#Theory posting
howlingaround · 2 days
[ Faction Paradox ]
Very certainly not the first to notice but theres a sort of countdown (countup?) in the Book of the War, but I cant find half the numbers
Updated Version:
14 - ???
13 - Thirteen Day Republic
12 - ???
11 - Eleven Day Empire
10 - Ten escaped Familiar type timeships
9 - Nine Homeworlds
8 - Eighth Doctor as the Evil Renegade mentioned between the lines? Or the eight deleted entries unter the Enemys entry?
7 - Seventh Head Prophecy
6 - Sixth Wave Defection (see 8)
5 - Five Famous Space Battles
4 - Four "mutations" in the generation
3 - Cousin-Thrice-Removed Anastasia, being three times her own imposter
2 - Second War in Heaven?
1 - "One", President Umbaste and Investigator One
Its probably just coincidence, nothing to worry about ...
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shroombies · 1 year
Maybe I'm slow on the uptake here... But I was thinking abt the Creature we made in Episode 1, and wondering what the hell it was like under the perception filter ..
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..Like it's so silly, right? It's just a goofy guy. But we know from Sneeg's death towards the end of the episode that it is Very much capable of killing something Horribly. And then I thought to myself, "Hmm, what other creature have we seen that seems relatively mindless, just going after whatever is closest and murdering the shit out of it?"
And then I realized.
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o h .
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drbased · 1 year
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OP made this unrebloggable so I'm re-sharing my commentary here.
also another facet of female loneliness is knowing that everyone - EVERYONE - every. single. person. you ever meet is going to have a default lower empathy level for your suffering. even the most switched on feminist women are still unlearning ingrained socialisation that places women's pain, trauma and discomfort on a lower level than mens. there is no place you can go where you can just automatically expect people to have a consistent and sustained high empathy level for you, let alone that they're willing to go the extra mile to look after you if you need it. you're forever slightly more alone with regards to other's compassion towards your suffering, but you're also conditioned to have lower compassion and empathy levels for yourself. you're lonely inside your own mind, too.
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mumatsi · 2 months
This is a picture of Wukong's house before it was destroyed by Azure
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These are pictures AFTER it was rebuilt.
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Notice something different?
The lantern at the top is missing, the lantern which probably foreshadowed MK's "disappearance" this season. Or maybe how after Azure's destruction, MK was the only one left with trauma from the event?
It's also weird that Wukong and Macaque's lanterns made it out at all, are those things made of titanium???
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wormheamer · 1 month
i think artificer's story is more interesting if she didn't start out wanting to exterminate all scavengers.
most creatures are unaware of the cycle, outside the altered consciousness of a karma flower, only feeling vague impressions of distant pain where they've died before.
so arti wouldn't think to reset to join her kids again. she wouldn't even know it was possible. but the next cycle, i think she'd set out with one goal in mind: kill whoever threw that spear, just them, and then die. so she does.
and like sleep, like death, she wakes up. and does it again. again, and again, and again, each time more desperate, more violent, until eventually she takes her revenge and survives... by almost exterminating that entire tribe of scavengers.
maybe one or two of them escapes to a neighboring clan, and comes back with a kill squad. maybe they'd succeed. but after enough cycles she'd slaughter her way out of that encounter, too.
it can't really be stopped at that point. every time arti encounters a group of scavengers they'd be hostile on sight. after a thousand cycles of death at their hands, so would she, even without any clear memories of it. the cycle of hatred and bloodshed spirals out of control, because it could never have done anything else. there's no purpose to it, no intention, no grand genocidal scheme. it just happens. an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand.
now, pebbles, on the other hand, absolutely did do it on purpose.
there is i think kind of an interesting question to that in the sense that the scavengers are sort of inhabiting his body, ripping pieces of it off for their own uses. does it hurt? did he try and communicate this, get them to leave peacefully? we know they kill overseers on sight, and we know that their chieftain has a mark of communication.
that doesn't make it right; but it makes it understandable. it's at the very least a more interesting motivation than just him finding them annoying or inconvenient.
