#someone has to match their level of snark PLEASE
me looking at this
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moonstruckme · 11 months
hi! could you be able to please write a one shot with James Potter where he lets everyone know that he has a girlfriend and he's taken but nobody knows who is his girlfriend. And after he falls off his broom during a quidditch match turns out that his girlfriend its the slytherin captain, who is like the complete opposite of James lol
Hi lovely, thanks for your request! I hope you like it <3
Cw: mention of injury, no details/description
James Potter x slytherin!reader ♡ 740 words
James Potter is well aware that, considering his usual tendency to showboat, it's suspicious that his dating life has suddenly become the best-kept secret at Hogwarts. It's obvious he is dating someone. He hasn't exactly been inconspicuous with the notes he sends flying down the halls several times a day (though it's a small miracle no one has been able to chase them all the way to the recipient) and when he wouldn't tell Sirius who it was, his friend let slip to half of Gryffindor house that he'd caught James sneaking out of their dorm room three times in the past week. Soon, it seemed like all James' classmates did was buzz with speculation about his mysterious partner.
James is trying to ignore that speculation now, the chatter in the crowded stands somehow reaching him even far above the quidditch pitch, distracting him from looking out for the snitch.
"Hardly at the top of our game today, are we, Potter?" A snide voice calls, a blur of green blazing past him to lob the quaffle towards the center goalpost.
James perks up, brought back to the game by the familiarity of a good bickering. "Wishful thinking," he calls back, just as the Gryffindor keeper blocks your attempt at a goal. James meets your fierce stare with his most winning smile. "Maybe if I wasn't, you'd have a half-decent chance of beating us for the first time in three years."
Three years, he wants to add, since both of you had been made captain of your respective teams. James certainly isn't going to lose that winning streak because of any gossip. He redoubles his focus, waiting for a telling glint of light or the light buzzing of wings, and keeping an eye on the Slytherin seeker to make sure she hasn't spotted it either.
There's a flicker of movement to his right, and James is off, the ruckus of the crowd drowned out by the wind rushing past his ears as he races towards the snitch. His vision seems to narrow as it grows closer, all his attention on the tiny golden ball, and he can almost touch it when pain shoots through his side.
James tries to grab at his broom, but he's too slow, his hand wrapping around only air. He's on solid ground before he knows what's happened, splayed on his back with a view of the other players high above him, almost all shock-still. Almost, except for the Slytherin chaser in a dangerously fast nose-dive towards him. You hardly take the time to level out your broom before you're hopping off and crouching beside him.
"Potter—shit, Potter, are you okay?" Your hands tremble as they run over his arms, his torso, as if wanting to make sure he's still whole but afraid he'll shatter at anything more than your gentlest touch.
"I think so." James groans, sitting up. "A couple broken ribs, maybe."
"Shit," you pant, your hands moving to his face. "Are you sure?"
"Well, I'm a bit rattled at the moment," he says, beginning to snark, but he softens when he sees you're blinking back tears. "It's not bad, sweetheart. I'm alright."
You shake your head, somewhere between frustrated and fond, and press your lips to James' abruptly. He's so shocked it takes him a second to kiss you back, doing his best to soothe the desperation he can feel in your touch.
You pull back just as quickly, leaving James so dazed he's caught entirely off guard by the light smack you deliver to the back of his head.
"You idiot. You should have seen that bludger coming from a mile away."
James searches for a witty rebuttal, but comes up empty. He can't decide whether to be offended or charmed by you right now, and it's stolen the gall from him. It's also possible that he's concussed. "Yeah," he says dumbly.
You huff, but still squeeze his shoulder as you stand, letting Madam Hooch move in to take your place. "Idiot," you mumble again, stalking towards your broom. "Come see me later."
James watches you go with something akin to awe. Only after you've rejoined your teammates does he notice the hush that's fallen over the crowd, and Sirius, standing well within hearing distance and looking like he's been stupefied, his eyes wide with horror.
But even if James looks as whipped as he feels, he doesn't really care.
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lunawish · 4 months
✨ general portrayal notes for god's favourite princess and the most interesting girl ✨
in act i, she'll behave mostly like her early access self aka all the snark, all the sass, the brusqueness, and the dark humor. the released version dialed it down and whilst i do adore her in the released version, i love her early edge a lot more.
generally "good" aligned play through. i put good in quotes because sometimes you don't intentionally save the grove, sometimes it's just a byproduct of a selfish need for knowledge on how to get the damn tadpole outta your brain. i am also more than willing to explore "evil" playthrough dynamics (again, it's in quotes bc sometimes you don't slaughter the grove ... the grove slaughters itself bc kagha psionically tells people that you attacked her for idk executing a child???)
act i and early- act ii can be summed up by the words cognitive dissonance
i am much more partial towards her exile path versus her dark justiciar path — which means she frees aylin from the soul cage, defies shar, has a mental breakdown hair cut etc
i lean towards the theory of her hair being white after the shadowfell as a result of the pain and torture she endured. so in short : marie antoinette syndrome.
that being said, if i were to play her as dark justiciar the ending is still going to be her betraying shar. she'll free her parents and take them far away from the cities. it's due to personal discomfort that i can't fully commit to the route of her becoming mother superior.
i understand her canonical model and general consensus is that she's a white woman. however, on this blog she's portrayed as mixed race ( white and asian - wasian ) if a modern verse should arise. that being said, this will influence how i adapt her post-game and her finding her roots as a person.
my preferred ending is her saving her parents and then moving into a cottage. i don't believe the curse is entirely incurable and it'll bind her and her parents' fate to shar forever even into the afterlife but that'll be a whole post on its own because forgotten realms lore is messy.
though i also do very much adore the moonbathed adventurer ending as well! that's something i like more if she was romantically (or ever queerplatonically) involved with someone just so she's not lonely on the road.
also on the topic of religiosity: her powers are blessed by selune, yes. she's a "moonbathed" cleric, yes. but she's not gonna be a devout selunite. at least not for a while. for my default portrayal, in early act iii she will begin to dip into a few levels of ranger as she still understands the importance of her being the group's healer and because she needs to adapt to using a bow more frequently than she has in the past. after defeating the netherbrain she will fully transition into the ranger class, taking up the subclass of gloomstalker which allows her to use the skills she's learned as a sharran and reclaim them for herself.
introspection. so much introspection. she's having a crisis of faith every goddamn minute but she's trying to talk herself outta that crisis as well. so her internal dialogue is a whole mess (what it means is if i write you six paragraphs of her thoughts it's fine if you don't match length in fact if it's not natural for you to please don't ahaha)
body dysmorphia. it'll be a common topic relating to her whether about her wound/curse or her in act 3 about her scars, her body, her feeling unclean etc. plus, due to a lack of a coherent identity (her memories being literal chop suey at this point), she has a messy relationship with gender that she can't quite articulate but know it's There.
i'll be treating her like she's never had sex or kissed before because she's voluntarily wiped her memories, so she's gonna be a little cautious and nervous about it. the innuendos and sly remarks you hear her make is a front to keep the vulnerability of her lack of experience behind a hidden achievement (plus the body remembers traumas!).
there will be flareups where she isn't crying out or is noticeable to others. this is inspired by the fact in her origin, she doesn't always cry out and her companions don't notice her in pain. the moments where her wound flares and others know mean 1) it's excruciating and/or 2) she trusts the other person enough to express herself.
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sherifftillman · 10 months
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@cheerscoopscentral's cheerscoops week 2023 | day 2: childhood friends to lovers
Title: History Repeats Itself Pairing(s): Steve Harrington x Chrissy Cunningham Tags: Stranger Things (series), smut (18+), fluff, slow burn, modern AU, everyone lives/no upside down AU, chrissy cunningham has shit parents, steve harrington has shit parents, cw disordered eating Word Count: 11.4k Summary: Chrissy thought she was going to make it big. She was going to get away from everything terrible in her life. Although that didn't end up working out in her favour, at least she also managed to cling onto her most reliable life preserver in the form of her best friend Steve. A/N: I get that not a lot of you ship Cheerscoops, but I implore you, if you give any fics a chance this week, please let it be this one. I genuinely think this is some of the best smut I've written.
read on ao3 here! preview under the cut:
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“Oh, Robbie’s gonna love this one,” Chrissy giggles as she bends over to shield her phone away from Steve’s view.
“Love what?” Steve asks, trying to crane his neck, to no avail. “Love what?!” He repeats, poking at Chrissy’s sides to try and tickle her, but she holds her arm out to stop him.
“Nothing!” She grins as if butter wouldn’t melt. “Now, help me up?”
“After you betrayed me, setting me up to say something embarrassing to send to Robin? No way, dude,” Steve shakes his head.
“Oh, come on, dude,” Chrissy puts on a silly voice and pulls a face at the sentiment. “You’re the one who always tells me I shouldn’t fall asleep on the couch, and it’s too soft for me to get any good traction to get up when I’m this tired.”
“Oh, so earlier, when you weren’t tired, that just suddenly changed in the last couple minutes?” Steve asks, raising his eyebrows.
Chrissy, matching his levels of snark, nods right back, “Yeah, that’s about it. So, are you gonna help me up like you normally do, or are you gonna keep being a sassy-pants?”
Sighing in defeat, Steve hauls himself off of the - admittedly too soft, but at least it was free - couch and holds his arms out for Chrissy to hold before yanking her up to her feet. “I’m gonna get you back for sending that video, though. Don’t think you’re safe from me.”
“Oh, I’m so scared,” Chrissy teases, slowly making her way to her bedroom.
In a horrific attempt at an Australian accent, Steve warns, “You should be,” as he points at his eyes and then at her. She pulls a face of bewilderment at him and he laughs, returning to his normal voice as he wishes her a, “Goodnight.”
July 16th, 2000. 3:44pm. “But why do I always have to be the crocodile?” A 7-year-old Steve pouts at his best friend.
“Because! You can’t play someone called Steve if your name is Steve! I thought we went over this when we played Blue’s Clues!” Chrissy puts her hands on her hips as she looks back at him. “Now hurry up, crocodiles don’t stand on two feet!”
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captain-of-silvenar · 11 months
I'm without a computer for a whole week and just my phone so time for me to ramble.
I imagine Yera wasn't all that thrilled with learning she's the Dragonborn and promptly ran away to try and escape it. When she eventually does come around to it and returns to Whiterun for forgiveness and to take on that Thane title she gets Lydia.
And Lydia is pissed that Yera would dare return. To her, this little elf has the God-given honor to defend Skyrim and save everyone from a fate worst than death and she ran away.
Their relationship in the beginning is rocky and full of anger. Yera just needs someone with working eyes and a decent sword arm. Lydia wants an honorable warrior that fits her idea of what a Dragonborn is. Plus an outlet for her anger for being abandoned in Yera beginning. So Lydia still does her duties as a housecarl, but not without some snark in it (thus explaining her sarcastic "I'm sworn to carry your burdens"
It sometimes gets to almost blows that they have to sit on opposite sides of the camp to cool off. They just can't seem to find a middle ground to agree-to-disagree.
At least until Lydia starts noticing the toll it's taking on Yera.
Not just Lydia being condescending to Yera all the time, but also the weight of destiny and all Skyrim being some level of disappointment at this person not being what they think a Dragonborn is. And yet Yera still willing to do as they ask.
"Please slay this troll"
"Please find my lost family sword"
"Please, these bandits killed my family, give me vengeance"
And she'll do them, no matter how large or how insignificant it is, Yera will do it. She'll work herself to the bone if it'll help the people of Skyrim on her quest to kill Alduin. And Lydia at first thinks its unusual that the same person who wouldn't hesitate getting into a screaming match with her is the same person who is letting people boss her around and send her into the depths of a cave for a hat.
And Lydia one night finally sits down and asks why Yera lets this happen to her and she answers back,
"The least I can do for being late. If it brings them the smallest bit of happiness in the midst of all this bullshit it'll be worth it."
"... And what about all the times you let me scream and yell at you? Surely that doesn't help anything but make you almost strangle me."
"It makes you feel good to yell at me, doesn't it?"
And it's all this point Lydia realizes that Yera holds a deep guilt at not taking up her destiny sooner and also is a self-sacrificing idiot.
She starts to slightly change her attitude toward Yera then, and speaks up for her when the more inane quests are asked of her. Lydia becomes an advocate and has to remind Yera she is just one person. Or at least one person with a friend.
And thus begins a very long and strong friendship with Lydia and Yera.
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Proceed With Caution // Evan Buckley
IN WHICH: The reader doesn’t expect to become involved in a hostage situation with her fiance’s older sister, the older sister’s best friend and the best friend’s date from hell. With the addition of a SWAT member, how will the taking of dispatch change?
Warnings: Swearing, blood, threats, angst, guns, hostage/kidnapping
Words: 5.9k
A/N: Recently got into the tv show 9-1-1 and completely fell in love with Buck so here I am writing for him as well. This takes place during the season three episode ‘The Taking of Dispatch 9-1-1’. Reader and Buck are already in an established relationship.
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The apartment was quiet as the sound of your keys clattered in the bowl on the countertop. It was pretty early in the morning, so you had no doubts that Buck would be just waking up. On his days off, he would use the first day to catch up on sleep; based on prior times, he would be up in half an hour.
“Buck?” You called out from the kitchen. You heard a groan from the loft where Buck was in the process of waking up, “I forgot to drop off that book Maddie wants to borrow. When I get back, do you want to get breakfast?”
A grumble you somehow translated to approval was what you received in response. You jogged up the stairs to the loft to grab the book from your bookshelf. Buck’s bare leg stretched out from underneath the comforter on your side. The soft sighs Buck made in his sleepy state tugged at your heart; the sighs grew louder when you bent to kiss his head.
“See you in a bit.” You whispered to the sleepy soft male. He sleepily grinned in response before curling into your pillow.
The sound of your footsteps softened on the steps back to the main level of the apartment. Your keys snagged from the bowl before you gently closed the door behind you. The sun was gorgeous to be awake to see and had Buck not worked a long shift, you’d have adored watching it with him.
Your car pulled out of the parking spot in the Los Angeles Service Center’s direction that Maddie worked at. Your lips quirked as the radio spewed out the station that Christopher listened to in the car. You could even pick up the book in the backseat where he called his spot. The book could be found in Buck’s Jeep as well.
It had maybe three days since you’d seen the young Diaz, and damn did you miss the kid. Christopher has his enigmatic quality that demanded you love him for all that made him simply Christopher. The second you’d met him, you knew he would mean a lot to you.
You hummed in time with the song that was currently Christopher’s absolute favourite. Slowly you went from humming to singing along when the light turned green. A handful of songs came and went on the admittedly long drive due to traffic.
It was about forty minutes after leaving your apartment that you parked next to Maddie’s car in the parking lot. Lucy was sitting at the front office with a grin you matched. The woman buzzed you before she clocked out with her reprieve Jake.
“Hey, Sue!” You grinned at the older redhead. Sue had absolutely no problem seeing you, given that you were welcome in the building.
Sue’s first interaction was when you came to the centre to pick up Maddie when she came to work sick. Maddie had managed to keep it under wraps for an hour before Sue caught on. Ever since, Sue was fond of asking Maddie about her brother and you.
“Maddie’s not in just yet.” Sue spoke with a kind smile, “If you’ll excuse me, I have to meet with one of our sit alongs.”
You nodded towards her while beelining for the woman’s bathroom, hoping to catch Maddie after using it. You’d drank too much water on your run earlier this morning. Whether it was fortunate or unfortunate in the time you’d entered the bathroom, several things happened. Lucy ended her shift, Jake started his shift, and a group of strangers entered the building.
Your hand went to push open the door when through the crack, you saw two men you’d never seen before. Years of your job gave you enough feeling to know that something wasn’t right. That being said, you eased the door closed and attempted to find a hiding spot.
The garbage was too narrow and had no lid. The few seconds you had left, you glanced up. The ceiling hadn’t been renovated in many years. Rectangular sheets could be raised. Thankful of the rock climbing lessons you’d done with Maddie, you managed to crawl into the ceiling just as the two men entered.
“Nobody’s here.” The one-man with his head as pale and shiny as a cue ball. He gave off the most creepy vibe; the shorter Hispanic man wasn’t as violent looking, “Kinda hoping someone tries something. I’ve wanted to try out this.”
The man waved the large gun in his hand with a sick smile that twisted your stomach. That was the moment you’d realized something was very wrong. The second they left, you gently dropped back on the ground. Your first instinct was to send a message to Athena, but there was a fatal flaw. You’d expected to be in and out of the building quickly, so you’d left your phone in the car.
“Fuck.” You swore. One hand roughly running over your forehead as you contemplated figuring out a plan.
The building had many cameras throughout that you knew the blindspots for. The year after high school and during the summers, you’d worked in the building. Despite having worked here when you were younger, it was never during Sue’s shift. Over the years, you’d come to know the blind spots and a few cameras that were decoys. You even remembered Maddie and her friend Josh complaining about three cameras not fixed yet.
“Think.” You breathed, making a pattern of pacing, “They’ll need a lookout. They’ll take out the security guard first. The front doors are out. It’s a team, so they’ll also need eyes on the building. Terry is definitely a hostage.”
Of course, you’d end up in a volatile situation during the first half of your day before your shift started. The only comforting thing about the situation was the holstered gun on your hip and the badge on your belt. Maybe you should backtrack to why you had a gun and badge; you were an LAPD member, specifically SWAT.
“The changeroom.” You breathed, recalling it was down the hall with no camera. All you needed to do was pretend to be a dispatcher. The changeroom, now mostly a file room, had a few extra maroon and blue uniform shirts.
You timed it. The man holding Sue’s tablet was in the process of talking with his cohort, so you dashed to the room. You took no time in changing into a loose maroon shirt with your thick sweater overtop to hide the gun in the small of your back.
Your holster, badge and personal shirt tucked in the bottom of a box for safekeeping. As soon as you saw your entry, you sat with the group of hostages a hall over. A few looked surprised but let it go when you raised one finger to your lips.
“Y/N? What are you doing here?” Maddie hissed from the other side of a startled Josh. Both of them were surprised at seeing you here, “Oh my god. Buck is going to kill me.”
“I was dropping off your book before I get breakfast with Buck, but it appears my small bladder saved my life.” You snarked with your eyes scanning the room, “What’s going on?”
“That is my date from hell, Greg.” Josh inconspicuously pointed towards the man, clearly giving orders. The anger flared inside you, “You need to get out.”
“Josh, no offence, but I’m an officer with the LAPD. I work with SWAT. I’m your best bet of making it out alive.” You informed the dispatch duo, who went still as Cue Ball patrolled the hallway with a sadistic glint in his eyes.
“They took control of the building for a reason we don’t know about. We’re still working but under strict monitoring. They said it will be an hour, but we’ve seen their faces.”
“No witnesses.” You finished for Maddie with a deep sigh, “Unfortunately I left my phone in the car. Did they take yours-”
“They took Linda’s EpiPen. Of course, we don’t have phones.” Maddie sighed, leaning back to rest her head against the wall. Not even having a SWAT member by her side was comforting; your badge put a more significant target on you.
“We have to warn someone.” Josh mumbled to both Maddie and you, “You’re on shift Y/N?”
“Not for a few hours. I was supposed to drop off the book and get breakfast with Buck before my shift. This was supposed to be five minutes tops, so I left my phone in my car.”
“I already did.” Maddie spoke with a sad look on her face that overtook the fear, “I just hope he gets the message.”
Your hand reached out to squeeze the woman you’d had a hand in raising Buck more than their parents. Maddie had become family when you first started dating Buck. The in-law part of her familial relationship to you never crossed your minds; you were simply sisters to each other.
