~Chaos Incarnate~
762 posts
~She/Her | 22 | Asexual/Biromantic | Minors DNI (18+) | Snz blog~
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waterfallofspace · 22 hours ago
reblog this if you want anonymous opinions of you
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waterfallofspace · 6 days ago
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - COMMISSIONS OPEN ~ [ 3 slots ] - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
hey guys! I wanted to take a few comms to dip my toe back into doing them. the only thing to pls note is that, at the moment, I won't be doing comic pages or sketch pages (I don't want to overwhelm myself, so I'll bring those back a bit later ~) I also ask for grace & patience if I take a little longer than usual 👉👈;; though I'll always try to keep you updated & lyk if there'll be a hold up
SO! if you're interested in a coloured or b/w sketch, pls take a look at my comms page! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
I know I have an order form & stuff on my carrd, but just msg me here or email if you're interested. we can sort it out 😌
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waterfallofspace · 7 days ago
Allergies on a garden date with no tissues and glassy teary eyes hitching through an apology on a bench just before they sneeze all over their nice outfit
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waterfallofspace · 16 days ago
Question I love to ask people. Feelings on gigantic sneeze?
Side note great stuff keep up the good work.
thanks for the ask/question!~
that type of thing isn't exactly for me, I'm personally not into huge/loud sneezes, loud noises tend to leave me a bit shaken, I'm uh- I'm not good with yelling and such, so it's just not really an attractive thing for me personally~ as well as all the destruction sfx people usually use tend to get me a bit on edge, but!! that said!! I understand the appeal for others~
and absolutely no judgement here with that type of thing, I'd even be willing at times to engage with it myself, whether creating or enjoying, there are some that do get me!~ Just overall not exactly my thing, for a couple of the reasons mentioned~
thanks for asking! <3
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waterfallofspace · 17 days ago
Will you PLEASEEEE make a caretaking audio? I just think it would be so sweet to listen to your take on a sick listener.
I was not entirely sure how to do this, and I don't really love my voice so it was a bit hard to imagine what this should be, but I tried to use the actual voice I use with people irl when they need comfort, mixed with a few of the phrases/pet names I'd normally use, all in all I hope this came off alright?~ is a little less 'listener' though a little more 'partner', scenario type deal, but I hope that's still comforting/good?~
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waterfallofspace · 18 days ago
Thinking about sneezes that are all vocal hitches and then the most silent stifle ever known to man
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waterfallofspace · 19 days ago
random lil snzblr creators question,
how do you guys feel about making content for something you don't have, (ie: coughing, mess, whump, hiccuping, etc) but that doesn't make you uncomfortable to do, just isn't a kink that you share?~
Adding a poll for simplicity, but if anyone wants to share in tags/comments (or dms!) I'd love to hear what people think/feel about this!~ No pressure ofc though~
Personally I'm not exactly sure how I feel about it, I think if anything I'd feel a bit anxious/insecure sharing content for something I'm not personally into, as I'd not know what to do..? I already feel a bit insecure when I'm making snz content, but I can at least comfort myself that I know vaguely the type of things that I like, so I can do that, but with stuff like mess, I find it hard to engage with since I don't personally enjoy it?~
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waterfallofspace · 21 days ago
feat. stifles, a few accidental let-outs, sniffling, hitching
pinched: up until 1:50ish hands free: 2:18ish till end accidental let-outs/fails: 2:02 & 2:21
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waterfallofspace · 21 days ago
Heyy. Do you know what happened to gemsden? They deactivated recently :(
Hey, no sorry, I don't know, but that's too bad, I hope everything with them is okay~
from what I do know, people sometimes do just deactivate because they choose to leave this space or that blog, sometimes there's personal reasons and sometimes there isn't, but all in all wish them the best, whatever this may be~ sorry I can't be of more help!
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waterfallofspace · 22 days ago
A and B haven’t been on a date in AGES so when they get time, A books a super fancy expensive restaurant. As it’s so fancy, the waiter brings a jar of flowers to sit on their table for the ✨ambiance✨ but A is insanely allergic and B begins to think maybe they should leave. However, it’s been ages since they had a date and by the gods A will NOT let this slide.
so this has been sitting in my inbox for over a year, but I've finally done something with it!!~
please forgive my horrid half-assed attempt at some form of vaguely british accent~
feat: sneezing, sniffling, talking, sound effects, etc~
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waterfallofspace · 23 days ago
picture with me, if you will–
out in some social situation with a partner who knows, when suddenly they feel the need to sneeze
and well, they want to be respectful, don't want to make you uncomfortable out in public, in front of people, so they hold it back, thinking they can just starve it off long enough to get a bit of privacy...
little do they realize that- their nostrils flaring against the finger/palm they're rubbing against their twitching nose, the desperate hitching and false starts that keep their eyes watering and unfocused, how their voice pitches as they try to speak, how they have to switch from just rubbing to fully pinching their nose,
-well it's driving you crazy way more than a single sneeze ever would have, especially since you know them, and now that they've taunted it, what could have been a one off now can't be anything less than a full fit
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waterfallofspace · 24 days ago
🎶🪶🎶Commission Post!! 🎶🪶🎶
What do I do? 
Audio (samples here)
Small wavs: approx 1-5 sentences of dialogue in a small ask-wav style snzario - $2 each
Snz/Cough wav: approx 1-5 mins of sneezing or coughing with some talking where I say things you'd like to hear - $4 per min
Snz audiobook: I will narrate a fic (with the author's permission!) with snz sounds and/or sound effects (to my discretion) approx 2c per word, 5k words max (willing to compromise here as this is my first time taking these comms)
Scenarios: I will bring a script to life with voice acting and sound effects. $8/min (max 10 mins); +$2/min for each additional character (max 3 characters)
Sneezing and coughing are my forte, but I can try to accommodate other audio. If you’d like to know what I feel I’m able to do, message me!
I can change my sneeze sound! I have been practicing this a long time, so if you have a certain type you like, a certain spelling of it, stifles, congested, etc, let me know!
Please note that if you want mechanical voice changing or sound effects, that is Scenario work, not basic audio! If you commission me for basic audio, you will not get sound effects or voice effects in the wav.
I can work off of an idea or a script. If you’d like me to write a script based on an idea (ex: I would like two women going to the movies), I can do that. Or if you have a scene written out for me, I will make the scenario based off of your script and dialogue.
If you give me a script, I will do a practice run and let you know how long the scenario will take, and that will determine the price.
