#shit endos say
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year ago
A 🌟 syscourse enraged 🌟 reminder
The most common type of dissociation is emotion-based
This means having memory of events with no personal emotional reaction to them (the 'not me' mentality).
This is dissociation basics, and alter 101.
Derealization and depersonalization are a part of DID, and are typically used as a defense to lessen distress and dysfunction so people can carry on living their best lives (not to say that they can't be distressing-- the experience of DP/DR absolutely can be).
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sophieinwonderland · 2 years ago
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Hey, does anyone remember that time a while back when @sysmedsaresexist targeted an endogenic positivity blog with an angry rant, making it all about themselves???
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I just absolutely love the "starving children" line because the appeal to worse problems is literally what this whole post was doing but somehow is accusing endogenic systems of doing it!
A positivity post said endogenic systems are strong for dealing with everything they deal with.
SAS attacked them for talking about this while trauamgenic systems have it worse. And then acted like the positivity post was engaging in the Appeal to Worse Problems.
Just, absolutely amazing mental gymnastics to make themselves into the victim of a positivity post.
Let's also give a shoutout to that one comment under the post...
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Thank you for putting your bigotry so openly on display for us!
Just for the record: it's not minimizing the experiences of traumagenic systems to talk about the stigmatization and oppression of endogenic systems.
In public, endogenic systems are regularly subjected to general pluralphobia. Most lay people will treat you like you're crazy for having voices in your head and other agents who takeover your body, regardless of whether you call them alters, tulpas or some type of spirits.
But as @ghostly-collective points out, there is also specific endophobia, especially in online spaces.
Endogenic systems are regularly targeted for harassment for existing. We're sent hate anons and death threats on Tumblr. We face mass harassment on TikTok. We're regularly ostracized and banned from Discord servers that don't even have anything to do with systems because of anti-endos.
And as you can see, we can't even have positivity blogs because anti-endos will target them.
Pointing out the stigmatization endogenic systems isn't minimizing what traumagenic systems go through.
But you know... when the people who are making these sorts of Appeal to Worse Problems arguments are part of the hate groups who are causing endogenic systems to be be stigmatized and harassed in the first place, it really has the same energy as someone punching you in the face while telling you to shutup because they've been punched harder.
(There are a ton more examples of SAS posting about Tumblr blogs if you browse the "#shit endos say" tag. Including many examples that are more recent. This was just one of the grossest I came across and I needed to get off my chest how appalling it was.)
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justanothersyscourse · 2 years ago
A syscourse enraged reminder
The DSM also uses "associated with trauma" because it can't decide on a definition of a trauma, either.
Right now it's incredibly strict as it's based on events that cause PTSD.
Research shows that DID forms from more types of trauma than just the DSM's strict definition (which is typically events that involve the perceived, inescapable threat of death or severe bodily harm).
Therefore, events that fit the DSM's definition of trauma won't always occur, and this is why there's a huge shift in language happening within the community and in clinical settings (terms such as Adverse Childhood Experiences "ACEs", the inclusion of CPTSD into the ICD, the research into disorganized attachments in dissociative disorders, etc).
It doesn't mean it's not trauma based, it means they're still figuring out what trauma is and how to define it for diagnostic purposes.
There's like, ten thousand reasons, how many more do you need.
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creativebaby · 1 year ago
tw; swearing, strong emotions
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I am so sorry????? Your DNI should not be disregarded, especially on a post for a specific group of people??? No one gets to be upset over that wtf???
Sorry but. what the hell????
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chloesimaginationthings · 8 months ago
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FNAF Phone guy was wild for saying that to Michael..
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thehealingsystem · 6 months ago
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if you ever wonder why I don't interact with the traumagenic community as a traumagenic system this is why
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beanghostprincess · 7 months ago
RIP Endo you would've loved to study art history because viewing the people you cherish as a sculpture and a painting is fucking insane and you would've adored the symbology behind it
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bubblegum-bros-sys · 17 days ago
Google search: how do I tell people in my irl circle that I’m plural without running into arguments about self diagnosis but also still keep the context that I am in fact a disordered system. Send
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such-a-downer · 3 months ago
And thus, they had fireworks.
Though many have thought that the barbecue party has officially closed, the latest chapter threw in an extra punch. But not in a way that leaves a good taste (to me at least).
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Just joking, it's not as long as I wanted it to be. My productivity is very crippled rn.
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Sakura is thanked by Umemiya once more for the help but we immediately see him wear wrinkles on his face. He feels as though he still have conflicting feelings about it. In his thoughts, he sways the spotlight towards Roppo Ichiza and Shishitoren for being the ones doing the grind. But it doesn't change the fact that it was him who asked for help in the first place. Even Umemiya himself admits his shortcoming on this.
