#Spoonin Boys
lunylune · 7 months
Spoonin with the homies two, electric boogaloo. Except, all the friends are here this time :) honestly, they need the break, summer was ruined.
Am I up to date for junior year? No. Is that going to stop me from drawing? No!
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(tap for better quality, welcome to tumblr)
And some zoomed in parts
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And lastly, without all the shading and light effects so you can fully see what i actually drew :P shading is a bit harsh because there no tei dozen layers of blue and black to soften them.
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Yeah yeah, i gave riz a tail and Boggy is holding onto Adaine's glasses. Riz is awake cuz his minimun is four hours and that is also how long adaine trances so they are hanging out.
In addition to these fandom headcannons, might I also propose archdevil Fig with a tail, with a lill heart at the end? Yeah? Maybe? She has a horrifying plushy in the shape of baby as well.
I had to draw GaF the fish myself because I couldn't find a description. I went for round, colors inspired by garthy and adaine of course. Adya is wearing a stolen- burrowed fig and the sigfigs shirt.
Fabian's battlesheet is also there, the boy doesn't wear an eyepatch to bed. Chloe is nuzzled up with Gorgug, also had to draw her based on the mini.
Kalina is there in cat form, just accept she has that. Oh and Kristen got a "keep going" tattoo on a whim in hopes of actually finishing school ^_^
Thats it. Theres a few more fun details, but find em yourself :P This took me several weeks to complete. This is why most artist charge per character it takes loooooong XD oh the choices i make in life.
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virtualbunny · 2 years
How do the boys cuddle? I can see Reiben and Caparzo in particular wanting to cuddle a lot
Miller's squad: how they cuddle
John Miller: Chest rest/half spoon, you have your on head on his cheast while he has his arm around you. Most of the time you two mostly cuddle in bed, on the sofa or that hammock ya'll have in your yard.
Mike Horvath: face to face, basically a normal hug. Except you two are laying down and facing eachother? Anyways it's wholesome.
Daniel Jackson: Spoonin, he's the big spoon most of the time, loves to have his face in the crook of your neck. He also likes the chest rest, loves to hear your heartbeat.
Richard Reiben: Loves all the different types of hugs. If watching a movie with him you'll be in his arms, probably ends up falling asleep on his chest with him still half hugging you. Super adorable.
Irwin Wade: Spooning and face to face. When face to face he gives you little kisses on your nose, rubs your back and tells you how much he loves you. Or you you just have normal conversations while cuddling.
Stanley Mellish: depends on the situation. If ya'll are about to sleep you two are half hugging but if you're just watching a movie you are sitting in his lap and have eachothers arms around eachother.
Timothy Upham: Spooning. I know it's a lot of spooning but hear me out... he just gives the vibes of spooning type of guy. Either the little or big spoon, doesn't matter.
Adrian Caparzo: cuddles you like a teddy bear, everywhere and anywhere. Likes to have you on top on him, if that makes sense.
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Well... this sucked ass.... anyways hope you like this xx 🫶
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parasiteprojects · 4 years
Club Matryoshka x Likido x Spoonin Boys x Para://Site Projects 
INTERNAL SERVER ERROR a contemporary art exhibit happening in Minecraft alongside and within Club Matryoshka's Infinite Summer (a 24hr Online Music Festival) a fundraiser for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO 
Alfred Marasigan Mariano Batocabe Joanne Cesario Mirjam Dalire W Don Flores Cos Zicarelli Mariano Ching 
START: APRIL 26 - 6AM (GMT + 8)  END: APRIL 27 - 6 AM (GMT +8) read more about the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO: https://covid19responsefund.org/
FOR INQUIRIES: email [email protected] __ A short video for the builds we're making. Check Club Matryoshka's Infinite Summer (a 24hr Online Music Festival) Club Matryoshka for details ☄️ April 26-27, 2020 🗺 https://www.facebook.com/events/25943... Video by Nicholas Salva Cruz 💥 Philippine Geography song by Yoyoy Villame 
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M boys + ayato and kanato's reaction when s/o hugs them in their sleep
(Couldn't load their faces in sorry, about that anon!)
Ayato (blushing): O-Oi! Don't just Yours Truly without his permission! I'll let it slide this time, but next time I get to be the big spoon k-kay? (Aw what a softie, too bad he won't admit it)
Kanato: Ah, that feels nice. Doll touch me more..make sure to include teddy too.
Ruki: Livestock, what are you doing? Well, I guess I don't mind this either.
Kou: Naughty M-neko-chan~ you can keep your hands off me even in your sleep. You better pay me back for this hug later. (HUGS ARE FREE YOU COCA COLA IDOL)
Yuma: Oi sow, it looks a bit weird ya tiny ass hands spoonin' me but I guess I don't mind.
Azusa: Eve...., hug..me... tighter...don't leave me... please.. (aw what an angel c:)
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msmercury84 · 2 years
"I Double Dare You," Chapter 8: It's Showtime!
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*Author's note: Yes, I shamelessly stole the dance routine, costume idea and song from Bette Middler in "For the Boys." When I saw this video clip, I knew that my OC had to do this song.*
Fort Benning, Georgia, January, 1943
The night of the show, Leigh was the last contestant scheduled to perform. She was in the dressing room ensuring that the seams in her stockings were straight. The USO gave each contestant a pair of stockings so every woman could look her best.
Since the beginning of the war, silk and nylon were taken off the market and primarily used for the war effort. Women had to make due with rayon, which proved be loose fitting compared to nylon or silk. Sometimes women purchased makeup to use on their legs to give the illusion of wearing stockings and eyebrow pencils were used to create the illusion of a seam up the back of each leg.
Once the stocking seams were straight, Spencer opened the box containing the corsage Bill purchased for her and carefully pinned it to the left lapel of her uniform. The USO donated the red, white or blue uniforms. She was also wearing the angel necklace, her Christmas present from Guarnere.
Leigh was pleased to see Bill in the audience occupying the seat the USO reserved for him. Spencer was standing in an area backstage that allowed her to see the audience without the audience seeing her.
Guarnere, like the other enlisted men in attendance, wore his dress uniform. He, Bull Randleman, George Luz, Shifty Powers and Don Malarkey stood out in the crowd wearing their trousers bloused over the tops of their meticulously shined Corcoran boots. Colonel Sink was also sitting with the Easy Company men and he was eager to see the performances of Spencer and Adams.
The emcee stepped up to the microphone and said, "Last, but not least, Miss Leigh Spencer!" Leigh's uniform was sapphire blue and the jacket looked like a short dress, shorter than the dresses and skirts women wore, but long enough to provide modest coverage.
Spencer's shoulder length hair was coiffed to perfection and she wore it down, the waves and curls framing her face. She sported glossy red nail polish that matched her lipstick and she accentuated her eyes with eyeliner, an eyebrow pencil and mascara. The mascara American women used in the 1940s was a cake of brown or black mascara in a small plastic case. The mascara was applied with a tiny brush that fit into the plastic case. Spencer also wore a hint of rouge and some powder on her face.
Leigh walked onstage confidently and took her place at the microphone. Guarnere thought,
"Holy Christ, my baby looks beautiful! Just like one o' them bombshell dames in the movies."
The band played the opening chord to Leigh's number. She looked demure as she sang,
"I was alone on a shelf. In a world by myself. Oh, where could my Prince Charming be?" She turned slightly to the right, smiling as she sang,
"But a man came along, made my life like a song, and taught me these words of ecstasy. Tenderly."
Bill felt that his heart was nearly bursting with pride and love for his girl. Guarnere knew that he had been hit by what his father called "the bolt of lightning" the day he met Leigh.
He had liked and lusted after girls before, but he had never been in love before. Guarnere thought,
"Ain't no doubt about it. I love this angel." Bill knew that Spencer cared about him a great deal. He decided to take a risk and tell her how he felt after the show was over.
The orchestra struck another chord and Leigh raised both arms. She started snapping her fingers and doing a slight shimmy to the boogie woogie rhythm, singing,
"I want some huggin' and some squeezin' and some muggin' and some teasin' and some stuff like that there. I want some pettin' and some spoonin' and some happy honeymoonin' and some stuff like that there." She moved forward, still snapping her fingers, the smile never leaving her face,
"I used to think that love was just a lot of rubbish" she turned to her left, "a mess o' cabbage," she turned to her right, "a mess of cabbage." Spencer stood in the center of the stage,
"But now my attitude is wholly lovey dovish. And Baby you, you've done it." She resumed snapping her fingers and doing a slight shimmy,
" I want some kissin' and some hopin' and some missin' and some mopin' and some stuff like that there. I want some leapin' and some chasin' and some weepin' and some pacin' and some stuff like that there."
The men in the audience, Colonel Sink included, were now standing and clapping their hands in time to the music. Spencer sang,
"And when I get a certain feelin' I confess it. There's really only one expression to express it. I want some kissin' and some hopin' and some missin' and some mopin' and some leapin' and some chasin' and some weepin' and some pacin' and some stuff. I want some stuff like that there!"
The band began an instrumental portion of the song. Spencer danced backwards on stage for a few measures, clapping her hands. Then, she strutted up to the microphone and quickly took several steps backwards to her left.
She then stepped in front of the microphone, moving it closer to the end of the stage. Leigh felt nearly giddy at this point and exihilerated. Bill wanted to shout,
"That's my baby!" but he didn't want to detract attention from Spencer's performance. He thought,
" I never knew she could dance. Look at her go! She has this entire audience eatin' out of the palm of her hand." Leigh sang,
"I used to think romance was bunk. A double mickey for the icky. But all at once my heart was sunk. And Baby, you," she pointed at Guarnere and winked,
" You've done it." Bill returned the wink and he had a big smile on his face. She sang,
" I want some kissin' and some hopin' and some missin' and some mopin' and some," (She said in a sexy voice) "stuff like that there. I want some leapin' and some chasin' and some weepin' and some pacin' and some (She raised her arms up over her head and bumped her hips to the right and to the left) stuff like that there."
