#Tap Tap Send
TAP TAP SEND : Envoyez de l'amour En Afrique - Bonus spécial en utilisant le code BRICELEO1 !
Découvrez Taptap Send, la solution idéale pour transférer de l’argent à vos proches en Afrique en toute simplicité ! Envoyez de l’argent depuis le Royaume-Uni, l’UE, les États-Unis, le Canada et les Émirats arabes unis vers l’Afrique, l’Asie, les Caraïbes et l’Amérique latine à un tarif avantageux. Grâce aux transferts rapides vers les portefeuilles d’argent mobile sur les réseaux populaires,…
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gojoest · 28 days
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99pm-e · 1 month
Can I be not normal abt Spy this week
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Kaladin's final smash in which he lashes mario directly into the atmosphere
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lets-go-hurt-someone · 7 months
I love Shadowheart. She was my bae throughout my first (unfinished) Tav run. I abandoned that run because Astarion convinced me I needed to restart as Durge for him, but Shadowheart forever holds a very special place in my… well, heart.
I’ve been thinking about the contrast between them and their arcs and the way fandom interacts with them.
They both start off as characters that by D&D standards are “evil.” Shar is an evil aligned goddess, and vampires are evil aligned creatures.
However, Shadowheart isn’t evil. She disapproves of actively evil decisions and approves of kindness to animals and the helpless. She just doesn’t like it if you seem to be putting do-goodery above your search for a cure to the tadpoles. She is fine with killing the grove, but the contrast between her at the tiefling party and the goblin party shows pretty starkly how she really feels.
Astarion starts off the game evil. I will fucking fight anyone on this. He has very very good reasons to be evil, but so does Shadowheart… and she’s not. Astarion enjoys chaos, he likes murder, he likes hurting people. He thinks being “good” is weak and stupid and that might be a trauma response, but it is how he genuinely feels at that point in his story.
And yet. AND YET. For some reason, I have never seen anyone complain about making Shadowheart a Dark Justiciar. If she likes you, you actually have to encourage her to kill Nightsong. Even on my evil run, she spared Aylin if I didn’t tell her not to. You have to either not care about her or intervene to make her evil, and right up to the end where she kills her parents and Shar wipes her memory again, she is just so miserable and resigned to what she’s been influenced to be.
But people do it to get the hotter sex scene or whatever and that’s fine.
But Astarion? The man who spends the whole fucking game begging you to help him take over an evil cult and murder his “family” so he can become a living vampire as soon as he realises it might be an option? The guy who will throw a fit and leave you if you don’t either succeed in a persuasion check or help him eternally damn 7007 people— no matter how close you’ve gotten to him?
Apparently you’re an evil piece of shit if you find his “bad” ending compelling or, dare I say it, hot.
I don’t really care which ending you prefer for either character— I think the game does a great job on its own telling you what you should think and it’s fairly nuanced for both characters. I just don’t understand why Astarion has to be so woobified and his “bad” ending fans vilified as if they’re naive morons with no media literacy.
Shadowheart, the character, hates her “bad” ending way more than Astarion, the character, hates his. And fandom can’t reflect this because I don’t know…
Oh god. It’s sexism isn’t it?
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"So we're a million years late?" "Probably more." "That's very late."
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abirddogmoment · 4 months
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We took our steadiness training out into the wild last night!
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justfranzz · 6 months
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Figueroth Faeth, the bard-warlock-paladin-barbarian-cleric teacher canidate
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thisanimatedphantom · 2 months
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eff-plays · 1 year
STOP putting Astarion in DOG COLLARS.
START putting Astarion in CAT EAR HEADBANDS.
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allastoredeer · 5 months
It's a wonder that the overlord meetings haven't taken a group text approach at this point.
2 meetings, one with the Vees and one where things actually get done.
Aka the one the Vees aren't invited to.
LMAO I love that, but they would never get Alastor on board with it. If they wanted him to be involved in a group chat, they'd have to send him telegrams or letters outlining what they're talking about, and that's the only way Alastor will respond back, and it's so slow going.
