#There's a legitness to his character hype
romancable-tabris · 6 months
I was legit gonna be in Astarion's corner for Supreme Vampirehood. But. Man. Homeboy is just as traumatised as his turner. Cazador is just fucked up and trying to survive. I can blame him for the means in which he tried to survive but I can't for having the fears etc that he had.
Im just glad Astarion ended it. I'm legit, so so proud of him too. Karlach gets it!
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naturenaruto · 3 months
#killer bee sweepppp sndnsj#anyways killer bee bc hes so fuckin irritating i dont even want his tailed beast i would just kill him#jiraiya bc he mughtve once been funny but in his old age he let himself go. just an old creep now pip pip#kushina bc her rage and resentment over failed dreams is understandable but her abusiveness is not#fugaku bc those two lines under his mouth piss me tf off and hes the reason itachi had to do that. also he was mean to bb saske insta-die#those two elders are fuckinng everyone else over to satiate their need to conquer their own trauma. like is it enough. could it ever be#danzo idk his pissy litle voice and the fact that he tries so hard to be cool but hes just not. obviously hes living thru his little boytoy#hiruzen he just pisses me off. like in general. like ur not the hero and u had ur son murdered bc ur obsessed with a little boy. so#sakura dont get me wrong shes the epitamy of complicated mostly shes just annoying bc she wants to be different but then it doesnt happen#gai i like gai dont get me wrong but he does get annoying sometimes and i have issues with him and tenten idk#obito is literly incel annoying like he used rin as his sunshine power a complete lack of self awareness and hes that type that like uses#girls as like little cheerleaders like theyre just supporting characters for His Life and not actusl people#rin is so annoying too tho like damn girl i Understand the torment of having to hype up a mid guy that cheesed on you. like that was legit#probly harder for u than the exams but shes annoying bc she then used that role and idk something grody about her manipulating them but ma#naruto
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Kamen Rider Geats episode 38 poorly summarized via memes with as little context as possible:
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herejusttosufferalong · 2 months
I have to get something off my chest - do I think that people should be hateful on SM towards Luke, absolutely not. The man doesn’t deserve any of the crap that I’ve seen come his way over the past two weeks. I do think he’s made some serious errors in judgement that hopefully he’s reflecting on. 
However, I absolutely hate the way certain people are making excuses for him online. He’s a grown man, and he should take responsibility for his actions or inactions. Fan service is a legit part of the job of a successful actor, take the feedback and improve. I’m frustrated with the way woman in particular make excuses for him just because he’s a man. If I hear one more “he’s got adhd…” as an excuse, I’ll scream. He himself has stated on more than one occasion that he didn’t want to be defined by his ADHD. 
I feel like if the situation was reversed and Nicola had a pap walk and stopped interacting with fans the day the premier launched, the same women wouldn’t have as much grace. We would get “oh she thinks she’s too good for the fandom…”
Stop treating men like children. 
"I feel like if the situation was reversed and Nicola had a pap walk and stopped interacting with fans the day the premier launched, the same women wouldn’t have as much grace."
Are there actual people out here who believe this?
Because we need to take a moment to be completely fuckin honest.
If the roles had been reversed and Luke just showed up with friends and Nic showed up with a rumored boyfriend and then she was papped leaving the party with said man, everyone would be congratulating her.
Folks would be clamoring to find out more about her respective partner and hyping her up for it.
They would have never have shit on her and made her feel like she needed a break from the fandom. They wouldn't be going to Luke's comments and taking up for him, while cursing her, as if he were somehow wounded by the "stunt" she pulled.
There are many reasons why Luke got the hate he did. The biggest reason is projection and it's not timing, as some like to claim.
Let's BFFR.
Insecure women projected past/current hurt from personal situations onto Luke, using the pap walk as a way of reaffirming their biases that at the end of the day he is just a typical man who does shitty things.
Nevermind the countless accounts of his actual character from the people who know him the best.
These same crazies are going to let a photo dictate who he is, even though the context of events is still unclear.
From there they spew nothing but hate and vitriol in his SM comment section.
Then they have the fucking nerve to wonder why he isn't posting online more. Why there seems to be some disconnect from the fandom. Why he doesn’t interact even with Nic as much.
Can you imagine having the fuckin audacity?
Every little thing he does or doesn't do is under so much scrutiny and there is nothing really wrong with that. It's the received hate he gets from that scrutiny that is the problem.
There is plenty of things that Luke has done that give me pause but let's not act like the level of outrage would have been the same if the roles were reversed. It would have been next to nonexistent.
P.S. If you are one of the insecure women as mentioned above don't bother coming for me because I don't like you and I don't fucking care.
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catz4ever · 7 days
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They hyped up his character so much with adds and multiple interviews with Sam. Sam has been non stop promoting the show and Adar and I can't but hope that maybe there's a reason for this? Does he have a bigger part to play? He even said "next year" in one of his interviews when they were discussing black speech and I've been holding onto that for dear life. Please someone comfort me 😭
I've legit had some real anxiety about this whole thing. Probably some PTSD from the recast last season but I can't lose another Adar. We just got Sam 🥺
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emmie-writes-stuff · 2 months
New blue lock chapter!!!!!
Time for Emmie’s semi-regular ramble
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Rin is one of my favourites so most of the screenshots I took this time are just of him-
And looking at his eyes compared to how he was in the U20 match, this time, Rin is more in control of himself and not so zeroed in on Sae (even though he still flashes back to childhood this chapter, at least Sae isn’t here so he’s able to focus on the game more instead of his complex emotions about his brother)
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I swear, I’m on the floor scavenging at this point-
I wish that we could’ve gotten more of them playing against each other, considering Hiori has had his playstyle and attitude towards soccer compared to Sae multiple times
It would’ve been cool to see, not just from a shipping perspective, but also from a story perspective, since the two meshed up real well during the third selection playoffs
Buuuuut they’re also two of my favourite characters and I much prefer to see them play against each other than see Isagi and Rin play against each other
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Fucking freak-
Is there any better way you could’ve phrased that?????
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Go wild you uncontrollable storm!!!!!!!
I’m legit so hyped to see Rin play, it’s giving me life!!!!!
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I love seeing more of these two as kids
The way that Sae interacts with Rin gives me a strange sense of nostalgia
I’m the oldest in my family and I had to kind of do all the little things for my brothers and keep them from getting in trouble (I was the scapegoat child but we don’t need to get into my relationship with my parents-)
I practically raised the younger two, so seeing how Sae is with Rin when they were kids is so nostalgic to me and gives me too many emotions to put to words
I really need to know what happened in Spain to have Sae completely flip his switch
There’s a lot of ideas I have when it comes to Sae and how he really feels about Rin and why he does what he does, but that’s a different post for a different day
For now, we get to see them as children before everything went all upside down and sideways
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How many times have they got mad at Rin???
Sad parent backstory introduced
I’ve had this idea that their parents kinda were busy with stuff and that’s the reason that they weren’t around in the other flashbacks aside from seeing Sae off at the airport, but this gives me so many different ideas
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I can only include ten screenshots so I have to skip the brothers with ice cream, but Sae saying that he’s always gonna be by Rin’s side, knowing how they are in the current time makes me feel bittersweet about everything
Like, I REALLY hope we get to see Sae’s experience in Spain and what took him from a hyped up 13 year old to the defeated 17 year old we saw in the flashbacks, to the completely numb Sae we have now
I skipped over all the Isagi categorizing folks stuff because it’s not the reason I read and I’m much more interested in the brothers, but it’s a little intristing how he’s putting everyone in little boxes
I just don’t care enough to cover it-
Anyways, that’s all for now!!
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kaeyachi · 5 months
So...I finished the Arlecchino story quest...
Spoilers below!
TW: Mentions of Suicide, Child Experimentation, Child Abuse, and Murder/Death
This is, by far, the best story quest I have ever done!
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please save him.
Wait, actually, yeah please do save him. Pulcinella and Pantalone are both plotting in the background, and they got Childe involved...
I also loved the children! Look at how terrifying they are! They're my absolute faves!!
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Lyney cementing the reason as to why Arlecchino chose him as the next King is wonderful to see as well. For some time, I thought Freminet and Lynette had a shot, even with reading their lore. What I have failed to realize is that Lyney really is the inspiration for all of the people in the House of the Hearth. His frustrated and disappointed spiel about Freminet not trusting him with Clervie struck me to the heart. This is an older brother at work here people!
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Also if I had a nickel every time a cryo younger brother hid a dangerous secret from his pyro older brother which got them into an argument once the truth came out, I'd have 2 nickels ✌️ (somehow gave me war flashbacks to a scene that doesn't even exist lmao)
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Clervie! Our dearest! I'm not fully sure what part in her design did it, but she barely looks like an NPC somehow. Like, yes, this is still an NPC base model, but... is it perhaps the hair? And the extra lashes??
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Also, her calling Arlecchino "Perrie" made me sob. I wasn't ready to hear nicknames!!
The mention of Snezhnayan auroras also made me sob again as well. You know what? This entire thing made me sob.
Clervie's dread and horror at the thought of her own mother, her unrelenting spirit that kept her going in her fight for her fellow peers freedom despite the abuse that she will receive, and her unfulfilled dreams repeatedly being mentioned throughout this quest was heartbreaking.
I do have to say- the animations they released for Arlecchino helped a lot with the emotions we are supposed to feel for this quest. Not only was that good Advertising and promotion for the Arlecchino banner, it also set up the plot that would have not been well presented ingame had they chose to do that instead.
Crucabena and Clervie part of this quest were not the only ones mentioned in this quest, but also that damn dude that she killed with her heels! I personally like the way they released all those animations because the quest feels more emotional and alive now, and we could follow with the story better than before (and it effectively increased the hype)
Speaking of more alive, the facial expressions have definitely improved! This quest had them utilizing various expressions well, specifically for the playable characters, so, again, this really helped with the feel of the quest.
Additionally, adding a picture to scenes also set the tone really well. It's not that pictures have never been included in quests before, but the way these were framed(?) made it look way better than the ones before.
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By the way...is it just me? Or did Paimon's voice somewhat mellow out for this quest? I had recently played some other story and world quests, and Paimon's EN voice is admittedly high-pitched and painful to hear in those, but for this quest, it's as if her voice was toned down (like Mondstadt Paimon, but with current Paimon energy). I'm hoping this was them taking the criticism from past and adjusting their instructions to Paimon's VA accordingly, because I loved Paimon's voice in this quest (that or I'm delulu)
Quick lore tidbits before I go back to gushing about this quest:
1. Arlecchino confirmed not from Fontaine (like I legit thought she may be Khaenri'ahn due to the blood moon thing she has going for her, but it's nice to confirm her non-Fontainian status)
2. Crucabena was the one who had a deal with Dottore on sending members of the HotH to him for experimentation. Anyone who was physically impaired or left alive after a duel to death are automatically sent to him. Clervie has described this as a fate worse than death... Peruere rejected Dottore's partnership offer once she became the next knave. Also, Crucabena used Clervie as an "example" for those who wish to escape, meaning Clervie received the most abuse (which apparently worsened as the years went by). Clervie lost hope sometime along the way and was basically suicidal as well by the time she and Arlecchino had their duel... Her mindset by that time is that the only hope for freedom to her is death. The popular theory of Clervie letting Arlecchino kill her is proven in a horrifying way with this discovery... (yes, she wanted Arlecchino to be the king, but at the same time, she took this situation as a chance to hit 2 birds with 1 stone)
3. Project Stuzha is apparently something highly dangerous, and Pulcinella and Pantalone are trying to get Childe and Arlecchino involved (Childe was told to aide the project by Pulcinella, while Arlecchino says she doesnt want the HotH to be involved in it)
4. Here is me reannouncing that I am in fact taking the L on the Freminet and Crucabena situation. Basically, the timeline is that at age 16, Clervie dies, and we are left with a 1 year time period for a 6 year old Freminet to enter under Crucabena (I'm guessing this is either a retcon or a means to hide the Arlecchino plot by not having them directly say mother in Freminet's character story 4). After that said 1 year, Peruere kills Crucabena and has spent several months in Snezhnaya before reviving the House of the Hearth and adopting Lyney and Lynette (perhaps the children of Crucabena's HotH simply stuck together during that time)
Basically, yes, Arlecchino is in her mid-20s. Not my personal cup of tea, but hey, genshin ages are confusing most days (Ayato is older than her, and Ayaka may actually be older than her as well... ugh I need a moment please... I MAY BE THE SAME AGE AS HER. NO-)
5. Freminet used to also call Lyney "brother". What changed that, I'm not sure (and if I had a nickel...), but the thought of baby Freminet following around big bro Lyney and big sis Lynette makes my heart melt. Freminet actually cried after Lyney basically told him how important Fremi is to him, so whoever made Freminet think otherwise... 😡 they better square up because we ride at dawn
ok back to me gushing
THE BOSS FIGHT? IT WAS SO COOL! It was beautifully animated, and the fact that they added this at the end?
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The fear on the traveler's eyes upon realization of what true power Arlecchino held was amazing imo. We canonically cannot defeat Arlecchino in her boss fight! She will be a weekly boss that we can defeat, but in actuality, we really cannot beat the number 4 of the Fatui Harbringers.
