lilrowantree · 9 months
Luke’s comment about Percy and Annabeth being an “old married couple,” makes no sense given the new timeline, and was essentially unnecessary. Keeping the lines from the book scene would’ve made far more sense and done a better job at developing Annabeth’s character. In this essay I will..
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amourjins · 3 months
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summary. a late night walk with your best friend, minji! ..except, theres a twist.
pair. non-idol!bsf!minji x fem!reader
content ahead. fluff, (best) friends-to-lovers, wlw, GAYS!!!!, theyre both silly, just a small bit of texting!
notes. RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA who couldve guessed! surprise !! take this while you wait for tg…cause ive been procrastinating it a LOT…. (not proofread as we all know.. i proofread on a good day [which is never])
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you lie awake in bed as the time read 12:37. you sighed, you didnt want to go to sleep, but you didnt have anything else to do, either.
until, that is, you felt your phone vibrate—a notification. you first shrugged it off, thinking it was some random app you didnt use anymore, but was way too lazy to delete it. after a few seconds, you decided to see what it was, and to your surprise, the notification was a text from your the one and only, kim minji! aka your best(est) friend (ever).
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you could feel your tiredness just disappear all in the span of that minute.
you immediately got up from bed once you hearted the text, turning the lights on as you walked to your closet. you didnt want to keep minji waiting, so you figured you would just keep it casual with a shirt and jeans or something.
once you finally got ready, you did some finishing touches before grabbing your phone and bag, and dashing out of there excitedly. when you exited your apartment complex, there she was, in all her glory—minji!
“minji-ah!” you whisper-shouted as you swore she turned her head to you in the blink of an eye. she took her hands out of her pockets and waved at you, smiling brightly. you rushed over, embracing her in a hug as she froze, blushing a little.
“hi!—” she giggled before hugging you back tightly. you let go after a few seconds, making her pout. you didnt notice, though. you were too busy looking around the streets of seoul, wondering where you two should head first.
“mm, follow me!” you spoke, which caught the tall girl off guard, but she immediately followed after you, catching up as she walked beside you. the night sky always had you mesmerized.. but there something—someone else that had you even more mesmerized.
and it was minji.
maybe you started to develop feelings for her over these past few months with her…
you were pretty much certain that she didnt like you back. and as much as that hurt, you had to deal with it. being best friends with her is enough already, and youre grateful. but at the same time, what if she liked you back? it would.. yeah itd probably hurt to confess. but it was now or never, right? now just seemed like the perfect moment.
“crosswalk, idiot!” she reminded as she halted your movements, making you snap out of your thoughts. “oops!.. sorry,” you looked away in embarrassment as she scoffed jokingly.
you silently turned your head back to her. she was looking at the sky, and the scenery around. god, she was insanely pretty. prettier than the scenery around. prettier than anything around.
you tapped her shoulder to get her attention once you were able to cross as you two crossed the street together. your hands suddenly brushed against each other slightly, and even that made minji blush.. you were both equally down bad for each other!
once at the other side, minji’s fingers crawled on your palm before she interlocked her hand with yours, the action making you stunned, but, you werent complaining. who would?
“all the stores are closed.. aw,” minji sighed, pointing at the stores to your left as you two walked past them after a few seconds. “but you know, the convenience stores are still open.” you spoke, as she let out an agreeing “oohh..” followed by a nod. “lets head there then? hope you dont mind the walk though..” she smiled. “as long as im with you, i wouldnt mind at all!” you grinned.
after a short 12 minutes of walking and talking, you guys finally arrived at the convenience store while still holding hands. minji was the first to step in as you came in right after, greeting the staff that stood at the register.
“so, yn..i have, uh,, something to tell you.” minji explained as you two walked out of the convenience store. you and minji spent a decent amount of time in there, talking while having snacks. you two had a great time, and she even paid for everything.. and when you thought you couldnt crush on her more than before.
“oh,” you gulped, suddenly nervous and sweat was trickling down your forehead as you nodded, “i have.. something to tell to you.. as well?” you questioned—yourself. she took a deep breath before continuing, “lets say it at the same time?
“yeah. same time.. same time,” you breathed.
“on 1, okay?”
“3 - 2 - 1–”
“i like you, yn!”
“i like you!”
“wait, what?” you awkwardly giggled, raising an eyebrow at minji. she had her head turned, obviously away from you. her face was bright red…and so was yours.
“..y—youre for real?” minji muttered, not daring to make eye contact. she was looking everywhere but your direction. “what do you think, idiot?” you joked.
“so,, were dating now, right?”
“yeah.. yeah!”
“ill walk you home then?”
“thats absurd, kim minji! spend more time with your new girlfriend, will you?”
“g-girlfriend.. right! yes, okay.”
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a/n : 😁😁 send in asks interact with me maybe! ill be answering asks later
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princesssmars · 2 years
Could you do a josh x reader x matt poly?
Whether that be just what it's like dating them, how they go together, or just a random fic. I just live them, please.
perfectly unconventional
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some josh x reader x matt hcs
contains : fluff, poly stuff ofc, angst
a/n : im. so sorry it took me so long to make this anon 💀 i dont dislike any of the UD characters but matt and josh werent high up on my list so its cool to focus on them for this. hope yall enjoy :)
you knew josh first, having met him and his friends in middle school thanks to being on the same soccer team as sam and beth.
when you met josh you thought he was a bit weird becuase of him being rather...eccentric, but he quickly warmed up to you when he saw how well you got along with his sister. after that it was all long laughs and numerous hangouts.
eventually your fondness for each other develops into a mutual crush on the other, but you both dont want to ruin what you have so it remains unsaid.
eventually the time for the annual blackwood pines trip comes along and you (and your entire friend group at this point) are hoping josh will make a move or youll have to.
but things were differnt this year with the new addition to the friend group in the form of matt taylor, resident jock next door.
you had seen him around school before, never really talking to him minus the few interactions when hed ask you for help on a question in english and you to him in math.
now he and mike were both on the football team, so he introduced him to everyone and josh said he could tag along on the trip after knowing him for a few months.
you had to admit that he was super cute, not just in the face but in his actions as well. deapite starting to become close friends with nearly everyone, he still was a bit reserved and polite, mostly keeping to himself, mike, josh, jess, and you.
on the way up to the lodge you walked beside him, succesfully getting him to open up to you and start talking more about himself and his interests, finding you have more in common than you thought.
the fleeting moments you have with him during the trip make you confused, you still have strong feelings for josh but being around matt makes your heart flutter...
when you tell jess this one night in your room she says "maybe you just like both of them" like its the easiest thing in the world.
you know shes right, but you dont know what to do. do you just go up to the both of them and ask if theyre ok all dating???
you stew over this until the next morning, finding most of your friends gone and only a sticky note left on the fridge saying "(wo)man up". great.
while fixing yourself up some breakfast, josh and matt both join you after coming from upstairs. they ask where everyone is, following the direction of your pointed eyes to the note, josh laughing and matt looking bewildered.
"what does...what do you think it means?" he asks, reverting back to his shy state and looking between you and josh.
josh laughs, shaking his head. "it means they want me and yn to ask each other out already."
his words shock you, causing you to hit him with a handtowel, making him yelp. "youre telling me you already knew i liked you!? and you like me and still havent done anything!? oh youre such an asshole..."
"hey! i just didnt wanna rush it and mess anything up, besides i thought you were still getting over your oh so dramatic breakup with tyler-"
"oh dont act like you didnt know i was only dating him to make you jealous-"
"wait...you two...already like each other?"
the sound of matts quiet voice boots the two of you from your unserious argument, turning to look at the brown skinned boy who looks so dejected it makes your heart ache.
"i just thought that with all those conversations we had when staying up together that we... you know what, nevermind." he starts to turn away out of embarrassment before both you and josh grab his arms, pulling him back to you.
he looks surprised, his mouth moving to start asking what youre doing before you cut him off.
"matt, i have had feelings for josh for a long time now, yes. but i can also say this trip made me see you in a different light. youre...sweet and caring, and i know i have feelings for you as well. i know its..not the most normal situation in the world, but i know that i want to be with the both of you."
josh and matt are quiet for a few moments, which definitely doesnt help your nerves. but a smile is put on your face when josh wraps his arms around the both of you, pulling you both in for a hug.
"dont worry, i like you guys too. pretty easy since youre both so cute." he teases, making matt giggle with you.
matt relaxes, hugging the both of you tighter. "yeah. yeah, i think we can make this work."
and so there the three of you stood, in the kitchen of this giant, cold lodge all locked in embrace.
but in your head, you think youve never felt warmer.
i wrote all of this in a day bc again anon im so sorry i let this sit in my inbox for so long 😭 i hope yall liked this little thing and thanks for reading <3
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butchpeabody · 2 years
in lieu of drawing a ref (hard) (boring) im gonna list some stuff abt my funne tome oc radrabzz...yippie!