Remember, the longer the scenario, the more details I can add!
What I won’t do:
I will not work with minors, I will not voice minors, I will not talk about minors in my audio work, nor include characters in my commissions that are under 18. If a character is a parent as part of their character, that is fine.
At this time, I am not taking video commissions.
I cannot include copyrighted material in my work. No songs from other artists, no voices that are not my own or my spouse’s.
I do not use AI to mimic actor or VA voices. I may use it as a tool (scrubbing/algorithm/basic use that does not impact creators), but all writing and voicing will be ethical and original by me.
Important Notes:
I have a Kofi and Patreon now! There are membership tiers for multiple benefits alongside my content like bloopers, discounts on comms, behind the scenes, and other random stuff.
I reserve full ownership over all work I produce.
That being said, if you'd like me to post your commission on tumblr or youtube, I am open to that depending on the length and content ^_^
I reserve the right to decline a commission if I'm uncomfortable with the proposal or feel I don't have the capability to accept it.
I reserve the right to stop and refund a commission at any time due to personal or professional reasons. If this happens, you WILL receive a full refund, no matter how far into the process I am.
If at any time you wish to cancel your commission, I will refund you depending on how far into the process I am. You will not receive a full refund if I have started your work, nor will I refund after work is complete.
I take payments via PayPal or Cashapp and there WILL be a small fee to cover paypal. The fee is paypal's system, not mine.
How to contact me:
Email [email protected], message me on Tumblr, or go to my Kofi page here to commission me! 
Commissions are for personal use only! DO NOT SELL OR USE IT TO TRAIN AI! YOU MUST BE 18+ TO COMMISSION ME!!
How long will my commission take?
It varies. To record audio, I have to have FREE, ALONE time. I live with many people, so this is my biggest obstacle. Please be patient with me. I try to have all commissions done within 4 weeks, but it could be sooner. 
Can I make a request instead of paying for a commission?
Absolutely! But a request gets put on my “possibly in the future” list, and that is already pretty long. There is no guarantee your request will be fulfilled, and all requests are to my discretion. So if you’re looking for something specific, commissions are the way to go!
Why are you posting other wavs on Youtube/Tumblr when my commission is still in progress?
There could be many factors as to why this is. Someone else's commission or request was ahead of yours. I made the wav far in advance and had it scheduled. Your commission is taking more time and effort and I want to perfect it before getting it to you. Etc. Please be patient with me while I work on your commission!
Are you ignoring my email/message?
Absolutely not. Sometimes my emails and messages get buried and I lose them, or I check them late at night when I'm in no state to respond and the next day the notifs are gone and so is my memory. 🙃 I'm so sorry if this happens. It is not intentional. ILY <3
Thank you for your support!
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waterfallofspace · 25 days ago
All That Remains
So! I wrote a 'snzfic' that is like... 80-90% angst and whump. Though, there is snz in here, but uh... yeah I won't lie and sell this as a 'snzfic', think of it much more as an angst/whump fic that has snz featured too~
basically i had too many feelings about t/im s/toker and this is what happened
[CW: Swearing, Spoilers for M/agnus A/rchives, talk of heavy fevers and bad coughs, and a lot of emotional angst/anger]
Word Count: 7.3k Characters: Tim, Jon, Martin, mentions of others ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
“Go home, Tim.” 
Tim merely rolls his eyes, giving a pointed look to Martin over Jon’s shoulder. He does not meet Jon’s eye. Martin, for his part, looks petrified. Tim’s half convinced if it was up to him, they’d all be sitting around drinking tea. Yeah, like that’s gonna happen. 
“I’m not asking anymore,” Jon continues, voice firm in a way that sets Tim’s teeth on edge. “You’re quite clearly not well.” 
“None of us are ‘quite well’ lately, now are we,” Tim snaps back, a chill settling in his tone. “No ‘well’ person would be here. In this place.” 
Jon pauses, face tightening. It’s not what he meant and they both know it. They both also know that Tim’s not wrong. It’s a stalemate, one that’s been going on for the full three days Tim had been coming to work with this bloody cold that’s begun to nestle in his chest. No doubt one Jon passed on to him, lord knows that man comes into work sick more times than healthy. 
Fine, that might be a tad of exaggeration, but not all that much. Any time a cold, flu, hell- any time anything at all is going around the office? Jon will catch it. If something’s going around outside the office, Jon will catch that too, and bring it into the office. There was a time Elias himself had to step in and ban Jon from the office because he kept catching the same cold he’d just gotten over. Is that even possible? Who knows. In this line of work, ‘possible’ becomes a term applied loosely. 
The voice snaps him from his thoughts, Tim silently cursing the fever beginning to settle in his bones. Alright, maybe this is more than just a cold. Still, he’s not going- wait. Out loud. 
“I’m not going home,” Tim manages, this time avoiding Martin’s dripping with concern gaze. Those puppydog eyes lost their charm as the world began to turn on its head. For what it’s worth, before all this, he would’ve been living for the attention. But now? Just the thought of it makes him sick to his stomach, every nerve in his body on edge. 
“I told you,” Jon continues, mouth still pulled tight. “I’m not asking anymore.”
“Oh, so what, you’re ordering me?” Tim retorts, rising to his full height. He doesn’t miss the slight step backwards Jon takes, and fights the urge to feel pleasure at eliciting that response. 
Jon stammers a little before speaking, but clears his throat roughly and calms his tone, “If that’s what you’d like to call it, then yes.” 
“And what would you call it then? Pity? Care? Where was this… this care when I lost Sasha? Where was this pity when I was almost eaten by fucking worms for you?! I don’t need it now, and I won’t have it. Fuck your pity, and especially fuck your version of ‘care’.”
There’s a pause, and Tim could almost swear he sees… sadness in Jon’s eyes. It brings a new bout of rage rushing through his veins, blood beginning to boil. 
It’s Martin that speaks first, barely audible above the pounding in Tim’s chest.
“When we lost Sasha.” 
Tim sincerely considers telling him to fuck off. Maybe even throwing a chair at him.
We. When we lost her. Martin barely knew her, and Jon… No. No ‘they’ didn’t lose Sasha, he did. He lost her, it was him that knew her the best, it was him that talked to her every day, it was him that truly saw her, and it was him that should have seen that- 
But did he? Did he even truly see her? Can he say that he did? All of his memories, they aren’t of Sasha, they’re of… 
“Did any of us truly lose her?” 
