#Suddenly one day was surprised to see him on a fight card because I had sorta forgotten about him for a couple years
moaninmoonen · 1 year
"Swarmz doesn't understand whats coming!" - Ryan Taylor Exclusive Prime Card Interview
Misfits Boxing
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swarvey · 4 months
how they react to you getting hurt | sdv x g/n reader (part one)
part two
a/n: nothing like a little bit of angst. (but a lot of fluff, of course.)
nearly faints when you come home all bandaged up
he's always been confident in your strength, and you've never really gotten that banged up before
so when he sees your arm in a sling, he practically has a heart attack
definitely plays the "who did this to you" card because he's so dramatic
you pray that your husband is asleep as you open your door as quietly as humanly possible, tiptoeing inside your home. it doesn't help that your dominant hand is in a sling, but somehow, you manage to make it to the bedroom without waking elliott up.
just as you think you'll make it into bed successfully, he shifts, eyes fluttering open.
"y/n? did you just get back?"
he reaches over to turn on the lamp.
"what in the world."
you let out a sigh of defeat as elliott's eyes turn into saucers, his mouth agape as he looks at your injury. as much as you adore your partner and everything he stands for, you know how dramatic he tends to be, especially when it comes to you.
"elliott, please, i promise it's nothing," you try, but he slowly gets out of bed and makes his way across the room to you. "seriously, i'm fine!"
"darling," he starts, his voice scarily quiet as he lightly grabs your shoulders, "who did this to you?"
"what?" you want to laugh, but you also want to see how far he's willing to take this. "what are you talking about?"
finally, emotion fills his eyes as he begins to scan your body for other wounds, acting as if you just came back from fighting a war.
"was it a monster in the mines? were you snuck up on? or worse," he gasps, "was it a person? was my darling attacked by our own kind? tell me, dear, say the word and i'll track them down to the ends of this earth!"
you can hardly take him seriously in his plaid pajamas, but you also feel so lucky to have someone care about you to this extent. emotional tears are even welling in elliott's eyes as he gently pulls you to his chest, holding you as close as he possibly can.
"i don't know what i would do if you were wounded severely, love," he says, kissing the top of your head. he pulls back to look at you deeply in the eyes, suddenly serious. "now, tell me. who, or what, did this?"
"a fishing rod."
". . . what?"
"i strained my shoulder pretty bad while fishing, so harvey said i should wear this sling for a week until it gets a bit better."
"ah, i see." elliott nods, avoiding your gaze as you laugh. "well, that doesn't mean my darling shouldn't be spoiled!"
you let out a cry of amusement as he sweeps you off your feet, laying you gently down in bed and placing the blanket over you snugly. he turns the lamp off before joining you, laying on his side so he can pull you to his chest.
"that was a bit dramatic, wasn't it?" he whispers.
"not at all."
worried out of his mind
you’re the last person he ever wants to see in his clinic
will absolutely overplay your injury unless you stop him
(though it is nice to be doted on)
"hey, harvey."
you watch as harvey's head shoots up in surprise, knowing that he isn't expecting you this early. typically you would do some work throughout the day before stopping by around lunch to see him, but the clock had just about hit noon. you had decided to take an early trip to the mines as your lovely husband promised to take over your farm chores for the morning — though, thinking back on it, maybe you should have just slept in.
"are you back from the mines already, dear?" he asks, turning to look at you. "that was quick—" he stops in his tracks.
you look at him sheepishly, wincing as you tighten your grip around the cloth wrapped around your injured arm. a hint of blood seeps through it, and you can practically see harvey pale.
"listen," you start, "before you freak out, it's not that—"
"sit, i need to take a look at it right now," he orders, urgency filling his voice. you sigh as he grabs your hand and leads you to the examination table. "how did this even happen? you're usually more careful than this," he scolds, slowly beginning to unwrap the cloth as you do your best to explain.
"i took the elevator pretty far down the mines this morning," you explain, biting your lip in pain as the makeshift bandage fully comes undone. "there were a few monsters i had trouble dealing with. i guess this is what happens when i skip out on my morning coffee."
harvey frowns, shaking his head. "now is not the time for jokes." he shakes his head, gently taking your arm in his hands and looking at your wound. "what if it had been worse? what if you couldn't make it back up, and got trapped? or, worse, what if you got an infection?" he pauses, and you can see all the scenarios running through his head. "then we'd have to transport you to the city's hospital, i'm nowhere near equipped enough to handle that. should i be ordering more supplies?" his eyes widen, his hand hovering over his lips as he continues to ramble on about different ways your story could have ended. he doesn't even notice the exasperated look you're giving him.
"and then i'd have to take over the farm, at least for a while—"
"harvey," you laugh, grabbing his shoulders. he snaps out of his daze, his eyes meeting yours once again. your heart melts at the worry that glazes them. "what matters is i'm here, right? so why don't you properly bandage me up and i'll stay here for a bit, just in case."
he clears his throat, a dust of red printing his cheeks as he nods. he turns to grab some disinfectant and a roll of bandages.
"right. good idea, honey. but, as your doctor," he adds, and you groan at his words, "i say you need to avoid the mines for the next week in order to heal properly, and no extensive farm work, either."
"seriously?" you grimace as he applies the disinfectant before thoroughly wrapping your wound. "who's going to take care of the crops and the animals, then?"
your heart skips a beat when harvey places a soft kiss on top of your bandages before hugging you to his chest. he rests his chin on the top of your head, and you can hear the smile in his voice when he speaks.
"your loving husband, of course."
immediately begins to panic internally when he hears you're at harvey's clinic from emily
sounds angry, but his eyes deceive him — you know he's just worried
tries to act all tough, but he can't help being a bit more protective over you than usual
"what the hell were you thinking?" he questions sharply, barging into the clinic with no greeting. you stifle a laugh at his appearance — from the looks of it, he had just woken up from a nap, his hair touseled and jacket half thrown on. "why didn't you come get me?"
"i told emily to let you know, since i was a little busy trying not to pass out," you joke, but you quickly realize your mistake when he all but shoves harvey out of the way to give you a look over. "shane, i was kidding—"
"how hurt are they?" he demands, his attention turning to harvey. "do they need time to recover? should i do anything?"
the doctor raises an amused brow before replying, "don't worry, the cut on their leg didn't even need stitches. the wounds should be completely healed within a few days. y/n," he turns to you, a kind smile on his face as he takes off his stethoscope, "take it a bit easy for now, alright? at least until your leg is completely better."
"thanks, doc." as you move to stand, you're shocked as shane wraps an arm around you, helping you get on your feet. "what are you . . . ?"
he doesn't meet your eyes. instead, he guides you to the door, a frown imprinted on his face. you hear maru hold back a gasp at the scenario in front of her. harvey nudges her to stay quiet, though it's clear the two are more than amused at the situation at hand.
"didn't you hear him? you need to take it easy," he snaps, and you can see him starting to blush.
"shane," you start, the two of you making your way through the plaza, "you hate PDA." yet, his arm is still wrapped tightly around you as he guides you towards the farm.
"shut up," he grumbles, pulling you closer to his side. "it doesn't count if it's doctor's orders."
you laugh, leaning into his side. you like the change of pace, it's refreshing — not that he'll ever admit this ever happened.
"well, maybe i should get hurt more often, then."
"don't even think about it."
lmk if you guys want more !
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chigirizzz · 1 year
first kiss
characters: isagi, bachira, sae
gn! reader, not proofread so there might be some mistakes, anxiety attack (bachira's)
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"stop," you told isagi when he approaches you in front of the school.
his smile disappears and he stops beside you, his body turned towards you. you continued to stare straight ahead, focused on the rain that showed no sign of letting up. "huh? what did i do?"
“you’re sick. stay away from me." your behavior didn't change, in fact, you were quite afraid that you were too rude or anything, but any remorse vanished when you heard your boyfriend's laugh. "why are you laughing?!"
"you're funny."
"and you're sick. stay away at least four meters. you know i get sick easily."
"i'll take care of you if that happens."
surprise took over you at his words; isagi yoichi always has been and always will be a pretty awkward guy—something that you didn't mind and in some occasions you found it cute—, which meant he wasn't the best at words, whether he was the one saying them or receiving them. he was more of actions and thoughts, not words.
there were times, however, when isagi yoichi pulled a special card and made your heart feel warm with simple actions or sentences and with absolutely no shyness.
this was one of those times. and as you stare—no, admire him with stars and hearts in your eyes, you feel guilty with how you kept a distance that school day just because he was sick, thinking that he wouldn't be offended. not exactly offended, but he wasn't happy either.
"yoichi…" you said. "i'm sorry. why are you such a good partner…"
he smiled and gave your head a few pats. "you're so silly."
"if i do get sick, make me a chicken soup."
it was an innocent joke, so you didn't expect him to suddenly kiss you. lips on lips for the first time, a moment that you never thought it would be like that. you responded to the kiss. it was a bit awkward since it was both of your first kisses, but it felt good.
afraid that he needed to stop to breathe some air (due to his stuffy nose), you tried to step away, with no vail because his hand landed on your lower back and pulled you closer to him gently, his lips now more hungry for yours.
he just pulled away when your hand touched his cheek—even if it was a gentle touch, the temperature difference between your warm hand and his cold cheek gave him a little thermal shock.
"now you'll get sick for sure," he says with a smile and pink cheeks.
"idiot. i love you."
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your legs started running to the boys' restroom as soon as you finished reading the message on your phone; your head filled with worry for your friend who was apparently hiding in one of the stalls having an anxiety attack.
these moments of his fragility were relatively common for you. bachira meguru had you as his best and only friend, so it was normal to notice when his insecurities and his loneliness got the best of him — and the times he got into unnecessary fights.
these were moments you were used to, but they still worried you a lot.
the restroom was quiet and empty, only one of the stalls had its door closed so you figured it was your best friend.
you knocked on the stall door. "bachira? are you here?"
"come in."
you entered the stall as soon as he opened the door. the space was cramped and not very hygienic, which made the boy more suffocated, anxious, but he knew that your presence, although it contributed to a more enclosed space, made him feel safe.
"it's okay, bachira. i'm here, you're safe," you reassured him, your thumb caressing his hand, kneeling in front of him while he sat on the floor with his back against the wall.
"they made fun of me again." his hand now held yours, squeezing it from time to time. a bitter smile took over his lips. "i feel so alone..."
"you're not alone, bachira, you have me and your mother. the others are stupid people who aren't worth it," you said. "remember the exercise we've already done. let's start—five things you can see."
“eh…” he looked around; there wasn’t much inside a school bathroom but you could make it work. “my shoes.”
“and what are your shoes like? analyze them," you told him with a soft tone of voice to help him calm down.
minutes passed. you didn't know how long you and bachira stayed in the restroom but the absence of noise from other students confirmed that you were currently skipping a period. who cares.
you helped the boy with the exercise, occasionally having to imagine objects for him to detect because again, there wasn't much inside a school bathroom…
he was slowly feeling better, and you knew this for sure because when you asked him for the second thing he could smell, he answered piss.
"it's true though~," he teased you and his nose sniffed. his eyes were getting less red.
"yeah but i don't want to think about urine right now, meg." a sight escaped your lips; nevertheless, his answer didn't actually bother you, you enjoyed his jokes even if sometimes made you question his sanity. "let's just move on."
"ok~ what's next?"
"one thing you can taste."
"watch me lick the toilet!"
"no!" you flicked his forehead to which he just giggled. "there must be something in here you can try. let me check my backpack."
"no need, y/n."
you faced him confused, hands inside your backpack trying to find a snack. "why not? we're almost done—"
you felt a pair of hands grabbing your shoulders and being pulled forward—face to face to bachira, to be precise.
"because i think i know what i want to taste. it's in front of me right now." his low voice and vibrant yellow colored eyes made you at a loss for words. he was so close to you, closer than he has already been, that you could feel your skin tingle, legs slightly weak and your chest moving up and down slowly. what… "do i have the permission to kiss you, y/n?" he asked, thumb brushing your lower lip.
"i…" oh god. "yeah." you nodded.
and so he did.
despite his confession and gaze being gentle, the kiss was the complete opposite. his lips literally crushed into yours, the sudden force of his body making your back slamming into the stall door—and his reaction? he smirked.
you weren't sure if it was his first kiss, but since he never told you about his romantic life, you assumed it was. in fact, something tells you that the boy practiced his kissing skills on a mirror to try on you later on.
it was also your first kiss, so you couldn't judge.
your hand is now between the back of his neck and the back of his head, lightly pulling and playing with his hair.
everything was going well, so well it took you a few seconds to notice the hot tears falling down his cheeks.
"meguru, what's wrong?" your hand caressed his cheek. "are you ok? is something wrong?"
"i love you. i love you so much," he cries and rests his head on top of your chest. "thank you for being there for me."
"awn, i love you too." you played with his hair gently, fingers fixing the knots on his hair. "and i'll always be there to protect you."
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itoshi sae wasn't the easiest person to put up with, which is why you were extremely confused when he first confessed to you and asked you on a date like it was nothing. still, in your five months of dating, you didn't regret anything. you loved him, he loved you.
however, there was something bothering you: you never kissed each other. but calm down, the issue wasn't exactly "he never kissed me"— the issue was that itoshi sae once told you he wanted your first kiss as a couple to be magnificent, magical and capable of leaving everyone's jaws on the floor. 
it made you wonder for weeks how the kiss would be. it made you wonder so much for so long you eventually thought he forgot about it.
boy were you wrong.
sae didn't lie when he said he wanted it to be magical and leave everyone's jaw on the floor. 
it happened at the end of one of his games, he scored the final goal and as soon the end of the match was announced, he ran towards you—you who were watching the whole time wearing his jersey, shouting his name—and kissed you slowly but passionately in front of everyone—his team, the opposite team, the fans, the cameras, everyone.
although your boyfriend always preferred a private relationship, he also wanted to show the world how much he could love someone. there was a bit of possessiveness on him.
there was a bit of possessiveness on him, as his lips left yours so they could kiss your neck, not caring how much it tickled you. 
he then kissed your cheek and left without saying anything; there wasn't anything to be said, but the media for sure will say a lot of things.
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haveihitanerve · 6 days
Dad How Do I but with Bruce Wayne.
