#this is not targeted at anyone just a general thing
hermajestyimher · 3 days
Hello <3
I am currently 20, in the process of enhancing every aspect of my life so I would really appreciate if you could generously list your resources for self-improvement in general.
And one more question, how to make people take me more seriously? I am quite the youngest member in my family and everyone have always been so over-protective of me that they always see me as this little girl even though I am almost a grown woman lol.
Thanks for your question. I commend you for wanting to invest in yourself and self-improvement.
The resources I use to shape my mindset toward success are a mixture of books, podcasts, subliminals, and direct revelation from God. I'll break these parts down for you:
There are a lot of books out that deal with the topic of self-improvement and you are almost guaranteed to find some that will be able to help you in whichever area of your life you wish to get better at. The key, when it comes to these books, is that you have to find ones that you know you can action realistically in your life. Theory can be energizing and inspirational, but it is ultimately futile if you are unable to put the gained knowledge into reality.
You must seek books that are practical in their way of describing how to succeed in whatever subject they touch upon and focus exclusively on that specific book so that you may action its commands and see real results in your life.
I'll give you 5 books that I've used throughout the year that have helped me mold my character in meaningful and practical ways:
She Comes First, by Brian Nox.
Can't Hurt Me, by David Goggins.
The Alter Ego Effect, by Todd Herman.
Stop People Pleasing, by Patrick King.
Fabulosity, by Kimora Lee Simmons.
Podcasts are a good way of keeping your mind "fed" constantly with content and knowledge from others. I use them not just for knowledge, but also for entertainment. I enjoy podcasts that deal with politics, human psychology and behavior, societal phenomena, travel and culture, business, success life stories, and even some niche topics of interest.
Whatever podcasts you choose to listen to will be a very personal choice. My rule of thumb is to not waste time listening to someone just because they seem authoritative in the field of self-improvement if the messages they are putting forward do not resonate with you. It's ok to be picky with this type of content.
This is something that I've never touched upon before directly on my blog, but it is something that I've been digging into a lot lately and I've found has been positively impacting my life.
Subliminals are audio messages that we play in the background while we do other activities. The concept behind them is that our subconscious mind can pick up and internalize the messages being played and therefore can help in reprogramming our own internal self-concept and beliefs. It can help you manifest things because you genuinely believe that they are possible for you, rather than pretending.
Subliminals are extremely powerful because if utilized correctly they can help you shape your entire personality and perception of yourself towards one that is more self-loving, positive, and confident. It can help us erase the damage of harmful things we've internalized throughout the years and replace them with thoughts that are working in our favor.
If you or anyone else from the blog would like for me to dive deeper into this subject and share some of the subliminal that have helped me (including my own creations), please let me know!
This part is simply all about having communion with God. I've found out that in the periods that I'm away from him and that I do not take our relationship seriously, I become an easier target for spiritual attacks and also less in tune with my spiritual gifts. It's hard to hear from him when my spiritual life is filled with so much baggage that does not come from him. And whether you are aware of it, everything around us is spiritual in one way or another: the music that we listen to, the people we spend time with, the places we live, the content we consume, the things we allow others to speak into our lives, etc.
It's important that I read my Bible, pray, and worship without ceasing. God purifies our spirits and removes bondages this way. He gives us a renewed mind full of discernment and peace. We can hear from him more clearly and be led through a path of prosperity.
This is something that I need to get back on with him, as I have fallen off throughout the years. But understanding that you do not have to make life alone and that investing in your spiritual life can only tenfold your riches in the physical realm is crucial for us to live a life of purpose and success.
I hope this list was helpful, and if you or other people would like to delve deeper into any of these or other subjects, please let me know.
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luvergirl141 · 3 months
One thing I will never not find hilarious is western progressives go from "Xenophobia is bad" to "I can't interact/be friends with people from X country"
Fuck you and your xenophobia.
And yes, your xenophobia is rooted in your racism.
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a2zillustration · 24 days
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Makin our way
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480pfootage · 11 months
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clearpilled and mentally sane
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hey there ;)
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gamerwoo · 8 months
really sucks when you realize you and a friend have just kind of grown up as two different people and don’t mesh together like you used to and like you have so much history you don’t wanna let go of but you’re absolutely miserable in the friendship
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i know this is a thing that Literally Everyone says, but some people really do need to stop viewing their personal headcanons as Facts.