A Gap That He's Missing
Aside from his indigestion of other people's gratitude (it's practically his chronic bug), Sakura broods over being called "amazing" by Umemiya. To him, it doesn't sit right. Afterall, Umemiya pulled off what he couldn't.
It would probably help Sakura to come into terms with it once he understands what he's missing on: the difference between Umemiya's fight with Takiishi and his fight with Endo.
Umemiya's "I'm winning this"
Sakura who has shut himself away from other people most of his life, wonders if he can be like Umemiya. The obvious answer is no. At least, not so early on. He witnessed the power of Umemiya's resolve. But it seems as though he is yet to understand the tough process for that resolve to be so strong.
Umemiya's resolve is very deep-rooted and has been richly cultivated through the years, a whole experience that is still long ways to go for Sakura.
And this is Umemiya against Takiishi here. These two got history. With no clear winner, the ordeal was dragged on and on until Takiishi's departure. Their fight is simply them picking up where they left off– a settlement. Well, Takiishi's plainly just fixated on fighting Umemiya, savoring the moment. To Umemiya, he just needs to win against Takiishi. It's pretty much simple and straighforward, it is indeed "selfish". By that, I mean the fight just centers around them.
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Furthermore, unlike us readers, Sakura doesn't know what's going on Umemiya's head. He sees the sudden exchange between Umemiya and Takiishi but does not fully understand the sentiments behind their words.
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Sakura does not know this eureka moment of Umemiya. Perhaps if it's known to him, he wouldn't be so down and glum for not going for the win during his fight with Endo. It would have given him better understanding of the difference between his actions and Umemiya's.
Sakura's "I don't have to win"
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On the other hand, Sakura's fight with Endo is quite a mess. Their battle goes beyond just winning against the other. To Sakura, it's a "now or never" gamble but to Endo, it's a matter of mind games. Endo is so good with his words, a manipulative opponent who was so close to breaking Sakura. Had Hiiragi and others did not get to the scene on time, who knows what would have become of Sakura.
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Sakura clearly sees Endo as undeniably, the stronger fighter. This causes Sakura to fight with the determination to "drag Endo down with him", to stop Endo from dealing any more damage to Furin.
In spite of Endo's overwhelming strength, Sakura was able to best him out. And that, has something to do with Endo's internal realization.
If Endo was a typical bad guy, he would have ended Sakura long ago, no hesitation. But he is a crazy nut in extremes. He wants Sakura to cross over to his side and for that, Endo was ready to break Sakura. Undoubtedly, he is very capable of that.
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Endo wants Sakura (I'm not pertaining to yaoi tones). But he knows can never bend Sakura to his will. Yet he longs for the euphoric sensation that Sakura gives him (again, NOT pertaining to yaoi tones wtf). Endo wants it very much that he let himself be taken down before he knew it.
But since Sakura is oblivious of the effect he has on others, he is still confused after asking Endo about it. Winning is not always based on physical strength. Sakura is yet to fully grasp the idea.
Keeping Him Well-Grounded
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With Kaji's help, Sakura was able to get past through his doubts and fear of rejection. In turn, his classmates slapped him with the fact that he is accepted and cherished despite the flaws. Furin has become Sakura's place where he can belong to. As someone who has always been shunned, it is only a natural instinct for Sakura to do what he can just to protect it. Even if it means risking by putting himself on the line.
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Sakura is indeed impressive for his growth in such a short time. But at the same time, worrying, as Hiragi said. Someone in the wbk server that Sakura might turn aggressive because of his want to protect his friends and possibly get worse injury. I agree and can see the high chances of it happening. I also have a bad premonition that Sakura's about to fall into a bad relapse in the future, and temporarily put up his pre-Furin persona again.
Right now, it's important for Sakura to realize what his recklessness is doing to him. He needs to understand that self-sacrifice does not guarantee a fix-all solution. He needs to realize how much his presence means to his friends in order to keep himself grounded and not act recklessly.
With firm grounding, Sakura can grow strong, even surpass Umemiya if he wishes so and face whatever comes his way without being blown away.
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That's all. Thanks for coming to my Tedtalk.
Sending TLC to Sakura 💕
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sysmedsaresexist · 7 months ago
Syscourse self-awareness
Pop Quiz
Which side said this?
Without checking, was it an anti endo or a pro endo that said this?
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Syscourse becomes very different when you realize that the other side says the exact same things about you that you say about them.
It's even worse when you realize that they're right, and you are the ignorant person.