Bruce who teaches life advice- showing kids how to tie a tie, how to tie their shoes, braid their hair, teaching young adults to do taxes, to surf, the best lawyers to hire when in trouble, how to avoid scams, he educates the less fortunate on the best places to get free food, where to go in Wayne Enterprises for a hot shower and some toiletries, how to eat at formal functions so the higher elite have one less thing to criticize them on. He teaches people how to do card tricks and make your niece laugh by pulling out a quarter from behind her ear, teaches moms how to rock their baby to sleep properly, teaches teens to do front flips and cartwheels and calculus, educates them on how to write job applications and two weeks notice letters. He teaches people to sew, to cook(alfred helps) to assemble an IKEA shelf, how to work a lawn mower, and all sorts of different things. And when his son dies… Bruce uses his account to share his grief, his story, shares everything about Jason, what a delight he was, how awesome he was, how much he loved to read and school… and then one day, he gets Batman to join a video. And the hero is stiff and everyone can see the exhaustion, the anger and sadness in his joints, his movements, radiating off him. But he sits down heavily into the chair Bruce Wayne had previously vacated… and begins to speak. He tells the story of Robin, his young child sidekick, who just like Jason Wayne, was murdered by the Joker. He tells everyone how his little boy tried to save Jason Todd, and how they both perished in the aftermath. He tells people about his grief, his anger, and why Batman is suddenly harsher and hurts more. “Because I hurt more.” he confesses quietly, and the people finally get to meet the man behind the mask (figuratively) and truly get to see who their hero really is. The account’s popularity skyrockets, and soon Batman is a lot more common to be seen, teaching people how to defend themselves and handle the Batarangs he knows they collect after he fights. Nightwing shows up too sometimes, teaching more elegant flips and tricks and they demonstrate their workout together, and a few months later, Batman shyly introduces his new Robin, same messy black hair as the one before, but slightly smaller, and theres something… more behind those lenses in his mask. But the kid is soon a fan favorite, making sarcastic comments and countering Nightwings witty remarks, and the people get to see a new side of Batman, get to watch as he rolls his eyes at them, as he uses them to teach people how to disguise themselves, ways to use clothes to stem blood, tie tourniquets. 
Then Red Hood returns. And a kid in Crime Alley catches him cursing at his jacket because a button fell off and he cant get it back on. “Um! Mr. Red Hood sir?” the kid pipes anxiously. Red Hood turns to him, angry, but the kid doesn't back down and just goes “You should watch ‘Mr. Wayne How Do I: Sewing’ it'll help.” and then he scampers off. And Jason is pissed and even more angry because of course while he was dead Bruce decides to become a father to everyone in Gotham. But he watches the video. And it helps. And… well, its one of the older videos. And Jason finds another old video. The one about… the one about his death. It shouldn't make his anger lessen, shouldn't make him cry, shouldn't bring him to Bruce’s doorstep where he reveals himself and they hug and cry and catch up and cry some more… but it does. 
Gothamites are a little surprised when their local Crime Lord appears on the channel, standing right next to Batman. Surprised, but pleased. Because Batman looks happy in a way he hasn't in a long time and well… Red Hood watched out for them too. And now their two protectors are working together.
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gatorbites-imagines · 11 months
Kinktober day 16
Jason Todd + leather or Latex
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I had like, no ideas what to do with this prompt ngl, so I just kinda went with whatever came to me when writing.
Crime lord Red Hood has always had a special place in my heart
Kinktober 2023 masterlist.
Working for The Red Hood wasn’t too bad, especially compared to the other rogues you’d had to work for in the past. With Hood you didn’t have to fear suddenly being shot because Two-face suddenly felt like it, or being eaten by whatever plants Ivy had conjured up, or answering whatever riddles the Riddler came up with that day.
Best part was probably the uniform though. All rogues put their people in specific clothes. For the joker it was clown masks and all that junk, Riddler wanted you in stuff with question mark print, penguin wanted you well dressed in suit and tie, the list went on. For Hood just wearing red seemed to be enough. Most seemed to just resort to wearing a red hoodie under their jacket, and that was enough.
Interestingly enough, working for Hood also came with some benefits, like being allowed to keep stuff from different conflicts as long as it didn’t cause issues for Hood. That was where you found your first leather, some rich guy from Metropolis tried to set up in Gotham and was quickly dealt with. If Gotham hated anyone more than each other, it was outsiders trying to barge in and make a name for themselves.
The guy had been wearing a sturdy but not too flashy leather jacket, so after checking the pockets and for bullet holes and seeing it in one piece, you tucked it over your arm and brought it home. You had to cut the tags out and changed the inner fabric to something cheaper, and most importantly, into something red, but the quality was no lie.
You realized you might have had a thing for Leather one night when you had needed to go out for some small run for Hood, and you’d been too tired and lazy to put on a shirt. You ended up going out in a pair of low waisted denim pants, some well worn boots, and your jacket. No one batted an eye, at all, seeing a shirtless guy was far from the weirdest shit in Gotham, but the feel of leather on your skin seemed to have lit something inside you.
After that you might have subconsciously started looking for the stuff whenever you went on raids or into fights for Hood and his territory. Who cared if you stole some hotshot from star cities leather west and hat, or that guy from Texas whose black leather boots you stole right off his feet. You didn’t touch the pants though, even though you really really wanted too, you just didn’t trust them not to be contaminated by all kinds of junk.
You honestly thought you hid it pretty well, your draw to leather that is. Everyone had their thing, and you always wearing your jacket and boots was just something you did. If you went home to get dressed all the way down to just your jacket and boots though to jerk off was another thing entirely.
But it seemed your draw to the last targets pants hadn’t gone fully unnoticed by your boss. Imagine your surprise when he shoved a package into your arms one night and told you to only check it when you got home, the modulator of his helmet making him seem way more serious than he probably was.
You wouldn’t say you were outright friends with Hood, no one could really be friends with their boss in the criminal world, but you cracked jokes with the guy and even got him to laugh on the regular. You patched him up when he needed it, and he dragged you to Leslie’s clinic when you got knocked around a bit too hard, which happened more than you liked to admit.
When you got home you had almost assumed that the package would hold weapons or maybe even drugs, even though Hood didn’t personally deal the stuff. But instead, you found what you immediately noticed was leather, a card placed on top of the neatly folded leather. The letter was in Hoods writing, and you felt your face heat up a tad at the words on the page.
“Next time just let me buy it for you instead of stealing it off bodies” it said, and when you unfolded the leather, you felt your insides flutter. It was pants, they seemed even better quality than the ones you had been eying the night before. But it wasn’t just pants, there was a newer jacket, it was brown and heavy and was very well worn, and when you held it out in front of you, you could see it was one of Hoods own jackets.
You could feel blood running downwards, leaving you fumbling with your clothes as you got undressed, feeling almost desperate to pull the pants up your legs and hips. They were tight, but not too tight, and there was no question about the quality. Your original jacket fell to the ground with a heavy thud, your fingers quickly grabbing the heavy well-loved leather of the brown jacket and pulling it on, a shaky breath leaving you as the smell that was so clearly Hood filled your senses.
It smelled like leather, gun oil, the cigarettes he smoked when he was annoyed or on edge, and something undeniably Hood, and it had you tenting your new pants. Or tenting as well as one could in leather, which meant it was more a visible bulge running down the inside of your thigh. It had felt so good on your skin that you had found yourself grinding against your hand on your couch like some inexperienced fool. Your back had arched off the couch as you stained the inside of your pants, the leather growing slick against you as you groaned.
It was only later when cleaning the leather that you noticed the writing in the waistband, near the back so it would sit near the bottom of your spine. “Red Hood” it said, like some kind of statement of ownership, and you had shivered and exhaled shakily, rubbing a hand over your face to dispel the thoughts it awoke in your body.
Next time you saw Hood you had worn the pants, but the jacket was left at home. The worn jacket didn’t go well with the newer shinier leather of the pants, so it was your normal jacket and boots, which had some of your friends joke a bit about you being some kind of leather daddy because of your interest in the stuff. You had let the jokes run off your back, joking along every now and then.
You hadn’t even noticed Hood being there until he had appeared behind you, his gloved hand grabbing your ass and giving it a squeeze. Youd almost snapped around and decked him, assuming it was someone else, that was until you heard his modulated voice. “You’re wearing my gift. You like it?” he purred obviously enough that you could hear it even through the voice changer.
You could feel your skin growing clammy as you gave a small nod, not even daring to look at hood as he pressed his crotch against your back, his erection obvious even through all your shared layers. “Good, you look so hot in it” he rumbled, giving your thighs an extra squeeze before he stepped back and wandered off, leaving you unsteady on your feet as you tried to force the obvious hard shape in your pants away, for once cursing how tight they were.
It continued on this way for a while, Hood leaving you presents, and you would wear them around his headquarters. It was never expensive or high quality enough for anyone to target you, but Hood seemed to enjoy it very much. It felt almost like having a sugar daddy or some kind, but he had never demanded much sugar, only grabbing your ass at times, or rubbing his hands up and down your torso that time you’d worn a leather shirt under your jacket.
He was a tease, and you could hear the shit eating grin through his helmet as you ground against his thick thigh one day. You felt so wound up from his lingering touches that you had found yourself in his office one day, or what you guys called his office anyways. Maybe you wanted a fight of some kind, you weren’t sure, but one thing led to another, and you pinned up against the wall, his thigh between your own.
And now you were grinding against his thigh like some kind of pervert, your fingers digging into the worn leather of his jacket as you gasped into his shoulder. You didn’t even notice as he pulled off his gloves or spat on his fingers, it was only when one of his hands was shoved down the back of your leather pants and between your cheeks that you realised. A groan left you as he rubbed the pad of his finger against your pucker, his voice cocky as he asked if this was what you wanted.
You tried to glare at him, but it only seemed to fuel him more as Hood pushed his finger inside, letting you adjust before he started moving to the best of his ability, your tight pants not leaving much room to move his wrist. The stimulation was driving you crazy, the tight leather of your pants doing nothing to lessen the experience as you ground forwards into his thigh, before you pushed back onto his hand.
Running your hands down his torso and up his shirt, you could keep the moan from leaving you as you felt something too smooth and slick to be leather. It was Latex, he was wearing a latex shirt under everything else, maybe it was even a full body thing as it continued as you thumbed at the waistband of his pants.
Your exploring just seemed to fuel him more as Hood added not just a second but a third finger at the same time, letting you just barely adjust to the stretch before he started moving his hand once more, causing you to grind harder against his thigh.
It was impossible to fight back the orgasm that rocked through you, thoroughly slicking up the crotch area of your leather pants as there was no fabric to soak it up, letting it splatter against your thighs and lower body. You could feel yourself twitch a bit as Hood removed his fingers, instead grabbing onto your hips and lifting you up, making your legs wrap around his waist.
You couldn’t find it in yourself to ask what he was up too as he walked backwards, plopping down on his chair with you in his lap, sighing softly as he started rubbing his hands up your torso, flicking your chest through the leather shirt you had chosen to wear. “You alright baby?” he asked, voice warm and caring, leaving you feeling all types of mushy.
You just scoffed and leaned forwards, resting against his broad shoulders and coiling your arms around him. Hood rubbed your back for a while before rolling his chair close to his desk, the taping of keys letting you know he was working on one thing or the other. In the end you found yourself with both your hands up his shirt, rubbing at his latex covered torso as you rocked lazily against his thigh, no hurry in your movements as you knew you had all night, and it would happen soon if the twitching bulge between Hoods thighs meant anything.
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hanafubukki · 10 months
Currently having OT3 brainrot with Lilia -after waiting for centuries for the return of his time traveler wife having existential crisis because baby Silver awoke without explaination while Dawn still sleeping, and asking himself if he ever could be happy with his family ever again- just seeing one day in NRC the young woman coming from nowhere and being the exact copy of his wife. Same face, same smile, laugh, manners, everything. His own wife -just younger.
Now, Lilia starting to becoming a little bit possessive and protective with the newcomer. Like, weirdly always there when a problem occur to help. And strange things happen too...
Some guys were mean to you ? "Hi Youngster, just here for a little talk. What are you doing to my wife ?" Strangly, one day, the meanies sudlently started to avoid you like their life were in games.
Problem with schoolword ? You have a wonderful senior to teach you everything you need.
Malleus coming to see the little prefect ? Yes Lilia knows his wife. She was always like this. Incredible and kind and friendly and- wait- he fell in love with her for all this, some centuries ago..."Malleus ! Wait, you going out tonight ? Why not playing card with Silver, Sebek and I ?"
Weirdly, after this day, Diasomnia had now a card play everyday until late at night-
All little things which, when y/n goes and came back again with the memories of the past, become the ultimate teasing material. Lilia can think himself lucky if Meleanor never hear of this, because it would be inbearable.
- 🦋 Anon
Hello 🦋 Anonie 🌺🌻🌷
I’ve been hit in the feels as I read this over and over. Just think about it? The whiplash of feelings Lilia is going through?
He’s been waiting and raising Silver, of course he has family to help out, but Dawn and You are not here. He knew you came from the future, but when? When will he see you again? When will Dawn wake up?
Lilia is constantly plagued by these thoughts, until he sees you again and finally, finally, his world is moving again at a normal pace.
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Lilia sat thinking.
Would you two be proud of the the family he raised? Proud of him? It's been so long since he's last felt your warmth, since he last felt the companionship and support of Dawn.
Looking at Silver, Lilia is reminded of both of you.
Then one day, you appear and he's shocked. He observes you and that feeling of familiarity hits him.
It's you, his love, his wife.
Their Star.
Though it seems you don't remember him, and he remembers what you had told him in the past. How you were suddenly sent to Twisted Wonderland.
No matter, he will take care of you.
If need be, he was willing to make you fall for him all over again.
He was extra charming at this age if he said so himself.
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It wasn't surprising that NRC wouldn't like change, but to pick on a magicless student?
How cowardly.
He knew you had your strengths, after all, you had wooed both him and Dawn.
Which is not an easy feat, yet his instincts screamed at him to protect what was his.
He would do just that.
"Let's have a chat boys~ I don't like the way you are treating my wif-, I mean the Prefect. Is there no honor among youth these days?"
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You were so cute.
Lilia couldn't help but stare at you as you worked on your schoolwork.