It’s barely a whisper, and Tim jolts a little as he realizes the sound came from him. Jon doesn’t seem to have noticed, and if it wasn’t for everything that’s gone to hell, Tim might thank some form of god for that. Martin wears an expression that says he did, but his lips tighten. He won’t answer it. Even if he wanted to, what could he say? That… thing, it took everything they had of her. None of them can recall, none of them can remember her, can mourn her, can miss her. Can miss her. The real her. Whoever that may have been. 
This round of thoughts is interrupted by a deep cough, one Tim aims into his sweater. He pulls away as much as he can from the group, tucking into himself as he leans against the wall for support. 
Martin makes a move to step forward, but pauses as Tim casts him a dark glance. A very firm, and almost cruel, message to back off. The coughing finally subsides enough for Tim to get a real breath in, and he takes a moment to steady himself before maneuvering himself back to his chair. 
“You need to go home, Tim.” 
Tim casts Jon the same dark look, clearing his throat before attempting to retort. The clearing turns into another, and then a third, and then devolves into another round of throat scraping coughs. Tim braces himself with an arm over his chest, wincing as the coughing leaves his lungs and ribs aching. Each new breath leaves them screaming in harmony, and if it wasn’t for the fact that dying right here and now would prove Jon right, Tim might damn well consider stopping. 
“J-Jon’s right, Tim,” Martin stutters, pulling himself to his feet and beginning to busy himself with the kettle as he keeps talking. He’s muttering something or other about sickness, and wearing yourself to the bone. He’s gotten better about the rambling since… but it’s still Martin. Tim isn’t quite sure if he finds that comforting, or infuriating. 
It’s not until he feels the warmth of a mug set next to him that Tim realizes he’s practically laying on his desk. His arms are curled beneath him, supporting his head, and… for the life of him he cannot remember moving. He looks up, and notices Jon’s left the room. So it’s been more than just the few seconds it’s felt like. Delightful. 
A hand presses to his forehead, and Tim has to bite his own cheek to keep from crying out. He practically leaps backwards, or, as close as he can get with his body in such a state of exhaustion. All he really succeeds at doing is falling backwards out of his chair, eyes wide with panic. 
Martin stares at him, hand still outstretched, looking deeply apologetic. 
“Don’t do that again,” Tim snaps, quick to respond before Martin can get a word out. Masking his terror with anger, something he’s found comes pretty naturally to him these days. “I don’t need your fucking pity, or your fucking help.” 
He hopes Martin doesn’t notice the way his hands are trembling. Or that despite how harsh the words were, his voice cracked through them, dangerously close to tears.  
Every scar on his body throbs, and Tim can’t tell if it’s from the fever or the panic. Suddenly he feels the urge to scratch. To claw and tear and rip each one open, make sure there’s nothing crawling around inside him. He can still feel them, each wound… where they dug in… how they felt, crawling in and out of his aching flesh–  
And just as quickly as it began, it passes. He’d blame it on the fever, but this has been happening since the attack. In the beginning it was constant, and he found it hard to focus on anything but the scars. Over time it had faded, slowly but surely, until it was hardly noticeable. Then… Sasha. And it was back all over again. 
The voice is soft. Timid. Martin. 
Tim manages to open his eyes, though they feel heavier than they should. He tries to take stock of his surroundings, but the room begins to spin. 
“Yeah?” Is all he can manage, before his eyes crash shut again. He doesn’t remember closing them in the first place. 
“You need help walking, you can’t do it on your own, but I don’t uh… I d-don’t wanna…” it stammers a bit more, before Tim hears a deep breath, and the voice starts again. “You need help, I’m just gonna touch your arm, okay? And you grab onto me if you can, I’ll support your weight, you just lean on me.” 
Sure enough he feels a grip on his arm, but true to his word, Martin doesn’t do anything further. Tim can’t bring himself to feel anything. Surely he should be grateful that Martin’s being so considerate. Or maybe angry that he’s being treated like he’s fragile. 
Instead, he just stands. It’s slow, unsteady, and despite himself he leans into Martin’s grasp. Martin for his part is saying something, his voice low and steady. It’s probably meant to be comforting, but Tim just tunes it out.
“Storage room,” He mutters, refusing to meet Martin’s eyes.
“N-no, we need to get you home, you’re in no state-” Martin begins, but Tim cuts him off, pulling away with a move that almost sends him to the floor again. 
He manages to find his balance, glaring up at Martin with what even he knows is misplaced anger. “No. I am not going home. I am going to lay down on the couch in the storage room until this…” 
Martin doesn’t speak, clearly waiting for the end of the sentence. Tim wants to say… something. Anything. But he can’t seem to find words that fit. Till this sickness passes? Till this feeling goes away? Till he can stand to look at this office and not feel all the grief and anger and misery that this place seems to leak from every wall? 
“I’m just gonna go lay down,” Tim finally finishes. An unsatisfying end. Par for the course around here. 
There’s no argument, and despite Martin offering his arm again, Tim pushes past him and stumbles his way into the room alone. Collapsing onto the couch, he pulls his jacket tight around his shoulders. There’s some form of blanket around here somewhere, but he’s too warm anyway. Despite the fact he can’t stop shivering. Fucking fever. 
Even before Tim opens his eyes he can feel the heaviness spread over him. It’s gotta be more than just his coat and… for a minute he considers ripping the blankets off. He didn’t ask for their pity, he didn’t ask for their help, but… 
His eyes only open for a second before fluttering shut again. It’s more comfortable than he’d like to admit, and he soon finds himself drifting back off into another fitful sleep. This time instead of the things crawling in and out of him, his unconscious is greeted by eyes. Too many eyes. His body lays still, but his mind races. They all watch him. He can’t find it in himself to do anything but let them. 
This time Tim manages to keep his eyes open long enough to take stock of his surroundings. There’s a couple more blankets folded neatly on the end of the couch, and- yeah. He was right, someone had draped a few extra over him as he’d slept. There was also a pile of… what’s gotta be a scraped together ‘cold and flu kit’. A couple tissue boxes, a handful of pill packages, some- chapstick? Tim does find himself damn near chuckling at that one. No sound comes out, but it’s still the closest thing to real laughter he’s had in awhile. 
It’s sweet. The pile, the offerings, it’s kind of them, but Tim feels that pit in his stomach begin to deepen. It doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t fix anything. And he didn’t ask for their help. Their pity. He’s not some… some broken thing for them to take apart and put back together. 
