#Syscourse code
saltedcavessys · 23 days
Our syscourse code!
Syscourse code link
Question 1: Do you believe in endogenic plurality?
👎(N) - No
Question 2: Opinions on tulpas?
💚(TCA) - I think it is cultural appropriation and am against it
Question 3: Do you think endos just don't remember their trauma?
📗(MTR) - I think a lot of them don't
Question 4: Opinions on shared spaces?
🔻(ASP) - I am against it
Question 5: Do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transX?
🟠(TXM) - In some cases
Question 6: Do you think you can have DID/OSDD/UDD without trauma?
🌑(DTNO) - No
Question 7: Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names if they aren't bodily part of it (eg. Japanese introject using Japanese names, while in a white body)?
🟦(CNNU) - Nuanced opinion / other : If they understand they are not part of that culture and do not speak for people who are bodily part of that culture (and understand the significance of the name), they should be allowed to use the name.
Question 8: Opinion on researched self diagnosis?
🌳(SDXI) - If the person has done extensive research it's okay
Question 9: Sysmed as a term?
🌦(SMA) - Against it
Question 10: Traumascum as a term?
🥧(TSA) - I am against it
Question 11: Endogenic systems using the term 'system'?
🐲 (ESO) - I think they should use other terms
Question 12: Endogenic systems using the term 'alter'?
🐝 (ESO) - I think they should use other terms
Question 13: Xeno-origins?
💭(IDW) I don't know what the term means
So yeah! If you want to block us or any of our sideblogs after this then go ahead, just don’t make this a huge thing plspls :3
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Our Syscourse Code
Question one - Do you believe in endogenic plurality👎(N) - No. Begone Thots -Yall will get a personalised insult from me. Yall DELULU - Glory
Question two - Opinion on tulpas 💚(TCA) - I think it is cultural appropriation and am against it
Question three - Do you think endos just don't remember their trauma🔇(ONA) - I have an opinion and would prefer not to state it
Question four - Opinion on shared spaces 🔻(ASP) - I am against it
Question five - Do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transX- 🟠(TXM) - In some cases
Question six - Do you think you can have DID/OSDD/UDD without trauma.🌑(DTNO) - No🌒
Question seven - Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names (eg. Japanese introject using Japanese names, while in a white body) 🟦(CNNU) - Nuanced opinion / other. People don't attack singlets for it but go after systems so heavily, We don't support either side. If one of our alters has a "closed" name, they'll pick another tho go by in public
Question eight - Opinion on researched self diagnosis- 🌳(SDXI) - If the person has done extensive research it's okay
Question nine - Sysmed as a term- 🌦(SMA) - Against it
Question ten - Traumascum as a term- 🥐(TSH) - I think it's harmful. 🥧(TSA) - I am against it
Question eleven - Endogenic systems using the term 'system' - 🐲 (ESO) - I think they should use other terms. Obviously we can't control what they use but they shouldn't use our terms
Question twelve - Endogenic systems using the term 'alter' - 🪲 (EAA) - Against it. We don't personally believe in Endogenic systems
Question thirteen - Xeno-origin- 🐟 (XEA) - Against it. The only way to be a system is through trauma.
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okiimii · 29 days
syscourse code!
Tumblr media
Question one - Do you believe in endogenic plurality
👍(Y)- Yes
Question two - Opinion on tulpas
💛 (TC) - I think it is cultural appropriation, and other terms are better
Question three - Do you think endos just don't remember their trauma
📘(NETR) - People sometimes misunderstand their identity, it doesn't mean everyone is misunderstanding / not remembering.
Question four - Opinion on shared spaces
🔸(NSP) - Shared spaces are good but there should also be specific spaces for disordered, traumagenic, endogenic, etc spaces.
Question five - Do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transX
🟣(TXNO) - No
Question six - Do you think you can have DID/OSDD/UDD without trauma
🌘(DTO) - No, but a DID/OSDD/UDD system can form endogenic headmates.
Question seven - Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names if they aren't bodily part of it (eg. Japanese introject using Japanese names, while in a white body)
🟦(CNNU) - Nuanced opinion / other - if a person has a connection to said culture! more here!