We now have actual proof that harbringers 1-4 are not within our capabilities to challenge, and to add to that horror, this is us fighting Arlecchino with Lyney, Lynette, and Freminet. This is also actual proof that we, the traveler, cannot defeat a ton of other characters as well! (were cooked if we never get a power boost and plot armor✌️)
Also let me sneak in this picture:
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Cunty as fck. Powerpuff girls energy. They're the Heathers, and we, the traveler, are Veronica.
And finally, the last part of my commentary that cemented this quest as my top 1:
Everything Arlecchino has done for the House of the Hearth, it was all thanks to Clervie and her dreams.
Arlecchino has shaped the HotH into a more honest relationship between her as the father and them as her children. Everything Clervie hated about the old HotH is now nonexistent in this version.
The children could be set free.
Duels are not to death.
They will not be sent to their doom if they lose.
This is everything that Clervie dreamed of, and this is everything Clervie tragically never got to see and experience because she lost all hope.
Clervie's story ended in tragedy, but Peruere lived and breathed Clervie's dreams for her anyway. Seeing the aurora was the start of Peruere finding the goal of living Clervie's dream, and now, Arlecchino strives to do her best to see those dreams come to fruition.
And the qualities that Peruere admired in Clervie are the same qualities that made her want Lyney to become the next king. Hopeful, caring, protective, passionate, and full of conviction. Lyney will take the mantle and live and breathe for Clervie's and Peruere's dreams someday.
Honestly, I have more to say, but I think this is a good place to stop for now. The dynamics of all these characters have made this experience worthwhile, and I hope that genshin continues with this sort of style in the future. Here's to more amazing stories from genshin!
Bonus screenshot while we are still here:
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gartenofbanny · 1 year
Barbie Wire..oh boy what a mess she is. Barbie Wire isn't that much of a mess because of how she's written, she's a mess because of how little she has. Out of all the antagonists in Helluva Boss, Barbie Wire has the most missed opportunities, which is sad to even think about. This is a character that has been recognized by the fandom ever since the pilot was released yet in her debut she has lesser screentime than Verosika Mayday. Who knew that Blitzo's ex would get more screentime than Blitzo's actual relative, but screentime isn't the only problem I have with this character. Viv and her crew had a couple opportunities to mention or show Barbie Wire in previous episodes or even outside the show, but they didn't for some reason. Despite Viv stating that Helluva Boss mainly centers around Blitzo and his history, they never expanded on Barbie Wire, who is Blitzo's sister.
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The Circus
The Circus was the first episode in Season 2 showing Blitzo and Stolas as children. While most of the episode centered around Stolas and Blitzo, we got to see Blitzo's childhood for the first time. What his occupation was, how his father treated him, his relationship with Fizzarolli, and how he first met Stolas...wait..that's it. Those were the only things we actually saw in The Circus.
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Despite literally being Blitzo's twin, Barbie Wire wasn't shown or mentioned once throughout this entire episode. They instead gave that sibling-like role to Fizzarolli who isn't even related to Blitzo at all. Barbie Wire wasn't even mentioned by Cash Buckzo when he tried to convince Blitzo to steal from Stolas' home.
There were people assuming that this character right here is Barbie Wire, but different horn patterns. So an episode showing Blitzo's childhood for the first time doesn't even show Barbie Wire once, what a great start.
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Lack of Hype
Barbie Wire had very little hype for her character as time was going on. Viv and the other creators did very little to showcase her or even try to make an attempt to hype her up, the fandom has acknowledged and appreciated Barbie Wire's existence more than the creators themselves have. Let that sink in.
For this section, I'm gonna bring up a character that actually had hype and that's Andrealphus. Now personally, I don't believe Andrealphus was planned until Season 2 was being developed because you'd think a character like him would be mentioned way more especially by Stella in Season 1. Anyway, Andrealphus had some hype surrounding him with his design and role released in February 2022
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And in one of the teasers of Western Energy, we actually get a gif of his Frozen-themed birthday cake-shaped manor hyping up his character even more. While he was underwhelming as hell in his debut, people were looking forward to the episode just to see him for the first time.
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Are there any gifs featuring Barbie Wire for Unhappy Campers? No, there aren't. The only gifs that advertise Unhappy Campers are three gifs of Moxxie and Millie in their mediocre human disguises.
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People only knew that Barbie Wire was going to be in this episode due to a teaser trailer for Helluva Boss that was released last year. I'm pretty sure some folks didn't even know that Barbie Wire was even gonna be in this episode getting into it.
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I almost forgot to mention, the latest merch sale for Helluva Boss completely forgot to mention the new Barbie Wire pin that was released. Not sure how the hell they missed that, but I'm pretty sure it was intentional.
Very little screentime
Barbie Wire does not have much screentime and the screentime she does have doesn't really explain much of her character. Half of her screentime consists of her fighting Moxxie and Blitzo and the other half of her screentime consists of her shit talking Blitzo and we don't have a clue as to why she hates his brother.
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Barbie Wire has more screen time being mentioned by Blitzo and other demons than she actually appearing in the episode itself. Hell Barbie Wire legit has more screen time just being featured in posters or being mentioned by other characters in previous episodes than she does in her actual appearance in Unhappy Campers overall.
Remember when the robotic version of Fizzarolli was introduced in the beginning of Loo Loo Land and was the antagonist throughout the entire episode. What the hell happened to that? Oh I know, Helluva Boss as of recently loves to maintain two or three plots which makes the pacing out of order which as a result makes the character screen time shorter.
Lady Blitzo
Personality-wise, Barbie Wire is just Blitzo but female. She uses her body to manipulate people to get what she wants, works for an illegal business, hates damn near everybody, is violent as hell, and blames others for her failures. There are very few differences between Barbie Wire and Blitzo, I know that there probably are differences but I don't know what exactly those differences are because we don't know a lot about Barbie Wire. More on that later.
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Her Human Disguise
I never had a problem with Barbie Wire's true form because I don't care about her looking exactly like Blitzo. She's literally his twin, why wouldn't they look the same? It is one thing for Crimson and Moxxie to look alike since they're father and son, but it's understandable that Barbie Wire looks like Blitzo.
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wait did Barbie Wire get a redesign?
But what isn't understandable or even makes sense is Barbie Wire's human form looks very similar to Velvette as a Sinner.
Why does Barbie Wire, a Hellborn demon from Helluva Boss look somewhat like an older version of Velvette a sinner from Hazbin Hotel? This is the second new character in a row who looks like an already-designed character. And like the 5th character overall who has a design similar to a previously made character.
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And why the hell are her forearms so huge but everything else is thin? I know Blitzo has big forearms but isn't he also muscular? It makes some sense with his build but Barbie Wire isn't muscular at all. She's literally a fallen-off pop star junkie.
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Vivziepop has been drawing and designing for almost a decade as a hobby and as an occupation yet she can't make a design that doesn't have remnants of an already-made design. Too many characters look similar to each other in both Hazbin and Helluva that sometimes you forget who is who.
They can literally do so much with Barbie Wire's human disguise, but they just made her look like Velvette but skinnier.
Lack of character story
There's..not much to Barbie Wire that actually answers questions that people had. The most popular one being, "Why does Barbie Wire hate Blitzo?" In Unhappy Campers we don't get a reason as to why Barbie Wire hates Blitzo, we just know that she hates him for some reason.
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I still can't with Blitzo's puppy dog eyes
At least when Verosika made her debut in Spring Broken we're given a few lines as to why Verosika just despises Blitzo. Blitzo ran away with her car all the way to Wrath and maxed out her credit card on horse riding lessons and possibly never came into contact with her again up until Spring Broken. And in Ozzie's we're given even further clues as to why Verosika hates Blitzo as she literally insults him in the last few lines of her portion of "House of Asmodeus". But with Barbie Wire, Blitzo's blood related twin sister, we get nothing. We just know that she hates Blitzo and never wants to speak with him again.
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We don't even know anything about her personally either. What was her relationship with Fizzarolli like? What was her relationship with Verosika like? Why did Verosika insult her? How did she obtain an Asmodean Crystal? All of these questions, no canonical answers. Just fan theories and speculation which..is a huge ass problem with Helluva Boss and to an extent Hazbin Hotel too.
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Barbie Wire is unfortunately a wasted potential and a huge missed opportunity writing wise and at this point I'm not even looking forward to the new characters at this point especially the female ones because I know the writers won't do the characters any good. Thank you all for reading and I hope you all have a nice day!
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ryanguzmansource · 2 months
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Full Transcript (8.4.24)
(already posted on RGS here)
M: Recording? Everybody recording?
R: Everybody's recording.
M: Everybody tuned in? We just filmed half the episode and forgot that we weren't recording.
R: No, that was great.
M: Yeah, and that's my time. Man, yo, what up gang? Welcome to the L&L Podcast, where we sit down with a dope individual, get a lecture, learn a little bit about their life, then we get in the lab and create something dope, which is gonna come at a later day, because me and this guest got a real special one that's gonna take some time, so be patient. I promise it's gonna be worth it. In the meantime, there's gonna be a special aspect, a special section of this interview. It's gonna be for Patreon only. It's gonna be Fan Questions and a little mini lab that I haven't told him about yet, because it's gonna be a surprise slash side mission, but yeah, so we're gonna get there, patreon.com/lnlpod.
Join the university right now, it's only $5, and you can get the BTS and the creatives and all the episodes a day early, and for the other seven episodes as well. So this episode is the season one finale.
Yeah, I'm so hyped that y'all made it this far. Season One has been a road. So yeah, you know, we wanna keep doing more and more and more, and we're in a new space. This is the Feybl [pronounced Fable] House, first episode that we gonna do here, and this is gonna be our new home for a while, and it ain't cheap, so all my brands out there, if you wanna sponsor the boy, that'd be great.
M: All right, we're here today with somebody super dope. I've known him for a while now, maybe six years or so through a mutual friend, and since day one that we've met, he's let me into his life and into his home, and he's been a big supporter of me and everything I've been doing these last six years and vice versa and some quick flowers. Multi-talented in so many different facets of art, and we're gonna try to get into all of them in some way, shape or form today. My boy, Ryan Guzman. What's cracking, my boy?
R: What's up, bro? Thanks for having me, man.
M: I appreciate that.
R: I appreciate you.
M: Yeah, you're my dog. You're my dog. I just jumped into it. I wasn't gonna start it this way, but when you told me where you were earlier today, you had a fitting for a season eight for 9-1-1. What kind of weird shit they got you wearing?
R: Nothing weird yet. I mean, I feel like it's more clothes this season than last. The last season, I felt like half naked half the whole season. Nah, I mean, the character's been established now. We kind of know what to expect with the vibe, and now it's just kind of falling back in the old rhythm. And the only thing different now is where the character's head's at and where he's going.
M: Got you. I mean, the majority of what you wear is the firefighter fit anyway.
R: Yeah, a lot of plaid, a lot of cowboy shit.
M: It's legit, though, like the firefighter fits. They're like legit firefighter shit.
R: To an extent. Yeah, there's certain times where we're wearing the actual gear and we'll have to take out the lining because if we're in, say, for instance, 112 degree weather, we got to stay in that shit for like hours. I can cuss?
M: Yeah.
R: All right. We got to stay in that shit for like 12 hours, 14 hours. So we're not trying to do that. So luckily, the wardrobe department helps us out.
M: Because that shit be heavy as hell, bro.
R: I mean, full gear, that's like 50, 60 pounds.
M: See, no, I'm good.
R: Yeah.
M: I'm good. That's why you get paid the big bucks, bro.
R: Yeah.
M: That's dope, man. Okay. Can we talk about where you just came from? With Rosario [Dawson]?
R: Oh, yeah. Yeah. Yeah. We can talk about that.
M: Cool. Yeah. He just got back from filming over the weekend. It was quick weekend shoot, like in and out?
R: It was full week. Yeah. And how it happened actually was kind of crazy. Like my boy Lamont, shout out to him, he's the writer on the movie, and they had already been filming. So they're like 10, 12 days in. He hit me up and he's like, hey, so this character that we've been writing, like we don't have anybody for him. They have somebody in mind and then Rosario has another person in mind, but we're not sure if they're going to work out with the scheduling and everything. So I'm like, all right, send me the script. Sends me the script.
M: You was plan B, dog?
R: I was plan C, but-
M: I'll take it.
R: Oh man, after I read that thing—cause I'm not thinking nothing like that—I'm like, you know what? I read that. I'm like, all right, now I'm gonna kill this.
M: Okay.
R: Yeah, I want this. And it's a smaller role, it's what I've been looking for, I'm not looking for, like, the lead role right now.
M: Word.
R: I'm looking for something really textured, really, like, fun to do, and this is everything it was. So, like, I get the thing, I hit Lamont back, I'm like yo, whoever you're thinking about, you can tell me. I'ma—I'ma beat them. I need to get—I need this.
M: I need names. Who were they?
R: Yeah. So I can't remember the first person, but the other person was Wilmer Valderama, and that's a close friend to Rosario.
