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voidsaez · 5 months ago
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— not with code. ( colin ritman x reader ) no warn !!
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a/n : he needs more love. i cant find any colin fics anymore i feel like ive read all of them, ao3, tumblr, wattpad ..
summary : colin doesn’t enjoy how the new guy, stefan, tries to waltz in and mess with the game you two worked on.
July 10, 1984 at 2:48pm
your pov :
He’s laid down on the couch of the office, flicking through pages of his magazine while I’m working on the code, does he ever get off his ass?
My thoughts are interrupted when his nasal voice breaks the silence. “You’re doing it wrong.” He says, not even looking up at me.
“Very helpful, Colin, gonna tell me how to fix it anytime soon?” I say, rolling my eyes at him.
Sighing, he gets up from his chair as he puts the magazine back down. I can feel him leaning over my shoulder to look over at the monitor.
“See this line of code here?” He asks, as he’s pointing at the screen.
“There’s nothing wrong with that one.” I say, looking over my shoulder, up at him.
He raises an eyebrow. "Are you sure about that? Look again." He leans even closer, his cheek almost against mine.
How’d I miss that? God, I’m stupid. I hold down on the backspace key, undoing that part of code to re-enter it.
“Have you met the new guy yet?” I ask, “Stefan, his name was.”
sitting back down, he rolls his eyes. “Oh, that guy. Yeah, I’ve met him.” He says. “Cocky little know-it-all, isn’t he?”
Colin scoffs. He’s so judgmental sometimes, Stefan’s nice.
“He’s nice, you know.” I retort, huffing as I continue working on the code, my fingertips pressing against the keyboard.
“Nice?” Colin narrows his eyes at that. “A pretentious little prick, he’s been here one day, and he’s already trying to one-up me.”
I seriously don’t understand why he has to be an asshole about everything sometimes.
“You know, he helped me with the code earlier, without any hassle.” I say, an emphasis on the last statement.
At least Stefan didn’t get frustrated anytime I asked for help.
I could tell his expression souring after that. “He helped you?” Colin mutters.
“You were on a smoke break.” I say, shrugging. “Plus, we could always use some help on nohzdyve.”
He grumbles, sounding irritated. "Nohzdyve is our game, if you need help, you get it from me.”
Seriously? “I think you’ll live if the kid helps me with what- two lines of code?” I say.
Colin crosses his arms, his irritation growing even further.
"It's not just about the code, it's about the principle. We don't need some newbie coming in here and taking credit for our work.” He retorts.
“He’s not taking any credit,” I pause, to turn and look at him. “It’s two lines of code!” I say, raising my hands in the air.
He clenches his jaw, clearly frustrated, and over what? some script?
"It’s not about how many lines it is, it's about him sticking his nose where it doesn't belong." He says.
Before I can even respond, he gets up and throws the magazine down on the floor.
He huffs in annoyance. "Fine, have your new friend help you with your code, but don't come crying to me when he messes it all up." He rolls his eyes at me.
He turns and walks away, I could hear him mumbling under his breath about how he knew the code better.
“Colin!” I call out his name, knowing we’re far from done for the day, he doesn’t even try looking back.
Could he get any more immature?
July 11, 1984 at 10:39am
your pov :
Colin being unusually late, and leaving me needing help with the program, I called in Stefan to help me with a few parts.
Of course, that’s the same time Colin walks in, and hour late.
“Colin,” I pause for a second. “You’re late.” I say, looking at him.
He huffs, walking to take a seat down next to me. “It’s not my fault, I was late because-“ He pauses, looking over at Stefan.
“-Nevermind, it’s none of your business.” He mumbles, a harsh tone in his voice.
His gaze flickers over to Stefan, give me just a split second and I could already tell he wasn’t happy with him here.
I look back over to Colin, and then to Stefan.
“Sorry, I just needed him to help me with some code.” I say, “You can go now, Stef.”
Stefan gives me a polite nod before getting up from his spot on the couch, gathering his things as he leaves.
The silence between Colin and I is almost palpable, when I turn over to look at him, we break the silence, speaking over each other.
“For fuck’s sake Colin, it’s just code.”
“You really asked him for help, again?”
Colin rolls his eyes, clearly annoyed. "It's not just about the code, it's the principle. We’ve been working on this project together for months now, and suddenly you're asking the new guy for help? What happened to trusting me?"
“I do trust you, but I’m also allowed to ask for help from others when you’re not around!” I say.
He huffs in frustration. "And what makes you think Stefan can help you any better than I can? We started this project together. Shouldn’t that warrant some loyalty?"
I stand up from my seat, though, it doesn’t make much difference. He’s got maybe 10 inches on me.
“You’re making such a big deal out of this, my god, Colin, it’s just code!”
He stands up, towering over me, his irritation clearer. “Are you stupid!?” He asks.
“It’s not about the code- It’s about-“ He trails off, looking at me.
Then just another second later, he closes the gap in between us, his hand on the back of my head as he brings our lips together.