white hat hacker obviously. due to the period accurate Rona Virus shes stuck doing coding classes at home and takes the insane pay to fund hrt and her tuition. she does other small coding jobs on the side, maybe working on a game of her own
has a roommate irl! havent thought much of what to do with it but she miight become relevant in my brain world
she was going into tome literally so hard trying to be like okay just gotta do my job and not talk to anyone. and then alpha showed up and her being utterly interaction starved due to the once again aforementioned rona shes like oh ok we r best friends now. dandy alliance having her is really fun for her
she REALLY likes nylocke. in a platonic way ofc (she is a lesbian) but thats her emotional support funny dude
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i do think the nature of tome characters especially in the rpg is like. to have a Rival. i was joking abt it earlier but thats like 100% rockoon in my head. theyre both silly dudes but she is genuinely kind of angry at him for cheating at the game with so much cash on the line and getting her so close to like...just straight up being kicked out of her new friendgroup it seems?? ill have to see more of rpg rocky before i decide how this develops but i have THINGS cooking in my brain
as a side effect of the last one she does not use her Hacking Abilities in battle against anyone who isnt actively cheating themselves. game is weird to navigate sometimes because of it (the way she set up her skill class is weird reflective of mine ((i shouldve gone brawler HELP))) so shes not really. strong at first and struggles a LOT
a lot of the struggles in the PREVIOUS point however are solved when she gets the bomb rush spell. that wasnt even an intentional rockoon parallel, when i got it ingame it just did a BUNCH of damage when i needed it. but now i'm rolling with it
second gen immigrant to the us from jamaica! im still working out the family tree (her mom n dad are already concepted characters in her main story but i gotta expand) but she has family back there she visits as well. was raised in florida and moved to socal for school (ended up staying there after the rona happened bcus she already had an apartment)
her irl name is raeni, she still doesnt give it out ingame but either goes by hatty or rab online
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part 2 you were waiting for lifetime for! (hope no) ig ive told abt all the big things so now im gonna go for the text. oh! and!! a moodboard TT youre so sweet TT i appreciate the amount of efforts you make for this🥺 it expresses the events really good! oh no another thing!! the previous life references from the reader! love them. the portrait and all lines she say to aemond (a lil stupid though bc? he knows nothing and not connected with this but ok) and king? love targ brothers interactions sm! vissys presence makes so much sense (beside developing the plot). it feels so much more complete w/him. have only realised it. AEMOND WAITING FOR AEGON AT NIGHT TT WHY so cute??? TT like they bicker and almost fight over a woman but hes still waiting for his bro TT it made me cry rn. also this little feeling of woe between them while theyre talking abt the woman theyre both pining after and whos never to be with either of them... WHINING DRUNK DAEMON TT im a simp. can imagine his glossy eyes and smudged kisses on whatever skin he can find bc of the yearning for close proximity. love it, so soft so tender so A. but his greezy ass😡 thanks again for not making it nsfw. i love how she rejects his flirting GHHDHD she needs to preserve her maidenhood till the wedding night, after all. (sorry IK its bad, sorry:( ) and daemon doing sports! i love this detail that shows that hes really from a royal family and has duties and had an education and these royal hobbies (ig?). DAEMON CALLING READER PRINCESS. you probably didnt mean it but i do see it as the reference to her actually being his wife who has his royal title. “Then why won’t you let me put a dragonling in you?” 1) i snorted. 2) it made me think. its ok with your point of view. but since ive seen the beginning as reader dying during the labour, i though she might be frightened of actually getting pregnant? yes its been 2000 years but. she not likely got pregnant throughout this time. 'not liking his indirect insinuation of weakness' GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS YES!! love her. the domestic atmosphere of their interactions is making me smile so softly. AND daemon caring about wifes well-being in the first place after shes gone? equals him being smug before. OH AND IM THE GOVERNMENT JFHCXJSDJ weve talked abt it so it was cute to find it in the fic. youre such a sweety<з STILL pretty awkward interactions with aemond make my heart clench. hes so timid and so emo for this. understandable that 1) he respects his professor 2) hes in love w/her 3) thus he wants her to be happy and hes the type to let her go find her happiness in another place 4) hes suspicious. but so emo TT and your intro to the 'investigation' (hope im not saying some ridiculous shit to you)! this book intrigues. and now im really inerested if shes gonna tell aemond anything. bc she like had intention to do so?... im intrigued. so THE king coming to the museum. its interesting how hes so calm and thoughtful(?) and its relieving how hes so protective of his brother. even if hes against the wedding and dont know this woman, he knows his brother is in love and goes crazy bc of her so hes being the real kepa and going and trying to solve it all. i also see them having a nice conversation with logic, calmness, respect and all and daemon rushing in and ruining it by screaming smth like 'fckng viserys i love her'. also. i always read the last line before reading smth. and i was so amused by seeing aegons plain and loosey text to aemond. theyre so bros here i love them TT overall, this part was more about daemon, domestic interactions, spoilers(?) of forthcoming events and symbols so no tears. (NOT a dare) im very proud of you for writing so much. i appreciate your efforts soso much! and oh how big brained r u in this part! ig all your plans were given the greatest expression and a start! youve done SOSO good! thank u so much for the time, thoughts and hard work you invest in this! hope youre proud of yourself as well. bc you deserve it. you and your fics deserve much more love than tumblr can ever provide. take care! love you<з
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part 2 you were waiting for lifetime for! (hope no) ig ive told abt all the big things so now im gonna go for the text. oh! and!! a moodboard TT youre so sweet TT i appreciate the amount of efforts you make for this🥺 it expresses the events really good!
i didnt think you would make a p2 anymore so this is GAHHH <3 <3 im glad you like the moodboard!!! i love it too!!!! <3 i love making moodboards T_T <3 it really helps set the mood for me <3 hehe HAHAH
oh no another thing!! the previous life references from the reader! love them. the portrait and all lines she say to aemond (a lil stupid though bc? he knows nothing and not connected with this but ok)
T_T HAHAHAHAHHHAAHAHAHAH so mean to aemond HAAHHAHah but im glad you enjoy the references to yns old life
and king? love targ brothers interactions sm! vissys presence makes so much sense (beside developing the plot). it feels so much more complete w/him. have only realised it.
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im so glad !!!! T_T
AEMOND WAITING FOR AEGON AT NIGHT TT WHY so cute??? TT like they bicker and almost fight over a woman but hes still waiting for his bro TT it made me cry rn.
YES THEY THIS IS BROTHERHOOD/THE SIB DYNAMIC IN AN NUTSHELL also in my head they met because specifically to talk about the issue aemond had and to air out his feelings over the fact he just witnessed THE FUCKING PRINCE AND YN MAKING OUT IN HIS PLACE OF WORK RIP THAT 💀
also this little feeling of woe between them while theyre talking abt the woman theyre both pining after and whos never to be with either of them...
T_T It be like that
WHINING DRUNK DAEMON TT im a simp. can imagine his glossy eyes and smudged kisses on whatever skin he can find bc of the yearning for close proximity.
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love it, so soft so tender so A. but his greezy ass😡 thanks again for not making it nsfw. i love how she rejects his flirting GHHDHD
yeah i dont think im going to make it nsfw until i feel like it makes sense. yes he wants love but you gotta give him smth real. and i want it to be super tender and sweet and full of love. LOL SIMP i was thinking maybe doing in he next part but also writing smut is so draining but anyway i do what i want. if you dont feel comfy reading smut if i do write it just skip it ok
she needs to preserve her maidenhood till the wedding night, after all. (sorry IK its bad, sorry:( )
and daemon doing sports! i love this detail that shows that hes really from a royal family and has duties and had an education and these royal hobbies (ig?).
DAEMON CALLING READER PRINCESS. you probably didnt mean it but i do see it as the reference to her actually being his wife who has his royal title.
“Then why won’t you let me put a dragonling in you?” 1) i snorted. 2) it made me think. its ok with your point of view. but since ive seen the beginning as reader dying during the labour, i though she might be frightened of actually getting pregnant? yes its been 2000 years but. she not likely got pregnant throughout this time.
i totally understand what you mean............................................ what if i told you................................................................................... i envisioned she had a kid in her 2000 year wait............................................................................................................ ok but honestly more of an adoptive parent. but idk im still on the fence about come on she has been alive for 20000000 yearSSSSS there should have been at least ONE PERSON AT LEAST ONE PERSON that she let get close to her, thus the plotline i told you about the ex lashfalkfhalsfh OMG GIRL I JUST THOUGHT OF A REALLY MESSY TIMELINE FUCKKKKKKK HELP
'not liking his indirect insinuation of weakness' GASLIGHT GATEKEEP GIRLBOSS YES!! love her.
the domestic atmosphere of their interactions is making me smile so softly. AND daemon caring about wifes well-being in the first place after shes gone? equals him being smug before.
I love the domestic atmosphere between them too!!! T_T we love a caring husband even though its rooted in his own self interest T_T idk what you mean about him being smug before but yes he is always smug anyway so HAHAH
OH AND IM THE GOVERNMENT JFHCXJSDJ weve talked abt it so it was cute to find it in the fic. youre such a sweety<з
STILL pretty awkward interactions with aemond make my heart clench. hes so timid and so emo for this. understandable that 1) he respects his professor 2) hes in love w/her 3) thus he wants her to be happy and hes the type to let her go find her happiness in another place 4) hes suspicious. but so emo TT
im a bit amused that you find aemond timid. perhaps in the face of yn and daemon, in comparison, he does come off like that, but also i think its just him being younger than both of them and not yet being so sure of himself yet. i think he also senses something between them that cannot fight against his 'love' his crush which is just silly or childish. so he would not yet speak on his feelings while their dynamic is mentor and student lol we'll see
and your intro to the 'investigation' (hope im not saying some ridiculous shit to you)! this book intrigues. and now im really inerested if shes gonna tell aemond anything. bc she like had intention to do so?... im intrigued.
im still on the fence about yn talking about the whole thing in general. i mean she's halfheartedly spoken her truth to multiple characters, but it was hard for her FOR ME to be even able to make her just to viserys that she loves daemon so much. so a part of me is thinking of making aemond her confidant, wherein he knows everything about her and no one else does but also im thinking what if hes so highstrung on figuring out this mystery its suddenly shown to everyone, daemon, aegon, aemma, everyone, BUT him and then when he finds it out for himself, hes like betrayed because everyone found out without even digging into it. but then if i take that route, i could make him into a villain and 0.0 the plot would get mega twisted HAHAHAHAH. also what you said is not ridiculous. you totally caught onto me foreshadowing the fact aemond is going to try and find out about her
so THE king coming to the museum. its interesting how hes so calm and thoughtful(?) and its relieving how hes so protective of his brother. even if hes against the wedding and dont know this woman, he knows his brother is in love and goes crazy bc of her so hes being the real kepa and going and trying to solve it all.
