#THIS was a quick lil thing I wanted to make!
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inknopewetrust · 6 hours ago
𝐁𝐚𝐢𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐲
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Summary: The BAU finds themselves in the slammer with no memory of the night before and unbelieving cops not realizing that you all are truly FBI Agents… not just hungover liars looking for bail.
[BAU Team & Reader; slight implications of Hotch x Reader, Reid x Reader] [WC: 2k]
Warnings: questioning on drugs, not to be taken too seriously. It’s a fluff piece—fluff!! This is just a lil fic.
Quick Links: Masterlist
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You’re not really sure how you ended up there.
Sitting, knees pulled to your chest and head in your hands, the concrete floor of the jail cell was much more rough than you anticipated it being. Jail.
Your head pounded at the thought but it could have been the flickering light above or the incessant task your friends had taken on—attempting to convince the officers that this was one giant, completely absurd, mistake.
“Oh, officer, please,” Penelope’s distressed whine carried farther the longer the hangover sat. “I really want to go home.”
“We were just at the bar. We didn’t have anything to do with that—“
“Christ,” the officer mumbled and cut off Emily’s supportive inclusion on Penelope’s behalf. “You are the chattiest people I’ve ever had in the box.”
You wished they just stop doing that, chatting. There was a rave happening every time you lifted your head; a consistent thrum of a heartbeat stressing the sides of your temples and you’d kill, hypothetically, for an Advil or two right about now.
And against your better judgement, your kept on thinking: how the hell did you end up here?
There was no real remembering the situation. All you really knew is that it started early, after a case in Utah had brought you all back at a reasonable hour but also wore each soul thin. The break was suggested by Derek in an attempt to lighten the mood and the only one who decided against it had been Rossi because he said he had “better things to do then spend extra time with all of you.”
He meant it affectionately, you thought.
But that break had led you all to a hole-in-the-wall bar on the southwest side of Arlington not far from the airport and it had quickly devolved from memory to imagination when you drank your second vodka soda of the night.
And maybe everything wouldn’t be a big deal if it was just a few of you; some variation of Penelope, Emily, JJ, Derek, or Spencer but the kicker lay with Hotch. He made all of you realize that this wasn’t some late night rouse to forget woes, but probably something a little worse. But hey, at least you all experienced it together, right?
It was the leader’s disheveled appearance that raised the flags high. No sign of a tie, his jacket’s pocket square ripped to the point where it hung downwards, and Aaron Hotchner was missing a shoe. A shoe.
“Listen,” he was as calm as he always was. “You’ve got the wrong people. We’re FBI, not criminals.”
It sounded so unconvincing. Yet you’d heard it all night. Reid tried it, Penelope tried it, and none of the officers even budged to go to a computer and check it out. To make matters worse, there were no sign of your badges because as you’d been frisked outside of the bar, the arresting officers had taken them as “fake identification and possible impersonation of federal employees.”
You weren’t under the belief that all types of law enforcement were brainless but these cops were.
After one last plead, Aaron backed away from the bars and sighed with his hands on his hips. You lifted your head with a squint.
“Shit,” Derek mumbled from his spot beside Penelope on the cot. “You look like shit.”
You gave him a forced, dazzling smile. “Thank you. You’re a real charmer, you know that, Morgan?”
“Muscles doesn’t know what he’s saying.” Penelope brushed off his commentary.
Derek laughed and winced as the contraction of his stomach reminded him of the food he needed and the drinks his body wished to reject. “Goddamn.”
“I’ll try Rossi again,” Aaron informed. “It’s almost five-thirty.”
“Maybe he had a hot date.” JJ smiled from beside you on the floor and Emily sat next to her. Spencer was situated at the end of the cot with his head resting cooly on two of the metal cell bars.
“I don’t want to think about Dave on a hot date,” you scoffed. “I don’t want to think about anything other than what the hell happened. I can’t… I can’t piece any of it together.”
“Then let’s backtrack.” Aaron, still amusingly unorganized, tried his best to help retrace steps. “What’s the first thing we remember?”
“When we landed, I asked if we could get drinks. We took two cars—Spencer should’ve had the keys.” Derek looked down at Spencer’s mop of a head.
“I did have the keys.”
“When we got there, Emily found us a table in the back… near that… stage, thing, that the bar had. It had a good view of the bar and everyone in it,” Penelope informed.
“Hotch and JJ got the first round. It was… three vodka sodas, two whiskey’s, and a mojito.”
“That’s only six drinks?” You told Emily who was racking her brain for the other beverage.
“I didn’t drink at first,” Spencer said. “I had a stomach ache, remember?” No. “From that Korean place we stopped at before we left.”
“I told you the tuna was a bad idea,” you muttered.
“At some point, Penelope and Derek got up to go dance and I went with you to the bar to get round two.” Aaron looked at you expectantly.
“That’s where it goes… fuzzy for me.”
“I thought you went to the bar with Spencer,” JJ turned her head to look at you. “I think you were flirting with each other because lover boy couldn’t stop blushing so hard. You were as red as a balloon.”
Spencer’s body went rigid and eyes had gone wide. Your mouth dropped open slightly; a shake of your head told her that maybe she was wrong.
“No,” Penelope pointed accusingly. “I think it was Hotch. I swear I remember looking away because I didn’t want to be talked to by HR. He had his hand in her back pocket! It was something out of a book!”
Aaron shook his head, eyes closing and a hand wiping over this face in confusion.
“I think,” he clarified, “that that’s all besides the point.”
“I barely remember any of it. Maybe a fight?” Emily tried. “I can hear the sounds of broken glass and yelling but their faces are blank.”
“The cut on Derek’s face might be a testament to that.”
“I don’t know why they’d keep us in here together if we’re the culprits,” Spencer concluded.
You all hummed in agreement.
It was a poor tactic on the departments behalf. If you were the causes of the disturbance, whatever it had been, then keeping you all together in the same holding cell would have allowed you plentiful time to corroborate an alibi.
“Do you think…” Penelope gasped dramatically. “Do you think we were drugged? You know, like they were in those Hangover movies?”
“Garcia, you do know that happens in real life too?” Spencer asked her.
“Yeah, I mean… but this is kind of like the movie? Seven friends all livin’ it up,” you would not consider going out for drinks on a Thursday night ‘livin’ it up.’ “And then bam! Someone slipped us a little something.”
“Or we just got really fucking drunk,” Emily laughed. “Why does everything have to be so dramatic?”
“I’m just saying it could be that. It doesn’t mean it is.”
A part of you thinks Penelope was a little excited to live out a a Hangover fantasy.
“Can you try Rossi again?” Derek implored Aaron and laid back on the firm non-mattress.
Aaron went to the bars and signaled for the officer who begrudgingly walked over again. He let Aaron out and without his shoe, he went to the phone and dialed the one emergency contact everyone had.
And the one who certainly had the money to bail everyone out.
“Rossi” Dave’s voice was static.
“It’s Hotch.”
“What do you want? It’s like, five.”
“It’s five-thirty,” Aaron corrected him. “And we have a situation.”
