#Stop embarrassing yourself
asexualenjolras · 2 years
No because can someone explain to me why I just saw someone say that Gryffindor is the “house of the teacher’s pets”? Four of the most famous Gryffindor students made a map in which you had to say ‘I solemnly swear that I am UP TO NO GOOD’ just to access it? And the Weasley twins were always causing absolute chaos? And it is referenced in Cursed Child that all six of these Gryffindor wizards canonically attempted to jump off of the Hogwarts Express?
And you think that’s the house of the teacher’s pets? Just play the game? And leave the house explanations to people that understand the Wizarding World? Because my autistic brain hurts?
This guy also went on to say that all Slytherins are evil and just want to kill people, all Ravenclaws are just pick-mes that want to be different and that all Hufflepuffs are boring and there are no famous people from this house - as if Newt Scamander isn’t RIGHT THERE?? Stop mansplaining things YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND!!
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damnitiloveyou · 4 months
I just know you stans are falling all of yourselves to defend that white man from muting the queer romance he was in from being mentioned on his social media.
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polyamoryprincess · 5 months
In the face of thousands of people in the middle of a genocide, people really have the gall to be like “I’m a liberal, but what if protesting literal genocide that we have loads of a first hand evidence of leads to a single hypothetical single mother missing work and losing their job :(“ and I’m going to go actually insane. I’m going to freak the fuck out.
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news4dzhozhar · 7 months
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xbainekox · 4 months
Crying because a man hurt my feelings is so humiliating 😭🤧
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palms-upturned · 9 months
Frustrates me to no end seeing people say “what’s your alternative to voting blue? Stage a revolution right now? This second? Get real, you’re posting on your computer instead of firebombing walmarts.” I don’t think that you understand what people are actually doing. I know for myself, I’ve been reading more history and theory than I ever have before. I’ve been marching. I’ve been getting involved with labor activism. I’ve been doing strategic research. I’ve tried to archive and share resources. I’ve watched other people do WAY more than I ever have or probably could. I’ve seen people occupy arms manufacturing sites and hold wildcat strikes and disrupt daily life as much as possible. We’ve all seen this happening at unprecedented levels for months now. And most of all, I’ve seen Palestinians telling us, rightfully full of anger, do not ever go back to how things were before. Do not turn away from what’s happening and your own complicity in it.
This is not something that we can vote our way out of. Our state is built on the same violence being inflicted on the people of Palestine. We helped to build Israel. We are still arming it and funding the “war” right now. Even the most half hearted measures from international bodies like the UN to take the bare minimum of a stance against genocide are quashed by the US. As they always have been, our power and resources are used to reinforce imperial and colonial hegemony. That remains the same no matter who is sitting in the Oval Office. And so does our own struggle for liberation. Meaningful change is never, ever going to come from within. We force the change to happen, as we always have.
If you can understand intersectionality, then surely you can understand this: we are not going to free ourselves by sacrificing colonized people. You may vote blue, and for you it could be a matter of life and death. Believe me, as a poor disabled person in a red state who almost killed myself over medical debt, I know the stakes. But I think you have to own the fact that you are empowering perpetrators of genocide and breaking solidarity with colonized people, not even to liberate yourself, but just to bargain with the oppressor for your life. That Palestinians and everyone else who we have harmed are going to be angry and they are more than within their rights. Instead of deflecting by just assuming that no one else is capable of putting their money where their mouth is and actually trying to lay groundwork for change, just do whatever you feel you have to do and sit with the reality of the situation.
Palestine will be free, we will be free, the whole world will someday be free. But for now, this is where we are, and we won’t free ourselves by operating like crabs in a bucket. Get organized, take care of each other, commit to solidarity. Empower yourself and each other rather than the state.
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sunderwight · 4 months
Imagining a scenario where Shen Yuan as a mermaid does the "kissing to share oxygen" trope with Luo Binghe, and then subsequently has to do it again, and again, and is just like "damn, the universe really has it out for this poor sailor, he keeps almost drowning!"
Because Luo Binghe will NOT stop coming up with semi-plausible reasons to be dramatically flung into the sea. Almost dying is a small price to pay for underwater liplocking action!
Shen Yuan tries teaching Binghe to swim. Binghe definitely already knows how to swim. The real challenge is convincingly pretending to be bad at it while he drags out the lessons (and still frequently finds himself in need of "rescue" -- oh no, Mershizun, Binghe has gotten tangled in this kelp...!)