VISERYS BEING THAT DAD TO DAEMON THAT HE NEVER WAS TO HIS KIDS (OTHER THAN RHAENYRA) IN HIS PREVIOUS LIFE. redemption arc real. HAHAHAHA. i mean in the show this was the whole vibe viserys gave to me. also the actor in general. him and matt are so brothers irl <3
i also see them having a nice conversation with logic, calmness, respect and all and daemon rushing in and ruining it by screaming smth like 'fckng viserys i love her'.
I ALMOST WROTE SMTH LIKE THAT but i felt like it would kill the whole chapter so i didnt maybe for the next one
also. i always read the last line before reading smth. and i was so amused by seeing aegons plain and loosey text to aemond. theyre so bros here i love them TT
????? HLKASHDHASD why do you read the last first??? but yes they are SO BROS IN THIS I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
overall, this part was more about daemon, domestic interactions, spoilers(?) of forthcoming events and symbols so no tears. (NOT a dare)
HAHAHHHAAHH. there arent spoilers what do you mean ASL:FHASFAS SPOILERS ARE LIKE INFO OUTSIDE THE STORY THAT IS TALKING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT so i think you mean foreshadowing. i mUST make you cry next time
im very proud of you for writing so much.
i appreciate your efforts soso much! and oh how big brained r u in this part! ig all your plans were given the greatest expression and a start! youve done SOSO good! thank u so much for the time, thoughts and hard work you invest in this! hope youre proud of yourself as well. bc you deserve it. you and your fics deserve much more love than tumblr can ever provide.
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take care! love you<з
i love you <3 take care as well
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crqelsummer · 2 years
oh yeah! the yamanashi incident where haruko lost two fingers--
-- super short story even shorter that i'll probably elaborate on soon, oha's pros (1-a and their generation) are mostly dealing with quirk enhancing drugs still, as gou is currently distributing them to 'even the playing field'. the intention is to make it obvious the lengths some people have to go through to even be able to make a name for themselves/get by, so the intention is to disrupt the hell of out of society and protest for change. he's just also going to a stupid amount of lengths because the drug is very very addictive and arguably, easy to get ones hands on.
the incident takes place because ken, a previous big three student, had been using them for quite a while to make his own quirk significantly stronger and get him by for his last year of school. haruko, having done an internship with him, was told about them and given one pill. haruko obviously had a moral dilemma about this, because even though he so desperately wants to be strong like everyone else, he has lingering feelings about whether or not he should take it.
ken disappears from school shortly after this and haruko never hears about him again. he isn't sure why.
the incident itself though takes place while haruko is working under shoto and izuku (and therefore also rin because aiko had put her name out towards deku) and when they'd been caught by some other nomus/enhanced quirk users, they'd basically almost overpowered shoto and were close to doing so to izuku. haruko was still carrying his own enhancer...so...
he obviously takes it. and its such a rush he's able to push his own acid further than he ever thought possible. he's powerful, and crazy strong. theyre able to get the fight back under control with haruko's help, but afterwards the enhancer is still driving his nervous system further and further until he's still leaking acid from his fingers and its burning them off.
he watches his own ring and pinky finger dissolve before his eyes and is so out of it shoto has to cool him pretty rapidly to get his heart rate down before he has a heart attack. he promptly passes out.
the thought here is that enhancers work better in people with decent control over their quirks, but also people with properly developed nervous systems that can handle the stress the enhancer puts on it. haruko is 15-16 at this point, and what ken gave him was almost double what he really shouldve taken the first time around. him already being stressed did not help, and so his quirk started actually doing damage to him. annnnnd ofc haru is not invincible to his own quirk...
im not sure -- eri wasnt around or something, but haru still loses his fingers its a really painful reminder of the fact that he's been too cocky in the past and needs to start relying on others -- the lone wolf thing doesnt work for him, even if he hates the fact he ever got hurt in the first place.
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nimsabeef · 3 years
davekat isn't a bad couple, actually
okay, i am bored and sleep deprived and i just went through @davekat-sucks's blog. this is a recipe for disaster. sigh. hope you don't mind me doing this ms. davekat sucks, its just that some of your takes were so frigid i just couldn't bring myself to ignore them. various thoughts under the cut
first off, id like to say that this not an attempt to blame you for making this blog, or for disliking davekat. you can ship whatever the fuck you want and express your opinion however you like. i actually really appreciate the courage. fuck yeah, go against the status quo. post about a controversial topic. fandom would be boring without people like you. but the thing is, your takes are so cold bestie. they are straight up frigid. i am so sorry but the sight of them got me freezing and shaking uncontrollably
why do you base so much of your criticism around hs2 and the epilogues whilst simultaneously claiming they're badly written and shouldn’t be canon? YES their characterisations were fucked in post-canon. that's the case for most characters!! it's kind of hypocritical to use post-canon as a basis to bash davekat and then turn around and completely disregard that when it comes to pairings like roxygen or rosemary. guess what! they were fucked over by post-canon too! and yet you're not going around claiming that johnroxy sucks, even though john basically abandoned roxy and cheated on her. you're not going around claiming rosemary is a horrible pairing because of the yiffy fiasco in homestuck 2. and you still like those ships. so do i!!
hs2 turned davekat into some kind of fanservice generator and robbed dave and karkat of most of their personalities, i agree. but that's because hs2 fucking sucks. they did that for most of the character anyway. why does it only matter to you when it's davekat? much to think about.
so yeah. im not going to address the criticism pertaining to the epilogues and beyond. im not defending them
another thing you keep bringing up is dave hating quadrants which, jesus fucking christ. it makes me doubt you have any reading comprehension skills. the label felt alien to him, yes. he initially rejected the concept because it seemed weird and off-putting, probably, and that's normal. most of the kids thought troll culture was weird at first. and! he didn't break up with terezi because he hated quadrants! he just doesn't like the polygamous aspect of it.
but let's suppose for the sake of argument that he actually, canonically, hates quadrants. what would that even mean? would that imply he would never get into a relationship with a troll, seeing as those would technically be quadrants? or that he doesn't feel any kind of quadrant-related romantic attraction? both of these were proven wrong by canon because: 1) he willingly got into a matespritship with terezi 2) humans can feel pale, pitch, and red attraction; they just label it differently. karkat elaborates on that in a conversation with john, probably around act6 act5. and davekat doesnt even fall squarely under any quadrant, so this is all pointless lol
one other point you brought up was that as soon as they got close to one another on the meteor, they stopped being active in the plot and disregarded all of the issues their friends were dealing with, proving that their relationship was lazy writing which caused their development to stagnate. this is a good point! but when you look into it, that's not really what happened.
the beta kids and the surviving trolls all began blending into the background during act 6 as the story began focusing on the alpha kids. most of them were sitting around, not particularly doing anything relevant, because there was nothing relevant to be done except for waiting. like kanaya, or davesprite, for example.
you mention that it was ooc for dave and karkat not to help terezi while she was getting abused. the thing is, terezi tried to keep her relationship with gamzee under wraps. she didn't really succeed at that, but people still didn't know exactly what was going on with them at first. karkat wasn't even told about it. he didn't even know she was dating gamzee up until very late into the trip. dave had just broken up with her and didn't know much about troll quadrants by that point, so he probably just thought it was all kismesis shit and didn't want to intrude. again, if he had known what was really going on, he probably would have intervened, but he only had a vague idea about it since terezi wasn't open about her relationship with gamzee. that is, up until the very end of the trip, and by that point dave and karkat WERE trying to encourage her.
you mention that they also didn't help rose with her addiction, but dave was trying! he spent a whole scene trying to get her to drink less! (the one right before the rosemary kiss)
but the thing is. most of the meteor shenanigans happened off screen, so we're not certain of anything. but again, for the sake of argument, let's assume they actually weren't even trying to help their friends. why would that matter? why would the fact that they weren't rushing to fix all of their friends emotional issues have any impact on their feelings for each other? they're traumatised teenagers, they make mistakes! theyre flawed characters!
kanaya didnt try to help terezi with the gamzee situation either. she didnt try to contact the ship either. instead, she spent most of her time with rose. does that make rosemary a horrible pairing? is it ooc for rose and kanaya? from what i've seen, this doesnt seem to be your opinion on the subject.
yeah that’s basically it. you don’t need to respond, but a response would be welcome. thank you for reading!
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queenmylovely · 4 years
Gwil time 3 (more smut): reader and gwil are trying for a baby but theyre crashing at a friends place overnight when shes ovulating so have to be sneaky about it 🤭🤭
Obvs this is out of order for the asks I have received, but ideas popped into my head immediately upon reading this so I had to work on it first. Warnings are talk of trying to get pregnant and smut, 1.7k words
After an evening of wine, chatting, and a couple board games, you and Gwil were crashing in the spare bedroom of your friends, Marica and Cory, place. This was because you were going to a mutual friends’ wedding the next day and they lived in the same city, Birmingham. It was around 11:00pm when you were climbing into bed, having done your nightly routine and hung up your things for the next day.
Gwil was grabbing his phone from the pocket of his jacket, where he had left it in an attempt to be more present, something he had decided he should be working on. You watched him check a couple messages and respond before his face pulled into a grimace.
Frowning, you asked, “What’s up?”
He bit his lip and looked at you hesitantly, “Um, I guess I missed the notification because my phone’s been in my jacket, but you’re ovulating.”
You threw your head back in exasperation, “Gwil! You said you were going to keep track of that, this is not an ideal place to be having this issue.”
A few months ago, you and Gwil had started trying for a baby, and had decided that Gwil would be the one to track your ovulation and everything because he was much more organized and tech savvy than you were.
“I know, darling, I’m sorry. But, even if I had known a couple hours ago, what would we have done? Gone to a pay by the hour hotel in the middle of hanging out with Marica and Cory?” Gwil reasoned, trying to get himself out of trouble.
