buh… life
100 posts
she/her | 20 | stardew enthusiast
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swarvey · 7 months ago
hello everyone!!! so sorry i’ve been afk 😭 uni started so things have been a bit hectic, but for those who’ve stuck around, i’m hoping to continue paper rings soon!!! i just need to settle in a bit <3
thanks for your patience y’all!
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swarvey · 8 months ago
i'm so happy to see you're also suffering for joel miller!!!! Harvey AND joel?? we have the same taste in men. I hope we can read some joel x reader soon from my favorite stardew valley writer
oh my gosh we really do have the same taste HAHA <33 i have a joel fic up on my ao3 if you want to read it!!! not sure when/if i'll put it up on tumblr
i would also like to say the other men currently consuming my tiktok feed are sebastian stan as bucky barnes and hugh jackman as wolverine. i cannot
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swarvey · 8 months ago
hi! I hope this doesnt come off the wrong way; because i dont intend it in a rude way whatsoever! I was just wondering if you would mind not using the “sdv shane” tag for your Harvey fic? Its just that its clogging up the actual shane tag and it makes it harder to find shane content :)
ahhh my apologies!!! i've just been using the same tags since the first chapter and didn't really think ab it that much, but i will def keep it out from now on!!
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swarvey · 8 months ago
literally have fallen down the Joel hole this week too that's so FUNNY!!! when i saw the notification for your Joel story in my emails i literally had a moment of "wow, me TOO"
love your characterization in everything you write. you just have such a good grasp on every character you touch and it's. MWAH.
omg so glad there is someone else being caught in this joel loophole as well 😭 i should not have started writing this joel fic on ao3 bc it has. taken over my mind. i deeply apologize to any paper rings fans that have been waiting </3 the next chapter is in its works i swear
anyway, thank you sm!!!! i feel like dialogue/character building has always been my favorite part of the writing process, so this means a lot <333
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swarvey · 8 months ago
hello!!!! i am back after a short break (a.k.a. i got a bit burnt out from stardew writing </3) but i will be getting back to paper rings shortly!!!
anyways writer's block sucks :') thanks for the patience!!!
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swarvey · 8 months ago
hello everyone!! just a couple announcements for this week!!
first off, the next chapter of paper rings should be up later this week, but i will be posting a snippet for it later today! reminder that my ao3 is saturnice if you want to check it out. there are a few works there i haven't published on my tumblr!
second, i've decided to make another sideblog dedicated to the last of us, as i have fallen into a deep hole i don't think i can crawl out of. it's @swillerlite, but there's quite literally nothing on it yet. just something to keep in mind if you're as infatuated with joel miller as i am!!
thirdly, i want to thank you all once again for the endless support y'all give me <33 i love it when you guys interact with my posts or send in asks, it honestly makes my day. writing has been a big part of my life for a while now, so i'm very glad i get to share it with all of you!!!!
love ya <3 - lin
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swarvey · 8 months ago
If you could do more of the severely hurt farmer with Harvey, that’d be lovely; your writing style is phenomenal, and I’d love to see your twist on that
i did not think this post would get as much attention as it did, but now that it has, i definitely will write harvey + some others as well!!
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swarvey · 8 months ago
th thighs
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You feel me?????
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swarvey · 8 months ago
Can you do bachelor hcs where farmer is like super hurt? Like blood gushing from their abdomen or smth?? Like basically life threatening
when they think you're not going to make it | sdv bachelors x gn!reader
summary -> how some of the boys react to seeing you come out of the mines unconscious with nearly fatal wounds. warnings -> blood and injuries, panic attacks, harsh language
a/n: basically a more severe version of this series lol, i hope you enjoy!!! <3 alex's is probs the longest bc i was inspired heh, i started with alex and shane, but lmk if y'all want more!
feels like his throat is closing in on itself when he sees you all beaten up in harvey's clinic
harvey has to yell at linus to get him out of the room when he keeps trying to reach you
completely panics at the thought of losing you
he just doesn't want to be alone again
it was no secret alex hated hospitals, and harvey's small clinic was no exception. he always tried to leave his appointments with the doctor as soon as he could, and although he would accompany you to yours, he preferred to stand outside until you finished. everything about the environment was too much for him, too painful.