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raccoonhusband · 11 days
Theory: Bill Cipher probably ate his Parallel Dimension Twin
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Or should I have done an Earl of Lemongrab meme? Okay, jokes and japes aside I feel this has some real merit behind it, that I'll leave under the cut.
There's a lot of good ideas going around with how exactly Bill destroyed his dimension, but my personal pet theory is that he made contact with his parallel universe twin. Specifically, he consumed him. The evidence of what can happen when parallel universe copies make contact with each other is described in journal 3 by Alternate McGucket:
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"As soon as they touched hands, the entire dimension began to warp and fizz with static ... In fact, that whole dimension has ceased to exist."
Time and time again, Bill is associated with static. In his "blood", attempts by the government to vivisect him, his memories of the event, his therapy notes, and depictions of his parents.
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We know his goal with what ended up becoming the Euclydian Massacre was to "show everyone what they were missing," and it was enough to destabilize and destroy everything.
How'd he pull it off? I'm thinking he built a dimensional portal of his own, but honestly in this show anthyding can hadplen. It would definitely explain where the portal idea came from in the first place.
But why do I think he consumed his twin? It's all these very suspicious comments he keeps making to Ford specifically...
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"How about that; you've got an inferior clone! Why didn't you just eat him in the womb? Think of how powerful you'd be!" "You can't just eat your twin, Bill." "You'd be surprised what you can eat."
And in the microscopically rare moment of honesty where he admits to himself that he's a monster, even if Ford isn't aware Bill's talking about himself yet, he follows up Ford's offer for revenge with, "It would eat you alive." You'd be surprised what you can eat.
And it's not like he hasn't consumed others after, as the page in the Book of Bill on the topic of Human skin, there's a desperate note at the bottom from a Grembley Hemberdrek of Zimtrex 9, who Bill devoured trillions of years ago and who's soul has been trapped inside forever after, tortured with "Good Vibrations" by Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch on an endless loop. Who's to say his parallel twin isn't in there too?
It's very possible that his ultimate goal, aside from getting revenge, opening his world's eyes to the third dimension, and the sweet sweet high of proving everyone wrong was ultimately to find a better world, consume his "inferior twin" and take over his identity in his dimension. Thematically, it would also cement his status as Stanley's dark foil, who also took over and stole his twin's identity leading to a better life, albeit for much nobler reasons.
Additionally, on top of the practical reasons for taking over Earth, choosing Ford had that bonus that he wouldn't be alone by molding Ford in his image. It's why he kept giving him so many chances to join him. By setting him up to destroy his world, betray his twin, and become monsters together, he'd finally have a companion who's exactly like him. Only fitting for the Multiverse's ultimate narcissist, isn't it?
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Anyway, if you read this far, thanks! This is only a theory and tbh I'm probably going to be proven wrong in time but hey!
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usslakevee · 9 months
okay Ms. Flood. I have thoughts about you. My immediate instinct screams villain, which leads me to guess she's the master of some other villain from the past, I'm leaning towards a Time Lord for sure based on the familiarity with the TARDIS and how much this show loves going "every single time lord is dead" two episodes later "I found a time lord in the closet he was a little dusty but he's fine.
However, my far more fun theory is that Ms. Flood is a future companion of the Doctors, who at the end of her travelling time falls in love with someone in the past and chooses to stay with them, leading to her being an old woman in 2023.
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kawaiidoodles95-blog · 3 months
Not which is more likely, just which do you think would be more fun to see.
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anerdwithapen-blog · 10 months
Okay here me out right
The main question no one asks is why is lips the only one that cameos with the mayhem and not just say that all songs don't need a trumpet player, all songs don't need a saxophonist so what gives?
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Out of alot of Media lips appears the least and if I would scale it animal out of everyone appears the most ( solo wise ) anyone else agree?