Sighing softly, you nodded, “S’pose not, but I’d greatly prefer not having them know we’re having sex just down the hall.”
“I agree,” Gwil nodded, finally climbing in next to you, facing you, and sliding a hand to rest on your thigh, a little higher than just an innocent touch.
You smiled, then thought for a second, “Maybe you should just get off, I’m so much louder that if it was only you, they probably wouldn’t be able to hear.”
Gwil frowned deeply at that, “I do not want to just use you to get off.”
“Well, it’s something that I want too, and it’s for a larger purpose,” you tried to persuade him. Then with a cheeky smile, “Plus the thought of you using me is kinda really hot.”
At that, Gwil paused, looking at you and the way you were looking at him, and you felt his fingers tighten slightly on your thigh. Then he shook his head, “No, stop that. You know that it works better if you get off too.”
You scrunched up your face, “Fine, you’re right, but when Marica and Cory complain that we kept them up, you have to take all the blame.”
Gwil leaned in close to you, holding your face in place, “Will do.”
Then he kissed you, soft. No matter the situation, Gwil always kissed you softly. At first. Faster than you were anticipating, he started to kiss you deeper, with more urgency that made a fire light in your lower stomach and blurred your thoughts at the edges. He slipped the hand on your face into your hair, pulling just enough to really feel it, but not too much to hurt. The other moved further up the inside of your thigh, his long fingers starting to trail up and down over your clothed slit.
You whimpered, reaching for the hem of Gwil’s shirt, knowing that the sooner you got the both of you undressed, the sooner you would get his hands where you really wanted them. Gwil let you take it off for him, and then did the same for you, smoothing his hands up your sides and squeezing your breasts lightly and running his thumbs over your nipples in a way that made your breath hitch and had you rushing forward to kiss him.
Gwil was able to get your pants and underwear off without breaking the kiss, but he pulled back to slip his thumb into your mouth. Wrapping your lips around it, you laved it with your tongue, making sure it was wet like he wanted. Then he pulled his thumb from your mouth and replaced it with his lips, reaching down between your thighs to press his thumb against your clit.
Inhaling sharply, you dropped one of your hands that had been on his shoulders to his wrist, holding it tightly in place. He kept going, and as he moved his lips along your jaw and down to your pulse point, you moaned unabashedly and Gwil stopped his ministrations temporarily. You almost whined, but realized why Gwil had stopped and felt your cheeks heat up.
“Careful, darling. You know I love to hear you, but I can’t say the same for our friends,” Gwil warned with a sweet smile.
“I know. I’ll t-try,” your words caught when Gwil started rubbing your clit slowly again. “Maybe you should fuck me, fuck, from behind so I can keep my head in the pillows.”
Gwil grinned and you shivered because of the look in his eye, “That can be arranged.”
He then flipped you over, and it was all you could do not to squeal in surprise and delight, muffling your laugh with your hand. You were flat on your stomach, but Gwil pulled you so your knees were bent and your ass was in the air. The smooth pillowcase made it hard to grab a pillow for a second, but you got a hold of one and positioned it so you could rest your forearms and your face on it, hoping it would do a good enough job of muffling you. Gwil’s pajama bottoms and briefs hit the floor with a small thud and you felt your heart rate speed up in anticipation.  
You felt Gwil get settled behind you and shook your ass back towards him playfully. Hearing his laugh, next you felt a small sting as he spanked you lightly (not as hard as you both usually liked it, but that was a sacrifice made because of the sound).
Unable to see anything he was doing, you imagined that he was taking a bit of time to jerk himself until he was fully hard. You could feel his opposite hand splayed on your ass, pushing you slightly forward. Then you were totally surprised when you felt warm liquid falling onto your pussy, dripping down to your clit and probably the sheets too. The realization that it was Gwil’s spit made you moan and shift your hips backward, hoping to speed along the process.
Gwil smirked to himself, knowing what you wanted without you saying a thing. He was also happy to know that the pillow was doing a good job of muffling you. Positioning his cock, he swiped it down and up your folds once before slowly entering you, still relishing the feeling of fucking you raw, even months into trying to get pregnant.
Once he bottomed out, he paused long enough for you to shift yourself forward, trying to fuck yourself on his cock with a frustrated groan. Gwil let you get as far forward as you could, about halfway off his dick before he used his hands on your hips to drive yours back into his own. The feeling took your breath away, and you immediately wanted him to do it again.
Nodding frantically, you leaned forward again, and soon the two of you had developed a rhythm that had you whining into the pillow as the pleasure built and built. Gwil was having a hard time keeping quiet as well, one of his hands covering his mouth as he moaned deeply each time your bodies were flush.
As you kept going, you got faster and faster until it was like every breath was being pushed out of you by the thrusts. As far as you could tell, the bed was only creaking when Gwil adjusted how he was kneeling, which kind of sucked because each time he moved even a fraction of an inch, it sent a brand new bolt of pleasure through you.
Gwil shifted his weight and then felt you clench around him, swearing behind his hand at the feeling. Slowing just a little, he dropped his hand and tapped your hip, “How close are you? Numbers.”
You lifted your head to let him know, “7 out of 10, feels so good Gwil.”
“Fuck okay, I’m at an 8, need you to rub your clit for me, okay darling?” he asked and you nodded, shakily shifting one hand underneath your body and he restarted his pace from before.
After only a minute of rubbing tight circles on your clit, you got to the edge faster than you could tell Gwil, but he could tell from the way your pussy was fluttering around his cock and kept doing exactly what he was doing, knowing that was the best way to get you there.
Seconds later, you came, shuddering as your pleasure rippled through you and keening into the pillow even as the feeling took your breath away. Even through all of that, you kept in time with Gwil, wanting him to finish even more than you had wanted to yourself.
As your orgasm started to fade, you raised yourself on your arms and turned back to look at Gwil, saying softly but wantonly, “C’mon Gwil, come for me. Fill me up with your cum, I want it.”
Gwil’s eyes went wide as he came, moans mostly muffled by the hand that was back over his mouth, but you loved watching him come undone and hearing whatever slipped through the cracks. As his orgasm subsided, he pulled out slowly, both of you exhaling deeply as he did.
“Hand me a pillow,” he said quietly, and when you did, he helped you turn onto your back, placing the pillow under your butt to keep your hips lifted.
Then he joined you laying down on the bed, an arm slung across your waist as his head rested next to yours. You turned to face him and kissed him, keeping it soft again.
“Do you think it worked?” you mumbled, sleepily excited.
“I think we should give it a little more than 30 seconds to decide whether or not it did,” Gwil pointed out and you fondly rolled your eyes.
“Always so rational,” you teased before bringing your lips to his again.
tagging for the length: @riseetothesun @drowseoftaylor @caborhapch @queenlover05 @johndeaconshands @stardust-galaxies @theblossomknows  @buckyluvrs @im-an-adult-ish @sleep-i-ness (unable to tag italics)
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ionicexpressions · 3 years
You have no idea how much I cherish all of your kids
🍁🌼☘️ Ladybug
🍃 Sugar Rush
🌈 Raspberry Dazzle and Zinnia
❄️ Hare
☁️ Duckpaw
🌸 Jasperchasm
🌲 Vervain Vesper 👁️
🍁Favorite Ladybug moment HAS to be the time Jasperchasm took her to the gathering place and they had it all to themselves. That was where we started actually shipping the two of them I think and it was just so sweet...I go back and read it sometimes bc of how sweet they both were to each other.
🌼Alternate name...I really love Ladybug lol so I havent thought about it too much honestly. I had an old of named Beetlebird though and I think that name would be really cute! Since "Lady Beetle" and "Lady Bird" are both other names for Ladybugs :)
🍀Romance with Ladybug and Jasper for sure!! They need more development!! To stop being dumb!! I would love to develop more of her friendships with the other mothers of the clan as well. And I think it would be real nice to befriend Jasper's family members as well, especially Ravine.
🌈 I want Razz to gain some confidence!!!! Its been so fucking difficult to get the bot to cooperate and its annoying. She was meant to have confidence issues but I was hoping someone would have helped her along at this point...but maybe soon!
🌈 I would like it if Zinnia reconnected with her romantic side. Considering her first ever crush (and best friend) kind of left her for dead... She's forgotten that anyone can actually have feelings for her. I've talked about it a bit with another rper so we have scheduled a bit of an arc with them...unsure if it will go into romance but we will see! Exciting!!
❄ Hare...god he says so much good shit.
"I like ta think I got a brain rattlin' around up in there!"
"Ya cant jus' say that after someone goes an' pours their heart out ta ya!"
"I'll take a look-see. If one o' us is gonna get in trouble fer crossin' the border it should be the guy who has a higher chance o' gettin' away wit' it."
"I jus' told ya I don't wanna hurt 'er an' the first thang ya take from that is that I'm some sort o' lily liver?;; I respec' Turtle. Even if I am late ta tellin' 'er an' she goes fer someone else, it won't matter. Ma feelin's ain't gonna change an' I ain't gonna suddenly start havin' a problem wit' 'er 'cause she followed 'er heart. I'm bein' patient 'cause I think that's what she needs. If I lose out 'cause o' it, then it prolly weren't meant ta be.;; I'm still gonna like 'er an' we're still gonna be friends regardless o' who holds 'er heart in their paws. Maybe ya should mind yer own bus'ness instead o' givin' advice fer cats ya left behind..?"
🌸 I adore Jasper's relationship with Newt. Like theyre best friends who are also in love with each other but also bully the shit out of one another??? They're so funny! But they care about each other so much too. They're kinda like brothers at this point I think, just bc of how close they've gotten and I know the romance arc of them has since been kinda retconned with the introduction of Lady (lmao sorry dudes). Alternatively his relationship with Hare is just so sweet. Jasper really is a great family member, regardless of what role he takes or if theyre biological. He just has so much love to give!
