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I hate you forced random pairings at the last minute, I hate you love at first sight, I hate you “they’re obviously more than friends”, I hate you pity for single people, I hate you virgin jokes, I hate you amatonormative/allonormative media
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i don't think we talk enough about how childhood bullying really just. fucks up your ability to make friends long-term.
I'm not talking about self-image or even like attachment styles, although peer emotional abuse affects that too. I'm talking about how it legitimately stunts your understanding of how positive platonic relationships even work.
Like, a few years back (pre pandemic) a classmate point-blank told me, "hey, you're pretty cool, do you wanna come out for drinks and trivia with us Thursday night?" and my first internal reaction wasn't "oh cool, a friend!" or even "I'm not really interested" but: "where is the trap?" My kneejerk response to an earnest overture of friendship from this guy was trying to figure out how he was trying to back me into a corner, trick me into something, or make fun of me. We were in goddamm GRADUATE SCHOOL.
Of course I did end up going to drinks and it was a lovely time, but sometimes I think about the sheer number of potential friendships I've missed out on because I read their intentions as potentially hostile, *even when their intent is clearly not hostile*. Getting asked out for drinks is SUPER NORMAL. Being invited to parties is normal. Meeting for coffee is normal. in fact it's a primary way of forging adult friendships. But i am immediately wary of it, because the years in which I was developing most of my crucial social skills were spent dodging cruel pranks, getting invited to fake parties or uninvited from real ones, getting asked out "as a joke", being given compliments that were actually somehow insults, and so forth.
I don't have problems making friends-- I talk to people for a living, I am overall extremely charismatic and get invited out a lot, but I struggle to forge new connections because my trained response is to be immediately suspicious of people who appear friendly, welcoming and well-intentioned -- even fifteen years later. This is why I don't get the "you should have been bullied more" crowd. Like somehow bullying makes you more "normal". It definitely doesn't, even if "normal" was a real thing. I am definitely a more antisocial weirdo as a result of prolonged peer-to-peer emotional abuse than I would have been otherwise.
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so i have a question to nd people, do some of you also got this urge to "behave correctly" all the time, like you created this whole personality to please adults but then had your moments were you just got a lil bit excited, perhaps looked kinda crazy, talking too much, moving too much, laughing too much and doing things you don't normally do but actually you do but in your mind, like you look "normal" on the outside but your mind was always super messy full of ideas and stuff happening but tried your best at hiding and now everything's kinda falling(?? so now you have identity crisis or something???
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I would like to know why some aro are upset about their sexuality (apart from the pressure of society). I literally don't see any reason to be disappointed
i just want to let everyone know that feeling sad or disappointed that you’re aromantic is okay.
it’s a difficult thing to come to terms with your sexuality, especially if you’re aspec.
it doesn’t make you any less aromantic if you are still trying to accept it, or if you feel disappointed because you are.
it has taken me a long time to accept my aromantism, and i’m still working through it.
none of us are any less valid than other aromantics
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if you see this, please say a prayer for anyone experiencing severe depression and dark thoughts, and if you are someone going through these things, keep on fighting because you are worth fighting for. you are a light to this world and God loves you and wants you to have happiness.
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Astrid deserves better Astrid deserves better Astrid deserves better Astrid deserves better Astrid deserves better Astrid deserves better Astrid deserves better
Astrid appreciation post. Because I rewatched Httyd 1 (again) and even when she hated Hiccup's guts, she still made the split-second decision to fight an unfamiliar dragon in the hope that he could escape.
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You forgot about Pansy, baby
how turned up would lavender brown, the patil twins, katie + angelina + alicia, fleur delacour and cho chang be on a scale from 1 to 10 if the barbie movie came out in their time
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They mean so much 2 me…
#stormstrid#I like the semi-naked and unsexualized Astrid#I like her muscles and the scars all over her body#stormfly and astrid
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I genuinely think there should be more fics that address peter. Because you don't just join a death cult. Like, how and why did he fall into that?