But he knows that’s not the real reason. That lump in his aching throat reminds him every time he swallows. Almost as if he can hear it in each heartbeat. It should be Sasha. It should be Sasha. It should be Sasha. 
Still, despite it all, Tim can’t deny he needs some of the shit they’ve left him. This is made clear as the itch he’d been fighting for days rears its head, sending chills down his spine. He barely manages to grab a handful of tissues before the first sneeze breaks through, stifled painfully into near silence, followed by another double he manages to stifle silently too. 
Another thing he learned from her. Unless he didn’t. Who fucking knows anymore. 
Tim doesn’t have long to linger on the thoughts before the next sneeze breaks through his control, roughly stifled again. It leaves his ears ringing, his sinuses throbbing, and his head pounding, but… it’s better than being heard. And you know what? Maybe he wants to have a little control over a situation that’s almost entirely out of his control. Sue him. 
“huh’kNXgt– dNGT’iuh-! Fuck.” 
He takes the pause to blow his nose, wincing as it does almost nothing but leave him even more congested. Even just the effort of that seems to sap all the energy he has. It takes all he has to toss the tissues in the general vicinity of the trash, grabbing a new handful. Knowing his nose, he’s not done. 
“knNCh-uh-! eh’KNXgt-! ah’RZSHHH–oo!” 
The last breaks through his control, scraping against his throat. Well isn’t that just the whole point. No control, no matter how hard he tries. He curses under his breath, spending the last of his handful of tissues to blow his nose a few more times. Thankfully that seemed to satisfy the itch enough for now. It retreats back into a softer, yet still deeply irritating, buzzing. 
Tim finds his eyes closing before he can really stop them. His body collapses against the back of the couch, and his breath begins to even out into congested snores. In his last seconds of consciousness, Tim almost has the presence of mind to pull the blankets back over himself. Instead he settles for some half-assed wiggle into a more comfortable position, hands tucked beneath his chin as he falls back into the void of sleep. 
The people that he doesn’t know at all begin to surround him, each of them wearing a face that he can’t help but recognize. This time he cries out. No one comes. 
“Hey, hey, easy, don’t move too fast,” The voice says, Tim slowly peeling his eyes open. The world is blurry, the light making all the lines in the room start to swirl together. He blinks the sleep from his eyes, coughing roughly into a curled fist as the change in pressure just from sitting up leaves him breathless. 
“Wow you really don’t follow instructions, do you?” The voice is playful, teasing, but softens as his spasms continue. “Easy does it, you’ve been out for awhile, I was starting to get a bit worried you’d never wake up again.” 
Tim still can’t make out the figure, tears collecting in his lashes as the coughing spills out from his lungs. His whole body feels heavy, and he searches in vain for something to lean against. 
The voice speaks again, soft and caring. “Just lean back, the couch is behind you, it’ll catch- yeah, there you go. Just breathe, alright? It’ll be over soon. There’s a water bottle to your left, yeah right there, drink some of that, would ya? Easy though, don’t choke on it.” 
He does as he’s told, taking slow sips until the spasms ease enough for him to draw a full breath without coughing. There’s a light wheeze to his inhales, but as he continues his slow but steady breaths, it fades back into the mild congestion settling in his lungs. 
“Tha-ks,” Tim says, his voice coming out crackly and congested. He considers clearing his throat, but the itch in the back of his lungs warns him against it. Guess he’ll have to settle for sounding a bit like death until his chest calms itself. 
“You sound awful. What have I told you about coming into work sick?” The voice is calm, there’s no anger in it. It just sounds… playful. And… familiar in that way where Tim can’t place it. He can’t say he’s ever heard it before. But he instinctively leans into it, keeps his eyes shut as he waits for– something. He’s waiting for something, but he doesn’t know what. 
A cool touch breaks him from the trance, and he lets out a near moan at the sensation. “Tim… you’re burning up.” It’s not the same voice. This one is still soft, and caring, but it doesn’t feel as– it’s just not right. He can place it though, and he opens his eyes to find Martin’s general shape kneeling in front of him. As Tim’s eyes begin to focus a bit more through the haze, he can identify the knitted brows and tight mouth; concern written clearly across Martin’s face. 
He wants to tell Martin to leave him alone. He wants to ask where the other voice went. To ask who they were. To tell them to come back. He does none of this however, that damned itch deciding it’s been dormant for long enough. 
Tim barely has time to pull away from Martin, raising the collar of his sweater to cover his nose and mouth as the hitching begins. He sits there for a moment, frantic “hh– hUhh–!” coming out in fragments as his whole body begins to buzz. Finally it builds to a breathy, “hh’yshhiew! h’ZShhh–uh! tzsHhh-! ah’tSHH–iew!” 
They’re lighter than the others, his more natural airy sneeze, not the heady, throat scraping mess that comes after one too many stifles. Unfortunately they do still shift the congestion in his head, and he finds himself awkwardly reaching for the tissues, one hand pressed up under his nose. 
Thankfully Martin takes pity on him, and pushes the box within his reach. Tim grabs a handful and blows, then again, and then a third and final time. Martin, to his credit, doesn’t say anything about the whole spectacle. He settles instead for casting Tim that same worried glance, with a hint of a sympathetic smile. 
“So-rry,” Tim manages to croak out, coughing a little as the words pass through his throat. He takes a moment to drink some more of the water, relieved when it helps the next words come out audible, albeit quite congested. “That tends to happen when I wake up.” 
“It’s alright,” Martin replies instantly, rising from the floor to seat himself on the couch, a respectable distance away from Tim. “You have nothing to apologize for, you’re sick, you’re allowed to have symptoms. It kinda comes with the territory!” 
Martin chuckles a bit after that last part, clearly trying to lighten the mood a bit. Tim manages to give a weary smile. After all, it’s not Martin’s fault he feels like shit. And despite the anger he was aiming at him earlier… Martin’s just trying to help. He knows that. But more than that… this isn’t Martin’s fault. None of this. He’s just as caught up as Tim. Without Jon here, it’s easier to remember that. 
But still… Tim has to bite down the rising anger at the memories of what Martin had said. Jon’s going through it. Jon’s taking it hard. Jon needs their support. All the comments race around his head, spinning at dizzying rates until Tim feels a hand on his shoulder. 
“Hey, hey, you’ve gone really pale, do you need… c-can I do anything? Do you need anything?” 
