#Syrian Government
indizombie · 2 years
The Syrian government's key allies in the civil war - Russia, Iran and the Iranian-backed Lebanese militant group Hezbollah - have committed aid to government-controlled areas of Syria. Aid donated by a number of other countries, including China, Sudan, Algeria, Iraq and the United Arab Emirates, has also arrived, according to Syrian state media. The BBC saw Russian aid delivered via lorries to a hub at a church in Aleppo. And Iran's semi-official Fars news agency reported that a sixth shipment of Iranian aid had arrived. Neighbouring Lebanon meanwhile confirmed that it would open its ports and airports for countries wanting to send aid to Syria. In contrast, opposition-held areas of north-west Syria have only seen a trickle of aid delivered by the UN via Turkey. Mr Mekdad said the Syrian government was committed to "delivering humanitarian aid to all those in need, in all areas, without any discrimination". But groups in the opposition enclave are not currently accepting aid from the government, fearing a propaganda victory for Damascus.
‘Syria earthquake: Aleppo hospitals overwhelmed by victims’, BBC
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luvergirl141 · 6 months
One thing I will never not find hilarious is western progressives go from "Xenophobia is bad" to "I can't interact/be friends with people from X country"
Fuck you and your xenophobia.
And yes, your xenophobia is rooted in your racism.
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nando161mando · 3 months
🇹🇷🇸🇾Manifestantes sirios atacando un vehículo con matrícula turca en Siria.
Muchas banderas turcas fueron arrancadas de las calles del norte de Siria.
🇬🇧Syrian protesters attacking a vehicle with Turkish license plates in Syria.
Many Turkish flags were torn down from the streets of northern Syria.
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navramanan · 1 year
still heartbroken but cannot move
#i've understood a good while ago that kurdish people are alone in their suffering more than any other muslim people#i suppose bc our biggest oppressor being turkey which is such a beloved country among muslims just erases our struggle#bc any other oppressed muslim people i can think of are suffering either in the hands of non muslim nations or their own corrupt governments#so it gives them a lot more ''credibility''. like there are rules to oppression with credentials you have to meet in order to be valid#in order for your oppression your persecution the distruction of you home(land) the cultural genocide you experience to be valid and real#and cared about by the general muslim population. i have honestly and genuinely not seen any more silence than when it was about us#from the muslim community. i have to time and time again watch how people side with turkey praise their actions eat up their propaganda#and the lost lives arent lost lives but we're lying about them#and no matter how often this pattern is repeated and our very real suffering invalidated and thus ignored#it still shatters my heart an unspeakable amount when i witness it#especially when i then watch the muslim community condemn other nations for the same crimes turkey commits against the kurdish people#turkey does no wrong is the common narrative. and i always feel so lonely in my grief#i still remember october 2019 when trump withdrew the troops from rojava & gave turkey the green light to invade#they inflicted and still inflict immerusable suffering in the region. they bombed them only last week#i remember 4 years ago my mom on the phone with a friend who had fled from the region due to the syrian war#i remember her silently crying on the phone with my mom. she was on speaker. we cried with her#she was as helpless as we were just watching the news about turkey wreaking havoc. she still had family there#and this is just the smallest fraction of what turkey and inflicted upon the kurdish people. but of course it's all fake. we fabricate it#bc we're bored. our tears are fake our families getting bombed are lying. and turkey can do no wrong.#nesi rants
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medicinemane · 2 years
Various stuff I've seen lately just makes me feel like saying this once again in plain terms
I stand with Ukraine and I stand with Iranians. I stand with anyone fighting for their freedom
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killa-trav · 2 years
Also we shouldn’t be relying on celebrities to be bringing awareness to a situation that’s all over the news with the correct information. Asking a celebrity to help isn’t useful and sadly the donation things they post won’t benefit the people because it goes straight to the governments and you can never trust a government
yeh no this. that’s why i’m always so wary about sharing links bc i’d rather do my research and not spread links where the money doesn’t go to the right places and take my time to find reliable charities where ik the money i’m donating is actually going to a good source which is why i use islamic relief a lot
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kvrdelen · 2 years
of course my village of kurdish elders and children receives no aid. of course.
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genuinelyshallow · 8 months
Don't you fucking dare say that Egyptians don't want Palestinians in Egypt!
Walk the streets of Egypt and ask. Everyone will tell you we would love if we can have them here and save Palestine. Egypt has a demonic government. If it weren't for the fear of disappearing or being killed on the spot the second you say something, we would have walked through the borders and open them ourselves.
Ramdan is less than a month away. We usually start the celebrations way before that. We can't. Egyptians are all miserable. People can't face the guilt. I know people who can't talk about it because they won't stop crying.
We welcomed the Syrians. We welcomed the Sudanese. You think we won't welcome the Palestinians?! You know nothing of our culture. We were raised on loving Palestinians. Most would probably hug you instantaneously if they find out you're Palestinian. It's actually a problem😂. Some Palestinians hate it.
We are having an economic crisis right now. Some genuinely think we deserve it. Morally speaking. For not helping Palestinians. And despite of such crisis, we will welcome them.
We have a saying, "Let us starve together. At least we can keep each other company!"
It's not about whether they are welcome or not. It's about them being departed from their homes! It's their right to stay!