“Chim. I told him I loved him.” Maddie finished with a teary gaze. It made you sick seeing that look again after Doug.
You remembered seeing that haunted look when she stumbled out of the thicker woods covered in blood. You’d stayed by Athena’s side when Buck clutched her so tight and sobbed with her. It had been before you’d become serious with the man, but it was that frightening day that Buck fell for you. You’d just finished a taxing shift with your team when you heard about Maddie was missing, and Chim was in the hospital. You’d ignored the exhaustion to search high and low through your work contacts before narrowing the search area.
“Good thing Chimney obsesses over the little things.” You spoke, slouching down against the wall, “We’ll get throu-”
“Don’t do anything stupid.” Maddie warned you with her brows furrowed together, and you saw what she was doing. Despite your years of experience and the gun you had, she pushed her fear down behind the concern that a big sister shows her young siblings.
“I won’t.”
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At 8am, Buck was just entering the apartment building from grabbing the mail addressed to both you and him when Chim had called.
“Yup, go for Buck.” Buck spoke, opening the door to the apartment he’d only temporarily left. His morning had been late after his long shift the night before. The most productive thing was dressing for his breakfast date with you and grabbing the mail.
“How come 9-1-1 doesn’t respond when I call?” Chimney questioned the younger, now confused male.
“Uh, is that some kind of riddle? Like who watches the watchmen?” Buck asked, closing the door behind him. His eyes scanned around for any indication you’d returned home, but the bowl was vacant of your keys.
“Neither of those things are riddles. Okay, I just tried calling 9-1-1, and I got the high call volume message. Did I miss an earthquake or something?”
“Nope, pretty chill morning.” Buck responded as he closed the fridge door with a bottle of water in hand. The entire conversation wasn’t concerning to him, given that Chimney was often like this.
“Where’s Y/N? She’s the police she’ll know-”
“She’s not home right now. Wait, why are you calling 9-1-1? Is everything okay?” Buck slowly asked with his brows coming together. The sigh of frustration from Chimney was answer enough.
“Your sister said that she loved me.”
“Yeah. Wasn’t that uh, the whole point in that big date you had last night?” Buck inquired on his way to the table. He had a feeling this was going to be a long conversation that would hopefully pass the time until you got home.
“You declare your love, and she declares hers? That’s how it went with Y/N and me.”
“Yeah, I know, okay, but she didn’t, all right? At least not last night. Look, she made this big deal saying that she couldn’t say those words, and then this morning, she blurts them out and hangs up on me.” Chimney speaks, pacing in his own apartment. The side by the side of Chimney and Buck’s separate apartments told different tales of their states.
“It’s still not quite sounding like an emergency.”
“’Cause I sound insane.” Chimney spoke, staring up at the ceiling with a battle in his mind. He wants Buck to talk him out of this, but he also wants Buck to agree with him, “She’s at the call centre. What could happen there? You know what, forget it, I’ll try Y/N again.”
“Again?” Buck questioned just as his co-worker ended the call. Buck tugged his phone away from his ear to stare at it confused.
You always answered the phone if you weren’t working at the moment, but given you still had hours, he found it unsettling. After seeing the news report with the ladder truck on top of him, calls weren’t ignored between you two. That feeling of concern grew when you didn’t answer his call either. Nor the second one.
“Nah, she’s probably talking with Maddie.” Buck spoke, but that second-guessing feeling didn’t dissipate. 
In the call centre, you’d been marched to one of the stations with a deep hope that you’d remember everything. It had been years by then since you’d worked as a dispatcher. It didn’t help with the gunmen patrolling the room.
“9-1-1, what’s your emergency?” You calmly questioned the caller.
“Hi, my cat is up the tree by my house. Could you send someone?”
“Can I get your name?” You went through the motions of getting her name and address before you informed the woman, “Okay, the LAFD and LAPD no longer respond to calls of cats in trees. The cat will make its way down on its own. If the tree is in your backyard, I’d use the time to garden or read a book on this beautiful day.”
“Oh, thank you. I’m sorry for taking up your time.”
“It’s no problem. Having a wonderful day Susan.”
In no time at all, you’d been rotated into the board room away from Josh and Maddie. It gave you time to inspect everyone you hadn’t made contact with yet. No one appeared harmed other than in distress with the situation.
“Downtown. They don’t want anyone downtown.” Linda whispered as Maddie was guided onto the floor by the elbow. You’d only gathered her name from her near-silent introduction to you when the hired guns had been far from your area.
“Let’s go.” Greg snapped, roughly pushing you towards the conference room. Something deep in your gut already predicted that someone was going to be stupid.
It was your sharp eyesight catching the minuscule agitation in Greg’s interactions with the Cue Ball guy. The slight tightening of his grip on the gun, the tension in the room growing stifling. And everyone knows that when emotions run high stupid things happen.
“Why do they keep moving us around like this?” The man beside Maddie questioned. He was definitely the most shaken of the group. He was basically shaking like a chihuahua.
“To disorient us.” Maddie spoke, staring at the group monitoring the dispatchers currently in play. Her eyes refused to leave them.
“So, we can’t make a plan.” You finished for your sister-in-law. Objectively out of everyone, Maddie, Sue and you were the most collected individuals for various reasons.
Maddie had lived in a volatile house with a man that could be unpredictable if a situation called for it in his mind. Sue had been working in the centre for years to navigate the emergency while you walked into dangerous situations.
“Jamal.” The shaking man spoke, holding his hand out towards you, “Are you new?”
“No.” You spoke as you shook his hand, “I’m Y/N. Maddie’s sister-in-law. I’m filling in as a favour for Sue.”
The lie slipped off your lips a little too quickly. You decided to come to this hostage situation as if you were undercover. It meant having to ignore that Maddie was in the situation with you.  
“Worst day for a favour.” Jamal snorted with his eyes pinned on one of the armed men holding all your lives in their hands. You’d have spoken, but Jamal checked out mentally from the conversation waiting for the other shoe to drop.
The shoe dropped when the IT Specialist announced numbly, “Jake’s dead. They shot him.”
It didn’t matter how long you’d been working for the LAPD, any death, whether it was a civilian or a criminal, it was still was startling. Jake, the security guard that alternated shifts with Lucy, wasn’t someone you spoke with. He was on shift when you weren’t here or just missed the shift change.
“We need to get a message out.” Jamal spoke, glancing at the only people in the right state of mind, and those were Maddie, Josh and you. Terry had seen the violence these men had no issues with.
“I did.” Josh breathed, thinking of the arguably cute security guard he sometimes liked to stare at, “A woman called about onions in an omelette. I dispatched an officer.”
“To the restaurant?” Maddie inquired with her pinkie connected with yours for comfort. Both of you would prefer your SO’s hand instead.
“Not exactly.” Josh replied, staring at his best friend with a glimpse of hope in his brown eyes.
Hope may be the only way you could get out of this without hurting anyone in your admittedly surface level plan.
“Buck will think something is up.” You added 
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Buck had begun pacing the kitchen of the apartment with Chim adamantly telling his friend his plan to go to the centre. Buck had joined Chimney in the concerned department when you had failed to return to the apartment, return calls and to make matters worse, so was Maddie. His texts had gone unanswered as well, not even having the read receipt on.
“She’s not picking up either. I tried Y/N and Josh, but neither replied. When I tried Maddie and Josh, it went straight to voicemail.”
“Now, I’m definitely going.” Chimney announced, shoving his wallet into his pocket just as someone began knocking on his door.
“What if something is wrong? I know Y/N is a member of SWAT but radio silence? No text to let me know she was called in early?” Buck thought aloud with his finger dragging along his thigh, “Maybe we should call the police.”
“I...think someone already did.” Chimney informed Buck as he stared at the sudden appearance of Sergeant Athena Grant at his door.
“What? What do you mean?” Buck hastily questioned, leaning against the kitchen island. He could just faintly hear Athena speaking on Chimney’s end of the phone, “Chimney? What’s going on?”
“Athena was sent to my apartment. Hang on, Buck, I’m just gonna tell Athena what’s going on.”
Buck stepped away from the island to settle on the stairs to the loft, impatiently waiting for Chimney to finish speaking. That fear of losing pieces of his life expanded deep in his gut, just like the times Maddie left in his childhood. That fear of being left behind.
“What’s she’s saying now?”
“She’s making her case.” Chim whispered as he continued to eavesdrop on Athena’s call with her higher-ups, “Now she’s folding like a cheap suit.”
“All right, let me talk to Athena.” Buck demanded antsy to figure out the situation that clearly had something wrong. That fear he’d thought of early flared catching the tail end of Athena’s conversation, “No! No, no. We can’t just send in SWAT. If there is someone inside the call centre doing something, they’ll know we’re onto them.”
Unfortunately, Buck was correct in this thought process, all thanks to living with a SWAT member. He knew these things after the years he’d been with you.
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“Maddie? I think I can sneak up to Terry’s computer. Maybe get eyes on the place-”
“No!” Terry nearly shouted, stiffening when Cue Ball hesitated in the doorway at his sudden shouts. You all held your breath for his reaction, but thankfully he was called away by one of the men, “They have-”
“Terry, I need you to calm down. I’m familiar with these types of situations. I’m SWAT. I need to get on top of this. Don’t be a hero.”
Maddie’s head began to shake when your arm was roughly grabbed by Greg, “Your turn.”
You were separated from Josh and Maddie, but instead of being pushed into one of the dispatcher seats, you were pulled to the original hallway.
“I don’t like how friendly you are with them.” Greg spat, shoving you to rest against the wall, “Don’t move.” 
You catch the eyes of Maddie with an apologetic expression before you used the pacing routine to sneak away. You didn’t release your breath until you were attaching your holder to your hip in the change room. By now, your team would be aware that something was wrong, Hondo would be hell-bent on finding you.
Until you had help, you were on your own.
You used each blindspot of the cameras in the halls to the stairwell, and you used a broom to adjust the cameras. The cameras not kept you from view but not appearing suspicious. Once at the floor where Terry was practically always at you softly closed the door. 
You’d only started to sit down when you heard the ding of the elevator, “Shit.”
You slipped into the closest containing extra parts if anything broke. Through the crack, you saw Terry being held at gunpoint. The gunman that had been holding the tablet on the floor, Ellis as you’d heard.
“You’re telling me every cop in the city has just disappeared?” Ellis demanded as Terry, and he disappeared around one of the corners. The tapping of a screen indicating Ellis was searching for something with Terry’s involuntary help.
“I’m telling you, I don’t know!” Terry snapped back, creating even more tension in the room, but Ellis didn’t move to grab his gun.
Ellis appeared to the only one reluctant to discharge your weapon, unlike Cue Ball, who just happened to join the party.
“Figure it out!” Ellis spat, turning on his heel at the sound of approaching footsteps. You could see him roll his eyes at his team member walking into the room.
“What’s going on here?” Cue ball questioned the duo in different kinds of distress, and you swore Cue Ball enjoyed the intimidation from his teammate and the IT specialist.
“That police car’s not the only one that’s gone dark.” Ellis nervously spoke, stiffening for the volatile reaction that one could expect from Foster.
“You think they know we’re here?” 
“Foster, it could be a system glitch.” Ellis offered keeping one eye on Cue Ball while monitoring Terry’s work as well.
Cue Ball spoke a sentence that sent chills up your spine, “Time to cut our losses.”
As Foster and Ellis began going over their personal plans made out of Greg’s knowledge, you noticed Terry glance over. His eyes widened slightly before quickly looking away when you raised a finger across your lips.
“We can go down the back stairs. I have a car waiting around the corner, we split the art up between the five of us, and we go our separate ways.” Foster spoke, revealing his plan to double-cross Greg, which in all honesty made sense. Greg was ill-fitting to be in charge of their operation, unable to control his lackeys.
“I like that part of the deal.” Ellis breathed, skirting around the trigger happy criminal only to halt in his steps, “Wait, you’ve got a car parked down the street? You were always gonna double-cross Greg.”
“You weren’t?”
“If we’re gonna do this, you can’t just sell famous works of art on eBay.”
“You can’t sell them from prison either.”
At that moment, something almost shifted in the area, something that made you pull your gun from your holster. Your body telling you something was about to happen. It happened in a split second. Foster fled the room leaving only Ellis just outside. With Terry frantically shaking his head, you tiptoed to the unsuspecting criminal.
“LAPD!” You shouted, pointing your gun towards the shocked man, “Put the gun down and put your hands up.”
“Aren’t you a dispatcher?” Ellis questioned, blinking in surprise.
“Aren’t you supposed to be intelligent? Next time check the schedule I haven’t worked here in years.” You spat, keeping your gun pointed on him, “Do I say-”
The sound of two guns going off made Terry flinch and scream as he instinctively dropped to the ground. IT was supposed to be safe, but Terry had now heard three gunshots in under two hours. He really didn’t want to see the outcome of the shots.
A moan coaxed Terry to peek out through the privacy glass. Ellis was on the ground while you kept your gun on him. He didn’t see anything else when the power went out. He didn’t see you drop to your knees, but he heard you.
“Terry...get down. Lay on your stomach with your hands insight, and don’t move.” You informed the terrified IT just as the floor was swarmed.
“Put the gun down!” The sound of Tan’s voice was welcoming as you slowly placed the gun on the ground. “25-David I have Y/L/N. The suspect is down, need medical.”
You got back to your feet when Tan nodded his head, “Thank god. There’s a possible body in the IT room along with the It Specialist Terry.”
“You got your badge on you?” Tan questioned as he cuffed the moaning Ellis up, “Street can you escort her down?”
Street nodded from his position, watching Tan’s back before guiding you to the stairs with hawk eyes. Even off duty, you kept your head on a swivel.
“You caused quite the commotion.” Street spoke halfway down the stairs when you barely mumbled. He caught you as you went down like a sack of potatoes, “Y/N!”
“Adrenaline is crashing.” You moaned, looking at your shoulder where the maroon had grown darker, “I think he shot me.”
“26-David I’m in the stairway. Prepare a medic.” Street spoke into his radio before he strapped the gun away and swept you into his arms, “Think you can have my back?”
“When don’t I?” You wheezed, with the sweat starting to bead on your forehead. As you crashed from adrenaline, you barely noticed being placed on the ground at the main entrance.
A paramedic cutting your borrowed shirt to reveal the bullet hole in your shoulder courtesy of Ellis, the only member who’d thought wouldn’t shoot his gun. You could vaguely hear Maddie calling out your name as you were loaded onto a gurney.
“M-Maddie?” You spoke, tilting your head to see Chris holding Maddie back from, “Chris! That’s my sister in law.”
Chris only let Maddie go when Hondo gave the all-clear, and you were so thankful when Maddie’s hand encased yours.
“Don’t close your eyes.” Maddie pleaded sick with the amount of blood on your skin and soaking through the gauze, “Who’s gonna help me put up with my little brother?”
“Buck.” You breathed sluggishly, blinking as the artificial lights changed to natural with the gun shining through the glass front doors.
“You didn’t let me close mine in that ambulance, so I need you to do the same. Don’t close them. I’m so sorry. This is all my fault.” Maddie cried as an officer pulled her aside as you were stopped. You wouldn’t remember it, but Maddie had to watch as you coded right in front of her.
Maddie had to watch them perform CPR on you and fight for a pulse. She had to think of how’d she’d tell her little brother she’d killed his fiance. The counting of the paramedics sounded as if underwater, and as they did, the world went quiet. Her mind checked out as the trauma settled in.
Maddie stumbled out of the building into a zoo of officers, medics, and news reporters almost robotically. She barely felt Chimney hug her, but she wrapped her arms around him and sobbed.
“It’s all my fault.” Maddie gasped, collapsing against him, “If I had-”
Chimney felt Maddie stiffen at the sound of Buck’s voice amidst the multiple voices milling around. Maddie raised her gaze to meet Buck’s blue eyes dripping in relief and question.
“Maddie, where’s Y/N? Her car…” Buck trailed off, catching the utter heartbreak in his big sister’s eyes. A look he’d come to know in his line of work as a firefighter. The utter devastation that came with watching someone you love die, “No. No.”
“I got a pulse!” Came from the nearest ambulance, and Buck skirted around his sister and Chimney, “Ready to transport!” 
Your eyes slowly blinked at the white ceiling of the ambulance with pain in your midsection courtesy of chest compressions. Breathing came painful, and the bullet wound throbbed, but it all faded when you saw blue eyes above you.
“Buck.” You sobbed, more like groaned, as he was urged to sit on the bench holding your hand, “Maddie?”
“She’s okay. Chim’s got her. Can you keep your eyes on me? I need to see those big beautiful e/c eyes.” Buck soothed, bringing your hand to his lips, “Did I ever tell you my favourite colour?”
Despite Buck’s best attempts, you continued fading in and out of consciousness but continued to be stable. He spoke about the funny video Eddie had shown him of Christopher at the end of their shift last night. He talked about everything and anything under the sun during the short ride to the hospital.
The last thing you saw was Buck being held back as the paramedics pushed the gurney into the ER. Everything turned black.
The beeping was the first thing you heard before your eyes fluttered open to a stark white room and that unmistakable hospital scent. You noticed the second thing as Buck holding your hand in both of his with his forehead pressed against them.
“Buck?” You moaned to the one person you had wished to see. The man whose eyes were bloodshot from crying, “What’s wrong?”
“Your heart stopped beating twice. I thought I was gonna lose you.” Buck cried with his lips pressed against your hand, “I was so worried.”
“Hey. I’m fine. I’m here.” You cooed, tugging one hand away to run through his messy hair with a soft smile. His blue eyes brighten at the familiar feeling of your digits in his hair, “I’m not going anywhere. This isn’t here for decoration.”
His eyes found the ring he’d gently placed back on your finger from when the nurses had removed it. It only left your finger when you were on duty, in which it was slung on a necklace hidden under your uniform.
“Better not be.”
“Does the hospital have a chapel?” You questioned out of the blue leading to Buck snorting as you giggled, “I’m serious. When I was bleeding in that building, all I could think about was you. If Maddie is anything like you, she’s waiting in the waiting room with Chimney.”
“You aren’t wrong. All the chairs are taken. Our family was waiting for you to wake up.” Buck breathed, leaning closer to press a sweet kiss to your lips, “Are you sure?”
“About marrying you?” You softly questioned the man who couldn’t help but believe this was a dream. How he’d somehow got the girl of his dreams to agree to marry his ass, “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life. All I want to share is your last name for the rest of my life. You are it for me, Evan Buckley. All the flaws you see are beautiful to me.”
“Only you would want to get married after being shot mere hours ago.” Buck chuckled with a sigh pulled from his pink lips, “I’ll get the doctor for you and find out if we can be married here.”
While you were checked out, Buck left the room to go back to the waiting room where the 118 and your co-workers waited. Everyone perked up at his appearance, Christopher asleep on Eddie’s lap.
“Is she okay?” Bobby questioned as the tension in the room grew more and more. It shattered into relief when Buck grinned.
“She’s sore as expected. She’s gonna catch some sleep, but she’d like to see Maddie.” Buck replied, pinning his gaze on his big sister with her curled into Chimney’s body. Her cheeks flooded with tears of absolute relief, “C’mon.”
The waiting room started emptying with Buck’s promise to keep everyone updated, but before Bobby could step away, Buck asked for him.
“Do you need a few days off?” Bobby questioned just as Buck came closer to the seasoned firefighter.
“No. But could you spare an hour?” The expression on Buck’s face was enough for Bobby not to ask any further questions. He simply followed Buck back towards your hospital room, where Maddie and Chim waited.