“Arlington Police Station.”
“I’ll meet up there in twenty.”
Dave barely pulled the receiver from his ear when he heard Aaron’s voice call out: “we need bail money.”
In the darkness of his bedroom, Dave scowled. “What do you mean ‘bail money’? Who needs it? You?”
“All of us—we’re all here.”
“What’s you do?”
Aaron sighed. “That’s the problem. We can’t seem to place anything after eight. There might have been a fight, we don’t know. But they took our badges and have us on impersonating federal employee suspicion—but they haven’t booked us yet.”
There was a lull and then, “we’d appreciate it.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Dave dismissed. “I’ll be there in twenty.”
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The team sat in a long silence while the clock ticked toward Rossi’s arrival.
The evening’s events hadn’t unveiled themselves completely but it rose an awkward air around the few of you who were the subjects of a line crossing, or blurring, without realizing it. It was too gawky for the prying eyes of gossipers who simply loved to get under the skin of the people they loved most.
You caught Spencer and Aaron’s eyes one too many times in the twenty minutes that passed by.
The officer who initially locked you up had been the one to raise his keys to the cell doors and a hefty bag landed at the closest set of feet which happened to be Spencer’s.
“You’re free to go.”
“Finally,” Penelope shouted. “So you do believe us then? That are badges aren’t fake?”
The cop shrugged. “You met bail. Doesn’t mean you’re off the hook. We took pictures of your badges and we will be checking them with the database.”
“You do that,” Aaron grabbed the bag from the door and pushed by the officer.
The others were quick to follow but JJ linked arms with you as you exited.
“So,” she drew out. “Spencer… Hotch… that must be a story there.”
“Oh God,” you laughed at her grin. “Maybe I don’t even want to know.” The two of you walked to the doors and became blinded by the sunlight beginning to break the early air.
Dave stood like a father angry at his children. But he wavered briefly, eying his entire squad in disappointment as each lined up along the sidewalk outside the station. The state you were all in made the anger subside into amusement.
The ripped clothes, the missing shoe, the mascara trails, chipped nails and a missing earring.
“So,” he breathed out. “We might have a case on our hands.”
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A/N: I literally just needed to get this off my chest so I can write my more angsty fics 😂 but you CANNOT tell me that the only person that’d be able to bail any of them out isn’t Rossi. He’s the only one.
Also, I didn’t proof it yet.
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wonderlustwrites · 7 hours ago
taking the day off
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kelvin harrison jr x black!reader summary ; sometimes taking a much-needed break and spending the day with kelvin is all you want... word count ; 4.5k warnings ; none - sweet, teeth rotting fluff cause kelvin is THEE most adorable doting man that's ever done it! ; uhh a lil TINY BABY BIT suggestive but like lets be fr...not really lol 「 author's note: this is not only PURELY self-indulgent...the entire idea was born from this post + the adorable behind the scenes tiktok kelv posted during mufasa era, so thank him for that ♡ 」
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The sun wakes you up first. Normally, the curtains block out the sun, but they weren't closed enough this morning. The extra heat on your face bothers you and causes you to turn over in your sleep, only you turn face-first into Kelvin's shoulder and chest. 
Groaning softly, you lightly push at him, attempting to lean further into him. So long as it blocks the sun out and you can keep feeling him against you, you're good, but it's still annoying. 
"Mmmm, Kelv…." You hear him groan softly, saying your name back, which causes you to smile sleepily against his shoulder. Then you remember why you're "mad". You bite his shoulder lightly and poke at his side. 
"You forgot to close the curtains last night again, stinky…" He turns to lie on his back, his arm finding your waist as he looks at the time on the nightstand. 
"M'sorry, baby…I'll make us breakfast this morning to make it up to you?" he says through a soft yawn. You pick your head up slightly at his words, bringing your hand up to one of his dreads. You twirl your finger around it, teasingly pulling against it twice, causing him to sleepily look your way with raised eyebrows and a faint smile.
"I want french toast, home-fries and scrambled eggs…" you say through your own playful glare at him. You look at each other for another moment or so, and he rolls his eyes jokingly and reaches over to steal a small kiss from you. 
"Okay…I think we can make that happen." he presses his forehead against yours as you nod softly with a smile tugging at your lips, and he gives you a quick kiss on your temple before stretching as he stands. Small things like this are very much his thing. He knows you aren't actually upset or anything, but if it can possibly get a smile out of you or make you happy, you can bet he will get it done.
You turn over in bed, rolling to his spot and laying on his pillow. He laughs lowly as he kisses your shoulder, arm, and cheek. 
"Do you have work today, pretty?" he asks, sitting on the edge of the bed near you as he checks his phone for any missed calls or messages. Groaning softly into the pillow, you shake your head, causing him to look back and rub a thumb against the edge of your hairline. The small action causes you to just barely fall back asleep until you hear him speak again. 
"Good, so that means you can get up with me then…" you groan softly into the pillow, shaking your head.
"Need. Sleep." you hear him laugh slightly as he just barely pulls the covers off you, and he coos at what he sees.
You feel his hand just barely graze your skin from your calf and up your leg to the back of your knee, upwards gliding his fingertips against your thigh, leaving goosebumps in their wake and causing you to shiver slightly with the cool air in the apartment.
His fingers leave you for just a moment, before he slightly lifts your (his) t-shirt that barely covers your ass and that causes you to slap his hand away.
"Kelvin! Stoppp being annoying and gooooo if you’re gonna make us breakfast please…" you say as you turn to face him. He laughs with a scrunched up face as his hand lays at his chest dramatically.
"Aye…ain’t my fault you got it alll on display over there…" rolling your eyes, you shoo him away with your right hand again as you lay your face back in the pillow, attempting to get a little more sleep.
Kelvin catches your hand and grasps at it, holding it to his chest and stroking your arm softly. From your fingers to your wrist, up your forearm, ending at your elbow and back down again. Despite him trying to be sweet, and it very much working, never failing to send warm butterflies to your stomach and shivers down your spine; nevertheless, it also makes you all the more sleepy as well, which is the exact opposite of what he wants.
"But babyyy, come on, you don’t have work, and I have a full day ahead of me. At least come downstairs while I make breakfast…" you pick your head up just slightly, seeing his little puppy dog eyes, lip poked out and all, and you can't help but grumble as you pull yourself out of bed with an annoyed groan.
Your reaction gets an earnest laugh from him as he throws some clothes on, and you snatch up a pair of his sweats, putting them on as you both head down to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.
Once you got downstairs, he had just finished putting on a pot of coffee for you both. You watch him as he takes out everything he'll be cooking for the two of you while you take a seat at the kitchen island. 
"So what is on your agenda for today, Mr. Harrison, hm?" you ask, leaning on your arms as you stare at his back, part of you wanting to get up just to lean up against him, but you aren't sure how far you'll get before you fall on the floor‒
"…And when I woke up, the alien probing me started dancing with Beyoncé, and we both won the Nobel Peace Prize for killing a fish…" He says as he watches you nodding off against your arm on the island. He shakes his head with a fond smile, turning back to the stove and setting some butter in the pan. 