Tim shrugs the hand off, pulling himself as upright as he can manage with the world shifting perspective each time he blinks. “No, I’m… I’m okay.” 
“Well we both know that isn’t true.” 
The comment seems to catch them both equally off guard, Martin’s eyes going wide as his mouth falls slack. “I- I don’t know why I said… I’m- I’m sorry, it just kinda-” 
“Hey,” Tim interrupts, putting on his best shit-eating grin. It’s halfhearted at best, but trying times and all that. “You were actually a bit of an ass for once, don’t ruin the moment with the whole apology thing.” 
“R-ruin the moment of me being an ass…?” 
That gets what would almost be called a genuine smile from Tim. “I prefer it to the crippling optimism and ‘let’s all be friends’ attitude.” 
There’s a pause as Martin seems to take this in, considering it with an unreadable expression. Tim continues, though whether it’s for his benefit or Martins, he isn’t sure. Blame it on the fever. “I mean, it’s never gonna be the same again, is it. Not that it was all that great to begin with, but… better to be a realistic ass, then pretend it could be that way again. Making fun of Jon with Sash, talking about how it should’ve been her, joking about taking him out so she could take over… and yet still helping him out, and laughing with him on the rare moments you catch him outside of his ‘I’m The Serious Bossman Now’ attitude-”
Martin laughs a bit at this, and even through the fevered haze, Tim can see the memories flashing behind Martin’s eyes too. Though for Martin, those memories might not be quite as treasured as they are for Tim. Jon was definitely more of an ass to Martin than he truly deserved back then. Not that he’s overflowing with nice now, but… he does seem to go easier on him. 
“Then again,” Tim finds himself saying, “can’t really be sure that was really her anyways, now can I. I mean, I have all these memories, these things we did, the fun we had, how she was… but all of it’s corrupted. Useless. None of it’s real, I don’t… I don’t even remember what she looked like. Or what her voice sounded like… I mean it’s so clear in my head, when I think of Sasha I remember her voice and her glasses and how she wore them kinda lopsided but- none of that was really her, was it?” 
There’s no response to this, not that he was expecting one. Honestly, Tim didn’t even mean to say that much. He looks up, noticing the same tears in Martin’s eyes that he can feel starting to well up in his own. Fuck all of this, honestly. Fuck Martin crying, as if he has any right to. As if Tim himself has any right to cry for… whoever it was that he might have known. He can’t even be sure they were close, but… the hole that he can’t quite place inside himself says there’s something he’s missing that he used to have. 
“Fever talking,” Tim finally utters, after a few minutes of unbearable emotionally-charged silence. “Don’t even really know what I’m saying. I’m gonna lay down again.” 
Martin stands, quickly maneuvering himself out of the way so Tim can stretch out. Not that he does. In fact Tim does quite the opposite, curling himself up into as small of a position as he can get. 
“You could stay, you know,” he finds himself whispering, the words coming out strangled and soft. There’s a moment of stillness as Martin pauses, one hand still on the door handle. He heard. They both know he heard. Now he has to decide if he’s gonna acknowledge that, or pretend he didn’t. 
“You know,” Martin finally speaks, Tim startling a little as his eyes snap back open from where they’d almost sunk shut. “Jon’s on a bit of a tangent about doors and spiders and whatnot at the moment. I could use a little peace and quiet.” 
“Well,” Tim says, the words rippling through his throat and leaving him struggling not to cough again. “Can’t really promise the quiet part.” He barely makes it to the end of the sentence before the cough breaks loose, a deep and rattling noise that leaves Martin wincing. 
Tim manages to grab the water bottle from where it had sunk between the couch cushions, and takes a few sips. After a couple more minutes of this back and forth, the coughing finally subsides, leaving him fully winded. 
“Case in point,” he manages to stammer out, swallowing with a grimace as the words burn against his aching throat. 
Martin says nothing at first, still standing awkwardly somewhere between the hall and the room. Finally, without a word, he closes the door behind him and walks over to the couch. There’s a brief pause, and Martin looks over to Tim. As if waiting for confirmation that this is really okay. Tim gives a small nod, curling back into himself, and Martin takes his seat on the edge of the couch. 
“That’s alright then,” Martin finally says, Tim not even bothering to open his eyes at the sound. “I never was a fan of quiet.” 
Sleep overtakes Tim as quick as before, that darkness enveloping him as fast as turning out the lights. The fog begins to roll over him, waves crashing against his feet, ready to consume him whole and drag him to the depths of nowhere. But it doesn’t. Instead, Tim looks up and sees- no one. There’s no one there, there never was, there never will be. 
Still… he can’t shake the comforting feeling that he’s not alone here. Not this time. A voice begins to hum to him. A voice he cannot possibly remember. A song he cannot possibly hear. But all the same, it soothes him into a deep and peaceful rest. 
This time Tim awakens to the sound of shushing, and hushed tones saying words just past his reach of consciousness. As the world begins to come into focus, he notes Martin standing at the door, speaking in hurried but quiet tones to an agitated looking Jon. 
Martin keeps casting glances back at Tim, and on what must be the fifth one, their eyes meet. Immediately Martin turns back to Jon, saying a few more words but this time in a much firmer tone than Tim’s used to hearing from him. Jon seems surprised as well, as he stops talking until Tim hears a faint murmur of… an apology? Followed by footsteps retreating down the hall away from the door. 
Turning around, Martin closes it behind him, giving Tim a soft smile. “Morning, sorry, didn’t mean to wake you.” 
“You di-dn’t,” Tim lies, leaning into his shoulder to cough a bit until the rough nature of his throat dwindles enough to sound legible. “I woke up on my own.” 
“That’s good then,” Martin replies, giving a soft smile.
“How long was I out?” Tim asks, swallowing roughly and beginning to search for the water. 
“Most of the day, it’s about mid-afternoon right now”, Martin says, turning towards a shelf, grabbing a cup and gesturing it towards Tim. “I made tea not too long ago, you want some?” 
Tim gives a nod, accepting the cup Martin passes him and letting the warm liquid soothe his throat. The taste is familiar, and he gives Martin a look. “Is this honey and lemon?” 
Martin blushes a little, hands fidgeting with his own mug. “W-well yeah, I figured if you did wake up th- that it might help,” he then pauses, giving Tim a once over. “How are you feeling?” 