“What’s going on?” Bobby inquired, with the addition of the hospital assigned Priest holding the standard bible. Chimney could only shrug in response to whatever was going on.
“I know there have been times we haven’t seen eye to eye, but Bobby, you’re like a father to me. You gave me chance after chance when anyone else would have given up. You guided me on how to be a man. Y/N and I would like it if you’d be here for this.”
“Wait, are you getting married? What about the wedding?” Maddie spluttered, flicking her gaze between her brother and you. Her question surprised her boyfriend and Bobby.
“We’ll still have it. But I want to marry her without the pressure of our parents. Just a private ceremony with some of the people that mean the most to us.” Buck answered for the two of you, “Would you stay?”
“Of course.” Maddie softly spoke with a slideshow of memories playing in her mind of watching Buck grow up.
Watching Evan go through all kinds of injuries, all in the name of attention but never getting it the way he deserved it. She remembered giving him advice for asking out Donna and holding him when he was rejected. The little toddler with the impish grin somehow turned into an idiot in the hospital.
Maddie saw the man her little brother had turned into with the help of the 118 and you.
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Buck’s fingers made quick work of buttoning his short-sleeve uniform with the sudden appearance of his friend.
“That’s new.” Eddie spoke from his opened locker holding his uniform and a picture of his family on the door. It was a picture of Christopher, Buck, you and Eddie from the zoo a couple months back.
Buck looked over at his best friend, “Hm?”
“The ring.” Eddie snorted dramatically, looking at the ring that had been living on his finger since he married you five days ago, “Did my invite get lost in the mail?”
“Nah, we just got married in the hospital. We’re still planning the wedding to appease both sides of our family. And I promised Christopher he could be in the wedding. With Y/N on medical leave, the planning will be faster. She’s going stir crazy after five days.” Buck finished tucking in the shirt into his work-issued pants. Lastly, he slid his ring onto the metal chain he had bought recently.
Like you did, he would wear it around his neck when working for safety reasons.
“I’m happy for you, man.” Eddie told his friend just as the bell rang, “You’ll have to tell me how you’re liking the married life.”
“But first, we have a job to do.” Buck supplied all the while jogging to suit up in his turnout gear with Hen and Chimney.
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alphardofthealley · 3 years
thoughts on the yuumori S1 dub
I'm not really one to watch dubs, but when the characters are canonically british, this one is a godsend I never knew I needed (๑˃ᴗ˂)
a brief overview:
thoughts on their voices in english
very nice parts ❤️
parts that were changed — which worked
parts that were a bit wrong
anticipations for the s2 dub!
﹡ ﹡ ﹡ ﹡
thoughts on their voices in english
british accents!! thank you
absolutely loved:
john is just stellar! his voice fits perfectly — I cannot emphasise just how right it sounds, 10/10 casting (〃ω〃)
sherlock’s voice is deep oooh — he sounds like a sherlock, if you get what I mean
miss hudson!! she has just the right amount of snark: in ep8, her “Mr Watson is a down-to-earth gentleman — unlike you” cracks me up every single time 😆
william and louis are quite cool — I think their voices fit very nicely
young william is so cute!
albert sounds posh: a bit like aziraphale from good omens, idk
moran sounds… older than I thought, or rather more like his actual age (35)
didn’t manage to hear enough of fred to form a solid opinion, though I suppose that’s to be expected
sometimes it feels like in an effort to keep up the accent, the ends of some sentences get garbled
very nice parts ❤️
please do watch them, it adds another dimension to the anime :3
ep6: sherlock and william's first encounter on the noahtic — william's part was especially *ahem* blush-inducing (〃ω〃)
ep10: sherlock and john’s argument — the sheer emotion! I liked it better than the jp version
ep11: william’s “unmistakably” and sherlock’s “obviously” — the attitude in those lines
ep11: sherlock’s apology to john — it feels more awkward and heartfelt! I like it better than the jp version as well
Aside: Mycroft is a Sir?! ohoho
parts that were changed — which worked
<spoilers for the dub!>
Sherlock’s overall attitude
He’s generally more subdued in the dub, in contrast to JP Sherlock who goes from 0 to 100 real quick, and is also very loud about it. Still, I really like his laugh in the dub — it’s quieter yet mirthful, and so openly joyous! x)
Sherlock calls William by his first name before calling him “Liam”
It is a change from the source material, but I think it adds a bit more nuance to this interaction:
The scene:
Sherlock calls William “William” when he suggests that they have a contest of deduction; William accepts
Then Sherlock argues with the Yard officers, saying they’ll solve the case in 48 minutes, and looks to William for confirmation, saying “Right, Liam?” — from now on, he calls him “Liam” as usua
I see it as that Sherlock was trying to feel out their relationship at the start: after all, he’s only met William once, and is not entirely sure how the man will react
Moreover, it’s not a major concession: it’s still very informal to call someone by their first name in that era, especially when they haven’t given you express permission to do so (like John to Sherlock) — notice how Sherlock never calls Miss Hudson and Lestrade by their first names, despite knowing them for much longer than William
And once William accepts his offer, Sherlock goes one step further and gives him a nickname, hence matching up with the source material; in the end, the level of familiarity is unchanged
I think this is what’s going to happen in the official english manga translation as well, though Volume 5 (with the back half of the Two Detectives arc) hasn’t been released yet
"Come and catch me if you can, Mr Holmes"
I actually like how they tweaked the lines here, so that the flow of the conversation made just a little more sense:
The scene:
William tells Sherlock it’s his job to prove he’s the Lord of Crime; Sherlock then asks him what he would say if he were the Lord of Crime
Then William says “Come and catch me if you can, Mr Holmes”; Sherlock laughs; William is all like, “Yeah I thought you’d derive satisfaction from that” /smiles/, and the scene continues as in the original Japanese version
I think it makes a lot more sense this way — like it sets up a pretext for William cracking a “joke” out of the blue, with someone he’s still unfamiliar with
Though I was (still am) a bit frustrated about why they changed a line that’s already in English, come to think of it, if you were to write their dialogue purely from an English point of view, this is exactly what William would’ve said
Like in Japanese, we’re able to excuse some technically odd lines in English due to the mix in languages (see also: Sherlock’s “Why me?” in the Final Problem arc)
So part of me appreciates that they made this choice
Though I'm not sure why the back part of William’s line sounds distorted? It’s like he tried to stop himself from laughing as he said it, and for some reason they chose not to re-record the line 😥
*An aside on Louis's name
The dub also led me to agree that his name should technically be spelled “Lewis”:
I think it’s because of the way it’s pronounced in the dub — “Lew-is”, and not “Loui-s”, which would be a bit closer to the actual French pronunciation
Still, it feels more fitting that all three brothers have the names of kings — the name Lewis can feel a little common when placed alongside names like William and Albert
parts that are a bit wrong
and here are some gripes I need to get off my chest haha
Episode 8: Miss Hudson refers to John as “Mr Watson” — but presumably she would’ve known by now that he’s a doctor, and so she should’ve referred to him as “Dr Watson”
Victorians were very particular about titles (in the Sherlock canon, Holmes always called Watson a doctor too)
Episode 8: At the crime scene, Drebber was referred to as “a lord” when he should be called “an earl” instead:
"He is an earl" — ok
"He’s Lord Drebber" — ok
"He’s a lord" — not quite
Though they did use the proper term afterward...
Episode 11: William shouldn't be called “Lord Moriarty”, as that form of address is reserved for Albert, the oldest son
Instead, William should be addressed as “Mr Moriarty”
Carried over from the JP version: The royal cyphers on the policemen’s helmets are wrong!
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(screencap from S1 ep11) (sorry john, I couldn't find a better image)
Notice the “E R II”: This is Queen Elizabeth II’s cypher, not Queen Victoria’s...
finally, some anticipations for the s2 dub!
I wonder how they’ll handle the king of bohemia’s voice! his “good night, mr sherlock holmes” was very nice in jp — I wonder if they they can top that? :3
and seeing (hearing?) how they cast moran’s dubbed voice, I wonder how they’ll handle patterson, who’s even older than moran 🧐
will herder have a german accent? oooh
...will we ever be ready to hear the final episode in english ( ; ω ; )
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writethelifeyouwant · 3 years
Paint It Black
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Pairing: Sam x Dean 
Rating: 16+
Tags: wax play, unholy thoughts in church, incest, making out, angst
Word Count: 3.8k 
Created for: @spnkinkbingo - Wax Play Kink | @anyfandomgoesbingo - Locked In | @first-time-wincest-fest 10x16 Paint It Black 
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
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The dreary grey of the Worcester sky matches the mood Sam is in as they trudge into the church on the main drag of the historic town centre. Dean is so convinced there is a case to be had here, but so far, Sam hasn’t seen any concrete proof. Just – as he had predicted – some unfortunately angled nude selfies on one of the deceased's confiscated cell phones. He had been less than pleased about that – to Dean’s endless amusement.
Sam leaves Dean with Sister Mathias to do what he does best, though Sam does have doubts about whether his brother’s charms will work on a woman sworn to celibacy in the service of Jesus Christ. Still, she wouldn’t be the most unlikely person to have succumbed to Dean’s flirting – Sam definitely holds that prize. Shaking himself from those thoughts – what a place to think about your weird incestuous crush, Jesus – fuck. Sorry, God – Sam follows the EMF meter in a circle around the perimeter of the congregational hall. The readings are consistent but low level, like a background energy of spiritual activity which, for a church, is not actually all that concerning to him. When a stronger surge registers at the entrance to a side chamber, Sam pushes at the door, happy to find it unlocked, and he ducks into the dark room after checking over his shoulder and seeing Dean standing quite a bit closer to the nun than strangers should be to each other.  
Inside, Sam can’t find the light switch, so he grabs his phone and turns on the flashlight, aiming it at the EMF metre to get a look at the readings. The spike that had registered outside the door a moment ago has died out, and only small blips are twitching the needle on its face. He shrugs to himself, but figures he may as well check out the rest of the room now he’s here. In the short beam of light from his phone, he can see stacks of bibles and hymnals, boxes of hosts, and piles of candlesticks – your typical Catholic accoutrements. A creak behind him makes Sam spin around, only to find Dean ducking into the room, looking furtive.
“Hey, man. Find anything?” Dean keeps his voice down.
“No,” Sam shakes head, holding up his EMF reader to demonstrate his lack of supernatural evidence.
“Yours broken?” Dean looks quizzically at Sam and reaches to retrieve his own from his pocket. “Mine was reading off the charts outside…” but he trails off when he sees his own metre is just as blank as Sam’s.
“Weird, right?” Sam shines his light towards Dean and makes his way back to his brother, when the light on his phone flickers and goes out.
“Dude, turn the light back on,” Dean demands in a hushed tone. Sam shakes his phone frustratedly, but he can’t get the light to reignite. His whole phone has gone dead.
“What the hell?” Sam mutters to himself, shoving it back in his jeans and carefully stepping the rest of the way to Dean. “Mine’s dead – try yours?”
“Mine’s in the car.”
“You didn’t bring your cell phone?” Sam asks, incredulous and exasperated. Dean is such a fucking idiot sometimes, it astounds him.
“Shut up,” Dean scoffs. “Let’s just get out of here.” He turns to open the door and step back into the church vestibule – but it’s stuck.
“Dude, open the door,” Sam shoves at Dean’s shoulder.
“I’m trying, dude. It’s locked.”
“You locked us in?” Sam hisses, resolving to smack Dean’s head against the door to get it open, if that’s what it takes.
“I didn’t lock us in, douchewad. I think this place is haunted – spook must’a blocked the door somehow.”
“Well, un-block it.”
“I’m trying, it won’t budge.” Dean hammers at the door, jangles the knob, kicks the baseboard – nothing. “Find some light, will ya? Can’t see a damn thing.”
Sam huffs, annoyed, but turns toward the table with the stack of candlesticks he’d seen earlier and grabs for a couple tapers. He passes one to Dean and pulls a packet of matches out of his wallet to light his, then taps the flame to Dean’s candle. Sam drops against the table, brooding, and not wild about being trapped in a small, dark room with his brother.
Things had been tense between them since Dean’s return to humanity. Sam isn’t precisely sure why, though. From his perspective, he’s relieved to have Dean back after spending so long separated and worried about whether the brother he had known had permanently dissolved into a demonic version of his former self. Dean, on the other hand, hasn’t been acting very relieved to see Sam. Sam isn’t sure what’s running through Dean’s brain these days, but whatever it is, it’s something he’s trying to keep off his brother’s radar, that much Sam’s sure of.
“So what’s your plan of action here, Rambo?”
“I don’t know, use some of your hair gel to grease the lock?” Dean snarks, crouching down to peer at the keyhole. Sam laughs reluctantly at the jibe, then hisses as a pearl of hot wax drops onto the back of his hand. Dean turns, concerned at Sam’s outburst, to see his little brother shaking his hand agitatedly. “What’s up?”
“Nothing,” Sam flexes his fingers to break off the wax that’s drying there. “Just dripped some wax on my hand.”
“Kinky,” Dean grins and waggles his eyebrows.
“Shut up,” Sam grimaces, hoping it’s too dark for Dean to see the blush creeping up his neck. Please, God, do not let him know about…
“Ooh, touchy subject?” Dean pouts, tauntingly. “What Sammy, got a wax kink?”
“Dean, shut up,” Sam realises too late that denying it is the wrong move. He absolutely just confirmed for Dean that he does have a wax kink.
“Well, well, little brother,” Dean grins, eyes glinting like a wolf’s in the dark of the small cupboard. “Someone is more adventurous than I gave him credit for – guess church is the place for confessions, heh?”
“Dean, I swear…” Sam grits his teeth, coming up blank on a decent threat to follow up with.
“Aw, don’t be like that, Sammy.” Dean is stalking closer to Sam now, his resemblance to a predator more and more pronounced with each step towards his brother, who is inconveniently trapped against the table he’s sitting on. The candle in Dean’s hand is dripping down its body, the trails of wax building over themselves, the rivulets driving their way towards Dean’s skin. “S’just a little wax, nothing scary.”
“I’m not scared, Dean,” Sam scoffs, but his hackles are up. He’s not scared of the wax – he is scared of how his body will react if Dean drips wax onto him as he’s threatening to do right now.
“Hold out your hand.”
“What?” Sam is genuinely nonplussed.
“Hold out your hand.” Dean’s voice rumbles through the small space left between them, and Sam can’t explain it, but he obeys. Like Dean is a magnet and his body is no longer under his own control. His hand extends towards Dean, stilling in the pool of light flickering beneath the candlestick in the older man’s hand. Slowly – cautiously – Dean tips the candle, directing the flow of the wax to Sam’s outstretched fingertips. The first drops sizzle against Sam’s skin, his nerves burning from the heat of the wax and the heat of the arousal that’s blooming in his belly. Dean moves the tip of the candle to drizzle over the tender skin of Sam’s upturned wrist without needing his eyes to guide its path, because the green orbs glinting in the warm candlelight are focused solely on Sam’s hazel ones, which are watering with the effort of not flinching.
“So” –Sam can feel Dean’s words against his cheek– “do you confess?”  
Sam gulps. Looks down to the pearly splashes on his skin, outlined in blush. He looks back up to Dean, who’s standing taller than him for once because he’s still leaning against the table, and he takes a deep breath.
“Agents?” A knock sounds at the cupboard door and it creaks open, dousing the brothers in light. They fly apart, and Dean drops his candle, the flame going out against the stone floor.
“Father,” Dean squawks, brushing his hands against his trousers like he’s cleaning them off, and pushing them in his pockets. “What time do you hear confession today?”
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Sam hovers to the side of the confessional, trying to look like he isn’t eavesdropping, which is difficult because he is listening to everything Dean is saying about ‘Gina’ to the surely perplexed priest. They’d agreed, after connecting the dots on the murder/suicide victims’ relationship preferences, that Dean confessing his womanising ways to Father Delaney would be decent bait for this spirit. Sam had helped Dean work out a brief ‘script’ based on the infidelities of the previous victims, and he was pleased to hear that so far, Dean had mostly stuck to plan. He surreptitiously sneaks his EMF metre out of his pocket to check if the readings had picked anything up. Small jumps are registering and disappearing so fast Sam isn’t sure he’s actually seeing them but that has to mean a spirit is listening in – right? – even if they aren’t nearby right now, maybe they can still hear Dean, who has been in there for a while now, it occurs to Sam.
Sam sidles closer to the wooden partition and listens. Dean’s voice is quieter now but he is still talking to the father.
“–there’s things, people... feelings, that I- I want to experience differently than I have before. Or, maybe even for the first time.”
What on Earth was he talking about? That was definitely not part of the script they’d agreed on, so those words must really be Dean’s. Dean’s actual confession.
“–just starting to think that … maybe there’s more to it all than I thought–”
Well, that could mean anything, Sam told himself. More to what? He jumps back to Dean’s first statement in his mind. People and feelings that he wants to experience differently. Sam can’t help but think – me. He wants to experience me differently. He wants to experience his feelings for me differently. He remembers all the times Dean has shown his utter devotion to Sam, to their bond, their family of two. How do you experience that depth of love differently? Sam can only think of one answer, and his heart jackrabbits against his ribs at the thought. Could Dean actually want him the way Sam wants Dean?
The confessional door squeaks open and Sam breaks out of his reverie and moves towards the doors of the church, but not before Dean clearly noticed that he had been standing close enough to the wooden booth to be listening in.
“How’d I do Samwise?” Dean asks under his breath, smirking as they make their way down the aisle of pews.
“Well, hopefully, jerks like you are just what our ghost is looking for,” Sam smiles tightly, distracted by his own thoughts racing around his mind, and follows Dean back to the car.
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Ghost roasted to the recommended internal temperature, and promiscuous nun left permanently behind them, Sam steers the Impala onto the freeway exit and starts them on the long drive from Massachusetts back to the Bunker. Dean had opted for the passenger seat when they packed up their gear at the motel, which was Sam’s first indication that something was most definitely not right. His mind flashes back to the confession he overheard the day before. People… feelings, that I want to experience differently… or maybe even for the first time. Sam hasn’t been able to keep his brain from playing the words on a loop since he’d heard them.
“So,” Sam hums, needing to fill the silence but not knowing how to keep himself from blurting out what he desperately wants to ask, “just back home, yeah?”
“Yeah,” Dean nods, looking over at Sam. “You know, unless we find something else to do along the way back,” he shrugs. Sam’s brain unhelpfully supplies, I know something else we could do, before he shuts that back down again. He glances away from the road and towards his big brother, sitting sullenly beside him. Seemingly of their own accord, his eyes scan downwards, coming to rest on the view of Dean’s hand in his lap, fiddling with a loose thread on the seam of his jeans next to his zipper. They go over a pothole and Sam’s eyes slam back on the dark highway in front of them.
“You know...” Sam tugs the corners of his lips into a tight smile, trying to inject a casual levity in his voice. He can’t just let this hang, he needs to know. “You were in that confessional a long time.” He looks back to Dean, trying to judge the stony face for a reaction. Dean’s mouth gives a half hearted twitch as if to say ‘yeah, so?’, so Sam tries again. “Look man, I’m just saying… I’m your brother. If you ever need to talk about anything, with anybody, you got somebody right here next to you.” If Sam could just make Dean see that it was okay to have emotions and feelings, and it was okay to need to talk to someone about them, maybe Dean would pick him to do that with. And even if talking is all it ever is, that’s fine with Sam. All he’s ever needed is as much as Dean is willing to give him.
