candy-cloud-system · 2 months
How we stare at our therapist when she tells us we have trauma that is affecting how we react to things. How we stare when she says we’re once again showing symptoms of disorders we have /silly
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peaceandlove26 · 23 days
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everything is funny & i love being alive
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wis-art · 6 months
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this piece is about being transgender
my ko-fi
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littlelykan · 9 months
I wish I was treated like I was physically little.
I wish I was greeted with a smile and a kind word by adults who didn't know me. I wish my shyness was seen as cute and not 'weird'. I wish my mistakes were corrected gently and forgiven. I wish I was carried to bed as I grew tired and tucked in with a kiss. I wish that when I grew frustrated and cried it was met with "aww, it's OK" and not sneers and laughter and "why are you acting like a baby? Grow up." I wish that when I got overwhelmed it was understood that I needed some quiet rest and I wasn't pushed to keep going.
I know lots of adults didn't give these graces even when I was physically little, but even the little bit that I got made it just that much easier. I'm still so small in such a big world, and it's just gotten rougher as I got bigger.
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bat-luun · 6 months
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been struggling a lot recently but ill be dammed if shadow the hedgehog wont save my soul
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oblique-lane · 19 days
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itsaspectrumcomic · 24 days
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not my usual kind of comic but just... how I've been feeling recently
if you're feeling the same, maybe it will help to know you're not the only one
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wildfane · 3 months
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spontaneous combustion
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thedevilundercover · 8 months
I think Tim would be a little uncomfortable talking about himself to other people and that pisses people off for some reason.
People throw around words like unaffectionate and robotic at him but he really loves them. He just can’t tell them or behave “affectionately”
Someone in the family probably has had a fight with him or something (bc when the fuck are they not fighting) and they yell at him for not caring about anyone and he just like breaks down
He wants to yell at them that he loves everyone so fucking much that it hurts and he’d given up so much for the rest of them, put up with so much shit, but when he opens his mouth, the right words never come out and he just fucks everything up when it comes to emotions so he just… doesn’t talk about it.
A large part of being toxically independent/being surrounded by an environment that romanticises being really independent from a young age, sometimes, is compartmentalising your trauma and therefore your emotions.
Also, he gives off “ableist parents never let me get a diagnosis so I’m always struggling but I’ve always been held up to neurotypical standards” vibes
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ohhgingersnaps · 1 year
remember! if you don't like something about the way a fanfiction is written, you can simply do the following:
skedaddle! depart! abscond!
the back button is right there at the top of the page.
further up. further. a little to the left...
that's it! you've got it!
go, my friend. be free. may you be blessed with a work that is better suited to your specific needs and desires in this particular season of your life
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ilovejoll · 4 months
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Don’t leave.
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gothwineaunts · 6 months
Oofh. The hate in the comments. It's starting to get to me. I've been trying to ignore it for a long time now, but like they literally want one of the romantic leads to disappear. So many people. They just hate her. Like not even "love to hate her." Just despise her enough to call her slurs and pray for her death. In a wlw.
I must have really fucked this up, I think.
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annqer · 5 months
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my contrition is like ashes, help me in my final condition
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smieska-draws · 2 months
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that awkward moment when you see your self destructive behaviour and can't stop it because you're spiraling in feeling hopeless and helpless.
or - i wanted to yell at my brain today, here's the result.
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lotuslate · 7 months
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
Political ads: My opponent has jacked up taxes every year since he was elected!
Me: Which taxes? Income? Sales? Property? Business?
Political ads: I promise to hold the line on taxes!
Me: Which taxes? What government programs do those taxes contribute to? What gets cut if the lack of taxation causes a deficit?
Political ads: Think about the taxes!
Reminder to always ask what it is that people aren't saying in these ads.
A lot of them want you to think that it is your personal taxes as a working-class person that they're talking about. But if it's taxes on the rich that they're "holding the line on," then they're using your desire to survive with a greater portion of your own income as fuel to keep the upper classes from paying their fair share.
I keep getting the same three or four political ads (half aren't even for the district I live in) and I'm frustrated that they use these transparent tactics and that there are probably people that don't have the time or background to take that moment to go 'what are they hoping I hear in this? What are they actually going to do?'
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