I just wish ( other than the Muppets mayhem series (2023) ) there was some more lips love , I love the Fluffy haired man
Also, can we just appreciate the cosmetic procedure that lips had over the years from earlier muppets to now 🦷🥁🎸🎺🎷🎹🎸
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bornetoblood · 2 years
I think it's very very interesting that both the process of becoming a beast and ascension requires some sort of loss of identity. With beasthood it's obvious. You forget, your sense of self becomes your desire to hunt and your body changes into something unfamiliar. There's even the slight implication that grief can exasperate the development of beasthood.
But then to get closer to the Great Ones, you need to do the same thing. The mensis cage makes reference to a loss of identity, the choir all wear the same garb that obscures their features. the simple act of ceremony associated with the Healing Church and its rituals plays into that theme of depersonalisation, of becoming part of a monolith.
It may genuinely be one of the reasons Yharnam is so xenophobic. Both the Choir and beast patients are characterised by the covering of their eyes!!!!
The Old Blood CAN and HAS BEEN used to ascend!!!!!!!
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chibishortdeath · 5 months
Ok, I’m sick of seeing only Netflix posts lately so I’m ranting about Simon lol
Unfortunately I had some nice paragraphs written for this but tumblr crashed while I was writing so this is my second time making this post (TwT)
TL;DR with the rant under a cut for easy scrolling, I am deranged and have studied all of Simon’s outfits, here’s some fun tidbits and I guess kinda a guide about his fashion sense :3
Oh boy, where to start XD. Castlevania has a lot of intricately detailed usually gothic and/or visual kei inspired fashion designs, usually with some amount of historical accuracy, thanks to Ayami Kojima, that the series is known for. But before this, the character design style was very different. From the very 90s shonen anime inspired Richter, to Christopher being deadass shirtless in a skirt at one point, to John Morris being in basically casual clothes, there’s a lot of variety in it.
Well, being the silly Simon super fan I am, I’ve studied all his outfits a ton over the years I’ve been a fan of the series and oh boy they are INTERESTING :3. I’ve noticed a lot of elements are consistently reoccurring, specific to him, and some are very much not specific to him lol. Anyway, just trust me on this one, overanalyzing the closet of an NES barbarian to be able to make new outfits for him is FUN >:3c.
So, I’ve seen him not wearing pants thrown around as a joke before, but it’s actually the truth! Besides the Haunted Castle wedding suit (an outlier that should not be counted lol), I actually have never run into a design where Simon is wearing full length, proper pants. The closest he ever gets is black tights in Simon’s Quest and occasionally shorts, but on that topic, shorts aren’t even his most common choice! Let’s look at some of his oldest designs:
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This one is really hard to tell, but based on the angle of the lines, the shadows, and context clues from other art for CV1, I don’t know if that’s actually supposed to be shorts 💀💀💀!
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In both his cute little manual doodles and his almost more adorable teeny 8-bit sprite, his outfit is a belted tunic of some sort! So like, the equivalent of a really tiny dress or a long shirt XD. And really, his cover art design is kinda just a more detailed version of these. They both have a distinction between a top and bottom part of the upper half, they both have big belts, they both have the tall boots and arm guards, they both have teeny skirt part, and Fun Fact! They both have red in the hair! I color picked a nice high res scan of the CV1 cover art, and yes, there’s red in his hair!!! It’s like a nice mix of dark reddish blond, it’s a very fun hair color :3.
However, that’s not where CV1 ends in tunic vs shorts debate:
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THAT’S A SKORT— DO YOU SEE THAT DISTINCTION BETWEEN THE HALVES, ONE IS DEFINITELY A PANTLEG LMAO. So yeah, skort Simon is also a thing thanks to this particular magazine scan lol, thus leaving us with the possibility that it is both a skirt and shorts on the CV1 cover that he’s wearing X,,,,D. Never change, Simon, never change.
Besides the tunic, there’s some other interesting details to his CV1 era designs! :D In a lot of depictions he has this neat cape, something that returns in some Simon’s Quest art and Smash Bros lol, but he’s never shown wearing it in game. What’s interesting is that Trevor actually gets a cape in his game’s opening as well as Christopher in Belmont’s Revenge if I’m remembering correctly. It’s very neat seeing Simon character design details rubbing off into other characters :3. I like to think lore wise that it’s the same cape that’s been passed down to Simon from those two.