You don't even remember dozing off before you feel yourself falling, causing you to jump up slightly to catch yourself before sliding completely out of the chair. You wipe at your face slightly, yawning and stretching so you can stay awake and upright. 
"Yeah, yeah…that sounds amazing, baby. I love turtles too…" you say through your yawn, stretching your arms above your head, watching Kelvin's back as he flips another slice of French toast. He turns to you with an unimpressed face. 
"Girl, I- be quiet…" he says with a chuckle. When the sleep takes over, you both know damn for well listening is the LAST thing you are doing. He takes the slice out of the pan, setting a fresh one in and faces you, shaking his head as he cuts up some cooked potatoes for your home fries. 
The smell in the kitchen begins to wake you, a mixture of the sweet and cinnamon and the savory smell of the sauteing peppers and onions makes your stomach growl. You can't help but slide yourself out of your chair and slyly head around the other side of the table, snaking your arms around his waist and laying your face between his shoulder blades.
You hum in contentment, happy to feel him against you again, even if it is just for a moment; however, the small hum he makes and the way he leans himself into you lets you know it'll be a little longer than that.
Especially when your hands start to wander, finding themselves under his sleeveless shirt and against his sides and chest. Your palms feel against him for a few moments, letting your fingertips run just slightly under his belly button and against his hip bones.
You both feel and hear him shiver against you, saying your name softly into the air with just a hint of warning to it and that makes you giggle in satisfaction against him. You stop your teasing…for now. Keeping your hands in a safe place, lightly stroke against his stomach as you give him a small kiss to the back. 
"M'sorry, I'll be nice…and sorry for falling asleep…again. What're we doing today, bubba?"
He groans slightly at the loss of your hands against his skin as he turns off the stove, and he plates the last of breakfast while giving you a small once-over of what his day will look like. 
He makes you a quick plate, pours you some coffee, and cuts a piece of your French toast, holding up the fork to your mouth, and you happily open, welcoming the warm bread as you haven't eaten in hours. 
"Aht aht…where's my thank you?" he says softly as he pulls back the fork still full of food. You sigh defeated, laying your forehead against his chest.
"Thank you." you mumble into his chest. His laugh rumbles in his chest, making you smile, and he tsks at you. 
"What? Huh? I don't think I heard you correctly…" you pick up your face slightly, laying your chin against his chest with a slight scowl, causing nothing but the most pleased smirk on his face.
You "force" a smile on your face, knowing that seeing his own just makes you want to kiss him all the more. "Thank you so much baby for making us breakfast…You're so sweet and funny and sexy, and if I wasn't so tired, I would just li‒" he stuffs the fork in your mouth, not letting you finish your sentence as he rolls his eyes. He tries his best to ignore the tingle you always manage to give him by doing nothing, but especially when you get like this in the mornings. Being extra clingy and wanting him. 
"Just‒ eat. Eat the damn food woman…" he forces down his slight blush and smile as he feeds you and picks off your plate. You smile with a full mouth, enjoying the food, it's exactly what you needed to wake up. And, of course yummy looking, scruffy Kelvin in the morning. That always helps too. 
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After you finish breakfast, he sips at his coffee sitting on the couch, tapping away at his laptop while you finish the dishes. Once you finish, you dry your hands and head over to Kelvin on the couch. Lightly throwing your arms around his chest, stroking softly at it as he answers some emails. 
He sets his coffee down on the table, humming softly in appreciation, reaching a hand up to stroke against your arm. "Mmm hello pretty, what's the matter?"
His actions and soft words warm your entire being, from the soles of your feet to the deep recesses of your mind, that are only really wrapped up in and on one thing: him.  You both have been a lot busier lately, Kelv with his upcoming movie and you more than ever at work; and as much as you enjoy your jobs, you've missed him so much more and who knows when you'll ever get another free day like this? So you set it in your mind that you will enjoy it as much as you possibly can, despite him having a full day of work ahead of him. 
You kiss the side of his temple, laying your face against his as you breathe softly for a moment, just enjoying the moment with him. 
"Nothing…nothing at all. Just missed you. But! Today, I shall be your shadow…so to speak." you say as you reluctantly separate yourself and find a seat next to him.
It's almost second nature as you sit, stretching to lean back against the armrest of the couch and watching as he sets his laptop aside, pulling your legs over his lap. The actions, though so simple, so small, and so subtle, still manage to grab a tender grin out of you. He strokes your leg as he lays his head back against the couch, looking at you with a playful smirk. 
"My shadow, you say? Hm, I like the sound of that…" you laugh with a playfully glare. 
"Mhmm, something told me you would…" you say aloud, nodding. He yawns softly as his laptop chirps. He doesn't want to, but he pulls his eyes away from you to see what the email was. You watch as he sighs and lays his head back, looking at you once again. 
"Seems like our day is starting sooner rather than later?"
He nods with a small pout to your question. And that…is more than enough for you. You pull yourself up abruptly from your cozy position and find yourself straddled comfortably on his lap; exactly where you belong. 
His hands find your waist, and your hands find his hairline and lay against his scalp respectively, softly grazing at it. He closes his eyes for a couple of minutes, enjoying the attention and affection he's been missing. 
"Well, since I am with you today, you simply lead, and I will follow…how long we got before the day starts?"
He clears his throat, running his fingers along your legs, as if he's playing piano; his idle way of letting you know that he's thinking. You give him a few moments of silence, and eventually, he opens his eyes, looking at you with a faint smile, sighing as he runs a hand along his face. 
"11am, and I still gotta shower and shave at least a little."
You kiss his forehead, leaning against his, and smile.
"Well, it’s only 9:35, so you have a little more time. You can go shower, change, and shave…only a little of this beautiful face, and you’ll be ready to go. It’s fine, we still got time." He shakes his head as he laughs a little at your words.
"Only a little huh?" You sit up, leaning back a little, and look at his face as you grab his chin lightly with your hand.
"Mhmm…you know I like the scruff, so you may only! Trim it…just a little…"
He leans forward, closing the space between you, laying his hands on your back and waist, and looks at you with a fond smile and warm eyes and you can’t help but feel all the love he holds for you.
"Yes ma’am…" he nods his head and you kiss him softly on the lips, slipping just barely out of his loose grip so he can get a move on for his day.
You pat against his leg, getting comfortable on the couch and stretching a bit.
"Now…go shower, no lingering…" You sport a playful glare. Knowing when he has things to do, if you give him an inch, he’ll take the mile to ensure he’s wholly distracted by you instead of doing what he’s supposed to.
He groans lightly and reluctantly gets up to start heading towards the bathroom, and once he gets towards the steps, you turn to watch him a little closer.
"And as much as I hate to see you leave, I sure do love to watch ya walk away, mMM!"
As he walks up the stairs, he playfully grumbles out
"I heard that, ya nasty…" causing you to laugh as you attempt to catch up on a bit of sleep as he gets ready for the day.
