#Technology Predictions
robomad · 1 month
The Future of Node.js: Emerging Trends and Predictions for 2024 and Beyond
Introduction:Node.js has been a dominant force in the world of web development since its inception, offering a powerful platform for building scalable, high-performance applications. As we move further into 2024, the landscape of web development continues to evolve, and so does Node.js. Understanding the future trends and predictions for Node.js is crucial for developers and businesses looking to…
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techtrendloop · 1 year
The Future of Technology: 10 Predictions for the Next 20 Years
Welcome to our channel! In this captivating video, titled "The Future of Technology: 10 Predictions for the Next 20 Years," we embark on an exciting journey into the realms of innovation and speculate on what lies ahead in the world of technology. As we stand at the cusp of a new era, it's essential to explore the potential advancements and groundbreaking transformations that await us in the next two decades. Join us as we unveil our top 10 predictions for the future, based on current trends and emerging technologies. From artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics to augmented reality (AR) and quantum computing, we'll delve into the cutting-edge fields that are set to revolutionize multiple industries. Discover how these technologies will reshape our daily lives, from transportation and healthcare to communication and entertainment. Moreover, we'll explore the ethical considerations and societal implications that come hand-in-hand with these advancements. As we embrace the power of technology, it's crucial to reflect on the impact it may have on our privacy, employment landscape, and social dynamics. Throughout the video, we'll present compelling insights and expert opinions to provide a comprehensive understanding of the possibilities and challenges that lie ahead. Join us in pondering the future of technology and how it will shape the world we live in. Don't miss this opportunity to gain foresight into the exciting advancements that await us. Be sure to like this video, share it with your friends and family, and subscribe to our channel for more thought-provoking content on the intersection of technology and society.  #FutureTech #TechnologyPredictions #Innovation #EmergingTechnologies #AI #Robotics #AR #QuantumComputing #EthicalTechnology #SocietalImplications #TechTrends #TechInfluence #DigitalTransformation #StayInformed
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cologona · 6 months
Jason pretending to be a caricature of himself to see how inept/evil his family seriously believes him to be. Yes Tim I am going to kill babies to help poor people that is a real plan I have that I am going to do. Also help me change my Facebook status.
No one ever questions it though, and eventually it just becomes something he does- a defense mechanism. Bruce’s rejection, Dick’s barbs when he loses his cool, the others’ well-meaning comments and dismissals.. they can’t hurt him as much if they don’t really know him.
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echofromtheabyss · 7 months
Moderns who wanna be trad, really shouldn't pick the 50s to do it about if they wanna call themselves trad.
There was nothing "trad" about the 50s. First of all, the idea that women don't work and aren't involved in actual *production* let alone household production, was relatively new and... to a large degree, downstream of much of pre-war household production being augmented by technology and mass production. the idea that a household of five people could be supported on 40 hours a week, without the wife and children also being involved in production, was absolutely downstream of technology. So was a woman running a house without having to have a team of servants.
The "nuclear family" was a stepping stone toward atomization, in an economy that lasted for about... five minutes. It literally was a cultural artifact lasting twenty years only.
And it was futuristic as fuck, and downstream of technological innovation, not a return to the golden days, which most people actually remembered as quite horrible.
If you really wanna live in the spirit of the 50s for any reason but the shittiest and most sexist/racist parts of it, you'd want several Roomba's and a self driving car and would be the world's most annoying space nerd.
And you'd be great with stronger unions and you'd probably be okay with vaccines
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marlynnofmany · 11 days
I tell myself that someday these will be valuable collector's items, instead of just an annoying printing error.
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Remember that "black hole between the pages" glitch? I found more copies at the bottom of the box with it. Time to print out more little ~collector's item~ leaflets with the missing text. Sigh.