He also has the headband! Iconic! But have you noticed the little ball shapes at the ends of the tails? They’re either knots or, infinitely cooler option, beads :D!!!!!!! And I wouldn’t be surprised if they were because that leads me to another design: X68000–
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Now this one is one of my favorites :3. It’s kinda like a forward facing version of his original design but with some new details! And his headband gets this cool lookin, intricate distinctly metallic design on it, something I’ve seen a lot of artists simplify to a general crescent moon shape. But it is kinda similar to the shape on his belt buckle, something that I still have no idea what it’s even supposed to be. Also, his arm guards and the thing at the end of his necklace (which may or may not have vampire teeth on it, they could just be metal spikes though) are similar; it makes me wonder if it was an attempt at a tortoiseshell pattern? Filigree? Whatever it is, they’re all matchy matchy about it.
This design also gives him the staple left shoulder pauldron, of which has these huge stitches holding it on and an added belt that connects to his other belt armor. Get used to belts, he has a lot of those X,,,D. What’s really neat about this one’s belt is that he has both a hilt for the family sword but also one for the whip on the other side, and they’re on the wrong sides for drawing the weapon properly 💀💀💀💀. Which is also funny considering his CV1 cover art has the sword on the other side, which is kinda wrong too? Who knows, maybe he’s ambidextrous and just doesn’t care what sides they’re on lol.
The biggest thing I can say about this design though is that a lot of these accessories and armor pieces look homemade, like as if he just took teeth as a trophy himself and strung them on a cord or made a shoulder piece and put it on an already existing belt he had. Adding onto this, there’s also the possible beads on his headband and the cords around his boots (which could be an attempt at a certain actual historical type of shoe that I cannot remember the name of for the life of me rn, in which case would make these not boots and actually corded shoes with very nice big fluffy socks hehe, I am forcing you to imagine him with big fluffy socks—) and yeah! I can see him making his stuff on his own :3. Which is so cool! I love this idea so much, it makes for a lot of things to imagine him doing hehe. Also gives him a hobby??? Yeah :)
No indication of if he’s got shorts or not in this one, maybe I’ll count how many have skirts or shorts and put that at the end of this lol.
But shorts get another point again cause we’re looking at Chronicles:
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Oh Chronicles. Well, the first thing I wanna mention is that, this is Ayami Kojima’s design for him, so here we are seeing a very interesting mix of the visual kei style and 80s barbariancore in a way that honestly slays (figuratively and literally). And, surprisingly, there is something historically accurate about this design, and it’s not what you’d probably expect. Based on the width, material, cross rivets, and the buckle on the front, Simon is wearing an actual dog collar. Like, for dogs. Like it’s dog armor used primarily for hunting dogs I just— Again, never change Simon, never change 💀💀💀.
We also see Simon preferring to put his armor on his left side again with the torn in half coat. It’s also somewhat similar to 1600s coats, not really of any specific country in fashion that I can tell, however the sleeve being that short is not accurate, leading me to believe that he probably tore that off too lol. Very Chrom Fire Emblem of you, Simon, and another example of him D.I.Y.—ing things. The basic elements still stay similar to past designs. Shorts, distinct upper and lower half of shirt, belts, armor on said belt, sword and whip hilts, arm armor and tall boots (shout out to the heels on this one), and armor on the left, unfortunately no headband though. But that distinct bottom half to the shirt part of his outfit in this one is defined with… a corset? Yeah!!! That’s a corset!!! Though the proper name for the time period might be a stay or a girdle, but Simon is straight up wearing a belt over a corset. And said corset over a coat. Half of one. Don’t question him—
But the main entries to his 80s bara-barian half of the wardrobe, let’s get to some knightly aesthetic outfits, of which he does have a good amount, starting with SCV4:
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Simon’s knightly outfits are usually a similar silhouette as his original tunic look, just in metal this time and in various colors. SCV4 has his armor as gold on the cover, blue on the Japanese cover and manual art, and green in game! And they’re all pretty much the same with mild variations. On the cover art, his shoes are corded sandals with nothing under them, but in game and in most other artwork they are these metallic boots with the classic X shape of the cords baked into them. Some art gives his middle belt armor section this cross with snakes on it, which is an odd thing to be referencing here. It’s either a staff of Mercury, usually associated now with medicine but was an alchemical symbol before that, or something else I can’t find any info on. There’s also a big ab window because these are all proper half shirts lol. Straight up a metal breastplate with nothing under it, a pretty bad idea tbh 💀.