Question eight - Opinion on researched self diagnosis
🌲(SDXY) - Supportive
Question nine - Sysmed as a term
🌥(SMN) - Neutral
Question ten - Traumascum as a term
🥧(TSA) - I am against it
Question eleven - Endogenic systems using the term 'system'
🐍 (ESN) - Neutral
Question twelve - Endogenic systems using the term 'alter'
🐜 (EAN) - Neutral
Question thirteen - Xeno-origins
🐳 (XEY) - Supportive
🐬(XEN) - I don't understand their purpose
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moonpool-system · 3 months
hi! syscourse code carrd was deleted. so the link in ur pinned no longer works! heres an archive of the carrd tho: https://web.archive.org/web/20240523060149/https://syscoursecode.carrd.co/
ty for this! wouldnt have been able to update otherwise
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Our Syscourse Code
Because it's more complicated than trauma vs endo. Credit to nightfallsystem for the questions! https://syscoursecode.carrd.co/
Thoughts on endogenic plurality? It exists, period. DID is very under researched and spiritual plurality has existed in many cultures, so why is it difficult to believe.
Thoughts on tulpamancy? It's possible no matter what word you're using for it but I'm not part of the culture that the word is supposedly offensive to so I won't defend it or attack anyone for using it.
Do endos just not remember their trauma? Sometimes that is the case, but that doesn't mean all endogenics are wrong about their origin.
Thoughts on shared spaces? Good! I'd like it if we could all get along together. Of course, DID/OSDD systems still deserve their own spaces, as do endogenics and other origins.
Is endogenic plurality like transx? No, and my opinions on transx things are complicated. There are valid ways to identify with some of them but the wording used is bad.
Can you have DID without trauma? I genuinely have no idea.
Can introjects use names outside of the body's culture? Yes, that's their name. 9 times out of 10 they didn't choose it, and you can't ask them to change it.
Thoughts on researched self diagnoses? Sometimes a professional diagnoses isn't reasonable/available.
Thoughts on sysmed as a term? If you think being a system/plural is inherently a medical issue or disorder, you're a sysmed. End of story.
Thoughts on traumascum as a term? No. Just no.
Can endos use the term system? Yes, system just means multiple people sharing a body.
Can endos use the term alter? Alter does mean alternate state of consciousness, and if that's what describes you best then go for it but it can lead to confusion.
Thoughts on xeno-origins? They don't really make sense to me but that's not my business anyway, label yourself in a way that makes you comfortable. Although I do feel like most of them are more of modifiers or functions than origins.
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kipandkandicore · 2 years
we’ve decided to put together our syscourse opinions using @/nightfallsystem ‘s code that you can find here. please let us know if y’all have any thoughts on this or need any clarification!
it’s going under a cut because it’s kind of long…
Question one - Do you believe in endogenic plurality
👍(Y)- Yes
Question two - Opinion on tulpas
❤️(TS) - Supportive
💜(TNU) - Nuanced opinion / other:
we believe that the practice is not cultural appropriation, but the name is. we think it would be best to move away from “tulpa” terminology in the future, as the term itself seems more offensive than the practice. we firmly believe that no one group owns the capability to create headmates. we use “thoughtform” and “willomate” instead of tulpa terminology.
Question three - Do you think endos just don't remember their trauma
📗(MTR) - I think a lot of them don't
📘(NETR) - People sometimes misunderstand their identity, it doesn't mean everyone is misunderstanding / not remembering.
📙(NTR) - No
maybe some endos have repressed trauma but that certainly is not the norm among endo systems from what we can tell.
Question four - Opinion on shared spaces
🔺 (YSP) - Supportive
🔸(NSP) - Shared spaces are good but there should also be specific spaces for disordered, traumagenic, endogenic, etc spaces.
Question five - Do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transX
🔵(TXA) - No, and I'm against transplural
⚫️(TXNU) - Nuanced opinion / other
we don’t believe transplural exists or should exist. if you want to be plural, then make a system… there’s no need to call yourself “transplural” - you can just be plural.
Question six - Do you think you can have DID/OSDD/UDD without trauma
🌘(DTO) - No, but a DID/OSDD/UDD system can form endogenic headmates.
after reaching a better understanding of disordered systems and what it means to be diagnosed with a complex dissociative disorder, we believe that no, you cannot form these disorders without a trauma history. however, we will never push anyone to ever disclose their trauma to us or anyone else, and if a cdd system is not ready to face or acknowledge their trauma, it is none of our business and we won’t get involved.
Question seven - Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names if they aren't bodily part of it (eg. Japanese introject using Japanese names, while in a white body)
🟨(CNP) - If they're given permission by a member of that culture
🟦(CNNU) - Nuanced opinion / other
it genuinely depends on the name itself. if the name is known to have sacred ties or members of that culture have spoken out against outsiders using that name, then no. but otherwise, we don’t see why not. cultural exchange is not the same as cultural appropriation - just do your research and be respectful/willing to change!
