#The Genesis Wars
sttardelicious · 2 years
I want to read fanfics of a book that I just read and there's simply 0 FANFICS ON AO3 like the category for this book? inexistent! HOW WILL I WAIT FOR THE THIRD BOOK IF THERE IS NO FANFICTION FOR IT???
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the-overanalyst · 11 months
it's always so fascinating and heartbreaking when a character in a story is simultaneously idolized and abused. a chosen prophet destined for martyrdom. a child prodigy forced to grow up too fast. a powerful warrior raised as nothing but a weapon. there's just something so uniquely messed up about singing someone's praises whilst destroying them.
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bookcoversonly · 2 years
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Title: The Genesis Wars | Author: Akemi Dawn Bowman | Publisher: Simon Pulse (2022)
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segacity · 2 months
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Cyclops 'X-Men 2: The Clone Wars' SEGA Mega Drive Support us on Patreon
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ditoob · 2 months
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He just wants to go home
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imagine-darksiders · 3 months
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War's comical negligence of personal boundaries.
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creaturehollow · 10 months
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At long last, I finally finished these! These games have been an utter plague upon me this year and frankly have given me an itch for fanart that wasn't really there before lol Incredibly happy with how these all turned out, the months spent making these happen were well worth it I think :]
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rosy-crow · 4 months
First Soldier Part 2
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Wutai, most likely.
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Miniroth and The FUCKING Devil (his dad).
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Our doomed son, ladies and gentlemen.
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strayheartless · 2 months
Okay okay, but the Kunsel knows everything idea, except that’s how they prevent Crisis Core because Kunsel is actually clairvoyant and knows EVERYTHING.
Sephiroth: my… father is a less than savoury man.
Kunsel: hey that’s no way to talk about the man who took a bullet for your mom! Vincent was doing his best!
Sephiroth: … I’m sorry what?
Genesis: next time I face sephiroth, it will be alone.
Kunsel: well just do me a favour and don’t get stabbed, slashed or otherwise injured by commander Hewleys broken claymore -no that’s not a euphamism. Cause then you’ll leave the company, kill your parents, be responsible for Angeal’s death and send Sephiroth mad because your friendship was the only thing between him and burning down a sad twinks village and murdering the world.
Genesis: what even are you?!
Zack: oh man, I met this little trooper in Modeoheim, he said he wants to be a soldier. He’s a little skinny but I think he can do it!
Kunsel: you just met the greatest man ever to protect the earth, treat him as such.
Zack: ?!?
Angeal: honour and dreams are all I have, without them, I am not a man.
Kunsel: *incorrect buzzer noise* Absolutely not. *sprays Angeal with water* Get ahold of yourself sir, your friends are your power. Your swords nice - NO ITS NOT A EUPHEMISM - sure but your honour will be your downfall and the death of Zack if you keep that up. Here *thrusts a cup of hot chocolate at Angeal* drink this *gives him a granola bar* eat this, and come back to me when your rested.
Angeal: has anybody ever told you your a little strange Second Class Zelda?
Cloud: I think I should just give up on the whole “being a Soldier” thing. My contracts almost up… maybe I’ll move to kalm or something, become a florist.
Kunsel: *takes Clouds face in his hands, looks him dead in the eye, squishing his cheeks* or you could stay, become the last line of defence between the world and general Sephiroth, and protect innocent people from JENOVA and Hojo if my job fails. Throw me a bone here Strife, keeping these idiots in line is giving me greys. You might get a little mako poisoning and be in a coma for a… while… but it will be fine!
Cloud: … you know, if I didn’t know any better I’d say you had the gift of foresight. Like that lady in my village who told me I going to save the planet one day…
Kunsel: Preposterous.
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justhangingaround1995 · 2 months
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neon-ufo · 1 year
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sjbattleangel · 5 months
Me whenever hacks like Lily Orchard go after Steven Universe, She-Ra, The Owl House, The Legend Of Korra, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Moon Girl, Star Wars, Dungeon Meshi, ect.
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(P.S: I am a massive fan of the media mentioned above) (P.S: Yes. I will fight to the end defending Steven Universe, She-Ra, The Owl House, Utena, Evangelion, Sailor Moon and The Last Jedi.)
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segacity · 6 months
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Drop Kick 'X-Men 2: The Clone Wars' SEGA Mega Drive
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darkdemeter · 2 months
War and Strife x Fem child reader Platonic! Takes place during Genesis! A sweet, curious, and kind child managed to find herself in Hell, probably bc of a random Serpent Hole back on Earth, and is now under Vulgrim’s care due to curiosity himself…until War and Strife spot her talking with him. It’s now part of the Horsemen’s mission to get her back home to Earth, after Strife “adopts” her and convinces War that she’s their priority now, for the Balance.
