#Sun Zheng
staydandy · 1 year
The Unbreakable Bond (2022) - 寄生 - Whump List
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List by StayDandy Synopsis : Two stepbrothers find themselves at a crossroads between forgiveness and revenge when they find out the truth about their father's evil deeds. Yun Ze is a successor of a medical group. To secure the inheritance and to save his life, his father Zhao Hua deceived Xiu Huan and coaxes his illegitimate son Yun Cong into donating his bone-marrow and organs to sustain the life of Yun Ze. When Shi Yuan came into the life of the two brothers, Yun Ze gradually falls in love with her, not realizing that Shi Yuan likes Yun Cong. (Wiki) AKA : Parasite
Whumpee : Gu Yun Cong played by Sun Zheng (right) • Gu Yun Ze played by Xie Jun Feng (left)
Country : 🇸🇬 Singapore Genres : Friendship, Romance, Medical
Notes : This is a Full Whump List
Episodes on List : 15 Total Episodes : 20
*Spoilers below*
01 : [flash forward] Gu Yun Cong is in a car accident … [present] Gu Yun Ze falls & has a nosebleed
04 : Yun Cong falls, later icing his arm
07 : Yun Cong & Yun Ze fall, Yun Cong scratches his arm
08 : Yun Ze gets dizzy & falls down the stairs, sprains his ankle
09 : (near end) Starts coughing, becomes dizzy, & has a nosebleed
10 : … continued from previous ep. ... Sick
12 : Yun Cong is slightly burned .. knocked over by a cart … Yun Ze has an asthma attack
13 : … continued from previous ep. ... Yun Cong is sick
14 : Trips.. almost gets hit by a car
15 : Falls down some steps
16 : Limping from a sprained ankle from falling
17 : Punched & captured.. threatened & beat up
18 : Car accident (from ep1 flash forward)
19 : Hospitalized, comatose.. Yun Ze's asthma is acting up … Yun Cong wakes up, has a brace on his leg & is walking with a crutch.. tries to run away with his leg in the brace, falls
20 : Yun Cong & Yun Ze are ambushed.. both are beat up, stabbed, & shot.. Yun Ze dies
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goodlucktai · 7 months
gently in the cold dark earth
scum villain's self saving system word count: 2k canon divergent / no system au; sy transmigrates into an empty npc role; gray lotus binghe loves his shixiong more than life and he's ready to make it everyone's problem
title borrowed from work song by hozier
read on ao3
The first thing Luo Binghe does when he escapes the Abyss is return to Cang Qiong Mountain.��
With Xin Mo secured to his back, the way could be instant if he so chose—the journey of a thousand miles reduced to a single step—but he unsheathes the elegant jian at his hip instead.
Yong Liang sings sweetly for him, the snow white blade still shining and untainted even after years of helping Luo Binghe carve his way through hell. It has never once failed him, soulbound to the one person still on this earth who has never failed him. 
“Take it,” his shixiong insisted, low and urgent. The Abyss was behind them, an even deadlier threat was ahead, and Without A Cure clogging his meridians made Luo Binghe the best choice to wield the only unshattered spirit sword they had between them. “Binghe, take it.”
He pressed until Luo Binghe’s grip curled tight around the hilt, not hesitating to put his soul in Luo Binghe’s hands even with the rosy glow of an unsealed demon mark shining on his face. 
Luo Binghe flies at a pace best described as dangerously reckless, hardly smelling the fragrant spring air or feeling the sun on his face. His robes are a disgrace, his hair a tangled, matted mess, and it occurs to him that he could stop somewhere and clean himself up, make himself presentable, but it’s a brief, fleeting thought. 
Shen Yuan would be furious to find out that Luo Binghe wasted even a single second returning to his side. 
He passes through the ancient wards effortlessly, feeling them fall away from him like water. It’s a simple thing to tamp down on his demonic qi, to disguise the parts of him that those so-called righteous cultivators would scorn. He ghosts through the familiar grounds as eagerly as a starving animal bolting down a fresh game trail, but one by one, all of their familiar haunts come up empty, without even a lingering trace of Shen Yuan’s spiritual energy left behind.   
The head disciple’s room is dusted and undisturbed, as if its occupant might walk through the door at any moment, but the lack of clutter and the empty book shelf makes it very clear to Luo Binghe what the truth must be.