All in all, these are generally really simple, but there’s one more thing before I stop talking about SCV4:
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I LOVE this design. It’s this really nice blend of the older CV1 era style and the metal armor of the later ones, very cool. Shout out to the eye creases and the dead stare shadow over his eyes too, they really conveyed the effects of witnessing the horrors well lmaoooo.
Again, tunic, belt, arm guards, headband, the usual, but, speaking of symbols, there’s something about this one that’s been driving me nuts forever: I cannot find out what that symbol on his paldrons and belt buckle is!!! It’s this upside down triangle with a bent rectangle missing the bottom line over it and it LOOKS distinctly intentional, but I can’t find it or what it means anywhere!!! I tried searching through lists of alchemical symbols, religious symbols, nothing so far has been close (TwT ). Regardless, great design, definitely in my top 5.
And what else is in my top five? Oh yeah babey, it’s Simon’s Quest time:
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Ah, Simon’s Quest with his fuck ass bob and the stolen Ravenloft image— but unironically, that armor fucks fr. Again, similar silhouette! If there’s any take aways from this post, it’s definitely that Simon is a little shirt, little pants kind of guy. A severe lack of long sleeves and long pants legs until now, and even then, these are skin tight. Heck even his boots(????) are vacuum sealed, just look at those fabric creases by his ankle!
Now, it’s honestly really hard to tell if his “gloves” and “boots” are supposed to be in some parts metal due to the shading on them and the base armor being very similar. I personally like to depict the forearm and calf parts as metal and the hand and ankle parts as not, but eh. Like most things regarding Simon, I suppose this too is up to interpretation XD. There’s some variation in color in some scans having the underclothes be white, dark blue, or black, and the armor be any range of red to purple to brown too. But towards red and black is probably the most accurate due to his sprite being those colors.
But this is a shockingly rare case of Simon being fully covered in one of his outfits, and I’m inclined to think that there’s probably a reason for that. Not only does he have a rotting curse right now and drawing straight up gore on the cover of an NES game was just not an option lol, but he’s not letting his guard down anymore after being hit. Which would also explain the sudden change to all metal armor as that can’t be cut through as easily as leather.
Speaking of all metal armor, oh I looooove the detailing on his. The gold accents to his byzantine (a nice in between color of red and purple, a color that is also reused in Smash Bros again in the middle corset section of his outfit) are what I would call stylized floral patterns, kinda in the way that fleur de les don’t really look exactly like flowers but still are supposed to represent one. Not sure what kind exactly, but possibly some sort type of angel’s trumpet? Very neat regardless. The gems inlaid in it are all green on top and around the belt, but the center belt buckle is bright red. It’s a very jewel tones color scheme!!!
Well anyway, if tumblr will let me have more images, I’d like to show off a few other random examples of outfit elements he’s had before I close this off with something :3
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This was a pretty recently found scan of Simon wearing get this: a pleated miniskirt. Probably Roman armor inspired, as some of his other magazine scans have depicted him as such. One ad for SCV4 and another (live action even) for Simon’s Quest has him even wearing like a Roman helmet and everything, it’s odd. Add helmets to the list of things Simon might wear. Hmm maybe I should make a tier list of things based on how often he’s worn them…
Moving on!
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This one goes for the bold choice of giving Simon not only an expected tiny belted tunic, but side slits on the legs! And uh um a little too much detail but uh— It’s also this kinda white, kinda bluish, kinda silverish color? Add this to Simon’s color palette I guess lol.