Question eight - Opinion on researched self diagnosis
🌲(SDXY) - Supportive
🌳(SDXI) - If the person has done extensive research it's okay
Question nine - Sysmed as a term
🌦(SMA) - Against it
the similarities between transmedicalism and sysmedicalism are stark, but the pro-endo community misuses this word/does not adhere to a clear definition/uses it as an insult more than a label to describe someone’s beliefs. so we are against the sysmed term.
Question ten - Traumascum as a term
🥖(TSH) - I think it's harmful
🥧(TSA) - I am against it
regardless of their takes, “traumascum” sounds like calling someone scum on the basis of their trauma history. we don’t like that.
Question eleven - Endogenic systems using the term 'system'
🐊(ESY) - Supportive
Question twelve - Endogenic systems using the term 'alter'
🦋 (EAM) - If they are medically recognised
🐞 (ESNU) - Nuanced opinion / other
from what we understand “alter” is a term with specifically medical connotations. however, we (as an osddid system) have no issues with endo systems using “alter” to describe their parts, though we think “headmate” and “sysmate” are better terms personally, and we will assume someone is an osddid system if they use the term “alter”
Question thirteen - Xeno-origins
🐳 (XEY) - Supportive
fuck yeah xeno origins! define your experience with language that works for you and helps you understand yourself and your system!
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circular-bircular · 2 years
Labels dont work just use the syscourse code like the rest of us
You mean this one I did?
Remarkably, simply having the syscourse code on my blog (and soon on a blog page of its own) does not actually stop people from trying to find a label for me. 👍
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circulars-reasoning · 2 years
Syscourse Code
Finally getting around to this one! It took me this long because I've been genuinely trying to figure out how to go about this. But I figure, it doesn't need to be perfect.
This is my syscourse code! The syscourse code was made by the Nightfall System, and it's very comprehensive. It explains a lot about your viewpoints, and while there's always more nuance to all of these, it's a good baseline for anyone trying to check who to follow or what beliefs are there. Keep in mind, these views may change in time!
The code is below the cut, broken down between each alter! Here's the link to the code!
Syscourse Code:
Do you believe in Endogenic Plurality?
Yes, across the board - all of us believe in Endogenic Plurality.
2. Opinion on tulpas?
All of us agree that the term is the result cultural appropriation, and should be changed. The practice, if called something else and without relying on anything that started as strictly closed-culture, is fine.
3. Do you think endos just don't remember their trauma?
Some Endogenics are systems who don't recall their earlier trauma. But certainly not all, or even the majority. Speaking as someone who still, to this day, struggles to remember their trauma - it happens.
4. Opinion on shared spaces?
Shared spaces are good, but there should be separate spaces as well, each with their own rules. It's up to the individuals within those shared spaces to understand when users are being healthy or not in the server, and if exclusion of individuals is needed on a case-to-case basis.
5. Do you think endogenic plurality is compatible to transX?
This is where some of my system differs.
Full System: We are against transX as an identity all together. You cannot trans your race, you cannot trans your age, etc etc. We also all agree that if someone views their plurality as transX, then that's how they identify.
Furthermore, Debra, Avery, Roy, and Numb currently think that, in some cases, transX identities are incredibly similar to Endogenic plurality.
(Also note: we aren't super well versed in transX identity stuff).
6. Do you think you can have DID/OSDD/UDD without trauma?
No. CDDs form from trauma - that's all. However, CDD systems can form Endogenic alters as well.
7. Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names if they aren't bodily part of it?
Nope. Fuck that noise. If the name has specifically been shared, I'm more comfortable with it, but even then, I'd be worried about potential lying or bias.
8. Opinion on self-diagnosis?
Supportive, with research. Make sure to research ALL options - DID can be incredibly similar to BPD, for example. I also highly encourage diagnosis, but understand that professional diagnosis isn't available to everyone.
9. Sysmed.
It's harmful, and I'm against it. Calling someone a sysmed does nothing, and I believe it often is used in a transphobic manner.
10. Traumascum.
It's harmful, and I'm against it.
11. Endogenic plurals using the term "system"
Supportive. It makes things a bit harder sometimes for conversations, which is why I typically resort to "endogenic plural" instead, but if someone prefers the name system, then I call them that. I also know the majority of Endogenics I used to speak with preferred not being called systems, which is why I use the term plural.