If Shen Yuan returned to the peak after the Conference, he didn’t stay. 
All at once, images crowd the front of his mind—his shixiong grieving, pulling away, turning his back on those responsible for his heartache. 
Yue Qingyuan, always only a step behind wherever his precious Xiu Ya sword went, promised that no one wanted to hurt them. They only wanted to help.
He looked so solemn and righteous that Shen Yuan reluctantly allowed himself to be convinced. Luo Binghe, who had gone to the man for help after a bloody whipping when he was a child, only to be given a walnut cake and turned away at the door, knew better. 
He wasn’t surprised when Shen Yuan was wrenched away from him, and shizun sent him staggering off the cliff with a spiritual dagger buried to the hilt in his chest, all of it happening within a matter of seconds—but it still hurt. 
Shen Yuan’s scream followed him all the way down. 
I’m alive, Luo Binghe thinks, with no one there to tell it to. I came back to you. Let me come back to you. 
Including time spent in the abyss, it’s three years before they meet again. 
Luo Binghe’s revenge is his second priority at best, but he is nothing if not efficient and knows how to kill two birds with the same stone. Huan Hua affords him ample resources and opportunities to scour the world for his missing shixiong while playing the role of earnest and diligent new disciple. He snatches up each mission that comes along as though  eager to prove his worth to the sect that so graciously took him in, but he takes every excuse to wander, to search, to make conversation with vendors and innkeepers and passing strangers. 
Have you seen my heart? It lives outside of me in the form of a beautiful young man and tends to wander. Very contrary, likes to fuss over people, could argue the stripes off a lushu just for fun. You’d know it if you met it. You’d never forget. 
The days blur together, meaningless and gray, but he doesn’t stop looking. Shen Yuan still exists somewhere in this world, because otherwise Luo Binghe wouldn’t. It’s the only thing that makes sense. The alternative doesn’t bear thinking about. 
And then, finally—an afternoon in Jinlan City, when Luo Binghe arrives in a throng of incompetent gold-clad Huan Hua disciples, to investigate a plague of all things—
He’s there. 
In dark, neutral colors and plain clothes, a traveling cloak with its hood resting down around his shoulders, as if his beauty could possibly be lessened by cheap, shapeless fabrics rather than effortlessly enhanced. His hair falls from its half-tail in glorious waves—he never did have the patience for anything elaborate, only wearing braids when one of his sticky shidimei cajoled and convinced him. Traveling alone, who could he possibly have to roll his eyes at and complain about and sit patiently still for?
A pale green ribbon is all that decorates his hair. Luo Binghe recognizes it instantly. 
“You should spend your allowance on yourself, Binghe,” Shen Yuan scolded him, not for the first time and certainly not for the last. 
“But I did,” Luo Binghe protested, widening his eyes and clasping his hands earnestly, the way he knew worked best. “I wanted it! And now that I have it, I want to give it to you.”
Shen Yuan was too clever by half to be truly fooled by the innocent act, but he always folded like paper anyway. He spoiled all of his shidimei but Luo Binghe most of all. Anyone on Qing Jing Peak would be hard-pressed to think of a single example of Shen Yuan telling Luo Binghe ‘no.’ 
Sure enough, after a second spent visibly wrestling with himself, he blurted, “Oh, fine! Hand it over.” 
He wore it every day since. He’s wearing it now. The wind catches the ends of it, sending it streaming behind him like the tails of a paradise flycatcher. Lovely. 
For a brief moment, Luo Binghe is frozen where he stands, finally faced with the very thing that he’s been missing for years, that he’s been living a miserable half-life without. 
And then he remembers himself and lurches forward. His voice is a tangle in his throat but he manages to choke out, “Shixiong!”
A strike of lightning couldn’t have jolted Shen Yuan into more perfect stillness. He stops mid-step, every inch of him as good as carved from precious jade. He doesn’t turn his head, and the sliver of his face visible from where Luo Binghe stands is very pale. 
Luo Binghe wonders suddenly if this has happened to him before—if Shen Yuan has heard a voice on the road or in the market that was almost familiar, that was almost the one he was hoping for, only to be disappointed when he turned to follow it and found a stranger. 