The only solution would be to have two separate chats, one with the Vee's and one without, but with Rosie keeping Alastor updated on what's going on. But even THAT would be a lot of work to put on Rosie 😂
Unless they just keep Alastor out of the loop too. He's already been gone for 7 years, so why bring him in now? LMAO
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turtletaubwrites · 5 months
✨1,000 Followers Celebration!!✨
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I can't describe how much being part of this community has meant to me. The first fic I posted here was in November in the middle of some major health and life crises (which I talk about in my about me post if you'd like to know), and I honestly don't know how I would have gotten through it without all of your support and encouragement, as well as all the laughs and good times that y'all have shared with me.
It blows my mind that there are 1,000 of you here 🤯🤯🤯 I'm so grateful for all the love, it means the world to me! 🖤🙏🏼
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Here's what I've got going on:
I wanted to plan something extra special for this milestone, but y'all have been following me faster than I can write! For the 900 milestone I decided to circle back around to Numbers Game since it was the most requested fic, and I'm so happy that the bad men of the Cross Guild seem to be hitting the spot 😅
WIP Updates
I keep my current and upcoming wips + announcements listed on my pinned Masterlist post, and here's what I've got at the moment:
Numbers Game ~ Part 13 will be out later today!
Current WIPS: Numbers Game 14, and We've All Got Needs 28 Upcoming WIPS: Misty Eyes 6, 1 request, Wrong Side of the Bars 2, a few WAGN extra scenes, and 4 requests that came in while they were closed) Announcements: Requests will remain closed until I complete the next batch of Numbers Game, as well as the requests on my list. I'm sorry for the delay, I keep turning them into multi-chaptered fics! If you've submitted a request, know that it is on my list, and I've already started outlining!
New Fic Rec Masterlist
I have been reading some amazing fics lately, please check out my new Fic Rec Masterlist, and show the authors some love!!
Fic & Personal Playlists
I never made playlists for writing until I was tagged in an ask game, and it was so fun! Typically my brain will only let me listen to the same 1-10 songs over and over for a month or more, lol. So in addition to the fic playlists I'm starting, I've made a playlist of my current hyperfixation songs if you'd like to check in on the sounds looping through my head that week 😅 Plus a dump playlist where I'm slowly adding all the past hyperfixation songs I can remember because sometimes I need to pull one back in when there's a void, lol. I love getting song recs too! This reminds me of hooking up my dingy little ipod nano (that I still have, his name is Desmond 🥰) to all of my friend's computers to steal their music since I couldn't afford to buy my own 😅
TurtleTaub Current Hyperfixation Playlist TurtleTaub All the Fixation's Playlist Misty Eyes ~ Law x Reader Playlist Bend Until You Break ~ Playlist More to come, and feel free to send me song recs, they make me so happy 🥰����
Next Fic Poll
To celebrate this milestone I'm going to write one of the requests/wips of your choice that I've got on the books next.
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| masterlist | about me | rules | ao3 | ko-fi |
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sideblogdotjpeg · 6 months
tumblr tags is too abusable a function. its like being locked in a empty room w a one way mirror and u r simultaneously being watched and completely alone. its like talking to yourself but w a schroedingers cat captive audience. the worst conditions for me to literally never stop talking ever
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There's a difference between "I don't interpret this story as romantic" and "I'm weird about women". You've admitted yourself you don't care about the Princess and obsess over the voices, and I've never seen you acknowledge the fact that the protagonist hurts the princess as well.
First of all: Those are bold words to say to someone who’s first and favourite ending was and is the Leave Together Stranger one! (I jest, I jest, but seriously-)
Second of all:
I don't understand how you came to that conclusion? Where did I say that the protagonist doesn’t hurt the princesses?? Or that I don’t care about the Princesses? I’m genuinely confused. In my posts, I’ve never mentioned the princess hurting the protagonist (besides my one moment of clarity post). The only place I bring up the princess hurting the protagonist is in my fanfic. For clarification: My fic also has the protagonist hurt the princess, which creates a downwards spiral that leads to the Unending Dawn ending.
Third of all: I said I prefer the most of the voices over most of the princesses. There’s a big leap to go from “This person likes the voices better because they appear more often so its easier to get attached to them” to “This person is weird about women.”
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bericas · 10 months
kira & scott & theo || i'll be a killer and a thriller (and the cause of our death)
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askbensolo · 2 months
Inspired by an argument Rey and Dad were having in the family group chat:
Bonus answer from Mom: “Whatever you like, sweetie, I’ll still love you. Even if you try to grow facial hair again, Force forbid”
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