Bill shouted out,
"That's my baby!" A soldier sitting in the next row heard Bill and gave him a look of disbelief, saying,
"You wish!" The soldier's friends laughed, but Guarnere didn't hear them. He was too caught up in the moment. Spencer sang,
"And when I get a certain feelin' I confess it. There's really only one expression to express it. "
She stood in the center of the stage,
"I want some huggin', squeezin', muggin', teasin' and some stuff," Leigh raised her arms over her head,"I want some stuff like that there!"
After the last note faded away, Spencer was surprised by the loud applause from the men who were still standing up. She thanked the audience, took a bow and walked offstage.
Leigh knew that she had done her best, no matter the outcome. It took a few minutes for the men to sit down and be quiet, then the emcee returned to the stage.
He announced,
"The judges are making their decisions. While we wait, here's some music to keep things moving along." Backstage, the contestants had the option of remaining in the wings of the stage or sitting in the audience if they had significant others who were watching the show.
Spencer and Adams decided to sit with Guarnere and Randleman. The women carefully made their way to a staircase that led to the auditorium.
Leigh noticed that there was an empty seat beside Bill when she was performing. Melissa and Leigh opened the door and walked into the auditorium.
Although the house lights were still down, they had no problem locating their boyfriends. Adams sat beside Bull, who hugged and kissed her.
Spencer walked up to the seat beside Bill and whispered in his ear, "Excuse me, Sir, is this seat taken?" Guarnere was on his feet in an instant, embracing Leigh and kissing her.
"Baby, ya done one hell of a good job! "
"Just look at ya, drop dead gorgeous! You're every bit as good as Judy Garland an' those other music movie broads!"
Leigh smiled, enjoying Bill's review of her performance and his compliments. Guarnere realized that the show was still going on. He took Spencer's hand and they sat down.
The soldier who doubted that Leigh was Bill's girl was proven wrong as he witnessed the couple embracing, kissing, sitting together and holding hands. Once they were seated, Spencer told Guarnere,
"Thanks so much for the beautiful roses. You're so sweet and thoughtful!"
"It was my pleasure, Sweetheart. He kissed Spencer's hand, telling her, "I swear to God, you could make a livin' singin' and dancin'."
"Thanks, Bill." Before anything else could be said, the emcee returned and announced,
"The judges have made their decisions," Guarnere took Spencer's hand, saying,
"It's OK, Baby, you've got this thing won."
"I hope you're right." The emcee told the audience,
"Due to a special circumstance, the USO judges would like to call Colonel Sink onstage. Sink got up from his seat and walked up some stairs at the right side of the stage. Once he was onstage, the emcee and Sink conferred away from the microphone and with their backs to the audience.
Leigh thought, "Could it possibly be..." Sink stepped up to the microphone and stated,
"It gives me great pleasure to announce the name of the first woman selected by the USO. She got her start at Camp Toccoa and she works here at Fort Benning, the talented comedienne Melissa Adams!" The audience applauded. Bull hugged a very stunned Melissa. Bill whispered to Leigh,
"It ain't over yet, Baby. You've gotta be the next one." After a dramatic pause, Colonel Sink continued,
"It gives me great pleasure and a sense of pride to announce the name of the second woman selected by the USO. She also got her start at Camp Toccoa and she also works at Fort Benning, the singing and dancing fireball Leigh Spencer! The audience applauded again.
Leigh jumped up from her seat, shouting,
"Oh my God, Bill, I made it!". Guarnere quickly stood up, embracing Spencer and giving her a passionate kiss, telling Leigh, "I am so goddamned proud of ya, Baby," he grinned, adding, "I knew ya had this thing won. Old Guarnere ain't never wrong."
He put his hands on Leigh's waist, lifting her and gently spinning her around. Spencer had a radiant smile on her face and she giggled as Bill literally swept her off her feet.
A quick thinking reporter with a camera took pictures of Leigh jumping out of her seat, plus two pictures of Guarnere kissing her and briefly spinning her around. He approached the happy couple, telling them,
"I'm Roger Anderson from the Stars and Stripes newspaper. I just took some pictures of you two. Would you please pose for one picture together in case the other pictures I took didn't turn out well?"
Bill replied,
"Sure, that's fine wit'me." Spencer gave her consent. Anderson told Bill,
"Sergeant , you have red lipstick on your lips. You might want to get that cleaned off before I take the picture. Bill got a handkerchief out of a pocket in his dress uniform jacket and wiped off the lipstick returning the handkerchief to his pocket.
Then he and Leigh posed side by side. Guarnere had his arm around Leigh's shoulders.
"Sir, if it isn't too much trouble, would you please send copies of the newspapers and copies of the pictures to our families? Also, would you please get some copies of the paper and the pictures for us?"
"That's a good idea, Sweetheart." Anderson said,
"I'll be glad to get pictures and papers to everyone you mentioned, including yourselves. All I need are names and addresses, plus the correct spellings of both of your names." He handed a reporter's notebook and a pencil to Guarnere.
As he wrote, Leigh commented,
"Bill, you have exquisite handwriting. Mr. Anderson, I will do my best to make my handwriting legible. It usually looks as if I held the pen with my toes." Guarnere chuckled at her remark.
Spencer filled out all of the necessary information. Bill told her,
"It looks fine to me, Baby." Anderson added,
"It looks good, Miss Spencer. Thanks for posing for the picture Sergeant Guarnere and thank you, Miss Spencer. I promise to get everything delivered as soon as possible."
During this time, the show officially ended and the audience began to leave the auditorium. Shifty Powers came up to Melissa and told her,
"Congratulations, Miss Adams. I declare, you are a born story teller. If it wouldn't be too much of a problem, would you please write down your jokes? I'd like to send them to my daddy. He would really enjoy them."
"Thank you, Shifty. I'd be glad to write my jokes down for you. I bet your daddy is proud of you earnin' your jump wings." Powers shyly replied,
"Thank you, Miss Adams, I reckon that he's proud of me." Powers then went to Leigh, telling her,
"Congratulations, Miss Spencer. You did some fine singing and dancing and you looked like a movie star up on that stage," Leigh replied,
"Thanks so much, Shifty. I really appreciate your nice compliments." Meanwhile, George Luz stepped up to talk to Bill, telling him,
"You should've left the red lipstick on. It made you look beautiful." Guarnere chuckled and told George,
Malarkey congratulated both women and headed out for the NCO club. An informal gathering had been planned for the small group. A middle aged USO female volunteer walked onto the stage asking,
"Will all contestants please return their uniforms to the dressing room before leaving the building? " Melissa headed for the dressing room. Randleman promised to wait for her.
Bill embraced Leigh, tenderly kissing her, saying,
"My baby's gonna be a star." He lowered his voice, telling Spencer,
"I wish they allowed ya to keep that dress. You have no idea what it does to me." Leigh also kept her voice low, saying to Guarnere,
"Maybe they would let me borrow it for one evening. Then, you can show me exactly what that dress does to you."
"Sink was right. You're a fireball. My little fireball." Leigh replied,
"Damned straight I'm yours." Guarnere commented,
"Don't forget that, ya sassy, sexy dame." Spencer said,
"I never want to forget that, you sexy dream boat. I'll be back as soon as I can."
@lizziebitch3. @alluringmoonlightbabe
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honeypirate · 4 years
Quick drabbles about sweet moments I would like to have with some of my favorite characters.
Fem reader sometimes
Fire force
He comes into your room with a sigh, closing the door quietly before kneeling at the bottom of your bed and crawling up between your legs, pushing his head under your hands holding your book and laying his head against your chest. You chuckle and set your book aside before running your fingers through his hair “hello sweetheart” you say and he pushes up so his face was in your neck now, kissing the skin softly “hello” he says and sighs into your neck. “I missed you” you say and he nods into your neck “I missed you” he says and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, hugging him tighter to you and kissing the top of his head.
You sit behind him in the bath, the hot water up to your shoulders and you lay your head against his back as he tells you about his day, his hands brushing up and down your legs beside him. You were careful to avoid the charred marks on his neck, arms, and back as you careful washed him, leaving kisses around them. You took care of him better than anyone and he felt the love you had for him every time you helped him, you never made him feel like a burden or anything less than, you made him feel comfortable in his own skin. “God I love you so much” he whispers as you finish washing his hair “it’s my turn now” he says and you carefully switch places with him, his large hands gently washing your body and kissing your neck. He washes your hair and then spends extra time running his fingers through it, loving the soft feel in his hands. You run your fingertips against his legs and up to his thighs as you talk and relax until the water gets too cold.
Obi Akitaru
He throws you over his shoulder after you get back to the compound, you giggle and lightly hit his back “Obi! Put me down!” He laughs and slaps your butt “not gonna happen. My girl was injured so I gotta carry her in” you sigh and relax in his hold “ It’s just a little burn! On my arm! I can still walk” he laughs but doesn’t set you down until you’re in his private bathroom. He helps you out of your fire force coat and pants before taking off his own, leaving you in just your underwear and a tank top and him in boxers. You smile softly up at his as he gently washes the soot off your cheeks and neck. “You’re so beautiful sweetheart” he says and you blush, reaching up and cupping his cheek with a smile “you’re not so bad yourself” you say and he grins. You take the washcloth from his hand and rinse it out before gently washing the soot off his cheeks for him “let’s hop in a shower so we can do this properly” he says as he dips down to capture your lips in his.
You push the kitchen door open quietly and peak in at him, he’s singing along to a old record he borrowed from Obi, some jazz from before the cataclysm. You watched him cook and sing, butterflies in your belly from how adorable it is. His voice was perfect for this kind of music and it smelled like he was making your favorite meal. You walk over to him and wrap your arms around his middle, his singing turning into a low chuckle. “Hey sweetheart” he says and you smile, placing a kiss against his shirt on his spine “it smells good but I want to know....are you on the menu for tonight?” you say and his hand holds yours on his stomach “naughty girl” he says before taking the pan of the heat and turning around in your arms, he holds both of your cheeks and you look up at him, your chin on his chest. His eyes were dark, you could see the lust in his eyes and the adoration he has for you. You stand on your tiptoes, meeting him halfway as he captures your lips his.