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I love The Master because they’re pathetic af. THEY HAVE TO BE PATHETIC IN ORDER TO BE THE AMAZING CHARACTER THEY ARE !!
the yearning for The Doctor? pls get a room to cry it’s embarrassing. the plans that never work? just retire it’s pathetic to see you fail. They’re a girlfailure at it’s peak and love that for them. I love The Master.
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lloydfrontera · 1 year
i for some goddamned reason hadn't realized the inherent homoerotism involved in the mana manipulation that javier and lloyd do on each other when the need arises but like. damn. lloyd literally has to stop himself from moaning outloud when javier infuses his own mana into him, comparing it with a massage, a day at the sauna and a warm bowl of soup all at the same time. fellas is it gay to pour your own life force into your friend, gently coaxing his body into repairing itself while permeating his entire body with your own essence?? and then they have the audacity of bantering about how well they know each other like no shit you guys you've quite literally explored each other's bodies at this point lmao
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highfantasy-soul · 3 months
I've seen a little trend of (mostly) men being shocked and annoyed at how much sensuality was in this newest episode of The Acolyte and I think it's time to re-introduce 'the male gaze' vs 'the female gaze' and how prevalent it is in fiction.
Those same guys don't complain when women are shown topless in bed, the sheet only covering their ass as the full curve of their back is illuminated while the male lead buttons up his pants and smizes forlornly out the window.
They don't bat an eye at 'Slave Leia's' costume or James' Bond's exploits or the gratuitous nudity and sex in Game of Thrones centered on the male gaze. They don't question dehydrated men with bulging veins screaming at their enemies as they flex.
But the moment there's sensuality for the gaze of the fem lead, all of a sudden it's "soapy" it's "fanfic" it's "ridiculous".
Why is that? Why are you so ok with sexuality when it's from the male gaze, but the MOMENT it switches to female, you think it's not to be taken seriously anymore? All of a sudden, it's not 'fit for the public', it's to be relegated to the dark corners of the internet and not spoken of and MOST DEFINITELY shouldn't find it's way onto our screens.
Was Qimir in that episode sexy as fuck? Yeah. Was that what the episode was about? Partially - but it was so much more than that, too. Unlike movies where women are just there to be ogled at by the male audience and have nothing of importance going on with the plot, the Acolyte showed both the man and woman in those scenes as important players in this story with depth and nuance that yes, included sexuality, but was not limited to it.
Men jack off to 'slave Leia' all the time - why is it suddenly disgusting when a man shows up on screen in a sexy way that's NOT dehumanizing to him? Would you have preferred Qimir in a slave costume being held hostage by the Hutts? (feel free to draw fan art of that *cough* what was that? I didn't say anything *cough*) Would that have made it 'not fanfic' to you? Or are only women relegated to those roles? Only women are allowed to skinny dip in the ocean and then talk to the MALE lead all dripping wet and naked. For a man to do that is...well....it's silly!!! It's fanfic!! That's not what we're supposed to see!!
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moonlitdark · 3 months
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They're not wrong.......
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taintandviolent · 3 months
look I fully understand having a “crush” on Evan, but to be nasty to Natalie is such a heinous move. it’s not going to earn you extra fangirl points by having an unhealthy and unchecked parasocial relationship with him and bullying his girlfriend. as though you have any rights or claims to his personal life. act right. stop this weirdo behaviour.
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lazzarella · 2 months
Could be off base, but I was thinking about Fang (again! Surprise!) and, with a couple of things he says, I don't think it's the hugest stretch that he might see himself as difficult to love at times? Which makes it lovelier that, not only is he loved so easily, but he also accepts that love so easily. Like, he knows that Tan likes him before Tan asks him out, but he never pushes him away, he never doubts it, like other characters might. And, I don't know, I just think it's nice. I really like the way his character is written
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conarcoin · 6 months
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i feel like this is how i feel about illumina at this point to be honest
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dizquized · 5 months
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FOR YOUR OWN SANITY, do not look in the tags, dont do it. its not worth it. a demon possessed me or something, i dont know.
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ghurab-alzilal · 9 months
Damian and Raven, holding hands: 3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! *kiss each other *
Garfield, baffled : They know that countdown is just the microwave' clock. Didn't they?
Jaime, snarky : They know it, they just don't have demureness.
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