Luo Binghe shortens the distance between them with a few anxious steps and tries again. 
The older boy whirls around abruptly, as if to get it over with. He’s bracing himself, but Luo Binghe barely has a second to absorb Shen Yuan’s painful-looking anticipation before it bleeds out of his face in favor of something else entirely. 
He looks like the earth has fallen out from beneath his feet, like he hardly dares to believe his eyes. Zheng Yang gleams golden at Shen Yuan’s hip, reforged and whole again.
“It’s me,” Luo Binghe says softly. 
There’s a tableau he’s afraid to break, as if they’re in a delicate dreamscape and a move too sudden or loud might dissolve it. He wants to say I’ve missed you the way lungs miss air, immediately and needfully, I haven’t breathed at all since we’ve been apart. He wants to say you’re my light in the dark, I can only stand in front of you now because I love you too much to ever truly leave you. 
Instead, he tells his dearest friend, “This one made you wait. But your Binghe is here.”
Shen Yuan sprints the rest of the way to meet him, almost before he’s even finished talking, and they collide in a solid embrace that knocks the air from them both. 
His arms wind around Luo Binghe’s waist like steel bands, fingers digging into the back of his robes, precious face pressed into the crook of his neck and shoulder. Luo Binghe doesn’t hesitate to gather him up close, holding him as tightly and securely as he knows how, burying his nose in his shixiong’s hair and breathing in the familiar, beloved smell of him.  
Shen Yuan is a few inches shorter than he remembers. All the better to tuck him beneath Luo Binghe’s chin, to cover and surround him so completely that not even the heavens above can get a decent eyeful. 
He wants to grab and bite and pin Shen Yuan beneath him and never let go. His jaw aches with wanting it. 
“I’ve been looking for you,” Luo Binghe says, eyes wet. “I went home first.” Unsaid goes the obvious but you weren’t there. 
“How could I stay?” Shen Yuan bites out, managing to sound all at once strangled and bewildered and—charmingly—offended. He shakes his head without lifting it, an aggressive nuzzle against Binghe’s shoulder. “After what they did to you, I’d rather die than represent their stupid sect another minute.”
“Step away from it, Shen Yuan,” shizun said coldly. “I’ll put that beast back where it belongs.”
“No,” shixiong said in a voice that was smaller than usual, one that shook. He was frightened, clearly overwhelmed, but he didn’t budge from where he was plastered in front of Luo Binghe like a breathing shield. 
“No, shizun.”
“Shizhi,” Yue Qingyuan said gently, offering his hand. “Come here. It will be alright.”
Shen Yuan said, “No. You can’t hurt Binghe. He’s not bad just because of who his parents are. He’s as good as he was yesterday, and the day before that, and the day before that. He’s hardworking and loyal and a sweetheart to anybody who gives him half a chance. He’s so good.”
Liu Qingge was behind the sect leader, sword drawn. Shen Qingqiu was quickly losing what little patience he had, face twisted into a sneer, dark eyes stabbing hatefully at Luo Binghe from over his head disciple’s shoulder. There were more figures rapidly drawing closer, the other peak lords following the flare of Yue Qingyuan’s qi. The standoff was becoming more and more untenable, and Shen Yuan was too smart not to see that, shrinking back against Luo Binghe as much as he could without crowding him closer to the edge. 
“You can’t hurt him,” he said again, the closest Luo Binghe had ever heard him come to tears, “he’s my shidi.”
Luo Binghe is unsurprised by his shixiong’s loyalty, because it’s already been proven to him over and over. It’s unremarkable at this point, which is an absolutely remarkable thing in itself. It makes him feel warm with gratitude and affection and ownership. 
Shen Yuan is clever and quick on his feet and always three steps ahead, more knowledgeable about flora and fauna than anyone else Binghe has ever known combined, and probably a force to be reckoned with as a rogue cultivator, where the only rules of conduct he has to adhere to are his own. 
But Luo Binghe hates to think of him on the road alone, without the little martial siblings who follow him like ducklings, without his Binghe there to make sure he remembers to eat all his meals and comb out his hair before bed. He’s a creature of comfort, made for airy rooms with too many cushions and an abundance of sweets and books to read. 