Naturally, he had made it so you would come to him for help.
After all, wasn't he your cute upperclassman? He would always be happy to help those who need it.
...but that didn't stop the urge he felt in taking your hand.
He waited this long, he can wait a bit more.
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Lilia knew you would laugh at him if you ever found out, but he couldn't take the risk!
You had befriended Malleus, and why wouldn't you?
You were kind, sweet, loving-
All qualities he and Dawn fell for, so can you blame him for panicking a bit?
It was bad enough he and Dawn had to fight off so many noblemen in the past, and he won't mention his annoying sister either.
His boys humored him, but the smirk on Malleus' face told him he wouldn't be let off that easy.
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When YN returns from the past, Lilia is going to have to deal with teasing from all sides. At least he has his family again and they are all happy and whole again.
I also like to think that YN attracted all kinds of people, human and non-human. It’s their natural charm 💞💞
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nautilusopus · 2 years
okay FIIIIIINE i'll throw my hat into the Goncharov ring
Been a while i've done a proper movie breakdown, may as well be this one.
Rather surprisingly (but perhaps not too surprisingly given the unexpected renaissance of things like the original Dracula and Breaking Bad on this website out of seemingly nowhere and with very little prompting), I'm seeing a lot of new people suddenly interested in Martin Scorsese's seminal film classic Goncharov, originally released in 1973. Obviously a movie like that doesn't make it coming up on 50 years without generating a lot of discussion about the different ways the movie resonates and why, but coming into it in 2022 there's been so much cultural cruft that's collected around Goncharov that (similar to stories like Fight Club and Scarface) it's a little hard to parse what it's actually about with all the mythologising that's gone on around the characters.
Those movies, in one way or another, are about portraying the downfall of their protagonists -- Fight Club's after ironically creating another system of control and dehumanisation and becoming what he sought to destroy, Scarface's after being consumed by the wealth and power he's amassed. A lot of people assume it's that kind of story, because aren't most well-loved movies? However, I think this is ironically an assumption made because of the genre of film it is. All the people that aren't going, "OMG Goncharov is so cool and badass and fucks bitches," are going, "WOW I can't believe Goncharov is a cautionary tale about power corrupting," and in the process people miss that Goncharov is first and foremost about loss, in all its different forms.
I'm both kind of surprised and frustrated people miss this, given how utterly pervasive the movie is with its clock symbolism -- it's the one thing everyone remembers about it, it was in all the tie-ins. I dunno, maybe that got funneled back into the theory where they're meant to reinforce how Goncharov is just a mortal man at the end of the day, which is fine I guess, but the movie overall becomes a lot clearer when you interpret it through the lens of, "These things are gone and you can never get them back; clocks don't go backwards."
One of the most fascinating things about the movie is how every character embodies a different kind of loss. I'm gonna ease into this and start not with Goncharov but with:
Rybak, who is usually associated with loss as we typically think of it, i.e. the loss of loved ones via death. This comes up all the time, either in his trust issues (why he's being such a prick at the wedding), in the card game (he never bothers to bet much money, knowing he's bad at poker, and still loses all the same). Rybak is terrified of loss, cannot manage it, and ultimately is punished by losing what few people he had left and then being spared by Lorenzo who deems him punished enough, and is forced to survive, to grapple with what his life is now without them.
Goncharov's is actually more subtle, and it's loss of small, insignificant things as a result of the larger losses he believes he's processed. This is something that's frequently contrasted against Rybak. The pawn shop going under is actually a microcosm of this whole thing. Goncharov anticipates that this is obviously going to lead to financial issues for him, plans accordingly to deal with this, and... it works! He's saved! Except that means card games can't be hosted at his place anymore, given it's burned to the ground. Does this matter, in the grand scheme of his life? No, of course not. Poker night still gets had all the same. But it is different now, and always will be. Little things like this continue to add up, until something as insignificant as a towel -- a towel that never should have been in his room, but Sofia is no longer there to drop off his laundry and chat with him -- is ultimately the final nail in a coffin built of insignificant splinters, each one an imperceptible change underneath the much more larger, noticeable story beats of things like grief.
Otto is the big obvious one I'm not gonna linger on: loss of his youth, moments in the past that he wants to redo but can't. Most people at least seem to have gotten this one.
(This is also what the clocks get associated with a lot, which again, doesn't NOT make sense but also if it were just for this one character that, while thematically important, was honestly just a side character with limited screentime and only two scenes, would they really be all over the movie before Otto's name is even mentioned?)
Sofia's a bit abstract, and is the loss of self -- of the familiar anchors we have to who we are, what we think our core principles are, our place in society, who we want to be to our loved ones -- and by the time she dies she is rendered utterly unrecognisable to herself, and is horrified by it. She grieves herself the same way Rybak grieves his wife (even gets a direct visual callback via the way her face is lit when she's burning Lorenzo's check). You see echoes of this in Goncharov as well, but while Sofia is grieving the person she used to be, Goncharov is grieving the world around him (even though really, it's the same world it always was -- time keeps ticking on, one second per second, and neither one of them can ever un-fire that gun).
Lorenzo, tragically, gradually loses his freedom (and maybe in a parallel world would actually be the protagonist of a movie where he chokes on his own hubris like everyone seems to think Goncharov is GRUMBLE GRUMBLE). As he comes into his own more and more by his family's legacy, he is afforded fewer and fewer options about what decisions he can even make. Arguably he was doomed from the start, but the further he clings to power as a means to freedom, the more it drives him to destroying everything he ever (thought he) cared about. The tragedy of his character, and what makes him a good villain, is that he can clearly see what he is doing to himself and he absolutely hates it (his walking out early at the wedding is a tacit admission of this), but his absolute refusal to accept loss, to accept grief and pain and all the awful shit that comes with the human condition, is what causes him to toss aside every out he has because if he has enough CONTROL over his situation, surely he will never have to lose anything ever again. But, really, he already has.
I dunno. Goncharov is one of those movies that is great, and everyone seems to realise it's great, but nobody ever really puts into words why, and that's how you get Fight Club fans lmao. And it sucks because the actual discussion around the movie beyond "it's another hubris story but REALLY GOOD guys" is so much more fascinating and a much more earnest emotional truth that just never gets talked about.
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koolades-world · 3 months
happy father's day!
i actually wasn't going to make a special post until i actually made a very telling connection just yesterday morning. i think the reason i just adore dadcifer is because lucifer reminds me so much of my own dad. they can both seem so cold and unapproachable from the outside, but actually is so thoughtful and cares a lot about those they love. they both have a secret love of animals, would do anything for their family, and are very protective of them. they're both secretly softies for their children (or brothers in luci's case) and as i (or the brothers) start to age, i realized just how much he did for me in the past
my father injured his back pretty bad in a car accident when i was little, but he still continue and did his best to my dad despite that, and still made it to every single one of my award ceremonies and games on top of all his work. he couldn't do things he did before, like piggy back rides and anything that involved sitting on the ground and while that's certainly not on the same level as what lucifer experienced during the fall, i feel as if it may be comparable to the loss of one pair of his wings and the symbolism of it all. through all that lucifer still got himself together and continued to be what his brothers needed him to be.
sorry for really rambling there, but my dad really is one of the the reasons i pick myself whenever i fall, and making this connection has caused me to treasure lucifer like i hadn't before
i hope for the love of god you never find this, but this one was written with you in mind, dad. thank you for everything and i love you <33
Lucifer was at his desk, trying to complete paperwork. He'd made excellent progress in the past few hours, and he hadn't even realized that much time had passed. He wasn't having a bad day, per say, but it was just another monotonous day. But, it wasn't done yet. If he could keep up at the rate he was currently working at, he thought he could be finished a little earlier than he usually was.
Absentmindedly, he reach for the next paper, but he felt his heart drop a little when his hand past through where the pile should have been and met the table. He turned to look to see if maybe he'd just missed the papers, but all the papers were gone. Thinking he might have accidently knocked them all on the floor, he stood up and leant as far over he could over his desk. But, they were nowhere to be found. He decided to double check that his other papers were where he'd left them, but to his surprise, found not a single paper on his desk.
Lucifer began to grow frustrated. He didn't know how his papers suddenly vanishing was possible. He knew his brothers must've had something to do with it. They always did. He had no new messages on his phone, so with a sigh, he decided to go see what they were doing.
He could hear Mammon and Levi bickering in what he presumed was the living room. That was a problem he'd have to solve before it got out of hand again. While he'd like to prioritize his missing work, making sure the house didn't burn again down took precedence. He was in no hurry though. He wasn't eager to break up yet another fight between his brothers, but it always fell on him to do it anyways.
However, to his surprise, neither Mammon nor Levi was in sight. Before he could digest what he was seeing, he heard seven voices yell in unison, "Happy Father's Day!" To both his right and left, a party popper was set off, showering him in confetti in every color of the rainbow. After he got past the initial shock, he saw a simple, but well thought out set up. A banner was stung above the fireplace that said 'Happy Father's Day' and while it wasn't exactly even, he could tell it was done carefully. Streams adorned the walls and the light fixtures, and some balloons sat in a couple corners of the room. A large pile of presents and a large card sat on the coffee table.
"What is this all about?" Lucifer shook off some of the confetti to see that it was Mammon and Levi who'd covered him in it.
"It's a celebration for you, of course!" Mc was in the center of the group of the remaining brothers. Beel and Asmo had large grins on their faces, and while Belphie and Satan looked less thrilled, they looked as if they were trying to appear that way.
"Why?" He questioned. He raised an eyebrow at all the decor.
"You do so much for all of us. We figured it'd be fitting to celebrate a human holiday known as Father's Day. It's when the people in the life of father, or father figure, celebrate them for just that reason. You call them your brothers, but you might as well be their dad considering how much you care for them." Mc told him. They didn't mention that he could actually be considered a father, but it was probably best that way to avoid setting off Satan. "You've done a lot for me too. Even though I wasn't part of this family to begin with, you welcomed me in just like I had been. You've supported me through so much, and we all agreed we should celebrate you for this." Mc held out a bundle of flowers to him. Lucifer took them, studying them. Before he could get out another word, they fiercely hugged him. His other brothers took this as their signal to join, mobbing him in their embrace.
Lucifer almost felt as if he could cry. They'd gone out of their way to set up everything for him, including an abundance of gifts. Considering his birthday was at the beginning of that month, he was both surprised and impressed. "I don't know what to say. Thank you." He was honored. Everyone backed up after a minute or so of the embrace, seemingly with something else up their sleeves.
"We have one more thing for you!" Asmo exclaimed, clapping his hands giddily. Mc looked as if they were concentrating, and slowly, a cake levitated into view which Mammon quickly intercepted and extended towards Lucifer. It had a couple candles in it, and it had the name of the holiday on it. Each letter was in a different color and appeared like they were all written by different people. Some letters were very prim, while others were rough at best. Besides that, everything else seemed professionally done.
"Luke helped us bake and decorate this cake, but we each put on a letter or two of the message." Mc explained. With a wave of his hands, Satan lit the candles. Everyone gathered around Lucifer and Mammon, waiting for his response. He sighed again, but this time, it was one of happiness. He blew out the candles, causing the group to begin cheering. From behind him, Beel placed a headband of some kind on Lucifer's head.
"Now everybody knows you're a dad." Beel smiled.
"The only reason the others aren't here is because they're currently celebrating Simeon and Barbatos for Father's Day too." Mc had Mammon place the cake on the table so they could cut it.
"That explains why Luke was the one who helped you." Lucifer nodded.
"Now, get over here, silly. You have presents to open." Mc waved him over to sit down. They lent towards him to whisper. "Just so you know, this was Satan's idea." They could hardly contain their laughter, which Lucifer matched with a smile that rarely graced his face. As much trouble as his brothers caused, and sometimes Mc too, he was eternally grateful for all of them. He couldn't have asked for a better family.
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Miles Morales x Reader Summertime Headcanons
1610!Miles Morales x Reader
617 words
Summary: a window into your relationship with Miles during the summer months.
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At the end of June, school is out. You and Miles rid yourselves of your uniform pants, skirts, and blazers in favor of jorts and tank tops as the weather starts to get warmer in the city. The end of June is Miles’s favorite time of year for a plethora of reasons. The end of June means no more school; the end of June means sleeping in; and most importantly, the end of June means spending more time with you. Miles made an itinerary for summer break titled ‘MILES & Y/N’s SUPER AWESOME SUMMER CHECKLIST ‘23,' written in his signature graffiti calligraphy and bubble letters in his sketchbook.
"Miles, skydiving? Are you forreal?"
"Okay, I know it sounds crazy, but just hear me out!"
And he intended to follow through with each and every single activity on the list.
In mid-July, you go on vacation out of state with your family, much to Miles’ dismay. "This is going against the itinerary!" He jested while passing you a t-shirt for you to pack into your suitcase. To ease his yearning for you during your time away, Miles resorted to spending hours upon hours on the phone with you. Day and night. No exceptions. He's fighting the villain of the week? Miles is throwing punches with one hand and talking to you with his phone in the other. You didn’t even need to be having a conversation; he just wanted to see your face on his screen. The calls would last into the later hours of the night and into the early morning, with both of you slurring incoherent sentences to each other, promising that you wouldn't fall asleep.
In early August, Miles turns a year older, and you, Rio, and Jeff plan a surprise party for him. A few weeks before, you asked him what he wanted to do for his birthday. He said, "I don't know; I haven't really thought about it." To which you replied, "Well… do you want to celebrate?" To which he responded, "Are you going to be there?" That was enough for you to go to his parents and start plotting a little party for Miles behind his back. When Miles’s birthday rolled around, you had Ganke distract him for the day while you and his parents decorated the apartment. When Miles got home, it was empty and dark. He called out to his parents to no avail until he got to the dining room. Suddenly, the lights were on, confetti was snowing around him, and you and his parents appeared. It was a nice surprise. Although it wasn’t really a surprise because he knew the whole time, his spidey senses told him. But he wasn't going to ruin the happiness it brought the three most important people in his life to do something special for him.