so when linus — the local homeless guy he never really cared to talk to — caught him on the street and practically begged him to go to the clinic, he wasn't entirely convinced. only when your name slipped off his tongue did his eyes widen, his feet moving before his mind could catch up.
alex hated hospitals, and now he had a reason to hate them even more.
his voice was barely audible as the world around him began to fade, only focusing on your paled face and the blood-soaked bandage wrapped around your torso. his breath got stuck in his chest, and an all too familiar feeling began to swarm him —images of his poor mother laying in a cold hospital bed, monitors beeping rapidly as the doctors failed to save her.
not again. please, not again.
"get him out of here!" harvey demanded, pushing him away from your body. alex blinked, realizing he'd moved past the doctor and was desperately trying to hold onto you. "alex, you have to step away, or else i won't be able to help them."
"stop it, they need me! let me go," he loudly protested. he knew it was childish; he knew he sounded like the same kid he was all those years ago, begging to see his mom one last time, but he didn't care. this was you, and he couldn't lose you. he couldn't lose anyone else.
despite his efforts, alex was swiftly dragged away by linus's unexpected strength. before he knew it, he was standing outside the clinic in the cool evening air, chest heaving as he tried to breathe.
"take some deep breaths," the older man said, somehow sounding level-headed. "it'll be okay."
"the fuck do you know?" alex snapped, voice wavering. "you don't know anything about what it's like, do you? what it's like to lose someone? to watch someone die?" his voice hitched, tears beginning to well in his eyes before spilling down his cheeks. "i can't do this. i-i can't do this again, not again, not after last time — i can't—"
"hey." strong hands planted themselves on his shoulders, and his panicked gaze met linus's kind eyes. "this isn't the first time i've dragged people out of the mines, alright? trust me, i've seen worse. they'll be okay."
"you don't know that," alex replied weakly. "they might not make it."
"they're strong, you know that."
"she was strong, too. my mom was the strongest person on this planet." more tears blurred his vision. "look where she ended up."
linus sighed, dropping his arms. "she was," he agreed, and alex looked up in surprise, "but this is different, alex."
"how do you—"
"alex." he turned, meeting harvey's exhausted smile. "you can come in now." alex nodded, wiping his face with his sleeve and giving linus a a grateful look before walking in.
your face was still pale and you weren't awake, but it was clear you were much better than before. a new, clean bandage covered your abdomen, and an iv was attached to your arm.
alex let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. "so, they'll be okay?" he asked, sitting on the chair beside you.
"yes, with some recovery, of course," harvey said, sounding just as relieved as alex felt. "though, i would strongly advise not letting them go to the mines for a while. an injury like this won't heal quicky, and it will likely scar. please talk to them after they wake."
"got it, doc. seriously, thank you so much." with another smile and a nod, harvey walked to another part of the clinic, leaving alex alone with you. he kept repeating the doctor's words in his head as he grabbed your limp hand, watching your chest fall up and down with each breath. "you'll be okay," he whispered, though it wasn't you he was trying to convince.
as alex drifted off to sleep next to you, he silently reminded himself to stop by linus's tent the following morning.
he usually acts pissed at you whenever you get hurt, but it's only bc he knows you can handle yourself
usually you can, anyway, which is why he's worried when you don't come home when you said you would
he's quick to leave the house and immediately starts looking for you (tries to convince himself you're just running late)
in complete shock when he sees you in dr. harvey's arms as he rushes into the clinic with maru beside him
shane glanced at the clock for the fifth time in the last minute, frown deepening when you still didn't appear in the doorway. he could practically hear you chastising him for being too dramatic, but he didn't care — you'd never been this late before, and a tugging feeling in his gut told him there was something wrong.
swearing under his breath, he threw on his jacket and left the farm, telling himself that you probably just got caught up at the saloon, or maybe you stopped by the community center. then again, you had mentioned you wanted to get back into fishing—
"maru, get the door!"
a cold wave washed over shane's entire body, making him halt mid-step.
all he could focus on was your bloodied face hanging from harvey's arms as he rushed you into the clinic, maru hot on his tail.
for a second, time seemed to stop.
then, he was sprinting to catch the door and run in after them, panicked words spewing from his mouth before he could even process his thoughts.