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me looking at this
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daz4i · 20 days
i love dark fics ofc but sometimes ppl really stretch characters' personalities to fit what they wanna do with them and i think, really misunderstand them in the process, sometimes. and it's annoying when it's characters i like smh
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can we bylers PLEASE make an effort not to make everything about our ship ?
yes, we love our gays, but can also just appreciate the show once and a while ?
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the-ark-awaits · 1 year
im well aware this is an irrational and stupid hill to die on, but again, i need to state, marble hornets is not creepypasta, at least in my opinion
this is what i think qualifies creepypasta ok? Written internet horror story. thats it. but the qualifier there is written. can there be a video series based on/to pair with a written creepypasta? hell yeah there can! can there be a larger story/arg elements around a creepypasta besides the main written story! hell the fuck yeah, just look at ben drowned! but i dont think marble hornets hits that qualifier, at least in my opinion
theres only really one written portion of the entire story, and well. you dont need it. its not a written story, its basically the exact same thing as the introduction video. i dont think it counts. marble hornets is something different, its a found footage horror and suspense series posted to youtube, its an arg, its what fans commonly refer to as ‘slenderverse’ (though i always thought that was a little funny considering its the only series with that term applied to it that isnt connected to any of the other series. im pretty sure multiple other slenderverse series have canonically stated that mh is a fictional series in their universes)
and heres another argument. ive never seen anyone argue that everymanhybrid is creepypasta. ive never seen anyone try and tell me that, idk, the walten files or mystery flesh pit national park are creepypasta. and heres why i think that is, and its just a theory but. back in 2009 and later when slenderman was new and marble hornets was new and creepypasta wasnt really a thing yet, the internet saw marble hornets clips out of context. fans of the series would post screencaps or clips of masky and hoodie, people would see them without knowing what it was from. in the nature of internet horror, someone saw a spooky image and ran with it, kind of like how jeff the killer happened. but marble hornets is its own horror story. so taking a character from that and just making them completely different from canon its like. well. if you took fucking, i dunno, spongebob, and were like ‘well i found out about this character from a story i read online which makes him the Internets Property!’ and someone else was like ‘hey just so you know, hes actually from an existing tv series, you should check it out if you like the character’ and then you were like ‘but hes my internet story character and i wanna keep him that way!’ like
like thats fine, i promise, but when yknow. its a character from something other people enjoy, theres like. a few common sense options to not be a dick here, yknow? either redeisgn the character enough that theres a clear difference between the original and the new version, or stop tagging the new version as the original. its not hard.
but yeah in conclusion, marble hornets isnt creepypasta imo, and once again id like to ask creepypasta artists to maybe please stop tagging your creepypasta posts as marble hornets, its a courtesy thing yknow? no ones asking you to stop using masky and hoodie, but we are literally begging you to stop tagging creepypasta posts with marble hornets. you know theres a difference, i know you do, and if you can look me in the eye and tell me a compelling argument for why there isnt and why you should be allowed to post about ticci toby and jeff in the mh tag ill eat my fucking hat
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yyunari · 11 months
people on this app do too much sometimes im ngl
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branchiopod · 2 years
can’t sleep. keep making myself mad about shit
#it’s like three things rn#someone from my old college had it out for me and i genuinely have no idea why#like they were always rude as fuck to me and in the first few weeks we knew each other i was being interrogated ab slur and pronoundiscourse#asked how i felt ab he/him lesbians and i was like i’m not a lesbian so…who fucking cares#and we got into slurs somehow and i wish i could’ve been more articulate bc i was like yeah. i think some trans men can say the d slur#and they were like why aren’t you saying it and my response was cuz i don’t feel like it#but the point i wish i had thought well enough to make is like first of all slur discourse is stupid#and the word dyke is central to so many people’s identities not just currently but in the past too#when i was still fem-presenting and pre-any sort of transition i was a dyke. that’s the best word for how i felt then and now looking back#AND you don’t know the intricacies of someone’s identity. are you gonna police this shit? leave me tf alone#also pissing me off lol#is the fact that i dated someone who hated the