Sitting in the living room, leaning against him on the couch as you both read together. His arm around you as he scrolls through his book on his tablet, your head against his arm, kissing it every other page turn. When you finish your chapter to mark your page and set your book on the coffee table before turning your head up and kissing his chin softly, watching his lips turn up in a smile before his eyes flick to yours after he finishes the sentence he was on. “I’m so unbelievably lucky” he whispers and you blush, after all these years he still makes you feel giddy in your heart.
You’re cooking breakfast while he pours mimosas, the Sunday morning air filled with sweet kisses and witty banter, him sticking to you like glue, his hands on your hips and his chin against your shoulder as he sways you to the music playing, singing the lyrics to you as you flip the pancakes.
Taking the long drive through the country for a weekend away, his hand on your thigh as he drives, you play a perfect relaxing mix of music but the radio is quiet background noise as you talk about anything you can think of. You loved that he was so open minded, you could ask anything your crack head thoughts come up with and he’d respond honestly. You never felt the need to fill any silence though, it was comfortable, he felt like home to you.
You’re singing along to the music you had playing loudly as you did some late night cleaning while waiting for him to get come from work, he had to do some extra paperwork but you didn’t mind. You were excited to see him after being apart all day and to combat that excitement you decided to clean. When he walks in the house he smiles at the sight, you were standing on the back of the couch, the vacuum on as you suck the dust off the blinds, your foot tapping along to the music that was so loud you could hear it over the vacuum. He closed the door as he admired you before walking over to you and quickly clicking the vacuum button. You yelp as he knocks the back of your knees so you fell into his waiting arms, his smiling face made your heart skip as you relaxed into his arms “you naughty boy!” You say as you laugh and kisses your cheek “What can i say? I missed my darling”
You’ve been together for years, spent traveling as you worked as a freelance photographer mostly but now you’ve decided to go home and put down your own roots, get back to family. After a few months you decided you wanted to adopt a pet tigether, finally deciding on a sweet cat you met at the shelter, he couldn’t stop talking about her so you thought it was a pretty good sign. Her first night home with you, you let her get adjusted and she kept to herself for the most part, claiming one of the chairs in the living room for herself. In the middle of a movie you were watching you got up to use the bathroom, when you returned he was mouthing screams at you pointing down, you chuckled as you saw that the cat had jumped up and fell asleep on his lap. He was so cute you about teared up for a moment before taking a picture of them on your phone, setting it as your Lock Screen. Your perfect little family.
When he was making you homemade chocolate at his apartment for your fifth date, you took a spoon and dipped it into the melted chocolate when you thought he wasn’t looking. When he turned around and saw you with the spoon in your mouth, an obviously blissed look at how delicious it was, he knew he loved you. “Sorry” you say around the spoonin your mouth, your cheeks warming under his gaze. “You’re such a sneak, I’ll have to look out for that” he says as he boops your nose. You felt your heart race at the way his eyes lingered on you with a smirk. This man would be the death of you.
You sing a little song to yourself as you break your chopsticks apart, dancing in your chair as you look down at your ramen. You were so happy to be in this moment with your favorite boy and your favorite food. He looks across the table at you, an amused smile on his face as he watches you and listens to your impromptu dumb song about how much you love ramen and love him, all the anger in his body leaving. You look up into his eyes and you feel your cheeks get warm “hmm?” You ask and expect his usually dumbass banter but your breath hitches when he says softly “I just love you is all” He‘ll never forget how lucky he is to be sharing perfect moments with you.
A date that’s not a date. You go to a thrift store with your friends but take his hand and lead him back to the clothing, taking turns choosing ugly accessories and coats for the other, spending the whole time lost in the moments with him. By the end you have many pictures together on your phone. You break off from the group, walking behind a few feet with him as you talk about your favorite heroes, you asked him questions about his notebook and he showed you the page he had written for you but forgot the small little drawing of a heart next your name at the top of the page. He noticed when the notebook was in your hand but couldn’t really tear it from you, that would be nuts. So he just hopes you don’t notice as you read his notes(you do) “this is amazing. I didn’t know you paid this much attention to me” his cheeks flush “y/n you have an amazing quirk! I love to watch you!” His face turns very red as you raise your eyebrows “you love to watch me?” You smirk and he starts to ramble “no! I mean I do. But like not in a weird way. I just like to see how your quirk develops. I’m not a stalker or anything” you reach out and take his hand with a chuckle “I like that you pay attention to me so don’t worry Zuku” you say and he lets out a deep breath. The rest of your group notices but just leaves you be, this was a long time going and to be honest bakugou started a bet to see how long it would take. He won when he bet it would be sooner rather than later. The first time he ever bet on Deku but only because he knew you were bolder.
Oh man. You were home early and he hadn’t heard you come in. You could hear he was on the phone with someone so you didn’t make any loud noises as you set your things down. “I’m gonna ask her tonight. Yeah I have the ring here in my hand, it’s so perfect. ... I have a reservation at the place we had our first date” he busts up laughing and you crack a smile when you realize he means the skate park near your old high school. “Yeah man the skatepark. But it’s actually a really nice restaurant now which I thought was so romantic. Shin, I can’t even begin to explain how sure I am about this. I can’t imagine a life without them in it.” You feel your heart skip and your eyes mist over for a moment before you suck in a breath and make your way over to the door, opening it quietly and then shouting “Hey im home early! Are you home?” You act, dramatically picking up and dropping your keys again and kicking your shoes. You hear a drawer shut and him say “I gotta go man she’s home thanks so much” before he comes out of the bedroom with a big grin on his lips “y/n/n! do you wanna go out to dinner tonight? There’s this new place I want us to try”
The way the breeze coming in through window ruffled his hair woke him up, it was just after two am and he must of forgot to close the window before you guys fell asleep. He got up to shut the window and he turned around, pausing for a second when he noticed you were looking at him. The moonlight framed his back and hit your face, your sleepy eyes taking in his shirtless frame as he walked back to bed. “You look like an angel” you whispered to him and he chuckles as he scooted under the covers, “you must still be dreaming if you think I’m the angel of this relationship” he mutters, trying to hide the way his heart skipped when you called him an angel.
Fatgum/ Taishiro
He comes home, his big suit in tatters and his body smaller, bruises already forming on his face and chest you can see from the torn fabric. “Oh babe I knew it was bad but I really wasn’t-“ you hold your hand to your lips to try and stop your tears as he walks over to you and wraps you in a hug and standing, carrying you with him to the bedroom “oh my angel don’t worry. I’m okay. All I need is a little bit of your home cooking and a lot of your kisses, then I’ll be right as rain” you shower with him, helping him out so he didnt have to use his sore limbs. Kissing him as much as he would want, showing him how much you love him. After you dress you make him multiple different foods, full meals so he could have as much as he wanted. He watched you cook from his spot at the kitchen table, his heart as full as his stomach will be later. The food you make for him always tastes the best, better than any food he could ever order, he feels your love through the act of service you give him every time you cook for him.
Present mic
The moment after a concert where you’re walking back to the car holding hands, smiles on your lips as your ears ringing from the level of music as you talk about your favorite songs that were performed. You start to shiver from the sweat on your body and he pulls you into a hug “I got something for you” he says quietly knowing your ears were already ringing as he kisses the top of your head “what is it?” You ask with a smile “close your eyes” he says and you lean up to kiss his lips softly before pulling back and keeping yo eyes closed. You feel something go over your head and you instinctively put your arms up through the sleeves knowing it was a hoodie “okay open your eyes” he says and you do, seeing him wearing a hoodie in front of you and looking down to see you had a matching one on “this is amazing Yama! I love you! Thank you!” You hug him tight and he laughs holding you close “anything for my girl”
Walking through the park in the morning, getting some coffee and people watching, hitting the farmers market on the way home he buys you some flowers while you’re distracted with the fruit. You buy an aloe plant in a pot painted with his face on it that looks like his hair for your office at the school and when you walk home you buy some donuts from the stand at the end, your arm in his as you have endless entertaining conversations.
You gave him an excuse of a mission so you could go to the sand village for a few days. There’s a small bookstore there who was going to be releasing a limited edition Icha Icha book with a twist ending and you wanted to make sure you could get one. You were the first one in line and you waited all night long to be the first one in when it opened that day. You got the book and then swung by where you heard Jiraiya was, some bar by a hot spring between the sand and the leaf. “What are you doing here?” He says through a confident slur as you sit down next to him. you pull out the book and a pen and grin at him but when he doesn’t show any emotion you sigh, pulling out your wallet and handing it to him before he nods and takes the pen “I always have time for my fans”
When you get back to the apartment it’s after 2am the day of his birthday. You take the stairs two at a time, ditching your pack by the door as you enter silently. You hold the book in your hands, neatly wrapped in paper as you kick off your shoes and make your way to the bedroom. He’s sleeping peacefully in bed and you can’t wait to ruin it. You climb up in the bed and sit cross legged next to him, a smile on your lips and the book in your lap as you softly run your fingertips across his cheeks and his forehead and then down his nose before his eyes flutter open. “Hi” you whisper and he smiles as he stretches his arms out “welcome home baby. How was the mission?” He sits up and you look down at the book in your lap “the mission was successful” you say with a chuckle before looking back up into his eyes “what do you got there?” He asks and you hide it behind your back “oh nothing at all I don’t know what you’re ta-“ he talked you to the bed and stars to tickle your sides “taLKING ABOUT!” You start to giggle as his fingers hit all your ticklish spots “Kashi stop!” You beg through laughs and tears before he captures your lips with his and you relax into him, not noticing when his hand slides under your back and pulls the book from your grasp. He knows exactly what it is the moment he’s touched it. “You didn’t” he says as he pulls back and you just grin “open it” you say and he does, gently pulling the paper from the book. He holds it like he’s holding somethjng extra precious “there wasn’t a mission” he states as he looks down at the book in his hands, flipping through the new pages. “The only mission was making you happy” you whisper and he looks up into your eyes, his looking a little misty, “I love you so much, thank you” he says quietly, afraid his voice will crack. “I love you Kakashi. Happy Birthday”
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archive-archives · 4 years
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SIX BY SONDHEIM (2013) Run Time             86:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 5.1 - English Aspect Ratio       1.78:1; 16 X 9 Widescreen Product Color    COLOR Disc Configuration           BD 25
From award-winning director and frequent Sondheim collaborator James Lapine, Six by Sondheim is an intimate and candid look at the life and art of legendary composer-lyricist Stephen Sondheim, who redefined musical theater through such works as Company, Sweeney Todd and Sunday in the Park with George. Told primarily in Sondheim’s own words from dozens of interviews spanning decades, the film is a highly personal profile of a great American artist as revealed through the creation and performance of six of his songs. It features rarely seen archival performance footage and original staged productions – created exclusively for this film – with stars including Audra McDonald, Darren Criss, America Ferrera and more.
