A Trapper’s Trap Can Trap The Trapper
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I wish dragons were real
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triplestrike-trainer · 1 year ago
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Happy birthday Hiccup!
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triplestrike-trainer · 1 year ago
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I got my hands on it
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triplestrike-trainer · 1 year ago
I wonder if there is some form of common tong or proper Norse used when speaking with other tribes.
Just finished HTTYD book 4 (I am relistening to the series completely out of order why not) & the Hysterics, specifically Norbert, clock Hiccup and Fishlegs as Hooligans pretty damn fast. This might just be assumption, seeing as Hooligans are the most likely people to be on the Island of Vilany since it neighbours Berk but that's not a total given. Not to fall into my forever habit of fleshing out and complicating fantasy settings to be more realistic but is there a possibility that different viking tribes have distinctive clothing which marks who they are, or maybe that they speak different dialects? Its been a while but I remember something about there being like 70 something words for rain 'in the Berk language' not Norse, in the first book (I think I could be wrong). Also, in 8 Hiccup says that Ugg runes are hard to read, thus meaning the Ugglythugs have a mildly different writing system to Hooligans (or...shit handwriting (carvewriting?) but also so does literally everyone in this series so). They have to all be speaking Norse since there's never any issues with communication throughout the series. Hiccup is shown to be a bit of a polyglot but other characters never seem to struggle to understand each other. However, it would make sense if different tribes have drifted away from the standard Norse that was likely spoken during the OG Wilderwest days enough to have distinctive accents or maybe mild dialects (like, tribes closer together who interact way more have kept in lingiustic lockstep so the Hooligans and Bogburglers have very similar vocab but just some different accents whereas the Hooligans and the Beserks would have less in common & their Norse would sound more dialectical to eachother) OR maybe the tribes have existed as distinct groups since before the Wilderwest unification/were created and maintained during that time period and to maintain a cohesive nation (what....the fuck did the OG Wilderwest look like actually? Like politically, how did it operate? That is a whole other post but I'm assuming there was some element of centralisation and unification seeing as how it's talked about in the series) standardised Norse grew in popularity but the original languages of the tribes still influenced speakers and fused with the standard Norse. Which would make sense with the 70+ Hooligan words for rain, since historically it seems like native names for flora, fauna and the natural world stick around since imposed or adopted languages often don't have replacement words for these things or don't need to rename all the birds or whatever. Idk, maybe Hooligans have really distinctive helmets! People who know more about linguistics than me feel free to muse, ponder and or contradict me.
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triplestrike-trainer · 1 year ago
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This is a snowstorm. Pretty fucking windy indeed.
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
They really said begone thought
incredibly tragic of couse but also absolutely hilarious that Serious Viking Law required you straight up just submitting your baby to a vibe check with not passing getting the death penalty
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
I fully agree
my silly little httyd headcanons!! (mostly the rtte gang)
hiccup always has scrap metal on him to fiddle with.
the hierarchy of the dragon riders' cooking skills: 1) heather (obviously, it's practically canon), 2) snotlout (his mum taught him), 3) fishlegs (idk he seems like he'd stress bake), 4) hiccup (he was left alone often as a child. he had to fend for himself. we've seen him cook multiple times. it fits, for me), 5) tuff (he's not the best, but it's better than ruff's), 6) ruff (she refused to learn how to cook. she had to be practically held down in order to learn. she refuses to practice the skill), 7) astrid (you don't wanna eat it. seriously. just, don't.)
snotlout once caught fishlegs reading a book to his plants. he asked why, and fishlegs was like "bc it makes them grow faster". snotlout's reply was a snort. "no, you idiot. they grow faster if you sing to them!!" so snotlout taught fishlegs the best songs to sing to flowers, courtesy of mama snot.
spitelout gets NO BITCHES. the only reason mama snot is married to him is bc of arranged marriages.
astrid sleeps with a knife under her pillow. and an axe. oh, and a random piece of sharp scrap metal that hiccup gave to her as a birthday present. she hoards it like it's her greatest treasure.