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11AM - Accent Coaching + Line Read w/ Jack Fuller 
Kelvin comes back down after finishing his shower and shaving (only a little trim!) and is ready for the day more or less, and as he finds your sleeping form snoring your little life away, he can't help but smile fondly.
You are the only person he knows that can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, no matter WHERE you are either, that’s the most insane part of all for him. He shakes his head, grabs his laptop, and heads over to the kitchen island to set up his things.
He grabs a bottle of water and his script, leaving it near his laptop and heading back over to you. He stands above your sleeping frame, lightly stroking at your face, taking in how peaceful you look when you sleep. He bends down with a smile, saying your name softly and leaving a few pecks on your forehead.
"Prettyyy, my meetings starting soon. If you wanna sleep a little more, you can, but I don’t wanna disturb you."
The feeling of him touching and kissing you makes you wake up before anything else. As you let your eyes adjust, hearing him call you pretty makes you sleepily smile. He says it so often that it might as well be your name. You nod understanding as you sit up and yawn.
"No no, m'alive I promise…I need to get up anyways, gotta work on some stuff." You give yourself a moment more to wake up as he reads through his script, saying lines aloud, and you smile as you stand, grabbing your laptop and headphones so you can get a bit of work done. 
Just as you finish setting yourself up, and get comfortable, you hear him ask if you're good and you have everything.
You turn, nodding, "Yeah, I'm good, I'm okay…good luck." you call out in a sing-songy voice, giving him a wink.
You open up one of your long forgotten projects, attempting to get some writing done since it's still your day off as well. You put on your chill playlist and you manage to get into a nice groove, trying your best to at least get a little done, every once in a while you take small peaks at Kelvin, he seems like he's enjoying himself, you know the accent was something he was excited to try, but was fairly nervous about, as he wanted to sound as authentic as possible. 
After about an hour or two of writing, a few more peaks of Kelvin, you wanna know how it's going so you take your headphones off and listen in as you work a bit more; though, it's mostly you just listening to him and you can't help but laugh softly, he sounds good, great even. 
He is currently working on a scene where he meets a possible love interest, and after a few corrections, you hear him breathe heavily. He tries to keep it down, but with the small playing against his leg and the lightly clenched jaw, you can tell he's getting frustrated. 
You set your laptop aside, lying your headphones on the coffee table, and head over to him in the kitchen on your way to refill your water bottle. You let your hand graze against his back as you pass him., trying to give him a little touch to let him know you're here. Once you finish, you lay another hand on his back, giving a small greeting to his coach, Jack.
He smiles as you catch up, allowing Kelvin a moment to calm down and get out of his head for a bit. Kelvin's arm finds your waist as Jack catches you up on what they've been working on. You catch Kelvin's eye, and without speaking, he simply nods, knowing you really just wanted to check in. He gives you a small squeeze as Jack asks if you wouldn't mind helping out and reading for the new character. Kelvin gives you a small smile, and you shrug slightly. 
"Uhh, yeah, sure why not…I won't be as good as Kel, but I'll try!" He laughs as he points at the lines he needs you to read in his book. 
Once Jack gives you both the go-ahead, you begin.
"…I thought you said you didn't recognize me…" you look between him and the script, and as you finish your line, he sighs and looks you in the eyes. 
"Well. I lied. And I know it was dumb of me, but I needed to see you again…" Seeing him so in his mode, and you actually being a part of it, it's almost like you don't even know who he is; he completely becomes his character. 
They both clear their throat, and you come back to, looking down at his script, realizing it's your line next. 
"Oh! Sorry heh..uhm, okay. — No. There is nothing more to say…I leave tomorrow, so this'll be the last time you will ever see me. I made my choice."
You watch him closely, trying your best to follow his lead and stay as focused as you possibly can. 
He pauses at your words, almost looking offended, hurt even and it gives you pause, making your heart and chest feel heavy. You understand that you both are playing characters, but that doesn't break your heart any less upon seeing how hurt he looks.
Leaning forward, he puts a soft hand on your face, looking you deeply in the eyes, following each one as if it is its own entity and he commands all your attention. 
"I hurt you, I-I know this. But please…please. If you feel for me, anything at all, then you'd stay—"
He leans forward, kissing you with everything he could possibly muster in his heart and soul, and you feel it all. You feel everything. 
He gives you one last peck, opening his eyes as he slowly draws back slightly and strokes your cheek with his thumb. 
"Promise me you'll stay." 
You are completely dumbfounded and rendered speechless by the man in front of you. You can't even bring your eyes away from him to see what your next line is, and all you do is nod softly and thoughtlessly. You don't know what his character did, and frankly, you couldn't care less…you're staying. 
Hearing Jack's voice is what brings you back down to earth; you all but fall into Kelvin, and he kisses your forehead proudly as he listens to Jack's small notes, though otherwise, it is a completely flawless scene.
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3PM - Monthly Fitting for Tom Ford + GOLF le FLEUR  w/ Stacey Irmac
As you and Kelvin arrive at the office, you’re excited, and he can practically feel you buzzing against the hand he holds.
He looks at you as he leads you to the main room they use for fittings, and you can’t help but smile at his confused but sweet face.
"You’re that excited about this? In all honesty, it’s not that interesting. I don’t want you to get your hopes up, and it’s boring the whole time."
You laugh softly, bumping him with your hip as he holds the door open for you.
"Even if it's the longest, most boring process ever, I don’t really care. Getting to hang with you for the day is so rare PLUS, I get to see you in a bunch of expensive ass clothes. I’d say win/win I don’t know…" you shrug as you find a spot on the couch, he introduces you to Stacey, his image consultant that works with his team from time to time, and you greet his stylist Aisha.
They jump in pretty quickly, not wasting time getting him out of his clothes and into new ones. Figuring where he could wear some of the pieces and if he’s comfortable in them.
You brought along your small camcorder, just wanting to have memories of today for yourself. You try to be as out of the way and inconspicuous as possible, filming small moments of them changing certain bottoms, jackets, sweaters, and even some jewelry. For each of the sets they like as a group, Kelvin gets some shots taken and it is added into his own little fashion portfolio.
Kelvin turns and sees when he can and makes faces at the camera, sending little winks and peace signs and even blowing you kisses. All that can be heard outside of the music playing overhead are your laughs and very much approving words with each outfit you like.
About almost 2 hours into the fitting, though you both are there for Kelvin, Stacey prompts you, asking if you would be open to trying something as she has a couple of pieces from a previous fitting that she needs a women to model, and after a little prodding by Aisha and Kelvin you agree.
She has you in a beautiful sheer gown with velvet running up and down the frame of the dress; it has complementary and pleasing cutouts that perfectly capture your figure. And the way the plum color sits against your brown skin is almost like it was made for you. You take a few shots with Kelvin in a simple sheer shirt that matches your dress and an elegant black suit jacket with embellishments on the cuffs and simple black slacks. It's such a perfect medium for you both, and in its own way, you both are the statement piece.