HARLEY QUINN: THE COMPLETE FIRST AND SECOND SEASONS (2019,2020) Run Time             594:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 5.1 - English Aspect Ratio       1.78:1, 16 X 9 Widescreen Disc Configuration           2 BD 50
Harley Quinn (Kaley Cuoco) has finally broken things off once and for all with the Joker (Alan Tudyk) and attempts to make it on her own as the criminal Queenpin of Gotham City in this half-hour adult animated action-comedy series. With the help of Poison Ivy (Lake Bell) and a ragtag crew of DC castoffs, Harley tries to earn a seat at the biggest table in villainy: the Legion of Doom. Don’t worry – she’s got this. Or does she? In Season 2, Harley has defeated the Joker, and Gotham City is hers for the taking…what’s left of it, that is. Her celebration in the newly created chaos is cut short when Penguin, Bane, Mr. Freeze, The Riddler and Two-Face join forces to restore order in the criminal underworld. Calling themselves the Injustice League, they’re intent on keeping Harley and her crew from taking control as the top villains in Gotham.
NEW 2021 1080p HD master! PUMP UP THE VOLUME (1990) Run Time             102:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 5.1 - English Aspect Ratio       1.85:1, 16 X 9 Letterbox Product Color    COLOR Disc Configuration           BD 50 Includes Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)
By day, Mark Hunter (Christian Slater) is a painfully shy new kid in a small Arizona town. But by night, he’s Hard Harry, the cynical, uncensored DJ of a pirate radio station. Idolized by his high school classmates (who are unaware of his real identity), Harry becomes a hero with his fiercely funny monologues on sex, love, and rock and roll. But when he exposes the corrupt school principal, she calls in the FCC to shut Harry down. An outrageous rebel with a cause, Slater gives a brilliant performance as the reluctant hero who inspires his classmates to find their own voices of rebellion and individuality. A movie with a message, Pump Up the Volume is a raw and witty celebration of free speech that will make you laugh, make you cheer and make you think.
NEW 2020 1080p HD master! A TALE OF TWO CITIES (1935) Run Time             126:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English, MONO - English Aspect Ratio       1.37:1 Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: Audioscopiks (MGM short); 2 Classic Cartoons 'Hey, Hey Fever' and 'Honeyland'; Radio adaptation with Ronald Colman; Trailer
“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…” Charles Dickens’ tale of love and tumult during the French Revolution comes to the screen in a sumptuous film version by the producer famed for nurturing sprawling literary works: David O. Selznick (David Copperfield, Anna Karenina, Gone with the Wind). Ronald Colman (The Prisoner of Zenda) stars as Sydney Carton – sardonic, dissolute, a wastrel…and destined to redeem himself in an act of courageous sacrifice. “It's a far, far better thing I do than I have ever done,” Carton muses at that defining moment. This is far, far better filmmaking too: a Golden Era marvel of uncanny performances top to bottom, eye-filling crowd scenes (the storming of the Bastille, thronged courtrooms, an eerie festival of public execution) and lasting emotional power. Revolution is in the air!
NEW 2021 1080p HD master! BABY DOLL (1956) Run Time             114:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English, MONO - English Aspect Ratio       1.85:1, 16 X 9 Letterbox Product Color    BLACK & WHITE Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: "Baby Doll: See No Evil" vintage featurette; Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)
Times are tough for cotton miller Archie (Karl Malden), but at least he has his child bride (Carroll Baker), who’ll soon be his wife in title and truth. The one-year agreement keeping them under the same roof – yet never in the same bed – is about to end. But a game with a sly business rival (Eli Wallach) is about to begin. In Baby Doll, as in A Streetcar Named Desire, director Elia Kazan and writer Tennessee Williams broke new ground in depicting sexual situations – earning condemnation from the then-powerful Legion of Decency. They earned laurels too: four Academy Award® nominations, Golden Globe® Awards for Baker and Kazan, and a British Academy Award for Wallach. Watch this funny, steamy classic that, as Leonard Maltin’s Movie Guide proclaims, “still sizzles.”
NEW 2021 1080p HD master from nitrate preservation elements! SAN FRANCISCO (1936) Run Time             115:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English, MONO - English Aspect Ratio       1.37:1 Product Color    BLACK & WHITE Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: Alternate Ending Sequence; "Clark Gable: Tall, Dark and Handsome" featurette with Liam Neeson; two vintage FitzPatrick Traveltalks: 'Cavalcade of San Francisoco' & 'Night Descends on Treasure Island'; Classic Cartoon 'Bottles"; Theatrical re-issue trailer (HD)
Romantic drama combines with humor, starpower combines with lavish spectacle and the walls come tumbling down! This Academy Award-winning extravaganza’s street-splitting, brick-cascading, fire-raging recreation of the cataclysmic earthquake remains "one of the greatest action sequences in the history of the cinema, rivalling the chariot race in both Ben-Hurs" (Adrian Turner, Time Out Film Guide).
Clark Gable plays rakish Barbary Coast kingpin Blackie Norton. Jeanette MacDonald portrays a singer torn by her love for Blackie and her need to succeed among the operagoing elite. Earning the first of nine career Best Actor Oscar® nominations,* Spencer Tracy is a priest who supplements spiritual advice with a mean right hook. He urges Blackie to change. But if love and religion can't reform Blackie, Mother Nature will.
NEW 2021 1080p HD master from 4K Scan of original Technicolor negatives! SHOW BOAT (1951) Run Time             108:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 STEREO - English, DTS-HD Master Audio 2.0 Original Mono Theatrical track- - English Aspect Ratio       1.37:1 Product Color    COLOR Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: Commentary by Director George Sidney; Till the Clouds Roll By - Show Boat (1946) Sequence; "Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man" and "Bill" Ava Gardner Audio-only Outtakes; Lux Radio Theater Broadcast (2/11/1952); Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)
From novel (by Edna Ferber) to Broadway smash (by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein II) to three film versions (1929, 1936, 1951) to stage revivals. Like Ol’ Man River, Show Boat just keeps rollin’ along. Produced by Arthur Freed and directed by George Sidney, this 1951 version of the saga of riverboat lives and loves has glorious stars (Kathryn Grayson, Ava Gardner, Howard Keel, Marge and Gower Champion) in Technicolor® radiance, a made-from-scratch 170-foot paddle wheeler, timeless songs and an equally timeless outcry against racial bigotry. “This was music that would outlast Kern’s day and mine,” Ferber said in recalling her first reaction to hearing “Ol’ Man River.” She was right as rain.
NEW 2020 1080p HD master! MY DREAM IS YOURS (1949) Run Time             101:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        MONO - English, DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English Aspect Ratio       1.37:1 Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: Vintage Joe McDoakes Comedy Short "So You Want to be An Actor"; The Grass is Always Greener short subject; Classic Cartoon 'A Ham in a Role' ; Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)
Talent agent Doug Blake (Jack Carson) is giving 100% to earn his 10%. He walks away from his arrogant singing star (Lee Bowman) and scrambles to discover another who will shine even brighter. He finds effervescent songstress Martha Gibson. Doris Day plays Martha. Think she has a chance? During the shooting of Day’s first film (Romance on the High Seas), director Michael Curtiz was sure the sparkling newcomer had much more than a chance and set the wheels in motion for My Dream Is Yours. Curtiz dots his film with authentic Hollywood locales (including the fabled Schwab’s Pharmacy). And Bugs Bunny himself hops into a dream sequence. Welcome to the Dream Factory. Make it yours.
NEW 2020 1080p HD master from 4K scan of Original Technicolor Negatives! ON MOONLIGHT BAY (1951) Run Time             95:00 Subtitles               English SDH Audio Specs        MONO - English, DTS HD-Master Audio 2.0 - English Aspect Ratio       1.37:1 Disc Configuration           BD 50
Special Features: 'Let's Sing a Song About the Moonlight' vintage short; Classic Cartoon 'A Hound for Trouble'; Original Theatrical Trailer (HD)
Not since Judy met the boy next door in St. Louis has there been a heaping of tuneful, romantic Midwestern American life like this! Doris Day and Gordon MacRae team for spoonin’, croonin’ and swoonin’ On Moonlight Bay, based on Booth Tarkington’s Penrod stories. “Try not to walk like a first baseman,” Mama (Rosemary DeCamp) tells tomboy Marjorie (Day) as she prepares to date college man Bill (MacRae). The advice takes. The lovebirds hear wedding bells ahead, just as soon as Bill gets his sheepskin. But World War I rages “over there.” And Papa (Leon Ames) rages at home after a flap with his prospective son-in-law. Will harmony return to this Hoosier home? Surely Day and MacRae will make musical harmony. And On Moonlight Bay will have you sailing along.
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unholyplumpprincess · 4 years
If you’re still doing matchups I’d love one for Apex! I’m a bisexual / 5’2” any pronouns are okay. When I interact with people I love/care about I’m always playfully teasing them bc when things actually get more intimate & emotional I get super flustered I can’t handle being cute or lovey. I actually don’t talk much, but I love listening to peoples interests and passions but the things I like to do personally is lounging at the beach and cooking. When I work, I don’t stop until I get the job done- like i literally will not take a break unless I really need to (i’m working on that u_u). My love language is definitely physical touch & acts of service, I will do Anything For You!!!! NSFT - I have a vulva. I’m a bit bratty, really loud in bed, but I love praising my partner. I’m a pillow princess & I love being held down in place and Im willing to try most things at least once.