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ramenwithbroccoli · 4 months
in my childhood, i was gifted one of those books of random facts. one of them was about 'famous doctors' in media, one of them being doctor who, with a short explanation below - that he's actually not really a doctor, but an eccentric alien with two hearts, who helps humanity.
however, as a kid with no acces to british television and basic level of english, facts mixed in my head, and i became convinced that the fact was refering to doctor House, from the famous show doctor house, which my mom watched sometimes. so everytime i hung around and it was on the tv i looked at it and thought "damn, that's pretty stressful. not only is this guy puking his guts out but they'll have to deal with aliens at some point"
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thirdity · 1 year
The criterion of common sense was never applicable to the history of the human race. Averroës, Kant, Socrates, Newton, Voltaire, could any of them have believed it possible that in the twentieth century the scourge of cities, the poisoner of lungs, the mass murderer and idol of millions would be a metal receptacle on wheels, and that people would actually prefer being crushed to death inside it during frantic weekend exoduses instead of staying, safe and sound, at home?
Stanisław Lem, The Futurological Congress
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gaillol-13 · 7 months
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Shower thoughts today.
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stone-cold-groove · 6 months
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From 1969 - an unusual television screen.
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crappyravioli · 3 months
Hey guys you should share things that you think will happen between now and 2050, like new inventions, medical breakthroughs, political changes etc. I’m trying to come up with a speculative future for a project I’m working on!! Anything from promising projects that are being worked on right now to things that just Seem like that’s where we are headed!! Even things that you just think would be Cool as hell, please and thank you :]
Just put it in a reblog or in the tags or notes, whatever you feel most comfortable with!! Any links to sources you have on hand as well would be greatly appreciated!!
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zapsoda · 18 days
not that im counting but black mirror has had 2 different on screen pissing scenes thus far
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Intelligent Automated Risk Management (IARM): Enhancing Risk Identification and Decision-Making
Unlock the future of risk management with Intelligent Automation: smarter, faster, and more proactive. #RiskManagement #AI #MachineLearning #Automation #BigData #Fintech #Healthcare #CyberSecurity
Introduction In an era where businesses face a myriad of risks—from financial uncertainties to cyber threats—traditional risk management approaches often struggle to keep up with the pace and complexity of emerging risks. Intelligent Automated Risk Management (IARM) offers a transformative approach by integrating cutting-edge technologies to enhance risk identification, assessment, and…
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leonhorn · 2 months
In 2054 Capitalism Dies in Space | In 20xx Scifi and Futurism by In 20xx Futurism When people in space are cut off from Earth an imbalance of owner vs. customers comes to a breaking point. The people in space believe no one is left alive on Earth. As far as they know, the (around) 12,000 in space is all that's left of humanity. Those living on and near the moon form Luna Nation. Space refugees scattered near Earth must find a way to insure a future for themselves and their children. AI that in many ways exceed human intelligence play a part in a skirmish for resources. What does it take to outsmart an AI that can make you think you're having a video call with a co-conspirator when it's the AI you are talking to? An finally, if AI can make a six part miniseries staring Drew Barrymore and Crispin Glover about using DNA banks to spawn a new human race, what parts would the two actors play? Here's a list of the technology mentioned in the story: 1. Orbital stations and space habitats 2. Micro-gravity adapting robots (e.g., vacuum bots) 3. Smart glass walls 4. Satellite cameras 5. AI assistants (e.g., Butler AI) 6. Augmented Reality (AR) glasses 7. Canal links (brain-computer interfaces) 8. Virtual Reality (VR) equipment 9. Life support systems for space 10. Automated mining and manufacturing in space 11. Fusion-powered spaceships 12. Electric thrusters for spacecraft 13. Legacy tracking systems for spacecraft 14. Ejection systems for spacecraft 15. Motion stabilizers for space suits 16. Emergency beacons in space suits 17. Artificial wombs 18. DNA banks 19. Brain scanning and digital copying technology 20. Robots capable of performing complex tasks 21. Centrifuges for simulating gravity 22. Terraforming technology (theoretical, for Venus) 23. Advanced medical automation 24. Custom cell cultivators 25. Organ printing technology 26. Stasis technology for long space journeys 27. Laser tight-beam communication 28. Rockets and missiles (mentioned as being disabled) 29. Closed-circuit TVs in spacecraft 30. Space construction vehicles (e.g., "spider") 31. Delivery cruisers 32. Research ships 33. Hologram-producing screens Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes. Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out. This is Episode 56 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is https://in20xx.com where you can find a timeline of the future, descriptions of future development, and printed fiction. These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world. Copyright © Leon Horn 2024. All rights reserved. Episode link: https://ift.tt/k06LA7S (video made with https://ift.tt/pO3bjSh) via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tFJVPfQw2k
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milkforgall · 2 months
Why have people historically turned to predictive behaviours and beliefs, through premonitions; and how has this evolved in the modern world? Abstract: In my essay I aim to understand why people continue to turn to predictive behaviours, either supernaturally or through modern technology, despite all of the evidence which opposes their accuracy. I look at the validity of premonition claims and see how this has evolved with our modern desire to predict and control.