12. Endogenic plurals using the term "alters"
Supportive: see above!
13. Xeno-origins.
I do not understand xeno-origins in the slightest. For the most part, my system is of the mindset of "y'all have fun over there, just don't hurt anyone."
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the-shadowz · 2 years
Y'all I think we might also b transkodo....
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eldricourse · 3 months
Syscourse Code
pt: syscourse code
link to code
👍 || 💜 || 📘 || 🔸 || 🔵🟣 || 🌘🌒 || 🟥 || 🌲 || ☀️🌤 || 🥖🥧 || 🐊 || 🐜 || 🐳
Question one - Do you believe in endogenic plurality
👍 : Yes
Question two - Opinion on tulpas
💜 : Nuanced opinion / other
Question three - Do you think endos just don't remember their trauma
📘 : People sometimes misunderstand their identity, it doesn't mean everyone is misunderstanding / not remembering.
Question four - Opinion on shared spaces
🔸 : Shared spaces are good but there should also be specific spaces for disordered, traumagenic, endogenic, etc spaces.
Question five - Do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transX
🔵 : No, and I'm against transplural
🟣 : No
Question six - Do you think you can have DID/OSDD/UDD without trauma
🌘 : No, but a DID/OSDD/UDD system can form endogenic headmates.
🌒 : Nuanced opinion / other
Question seven - Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names if they aren't bodily part of it (eg. Japanese introject using Japanese names, while in a white body)
🟥 : Yes
Question eight - Opinion on researched self diagnosis
🌲 : Supportive
Question nine - Sysmed as a term
☀️ : I support it's usage
🌤 : I support it as long as it isn't misused and still means it's definition
Question ten - Traumascum as a term
🥖 : I think it's harmful
🥧 : I am against it
Question eleven - Endogenic systems using the term 'system'
🐊 : Supportive
Question twelve - Endogenic systems using the term 'alter'
🐜 : Neutral
Question thirteen - Xeno-origins
🐳 : Supportive
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misty-metropolis · 4 months
Figured I might as well do the syscourse code (link in text).
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syscourse code
our syscourse stances and opinions. we do not typically involve ourselves in syscourse, but we figured that we might as well set a baseline. no emoji or letter codes, just answers to the questions.
the code:
do you believe in endogenic plurality?
yes. even if psychology does not directly mention tulpas, thoughtforms, etc. schizophrenic and internal family systems still exist and are discussed a lot in psych fields. research them.
opinion on tulpas?
supportive. we don’t have a stance on whether or not they should use a different name. we are not a part of the culture it originates from.
do you think endos just don’t remember their trauma?
no. accusing someone of that is annoying at the least and, at the worst, can lead to psychotic illness, suicidal tendencies, and dpdr disorders.
opinion on shared spaces?
very supportive. we think everyone should have individual spaces as well. people have differing symptoms and thinking and opinions.
do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transx?
not unless they consider themselves to be or be related to transx. we have no opinions on transx systems but are heavily against other transx identities (i.e. transabled)
do you think you can have did/osdd/udd without trauma?
yes. the dsm-5 mentions nothing about trauma and many forms of osdd and udd do not mention trauma or directly say trauma cannot be had to have one of those diagnoses.
do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names if they aren't bodily part of it (eg. japanese introject using japanese names, while in a white body)
yes, 100%. unless the name has religious or cultural meaning (i.e. it’s given as a mark of priesthood), it’s completely fine. we use other cultures’ names all the time for kids, why wouldn’t it be the same for alters?
opinion on research self-dx?
heavily supportive.
opinion on ‘sysmed’ as a term?
as long as it’s used correctly and keeps it’s meaning, sure.
opinion on ‘traumascum’ as a term?
maybe. if the person is being scummy, sure. we find it to be more of an insult than a descriptor, though.
opinion on endogenic systems using the word ‘system’?
supportive. what else are they supposed to call themselves?
opinions on endogenic systems using the word ‘alter’?
supportive. as well as headmate, personalities, states, etc. again, what else are they supposed to use?
opinions on xeno-origins?
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screaming-heart · 2 years
i like codes so here we go
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spark1edog · 2 years
here’s my syscourse code
👍/💛/📗, 📘/🔸/🟢, 🔵/🌗, 🌘/🟩/🌳/🌦/🥖/🐊/🐝/🐬, 🐟
expansion/explanation under the cut
1 - do you believe in endogenic plurality: 👍
I do! I don't really see why I shouldn't, and before anyone says "because systems are osddid!" I just gotta say, yes some of us are triggered by the possibility of endos/being Endo/"having made it up". That doesn't mean we don't want others to be able to do their thing in peace.