Luo Binghe has fantasized more than once about building a home for Shen Yuan to lounge prettily in. It was, in fact, his favorite flavor of daydream since he was about thirteen. 
If Shen Yuan wants to rogue cultivate, then that’s what they’ll do. But Luo Binghe thinks, if he constructs a palace that’s as comfortable as it is grand, and fills it with trashy romance novels and obscure beasts and his own hand-made meals, he can convince his friend to live in it with him.
Shen Yuan needs to be taken care of. Luo Binghe needs to be the one taking care of him. They’re together now and they’ll never be apart again and those needs can both be met. 
That possessive, proprietary feeling coils dark and deep inside him, undulating lazily like a serpent who’s fed enough for days, reminding him over and over what he already knows:
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uncrownedjules · 7 months
Today I am mourning the fact that we never got a full stage recording of Monkey: Journey to the West. a funky Opera by Chen Shi-Zheng in collaboration with Jamie Hewlett and Damon Albarn of Gorillaz fame.
We have a studio album and live recordings of the show's audio, but as far as I'm aware there is not a full recording of the entire show available anywhere.
Like just look at this trailer! Not only does the show look so fuckin fun it means THEY HAVE A RECORDING SOMEWHERE DAMMIT!
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kayime · 1 year
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queue for d hot pot it seems
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legendsoffandoms · 3 months
I kind of want to talk about an au I have.
I don’t know how many people are actually in this “fandom” on here, but I’m so it anyway.
So this is all based on OSP’s jttw the west series on yt. And I call him Sandy :3
So basically after the Journey was over, Wukong was like bye and disappear for a while. Not a big deal, right? Yeah, that was until he returned. He went back to his old ways with some improvements.
He didn’t murder anyone unless they attacked him or his monkeys
Is the main one.
Problem though, he basically started acting as a trickster god. He does pranks and trickster god things in Heaven mainly. Nothing that actually causes big problems like he did before, but everyone quickly gets annoyed by him. They all know he can beat their asses, but something has to be done. He can’t just keep this up, he’s not even an actual god! So they make a plan
They can’t kill him, and they can’t imprison him. So what’s the next best option? Seals. A shit ton of seals. Since the journey didn’t work the way it was meant to, maybe a new view on life would.
They basically just seal away his powers and his memories. And he’s turned into a human. Then he’s just dumped on the mortal plane, and they just fucking hope it works. Oh and they put another circlet on him, but it’s only there if he tries to you know over throw heaven again. The only one with any ability to activate it is QuanYin.
So meet Sandy :3 He’s my jttw oc/au
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A quick run down of everything from his point of view:
He doesn’t know who he was before waking up. He woke up in the middle of nowhere alone and scared.
He does know lots of things are out to get him for some reason. Lots of demons seem to want him dead, which is terrifying.
He also can’t take this crown off, and it’s really painful when he tries.
He can’t really fight, and he’s fucking scared to anyways. So he usually runs and hides whenever a fight happens.
He’s a ball of anxiety, and is constantly worrying about everything. Like everything. He’s scared of everyone and everything. His anxiety is through the roof.
His eyes are special because they let him his the aura/magic of a person, but it also stops glamorouses from working (not shapeshifting, just glamorouses). He can’t turn it off, no matter how much he wants to.
He’s constantly in his own world. He struggles with focusing on anything and when he does, he gets way too focused on it.
He got Anxiety and ADHD.
He is Sun Wukong, but obviously he is not aware. And as I explained before the heavens ended up putting seals on him. Magic Anthesis basically.
Also he didn’t name himself, some folks he met did. He got his “first name” from the kid, and the other folks gave him his “middle” names. He knew his last name, but that just cause a random note was left that said “Sũn” so he amused that as his name.
He’s happily Genderfluid and AroAce, well Cupioromantic Asexual.