M: Okay.
R: So I almost hit Wilmer, cause I know Wilmer, and I was like, bro, step out. [laughs] But everything worked out the way it should be. So I sent Lamont, you know, my fight background. I sent him me shooting and stuff cause it's an action flick.
M: I was going to say fight background. So your character, you whooping on somebody?
R: Yeah, we get down. So me and Rosario, she's doing like a John Wick kind of thing.
M: Oh.
R: Yeah.
M: So she's the John Wick?
R: She's the John Wick.
M: Let's go.
R: Yeah. I'm the partner.
M: Okay. Good guy partner.
R: Good guy partner.
M: Alright.
R: Either way, though, like the whole thing was just from day one, like, as soon as I get on set, she was the coolest person in the fucking world.
M: Tight. First time working with her?
R: First time working. We have mutual friends. Like I said, Wilmer, we know Wilmer. Another girl named Pantera Sarah. Shout out to her too. But there's so many like individuals that we know, we never crossed paths.
M: Sure.
R: And I heard from all of them, like, when you get to see her, you're going to understand why so many people love her. And I can understand.
M: Quick.
R: I was on a FaceTime with my kids and my mom, and she pops in right behind, and she just like naturally flows into the conversation. She's like, give me a hug kind of thing. And she's like, you know..
M: Those are the kind of people you want to work with, man. Like, there's so many people out there, they can turn such a positive environment and opportunity into just like, yo, get me out of here.
R: I've worked with them.
M: I know.
R: Yeah, I've worked with some idols of mine and I'm like, never meet your idols. idols of mine and I'm like, okay...
M: Never meet your idols, man. That's what they say.
R: Learning experience, yeah.
M: You don't have to say names. Do you have any stories that pop in your head, like when you think of working with people like that, you're like, yo, there's one time, there's one person that was like this.
R: Absolutely. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
M: You don't have to say names.
R: It's a learning experience. As soon as you find out certain people you thought would be, like, really, really talented in one aspect, and you hear that they're using a little ear thing, or they don't even know about the script. I heard one of my idols say, I hope—the movie that I was doing with—goes straight to the trash. I was like, I'm doing a movie with you. Yeah. Like what? Like how do you—? Come to find out it was just for a paycheck. So I'm like, okay. So those kind of things are defeating. But then you work with Rosario Dawson. You work with certain individuals like Angela Bassett.
M: Like, yeah.
R: My God. They give you this new sense of energy, this new like, like, this is why I do this, you know?
M: I was going to save this question for the private one because we already flown in it and you can plead the fifth, bro. But there was another podcast interview from a homie of mine called the No Chaser Podcast. Shout out No Chaser. And he brought on an ex of yours who mentioned that there was an ex of hers who that person worked on a movie where that actress forced him to pretend to be single and went public and faked a relationship for press for the movie.
R: Yeah.
M: Some legitimacy behind that?
R: To fake to be single? Nah, there was no faking to be single, but it did seem like I-I don't know, because I was going everywhere with, we're talking about Jennifer Lopez, right?
M: We are, yeah.
R: I was going everywhere with Jennifer Lopez and, like, rumors get spread and that's kind of what it was. And I'm kind of new to the whole, like, fame thing and at that point, so I done Step Up and stuff, that's a certain fame, but Jennifer Lopez is on a different level. So I wasn't used to everybody being in my business and asking crazy outlandish questions. Seeing me by her side, I'm thinking it's all promotional for the movie, and then it turned into this other thing.
M: Well, I mean, when she's like, you think it's promotion and she's like, yeah, promotion and just slips you one of these or leans in a little bit too close and is like, hey, I'm going to head out. You need to leave with me. Like, just walk me to my car, but don't tell people why. Just let's go.
R: Like, it was nothing like that. It was like, yeah, because had it been like that. She's a vet.
M: She knows what to do.
R: She knows what she's doing. But I, at the time, didn't, and I was just going with the flow pretty much. And I had, yeah, at that point in time, I had a girlfriend. Everything was on the up and up. I told her, you know, everything that was going down and everything. And I think she had been talking to Casper at that point.
M: Jen.
R: Yeah, yeah, yeah. So they were on and off and on.
M: That's how I met Jen was through Casper.
R: Relationship kind of thing, yeah. So everything was exactly what it should have been. And again, I'm thinking, I killed this shit on the movie. So I'm like, I want people to see this. So you're asking me to do promotion with you? Yes.
M: Let's go.
R: Let's do it. I'm going to do everything I possibly can. Oh, you want to bring me on a whatever show? I'm there.
M: Yeah.
R: So I'm saying yes to everything. Yeah. So it can be perceived as something else. But to be honest, I never had that interest as crazy as it sounds. I don't know if a lot of people have been like, I'm not that, I'm not that. And if you really know me, then you understand that I'm not that. But yeah, and when I got that, that peek into her lifestyle, it's even more the fact that I don't want to be famous.
M: Yeah.
R: And I don't want all of that, that comes with her and everything. So I'll be a friend of hers.
M: Sure.
R: I'll support her from this side.
M: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, the first time I met Jen, I was in her house. I didn't even know it was her house. Casper had a, we were doing something with Ian Eastwood for Tyga, and we were rehearsing at this place, and Casper was like, yo, just do rehearsal at my house. So I show up to Casper's house, and it's in Calabasas. I need a freaking password to get into the neighborhood. All this other shit. I'm like, yo, what is happening? And I pulled to this house. I was like, there's no way a dancer lives here, bro. You got to have like 46-
R: That's the one with the theater room in it, right? Big old theater room.
M: In the studio? Or in the house?
R: In the house.
M: I didn't get to view the whole house. There was like three wings. There was like three wings. I only went where the dance studio slash gym was.
R: I know what you're talking about. It had a big-ass gym and had a boxing bag.
M: Big old gym, boxing. Yeah, a whole set up, bro. And I walk in that joint, and I'm just like, there's no way you live here, bro. So I was like, I don't know whose house this is, but whatever. And then we rehearsing, and Casper's on the call, and he's like, yo, Jen's on her way home. She wants to come in and watch. And everybody's like, oh, no pressure, all that stuff. And I was like, I don't know who the fuck Jen is. Who's Jen?
R: Yeah.
M: Like, there's a million Jens in the world.
R: Ms. Lopez herself.
M: Yeah. And she just got off of work. At the time, I think she was a guest judge on American Idol or something like that. So she comes in, dolled up, heels, whatever, looking like she just got off the fucking national TV show. And then she just walks in, takes her heels off, sits down, wipes her butt, and shakes my hand. And I was just like, well, there go that hand.
R: You haven't washed it since?
M: I mean, I run it under water. Nah, that was a while ago. That was back in, I don't know, 2013, 2014. It's been a while. But I just, yeah, I had no idea this was her crib. And then it clicked, I was like, oh, okay, yeah. All right, Casper, you went, really? How? How do you do that? How do you pull that? Are y'all like Britney and Kevin Fed? Like, K-Fed? Is that what's going on? And they're like, yeah, pretty much. I'm like, all right, this ain't gonna last. This ain't gonna last very long. And it didn't. Shout out to Casper.
R: Yo, that's a crazy shout out right there. That's a crazy shout out.
M: Well, honestly, man, I don't like, I got respect for Casper, everything that he's done. That job, I got through Ian. So like, I don't, you know, credit Casper for like putting me in that situation. I do remember working with Casper one extra time, and he showed up to set as a creative director in rain boots, basketball shorts, and like a peacoat, and that was his fit of choice for the day. So I was like, okay, huh, that's interesting. Yeah. Yeah. And at that point, I was like, you lost me, bro. Like, you lost me. I don't know what's happening now. No disrespect, though. Like, you're talented, you're cool, like, we cool. But as a person who was your friend for like two hours, we got to talk about that fit. And that's just public help. So working with Jen on the show or in the film was good. It was a good experience.
R: I had a great time.
M: Well, I mean, yeah, we all saw the movie. We saw.
R: Yeah, it was intense on many, many levels.
M: You were like, I need another take. I got to run that back. I can do better.
R: The whole thing was crazy. I was, I mean, obviously, it's Jennifer Lopez. I'm a no name person from Step Up series, which I don't think anybody saw at that time.
M: Yeah.
R: Come to find out later on, it's like one of my bigger movies.
M: Big community.
R: Yeah. Yeah. Shout out to everybody that supported me and all the dancers out there. You know that. So I'm thinking coming in to this thing, like I got to work a trillion times harder as if I just started Step Up. Like I'm not a dancer, I'm not an actor, so I got to work a trillion times harder to get this role. Same thing with Boy Next Door. This girl is established, she's had plenty of things. I'm talking to Selena. So like I need to step up my game in all aspects.
M: No pun intended.
R: And I literally felt every single day the pressure of like, how do I still give her all her glory and shine to make her look good, but also stand out?
M: That's a nice balance. That's a hard balance.
R: Yeah, because you don't want to try and outshine somebody.
M: It's hard to do.
R: Yeah, I mean, but people try and do that and it backfires on them.
M: You look thirsty. Yeah, it looks real bad.
R: It looks really bad. Nobody wants to work with you or anything. So I like—there's a level of respect that you always want to have, and I always gave her that level of respect. It was kind of reciprocated and I think it was an open environment that we created together. So it lent itself to just what it is now and why people enjoy it. And yeah, there's campiness to the movie, which I think again makes it an enjoyable film. If everything was supposed to be serious and everything was supposed to be like—
I was just on a radio show talking about how my character gives her a first edition book that should have never been given to her. And like, there's no way, like unless I robbed the Vatican, I would never have been able to give her this book. So, you know, there is some like level of levity to the whole film. But the whole fact that we were able to work cohesively and play off each other so well and it be kind of nice and comfortable, which was partly because of her as well.
M: Yeah.
R: Yeah, you know, I didn't feel anything crazy and it felt like natural.
M: That's good. That's good. Honestly, man, like, and this is also speaking from slight experience, but there's actors and actresses out there that you got to catch them in certain stages of their life to have those type of experiences with them. I feel like if you would have booked this movie with her maybe two years ago, you probably would have had a completely different experience.
R: Yes, I would have.
M: You know, based on where you are in life but also the things that she's gone through.
R: Yeah, I've heard the other stuff. Yeah, and like I can't relate to be honest.
M: That's great. So, okay. So have you been asked about that specific scene with her before?
R: Too many times.
M: Yeah, kind of like how that came about.
R: Came with a lot of Jen and a lot of Rob, which is the director.
M: Yeah.
R: Those two individuals came with the whole scene. I stayed quiet. I didn't do nothing.
M: You're like, just tell me where you want me.
R: I was like, what? You want me to do what? And with what? What? Okay. Let me wrap my head around this because…
M: Is this your first sex scene?
R: That was my first sex scene.
M: Like in your career? I mean…
R: Yeah, yeah, that was. Yeah.
M: That's scary.
R: Yeah.
M: To have your first sex scene with Jen, bro? Like, she's already a sex icon.
R: All these different things. And like, bro, I got nervous at one point in time in the middle of filming. I think it was like our first or second take. And I was supposed to pick her up and I grabbed her. And I was so nervous.
M: Is this okay?
R: Nah, I grabbed her and I accidentally put too much behind it. And I threw her ass into the roof. Like, she hit her head into the roof. And I was like, oh my God. I'm like, I just damaged the like, the lead of the film.
M: Am I fired?
R: Yeah, I'm thinking like, I'm blushing and everything. I'm like, I'm freaking out.
M: I'll get my stuff.
R: Exactly. They already found out. Casper's about to swoop in and take the ball. But it's one of the things, like the whole time, I'm trying to stay calm and copacetic and just be like, alright, where do you need me? What do you need me to do? And I don't want to make it a weird, it's already weird to be doing a sex scene amongst like, in general, you know, seven, eight people.
M: Yeah.
R: And a bunch of, you look up, a bunch of dudes are just sitting there like this. [stares]
M: Like, all right, look.
R: Yeah.
M: Go get a snack, man.
R: It's not as sexy as everybody thinks it is, no matter who you're doing it with.
M: Right. It's still awkward.
R: It's still very awkward.
M: See, I could, man, like—the first time, I mean, once you've done a couple, okay, your first one ever being with Jen, I'm questioning, can I ask, can I, is this like consent? You know what I mean?
R: Yeah. I mean, luckily again, she was the one controlling everything and I think that's how it should be in the sex scenes where, you know, females are just like, you know, I'll give you my two cents on where I feel like the character is coming from.That being said, like, tell me what you're comfortable with, because I will not, I don't want to step over the boundaries or anything like that. So, and she was, and she is that kind of person. She's very directional. So she knows which direction she wants to go to. And Rob, you know—this is another thing, like nobody would understand how awkward this situation was. As much as it looks sexy, we're trying to sell that sexiness and intimacy.
Picture this: me, Rob is right here. He's like, alright, you're gonna lower your hand. Okay, then you're gonna go to her neck. So, it's not like…
M: You got a grown man whispering in your ear while you're trying to touch on Jennifer Lopez.
R: I got a grown man telling me how to make love to this woman.
