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89 posts
Chelsey A. Wylder !
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aishiarmoore · 3 years ago
My favorite thing to do is come back to tumblr and rant!!
I’m so unsure on what to do next and how to handle the struggles of my relationship. It’s so easy to list out things I deem wrong or that upsets me— but I won’t directly say it.
I feel like something shouldn’t have to be said directly. We all have common sense! Things change from the beginning of relationships
I think that should never change: I notice every single thing— and I feel like I’m on the side and not a priority in any way.
Booooo. Over it for now.
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aishiarmoore · 4 years ago
Feeling used is so common to me; I’m not too pleased.
I’m just done with people using My emotions, energy, feels, and kind heartedness for granted. I hate opening up to people and feeling so played.
I had someone at my house every single day. We talked every single day.. now I can barely get a text back or anything. I’m done with that. I’m tired of giving more energy into people who don’t give a fuck. I mean I knew the person was heartless but damn...
Whatever tho. Positive vibes on. Catch me if you can.
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aishiarmoore · 4 years ago
I feel like I have no one to talk to rn.. so we typing
We typing, it make not make any sense but i need to speak it aloud. 
When I say I hate people I do, bpeople clearly cannot read cues or my feelings or my body langue or my verbiage. If it’s not one person, it’s another. IT MAKES NO SENSE. HOW CAN SOMEONE DO IT AND ACT LIKE NOTHING IS WRONG? 
I feel like people have no common sense. bitch. I’m so tired of liking people and them not liking my the same way. Or them thinking they do and don’t and want me to not take it as that and just want me to take it with a grain of salt. It’s tiring. 
I hate liking people because I LIKE PEOPLE. and when I do and when we’re used to doing something. ima fucking do that. IMA DO THAT. I’m just so sick of it. I really am. I want people to read me and I want people to understand exactly where i’m coming from. I’m up, irritable and ready to like GO OFF. 
I feel calmer just typing that. Which I guess is good. However it’s like I let little things bother me and I let it continue to bother me and then I hit a wall where it’s like no more added shit will help contribute to how ANNOYED I AM AS A PERSON. I GOTTA LEARN TO CUT SHITTY PEOPLE OFF THE FIRST RED FLAG THAT I GET! BUT I DON’T BECAUSE I SWEAR PEOPLE CAN BE AS CLEAR AS DAY SAYING “I WILL PLAY YOU” AND I’LL STILL FUCK WITH THEM. 
Or mFS just like to play with my feelings. Homeboy sends these weird bitmojis about “missing me” then I’m like “you lie” and it’s laughing crying emojis, but however homeboy really wanted me @ one point. Like nigga fuck you. I’m in the mood to block everyone .I just gotta drift off from people because i’m a joke and clearly not ready and clearly they don’t think i’m ready cuz i’m aj oke. 
I hate crying, I hate getting worked up about a situation that REALLY ONLY BOTHERS ME AND HURTS MY OWN FUCKING FEELINGS. I HURT MY OWN FEELINGS @ THE END OF THE DAY .
I feel like ima cut everybody off. I mean EVERYBODY OFF . LMFAOO. Happy birthday to me :))))))))))))) 
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aishiarmoore · 4 years ago
I SWEAR TO GOD. PEOPLE TAKE MEE AS A JOKE.  I meant to update this shit like WEEKS/DAYS ago.. but i’m fucking ass. lmfaoo. 
Alright so ima give it a quick synopsis. Just quick. Met this girl, we clicked instantly, we hung out, did stuff, ladidadida, It was originally said no feelings, no liking, nothing more, nothing less. Turns out we like one another, except one thing, this chick is VERY promiscuous. It’s so confusing; and as much as I’d like to say i’m not a jealous person.. I’M PRETTY SURE I AM! lols. 
ANYWHO... homegirl recently told me a story about some fling thing , whatever. BUT CLAIMING she likes me and obsessed with me and shit, but it’s NOT ADDING UP TO ME. I’m sorry, but if I like someone a lot, best believe i’m not going to give someone else the time of the day, that’s just fucking dumb.... 
Homegirl is texting me with another girl literally laying right next to her. AM I A JOKE? AM I FUCKING JOKE. IN WHAT WORLD IS THAT EVER OKAY? WHAHT MOTHER FUCKING WORLD?! NOOOOOO FUCKING WORLD. I AM GOING TO LOSE MY SHIT!!! 