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6PM - Weekly Check-in w/ Management Team
By the time you both get back home, you're both pretty exhausted. Thankfully, you expected this, so you picked up some dinner on the way home, so you both had one less thing to worry about. 
Since it's Friday, you know Kelv has his weekly call with his team about what his next week and sometimes even as far as what the next month will look like for him. You set your things down as he gets himself set up in the living room. You bring over his food and give him a small kiss on the head, hearing him hum in appreciation. 
"I'll be upstairs if you need me, ok?" he nods softly, and just before you walk off, he calls out to you again, laying his head back against the couch.
"One more, please…" at first, you look at him confused, and then you laugh, shaking your head as you head back over to the couch. You give him the softest kiss you can muster on his forehead, watching as he closes his eyes, relishing in the feeling of your lips against him.
"That all, Mr. Harrison?" You ask, leaning your arm against the couch. To which he nods and grins like a kid in a candy store. 
"Yep, I'm all goood now…" you laugh and make your way upstairs to your shared bedroom. 
"Thank you, by the way…I'm really happy you were able to hang out with me today."
You can't help but smile, you had such a great day with him as well. It's never a dull moment when you two are together, but getting to see Kelvin in his element and even getting to take part, you feel pretty damn lucky.
"Aww baby, thank you for letting me be a little fly on the wall with you today, hopefully, we can do it more. Not that I didn't know it, but your job's pretty fun…I like it." You give him a small wink as you head upstairs, and you hear him clear his throat dramatically, right as you reach the top step.
You can't help but laugh, even snort, knowing the serious moment can't ever last too long with him. Your heart swells in your chest as you let yourself fall back on your bed, going over the day in your head again. The power that man has to put you in the best mood will never fail to put the biggest smile on your face, whether he tries or not. You are just happy to know you can make him feel even a fraction of how he makes you feel, especially doing something as small as just existing with him while he gets to be the star of the show. 
And it's the best damn show in the world, and you can bet you'll be in the front row everytime.
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☋ any and all comments, reblogs and likes are BEYOND appreciated and i shall repay you in my love ˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
⇒ headers made by @uzmacchiato + @strangergraphics
© wonderlustwrites
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sketchygatito · 22 hours ago
Irkaih Ex-Pop Dialogue
Seeing some others dialogue they did for their oc's made me wanna do one for Irkaih! I definitely could've added more general stuff to her patrol but I didn't wanna make that a novel in it of itself.
Oh, and a little doodle for each category! Enjoy!
“He hold’sa finger of god…but I still don’t know which one.”
“Gotta listen to the doctor's orders…”
“They gave me a job, n’ I’ll do it well. I’ll make you proud daddy.”
“Daddy’ll sniff out your commie blood soon ‘nough.”
“So long as I can smell leather n’ cigarettes…I know I’m home.”
“Daddy says you’re guilty. So come up and pay your dues! ‘S easier that way.”
“God has two ways of showin’ himself…through the clouds and in the rope.”
“The world ain’t much different from ‘ere. People hurt people…just happens quicker now. And I’d rather it be quick than slow…”
“Daddy is a good man…He just does bad things sometimes. He wouldn’t have t’do the bad things if it weren’t for bad people. Makin’ him all angry n’ messin with his things. He just…tryin’ to protect our family. Daddy is a good man…”
“God marked me. He marked me at birth n’ he said I was a curse on this world. All I do is bring bad things…I’m sorry…I’m so so sorry… for all of this…”
“Papa sang all day n night. Believed it was music that made the world go ‘round. But he was wrong. It’s blood, and ain't nobody satisfied till they have their fill n then some…” (sniffles)
“Why do we have to stay here? I just wanna go back home, with daddy. I wanna sleep on the couch, I wanna sit in the car, I wanna drink a chocolate shake…I wanna go home…”
“Lil light…’s gonna let it shine…”
“F-U-Double T-E-R-Man…”
“Hey hey…take a little whiff on me…”
“You sure can’t hide…from the man…with the x-ray eyes…”
“Tip toe, here we go, do-se-do…”
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Lunging (spotted by reagent):
“Stay still!”
“I see sommin’ shiny…”
“I want wha’cha got!”
“Time to pay up.”
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Successful attempt:
“I need this more than you…”
“I’ve got a job t’do.”
“Gots t’repo these.”
“Just collectin’ the tax.”
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Failed attempt:
“No! don’t!— Please!”
“God dammit!”
“I’ll getcha…next time…”
“No, no no nonono”
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“Daddy! Daddy help!”
“I have to! I have to do this!”
“You’re gonna regret this…!”
“You don’t!-- You just don’t get it! I didn’t want…”
“Don’t cry…d-don’t cry…” (sniffle)
“Now you’ve done it!” (When Coyle sees her get stunned)
“He’ll catch you! He’ll make you hurt!” (When Coyle sees her get stunned)
“Daddy! The bad people! They hurt me!” (When Coyle sees her get stunned)
“They…they have it…they have one too! A finger of god!” (Stunned by Stun rig)
“Daddy! Daddy I can’t see! I CAN’T SEE!” (Stunned by Stun rig)
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Blocked by Obstacles:
“Sneaky…but you only have so many tunnels!”
“I ain’t a mousie in a lil maze…”
“You ain’t gonna knock me off yer tail doin all that!”
“Jumpier than a jackrabbit in june! But even a rabbit gets tired…”
“Hey! Nobody likes a cheater!” (Blocked by Barricade rig)
“Why don’t I getta toy…” (Blocked by Barricade Rig)
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Spotted Reagent caught by door trap:
“I know I shouldn’t…I know I know I know…” “Don’t. Ignore ‘em.” “The traps are for trespassers…they’re trespassin’…”
“Daddy says these are just natural consequences.”
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Spotted incapacitated Reagent: 
“It’s gonna be okay…You’ll be okay…just close your eyes...”
“You get to sleep now. Sleep and never return to this place.”
“You won’t be needin those soon…”
“Howsit feel for you t’be knocked down to the ground now!?”
“Don’t move a muscle. Just– lay down n’ play dead, m’kay…?”
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chloesimaginationthings · 5 months ago
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Happy one year anniversary to this FNAF post,,
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bbuzz28 · 2 months ago
Old man Fiddlestan, my beloved-and what's this? It could be semi-canon compliant :O ?!?! Woof- this is one of the saddest things I have ever written. I know some of you gremlins (affectionate) love that sort of thing, but I don't. I like really really don't. This is my comfort ship, so I don't even know where this came from other than trying to figure out how they *could* work in canon. Truthfully though, I prefer my Fiddlestan heavy on the comfort when it comes to the "hurt/comfort" genre. This is my only “angsty” (i.e. no immediate happy ending) Notes-app fics, so don't get used to this level of sad from me lol.
“Stan?” an oddly familiar voice called. Mr. Mystery, Stan Pines, glanced up from the flyers he was organizing and found that Old Man McGucket stood in the doorway of his front door. The last tour of the day had just left, it was dinnertime, and he was exhausted. Stan rolled his eyes as he unfurled his tie, wishing Soos was still there to escort the crazy old man off his property. No matter what he did, the old hillbilly always managed to find his way back to the Shack. “Sweet Moses McSuckit, what are you doing in here? Shoo, scat, or whateva will get rid of ya.” Hearing no movement, he looked at the man again and found he was standing erect. His blue eyes were the clearest he had seen them in no less than a decade.