Sam looks at Dean again, waiting for some kind of response, but all he gets is a short, dismissive, “Okay.” He doesn’t know why he expected more from Dean the Wordless Wonder, but he decides to try again from a different angle. Whatever these things are that Dean wants to ‘experience differently’ or ‘for the first time’, Sam knows why he’s worrying about that right now.
“I heard,” Sam starts again, “what Sister Mathias was saying about, you know, hiding pain by taking on a mission and, I- I know that’s what you’re doin’, a little bit, and it’s okay” –Sam’s rambling now– “I mean, it’s fine. I get it. I’ve done it before, too. But… I don’t buy for one second that the Mark is a terminal diagnosis. So, don’t go making peace with that idea.” Sam can’t have Dean make peace with that, he can’t have him sitting back waiting to die on him, that’s not gonna happen. “There has to be a way. There will be a way, and we will find it. That’s what we do. So believe that.”
“Okay, Sammy.” Dean looks at Sam forlornly, no doubt knowing he’s causing Sam some amount of pain, but not knowing how to fix it without giving up his own surly conviction that this Mark is gonna end him. Sam knows Dean isn’t ready for that, yet, but he can’t help pushing him.
“You wanna—” Sam scoffs, feeling like he knows the answer, but resolving to ask anyhow “— uh, try that again like you mean it.” I need you to mean it, he thinks to himself. He looks at Dean again, letting the puppy dog eyes surface in the vain hope Dean might give him what he wants. Dean blinks at him blankly, but then the crease around his eyes soften, just a touch.
“Okay,” he grunts, going back to staring at the road ahead.
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It’s a twenty three hour drive from Massachusetts back to Kansas, so Sam pulls them over at a motel sometime in the middle of the night to get some shut eye and rest up for the next leg of the journey. Dean hasn’t said much since their last conversation – if you could even call it a conversation – so Sam has had a few hours to stew in the tense silence that swarmed the cab of the impala and think through all the possible permutations of meanings that could be behind Dean’s admission to Father Delaney.
As much as Sam doesn’t want to get his hopes up, and he really really doesn’t want to give his inner depravity even the slightest hit of open air – not after he’d spent so long burying it in the deepest recesses of his mind – he cannot come up with any explanation for Dean’s words than the one he so desperately wants to believe is true. That Dean wants him the same way that Sam has wanted Dean for so long, that Dean wants to know what it’s like to be more than brothers. And as soon as Sam let that thought form in his mind about a hundred miles back, he couldn’t shout himself down. And if it’s true… if Dean wants him… he has to know.
Sam watched Dean sling his bag onto the foot of the springy motel bed and slouch off to the bathroom to piss after their long drive. When he’s done Sam scurries into the bathroom, wondering how he’s going to do this. Because if he doesn’t ask, he knows he’ll never get to sleep. He splashes some water over his face and drags his hands through his hair, tugging hard, hoping the pain would help ground him. Then he takes a deep breath, and pushes back into their room.
“Dean,” Sam starts lamely, not knowing what he wants to say and floundering to the first thing he can land on, “are you sure you’re okay?” Fucking great, Sam, you know he’s not gonna answer that.
“I’m fine, Sammy,” Dean grunts, tugging his t-shirt off and chucking it on the floor.
“Listen, Dean,” Sam sighs and steels himself, “what you said, in the confessional—”
“I knew it,” Dean points his finger at Sam accusingly. “I knew you were listening in.”
“Why shouldn’t I have been, it was supposed to be a fake confession,” Sam defends. Dean huffs, full of derision, and turns away from Sam. “Talk to me,” Sam pleads, moving closer to Dean. “Tell me what’s eating you. Because I know something is. You’ve been different with me since you got back, so just... tell me,” Sam reaches out for Dean’s shoulder. Dean spins and catches Sam’s arm in the air, the Mark shining against the skin of his forearm.
“You wanna know what I was talking about, Sammy?” Dean growls, grip tightening on Sam’s wrist. “You want me to tell you just how much this thing on my arm has messed me up? All the shit that’s been in my head since I was a demon? All the fucked up things that demon made me think? About my own brother?”
Sam’s breath catches in his chest. “Tell me,” he whispers, eyes locked on Dean’s face. On his lips.
Dean surges forward – man of action over words that he is – and kisses Sam violently. It’s not tender, or loving, like Sam had dreamt about since he’d been a boy. It’s hungry and desperate, and Sam doesn’t have a problem with that. If Dean wanted to eat him alive he would let him. They break apart, chests heaving, the last pieces of them touching are Dean’s teeth clawing at Sam’s lower lip. Sam’s eyes peel open slowly, as if this will all evaporate when he looks at Dean, as if this is all still in his head. The pain in Dean’s eyes is radiant, and Sam realises that Dean thinks he’s ruined things now. Dean thinks Sam will leave him for this.
Dean backs up slightly, putting even more space between him and Sam, waiting on tenterhooks for the outburst that he’s clearly expecting from his little brother. Sam approaches Dean cautiously, like he’s trying to calm a cornered animal. He raises his arm and Dean flinches, but he continues to reach forward and lays hand against Dean’s neck, his grip stopping the older man’s further retreat. When Sam kisses Dean it’s slow and measured. He tries to pour every ounce of reassurance he can muster into Dean’s body, tries to tell him it’s okay. Tries to tell himself this is okay. Because even if they both want this – does that really make it alright? But when Dean kisses him back, Sam decides he doesn’t care anymore.
Sam starts to back Dean towards the bed, pushes him down on the edge, straddles his lap, doing everything he can to be just that little bit closer to his brother, just a little more connected – together.
“Wait, Sam,” Dean pulls back, his hands on Sam’s chest. “Wait, don’t you wanna talk about this… or something?”
“No,” Sam shakes his head and ducks in for another kiss, scared that Dean will manage to talk himself out of this if they stop now.
Dean pulls back again to protest. “We aren’t moving kinda fast here?”
“No,” Sam insists, kissing down the side of Dean’s neck. He can feel Dean is hard beneath his own arousal and grinds them together, sending both brothers into shaking groans. “Want you, De,” Sam pants against Dean’s lips.
“Okay, little brother, okay,” Dean gives Sam another kiss, his hands running comfortingly up and down Sam’s back. “But you’re sure you don’t want me to make our first time a little more special? You know, I could take you out to dinner, get you a little tipsy, do this right.” Sam pulls back to look at Dean, thoroughly confused as to where this romantic side of his brother has come from. “I could even get some candles, huh? Really set the mood.” Dean raises his brows and grins at Sam as if to say ‘Huh? Yeah? My idea rocks, right?’, and when Sam realises Dean’s making fun of him he reaches for a pillow and whacks him over the face with it.
“Fuck you,” Sam tries to pointedly shut the teasing down, but he’s knows he’ll never be able to get Dean to let this one go.
“Oh, I plan to fuck you, don’t worry,” Dean grins, and in a flash he’s flipped them over and pinned Sam to the bed beneath him. He pulls Sam’s shirt off and begins to kiss down his brother’s body, keeping his eyes on Sam his whole descent. “We can keep our first time vanilla, but don’t for a second think I’m gonna forget about that wax kink, baby brother,” Dean winks and mouths over Sam’s erection through his jeans. Sam wants to protest, but the heat of Dean’s mouth feels so fucking good, his head is already starting to go fuzzy. He settles on trying to catch Dean off guard instead.
“Only let you do it to me, if I can do it to you too,” Sam’s voice is far breathier than he’d hoped it would be. Dean glances up at him through his lashes, not at all nervous or off-put like Sam had been aiming for.
“Oh, you have so got yourself a deal.”
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Welcome To The Pack: To Wakanda
Summary- 7k. Steve Rogers x You. You have been injected with an unknown substance, going into a coma like state and your wolf is unable to be found by the Alpha. Bruce is also at a loss, but there may be someone who can help. Warnings- Smut, use of needles, implied bad stuff from Brock, etc etc. 
A/N- Thank you so much for the love given from everyone for this series. And also being patient with me while my internet is currently being a pain in the ass. Hope you all enjoy this chapter. Much Love always. 
A/N 2- feedback is welcome, I really do love hearing what you all think, and ways to improve. 
 Chapter 6 / Pack Masterlist
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Tony had a migraine from hell, he was sitting at his desk, his head pounding for some unknown reason. 
<You do know though.> The Wolf sauntered to him, licking his jaws and arching his neck in a stretch. <Ross is breathing down your neck, Clint took off with a jet for an unknown reason, and you haven’t run with your mate in over a week. You should go to Pepper, and retire to Central Park for the day. Or leave the city. That would be even better.>
Tony sighed as he leaned back forward, rubbing at his temple as he opened the drawer and pulled out some painkillers for there kind. A headache required more than the human use of pain relievers. Shaking out a couple of tablets, he popped them, and his Wolf sighed as it pushed to a stand, shaking out his sleek fur and retreated further into Tony’s mind. 
I know your right… I miss Pepper. 
<Well she’s just a few floors down.> The Wolf snarked over his shoulder before leaping further from Tony’s current conscious. Tony pissed him off, he knew that. About to push from his desk to go see his mate, the beast wasn’t wrong in that. Or any of it. It had been too long, just before the went to Steve’s pack, since they redid their bonds, reaffirmed the strength of there mating and the bites, his body ached for hers. Immensely. The migraine resounded in his temples as a reminder.  
It was then Friday buzzed online, making an announcement. ‘Boss, A unauthorized jet approaches.’ And Tony growled even louder this time. “Is it Barton with my jet? It better be.” 
‘Yes, Sir. I’m patching him through right now.’ There was a moment of silence, then a whoosh sound. “Barton? Why the fuck you take my jet? It better be in one piece.” Tony said loud enough for it to go through, and he could hear Barton chuckle on the other end. 
“Nat called me that there was some trouble going down Stark. You out of anyone know that I’m going to go if my Alpha needs me.” Tony snorted, although he knew it was true. Rogers probably didn’t know just how deep his packs loyalties lay for him. Barton’s voice broke through again, following Tony as he left the office and headed up to the top of the tower. “Steve’s with me, as well as Bucky, Natasha, and Y/N. Y/N is in bad shape, Tony. Steve needs your help.” 
Tony stalled his strides, just before he approached the elevators, frowning. The Alpha of the Mountain Pack needed help? That had never happened. “Care to repeat that Barton?” 
“Tony? It’s Steve.” The Alphas voice came over, and Tony couldn’t lie, it sounded strained. “Y/N was shot with a dart, she was in immense pain, claimed she couldn’t feel her wolf, and now she won’t wake up.” Even Tony’s Wolf came striding back to the more conscious part of his mind, the Alpha pinning his ears back in distress at the other Mans admission. “I don’t know anywhere else that might have the capability to help her.” 
Tony punched the button to the elevator, and instead of going up to meet them, he was going to the next level. “Bring her to Bruce’s Lab, Barton and Nat know where it is. I will meet you down there.” Once the doors opened, he stepped on, and the door swiftly shut behind him, descending. 
Barton landed the jet, and opened the hatch, shutting off all the switches in quick maneuvers. Steve collected You, pressing you protectively against his chest as he followed Natasha out of the jet, and she got them into the towers once she hit her security code. Steve’s face melded from worried to calm, collected. He was in another Alphas territory, and any sign of stress from him could invite a challenge from another wolf. His fingers though, they pressed into your skin, his heart thudded in his chest, aching with every beat, constantly seeking you, and now that he could feel you against him, his breathing turned to match yours, the way his heart racing started to slow. Even in this state, you were his calm. Now if only he could bring you back to him. His Wolf was still howling for you, an echo constantly in his mind as he sought your Little Wolf. Even without the bond, he still could sense her when they were human. Now the Silver Wolf couldn’t, and it was breaking the Alpha. 
Once the doors opened, Tony and Bruce stood there, a hospital stretcher ready, but Steve brushed past it, not wanting to let you go. Bruce was about to say something, but Natasha rested her hand against his arm, giving a slight shake of her head. Steve was already close to snapping, its best not to push him. His words changed, tilting his head to the man. “This way, we have a room set up for her.” Pushing the stretcher to the side, they all followed along with Bruce, and came into a comfortable looking room. A large hospital bed was set up, and Steve was careful to set you down on the pristine white cotton sheets. Bruce waited patiently for Steve to settle next to his mate before he approached. Holding his hands up for the Alpha to see him, lowering his head a bit to show his neck. “I promise not to do any harm to your mate Alpha, but you have to trust me, okay. I have to examine her and that will require me touching her.” 
Steve Wolf growled, eyeing the man, and Steve to drew in Bruce’s scent, it was an intermingling of differences that shouldn’t exist in their society. But it did.
Bruce’s condition was well known, why he was loosely tied to Tonys Pack. Tony was one of the only packs that could help Bruce. The Man, he wasn’t an Alpha, gentle to the core, nothing more than a healer and had no drive to really be with a pack. His Wolf though, a Alpha through and through. And not just an Alpha, but a beast unnatural. He had been mutated through an accidental experiment, and it left Bruce almost unable to control him. Tony provided him with space, still in a pack, yet able to work on his own. Steve took all this information into account when he gave a gentle nod, giving him permission to handle you. That nod set Bruce into action, calling forth a nurse, and they worked around Steve, who wouldn’t leave your side, his hands enclosed around yours, keeping contact with yours. 
Come back to me Little One. 
     Bucky gathered the two panther cubs in his arms, the kittens have come around to him during the jet ride. One slept in the crook of one arm, the other perched on the White Wolf’s shoulder, squeaking in excitement at all that was going on. Barton followed him off, and they to enter the Tower, heading straight to Bruce’s lab. Once they exited the elevators, they caught sight of Natasha and Tony, looking through a window into a room, both men could hear Natasha filling Tony in on what had happened that night. Hearing them, Tony looked at gaffed a laugh at the sight. 
“Barnes looks like you got some stowaways.” Tony grinned, and Bucky shifted the sleeping kitten to his other arm. 
“Pierce, had them locked up, figured maybe you could get them back to there families?” Bucky asked hopefully, knowing that the Black Panthers didn’t typically reside in the northern forests of the eastern part of the states. 
“I don’t think that should be a problem,” Tony stated with a nod, his sight catching Pepper coming to join them, and as she approached, he held his arm out to her, and she slid into his side just where she always did, listening as he continued. “King T’Challa had actually contacted me about his missing Panthers a couple of weeks ago. He will be pleased to get back the children taken. Uh… you didn’t happen to see any adult panthers there?” 
Bucky gave a sorrowed shake of his head as the awake kitten perched on his shoulder wailed softly, and Pepper immediately crooned to him, holding out her arms for the kitten to leap into the woman’s arms, hiding against her for comfort. Tony cleared his throat, getting his answer. 
“These Cubs need to be fed, and allowed to shift back.” Pepper said softly as she stroked the distraught kitten fur. “I can take them to go shift, get a proper meal and rest while you all arrange the flight home for them.” she offered and Bucky nodded, handing the sleeping kitten over. She tilted to kiss Tony’s cheek before retreating with them, speaking softly. “Get to go home soon, how does that sound to you two?” A sounding high pitched meow reached the group’s ears. 
Turning to watch Bruce work on You, Bucky wasn’t surprised to see Steve right there, refusing to leave her side. “First off, what the fuck did he shoot Y/N with, and how did that son of a bitch get Panther cubs?” 
“That’s what Bruce is trying to find out now, and the panther cubs… I’m guessing someone smuggled them out of the country. Which means I have a King to contact. Natasha, you know this place, whenever Steve is ready, you can show him the live-in quarters, you to Barnes.” 
“Thanks, Stark” The White Wolf opened his hand to shake it, which was evenly matched before he turned away. Once they were alone, just Bucky, Clint, and Natasha, Bucky spoke up. “I can’t stay, Rumlow still has Cass. Now that Pierce is dead… I have to find her quickly.” 
Barton and Natasha looked at each other, knowing neither one of these Wolves could be left alone. 
“How about I come with you, Barnes? We can pick up where the trackers are now. This is what I’m trained to do.” Barton shrugged. “I also got transportation here for us, and Stark cant bitch about me taking it.” 
“And I will stay with Steve and Y/N, keep you updated on what is going on.” Natasha offered, knowing Barnes was hard-pressed to leave there Alpha. 
“Thank you two…” Barnes said softly, his gaze not breaking from the scene in the next room. 
     Steve was thrumming his thumb over your pulse, which was so calm, it was like you were sleeping. Bruce had drawn blood, had you hooked to monitors that beeped excessively. They were driving Steve and his Wolf nuts trying to make sense of what the numbers all meant. Luckily the scientist did, as well as the nurse assisting him, but neither said if it was good or bad, just an occasional ‘Hmm’ 
<Make them tell us Steve, I can’t handle this any longer. When is our Little One waking up, will she wake up? What is going on.>
Patience Beast. 
<I’m trying Steve> The Silver Wolf responded with a defeated sigh. 
“Alpha?” Bruce started but Steve immediately cut him off. 
“Please, its Steve.” He warily smiled, the adrenaline from the night had finally left him, the usually proud Alpha just look beat and tired now, sitting on the bed. 
“Steve, we’ve checked her over, and from what we can tell, she is okay. In the Human Sense. Her pressures are good, shes breathing, there is still functions of her brain. I have no fear that her body can’t function. From what I can tell… shes simply shut herself down from the trauma.  As far as her Wolf, we can’t find any trace of her in her system. None of the scans picked her up.” It was impossible to miss the whine that came from the Alpha and how his eyes clouded over a moment, but Bruce ignored it, continuing. “I might not be the man for this Steve, but… You said she was injected. I was able to isolate the compound in her bloodwork. Now I can’t be certain, but it seems to be biological. I don’t necessarily know for sure, but there is a plant that might be used for this kind of thing.” 
Steve’s head shot up, his eyes wide. “Where is it, and is there a cure Dr.Banner?” The Wolf perked up too, his ears straining to hear Bruce’s next words. 
“The plant only originates in one place, Wakanda. And Wakanda has one of the most brilliant scientific minds I know of. Her name is Shuri, the Kings sister. She would know more about the plants capabilities then I can begin to understand. They use it in a few rituals when appointing the new king. It diminishes there powers, sedates there beasts almost into a slumbering state so that they can prove that the person can lead their people as much as the animal.” Bruce witnessed Steve turning back to look at You, his eyes willing you to wake up, but there was no movement from you. “Would to much kill the animal you think Doctor?” 
“I really can’t say Steve, I simply don’t know enough about it. It’s not something we have here, and the Wakanda people guard their crops fiercely. I wouldn’t even begin to guess how someone would have gotten there hands on such a plant. Now with how strong Wakandas borders are.” 
“I have to talk to Tony about this, but I can’t leave her.” Steve drifted off, even though you were safe, he just couldn’t pry himself from you. Natasha knocked on the door and opened it gently. 
“Let me sit with her, I will stay till you can return Steve.” She offered and the even though the Wolf protested, Steve pressed your palm to his mouth, giving a soft affectionate nip before easing your hand back to the mattress. “Thank you, Natasha.” 
The Red Head nodded, switching spots. “Shes my packmate to. Bucky is out there, Starks floor is one up, that’s where he will be.” 
With a nod, Steve took one last look at you, peaceful and small looking in the oversized bed, quick to exit the door. Wait any longer and his resolve would fold. 
Tony was once more at his desk, and the phone was ringing when a message came through from Bruce, giving him a bit of an update. Tony’s brows arched curiously at this new bit of info, that you were possibly injected with a organic matter made for this particular situation. Wonder how many other people were subjected to the same fate. A click drew him back, an accented voice speaking on the other end. “Stark, its good to hear from you.” 