Introduction:  How do premonitions traditionally present?  A premonition is a forewarning, or presentiment. (Allen, 1990) Premonitions traditionally present as supernatural visions of the future and have often been believed in terms of contact with a deity. In ancient Greek times for example, an oracle would be consulted for prophecies of the future, often seeking guidance in times of uncertainty. In this essay I attempt to analyse why people are drawn to premonitions of the future, and how this has developed over time. 
What are they, can they be explained?  I started by looking at Déjà vu and premonitions because of the link between the feeling of having already lived through a situation and the precognition of living through a situation. Also, Déjà vu is a common phenomenon, therefore it is easier to find more sound scientific data, rather than focusing on an isolated event where there is little way of discerning the truth. You can find more solid evidence for something observable, repeatable, and measurable, so there needs to be a way to reliably repeat the sensation of Déjà vu. 
Methodology: For this project I used studies to back up my main theories about premonition. For example, scientific research about Deja vu and the connection to people having illusory premonition, helped me to reach a conclusion about people relying on the illusion of control to feel secure. For example, the use of unreliable law enforcement technology, creating the illusion of security. I cross-referenced this with studies about how people's desire for premonition, or interest in supernatural abilities increases during times of low control, showing that it is not facts which people are looking for, but instead the comfort that perceived knowledge would give. 
Literature Review:  I decided to use studies from academic journals to support my project, because they are a reliable source of information. This is because they have been peer reviewed in order to be published. However, there could be problems with funding, as this could create bias. I also used books, as they have had to go through the publishing process, and therefore have to be fact-checked. I used historical case studies from the ancient Greeks in order to show an example of a time where people have believed and relied upon premonition. This research was not intended to act as a reliable source, but instead show an example of illusory premonition, therefore the fact it is inaccurate is part of the research. 
Main Findings: Dr Anne Cleary’s Déjà vu Generator:  Dr Anne Cleary and her team created a virtual reality Déjà vu generator to try and find the link between precognition and Déjà vu. They spatially mapped scenes to have identical proportions, but the themes were unrelated. People were more likely to report Déjà vu in the scenes that spatially resembled earlier but forgotten scenes amongst spatially unique scenes. If a scene was similar spatially, then Déjà vu was 27% more likely, if it was similar in multiple ways, Déjà vu was 59% more likely. “We cannot consciously remember the prior scene, but our brains recognise the similarity. That information comes through the unsettling feeling that we’ve been there before, but we can’t pin down where or why.”Cleary (Cleary, 2018) 
The Déjà vu generator then adapted to try and find an explanation for precognition. The same scenes were taken from the previous Déjà vu test, and converted into virtual reality tours, so that they would unfold over time like a real-life experience. So, a person would be following a virtual tour which would follow a particular navigational path through the scene, and end in a left-hand turn. Then later on in the study a person would be viewing an identically configured tour, following the same navigational path, but only up to a point, stopping just before the final left-hand turn. This was the method of putting someone in the middle of a memory to see if it would enable actual prediction, without being able to recall the previous tour. People showed no precognition ability whatsoever. However, they ran the study again and this time asked, “Do you feel like you know the direction of the next turn?”. Participants were 75% more likely to experience a feeling of precognition, and more likely to feel like they knew the direction of the next turn when they were experiencing Déjà vu then when they were not. (Cleary, 2018) 
This experiment does explain Déjà vu, but does it really apply to real life premonitions? Because it does show that our past experiences will create a sense of familiarity and give someone feeling that they know what will happen next, but it doesn’t explain prewarning’s people have, namely ones which come true. 
