#Starvation Diets
darkshrimpemotions · 2 years
Just listened to three grown-ass adults blithely tout starvation diets as a healthy alternative to. Eating food. I'm not talking about like, skipping a single meal, either.
I'm talking about full on disordered eating pro-ana type "seeing how long can I go without food" talk, including touting the "health benefits" of starving themselves and celebrating the point where their bodies' natural hunger response just gives up and shuts down. The phrase "you can live for like four months without food" was used, no joke, verbatim quote from this exchange.
And I'm like. Besties. Esteemed colleagues. You are killing yourselves slowly. And you have NO IDEA who you might work with who's in recovery for an ED. This is not appropriate workplace conversation. NO diet/weight/body talk is appropriate workplace conversation, but this is especially horrendous.
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lastoneout · 3 months
"sugar is poison" sugar is your body's preferred fuel choice and if you stop eating it entirely you will die
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john-morrad · 2 years
Dangerous Weight Loss Ideas
6 Dangerous Weight Loss Ideas You Should All Stay Away From. Leave The Lettuce Leaf Alone, Try This Instead (Women Only). Everybody who has ever had a weight problem has, at one time or another, tried to diet the weight away. We’ve all done it and almost without exception we’ve all had at least one failed attempt to lose weight this way and while there are some good diet programs available there…
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Like the thing is that even if the supposed health advice I come across is just about encouraging people to "avoid 'unhealthy' snacks they don't 'really' need" and not about maintaining full blown eating disorders, I still don't condone it. I don't believe in diet culture. I don't believe in restricted eating. I don't believe in the ideology of fatphobia. I don't just think all of the above is a problem when people are actively starving themselves to the point of death. I'm critiquing the entire concept
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3liza · 2 years
i post this occasionally but i think it bears repeating that my fellow skinny people need to be vocally and aggressively pro-fat and body neutral at every opportunity. everyone ignores fat liberation discourse when it comes from fat people. skinny and medium people need to use our privilege to shut down anti fat sentiment where we find it. i know this is just a post and posts are cheap but I'm writing it as much for myself as to say it out loud
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seabeck · 3 months
Linda Hazard would have loved TikTok and it’s harmful dieting trends. She was just born to soon.
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amaranthsynthesis · 1 year
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I could be lost / No more than I was or than I Want to be when you fall on me like night, every time And I wanna be so far from sight and mind / I wanna kill the lights
I'm handling this game really well, it's not taking over my life or impacting my other creative projects at all. For suuuure.
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worstloki · 27 days
Them: "Thor's chest is so big 👎" "ew, why does it look so soft" "he's got such big boba :/" "why do they look like that 🤮" "bouncy? Ugh, for what?" "why is Thor's chest so meaty? 🤢"
Me: finally, Loki gets something good in his life
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guiltyidealist · 1 year
Body count.
Hidden but insidious little piece of fatphobia:
you cannot find a single fucking page on INCREASING your appetite. On coping, struggling with a LOW appetite. Having a lowered appetite. On managing your health when your appetite is low. On how to get yourself to eat and NOURISH MORE. more efficiently, more FREQUENTLY.
By which I don't mean "how to gain weight" but by which I mean how to MAINTAIN A WEIGHT that's healthy for you. or more specifically, how to nourish SUSTAINABLY. over the LONG-term. How make sure you nourish and KEEP nourishing CONSISTENTLY. How to maintain your health in spite of an appetite that is too low.
Hell. even just what it means for your appetite to be low, how to TELL if your appetite is LOWER than is HEALTHY for you. the consequences and problems people face when they have a low appetite. the RISKS and DANGERS of a low appetite.
Because every fucking search result is
how to gain weight (muscle)
how to eat more foods that don't make you gain weight (fat) as fast as other foods
Tragedy Strikes: the Misfortune of Fat & How to Protect Your Precious Soul from Falling Victim to This Cruel Fate😢
how to lose weight (fat) (new fad diet for starvation and you will have a net loss of 0 lbs or less by the time 5 years elapses)
how not to lose weight (muscle)
how to eat less how to fucking starve how to deprive yourself the little things and be miserable and fucking die
if I eat too fast I'll feel nauseous. As a result, I graze over longer stretches throughout the day (er I did, before meds changes slaughtered my appetite).
People were always fucking like "ah! I hear that's better for you anyway😊"
by which they fucking mean "To my understanding, that eating pattern facilitates weight loss a bit more than normal patterns do, therefore it is superior because weight and supremacy are inverse correlates😊"
Nowadays I don't eat that way because my appetite is really fucking low. Today I managed a bowl of oyster crackers, an applesauce, some carrots, a piece of cornbread, a few pepperonis, and a scoop of cookie bake.