In September, the days begin to cool down as summer turns to autumn and school starts up again. You and Miles are in his room, basking in your last moments of solitude together before busy schedules pull you in different directions. You were on his bed with your back against the headboard while the weight of Miles’s head on your shoulder was ever present. The atmosphere of the room was tranquil. The melodies of the songs off of the summer playlist you had curated together swirl around the four decorative walls of his room. The feather-light touch of your fingers carding through Miles’s curls nearly lulled him to sleep as you mindlessly stared out of the bay windows of his room, admiring the way the sun cast its hues of yellow, pink, and light blue off of the window pane from the apartments across the street.
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mikobeautifulheart · 6 months
5 stages of grief, 3 Bargaining
Satoru Gojo x reader
Tw: Mentions of death and depression.
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"Yuji, make sure she stays healthy, sometimes she forgets to eat." He manages to grunt out lying in rubble.
"Satoru please" You held is hand to your face, crying as he said his last words.
"She also needs to laugh alot. Doctors orders" He smiled before he set his eyes on you.
"But for god sake Yuji, don't steal my girl." He said before his eyes lightened and his chest stopped rising.
"SATORU!" You screamed as his arm fell limp and slipped out your grasp.
"Y/N YOU NEED TO LEAVE" Yuji said as he heard a building collaps.
"S-s-satoru no." You closed your eyes this can't be happening.
"He put up a good fight, just not good enough" Sukuna's deep voice said from behind you.
You didn't care if you lived of died anymore, Satoru, the love of your life, he was dead. You just sat there, tears falling onto his corpse.
Yuji turns around to look at Sukuna seeing his arms crossed looking down at you and Gojo.
"Be glad I gave him the joys of having last words." Sukuna said a smile spreading across his face.
Those next few days were a blur, you didn't know how long had passed since Satoru had died. All you knew was that you tried every ancient method and mix of techniques to bring him back. Being one of the only people left to use reversed cursed technique you worked tireless and continuously around the clock trying to bring him back.
"Y/n, I'm sorry." Shoko said putting her hand on your shoulder. "There's nothing we can do." She said.
"No...No he's not dead Shoko, he's waiting, waiting for us to find away to bring him back." You said frantically grabbing lose papers around you and scanning them for anything you haven't tried.
"Y/n you need to stop, you'll die if you don't sleep or eat something-"
"I don't care if I live or die Shoko, I care if I succeed or fail." You said not turning away from the papers.
You gave it your all but nothing worked.
"Go home." Shoko said to you as you silently cried over his body.
You don't even remember driving home, you opened the door to a clean house.
You stumbled inside looking at the floor, you couldn't bare looking at all the pictures of him hung up on the walls. You walked into your bed room and sat on your side of the shared bed. You sighed and let you body sink.
Suddenly something glistened catching your attention. Your eyes were draw to a small box on your bed side table with a gold bow on top. Next to it was a card. You hesitated before picking it up and opening the card.
Inside the card read:
'To all the precious things that slipped through my fingers'
There was something else to, a ring. It had a beautiful sparkling blue stone in it. Even though you knew it was probably the most expensive thing you owned, it wasn't because of the price tag but because of the day, the plan, the words.
The day Satoru died was on your 4th anniversary. He planned to surprise you when you got back home from the 'quick' mission. Even after being freed from the prison realm he still remembered the day.
You slid off the side of the bed and held your hand on your mouth, trying to muffle your cries.
"Mommy" A little boy stood at the door way, no older then 5.
"Are you okay?" He said before moving toward you.
"Yes, yes baby I'm fine, I just hurt my arm that's all" You say through sobs.
"Mommy, when's daddy coming home." He asked.
Your heart tensed making your whole body act in agony.
"He'll be home late" You said. You couldn't help but cry more as you were reminded that Satoru was never coming home, ever.
"He'll be home some time."
Life continued on and you found yourself watching your son leave for school from your front door. He grew to be a good kid to.
"Hey, mom."
"Dad's not coming home is he?"
The silence stabbed your heart.
"...No...He's just on a long job, he'll be back one day, were just not sure yet." You replied.
Your son wasn't a kid anymore, he grew and understood that his dad would never be back, but he also understood that you hadn't accepted that yet. He saw you every day muttering to yourself that if you tried some sort of tactic or method and even technique, he would be there today.
"Okay" He said before walking out the door.
"When are you going to tell him?" Satoru asked leaning at the end of the hall way behind you.
"I-I don't know. But you might come back to me, to us. I found this book under jujutsu high that might work on you." You said turning to him.
"Y/n, I'm gone, there's nothing you can do now." He said
"I can try" You said.
"Its been 10 years y/n, he know its and he accepted it, he's being strong for you." He said
"You need to stop trying, i'm sorry but i'm not coming back."
"No Satoru, don't say that" You turned and wrapped your arms around his figure.
"I can do something! I'm not useless, I won't let you die!" You said desperately digging your face into his chest.
"You need to" He said.
"Y/N I love you and our son, I might be dead but i'll always be yours and i'll be waiting for you. When the day comes i'll be here waiting with open arms."
"Satoru..." you cried.
"Don't let the precious things slip through your fingers." He said pulling away and gesturing toward the family photo with Him, you and your son.
"Good bey"
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AUTHOURS NOTE: AH NEXT IS DEPRESSION WITH NANAMI SO HOLD OUT FOR THAT. Anyways I cant believe the series is nearly over now. Feel free to request any of the stages for the same or different characters, have a good what ever time and reblogs r welcomed.
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touyasdoll · 2 years
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For You, I Will
Pairing: Dabi/Touya Todoroki x ghost!reader (fem)
Word Count: 3.5k
Warnings: reader is deceased, but no depictions of death occur. dark content, spectrophilia (you & touya get it on), allusion to suicide, themes of hopelessness & grief, soft/emotional sex, missionary, lots of intimacy, forehead touching <3
Summary: Touya hasn’t been the same since you passed. Overcome with grief, he returns to your apartment one evening for reasons that he can’t quite explain and, much to his surprise, he finds you there.
Notes: this was supposed to be a drabble, but it got outta hand. basically just another love letter to Touya <3
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He doesn’t know what he’s thinking as he scales the fire escape of your apartment building. He’d done it a million times, but never once had he been this apprehensive about it.
It was dark. He was confident that no one would see him. That wasn’t what was eating away at him. It was what he might find inside–or rather, what he wouldn’t.
“What are you doing here?”
Touya whips his head towards the soft, familiar voice. The voice that he knows he can’t actually be hearing.
Your voice.
But when he looks, there you are. He sees you standing there in the bedroom that you used to share, wearing those old, comfy clothes that you donned on lazy days when he had time to curl up on the couch with you and just be. His favorite pastime.
Your family clearly hadn’t gotten around to cleaning the place out yet. Everything is still just as it was. Just as you left it. The room is dim, but the moonlight pouring in is plenty enough to see clearly.
“Doll?” He croaks, his voice catching in his throat, which is suddenly hoarse.
He can’t believe it. He thinks that maybe this is what it feels like to honestly, truly lose one’s mind. You can’t be here. You can’t be with him right now. You can’t be anywhere anymore.
Because you’re dead.
“It’s me, Touya,” you say softly, stepping closer to him with a touch of hesitancy as you extend your hand. “It’s okay. I know. I know what you’re thinking, but it’s me.”
He doesn’t have any more words at the moment. All he can think about is wrapping you up in his arms and never letting go, so that’s what he does.
He crosses the floor from the window that he’d slipped in through over to where you’re standing to pull you into his embrace. He’s half convinced this illusion will end right there, but to his delight he can actually feel you.
He feels the warmth of your body against his. Treasures the way that your arms wrap around his middle to hug him tight. He holds you fast, terrified that this could all be gone in an instant. He’d already lived that nightmare and he wasn’t ready to live it again.
“H—,” he clears his throat, trying to stave off the obvious waver in his voice, but he isn’t entirely successful. “How are you here?”
“I don’t know,” you answer honestly, sniffling as you fight off tears of your own. You’re certain that you can feel the crimson droplets running over his cheeks. “I have no idea, but I don’t care. I’m just so glad that you can see me for once.”
At that, he begins to pull away. He only pulls back far enough to look at you, studying your face with a curious expression on his own as he keeps his arms draped around you.
“What do you mean?”
He swears he can feel the sunshine radiating from your smile as you reach up to card your fingers through his hair. He fights the urge to close his eyes, lest you disappear on him.
“I told you that I could never leave you alone, Touya. I’ve been watching you,” you admit quietly as you rest your hands on either side of his face, cradling it gently while you wipe away a trickle of blood from beneath his seam. “I’m always with you.��
“Why did you have to go?” His voice gives, snapping clean in two, and he does nothing to try and mask it this time. He was broken. There was no use hiding that from you, of all people. “I don’t know how to keep going on without you.”
Which was the stone cold truth. He didn’t know up from down these days. Didn’t even bother trying to get fucked up anymore to try and forget his feelings for an evening, because nothing could ease the pain of losing you. He knew; he’d tried it all in the month that you’d been gone.
“That doesn’t mean that you can’t figure it out, baby,” you say softly, studying his face as you wipe away another tear. “You’re the strongest person that I know. You can get through this. You can still be happy if you try, Touya. I know that you can.”
“I don’t want to. Not without you.”
He holds you tighter, caging you within his strong arms as his hands begin slowly sliding up and down your back to assure him that it’s really you in his arms. He briefly thinks that maybe this is just a wonderful dream, but he wasn’t blessed with those often.
“You are the only thing that has ever made me happy,” he insists with more sincerity than he’s ever mustered in his life. “Just you. Nothing is ever going to make me feel the way that I do when I have you right here in my arms. Nothing.”
He holds you tighter still, ruby red tears still seeping from his seams as his eyes bore into yours. You slide your hands over his chest, running your fingertips along the trail of staples on his collarbone, exposed by the worn out white v-neck beneath his coat. You wouldn’t dare look away, but he cups your face in his hand to ensure that you can’t anyway, holding you with the gentle touch that he learned from you.
“Revenge isn’t going to do it. All the substances in the world won’t either. And no one will ever be able to hold a candle to you, doll. Without you.. I’m nothing. I have nothing,” he whispers, mismatched lips falling into a frown as his brow furrows, evidence of his tired, burdened soul. “Sometimes I think that I’m better off joining you, but I know that I don’t deserve to end up wherever you are.”
“Touya,” you whisper in reply, voice tight as a tear slides down your cheek. “You deserve so much more than you think. You deserve to be happy. You deserve to be alive. To act like you are alive for once. You have spent so much time surviving, living purely in spite of something else. You need to start living for you.”
He feels your hand rest over the back of his as you guide it away from your face and take it into your grasp. You look down at his hand, which everyone knows is capable of destruction, but you’re more familiar with the comfort that it brings. Even now, you can feel his skin flushing, palms heating up beneath your fingertips. It feels nice to feel something other than cold for once. It’s even better that it’s him.
“There was a point where you didn’t think that you were capable of love, but I proved you wrong then. Give me a chance to do it again,” you implore him, threading your fingers through his as you tilt your head back to look at his face, a melancholy smile plain on yours. “I know that things are different. I know that they’re hard and I–,” you clear your throat, looking down again as you give his hand a squeeze.
He splays his free hand across the base of your spine, holding you flush to him as his eyes fill with concern.
“Things can’t ever go back to the way they were, Touya,” you continue, willing yourself to look up at him, no matter how much your eyes water or your voice quakes. “But you can get through this. You have to. All that I have ever wanted is for you to be happy. I wish that I could be with you. Really with you, but with or without me, I just want to see you live. Live a life that’s worth living rather than simply surviving.”
He frowns and opens his mouth to protest, but you shake your head as you lift your hand to his face.
“No. I mean it, baby. If anyone deserves a chance; it’s you. It’s not too late. Stop channeling all your energy into your past. Just keep going forward,” you beg him, sliding your thumb just beneath his seam as you search his weary blue eyes. “That’s all that you can do. Run and just keep running. Find somewhere safe, far from here, and do what you can to find a little piece of happiness in this world without me. It’s too late to live the life that we wanted, but you can still build one that you deserve.”
He can’t tear his eyes away from you. He can’t unhear your pleas, as much as part of him would like to. It was always easier to destroy. To hang on when everyone was rooting for him to fail. Trying to build something? Trying to make you proud?
He isn’t sure if he’s capable and the thought of disappointing you terrifies him.
“I don’t know,” he starts, avoiding your gaze as his falls to the floor. “I’ve never known anything other than this, I don’t–,”
“You’ll figure it out, Touya,” you insist gently, a fond smile crossing your lips as you gently pick his chin up. “Do you remember what you said to me when I first told you that I wanted an actual relationship with you?”
A lopsided grin briefly flashes across his face as his eyes find yours again.
“That I don’t do relationships, because love is overrated. And I’m shit at it anyway,” he scoffs, glancing down at his boots.
He still believed that much to be true. He was never going to be good enough for you anyway; no matter what he did. He couldn’t give you the life that you deserved and now you don’t even have a life left to live? But he does? It seems cruel. Life has always been cruel. Why would that change now?
“And look at you now,” you say as you study his face before pressing yours into his chest, nuzzling into him to inhale his comforting, signature scent of smoke and ash as you had so many times before. “No one has ever loved me the way that you do. You have so much to give, Touya. Don’t throw everything away because of me. Keep going. Please. If not for you, then for me.”
He closes his eyes, committing the feeling of your arms around him and you form in his grasp to memory. He takes a deep breath while he considers, ruminating over his options in his mind. He truly doesn’t have many. The way he sees it, he can keep carrying on the way he always has; continuing to exist out of spite. He can give up for good. Or he can attempt what you’re asking of him.
And he’s never been one to refuse you. So, once he considers it, he finds that he truly only has one option.
Your eyes open a little wider and there’s a bit of a dumbstruck expression on your face. You’d expected him to put up more resistance than this, but you’re ultimately relieved.
“Okay? Really? You will?” You ask, hope evident in your voice.
“For you, I will,” he confirms with a nod and a soft smile as he cups your face in his warm palm. “Told ya I’d do anything for you, doll. If this is what you want, I’ll do it. I’ll actually try; I give you my word.”
A breath of sweet relief escapes your lungs and you throw your arms around his neck, clinging to him as a sense of peace washes over you. One arm ensnares your waist, crushing you against him as he rests his hands behind your head to press a long kiss to your temple. He holds you there for who knows how long, inhaling your scent while he tries to will time to stop; to keep you right here where you belong. He feared this could end at any moment and he was dreading it with every fiber of his being.