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aishiarmoore · 4 years ago
We Bykeee
These boys think I REALLY give a fuck. While I do tend to show a lot of interest, IRDGAF .I stopped giving a fuck a long time ago when people started playing me. It’s like you're not going to hurt my feelings and apparently they like it when you’re mean. I rather set my intentions early on and if you’re not digging it. fucking leave. 
It’s like these boys ghost me, leave, don’t message me etc. THEN all of a sudden when they’re bored or feeling like some interesting conversation, wanna come and text me. Like don’t. I rather you stay where TF you are. It’s just so annoying because I am a better person than these boys think I am and it’s disappointing and embarrassing to know and to think this is what they think of me. I am not the chick you hit up when things are going south with your shitty relationship. No way-- I also don’t want a situation ship AND I don’t wanna fuck y'all. LMFAOOO. WTF. Genuinely don’t. Like it’s only going to be “fun” for you. It’s annoying and a waste of time FOR me, but of course, not y'all. Plus its a lot of talk and not a DAMN THING to back it up. I rather you waste someone else's time, please. 
Also someone keeps trying to hit me up but has a girlfriend. Like boy.. so what did I do? I went on his page and liked the photo w. him and his gal. Don’t fucking come to me. you’re in a relationship. WORRY ABOUT THAT and not the other bitch. It’s annoying asf. Like I’m not DOING THAT! Another  guy who I knew when I was in like elementary school is trying to get with me, like absolutely not. I didn’t like you then and I damn sure am not going to like you now. Another guy who HASN’T SPOKEN TO ME IN TWO MONTHS reached out to me asking for nudes, like nigga are you FOCKIN CRAZY?! noooooo! 
OHHHHH and then I found out this guy who supposedly cut me off because he was “moving” isn’t moving anymore. LMFAO. I’m a JOKE! A FUCKING JOKE. I just don’t even wanna try. The thing is I like conversation and the cat and mose tease game, but I want nothing more of that. I don’t want you to like me, I don’t wanna like you, I don’t wanna fuck you. I just wish that would click. 
People are annoying and YES I know i’m suppose to be working on myself. we getthing there .Things I highlighted that I needed to work on : 
-caring about MY FEELINGS and not other peoples
-putting myself first! (stop being so fucking selfless) 
-Putting in more effort for something ppl don’t give a fuck about 
-Being SOOO available (w. my time as in messaging and etc . not hanging out) 
-liking the wrong guys because they’re idiots 
There’s more to that but dassit for now. Plz send help. 
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aishiarmoore · 4 years ago
Sooo unimpressed & disgusted.
Back to the bullshit with the ranting and expressing my feelings. IDGAF about structure cuz it’s my blog. soooo suck it? haha. So basically I feel like i’m in such a funk... it’s weird as shit. 
I will say i have NO romantic interest in ANY person! (mind fucking blown). IDK people just really aren’t catching my eye or vibing how I want, however I will say @ the beginning of November I said i’d focus on myself. Which i’m a fucking liar. I decided to download tinder and hinge. I like hinge b/c I get the chance to know a little about a person w/o having to swipe right, however... the men aren’t that cute or they’re BORING AS FUCK.PEOPLE ARE DEAD ASS BORING!! Like no conversation. My thing is.. if you don’t wanna talk or converse, why’d you swipe to begin with?! That doesn’t make  sense and i’m tired of being the one to ask questions CONSISTENTLY to people and people not wanna know anything about me. like GO THE FUCK AWAY. GO HOME! 
Besides the shitty people on these dumb ass apps. Said persons decided to come back into my life. First off MF got invited to come over last week , yet it was “possibly,” which I then told person to LMK. I got nothing that entire weekend. Then all of a sudden this week decided to hit me up and be like “ why you didn’t tell me to come through.” like boy?! I said LMK. I’m not going to CHASE YOU! Especially when you don’t ~like~ me. Like that’s pointless and you’re a piece of shit. Thing is.. I genuinely like him and we’re soooo much alike, YET he can’t handle me and IDC. WELP... he messages me today and says that can “possibly” come over tomorrow, right? (we all on the same page rn, yeah?) So then I was like  sure. and then he sends me this message asking me for a favor...and i’m like nigga what.. he asked me for $200... BOY. YOU HAVE ME UNADDED ON INSTAGRAM & SNAPCHAT... and prob blocked me and have the audacity to ask for money. MIND YOU. manzzz is in the military. Like wtfuck. HOWEVERRR I am VERYYYYYY selfless and understanding that sometimes people go through things... so I offered $75. In the midst of all that, he basically was like yeah i’l come through and that he may forget to get the $$ back tome. Like boy. IRDC. I just rather him gone. my  thing is.. DO YOU NOT HAVE HOES THAT YOU TALK TO EVERYDAY? YET YOU ASKED ME... WHO DOESN’T LIVE BY U , WHO YOU DON’T SPEAK TO. Thats... what you call using someone. HOWEVER. KARMA is aback and will be back around. SO IDC. I’m just sooo fucking irritated by that.. Like.... this needed to be typed out. ANYWAY...