M: I know what I'm doing, Rob.
R: Yeah. So, it's not what it seems. And the whole fact that people resonated with that and that scene kind of went so much. It's like, we did our job then.
M: Yeah.
R: Because you don't feel a person right next to me talking to me like this.
M: And honestly, and you telling me that like, your real mindset was like… The first thing that it went to was, I feel like this is what the character needs, as opposed to, Mikey is about to touch Jennifer, not my character is about to touch her character.
R: Yeah, not gonna go that way.
M: You know what I mean? So to have that switch is like, that's hard to do, brother.
R: For me, it's not, to be honest. And I think maybe also being in a relationship at the same time, like, I did feel weird, because I mean, yes, we're actors and we're doing what we're told to do. But in my personal life, I'm giving my everything to this girl.
M: Sure.
R: You know, and you know me, I happen to be very devout when it comes to being respectful to my women that I'm with, and I don't want to cross any of those boundaries. So I'm forced to cross this boundary in this film. Yeah. So I'm like, alright, I got to make this more businesslike. And I know a lot of men out there, you know, a lot of friends out there would come to me and be like, nah, bro, if I was in this situation...
M: But you're not.
R: That's why you didn't get the job.
M: But you're not.
R: And that's why you probably wouldn't be in it. So like, you know, I have to get the respect to who I'm working with.
M: Is there any role out there that you feel uncomfortable with? Are you like down for whatever? Are you one of those actors that's like…
R: No, I got my boundaries.
M: You got your boundaries? Good, good, good.
R: Yeah. And I don't think I'll ever, you know, really explain my boundaries.
M: Voice those, yeah. That's for you.
R: Yeah. It'll just be like, no, I don't want to do that.
M: Got you.
R: I'm gonna stay over here.
M: Got you. Is it more situations or like characters in general?
R: All the above. It depends on what I'm resonating with or not resonating with. Because I want the character now, at this point in my life, I need the character to resonate in truth.
M: Yeah.
R: You know, even if it's a comedy or not, right, you know, I'm trying to up my acting as much as I can every single year.
M: I feel you.
R: So if I can't be truthful in it, then I don't feel like I'm doing it justice.
M: Yeah. I mean, as an aspiring actor, I know, you know, I've been like taking classes. I'm not like anywhere near what you got going on. But you know that it's a goal one day and I'm working towards it. You know, you already start the picture in your mind, your dream goals, but then like your dream roles. But you also start the picture like—because I'm so new and you feel like you want to say yes to everything because you don't have anything on your resume yet. Like if a major motion picture, John Wick 7, whatever, I don't even know what number they're on now, hits me up and we're like, yo, we want you to play a role and be a significant part of the film. It's really hard to say no to something like that, but they're like, you have to play a racist who says the n word 46 times. I have trouble living with myself being that character. You know what I mean?
R: You have every right to at the same time. Like you don't—just because it's Quentin Tarantino doesn't mean you have to do it.
M: I know.
R: But it is Quentin Tarantino. So a lot of people will be like, all right, well, I got the pass now. You know?
M: Yeah.
R: I got the culture pass like...
M: Yeah, it's for the arts, for the films, for you know.
R: And if it is meant, it's all about how you interpret it. And so anybody that does do certain things that I probably wouldn't do, there's nothing against any of that. And they found their way through that, and you know, it probably came out with an incredible, you know, performance.
M: Yeah.
R: What was the BlacKkKlansman? That? Yeah. Like, so you see certain people do certain things on that. You're like, oh, I don't know if I could do that.
M: I probably couldn't do it.
R: So, you know, all power to them, and we're all storytelling at the same time. So there's an understanding and a kind of like acknowledgement that this is for an art and this is for the story itself, this has no representation on your personal life.
M: Yeah.
R: But again, it's the interpretation of the artist.
M: Also, though, with that, it is not a personal, like, indication on who you are as a person. But when it's your first project and you blow up from it, a lot of people recognize you as that. Somebody who's already established, who have done 10, 20 different roles at this point, you know, Johnny Depp comes out with a movie tomorrow where he's super racist. No one's gonna look at him as the racist guy in the street. They're like, he's playing a role.
R: Exactly.
M: But if you've never seen me before in your life and now every time you see me, you just think of, oh, he's the one that was…
R: Oh, he's that guy that did that.
M: He's that guy from the—You hate me no matter what. Even though you know it's a role.
R: Yeah.
M: You know what I mean?
R: That's gonna be the nature of the business, man.
M: You said that a little too believable, man. You said that a little too believable.
R: But literally, that's how it's gonna be for the rest of your acting career, man. People are gonna resonate with a certain character from your career, and they'll always see you as that character. When I go out, nowadays, I'm either Sean from Step Up—
M: Or you Eddie
R: Or I'm Eddie from 911. I'm not Ryan. And I gotta understand that. So the way I break the barrier down is, when you come up to me as a fan of the show or a fan of the character, I come up back to you and I'm like, hey, so what's your name? Tell me something about you. And that kind of breaks this whole, like, you know, actor barrier that allows it a little bit more ease, and then you get to see Ryan rather than Eddie. But that's something that you'll come upon, like John Wick 7 comes through and you have to be this crazy person over here and that somebody sees you as that person for the next couple years.
M: It's the nature.
R: That's the nature. You gotta learn how to navigate.
M: You got to be the guy who slept with JLo for a couple of years though. That was who people saw you as.
R: Yeah, that was crazy. Yeah, I mean, that's on so many levels.
M: I'll do that. I'll take that.
R: You could tell the type of fan because it was Step Up and Boy Next Door at that time. And certain fans show up and I'm like, oh, Step Up from the jump. Step Up. Alright. And then the other person be like, looking at me a little differently, alright. I know what scene you're thinking of.
M: Well, let's pick up with Step Up. That audition process, because you weren't a dancer before. And I'm pretty sure out of all, was it like four or five, five films, five Step Ups?
R: Now there's five.
M: Five, yeah. Out of all five step ups, I'm pretty sure Rob Hoffman was the only one who was a dancer prior as far as lead roles go. You get a, you get a call from your agent saying there's an audition for a role. Can you dance? Or I guess the audition process of Step Up specifically, because as a dancer, we know what our audition is like as dancers for a step up film. But like as an actor role, like walking through that a little bit.
R: Yeah. So I just got my manager like two, three months prior.
M: That's a good manager.
R: Yeah, man. I stayed with him this whole time. Like shout out to Tim Taylor. Yeah. I hear from another individual they're going out for the bad guy in Step Up. Like the guy that's trying to take down all the people that are trying to do these flash mobs.
M: He's so mean. He just looked like it.
R: I hear this and I'm like, bro, alright, I need to try, at least try, you know. I've seen the first Step Up. I really liked it. I love dancing. Even though I'm not a professional dancer, they would have like little sessions, little battles and stuff in Sacramento. And I remember I throw myself in the middle of the circle.
M: Got a big community over there.
R: Yeah, I love it. It's like a Bay Area influence, but we're not the Bay. So it's like, you know, we're the capital. We have our own little vibe too. So I would love to be in those like little situations. I'm like, alright, I know I have rhythm. I know I can dance. I'm not on that level, but I'm competitive. So just throw me in there real quick as like one of the side characters. And then my manager hits me back that same day. He's like, alright, you got an audition for the lead role. No, I said side character. I don't know if you heard me. And he goes, no, no, no, you're not a side character. You're a leading man. Like, so you're going to go out for the leading man. Again, for him to have that kind of vision for me, like that set my career path. I read it. I called a friend of mine. We went over the audition. I did my best version of Channing Tatum.
M: Which is what? Which is what?
R: I can't even tell you right now, because I like-
M: Let's see it, let's give me your Channing.
R: It was a version of Step Up 1, you know, like endearing, but kind of like got the street wisdom to it, and like I can move, and I got that little like, I don't know, the charisma was there and everything.
M: Well, he was a stripper before, so that kind of helps.
R: He was a stripper. Yeah, I wasn't a stripper. So he had all that in his bag, but for me it's...
M: There's still time. Magic Mike 5.
R: I'm gonna follow this man's career the whole time.
M: Why not?
R: Yeah, so I went in there, I did my thing and then, bro, that was the longest audition process I've ever had in my entire life. It was four or five acting auditions and then four or five dance auditions on top. So I remember doing the first audition hearing right away that I'm gonna get a call back. I'm flipping. So I'm like, okay. And the next audition was a dance audition. I'm like, I didn't know that. Okay, we gotta go there. So I'm on YouTube trying to figure out like, what's the new move out there? Like, how do I even get into this choreo thing?
M: I was gonna say, you gotta learn choreo or they want you to freestyle?
R: I didn't know, but I was gonna prepare both.
M: Regardless, yeah
R: And mind you, I showed up not prepared because like, you can only prepare so much in the night. So, or even a week. And I come in and come to find out I'm going to Jamal Sims, like, leading choreographer out there. And he's still doing, killing things right now. And he's teaching the choreographed session to Chris Brown's song. I can't remember what song it was, but—and then Don Draco Johnson was helping out as well.
M: Yeah, Draco.
R: And man, after a certain amount of time, like, you know what, I'm just going to be, again, competitive. I come from, you know, sports. I come from fighting. I'm going to just try outwork them. I know I don't have the talent they do, so I might as well just outwork these motherfuckers. So, like, that's what I did, and I think it kind of showed. And later on, we got paired up. I think it was four of us, Misha. Gabriel was up for the role of the main guy. And then I remember the last audition, they brought us all in, and they kind of just paired us up as duos. And they were trying to find the best friend kind of dynamic, and they found me.
M: He ended up being the best friend, right?
R: He ended up being the best friend, yeah. And it was his first acting role, my first acting role. Obviously had dance experience with MJ and everything. So I was leaning heavily on these people. Then I got the role, and then honestly that changed my life. And I met my family, my Step Up family to this day.
M: Yeah.
R: You know what I call my family. So Draco, Twitch, Marvelous, Bianca Brewett and Tony Bellissimo, all these individuals I still keep in contact with.
M: Y'all had a good squad, man.
R: Yeah, man.
M: For those films. And what I'll say too, and this is something that I told one of my last guests, my boy Terrence. You know Terrence Green? Ex-dancer who's one of the characters in the Step Up TV show, The High Water.
R: I met him through Marvelous, actually. Yeah. He sings and dances, right? Or no, he raps.
M: Raps, Yeah. So we were talking about his audition a little bit. And what I told him, when it comes to auditioning for a role like that, you're looking for an actor who can dance, not a dancer who can act, because acting is harder than dancing. And you wouldn't think it is, but it is. And like you can clearly out dance me.
R: Can you sell the role?
M: 80% of the movie is conversation. And then 20% of it is dance. So if you can't hold a conversation, if you can't deliver a line like that, even as good as the dancing is, it's not going to matter. You know what I mean? If you're a good enough dancer, but people are going to want to hear you talk more, then we can shadow the dancing, put you in your best limelight in these moments and then let the professional dancers around you carry the dance aspect of it. You know what I mean?
R: 100%.
M: So acting comes first, and then what you need me to do as the character when it comes to physicality, as long as, like you said, you have the will to be competitive and to learn and adapt quick and learn quick, and I have to be told things twice and you're willing to work at it. Those things can happen a lot quicker for you than, hey, you have to go learn how to deliver a line. That takes time to build a character and learn that, you know what I mean?
R: Yeah, I wanted my best just to, I think that that's the key to success in anything, to be honest. Stay open to people that are way more knowledgeable about whatever you're trying to get into, and I just happen to be blessed to be around some of the greatest dancers of all time.
M: Facts.
R: And again, shout out to my brother.
M: Thank you, man, I appreciate that. That's love, man.
R: So, it's like, yeah, man, I've had a great opportunity to be surrounded by some incredible individuals, and my success is partly because of them. So, yeah.
M: You know, you're on 9-1-1, what, nine months of the year, right? And then when you're off, you go shoot a movie real quick in a week, and so you're always trying to stay working. Do you find time to go watch film? Like, do you watch movies? Do you go watch, you go to the theater?
R: All the time. Yeah, I try to. Yeah, because I mean, I feel like I'm just starting, to be honest. I didn't call my, I've said this in so many other interviews. I didn't call myself an actor for the longest time, just because I felt like so many other people were more talented than me. And again, I was going off the basis, like I'm just gonna outwork you. And to this day, I've only had one acting lesson, like one acting class.
So I'm not pulling from the stereotypical thing or what most actors would come from, that background. So I'm like, this is gonna be degrading to hear, this man comes out of nowhere, doesn't want class, and gets all these jobs.
M: With some Will Smith shit.
R: Yeah, I can't do that to these individuals, these artists. So let me just shut up about my stuff and do my thing. And it wasn't until a couple years ago, my boy Kenny Choi, who's on 9-1-1, straightened me out and gave me some wise words. And he's since then been my voice of reason in this whole acting game. And has handed me books that I've been reading and learning. So, yes, it's been a process. So like, I always stay open to new movies, to new act—like Austin Butler is killing things right now. Shia LaBeouf has always been on his game.
M: Directing game, you say.