He eventually pulls away to hold your head with both hands. He smiles down at you, eyes scanning over every inch of your perfect face before he leans in to capture your lips in a kiss.
You can taste the agony of every single second that he’d spent without you giving way to passion that he never thought he’d get the chance to ignite again. His lips move against yours as if they were made specifically for this purpose. You begin to feel things that you would have assumed impossible, but you can’t ignore the fire that kicks up in your belly. You can’t possibly disregard the pulse that’s sprung to life between your thighs and you don’t want to, but you can’t help but to think: will this work?
You’re both eager to find out as you make your way towards the bed. Your feet move backwards, tugging him along until you feel the edge of the bed and he wastes no time. He cradles you in his arms, laying you down with practiced ease before his hands start pulling at your clothes.
“I’ve missed you so much,” he murmurs against your lips, breathless already as he drags the tip of his nose along your cheek and peppers kisses along your jaw, trailing them down to your neck. “So, so fucking much, doll.”
“I missed you too,” you confess, tangling your fingers in his hair as you close your eyes and tilt your head to one side. “You’re always right there in front of me, but no matter what I do, I can’t touch you like this. I can’t make you hear me. It’s torture.”
He props himself up to look you in the eyes, brushing his knuckles across your cheek. His eyes reflect the grief in your own, but still he smiles, though it’s bittersweet.
“I don’t have any fuckin’ clue what’s goin’ on. All I know is that, for right now, I have you and I’m not about to waste one second of whatever this is. I’ve never taken a second with you for granted and m’not about to start now.”
You nod, feeling more than a touch emotional as you reach up to pull him into another kiss. He can feel the warm tears that slides over your cheek and soaks into his skin as your tongues begin to wrestle with one another.
He strips off his coat in a hurry and tosses it aside, then helps you with discarding his shirt. He hands make quick work of your clothes while you work his jeans open and slide them down his hips, taking his boxers with them. Your lips only ever part when necessary to allow for the removal of fabric and then again when you wrap your hand around his fully erect cock.
“Shit,” he groans, eyes nearly crossing as he closes them.
You grin as his hips rock back and forth, slowly bucking into your loose grip, positively desperate for more friction. You can’t imagine denying him, so you oblige, closing your hand around his pierced shaft to stroke him as another groan tears from his throat. All that he can think is how he hasn’t felt this good in weeks.
But he wants more.
He attaches his mouth to your neck again, burying his face in the crook of it to suck and leave gentle love bites behind while his dexterous digits slip between your thighs. He parts your folds as if they’re petals of a delicate flower to slide the pad of his fingers right over your core, gathering your slick. A wanton moan escapes him at the feeling of you beneath him once again. Warm, wet, and wanting.
“Touya,” you whisper, voice shaking from sheer anticipation. “Please, I need you. Need you right now, baby.”
“M’right here, doll. I know,” he replies with a whisper in your ear as he props himself up once again to settle between your legs and slowly push his way inside with a soft groan. “I know.”
You gasp, sighing with pleasure when you feel his presence within your walls. Your arms drape over his shoulders to draw him closer as he begins rolling his hips, letting you feel every glorious inch gliding in and out over and over again.
It’s slow and sweet and it’s exactly what the both of you need. Your bodies meshing in perfect harmony. No words are spoken and none are necessary. You let your bodies speak to one another, allowing them to convey every notion that you’d never be able to find the words for anyway. His hands take their time roving over every part of you, sending shivers up your spine as you cling to him, hands traveling up and down his back as your hips shift forward to meet his every gentle thrust.
“O-Oh my God,” you stutter, tensing and gently raking your nails along his back as your back arches. “Baby, I-I’m so close.”
“Me too, doll,” he pants, moving his hips a few ticks faster to drive you both towards your respective ends.
He’s painfully close, but he holds on, waiting for that feeling that he’d missed so fucking much. The moment that you cry out and clamp down around him, making those beautifully sinful noises while your walls hug him tight, he erupts. His hips stutter and he curses under his breath, smoothing out his rhythm as he stares down at you in awe.
“I love you,” he declares, pressing his palm to your cheek as he rests his forehead against yours and allows his eyes to close. “I love you so much it hurts, doll. I always will.”
“I love you too, baby,” you pant in reply, a smile gracing your lips as you press your palm to his cheek as well. “Not even death can change the way I feel about you.”
He falls beside you and the two of you find yourselves in a moment suspended in time. Listening to the sound of each other’s breathing. Nuzzling the tips of your noses together. Studying one another’s faces with those goofy, lovesick smiles that you reserved solely for one another.
Until reality hits.
The corners of his mouth twist into a gloomy grin as his thumb brushes along the apple of your cheek. He’s afraid to speak his fears out loud, worried that they might be realized, but he can’t keep them to himself. He knows you’re likely thinking the same thing anyway. You two were often on the same wavelength, to the point that he frequently wondered if that old Greek myth was true. Maybe you truly were the other half of him. Maybe even more than half, considering he felt like you had taken all of him with you when you departed.
“When’s the last time that you slept, baby?” You ask quietly, despite the fact that you already know the answer. Even if you hadn’t, the weariness in his eyes would still give him away.
“Couple’a days,” he admits, seeing no reason to try and lie. “But I don’t want to sleep. I don’t want to lose you again. What if you’re gone when I wake up?”
“I won’t be.” You shake your head, smiling softly as you smooth his hair, beginning to play with it to try and lull him to sleep as you had so, so many times before. “I will always be with you, Touya. Please don’t ever forget that. No matter what happens. Whether I get to kiss you good morning tomorrow or not, know that I will never leave you. I promise.”
A single, solitary red tear drifts over his cheek. He presses his lips together and clears his throat as he wraps an arm around you.
“I won’t forget,” he whispers as he leans in to press a kiss to your forehead, your nose, and finally, your lips. “Good night. I love you, doll.”
“Good night. I love you too, Touya,” you whisper back, gently wiping away the bloody tear on his face as you wind an arm around him.
You continue playing with his hair even after the soft sound of his snoring soon fills the room. You keep your eyes trained on his face. It was always nice to see him looking this peaceful, so you just lay there and you wait, taking comfort in the knowledge that he was finally resting while you anxiously await the morning sun.
When it inevitably shines through the window and Touya stirs, you feel as if you can’t breathe–not that you need to anymore anyway. Still, you’re on edge, impatiently waiting for his eyes to open. Waiting to see whether or not he can see you.
He takes a deep breath and lets out a sigh, feeling more well rested than he has in a long time. Finally, his eyes open and he turns his head, just as eager to find out if he could still perceive you.
He looks to the other side of the bed, blue eyes softening as the corner of his mouth tugs up into an almost imperceptible smile.
“Good morning, doll.”
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thank you for reading! I hope that you enjoyed <3 likes, comments, and reblogs are all very much appreciated <3
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gatitties · 1 year
Manager Miniseries
─Aoba Josai x fem!reader
─Summary: a discussion and a challenge makes you question if this team really shares a cell among them, worst of all, you accepted
─Warnings: none
10 < 11 > 12
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You sighed, closing the door behind you, your eyes narrowed to see how the room was messy and the boys seemed to be arguing about something that didn't interest you. You started to pick up quietly, after a few minutes Watari joined to help so you thanked with a smile.
"Why are they making such a fuss?"
You two sat a little apart to be able to talk, rather so that you wouldn't have to put up with the screams of your classmates for one of their stupid things.
"They argue to see who is better at planning dates."
"Dates?" you glanced at how the whole team gave Oikawa a bad look, who surely gloated over his success in his dates with girls, you didn't even flinch when saw how Iwaizumi hit him to keep him quiet "Okay, you have to go train so stop arguing."
You decided that it was time to finish, hitting the table with your hands to make them stop talking.
"That's it!" Oikawa suddenly jumped pointing at his manager, it seemed that a light bulb had gone on over his head "We'll all have dates with (Nn) and she will put us a note."
They all looked at each other to agree, they would never fall for their captain's nonsense, less when it comes to girls, they always saw it as a challenge when it comes to showing that they are better than Oikawa.
"Why do you always have to include me in your fights?"
You moaned throwing to the ground dramatically, now you would have to go out with the nine boys and on top of that qualifying them, what a good week awaits you. Why did you accept it? Oh yeah, so they'd stop making a damn scene, you would choose violence next time.
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You didn't know what plans Kunimi had, your expectations were rather low, because everyone knew how lazy that boy was, however he could always surprise with something innovative for his date, but come on, we're talking about Kunimi Akira, the boy who falls asleep in training when no one is looking.
You weren't surprised by the fact that you had to go look for him from his class to get out, you walked together while complaining about everything you could, you always did when he skips trainning. At least the walk was nice. You stopped at a small store to buy some snacks, like a good gentleman he let you choose the junk food you were going to eat later.
"Could we sit down for a moment? If you feel like it."
You nodded and sat down on a bench, the truth is that the way to Kunimi's house was quite long.
"I really didn't feel like doing this, but I guess I like spending time with you." he shrugged, looking away "I mean, you're not as annoying as Oikawa or Yahaba, plus you let me sleep during practice."
"I appreciate your sincerity Kunimi."
You smiled ruffling his hair, you only spent a few more minutes until finally decided to walk again. When you arrived at Kunimi's house, you were attacked by a very loving mother who mistook you for his son's girlfriend. Even clarifying everything, Kunimi was embarrassed by his mother, at least she hadn't shown the family album from when he was a baby.
"Excuse my mom, she's sometimes nosy."
You could only laugh at your partner's expression as brushed it off. Now you two were in bed cuddling up while eating and watching the movie you chose to watch. The whole afternoon was based on that, watching anything on the computer while hugging, from time to time you continued to complain about life or played cards to rest for a while. You enjoyed each other's company, the day went by quickly, more than a romantic date it was something more friendly, you still would not deny the pleasant afternoon you spent with Kunimi. He even let you comb his hair, which was strangely super soft and silky.
Besides, he just wanted to spend time alone with you doing whatever, which added certain points.
Kunimi Akira,
Rate: __/10
Notes: go home to see the family album.
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Kindaichi was rather known for being someone simple, without many complications, but he still tried hard to do everything right, although he was also known for being clumsy, that is, not everything on his date was going to turn out as he wanted. He had planned to take a walk along a path through a small forest, sit there and chat to pass the time and eat some snacks. He wanted to see the sunset but since all know that nothing can go right for the boy, you had to leave earlier because Kindaichi apparently had an allergy to some plant around there, you ended up going to the pharmacy to get something to make him feel better.
The two of you ended up sitting on the sidewalk of a lonely street, watching the sun set over the buildings in the place, it wasn't the same view as from the forest but it was still better than nothing.
"I'm sorry I…" he sneezed "I ruined the date."
You patted Kindaichi's back to comfort him, something always had to happen that spoiled his plans, at least he had the second part of the date.
He got up, sneezing again, shook his pants to extend his hand to you, both arrived at the cinema holding hands while several old ladies laughed pointing at you and whispering as if you were a pretty teenage couple, this caused a strong blush on Kindaichi, even you felt his hand trembling so you caressed it a bit to relax him. He only got the opposite effect, when he felt your caresses he stiffened.
Everything went well in the movie theater, while you had your head resting on his shoulder, he had his head on yours, you wouldn't deny that Yuutaro's company was pleasant to say the least. You were no mishaps during the movie —or almost none— if it hadn't been for a baby who started crying a little before the movie finished, everything would have been perfect, even so, you didn't take it much into account and continued with the following. Dinner was in a small stall next to the cinema, the food was good and the atmosphere was relaxing, somewhat adequate, you added a few points to his rate for lending you his jacket due to the cold at night, you also added points for walk you home. Kindaichi was definitely a cinnamon roll.
"Thanks for the date Kindaichi, in the end it wasn't so bad and I hope you recover soon from the allergy."
You kissed his cheek softly, leaving the boy in shock for a few minutes touching his blushing cheek.
Kindaichi Yuutaro,
Rate: __/10
Notes: not go out into the forest with him.
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Well, the poor libero didn't even want to participate in the activity at first, but being part of the team he was forced to go out with you even for a short period of time, you didn't mind much because Watari was your guardian angel when there was a lot chaos.
"I'm sorry if it's not really impressive" he rubbed the back of his neck nervously "I didn't prepare anything spectacular."
Both walked through a park where couples enjoyed themselves, children ran and dogs went here and there sniffing everything.
"It doesn't matter Watari, I didn't want to do this either."
You shrugged, understanding the boy, you didn't want to go out on a date, but hey, you just took it as a normal outing for friends . Shinji spread a tablecloth on the grass, you put the basket where you brought food on it, followed by this you sat watching how the other people enjoyed their time.
"I didn't know you cooked so well!"
You flattered the boy by trying what he had prepared especially for the occasion. He thanked with a small blush causing you to giggle when you saw how he reacted to your words.
You spent several hours talking about any topic of conversation, Watari was quite friendly and you were able to see the funniest side of him, apparently he was quite a fan of bad jokes, so now you are laughing while telling some. When the sun was about to set you got up quickly, you had been in the park longer than expected and now it was turn to run to get to what he had prepared on time, as the boy's house was nearby you dropped the picnic there to run out.
You weren't the most athletic so Watari ended up grabbing your wrist to go faster, you would miss the sunset. You ran for a while while laughing, crossed a whole grove holding hands trying not to fall through the branches or stones, feeling the adrenaline of the moment.
Then stopped.
You two lay down on the shore of a beautiful lake that seemed to be hidden from the city, catching your breath, you were speechless when you saw the landscape, the sun with brilliant sparkles reflected in the water, the orange clouds mixed with the little darkness creating a beautiful scene.
"This place is very beautiful Watari."
"Right? I usually go for a run and found it by chance."
He smiled sitting next to you watching as the night made its way along with the stars, it wasn't the most elaborate plan but it was undoubtedly a tender moment.
Watari Shinji,
Rate: __/10
Notes: hang out with Watari more.
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Honestly, you didn't know what to expect from Yahaba, you really thought he was like a jack-in-the-box, although knowing how fanatical he is, or was, of getting a girl on the team, he surely had a typical date in mind, where he tried to be a gentleman willing to protect his girl from all evil. Yeah, that sounds a lot like him.
