#Star Wars Quotes
sabictlali · 5 months
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Perfect interaction with your kiddo
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reevesartisse · 1 year
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SITH! AHSOKA & ANAKIN SKYWALKER | WHAT IF? STAR WARS BY ME. "YOU FAILED ME! DO YOU KNOW...WHAT I'VE BECOME?" "I GAVE YOU A CHOICE". This is not dark against light. This is more personal. It's not even master against apprentice. It's more than that. It's brother against sister. It's Anakin against Ahsoka. Face to face.
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replaytech · 5 months
“why aren’t you worried about the finale?”
“echos on it.”
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shadow-ofthe-cosmos · 3 months
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Yes, Artoo, I know Nar Shaddaa was never the home of The Jedi. It’s an entire world of pirates and outlaws. In other words…it’s exactly what we need. All we have to do is find the worst-looking bar around. Trust me, Artoo, I know what I’m doing. Just let me do the talking.
Star Wars (2015) | Aaron/Immonen
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homeforclones · 1 year
Omega and Crosshair on Tantiss
Crosshair: I was beginning to wonder if you had gotten my message
Omega: We did, Crosshair. And then we decided to come and rescue you.
Crosshair: *looks at the straps holding him down*
Crosshair: *looks at Tech suspended in a bacta tank*
Crosshair: Good job.
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sad-endings-suck · 1 year
One of my favourite details from the original Red Rising trilogy, is that no one ever came close to guessing or even suspecting that Darrow wasn’t a gold.
It shows the inherent flaw in their sense of superiority. Octavia had Darrow right there in front of her, with an Oracle wrapped around his arm, and even though she suspected he was a Son of Ares, she never asked if he was anything other than gold, didn’t even come close.
Adrius and Virginia are geniuses, but still, neither of them could have possibly fathomed that Darrow was a red until they had the concrete evidence of his carving right in front of them.
To this day (in canon) the only reason anyone knows Darrow is a red carved to be gold, is because the video evidence of his carving was leaked (initially from Harmony, and later from others).
No one, no matter how intelligent, practical, paranoid, cautions, clever or skeptical, ever figured out about Darrow’s carving through their own suspicion or means of investigation. They were either in on it from the beginning (Dancer, Mickey, Quicksilver, etc) or they were shown video evidence. No one figured it out themselves or “unravelled the mystery” so to speak. Because no one even knew there was a mystery.
And before people say “it was extremely unlikely, they had no reason to suspect” Yes, Darrow’s carving was incredibly difficult and expensive, but the same procedure was performed on Titus not long after, so how rare or hard could it be? We even get a dialogue from Mustang in Golden Son in which she details that different colours go to carvers all the time to have “intrinsic” parts of themselves altered, far more often than the public realizes. So the possibility should have been on Octavia’s radar, but it wasn’t, because she simply couldn’t fathom it. It was too obscure.
How could a red be the spitting image of what gold society idealizes? How could a red be so tall, strong, and beautiful? How could a red graduate top of the Institute, become a peerless scarred, a Lancer, her own grandson’s celebrity hero? Neither her nor Nero or Lorn or even Adrius were capable of even entertaining the idea. It was not a thought that was ever going to occur to them naturally.
And I really love that, from a narrative perspective, because it says so much about how the Society operates and upholds itself. It says so much about how high on their own egos golds really are. It says so much about how the colours are not as different from one another as golds would have them believe.
Cassian Andor: What? To steal from the Empire? What do you need? A uniform, some dirty hands and an Imperial tool kit. They're so proud of themselves, they don't even care. They're so fat and satisfied, they can't imagine it.
Luthen Rael: Can't imagine what?
Cassian Andor: That someone like me would ever get inside their house, walk their floors, spit in their food, take their gear.
Andor (2022-)
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maxymoff · 10 months
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“I listen to all the traders and star pilots who come through here. I’m a pilot, you know, and someday I’m going to fly away from this place.”
I want a Star Wars version of “What if..?” so badly.
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tattycoram · 2 years
clone wars season 6
Chancellor Palpatine: CT-5555 is a wanted man
The Kaminoans: Impossible. He wasn't even a wanted child
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thequeerlibrarian · 11 months
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What a mood, same Bail same
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brazen-kenobi · 1 year
Someone was sobbing. After a moment, Anakin realized oh. It’s me. And then, his knees were buckling and he was heading for the ground. Obi-Wan caught him.
“It’s alright, I’ve got you.” He let Obi-Wan take his full weight because he was too tired not to.
- Karen Miller, Clone Wars Gambit: Siege
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sabictlali · 1 year
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*four years
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bookwormstarwarsfan · 2 months
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“You want to talk about kids now?” - Tatooine Ghost
Han/Leia Appreciation Week 2024
Day Five: Favorite scene / Favorite quote
For @hanleiacelebration
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replaytech · 6 months
bad batch & tweets that match them:
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gia-batmm-crickle22 · 10 months
Eli: Yeah, we’re best friends, but I’d fuck you if you asked. Thrawn: What? Eli: What? Faro, without looking up from her datapad: He said he’d fuck you if you asked.
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remy45 · 3 months
Im literally Anakin Skywalker (I ruined everything)
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twin-sun-archives · 6 months
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The quote that perfectly sums up this man✨☠️
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