          Wait, what did he call- oh. Oh no.
“Stan…ley? Did I…did I do somethin’ wrong?” the other man asked, his hands twisted in knots in front of him. Memories flashed through Stan’s mind; Ford falling through the portal, Fiddleford finding him passed out in the lab, working together to bring Ford home again…being together. Being happy. They had been happy, if just for a little while, hadn’t they?
Then there was the cult, and his discovery of the damn memory gun that had finally ruined everything they ever built. He took a hesitant step forward, a thousand thoughts roaring in his mind at once. “Fidds? Wha-what do you remember?” A bandaged hand snaked up and rubbed over the faded scar on the side of his head “I…don’t rightly know. Did we…I think we had a fight? I just woke up in the…in the dump. N’ I don’t have any shoes. Do ya know why my arm is in a cast?” Fiddleford looked so lost.
Stan knew in his heart that all of this was fleeting- “clarity” would hit Fiddleford every few years after he had finally wiped his mind of himself. Almost like his brain was trying to jumpstart itself back together. The first time they thought it was a miracle but…it didn’t last. It just started a trend that would follow them both for the next almost thirty years. Fiddleford would seemingly “wake up” and be lucid for a few weeks in the beginning, then eventually only a matter of days. It had been so long since the last time that Stan would wager, they only had maybe a few hours together if he was lucky.
The last time Fiddleford was himself…they had fought. Stanley thought he had figured the only way Fiddleford could stay; he needed to remember. Remember everything he had ever forgotten. At the time, Fiddleford had been unwilling to try. He didn’t think he could handle it; he knew he had forgotten what he had for a reason.
Stanley had gotten as close to begging as he ever had in his life since surviving Tijuanna, and when it had no effect…Stanley had told Fiddleford to leave and never come back. He had left that night, and by the next day he had faded away again. After a while, Stan thought his last words had been the final nail in the coffin that was Fiddleford’s mind. He carried that weight along with every other mistake he had ever made. But here he was. Fiddleford. His Fiddleford.
He took a deep breath before he opened his arms up. “Hey, don’t worry, it doesn’t matter. I’m right here.” Fiddleford rushed through the doorway, melting into Stanley’s open arms. “I went away again, didn’t I?” Stan could feel Fiddleford’s tears soaking into his chest, his own whispering at the edges of his eyes. Yes, and you will leave again. You will leave me and I will be alone all over again, you fucking asshole. “Hey cowboy, didn’t I just say not t’ worry about any a’ that? You’re here now, n' that’s what matters. You’re…you’re home.” A haggard laugh vibrated through the smaller man’s chest into Stanley’s own. “I know I keep tellin’ ya, tellin’ me not t’ worry is like” “…tellin’ a fish t’ stop swimmin’; I know Fidds, I know.” Fuck was really the only conscious thought that went through his head as he held his one-time lover. He couldn’t believe he was doing this, again.
Fiddleford looked up, eyes wide and searching Stan’s face. “How long do ya think we have?” Stan shook his head, unwilling to lie even if it eventually wouldn’t matter because he wouldn’t remember. You’ve always been the only person I couldn’t lie to. “I dunno, it’s been…a while. Probably not very long.” Fiddleford closed his eyes before he said “I need ya t’ know somethin’, Stanley.” Stan started to shake his head. “Fidds, you don’t have t-” The look on the other man’s face shut Stan right up-he had always had that ability. Stan wished he didn’t miss it as much as he did. “I need ya to know that even when I’m not here…I miss you. The part of me that’s somewhere in here-” A weathered hand tapped the side of his head to emphasize his point “ misses you. I’m just so sorry, Stanley. Sorry that I’m a coward. I’m sorry that I’m not strong enough to be here all the time…but I’ll never stop tryin’. I’ll always try n’ come home to ya.”
Stan thought of the thousands of times he had chased Old Man McGucket, the neat little character that Stan had to compartmentalize his Fiddleford into when he wasn’t himself, out of the Shack. How many times he had found him curled up like a cat on the back porch. How every time they “met”, McGucket would say how nice Stan was or how good he felt to be around him “for some reason.” How many odds and ends McGucket would gift Stan from the dump for exhibits at the Mystery Shack with a large smile and nothing substantial behind his eyes.
It would be so much easier if he would stop trying to come back. Maybe the hole in Stan’s heart the size of the sweet, certifiably insane man would scab over. How many times had Stanley mourned him? How many times was he willing to hurt himself? They were now nearing their sixties, how long was he really willing to do this song and dance?
What’s one more time? he softly thought, his hand coming up to tenderly cup the grizzled face of Fiddleford Hadron McGucket. Mad scientist, friend, and unfortunately for them both…the love of his life.
“I miss you too, Fidds.”