◤✘DARKSIDERS COLUMN | (Platonic!) Strife and War x Female Child!Reader
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NOTES: ↳ Yes Genesis content! 👏Let's go! WARNINGS! ↳ Just sort of general fluffy content — Reader is a small bean — Vulgrim has to fix some serpent holes, be wary of falling through some of those when you're out and about — I think that's it
✎ 1.9k ────────────────
How fragile mortality is. So sweet and pure, innocence surreal. You wander through this unknown place with a target on your back, a beacon for the darkness to find you amidst its clawing grasp of shadows. But thankfully, one with astonished confusion finds you before any other hellish dweller. Your eyes peer up and up, meeting the greenish pupils of the ghoul that floats amidst the gravity of his ethereal form. His claws tap together in thought, face morphed into a puzzled sneer with a sound rattling in his throat like a grotesque snort. 
Ever mindful of your manners, being the good and well behaved girl your parents brought you up to be, you softly clear your throat. “Hello.”
Vulgrim’s eyes somehow manage to soften in the slightest of wrinkles. How did you get here?
He arcs his body to lower himself, nearing to your eye level but still raised some height above. His nose moves back into a revealing snarl when you attempt to reach a hand out to grab hold of one of his horns, eyes sparkling with a grand cosmos of curious wonderment. Vulgrim, amongst his own similar feeling, finds your reaction most interesting. Your perception of him unhindered by the reaction of fear or caution.
When an echoing shriek bellows from the spired graveyard over yonder, you gasp shortly, and Vulgrim is a witness to this fearful emotion. He watches, properly posed in his towered clutch as your head and eyes move across the surroundings before you shrink away with a small whine, feet pattering in hard succession until you hide behind the floating shades of his belted tunic. 
“Come, child,” he says, “stay right here with me.”
Humans are a species emphasised about their fragile yet cunning adaptability. And while Vulgrim has taken to studying them here and there, not once had it ever struck him that a child’s soul could harbour so much light. So much pure and raw energy that it almost blinds him whenever he looks at you. 
You nod up at him. Your hands clutch hold of the darkened purples of fabric, your fistful grip is harsh much like how you would to your mother’s tunic whenever the roar of thunder scared you. 
Vulgrim can only suspect that you somehow arrived here through the work of his serpent holes. There are a few scattered around earth, though not many, but you must have stumbled upon one. 
“Man, if Vulgrim sends us off on another fetch quest, I’m going to happily plug a bullet through his ugly ass—” Strife tapers off in his rant. 
Both him and War tug the reins of their steeds to bring them to halt. Horses voicing their huffed whinnies, the steadfast beasts comply. 
“Is that…?”
“A child,” War finishes his brother’s question. He could hardly believe his own eyes, having to share a glance with Strife to confirm what it is they see in the distance. With a harsh nudge of their heels, they hurry off towards Vulgrim who glides idly around a rocky cluster, almost pacing back and forth. 
Meanwhile, you are seated atop the rock with your head tracking the spirited demon’s movement. 
“My mama makes the best-est swoup in the village. Do you like swoup? It’s yummy. I always eat it when I feel a hurt in… my belly.”
“Vulgrim,” Strife barks out, “What the hell did you do?”
At the call of his name, the lanky merchant scowls with a hoarse, soured sigh. “Horsemen, it is not I who did this. She somehow found her way here, most likely through the use of a serpent hole.”
The Horsemen dismount, boots clubbing the dirt mercilessly. In your excitement, you leap off the rock. Vulgrim and the two nephilim brothers flinch forward at the sight of your stumble but you brush yourself off. 
Sturdy, they note in their examination. You move swiftly that it catches War and Strife unawares despite their eyes keeping a sharpened focus on you. 
“Horsies!” you chortle loudly, beaming brightly with a smile, arms outstretched. Both continue to stare at you like you’re a newborn faun stumbling on its legs for the first time.
It’s Strife who kneels down to your level. The shift of his armor clatters together and your eyes meet the flare of gold brimming from his eye sockets. 
“You like ‘em, huh?” He means of their loyal horses. He sees your smile turn higher into a grin, nodding eagerly. He smiles beneath the placid face of his visor and merely shuffles aside, his hand beckons Mayham to trot forward. 
The heavy push of Mayham’s nose nestles into his rider’s palm and he directs your own hand to rest there. You giggle as the horse sniffs and huffs large winds of breath that blow your hair back and cause your lashes to flutter wildly. Your hand smears a gentle caress against Mayham’s nose, his lips mouthing the soft surface of your palms, tickling you. 
War finally breaks himself away from it, instead turning his attention to Vulgrim, bearing upon the merchant a fearsome glare. “Just how exactly did she end up here, in Hell of all places?”
Vulgrim shrugs. “I cannot say for certain, Horseman. All I know is that she found her way to me. And perhaps by a play of fate, with the less than favorable fiends she could have encountered instead.”
Strife and War bristle at that. They find the implication that any of hell’s creatures could have found you disheartening. They can only assume that it is what Vulgrim suggests: fate. And greatly fortunate for you. 
Strife remains close at your side, not yet ready to return to the level of his feet, far too entranced at the abrupt pause in his breath whenever his eyes flicker away from you. This instinctive drive to protect you from all harm falls on him like a blanket weighing him down in water. 