Cleary has a theory which could be used to counteract this, which is, when we are in the middle of a Déjà vu state, it feels like we are right on the verge of retrieving from our memory the entire situation around us, including how it unfolds. As the situation does unfold, and continues to feel intensely familiar, it could be taken to be a signal of having correctly predicted what was going to happen when we actually didn’t. In terms of the Déjà vu generator, when the tour went left, participants were asked if it unfolded as they had expected, and it was found that people are more likely to feel that they knew what would happen all along following Déjà vu. Another variant was run where participants were asked to rate how intense there feeling of familiarity within the scene was, and what was found was that when someone is faced with the juxtaposition of familiarity and novelty, when the familiarity is intense it can lead to an illusion of having known what would happen all along. (Cleary, 2018) (Cleary, 2018) 
Analysis:  Cleary’s Déjà vu generator still does not explain prewarning’s of an event. There are cases where people experience and record a premonition before it actually happens, which undermines Cleary’s explanation of illusory precognition in these instances. However, the idea of prewarning’s being due to past experiences could still be valid. This is because being subconsciously reminded, by a feeling of familiarity of an event, could be experienced as a prewarning of the event reoccurring. But in these cases, to what extent would this be common sense rather than a premonition? It makes sense for us to learn from our past experiences and to use then to avoid bad events reoccurring, does that have to be a premonition? 
As well as this, premonitions regarding the Titanic could be seen through this view too, as although it had never happened before, it makes sense that some people had concerns about its safety, and this does not have to be seen in a supernatural way. (Keefe, 2021) This is relevant to premonitions because it explains how we can understand them as an illusion. 
Case study: In 67 AD, Emperor Nero, who was just 30 years old and had killed his own mother in 59 AD, when visiting the Oracle was told: Your presence here outrages the god you seek. Go back, matricide! The number 73 marks the hour of your downfall! The incensed emperor had the Pythia burned alive. Nero thought he would have a long reign and die at 73. Instead, his reign came to a short end after a revolt by Galba who was 73 years of age at the time. (Parke, 2023) 
Can these explanations make sense of the case studies?  Yes, they can, because the premonition was already desired. The fact that the premonition was considered relevant despite the leap to connect the information, surely shows the desire for the premonitions to be true that discrepancies are overlooked, the fact the man who killed him was 73 and not Nero himself. 
What has driven the need for premonitions and does this explain their prevalence?  -socio-historical context: Throughout history, premonitions of the future have been believed in a supernatural sense., such as visions from God, or going to an oracle. In these times people had little control over their lives, so feelingthey had access greater power acted as a comfort. In the case of Emperor Nero and the oracle, despite the vague nature of the premonitions, people would maintain faith in them, and even adjust their interpretation of the premonition to find a meaning in it. (Parke, 2023)Oracles would be consulted in times of uncertainty, when the future was unsure, and oracles would give a sense of comfort during that time. This is consistent with Dr Cleary’s conclusion that premonition relies on illusion and people’s faith in them does not come from any real insight into the future, but on a desire to believe that they have more knowledge than they really do. 
-individual context: Precognitive abilities would allow people to predict the future, thus belief in these abilities should be differently endorsed when people most desire prediction, that is in situations of low control. Therefore, belief in precognition is a predictive control strategy that people can turn to when feeling low in control. As a result, loss of control will cause an increase in belief in precognition. Loss of control has been found to increase other types of paranormal beliefs, like superstition, which also include an element of being able to predict, or at least guide the future. In the case of precognition, people have a direct and exact channel to knowing the future through psychic means. These types of beliefs should therefore be particularly attractive as predictive control strategies in so far as the give people the illusion of being able to predict and therefore control the future. (Greenaway KH, 2013) 
Analysis:  This study is in agreement with the conclusions which Cleary drew from her study. She also concluded that it is illusory precognition which occurs, rather than true premonition. 