Plus x2 cans of Mountain Dew (my usual daily caffeine intake is maybe 1 glass of Coke), because I have to pass this final semester at the expense of my body.
Fuck I did not even realize how jack shit I ate today until I listed that out. With that combination it's really not a wonder that my whole digestive tract has been fucked for like 3 weeks straight now. On top of that I'm not getting ample nourishment, neither in nutrient nor caloric terms.
Low appetite is a problem.
and nobody cares. Nobody cares! Nobody fucking cares. You know why? Because this problem results in weight loss. See high appetite on the other hand, that causes weight gain, so you understand all energies must be allocated toward solving that problem🙂.
Noooo low appetite is a gift! A blessing!!! A privilege!!!!! God I wish that were me!!!!!!!!
How to lower your appetite!! 3 Vitamins that will lower your appetite!! Lower your appetite with these 15 yummy recipes!
6 easy ways to shame yourself for having wants and needs! How to stave off hunger and ignore your body's signaling of needs! How to replace the sound of your body calling you to action with blaring fad diet commercials. How to convert your body's begging for its life into an incessant and intrusive need to self-sabotage instead.
How to dissociate from your body and fixate upon doing the opposite of what it needs to stay alive. How to fret over whether or not you moved enough in the last 24 hours. How to take the energy out of every day to meticulously COUNT every single piece of material you dArE put in your body. How to count your body. How to develop one or more of the MOST DEADLY mental illnesses. How to wind up having the sole variety of mental illness that fucking kills you whether you wanted to die or not
How to tally the body count
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disgustedorite · 4 months
I'm on a keto diet bc my dad said so. Started recording carbs. Turns out I'm barely eating already and actually have to eat more to even meet the daily carb count (20 (15 from vegetables)). How the hell am I fat
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flintenweib · 3 months
a woman I used to go to highschool with participates in bodybuilding contests and now she looks like ötzi the iceman with fake boobs o.O
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Husk and Angel, I’m scared for Lucifer. I think he might 🔪 himself. Maybe I’m paranoid, but I care for him.
Red flags usually mean dangerous situations or to warn people of bad ideas or potential problems, and literal danger.
The way Lucifer is feeling is a HUGE 🚩🚩🚩
Husk: Way ahead of you.
Niffty: I’ve hidden all the knives (they’re in her room).
Angel Dust: *goes to be with Lucifer* Hey! How about I make us a few plates of food!
Lucifer: *annoyed* Angel. I appreciate the offer but I’m not *stomach growls loudly*
Angel Dust: *raised eyebrow* You were saying?
Lucifer: Look I’ve already eaten plenty today! I’m trying not to gain so much weight. I’m already fat, don’t want to be bigger.
Angel Dust: But Lu, you’re only five months pregnant. You should be gaining more weight. Not trying to lose it.
Lucifer: I’m fine! Why can’t you just leave me alone?! Just go plan your stupid party or whatever! Quit bothering me! It’s not like you actually care about me. I’m just a room and board for you! *leaves in a huff*
Angel Dust: *actually has his feelings hurt*
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lastoneout · 2 years
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Needless to say, looking up recipes to help with my autoimmune issues is going FANTASTIC and totally NOT making me want to commit arson
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Have you ever try fasting
Nope, and I don't ever want to! Diets are a scam, starving is bad for you, pursuing weight loss doesn't work for most people anyway, etc. The science is very much not in favor of dieting let alone skipping food altogether
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echthr0s · 11 months
"god why do I feel like I'm always eating, what the fuck"
> actually looks back on what I've eaten all day, tallies probable amount of calories with generous estimates in cases I'm less sure about
> 1300 total, with generous estimates (so closer to 1000 with more conservative estimates)ed
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fem-lit · 7 months
The ideology of semistarvation undoes feminism; what happens to women’s bodies happens to our minds. If women’s bodies are and have always been wrong whereas men’s are right, then women are wrong and men are right. Where feminism taught women to put a higher value on ourselves, hunger teaches us how to erode our self-esteem. If a woman can be made to say, “I hate my fat thighs,” it is a way she has been made to hate femaleness. The more financially independent, in control of events, educated and sexually autonomous women become in the world, the more impoverished, out of control, foolish, and sexually insecure we are asked to feel in our bodies.
— Naomi Wolf (1990) The Beauty Myth
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