagged a few steps behind, not so secretly making eyes at Barbra, who was now hissing at her cat Fearless and showing the Bog Burglars how sharp the claws of the little animal were.) ”Hey!“
Hiccup turned to her, though he was momentarily distracted by the sight of several Hooligan boys sitting together on a large rock. He had missed them more than he had expected in the time he'd been gone, it seemed, because even the sight of Dogsbreath (who was laughing with Clueless about something for a change) put a smile on his face.
“Yeah?” he asked, shooting Speedyfist a smile, “What is it?”
���Aren't you going to ask why we're all here now?!” he asked, putting her hands on her hips and glaring at him. Even though she was a head or so shorter than him, Hiccup thought she could look extremely intimidating if she chose to. 
“Um,” Hiccup thought for a second, but, still groggy from sleep, he had nothing. “Breakfast?” He asked, giving her a pained smile as she slapped a hand to her face and sighed. (*”Boys,“*)
”It's for your birthday!“ Fishlegs said, finally stumbling over to the group.
“My what?” Hiccup asked, completely blindsided by that answer. Hadn't his birthday been quite a while back now?
”You only get one once every four years,“ Camicazi pointed out, speaking slowly and patiently as if she really believed he was as stupid as she pretended she thought he was, ”and we felt bad that you missed it, so we wanted to throw a celebration!“
“My- ah!” Hiccup yelped as Toothless' sharp claws dug into his leg, he seemed to have had his fill of the fat tuna, “What- Thank you-“
Thuggory slapped him on the back, laughing again. ”It's what dragon markers do, eh?“
Fishlegs nodded, and even Horrorcow stuck her head out from under his vest for a second to speak. ” I do wish we had considered vegetarians before planning the meal, “ she said politely, ” do you happen to have any carrots? “
Hiccup frowned and stuck his hands into his pocket, he always carried a slice of carrot precisely for this purpose. ” In fact I do Horrorcow! “ He grinned, holding it out to the sad looking hunting dragon, ” enjoy! “
She thanked him and immediately began chomping into the orange vegetable. Hiccup smiled, to his tired mind, the interaction hadn't seemed odd at all, but as Camicazi spluttered into laughter and Fishlegs blinked at him in confusion, Hiccup began to realize that it might have sounded a bit odd to those that didn't understand dragonese.
“I should start teaching you guys dragonese,” he mused, scratching Toothless between his horns as he turned to look at the mess of fish guys he had left on the sandy rocks below them. (And on Hiccup's boots it seemed.)
“You're just not gonna address that?!” Camicazi half shrieked, half laughed, nearly doubled over at the force of her laughter, “You just had a carrot in your pocket? Why?!”
Hiccup brushed a strand or two of hair out of his eye and, in a fake offended voice, told her that he cared about his friends enough to do so if the friend in question called for it.
This caused her to howl with laughter again, and this time Hiccup couldn't help but join in. This all felt strangely comfortable, for some reason. From the small circle of closer friends that were giggling with (and at) him, to the gaggles of Hooligan boys and Bog Burglar girls on opposite sides of the fire, to the random smattering of hunting and riding dragons that had decided to stay with their humans, this felt nice.
“Thank you all,” Hiccup murmured, still scratching a now purring Toothless and Thuggory began to call that the stew was done, “It really means a lot that you would do this for me,”
“ And for m-me! ” Toothless said, yelping happily and jumping into the air as the covering once again came off the large pot, which he seemed to have just realized was the perfect heat for a dragon such as himself, “ T-toothless loves fish baths! ”
And it was all Hiccup could do to warn Thuggory that he was about to half to fish a very happy little dragon out of their food.
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poibynt · 1 year ago
Thuggory, thinking
This is a short 1.5K Thuggory POV I wrote set between books 9 and 10, hopefully to be part of a larger fic focusing on this time period. So I'm chucking it here since it works as a standalone and not on Ao3. (this is barely spellchecked if you saw something wonky no you didn't)
CW: all the usual late series stuff, though is maybe focused on the Daily Horrors of it all a bit more than the series does.
Thuggory, son of Mogadon and only heir to the Meathead tribe, collapsed onto a chair in his room. He would not have allowed himself to so visibly display his own exhaustion if he weren’t alone, and if the world was not so newly and deeply trying. He’d been out on his feet the whole day, as he had done the entire week, and then the week before and the week before that the past three months. His role as son of the chief had taken a sharp and dramatic change in direction, and he had to admit to himself that it was taxing like it had never been before. 