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faunabells · 1 year ago
to continuously believe that singlethood is the default for the human pysche is to ignore countless of cultural experiences, especially those that belongs to poc.
if you're against the idea that queer identities are illnesses, then you're against the idea that plurality is inherently a disorder. they are all just experiences that exists outside of anglo-saxon paradigm of humanity.
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justanothersyscourse · 2 years ago
Oh, okay, so people can be neutral on transID but not endos or syscourse
I see
The double standard just broke into my house, shit on my couch and set it on fire, and I'm very upset about it
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starstruck-sillies · 2 months ago
“We’ve seen the harm they can cause.”
Genuinely what harm. They’ve created more acceptance of a stigmatized mental health condition. Most of the big resources for plurality are made for/run by pro endos. I’d argue endogenic systems and their supporters have done more for plurality as a whole than any sysmed or anti-endo
-The CDD systems who were treated like shit by endos because they believe they're "better than us" (eg. CDD systems getting banned for being traumagenic) ((Yes that does actually happen))
-The many CDD systems who were in pro-endo spaces at some point and had people repeatedly try to convince them they were endo in some way even though they were Most Definitely Not
-Gateway "systems" using the idea of "system travel" to manipulate systems
-Endos trying to get into CDD only spaces (I'm a syscord mod, I've seen this shit happen)
-The entirety of the natural multiples community, which the endo community spawned from
-Rampant misinformation about a variety of system things (So much headspace misinformation, the idea that alters can "die", the idea that anything a CDD system experiences an endo can too ((Yes, I have legitimately heard actual endos say this)) people claiming that "tulpamancers" know a hell of a lot more than they actually do, the list goes on)
-Just general anti-traumagen rhetoric, tons of subtle jabs at us whether they realize they're doing it or not (eg. "My experiences aren't any less valid just because you're miserable and I'm not)
-Just the entire idea of system travel (Aside from sidesystem hopping, which did not originate from endos and is a legitimate thing)
-Many endos calling any CDD system "sysmeds"
-The term "traumascum" (Genuinely fucking vile)
And the list goes on and on and on. Anyone else feel free to add on to this list if you think of anything else.
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littleplantfreak · 6 days ago
Top 5 Wind Breaker boys that would kill it at pole dancing (other than Tsubaki, because they already rock at it) are as follows
Umemiya: He gets so fun with it and can do it to any music (Hiragi or Tsubaki pick out the best songs for him routine or freestyle)
Tsugeura: He has the muscles and is also relaxed enough to make the movements fluid and work well. Also pole has similarities to wrestling when it comes to performing for an audience (kinda). Probably a little quirky with it though.
Chika: Would he be great at it? Yes, but his intention would never be to perform. It would likely be just a mellow thing he does if Endo happened to have a pole or something. He’d barely need to be taught 😒One of those bitches who replicate moves from sight alone no practice necessary.
Suo: Might not be the beefiest guy ever, but he is so smooth with it that it makes up for any lack of muscle. Very good at timing his moves with the songs and can improvise easily.
Endo: Does it and gets bored of it most of the time. Instead of using it the exercise or relax, he does it as a way to let off steam, getting lost in a song while he works out how he’s gonna dance to it.
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cozza-frenzy · 4 months ago
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Systober Day 26 - Favorite Representation Of The Disorder - The Glass Scientists
Okay so, hear me out here. I know Jekyll and Hyde is often pitched as system rep - often bad system rep, based on ideas related to "evil alters" and the disorder making people violent. But The Glass Scientists is a unique take on the story, and is probably some of the best system rep we've ever seen - even if a lot of it is (apparently) unintentional.
It's established pretty clearly that Hyde isn't evil, even if some people see him that way; he's just a part of their collective personality that's been repressed. There are representations of other compartmentalized parts that appear as other people - something like factive introjects - and an Inner World with representations of memories and traumas. Seeing a first-person POV of Hyde "fronting" for the first time almost brought Chaos to tears, because it was like someone actually understood exactly how it felt. We still consider TGS some of the best representation we've ever seen, even if it wasn't necessarily the intent. You kind of have to take what you can get - and either way, it's a damn good webcomic. - Terry
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pluralhottakes · 4 months ago
Weird opinion as an endo myself, but;
Not all "anti"-endos are bad
Im sorta friends with someone who doesn't believe in them and to me thats okay, because they are letting me use the term
Its only when they harass people that it's bad
Just because we dont agree about endos doesn't mean we can't talk or we cant be freinds, its just means that endos are a touchy subject or something else, because to be fair, no one can know it all about neuroscience, no one can know every little thing that can lead to an endo, so not everyone needs to believe in it.
to clarify i am VERY pro endo myself, im just saying that not all anti-endos/endo nonbelievers are harmful and hateful
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