R: Just in general, like these individual artists have this captivating, you know, sense of who they are as an actor, that when you see them on a big screen, their minimal movement allows you to be like, engaged. Oh my God.
M: For sure.
R: So that's what you really want to study is like, you know, how do I encapsulate that in my own way? And then how can I continue to build each time? What I love, like an actor like Robert Downey Jr. who's had a successful career since he was young, and he's still getting better. Like, he does roles now that we've never seen him do. And just like, how you still kind of outdoing yourself, that's the type of artist I want to be.
M: Just continue to build and try to find new ways to adapt and bring on new characters. So with that, so going back to you watching film, movie of the year.
R: Movie of the year...
M: And there's a right answer, don't fuck this up.
R: Movie of the year, I don't know if I have a movie of the year.
M: I watch this movie every day, Cause of Zo, but continue.
R: Cause of Zo?
M: Yeah.
R: Oh man, so you're going kid movie? No?
M: You would think.
R: Damn, um...I loved Everything Everywhere All at Once. To be honest, it was so outlandish, it was crazy.
M: That last year too though?
R: That was last year too. So this year?
M: Yeah. I mean, I mean,
R: I don't know.
M: It's already July.
R: Yeah. To be honest, I don't know. Nothing, nothing pops into my mind.
M: Dang, you heard it here first. Ryan thinks every movie that came out this year is trash.
R: I've been more in the TV shows, to be honest.
M: Okay, so which TV show?
R: The Bear.
M: The Bear?
R: The Bear is incredible.
M: Okay.
R: Yeah. Have you seen it?
M: Nah, I saw Cocaine Bear. That was crazy.
R: Nah, not that one. The Bear is on the second season or third season.
M: Okay.
R: Third? Yeah. And just the cinematography alone is top tier, but the acting itself is incredible.
M: I'm gonna peep it up.
R: Yeah, Shogun was amazing. I don't know if you've seen that one.
M: Which one?
R: Shogun.
M: Shogun. Okay. Nah, I haven't seen it. I know what it is, though.
R: Shogun is incredible. But those kind of like… I think a lot of what we thought was back in the day, I'm talking about like you, you know, the movie star or TV star, they blended this now with the whole streaming services. So we're seeing a lot of movie stars go into television.
M: Yeah.
R: They're telling what they couldn't do in two-hour movie or three-hour movie into a full-length series, and that's why I kind of lead more towards the series.
M: No, I feel like that's a lot of people's goals right now, because first off, when people like—I couldn't tell you their actor names right now, but when the three leads in Big Bang Theory started banging out a million dollars an episode, and then you go for 15 seasons of 15 to 20 episodes per season, like that's… Yeah, let's do that.
You know what I mean? Let's do that. I could see why being a lead in a TV series that pushes the, you know, Grey's Anatomy of the world and like all of those people who just keep banging out seasons and then you forget the show even exists, but there's enough fans out there to make season 36 for no reason because there's still money coming in.
Like that's the ultimate goal in longevity in this kind of… You know what I mean? As far as finances go anyway, and like being able to hold a character with so much value for so long.
R: Yeah, that's why I have so much gratitude towards 9-1-1.
M: Being Eddie, yeah.
R: Yeah, man. I mean, we're on our eighth season and we're kind of a dying breed, to be honest, as a procedural. There's not too much of procedural is out right now that are successful and making the numbers that we are. So again, to the crew and the cast that create this show, it's just like we've been on cloud nine. And I feel like most of us now that have been here for the long haul have depth now in that gratitude.
So, yeah, to your point, yeah, man, and like having longevity is everything you need. And then having the ability to kind of like step outside and do a movie every now and then. You know, Angela Bassett, bro, like, I'm working with one of the top actresses in the world. And then I get to go play some other actress-Rosario Dawson. I'm literally living in my dream. And it's a pinch me moment all the time. So, yeah.
M: All right. So my favorite movie of the year.
R: What was it?
M: And I want you to find a way to be a part of the third one. Somehow, someway, Godzilla x Kong: New Empire.
R: That was it?
M: Did you see it?
R: I saw Godzilla Minus One, which was incredible.
M: Yes, but not bro. Kong, Godzilla, some epic shit. First of all, one of my favorite like movie. Maybe I just like Gorillas, bro. Maybe I see what it is because I love the Planet of the Apes series.
R: Oh, that was a good one too, yeah.
M: You know what I mean? I mean, they just dropped a new one that was OK. I think it's because of the lack of the Caesar character not being in this one. Maybe just kind of threw me a little bit. But the other three, I just love that shit, right? But Kong x Godzilla from…And I watched a lot of BTS and how they wrote it and what they wanted to do with it. They made Godzilla thinner, more agile, diving in the shit, doing the most. Kong got a gray beard because he's getting old, bro.
R: So the aesthetics got you.
M: Yeah, the way they're building it and the connection between it, but then the way they got the action of them teaming up and fighting the other shit was bugged. The characters behind it, the way they—I don't know, bro. I'm gonna send you a BTS video. And I had you tap in because I think you could find it on Amazon Prime. That's where I watch it. But Zo asked for it every day, every single day. And I bought him the toys and he just got some toys he watches and he does the thing. But I'm super into it. I fucking loved it.
R: I'll check it out just because you said.
M: You're welcome. You're welcome.
R: Alright. Yeah, but the Godzilla Minus One was nice.
M: It was. It was.
R: It brought you back to the actual like rendition, first rendition.
M: Yeah, where it's less about Godzilla and it's more about the character.
R: Them being scared of this massive ass lizard walking around killing people. Yeah.
M: Yeah. Could you imagine like some real life shit having titans in this world? Even if like you're not by it, but you know that they're there.
R: No amount of martial arts, no amount of, like, weaponry can help you.
M: There's nothing.
R: No, you just got to sit back and watch this thing.
M: Find a bunker.
R: Yeah, bro. I'm digging a big asshole in the earth.
M: Huge.
R: Yeah. And I'm putting my family and friends in it.
M: 100%.
R: Yeah. That sounds bad, but I'm going to make a bunker.
M: Yeah. I'm going to get a hole and put my friends in it. Yeah. [talking to someone off camera] I'm going have you grab that. Can you grab that for me, bro? That paper and that metal thing.
Okay. So me and Ryan are about to do something a little fun, but at the same time, I'm going to ask him some fan questions. So this segment of the show is going to be on Patreon. So go to patreon.com/lnlpod to see the extended version and catch this part of the show. Go right now.
R: [talking about the film The Present and the advice costar Isla Fisher gave him.] You know, I thought it was funny and I thought it was, you know, really quality stuff. So it showed me that like, yeah, what she's saying is correct. I need to believe in myself a little bit more. Even having a 14-year successful career, I think people should understand that I didn't feel that for the longest time. I did not believe in myself and I felt like I was always again, trying to outwork the individual. Since I put in so much work already, I kind of need to sit back and realize and let it sit in and take advantage of it and shout out to her and many other individuals that allow me to kind of reflect on that.
M: Bro, like people, 14 years is a lot. And I know we compare ourselves to those we look up to and we go, they've been successful for 40 years. They've done this, that, and third. Until I'm that, I ain't shit, which ain't true because you got to remember that that's the 1% of the industry. To have that kind of success. You know what I mean? Having a 14-year career, where you have multiple projects, people would dream to do one of them and never get the chance to do. Their entire resume is extras on set for things.
R: Yeah.
M: You know what I mean? Or just praying, like, I hope they give me one line, so I can say I acted in this movie.
R: Yeah.
M: You know what I mean?
R: Yeah.
M: So like, from going from Step Up to Boy Next Door to 9-1-1 and everything in between, and even some of the smaller stuff you've done and the bigger stuff you've done, these are all things that you gotta be proud of, man.
R: I got you, thank you.
M: You gotta be proud of, because one is leaf-frogging you to the next, you know what I mean? And you don't have to feel like it's a fresh start every single time, because you know that what got you there is the past and everything that you presented yourself in before.
R: Yeah.
M: You know what I mean?
R: Yeah. Thank you for that. I take that. And again, when I do get stuff like this now, I try to take it a little differently than I would before. I mean, beforehand, I probably would have been like, oh, thank you so much, you know that. And I still not think that way. But right now, I'm really allowing that to marinate the individual, so I appreciate what you say. Thank you.
M: Yeah, no, fuck it. I mean, you got to respect yourself enough to be like—know that there's so much more I can do and so much more room to grow. And that's the exciting part. But I'm not going to pretend like I ain't done shit in my life either. I'm not going to pretend like my resume is not something about, you know what I mean? Like I've done some cool shit. And I feel you, and same with dance, man. Like there's, when someone books me on a job or as a choreographer or brings me out to a country to teach. And sometimes I sit there and I get like…
R: Imposter syndrome?
M: Imposter syndrome, where I'm just like, man, do I even deserve to be on this lineup with these other hitters? And I'm like, yeah, because they wouldn't have asked me to be here, bro.
R: Yes, you do.
M: They wouldn't have asked me to do this if like I wasn't. Yeah. You know what I mean? Like they spent all this money on me to bring me out to this country to do all this with all these people. Like they see me in line with these people for a reason. Why the fuck don't I? You know what I mean? So like, I hear you. But then you got to remind yourself.
R: Sometimes it takes somebody else outside to really acknowledge that and then you to hear that. Because I remember when I first met you, I'd already known about your dancing. I've seen plenty of videos. And I don't know if you remember when I came up to you. I was like, bro, I'm a huge fan.
M: Yeah.
R: Yeah.
M: Yeah.I introduced myself and you're like, I know who you are. I was like, pssst.
R: Like, nah, bro, I know exactly what you are in. Like, it shows, like, you know, like to get to where you are in your dance, and it takes years upon years, but also you have to find your own little niche, your own little style, and you did. And that style has resonated with so many other individuals. So again, giving you your flowers back, it's just like, yeah, man, I would like to recognize what you offer to this whole artistic spectrum in the dance community.
M: Yo, thank you, man. That's fucking love, man. I really appreciate that kind of shit. You don't hear it too much and you get in your head a lot. But from one friend to another, man, if you need that reminder, man, you call me.
R: I appreciate that, bro.
M: You call me.
R: That's what we need to show more of, man. You know, like, man, helping each other out, you know. A lot of us, I feel like, and I've spoken on this on plenty of other platforms. It's just like we got toughen up. And to an extent, yeah, I get that. You know, you do have to be tough as a man.
M: Time and place.
R: And time and place. But like you also have to have your brothers to to open up to it, you know. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Because we all got here as a community. No one got here by themselves. So, yeah, you know-
M: And we gonna stay there as a community.
R: Exactly. The stronger your community, the stronger you'll be.
M: All the most successful dancers, actors in the world, people you look up to, all have teams that have been together since the jump. You know what I mean?
R: All right, let me see this.
M: All right, all right, all right. So before we reveal these, we're back from the Patreon. All right, we back in the episode. We're going to wrap this up here. What we did on Patreon is we got a sketchbook and he drew me and I drew him while we did some fan questions. So we're going to reveal these pictures as the last little segment before we head out.
Before we show these pictures, I just want to give a quick sign off. Everybody, please join the Patreon and enjoy that. Spotify, Apple Podcast, please give a five-star review and check out the other seven episodes and keep an eye out for Season Two that's coming.
If you're on YouTube, like, subscribe, all of that, comment, share with your mom and your grandmama, all them peoples. Spread the word. We want to make Season Two even bigger and better and keep bringing y'all quality. Keep an eye out for The Lab between me and Ryan because it is a special project, but it is a big project. It's gonna take some time. He's back filming 9-1-1, so it might take some time.
We're gonna write some things together. We're not gonna tell you the idea because we don't want none of y'all biting it because we know how y'all get. But it's a pretty good concept. It's a really good idea. It's gonna be a short film that involves comedy, acting and dancing. And we've already been chopping it up about it.
So keep an eye out for that, but it's gonna take some time. Be patient. But the more Patreon members, the more money that comes in, the bigger the budget is gonna be, and the better we can make the project. So please show love. We appreciate it. Ryan, anything you want to say before we head out?
R: Man, all love to you and all love to this, that you cultivated yourself, man, and everybody that watches this. I hope you are thriving in all the dreams that you choose to give your energy to.
M: Thank you, man. All right. Enough of that talk, man. All right. Me first, you first?
R: I go first.
M: You go first? Yeah, yeah, all right, all right, all right. Damn! Alright, you get close up, get close up. Yeah.
R: Yeah, mine was a quick sketch, so I couldn't put too much detail to it.
M: Just a quick little whatever, man. Oh, shit.
R: Yeah, yeah.
M: Yeah, you kept it small. I should have made mine smaller. Probably would have been cleaner.
R: Yeah.
M: Yeah. I'm keeping that. Don't throw it out. And you got to keep this one, too. It's better to go in the fridge.
R: I put it in my refrigerator, yeah.
M: Bro, so when Mateo [Ryan's son] asked who drew that, he knows, what's up, Uncle Mikey rocked this, all right?
R: Hey, you captured my facial hair. In the… In my little swoop. Am I swooping right now? Yeah, you got my swoop.
M: I caught the swoop.