Thuggory had always been easy going, with nothing much to think about or worry over. Why would he need to? He had floated through life, easily filling every role and expectation. He was strong, charismatic, attentive, respectful of his father and elders, but also able to admit his own failings and others strengths. He knew he was going to be a fine chief one day and he enjoyed dutifully caring for his tribe and helping his father in the meantime. Life had been simple and uncomplicated, full of laughing companions and scored goals and his father’s proud hand on his shoulder. Thuggory had never needed to think about anything. Oh he thought he had, in the Before, he thought he thought about plenty. He’d thought about fishing, and how others fought when he watched them, and what to eat for dinner. He had never had to think. The Thuggory of the After, though, thought. 
He scrubbed at his forearm absentmindedly, feeling the bandages under his fingers. Thuggory of Before had spent most of his time doing things he had thought to be important, but now felt hollow. He now spent most of his days fighting dragons, shoring up defenses, going over strategy with his father, and helping count and identify the dead. Many of the old smiling faces he grew up with or around he’d now seen glassy eyed and horrifically burned or slashed. Gone was almost everything Thuggory thought was a constant in life, the world turned distorted and twisted. 
He started removing his various weapons, piling them on the tiny desk in his room. They’d lost a quarter of the main island by now, but the largest village stood strong. The chieftain's hut was untouched, his childhood bedroom the same it always was. Except that he was older, more soot streaked and worn, and the weapons he carefully checked and tended to had tasted blood. It was…a disconcerting reminder of the simplicity of his old life. The newfound falseness of it. 
Because a world that had seemed so very very simple and uncomplicated had been engulfed by fire and chaos and uncertainty. He put on a good face about it all and rose to the task yet again, as he always had. He succeeded, as he always had. But Thuggory, during his few hours of rest he allowed himself, thought. 
He thought about the people he missed, the dragons he missed. Which got sticky very quickly. Because Thuggory missed dragons. They all missed dragons, he knew. They all felt the loss and horror at the state of the world and the necessity to do what must be done, but something else weighed him down. Guilt. Thuggory had loved Killer, his hunting dragon. He had thought he’d been fair and just in his treatment of Killer, had occasionally snuck him good bits of food off of the table when no one else was looking, given him bits of whatever kill they brought down together. And yet, on that fateful day it all went wrong, Killer had turned on him. They’d fought, and it had been a hard battle. For multiple reasons. 
Thuggory tested the sharpness of his battle axe, then grunted and reached for a whetstone. He thought he’d been fair, attentive, and respected. And yet, years together were thrown aside in a heartbeat. Everyone’s dragons had abandoned them in the end. Those who had beat their dragons into submission and those who gave them good muscles from the table both ended up betrayed and alone. Every single one of them, except for one boy. 
Thuggory had seen Hiccup, on the back of his riding dragon, suspended in a halo of light that dreadful day. Had seen that riding dragon fleeing across the sky, helping his rider as the entire dragon army followed. As far as Thuggory knew, Hiccup was the only person who’s dragon hadn’t rebelled against him. 
The Thuggory of Before didn’t think all that much, but he was still attentive. The Hooligans were their neighbors, and Hiccup was their heir. They were both going to be chiefs one day. With such an impressive first meeting, Thuggory had kept a proverbial ear to the proverbial ground. The trickles of rumour and tall tales had kept him fascinated. His friends had all dismissed Hiccup as some weird skinny nobody, and while Thuggory admitted he was weirdly scrawny and tentative for a Viking, it seemed like twice a year he pulled off something incredible! Things Thuggory could have only done if the sea boiled and the sky turned purple. Again and again Hiccup cheated death, discovered something impossible, fought and survived the scariest creatures and monsters the Barbaric Archipelago had to offer. Any gossip drummed up from these heroic stunts seemed to pass quickly, but Thuggory remembered. 
He’d been swayed a bit from his stance that Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the III was deeply and immeasurably cool when it was revealed that Hiccup had freed the dragon Furious, leader of the rebellion and the possible doom and destruction of the human race condensed into a single flying furnace. But Hiccups winning of the sword fighting competition, the speech he gave on his intention to end slavery and free the dragons, the subsequent revelation that Hiccup had the slave mark, the break out of one of the bloodiest battles in recent Viking history and the fact that Hiccup single handedly saved every Viking’s life that day had only complicated things further. 
Thuggory thought, as he cleaned the blood and guts from his weapons, honed their violent and deadly edges, preparing them for the next day of war. He asked something he rarely had ever asked in the Before times. Why? Why were they fighting this war? Why were dragons and humans dying in incredible numbers? Thuggory had been told all his life that dragons were immoral, cowardly creatures that needed firm hands. They were needed, so the Vikings used them. The Meatheads did not believe in cruelty, did not use chains or whips or cages. It was simply the way of things. Dragons could be immoral and cowardly, just like humans. But Killer was also steadfast, and loyal, and liked to perch on Thuggory’s shoulder and rest his head on the top of Thuggory’s helmet. Almost everyone had cared for their domestic dragons, had tended to them. Then why did they all rebel? 