To begin with, you had to wait about ten minutes for him to finish combing his precious hair, without paying much attention to it, you observed how Yahaba was well dressed but at the same time with comfortable clothes, at least it was not too extravagant. He smiled brightly to extend his arm, you grabbed it to start walking.
"Where are we going?"
"It's a surprise."
You rolled your eyes as he continued to smile, probably thinking how great he looks right now, as always. You arrived at a restaurant, quite predictably. The dinner went well and you didn't have any problem with the food or other people, so far you had a good time and while you ate you talked about things in common.
When it was time to pay, Yahaba invited, although you insisted on dividing it, you let it go this time, never deny free food, you didn't want to break the illusions that he was behaving like a romantic movie cliché. When you left the restaurant outside, it was already night, the lights illuminated the city and the wind was running slightly like a relaxing breeze that ruffled the leaves of the trees.
"Follow me."
Once again you linked arms to continue the date, this time you took a taxi to go to the outskirts of the city where the nocturnal tranquility of the moment was reflected.
"It's quite relaxing to walk around here, isn't it?"
You nodded, admiring the dark sky, not realizing that you were heading to a somewhat out-of-the-way beach, you watched as the boy took off his shoes and approached the shore, prompting you to do the same. You didn't think much and joined him, you walked barefoot on the sand until inadvertently a small wave splashed you two a little. You looked at each other for a few moments to start laughing, threw your shoes to start splashing yourselves with kicks into the water, both ended up drenched on the floor.
"We'll catch a cold after this."
Yahaba laughed, pushing you into the sea, drenching you completely, since you weren't going to sit idly by, you grabbed one of the boy's feet, pulling him to make him fall, successfully achieving your goal and ended up swimming. The worst thing was getting out of it, being wet and being horribly cold at night, you hugged yourself, rubbing your arms in search of some warmth, you felt how he hugged you from behind, increasing your body temperature
"Now we definitely will catch a cold."
You friendly hit Yahaba to turn around and hug him properly.
"It won't be a cold if we die of hypothermia before, idiot."
"Why not a little movement to warm up?"
You looked at the boy strangely, then you were taken by the hand and began to run apparently aimlessly, you couldn't help but laugh as ran, enjoying the sensation of the wind on your face, feeling how your body returned to a proper temperature step by step.
The next morning you did not attend school because had a fever.
Yahaba Shigeru,
Rate: __/ 10
Notes: bring spare clothes to the next one.
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You didn't expect Kentaro to seriously participate in this silly competition, and were surprised to see how he patiently waited for you at the door of your classroom, although frightening some students with his hard look. You walked up to him to get his attention, making his frown less as you left the school to go to the first stop.
With a couple of grunts, he indicated the way —because yeah, you had learned that strange language of groans and grunts from the boy— the way was really calm, neither spoke but you were comfortable with silence.
You arrived at a pretty little cafe, the funny thing was that it wasn't just a cafe but rather one for cats, where you could play with the tame cats that were playing around. Kentaro wasn't a fan of cats, he preferred dogs, but knowing that you adored those animals, he made the effort to put up with those wandering furballs for a while. At least he could spend time with you, he didn't quite like you but were more bearable than third years.
"I didn't know you liked cats."
You only received a grunt of denial, making you chuckle at seeing his frown a little deeper. You had already finished with your orders and now you were sitting on the floor petting the kittens, who seemed attracted to Kentaro. The poor man was surrounded while the animals asked for love. You couldn't help but smile when saw the scene, without being seen you took your phone to capture the moment.
Satisfied with the first part of the day you went on to the next, at this point it wasn't too surprising that you ended up in an animal shelter where people were allowed to play with them. It was fun to see how a legion of yellow chicks chased him from one place to another, they were so insistent that he also ended up surrounded by chicks, he even grabbed a couple to caress them. You couldn't contain at the tenderness you felt when saw that and took another photo, this time you were seen which caused Kyotani's cheeks to slightly tinge with pink tones.
A puppy scared the small birds away, without any other remedy you dedicated to playing with it, throwing it a ball, you learned that your companion really appreciated animals like no one else. On the outside he seemed to be a complete bully but on the inside he was like an adorable baby. You finished checking it when saw how he lay down next to a big dog that was also running around looking for attention.
You limited to take photos of everything Kentaro did, with that you would have blackmail, besides that he was fucking adorable. When night fell you walked to a small junk food stand, bought fried chicken, started talking some more about how much fun it had been to visit those animals.
It wasn't all pretty though, as an angry goat chased you for a while while he laughed in your face at how you ran for your life. You interpreted it as karma for taking so many embarrassing photos of him. At least you could hear his laugh, even though he was laughing at you and your misfortune.
Kentaro Kyotani,
Rate: __/10
Notes: make Kentaro laugh more often.
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You sincerely expected anything from Makki, from going to the cinema to see Monsters Inc. to going to a high-end restaurant to try expensive wine. Luckily he chose something more normal and above all more in line with his fun personality, an arcade, simple, cheap and can have a good time.
He greeted, ruffling your hair, letting out a laugh when he saw the bad face you made, you punched him on the shoulder and start walking to the place.
"Where do we start?"
"Hmm, I don't care, I'll beat you at anything."
He smiled proudly, pointing to himself with an arrogant smile, you looked at him with a raised eyebrow and a blank expression. Not today Makki.
"Why don't we start with this one?"
You pointed to the whack a moles game, you smiled to take the mallets and begin to mercilessly crush the robots, when you got tired you decided to see the points, realizing that you had ended in a tie. Takahiro narrowed his eyes looking at the place, his competitive mode was coming to light and he wouldn't let be beaten so easily.
"Let's go to that one!"
He grabbed the tickets you won in the previous one, pulling your wrist to go to a mini basketball game. Again, you were enjoying seeing how Makki's teeth gnashed with rage at not being able to win in a single game, without a doubt he was the one with whom you had laughed the most out of all the dates you had. He only looked sideways as you tried to hide your smile when saw the frustration of not being able to overcome you, It went on like this for a couple more games.
"It's already a bit late, maybe we could go to dinner."
"No! We can't leave yet, let's try that game!"
He pointed to the typical driving game, where you couldn't tie. With a sigh you walked over to the boy who was already ready to start. A soft laugh made Hanamaki's ego sink even more as he was completely defeated. Then he had an idea.
"Okay, this will be the last game, I promise."
"You've been saying that for the last four games."
"(N), please!"
"Okay, okay…"
This time it was a virtual shooter where you held guns to kill hordes of zombies, for a moment both were tied but Makki launched a hip movement that threw you out of the gun's range causing your character to be devoured.
"I won!"
He raised his arms in the air celebrating his "victory" while you sighed at his childish attitude, at least you had a good time.
"Okay champion, what do you want to buy with the tickets?"
He smiled looking at the toy stand to point it out, at this point you didn't even wonder why he wanted a Ditto stuffed animal, he would surely choose that because it's the Pokemon from some random meme.
You only gave him the stuffed animal so he could stop competing, but knowing him, he wouldn't give it up so easily. There was only dinner left and even for that reason you argued to know what was better, Burger King or Mcdonalds, in the end you decided to give in because otherwise you were going to be all night without dinner.
The date ended with Hanamaki choking on a nugget at McDonald's for competing in who could eat everything the fastest.
Hanamaki Takahiro,
Rate: __/10
Notes: don't challenge him.
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You hoped that the date with Matsukawa would be a bit calmer than Makki's, since you couldn't stand competing two days in a row and you didn't want to let him win either.
Luckily for you and knowing how lazy that boy was, he simply decided to go to the theme park near the city. The transport by train was a bit bad due to how tight it was and because some people were too close to you and you didn't like that from strangers, of course, when Mattsun notice this, he hug you to keep just close to him, resting his head on your shoulder.
"Thank you."
You muttered smiling towards him. It didn't take long for you to enter the theme park, contemplating in amazement the great attractions that were there. You started with something softer like the rotating tea cups, from which you came out somewhat dizzy, Matsukawa needed to hold on because he almost fell on a child.
You continued trying some attractions such as roller coasters or some water to cool off, after a while you decided to stop to eat something in some picnic areas.
"So you're liking it?"
You shrugged realizing he wasn't even paying attention to you as his eyes were looking right behind you.
"What are you…?"
"Mickey Mouse!"
You turned to see the typical huge costume they used so that people could take pictures, seeing the sparkle in the boy's eyes, you sighed to take him to take a picture with the Disney character as if you were his mother.
Since there were more characters, he ended up taking at least twenty photos, but you couldn't deny either when saw the expression of happiness that your lazy friend was making, it was the first time you had seen him enjoy something other than memes or Hanamaki so much.
You went back to ride other attractions, making the time fly by. Out of curiosity you entered a horror attraction that was opening, it was something like a zombie attack. You entered in groups of four and you were matched with two muscular men who laughed at the actors in costumes. You were neutral ignoring the men's comments while Matsukawa was breaking out in a cold sweat. You got to a part where they were trying to scare you, no one flinched except for the Mattsun who jumped grabbing the first thing he caught, accidentally touching the ass of one of the men who accompanied you.
He grabbed your hand to run out of the embarrassing situation through the emergency door, you didn't stop until you were quite far away, so you sat down on a bench to regain energy. He couldn't help but blush when he heard your laugh, you were already crying with laughter at the misfortune of Matsukawa. You wiped away your tears to soothe him by giving him a comfortable pat on the shoulder.
"Come on, it hasn't been that bad."
You looked at each other for a few minutes in silence until you burst out laughing again trying to recover the air you were losing.
"I-It's not funny!"
He pouted, cheeks still burning, earning a small side hug to try and comfort him.
The rest of the afternoon you teased Mattsun with jokes about what happened but you still decided to keep it a secret for now. No one should find out about the photos with the Disney characters and even less that he had touched a stranger's buttock.
Matsukawa Issei,
Rate: __/10
Notes: do not enter horror attractions with him.
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You'd be lying if you said you had high expectations when it came to Oikawa, since he boasted so much about being the best, it'll be a good date right? Well, didn't start very well when you almost fainted when you were next to the boy, who had put on at least two liters of cologne.
When you could get used to the strong smell you were already in what seemed to be his destination, a huge shopping center. You must have guessed, we are talking about Oikawa Tooru.
What you didn't expect is that you would go into all shops, you literally didn't leave a single one. You were now sitting, drinking a milkshake, waiting for him to come out of the fitting room with some clothes he wanted to try on. The liquid came out of you nose and began to cough uncontrollably when Oikawa came out of the fitting room in a fiery red mini dress, black heeled boots and a feather scarf, he looked like a dancer from a cabaret. He even had eye makeup on.
'Where did he get that from? I'd rather not know.'
"(Nn)! I knew that I was divine."
You spoke with difficulty from choking earlier. You looked everywhere looking for someone who had seen the scene but luckily everyone seemed to be on their business and had not noticed the boy.
"Oikawa, please change your clothes."
He pouted to go back into the small room, you sighed more calmly, thinking that this date was going to be more normal but it turned out that it wasn't. When you came out you went for a little walk looking at some shop windows or talking about the captain's problems, you began to hear a lot of female whispers and from one moment to the next Oikawa was surrounded by fangirls, leaving you aside. You went to sit on a bench, knowing that this was going to happen.
A hand landed on your shoulder and you smiled when you saw the boy.
"Hey Toshi."
He smiled back to sit next to you, you ended up talking about how you were here pointing to a bunch of people —girls— where your captain was. Wakatoshi was there to buy some new shoes, according to him he had come with the rest of the team but they got separated.
A thunderous voice interrupted your talk, he calmly walked to the bench to smile with his eyes closed when he saw you and throw himself into your arms.
"Tendou I think you're crushing her."
"Tendou, come back here!"
Semi screamed in the distance, you could see the former setter's face was smeared with ice cream as he glared knives at the readhead, who started running.
"I think I should go get them."
"Yeah, you should go Toshi."
You were going to hug to say goodbye but other arms caught you first.
"You can't steal my girl, especially not on our date!"
"Your girl? Date?"
Wakatoshi's expression darkened sending chills to Oikawa while you simply glanced at your phone without interest.
"U-umh yes! my (Nn)!"
Without thinking much, he planted a short kiss on your lips, leaving Ushijima and you stunned. There were a few minutes of tension until a loud blow was heard all over the place.
Oikawa came to his house with a kick and Ushijima no longer wanted him in Shiratorizawa.
Oikawa Tooru,
Rate: __/10
Notes: don't go out to public places with him
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You were hoping this would be the most normal and coherent outing of all, because he's Iwaizumi, and he really was kind of a real gentleman.
You two stayed last in the gym cleaning up, then you stopped to buy some sweets in the vending machine while you thought of strategies on how to hit their captain so that he would stop being so annoying. When the boy found out that he kissed you, a vein popped out on his forehead, he would hit that stupid when he saw him, for now he wanted to take advantage of the time with you. Since you were wearing sports clothes you decided to run a bit on a not very long route, it came from someone as sporty as Iwa, but it was good to go running for a day, although you almost died trying to keep up with him.
"Let's rest."
You thanked lying down so that your breathing would calm down, Hajime passed you a bottle of water and patted your back.
"Don't worry, we won't run anymore." he laugh awkwardly "Sorry, I really thought the idiots already took you to all the places I could think of."
"Yes, they were original when choosing some places, but it's okay Iwaizumi, this is a good plan."
You smiled giving him a thumbs up, making him gain more confidence that you weren't put off by a less romantic plan. When you felt rested you walked at a calmer pace enjoying the views while talking about the club and how weird others were sometimes.
"Here we are."
Iwaizumi stood with both hands on his hips, you were in a fairly large lake where you could rent canoes to sail in couples. At least you were able to enjoy the boy's muscular arms in the foreground thanks to the ride where he practically rowed alone.
You had fun splashing some water on each other to cool off and seeing the pretty fish that were there. Almost everything went well except for the fact that just as you were reaching the end of the tour a fish jumped hitting Iwaizumi in the face, which in turn unbalanced the canoe causing you to fall into the water. Since you didn't want to catch a cold again, you suggested going to your house, which was not far away, to take a shower. He accepted, a little embarrassed for having spoiled what was left of the day.
"I'm sorry."