"what the— what the fuck happened? where did you even—? are they going to be okay, oh shit, are they gonna wake up—"
"shane," harvey gritted out through his teeth, "you need to leave, now."
immediately, shane stood his ground, jaw clenched. "i'm not fuckin' going anywhere, not 'til they're awake."
"shane," the doctor repeated in a softer tone, eyes pleading with him, "i can't work on them with you in the room. this wound is deep — i need to operate, and you can't be here."
"please," maru added quietly, looking more distressed than shane had ever seen the typically laidback girl. "th-they might not make it."
harvey gave her a look, but didn't deny her words. shane felt his stomach drop.
then, wordlessly, he turned and slammed open the door into the waiting room, forcing himself into a seat as he bit back panicked tears. maru's words kept playing back in his head like a broken record, and suddenly, shane realized he might have to face a terrifying world without you in it.
"fuck," he cursed, letting his head fall into his hands to hide the hot tears streaming down his face. at first, he thought he was angry — he always told you to be careful, that you shouldn't be running around so damn carelessly all the time, you're not fuckin' invincible. you never listened, of course, always spewing something stupid about doing what's best for everyone. after hearing that phrase more than a handful of times, shane thought it was pretty reasonable for him to be a little pissed.
in that moment, though, who the hell was he kidding? he was nowhere near pissed; he was scared.
you couldn't die, not yet — not when he just got better, not when he still had so much left to say to you. the thought of never being able to see your smile again made him nauseous, and he wished he could rewind back to the morning so he could tug you back into bed with him. stay, he would say. you're not leaving my side today, alright?
he knew it wouldn't have worked. he would still try, though.
shane didn't realize how long he stayed in the same position until the waiting room doors creaked open, his head shooting up at the sound. harvey greeted him with a nod, which he returned stiffly as he stood up.
"d-did everything go okay?" he asked, swallowing in an attempt to soothe his rough voice. "are they—?"
"they're fine," harvey replied, a small smile upturning his lips at the sound of shane's relieved swears.
"thank fuck, i don't know what i would've— it doesn't matter, can i come in?" he barely waited for a response before slipping past the doctor and finding your bed.
he caught maru on her way out, giving her another nod. she smiled, wider than harvey's, before making her way to the other room.
shane hesitantly grabbed your hand as he sat down in the chair beside you, scared he might break you if he held you too roughly. when you didn't stir, he laced his fingers with yours and held them to his forehead, pressing a firm kiss to the back of your hand.
"you scared the shit out of me," he sighed, shaking his head. "god, i don't know what i would've done if you— if i couldn't—" he couldn't bring himself to finish his sentence, resorting to giving your hand another kiss. "you better wake up, you hear me? i'll fuckin' kill you if you don't." he half expected you to answer. he could hear your voice in his head telling him to stop acting so tough, that you could see right through him.
instead, the sound of your steady breaths filled the room, and even then, shane felt like that was your way of telling him everything would be okay.
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swarvey · 8 months ago
Harvey having dirty thoughts about Farmer is my new religion. It's always the quiet ones, right? I love him so much! I wonder what waits for us in the next chapters since they are FINALLY together. As always, you did a great job. Thank you so much for this chapter and for keep writing this fic
it's always the quiet ones!!!!
farmer and harvey are finally together, which means more fluff and some challenges to overcome... heh <33
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swarvey · 8 months ago
please tell me someone has either played/watched/watched a playthrough of last of us. i'm reentering my lou phase and dear god joel miller has a chokehold on me rn it's embarrassing.
also i promise i'm writing :') currently trying to get through a couple requests. i've realized i'm much more of a oneshot girlie than a headcanon one, so i'll probably add that to my rules on asks !