This was a long post, but I wanted to talk about my au/oc. He’s cute and silly, and also a ball of anxiety :3
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stuff-diary · 2 months
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble
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TV Shows/Dramas watched in 2024
Oh No! Here Comes Trouble (2023, Taiwan)
Director, Writer & Creator: Lin Kuan Hui
I don't know why I put off watching this for so long, cause it's really good. It includes so much stuff that I love: laugh-out-loud comedy, heartbreaking stories, supernatural elements and, most of all, a bunch of characters that burrow their way into your heart. The dynamic they share, specially between Yiyong and Guangyan, is incredibly fun. I feel like I could spend hours and hours watching them doing whatever together. And that's exactly what puts this drama miles ahead of other similarly supernatural-themed stories: the character writing is so damn good that you don't even care about the show's flaws, like the weak CGI. It certainly helps that the entire cast does a fantastic job, with Tseng Jing Hua giving a particularly unforgettable perfomance as the main character. Oh No! Here Comes Trouble is exactly what I needed right now, and I hope we get to see these characters again in the future.
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tearsmdears · 11 months
That moment when you realize you girlbossed too close to the sun
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kdram-chjh · 2 days
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Cdrama: Love of Nirvana (2024)
Gifs of Intro of cdrama "Love of Nirvana"
ENG SUB 【流水迢迢 Love of Nirvana】 EP01 卫昭江慈初见就“互杀”,江慈连遭横祸(任嘉伦、李兰迪、徐正溪)
Watch this video on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QX_tYorIdLY
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cookiescackles · 2 years
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the correct way to talk to short people
(some images i liked from Zheng Jian He's Journey to the West manhua, 西行纪)
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movielosophy · 1 year
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Pledge of Allegiance | Sure, take him with you
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the-monkey-ruler · 2 months
Westward Movie 2 (2022) 西行纪之穷奇地洞
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Director: Mak Ching Lok Starring: Liu Beichen / Fan Junhang / Sun Ye / Meng Xianglong / Xiao Xin / Weng Yuan / Jian Jian Genre: Action / Animation / Fantasy Country/Region of Production: Mainland China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 2022-08-19 (Mainland China) Duration: 78 minutes Also known as: Journey to the West The Movie / The Westward / 西行纪剧场版 Type: Retelling
The Westward Journey team went to the other side to get the eternal fire. When passing through Renjian Town, they were attracted by the fantastic and beautiful scenery of the Qiongqi Cave and entered the cave by mistake. As a result, they accidentally learned about the conspiracy of the great monster of the Qiongqi Cave, the Hundred-Eyed Demon Lord. In order to stop the shocking disaster that is about to invade the entire Monster Avenue, the master and the apprentice fought together. When Sun Wukong's mind was controlled and transformed into a giant ape, facing unprecedented desperate situations and crises, how will the Westward Journey team turn the tide?
Source: https://mov-20.chinesemov.com/2022/The-Westward
Link: N/A
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rodlaveraryna · 11 months
i was totally rooting for sun nan and dalong to win wmdg s2 and i was PISSED when they didn't but tbf bad boy was....... a lot
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recallback-art · 11 months
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Day 22: "Comfort"! Once again, this was a prompt I got from a friend for friend week, since I can't do collabs or trades.
Ai loves absolutely nothing more than getting to dig and roll around in the snow, the comfiest naps are always under a big pile of it.
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Love Under the Full Moon. 8
Story: 9
Acting: 9
Chemistry: 10
Comparable to: My Girlfriend is an Alien (cdrama); Oh My Drama Lover (cdrama)
Yes this is cliche. Yes this has plot holes. And yes this had a really cheap ending (so wanted a redo). Nonetheless this drama has a really great storyline (sometimes can messy), great cast, amazing oofing chemistry between the main leads, and for me the main male lead, Zheng Ye Cheng, totally steals the series. He’s perfect in this. Is it worth a worth. I say definitely especially if you’re a romcom fan.
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t-taxiansgf · 1 year
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stuff-diary · 1 month
Welcome To My Side
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Movies watched in 2024
Welcome To My Side (2024, China)
Director: Song Hao Lin
Writers: Miao Qian & Song Hao Lin
Welcome To My Side is exactly what I needed after watching several heavy movies in a row: a purely fun romcom. The initial premise is silly but also surprisingly hilarious, and the gimmick never overstays its welcome, cause it's used just the right amount of times. The dramatic twist during the third act might feel a bit sudden, but there's enough foreshadowing for it to work. It certainly helps that both Yu Shi and Wang Yinglu deliver two fantastic performances, with outstanding chemistry to boot. I'm not saying this is the best romcom I've ever watched, but it came to me at the perfect time.
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