#The chaos that would ensue
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teamzacian · 8 months ago
Limbus x Touhou Crossover IDs pt. 4
Here's the man himself, Ordinary Magician in Black Hong Lu
"Ah, it's a great night to hunt some troublesome yokai, don't you agree Alice? A quick Master Spark to the face and BAM! This Incident should be solved in no time!"
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I hope you all are ready for next time.
Hint: Both Characters are severely depressed, and one appeared in Touhou 8!
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the-scarlet-witch-22 · 2 years ago
You’re telling me Kathryn Hahn was at the Eras Tour and Taylor Swift didn’t invite her on stage to sing Agatha All Along? Blondie we remember the Olaf costume from 1989, there’s some Silly Goose Energy in you 🧐🤨
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doodleloopsy · 2 years ago
Hawks and Camilo are the same person. change my mind.
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sourskywalker · 2 years ago
i would love to see all the leaders of the world sit down and play a game of uno
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theantaresheron · 1 year ago
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If Ruggie can shove twenty people down the stairs on a regular day, can you imagine what he can do if he overblot
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nortedwayfinder · 1 year ago
Team Blue
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i picture these four teaming up to find Sonic, Knuckles, Rouge, and Metal and the meme potential is insane.
Based on this recent post from sonic official twitter/tumblr:
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awhoreintheory · 5 months ago
In Eminem's Album "The Eminem Show" he has a song called Business that directly references Batman. He also has repeated references to Robin and Batman's dynamic throughout many of his songs right right are you following my thought train??
So it is logical to assume Eminem either doesn't exist in Peter's home universe or Marvel, or he has entirely different songs with more Marvel based super hero references. (The easier option is he doesn't exist tho)
I just think it'd be neat for Peter to discover Eminem in DC and I have literally no reason other than I love Eminem
Peter, running past Tim at neckbreaking speeds while rapping Rap God: youassumingthatimhumanwhatigottafotogetitthroughtoyouimsuperhuman—
Tim: dear god, Stephanie got to him
Jason, exiting with flair: yeah, good luck with that
Bruce, with a long suffering sigh:
Stephanie, wiping away a single tear: he's glorious
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is-this-even-relatable · 7 months ago
So you know how Billy’s last name is Batson? Well think in terms of Norse naming schemes and it’s Bat son.
I want a fic where people think Billy is Batman’s son.
Batman knows who Captain Marvel is, and sometimes Billy has a tough day. Sometimes Batman comes to help out in Fawcett City and happens to run into scrawny kid Billy. So he helps/offers emotional or physical support.
And Billy is a little shit, and also magical as fuck so he’s got Weird-Vibes (TM)
People see this strange, obviously not normal child. People see Batman, the cryptid, whom shadows cling to and is quieter than the night he dwells in.
Yeah that black haired kid is obviously some magical spawn of batman.
And then they learn his name is Billy Batson? Yeah, that’s definitely Batman’s son, didn’t know Batman was norse though?
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wikitpowers · 1 month ago
hc that ty always thought his name was silly but when kit says it, he thinks that it somehow sounds so lovely and he wants to hear it all the time <3
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inpursuitofnunchi · 1 year ago
the subtitler understood the assignment
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wortaives · 2 months ago
that moment when your laboratory partner swallowed the demon core and became one with it, so now you have to monitor it so that both of you wouldn't die from radiation. that's rough buddy
song: Marshall Maximizer by Hiiragi Magnetite ft. KAFU
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lynn-tged-posting · 9 months ago
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if i had a nickel for every lowkey unhinged engineer i got attached to, i'd have two nickels
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just-some-friendly-fun · 2 months ago
Random Headcanon for Blitzwing I'm just throwing out there bc I thought it was silly but,
I think TFA Blitzwing would love neapolitan ice cream.
I can see Icy being the type to enjoy vanilla—often seen as a basic flavor, but it's nice, not too overwhelming, just simple and sweet. It's not as loved but the lack of love doesn't diminish the flavor Hothead liking strawberry flavor was also a cute thing I liked revolving around my head, also with his sort of dark reddish-pink color. I think it matches. Random being an avid chocolate enjoyer sticks for me, very popular flavor that every kid probably exclaimed once about enjoying. That being said, sharing a carton of neapolitan ice cream with these three is a whole 'nother case. Icy would definitely be the one recommending to just take scoops out of the carton and putting it into respective bowls (also for hygiene sake), Hothead would be eating straight out of the carton instead, and Random is already teeth-deep, biting into the carton itself.
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thordottir45 · 2 years ago
The Outlaw's Spirit
After a reveal gone wrong, whether intentional or not, Danny books it. Sam and Tucker have to stay behind in Amity to prevent Maddie, Jack, and the GIW from following their best friend. The trio is 16~17 or so at this point.
Jazz, being the best big sis that she is, has been taking college classes online to protect Danny. She helps the two destroy the Drs. Fenton lab before grabbing her go bag and getting out of there. She plans to start anew in a different city so that Danny can eventually join her. She's thinking Gotham, with the ambient ectoplasm, and high crime rates, it'll feel more like home than Star City, or Metropolis.