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swarvey · 8 months ago
paper rings | harvey x f!reader
summary -> you decide to surprise harvey with a belated birthday gift; harvey tries to fight off some unwelcome thoughts. warnings -> none! harvey just has some horny thoughts. wc -> 3357
a/n: surprise, an update!!
i loved writing this chapter. i actually feel like this song could have fit well as this story's title as well!! very excited for the upcoming chapters, though i am a little sad to think this will eventually have to end </3
well, either way, hope you enjoy ! <333 seeing y'all comment and stuff honestly is so heartwarming, so thank you all!!!
ch. 10 | ch. 11 | ch. 12
paper rings masterlist
chapter eleven: state of grace -> "this is the golden age of something good and right and real."
Your eyes opened to the warmth of sunlight flowing through your window, a relaxed breath escaping you. A pleasant smile settled on your face as you sat up, rubbing your eyes and remembering the words Harvey had confessed to you the previous night.
I love you.
For a split second, you wondered if you dreamt it all, if it’d all been too good to be true.
Then, you saw that the bouquet was still missing from its usual spot on your wall, and you knew it had all been real.
You grinned, sitting up with a renewed energy. Finally, you were able to wrench out the phrase you craved to hear from your best friend. Despite the efforts — and pain — it took to get there, you still managed to do it, which, in your eyes, was all that really mattered. 
You recalled the insecurities Harvey had spilled to you; more so, how he felt he didn’t deserve you. Out of everything that happened, those words hurt by far the most. You saw the torn, broken look in his eyes, knowing him well enough to see past it and realize his wounds weren’t fresh. You didn’t even want to know how long his horrid thoughts had stewed in his head. Probably way too long. What a terrible way to spend his birthday.
Then, an idea struck you — one that you knew would take the majority of the day and your best efforts, but you felt in your heart it would all be worth it to see his face light up. Besides, Harvey had never hesitated in the past to put you at the top of his list of priorities.
You figured it was time to give back.
“Forgive me.”
“Elliott, please—”
“I know,” the overly dramatic poet choked out, grasping Harvey’s hand with both of his as if his life depended on it. “It’s terrible of me to ask you this, I know, but please, forgive me for the trouble I caused, my friend. I just . . .” Elliott looked up at the doctor, his bottom lip trembling and eyes filled with guilt. “I just couldn’t stand the feeling of lying to Leah, and I knew she had no ill intentions, either, but— oh, I know it’s no excuse for what I did!” 
After his birthday, Harvey decided it was finally time to reconnect with his two supportive friends, shooting them both quick texts to meet him at the Stardrop the following evening. He roughly explained everything that happened with you, not forgetting to mention the stinging silence he initially left you with. Elliott’s face dropped when he got to the part where you told him you knew about everything, how Leah had taken the big step to be the one to tell you. Fortunately, his friends were as understanding as ever, more happy than anything that he got the chance to reconcile with you. 
Unfortunately, Elliott decided the guilt weighing on his shoulders could only be lifted by apologizing for nearly twenty minutes straight.
“And here I thought my life couldn’t get any worse,” Shane gruffed, only half joking. He proceeded to roll his eyes so hard Harvey worried he would hurt himself. “Fuckin’ hell, just forgive him already, would ya, doc? I can’t stand this anymore.” 
Harvey scratched the back of his neck before placing his free hand on Elliott’s shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly. “It’s fine, Elliott, I promise,” he replied, unable to keep the amusement out of his tone. “It’s my fault for not telling her, after all. Besides, it all worked out, anyhow.”
“A-are you certain?” He leaned forward, nearly toppling over his seat onto the Stardrop’s floor. “How can you be so kind? It’s truly inspiring, doctor, you must let me buy you a meal for your generosity!”
“With what money, pal?”
Elliott fell back into his seat with a huff, managing a glare at his friend before sipping his drink. “With the money I made from selling my first novel, thank you oh-so very much.”
Harvey blinked in surprise, while Shane gawked at him. “Are you being serious?”
Elliott’s chest puffed up in pride. “Completely. Of course, my first patron was Leah, but I’m planning on having a live book reading at the library soon!” Harvey smiled warmly at the sight of his friend’s joyful expression, proud to see his hard work come to fruition.
Then, Shane frowned slightly and shifted in his seat. “What, so you didn’t even bother to ask me for one? C’mon, the least you could do after buggin’ me about this damn book for nearly a year is offer me a copy. Geez.” 
A pause. “You . . . actually want one?”