You denied, downplaying the problem to pass him some loose clothing and a towel. Iwaizumi made dinner by way of apology for ruining the moment and causing trouble —not accepting help— who knew the grumpy team mom knew how to cook that well.
You ended up falling asleep in your bed while watching Godzilla.
Iwaizumi Hajime,
Rate: __/10
Notes: invite him home to make dinner more times
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You entered the club room where everyone was gathered as usual, quietly you began to clean up the mess as usual, ignoring the dispute between the boys. Watari started to help you, wanting not to be a part of the fight.
"Can you tell why are they arguing now?"
A bead of sweat ran down the libero's forehead, who was looking nervously from side to side.
"U-umh well they… discuss to know who kisses better."
You rolled your eyes to listen to the conversation, having a certain déjà vu at the scene of everyone yelling over something stupid.
"I'm sure Oikawa is a disaster at kissing."
"Hey! That's a lie." he pouted "Besides, I'm sure you haven't even given a kiss."
Makki put his hand to his chest in offense, he pointed out to the first years.
"I'm not a novice like them."
"There is no problem in not having kissed, right Kunimi?"
Kindaichi nudged his friend expecting an affirmation, but only received a mysterious laugh.
They started to raise their voices more and more until Oikawa banged on the table making a noise above everyone making them shut up.
"I got it!" he pointed to you "She will vote for us, she will have to kiss us and qualify."
He smirked victoriously at his "great idea", everyone watched as you blinked many times, smiling falsely to slam the door, you weren't going to go through there, with dating you could at least have a good bonding moment but this already seemed like a joke.
"Speaking of kisses… Oikawa, isn't there something you should tell us?"
"E-eh, I don't thing so?" he laughed nervously "Oh! It's late, my girlfriend awaits me."
"But she broke with you a week ago…"
Matsukawa muttered looking at him with a raised eyebrow. The captain smiled to run away, or so he tried because Iwaizumi grabbed him so he wouldn't escape. They would have a long talk about respecting the personal space of others.
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kaseyskat · 7 months
Okay so related to my post from last night, I wanted to elaborate on my thoughts very specifically regarding Sparrow and Hero and the messy messy nuance surrounding their relationship that often goes overlooked in the name of simply attaching the "bad parent" label to Sparrow and calling it a day. I've talked about this before, but I'm feeling it again lmao.
Sparrow's relationship with Hero is nuanced. It was destined to be nuanced the moment it was revealed that a prophecy would deem her the Chosen One. Now, I know we still don't know exactly when the prophecy was given to the twins or even what the full prophecy entails, but we do know it shaped Hero's life in an irreparable way. I don't need to tell y'all that much though, because everyone in this fandom knows that, they know what the prophecy did to Hero but I've been surprised time and time again that nobody thinks to dig deeper into their motivations: aka, why did the twins feel it was necessary to raise Hero the way they did? The easy way out is to say they are both horrible parents and call it a day (if anything is said of Lark at all- it's kind of appalling that most people absolve Lark of all blame and solely pin everything on Sparrow when they've always done everything together).
So let me explore one of the what-ifs. Say you are a kid raised as a normal kid having a normal life. One day, though, when you're a teenager, you suddenly inherit the legacy of your parents- their monsters, the end of the world, everything. Pretty akin to how s2 starts, in fact! Except while this is so sudden for you... turns out they knew the entire time that you would inherit this mantle, and they did nothing, said nothing, and now you're completely unprepared to face an eldritch monster that even your father and uncle couldn't defeat on their own. That would be pretty bad, right? Bad parenting on their part, knowing that this would happen and doing nothing?
"But that didn't happen!" you tell me, arguing in my tags and in comments under my posts. "Hero didn't have to face the Doodler!" Sparrow and Lark don't know this. As far as we know, they received a prophecy either right before or right after Hero was born saying she would be the one to face the Doodler. Normal wasn't in the picture, it isn't a question of if that would happen, it was when. What if Hero was a toddler? A child? A teenager? What if the two of them died and she was all alone in this fight? This prophecy was the only tell of the future they have, and it said that their firstborn would be the one to face the Doodler and finish the battle Lark started.
And speaking of Lark; I've said this before, but one of the more underrepresented aspects of Lark's character in the fandom is him feeling helpless as a weakness of his. He doesn't like being put in a position where he can do nothing- this being very apparent in recent episodes, when Sparrow was taken and Lark was left alone panicking. This is how the rogue card took affect on him in the first place, because he hated feeling helpless when Walter was injured and it invoked his rage at Henry for putting him in that position in the first place.
And the twins are no stranger to being dropped into a situation unprepared. They were only kids in s1, thirteen years old at the oldest, younger than the s2 teens and yeah they did their best and rose to the top but that doesn't mean they weren't kids in a world they knew nothing about. They have both been in Hero's shoes, with one caveat: they were the ones who could prepare her in a way that they were not, to ensure that no matter when she faced the Doodler, she would be ready, she would never feel as helpless as they had when they were also just kids.
And yeah, maybe they took it too far, pushed her too hard. But that's never the argument I see online- that the twins should've been more in tune with Hero's mental state and adjusted her training accordingly. Instead, all I ever see is people bashing them for training her in the first place, comparing them to the other kiddads... except even then, the other kiddads didn't have nearly as big of a stake in this as the twins did, nearly as much of the pressure. The world at the time when the kiddads inherited DADDIES didn't need Taylor or Link to be ready to face the Doodler, but the twins knew for sure that it would need Hero, and they had to raise her accordingly. What if it had happened when Hero was six? Or ten? Or thirteen? Would it have been fair to her then to go into that fight untrained? The twins could never have known that it would be Normal and his friends to actually step in and help the Doodler, at the time they couldn't have known that Normal would need to be involved at all!
And, in the end, Hero's training did stop. Again, we don't know exactly how it happened, but we do know Lark and Sparrow, and I can imagine we all agree that it would've been Sparrow's call, not Lark's, to prioritize Hero's mental health and let her finish her teenage years as a normal kid. And accepting that they shouldn't involve Hero meant they had to find an alternative solution. That solution, what we see in canon, was genocide.
It's very fun to me personally to see Sparrow's arc come full circle in that way. He gets the love wolf talk from Henry because the twins were going to kill a lot of people in their own quest, he agrees that would be wrong, and then he gets a full arc of realizing that he can't force himself to care about the rest of the world but he does care about his family. He cares about his family enough that he enacts Code Purple to send the Doodler to Faerun and save the lives of Henry, Lark, Hero, and Normal. And, later... well, we know what the kiddads plan was for reentering Faerun and collecting magic items. We know their plan was to blow up the Doodler using the Sun and inevitably wiping out an entire realm in the process. That's not an easy choice to make, and it goes against everything Henry taught Sparrow in s1... but Sparrow was willing to do it because it would mean that Hero wouldn't have to be involved. Sparrow loved Hero so much that he was going to go against his own morals to protect her and stop the Doodler himself.
And like to me. To me? That makes Sparrow a far better parent than anyone else on this app ever gives him credit for. He pushed her too hard, realized he did so, and was willing to commit genocide to ensure she never had to be the Chosen One, to prove the prophecy wrong. Like I said; it is nuanced and there's no telling how different things would've gone if the s2 teens hadn't gotten involved, if Hero had faced the Doodler in combat before she was ready, if the twins had tried the genocide plan sooner. But it does prove my point from my earlier post: everyone wants a morally grey character who is willing to commit atrocities in the name of protecting their family, and here we are with Sparrow Oak Garcia, who fits that bill to the letter, and yet he is villainized, portrayed as a horrible person and a horrible father, and more! And it's really frustrating cause I know if Lark had been the one to make these decisions it would be accepted under the guise of Lark just being "like that" as a character, or people would find it attractive because everyone agrees that Lark is morally grey in an acceptable, attractive way. Lark is nuanced, but Sparrow is nuanced too- but we know, we know that Sparrow loves his kids more than he loves himself, that he'd burn the world down for BOTH of them, and I think it's about time we stop sleeping on him as a character and stop portraying him as a villain in Hero and Normal's story when I truly believe Sparrow stands the biggest chance of all three of Hero's parental figures to reconcile with her and when he's expressed countless times that he wants to make things right with Normal if only Normal gave him the chance.
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onlyjaeyun · 11 months
thinking about the sb!universe so here are some scenes/headcannons i have:
• one day jay’s dad shows up to the office with shiah’s dad and shiah herself. jay’s dad drops that he believes it’s time to start the marriage process. shiah slips jay the ring she’s always wanted and tells her to make the proposal big and grand, and that they’ll act like it was all a surprise for the media. yn overhears and is devastated. my poor girly :( . that meeting is like 3,000 steps backward for jay and yn.
• yn showing up to flowers on her desk from the one guy she starts seeing from another dept. jay has someone send out a notice reminder that sending gifts with intent and dating amongst coworkers, even those in other departments is not recommended. he even asks giselle to investigate it as she works in HR, and she’s like uhmmm, ok?? giselle doesn’t take it seriously and snitches to yn. she’s like “GIRL UR MAN IS JEALOUSSSSS” 🤭🤭 when jay asks for a follow up a few days later giselle is like uhmmm…no response yet from my manager haha, we’re like super busy rn.
• the other boys of the seoul 4 and nayeon finding out yn is casually dating again and throwing random options at her in front of jay who can’t show jealous he is to prove a point.
ok enough of the jealousy, some cute stuff:
• yn and jay taking a weekend vacation when they get together and just being glued to each other all weekend. yn is so cuddly, especially after sex, which is new to jay. usually he keeps his distance in bed after his 3 rounds with miyeon or she leaves right away. he’s ready to go crazy when yn leaves the bathroom and comes back to the bed after being cleaned up and she just closes the distance between them (pee after sex so you don’t get a UTI girlies). his breath hitches in his throat and he knows he can stay like this forever.
• IK IK IK it’s too early in the smau to think about sb!yn and jay getting married and having children but i had to 😭 jay’s like in a serious emergency meeting after something goes wrong and his face is just stoic and he looks like he’s gonna kill someone in a few minutes. but then his 2 little children burst through the door after yn took her eyes off them for literally 30 seconds. they were supposed to wait outside of the meeting room to surprise him but their 4 year old daughter and 2 year old son don’t care. jay’s mood instantly changes when his children are suddenly jumping into his lap and gripping his arm with their little hands. he hasn’t seen them all week because of all the time he’s been spending in the office so he lets them stay. he gives him his pen and notebook to play with as they sit on his lap. yn opens the door a crack and makes silent eye contact with jay to say sorry, but he just silently assures her it’s fine and laughs at how one of the kids started drawing on his suit sleeve. when the meeting finishes he kisses their cheeks and thanks them for being so good during the meeting.
• yn and jay taking their first trip together and deciding to go shopping. jay buys everything for her and she’s like no no i didn’t even want it that much. he’s like baby u tried it on and stared at yourself in the mirror for 15 minutes smiling before u put it back. whenever yn needs something he just puts his black card in front of her and assures her that he has more than enough money for himself and that his princess deserves to be spoiled. and then yn fights him at the boba shop, insisting she’ll pay for this one thing 😭😭
a little nsfw hc for u too heehee
• sb!jay is probably obsessed with creampies, he loves to come in yn and watch it just drip out ooooh. if yn’s on bc, he’d go crazy 😭😭 when yn’s like yk i still have the chance of getting pregnant, jay’s just like well baby we’ll be parents then, i don’t mind. we love a man who accepts that pleasurable actions have their consequences.
this one for shits and giggles:
• jay learning about yn’s family and deciding enough is enough. he hires a hitman to get them 😍😍😍
i literally love all of these so so so much and am just super grateful to know you guys enjoy this as luch as i do. i'll absolutely use a few of ghese ideas as inspo and genuinely can't wait to indulge in most of them. ESPECIALL THE CREAMPIE ONE BC THATS SO HIM 👀👀👀 and pls involving the boys and nayeon when she does start dating again will make things so much better so you bet your ass i'll use that one 🤭🤭 thank you so much baby, your brain is so sexy i hope you have the best day ever and know i love and appreciate you so much 🥺🤍💖🧸
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welkinsky · 2 years
Chishiya X Reader | Come Here
WARNING: Spoilers, curse words & mention of weapons, death!
Author's Note: Thank you so much for your support and reblogs, as always! I see and appreciate each one of you! This is a PART OF A SERIES so people who are just reading this one post for the first time might not understand the context please read the parts linked below.
Part 1 | ... | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
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But before you two can cross even one hallway, you were faced by shooters who were now pointing at you two and started shooting like crazy. You suddenly felt pain in the right side of your abdomen.
This was the last thing you thought before it all went black.
But as it turned out you were not dead, Tatta just pulled you to the nearest hallway and you kinda just overreacted. It sure was embarrassing when you woke up and had to explain to them why you were out.
Nonetheless, you were conscious and were up and ready to help them. The main goal in mind was to catch Arisu but Chishiya's face would pop up in your head from time to time making it difficult to focus.
You finally found Arisu not before having to fight off a few shooters with your bare hands as Usagi went and let Arisu loose. Once this was done all of you went to Anugi. 
Even though you had this unspoken bond between you and Anugi you knew that he was not himself ever since Hatter was gone. Anugi you knew would never let this massacre happen.
You still maintained your distance as Arisu was beaten up by Anugi again and again. That is when you saw Kuina enter the room, she was hurt. You speed walked over to her, "Are you alright? What happened?" you helped her sit down.
"Last Boss freak happened," she said as she took your help but never made any eye contact with you, which you obviously noticed. As the entire drama enrolled Ann told everyone that the girl killed herself she was the witch. You looked over to Kuina surprised as she nodded, she finally looked at you. It was very clear to her how your guilt was consuming you. She felt bad.
"It's alright," she said holding your hand and smiling, reassuring you that it was fine. Before you can say anything she said, "Chishiya." Following her line of vision, you saw Chishiya on the first floor overlooking all the drama. Then he looked in both of your directions and walked away. He was coming down to the hallway behind you two and she followed him.
Not knowing if you were all on the same terms anymore or not, you decided that it was better to stay back. He did look back to see if you were coming or not. You weren't, so he just smiled and went ahead without you.
Once the game was over everyone went out because someone apparently set the mansion on fire. You knew the game didn't end just there. You went back to see if the card appeared there or not. You assumed that Aguni must still have the cards so it'll be good leverage since you'll have the last card. You can take his help for as long as you want.