Which reminds me that I didn’t mention colors very much until now whoops. Throughout all of hie designs he primarily seems to wear neutrals like various browns, greys, and metal tones. But he also has a lot of color. Like as in there’s enough different colored designs to make a whole rainbow of Simon outfits. Common combinations like dark green, gold, and wine reds; blue and silver; brown, gold, orange, and kinda purplish greys; etc etc. And his HAIR. Oh boy, would this guy love modern hair dye X,,,,,D. He’s had it various blonds, reds, browns, even black at one point, blue, green, unnatural red, pink, and in one concept design white! Personally, I like depicting it as a nice in between of red, blond, and brown, it encompasses the most I think.
The final thing I wanna mention is the Smash Bros design, which I unfortunately can’t show because I’m on mobile and have met the 10 images limit whoopsie— (_ _ ;). This design is really a good culmination of a lot of elements. Not really definitive or anything, but very good :3. And it has something I didn’t mention earlier that I’ve noticed in some Simon designs: random belts or metal around his upper arms and thighs lol. The Smash Bros design in particular has the arm band things on both sides, Chronicles has it on the not half coat one, but this is another thing I’ve seen other characters (Christopher in particular, but his are just gold rings) have. The leg thing is less common, but yeah, that exists lol. Thank you Simon for uh bending two pieces of metal around your leg…? It’s cool XD. The corset also makes a return, as well as, once more, the same basic silhouette with the armor only on the left side, the belt armor pieces, etc etc. He’s very particular about that—
Well, anyway, Simon definitely has a vibe going on, but here’s a brief summary of things he seems to like:
Skirts, tunics, long shirts, and shorts (and skorts I guess), but nothing past about half his thigh, generally over the knees.
No long sleeves or pant legs (unless it’s tights when absolutely necessary).
Armor primarily to the left, unless it’s metal, in that case usually a full plate or paldron set.
Belts, hilts, belts on his arms, and neck, and hanging off of things, and legs, yeah belts—
Boots/tall socks, corded or not, and something on his forearms or wrists.
Headband! Seriously out of every Belmont he is the most dedicated to these lol.
Necklaces and beads and other little accessories and adornments are also cool.
Alrighty then, have fun Simon-ing and I encourage you to look through his or other characters’ designs and pick them apart a bit sometimes, even if it’s just through what’s on the wiki :3. If anything, I think it’s a good exercise in character design and consistency! But yeah, I wrote all this late at night and can’t think of anything else rn. If I do I’ll do a sequel I guess hehe. Either that or I might rant about another character hmmmmmmm—
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potabo · 1 year
That one damn hospital scene
There's something (besides the creepy faceless angel) that has always struck me as a Little Odd about the light world hospital scene in Chapter 2. As you may or may not be aware, in Chapter 2, the hospital has a scene where Noelle and her father, Rudy, are playing the in-game stand-in for Deltarune, Dragon Blazers. Now by the time Kristoph and Susleigh get to the room, the two are about to take on the
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(now if "Silver Drake" means anything in particular I'm a bit lost as to what but, again, perfectly possible) From here Rudy makes the perfectly reasonable suggestion
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because this is, as we learn... elsewhere, the Ice Palace boss
in response to which she says the following:
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Which reads as "the only party member who can use spells such as fireshock (the mage) is no longer with the party," at least by the point which you reach this ice boss.
This is where things become a Little Odd.
So we, having completed the Alternate Route, establish that we are fighting the same boss, the ice palace drake:
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this time Rudy asks Noelle what the game plan is, but this in and of itself doesn't seem terribly significant beyond being one of those Slight Differences we all love (perhaps a showcase of how her Boldness going up means she interacts with the world differently)
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but then here's the kicker:
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Now there's two main takeaways from this, firstly Noelle is still a bit Fucked (understandably) from the whole chain of events leading to this scene
but secondly and, more importantly, this implies that the game Dragon Blazers- the in-universe mirror of Deltarune has changed between routes
More specifically, the mage in this version has not left the party.