“Yeah, yeah, save the sap, it’ll make me barf.” He paused. “It’s kid-friendly, right? I’ll get two, give one to Jas. Maybe one for Vincent, too, fuck it.”
Harvey could only laugh as he watched Elliott pull Shane into an unreciprocated hug, his eyes gleaming with grateful tears and he tightly wrapped his arms around him. Despite his loud, profanity-filled protests, there was a light in Shane’s gaze that hadn’t been there a couple seasons ago. After promising to see the therapist Harvey recommended to him, he’d slowly begun to make progress, even deciding to replace his usual beer at the saloon with a glass of pop instead. 
“Alright, enough!” Shane finally regained his stance in his seat, running a hand through his ruffled hair. He mumbled something neither of them could hear, but Elliott beamed nonetheless.
“I hope you’ll save me one, Elliott,” Harvey said sincerely. “Though, by the looks of it, you might have quite the fan already.”
“Shut it, doc.” 
Elliott let out a hearty laugh and gestured to Emily for an order. “Well then, my dear doctor, you must emphasize on your reunion with your lover,” he pressed on, looking at him eagerly, “but not before I order you a promised meal.”
“What’ll it be, gentlemen?” Emily asked as she wandered over, looking at the three with a bright smile. Her gaze stopped at Harvey. “Hey, what a nice surprise! I haven’t seen you here in a bit. I hope you’re doing alright, people have been saying they haven’t seen much of you lately.”
He cleared his throat, nodding. “There were a few . . . things, I had to deal with, but it’s all cleared up now.”
She hummed, but something about her look was a little too knowing. “Well, that’s all that matters, right? As long as you’re okay.” She leaned in a little then, close enough so she could whisper in his ear. “Haley’s just about ready to murder you, though. Thought I should give you a heads up.”
She smiled sympathetically when Harvey groaned, covering his face with his hands. He didn’t even bother to hear what Elliott ordered him and focused on the fact that one of your closest friends in town was probably plotting his murder.
“Everyone knows, don’t they?” he asked, voice muffled. He lowered his hands to see Shane hiding his smirk with his drink while Elliott sighed.
“I wish I could tell you otherwise, but yes,” the writer responded promptly. “I wouldn’t fear too much, though, especially if the two of you are on good terms! I’m sure she’ll clear the air.”
The door to the saloon opened, and — as if your mentioning had summoned you — you walked in wearing your work clothes, dirt and grass stains covering the front of your overalls. Your eyes met his immediately, and Harvey instantly looked away, feeling as if he had just seen his crush in the hallway. You tended to have that effect on him.
After the two of you shared a kiss the night before, he insisted on walking you home, tightly holding your hand the entire way. He was visibly reluctant to leave your side, allowing himself to, for once, be as clingy as he felt. When the two of you reached your front porch, he’d grabbed your hips and drew you closer to his body, looking at you with nothing but pure adoration.
“We have a long way to go, don’t we?” he asked softly, bringing a hand up to caress your cheek. 
You hummed in agreement, turning slightly to kiss his palm. “Good thing we’ve got all the time in the world, right?” Your eyes seemed to glitter when he looked at you, his breath faltering.
Harvey didn’t know why your words made him feel the way he did — then again, he couldn’t explain a lot of things he felt when it came to you — but in that moment, a wave of gratefulness washed over him, and he couldn’t help but pull you in for another gentle kiss. He thought back to what you had told him all those years ago, how he had good karma, and he decided you might have been right after all. There was no other explanation as to why you were still in his arms after all the trouble he caused.
“You truly are my weakness,” he blurted suddenly. “My vulnerability, the crack in my defense. I think I would do anything for you.”
You laughed at his words, and the sound made his heart race. “You’ve been hanging out with Elliott too much.” You paused then, leaning in closer to his ear. “Is that a promise, Harvs? Anything?”
He shivered, swallowing hard. “Of course.”
Just when he thought he’d earned another taste of your lips — a rougher one maybe, one that led to your bedroom — you pulled away, sporting a mischievous half-smile.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you chirped happily. “Goodnight!”