That is when you saw Chishiya and Kuina there already. "I knew you'll come," he said still facing away from you looking at the card. "I was starting to think collecting these cards was pointless." he continued taking the ten hearts in his hand.
"What do you think now?" you said walking closer to them. "I'm thinking that we still haven't seen any face cards. So what is it that the game controllers want us to see?" that is when one of the pillars collapsed.
"Time to go," Kuina said as both of them walked to the right exit. You were confused if you should join them or not. Guilt was heavy. Especially with Chishiya. "Come on," he said turning towards you.
You smiled and jogged over them like a happy puppy. 
A few days have passed and no game has appeared yet. You have started to lose hope to be able to leave the borderlands now. 
Even though you all were back to normal with those two but Chishiya always maintained his distance from you. Never sat next to you or was too close physically. As much as you craved it, you understood that this was natural after you doubted him. Why would he want to do all this again you never really pushed him either.
One night you were going over all the memories with him. The day you first met. How you two caught onto the room that could be the one in the apartment complex game. And when you two went to check in on the tagger together. Wait... the tagger. You got a slip from her pocket. What and where was it? 
You looked around, Kuina was fast asleep and Chishiya was nowhere to be found. So you started looking for him and found him sitting on the rooftop. "Hey remember when we first met in the apartment complex game?" you said being restless. "How can I forget," he said calmly. Then he realized he said it out loud and regained his senses.
You asked him hesitantly, "Do you have that slip? The one we found from the tagger? I think I left mine back at the beach" you said now sitting next to him. He pulled it out from his hoodie and handed it over. You looked at it intently and then said, "I've been thinking about it and the only conclusion that came to my mind was the subway station." He raised his eyebrows in surprise because even he was not able to crack this.
You were new to the city and were using maps most of the time. By now the subway map was freshly imprinted in your memory and this resembled a lot like it.
The next day you all went to check it. You were right, this was some sort of facility that sure as hell was not by the subway system. Not to mention that there were so many dead bodies who have been shot. As you all went deeper into the place you heard some voices from outside. All of you were on your toes. But as you went closer to investigate it was Arisu and Usagi.
Before you all could talk any further the screens lit up and there she was. Mira. So she was the one who was controlling the beach during the last game. She talked about how the next phase is going to be "exciting" but what got your attention was "Let's play together."
You and Chishiya looked at each other at the same time. This was going to be bad. But at least you all knew what was happening.
As you all were coming out of the subway, there were fireworks just like the day when you first entered the game. You all were talking outside when a lot of cars pulled up, they were among the few who survived the beach.
They said that they saw the blimps and hence decided to follow it. Before they can say anything further, a guy was shot dead, then the girl next to him, and then another guy. "A refile. Get moving" Chishiya said to everyone as you all started running. You thought it was better to hide behind the car when he took your hand and pulled away, "That thing's an anti-tank riffle." then a guy was shot dead inside the car, "So I'd forget hiding behind the car." and pulled you away as you both started running as well.
You ran as fast as you can only focusing on finding a good hiding spot. You could hear people being shot but if you looked you knew you'll freeze. So you only paid attention to finding a hiding spot. You found a concrete subway gate and signaled everyone to come there. And then the gun changed "This is an assault rifle I used it back at the beach." you recognized the voice.
"Without any rules, this is a massacre!" Arisu said as he continued, "There could be more than one shooter. They are coming closer!" as they shot a few people nearby you.
"Okay, we have to move. But everyone, make sure to change your position so that they cannot make you the target. Keep changing your direction and lower your head & body randomly. They are shooting from that direction so make sure that if you hide, hide according to that." You guided everyone. Everyone listened intently and then nodded. Your eyes met Chishiya who was smiling EVEN NOW, "Aguni taught you well."
"Now is not the time Chishiya," you said with worry-filled in your voice. You knew Kuina was good in physical games but were not that confident in Chishiya so you decided that you'll stay right behind him to make sure that he is doing all the things right.
You all started running and the shooter always missed by inches. Thanks to your technique all of you made it far enough to take a break behind a few cars. You were with Kuina and Chishiya. Arisu and Usagi were on the other side. 
Which is when the King Of Spade pulled up in the sky.
"Take this, a good luck charm," Chishiya said as he handed you & Kuina a bomb that he made himself. He looked proud of it. Arisu and Usagi finally decided to make it back to you three when they saw someone who was half dead.
Then you saw a figure with a black cloak walking towards all of you. As he started shooting you realized it would be the King of Spades. Arisu confirmed it by saying it out loud. 
You started standing up a little to see him properly but Chishiya pulled you back down. The look on his face scared you, this was the first time you saw him worried. THIS MADE YOU WORRIED. Out of instinct, you held his hand. If eyes could talk then yours were screaming at him that you will make it out alive. Which must have helped since he smiled back but then pulled back his hand as well which you hated.
But you all had a bigger problem at hand. Out of nowhere like a fucking angel a car came and Tatta and Ann were it in. They told you all to get it. You were the last one to get in, as Chishiya was coming you both saw a grenade being dropped right in front of you. "Go on!" you both said at the same time as Tatta started driving as the bomb blasted behind you.
Without giving it any second thought you jumped out of the moving car to be with Chishiya. You knew Kuina would make it since they were all together plus now Ann was with her too.
You met with Chishiya who was hiding behind the car. "What the," he said surprised before you cut him off "We don't have time. RUN!" you took his hand and went into one of the buildings. This one had many levels and there were a lot of people still on the street so King won't come to kill the two of you so for now you two were safe. 
"I'd say I taught you well too," he said for your quick thinking as you two were clear of the danger. You smiled back. Even though there was a huge danger being with him calmed you down.
Before you can look around to check for any supplies, Chishiya took your hand, pulled you in by your back, and brought both of your lips close...
Part 1 | ... | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9
Read these chapters before everyone else here. I update them there before posting them anywhere else on the internet.
Thanks For Reading and for all the support! Have an amazing week <3
Alice In Borderland Materlist
If you liked it you can check out the masterlist too!
A-Z Headcanon
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nctdreamcokr · 2 years
⋆ ┊yanna’s corner: friendship talk ep. 1┊⋆
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“friendship talk” will have 22 episodes with a different member each one, the show focuses on talking about the relationship yanna has built with each member as well as notable moments and experiences they’ve had together. the order is random, but feel free to request for a certain member to come next and you can also leave a question/s for them to answer.
yanna’s dialogue = italics, ten’s dialogue = bold italics
(filmed after the last day of smtown in tokyo)
pre-filming conversations:
yanna sat in front of the camera, being given the question cards as the staff started putting food on the table.
“can i speak in english? it’s ten-hyung anyways”, she checked with the staff and the replied that it was fine. they’re just gonna translate and add korean subs on the video. she rummaged through the questions and laughed at the fan-asked ones, wondering if ten approved them and were comfortable talking about such things. the staff replied that he was and she mentioned her relief.
actual video
for a more comfortable setting, most of the staffs were asked to leave the hotel room. it was only yanna, ten & one of the managers behind the camera to help them with the questions they’re supposed to answer.
“today… is the first episode of ‘friendship talk’. we have food, so we’re just mostly gonna eat and talk about the last… 8(?) years of our friendship. how do you feel about that, hyung?”
ten could only proudly look at her
“it’s an honor to be on yanna’s corner”
of course, teasingly.
yanna only reacted by grabbing sushi with her chopsticks and acting like she didn’t hear him.
“this was a bad idea”
“i feel good. and i feel like i’ll enjoy the conversations we’ll be having. it’s not all the time that we get to talk about things like these…”
cue yanna clapping at his response, saying “as expected”
grabbing her chopsticks, the girl placed different kinds of sushi on her plate and asked which ones he liked so she could put some on his as well.
they talked about which language they’ll be using and both agreed on english but with mixed korean.
“are you ready?” “no, i’m nervous all of a sudden”
first question: “how did you two meet?”
“i remember /exactly/ where and how i met you”
cue yanna biting on her chopsticks unsure if they were remembering the same thing
“let’s say it in unison so we’ll know if we remember the same thing”
“outside the dorms because of johnny-hyung”
“after training with johnny-hyung”
yanna clapped as soon as they both answered, delighted that she remembered the same thing. ten the initiated a high-five as he smiled proudly.
“i was so scared that i was wrong”,
cue ten giving her water while laughing.
“we met because, it was after training for that day and johnny-hyung and i were going back to the dorms… ae-cha was crying outside”
yanna already covering her face in pure embarrassment.
“i really cried a lot when i was a trainee, it was really no joke”.
“you did, i was shocked. i, like, saw you a lot with mark and the others but i was surprised seeing you crying outside our dorms. i thought one of the trainees were fighting with you….”
both of them laughing at his deduction.
“i really just cried over simple things”
“she was crying and johnny-hyung got so worried so i was like (😦) too, even though we never formally, like, met. then she told us why she was crying, then-“ he stopped when yanna suddenly hit his arm— embarrassed about the next part of the story. but ten only continued.
“she had tears in her eyes, she had like puppy dog eyes when crying and she looked up to me and was like ��who are you?’ while /still/ sobbing”
yanna pouted as she listened in on ten’s story about her, munching on her sushi shyly. she remembered that, as well as how johnny laughed saying she looked so lost all of a sudden.
“after that, we started approaching each other more. ‘cause our dance teachers talked highly of her, and i would be like ‘oh, /that/ yanna’”
“i can’t remember why i was crying…”
second question: what’s your favorite memory with each other?
yanna started clapping and laughing as she remembered hers, even raising her hand like it was necessary.
“it was in 2018”
cue ten genuinely confused, not remembering what it was.
“ten-hyung took me out to go eat bingsu…”
she glanced at him to check if he was getting where she was going with her story.
“we ate bingsu nearby our dorms and he told me that he was going to be in a new unit.”
“why’s that your favorite?”
ten still confused because he didn’t expect yanna to answer with that since it was just a random day for them.
“because you looked really excited and happy about it, after so long i saw you in that state and it really made me vividly remember how you looked like that time…”
the two turned quiet for a few seconds, making yanna shy before silently laughing.
“see, i knew this was gonna be weird at one point.”
her manager saying “you’re gonna make someone cry in one of these episodes, or you’re gonna cry” and she just continues eating while ten laughs.
“anyways, your turn”, she turned the question around and ten could only laugh even more.
“mine was back in trainee days”
“the first time you performed at the rookies show and you cried”
cue him laughing at her again.
“why am i always crying in your memories…”
“you cried, and that time you were already close with us. almost everyone. but even though that was true, you ran to me that time while crying. i, really, i was so touched”, he told her truthfully.
“i didn’t think you’d remember that….”
“i hugged hyung that time because you helped me become confident while i was practicing with mark-hyung and you seemed like you were willing to hug me, i feel like everyone else was also nervous and you seemed like you were fine.”
“but seriously why was i always crying…”
third question: what is your favorite thing about each other?
“ten-hyung liked me as i am from the start.”
cue ten smiling widely because his answer was greatly linked to that
“like, since we’ve talked about me crying a lot during trainee days, even though he knew that he never told me to be like ‘stronger’ or to stop being sensitive. with other things too, he never forces me to be like this or that. and, it’s not that other members force me to become something i’m not, but they always tell me to be stronger and that’s okay. i do need that sometimes, but ten-hyung’s always like ‘that’s fine, you’ve always been like that’. i like how he guides me that way instead of the other way.”
yanna looking away because she’s realizing it’s awkward.
so ten just answers as well while laughing at her.
“mine’s that you never change.”
yanna literally ignoring him while she drinks water.
“a lot of things changed but your heart never does, it’s just channeled towards other things now. but the way you love people is still the same, you treat those people dear to you the same. you’ve just learned how to hide yourself from people who don’t know you, but that’s okay. you needed to protect yourself a lot and that’s alright. but i really like how you never change towards me no matter, like, how far away i am and stuff like that.”
skips to the next question before anyone gets emotional
fourth question: describe each other in one word.
“are you saying i’m your fan…?”
“no, actually lovely. but that works too.”
“ten hyung’s… awesome.”
them high-fiving for no reason.
fifth question: what’s one thing you’ve wanted to do together but haven’t yet?
“ah, we want to be in a unit together! just us. and jisung!”
“right right right, we’ve been wanting to do that and we had idea back in 2020 but then jisung got injured so started just adding ideas into it even more. by now, we’ve got a great concept in mind.”
“i’ve also been meaning to take her to thailand again, just us.”
yanna agreeing while chewing on her sushi.
sixth/last question: what’s something czennies don’t know about you two?
“ten-hyung… got mad at me once, because he took louis and leon to my apartment and they didn’t want to leave.”
cue both of them laughing but also ten stuffing his mouth with sushi, slightly embarrassed.
“it wasn’t like ‘MAD mad’ but he was like ‘ae-cha, do something about it!’ and he was so irritated and i kinda didn’t wanna do anything because it was funny to me.”
it took them a while to move on before ten could give his answer.
“uhm.. yanna.. OH, yanna had me blocked the whole time i was in china!”
cue both of them laughing once again, causing ten’s water to spill all around the table.
literally a panicked yanna still laughing while wiping it with tissues and ten’s just enjoying the chaos. she then explains:
“i didn’t know i had him blocked… yangyang asked me so seriously about it like ‘did you two fight?’ and i was just like ‘no?? wait, what?’”.
“i told yangyang about it and he said maybe you weren’t feeling good and i was like ‘it’s been months though, what kind of year is she having?’”
cue both of them laughing as they remembered yangyang’s confusion.
a message to end the episode with:
yanna’s already laughing and grabbing a tissue jokingly to pass to ten while he just laughs as well.
“firstly, i’m really proud of you. you keep achieving new and better things, that you rightfully deserve. and, i’m thankful that you never get sick of guiding me despite us not having much time to be together. i really admire your hardwork and dedication as an artist, but i also admire you for being a great person and friend.”
finding it awkward, yanna starts drinking water as ten puts an arm around her and gives a hug.
before starting his message, ten told the girl to look at him while giggling.
“you grew up well, really.”
the two smiled at each other with teary eyes before jokingly punching each other to make the mood lighter.
the episode ends with a hug and pats on the back as the two kept saying “good job” to each other.
➻ requests are always open!
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