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arolesbianism · 7 months ago
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I caved and made them real. Obverse me losing more and more motivation to draw as I made each of these back to back lol
#keese draws#oc art#oc#pmd#pokemon#pokemon mystery dungeon#pmd oc#these guys are inspired by my usual pokerogue team#oh also imagine a question mark after every he/him I have the trans woman beam pointed at all of them#these are just initial concepts for the actual characters themselves now that I’ve developed the world a lil bit#but yeah these 4 were childhood friends who wanted to be in an exploration team together but had to split up for years#tart and quart both had to move away and cart ended up leaving his hometown to try and become a real adventure a few months later#cart and bart remained in contact for a few years before cart got caught up in some crime circles#he was incredibly trusting when he was younger so he got taken advantage of and ended up digging himself a deeper hole in an attempt to be#manipulative back and eventually he got scared enough that he tried to reach out to a guild and acted as a spy for them in turn for them#eventually helping to clear his name and allowing him membership#there were parts of the deal that were unfair and kind of shady but he was desperate enough to pretend he didn’t notice#after he joined he started immediately putting out listings for new team members and he fully planned on being super picky#but when two of his childhood friends applied he was over the moon about it#and immediately accepted both of them#now quart also applied because he had recently ran away from his old life and was desperate to have a new one#and he missed his old friends deeply so when he saw one of them actually managed to start building the team they all wanted to make he was#quick to apply even if he was rusty as hell on normal non contest combat#cart didn’t recognize him at first and mostly only let him have a trial run because he thought it was funny that an eevee of all things was#applying for a high level exploration team and he fully planned on telling quart off immediately afterwards#this ofc made quart very upset and angry but he didn’t try to clairify who he was because he just assumed that time had made cart into an#asshole which isn’t wrong per say but quart didn’t realize cart didn’t recognize him#it was a rough trial expedition but cart found himself actually quite impressed with quart’s slight of paw skills and his impressive biting#speed so he decided to give quart a real chance instead of a mocking one#eventually quart laughs for the first time around him and that makes cart realize who he is and that makes him feel horrible
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toxooz · 1 year ago
i Need to take up embroidery now rIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 2 months ago
making a sorta wip/unfinished compilation video thing for all the vsynth projects ive sorta lost interest in/abandoned sounds like it'd be fun to do and help me clear up some space on this got damn computer but im always like uouguhhh but what if it fucking sucks :( when it comes to like actual cover stuff 😔✌️ like mannn
#delete later#uhghhhh the urge to post wips and show im not dead vs desire to remain mysterious and post whenever tf w/ no warning#the worst part is like a majority of these r also not even past the idea stage 😭#i just have so many vsqxs and vprs and usts downloaded :')) bc i just like hearing these lil fuckheads sing songs i like#but i dont like just plug n play covers. so i try to do some extra work but it usually isnt that great cause duh im not great at this shit#and ive lost interest in some of these and dont rly feel like yknow. forcing myself to work on them more if im not gonna do more w em#tho it also kinda feels sad to like delete them in having not done anything w them... so that's why i like never share wips 😭#cause in the case its something i never finish (spoiler: most things 😔) i dont wanna disappoint#people who were genuinely looking forward to it. IF that even is anyone bruh bc thats the other thing#i feel awkward abt it bc i also feel nobody rly cares abt wips theyd rather just wait and see a final version. so ee#which is like totally understandable tbh but idk 😭 its hard to keep going when motivation is low yknow so id like to share wips#in the event anyone is interested and wants me to continue. but also i like being mysterious abt what i post and nobody knowing my next mov#ughhhhh. bangs my head against the wall. get me outta here. trapped in my brain with my own ideas fucking sucksssss sometimes#i have the power to make polls i COULD make more but. idk i feel like itd get old quick. kicks rocks.#OH and one last thing it'd reveal my shit ass music taste 😂😂😭😭 hhhhhhhhfhfjfjnf#ignore me man im just being overdramatic. can anyone hear me. aughhghgh#also i GOTTA get a good tag for the technical vsynth shit for organization#or so people can block if they dont give a fuck. but i need to think of a funny one grrr#singing robot pendejadas#edit from the future: now i have lol theres the funny tag
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corgifruityart · 1 year ago
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leans into the mic her ✨
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railroad-migraine · 2 years ago
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fridgedeeznuts · 2 years ago
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kid, you were born with a noose around your neck.
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canisonicscrewyou · 2 years ago
Listening to Company and feeling Gay
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sztefa001 · 9 months ago
Just because you had a bad day doesn't excuse you taking it out on others. But if you do apologize to them you can bet your ass most of them will remember you with respect and compassion.
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#I had a near exact situation a few years back#i was making a metal-looking engraved sticker to be put on the back of a lil pic as a dedication#(for whom; for what occasion; from whom and when with some extra text)#and this one customer was being real mean about how I phrased one thing#i think it was about writing 1st Holy Communion instead of First Holy Communion as she wanted#now you see I allow myself for some generally accepted liberties to make the text fit the shape of the sticker better#also writing 1st (here in Poland in Roman numerals as I) in this case is even more popular than First#so I kinda assumed im dealing with some karen because the lady made a big deal about it and was getting real worked up#i kept my emotions to myself and fixed the thing#meanwhile my mom (the boss) attempted to calm her down (saying that it's a quick fix that she won't wait long etc)#i didn't hear it all from the back but the woman basically broke down crying saying she's sorry but she recently lost her son#and really can't deal with anything lately#she paid for both stickers even tho I said there's no need#another guy from a week or so ago#nothing major - he was just stressed from work#he left angry that some leaflets for his wife weren't ready#when he came back later he apologized profusely#so yeah#those who apologize are remebered with respect and compassion#those who don't are just... remembered vaguely as an anecdote at best#still hope those who didn't were just having a rough time and weren't actual certified karens#sztefu talks
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tooquirkytolose · 1 month ago
My fellow American hobby bakers, demoralized by egg prices and scarcity and how you will make the American apple pie or the chocolate chip cookie, fear not. I have spent many years turning regular baking recipes vegan for my corrupt and traitorous sister who last week ate a salmon cream cheesed roll. There are many, many substitutes for eggs including but not limited to:
Mashed banana: best added to compliment flavors of whatever it is you're baking (peanut butter, chocolate) make sure it's MUSHY and ripe
Apple sauce: again, best with complimentary flavors (cinnamon, brown sugar) use unsweetened and have the rest as a snack
The big boy champ, ground flaxseed: flavorless, though it does darken your batter/ dough a bit. Bags found next to cornstarch and almond meal, etc. Instructions on how to use right on the bag! Make sure to let the flaxseed water combo sit in a separate bowl until it has the consistency of mucus 👍
Now with all of these you MUST add a bit more leavener, they don't have the lil bit of lift eggs give, so make sure you add a touch more baking powder. Sort of ok for brownies and cookies if you want them a bit more dense but KEY for cakes, quick breads, muffins and other things like that or she is gonna be SQUIDGY 🫡
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dc-gotham-instincts-wild · 1 month ago
Headcanon that Jason just kidnaps his siblings instead of asking them to hang out sometimes.
Sometimes he does the normal abduction thing and other times he has his methods.
Dick: Jason sneaks into Dick’s apartment in Blüdhaven at 3 AM, throws him over his shoulder, and drags him to his motorcycle. Dick wakes up mid-ride, half-conscious, groggily mumbling, "Jay, what the hell—?"
- Jason just shushes him and tosses a burger into his lap. "Shut up and eat, Goldie. We're bonding." (Jason, allowing his big brother to ruffle his hair? Nooooo, absolutely not...)
Tim: Jason straight-up drugs him asleep him when Tim refuses to take a break. He wakes up in Jason’s apartment with a cup of coffee and a sandwich waiting for him, while Jason sits on the couch reading a book.
- “You looked dead on your feet, Replacement. Either you napped willingly or I made you. Guess which one you picked.” (Jason totally doesn't rake a hand over his lil bro's hair during this time)
Steph: Jason knows Steph is a wild card when it comes to hanging out, so he has to be a little sneakier with her. He'd show up at her place unannounced, pretending to just be casually passing by, and in one smooth motion, he'd grab her and yank his little sister into his car or bike before she even realizes what's happening. (He totally doesn't do this in time with hard school, noooo)
Damian: Jason scoops him up mid-battle and just walks away with him. Damian kicks, bites, and yells, "UNHAND ME, TODD!" but Jason holds him like an angry kitten.
- They end up at a rooftop picnic with Alfred’s homemade food. Damian eventually eats while grumbling about Jason's “barbaric methods” but secretly enjoys the attention. (Jason maaayybe ruffles his hair a lot.)
Cass: She just lets it happen. Jason shows up, gestures toward his bike, and Cass just hops on without a word. They go on long road trips in comfortable silence, getting ice cream at 2 AM and scaring off criminals for fun. (Jason totally doesn't take the time to help her with her speech-)
Duke: Duke gets fake-napped. Jason tells him, "Be outside in five minutes," and when Duke says no, Jason still shows up, grabs him, and hauls him into a car.