Harvey let out another groan at the thought, trying to ignore the stir in his pants. We’ll take it slow, he reminded himself, not even noticing your figure appearing beside him. We have all the time in the world.
“Earth to Harvey, hello?” you sang, waving a hand in front of his face. “You there? Or is nobody home?”
He scowled as his friends stifled their laughter, though managed a smile when he turned to greet you. “Hello,” he sighed, pushing his glasses up. “Ignore them, please. I’m not sure why I associate with them.” 
“Hey, a ‘thank you’ would be nice, buddy,” Shane said, voice dripping in leftover humor. “We’re the ones who’ve listened to all your little love-sick rants.”
You perked a brow. “Love-sick, huh?”
“Let’s go for a walk, shall we?” Harvey desperately suggested, taking out his wallet and throwing some coins on the table for his drinks. “I’ll talk to you two later. And, thank you,” he rushedly added. As he grabbed your hand and practically dragged you out of the saloon, he missed their lopsided grins at his words.
Harvey let out a long breath as he stepped outside, resting his hands on his hips. “I felt like I was suffocating in there,” he admitted, finding your hand once again.
You snorted. “Looked like it,” you replied, lacing your fingers with his. “I was looking for you, anyway. Did you get my text?” 
He blinked, grabbing his phone out of his pocket with his other hand to find one unread message from you.
Y/N : you at the saloon? i’ve got a surprise for you
“A surprise?” he wondered aloud. “For me?”
“Yes, Harvey, that’s what I said.” You smiled at his embarrassed frown, leading him through the plaza toward the clinic. “C’mon, I’ve been working on it all day!”
Just as he was about to question you further, a figure with long blonde hair and a blue tank top marched in front of him, successfully cutting off his hold on you.
“Don’t think I’ll forgive you as easily,” Haley snapped, and Harvey flinched at her furious tone. “You’re a real lucky guy, you know that, right? ‘Cause if I were her, I would have taken those glasses and shoved ‘em right up your—”
“Haley! There you are,” Leah laughed awkwardly as she grabbed the blonde’s arm, attempting to tug her away. “We’re going to miss the movie, dear. Let’s go.” She turned to Harvey, and he was glad to be met with much kinder eyes. “I’m glad you’re alright, Harvey. We’ll see you around.” Leah’s eyes lit up. “Oh, and happy birthday! Even though it’s a day late.”
“Thank you,” he responded, anxiously glancing at Haley. A pout rested on her lips as her partner nudged her.
“Yeah, whatever, happy birthday, I guess,” she mumbled, and you laughed at her reaction. Her expression lightened after that, the ends of her mouth lifting slightly. “I expect a call later, okay?”
“Will do.” You waved at the couple as they walked away, grabbing Harvey’s arm and continuing to lead him. “She’s pretty mad, if you couldn’t tell.”
“Really?” he asked dryly, fiddling with his tie. “I thought she seemed quite happy to see me.” You rolled your eyes, excitedly bringing him up the stairs to the fountain. “What is it, exactly?”
“What’s, what?”
“The surprise.”
You huffed, walking past the fountain. “Well, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if I told you, would it?” 
“I . . . suppose not, no.”
“Then be patient, we’re almost there.”
You only stopped when the two of you reached the Community Center, two birds chirping curiously down at your arrival. Harvey examined the building, noticing how, despite it looking as beat up as it usually did, it felt more welcoming.
Before he could continue, you swiftly snatched his glasses off his face, covering his eyes with your hands.
“Just go with it, Harvs, please? ”
The pleading tone of your request nearly sent him spiraling. Nearly.
Take it slow.
He nodded, swallowing thickly once again. You’re going to be the death of me, he thought. He almost voiced it to you the door opened, but was interrupted before he got the chance.
“I felt a little bad yesterday night,” you admitted, leading him somewhere unknown. “With everything going on between us, it was hard to plan something for your birthday.”
He sighed, a pang of guilt running through his chest. “Now, you know none of that is—”
“It doesn’t matter,” you interrupted. “It’s over now, and we’re . . . good. Better than good, I think.” Harvey smiled, wishing he could see your face. “And, even though it’s not really your birthday anymore, I still wanted to give you something better than a dried bouquet.”