I match you wiiiiiiiith!
Ramya ‘Rampart’ Parekh!
Warnings: R18+/NSFT under the cut
Ramya is awkward as is, she has high anxiety despite her being the loudest in the room and stealing your attention with her impressive skills. She’s full of playfulness, sarcasm, teasing nature that brings you two close. But just like you, she also can’t handle lovey and cute. She shifts the conversation quickly with red cheeks or becomes awkward. So trying to get you two to realize you two actually Like each other was helped by an outside source of a certain trickster roommate of hers.
Her love language to you is gift giving, making you things that would aid with your interests or match your interests. UNFORTUNATELY you also both have the tendency to overwork yourselves- however, through mutual love, you both are able to catch each other. So when she realizes how late it is instead of going ‘eh I’ll just finish it up until I pass out’, she’ll go ‘Wait a damn minute where’s my baby’ and go in seek of you and reminding you to stop what you’re doing which in turn forces her to stop what she’s doing.
She’s much softer at night when she’s relaxed and not so wound up with work. She likes showering with you and sleeping with you the most. Resulting in her assertive attitude kicking into high gear where she’ll scoot back into you and tug your arms around her and ignore you’re embarrassed sound as she huffs, “C’mon, a bit of spoonin’ won’t kill ya. Who wouldn’t want to get in on this, ey?”
As far as the bedroom? Oh boy.
~Rest under the cut~
Good fucking luck trying to be a pillow princess. Oh you’ll be a pillow princess alright, but not in the form of you taking all that pleasure at all. Oh no, you’re running Ramya’s show now, and what she says goes (unless you safe word or signal of course). She’ll have you whining and begging for her to just touch you by the end of it.
You’ll get held down in place or tied up and have her thighs on either side of your head all the while she croons down to you about putting that bratty mouth to good use finally. Pulling your hair, directing your head, laughing when you need to come up for air and then adjusting to smother you again. She likes when you squirm and look up at her.
When you whine and beg for her to touch you, again, good luck. Make it pretty enough and she very well might- but she’ll edge you for hours to her own satisfaction first. Or overstimulate you with a croon of, “Oh? But I thought you wanted to cum? Ain’t this what you asked for?” While wringing out orgasm after orgasm.
If you ever praise her though, you got a few things you might get from her. A. She’ll blush and try to smother you with a pillow all whilst scoffing that flattery will get you nowhere. Or B. She’ll grin and gesture to her body, “Yeah of course I’m hot. Ya just grow a pair of eyes?” 
Most of the time though, she’ll tie you up with a strap on so she can use you for her own pleasure to remind you that you can’t just lie back and be a doll. She’ll make you work for it.
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killemwithkawaii · 5 years
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My first ever commission(!!!) for the wonderful @dixielovely of their OC Tubs and our boy Sally being soft af 💕
It was an absolute pleasure to work on this (and it gave me many hours of thinkin bout Sally-spoonin’, so bonus~). 
Thank you again for being the first to commission me! :D
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room-of-torture · 5 years
13.whats there favorite position for Raph please 😊😊😁
“Curious are we?” Raphael smirked. “Unlike my bros, well Mikey doesn’t mind these questions, but unlike Leo and Donnie-boy...I have no shame in answerin’ these type of questions at all.” “Over tha shoulder sex, 69, spoonin’ sex in tha mornin’, sometimes missionary, an’ I do have tha strength ta do standin’ sex as well. I can easily hold my partner up by their ass while I fuck them in the air...it’s a good workout for me.” The brute laughed with amusement before sitting himself down on a chair to make himself comfortable.
“And last but never least since they are my most favorite of sex positions...Downward dog an’ doggie style. I can never get enough with havin’ a good lookin’ ass bendin’ down for me ta play with. I am a ass-man afterall.”
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savinscripts · 6 years
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❝ You can handle just about anything that comes at you out on the road with a believable grin, common sense and whiskey. ❞
A few hours later, they finally pulled off the road in a smaller down into the space outside what looked like a rather dodgy building advertising rooms on a broken placard sign. Getting out the car Fane kicked out his legs to get some life back into them before he grabbed his pack and items “I’ll get us a room.” Paying cash and leaving a fake name, Fane came back a little while later with the key to the room.
Destination finally reached some hours later, he parked, hitting the brakes a bit harder than necessary. Faye snatched awake in the back. “Wassit?” she said as she sat bolt upright, rubbing her eyes. She’d slept the entire way.
Carrington’s smirk was hidden from her as he got out and stretched his long limbs as well. He gave Fane a nod, and moved to lean against the hood, yawning as Faye got out after having pulled her still damp socks and boots back on. She didn’t say anything, simply followed Fane up to the room on the second floor. It wasn’t much, but it was decently clean and had running water. Hot water. But only one bed. Faye huffed and tossed her pack in the middle of it. “Looks like you boys’re spoonin’ on the floor.” Moving the the bathroom, she gave it a once over (checking for critters and creepy crawlies) before turning the sink on and scrubbing her face with hot water and a washcloth. “What now?” she called back as she rubbed the worst of the grime off her neck. “Wait around to see if they come after us? Because I for one… don’t like that idea much.”
Carrington watched impassively as she tossed her things on the bed. He sat down, shoving the pack to the side before taking off his boots. “Now we get some rest,” he said. “Some food. Booze if there’s any to be had. Supplies. Weapons. Ammo. Intel. And regroup in the morning.”
Arriving up at the room, Fane looked at the double bed and had been about to say at least two of them could share before the woman seemed to take utter precedence in terms of dumping stuff over the mattress and claiming it entirely for herself. Put out but saying nothing on the topic, he walked over and dumped his stuff in the corner along with the rifle they’d pilfered from their friends back at the ruins. Opening the waterproof ties on the pack he yanked the strings open and dug an arm inside pulling out a couple of maps that he set aside, a water bottle, binoculars and several other bits and pieces until he got to a fresh set of rolled clothes, small toiletries bag and a small first aid kit. Glancing over at Winston where he was taking off his boots Fane tossed the latter so that it landed beside him “for your head,” and that was all that was said on the topic.
With that done, Fane sat on the floor to heave off his boots which he set aside, after that peeling his socks off and once he got back to his feet strip off his damp shirt dropping those in a pile to be dealt with in a bit. “I’m getting a shower then I’m getting booze,” he said, grabbing the clothes and the small wash bag and heading into the bathroom not particularly caring that Remy was in here. She’d gotten a sleep after all and right now his own need for a wash took higher precedence for his caring about whether she was in here when he started the shower or not. Granted, he’d rather not but he couldn’t give to fucks right now.
Faye leaned against the doorjamb of the bathroom, for once agreeing with Winston that all of those things needed to be done. Her need for food and booze overrode her need for the others though, since she had rested in the car. Washing herself off a bit more with the rag, she watched Fane unload his pack and toss the first aid kit to Winston.
The man caught in one hand, glance at it, then gave Fane a half-nod that apparently meant ‘thanks’ in broody British man language. He didn’t say anything else just then, merely rubbed a hand over his face as Fane declared he was taking a shower. Though he did cast a small glance in the other man’s direction as Fane peeled off his shirt. Faye didn’t bother to hide her own gaze, smirking a short laugh as he pushed by her into the bathroom.
“If you think a bare ass is gonna run me off, I’d think twice,” she said as he started the shower. “But… seein’ as how I’m a lady, I’ll let you have it. Booze and food calls.” She laid her washrag over the towel bar attached to the wall. “Anybody got preferences? Cause I don’t.” She dug through her pack until she found her waterproof pack that held her passport, some money, a mobile phone (burner) and a few other important things. “Be back in a bit. Don’t kill each other.” With that, she glanced out the window in a quick survey of the balcony and the small square below, and left.
“Strong and cheap,” Carrington said to her question. “And make it snappy.” She left him with a one-fingered salute over her shoulder, and he could only glare at the closed door. “Fuckin’ Yank,” he groused. Shoving her pack to the side, he put his feet up on the bed and pressed a coldpack to his head from the first aid kit. It throbbed like mad, and he was fairly certain he’d concussed himself. If only mildly. “Leave me some water if you don’t mind,” he said in Fane’s direction as he closed his eyes for a moment.
Downstairs, Faye ordered as much food and booze (local tequila and beer) as she could manage on her own, and in half an hour she was back in the room, arms laden with goods. “I hope you’re hungry boys.”
Presently, Fane didn’t care who was looking at him though he did notice the glance in his direction given by the other man not that he thought too much of it. In any other state of mind he would have commented, but for now it was passed off as nothing more than general assessment. All he did care about was getting some of the grime, mud and cobwebs that had tangled in his hair out. Which meant a solid scrub down not that he was selfish enough to hog it all for himself unlike some members of their rag-tag party.
Fane merely flipped her one as she commented about running her out not caring either way right now considering he felt dirty and exhausted. Not to mention his mind was on overdrive with the possible consequences of everything that had happened which would mean actually getting to sleep would likely be several times harder than any other night where it was difficult anyway. “What he said,” was all Fane said in echo to Carrington’s request for something cheap and strong and with that set about figuring out the shower. Hearing the door shut, followed by the other man’s request was met with a short “yeah ‘course,” before he set the water running until it was warm and shut the door.
The water was a godsend, that much Fane could say for certain grabbing the small bottle of shampoo he lathered up his hair scrubbing his hair down to his scalp before rinsing it out. Then came a decent scrub over with the shower-gel, until he no longer smelled like mouldy tomb, jungle and general stale sweat not a nice combination by all accounts. By the time the water ran clean Fane was feeling a fair bit better, switching off the shower and grabbing a towel to dry off with rolling a decent amount of deodorant under his arms before he pulled on his clothes. Gathering up his dirty clothes Fane exited his glasses held loosely by an arm before he dumped the rest of his stuff with his clothes from earlier. Pushing his fingers through his damp hair with a sigh Fane then propped his glasses on the bridge of his nose. Turning back to Winston, who didn’t seem to have moved much in the short time he’d been getting washed “might as well grab one while we wait,” he said of the shower considering it was now free. Glancing to his head Fane winced a little, “I’ll take a look at that if you want too?”