“Likewise T’Challa. I might have some good news for you. Two cubs were found by a neighboring pack and brought them to me. They are young, I’m hoping they are your missing children.” Tony could hear the sharp muffle of the phone being covered and the king’s voice talking to someone before he came back. “Yes, two were taken along with there mother. No sign of the female?” 
“No… I’m sorry, Pierce might not have taken her if he bought the cubs off a smuggler, or might have already sold her off to another.” Tony didn’t want to share the wall of skins, it was just so horrific to think about. 
“Thank You, the two cubs was more then we had hoped to be able to bring home, I will notify my trackers looking through the states of this news, send them to you if you could possibly direct them to where they were found. Maybe they can pick up a trail.” 
“Absolutely. I will send the cubs back to you, just as soon as they are looked over and given a bit of proper rest. My Mate is tending to them now, and they seem to be in fairly good health. I also have something else to discuss with you King.” 
“What is it?” The Panther said softly, his tone said he was half expecting more bad news. 
“The pack that found them, the Alphas Mate was darted, and her Wolf, it’s gone. Dr.Banner isolated an organic compound in her blood that might be the cause. But this is out of his expertise. If the Alpha could bring her over with the cubs, could Shuri try to bring her back? Shes slipped into something like a coma and shows no signs of waking up, although she appears to be healthy.”
T’Challa was silent a moment before there was a rumbling answer, and Tony suspected it was distress about the Alphas Mate, it had unsettled him the same way thinking about what if that had happened to Pepper. “Of course, send the Alpha Wolf and his Mate along, we will do all we can to help them.” 
“Thank you King. I will be contacting you soon.” 
As he hung up, Steve and Bucky came into the office, and Tony swept a hand to the chairs in front of his desk, waiting till the men settled. “Before you say anything, Steve, it’s already arranged. You will be taking Y/N to Wakanda for Shuri to help her. Now, I heard what Natasha said, but you want to tell me officially. The Council will want to know.” 
Steve bared his teeth in agitation but started in on all that had happened. “I sent Bucky and Natasha to check out this pack as you know. They were immediately taken.” Bucky then took over, telling all about how he was collared, how the collar impacted his beast in chains. “It wasn’t anything like the magic of Wanda, but blood magic. Way to much power in it. And then I was to be sold off to Hydra.” Tony stayed silent listening. “Once we managed to escape, we contacted our Alpha.” 
“And that was it. I had enough to challenge Pierce. We met him on his turf, called him out. He has a whole underground facility my wolves are sorting through now with Sam in charge. After Y/N was shot, we left to get her here as soon as possible. I’m indebted to you.” Steve said solemnly, and Tony waved it away. 
“Don’t, if it was the other way around, I know you would do anything you could for Pepper, Rogers. Besides, I like Y/N, shes good. She would have been a wolf I would have welcomed to my pack should she had come to my borders easily. I will have a cleanup crew go to help Sam, so please let him know beforehand.” 
Steve nodded, but now he was anxious to return to You, not that he didn’t trust Natasha, but this wasn’t home. He wasn’t in control here, and he didn’t want to risk leaving you in an unfamiliar place. 
“I think we’re settled here, Peppers taking care of the Kits now. I will have it all set up to fly you to Wakanda in the morning Steve.” The Alphas all rose, shaking hands and with that all was said and done. 
On the way out, Bucky paused Steve. “Brother, I wish I could go with you. But there’s still Rumlow. I have to find Cassandra. She’s only in this mess cause we’ve been, well I don’t know really what we’ve been doing. But my association has gotten her captured.” 
Steve cursed inwardly, the Wolf guiltily laying back his ears. How could they forget Bucky’s own situation. “Of course, please gather any of the pack you need for tracking them.” 
Both men stepped once more on the elevator. “Barton is coming with me, and I’m going to ask the twins. Pietro is skilled like Barton is, better then I could ever be, and Wanda is a powerful healer already. I don’t know what condition I will find Cassandra. Natasha, she will be going with you to Wakanda.” Bucky swallowed deeply, and Steve clasped his shoulder. 
“What Brock did, it isn’t your fault Buck.” 
“Isn’t it though? If I never messed around with her, she wouldn’t be taken from her home, and god knows what he’s done to her. I should have known better, she’s a human, and I’m just an animal. I never had any intention of taking her as my mate, I should have just left after that first night.” Bucky started to confess, and Steve couldn’t help the twinge in his chest at Bucky’s pain. He knew the White Wolf had long ago decided that he wouldn’t take a mate, but the lone wolf still had a desire for a connection, which he had apparently found in this woman. His hand gave Buckys shoulder another squeeze before letting it slide away. 
“You will find her and return her home, Buck. As soon as I come back from Wakanda, I will join you. You are not alone in this.” 
Bucky turned haunted eyes to his Alpha, his brother, and gave a nod. “Till the end of the line.” 
“Till the end of the line” Steve repeated before the door opened. 
Steve relieved Natasha and he stretched out next to your unconscious form, and half slept till morning when they were collected and taken to the airport, a more comfortable ride set up for the five of you. The Panthers had shifted back at Peppers urging, and now joining You, Steve and Natasha were two children. A girl looking to be eight or nine, and a boy looking to be much younger, maybe five if Steve had to guess. Both the kids bid farewell to Bucky, hanging off his neck as they hugged him and he embraced them both and gave the young boy a ruffle of hair. “Yall come back to visit me, okay? But like next time we will have some fun. No locks or cages, that I promise.” Natasha nudged Steve with a grin and whispered to him. “He’s a natural.” 
Steve had to chuckle watching him. “Yes, he really is. He always had been.” he said softly before Bucky approached them, the man looking between his Alpha and Natasha. “Well, you crazy kids don’t get into any tussles with the Panthers. Means no growling at them, Steve.” He gave a mock warning leaving the Alpha growling at Bucky and Natasha grinning as she stepped forward and hugged Bucky. “Stay safe Buck, I’m not gonna be there to keep you out of trouble.” 
Bucky returned the hug with a laugh, kissing her temple. “Well that’s just not exciting then is it.” Turning to Steve the two men shared a hug too, slapping each other on the back. “Bring Y/N home man, we all just got her, not ready to lose her yet.” 
“That’s the goal, keep us updated Buck, and like Natasha said, stay safe.” The two men separated and together Natasha and Steve went onto the plane, and the door shut. Bucky turned the opposite way, joined with Barton, the two wolves preparing for the hunt. 
The flight was a long one and almost immediately Steve retreated with you, you were laid out, head on his lap as his fingers carded through your hair, his head tilted back with closed eyes, his Wolf was in a semi-relaxed state, only once in a while did the beast raise himself up to pace, using Steves senses to check on you, keep an eye on what was going on around him. Steve felt the Wolf stir, giving a soft growl to alert the man that someone was approaching him when his eyes sprang open to the boy standing in front of him with wide eyes. Steve straightened up a bit and softened his features to smile. “Hello, my name is Steve, what’s yours?” He removed his hand from your hair and held it out to the kid, offering him a peaceful shake. The kid took his hand and turned it, tracing the line of his palm as if studying it before letting go, and he spoke in his native language, which Steve simply shook his head and shrugged not understanding. The girl soon came, looking for her companion. “He said his name is Zane, sorry, my brother can not speak English yet, he was just starting to learn when we were abducted, but he does understand it. My name is Audre.” 
“I’m sorry that happened to you two, If I had known, I would have been there sooner for you,” Steve said sincerely, the two children gave a smile and shook their heads, holding no ill will towards the Alpha. “Were glad you came when you did. I had been trying to break the lock, but had no luck. We were being sold soon to some of that man’s friends.” 
“Well, you don’t have to worry about that man any longer. I promise he won’t be coming for anyone, ever again.” Steve’s hand went back to your hair, brushing through it. Zane stepped in closer and his hand went to touch your face, near your temple and tracing over your forehead and down the bridge of your nose. Speaking again, his sister was quick to translate. “He asked why is she sleeping the deep sleep?” 
The Wolf paused, twisting his ears. 
<Maybe they would know how to bring her back Steve.>
Steve looked down at you, his own hand cupping the side of your face, and letting his fingers brush along your cheeks. “She was hurt, by the man that kept you two caged. She is my mate, and I miss her very much. I’m hoping your King and his sister can bring her back to me.” 
The little boys eyes shined as he turned to his sister, speaking hurriedly. His sister listened and then turned back to Steve. 
“He says she feels you, and misses you very much Alpha. That she can hear you but is lost while searching for her Little Wolf. She went deep inside, and is looking for her way back to you. But she can feel you calling her, your touches. She was scared but knows you are keeping her safe. And… “ She turned back to her brother and listened again, nodding as she repeated it. “That it felt good to be held last night, she was worried you would leave her alone.” 
“No, never would I leave her alone.” Steve’s other hand was heavy on your hip, keeping a hold on you and the kids smiled, the little boy reaching out to pat Steve’s chest and say something else. 
“Zane says your a good Alpha, and that she is lucky to have you. She will return home, and you two will be okay once more.” Audre hugged her brother around his shoulders and looked down at him. “Come brother, The Alpha is tired and needs to rest before we get back home, let him be with his mate.” Leading him away, Steve pondered what they had told him, leaning his forehead down to press against yours, breathing you in deeply. Although your scent wasn’t entirely the same, he was still swept up on the honeysuckle softness that was all yours. “I promise I’m not going anywhere Little One.” Still, nothing, although he was now convinced you heard him. 
A short time later Natasha came to find him, sitting down next to the Alpha. This time her familiar scent washed over him, and he didn’t bother to open his eyes to his packmate, but listened closely. 
“Were about to land. T’Challa and the King’s Warriors are meeting us to welcome us. They will escort us to Shuri’s quarters and start treating Y/N right away.” 
Steve sighed quietly and opened his eyes to smile at Natasha. “Good. Zane and Audre came to see me a bit ago. Told me that she could still hear me, feel me.” 
Natasha could feel and see the pain her Alpha was in, and she reached over to drape her arm over his shoulders, sliding in closer to the two of them. “Then you should believe them, I think she knows your with her Steve, you two are connected in far more ways then just the mating bite could provide. Maybe you two are those soul mates actually destined to belong together, and not just making it work.” 
Steve still stared down at you and nodded. “Perhaps your right.” Somewhere deep inside his mind, the Wolf howled again, calling for you to return to him. And Steve could have sworn you stirred a bit under his touch. 
Natasha was correct. When they came off the plane, there was a full escort accompanying the king. The kids squealed as they ran off the plane, a man rushing forward to gather the two kids into his arms, kissing the two all over there faces with what had to be the happiest tears streaking down his face. All three spoke with such rapidity, that Steve couldn’t even fathom what was being said, but he pressed his mouth to your ear, whispering. “That is the happiest family reunion I’ve ever seen.” His blue eyes squinted in the bright sun, and soon caught sight of T’Challa approaching him and Natasha, the man had a easy way about him, calm. His language was that of a lazy cat, strolling as if all belonged to him. He clasped Steves shoulders and the two men bowed there heads to each other out of respect and T’Challa did a similar motion to Natasha before looking at you in Steve’s arms. 
“Let us get her quick to Shuri, eh? The sooner we can return your queen to you, the sooner we can celebrate her and the cubs return to the Clans.” Looking over his shoulder, he gave an order, and his warriors brought forth a carrier to bring them all back. Steve and Natasha stepped up, and their eyes traveled the ranks, surprised it was nothing but female warriors. 
“Ah, the Womans Clan is the fiercest amongst us. You ladies will fight harder than any male, correct?” T’Challa smiled at Natasha, who grinned in agreement. “Hear that Steve looks like I’m more badass then you.” 
The Alpha snorted and shook his head. “Hell if I would ever deny that. You could kick my ass any day if you wanted to.” 
T’Challa laughed deeply and Natasha gave a fist pump in victory, Steve still holding you close, praying you knew he meant every word. For him you were far stronger then he could ever be.
Once they arrived at the Kings home in the center of Wakanda, it was all a blur for Steve and Natasha. A young woman immediately took over and T’Challa stepped out of her way. She bent over Steve who retrained the warning growls from his beast as she pried your eyes open, and slid her hands down to your chest, waiting to feel your rhythm. “Shes matching your’s Alpha, good. She’s not to far gone. Get her on the table, quick now.” Steve followed behind the brisk walking Shuri, and once he set her down, she pressed against Steve’s chest to back him up. “I need room to work Alpha.” 
“Shuri… you need to explain to him what your doing to his mate.” T’Challa followed along behind, and Steve stepped back, but wasn’t too far. “Mates have a hard time separating. Even ones that haven’t shared the entire bond yet.” The King was far more aware of his situation then Steve had thought he would be. 
<Stark, I’m sure he told T’Challa everything with you and Y/N.> The wolf rumbled softly
I think your right, but that’s a good thing. The more they know the better to help Y/N. 
That settled the Wolf back down, sure to keep an eye on You. Shuri started attaching wires to your forehead, temples, then tugged your shirt up enough to attach the same wires to your chest and stomach. Grabbing a needle, she put a tourniquet to your arm and tapped at the vein. “I’m monitoring brain waves. Our humans and animals are two different waves, although we are the same. Her Wolf… if its the Heart Herb, it’s not gone Alpha. It’s in hibernation.” She plunged the needle and drew out some blood, filling a tube, before pulling it away and giving a vigorous shake, tossing it to an assistant. “Check for the Heart Herb attachment to her red cells and let me know.” Steves nose wrinkled at the scent of your blood, stirring unease in him, be he pushed it down, Shuri was just as quick in her movements to get you bandaged. 
Looking at Steve, the young woman broke out in a grin. “So ease up Alpha, if that’s the case, I can bring the Wolf back and she be good as new.” 
“If that’s what it is, can she overdose on it? Because Pierce gave her a whole vial of it at once.” Steve asked, and Suri rolled her eyes. “Of course he did. Brother, I told you that bastard took more than our Panthers.” 
“And I told you back then I agreed Sister.” T’Challa retorted as he came up next to Steve. “She could overdose, but it would have to be more than a vial. Right now, IF this is what it is, its simply a deep hibernation. Shuri has the capabilities to bring her back.” 
“We just got to get her to wake up her human side first.” Suri watched the monitors and rocked back and forth on her heels. It was like a light had gone off over her head, the way her eyes widened and she was quick to rush over to a cabinet, grabbing a vial and sticking a needle in it, filling it. 
“And I got just the way to get her to wake up. Now Alpha, this won’t be immediate, but whew when it happens, be ready.” She lifted your arm and gave you an injection, and Steve arched his brows with concern. 
“Be ready? For what?” 
Suri just giggled and disposed of the needle, smirking at him. “You will see.” 
Steve looked at T’Challa who had a similar grin on his face. “Come, let me show you your rooms, and have Natasha brought to hers.” Some assistants started to unhook you and set you on a stretcher that was powered to float on its own, following the men out of the room. They joined back up with Natasha, and everyone got settled in their rooms for the night. You were laid out, and Steve once more stretched out next to you, sighing deeply as he just talked until sleep finally overtook him. Rolling in his sleep, his arm slung over your hip, his hand pressed against your stomach, keeping you in close to him. 
You could feel your mind stirring, heated waves rolling through you. But you were still unable to drag your consciousness forward. You couldn’t find your Little Wolf and was barely aware of Steve beside you. You heard his deep baritone, and a few words, a brush of his touch, but barely. No matter how much you willed yourself to return to him, it just felt like circles. But now, now there was a heat surrounding you, and you were firmly aware of his heavy hand clasped against your stomach, and the feeling of a broad muscled chest against your back, as well as a heavy erection pressing against your backside, a hairy calf pressed between your thighs. Now, if only you could open your eyes, you drew in deep inhales of his scent, and that comforted you, your senses swirling with pines and masculinity, you tried following that, the heat just kept building and you groaned at the familiar ache it caused. You would have sworn it was like going into heat again, but how could you without the Wolf to trigger it? 
A bright light started to permeate your senses and you could feel hot breaths against the back of your neck, Steve had his face tucked into your neck, still, sound asleep, and a rumble sounded through him. It was enough to call you forward and your eyes sprang open, searching wildly for him. He was behind you, you could feel him and you twisted in his arms, grasping his lips to yours, he shuddered awake to you kissing him, his arm sweeping around you as you pressed into him, pressing him back to the mattress, your tongue swirling with his, clashing of teeth. You needed him, more then ever before you thought and you crawled up enough to straddle him, panting against his mouth, your eyes closed as you rocked your hips against him, a pleading sound in your voice. 
“I need you Alpha, Steve. Now, Please. I need you inside of me.”
<So this is what they meant> The Wolf shuddered awakening with a ferocity for his mate and Steve’s hands fell to your hips, rocking you harder against him till he lifted you to raise on your knees, and you reached for his manhood, pressing it against your center. Hands tightening, he brought you down to sheath himself in your heat, and your head tipped back with a soft cry, bracing your hands against his chest. You were dripping hot and ached so badly for him, that the relief of feeling your Alpha was bliss for you, thrusting yourself to spear him inside of you, it was a quick fury for you two. Steve’s hips slamming upwards to meet your movements holding you tightly at the waist till he released his hold to cup your breasts, teasing the nipples. You to clasp your hands over his, holding him there, panting at the sensations he brought out in you. 
“Fuck I thought I would never find you, Steve.” You rushed out while moaning, flexing yourself around him. 
“You were so far away, Little One, I kept calling to you.” He rumbled deep in his chest, and loosened his hands, flipping you two so he could give deeper more dominating strokes and you wrapped your legs around his hips, staring up at him. 
“I heard you Alpha, I tried, so hard.” You hissed and tipped your head back, Steve immediately started placing soft non claiming bites to your neck, sucking marks on it as you arched your chest to rub against his, rubbing your scent against him. Nails dug into his back, marking him in your own way as they held onto the rolling flexing muscles, speeding the rocking of your hips as you both sought to make the other cum. 
“I know you did, I know you wouldn’t leave me willingly.” Steves bites fell back to your lips, dominating your mouth with his, and you held on, feeling him start to swell in you and your cunt flexed, tightened around his cock when he angled himself just right, crying into the kiss, and tears streaming down your face at the intensity of needing to cum, flood him with yourself. He was everywhere, and you scrambled to keep yourself close even though he pounded you into the mattress, cumming just then around him. When you drifted this time it wasn’t into nothingness, but the immense pleasure that had you gasping against his neck, and he slowed down his thrusts, slow and deep while you loosened your hold, sinking back into the pillows, rocking with him, as you nodded. 
“Never Steve, I know I belong to you. I’m all yours Alpha, all yours.” softly whispering out.
Steves kiss this time was far gentler but no less as before neediness. Slow strokes of the tongue matched the roll of his hips, nudging himself to claim you full, welding you two together. There couldn’t be another, not one you wanted to hold you still underneath him, one to capture your mind, and love you in the way he does. Not just a physical need, but mental too. His forehead dropped to yours, rolling through with another connecting thrust and you both inhaled each other, the hot heavy scent of your bodies pressing together, the blood, sweat, and tears shared. For you to felt his own hot tears drop and mingle with yours rolling down your face, a quick lap of his tongue against your cheek wiped them away, as you two rocked together. 
“And your mine, Little One, you will never be alone.” He cupped your face and kissed you deeply, groaning as you came again, and his seed painted your channel, his pumps stilling as he knotted you, the two of you drifting into a bliss-filled state, tangled around one another, unwilling to separate for some time. Hushed sighs and shared nipping kisses soon enabled you both to drift off to sleep again. 