Surely Killer knew Thuggory wasn’t planning on following the King's orders. Surely Killer knew that though Thuggory was aggressive and violent and a true Viking, that he wasn’t unfair or unhonourable. Surely Killer knew that Thuggory had felt something stirring in his heart hearing Hiccup’s speech, like something settling in correctly. Something that twinged every time Thuggory, a freshly minted warrior of the Wilderwest, raised his sword or his axe or his north bow or the new terrible weapons of war to fell a dragon. 
He wished, suddenly, that he could talk to Hiccup. Thuggory had dejectedly thought him dead for a month until reports and rumors started breaking of a rogue vigilante destroying dragon traps. Even the stupider Meatheads had a couple good guesses on the traitor's identity. Wishing for something like this felt wrong, for indeed it was against what Mogodon stood for these days. His father had fallen neatly behind the new king, and Thuggory wished things were simple enough that he could go along with his father just as neatly. But they weren’t. Instead, horrible thoughts tangled in his head, leading to no clear answer. The witch and the king, in whatever sparse correspondence reached the Meathead isles these days without carrier dragons, always spoke of the perfect world of the Before. But Thuggory, treasonously and dangerously, couldn’t help but wonder how was it perfect if it led to this? 
He pinched the bridge of his nose, setting aside the last dagger. He would try to clear his mind, and then join his father to discuss their options tomorrow. The dragons were concentrating on the Isle of Berk—Thuggory almost hoped a dragon would eat Chief Snotlout already—for some reason which meant the Meathead Islands were facing down the dragon fire as well. Their villages and fortifications were built to withstand human attack, not sustained dragon rebellion and they were struggling. It was time to start discussing options in the morning. But that was the morning, he had a couple more hours before he banished all his doubts away and became the good loyal son he had always been, and now wasn’t so sure he was anymore. He heaved himself off of his chair, fingers skimming over a burnt corner of the wood, one of the only mementos Killer had left him, paired with the scar across his ribs.
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oseytorvan · 2 years ago
A small one-shot about platonic Fishstrid. Hints at Fishtrum (Fishlegs and Tantrum) and Thugsrid (Thuggory and Astrid), because we need more awkward love lines for these two. Mixing the universe of movies with the universe of books. 
“I give up!” Fishlegs sighed wearily and squeezed the book he had just thoroughly examined between the dusty spines of its brethren. “We've been wandering around this library all day, and we haven't found anything! Not a single mention of the Hidden World!”
The echo of his disappointed exclamation was lost in the maze of bookcases. There was a graveyard silence in the Meathead Public Library, which, combined with the darkness and cold, made this place really creepy.
“Ugh... you're right, Astrid – Hiccup is trying in vain. There is no Hidden...” turning around, Fishlegs gasped. Too loud for a place where it is desirable to keep silence. 
Fishlegs' frightened gaze was riveted on the crumpled piece of paper that Astrid was holding in her hands. The torch cast light on the wide grin on her face, while the blue eyes of the warrior slid over the lines with genuine interest. 
“Give it back!” Fishlegs whined nervously, but Astrid dodged with a laugh. Fishlegs' thick fingers grabbed the air. 
“It fell out of your pocket. Tantrum O'Ugerly, then?” she waved a piece of paper teasingly between her fingers.
Fishlegs' plump face began to be covered with spots, and Astrid was ready to swear that the reflections of the torch had nothing to do with it. 
“It's none of your business!” he muttered, wringing his hands and looking around as if someone could hear them. The precaution was completely unnecessary – divided into groups, the riders scattered throughout the Library and had no idea how to find each other. “Return it immediately!”
“It's too late to be nervous – I already know your little secret,” Astrid chuckled and returned the piece of paper to him. “Are you aiming to marry the Uglithug's Princess?”
“It's not true!” Fishlegs was indignant, returning his secret back to his pocket. “It's just… Just... a tribute to royalty!”
“Not a bad excuse! I think her father will like your poems,” Astrid teased, but when she noticed how his face stretched, she laughed again: “I can keep secrets, don't doubt it!” 
“You'd better be able to,” Fishlegs remarked coolly. “Otherwise, everyone will accidentally notice what looks you cast at the heir of the Meathead… I can't remember his name… Thuggory, isn't it?”
Fishlegs didn't have time to enjoy the effect, as Astrid roughly grabbed him by the collar. 
“If even one living soul finds out about this...”
Fishlegs and Astrid turned their heads sharply. 
“I found it!” Hiccup announced solemnly, tired, disheveled and extremely pleased with himself.
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