Danny, meanwhile, keeps running. He comes across a high-tech jet and hides in it, pulling a stowaway.
This jet is a Batplane, but is currently being used by The Outlaws for a mission.
Danny's ghost sense has no idea about how to react to Jason, so it causes him to cough, revealing his location to the group.
"B." Artemis instructs Bizarro with his nickname.
Bizarro moves in slowly, while Jason pulls out his guns, and Artemis her sword. Bizarro opens wherever Danny is hiding, revealing his black hair and blue eyes of his human form. Seeing the shaking teen, B gently pulls him out and 'restrains' him via hug.
Danny is freaking out at the sight of these out-of-the-norm people, and his ghost sense is triggering a coughing fit, aggravating whatever wounds he may have.
"One of your brothers?" Artemis asks Jason, despite keeping her guard up.
"Not that I know. What are you doing in here, kid?" Jason lowes his guns, but doesn't holster them, wanting to keep them in hand in case this kid is an enemy.
Danny, coughing, takes a closer look at the three surrounding him.
"Red Hood? Artemis of the Bana-Mighdall? Bizarro? What? Huh?!"
"Worry, we hurt you." Bizarro says soothingly.
Tensing, Danny prepares to use his powers, but Artemis explains what Bizarro means before he does.
"What are you doing in here, kid? You're hurt." Jason reiterates before noticing just how the boy is breathing other than his coughing fits.
Feeling safer with these three than he had with his parents in a long time, and with them all not being entirely human themselves, Danny is willing to explain some things, but not everything.
"My parents, they're scientists, they found out that I'm not entirely human... I had to run. I saw this jet, and it was a chance for me to get further away from them before they track me down."
"They can track you?" Artemis asks while Bizarro releases Danny, setting the teen down on a bench. Jason pulls out a med kit and sets it down next to Danny.
Jason then gets the Batplane into the air while the other Outlaws get to know the stowaway more.
Jason's inner bat wants to do so much research that he resembles the Replacement more than himself, but more of him sees himself in the kid and, as much as he loathes to admit it, pull a Bruce to take care of the much-too-thin teen.
Setting the autopilot to Gotham, Jason re-joins the discussion, noting that the kid's coughs get worse the closer he gets. Odd.
Bizarro and the teen have bonded over video games and movies, even with Bizarro's speech mannerisms.
Artemis, on the other hand, is patching the boy up, not offering much to the conversation other than clearing some things up for B.
"Course's set for Gotham. Figure we'll want Alfie to get some proper food in ya. Now, can you explain all the coughing?" Jason plops down across from the teen, keeping some distance to not make the coughing worse if his hunch is right.
Danny explains in the broadest terms for his ghost sense, that it can tell when people have died, and that Red Hood didn't come back right.
Tense, Jason's vision bleeds into green as he questions, "How?"
"I can tell because I didn't come back right, either..." Danny then tries to explain ectoplasm as glowing green goo, causing Jason to tense even more.
"Lazarus Waters."
Taking off his helmet, the lenses of Jason's domino are glowing, "Lazarus Waters. They threw me in mostly dead, and I came out mostly alive."
"That shouldn't..." Danny tilts his head, thinking of the lessons from Frostbite on the nature of ectoplasm and what happens when it gets corrupted. All part of his training for taking the throne. "Huh. Sounds like you got a batch of the more corrupted stuff. With pure ectoplasm, it would bring you back fully, with few side effects."
"Ectoplasm?" Bizarro asks from Danny's right.
Explaining in more detail, since Red Hood is some sort of subject of his and needs help, time passes and soon the autopilot is landing the jet.
"Come on, kid. Let's get some food in you, then we can see what to do about the Lazarus Waters." Jason puts a hand on the door to the Batplane, opening it to reveal the Batcave.
Just something that was floating around in my head. Not sure if I'll continue it, it's unlikely.
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sorrygotthesesacks · 8 months ago
FloRid thoughts this morning on the way to work.
Thinking about how, for all of Floyd’s teasing of Riddle, he also admires his strength.
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And we know that Floyd has expressed interest in throwing down with Riddle.
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We also know Riddle’s adherence to following rules is absolute, without regard to whether the rules are sensible.
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So I got it in my head of Floyd getting his wish to fight Riddle through some kind of rules shenanigans (kinda like how I engineered the FloRid kiss in my Spin the Bottle fic!)
Plot twist: Floyd finds a bleeding Riddle kinda hot.
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secretsandwritinggs · 2 months ago
Anthony, Eli, and Sam madness…
Honestly, you guys have no idea how bad this itch is. I feel the want to make Anthony and Eli content. I feel insane since it would be the two of them reminiscing how they were complete assholes who are trying to improve their past mistakes. It has been rotting my brain at this point and Eli just wants to put Anthony in his pocket and run away, but Sam won’t be chill about that. She would be like, “Where the fuck are you taking my brother?” as she squints her eyes at him as he’s stuffing the fifteen year old in his pocket.
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