It wasn’t till some time later you woke again and were sprawled against Steve’s chest. Tilting your head, a glass of water caught your sight, and you shifted off him to reach for it, moving to sit on the edge of the bed while you gulped the glass down, parched as you had never been before. Setting the glass down, you looked around the room. And it occurred to you this was nothing like his cabin home. This was a wide-open space, and the air was not crisp and sharp woods and lake. This was almost… tropical. Musty vegetation and promise of heated days filled your senses, that’s when the breeze blew your face and you turned to an opening to a balcony, no doors or windows covering it. Grabbing the sheet, to keep the front of you covered, you wandered out to the deck to gasp softly, just below was a jungle, stretching out far, and beyond that what looked like a savannah, littered with what looked like Zebras and Gazelle, spotting an elephant, rhinos. Loud squawking and bright colors flashed below in all that greenery and a flock of macaws went screaming past, scattering over towards a statue that seemed carved right out of the cliff face, a giant prowling cat, his paw up to strike out at his enemies. 
“Were certainly not home anymore.” 
Steve stirred when he didn’t feel you next to him and looked around till he saw you, the sheet clutched around you, the wind making it ripple just a bit. Moving to roll out of bed, and to a stand, he approached from behind, sliding his hands along your bare hips under the sheet, and kissed your bare shoulder, growling softly as he took in the view you were currently gasping at. 
“Welcome to Wakanda Little One.”   
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Death of Love
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Chapter 11: Exiles
Summary: Bunny and the boys hold their breath
“It is beautiful here, I can’t deny that. How long were you here when you were injured?”
Bucky sighed as he handed you a drink. “Two years, give or take. Before Thanos showed up.”
“I heard about that whole thing. That- that was interesting. From what I understand, you and my brother were on the battlefield?”
“He was the last one I saw before….”
You set the drink down and pulled Bucky in for a hug. “At least you were with someone who cared about you. Instead of surrounded by your enemies.”
“Oh, Bunny.” He held you close. “Why did you do it? Why Hydra?”
You pulled away as you spoke. “I told you why. I lost everything. And frankly, I didn’t know who was more to blame: the US or Hydra. So I went towards the one that would do more than a couple of folded flags, a pat on the back, and a few well wishes. It gave me a way to channel my anger and loss. Yes, it wasn’t the best choice. But it was either that or drink myself into an early grave.”
“Well, when you put it that way.”
You rolled your eyes. “I can’t say I missed your sass.”
“Why? It matches your sarcasm.” His smirk made your heart skip a beat. You honestly couldn’t remember the last time it did that.
“So this is where you two are hiding,” Steve came strolling up. “Can’t say I blame you. The view is breathtaking.”
He was referring to how you and Bucky had snuck off to stand on a balcony of the palace. You weren’t allowed to leave yet due to being a flight risk. Can’t say you blamed them.
“I wasn’t interrupting, was I?”
“Not at all, punk.” Bucky playfully slugged him.
“Especially since I owe you something.”
“What are you talking about, Bunny?”
You reached over and pulled Steve down to your level so you could give him a long-overdue hug. Steve didn’t know what to do at first, but soon his arms wrapped around you and he squeezed back. To the point where you were glad you had the serum in you as well or he would have cracked ribs. He ended the hug by lifting you off your feet and then setting you down.
Laughing, you took a step back from your brother. “Never thought the day would come where I would have to pull you down for a hug.”
Both boys chuckled at that as footsteps echoed outside the room. You turned at the sound of a door opening only to be confused at Tony Stark walking in.
“Well, isn’t this a Kodak moment. Who knew super-soldiers had soft sides?”
“Tell anyone and I’ll beat you senseless with your arm, Stark,” you snarked.
Tony barely raised an eyebrow. “Well, Capcicle, your sister doesn’t share your charm.”
“I guess send me to charm school then after my deprogramming,” you rolled your eyes. “I was with Hydra. Not exactly a finishing school. Forgive me if my manners took a hike years ago.”
“Bunny.” Steve tried to get in the middle.
“Please keep that up. It’s sure to help during your hearing.”
“No, Steve, Stark’s right.” You turned away to face the city below. “I told Bucky I didn’t belong here. It doesn’t matter how badly you want me home, I don’t fit in anymore.”
“That’s not true! You will always have a place in the world. Bucky found his.”
You gave a sad laugh. “Bucky was kidnapped on the brink of death and brainwashed. Of course he got his second chance. But how well would it have gone for him if he hadn’t been brainwashed? If he had run willingly into Hydra’s arms? Being your sister is going to mean jackshit for me. If anything, they’ll use me as an example that nepotism has no place in the Avengers.”
There was a sobering silence before Tony cleared his throat. “The Terminator is correct. Secretary Ross wants to nail her ass to the wall and he doesn’t care how messy it will get.”
“Fabulous,” you grabbed your drink and chugged it and then chugged Bucky’s.
“Bite me, Barnes,” you moved back into the room to make another drink.
“Can we save the foreplay for later? This is serious. Secretary Ross has asked Agent Ross to head to Wakanda and bring ____ back to the states to stand trial.”
While this didn’t surprise you in the least, the boys were instantly up in arms.
“Stand trial?! Isn’t that a UN decision?!” Steve’s jaw dropped.
“Can they just come here and take her?” Bucky cried at the same time.
All three went round and round arguing the semantics of whether or not Agent Ross had the ability to come into another country for a fugitive if they haven’t been extradited. You were busy with seeing how quickly you could drink the bottles of bourbon that had been left in the room for you and Bucky. Supposedly you couldn’t get drunk thanks to the serum. Or so Bucky told you what Steve had learned. No better time to test that theory.
“Bunny, what the hell are you doing?”
“Seeing if it’s possible to actually get drunk, Stevie. What does it look like?” You downed another shot. “What else can I do while I wait for this suit to come drag me to my permanent cage. You boys are right; this is so much better than being on the run. So glad you kept trying to get me to stay.”
Steve sighed. “Bunny.”
Bucky put his hand on Steve’s shoulder. “Can you two give us a minute? This is something that’s best discussed by those who understand.”
Steve wanted to object, but Tony began to push him out of the room. “Let’s go, Old Man. The love birds need to chat.”
The only sound after they left was the pouring of the bourbon into your glass. The bottle came down with a soft thud and you sighed. “Please tell me, James. How is this better? Give me something, anything to make this all worth it.”
“Are you saying you regret saving my life, ____?”
“Never. But I regret how I did it. I should have been smarter. Should have just pushed you out of the way. So I would still have the ability to walk out on my own.”
“Then you would have kept running.”
“Better than being locked up.”
He slowly came up to you and wrapped his arms around your waist. You tensed up for a moment and then relaxed into him. It was a beautiful, rare moment for you both. He pressed a kiss to the top of your head and then sighed. “Then there’s only one solution.”
“And what’s that, Barnes?”
“We run, Rogers. Together. Anywhere you want to go.”
You rolled your eyes as you turned to face him. “Be realistic. You’re not running anywhere. You just got your life back. No longer a fugitive and an Avenger none the less. Not to mention all that work Stevie put into getting you back. You’re not throwing that all away.”
“Steve can come with us. He really is retiring so Sam can take over. We can be a family again.”
“A family on the run.” You pulled away. “No, I refused to let you both ruin your lives. Steve just got off the fugitive list himself.”
“Maybe being with you is more important!”
“More important than your freedom? To constantly have to look over your shoulder?! No. I won’t allow it. It’s not happening Bucky!”
He tried to pull you back into his arms and you pushed him away.
“No, James! You just got your life back. You can’t just-”
Your tirade was cut off by the door opening. You were going to rip the person a new one for interrupting, but you saw it was T’Challa.
“Please forgive my interruption.”
“It’s quite alright, your majesty.”
“I am sorry to say but Agent Ross will be here by morning to escort you to the United States.”
“May I ask, how did he find out I was here? No one but Steve knew Bucky had been here.”
T’Challa sighed. “With the opening of the borders means more transparency with the United Nations. We could not hide a war criminal of your caliber. I am sorry we could not offer you more.”
And with that, he left you and Bucky to wonder how you would spend the next twelve hours.
Chapter 12
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mustlovemustypages · 4 years
Yuletide 2020 Letter
Dear potential writer,
I truly hope all is well with you and yours. No matter what state you find yourself in, my wish is that Yuletide boosts your spirits and gives you the extra jolt we all could use to usher in the new year. 
Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and thank you in advance if you decide to write anything for me!
Below are my desired fandoms and pairings along with story ideas that I would love to see written. Please don’t feel stifled by my prompts; I’ve also listed my general likes and dislikes at the very bottom of this letter if you decide to go a different route.
Little Women (2019):
Characters: Amy March and Theodore “Laurie” Laurence”
The main reason I adore this adaptation is because it made me see why Amy and Laurie ended up together. They had very similar worldviews and fit so well what the other needed. Both deserved to be with someone that valued them for who they are. With Laurie, Amy was not just financially secure but with someone who encouraged her to express herself creatively, politically, or however she chose. With Amy, while she grounded Laurie in reality and challenged him to be the best version of himself, he didn't have to fundamentally change to make her happy.
Story ideas:
These quotes really show how Amy's perspective on life was different than her sister's: "You are your family's hope." (Aunt March) "I’ve always known I would marry rich." (Amy March) That's a lot of pressure on someone so young. We heard some of Laurie's thoughts, mostly that he didn't think Amy should feel ashamed for wanting that. How would some of that pressure continue even after she got married, and what would Laurie say to make her realize they were in life together as a team and she didn’t have to suffer the weight of the world alone?
The conversation between Amy and Laurie in the painting studio showed just how level-headed and intelligent she was. Laurie, while not wholly agreeing, was respectful and didn't discount her thoughts. It would be interesting to see the impact on their story if Vaughn hadn't arrived, and this had played out more. Would the proposal have happened earlier and/or how would later scenes be altered as a result of further conversation?
What did the other characters think of Amy and Laurie's relationship, and how did it change after seeing them interact more as a couple? It would be interesting to read about Meg, Marmee, John, or some of the other characters realizing they were genuinely a good match for each other.
Post-canon, I'd love to get a glimpse of what kinds of conversations they had. Did Amy encourage Laurie to pursue a career and find what he was passionate about (music perhaps as Laurie mentioned writing an opera)? And similarly, did Laurie encourage Amy to pursue her art? Did they continue to have in-depth conversations about societal pressures and expectations of gender in certain economic classes?
Characters: The Protagonist, Kat, and Neil
Tenet is the first movie I've seen in theaters since Star Wars IX. There have been some mixed reviews, but my love for Christopher Nolan sci-fi films combined with the experience of stepping foot in a theater again made it a wonderful experience for me. Sure, the plot could be confusing at times, but it was fun trying to fit certain puzzle pieces together and oh so thrilling when things just clicked into place in the most satisfying ways.
I adored the dynamic between Neil and the Protagonist. The easy friendship, the banter, the suits... everything. I also loved the relationship between the Protagonist and Kat. It started off as each using the other but transformed into one of genuine care on both sides. Ever the romantic, I definitely saw something more than just friendship between the two and was slightly disappointed the movie didn't explore that aspect more.  
For pairings, I’m interested in friendships between all of the characters. I’d be interested in seeing a romantic relationship between Kat and the Protagonist if you’re up for that, but not between Neil and Kat, nor Neil and the Protagonist. If you really want to give a romantic partner to Neil, I'd be fine with Laura (or an original female character if she’s not the focus of the story), but please, no slash. While I’d be ecstatic to see all three characters together, if you can only find a way to fit in two, that’s wonderful as well!
Story ideas:
Even though Andrei Sator is gone, there are still other players in the game, some like Priya, who want to eliminate Kat or even abduct her with the delusional idea she can continue her husband's work. The Protagonist (and Neil, if you so choose) ensures no harm comes to her, and he realizes that keeping her at a distance may not have been the best idea.
I personally don't buy into the fan theory that Neil is Kat's son Max; however, I do find the idea intriguing and would be up for reading about how that worked. The Protagonist breaks his rule and sees Kat, helping to raise her son Max/Neil and eventually teaching him about inversion.
The Protagonist doesn't have to wait quite as long as he'd thought to see Neil again. It can be the Neil who had already met him and knows about Tenet or the Neil who knows nothing about inversion.
What conversations did Neil and Kat have while the Protagonist was asleep after almost freezing to death? Maybe Neil explained the finer workings of Tenet and inversion more in-depth. Perhaps they discussed the Protagonist. 
Characters: Cher Horowitz and Josh Lucas
This movie set the bar high for teen romantic comedies. How can anyone ever beat 90s Alicia Silverstone and Paul Rudd? Plus, the relationship between their two characters is fantastic. Josh and Cher just bring out the best in each other. Cher shows Josh that he doesn't need to be so serious all of the time and that people are more than their outer appearances. Josh makes Cher want to be a better person, and he believes that she's not just a pretty face. Their banter and playful moments always make me smile.
Story ideas:
Knowing Josh and Cher end up together, this brings a heightened awareness to rewatches. They have so many casual touches and exchanged glances (when did Paul Rudd's eyes get so blue?) that it's hard to miss their natural chemistry. It may take quite some time for Cher's dad to notice anything has changed because they don't act all that different from before. Is there something that makes him finally take notice? How does he react?
Sort of related to the last prompt, there's a moment where Josh decides to go to the dance to keep an eye on Cher and Christian, and you can tell by Mel Horowitz’s smirk he realizes Josh has a crush on Cher. Does he do anything to push it along or play matchmaker just like his daughter?
I've always been curious about whether or not Josh believes Cher's story about being assaulted in the car by Elton and then held at gunpoint. We skip over Josh pulling up to the phone booth and go straight to Cher already being in the car. How did Josh react when she reiterated the story, and does he instantly believe her, or does it take some convincing? I'd like to see if he comforts her and if they both go together to tell Cher's dad what happened.
Cher is obviously very intelligent socially, if not always so much academically. When it comes time to apply for college, what does she major in? And how is Josh a positive influence in Cher's life, encouraging her to be ambitious and not letting negative comments from guidance counselors or teachers dissuade her?
Things I don’t like:
Alternate Universes – For the specific fandoms that I picked, I really like the universes as they are. I’m definitely okay with deviations from canon, but please don’t make Little Women into a supernatural werewolf story or have Tenet take place in a mundane coffee shop setting. (I don’t mind Soulmate AUs or something similar because those can be incorporated into canon with little change to worldbuilding).
Non-Con/Rape/BDSM/Sexual Violence/Graphic Sex – I like my characters to be happy and everything within ships to be 100% consensual, no question about it (mentions of non-con if it occurred in canon is fine). I also prefer plot over porn, especially with one-shots.
OT3s – Two people per romantic relationship, please. Any more than that makes me uncomfortable.
Character Bashing - Unless a character is a bad guy in canon, I don’t want to read hundreds of words about how awful they are, especially if they are one of the characters that I requested. Don’t take it out on the characters. If you hate my pairings, just write gen.
Things I love:
Hurt/Comfort – There is nothing I love more than one character comforting another. The hurt can be physical, psychological, or both.  
Happy Endings – I’m all for the realistic endings… but if they could be plausible AND at least happy-ish, that would be amazing.
Expanded Scenes/Contorting Canon – Feel free to expand scenes and change up the canon to your heart’s content as long as it makes logical sense.
Humor/Banter/Snark – I thrive on this stuff.
Bonding/Building Relationships – Whether it be a friendship or a romantic relationship, I adore reading about two people growing closer together. When characters know each other so well that they can have conversations with just their eyes or anticipate the person’s next move (especially if it’s to the surprise/confusion of everyone around them), my shipper heart is thrilled.
Dark to Light – Seeing a character come out of a bad mindset or situation and get better is so satisfying.
Happy writing and I hope you get the Yuletide gift of your dreams!
- Maddy @mustlovemustypages (on Tumblr, Ao3, and FF.net)
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saiyanwhore · 4 years
Arranged (Vegeta X Reader)
Chapter Three // Overprotective
Vegeta awaited you in the training room. You had been slightly later than usual and he was beginning to worry.
He began pacing back and forth, mind wondering where you could be.
Well, until he heard the door swish open.
His eyes went wide once he saw you in your attire.
You had on shorts and a sports bra, ready to sweat and begin your day of group training.
Vegeta ran over to you, arms flailing.
"For heaven's sake, woman! What the hell do you think you're wearing!?"
He grabbed your wrist.
"These men have no self control and they'll be trying to grab you and touch you!"
Vegeta pulled you away from everyone and began to take off his own gray shirt.
He threw it at you.
"Please! Cover yourself!" He insisted, huddling over you to make sure no one saw you.
You put his shirt on and scowled at him.
"Vegeta, how am I ever supposed to settle down with anyone if you won't let me?" You spat at him.
His eyes went even wider and his eyebrows furrowed.
He crossed his arms and got in your face.
"None of these low level, pathetic pieces of trash deserve you. If they did, I would have allowed it by now."
"Who are you to say who I get to date Vegeta!? Please, enlighten me almighty Prince!" You screamed at him, now getting everyone else's attention.
"You don't own me, Vegeta! I'm not your fucking pet!"
You stormed out of the training room.
You hated him for doing this to you.
All your life you haven't even had a chance to get over him because of him being "protective". You could make your own decisions now. You weren't a child.
You went to your room where you laid on your bed and sobbed.
You were so tired of liking him. Sitting back and waiting for him to make a move, and it never happening.
Now, he will be in an arranged marriage, and he's still acting like he owns you and like he's your significant other.
Your attention was brought to reality when your door opened and in walked a shirtless Vegeta.
His head went down as soon as he saw you in the state you were in.
"Y/N..." He softly sighed your name.
His lips pressed together as he approached you, regret plastered on his face.
Everything he did always sent shivers down your spine.
"I am sorry." He placed his strong hands on your shoulders, gently rubbing as he continued to speak. "I have been so stressed as of late. I am..."
A chuckle escaped his lips as he nodded.
You knew him all too well.
Vegeta could only admit something like this to you. And he could barely do that. He had apologized twice in the past two days, something completely out of character for him.
You hummed before turning to see his face directly in front of yours.
His eyes searched yours for answers. Answers to his problems.
You couldn't help but feel a little flustered as he stared intensely into your eyes.
Your eyes explored every feature of his face, taking in how truly handsome he was. Then they traveled down to his beautiful bare chest. Any girl on planet Vegeta would be more than happy to be with the Prince.
You wished you could be with him.
You looked down at the floor, face as red as a tomato.
That was until you felt his hand touch your chin and lift it up to look at him.
"Why has your face gone red, woman?" His bottom lip found its way into his mouth. His eyes scanned your face.
"Well- I- I-" You stuttered and took a deep breath before speaking once again. "You just caught me at a bad time."
He frowned a little before letting go of your chin and crossing his arms.
"We have a fitting tonight. Be there at 4:45. We wouldn't want the maids waiting on you now, would we?"
And just like that the old Vegeta was back. He turned around and started to walk to the door.
You almost called for him to stay, but decided against it.
He left.
You buried your face into his shirt that still clung to your body, breathing in his scent. It made you feel safe.
You decided it probably would be best to take a nap, so that is exactly what you did.
When you woke up, you decided to head to Vegeta's room a little earlier than you were supposed to.
You knocked and entered to again, find Vegeta no where.
You checked the shower, no sign of him.
You sat on Vegeta's bed and waited patiently for the Prince to arrive.
You heard the door knob turn and in walked a very distraught looking Vegeta.
He looked so upset and exhausted, his face completely red and he was extremely flustered.
"Those pathetic bastards!" He screamed as he walked towards you.