R: Yeah, the mic looks like a mic.
M: Yeah, you know, it's mic-ish.
R: I appreciate your effort.
M: Yeah. Oh, come on, it's not that bad.
R: Why I look like Joe Campbell?
M: I made the head a little long. Your head is not this long. I didn't have an eraser.
R: Yeah, me neither, bro.
M: No, whatever. All right, well, I'm going to let you keep this. Yeah, you can put it.
R: Let me sign this for you, too.
M: Yeah, yeah, sign that. Sign that. You know, I have a picture in my bathroom. It's a lion. It's a drawn lion from 98. It's beautiful. My uncle did it. Yeah. He was an artist back in the day and like used to draw a lot of shit and he framed it and gave it to me. His name is Matthew DellaVella.
R: Okay.
M: He signed it "M. DellaVella"
R: M. DellaVella. So technically you're an artist.
M: I've been taking full credit for that painting and that drawing since I was a child.
R: Clearly, you made that painting.
M: People go into my bathroom when they use it, when they visit and they go, yo, that's, I saw, and you drew that? Yeah, man, like it's a long time ago. I don't really do that anymore, but it was fun back in the day.
R: So I need to get a frame for this, to be honest.
M: Yeah, you should, man. This is cold. This is, man, my mic is better.
R: Yeah, your mic is better.
M: Well, I did a mic stand, so I got the arm.
R: You got the arm for sure.
M: Yeah, yeah.
R: Yeah.
M: Yeah, no, this is quite lovely. This is quite lovely, Ryan. Thank you.
R: I appreciate that, bro.
M: Thank you my boy. Love you bro.
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barb-l · 3 months
“Vaggie would do numbers in the fandom if everything was the same except she were a white boy.”
Yes. Yes. YES! You get it, my guy/girl/person. The hate and vitriol that Vaggie receives from this fandom is absolutely disgusting and ridiculous. As a GIANT Vaggie fan, this is something I can go on and on about because what the actual fuck did she do to warrant so much disdain from people?
Vaggie haters really baffle me; they'll excuse any wrong done to Vaggie as long as she doesn't retaliate, and they call her out for shit that other characters do while giving the other characters a pass. People hate on her for being the ‘grump’ 24/7 (which isn’t true at all), yet give Husk laughs and hype him up for doing the same; people hate on her for being a simp for her girlfriend, yet they think it’s cute when it’s Lucifer; people hate on her for being violent, yet it’s perfectly fine when it’s Lute and Adam and Alastor and— you get the point.
People character assassinate/bash her for no reason at all other than they hate her. On AO3 and Tumblr, there’s this person that has multiple fics and posts just bashing Vaggie. They deadass made Lute and Vaggie switch personalities in a few of their stories - like, legit made Vaggie a jerk and Lute a saint out of petty, unreasonable hatred for Vaggie. Their excuse? They said and I quote: “I hate her. 🩷” If you hate her so much, maybe just say it once and move on because that obsession you have with ‘hating’ her says otherwise.
This person and others simply do not give Vaggie the same grace that they give other characters.
People call her boring despite her having a very interesting backstory that the show hasn’t deep-dived into yet. These same people take interest in Vox’s overrated ass even though we know fuck all about his past. People will also do deep analyses on characters with very little info on them, yet turn around and call Vaggie ‘underdeveloped.’ I’m not understanding. Is it because she’s a woman? Is it because she’s not a villain? What is it?
Sorry for this long rant, I’m just so tired of Vaggie getting mistreated by this fandom. It’s soooo frustrating and annoying.
No need to apologize. I had a good time reading this whole thing lol
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roe-sesandthorns · 2 months
unfiltered thoughts on deadpool & wolverine
first, lemme just say I enjoyed the movie. it was a first movie-in-cinema experience after a looong while and I saw it in 3D. granted was a bit unwell so mayyybe that influenced my experience idk.
spoilers under the cut
is it an enjoyable movie? YES. absolutely. i liked the comedy, liked the characters, liked the plot (generic but we'll get to it)
there was obviously a lot of love and care in the movie, for ALL the characters - not just the main ones but also the variants of older marvel movies (or non-movies) like Electra, Blade, and Gambit.
the fight scenes were as always amaaaazing
the dynamic between wolvie and dp was beautifully done
basic premise of the movie works wonderfully. especially given the previous movies as well as the in-universe explanation.
they handled the multiverse thing a bit better than the other ones. there is a legit reason for deadpool to go through the multiverses looking for wolvie to fill in the gap Logan left in his.
speaking of, i was confused how deadpool was in the 616 timeline (which, still fucking bitter they decided to use that for the MCU shitshow) for the meeting with Happy and then 6 years later in the 100005-whatever-the-fuck of his universe if both of those happened after the second deadpool
OR the meeting w Happy was before deadpool 2 and then he goes back and creates the alt timeline which leads to 10005 or whatever. the second option makes more sense so that's what i'm going with.
still confused about how deadpool changing the timeline affected the Logan universe or if they merged cause Logan's death cause the destablisation but wouldn't deadpool's timeline be a new one with some other anchor being - possibly deadpool
anyway, they very strongly claimed that deadpool wasnt the anchor being - which, so many misdirects in the movie that deadpool leans into as almost a mouthpiece for the audience and then they pull the bait-and-switch
sidenote: the misdirects were well done, it didn't cheapen the "twist" or surprises. deadpool's (and our logic) was the obvious track before they flipped it. so no gripe there. it was a good use of calling out the thing then adding a twist or surprise.
anyway the anchor being and the timeline TVA stuff was (as usual) a bit annoying and hard to follow at times logically BUT this is also a superhero movie and it DOES obey its own in-universe laws so the problem I have with Marvel's TVA shit is a personal opinion and not a reflection of the movie itself.
also the movie (through deadpool) IS aware of how godawful the multiverse shit in Marvel has been - and honestly, I agree w DP - fucking stop w the multiverse shit Marvel. it's not fun anymore cause you dropped the ball a long time back. (Multiverse of Madness, anyone?)
I had mixed feelings about wolverine's backstory on the initial watch
they hyped it up as him doing this unthinkable thing and him being irredeemable and then they are like oh no, he just didn't answer when they called. and it was like.... okay, and? I kept waiting for there to be more or the story to be different. the real revelation was that he had started killing people. and killing indiscriminately using the xmen uniform. this was given in the middle of a crucial high tension point
i see the appeal in doing it this way - logan was hiding his REAL sin deep within himself. he wouldn't offer it up to someone especially not someone he had just met hours ago. and in hostile territory. that's not him.
secondly, the impact of the revelation I feel was supposed to be more earthshattering than it ended up being. it was meant to be a huge shock. but after seeing him claw through people (and deadpool) repeatedly taking kill shots and after so much DEADPOOL level of Rated R violence, it landed a bit too softly for the moment to make an impact.
it was later as I thought about it that I was like, oh shit yeah like that was a big ass deal and his whole relationship w charles and the guilt he feels etc... that emotional weight didn't land in the middle of the moment. especially cause it was immediately followed by him quipping at Cassandra and trapping her
so was it true? must've been cause she was in his head.
does he feel the guilt the same way? that's what he says.
does that show in the aftermath of the moment? kinda, when he decides to spare her for charles.
but idk, it just didn't hit the way they might've wanted it to hit. Maybe allusions to him being a murderer or something before? set it up? his mistake was catastrophically world ending or at least world impacting. the loss of the x-men was not set up previously or alluded to soooo it rings a bit hollow.
maybe dropping a few hints before the reveal would have helped.
ALSO, sidenote but how tf did humans end up killing ALL of the x-men?? that seems v unlikely given that they are the fucking X-MEN. idk maybe i missed something.
Moving on...
as a deadpool AND wolverine movie, it delivered. there were some really amazing moments - the danceoff obviously, the cameos, the misdirects, the action sequences were amazing
am I a bit tired of seeing the "lose vanessa - save the day and vanessa - get back w vanessa" cycle for the third time? yeah. I mean I get he loves her and all but it's a bit too cyclical to hold impact. like cool, again? really?
again, not a plothole, a personal preference.
would have loved exploring more of wade's dalliances like shiklah or even Death. would;ve been cool.
not that I am mad about a decent mostly healthy relationship and a stable love interest in a Marvel movie (v tony stark-pepper potts coded)
speaking of stability, or lack thereof, I felt like this movie in particular did not delve as deeply into deadpool's unique mental headspace. i was hoping sometime they would bring in the more debilitating aspects of his mental health (the boxes, the hallucinations, the suicidal/self-harm tendencies) but I get that it might be a bit too grimdark for Fox/Disney
would've been nice to have a bit more of that aspect of his character
although who's to know maybe MCU wade's support system helps him be a bit more well adjusted
also why the emphasis on Peter? is it for a joke cuase he's just some guy? is it a cheeky peter parker jab? is it both? it's mildly funny so i don't mind. just meh about - again, personal preference.
ok something that's more objective:
i think there were too many 4th wall breaks. it was fun, the references were amazing. some of them were really good. loved the opening one, the one where he smashes the camera, and some other moments.
but after a while it felt stale or too much. the jokes did hit. it's not like they were unfunny like the rest of marvel's humour
some of the deep cuts were D E E P but it's not even about the content. deep cut references are a staple for the character.
but just the frequency of the meta jokes and the 4th wall breaks was a bit excessive?
but then again, deadpool isn't deapool if he isn't a bit annoying or excessive. my guy's the arachetype for a comedic motormouth
the woke-jokes were funny but not as edgy as he could go. I felt like the jokes were a bit too tongue-in-cheek to make them almost cringe? but whatever. they played it safe and i'm not mad about it.
as a movie, it felt a bit too attention grabby in the wrong way. there was a "aren't i so clever" or smarmy marvel overtone of "look at us being self-referrential and allowing you to laugh at us becuase you've been joking about our products being shit but when we allow ryan reynolds to do it we beocme edgy and cool and don't u wanna buy more now? look we got so much to sell you? did i tell you RDJ is coming back? which, holy fucking shit fuck that shit it sucks "
maybe it's just my anti-marvel agenda idek
still, sometimes just having fox's logo in the back rather than pointing it out is enough ig
for someone who was and is so tired of Marvel, it was a refreshing movie
i enjoyed it, it was a decent movie, a good deadpool movie not as good as the previous two and a GREAT deadpool and wolverine movie. does that make sense?
i never really cared for wolverine much in the past decade but this movie made him cool again, which was awesome
the teamup and dynamic was great
marvel needs to learn to give people who love the characters (not just their own but OTHER characters esp the oft forgotten ones) and want to do them justice more creative control and let them tell the (hopefully self contained) stories rather than focusing on playing join the dots behind the scenes OR try to catch attention through shock value
it doesn't work. it's like jumpscares in horror. you pay attention for a second cuase you're startled but the real impactful horror is the one done through themes and story - not a loud bang.
altho i have a feeling that the lesson marvel is gonna take is about shoving more and more (esp obscure) cameos in a work than actually doing justive to characters and stories
oh, also. it goes to show that the two best received (so far) movies post Endgame have been the multiverse ones with nostalgic characters
MCU's """sacred timeline""" is fucked because of them. people want to feel what they felt like watching the older more self-contained stories like the x-men or the tobey spidey movies
it's not jsut nostalgia, it's about story and characters and HEART.
phase 4 is proof that marvel doesn't have a heart.
parting thoughts: the only interaction i want from deadpool and the main MCU is with spiderman. preferably andrew garfield but i'll take holland in a pinch.
I have hope that as long as ryan has the reigns his deadpool projects + appearances will always have heart.
And I have NOT touched on how GAY (non-derogatory) the movie is and I think I need another long rant for it cause goddamn the movie is queer af and I love it. the euphemistic van scene alone GODDAMN.
it's like ryan and team were NOT here to play - deadpool is queer, get with it or perish. love that energy.
Edit: the set pieces holy shit. it was a gorgeous movie that was shot amazingly and the practical effects and CG were ON POINT. LOTS of attention to detail.
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sconc middle names but me and cori are stupidt
last night me and cori got slap-happy and made a list of characters’ middle names so happy birthday sonic enjoy. tw catholicism jokes bc when we get slap happy we end up on that train
Sonic: His middle name is actually not Maurice. He won’t tell anyone what it is but it isn’t Maurice. Not in the “noooo it’s totally not ;)” way he legit doesnt know where anyone got that misconception from
Metal Sonic: His middle name IS Maurice. That’s where people got that misconception from
Tails: When he and sonic were filling out paperwork to make sure he legally existed Tails realized he didn’t know his middle name and could reasonably put “Tails.” Instead he put “Terminator”
rouge, losing it: oh my god are you serious tails: i was like five and thought it was cool sonic: you were right 
Knuckles: He literally doesn’t care so once again when filling out paperwork he’s like.
knuckles: so i guess my last name would be my tribe shadow: the knuckles tribe? knuckles: yeah shadow: so you’re putting down knuckles knuckles knuckles: yeah probably shadow: so what’s your middle name? knuckles: well take a fucking guess buddy
Amy: Also picked her own name. Debated between “Amy” and “Rosy” for a while before sticking with “Amy Rose”– rose for the pretty flower she loves and its symbolism, “Amy” because it means “much loved” and she’s desperate for affection. and then she well. picked a middle name that sounded cool
shadow: oh my god tell me your middle name isn’t “terminator” too amy: oh my gosh no amy: amy: it’s velociraptor shadow: oh my god amy: JURASSIC PARK JUST CAME OUT I WAS HYPED
Shadow: We had two (2) options: #1.) It’s something extremely Catholic like Clementinus. It doesn’t fit his brand so he just doesn’t tell anyone. also he can’t pronounce it. #2.) It’s like a deep, guttural screech/roar. Everyone assumes it was Black Doom’s name for him but no that was Gerald’s idea actually
Rouge: Francisca. Shadow was like “oh something really catholic as well” “actually my family were very much not catholic that’s just a funny coincidence.”