“That bouquet means much more to me than you think. It’s all I need, really,” he said softly, then willed himself to say his next words. “You’re all I need.”
“And you’re being a big ‘ol softie.”
Suddenly, he felt your hands drop, slowly blinking his eyes open. Of course, at first, all he could make out were blurbs of green and white.
“Um—” Although he couldn’t see, Harvey could practically hear you roll your eyes as you passed him his glasses.
He couldn’t believe it.
In front of him was a completely refurbished room in the Community Center, the walls smooth and the flooring void of any faults. That, in itself, was impressive to him. 
The room wasn’t exactly what caught his eye, though.
No, what caught Harvey’s attention was the various model planes scattered across the room, along with the small workbench in the corner.
“I had to go into the city to find those, it took me all day,” you explained, trying to read his reaction. His mouth remained parted as he walked around, taking his time to take in everything. “This is meant to be the Crafts Room. Mayor Lewis asked me to fix this place up a while ago, and that’s where I met the Junimos. Thought I’d add my own touch, though.” 
Harvey nodded absentmindedly. He couldn’t bring himself to speak. Quite frankly, he was in shock, unable to believe what you had done for him. His gaze only pried away when a familiar squeak sounded beneath him. He smiled as Blueberry hugged his foot. 
The spirit looked at him expectedly, as if asking, Do you like it? 
“It’s—” He stopped then, finally turning to face you. Warm tears filled Harvey’s eyes as he stepped forward and engulfed you in his arms, burying your face in his neck. “It’s more than I could have ever asked for. Thank you.”
He felt you slump in relief, gladly wrapping your arms around him. “I’m glad you like it,” you breathed, pulling back to see his face. “You had me worried there for a second. I thought it was too much.”
“No, this is perfect.” Harvey laughed, bright and unlike he’d ever laughed before, and kissed you. “I can’t even find the words to explain how I feel.”
You grinned. “Maybe ‘happy’ could give you a good start.”
“No, that’s too big of an understatement.”
“Hm. ‘Joyous,’ then?”
“I believe those are synonyms, honey.”
You blinked, a blush creeping up your neck. Harvey didn’t notice, too busy walking over to the desk that seemed made for him. Blueberry poked your ankle, and you took it as a sign to stick out your hand. The Junimo happily walked up your arm, settling down on your shoulder and closing its eyes. 
“This . . . this looks just like the one I had in my grandparents’ house as a kid,” he realized, eyes widening.
“You used to spend so much time sitting there, working on your planes, ignoring me,” you added playfully. “If you ever get bored, you can come here, now. Add to your collection. You can show them off to everyone, too, after I finish rebuilding everything.”
He flushed at that, turning to meet your eyes. “No, I couldn’t, i-it’s too embarrassing—”
“Harvey. If this —” You swept your arm around the room. “—is what you enjoy, you shouldn’t hide it. It’s an important part of you, and I know everyone in town would be impressed.” You gently tugged at his hand, holding it strongly in your own. “Plus, I find it very endearing, you know.”
He raised a brow, grabbing your other hand. “Really? Building model airplanes is something you look for in a partner?”
“Of course. Why wouldn’t I?”
Harvey shook his head, tilting it as he studied your gaze. “This is still so surreal,” he muttered, glancing down at your interlaced fingers. “I feel like I’m dreaming.”
You nodded, then smiled. “You know, I never would have guessed this.” You lifted your hands slightly, giving him a reassuring squeeze. “Now that it’s real, though, I’m not sure I’ll ever let you go.”
Harvey’s heart was just about ready to leap from his chest.
“You won’t ever have to,” he vowed. “Never again.”
“That’s a big promise.”
“It’s one I’m willing to make.”
“When did you get so bold?”
“When you became mine.”
Your eyes narrowed, flicking between his eyes and lips. “Is that what I am?” you questioned, voice light and innocent. “Yours?”
Slow, Harvey. You said you would take it slow.
He feigned a cough, looking away. “That’s what the bouquet meant, right?” he asked, raising one hand to swipe his mustache. “It means we’re official.”
The look you gave him was teasing, dangerous, but you covered it up with a laugh, starting to walk with him back towards the door. Blueberry had disappeared from your shoulder at some point; Harvey guessed even spirits grew tired of couples dancing around each other.
