#shadow tails friendship supremacy
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nortedwayfinder · 26 days ago
I feel as though people gloss over the fact that in the New Year episode of Tailstube, not only does Tails have Shadow's phone number despite being aware he's not the talkative type, but Shads immediately picks up (even if the conversation doesn't last more than a few seconds)
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I like to think Tails is listed as 'The Tolerable One' on Shadow's contact list.
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0ne-shot · 7 months ago
okay i know im team chaotix centered but god dAMN i am shaking screaming crying after the sonic 3 trailer it was sososo good
one thing that i am actually nervous for though is how paramount is going to take shadow and tails's relationship in the third movie
now i KNOW that in the trailer shadow pulled one of his kicks on tails again but yknow. he beat the shit sonic and knuckles too. i dont think its that personal as everyone thinks. i'd argue he hurt sonic and knuckles even MORE than tails: the fox just got a simple kick while sonic got SLAMMED into the air and knuckles got his wrist bones gone. reduced to atoms.
i just hope. HOPE. that they dont give shadow and tails that stupid fucking beef between eachother like in some sonic media. i know shadow just spent most of his life in a pod for 50 years and just went through immense emotional pain and trauma but i genuinely do not think that shadow is immature and or irrational enough to hold a forever grudge towards a kind-hearted child he barely knows. he's an antagonist, not a monster
ALSO about amy and rouge not being in this movie (god DAMN you paramount write a fucking WOMAN for ONCE PLEASE) im also hoping that MAYYYBE possibly that tails might be the one who reminds shadow of maria (if they'll include something similar to sa2) because sonic just. i dont see him being a parallel to maria at all im sorry and i think why knux wont is obvious. also the fact that tails has a bunch of similarites to maria (blonde hair, blue eyes, in the child stages, innocent, love for science, calm and mature-like etc etc) ALSO another reason for why the shadow and tails beef shouldnt have happened in the first place
i am clinging onto the slight dynamic changes sega has been making with shadow and tails over the years as i manifest their friendship in the third movie (the shadow the hedgehog game where they both fight alongside eachother and consider one another allys, mosth where tails and shadow talk with eachother and banter casually, that one tailstube video where tails INTENTIONALLY gives shadow a gift i am still weeping happy tears over that)
tails could even be what makes shadow slowly trust in familial love again after his heart's been shattered back at the ark
so uh. yeah. that's out. the shrieking goblin in my brain can finally rest until the full movie comes out
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nortedwayfinder · 1 year ago
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Normal activities while Tails fixes up Omega.
shoutout to @genesis-quoi for giving me omega's favourite colour and generally being the funniest person alive
Love how one of the most beautiful things Shadow and Tails have in common are their respective blue coded older sibs who love the planet and are cheerful and would give their own life to keep their little brothers safe and adore them more than the world itself
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5h0w1sh · 1 year ago
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Cowboy AU! Designs
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max-nico · 2 years ago
Miles "Tails" Prower Headcanons
If you have any headcanons put them in the tags, reply, or my ask box ! Any character you want me to focus on ? Message me, or hit my ask box ! Suggestions are always welcome .
Tails has autism and OCD next question !
I think when he's a little kid he's very shy, a bit on the quiet end, still super sweet, but the older he gets the more stoic he gets
He goes from like cute UwU baby shy to awkward and uncomfortable to be around shy to I honestly didn't even know he was there. Did he come with you? Shy
That's not to say he doesn't talk, but he doesn't do well in big groups, and definitely manages to master the art of simply blending into the group
I think Tails has taken apart and rebuilt Omega at LEAST once. Maybe it was to understand eggman tech, maybe it was just for funzies, maybe Omega volunteered, who knows
Tails' winter coat is a very pale lavender and stark white
Tails' claws have cut through many MANY pairs of gloves as he's gotten older
He gets a bit of a temper when he hits maybe 13-16 somewhere in that age range. I mean he spends a lot of time with Knuckles and Shadow, and Sonic also has trouble his rage from time to time
I mean, even Amy has a temper lol what did everyone expect
Tails' workshop is basically just a sensory room, not that he would ever CALL it that...
It has 2 floors, the bottom floor and half a top floor
Complete with lights that he can dim and brighten as he pleases, the top floor has walls floors and furniture that are sensory friendly, and a corner that he claims is for Sonic that has soft weighted blankets and a couple huge bean bags
I think his workshop runs a bit cold, so his coat comes in kinda splotchy during warmer months
Tails has fixed the Chaotix phones so many times that he has made them virtually indestructible
But as punishment, their phones are basically bricks lol
Sonic and co don't even have phones, Tails gave them extremely high tech watches
Like sure it tells time and makes phone calls but it also has holograms and can store chaos energy probably, they also have trackers that can be turned off or on by either the user or Tails himself
And they're waterproof with a lifetime warranty !