He kicked his bedside table over as he threw himself on to the bed.
His hands covered his face as he mumbled. "They found her."
Your heart sank. You didn't want to ask about it. This was already way too touchy of a subject for him.
"Next week I meet my..." He shuttered as he spoke. "...soon to be wife!" He spat, obviously disgusted.
You could tell this just tore him apart. You didn't know what to say to comfort him.
You just fell next to him and grabbed his hands and pulled them from his face. You held them in your own as you looked into his sad and angry eyes.
"Vegeta, it will be okay."
His eyes searched your face and finally, they landed on your lips. He couldn't help but want to feel them on his own.
His cheeks reddened at the thought of gently kissing you, feeling you succumb under him as he held you.
He felt so dizzy and dazed.
The way you made him feel was so addictive and he always wanted more.
He freed one of his hands and rested it on your hip, a chill making its way through you. Head to toe.
His eyes focused now on your own. He lifted an eyebrow, almost in a suggestive way.
You bit your lip as you felt his hand gently run up and down your curves. You couldn't help but whisper out his name.
"Vegeta I..."
The door opened.
"Hello my Prince! Are you ready for your fitting!?"
The maid had interrupted the moment you and Vegeta were sharing.
Vegeta huffed loudly.
"I suppose so." He replied in a snark manner. "Do tell me...have you forgotten how to knock!?"
You chuckled at the Prince's saltiness before standing up and stretching.
"I'm ready!" You giggled.
"Oh! I'm sorry, dear. We only had the Prince on the schedule for a fitting today..." The maid told you.
"You will find room for her! Understood?" Vegeta yelled and the maid jumped at the sound of his loud, booming voice.
"Uh-uh- yes my Prince!" The maid scurried around the room in a tizzy and told you both to strip to your undergarments.
Whilst undressing, you noticed Vegeta's eyes on you.
His face turned quite red and his palms began to sweat at the sight of you in just panties and an undershirt.
The maid called down the hall for assistance and quickly the measuring commenced.
You both were fitted in no time, Vegeta insisting that the two of you have coordinating training gear.
You laughed at your Prince as the maids left.
"Vegeta, I hate to say it...but, don't you think your wife will be a little jealous when you go to train with your female friend who has matching gear??"
Vegeta scoffed. "I don't care what she thinks. You'll mean more to me anyway."
He immediately grabbed his mouth, knowing he didn't mean for that to slip out.
"What does that mean?" You teased, poking Vegeta in his side.
"Stop that!" He scurried over to his bed and sat with his arms crossed.
"Someone is a little grumpy!" You giggled as you plopped next to him, grabbing his hand in the process. "I'm just teasing Vegeta."
He grumbled loudly before turning himself away from you and pulling his hand back.
"Don't forget..." You smiled at him. "tomorrow is your 18th birthday, my Prince." You poked at his cheek, a soft smile appearing across his face.
You couldn't help but to feel completely overwhelmed by Vegeta smiling genuinely.
He was usually so emotionless. Or at least he liked to act as if he was.
Vegeta knew you would have something special planned for tomorrow. You always went all out for his birthday.
He wouldn't admit it, but he was actually very excited to see what you had in store. Your presents were always his favorite.
Vegeta glanced at the clock in the corner of the room, realizing it was nearly time for dinner.
"Well...it is almost time for dinner. You better go get dressed, as will I."
You nodded as you stood up and stretched.
"I'll be back in a minute and we'll walk to the dining hall together." You mumbled, making your way towards his door.
He nodded as you exited.
After dinner, you went to your room to go to sleep.
Tomorrow was going to take a lot of energy.
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sunflowerdjarin · 5 years
Fake Date
Pairing: Robin Buckley x Reader
Summary: Robin tells Steve that she has a girlfriend after he comes after her for bothering him about striking out with every girl. 
Warnings: None
i think ALL wlws want to be topped by robin you are correct skdjsj anygay may i request something where robin and the reader have to fake date bc robin told steve she was dating someone
“You know,” Steve started causing Robin to roll her eyes immediately. “You bother me about not having a girlfriend, but do you even have a girlfriend?” He turned his head towards Robin watching the appalled look spread across her face. He quickly retracted his statement as he held his hands up in a level of defense. “I’m just saying, you bother me about striking out, but I don’t see you trying.” Steve said snarkily. Robin’s jaw dropped as she blinked blankly at Steve. 
“Oh, I have a girlfriend.” Robin said, letting out a snort of a laugh. She wracked her brain for a moment, trying to find an appropriate answer or more so an appropriate fake girlfriend. She short circuited as she thought of the few girls in her life before she landed on you. “Y/N.” She coughed out trying to sound confident. Steve ceased in his movements as he looked at Robin. “Y/N? As in the girl who works at Merry-Go-Round and comes in to order the USS Butterscotch with caramel?” Steve’s hand fell on his hip. “Yep, that’s her.” Robin continued working as she avoided Steve’s eye contact. “No offense, but I’ll believe it when I see it.” He shook his head as he went back to taking orders.
Robin rubbed her temples in the backroom as she debated how she was going to do this. She slammed her hands down to her side walking out, “I’m taking my break, have fun. Maybe get a girl’s number while I’m gone.” She walked out of the food court and made her way to Merry Go Round to find you. Robin’s breath hitched as she walked into the familiar storefront lined with mannequins and clothes. “Hi, welcome in.” You refolded some of the shirts up front before looking over your shoulder to see Robin. 
“Oh hey, what brings you here?” You turned to face your neighbor. “This isn’t your typical spot.” You smiled sweetly. You and Robin had been neighbors for years. You two would study together. You went to all her band concerts and plays. You both had your own friend groups meaning the times were you two would hang out was mainly at your own houses. “I need a favor. A big favor.” Robin emphasized the second sentence. You nodded, “Go on.” 
“Harrington made his comments about me not having a girlfriend even though I’m hounding him about how awful he is with girls.” Robin rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms over her chest. “Sure.” You said enthusiastically, catching her off guard. “Sure what?” She furrowed her eyebrows still sounding mildly offended fresh off of Steve’s comment. “Sure, I’ll be your pretend girlfriend.” 
Robin’s quick wit seemed to falter. Even the mere mention of you being her girlfriend caused her heart to race. “Wait, really?” Her eyebrows furrowed in a moment of confusion. “Yeah. You know I’d do anything for you, no questions asked.” You shrugged as you refolded another shirt. “Now shouldn’t you be getting back to work, babe?” You leaned back pressing a kiss against Robin’s cheek. 
You watched as she flusteredly looked between you and the door, “Yeah, I should.” She ran her fingers through the ends of her hair before walking towards the door. She was unsure if she should or could say anything more than that. She walked out with a pep in her step as she made her way back to Scoops. She pushed through to the backroom with a goofy smile printed on her face. 
“And where did you go?” Steve questioned. “I got a quick lunch.” Robin answered with a sweet tone as she eased herself onto the counter, her feet were swinging. “Oh, let me guess, with Y/N?” He playfully rolled his eyes before walking up to the front. Robin turned to open up the partition to the front. “Are you jealous, Harrington?” She propped her elbow up on the partition as Steve shrugged. “I mean, she’s hot, Robin, I’ll give you credit if it’s true.” 
You strolled into Scoops Ahoy 10 minutes before closing. “I’m not making you a USS Butterscotch, you gotta come in earlier for that.” Steve grumbled as he locked the register. Robin came out from the back making a beeline towards you. Your arms instinctively wrapped around her waist as you looked around at the empty storefront. “I wasn’t coming in for ice cream. I’m taking Robin out for dinner tonight.” Robin’s eyes met yours in confusion as you gave her a warm smile. 
“Really? Cause Robin never mentioned that.” Steve questioned placing his hands on the counter to lean against. Robin slipped from your grasp as she went to close the gate for the front of the store. “She didn’t know, it’s a spur of a moment kind of thing.” You said cooly, your response sounding natural. Robin was impressed, but she didn’t expect to have the feeling of butterflies in her stomach during this whole fake dating scenario. 
“I was going to let you pick since it was an off guard kind of thing.” You spoke again, but this time directed towards Robin. She had to bring herself back down to Earth as she realized this wasn’t real and you two were likely not going to get dinner. “I’ll have to think about it. Come back to me later.” Robin turned back towards you and Steve motioning for you to walk into the backroom. You waited for Robin to catch up to you before extending your hand out to her. She took it with a small smile on her face, intertwining her fingers into yours. 
Steve followed behind you two, mildly impressed with what he was seeing. “I’ll lock up. You love birds go out on your date.” Steve indiscreetly winked at Robin as you walked along the back halls. You made your way out as Robin broke away from your grip to make her way to her bike. “Hey, I was serious about dinner.” You stopped in your tracks looking at her puzzled. Robin stopped as well, her back towards you as she let out a shaky breath. 
“We can’t do this.” Robin turned to you, “We can’t go out on a dinner date after this.” Her eyes were steadily looking at her feet. “And why can’t we?” You lean your weight onto one of your feet as you crossed your arms against your chest. “Cause I’m already falling for you and if this carries on I’m going to get more immersed and then I’m left heartbroken. I’ve had the smallest crush on you for years and this just made it so much worse.” Her voice shook as she blinked back tears. She looked up to see you still standing there smugly. 
“But what if I want a dinner date with you? What if I want more than this fake dating scenario?” You let out onto her, sounding mildly frustrated. “But-” Robin started in an attempt to argue with you before you cut her off. “Please, Robin, just listen to me.” You dropped your hands to your side as you moved towards her. “Every time I’m around you, everything feels right in the world. I love being around you. I can’t explain it and I’ve been so fearful of telling you, but here I am.” You sighed as you shut your eyes preparing yourself for what was going to happen next. 
You felt Robin’s hands hold onto your face. You opened your eyes to see Robin’s eyes looking into yours. You both had tears swelling up in your eyes. You lifted your hands up to wipe her eyes, “Are you crying over me?” You halfway laughed causing her to laugh as well. “Don’t ruin the moment.” She smiled as she leaned into you, her lips finally meeting yours. The sound of the night echoing through the mall parking lot creating a perfect soundtrack for this kiss as you grabbed her face and pulled her more into you. The kiss still remained gentle with her soft lips against yours. You pulled away, resting your forehead against yours. “Let’s go get dinner.” Robin smiled sweetly as she turned to walk to your car completely ignoring her bike. 
“I knew it. I’m a fucking match maker.” Steve snarked to himself as he pumped his fists into the air watching as you and Robin walked hand in hand to your car after experiencing the whole altercation.
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scoundrels-in-love · 3 years
Gorgeous, galaxy, and masque! :D
Hi love, thank you for asking!
gorgeous; what do you like in a person?
I like kind people. Not people without some sass or snark or ability to drop a diss track so hot I will think about it a week later (especially if it’s on something I or they don’t like, share that tea and make it hot & strong), but the ones who will try to stop and think about what would be the kind thing to do in the situation, to help someone, to have consideration for a stranger.
I like people with whom I can talk. About everything and nothing. That random headcanon for a fandom we maybe don’t even share, but I just wanna hear your thoughts or you - mine. About random meme or what the food is like in your country. Countless little rabbitholes of worlds we can reveal to each other. It’s amazing if their world view and experiences are quite different, the way I get to see new angles of things, as long as it matches up on some core values. 
I like people who are really passionate about things, the way they will start rambling and spin whole new dimensions to things I never thought about, I love when they get passionate and rant like this is wrong! and lean into the ridiculousness of the maybe minuscule detail they’re mad about. It’s beautiful and when they often say ‘Oh sorry’, I am so glad to say ‘Oh, don’t be, please tell me more’.
I like if I can know I can be myself with someone, without worrying (too much, because completely not doing so is impossible at this rate) if I am too loud or my humor is too weird or they will be put off by the stutter I sometimes get when I start to chatter, if we’re talking in real life, or that I skip words or mash them together. I like if I know they feel they can do the same to me.
Which leads to that I like if I feel like I can trust someone. Even if only not to gossip further. But on more friendship level, to know I can trust them with my silliest joke or the way I can tell them I am breaking apart right now and that maybe their words are only things keeping me tethered... That is precious to me.
I do like people who can make me laugh, that is true. Most often they do it being unabashedly themselves and I am caught up in delight over their thoughts.
I like all these things in people and it’s what I wish I could be more like, what I try to be though I often run out of energy.
galaxy; what fascinates you?
World. People. Cultures. Languages. Art of how we portray it all.
So much about what we learn about world is colored through the prism of people, their cultures and how they share it, how they depict their mountains or their early, foggy mornings that I, as someone traveling through, may never even see because this is their pocked of world and when they write of it, take photo of it or paint it, they grant me access to this private, gorgeous or sometimes horrible world.
I once had someone tell me ‘you can just google it’ when I asked about their country and their city and I think that it’s a good cornerstone of knowledge, it’s far from what I really want from conversation, from learning.
I am endlessly fascinated by how we all try to say these things, these feelings, and find the comfort someone else has stumbled through them the same way, the community we find with looking up to the sky and knowing someone a hundreds years ago did the same and then decided to build astronomy tower that we’re standing at the foot of now. The way we want to get to know each other - even now through ask games like these. The way we want to talk and communicate and how it is not even linear, because we look back into the past and try to imagine what they thought and felt and just what they saw on their streets.
I am fascinated by the way we love. I’ve seen so much of the opposite, in my small suburban town where there was no need for children to tear down lilac blooms and make for a trampled petal carpet to school mercilessly, that I am fascinated by just how much loving is equally intrinsic part of us.
The way we leave a little bit of us in everything. That little jilted sentence, because it’s closer to how you say it in your native language, the way you paint the ghost dog into the lonely scenery like the one from your childhood and for you it becomes a kinder scene, the way a ring or color or badge on your bag can hold a story, the mug shaped bookmarks of someone’s heart in their cabinet.
And more and more.
masque; what’s your skincare routine?
Honestly, I don’t have one. I am in possession of some Avon and L’oreal products, like scrubs and day cream and overnight mask but I don’t use them regularly by any means, whoops.
Send me a pretty ask?<3
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dreams-of-kalopsia · 5 years
The Logic of Them
Summary: On Pidge’s graduation day, Lance hands her a tablet with a video that would change her life.
A @plancesecretsanta 2019 fic for @ursamiiinor. Merry Christmas, Dia! Sorry for the delay. Here’s your college AU gift fic! ^u^
Read it on AO3.
Lance handed Pidge a tablet, and she stared blankly at the device. “What do I do with this?”
He arched his brows at her. “What do you usually do with tablets, Pidge?”
“A lot, so just tell me which one I should do.”
“Everyone wanted to congratulate you,” he finally explained, securing a pair of earbuds in her ears before taking the seat beside her. “I compiled their greetings into one video since most of them can’t make it today.”
“Oh.” Pidge edged closer to Lance and gave him her other earbud so they could watch the video together. She was excited to hear from everybody again.
Two years ago, Shiro had qualified as an astronaut candidate and had left to train for space travel. While she heard from him regularly, and while she also got updates on his training from Matt, who’d become an astronaut before Shiro, she still looked forward to seeing how he’d been.
Meanwhile, Hunk had returned to his hometown last year to apply everything he’d learned about green engineering. Same for Keith and Allura. Only Lance had stayed from their batch, and only Pidge, a year younger than them, was left to graduate a year later.
The video started with everyone—from friends to family—in their video squares, congratulating her for graduating. She beamed instantly. All the people she loved, close at hand despite being far away.
Keith’s square zoomed in to its full size.
He frowned at the camera. Or the one behind it, most likely. “I go first?"
Pidge heard Lance’s hushed “Yeah. Just go say something.”
Keith huffed, crossed his arms, then began: “Pidge and Lance aren’t the typical couple. They don’t hold hands. They don’t go on dates. They’re literally best friends who label themselves as a couple. Their announcement was so sudden it didn’t even sink in for five minutes.” He glared. “Who announces something like that as if they’re just going out to get food, anyway?”
“Did it seem like that?” Lance asked from behind the camera. She had the same question in mind, so she tried to remember that moment.
* * *
Even though she was focused on editing a code due in fifteen minutes, Pidge could feel Lance’s nervousness rolling off of him from the couch across from her. She couldn’t understand why he was so tense; she was pretty sure they’d been obvious with their feelings these past few months that the others wouldn’t really be surprised. Still, she shot him a reassuring look, knowing that that would calm him down. It did, as always. It practically worked like a charm.
He called everyone’s attention with a “Hey, guys?” She felt him falter. She glanced at him and met his questioning eyes. “Let’s tell them, Pidge?”
“Sure.” Another reassuring look his way, and she was lost in her code again, typing at full speed to meet her deadline.
“Tell us what?” Hunk asked absently between chewing noises.
“We’re in a relationship now. Well, have been for two months.”
Pidge didn’t notice the complete silence until she’d pressed the enter key to send in her work. She looked up then, finding astonished, dumbfounded expressions on everyone’s faces and utter confusion on Lance’s—an expression that no doubt matched hers.
“What?” she asked, her question reverberating in the still silent living room of Shiro and Keith’s shared apartment.
“What?” Allura asked back.
“What ‘what’?” Lance asked back, too.
And they all stared at each other in more confusion.
* * *
“And yet,” Keith continued, recalling Pidge from her recollection, “somehow, they made sense.” He smiled, and the video switched to Hunk.
“I introduced them,” Hunk said smugly, making her chuckle. His grin was as bright and warm as the summer view behind him, if not more. “Pidge and I were classmates in this course that required a thesis-level project—I mean, who does that?! Our university, apparently, but I digress.”
He shifted in his seat, his eyes twinkling with excitement. “So. Eve of our deadline and we’re stressed out of our minds. Local pizza shack about to close. What did I do? I snuck her into our dorm. My best mate and roommate Lance—bless you—”
“Thank you,” came Lance’s distant voice.
“—opened the doors from inside after curfew, quick introduction, then Pidge and I were back at work. Aaand…” he drawled. “I don’t know if she’d ever realized, but the nickname ‘Pidge’ wasn’t actually ‘Pidge’.”
“Oh no. No no no no. Hunk, don’t say another word,” Lance’s disembodied voice had taken on a warning tone that Hunk, as his best friend, easily disregarded.
“Pidge, you hearing this? That night you met each other and you had your full snark on? He called you a bi—” A hand, obviously Lance’s, clamped over Hunk’s mouth before he could finish.
The video switched again, showing a slightly disheveled, post-laughter, but more formal Hunk. “I’ve been informed that some very important people might be viewing this. I apologize for the rowdiness you witnessed a few seconds prior.”
Pidge paused the video to smirk at the not-camera Lance by her side. “You dared call me something remotely derogatory, Lance?”
His face paled a bit before darkening with a blush. “W-We didn’t have the best first impressions of each other, Pidge.”
When he avoided all her efforts to establish eye contact, she burst out laughing. “Don’t worry, I knew from the start.”
“Anyone with clean ears will pick up on your noisy grumbling, you know?”
“Oh. Sorry for calling you that, Pidge.”
She shrugged. “It’s fine. The nickname that came from it stuck, anyway.”
He grinned at her, then motioned for her to continue watching.
“For people as dramatic as Lance and as explosive as Pidge, they sure are quiet as a couple. They’re honestly the most boring couple out there.”
Hunk’s hands went up in a placating gesture. “Hey, don’t get me wrong, man. You guys are two of the coolest people I know. But nothing ever happens with you two! Remember that time Pidge got her appendix removed and she was coming out of her anesthesia-induced coma?”
Pidge tried to recall it. There wasn’t much that happened; the surgery was a success, and Hunk was the first person she found upon waking up, watching over her from a bedside chair.