Whether or not he’d take the offer up, Fane didn’t know but it was there regardless.
By the time Remy arrived back Fane was perched on one of the slightly rickety seats checking his phone, passport and other bits and money. He still had a fair bit to hand, but he’d rather save it for emergencies. Putting them away in his bag, he got up “here, I’ll grab some of that for you” he said helping take some of the items off of her and set them down on the desk.
“I’m fine,” Winston said to the offer of help. He didn’t open his eyes just yet, so he didn’t see Fane’s change of clothes. But finally he got up and rummaged through the spare pack he had brought in from the Rover, and took his own shower. He stood under the hot water much as Fane had, though for the longest time he simply stood with his forehead pressed to his arm against the wall. His head ached, and he knew that drinking after a head injury wasn’t the best idea, but Carrington couldn’t give a shit right now. They were safe for the next couple of days. So getting piss drunk and sleeping things off sounded like a grand idea.
He finished up, toweled off and pulled on a fresh pair of jeans. He didn’t bother with a shirt - it was bloody hot - as he raked his fingers back through his hair and hung up the towel. He heard her voice as he opened the bathroom door, and the only saving grace was that she was laden with food and alcohol. “Looks like we’ve found a use for you after all, Annie O.” But he did take some of the bags and set them aside. He plundered them quickly, taking up two beers and a plate of something with rice and what looked like chicken. Plunking down on the bed, he downed one of the beers in one go,and then turned to his food.
“It’s Remy, smartass. And I have several uses. If you’re lucky, maybe you won’t have to find out what some of them are.” She took her own food and drink up and sat in one of the chairs, not wanting to sit next to Carrington. Though her eyes gave him a once over before moving back to Fane. “We can get our other supplies about a mile from here. Man named Charlie. Loves Americans. Hates you Brits.” She glanced at Cari again. “So keep your mouth shut or fake an accent, hm?”
Faye took a bite of her food. “No choppers have been supplied or seen anywhere nearby. No one knows anything about any incident that might have gone on in the jungle.” Faye was good at gathering information. She’d done what she could downstairs, and ended up with more than she anticipated.
“Let me at least check if it needs stitches once you’re out” was all Fane said of the gash on the man’s head. But if he didn’t want help then there wasn’t much else to be done for him, Fane recognised him for what he was. A soldier, he’d hung around the kind of men on that career track for a while during his studies and education. He found himself interested in the way they lived their lives with such concrete precision, of course, it was necessary when living in a world where anything could go wrong in a heartbeat. Where instinct was survival. But this man, he moved with a different sort of precision. Predatory almost, and Fane in his question observation of him found himself admittedly intrigued.
Not to mention, when he came out without a shirt Fane’s suspicions were confirmed by the sight of several scars across his trim and toned torso. Still slightly damp from the shower, and Fane’s mind naturally wandered off a tangent street as he arched a brow before turning his attention quickly to the food. No point making it weird, even if a part of him wanted to spend more time looking at Winston.
Similarly, the bags Fane helped her with were emptied out onto the table and he took a couple of polystyrene containers worth of food, beers and tequila back to his perch by the window. “Know what sort of stuff he stocks?” Fane looked over at Remy as she relayed the bits she’d found out.
The fact no choppers had been spotted nearby was a good thing, and Fane pulled open the lid of his food tucking in and quickly coming to realise as he ate how god-awfully famished he was after everything that had happened. He didn’t stop to talk right now, instead, focussing on shovelling the food into his mouth in such a fashion that it sated some of the grumbling of his stomach only really pausing to wash it down with a swig of beer. “That’s one thing at least,” he said of the information she’d gathered up “but I’d still feel a sight better off further away from there. Whoever those fuckers were had money and resources.” He looked over at Carrington, “so what do you know about them? You’re clearly-- military or something of the sort right? You have any idea who they were?”
Carrington simply shut the door without answering Fane about the stitches. It might need one or two he knew. And he could stitch himself well enough. Though having someone else do it would be a nice change he supposed. Unless they were a shit hand and ended up doing more harm than good. He inspected the gash in the mirror as the shower grew hot, wiping off the blood and seeing that it was fairly deep. Butterfly strips weren’t going to do it this time. But there was nothing for it. He stepped under the stream of water, and got about the rest of the day.
If he noticed either of the other’s perusal of his person, the way his scars stood out against his skin, flushed pink from the shower, he didn’t show it. Sitting down, he moved to eat with the practiced quickness of someone not used to having much time for meals. He was done before Fane, packing away the food with astonishing speed before closing the container and tossing it in the trash. The second beer he nursed slowly, pressing a piece of gauze to the oozing wound in his forehead.
Faye watched him, noting the tightness of his eyes despite the relaxed way he sat on the bed. The way he avoided looking directly at the bright overhead lights. His head was hurting him, but he’d yet to speak up. Without a word, Faye reached over beside her and flicked off the main light. The lamps and the outside light were enough to see by.
For his part, Carrington just looked at her for a moment before giving a small sigh and checking the blood on the bandage.
Faye turned back to answering Fane’s question. “Ammunition, grenades, RPGs, rifles - both semi and full auto - handguns, shotguns, anti-tank weapons, .50 caliber machine guns and Humvee mounted units; vehicles, boats, med supplies… name it, the locals say he has it. How true that is… well, we’ll have to see won’t we?” She went back to eating, glacing at Carrington as Fane asked him to weigh in. Faye agreed that they should get further away if possible. Out of the country if they could.
“Yes. I am. Or I was. Once upon a time. And I know as much about who they are as either of you. Monarch is the name they gave me,” he confirmed. “I’ve heard it around. Big umbrella corporation apparently. Clean as a whistle when it comes to covering their tracks. And by tracks I mean their body count. Their double-dealings. The theft of things worth more to them than all three of our lives. They have money. They have resources. They have a hand in every organization that can help them get what they want.” He opened his eyes and glanced at them. “And they’re very, very dangerous.”
Faye frowned. Because of course they were dangerous. “Then what do we do? Is there anywhere we can go? Off the map? Off the grid?”
“Well, it’s something at least but I’m not sure how much use it’ll do us unless we have an idea what we’re going to do…” Fane was soon to finish after Carrington, trashing his food container before going to the bathroom to wash his hands with soap. Once that was done, he returned over to the ditched first aid kit grabbing a pair of gloves, a suturing needle and a pair of forceps. Without asking he moved over to where Cari was sat and used a hand to tip his head back so that he have a view of the slowly oozing wound from his head which he dabbed with some of the gauze. Sterilising a piece with some of the tequila they had to hand and muttering an apology as he sterilised the wound the act making Cari wince visibly. Once it was done, he broke open the sterile packet containing the needle and made relatively short work of stitching the skin over the injury closed pausing to inspect his work once he tied off the final stitch. Even and rather neat he made a quiet noise of approval at the work before releasing where he’d been holding the man’s head and snapping off the gloves trashing those too.
With the lights off, Fane rubbed his eyes fatigue washing over him from the day as he took a swig of the tequila he’d nabbed wincing at the burn down his throat and coughing a little. Certainly strong, definitely cheap but it did the job.
The confirmation to his observation caused Fane to nod, a small acknowledgement to the fact. Though as he spoke of this Monarch corporation Fane was left to take another sip of his (freshly claimed) bottle, “well fuck, how are we supposed to deal with something like that?” He had his own contacts, a network of underground contractors so to speak that spanned around the globe but he didn’t know how they stood a chance against something as large as what Cari described. Money was power and while he had a decent fund of his own, Fane wasn’t sure he was willing to waste it on some futile war he didn’t even know they could win. “We need time to figure out what that manuscript is, and why they want it.” Though as Faye mentioned having somewhere to go…
Fane had a thought and took another swig.
“I might know a place and I might know a way of getting us there but we might need alternate identities so that we don’t raise any flags...” Because who knew how far monarch’s reach went. Fane didn’t really wish to find out.
“We can at least get me another gun, seein’ as how somebody lost mine.” She tipped a brow at Carrington. “Maybe the guy has information too. Best way to get out of town and all.” Faye wasn’t used to dealing with logistics that involved others. Just herself. So if one of them had a better idea, she was all for it.
Cari had closed his eyes again, and didn’t comment on what Faye said. He looked a bit pale, but it could just be the cheap lights. Faye frowned, not liking the man, but not wanting to see him hurt needlessly either. They were all running from the same enemy after all.
When the bed shifted, Carrington opened his eyes, glancing to the supplies Fane had brought over. He didn’t say a word, other than the hiss and wince as the gash was cleaned. But he did watch Fane (Locke, he called him) intently as the man stitched him up. The last time anyone had laid a hand on him that wasn’t- Carrington blinked, shoving those thoughts away. This was a means to an end. That’s all. He closed his eyes, cutting off his observations and letting Fane work. When he was done, Cari gave a nod of thanks, and started in on his beer again. He was a bit clammy, but it eased after a bit. “The truth?” He said to Fane’s question. “I have no idea.”
Faye closed her box of food, having eaten her fill. “Agreed. Find someplace safe. Figure out what the hell is so important about this thing, and go from there.” She glanced at Carrington. “Agreed?”
The man was staring off a bit, but focused again when addressed. “Agreed.” He turned his head towards Fane. “Some hovel in the middle of an abandoned moor I hope?”
“It’s worth a try,” Fane agreed from where he was perched, one knee on the bed stitching Carrington’s head back together. “How’s your arm?” he asked though he moved to check the bullet graze anyway, superficial thankfully and didn’t need anything doing for it. Still, he shrugged a bit in response “least we can do is get somewhere safe and figure out what our next steps are. They’re after all of us so we’re best off staying together for the time being.”
It was a sound enough plan he supposed, though how they would get to the UK was another issue entirely. Stepping back he looked at the other man who looked a bit pale and clammy, all things considered but they could worry about that in their own time. Still, Carrington’s remark about it being a hovel caused him to laugh a little, though it was quiet “guess you could say that, but it’ll do. It’s not in my name so it won’t be traced back to us,” glancing at his head however he added “you should get some rest, it looks like a pretty nasty knock you took. Sleep’ll help.”