“Right as rain,” comes the immediate response, Tim flashing Martin a forced grin. “Never felt better. Locked into a contract at the job from hell, where everyone either dies, goes mental, or gets eaten by worms! What could possibly be wrong, working at a place like the Magnus Institute!” 
It’s dripping with sarcasm, and that all consuming anger that Tim just can’t seem to be rid of. Not that he’s tried. Anger keeps him going. Anger gives him purpose. If it wasn’t for the anger… the depression would take over again. And he’s had damn well enough of that. 
Martin doesn’t say anything. There’s nothing really to say. They both know what he meant, and they both know pressing Tim for an actual answer won’t do anything but lead to a confrontation. Tim’s sure Martin’s well sick of those by now. Seems to be the only language Jon and him still have in common, and Martin never seemed one to take part. 
“hH’TSShh–iew!” The first sneeze catches him by surprise, but Tim has enough presence of mind to set down his cup and bring up his shirt to catch the next- “hihh– tsshhh-! tzSSHhhiew-! teh’ZShh’ew-! ah’tshh-! aH’TSHh–uh!” that follow. 
“Bless you,” Martin offers, setting down his tea and offering the tissue box instead. Tim accepts, taking a handful and pressing them to his nose, wincing as the light touch leaves his breath catching. 
“hh– hiEH!-hhh… hhhH!– hiEH’TSChhew-! aHTCHhh–oo! ah’tSChhho-! at’cHhoo-! nghh…” Tim can’t help the heady sigh that escaped at the end of that fit, the tissues all but useless now. Without a word, Martin offers the box again. Tim merely groans, taking another handful and blowing his nose a few times, until he can breathe again. 
“Bless you again,” Martin says, concern evident in his tone. 
“Thagks,” Comes Tim’s reply, dripping with congestion and sarcasm. 
“You sound awful,” Martin says, seemingly letting it slip before really considering the wording. He starts gearing up to an apology, but Tim holds up a hand, waving it off. 
“I dnow I do. Dod’t apologize, we both kdow it’s true.” With that said, Tim grabs another handful of tissues and attempts again to clear his sinuses. At least enough to make his words understandable. It seems to work, though it takes several blows to get there. “You really gotta work on that apologizing.” 
Martin stammers his way through something like seven near apologies before finally settling on, “I’ll keep that in mind.” 
Tim just nods in reply, eyes beginning to flutter shut as he raises another wad of tissues to his nose. He can feel it twitching, nostrils flaring with each rise and fall of the tickle spreading deeper and deeper. 
There’s a beat of silence, Tim hitching mercilessly into the tissues as they both wait in anticipation for anything to happen. 
Finally after almost a full minute of the torture, Tim lets out an itchy moan. 
“Are you-” Martin starts, jumping a little when Tim whips to the side and lets out a desperately itchy sneeze. 
“Oh- bless you, I guess that was-” “aH’TSChhoo-! ah’TShh–oo! ATSCHh-shhoo!” 
Tim catches Martin wincing out of the corner of his eye as he comes up for air, before ducking back into his pile with “hH’tIEww-!” a few more “ahh!- hng… oh, hhhh– hH’TSChh–iew!” breathy and high pitched “hh’TZSHhiew-!” sneezes. 
Usually Tim would be feeling one of two things. One, enjoyment of the attention he’d get from such a desperate fit. Or two, mortified that people heard that version of his sneezing, how high pitched and dramatic it gets when his nose is really irritated. Admittedly it’s usually the first option, but amidst certain company it can be more humiliating than enjoyable to be reduced to such a display. 
Today, however, he feels neither. Instead he just feels drained. Completely and utterly drained. He uses his last bits of energy to blow his nose, barely able to produce enough willpower to get anything out, and then falls back against the couch. Martin looks on in concern, reaching down to the tray of supplies Tim had– frankly forgotten was there. 
“Look, I know you don’t want our… well I know you don’t want– um, I know-” Martin stammers, rustling through a few packages of pills and grabbing a few things Tim doesn’t even bother to attempt to read. 
“Just spit it out, Martin,” Tim snaps. The weariness in his voice softens the sting of his tone a little, but he doesn’t miss Martin flinch. He’d feel bad, if this was any other situation. He’d feel good if it was Jon. Instead he just ends up where he’s found himself more often than not lately. He doesn’t feel anything. 
“Sorry, uh… w-well,” Martin continues, and to the guy’s credit, he keeps his voice even and his tone soft. Despite the fact Tim knows he doesn’t deserve either. “I know you don’t want our help, or- or my help I suppose, as I’m the only one here right now, but uh– I really think you should take some of these meds. You just– you don’t sound well, and they could help, especially if you’re not gonna take Jon’s advice and…”
Tim feels his blood start to simmer again, despite how exhausted his whole body feels. No pick-me-up quite as good as a bit of rage to get you through the day. Martin knows he messed up. Tim can see it plain as day on his face, Martin’s words grinding to a halt and his eyes beginning to flicker back between the pills and Tim. 
He wants to feel bad for the man, truly he does, and he knows all this rage isn’t fair. All Martin did was state a fact. But… Jon’s advice. Jon’s advice. If he’s not gonna listen to their ‘boss’ who’s been too busy with his mental breakdown to give a fuck about how his employees– how his friends have been doing. If he’s not gonna follow the advice of the man who didn’t check up on him once after he got eaten by fucking worms. The man who stalked him, sat outside his house, took photos of where he went and what he did, but didn’t bother to ask if he was okay. 
“No, Martin,” Tim says, ice and sarcasm soaking through his words. “I am not going to follow Jon’s advice. And your contributions to the ‘Tim Can’t Take Care Of Himself’ club have been deeply appreciated, but now I think you should leave.” 
“Tim, I didn’t mean-”
Tim casts Martin a dark glare, pulling himself to his feet with considerable effort. “Get out.” 
Martin does as he’s told, rising to his feet and hurrying out of the room, though he does pause at the door and give Tim one last look. It’s clear what he’s saying, you aren’t alone. I can help you if you let me. 
It’s a look he remembers from Sasha. She used to say all the time, “I can’t help you unless you let me, and Timothy Stoker you are stubborn as anything, but god help me I will make you let me.” 
But even that is tainted. He wants to believe she really said that, he wants to believe they really had those moments, those looks, that bond, but… even if they did, the face he remembers, the look he remembers, it’s not her. It will never be her. She’s dead and he can’t even do her the small favour of remembering what she was like. 