Sonic's eyes glow in the dark because of all his time spent with chaos energy, Tails eyes give off a dim version of that
He cannot STAND when people touch his stuff, even if they don't move it, they still touched it WITHOUT asking liiiiike make it make sense
And for that matter, he doesn't like his space invaded either. It's okay to be there while HE'S in there, and it's okay if you asked, but otherwise.....🤨 Get out. It's not like he has anything to hide, but still
He has a lot of verbal stims, especially when he's focused on something. He tends to gekker and chitter under his breath, and he clacks his teeth together too
He also does these things when he's incredibly happy or angry, just most times he is experiencing a lot of emotion. It took a long time for him to willing stim in front of more people then just Sonic
Bullying will do that to a boy 😔👊🏾
Tails tends to stay up all night working because he has toe curling chest gripping tear jerking paranoia
He just like me fr
I believe in Tails and Shadow friendship supremacy
As he gets older, Tails stops introducing himself as Tails and starts saying Miles, but he doesn't get rid of the nickname Tails either, it's just something that's reserved for his family
Tails is very adept with guns. Whether it's from spending time with Shadow or his own interest with learning, he knows what he's doing, though it's not his weapon of choice, at least not a traditional one
I try my best to not make these posts very long (I think I failed), so I tried to make sure this was only moderate length and tried to stay out of crack territory, but he's my favorite and he's so cool okay ?!
If you have any headcanons put them in the tags, reply, or my ask box ! Any character you want me to focus on ? Message me, or hit my ask box ! Suggestions are always welcome .
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changeling-fae · 6 years ago
HPHM Character Profile
Thanks @batgirl-87 for tagging me!
General Information.
Name : Melody Kairi Prince
Age : 16 (currently)
Gender : Female
Nickname(s) :
Mel (by Jae)
Pip (by Jacob apparently)
Little troll (by her eldest brother William)
Cuttlefish (by her grandfather)
Date of Birth : March 1st, 1973 at 6:30pm
Astrological/ Zodiac Sign : Here’s her chart,
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Ethnicity : Irish, Siren
Nationality : Irish
Species : Witch, Siren
Blood Type : A
Blood Status : Half-breed (quarter?)
Family :
Father - Halwyn Orpheus Prince
Halwyn and Eileen Prince were cousins, sharing grandparents making Melody and Snape second cousins.
The Prince family are very much like the Gaunts in once being wealthy pure bloods but are now reduced to a shadow of once they were.
They weren’t as poor as the Gaunts but we’re nothing like the Malfoys or Blacks in terms of wealth.
They clung to pure blood ideals however and can also tie their lineage to Cadmus Peverell.
Before his sons were born, Halwyn was the youngest and last male Prince.
He had two older sisters and Eileen his only first cousin.
He was disowned when he married Odella Gale, since she’s half siren.
He was placed in Slytherin just like all the Prince’s and proud of it.
He had a talent for potions, herbology, and DADA.
He was a very stoic and reserved man who could pick people apart psychologically if he was feeling malicious. He was soft with his family however.
He is eventually murdered by R/Cabal when Melody is 10.
Mother - Odella Aislinn Gale
Odella is half siren with a siren mother.
She was raised by her father on land but her mother would come visit from time to time.
She was placed into Slytherin which is where she met Halwyn.
She was aware of her blood status during the rise of pure blood supremacy and so worked extra hard out of spite.
She ended up as both Prefect and Head Girl of Slytherin.
She was a member of the Frog Choir.
She had a talent for charms, transfiguration, CoMC, and divination.
She was deeply in love with Halwyn and his sudden death hit her hard.
Jacob’s fall from grace and sudden disappearance right only a few months after Halwyn’s death pushed her more into grief.
At first she was paranoid of Melody running away (hence not letting her have a broom) but then swung the opposite, hardly ever home and throwing herself into work.
Melody looking for the vaults angered her further and their relationship hasn’t recovered.
Eldest Brother - William Halwyn Prince
Melody’s eldest brother who is 11 years older than her.
He can give Snape a run for his money as a cranky, sarcastic, jerk.
He is a loner who on the whole doesn’t like people.
Thanks to being part siren he’s ridiculously attractive and draws people to him despite his prickly personality.
He does have a soft spot for his family and would protect them, even he is mean about it.
The only person he actively likes is his best friend/boyfriend, Faran, a Ravenclaw werewolf.