Are they the actualisation of a need within individuals/society?  Research:  People were drawn to predictability when they experienced loss of control, even to the extent of endorsing seemingly irrational beliefs about precognition. Therefore, these kinds of beliefs are a response to control deprivation, as belief in precognition increases perceived control. Predictive arts are highest in times of threat and uncertainty. It is at these moments that individuals feel the need to control the course of their lives. Belief in precognition meets this need by enabling people to feel that the future is predictable and can therefore be controlled. Regardless of whether precognitive abilities actually exist, therefore, belief in their existence serves an important psychological function of boosting perceived control in times of uncertainty. 
How do premonitions present now, what might this say about us?  Predictive Technology:  If belief in supernatural predictive abilities increases during times of uncertainty, then it makes sense that predictive technology should also experience a surge of popularity. However, the interest in this technology is, like supernatural premonition, not reliant on the accuracy of the technology, but on the perceived sense of control and power gained by the illusion of foreknowledge. This is highlighted by the use of unreliable technologies by the United States Law Enforcement Officers. This technology analyses data to try and predict who may commit crimes and where or when they are likely to be committed. (Fraerman, 2024) The persistent use of unreliable technology shows that people are drawn to the perceived comfort that this technology brings, rather than for any practical reasons. 
Research:  Health monitoring as a whole has become increasingly popular, with the use of Fitbit’s and apple watches to monitor steps, sleep and even stress. (Burnham, et al., 2018) But recently there has been a trend of non-diabetics wearing continuous glucose monitoring devices. This could be used to demonstrate how people are drawn to predictive control behaviours as there are no real health benefits to wearing these devises and in fact, they can even cause harm by people becoming obsessive and even leading to eating disorders. But despite this Dr Surampudi says, “Wearing a CGM may help someone who is not diabetic make informed nutritional choices, but it also has the potential to cause users to become overwhelmed by the information”. (Surampudi, 2023) 
Conclusions: In conclusion, the interest in premonition, through supernatural means or predictive technology, is driven by the comfort that perceived knowledge brings, and it is irrelevant how accurate it really is. When people turn to premonition, they are looking for illusory control in a time where they are in fact lacking in control. 
Bibliography:  Allen, R., 1990. The concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English. 8th Edition ed. New York: Oxford university press. 
Burnham, J. P. et al., 2018. Using wearable technology to predict health outcomes: a literature review. 
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, 25(9), p. 1221–1227. 
Cleary, A., 2018. Youtube. [Online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0M6qXYJkhDc [Accessed 9 July 2023]. 
Cleary, A. M. &. C. A. B., 2018. Déjà Vu: An Illusion of Prediction. Sage Journals , 29(4), pp. 635-644.. 
Greenaway KH, L. W. H. M., 2013. Loss of Control Increases Belief in Precognition and Belief in Precognition Increases Control. PLoS ONE. Keefe, T., 2021. Premonition of the Titanic disaster. 1st ed. Leicestershire: Matador. 
Parke, H. W., 2023. Wikipedia. [Online] Available at: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_oracular_statements_from_Delphi [Accessed 15 April 2024]. 
Surampudi, V. M. M., 2023. UCLA Health. [Online] Available at: https://www.uclahealth.org/news/continuous-glucose-monitoring-becoming-popular-among-non [Accessed 10 December 2023].
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uthra-krish · 1 year
The Skills I Acquired on My Path to Becoming a Data Scientist
Data science has emerged as one of the most sought-after fields in recent years, and my journey into this exciting discipline has been nothing short of transformative. As someone with a deep curiosity for extracting insights from data, I was naturally drawn to the world of data science. In this blog post, I will share the skills I acquired on my path to becoming a data scientist, highlighting the importance of a diverse skill set in this field.
The Foundation — Mathematics and Statistics
At the core of data science lies a strong foundation in mathematics and statistics. Concepts such as probability, linear algebra, and statistical inference form the building blocks of data analysis and modeling. Understanding these principles is crucial for making informed decisions and drawing meaningful conclusions from data. Throughout my learning journey, I immersed myself in these mathematical concepts, applying them to real-world problems and honing my analytical skills.