🌲 Vervain Vesper...I mean I think its a given that I ship her with Rose Light. But also recently Andante Noon!! Honestly the 3 of them are all so good together and idc if they end up in a throuple but I want at least two of them to get together!!! Make it happen!! *bangs fists on table*
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atlasira · 3 years
i’m using the diamond rush to finally catch up with LFOS and i just got to a choice of choosing which character to team up with and like i’m always hesitant to choose Jacob. bc i do like him and maybe want him as Amber’s romance, but i also don’t really like the Cold and Nonchalant types, which he seemed like for most of the book. but i said fuck it and chose to team up with him regardless bc i do like him the best and!!!!!!!
his route scenes always surprise me. theyre always so good and interesting. i like that they address his aloofness and instead of Amber just going “i like that you’re mysterious uwu <3” (which is why i never like those routes), she actually hates his arms length type bonding bc it keeps him closed off. Amber WANTS to get to know this guy, i know i’m doing this as a romance, but she also says she wants to get closer to him as a friend. and Jacob also addresses it in really interesting ways bc he too wants to get closer to the group BUT he’s very aware of the fact that he’s the only canon poc in the group, as both Amber and Ray are race customizable. he’s closed off bc he’s in a group of possibly all white people and white-coded aliens. in the scene i just played, he almost accused Amber of trying to appropriate some aspects of his culture bc shes so damn nosey, which is reasonable!
Jacob isn’t just closed off for some edgy reason like most of the characters that fall into this “i keep people at arms length” trope do. his reasoning makes sense and it’s understandable and has weight, while at the same time bringing up interesting development points where now you have discussions between him and Amber of her in frustration bc while his mindset is fair, he’s also so closed off that we know literally next to NOTHING about this guy, not even what his actual background was until he told her he was from the Sioux in the second to last episode of the entire season.
his route is just so so interesting. i like that they address things, and im very happy with the development of both his character and his relationship to the group. i was hesitant to choose him before bc i was afraid he’d just fall into the edgy loner cliche but he doesn’t and hes the way he is for a much deeper reason and!! just!!!! things are just great lol
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moxtoons · 4 years
What's the story behind Arianness and Noiren if you don't mind me asking? I saw your art and now I want to know more about them👀 (~thedinalixlegacy)
You want to know about my OCs????
I'm genuinely touched and speechless and this is the best gift I could have gotten for the holidays- (no ones ever asked about my OCs I am in genuine shock and joy!)
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Excuse me while I grab 15 years of character building/story to cherry pick from and shove under a cut!
Long post below!
Arianness and Noiren are twins(fraternal) and have two younger brothers.
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The twins, Noiren(Sith Lord) and Arianness(Smuggler)
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The younger two, Orkra, later called Agent Scathe (Imperial agent/spy) and Aidesan (Acolyte).
They're all native to a small village on Ryloth. When they were young an army of Imperials came to their village to take supplies and take any "useful" Twi'leks. They were searching for force sensitives, ones that could be strong and fight in the war, or ones they could be sold to the Hutts.
There they find the four children, scared and huddled in the corner after watching their parents get killed by the troopers. A Darth observes the group and finds that Noiren and Aidesan are force sensitive. The children are taken one at a time to the ships as they decide where to send them.
Noiren and his younger brother Aidesan are send to Korriban for acolyte training while Orkra was sent to Dromund Kaas to be trained as an agent. Arianness is unfortunately sent to many different places, working under different Imperials watchful eyes until she is old enough and sold to a Hutt named Gorbada.
She never forgets who the Imperials are and what they had done to her family. She is determined to break free from her servitude and find her brothers.
Arianness later overhears that imperials are landing on the planet and long story short she Leia style kills her master and makes off in an Imperial ship. She becomes a smuggler with a grey sense of morals to get the money and resources so she can gather the information she needs to get her brothers back. Along the way she ends up making friends that become her crew.
While she travels space, Noiren has climbed quickly at the academy, surpassing his master and becoming a ruthless sith lord. He only cares for himself, and his younger brother, who he has done everything in his power to protect. He cares very little for the sith around him or any Imperials thanks to his past. Once he becomes a lord, he takes Aidesan under his wing to keep him under a watchful eye so no one can hurt him.
He travels from planet to planet with his brother to aid in war efforts against the republic and eventually stumbles across this guy
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Kenaas. A young (rather airheaded) Nautolan Jedi, questioning the Jedi code. Kenaas becomes a captive on Noirens personal starship and eventually turns to the Darkside and stays beside his new companion (that's a whole other story, but he's very important to Noirens character growth and eventually becomes his love interest).
As luck would have it Noiren ends up hearing through the Imperial agency that a "pirate" roaming republic space in a stolen ship has been working to find where acolytes train, which could very well be someone seeking to sell the information to people trying destroy the Sith academy. They decide to send Noiren and his crew to intercept the rogue Imperial ship on Hoth so the offender could be killed quickly and efficiently. He immediately attacks the thief and her crew (if anyone is interested i will be more than happy to share the crewmates too, I have many star wars OCs and most of their stories meet at some point)
The "Pirate" is Captain Arianness, who recognizes her brothers immediately but has no time to explain herself as she is swiftly thrown into battle. Shes heartbroken by how much her brothers have changed, but refuses to give up.
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Kenaas Is the one that realizes that she and her crew don't return fire. Worrying that they may have attacked the wrong group, he insists Noiren step back.
The sith is reluctant and ready to kill if needed, but demands answers. Without the rush of battle between them he finally realizes who he had just been in combat with and is taken back. Now his initial questions have been exchanged for ones about how she got there, who these people were, and if she had been trying to find them.
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She of course tells him everything, including that she wasn't working with the republic, all she wanted was so save her brothers and protect others like them from what they had suffered.
She learns that Noiren had been working for the Sith and the Imperials to keep himself and his brother safe while trying to track down their youngest brother in the agency,whom neither had seen in years.
Their reunion is touching, lots of questions, long stories and tears. He lies to his superiors after, saying he killed the pirate and her crew, and the two continue to work together to find Orkra.
It takes a lot of searching due to the fact that Agents are well hidden, even within the Imperial bases knowledge, and lets just say a moody sith lord and chaotic smuggler aren't stealthy and Noirens superiors become suspicious of him. With some information gathering of their own they find the young agent the group is looking for and use him as bait to try and lure them into a death trap. Knowing he is rogue brands noiren and his crew as a threat that needs to be eradicated.
Big battle commences and "Scathe" is now reunited with his siblings as they escape a base coming down on their heads. (Theres so much more to their brothers i swear but this is getting so long already lol)
All of them are now rogues,not wanting to fully take a side in the war yet and running from the imperial army.
They use Arianness's ship to go from planet to planet aiding villaiges like theirs to try and prevent anything like their own past from happening to them. (Kind of vigilante style???)
Theyre all grey, not exactly dark side, though Noiren is still heavily leaning that direction, and not really light side. Theyre just a renegade band of aliens trying to prevent mass suffering and slave trades while avoiding pointed attacks from sith lords and imperial ships. There are a lot of battles and craziness and Noiren has so much character development from just being an angry sith lord, but thats hard to convey in whats basically the spark notes version of a 15 year old character arc. (The republic also gets heavily involved in trying to hire them and whatnot)
Also keep in mind everything you just read takes place over the span of years. Arianness is jumping across the galaxy trying to get answers from anyone she can squeeze information from while taking odd jobs and trying to stay out of imperial space (and upgrading the ship she stole)
Note- Noiren and Kenaas are romantically involved and Arianness ends up marrying one of her crewmates and later has two children with him, so happy ending, still polishing and adding details, the full story has so much more (especially regarding the younger two, but this ask is specifically about the twins so I focused on them) but I've been rambling long enough.
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Fun fact:
Arianness, Noiren and Kenaas have been around for about 15 years. Imagine my excitement when I was able to create them in SWTOR (I liked the markings in SWTOR much better for my gal and her brother than the ones I had originally given them so I just made those permanent :) )
Thank you for letting me infodump and I have SO MANY other characters so if you ever want a large masterpost about ocs (or even just more art of them.. I love drawing them) I'm more than happy to drop some. I dont get to share my OCs much and this has really been just. Wonderful. You really made my day, you know?
I may drop some info about a Torguta sith warrior I have in the future, she was exclusively made on SWTOR and follows that story pretty close, but she's a favorite so keep an eye out for her if you're interested.
Feel free to ask more about them if you want, too! I have so much passion and love for these guys and would love to share more about them!!!
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illusionlockarchive · 4 years
romeos huge rant on comedy, horror, and how they interlap
ok, so. full disclosure, what got me to make this post was this joke post right here.
so the initial premise is funny, haha okay. yeah. oh youre a kid and your punishment at school is that you have to stay at a room full of wasps. its funny because its absurd. it couldnt happen irl. youd think it wouldnt happen irl. youd hope so.
the thing about comedy and horror though? is that they actually operate on very similar concepts.
and that is, the absurd. the uncanny valley. what youre expecting the least. what youre not seeing and not registering. jumpscares are effective if at least to get you to jump, even if they are cheap. meanwhile, jokes where they completely twist your expectations to get you to laugh do the same thing.
it may be hard for you to believe me, but in the end, the bad ending of tattletail is the other side of the same coin as a joke that goes “i swallowed a tablet with some water. everyone on the apple store was terrified of me.”
i have not read the wasp story, but i can guaranteee you, i CAN imagine it being scary, if the right tones are used and suspense is built up nicely. with the right twists and turns, knowing when to keep things quiet and when to blow things out of proportion.