Omega: Terminator. Stole the idea from Tails
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Blaze: She has like 48 middle names cause she’s royalty and they’re like that
Silver: “In the future we don’t have middle names. We ate them for sustenance.”
Vector: ALSO something extremely Catholic like Benedict or someshit
Espio: “A ninja’s secret name is to stay absolutely secret. It is the key to their identity. Their soul. None shall know of it.” He picked his own middle name and it was SasuNaru and he’s embarrassed about it.
Charmy: Vector named him so it is also EXTREMELY Catholic. Charmy cannot remember it. “It’s VALENTINE, Charmy!! It’s literally one of the easiest Saints to remember!! Saint VALENTINE!!” “look i made a necklace out of gummy worms :D”
Mighty: it’s something like super normal like Evan or Thomas
Ray: Sunshine :D
Fang: It’s actually Nack. whudda think
Bean: And similar to Fang, it’s ACTUALLY “Dynamite.” Did he name himself? You’ll never know.
Bark: Something super Russian like Vladimir
Big: Big has no middle name he has no last name he is too powerful for all of us
Tikal: yeah we didn’t have middle or surnames in my time. Closest was just “oh that’s Pachacamac’s kid.” Tails: Okay but you need a middle name for paperwork so pick something Tikal: Termi-- Knuckles: No. Tikal: Okay. Lesbian
Jet: Tony. you know why
Marine: It’s just literally “Australian”
Sticks: “Classified.” Everyone is like “oh geez Sticks ok” and don’t realize her middle name is literally Classified
Surge: When she got to pick hers she picked Azula for obvious reasons
Kit: He picked “Surge.”
Belle: Periwinkle
Sage: Ann Ima. believe it or not, that is also. Catholic™
Tekno: Terminator
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bennie-jerry · 6 months
My Beef with Miguel O'Hara - A Spiderverse Rant
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If you've read the title of this, you already know who I'm gonna be crapping on.
I know some of y'all are gonna flame me in the comments, but I do not care. Now, if you’re willing to bring up counterpoints about a FICTIONAL topic in a respectful manner, I’ll listen no problem because I don't mind being wrong (and I actually HOPE I'm wrong about this since I WAS excited about watching Miguel in action because there was so much hype around him). But if you take me having beef with a fictional character as me having beef with YOU, then I politely ask you to spare your mental health and drink some hot chocolate under a blanket after you click away from this post, thank you. 
Now back to the topic.
Most of us Spider-Man fans have seen the movie, "Across the Spider-Verse" at some point (and if you haven't, what are you doing? Go watch it, it's on Netflix). Excluding everything that makes it a masterpiece aside, there's one character in the movie who really grinds my gears. Not in terms of how they’re written, but more so just how they are as a person in general. 
Miguel O'Freaking'Hara. 
I do not like Miguel. I feel pity for him, but I do not like him. I do like him as a character, though. I feel like he definitely adds to the story and makes it interesting. I genuinely feel like ATSV would’ve been really boring if he wasn’t part of it. But I do not like him as a person. 
Miguel doesn't JUST have a stick up his butt, he has the whole TREE.
I couldn't care less about the fact this dude looks like a handsome statue because of the stuff he was doing to Miles. I think y’all forgot that this dude THREW A TABLE AT A MINOR UPON FIRST MEETING HIM and then has the nerve to throw away the food Miles got for him like it's trash. If that’s already not a red flag, I don’t know what is.
I don’t care if it was just ‘frustration.’ Miguel's 27 years old, he should know better. Unless Miles was attacking him in the beginning (which he wasn’t), there’s no reason he should’ve done that. But oh…I have much more beef with this dude than just a table. 
I understand that his supposed role and whatnot in the Spiderverse is that he has to keep canon events going. He has to get rid of 'anomalies.’ Unfortunately, Miles Morales (from Earth-1610) is an anomaly because he was never supposed to be the Spider-Man of his universe. So, what does Miguel do? He tries to obliterate the guy.
…Ex–freaking-scuse me?
"Oh, but Miguel tried to talk to Miles about everything!" 
Yeah. And he did it in the worst way possible. Miguel had absolutely no empathy towards the whole situation, then has the gall to wonder why Miles is running off and not listening to him. No dip, Sherlock. I'm pretty sure if you harshly told any normal person that someone they loved deeply was going to die and that they couldn't save them without any hint of compassion, they'd go against what you said and try to find a way to save them, bro. 
Miguel's whole schmo is that Miles becoming Spider-Man was bad because it created Spot and Spot's creating a bunch of problems. As a result, Miguel also tells Miles that saving his dad is not allowed. Here's where I have a problem with that logic. If Miles being Spider-Man is an anomaly in the first place, why NOT save Jeff as a way to prevent more anomalies from HAPPENING? If anything, Miles losing his dad would've just been another canon event for him to continue BEING Spider-Man, even though he wasn't supposed to be. Legit, this dude’s logic irritates the pee out of me.
Miguel's approach to the problem is also hypocritical considering that he lost his own wife and daughter in the universe he belonged to, then invaded ANOTHER UNIVERSE he didn't belong to, which honestly in my opinion makes Miguel look even worse to me. I'm willing to bet that Miguel’s alternate daughter could’ve been that universe’s spider hero, but because THIS vampire edge lord stepped into a universe that was NOT his, it prevented the canon event of the classic “Dead Guardian trope,” leading to that universe’s evaporation.
Another thing that irks me about the whole thing is that MILES IS LIKE 15-16 YEARS OLD. So as far as I'm concerned, O'Hara is trying to eliminate a KID. Even though he knows what it's like to lose a KID. No wonder the multiverse prevented him from being a father—he’s violent, unstable, and completely short-sighted. He’s out here chokeslamming a teenager and calling THEM the mistake. Just because you went through grief and trauma with your own children, it isn't an excuse to take the breath of another child. 
(Y'know, considering the events of Multiverse of Madness, I'm kinda seeing a pattern here--)
Miguel, for some reason, refuses to have a smidge of sensitivity for what Miles is going through. Heck, even Gwen and Peter Parker had more empathy for Miles despite them not telling him he wasn't supposed to be Spider-Man because they actually cared about his feelings TO SOME DEGREE.
I hate Miguel’s whole “You’re a mistake!” speech because Miles didn't create the spider. Miles didn't summon the spider. Miles didn’t choose to get bit. He didn’t find it on his own terms. Miles didn't choose to create Spot—the one who’s actually causing them problems. Someone ELSE brought the spider there. Someone ELSE took away a universe’s Spider-Man. Miles is just trying to deal with what he’s been given. So if Miguel wants to go after ANYONE for ‘anomalies’ in terms of Miles’ universe, he needs to track down the person who put something where it didn’t belong.
For crying out loud, he told the boy that HE was a mistake. It’d be one thing if he said “You being Spider-Man was a mistake” or something. But no. He says that Miles IS the mistake.
During that whole speech, it sounds like Miguel is trying to tell Miles that everything is HIS fault as if Miles had a choice in being bit. As if Miles even had a choice in the fact that a radioactive spider from an alternate universe chose to bite him. 
There were so many other ways Miguel could've handled the issue and he didn’t do that. I don’t care what his so-called intentions could/would be because it really put a disgusting taste in my mouth. 
I still have no respect for the fact that he hypocritically and previously invaded another reality where he was dead so he could be with his family--and here's what I mean by that.
Yes, I understand--Miguel's life on his original earth was freaking sad. He lost his wife and daughter. That's obviously a very tragic thing to go through. But it’s the fact that he's cracking down on Miles so badly despite Miguel LITERALLY being the one to pull a Kingpin vexes me. Miles had ALWAYS belonged to his universe. Miguel’s only in the dump he’s in because he was trespassing.
Don't get me wrong, I feel pity but I absolutely cannot stand the audacity of this man to go after a kid who got bit IN HIS OWN UNIVERSE even though Miguel was the one who contributed to some multiversal disaster in the Spider-verse. You could try to say, "Oh, it's because he doesn't want to make the same mistake again and shatter the Spider-verse or something!" While I could understand that, it’s still not a good reason for Miguel to do and say the stuff he did. I thought at the bare minimum, he'd be at least able to RELATE to Miles considering that he also lost people he cared about.
End conclusion: 
Miguel is vexing to me–but I don’t hate the way he’s written. If anything, I think if he wasn’t written this way, the ASTV movie would be very different. Whether that’d be for the better or the worse, I’m willing to bet most of this storyline wouldn’t even exist were Miguel not like this. So even though Miguel absolutely grinds my gears with his mindset and who he is as a character—I’m not mad at his writers. And I honestly feel like that’s just a showmanship of how great the writing for the Spider-Verse movies is. Good writing is when you’re mad at characters for the decisions THEY make, and not at the WRITERS for having them make those decisions. 
I’m out.
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mobbu-min · 2 years
Okay okay hear me out gyutaro from demon slayer twst!yuu like they sound and look horrible and the have a bloody nose all the time and their voice cracks a lot and is creepy too
!tw! blood, reader kinda creepy but we love them regardless, it's kinda implied that every character has a thing for reader, bc i couldn't help myself, also also, in my head reader is like tall and kinda buff like gyutaro cuz thats hot, also kinda a himbo/bimbo, really bad grammar mistakes :/
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why do i picture ever character instantly asking if then need severe medical help??? but any ways, the twst cast are all on the same boat of confused, severely concerned and disgusted and mildly in awe. I can picture Grim being 'huh??? is this how humans supposed to be?...Eh, oh well, this is how my human is ig.' and goes on about his day.
Ace and Epel are the quickest of the first years to get used to your voice cracks and bloody noses. To Epel you sound like his peepaw, but also not??? (the first time he heard you, he literally whipped his head back so fast it gave him a concussion) Epel honestly finds you super cool. Kinda envious at how strong you are despite your very raggard stature and looks. Def uses you as a distraction everytime Vil tries to get him to do his skin and hair routine. And Ace is a fuckin menance. Orginally grossed out, Ace comes around fast. Like Epel, he thinks your so cool and creepily hot. Like your tall and sorta buff, kinda gothy and kinda looks like a hobo, apparently Ace's type to a T. But back to the meance part, Ace does not stop making fun of your voice cracks (lovingly ofc) Be perpared, bc Ace is your permant echo.
Deuce and Jack remain severely concerned for your health. Like how could you loose so much blood in an hour and still act like nothing's wrong. Shouldn't you be dead???? Deuce constantly carrying tissues and towels to wipe the blood off your nose and lips. And oh boy does he blush like craze everytime you lean down for him to clean you up. Face as red as the blood on his tissue. Jack remains pretty neutral about his concerns, but always carries protein bars in his pocker or bag for you. Gets hella hyped when ever you agree to jog with him, even if your slow, Jack likes having you there because lowkey you kinda an inspiration to him??? He doesn't question it but neither do you.
Sebek will forever remain disgusted by you. And no the blush on his face isn't because you smiled at him with your creepy toothy smile. and it's most definitely not because you leaned against him and laughed softly into his ear! No, nope, no! (he's still grossed out, but he's also concerned. Sebek is a mess)
Cater, although concerned/weirded out, loves the idea of having a creepy bff. It'll look great on his account! Actually the first one to get used to you, surprisingly. Your cool, really really cool, in his eyes. A little dysfunctional and a little on the morbid side, but Cater finds himself vibing with your energy incredibly fast. Besides Cater, Lilia and Kalim quickly jumps on the 'MC is so cool and creepy and so very attractive' boat. Actually they're the co-vice captains and Cater is the main captain.
There's no way in hell, Lilia is creeped out by you! Lilia absolutely adores you! Constantly hovering over you with a silly little grin on his face. His mission is always to get you to laugh. Lilia literally swoons at the sound of your crackly laugh that fades into a giggle at the end. And your smile? Down right loves it!
Kalim has the same mission as Lilia! Constantly following behind you and giving you sweets/drinks that he knows you like, just to get to see you smile. Loves to hold your hand! And Kalim is down bad for your voice! Though he does often ask if your doing well, because you kinda look like you went through a garbage disposal.