- Duke just sighs and texts Bruce: "Jason's 'kidnapping' me again. Back later." (Jason totally doesn't get the names of school bullies from him and uses them, noooooooo)
Bruce knows this happens. He just sighs and lets it happen because, honestly? It’s Jason’s way of showing love. And at least the kids are getting along.
Jason kidnaps his siblings because it's his way of saying, "You're important to me, and I'm gonna drag you into ridiculous situations whether you like it or not."
He also, however, does it to Bruce.
In fact, it might be one of his favorite things to do, just because Bruce is always so serious and “responsible.”
Jason thinks it’s hilarious to force Bruce to take a break. He just shows up at the Batcave, probably with some kind of overly complicated plan to "kidnap" Bruce without him realizing.
Step 1: Jason would distract Alfred with a "Oh, just a quick check-in, you know, 'cause it’s been a while.’"
Step 2: He would wait for Bruce to get fully immersed in some case files and then sneak up behind him, tap him on the shoulder, and when Bruce turns around, Jason’s already got him in a headlock, pulling him out of the chair like, "Get up, old man. We're going to a diner. No arguments."
Bruce would protest, of course. He'd probably try to get out of it with his usual grumpy “I’m too busy” routine. Jason might fake-sigh and act like he's just trying to help Bruce loosen up, reminding him, "I know you think you’re invincible, but you still need to eat, Batman."
And if Bruce insists on not going, Jason would just drag him anyway. He might even grab the Batmobile for a joyride (he's always wanted to), making Bruce sit shotgun while Jason drives like an absolute maniac (Jokes on both because Bruce taught him to drive-)
Bruce would probably be scowling the whole time, but Jason would know his dad is secretly enjoying it, even if he won't admit it.
Eventually, Bruce would probably give in and get his grumpy little “dad” lecture—“You’re so reckless, Jason—” but Jason would just smile and be like, "Whatever. You’re welcome.”
Jason totally doesn't like it when his dad just ruffles his hair at some point.
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shawtuzi · 2 months ago
here’s a random best friend!eren drabble bc im bored
cw include: black coded reader, some drug usage (weed), unprotected sex, backshots, sex standing up, sex onna floorrr, lots of dirty talk, multiple orgasms, squirting, creampie, some choking [ inspo vids: 1 2 3 ]
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“you sure about this y/n? i don’t want things to get weird . . .” eren mumbled, his hands fidgeting with the loops on his jeans—something he always did when he was nervous. you just giggled, your mind too cloudy and in a horny daze to care that your about to fuck your childhood best friend.
you were sitting at the edge of your bed with eren standing right in front of you, his large frame towering over yours. his breath hitched when you grabbed onto the hem on his jeans, your chin now resting on his lower stomach. you looked at him through your freshly done lashes, your eyes low n’ red from the blunt you previously smoked together.
“i jus’ wanna see what’s got those girls all crazy about you ren,” you practically purred, smirking when you saw his teeth clamp onto his bottom lip. you could feel the firm bulge in his jeans, your manicured nails trailing up and down the length of it.
“oooo s-shit, f-fuck okay yeah get on all fours.”
sometime later….
“o-oh my goddd, f-fuck erennnn!” your arms flailed behind you to push as eren’s stomach, but him being the dickhead he is, just grabbed your wrists and held you still. he had you bent over the bed, your feet pushing up to your tippy toes to keep up with his brutal thrusts.
“no no don’t run mama—fuck, jus’ take it. cmon fuck me back, fuck renny back,” you pitifully shook your head, salty tears seeping into your comforter.
in all the years you’ve known eren you weren’t aware of the fact that he had such a dirty mouth. filthy praises and promises were flying past his kiss swollen lips left and right, so much so it was making you even more dizzy than you already were.
“who knew my best friend had such a pretty lil’ pussy,” eren breathlessly chuckled, his tongue swiping against his bottom lip as he admired the milky white ring of your essence coating the base of his cock. “n-no eren, too fuckin’ deep s-shit!” you cried, legs trembling as eren pushed all of his weight into your backside. he swiveled his hips, determined to reach that special spot deep inside you.
“heh, now y’see why those girls w-won’t leave me alone, dick is too fuckin’ good ain’t it mama,” eren groaned, smacking your ass harshly. eren wasn’t the best at a lot of things, not that he even really tried to be, but one thing he knew he was good at was beating up some lucky girls guts. sure he wasn’t slanging nine inches, but don’t get it twisted he knew how to use his six and a half inches very, very well. after all it’s not about the size of the wave, but the motion of the ocean or whatever the fuck.
he pulled you up by the neck, keeping you still against his chest. your legs trembled, your hands pushing back softly against eren’s thighs to steady yourself. “this is my favorite way to fuck, it’s so fun watching girls try to run just for me to fuck them to the floor,” he finished off his sentence by licking the shell of your ear, grinning when he felt your body shiver.
“you’re—hah! you’re s-sick ren.”
“shittt say that again baby,” eren groaned, sliding halfway out before slamming back inside. his free hand found purchase on your breast, the other hand squeezing lightly at your neck. “you’re *thrust* so fucking *thrust* s-sick eren!” you gasped out, your hands flinging behind you to tug at eren’s disheveled bun.
all a sudden black dots clouded your vision and your ears began to ring—well this was definitely new. “fuck, you squirtin’ mama?” eren was quick to wrap his arm around your waist, his other hand still securely wrapped around your throat. he fucked you through your orgasm, hearts forming at how soaked his thighs were now. he’s never had a squirter before, and he wasn’t sure he was ready to leave this life after you two were done!
“i *hiccup* didn’t even k-know i could do that,” you whimpered, your eyes rolling back when eren started up a steady rhythm. your pussy felt so sensitive, yet each time he pulled out you wanted him back inside that instant. your legs felt like jello and you knew any moment they were bound to give up.
you took a shaky step towards your bed but eren just followed, his lips upturning into a smirk. now comes his favorite part.
“r-ren okay! okay i get ittt,” you sobbed out, gasping as your knees met the plushness of your carpet. eren remained inside you the entire time, wasting no time as he pushed your face into the carpet until your back with positioned into the perfect arch. as crazy as it sounded each slap of his balls against your clit felt like electricity shooting through your veins, causing nothing but moans and babbles to slip past your drooling lips.
“fuck m’gonna cum mama, get ready,” with four final thrusts eren emptied himself inside you, coating your walls in his sticky warmth. your body slumped more into the carpet, your eyes fluttering shut. eren pulled out slowly, laughing when your lower half fell with a dull thud.
“i *sniffle* see your point,” you whimpered, your back arching when your clit rubbed against the carpet. eren grinned, sitting back on his knees before gently turning your body over. he tapped your thigh softly, “push it out . . . please.”
you rolled your eyes, not looking forward the even bigger mess it would make, but you did as you were told. eren let out a long breath through his nose as he watch he cum drip out of you in thick globs. he peered at you through his lashes—
“we should, um, do this again sometime.”
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