My fingers are wrapped around his arm, the one which hand is gripping the hair at the back of my head. I part from the kiss.
He looks at me, and we just stay like that for a while, in silence that speaks volumes.
He leans in even closer, his forehead against mine. "It's not just about the code," he mutters, his voice a low rumble.
"It's about us having something special and I don't want some new guy coming in and taking part in that." He says.
I hold his wrist, my thumb running over the back of his hand.
He shakes his head, “I don’t want anyone taking my place. Not with the code, not with you.” He says.
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ghostiddie · 2 years ago
I love you cloning. I love you alternate reality. I love you time loops. I love you everything is a simulation. I love you time travelling.
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poorgirlinpoorworld · 2 months ago
I finally watched Bandersnatch 🌝
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I hate this fanart so fking much, but my new year resolution is to post art even if i hate it bc maybe someone will love it 🙃
So here you go
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filmluvgraph · 3 months ago
happy bday bandersnatch!
The only thing that makes me happy when i'm depressed❤️‍🩹
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emo--chanel · 2 years ago
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scrolling thru the interwebz like
pic source: @poulterplease
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uknprs · 2 months ago
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calebauer · 1 year ago
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colin & stefan bandersnatch ・❥・
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musicalthought · 4 months ago
if Netflix ever makes a whitewashed version of haikyuu I'm begging them to cast will Poulter as tsukishima. the way I called him the bandersnatch kid for the entire first season..........wow. they are the SAME PERSON
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nintendo-killed-atari · 8 months ago
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joeyclaire · 10 months ago
if you’re a 19 year old artist/some kind of creative you have to choose one of these two men to base your entire 365 days of being 19 around
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jabber-wacky · 3 months ago
I fear that Ive thought about Black Mirror's Bandersnatch more than most of the people who've worked on it lol
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voidsaez · 6 months ago
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— lifetime #38 ( colin ritman x reader ) major char death !!
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a/n : bare with me this is my first time posting + made a version w colin’s pov but idk if i like it
summary : colin falls in love with you, but no matter how many times he tries, he loses you in every lifetime.
Timeline #38 - July 14, 1984 at 9:07am
your pov :
I walked into the office, the faint sound of pens tapping and keyboards clicking the only thing filling the silent atmosphere.
Holding a bag over my shoulder, I scan the room to look for the supervisor. Thakur, his name, was it? He approaches me.
He speaks cheerfully, “New hire, yeah? Y/N? Nice to meet you, I’m Mohan Thakur.”
“Welcome to tuckersoft, we’re all pretty uh, unorthodox here, you’ll fit right in.”
I smile politely, trying to be nice while having no idea what to expect from an office full of guys who’re all stuck in their minds.
He jerks his head over to the other side of the office as he speaks up. “Let’s get you settled in. You’ll be next to Colin Ritman. He’s one of our brilliant minds, a bit quirky, but you’ll get used to him.” He says.
I give him a silent nod as I make my way to approach the desk, the man is too delved in his monitor to even realize I’m approaching him.
After standing there for a while, in silence, I speak up. “Hi, sorry, I’m Y/N, the new hire.”
The man- Colin, doesn’t look away from his monitor as his finger taps on the desk.
“Doesn’t matter, none of it does.” He mutters under his breath, barely audible. I didn’t understand and I didn’t really want to.
Still, I take a step closer, “Sorry, what was that?” I ask, looking at him.
He looks up at me, smiling unusually, but for a second, there’s a split moment wherein I can see some sort of recognition in his gaze, which was odd. I’ve never seen him before, at least I didn’t think so.
He swivels his chair slightly to turn over to me, taking the cigar out of his lips as he extends his arm for me. “I’m Colin, yeah?”
I swallow, nodding, “Yeah, Y/N, game design.” I say, taking a peek at his computer monitor “Looks intense.”
He smiles cryptically, his gaze following mine at the computer. ‘BANDERSNATCH’
“It is, but it doesn’t really matter. Every choice leads to the same end, you’ll see soon enough.” He says, grinning.
I raise my eyebrow, intrigued by the concept, It was odd. “Well maybe I like a good challenge, let me see.”
He moved over slightly, giving me enough space to stand next to him as I looked down at his glowing monitor.
“It’s more than just a game, really. It gives you the illusion of free will, when in reality, all the choices lead you to the same ending. Ever feel like you’re repeating things? like you’ve done it before?”
I was left a bit unsure on how to respond, I was expecting normal first-day small talk.
“Isn’t that what making games is kinda like? trying out different outcomes and seeing what works.” I say.
“Maybe.” He says, taking a drag of his cigarette as he speaks back up. “Or maybe it’s something else we’re stuck in, some game we don’t realize we’re in.”
I smile, letting out a soft chuckle. This guy really was a quirky one.
“Lucky for you, I’m good at solving patterns. Maybe I could help you break the loop.” I say, smiling softly.
His eyes narrow, a soft smile tugging at the corners of his lips as he nods.