Now I think there are two main ways you can read this with regards to Deltarune as a whole:
This means that Noelle returning to the dark world is a Side B exclusive thing (uh oh)
We fight Noelle at some point (also uh oh), Noelle being the Ice Palace boss, and this is some clever wordplay around how having done Side B does not help the situation (Iceshock being ineffective and all that)
But also neither of those seem super likely to me at least, so theres some room to work with here
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drbased · 3 days
Does anyone know why the official term is now 'child sexual abuse material' and not 'child pornography'? Because on the one hand, 'pornography' is such a visceral terminology with vivid imagery and I can imaging a victim would not want to be using that word to describe what they went through. However....
The cynic in me suspects that this is to distance the public consciousness away from associations between pornography and violence. Under feminist analysis, pornography is the technical term, with the violence inherent to the production of the medium, the character of the medium, and more fundamentally the ideology of the medium. Therefore it seems to me that 'child pornography' would be a perfectly reasonable term to a feminist: media that contains an ideology of sexualised violence against children.
Perhaps the mainstream feels that 'pornography' brings to mind a certain level of explicitness, therefore seemingly innocent photos of children in swimwear wouldn't count - but once again, under a feminist lens, the ideology of violence is what defines the nature of pornography, therefore the explicitness is irrelevant.
The even deeper cynic in me sees that society feels a sense of cognitive dissonance in trying to score a neat line between 'good and harmless pornography' and 'bad and violent pornography'. People want to believe the line is consent, but unfortunately it's hard to apply a good model of consent onto pornography. Rape is, in theory, easier, because there is direct contact between the assailant(s) and the victim. But under pornography, that woman cannot possibly consent to you, specifically, seeing her in that context. Society wants to believe that the very existence of said material is consent in-and-of itself, but I think deep down people aren't really convinced. The very existence of there being a line between 'good pornogaphy' and 'bad pornography' at all brings up all this cognitive dissonance on the nature of what harm in pornography actually is - and the only real way to deal with this cognitive dissonance is to slap a blanket label of 'good' onto all pornography. So if there is a known 'harmful pornography' then it must be renamed into 'sexual abuse material'.
But I could be wrong, of course. There are people who actually work with victims of CSA and the victims themselves who have their reasons. I still believe I have made a good case for my cynicism, however; their reasons and mine do not have to be mutually exclusive.
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raishical · 1 year
Hello Tumblr people who may appreciate this more but I’m here to say (since I rewatched both recently and remembered this connection existed) that on a technicality these two stories (HYYTD and Trollhunters) exist in the same universe
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Both are Dreamworks productions, and have similar visuals at least in the department of creature design (the dragons vs the trolls) atleast to me, As well as similar background props and in general a very similar look for the “old” things in Trollhunters.
The more obvious connection comes from Gobbers line in this scene: “oh trolls exist! They steal your socks, only the left ones though, whats up with that?”
(Sorry for the horrendous clip quality I cannot find a better one)
This, along with the ongoing bit of the Trolls loving to eat rotten dirty socks, its actually one of their main food sources while on the surface (other than cats and small animals)
Trollhunters is phenomenal by the way, I highly recommend watching it (its on Netflix)
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bar-guest · 5 months
Ok but what if the framing for Come to me Again would be something like:
Loumand is having halfhearted at best sex, initiated by Louis. Once the song starts, the camera zooms out of their bedroom, and shifts focus to a grand concert hall, maybe visually reminiscent of the Mardi Gras place.
There in the center is Dreamstat playing on the piano for a larger audience, and starting to sing. He occasionally catches eye contact with Louis. The camera switches between close ups on Louis' face and wider shots with Dreamstat. Louis' mind isnt really in it, but he still experiences the saddest orgasm known to man at the climax point of the song.
Idk, I think I would simply cease to be
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han-something · 11 months
I just know team Bolas were watching Tubbo pick out who he wanted from Green team and praying that he took ElQuackity. Especially after Baghera's realisation about him not being on the train, Phil wanted that man nowhere near his team LOL.
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