on the edge, they 100% played a weird viking version of smash or pass with their enemies, both past and present. the arguments got very, very heated.
there is a swear jar. the main people who put money into it are hiccup, astrid, ruff (though she tries - and succeeds - to not get caught), and, on a rare occasion, fishlegs. mama snot didn't raise snotlout like that. tuff just prefers to say outlandish, completely random things in the place of swear words.
if they played genshin impact, their mains would be as follows: hiccup is a layla main. astrid is a kuki main. tuff is a hu tao main. ruff is a lisa main. fishlegs is a freminet main. snotlout is a ganyu main.
as an elaborate prank, no one in the gang tells fishlegs everything he did as thor bonecrusher. they leave out key details. they make up stories. the whole of berk is in on it. they watch on, amused, from the sidelines. a villain will mention something he did as thor and he'll be like, "um??? wdym???"
there was an argument over which grimborn brother would make a better partner. some (astrid, fishlegs) refused to participate. team viggo consisted of hiccup ("he's smart, he's attractive, and he'd keep me on my toes"), ruff ("what can i say? i like 'em pretty"), and heather ("idk he seems a little traumatised.. can relate"). team ryker consisted of snotlout ("he's a warrior!! also he wouldn't manipulate me like my dad"), and tuff ("i just want to spite ruff. also, he'd be pretty fun to annoy"). borders were drawn. essays were written, as were poems. speeches were made. dragon hunters were very confused when one of the grimborn's would do something, only for one of the dragon riders on their team to loudly exclaim, "SEE?!", and gesture exasperatedly at the non-believers.
spitelout once gave snotlout a "gift", which was massively hated by both him and the riders. they burned it, laughing all the while, as the twins proclaimed it as a sacrifice to loki.
tuff bites. hard.
when stressed, the riders will talk to chicken. but like, by force. you're sad? BAM. a chicken, right there. she will follow you. everywhere. and unless you want to reveal to your (very protective) friends that you are sad, you confess to the chicken. she doesn't tell anyone. she's essentially their therapist.
there is a shrine to chicken, which is annually moved. the first time the dragon hunters took over the edge, they jumped at the sight of it. rumours began that the riders were part of a cult. once, gobber screamed at the sight of the shrine in the spare room of the forge. when asked why, all the riders have a different response. it ranges from ominous (ruff, tuff, snotlout) to awkward (fishlegs) to downright gaslighting them into thinking it isn't real (astrid, hiccup). they only stop after gothi almost has a heart attack when she comes across it one day and stoick calls off their shenanigans. please hiccup. she's so old.
the dragon riders all share their things. the twins, however, often take things they shouldn't. they're the equivalent of the communist bugs bunny meme. they're not your socks, fishy, they're our socks!
they have days where they swap dragons. i know this happens in the show from time to time, but i mean like, an actual arranged date where they pull straws and see which dragon they get. astrid and windshear are known to be a dynamic duo, as are heather and stormfly. tuff works well with toothless. there has not yet been a dragon that hiccup has struggled to bond with. i doubt there will ever be one.
they have a chart of people, ranked by levels of seductiveness. ruff and tuff made it for laughs. they don't actually use it. it's funny when the dragon hunters discover it, though, and think "oh my gods, this is how they're gonna get info out of us!!" viggo knows it's a joke. he guessed ages ago. he thinks it's funny, though, so he tells no one.
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
I mean…
Snotlout in the ‘I am Kenough’ hoodie is now cannon in HTTYD universe and you cannot change my mind 💅
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lil dragon draws i see your vision. this is my brainrot version of it xoxo
(also shout out to @dominickthemoth who did a full render version of snotlout in a kenough hoodie, i think u might like it :D)
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
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They’re on a road trip
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
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The group dynamic
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
Happy birthday!
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
Reblog from main
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Happy April fools
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
Reblog from main
I Got upsides with the idea of Hiccup and Astrid as vampires and did this (sorry they’re so messy I feel like most don’t even look like them)
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triplestrike-trainer · 2 years ago
Reblog from main
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Since my last fanart was well received here’s work in progress
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