A few tears begin to run down Tim’s face, and the feeling surprises him enough to snap him out of the anger. And as the anger fades, so does the strength he’d found from it, his legs giving out beneath him. Tim hits the floor hard, feeling his knees grind against the carpet as he sinks to the ground. 
Martin reacts quickly, jumping to action to help break Tim’s fall, strong arms, stronger than he’d expect from the man, gripping his shoulders and helping lean him against the wall. Martin’s speaking too, saying something Tim… just can’t make out above the crying. Why is– why is Martin crying? 
It takes him longer than he’d admit to realize the crying is coming from him. Once he catches on, so do his lungs, and it’s mere seconds before the heaving sobs turn into rattling coughs. Tim gasps for air, hands white-knuckled as he grips Martin’s arm. Martin’s still talking, and through the coughs he manages to understand “sit forward” and “deep breaths”. 
He does as he’s told, desperate to cling onto consciousness as everything begins fading into white. The world begins to spin, flashes of darkness and light taking turns blocking his vision. The worms are back, crawling in and out of his body, leaving his entire skin itching and burning. 
Amidst the chaos, he feels a hand on his back, and a bottle being pressed into his hand. A firm voice calls out to him above all the noise, “Drink this, Tim.” 
Tim manages to do so, identifying the liquid as water as he chokes it down. It’s cold too, the ice cubes giving him something to focus on besides the feeling of crawling and pain in each scar. He takes the time to chew each ice cube that makes it through the bottle, his lungs beginning to calm as his throat soothes at the cool touch. 
“There you go, just like that, now take these and blow,” The voice demands, and Tim feels tissues being pressed into his free hand. The hand on his back is rubbing slow circles, and too out of it to feel any embarrassment, Tim leans forward and blows his nose into the tissues. He blows again, and again, until he can feel some of the pressure in his head start to clear, and his breathing gets a touch less laboured. 
When his vision is cleared enough to look around, Tim glances up and sees Martin sitting beside him, rubbing soft circles on his back. He notes that he’s leaning against Martin’s chest, and makes the conscious choice not to move just yet. Tim then draws his eyes up further to the right to see Jon kneeling in front of him, still holding a handful of tissues. 
“You brought the ice water?” Tim asks, voice coming out surprisingly clear, though quite hoarse. Jon simply nods, suddenly very busy studying the floor beneath them. 
“I,” Jon starts, clearing his throat awkwardly before continuing, “I thought you might need it. I could hear you from my office, you didn’t– you didn’t sound well.” 
“And you just happened to have ice water and tissues sitting around casually on your desk,” Tim asks, doing his best in his foggy state to raise an eyebrow. 
Jon blushes a touch at this, casting an anxious glance over to Martin, before returning his gaze to the floor and answering noticeably quieter, “I may keep a certain set of… supplies in my office, as I’m not exactly unfamiliar with– this sort of condition.” 
“Is that your way of saying you’re sick more times than healthy?” Tim quips back, not unaware of the irony of their current situation. 
Jon doesn’t seem unaware of it either, and for the first time in… in a long time, Tim sees a smile creep over his face. A genuine one, not that professional civility bullshit he’d been putting up as a front lately. 
Jon clears his throat a little before speaking, casting Martin another embarrassed glance. “That statement is definitely not accurate, but… I do suppose you could say I’m–  more susceptible than most.” 
“Well it’s not like I’m immune,” Tim starts, pausing to duck into his shoulder with a rough, “ah’TZShh–oo!” 
“Bless,” Jon says, Martin echoing with a blessing of his own, never pausing his slow circles on Tim’s back. 
“Case in point,” Tim says, letting his eyes fall shut as he leans to the side, suddenly feeling the full weight of his fever begin to pull him back towards unconsciousness. 
He’s snapped out of it by something cold and wet being pressed to his face, managing to pry his eyes open to be met with the sight of Jon holding a washcloth soaked in icewater to his forehead. Despite everything, this sudden touch doesn’t leave him with the same crawling sensation most do. Maybe due to the fact he’s still half leaning against Martin, or maybe because… it’s Jon. And despite everything, he’s the one person that understands… 
“You really should go home, Tim,” Jon says, interrupting Tim’s thoughts as he sets down the washcloth. “I can feel the heat radiating off you from here, and while I don’t have a thermometer to check, I’m willing to bet you’re well past an acceptable fever to be working through.” 
Martin chimes in with his agreement. Tim takes note of the fact he’s stopped rubbing, and instead has one hand behind Tim’s head to keep him from hitting the wall, the other against the ground to keep his balance. 
“Weren’t you the one who came to work with a fever of 41° and fainted at your desk? I seem to remember Elias threatening to call an ambulance,” Tim retorts, tongue sharp as ever, even while fully leaning against Martin to keep himself upright. 
“Are you saying you need me to threaten to call an ambulance to get you to go home?” Jon responds, not without wit of his own. Tim gives him a look, weighing his intentions. He knows Jon won’t get Elias. After everything… he just wouldn’t. But an ambulance..? It’s not outside the realm of possibility he calls one. 
Tim mutters his response, barely audible over the sound of his own wheezing breath. 
“What was that?” Martin asks gently, using his free hand to brush back a bit of Tim’s hair from where it was clinging to his sweat-soaked forehead. Tim nearly melts at the touch, another thing he’s blaming on the fever. 
“I said I don’t think I can make it home like this.” 
Jon pauses, taking a step back and clearly evaluating Tim’s condition. Tim gives a winning smile, one laced to its core with sarcasm. Even in this state, he’s not forgotten what Jon did. How Jon acted. He can put on the concern all he wants, hell he can actually feel it, but it’s too late. He doesn’t need it now, not… not like he needed it then. 
“Fine,” Jon says, Tim nearly jumping at the sudden noise. Martin flinches too, and Tim could swear he sees a flash of guilt across Jon’s features. Still, Jon continues, voice even as ever. “You can stay here and sleep off the fever, it’s not like we’re using this room much anyways. Me and Martin will handle your caseload, between us, and with Melanie’s help, I’m sure we can work something out.” 
“Sounds like a plan boss, now maybe you can leave me to die in peace?” Tim quips in response, wincing a little as the room lurches violently when he rises to his feet. Martin’s still perched at the ready, clearly thinking Tim’s going to fall over again. To his credit, an entirely possible outcome. 