2 - opinion on tulpas: 💛 (term bad concept fine)
I don't know where I stand on whether it's Cultural Appropriation because I simply don't know enough about it, and don't really care to go and research it, but everything I've heard in reference to it *not* being cultural appropriation is. :/ questionable, I just don't really care to know the answers to those questions. Do whatever, I don't have the power to tell you not to use a word, but thoughtform/created headmate/etc is right there. I don't know why people feel so strongly about the word "tulpa" in particular, but im not the person whos hurt by it.
3 - do you think endos just don't remember their trauma?: 📗 I think a lot of them don't, 📘 people sometimes misunderstand their identity and it doesn't necessarily mean that they're not remembering or that everyone is misunderstanding.
I think there's an interesting phenomenon especially with labels like neurogenic that misinterpret what trauma is and how "much" is necessary to form the groundwork for splits and dissociation. I've also noticed the attitude from some people that they just don't want to be perceived or label themselves as traumatized and I think that's... Tentatively valid, but ultimately unhelpful for them. I respect their right to identify their system however they want, though, and there are a lot of things about the traumatized/traumagenic communities that can be upsetting and cause the denial that I see a lot from (some) endos.
4 - opinion on shared spaces: 🔸: Shared spaces are good but there should also be specific spaces for disordered, traumagenic, endogenic, etc spaces.
I think this is pretty self explanatory, but it kind of irks me in a weird way when people say "plural community" and mean "everyone with a cdd AND endogenic systems" like. The "plural community" exists, sure, but when people insinuate that people who don't consider themselves plural are causing strife in the Plural Community..... ?? I just don't get it
5 - do you think endogenic plurality is comparable to transX: 🟢 Not unless the person themselves considers their plurality transX, 🔵 No, and I'm against transplural
If you consider yourself "transplural," whatever but I hate you
6 - did/osdd/udd without trauma?: 🌗 If/when I'm given proof 🌘 No, but a DID/OSDD/UDD system can form endogenic created headmates.
1. -genic should only be for the origin of the whole system imo 2. I'm open to the possibility of being proven wrong but I have yet to be
7 - Do you think introjects from other cultures should be able to use that culture's names: 🟩 no
I'm white so I don't really get to speak on this but I don't agree with it, idk how I feel about people being "given permission" either, unless it's like Private.
8 - researched self diagnosis?: 🌳 If the person has done extensive research it's okay
9 - sysmed as a term: 🌦 against it
I don't care whether it's transphobic or not actually I just want people to use it properly and perhaps actually listen to one another instead of name calling, on BOTH sides.
10 - traumascum as a term: 🥖 it's harmful
do I really need to explain why calling traumatized people scum for wanting a place for traumatized people is harmful...?
11 - endos using the term "system": 🐊 supportive
12 - endos using the term "alter": 🐝 I think they should use other terms
alter is clinical language, and unless they're traumaendo or something it just doesn't make sense to me why they want to use the term alter in the first place?
13 - xeno-origins?: 🐬 I don't understand their purpose, 🐟 against it
it's not a gender, also re: earlier, individual headmate origins do Not matter imo and most of them just describe how a system works, not it's "origin"
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when we first started our syscovery we were in heavy anti endo spaces. and their strict idea of what a system must be and negativity and also general unwillingness to listen to and understand and help people trying to figure out if they were a system caused one of our headmates to send the system into complete shut down. heavy dissociation barriers to the point that i don’t even remember most of it aside from the fact that it happened.
but a year later when we started to explore pro endo spaces and saw a much more open, and understanding community brimming with love and acceptance and such a wide variety of ways to be plural and saying that all of them are valid even if they’re different, made us much more comfy with coming to terms with our plurality. there wasn’t any pressure to be a certain way to be valid, we already were. it was so freeing and i’m so thankful we’ve managed to find a home here.
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hi! sorry am too scared to post in syscourse tags but i figured id send yall an ask here
i updated the syscourse code, if it was down for a day or two that was why!
ive added
opinion on xeno origins
opinion on endogenics using the term system
opinion on endogenics using the term alter
so yeah!! feel free to suggest anything in my asks ^ ^
you can go check it out here
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