And we know most of them will stay till death
So, No. I would welcome Palestinians in my home, but we are fighting for their right of their own home
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indizombie · 2 years
The Syrian government says its aid effort has been hampered by the economic sanctions that Western powers imposed in response to alleged human rights violations and other abuses committed during the country's 12-year civil war. The US, UK and EU deny this, saying trade in essential goods and humanitarian assistance are exempt from the sanctions. However, even though exports of medical supplies to Syria are not specifically sanctioned, international and regional banks fearful of being punished by Western authorities have in the past been reluctant to approve the financial transactions needed by Syrians to purchase them. On Monday, Foreign Minister Faisal Mekdad called for the lifting of all "unilateral coercive measures" during a meeting with the UN Special Envoy to Syria, Geir Pedersen, Syrian state news agency SANA reported.
‘Syria earthquake: Aleppo hospitals overwhelmed by victims’, BBC
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gha-zal · 2 months
US continuing to call a Syrian town Northern Israel is just manufacturing consent for the killing of Lebanese people. Like they justified the Palestinians they will continue to justify the killing of everyone else. No one else in the world acknowledges this occupation.
And today they killed 2 children while claiming to target a military commander who was not killed in this attack on Lebanon. And again, extrajudicial killings are illegal under international law.
The Zionist colonial project exists as a disease in the Middle East. The body will always reject that which is foreign. When you want to understand what is Just look to the people not what your government is saying.
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nando161mando · 4 months
🚨 Fires continue to burn in the occupied Syrian Golan as a result of rockets fired by Hezbollah against IOF military targets.
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navramanan · 2 years
You have to be a special type of diabolical to bomb your neighbouring country in the region that has been affected by the same earthquake that your citizens have been affected by who desperately need & dont receive enough of your help but anything is possible when you're the republic of turkey
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littleabriel-blog · 5 months
I'm going to make this very simple for you:
--if, upon encountering a Jewish person online or IRL, your first action is to ask them their feelings regarding Israel, Gaza, or the sort, you are an antisemite.
--if, upon finding a Jew online, your first instinct is to search their blog to find signs that they might be a Zionist, you are an antisemite.
--if, upon encountering a Jewish person, your first instinct is to interrogate them as to whether or not they are a Zionist (in other words, a "good" Jew or a "bad" Jew), you are an antisemite.
--if you claim to care for Palestinians yet don't also condemn the Syrians, Lebanese, or other majority Muslim nations who have also persecuted them and denied them refuge, you are an antisemite.
--if you support blatantly antisemitic groups such as Hamas (who also persecute the Palestinians, btw, not to mention their stated aim is to wipe all Jews out from the Levant, which is what that "river to the sea" chant means), the Houthis (they have a flag that literally states "a curse upon the Jews), the Islamic Regime, and others, you are an antisemite.
--if someone can't tell the difference between you and a literal Nazi, you are an antisemite.
--if you deny what happened on October 7 or even say that the people who were raped and killed "deserved" it, you are an antisemite.
--if you hold all Jews responsible for the actions of Israel's government, you are an antisemite.
--if you hold no other nation to the same standards and accountabilities as you do Israel, you are an antisemite.
Feel free to add, fellow Jews.
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moonlayl · 2 years
Please can you publish trustworthy links for donating to Syria so it helps reach the less supported people?
There are 3 main ones I know of (I have family in Syria that are directly affected)
1. Molham
I've included a link to where people can donate and here is a link to their twitter page where they're giving regular updates. Here's a third link to donate in Euros
Molham, to those who don't know, are specifically a non profit, non government team that have been providing relief for displaced & refugee Syrians. They're now helping out with the Earth Quake.
2. The White Helmets 
Currently searching  for survivors and pull ing the dead from collapsed buildings
3. Islamic Relief (this link should work for all countries donating)
Has for a very long time been extremely reliable. I usually donate through them and they tend to help out people all cross the world. They currently have a team in Syria, last I've heard.
here's a link if you're donating specifically in Canada, UK, America,
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please PLEASE donate.
Even one dollar, one pound, can go a long way.
And if you can't, PLEASE reblog!!
Syria needs help too! Syria matters too! They're not receiving aid for a variety of political reasons and they desperately need it!!!
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 2 years
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“Zakoors Face Charges Involving $100,000 in Exchange,” Windsor Star. October 9, 1942. Page 5. ---- Transactions Of Brothers To Be Aired ---- Foreign Exchange Board Names Two Chatham Fruit Dealers as Co-defendants --- Alleged illegal security transactions and alleged improper disposition of funds obtained through their Detroit broker have resulted in three separate charges being laid against Richard Zakoor and George Zakoor, bachelor brothers, both of Chatham, under the regulations of the Foreign Exchange Control Board, officials of the board announced yesterday. 
The two brothers, said to be the biggest wholesale dealers in fruits and vegetables in Southwestern Ontario, face charges involving exchange approximating in the vicinity of $100,-000, officials of the board intimated.
DATED SINCE 1940 Foreign Exchange Control Board officials in Windsor said the case was one which had held the attention of control board men since Iast January, and that it was one of the biggest charges laid by the board in this district to date. 
Specifically, each of the Zakoor brothers are charged with these offences: 
Failure to declare foreign exchange at Chatham between the period December 16, 1940, and December 31 1941; and also, between the period September 16, 1939, and December 15 1940. 
Unlawful borrowing of foreign exchange, between January 4. 1940, and December 15, 1940; and between December 16. 1940. and December 31 1941.
Unlawfully dealing in foreign exchange between September 16, 1939 and December 15, 1940; and December 16, 1940, and December 31, 1941.
HEARING WITHIN WEEK S. L. Springsteen. K.C.. Windsor, is counsel representing the Zakoor brothers in this, one of the biggest foreign exchange control board prosecutions yet registered in this territory.
J. A. McNevin. K.C., Chatham, has been appointed by the attorney-general's department as special prosecutor for the board in the hearing of the charges, which may take place within the next week.
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