There’s a look in Jon’s eyes that Tim pretends he didn’t see. He knows what it means, after all, Jon used to be his friend. He knows the sadness all too well, he’s felt similar kinds of it himself while Jon was losing his mind right in front of their eyes. Or when Sasha… but no. Knowing the feeling doesn’t mean he has to empathize with Jon. 
Jon, for his part, just nods, gesturing for Martin to follow him as he leaves the room. The door closes behind them with a resounding thud. Tim winces as the sound echoes through his brain, pounding in time with his heartbeat. After they’ve both left, he stumbles over and turns the light off, before collapsing back onto the couch. 
He’ll sleep off the fever, then go home when he can travel on his own. And fuck, maybe he’ll just never come back. Maybe he’ll go on vacation, go somewhere far away, visit Rome, or Peru, or maybe Malaysia. 
Sure, maybe it was nice to have Martin stay with him but... it changes nothing. None of this changes anything. Sasha's still dead, Jon still left them all on their own, and Martin... he's still fighting for a future that's long dead. One that died with Sasha, even before any of them knew it. All that remains now is anger, lies, and whatever the fuck the Magnus Institute has in store for them.
So for now, all he can do is sleep until this fever goes away. Tim's eyes drift shut, and he falls back into the uneven sleep he’s grown so accustomed to. This time he’s back in those never-ending halls, turning corners that cannot possibly be there, walking past hundreds of lamps, paintings, photographs, and mirrors. This time, like many before, he does not scream. 
He’s far too aware, there’s no one to hear him.
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waterfallofspace · 26 days ago
you ever try to write a nice lil snz fic and end up with about 2k words of angsty emotional & physical whump material before you even hit the first snz-
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waterfallofspace · 28 days ago
Been thinking about G/ojo [like always] but specifically: G/ojo being allergic to Rich Things [tm] And the idea that, this is his lifestyle. He's not only used to it, but so comfortable with the uncomfortable that he can't even imagine changing it, so used to this glamour that he doesn't even know where to start considering something else
That shirt that costs more than most people make in a week? Well yeah ofc he has 10 of them, what else would he wear?
Why would he buy a new pillow, he has one at home filled with the most exquisite and soft feathers
Of course he's using this body scrub you can only get through special order, they know him there! They prepare his order monthly, he doesn't even have to think, just sign in, click a few buttons, and it'll show up just the way he's used to!
But that shirt always leaves him a bit itchy, he'll be absentmindedly scratching at his neck all day,
Those pillows make him wake up in fits, barely able to catch a breath through the sneezes,
And the body scrub? Works like a charm but his eyes will be watering for hours after, until the scent wears off a bit.
Just something about G/ojo being so desperately allergic to the only life he knows, as if something inside him is fundamentally rejecting it, and yet he can't possibly imagine another one~ It's so deeply ingrained in him that he doesn't even consider it might be doing him more harm than good. After all, he's the strongest, he should be able to handle a bit of allergies, shouldn't he?
[and maybe, just maybe, when he was with G/eto, he stole his shirts, and felt better. He slept in G/eto's bed, and felt better. And he stole his bodywash, and felt better. And he's not stupid, of course he knows why. Of course he could put the pieces together, but... maybe he doesn't deserve to feel better, unless G/eto is there with him. Maybe life without him, life as just the strongest and nothing else, maybe that's meant to feel worse]
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waterfallofspace · 1 month ago
Little personal/rant/vent thingy under cut, real life stuff so feel free to skip over, just need a place to put it~ <3
had a 'situationship' (hate the term but.... what else can I call it T-T) thing end in early october/november, and... honestly I was doing pretty good with it all, but then the Lonely[tm] just kinda struck and-
man idk, sometimes it's just hard to be alone~ I am usually pretty good at it honestly, I try to find good friends and hold them close, find communities I fit into and interact in there, spend time with family, etc etc, but I am quite an anxious person, and ever since moving (leaving my only 2 irl friends behind) i almost never leave the house unless it's to go somewhere with family- yeah I just, feel the alone a little more lately~
I think partially bc that situationship was the first time I had an online friend visit, the first time I had anything close to a partner in person, first time I got cuddles, first time I had someone induce for me irl, first time for a lot of those things, the biggest one I can't get out of my head being having someone cuddle/share a bed. Just waking up to them there, or having them fall asleep hugging my leg or arm... memories I thought I was mostly over, that are starting to burn again~
yeah uh- all in all, just a bit lonely <3 and i have good friends, I do, but recently a few of them had a bit of a falling out, and my main two are getting married to each other, and already starting to form their own life that I'm less a part of [which is so fair, but I can't help feeling a bit left behind.. <3] so it's all been a bit much, and I've just....
well! this is my post so I'm gonna just say it! I've been missing having someone I can just go to and be like Hey. Let's just sit together and listen to music and watch videos and do some fun lil snz things together, just get our minds off the world and just Exist in Our Space with Just Us. Didn't realize how nice I had it with them, and didn't realize how much I'd be missing it <3 not just the snz stuff obviously, but honestly!!! i miss that too. they were not only so sweet and open about it, making me feel so safe, but dammit they were adorable~
cried like hell when they flew home, kinda knew this was gonna be a once in a lifetime experience with them, even though we didn't really say it out loud, it hurt for awhile, stopped hurting, thought it was over, pain came back~ guess I should listen to what I've been telling my other friends, grief [of any kind] comes in waves~
anyways if you made it to the end of this, uh- I'm sorry?~ and thank you, genuinely <3 even if you don't say anything or like this, just kinda- I know I read others vents like this sometimes and just feel a bit bad with nothing to add, but sometimes it just helps to know the words don't just exist in your own brain, that maybe others have seen them too, so if you just read this and nothing else, thank you <3 truly~
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waterfallofspace · 2 months ago
Would you be open to doing another Easermic wav? They are my comfort audios and I miss your Aizawa voice so much! ❤️
awhh, that's so sweet!~ 💗 I'd absolutely be open to it, I honestly love doing E/rasermic stuff, they're adorable, and one of my first real ships/characters (A/izawa) that I did anything for on here, or honestly just with anime in general~
Character wavs take me a bit longer for recording, editing, etc etc, so I can't promise a lot of speed, but if you have a request for them, (like a little scenario/situation that you want the wav with them to be about) please feel free to send it!~
Honestly most of the reason I haven't made another one with them is just that I haven't had an idea that really hit, and haven't watched the show/read the manga in a little while, so their voices aren't really at the top of my mind~ but if you have an idea, I'd be honoured to try to fill it!!
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