Four years pass between their graduation from hogwarts and the war ending. And, unless his family were death eaters or he was sucked into it during school and noone noticed, it had to of been Dumbledore fault. Because he joined the order with the rest of them.
If peter hadn't been in the order i could see the argument that he could've fallen into it after hogwarts the same way real life hate groups will pray on freshly moved out and isolated teenagers. But that's not what happened.
Fandomwise peter is usually characterized as ugly, stupid, and untalented. But that comes from how he acts post living as a rat for twelve years, and a single line from mcgonagall calling him a stupid, foolish bot who was never on the same level as black and or the other students. That's her seeing him as a child who she practically raised getting himself killed in the stupidest way possible. Not as a person in general.
What was my point...
I feel like fics should address the fact that peter "betraying the order," was more likely Dumbledore's first attempt at snape and not him just deciding to betray them for no reason.
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Pettigrew was a Marauder, and they wouldn't be marauders without him. I don't find it fair to ignore his existence like some of us do
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"Almost every woman I have ever met has a secret belief that she is just on the edge of madness, that there is some deep, crazy part within her, that she must be on guard constantly against losing control - of her temper, of her appetite, of her sexuality, of her feelings, of her ambition, of her secret fantasies, of her mind.”
Elana Dykewomon, "Notes for a Magazine," Sinister Wisdom #36 (Winter 1988/89).
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idk why im in such a bad mood rn but it actually PISSES ME TF OFF how the entire marauders fandom collectively decided to take this bum-ass loser character with one discernable impact on the storyline (regulus. im talking about regulus) and make him a super complex, three-dimensional MAIN character in the era that’s being literally paired with JAMES POTTER(???) when they could’ve taken a character who AREADY has existing complexities and everything they could ever want and develop them. but they won’t because that character is a fucking woman ☠️☠️
the way the black sisters would have the entire fandom in a fucking chokehold if they were boys. do you actually think sirius and regulus would be as cherished as they are now if they were women? hell fucking no, regulus would be hated on so badly. the way we were given narcissa and fucking andromeda too? here’s the entire fandom yapping on and on about how cool regulus is for rebelling against the dark lord when narcissa was doing it and fucking getting away with it too (because she’s better and doesn’t suck ass). here’s andromeda going against her entire bloodline ON HER OWN but yet shes still so overshadowed by sirius (who literally came after her). then you got bellatrix who is canonly one of the most powerful (and cuntiest) witches in the hp-verse and you decide to go and develop BARTY instead. think about it. they’re both crazy except one is more of a loser and is a male so of course the fandom will choose him.
and then. of course. lily evans who is literally the mother of the entire verse itself is still out here fighting for literal recognition and development from the fandom. and those mfs still give it to regulus instead ☠️☠️
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i'm certainly not aro (though i had some confusion when i was younger) but i do think more and more these days that i should stop accounting for romance in any grand scale life plans. to my dismay, it seems the overlap between people strange enough for me to feel comfortable being wholly myself with and people with adequate emotional and social regulation skills has proven barren so far. i am exhausted.
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Is aromanticism/asexuality literally so cool?? Just imagine that you don't have these idiotic feelings for a dude who doesn't care about you. I mean, the aroaсe can experience it platonically, but imagine, no butterflies in your stomach, no hot dreams and other shit. It's literally the best thing that can happen to you
aromantic and asexual people are not inherently "miserable" or "unhappier" than other people. we are not "missing out" on something- if we do not experience these feelings to begin with, we have nothing to "miss out" on. the only time that aromantic and asexual people are miserable is when we are forced into relationships or forced to believe we "need" to be in one to be complete. destroy this argument in your mind- aromantic and asexual people define our happiness. we are not inherently miserable, we are doing just fine
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I fundamentally disagree with the note below, but the drawing is amazing
ok but the httyd books are seriously the best, i love the movies but im sorry the books are just subjectively better sorry i dont make the rules
i was robbed of my redheaded nerd and his little green menace
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