OR it can end up being unintentionally hilarious, if the characters in it are way too cliche to be real and feel more like caricatures of teachers and students, if things are rushed and details lose their meaning and value, if we are just to focus on being an audience watching a kid get chased around by a swarm of wasps, instead of putting ourselves in their place.
im neglecting to mention something though. horror is not the TRUE other side of the coin to comedy. no, thats tragedy. and im sure many more people have heard of that. the two masks used in theater, one happy, the other sad.
and now we come to two very interesting modifiers. im sure youve heard of the term ‘horror comedy’ to refer to a subgenre of horror that does have jokes and silly things still happening, and may not take itself all that seriously. but why is it a specified subgenre? because MOST horror is tragedy.
this is why, despite liking many horror games or even stories, in the end i still dont consider myself someone who actually likes horror as a general genre. most horror focuses on the seriousness of the faults of humans, on our fragility, on all we can lose or are even bound to lose, on the fear that what we feel so confident about having close to us can be snatched away in a second, that our sense of reality can crumble. most horror? doesnt end well.
comedies in general tend to focus on the absurdity of life, on how many silly, strange, or even uncanny situations can happen that can challenge us, but not in a harsh way, but in a way that, despite so many bad things happening, we still get to point and laugh it off and be okay at the end of the day.
literally, all it takes for a tragedy to become a comedy, and vice versa, is a tonal shift. when i told of my idea to create this post to my boyfriend, he backed me up, and told me “the difference between horror and comedy is in the soundtrack and silly sound effects”. hes right.
of course, there are things that you should have the decency to not laugh at, still. to keep your mouth shut and know when to reject. but good comedy knows how to stray away from that, and good tragedy knows how to handle it respectfully without making it torture porn.
so, as horror hinges on tragedy, on the fear that we all know we must face in our lives, because a scream is as natural as laughter, so horror comedies are born as an interesting paradox.
a year or so ago, i got the opportunity to watch the banana splits syfy movie. i was a huge fan of the banana splits as a kid, and would often watch their reruns. those silly furries meant a lot to me. but im not stupid, i know thats a horror movie, i went in kinda knowing what to expect.
it was a gore fest, and for about two or three nights i had trouble getting to sleep. i wasnt actually scared of my childhood friends in animal costumes, as i knew how absurd and irrational my fear was, but just the images of the massacre being fresh in my mind were enough to send me into a panic if i lingered for too long, which can happen, you know, when youre about to sleep.
i think a scene that perfectly blurs the lines between comedy and tragedy, as well as just plain horror in it, is the scene where a man gets killed by being put in a magicians box and sliced in half as a ‘magic trick’ by fleegle, the dog. as he pleads for his life, and his soon to be wife watches in horror and pleads for the robot dog to stop (yeah theyre robots in this, weird), fleegle continues to slice him in half and blood spurts out, until he is dead, and fleegle just happily and proudly showcases what he has done, as if he just did a real magic trick.
watching that was horrifying, of course it was. but at the same time, it was what i wanted and expected when i thought about “banana splits horror movie”. fleegle just did something completely absurd and entirely uncalled for. and what doubles the uncaniness of it is that it was supposed to be something harmless, a magic trick. think about this if it was in an adult swim cartoon. the same thing could still happen, but be treated as just a weird, gross joke. fleegle could even swear, say ‘heres your fucking magic trick damnit! oh you dont like it, well i quit!’ n then throw his hat on the ground and step on it.
they are essentially the same scene, but the cartoon version of it is presented in a way that shows full on just how absurd and unexpected it is, without any seriousness to it, probably without any moody music to accompany it. meanwhile the movie one focuses on the fear, grief, and horror of putting us in the shoes of a woman who just watched the man she loved be killed, with the shots being extra impactful.
in the end, the banana splits syfy movie is a horror comedy though, because most of the movie is spent finding the most creative, absurd, borderline funny ways for people to be killed off. as you watch it along, you dont know whether to laugh at the weirdness and absurdity of the events or to genuinely feel grief and fear over the bodies piling up.
i could also just go over a million other examples available to me right now. in fact, as of the time im writing this, i have the latest vinesauce corruption stream pulled on youtube. during corruptions, the most bizarre and absurd things happen, and often times, things get scary. we see the video game characters we love be deformed and twisted in ways that you can only imagine hurt, but they still act as if thats normal! so you cant help but laugh.
earlier today, i watched a gameplay video of bonbon. its a short horror game, with a very... different antagonist. i wont spoil much, because, i dont want to deter people from buying it. but i will say, there is a reveal at the end, which slaps you in the face with the realization that you have been played for a fool all along, and the developers would probably laughing at you if they saw you after youve beat the game. its a joke, and the fear that they cultivated so lovingly, is the punchline. your fear becomes a punchline. to me thats one of the highest forms of blurring horror and comedy, and one i prefer to some more gory and harsh attempts.
and i mean, i have to mention fnaf here, dont i? its a great example too, particularly because, if you look at the games by themselves, they generally take themselves pretty seriously as horror stories, minus a few odd cases or references. but they just have enough wiggle room that, if you look at them from afar, as an audience, you can take these characters youre supposed to be afraid of, and have fun with them, because it is pretty damn absurd, and even funny at the end of the day, that youre expected to be afraid of essentially big, robotic childrens toys. and thats when many fun, fan renditions that focus on lighthearted situations pop up. vanny herself is pretty funny even! the idea of a person who dresses up in a full fursuit to do crimes is pretty hilarious.
all in all, i think i just really appreciate how horror and comedy can converse with each other and how that says something about how we, as humans, are easily made impressed, made to be surprised and shocked, to jump or to laugh. and we are always looking for that thrill, it just depends on if youre looking for laughs or screams.
so yeah, maybe ‘wasp room’ can be a pretty good story. is it a horror story or a comedy? we wont know until we read it. (also if you made it to the end reading this holy shit i love you , i fully recognize i talked way too much)
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In regards to the Deku anon
 “Yandere Deku liking his own neighbour. Like he and Bakugou grew up with them But they didn't go in the hero course. But over the years they got more and more reserved and without Deku and Bakugou they didn't really have friends anymore so theyre practically a shut in? They still text and whatnot with social media but the darling doesn't get out much they became too introverted, anxious and depressed to do so?”
No matter how much of a shut in you become izuku would always make sure he goes to visit you everyday after school. he would even ask his mom to make some nice snacks to send over to you o lack of socialization, even getting as bad as to develop depression, anxiety and all other sorts or terrible things! The sweet boy he is he would probably make sure to set some time to the side during the day so not only does he visit you but he'd make sure to bring you some nice snacks or even a homemade lunch. it would worry you how often he would come home injured but you knew he was just trying to be a hero it was all part of the training. you would’ve tried to get into UA as well but you only had a simple artistic quirk. you could hold a piece of paper and close your eyes, with enough focus you can recreate the exact image from your brain onto the paper. But it was so easy to lose focus if there's too much stimuli and you weren't even sure how you could help save lives by making drawings. so, you had just become a hermit artist. there’s no point to leaving your house if you've got Izuku coming every day to talk to you and your main source of income is your online job.
 that is until Izuku stops coming over for a while. it worries you the first day but you assumed he was just tired from training. he was often really tired-to the point he had fallen asleep on your bed as he talked to you about his day. maybe he was stuck in the nurses office from over training his body or-or maybe the league of villains attacked again.You frowned and immediately started typing away on your laptop. you scowered through the internet, looking for something-until you noticed a common theme.. All might kept popping up-along with a picture of some skinny blonde.
   You wanted to puke. why didn't Izuku tell you? It seemed like this incident happened weeks ago-All might isn;t the number one hero anymore either. you don't understand how you didn't see this sooner but...maybe you shouldn't have shut yourself so much. get all your news from Izuku. You kept looking into the news, finding that UA planned to make dorms for the students to stay in, so they have a better watch over the students. you hadn't realized how much time went by until you heard a knock at the door. you rushed to the door, swinging it open and hugging the male infront of you.
"Oh my god-Izuku-I can't believe that-everything that happened in the news-the villains-All might-god-why didn’t you tell me-" You were cut off when the male cleared his throat, pushing you off of him. you looked up, seeing Bakugou, not your green haired friend. he grunted and rolled his eyes.
 "Shitty nerd didn't tell you anything so he wouldn't worry you. but you need to get this straight before we both leave." You jabbed your shoulder, confusing you. you went to speak but Bakugou cut you off.
 "Don't speak, just fucking listen because it's important and i’m not repeating." You slowly nodded, frowning. you could see he was just trying to hide his worry. if you hadn't known him for so long, he would’ve been successful.
 "Shity nerd doesn't care about you" You were taken aback, going to speak but again, Bakugou cut you off. "Shitty nerd doesn’t care about you, he's obsessed with you" He said firmly, shutting your arguments completely.
 "What...do you mean?""
"I mean he's fucking obsessed with you" He scoffed, shoving his hands in his pockets "He's got a whole book full of notes and pictures of you. pretty sure one page had a lock of your hair" Your heart sank before you started to get angry.
 "Really?  Bakugou I swear to god if you're just trying to make Izuku look bad-" He cut you off again, making you even more pissed.
"We're leaving. we're going to be living at the dorms on campus.I don't care if you believe me or not but because he's not going to be around, this'll be your chance to leave."  You furrowed your brows and narrowed your eyes at him. He took that as a sign to keep going. "He's insane. No doubt once we graduate he'll come after you or some shit. I wouldn't risk it if I were you, i'm surprised he didn't make a move sooner." He glared down at you, watching you as you tried processing his words.
 "I...why are you telling me this now? Why not sooner?"
"You really wanted him to catch you moving while he was around?" He elbowed you before turning "Listen to me or not I don’t care. Just do yourself a favor and don't trust that bastard."
(Sorry for posting it like this, tumblr is a dick and wouldn’t let me tag via computer and when I posted it from the computer I couldn’t edit and add tags so I had to make a whole separate post)
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heizerux · 6 years
About Stormy Weather 2
Let’s cut to the chase. This was a filler/recap episode.
Is it disappointing? Yes 😞
They did my girl Aurore wrong with the episode title and not even giving her the attention she deserves. And about nothing new happened. Chloe still hasn’t learned to actually be better. There’s more. But those are about a few things that REALLY got to me (to be brief).