parts of me that i like#shit spanned from like him saying it about tank tops and sweatpants immediately after i said they’re gender affirming for me#to not being able to deal with me being loud to the point that i re-triggered a depressive episode as soon as i got out of one#when im doing well im loud and excitable but they couldn’t handle that so i just shoved it down#and last thing. did anyone else deal with the predatory gay stereotype bc i never see ppl talk ab it but i was a huge target for it#it’s affected my ability to just. function as person like i can’t compliment people without making myself panic#the few times i’ve seen it talked ab is specifically the predatory lesbian stereotype#which does make me wonder how much of my experience was fueled by that and how much was just generic homophobia
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crystalis39 · 3 months
my most fucked up and evil take is that ao3 should replace "chose not to use archive warnings" with spoiler tags. like tags that are hidden by default that you can toggle to see (like on vndb or tvtropes). that would be a gamechanger. im pretty sure thats what most ppl on the site use it for anyway (at least when theyre not just picking it bc its the first alphabetically). bonus points if the archive warnings themselves can be spoiler tags
as that non-warning currently stands, at best it makes you brace yourself for shit going down when nothing happens, and at worst its just a worse than useless filler tag that actively undermines the entire rest of the otherwise flawless tagging system. it is the bane of my existence and i only use it when not even i know whats gonna happen next bc im always winging it
it cant be that much more of a hassle than implementing a universal personal filter ("bookmark every fandom page with your filters on it" and "use a browser extension" are not valid solutions in current year. the former is cumbersome which is NOT a valid word to describe a good functional solution and the latter is not accessible to all devices bc apple is a bitch). if nothing else i bet implementing both of these would cut all ao3 discourse in half which is an objective net positive for everyone involved
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quecksilvereyes · 6 months
oh my god do not click links in emails that tell you to verify your data or your bank account gets locked or click links in messages telling you your safety protocol is ending, like, tomorrow, you will get SCAMMED SO BAD AND YOU WILL LOSE A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY never ever let anyone pressure you into giving away login information especially to your online banking by creating a sense of urgency oh my GOD
some things to look out for
1. spelling mistakes. do you know how many rounds of marketing and sales experts these things go through? if theres a spelling mistake dont click it
2. not using your name. if an email adresses you with "dear customer" or, even worse, a generic "ladies and gentlemen", it is most likely not actually targeted to you
3. verifying or login links. even IF your bank was stupid enough to send these to customers, dont EVER click those. look at me. they can legally argue that youve given your data away and thus they dont have to pay you anything back DONT CLICK THAT FUCKING LINK
4. creating a sense of urgency. do this or we lock your account next week. do this or your ebanking stops working tomorrow. give us all your money in cash or your beloved granddaughter will get HANGED FOR MURDERING BABIES. no serious organisation would ever do something like that over email or sms. ever. hands off.
5. ALWAYS CHECK WHO SENT YOU THE EMAIL. the display name and the email adress can vary a LOT. anyone can check the display name. look at the email adress. does it look weird? call the fucking place it says its from. you will likely hear a very weary sigh.
6. if its in a phonecall, scammers love preventing you from hanging up or talking to other people to have a little bit of a think about whats happening. there should always be a possibility to go hey i wanna think about this ill call back the official number thanks.
7. do not, i repeat, do NOT a) call a phone number flashing on your screen promising to rid your computer of viruses after clicking a dodgy link and b) let them install shit on your computer like. uh. idk. teamviewer.
fun little addendum: did you know a link can just automatically download shit? like. a virus? an app you can't uninstall unless you reset your entire device? dont click links unless youre extremely sure you know where they lead. hover your mouse over it and check the url.
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kiwisandpearls · 3 months
when it comes to art advice I think something a lot of people need to keep in mind (and is kinda art advice in of itself) is that art advice that works for you will not work for everyone else.
everyone has their own method for creating artwork, so That One Thing that might work for you when you make artwork may actually be detrimental to another artist.
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victheclown · 4 months
Anon asks are officially back on ! Do be nice I will literally ignore you if you're not and you wouldn't want that right/Silly
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