“So you have been spying on the humans.” War’s skeptical tone is not appreciated by Vulgrim, followed by the bevelled snarl and recoiling of his lipless mouth that bears his jagged fangs. 
“Studying them. They are fascinating, and I only meant to observe them from afar. However, it would appear that not all my serpent holes on Earth are very… secure.”
“War…” Strife says, voice sunken low in his determined drawl. He finally stands but his head lags behind, momentarily watchful of you before he raises it to meet War’s gaze. “We can’t just leave her here.”
“Strife, we cannot forsake our mission. It is our duty to—”
Strife tries but he’s unable to bite down a growl, the golden dance of his eyes thinning angrily. “You keep going on about the Balance, fine! But right now, she is part of that balance. She is our priority to see her home safely.”
If there has ever been a reason to pull the trigger, Strife now sees it. To protect you. If any threat so much as taunted him with laying a finger on you, he would lose himself to the identity of that killer he tries so hard to escape from. 
“If anyone finds out that she’s here, they’ll come for her. And I’m not going to let any of these mongrel pieces of shit get that chance.”
War’s mind is taken under by the case his brother makes. The consequences to follow if such a scenario were to occur, then balance would only tip further into universal chaos. 
Still, what of their task? 
Both are torn from the heat of their argument when you coo, Mayham pushing his head a little further against you to muzzle into your front. Strife lays a hand firmly on the metal plating guarding the horse’s neck. “Easy there, pal. She isn’t as tough as me.” 
His voice has turned cool, less frantic than it had been before, fired into a flare of emotion just teetering on the edge of lost control. Mayham snorts and complies with his rider’s command, easing his weight and instead embraces the form of your body leaning into his large, armoured head. Your arms wrap around his elongated snout. His breath jostles your breath, his nasal pants match in time with each little heartbeat in your chest. 
Ruin’s nose bows down and with a sharp, deep snort he sniffs at you. The thick skull of his head then pushes into your ribs with a loud whicker, ears prickling about as if to beg for your attention as well. 
“Strife, it will be too dangerous to take her with us,” reasons War, though his brother can easily tell he isn’t so convinced by his own words. 
“It’s too dangerous not to take her with us.”
Vulgrim motions with a dismissive cast of his hand, spatting a puff of air, “Pah! If none of you will take her back, then I suppose she must be left under my charge until otherwise.”
War doesn’t give a second thought to his next threat. “Touch her and I shall cleave you into two, demon.”
“Seconded,” growls Strife with a slivered glare. 
“Very well.” Vulgrim’s claws scratch at his chin thoughtfully, defeated. “Then you will take her back to Earth and reunite her with the other humans.”
Strife and War glance down to find you happily coddling their steeds. “There’s lots of apples at my home. Would you like apples, horsies? Will you be my fwiends?”
“And Lucifer?” War asks the demon trader. Meanwhile, Strife bends down and his hands swoop around you and pull you into his arms. You let out a cheerful cry at the sudden pull of gravity that hoists you up. 
“Vulgrim can work on it while we’re taking her back home.” 
Turning you to face him, Strife gets a good look at you now, a bubbly and excitable soul despite your circumstances. Your head tilts curiously as you take your time observing him, small hands reaching out to run over the cover of his mask and your eyes filled with that distinct fascination and curiosity humans are known for. 
With a huff, War passes off the artefact to Vulgrim who clasps his greedy hands over it like a cage, gruffly chuckling a darkened note. “Yes, yes. Now go, get her out of here!”
You cannot see the small smile Strife has, but it's there. “We will take you back home, little one. You excited to go for a ride?” 
You gasp with a widening grin. “Yes pwease!”
With that, Strife and War turn back to mount their horses. Vulgrim’s face drops, going blank as you softly whine over Strife’s shoulder, waving your arm madly and your fingers curling into your palm as you wave. “Bye! Bye-bye!”
Strife is careful as can be, for the first time in a while exercising greater caution in handling you into the saddle of Mayham. You eagerly grab hold of the chained reins and the saddle horn, legs swinging back and forth before Strife sits behind you. 
“Where do we even begin?” War asks, looking at Strife who returns his stare. The question poses a bit of a challenge. Just which village are you from, who are your guardians and can they actually get you home as they promised?
“Little one,” War calls and you turn your big, blinking eyes to him. “Where is your village?”
“Uhh… erm…” Your voice has grown small, an uncomfortable sense of uncertainty laced within it. 
Strife takes a moment, thinking hard. It’s not until your head moves back and your eyes look up at him that he answers almost wistfully while he holds you securely. 
���I guess we’ll figure that out on the ride there.”
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imagine-darksiders · 4 months
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War: [Sigh] I can't believe I have to keep saving this human.
Strife: I mean, you don't have to. I can-
War: No, I'm gonna.
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6amcoffe · 2 months
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ARCVFASHIONWEEK on twitter; gossip academy
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