Is it bad that they even have this episode? Not exactly. It just wasn’t done well.
Now that I’ve briefly got out of my system on why I was disappointed, now let’s look at the details and minor brightsides of it (I guess?) and more on why I’m disappointed.
This was an episode to establish the questions we’ve had. (Honestly did we even need these? Actually, not really. But it’s nice they even bothered.) Some of these questions are:
How’s Aurore?
Is Chloe really fully changed?
How does Nathalie REALLY feel? Like with her own words? How LONG has she been with the Agrestes? And will Gabriel keep this shit up?
How’s the dynamic between Ladybug and Chat Noir now since they’ve been fighting for a while?
How’s everyone else (Alya and Nino specifically) doing?
Will Marinette ever tell Adrien that she’s interested in him?
Will Adrien pick up on that???
Pretty much here’s how they answered these, as well as what I took from these answers:
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How’s Aurore? Naturally I’m gonna open up with Aurore here since this was supposed to be HER episode again. We see her being bullied by Chloe and then she get it’s gets to her. THAT’S how Aurore is doing. The only few things I liked about her here is learning she and Marinette are friends. But that’s IT. This could have been HER moment. HER episode again. We could of known more about HER. Instead what do we get? Just like 3 minutes tops of her and boom. Defeated, and not even checked up on. I know she’s a side misc character but damnit *slaps table*. . . We really were cheated with her comeback. This wasn’t her episode and it shouldn’t have been titled “Stormy Weather 2”. I’m sad about this.
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Is Chloe really fully changed? Nope. So I knew her development wasn’t even started yet (as we’ve seen), but like damn. We see how being hero twice has gotten to her head. It’s disappointing, it really is. The only “bright side” is that at least they’re establishing here that she clearly still has changing to do instead of saying she’s fully changed, which she isn’t. Probably even alluding to what we’re gonna see next with her. Obviously by that last glare, Marinette (as Ladybug) isn’t giving into her shit anymore. (That or she’s disappointed in how Chloe doubled back too.)
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How does Nathalie REALLY feel? And so we see. She, as expected, hates her fucking job because it’s too demanding, but LOVES the Agreste family. We now, with her own words, which are rare, learn just how long she’s been with them, her feelings for the family, and that she canonically cared for Emilie and has now fallen for Gabriel. She’s also still sick from Heroes Day (so they didn’t forget that’s a thing, thankfully). Which now only implies that from this point forward, she’ll be Mayura more often, and get even sicker (a life for a life, anyone?)
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How’s everyone else doing? That Ninalya (Djwifi) content. . . My heart! 💕💖💕💖😭💖💕💖💕 So they show us Nino is pretty much now a Césaire (lol), and that they both do talk about their hero duties when they’re alone. The good in seeing this? They can actually keep it a secret from the public and this shows their hero potential (unlike Chloe). The bad about it? It’s their disadvantage (as we already know.) Now what we didn’t need is all that recap footage. (That time slot could have been used for my bby Aurore 💜💙💜)
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How’s the dynamic between Ladybug and Chat Noir now since they’ve been fighting for a while? Well :) (Filler aside) We see that Ladybug is A LOT more fonder of Chat Noir than before. This time she’s loosening up her humor during battle when she used to be all “stop joking! This is serious!” Then they go on to recap on shit that we already know like that they trust each other and *yawn*. But one thing I did notice, and like about this, is that look she gives him as he runs off.
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It’s almost a look of that says “I’m starting to view you as more than a partner. . .” (Will they show it in the following episodes. Boy do I hope.)
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Will Marinette ever tell Adrien that she’s interested in him? Okay so not only does she drop off Adrien’s homework, but you notice something? Not only did she volunteer, but she didn’t fluster while doing so. When she delivers it, she’s not panicked about it, instead she’s just nervous about talking to Nathalie and disappointed she couldn’t give it to him in person. Then what happens next? She FINALLY takes Kagami’s advice and does something. Once she’s done, she’s not regretful and doubtful about it anymore when she used to be. Sure, we went over shit that marks she “changed”, but it’s really around this part in the episode that she ACTUALLY changes. From here she’s a new confident Marinette, pretty much. The recap was still unecessary.
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Will Adrien pick up on that??? *sigh* no lol.
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Okay, real quick, BIG APPRECIATION for Plagg’s “Oh shit” face when he sees Adrien notices the handwriting.
So into Adrien and his love life, we see that his head is too in the clouds to fully notice the amazing girl that is MARINETTE. I will say I love that Plagg keeps trying to steer him in the direction to LOOK AT MARINETTE. (Mentioning how Gabriel wasn’t mad Adrien was with her when he snuck out and hinting that she’s VERY available more than once.) When he finally notices the handwriting, he’s SO close to putting it together. Plagg for a sec is shook about it (since it hints he’s closer to piecing she’s LB), but then he re-tracts because he’s a clueless child and now is left on the conclusion that it’s not her. Okay -_-
So now that that’s done, let me just add on why I think that last part where he retracts marks something.
Anyone find it odd that the episode ended specifically with Adrien noting that “Marinette couldn’t have written the letter (can’t be in love with me) because she’s just a friend that’s into fashion. Besides there’s Luka.”
Luka. . .
. . .
You guys hear that?
Right as soon as he says that, sad music plays. Like he “lost” something.
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Then Adrien as if slightly disappointed, insists it was probably “someone else”. . . Because there’s Luka. . .
And then the episode ends.
(My own thought: I think this is here to mark off that not only Luka is coming more into play, but maybe that it’ll affect Adrien more than he thinks? It may be that his change to come is that he stops looking “up in the clouds” and starts looking in front of him.)
And that’s about one of the few things that got me in this episode (among Nino and Alya and Mari getting confident for once). Because it means shits gonna get interesting among the ships👀. . . *sips tea*
I’d touch the development issue but after carefully going over the fact that both season 2 and 3 were written around the same time, I do have a hunch stuff is kind of out of order there. But that’s a topic for another day. (Probably one I’ll rethink and retouch fully after this season is done.) So let’s get back to the real question:
So wtf was this episode?
Well, this is just my take, but judging by the brief glances at Stormy Weather 2’s LEVEL of power, it’s there to set what we’re gonna be seeing from the episodes forward. If this looks intense, then we haven’t seen intense, yet (ya feel?)
For certain ppl (I’m one of these ppl) Stormy Weather from S1 was THE pilot episode to the whole show and the first episode seen. It set up what we were going to be seeing of the show. So if there had to be an explanation, my take is that’s why they picked her again to mark off a recap and brand new starting point for what’s to come.
TLDR: This episode probably wasn’t just meant to show what’s changed, but to mark of what WILL change moving forward.
It’s not perfect, I’m still not happy with how it was delivered, but that’s probably what they were going for.
They probably should of just called it “The Story So Far” or something, honestly. Not Stormy Weather 2. Aurore did amazing. Her screentime didn’t :( But in the end, it’s probably there to mark the start of real change.
Since that’s maybe the deal, then changes we may see here moving forward and so on are:
It’s probably gonna mark Marinette as being comfortable around Adrien and no longer hesitating as much as she did, but of course Luka will be more in her life (and Adrien may or may not realize he isn’t as okay with it?? That’s just what I wanna see honestly lol). Chloe will probably realize that she can’t keep expecting to be handed a miraculous just because she says so, which then could mark her to ACTUALLY start changing. And so on.
Anyway we’ll see what the next episodes bring. I noticed they’ve only been showing us the uneventful episode first and leaving the more “juicy” ones for later dates. . .
As long as this is, I actually kind of rushed through it so my apologies if it’s all over the place :(
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cgirat · 4 years
i’m not always proud
brain big so this is a bandersnatch (2018) and pride (2014) crossover fic purely because theyre both set in the 80s and i think that joe & stefan would be a sweet couple. title is from thos moser by gupi ft fraxiom because im like that
joe cooper/stefan butler
Pride 1985. Joe marches proudly; lesbians and gays do support the miners, it's an act of solidarity as they're both treated unfairly by the government and the police. It's the best feeling being proud of who he is because for so long he'd hidden it for fear of how his family might look at him, he was out to practically everyone but the people that were meant to be closest to him. Within just a few months a lot has changed, he's moved in with Stephanie, he's working at a café near Gay's the Word, the pastry chef likes him enough they Joe gets to help out sometimes and the activism is going well so life is really looking up. It's a new way of living and he's getting used to it and overall he's happy with it.
Love does not seem to be something that's going to happen for Joe. He deals with that as best as he can, he doesn't try and force anything, if he goes to the bars and a man there wants him he's okay to make out. But no one asks him out or seems to be looking for commitment, he gets it they're young and he's still early into adulthood so it's whatever.
A young man seems to be loitering after the march is over with his hands in his pockets, eyes wide open and lips set in a straight line. Joe sees him across the street while Steph's abandoned him for some goth lesbian and they make eye contact for a brief moment before he looks away. Joe finds him a weird kind of beautiful, something about him is sharp and Joe doesn't look away. He wouldn't have crossed the street towards the man if he hasn't looked back at Joe. Pride is as good a time as any to be friendly.
Close up the man is shorter than Joe. He's still weirdly handsome at this distance and his dark hair and green eyes are intriguing.
"Did you have fun at the march today?"
The dude looks startled if wide eyes are anything to go by. "Uhhh, well, I didn't catch much of it, I was just on my way back home, actually."
"Oh cool, you should come to next year's march it'll be bigger and better hopefully." Joe smiles politely, getting the cue that the dudes not like him and he's prepared to turn around until he hears him speak again.
"Stefan. Me, uh. I'm Stefan." Stefan falls over his words, smiling sheepishly, revealing rows of shark teeth. His smile is endearing. He puts his hand out for Joe to shake.