“I wouldn’t count on it.” He says after a long exhale, looking up at me.
After a brief pause, I speak up. “Well, I’ll leave you to it, then.” I say, giving him a polite nod as I make my way to my cubicle.
Timeline #38 - July 21, 1984 at 10:36pm
your pov :
It’s late, and most of the office is empty. only him and I are left, working on our respective projects. The office’s dimly lit and the only sound is the faint hum of the computer fans.
“I swear some of these games are puzzles designed to make you lose your mind.” I say, stretching back as I yawn.
Colin looks over at me, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“That’s the point. Life’s a puzzle too, the more you try to solve it, the deeper you fall into the hole.” He says.
I raise an eyebrow at him, intrigued but by this point, used to his behavior.
“Is that why you’re so — existential all the time? you think we’re in some unsolvable game?” I ask.
He pauses, looking at me as if he had something serious to say.
“What if I told you, you’ve said that before?” He questions.
I chuckle. “Déjà vu? Happens to the best of us.” I say, not taking him seriously.
His smile fades, and for a second, it doesn’t feel like a joke anymore. “No, not déjà vu. We’ve had this conversation before, 37 times. In different timelines.” He says.
I lean back in my chair, confused. “Okay, now you’re just messing with me.”
He leans back, pulling away as he returns to his project. “Forget it, you wouldn’t believe me anyways.” He sighs.
Timeline #38 - July 27, 1984 at 1:47am
your pov :
Walking down the empty streets of London at night, discussing our game mechanics and creative ideas.
“You know, I think you’re over complicating it. Not every choice has to lead to some dark spiral.” I say, nodding.
“In your game, maybe, but not in mine. No matter what I do, it’ll always end the same.” He says.
I smile at that, despite his serious demeanor.
Timeline #38 - Aug 2, 1984 at 11:27pm
your pov :
Tapping my pencil on the desk, I start to notice Colin’s behavior. He seemed nervous, waiting for something. Maybe he was just on something, eitherway I was concerned.
“You’ve been acting weird, is everything alright, Colin?” I ask, growing worried.
He stiffens, speaking in a serious tone. “No, no it’s not.” He shakes his head.
“There’s something I need to tell you, but I’m not sure you’ll believe me.” He says.
“Colin, what’s wrong?” I ask, scared.
He doesn’t look at me, but he speaks up. “We’re living in a simulation. And I’ve lived through this moment, through us, over and over again. Every time, I meet you. Every time, I lose you somehow.” He says.
What was he talking about? He can’t be serious. I was trying to process his words, trying to laugh it off, but his desperation made it seem as if it wasn’t a joke anymore.
“Colin, I-“ Before I can speak, something happens, a glitch of sorts.
There’s a flicker in the lighting, in the computers around us. His eyes widen.
“No, no, not yet. Not again.” He says, at this point, he was scaring me.
When the glitch grew worse, the numbers in the walls started growing more visible. He pulled me by my wrists, bringing me closer.
“Listen to me. When this resets, you won’t remember any of this. But I will. I’ll find you again. I always do.” He says, leaving me nothing but confused.
“Colin, wh- what’re you talking about?” I ask, frantically wanting to understand him.
The room begins to destabilize, pixels and light warping around us as the room starts to collapse. His grip tightens.
“I love you, I’m sorry, I wish you could remember, I wish I could save you.” He says, but when I try to respond, things start fading away.
I try to pull away, feeling nothing but fear and confusion as everything around us begins to fade into white noise.
Timeline #39 - July 14, 1984 at 9:07am
your pov :
I walked into the office, the faint sound of pens tapping and keyboards clicking the only thing filling the silent atmosphere.
Holding a bag over my shoulder, I scan the room to look for the supervisor. Thakur, his name, was it? He approaches me.
He speaks cheerfully, “New hire, yeah? Y/N? Nice to meet you, I’m Mohan Thakur.”
“Welcome to tuckersoft, we’re all pretty uh, unorthodox here, you’ll fit right in.”
I smile politely, trying to be nice while having no idea what to expect from an office full of guys who’re all stuck in their minds.
He jerks his head over to the other side of the office as he speaks up. “Let’s get you settled in. You’ll be next to Colin Ritman. He’s one of our brilliant minds, a bit quirky, but you’ll get used to him.” He says.
I give him a silent nod as I make my way to approach the desk, the man is too delved in his monitor to even realize I’m approaching him.
After standing there for a while, in silence, I speak up. “Hi, sorry, I’m Y/N, the new hire.”
He looks at me almost immediately, as if he was expecting me. He doesn’t seem happy.
“Yeah .. I know.” He says.
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rehdhoodie · 6 months ago
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meme redraw. hehaheoho meme below vvv
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poorgirlinpoorworld · 2 months ago
Colin Ritman and my new oc on a date 🌝
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Edit: close up
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filmluvgraph · 5 months ago
where's the lambo,col?💋✨️
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squishedrodent · 7 months ago
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How is this movie so underrated!?!? Where the fans at 😔
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