He has a talent for DADA and potions and makes his boyfriend’s wolfsbane potion.
He becomes a curse breaker for Gringotts along with his boyfriend.
Second Brother - Jacob Corentin Prince
He’s 6 years older than Melody and 5 younger than William.
He’s more hotheaded than William and Melody but he’s good at hiding it.
Only originally looked for the vaults for fun but then got sucked into the more serious side once R got involved.
Once Duncan dies he becomes obsessed with breaking the curse to give meaning to what they did.
Once his dad was murdered he felt it was his fault and left to protect his family and get revenge.
He and William fought a lot growing up but he’s protective of Melody.
Has the attitude that only he’s allowed to tease her.
He didn’t get along with Snape because he reminded him too much of his brother William.
His best subjects were flying, DADA, and transfiguration.
Grandfather - Corentin Cian Gale
Odella’s father and his home is where the family lives.
He’s one of the top experts in Merfolk studies and a renowned magizoologist.
He helped Newt Scamander’s section on water based magical creatures and is longtime friends with him.
He’s also good friends with Professor Kettleburn.
He was sorted into Ravenclaw in his youth.
He’s a very patient and caring man.
Due to his work he has to be away from home a lot but makes an effort to come home to Melody during summer when he can.
He writes to her often when she’s at Hogwarts, trying to compensate for Melody’s sense of abandonment.
His best subjects were CoMC, herbology, and charms.
Grandmother - Kairi
She’s a cold water siren whose colony lives between Iceland and the Faroe Islands.
She could only spend 7 years on land with Corentin before having to return to the sea.
The last 3 she was able to spend with Odella.
She’s much older than even Corentin since sirens age slowly and has children from previous matings.
So Odella has a few full siren half siblings.
Kairi visits her grandchildren during the summer sometimes and taught all of them how to hunt underwater.
She still very much loves Corentin even if she can’t be with him anymore.
Second Cousin - Severus Tobias Snape
Melody and Snape are aware of their relation to each other.
He’s technically welcome to their family but obviously he keeps his distance.
Because of this Melody and her brothers knew not to reveal their blood ties since Snape clearly doesn’t want it to be known.
Because of some of the similarities Snape holds with her father who had just died, she subconsciously latched on to him when they first met.
Snape is aware of this but is mercifully against mocking her for it.
He does get frustrated that none of his prickly barbs bother her.
Most of his animosity comes from not liking Jacob but some of it is from the fact that their backgrounds are similar (disowned parents) but her family clearly loves her, even with its problems.
Despite his acidic nature to her at times, he doesn’t actually want anything bad to happen to her.
Plus she does make the Slytherin house look really good and is the reason they win the House Cup every year.
Affiliation(s)/ Organization(s) :
The Frog Choir
The Potions Club
Charms Tutor
Assistant Curse-breaker
Magical Creatures Reserve Volunteer
Occupation(s) :
Future Healer for St Mungo’s
Future Healer for Hogwarts
Curse-breaker for Gringotts (William’s job)
Ministry of Magic (her parents)
Merfolk Diplomat (her grandfather)
Magical Characteristcs.
Form of Boggart : Emptiness, just silence.
Form of Patronus : Cuttlefish (though might become a sea serpent).
Form of Riddikulus : A surprise party.
What do they see in the Mirror of Erised? : Her family happy and whole.
Wand(s) :
-Length : 12 inches
-Flexibility : Surprisingly swishy
-Wood : Silver Lime
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-Core : A scale from her grandmother’s tail
Description :
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Animagus : Diving Petrel
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Amortentia :
What she smells like to others; The very first hints of the sea, a summer storm, and honeysuckle.
What she smells; Parchment and ink, birdseed, and pine (Talbott).
Height : 5’3
Weight : 122 lbs
Complexion(skin tone/ conditions) :
Fair/pale skin that looks almost translucent in water.
Shimmering fish scales wherever water touches her.
If she hasn’t been in sea or lake water for over 3 days, her skin becomes red and patchy like a severe skin condition and she’ll start stinking like rotting fish.
Hair Color/ Style :
Silver white
Tight waves/loose curls
She almost always keep it long except during her 5th year where she cut it short as a way to cope with the trauma of watching Rakepick torture a random man.
She only needs sea or lake water to wash her hair and keep it healthy.
Eye Color :
A deep sea foam color in most cases.
When she’s pissed off it changes to almost a cold flat sea foam color and her pupils constrict to pins.
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Hogwarts Information.
Worst Class(es) : She’s too much of a perfectionist to not do well but she does have least favorites.
History of Magic; Professor Binns has made it so boring for her that it makes it hard to pay attention.