I legit forgot about him, but Rook! Rook is down right amazed by you! You're just so new, so different, so creep! The vibe you give off is just so alluring that Rook can't help be memerized by you! You will get really creepy messages in your bag that complients and praises you like no other. Can I also just mention that you awaken something in Rook, something that you can or refuse to entertain. Imma just say it but Rook realizes that he wouldn't mind being hunted by you (does that turn him on? probably)
On the other side of the spectrum, Azul wants to find away to profit off of you. After he got over his fear (no one dares to bring it up besides the leech brothers), he's instantly asking you if you want some extra cash. He knows there a plenty of wealthy clients that would like to see you in different outfits. He also knows that there are plenty of people that are down right scared of you. Either way Azul will find a use out of you and no its not because this is the only way Azul could think of that gets your attention. (it is)
And have fun running away from the Leech brothers. One of them are always trailing after you. Both knows the terror of the deep blue, so you don't scare them. If anything you remind them of home. They both know that in the grand scheme of things they are much scarier and deadlier then you are. (i mean come one, you've helped plenty of people and they cause chaos)
Piggy back rides are Floyds favorite thing. Not many people are able to carry him (and those that are refuses to), but here you are! The perfect height with the perfect arms. Expect to be bombarded with squeezes and bites. Just a fyi, Floyd will lick any blood on you. He does not care for blood born pathogens, ig.
Jade, jade, jade. How to do I put this....he's fuckin enmoured by you. He's constantly observing you. Mismatch eyes trailing after you, trained you like a hawk. He wonders how much different is your antomny from his. Jade has pages full of questions and notes for and on you. He's simply waiting for his chance to corner you and take all your attention.
Riddle and Trey are on the same boat of 'please, just let us help you'. Trey kinda like your guadian angel, constantly making you food and helping you with chores. At first Trey does it, because he thought you were incredibly ill, but learns that is simply the way you're built. But he likes to help you, so he doesn't complain. Riddle also thought you were really sick, so he spent a lot of time in the library trying to find out how to help you. Like Trey he learns that simply how you are. Riddle, for a better lack of words, is completely in love with you. Sure, the blood that constantly coming out of you, is kinda gross. And he does worry if you're a chainsmoker, but there's something about your toothy smile, the way your sharp canines glint in the light, and your deep chuckles, that awakens something in Riddle he much rather keep hidden.
Leona could really care less about your appearance. At first, he thought you were going to fight him for leader or whatever, so he was on edge. That was until, you fell right in front of him because you were too busy following a butterfly. Let's just say, Leona realized he was moronsexual.
You're nice, a little dense, and intimidate everyone that does know you, so Ruggie takes full advantage of you. He's constantly trailing you, with all the intentions to get as much use out of you, but slowly begans to do the total opposite. Ruggie ends up giving you treats and cool things he's found just to see your smile. His tail wags everytime he sees you.
Despite Jamil's intial intentions to keep Kalim away from you (he thought you were a major threat, and honestly you couldn't blame him), he finds himself visting you at Ramshackle more often than not. Even through your appearance is less then conventional, Jamil finds he doesn't mind it. Again the bloods a little weird, but he doesn't mind clean you up. In fact, he kinda enjoys it. Oh! And the moment you bring him into a hug to thank him for everything he's done for you, he practically melts. You're so warm, arm's so conforting and great sevens, you're soft, kinda raspy, voice! Mans fighting his inner demons.
But you know who else fell for you the moment you whispered into their ear? Fucking Vil and Idia. For goodness sakes, Idia was as red as a tomato the first time he saw you. You looked like a big bad villian in his fantasy animes/games. The kinda a villain that took the internet by storm and caused a typhoon of fanart(some pg, some not). And for you to smile at him and whisper into his ear, while your sharp nails gently pulled back his hair and touched his cheek, Idia literally had to hold back his scream.
And Vil, fucking, Vil was totally disgusted by you at first. You looked ill, sounded ill and coughed out blood! Icky! Kept a ten meter distance from you at all times. It wasn't until he listened to Rook and Epel talk(basically gushed) about you was when he changed his perspectived. Vil studied you closer, and while yes, you did challenge his perception of beauty, Vil slowly bacame intrigued by you. You were creepy, a little freaky, but your smile was contagious, and great sevens, was your laugh always so attractive? Then there was your personality, it was the polar opposite of what your appearance suggested. And then ther was the crucial moment that engraved itself into Vil's heart, the moment you whispered into Vil's ear and told him you thought he was beautiful.
And Silver? Well, he never really cared for your appearance. He knew you had a good heart. His animal friends liked you well enough, and Lilia was always talking about you, so he had not reason not to like you. You were different, a breath of fresh air. Not to mention, he's woken up to you carrying him on your back or in your arms like a princess when ever he fell asleep. And to be greeted with your charming smile made Silver's day. His cheeks stayed a permanent rosy pink for the rest of the day.
I purposely left Malleus for last, because we all know his opinion on you. He's in love with you. There's not other way to put it. He finds himself opening up to you so quickly, because besides canon stuff, you understood what it's like to be lonely because of your appearance. You knew the fear that struck people's eyes when they saw you, you knew the whispers and threats all too well. And while those moments made you self conscious and filled with insecurities, you knew you were beautiful despite that. And Malleus was so awe-struck with your confidence. He was blown away by the way you treated everyone with kindness and shared your smile to anyone that would glance at you. Malleus thought you were down right stunning, and makes sure to tell you everyday. And of course, you being you, made sure to tell him that back. Mal is just so in love with you.
So basically a power couple.
Anyways, the boys are simps and you're way too cool for them.
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hey! can i request the tokyo revengers characters reacting to a gn!reader who is as strong as yor forger (from spy x family)?
Hello hello!
I'm back again! It might be a bit OOC! bc it's been a while since I finished the manga 🥲 I really loved it if you're not reading it I would reccomend to read that rather than watching the anime but if you're more into animated action then anime is good too ✨
So I'll do
Toman members + Bonten members reacting to gn!reader who is as strong as Yor from spy x family
Mikey: When he found out that you were as strong as him, maybe even stronger... he was hyped. Even tho he already showed you off to his friends, he does it a lot more now. And even tho he knows that you're strong, he's still worried about you, since Toman has a bigger name and there are a lot of gangs out there who would do everything to take Toman especially Mikey down. Anyways let's get away from the dark stuff. I guess if you were a closer friend of his than he would practice fighting with you time to time, but if you're his s/o then he would teach you some cool moves that can help with defending yourself.
Draken: I guess this man was shocked, you didn't really seem to be the type to be a fighter, especially not this strong. He would feel nice about someone backing him up in some fights if you guys get attacked, protecting eachother's backs. He would be too protective of off you, either you are his s/o or a closer friend of his.
Takemitchi: I think this guy would legit ask you to help him get stronger. So the two of you would work out almost on a daily basis. This man wouldn’t be that worried about you beacuse you’re a lot stronger than him so it would be the other way around. I think he would genuienly would try to compare your strenght to Mikey’s, but the two of you have quite different fighting styles and you don’t fight eachother either so he won’t be really sucseeding.
Mitsuya: Our favourite designer... even tho he knows that you’re hella strong, he’s protective about you. He doesn’t really likes seeing you fight, since you can get hurt anytime if you come across a stronger opponent, which I don’t think would happen but who knows. If you get injured while fighting he’s going to be the one to patch you up and scold you for getting hurt.
Pah-chin: I guess he would be impressed by your strenght and would also be very supportive. And he too would be very protective off of you (remember back when he wanted to take revenge bc of his friend and his friend’s gf).
Baji: It would suprise him when you guys get attacked by a smaller gang and the two would fight back. When he sees thst you're knocking out the people by just a hit to their stomach or just a kick to their neck and they are out... Like out-out. "How the hell did you get this strong... And when?" - he asked. "What do you mean?" - You asked back.
Chifuyu: Just like the others he's an impressed bby too. He's very very proud of you that you're that strong. He would show you off to Baji beacuse he's so proud to have you as his friend/ s\o. But Baji would tease Chifuyu about it for not being at your level.
Peh-yan: To be honest 🥲 I don't really know what to write for him. He didn't really stuck with me but I'm sure he would show you off to others, especially Pah-chin. And also the two of you would make a good fighting combo.
Kazutora: He would be suprised and impressed at the ame time when he sees you fighting, since you’re around Mikey’s level of strenght most likely even stronger. He would love it if you join Valhalla with him to get revenge on Mikey. You know guys, ‘It’s all Mikey’s fault.’ But anyways... sometimes he wihes that you’d beat Mikey’s ass up for him. (If we are in the “original” and not final timeline).
Hakkai: He would be impressed, proud and would become a fan of yours. He is a big cinnamon roll so sometimes you gotta protect him, and would stand embarrassedly as you beat up someones ass.
Smiley: He would laugh at your oponent for getting beaten up by you so easily. Would just sit back and watch you from the back as you beat up people (if its not a gang fight ofc).
Angry: Now this bby... he's suprised that you're stronger than him when he starts crying. But he would love it tho. You're stronger than him and his brother so he's impressed, but also would dislike seeing you fight.
Koko: I feel like he’d be jelous. Since you’re a (bit) stronger than Taiju and Mikey. If you’re the same gang as him he probably wouldn’t really mess with you if you’re hot headed. He feels safer with a a nice distance from you. But if you’re the innocent type than its over for you. He will tease you non-stop.
Sanzu: Now this man... wouldn’t belive his eyes when he sees you fighting. SInce his a bit obsessed with Mikey (beacuse of his trauma if we’re in that timeline) he would be stalking you to see if you’re actually stronger than Mikey. And he wouldn’t stop untill he confrims who’s the stronger. He would start admiring you too beacuse of your strenght (If you’re a Haru simp like me then you have been blessed). If you’d catch him stalking you he would probably either comes up with a lie or just walks in another direction.
Kakucho: Pretty much like Mitsuya, he would take care of you if you'd get hurt, and wouldn't really like to see you fight even tho he knows you can protect yourself, so if you go to him with injuries then be prepared to get scolded by him. When he first saw you fighting... he was amazed, since he didn't think that there was a stronger person than Izana.
Ran: Now him... A 100% teasing machine, even more than Koko I feel like. Also would flex on his brother for him to have such a cool person in his life. Wants to see you fight with his baton to see how much damage can you do with that. Would be watching you fighting almost everytime and would take videos off of you too.
Rindou: Even tho he teases you and also would flex on his brother a bit he's pretty much the opposite of his brother. He doesn't really have a problem with seeing you fight, he's not that worried for you as Chifuyu, but also helps you patch yourself up if you get hurt.
Takeomi: The other 'mom' friend/s\o next to Mitsuya. 100% that he hates to see you fight in front of him. He's worried for you everytime you go to him, and you have some bruises. Even tho he seems collected and calm, on the inside he's panicking a bit. Didn't actually think that there is a stronger person than Shin or Mikey untill he met you.
Mocchi: As we know he loves fighting and he most likely heard about you before you guys met. He challenged you to fight him beacuse he didn't belive that you were as strong as the rumors said. And obviously he lost. After that day your life was ruined by him. He always went back to you and challenged you hoping that he would defeat you one day.
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captaincrazycreative · 4 months
Tmagp 19 stream of consciousness
-okay Sam buddy keep tellin your self that
-Jesus these two are gonna cause SO many problems
-okay so shout out to the person who said that the characters were named after alchemists you were DEFINATLY onto something
-I know the writers can be bad with names but there's NO WAY sam sharing a name with a famous alchemist was a coincidence
-I want a hamilton style musical about Issac Newton and his shannanigins
-I wonder if this is a "speaking machine" scenario where this is vaguely based off a real, weird, horrifying event from history. Do I even wanna know???
-who knew murder plant man would be plot relevant
-yeeessss the unknowable horrors of having knowledge beyond your comprehension!!
-I love weird horror so fucking much. Don't get me wrong I enjoy the Bonzo stuff, but the more abstract phsycological stuff from tma is better imo, So I'm glad it looks like they'll be more of that in the future
-oh good the doggo's okay :)
-okay so if I'm understanding this then the protocol is just...going over to someone's house and burning up their shit??? Here we were expecting something fancy, and It's so brilliantly simple I love it
-man I don't think Alice has ever been this done with Sam before, not judging her for it just pointing it out.
-I'm glad we're more focased on plot then romance these last few episodes. Don't know how unpopular of an opinion this is, but I don't like the love triangle
-THAT BEING SAID I'm so happy to Sam and Alice interacting 😊 even I'd they're only arguing about the horrors and being Dicks to each other I don't care I love them
-COLIN! I legit thought Alice was gonna find his body for a sec
-he's so paranoid, but he's also correct to be paranoid
-so either the computers have been able to hear them this entire time OR Alice inedvertently brought the eye to him
- poor Alice keeps accidently dragging the people she cares about back into the horrors :( hopefully this doesn't lead to a guilt complex later on hahaha
-if our boy Colin wasn't in it before he sure is now oh Colin... :(
In conclusion this episode was SOOOOO fucking good. I've had my problems with the writing, but the last few eps have been REALLY good. I loved the statement, I loved the character interactions I LOVE THE LORE DUMP I feel like we're finally seeing the plot start to take shape and I couldn't be more excited! No real complaints except that the characters were a bit hard to hear in the beginning. I'm so hyped!
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