“Pidge asked where you were, and I thought she was still loopy from the anesthesia so I said, ‘Who do you think gave you your heart?’ And she just stared at me blankly in her trademark way that told you she can’t comprehend what you’re saying, so if you can please say something with a minimum IQ level of one hundred. Then she said with perfect articulation, ‘I had an appendectomy, Hunk, not a heart surgery.’” Hunk looked at the camera, at her. “You could be in the middle of a brain surgery and still hack into the national security systems.”
Laughter bubbled right from her belly. She missed Hunk and his humor so much.
“Anyway, so I told Pidge the truth that Lance was out getting food for her visitors, and then she fell asleep on me. Hence my point stands: boring couple.” He sighed and shook his head in mock disappointment.
What he didn’t know was that his joke had a delayed effect on Pidge, because she could remember bawling when she saw Lance for the first time after her surgery.
“But if boring means no drama means stable, then it’s a blessing that my best buds have the most boring relationship ever.”
With one last salute from Hunk, the video showed Shiro next. Pidge’s chest swelled with pride upon seeing him in a NASA shirt. Like her father and brother, he wore the brand well.
“Lance and Pidge argue often, but rarely do they fight. When they do, strange things happen. Trees in the College of Engineering would seem less vibrant, and the fountain near the College of Letters and Science would stop spouting water. Thanks to Hunk’s talent for goss—” Shiro caught himself, smiled sheepishly, and corrected, “—storytelling, it has since become an urban legend that when the fountain suddenly dries up and the trees along the path to Engineering look like they’re wilting, a student from either college got into a fight with someone they really love from the other college.
“The simple and logical explanations for these rare phenomena are that tired students have altered perceptions of their surroundings, and that the malfunction in the fountain’s pipes just happens to coincide with the equally rare times that Pidge and Lance fight.” He leaned in towards the camera with a conspiratorial smirk. “Here’s my secret though…” He paused, and Pidge held her breath in anticipation. “I don’t think the real explanation is as simple or logical as that.”
The next person to appear caught her off-guard. He wasn’t in the opening greeting, so she figured he was a last-minute addition. It didn’t keep the smile from tugging at the corners of her lips, though.
It was Dr. Smythe, her thesis adviser.
“Pidge—no, Katie Holt, or as I prefer to call her, Number Five, as my fifth consecutive award-winning undergraduate thesis advisee,” he said as a long preamble, stroking his mustache in his own way of preening, “elevates everything she does to unprecedented levels: her classes, her thesis, her contributions to our academic research, her overthinking, and her neglect of herself when in pursuit of something that piques her interest—unintentional, I’m sure, but neglect nonetheless.” Even though she’d just shaken her adviser’s hand as his friend instead of his student not three hours ago, Pidge felt scolded like a kid.
“Worried as I was for her well-being her whole thesis process, I did something unforgivable for an adviser to do!” Dr. Smythe took a dramatic breath that had Pidge’s heart stopping in shock. “I withheld information from my protégée!”
He did what?! Would it affect her thesis, her graduation, her future prospects?!
“I told her there was no way to cut the runtime for one of our computers, when in fact she could have cut it down by a third, or even half! Ah, forgive me, Number Five!” He grabbed the camera by the sides and cried into it in all his genius eccentricity. “I did it for your sake! You never take breaks outside of that waiting time; it was the only time your lover could help calm your nerves!”
Pidge felt her face heat up.
“‘L-Lover’?!” Lance sputtered. The camera’s angle straightened; Dr. Smythe must’ve let go of it now.
Her adviser leveled an odd look where Lance was off-cam. “Yes! Aren’t you her lover? You’ve been lurking outside the labs the whole year.”
“Ye—I mean—To call me that so directly…”
Dr. Smythe pulled on his mustache once. “Get used to it, young man.” And then the video switched again.
It was an abrupt ending for her thesis adviser’s part, but Pidge all but forgot about him when she saw Allura beaming at her.
“Hi, Pidge,” Pidge’s best friend and only childhood friend greeted with a wave. “Congratulations again on graduating. Oh, I miss you so much!” Pidge’s fingers traced Allura’s face ever so lightly on the tablet. She missed her friends—her family outside of her family—so much it almost hurt. “I’ve been asked to say something about you and Lance as a couple.”
“Something good, preferably,” video-Lance quipped, earning a laugh from Allura. She glanced somewhere off-center, probably at where Lance had been filming.
“Alright. Something good, then. Some thoughts I’ve kept in my heart for as long as I’ve known you both.
“You couldn’t be more opposite to each other—gods know how you damage our ears with your bickering. And yet you work perfectly together when it mattered most. You balance each other out. Lance, you lift Pidge up whenever her realism bordered on pessimism. Pidge, you tether Lance whenever his head starts floating to the clouds with his easygoing optimism. Lance is the people-person—I’m sure we all agree on that?” Allura confirmed, teasing eyes looking straight at the camera. Pidge giggled and nodded. “While Pidge understands the world, and perhaps even the universe, at its core.
“Pidge learned from a young age how to build walls to defend herself from envious people who want to drag her down. But Lance, with your big family, you’ve learned how to deconstruct them in order to connect with others.” Allura’s eyes welled with tears, and Pidge’s mirrored them. “You’ve met and challenged Pidge on all levels, Lance. I’m so happy she’s finally found her match in you.”
The camera caught a sniffling sound. “Thanks, Allura.”
Allura’s video cut off with her smiling and dabbing her cheeks with tissue.
Lance’s parents came next, congratulating Pidge enthusiastically and inviting her to their home for a graduation feast.
“Our son brags about his many former girlfriends, but… you are the only one he has ever taken home,” his mother said, the gleam of mischief in her eyes.
“Mom!” Lance whispered harshly. “You gotta give a better message!”
“Let me try.” The camera shifted a bit to focus on Lance’s father. “Our son has had trouble finding his place, being the youngest among his siblings. He told us that you put him in his place, when you met. He said because of that, he found his place and could finally move forward.” The wrinkles at the corners of his eyes deepened as he smiled. “Thank you, Katie.
“Is that good, son?”
“Yeah… Yeah. Thanks, Mom. Thanks, Dad.”
Pidge could see where this was going—or at least, where it could possibly go. The montage of everyone congratulating her at the start may just be a façade. But since Lance was still in his seat, not fumbling for a tiny box or kneeling on the ground, she couldn’t be sure.
That was until Matt’s face appeared. Then her tears started falling. Because this was her family next. Whatever they had to say about her and Lance would greatly affect their relationship. This was their time to frankly voice out their issues with either of them, and yet Matt was grinning.
“You got me at a good time,” he told the off-cam Lance, who chuckled.
“Three days before launch. I’d say I’m still great at crunch time one year after graduating.”
Matt laughed before turning to the camera. “Hey, Pidge! Congrats on graduating!” His smile turned apologetic. “Sorry I can’t be there to watch you walk on stage and shake hands with people you’ve probably never met your entire college life.” He stopped and waggled his eyebrows expectantly; he knew she’d laugh at his joke. The apologetic smile returned. “And sorry for taking Dad here with me. We need his supervision for the new docking procedure we’ll be trying out. Give Mom some space hugs for me, will you? And if you ever need advice… you can consult Dad’s favorite book any time.” He winked, and she received his secret message successfully.
“Okay. On to matters I’d rather not talk about.”
Matt’s carefree guffaw made Pidge’s heart ache for her brother’s presence. She mentally calculated the time elapsed since his crew’s launch. Their rocket should be orbiting Earth right about now, preparing to align with the International Space Station.
“I would never forget your first dinner with us. I can tell you really wanted to impress us with your research in the fields we specialize in. But that wasn’t what ended up impressing us. It was how you managed to hit on Mom after you ran out of things to talk about regarding our specialties.”
“It wasn’t on purpose!” Lance protested, and though Pidge couldn’t see him, she knew that the Lance behind the camera was blushing hard. She glanced at the Lance sitting next to her, sending him an amused—albeit tearful—smirk. He returned a sheepish grin.
* * *
“You’ve gone silent, Lance,” Mom said as she sliced her steak.
Lance stiffened. Pidge knew how much he wanted to leave a good impression on her family. So far, so good. Everything they’d rehearsed, as well as the crash course she’d given him, was paying off. But for some reason, he didn’t seem to think so and had stopped participating in conversations.
“Oh, um…” He swallowed, drank water, then swallowed again. “M-Must be in my genes to be speechless in the face of beauty,” he blurted out in one breath.
The whole table went silent. Awkwardly silent for a full ten seconds. Lance’s face was dark with mortification, Pidge’s family was sitting thunderstruck by his response, and Pidge was starting to wonder if organizing this dinner had been a mistake.
But then Mom and Matt burst into laughter, Dad following suit.
“Sorry, son,” Dad said, regarding Lance a little more warmly than a few seconds ago. “Colleen is spoken for. May I introduce you to my daughter Katie instead?”
The wide smile that spread across Lance’s lips seemed to chase away his embarrassment. He looked at Pidge with bright eyes, and her heart temporarily forgot its rhythm. “I’d love that, Sir.”
* * *
“I know,” Matt assured with a chuckle. “But that accidental thing showed us that you specialized in your own field, too. In building connections with people.
“Pidge—Katie has never been good at making friends. I think only Allura was stubborn enough to get through to her, and it took years. You changed that. You helped my sister expand her world. Now, you mean the world to her.” He directed a kind smile slightly to the left. “I wouldn’t be surprised if you are her world.”
His eyes softened, then he stood from his seat, opening his arms. After a few moments, Lance appeared on-screen to return the hug. The sight brought fresh tears to Pidge’s eyes.
“I leave her in your care, brother,” Matt said. “She’ll probably argue that she can take care of herself. She’s right about that, but it’s still reassuring to know she’s in good hands either way.”
Lance sniffled twice before replying, “Thank you, brother.”
Matt clapped Lance’s back. “No problem. Now let’s look for tissues before the staff suspect you’re infecting me with colds.”
They both snickered.
When the video switched to her parents’ smiling faces, Pidge’s hands became damp with sweat and her heart began to pound. She knew they’d already given Lance their blessing, seeing as this video existed, but this would be the first time she’d be hearing what they thought about her relationship with Lance.
The first thing she noticed was their clothes. They were wearing the unexpectedly awesome sweaters Lance’s grandmother had knitted for them last Christmas. A lump formed in her throat at the realization; she had to lower her voice so she could still speak with words instead of inarticulate sobs.
“How long have you been planning this?” she asked, eyes not straying from the screen.
“A while,” Lance answered just as quietly.
“Congratulations on your graduation, Katie,” Mom greeted.
“We’re so proud of you, Katie. So proud,” Dad added.
“You must have figured out what this video is really for by now,” Mom continued, to which Dad nodded.
“You must have deduced that we’ve given our blessing as well.”
“All that’s left for us to do is endorse this young man…” At Mom’s cue, Lance peeked from the corner of the screen and waved. “…to you.” Pidge glimpsed the obvious signs of nervousness on his face. It carried over to her as she waited for her parents’ “endorsement” of Lance.
“Lance came from a completely different background from us. He didn’t know anything about astrophysics, molecular biology, or computer engineering more than any other layperson did.” Pidge winced at Mom’s knowing smirk. “Don’t try to deny it, young lady; we know you two planned out what he would be talking about with us the first time he came over.”
Dad chuckled. “Lance hadn’t always been able to keep up with our discussions, but he was always willing to learn. He strived to see things from your perspective and understand you better. I’ve never seen you more patient than when you would explain a concept to him, Katie.” He glanced at Lance. “I’ve never seen a more receptive student, either.”
He redirected his gaze to the camera, smiling gently at Pidge. “You told him about the universe, showed how galaxies worked, demonstrated gravitational forces, and explained why the sun, moon, and stars existed. I hope you wouldn’t wonder too much how he realized he has fallen into orbit around you.”
Lance’s hand slipped into hers as the video faded out. Pidge felt something press onto her palm. She felt a ring press onto her palm, and she almost started crying again. Instead, she took a deep, shaky breath to calm the tumult of emotions within her. Lance remained patiently quiet by her side. They watched the flock of graduates and guests in front of them in the meantime, the cacophony of congratulations and goodbyes and promises to keep in touch filling the silence between them.
“You’re not getting down on one knee?” she teased eventually, once she was confident enough to speak.
“I could,” he replied, “but do you want me to?”
“No, actually.”
“Thought so.” She could hear the mirth in his voice. The sound calmed her down further.
“Everybody won’t be satisfied with anything less than showy, though.”
He hummed in thought. “I’ll consider it.”
“Maybe they’ll even make you do something Matt and Shiro will see from space.”
“Maybe.” He shrugged. “It all depends on your answer.”
She turned towards him, willing him to meet her eyes. “You already know my answer.”
When he did, she was struck anew by how his eyes shone with everything he didn’t need to tell her out loud, and how they regarded her with understanding, and how absolutely, breathlessly beautiful they were. “I want to hear it anyway.” Like the hue of a clear day. Like the shade of a calm sea. Like the color of love. “Will you marry me, Pidge?”
Pidge twined her fingers around Lance’s, beaming up at him. “You know I will, Lance.”
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@cinnamon-bunni said,
Hi, can I get a matchup please? I'm an ambiverted infp-t leo. I'm extremely quiet at first, out of shyness and that I don't really know how to talk to people. I can come across as passive or indifferent too, but really I'm not good at expressing myself. I try to make up for it by being extra polite but I tend to zone out a lot. Once I'm out of my shell I become really hyper and talkative depending on the other's energy level. I'm told I have a sense of humour and a little snark too. (1/2)
I love physical affection but I'm not good at initiating things; I prefer to make stuff for friends to show I care. For interests, I love drawing, needlefelting and animals. I like to try and befriend cats when I'm out and share random animal facts;; There aren't many things I don't like but I'm camera shy and have super bad stage fright, ironically;; tysm in advance 💞 (2/2)
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✧ Thank you so much for requesting a matchup, love. As an Aries, I really love Leo’s lol. I hope the matchup is to your liking and am sorry it took me so long to get it down. 💓
I’d match you with: . . .
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➜ HOW YOU TWO FIRST MET ; Cats. That’s it. That’s the post. That’s how you two first met each other. Jokes aside, you were on your way to meet up with your friends. That is until you got distracted by bunch of kitty cats. Just as you were about to reach your hand to pet one of them, it started to run towards the opposite direction. The action made you pause because normally you’d be able to befriend any cat without a problem. That talent was something you had pride in and you always made sure to rub it on your friend’s faces. Out of curiosity, and for the sake of your pride, you followed the cat until your eyes caught a glimpse of light purple locks. In the middle of bunch of stray cats were a young man dressed very casually, petting and playing with the cats, an energetic smile present on his face. He was wearing a dark green hoodie with a yellow triangle pattern at the front and a pair of blue jeans rolled up above his ankles. He also tied a yellow lumberjack shirt around his waist and wore a pair of white Vans with a camouflage pattern. If you weren’t irritated by how many cats were around him, you would have thought he was attractive. Very, very attractive. With a huff, you were about to turn back and continue walking until you felt something soft rubbing against your legs. Glancing down, you were surprised to find an Abyssinian cat rubbing its head and softly purring. The irritation you were feeling was thrown out of the window as you bent down to pet it. You were happily petting the cat until an amazed shout pulled you away from your trance. “Woaah, a cat with triangular face! I wanna pet it too!” Before you knew it, the man who was surrounded by kitties were right beside you, his orange eyes sparkling with excitement as your hand made contact with the cat’s head once more. “Go ahead. It’s not like I own it anyways.” You mumbled with a shrug of your shoulders. He thanked you and called you a nice stranger girl before starting to pet the cat as well. Everything was normal until he started to meow. It got even weirder when the cat meowed back at the male. You raised an eyebrow at the male’s action as you slowly started to back away. But what the male said stopped you in your tracks. “Waaa, he says he likes you! I’m so jealous.” With a glance at the boy, you asked how did he know what the cat was saying and as a response, he said he could talk to cats. Of course, like every sensible and rational person you didn’t believe him. Before you knew it, you were giving him a bunch of reasons how it was impossible to talk to animals. What you didn’t expect was for him to not hear a single thing you’ve said and talk about something entirely else. With his friendly but really eccentric personality, you couldn’t help but talk back to him. After spending some time together surrounded by cats, you learned that his name was Misumi Ikaruga and he was an actor at Mankai Company. You had to admit, he was an oddball but in a good way. Without you noticing he even convinced you to go and watch him act at the theater. After checking the time, you realized that you were going to be late to meeting with your friends, you quickly stood up. Giving him a one last wave, you turned ahead and started to walk towards your destination after making a mental note to buy a ticket for Summer Troupe’s next play.
➜ PERSONALITY COMPATIBILITY ; Misumi is probably one of the most friendly guy you can come across and he doesn’t really mind if you’re quiet at first because he can literally talk for hours about anything and everything. He doesn’t judge people or anything for that matter so it’s impossible for him to find you indifferent. He’s like the sun honestly, so I bet before you know it, you’d be comfortable enough to be your true self around him. He’s extremely energetic so good luck matching his energy level. Don’t worry about not initiating physical affection because Misumi is able to initiate it enough for the two of you. Sometimes, when he's passing you by he will kiss your cheek, then run out the door. Other times he'll surprise you and give you a kiss in the weirdest places. Your back is turned towards him, he will hug you and rest his chin on your shoulder or head, depending on your height. You prefer to make stuff for people you care about? Please, please, PLEASE make him a triangle. He will keep it by his side and treasure it until his last breath. It might even have equal value with his triangle ruler that his grandfather gave him.
➜ SHARED ACTIVITIES ; Well aside from your regular triangle hunting, befriending every single animal you’ve come across has became your ritual at this point since your boyfriend is basically an animal magnet. Like, you’d be walking together and cats, dogs or even birds would follow you two. You’re extremely lucky in that department since you love animals very much. If the weather is bad, two of you would do triangle crafts together. He absolutely loves your artistic abilities and how you can make the best triangles. Yes, you’ve even superpassed Kazunari in his eyes. A big accomplishment if you ask me. Onigiri making is also something you regularly do together. Not gonna lie, he makes the best onigiris in the entire world. He might even superpass Omi when it comes to onigiri making. Well, aside from typical Misumi activities, he’d also take you on normal dates like park & beach walks, moon gazing at night, cat cafes and so on. Honestly, everything you do together is fun. You make him feel loved and wanted, something only his grandfather did. Having someone like you there for him made him realize how lonely he had felt, please just protect this precious boy.
➜ ZODIAC COMPATIBILITY ; Misumi’s birthday is on June 6 which makes him a Gemini. Leo x Gemini love match is an equation that hits off right from the very first time these two individuals converse with each other. The charm and intelligence of the Gemini attracts the Leo like a moth to a flame. At the same time, the confidence and conspicuousness of the Lion is enough to blow the the Twins away. Both Gemini and Leo signs know how to flirt and are extremely compatible with each other from the word go. They love to talk about all the topics in the world and their communication is free-flowing, intellectual, fun and without any barriers. The immense loyalty of the Leo makes the Gemini feel comfortable in their own skin. On the other hand, the Twins has no problem in catering to the Lion's need for flattery and admiration. Leo gets a lot of attention from Gemini, and thus gives everything to their relationship in turn, which makes their equation tick from the very beginning. This is one of the most compatible pairings in the zodiac chart and if the minor friction is handled with maturity by both the parties, the Leo and Gemini compatibility relationship can last a lifetime. A lifetime, which will be filled with love, happiness, and success.
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