Carrington merely fixed Fane with a long pin-point look, not that Fane remarked on it. But Fane remained stubbornly watching him until he relented with a sigh “fine.”
“Good,” glancing over at the woman Fane took a moment clearly debating asking something “can you go halves on the bed? He needs a decent sleep after that drive and injury.” If she said no then so be it, but it didn’t hurt to ask.
Carrington merely grunted, “it’s fine,” draining the beer and tossing the bottle he shifted to the floor where he yanked his pack over and pulled it under his head turning towards the bed so he didn’t have to look at the others.
Fane, for his part merely looked at the man but relented with a sigh “fine, whatever.” With that, he sought out a spot just under the window and sat down on the hard floor, pulling off his glasses and sinking back with the bottle and taking a healthy swig. He wasn’t sure if he’d sleep but it would help, he hoped at least.
Faye nodded, though she was slightly nervous about trusting someone she barely knew to have her back. Especially against someone like the people who’d already tried to murder them. But so far everything had felt alright. Neither of them seemed to have any interest in anything but getting away and finding out what exactly what the scrolls were. She watched Fane stitch up Carrington, wincing as he stuck the lancet through the edge of the split skin. But Carrington never flinched other than the once. Which was tougher than Faye would’ve been.
Faye closed her own container of food. “Yeah. Long as nobody gets handsy in their sleep.” It was mostly a joke, though Carrington didn’t seem to take it that way as he slid his things over into the floor. “Suit yourself. You can bunk in if you want,” she said to Fane. “Since he’s bein’ all stoic.”
Though Fane moved off as well. “What am I? A leper? More for me then.” Seeing as how both men had forgone the offer of sharing, Faye shrugged. “I’m gonna take a shower then.” She got her own toiletries and closed the bathroom door. It smelled like warm soap and the clean smell of the two men who’d showered before her. Faye tried to ignore it, turning on the shower after sorting her things. She pulled her hair down from the messy bun it’d been in. It fell nearly to her waist as she wet and lathered the whole mess. It was going to be so wavy in this heat, she knew, once it dried. She rinsed and then slathered it with conditioner before letting it sit and turning to scrub the grit and grime off. She did a quick once over with a disposable razor before rinsing again and getting out.
She brushed her teeth, combed out her hair and towel dried it, leaving it loose to dry the rest of the way. A tank top and a pair of cargo pants followed, and Faye left the bathroom. She plopped down on the bed, taking a deep swallow of her own small bottle of liquor before lying back. Her arm fell over her eyes, and she lay there for a bit, breathing quietly and sipping on the bottle every now and then.
“Where’s this place, Locke?” she asked eventually. After the alcohol had eased her a bit.
While the bed seemed a tempting offer, Fane was well aware of his inclination to move about in his sleep and he didn’t particularly wish to end up in some awkward or weird position in the morning if that happened. Better not to take the chance explaining why he settled down with his bag a little distance away from Carrington also.
While Faye was in the shower, Fane folded his arms back under his head shifting and kicking his feet out a little to try and find some semblance of a comfortable position. Admittedly, not the easiest of tasks when sleeping on a hardwood floor and for a moment he reconsidered not taking Faye up on her offer. But the potential awkwardness soon shut down that train of thought, they would be fine and so he focussed instead on taking another long swig of the drink letting the bottle settle down beside him and eyes drift shut. Perhaps he’d be able to sleep, and not worry about the manuscript. A nice dream but unlikely and even he knew that.
The room was dark and humid, idly, Fane thought about opening a window but also wondered how safe it would be considering what they were now in possession of. Though he was pulled from his idle musings by Faye’s question. Tipping his head to peer up at the mattress he thought of his home for a moment, “in the Highlands. Scotland, it’s-- probably going to take a while to get there but… If we make it we’ll be safe there.”
“I’ve been to Scotland. I like it there.” Faye made the comment idly, toying with the lip of her bottle. She stared at the ceiling, feeling a bit of an odd feeling settle in her chest. “I like the mountains.” The words were said softly. As if she wasn’t supposed to let anyone in on her secret. “Are there mountains at your place?”
Carrington rustled a bit on the floor. “Scotland’s bloody cold in the winter,” he mumbled.
“Better than this fucking heat,” Faye said. “I like snow too. We don’t get it back home.”
“Aren’t you just a regular Hallmark movie of the week. Go to sleep would you?” Carrington shifted again and fell quiet.
“‘Go to sleep would you,’” Faye huffed childishly - fueled by the relaxation of alcohol - in a terrible approximation of Carrington’s accent. “You know the bed is more comfy, right?”
No response.
She sat up. “The botha y’all are makin me feel bad, ya know?” Snagging a pillow, she threw one at Fane. “Here. Take that at least. Since he doesn’t want it,” she said of Carrington.
“Yeah it’s near the mountains, it’s by a Loch too,” he explained, voice quiet in the darkness as though he didn’t wish to disrupt it. Carrington’s mumble made him snort a little, though it was small and didn’t amount to much considering Faye responded for him. “We get snow sometimes, not so much these days-- global warming.” Though Carrington’s griping caused Fane to simply roll his eyes and fall quiet himself though Faye’s attempt at mimicking his accent earned another snort.
“I’d take you up on the offer but, well, I can’t guarantee you won’t end up being hugged by the time we get to morning,” Fane said assuming Carrington must’ve fallen asleep. Either that or was stoically ignoring them. Whatever suited him.
So, Fane took the pillow that was tossed over “cheers,” he said of the act propping it over his bag and shifting to settle down. “See you in the morning.
And so it went, after stopping in to see Charlie who had managed to rig them up with papers and various items of their specific requirement. Not to mention a way to get them out of the country and where they needed to go. Unfortunately, he couldn’t do it from here and it was up to them to get to their destination if they wanted the secure transport link. Explaining how, after several days of travel the trio had ended up in what must have been the seventh dive of a motel for the night before they set off once more on the morrow. Fane had gotten to know Faye a little better, and even started to get Carrington to talk a little more here and there.
Granted, he only talked more when he was plied with booze, but Fane counted it as a win.
Tonight, Carrington and Faye had gone down to the bar for drinks and a general gathering of intel. They’d eaten on route. Fane, as was occasionally the case hung back in the room sat against the frame of the bed scanning the works of Leo Tolstoy in their native Russian dialect. The manuscript always safely kept with one of the three in the group and never at any moment left unattended.
Faye had indeed gone down to the bar. She’d drug Carrington with her, and he’d gone with a sigh, thinking at least he could get good and drunk while Faye did what she did. They’d all gotten to know each other a little bit better, enough for Faye to realize that Carrington was quiet and reserved, but always watching. Observant to a nauseating degree. He never spoke without knowing exactly what he wanted to say. Never stuttered or fumbled his words. When a decision had been reached, a decision had been reached. Fane was a bit more open. He could talk your ear off if he got in the right mood about the right subject. He seemed to rethink things often before he spoke. He would sometimes start and stop. But he was funny, Faye had come to notice. In a strange sort of way. He blushed sometimes. And well… Fane was a bit of a nerd. Always reading something. Scribbling in those notebooks of his. Making sketches. Mumbling to himself.
Carrington read as well. Faye wasn’t sure what. He had a little book in his things that he took out every so often, but the cover was blank. She’d yet to ask him what it was. Faye took pictures. Every so often when the mood struck. Never of the manuscript though. Not while her camera might be lost if they had to move out quickly .
But right now she was stumbling back up the stairs after having gotten what she needed faster than expected. It was amazing what a flash of cleavage could accomplish. She didn’t bother knocking, merely went into the room and dropped her key on the table by the door. “If you’re havin’ a wank, finish it up… I’m back…” she called out, having no idea where Fane might be. “Absolutely trounced… is that a word? Trounced? Smashed? I can never… remember,” she giggled to herself. “I smashed him at pool. Again. Bastard owes me a hundred bucks. Tight ass…”
She wobbled her way towards the bedroom, leaning against the frame and squinting in the dim light as she saw Fane on the bed. “Whatcha doin?”
It seemed that each of them had their own respective nuances, where Carrington was reserved Faye could be loud and brash, while Fane sat a happy medium between the two content to both jump off the bat or take the necessary time and precaution required to execute a plan of action. By some sort of weird miracle, it worked. Not to say Faye couldn’t grow a little irksome in her occasional running commentary and the dry cutting witticisms of Carrington sometimes just set everyone’s mood in a negative direction. But-- ultimately, they managed and Fane would have been lying to say he wasn’t curious about them both. About who they were beyond all this mess they’d landed themselves in. Fane’s mind was that of an intellectual, never entirely satisfied with one simple answer. Everything was met with a resounding but why, it was simply how his mind functioned and how he had been so successful in this business as it stood. He never settled for the basic details, always wanting more, striving for it even.
Why should he settle for anything less than absolutely everything he sought?
The clank of the door swinging open caused Fane’s finger to still against the tablet which along with the lamp illuminated the bedroom and for a moment his heart picked up a few paces. Concern about the safety of the manuscript popping to mind. That is, until Faye’s familiar voice called out and earned a resounding roll of his eyes. “And there was me thinking you’d come to offer lending a hand,” despite the fact she couldn’t see him Fane was grinning, unlike hers his words were crisp and defined a state of the fact he hadn’t been imbibing this evening. When she appeared in the room, Fane looked up over at her above the rim of his rectangular glasses giving her a small smile “reading.”
“Two hand job, hm?” she snorted. “Mr. Locke, you’re gonna make me blush.” Which was an absolute lie, of course. Faye didn’t blush. If she wanted something - or someone - she was up front about it. If they turned her down, well it wouldn’t be the first time. Certainly wouldn’t be the last.
She grinned at him from her place in the doorway. Her hair was a riotous, wavy mess, and her tanktop stuck to her sweaty skin, not leaving much to the imagination. Not that she thought Fane was looking. She didn’t think he ever looked at her. He looked at Carrington. She saw that much. And Carrington glanced at Fane from time to time. Faye certainly looked at them, much like she was looking at Fane now. They were nice to look at, so why wouldn’t she? Cari had a piss poor attitude sometimes, it was true. Fane was… too clean cut sometimes. Never going down to play darts or pool. Drinking, yes, thank god, but never just… letting go.