Programming Proficiency
Proficiency in programming languages like Python or R is indispensable for a data scientist. These languages provide the tools and frameworks necessary for data manipulation, analysis, and modeling. I embarked on a journey to learn these languages, starting with the basics and gradually advancing to more complex concepts. Writing efficient and elegant code became second nature to me, enabling me to tackle large datasets and build sophisticated models.
Data Handling and Preprocessing
Working with real-world data is often messy and requires careful handling and preprocessing. This involves techniques such as data cleaning, transformation, and feature engineering. I gained valuable experience in navigating the intricacies of data preprocessing, learning how to deal with missing values, outliers, and inconsistent data formats. These skills allowed me to extract valuable insights from raw data and lay the groundwork for subsequent analysis.
Data Visualization and Communication
Data visualization plays a pivotal role in conveying insights to stakeholders and decision-makers. I realized the power of effective visualizations in telling compelling stories and making complex information accessible. I explored various tools and libraries, such as Matplotlib and Tableau, to create visually appealing and informative visualizations. Sharing these visualizations with others enhanced my ability to communicate data-driven insights effectively.
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Machine Learning and Predictive Modeling
Machine learning is a cornerstone of data science, enabling us to build predictive models and make data-driven predictions. I delved into the realm of supervised and unsupervised learning, exploring algorithms such as linear regression, decision trees, and clustering techniques. Through hands-on projects, I gained practical experience in building models, fine-tuning their parameters, and evaluating their performance.
Database Management and SQL
Data science often involves working with large datasets stored in databases. Understanding database management and SQL (Structured Query Language) is essential for extracting valuable information from these repositories. I embarked on a journey to learn SQL, mastering the art of querying databases, joining tables, and aggregating data. These skills allowed me to harness the power of databases and efficiently retrieve the data required for analysis.
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Domain Knowledge and Specialization
While technical skills are crucial, domain knowledge adds a unique dimension to data science projects. By specializing in specific industries or domains, data scientists can better understand the context and nuances of the problems they are solving. I explored various domains and acquired specialized knowledge, whether it be healthcare, finance, or marketing. This expertise complemented my technical skills, enabling me to provide insights that were not only data-driven but also tailored to the specific industry.
Soft Skills — Communication and Problem-Solving
In addition to technical skills, soft skills play a vital role in the success of a data scientist. Effective communication allows us to articulate complex ideas and findings to non-technical stakeholders, bridging the gap between data science and business. Problem-solving skills help us navigate challenges and find innovative solutions in a rapidly evolving field. Throughout my journey, I honed these skills, collaborating with teams, presenting findings, and adapting my approach to different audiences.
Continuous Learning and Adaptation
Data science is a field that is constantly evolving, with new tools, technologies, and trends emerging regularly. To stay at the forefront of this ever-changing landscape, continuous learning is essential. I dedicated myself to staying updated by following industry blogs, attending conferences, and participating in courses. This commitment to lifelong learning allowed me to adapt to new challenges, acquire new skills, and remain competitive in the field.
In conclusion, the journey to becoming a data scientist is an exciting and dynamic one, requiring a diverse set of skills. From mathematics and programming to data handling and communication, each skill plays a crucial role in unlocking the potential of data. Aspiring data scientists should embrace this multidimensional nature of the field and embark on their own learning journey. If you want to learn more about Data science, I highly recommend that you contact ACTE Technologies because they offer Data Science courses and job placement opportunities. Experienced teachers can help you learn better. You can find these services both online and offline. Take things step by step and consider enrolling in a course if you’re interested. By acquiring these skills and continuously adapting to new developments, they can make a meaningful impact in the world of data science.
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cosmik-homo · 20 days
Honestly reading Old Zine Fic is. Not always *good*, but it sure is Healing. It's like what people talk about when they're being all newagey about Comnecting To The Earth, yknow. Clearly im reading fanned fiction for old media. On bizzare collection archives- im not Remotely touching grass. But in many ways- Theres that poem about someone a hundred years from now being able to see the same sun but different flowers as you describe them, and whatnot, this is like that. People 40 years before i was born also sat in their room and rotated this guy in their head slowly. And had a lot of the same thoughts that i did.
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