“Come on. Let’s go home.”
You looked back at him, huffing. “We’re official, right? That means you get to help me finish up the chores for the day.”
He thought for a moment, then nodded. 
Chores. He could do chores. He’d done plenty of chores with you before, when the ache in your grandfather’s back became too much and he needed a couple extra pair of hands. Chores would be good for him, Harvey thought. They would keep his mind off the uncomfortable tightness in his pants that’d been taunting him for hours, keep his dirty thoughts at bay, hopefully even keep some distance between the two of you, just for a little. Just until he could calm himself down and remind himself he was supposed to be going slow.
“You can spend the night, too.”
His face fell.
I’m screwed.
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swarvey · 8 months ago
how do you feel about elliott x harvey?? just wanted to ask :D
oh my god. such a wholesome pair.
elliott is definitely the more outright flirtatious one with harvey at first, probably after a few drinks at the stardrop. harvey (also a few too many drinks down) somehow finds the courage to reply, even offering a "confidential check-up." the next day, harvey honestly thinks he imagined everything until elliott stops by the clinic, leaning over the counter with a grin.
"i'm feeling a bit ill, doctor harvey. may i take you up on your offer?"
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swarvey · 8 months ago
I see your ship poll and offer: Haley and Seb
It’s not very common for many reasons but I love them
oooo i can totally see this as well!! similar to alex x seb where there's lots of arguing and bantering at the start, but after they get together, i can see it being very soft.
haley insists on doing seb's nails, and he gladly lets her. seb shows her his beloved frogs, and although she's a bit hesitant to how he finds them cute, she's quickly convinced after seeing them in the little enclosure robin built them.
she does his hair and picks them semi-matching outfits for every festival; he takes her on late night rides on his motorcycle, blushing as she whoops and hugs his torso tightly <33333
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swarvey · 8 months ago
things we don’t mean is so, so good!!! highly recommend. also this is inspiring me to write an alex/seb fic
what about Alex/Sebastian??
I've already written it - Read Steamy on AO3. (Explicit: Graphic Sexual Content)
I also recommend Things We Don't Mean by maxRebo if you want more plot with your porn.
If I had to write a T fic for them though it would be a high school AU with Sebastian as openly gay and bullied by Alex. I dont think I could have put it any better than @swarvey in their sebalex post :
was it casualwhen seb glared daggers at alex as he made out with haley at a party, only for both of them to lock eyes with each other from across the room?? was it casual when alex tore away from haley, storming away from the crowd with seb right on his heels??? was it casual when both of them were arguing in each other's faces, alex yelling at seb to shut your damn mouth and not knowing what to do when he replied make me, you fucking prick????
such juicy internalized homophobia angst
Send me any Stardew Valley rarepair and I will tell you how I would make them work! (Even non-marriage npcs) If youre lucky you may get a mini fic out of it. Check the list below to see if Ive already answered yours
Rarepair Masterlist
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swarvey · 8 months ago
Hear me out, Penny x Shane
i'm listening.... !!!!
i could totally see this being a very, like, healing relationship if that makes sense?? i feel like they've both been through so much that the two would be very soft with each other (after shane lets his guard down ofc.) shane would 100% grow very protective of her!!!!
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swarvey · 8 months ago
paper rings masterlist!
harvey remembers when he thought you were the love of his life; you don't seem to recall a time like that at all. after inheriting your grandfather's farm, you finally get to move back to stardew valley. little do you know a certain doctor has patiently been waiting for your return.
-> a song fic! each chapter title correlates to a song by ms. swift herself.
a/n: finally got around to make a masterlist for paper rings! a.k.a. i'm getting tired of editing each chapter post lol. not sure why i did that in the first place, but oh well!
*will be updated after each new chapter!
chapter one: i bet you think about me
chapter two: so high school
chapter three: how you get the girl
chapter four: right where you left me
chapter five: you belong with me
chapter six: gorgeous
chapter seven: i think he knows
chapter eight: i can see you
chapter nine: you're losing me
chapter ten: betty
chapter eleven: state of grace
chapter twelve: ?
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