I’m alsoooo in my feels like I said and I think i’m bi-curious , y'all. LEGIT. Like I think I want to try things out with different (or one) woman. Never have, but I think it would be fun because we’d be similar and could prob read body language and cues better. However so unsure what’s my type  (in terms of women) but i have download the “HER” app and these girls are ugly and can’t take photos so idk wtf... lol. So I guess i’ll give updates on this bi-curious stage i’m in. I really don't know. 
Besides that, I kind of don’t want a person cuz they suck and don’t understand me and I DON’T WANNA EXPLAIN TO PEOPLE. Yikes.. I think I need a chill pill, or something. I’m just sooo? IDFK. Help me out, man... 
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aishiarmoore · 4 years ago
20,000 things that go through my head daily-- we ready?
Life continues to kick my ass and people continue to piss me off daily. There’s just so many things that continue to happen to me and nobody really understands. I usually put out the front that everything is alright and that my life is going great...AND IT’S NOT! 
I feel like so many people expect stuff out of me, but it’s like how can I help someone else if i’m not even my best self? I am a very selfless person and people fail to realize that or take COMPLETE advantage of that trait. It is annoying .
It’s so tough figuring out my life post-grad. I want to be a doctor and I will eventually but holy shit with the requirements and what I want. People continue to ask me what i’m doing with my life or what’s taking so long as if they know what's going on...AND THEY DO NOT. I absolutely h8 everyone and I just wish people wouldn’t ask. Just wait and see, but people would rather not wait and they want more and more from me and I just can’t give. 
Now if it’s not tough enough with school. Work..I WORK EVERY FUCKING DAY OF MY LIFE and I never have a break. My occupational wellness is complete shit. If it’s not from my actual job, it’s from my part time jobs and whatever else. I just prefer to not work but ya’ know that’s not how life works. I just feel like i never have time for myself, or if i do... it’s at night and then i’m usually dead tired. So it’s like what time do I really have? 
Then it’s the guys. The guys SUCK and I just rather people just NOT with me, but ya’ know they don’t care. and I guess I shouldn’t either. 
I am not well. My wellness wheel is not complete, and I am working on it. 
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aishiarmoore · 4 years ago
We Back Part 200000
Back with the bullshit. Can’t wait to start blogging again b/c life continues to suck ass and ruin mee. So we out here getting into it! 
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aishiarmoore · 7 years ago
There are black magazines, black award shows, black college scholarships and black television channels. Since all of these things would be unacceptable for whites, it seems that the more privileged race is black.
A submission we received that clearly does not get the point of our entire project. (via microaggressions)
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aishiarmoore · 8 years ago
Back & Better
Wow... it’s been SOOO long since i’ve been on here. Is this thing on? Haha, well I’m back and better than ever. I feel like I’ll continue to post dramatic blogs about my life, but nobody it’s something I can reflect on, or maybe someone else may feel the same way I feel! Who knows? But...I think I’m starting to like this all over again. 
-Chelsey A. Wylder 
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aishiarmoore · 11 years ago
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#Photography #AishiaProductions
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aishiarmoore · 12 years ago
Young But NOT dumb!
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aishiarmoore · 12 years ago
Not as it Seems!
Sometimes I wonder--Will I ever meet THAT one? I've been hurt so
manytimes and it'd be nice if I had the opportunity to be happy. Can that
happen? Can I not have a boyfriend who cheats, lies, and doesn't care?
PLEASE..That's all I ask.
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aishiarmoore · 13 years ago
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aishiarmoore · 13 years ago
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aishiarmoore · 13 years ago
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aishiarmoore · 13 years ago
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