"I'm Joe." he accepts Stefan's hand in a shake and Joe notes that his hand is warm but his shake isn't very confident.
They smile at each other for a bit even though it's awkward when Stefan releases Joe's hand and his own retreats to the pockets of his jacket.
"Well if you're not in a rush home feel free to come to our post pride party. It's at Gay's the Word; last years was good so hopefully, this year will be too."
Stefan smiles again. It's toothy and contagious.
They spend the rest of the night getting to know each other. Stefan isn't as closed off as Joe was a year ago, he talks about work and geeks out over computers and video games. He works at Tuckersoft and has already developed a "choose your own adventure" game based off of a book that received decent reviews. Joe thinks he's probably being modest. When he talks about it it seems very complicated and Joe instantly knows that Stefan is way smarter than he'll ever be because he knows smart, educated people things. It's like looking into the past, Stefan is 20 and he's closeted? Straight? Joe doesn't want to ask as it's none of his business no matter how much he wants to kiss him a little.
Joe and Stefan walk arm in arm to the bus stop and stay linked there while waiting. Stefan is a little drunk and so he talks a lot but Joe welcomes it. Joe's laughing at Stefan who can't seem to get over the fact that Joe's nickname is so shit.
"Bromley, of all the town's to be named after-"
"Even now I wonder if it's meant to be cute or if they're taking the piss."
Stefan huffs out a laugh, "I'm thankfully uninteresting so I don't have any nicknames." He pauses. "Having two friends helps as well, one of them is my dad but he's not the nicknaming type."
"It's lonely in the office?"
"Very." Stefan rests his head on the glass of the bus shelter. "Especially today, I wasn't even supposed to be in but my therapist forgot to tell me that she'd moved my appointment to Tuesday so I went there instead. I bet she was at the march today." he pauses for a moment. "Why does she even do appointments on Saturdays? Overworking is my thing."
Joe can't take his eyes away from Stefan's face. His eyes are closed and his face glows in the orange of the street lights.
"She's a lesbian?" He may be curious but whatever Stefan goes to therapy for is none of his business. He wants to know, though, one day.
"I'm not sure, I didn't ask, but you know when you can kinda just tell?"
Joe gulps. "I didn't meet a lesbian until my 20th birthday."
Stefan laughs, eyes opening and staring at Joe incredulously. "Wow, you were incredible sheltered. Can't you just tell? Like Colin's girlfriend, I don't think she's a lesbian because she's dating him but something about her isn't.... Normal."
It's past midnight. June 30th. It's officially his birthday and Joe can't catch a break. "I'm Bromley, remember?"
Stefan's laugh is glorious to hear. It's aided by a few cans of beer but welcome nonetheless. "Well happy gay birthday Bromley." he laughs, gesturing to the pin on Joe’s jacket that he’d forgotten about. of course he blushes, that’s all he’s capable of doing.
Stefan’s bus comes too soon after that. Joe says that if ever he wants to meet up again he should just go to Gay's the Word and ask for him. Then he's gone. Joe's heart flutters.
The next time they get the opportunity to hang out Joe ends up going to Stefan's workplace. He brings pastries and coffee which Stefan's boss eyes and makes a point of mentioning how disrespectful Joe is to come to the offices without offerings. Like the weakling he is, he gives Thakur the pain au chocolat that was meant for himself. Stefan laughs to himself, even if he keeps his eyes trained on his monitor. He and Stefan spend the day there, Joe dicks around on the computer next to him and they talk easily about the game, the book and work. Stefan reveals he wasn't really planning on releasing any games after Bandersnatch but he just kept on living after its release and with nothing better to do he started coding again. Joe hates being presumptive but he sees why Stefan's seeing a therapist.
On the way out, they swing round the record shop.
"I told my dad about you. I told him I have three friends now..." But he quickly looks up looking for reassurance from Joe, "if that's alright with you. If we aren't friends he won't be surprised if the number goes down I'm not the easiest person to get along with so-"
"Of course we're friends. You compliment my baking and photography I'm an easy man."
"Really? How easy?"
Joe flushes.
"Bad joke, sorry I didn't take my medication."
"Your medication makes you less inquisitive to your friend’s private lives?"
"Well yeah. I found out most of what I know about Colin when I was flushing them."
"Funny how that works...."
Stefan rolls his eyes while he picks out a record. Pearl jam. Steph loves them.
Stefan's a welcome addition to his life. He's easy to get along with, not as loud as Joe's other friends and he makes time for Joe.
He's helping at the book shop (filling shelves, taking some books upstairs for storage) with Mark.
"Y'know Bromley, I'm surprised you have time to be here between work and that boyfriend of yours." He says offhand.
That strikes Joe because boyfriend? He's been single forever having never dated seriously. He tries to never think about that because he's only getting older. He pauses from flipping through the book that he's holding.
"The one from pride. How'd you not know your own partner, the one with the dark hair and leather jacket?"
"Stefan?" Joe can feel himself flushing. "We're friends, what?" He laughs nervously.
"Oh, poor naive Bromley. You sheltered folk sure do congregate." Mark laughs. It's a joke that Joe doesn't really get it. It's not funny because they're not into each other that way. Joe rationalises it to himself, how Stefan and him just wouldn't work out because Stefan seems preoccupied and Joe doesn't fight for attention. He won't.
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The New Prince
Pairing/s: None
"Logan! Look, there's a boy over there!"
The boy rubbed his head in a mix of confusion and pain. He was awoken at the sound of the voice, lying on the cold floor tiles. He didn't know where he was, he didn't even know who he was. He can't remember anything.
The boy heard footsteps approaching, one hurried and one at a normal walking pace. He looked up at them, they looked worried.
"Oh my gosh, are you okay?" One of them said, he can't quite make out the appearance of this boy because of his blurry, post-slumber eyes.
"U-uh, I am, ye-s."
He couldn't quite use his voice properly, as if he hadn't spoken in months. The boy-- who he can now see is wearing a blue polo --only got more worried hearing his croaky voice.
"I- I don't get it. Patton, who is he? What's he doing here?" Logan (probably) said, inspecting his appearance. His cheeks flushed, this was humiliating, lying on the ground as two people look down on his messy self.
"I- um- I don't know too, Lo. But hey, he looks like a prince!" He looked down on himself and yes, he does look like a prince. Long sleeves of white fabric covered his arms, golden buttons decorate his chest, and a red silk sash draped accross his torso.
'Patton' sat down on the ground with him, patting the space besides him to invite 'Logan' as well. The prince is only now noticing how they look exactly alike, maybe they're twins?
"So, what's your name?"
"I- um- I don't know?"
"What? How can you not know?" Logan questioned, his eyebrows scrunching up in confusion.
It took him a while to answer, taking his time to think. Who is he?
The prince thought and thought, what's his name? He browsed his mind for his name, but he didn't seem to remember. In fact, he really can't remember anything.
There was something though, a name that felt just right for the young prince.
"My- my name's Roman..."
"Okay! Welcome, Roman! To Thomas' Mindscape!"
Thomas? Who's Thomas? And what's a mindscape?
"Um, uh, apologies but... What?"
Roman just hoped that he got his point across to the two, seemingly more knowledgeable boys in front of him. He had lots of questions that needed answer. Who's Thomas? Where is he? Mindscape? Why is he dressed up as a prince? Who are these boys?
"Good question, Roman. Patton and me should explain to you."
Logan and Patton evacuated them to the living room, sitting him down to explain everything. Logan kept his calm, seated in his little armchair, pulling out graphs and papers out of nowhere (how does he do that?) all the while Patton jumped and bounced around the room as he did his part of the explanation with added visuals and sound effects.
Eventually, they reached the end of their discussion about the mindscape. A problem though, they still don't know why Roman's there. Apparently Patton is Morality, and Logan is Logic, the latter theorized that Roman may represent something as well.
"But it's too late though, we should discuss it tomorrow. We need to go to sleep."
"But, um, Logan, where will Roman sleep?"
"Well, if we're right and he's a side then he probably also has his own room."
They agreed to help the prince around before heading off to bed themselves, Roman went with Patton to search on the right side of the Mindscape as Logan went on the left.
It didn't take them long, Patton wanted to show him his own room first and fortunately, Roman's was very close his.
From just a single look it was very obvious that the room belonged to a prince, and Roman happens to be one. Patton almost squealed when he saw his door ("Neighbor Sides!").
Roman reluctantly opened the door, to be met with-
He looked at the blank, boring room in front of him and shifting his gaze downards, he sighed.
For a prince, he imagined he'd have a lavish king-sized bed with soft silk pillows, fancy wallpaper with intricate patterns, a big mirror to admire himself in, a giant portrait of him trapped in an elaborately detailed golden frame, a wardrobe of all the finest garments there is, the softest carpet-
He blinked a couple of times as the carpet he was visualizing just seconds ago appeared right below his feet. He was, for a lack of better word, shook.
Slowly lifting his head up, he found that his dream room was there right in front of him. He turned to Patton with his eyes as wide as his mouth can be and saw the other boy with the same expression.
"Oh my gosh, it's so pretty!" Roman exclaimed with pride evident in his voice.
"I know!... But, as much as I want to see more, I'm kinda tired. So I guess I'll go to my own room, now. Bye, Princey!"
Huh, Princey. With a smile he turned to go to bed, but stopped abruptly as he heard rushed footsteps outside. Surely, Patton wouldn't be rushing to his room? It's very close. Not to mention he was tired, and the footstep were growing closer, anyways.
From his room, he heard Logan reunited with Patton once more. With the door acting as a barrier of sound, the boy could only make out snippets of their conversation...
"...ound... another b... like Roman... in the dark si..."
my longest one!!!!! i think?????
btw i know theres some grammatical errors in the dialogue but theyre supposed to be kids in here. like when the t man developed his creativity
also this wasnt proofread so oop-
also, peep the lil all time low reference-
how was it??????? if you have any feedback let me know!!!!!!!
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