Flying; ironic being that her animagus is a bird but she prefers using her own body as opposed to a broom.
DADA; she associates it with the death of her father since he worked in the hex removal department of the Ministry.
Best Class(es) :
Potions; she loves potions and has a natural talent for it. It also reminds her of her father.
Herbology; like potions it reminds her of her father and he taught her a lot in their family greenhouse before his death.
Charms; she really likes Professor Flitwick’s teaching method and has a natural talent for it.
CoMC; She’s good with creatures thanks to her grandfather and takes care of water based creatures back home during the summer since her home is a reserve.
Least Favorite Teacher(s) :
Professor Binns; he bores her to death and took the fun out of learning for her.
Professor Rakepick; her instinct always put her on edge around the woman and she never truly trusted her.
Favorite Teacher(s) :
Professor Snape; again, she subconsciously relates him to her father plus she just really loves potions.
Professor Flitwick; she loves his class and since she’s both a tutor and on the Frog Choir spends a lot of time with him. Plus she relates to him in that they’re both not fully human.
Quidditch :
She’s not all that interested in Quidditch if she were perfectly honest but Jacob was a huge a fan.
If she had to be a Quidditch player, she’d most likely be a seeker due to her strong hunting instinct.
Favourite Spell(s) :
Aqua Eructo Charm
Ebublio Jinx
(random facts about them, future job, face claim, theme song, etc.)
Her home is on the coast of Ireland and the area is a water creature reserve to protect wounded, sick, or endangered creatures.
There’s a female sea serpent that lives on it that she and her grandfather takes care of.
They also have 6 murtlaps and Melody is so used to taking care of them at a young age, that at Hogwarts she dives for the food for the ones under Kettleburn’s care.
Professor Kettleburn has known her since she was born thanks to his friendship with her grandfather.
Due to her siren heritage, she and her brothers and mother don’t use flirting or seduction if they actually are infatuated and instead will just come out and say it and are very blunt.
They only use seduction if they want something (like food).
Melody feels cold to the touch but her inner temperature is higher than a human’s, allowing her to remain in cold or freezing waters.
Melody, her brothers, and her mother are all exceptionally beautiful but don’t draw people in like part Veelas do, however once they’re in water they become almost supernaturally alluring and their voices become naturally seductive.
They can choose to hypnotize people with their song if they wish but it’s basically a death sentence for the affected person since they’ll become so obsessed they either drown themselves or try and kill the one who sang to them.
There is technically a cure and a way to become immune to siren songs but only the sirens know it.
Love potions don’t affect her and her brothers and mother the same way it does full humans. It basically makes them really drunk and frisky.
She witnessed her father die in front of her since he was poisoned so she can see thestrals.
She’s a Pisces, Jacob is a Cancer, and William is a Scorpio.
She really hates Rita Skeeter and Emily Tyler.
She has a huge crush on Talbott.
She was a hatstall between Slytherin and Ravenclaw but now if she wore the hat again, it would say Slytherin without a doubt.
You can find how I picture her home here.
You can find more siren headcanons here.
Ella Purnell is her face claim:
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I can’t remember who all has done this yet so I’m tagging @persephone-chen @alsogolden-ana @skyline-timeturner and whoever else wants to do it!
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nortedwayfinder · 3 months ago
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gift for @nortedwayfinder 🩵
(not an au or fic it’s just tails and shadow causing problems)
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nortedwayfinder · 4 months ago
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Guess who got her art approved for the Sonic Expo Gallery 🔥🔥🔥
Print available here
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nortedwayfinder · 6 months ago
Team Dark meets Classic Tails
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I've made so many of these I'm linking them together now [First Page] [Next]
This one was inspired by @/The_ExtraRare on Twitter:
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nortedwayfinder · 1 year ago
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Classic Tails here with solutions.
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Prequel to this:
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nortedwayfinder · 3 months ago
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gift for @nortedwayfinder
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nortedwayfinder · 9 months ago
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I am not immune to the Shadow propaganda.
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nortedwayfinder · 1 year ago
Shadow meets Classic Tails
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nortedwayfinder · 1 year ago
I think the funniest thing about Shadow adopting/kidnapping Classic Tails is that the latter shows up in the original game completely out of nowhere, so feasibly this could be the perfect explanation for how he properly enters the Sonics' story
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Anon is big brain for this
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nortedwayfinder · 1 year ago
!!!!!!!! This is so good and sweet??? I'm going to cry??
Did a lil dub of a very special animatic based on the new Sonic movie coming out! Much love to the original artist @nortedwayfinder ! 🦊
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nortedwayfinder · 7 months ago
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What are they looking at?
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