Faye was curious about him and Carrington though. Wondered who they had been before all this. Before they found themselves as thieves and soldiers for hire. Pushing off the doorjamb, she made her way over and in no subtle way climbed right into the bed beside him. Peering at what he was reading, she squinted hard at it, trying to decipher the language. Once she realized what it was, not that she could read a single word of it - but she knew the author’s name well enough, as well as recognizing the symbols of the language itself - she gave him a playful shove. “Jesus Christ, Locke…” she giggled. “You are by far… the biggest nerd I’ve ever met in my whole… fuckin’ life.” A hand gripped his shoulder, and she leaned in again, hair in his face as she peered once more at the book.
“I mean, who the actual fuck read War and Peace in Russian? People don’t read War and Peace in English…” She gave his shoulder another pat, suddenly very interested in the way the material felt beneath her fingers. “God, you’re tight…” she commented, exploring the muscles of his shoulder and back with searching fingers. “You need a rub… come on… put that book away and roll over…” Faye scooted back, patting the mattress with both hands like she was calling a dog. “Come on… lay down an’ let me rub one out for you…”
“Well sometimes it’s nice to have a helping hand, what can I say?” his head lolled back to peer over at her his smile lazy. If she hadn’t noticed the fact that he had certainly been looking over their last few weeks together, it was probably because Fane was subtle about it. Moments when she was occupied in other things that kept her attention and left him a chance to watch and study her, just as he did with Carrington in the moments he too was occupied. It was choice moments, but Fane didn’t like to make his interest in the others too overt. Though when moments like these presented themselves, Fane found his mouth grew a little dry as his eyes drifted over the hug of the material to her body outlining it near perfectly but then he reminded himself of the fact that this was a temporary state of affairs… Not that it changed the interest he had in her. In them both. As for his reasoning, Fane did do those things but he also didn’t particularly feel comfortable leaving the manuscript alone and when he did Fane brought his bag along for safe keeping and never beyond a couple of feet from his person at all times.
Paranoia perhaps, or just general caution.
He swallowed without thinking as she clambered up the bed, wondering what she was about to do when she turned her attention from him and to the screen of his tablet and he let out a sigh perhaps of relief or perhaps resignation at the loss of those bright eyes staring at him. He was often so busy that attention on his behalf rarely fell his way these days, or when it did Fane didn’t usually notice until the opportunity had been and gone. Still, the shove he received and her exclamation had him growing a little red not to mention the proximity of her now that she was in his face and he could smell the lingering fragrance of her shampoo not to mention the booze and smoke from the bar downstairs and he couldn’t help the shallow inhale he took feeling a little dizzy. “Yeah,” he said quietly “I know, sue me.”
The pressure of her hand on his shoulder caused him to glance at her curiously, and idly he wondered if she could hear what was coming out of her mouth because it was-- well, it sent his mind straight into the gutter. “Is that you offering to help me out?” he asked with a quiet laugh rather enjoying the feel of her hands even if it was over clothing. But as fast as they were there they were gone just as quickly, leaving him looking at her as she patted the bed. “Rub one out for me hm?” Fane couldn’t help the glimmer of mischief in his eyes, “alright then,” after a moment Fane shifted, kneeling up and crossing his arms to pull off his shirt promptly flopping over onto his stomach beside her. “So, tell me. Is this just an excuse for you to get your hands all over me, hm love?”
“Gets borin’ all alone with just a book?” she grinned. Faye was honestly just picking on him. She’d read her share of huge, boring novels. If only to say she’d done it and knew the story. But once through Tolstoy’s doorstopper was enough. It had gotten shelved, once upon a time, back home. A place Faye hadn’t been for quite awhile. But any morose thoughts the memory might had dragged up didn’t find purchase as Faye climbed into the bed next to Fane. She managed to get her boots off beforehand, and found no issue with plopping down in his personal space.
The thing was, Faye didn’t notice when other people watched her. Or well, more specifically, when other people looked at her with interest. Interest that wasn’t completely upfront and in her face. When Faye wanted something - most of the time - she went after it. And that’s how she was used to being approached. No one was ever interested in her. They were only ever interested in what she could do for them. What they could gain from her. Or if a quick half an hour of a decent shag would give them some form of status in her eyes. Make her grateful they’d paid enough attention to her and found her attractive enough to want to fuck. And Faye let them think that. It was amazing what a man would let slip in a state of post-coital bliss. Faye had stolen many an item and gained a ton juicy bit of intel from a satisfied/sleeping mark. Though a bit of rohypnol in their beer never hurt either. Afterwards of course. She wasn’t that horrible a person.
So she never thought about Fane and Carrington looking at her as anything other than the third member of their ragtag group. A means to an end. A way to stay alive. Perhaps that would change, or perhaps not. Only time would tell.
Right now, Faye was focused on helping Fane loosen some of the tension in his back and shoulders. If she noticed his blush - she did - she didn’t comment on it. She merely grinned lazily at him, eyes watching him as intently as one could after twelve shots of tequila. “Maybe. Come on over and find out.” She pat the bed again before rising up on her knees. Her eyes watched as he slipped his shirt off, arms stretching out over his head and exposing his long, trim torso… soft skin and hipbones… Faye made no effort to cover the fact that she was admiring him openly.
Jesus woman, it’s not like that with him… Her inner voice fussed at her, but Faye shoved a sock in that bitch’s mouth and followed it up with some duct tape.
Her brain took a nose dive right to the gutter as Fane did what she asked. She straddled his waist, her shorter frame meaning she was sitting in the dip of his back. “Maybe,” she said again, laying the flat of her palms over his shoulder blades. Her hands gave him a cursory once over, getting used to the feel of him, the way his muscles bunched and shifted beneath her, and where the biggest areas of tension were.
Satisfied after a few minutes, Faye started a slow, even pressure at the base of Fane’s neck. The pads of her thumbs worked into the tight muscles, moving down and out over the broad span of his shoulders. “How do you even function?” she asked. “You’re practically a virgin back here.”
Unlike Faye, he didn’t particularly consider the novels boring enjoying to take the time needed to think about the themes and discourse provoked by the text either about the era it was written in or the world as a whole. Or, simply mull over how what had been written in the past was still applicable to certain situations now. As for how they viewed her, perhaps Carrington was more inclined to appear to view her as only a means to an end, but over the last few weeks of living along with the others Fane had been growing to consider them more friends-- if that was an applicable term in their occupation.
“Find anything interestin’ out down in the bar?” he asked while in the process of divesting himself of his clothes, considering she couldn’t very well get to his back with them on could she? And in all honesty, he’d been feeling more stiff than usual especially in his neck. He felt her eyes on him, and when his shirt was off and tossed to one side he took a moment unsure quite how to react to the rove of her gaze that admittedly left him feeling rather warm even with having just taken off a layer. “Like what you see, huh?” his eyes crinkled a little as he puffed out a small slightly shaky laugh that caused his stomach to flex before he plopped down infront of her the mattress bouncing with the act.
When she straddled his back and her weight settled down on him Fane turned his eyes into an arm trying to ignore how his mind had sunk into the gutter right now. “That’s not a denial,” he teased, eyes closing under the stroke over her hands. Though as the pressure increased in his neck Fane couldn’t help the low groan of relief he felt as the pressure started to hit several of the knots in the muscles across his shoulders. “Fuck me-- ow” he couldn’t help the occasional hiss of pain as she hit a particularly tender spot but not enough to shut him up “guess-- that makes you my first huh? You should feel-- aah-- honoured.”
Faye merely smirked as Fane asked his question, though her eyes didn’t leave her perusal of his body. The flex of his stomach had her wetting her lips, but he was on his stomach then, and Faye had an excellent view of his back.
“Never said it was,” Faye agreed as she started to work. He was warm, skin slightly moist from the heat. It made it easier to rub him down, the glisten of sweat not a bother for Faye. If anything, she liked it. Fane smelled good even when he sweat. Carrington too, though she hadn’t gotten this close to the other man just yet. He was still downstairs, licking his wounds after she’d beat him again at pool.
Faye settled into a rhythm, even closing her eyes a bit, blocking out everything but the heat of him beneath her and the smooth slide of skin beneath her hands. Her own mind was still dredging through the trenches, especially with Fane making the sounds that he was. They rumbled through him, and Faye felt it acutely. She didn’t apologize for the times he muttered his discomfort. Of course it was going to hurt at first.
“Is that an invitation?” She opened her eyes and slowed her movement just so. Her fingertips curled just so, and her nails scratched lightly down the line of his back. Not enough to leave a mark of any kind, but just a contrast to the soft pads of her fingers. “And I do.” She returned to her practiced movements, finding a particularly tight spot just to the left of his spine, about halfway down his back. “Though I had to earn this cherry, hm?”
She leaned up, starting back at his shoulders once she’d worked out the knot in his back. Her hair trailed down over her own shoulders, brushing against him as she bent close.
“So it’s a statement of fact that you do hm? Interesting…” Fane would never really be accustomed to the heat of this country. He wasn’t built for it, European summers were warm but the humidity here was ridiculous in his opinion. Fane did his best to stay cool, showers helped but there was no helping the spots of skin where his shirt clung like it did down his spine or in the small of his back. Though usually when he was doing something more arduous and physically tasking. Even now he felt warm and he was acutely aware of both the movement of Faye’s hands and her body against his back.
As for the noises presently leaving his mouth he couldn’t very well help those either. It felt good, sore and tight explaining the grunts of discomfort but for the most part-- really, really good. “You should do this more often,” Fane mumbled after another satisfactory noise his breathing causing his body to rise and fall a little under her as he settled into the rhythm she set up. Had it not been for the occasional spots of soreness Fane was almost convinced he would have dozed off already.
“Maybe it is? Why? You interested?” Fane wasn’t quite sure if they were toeing the line of joking or seriousness anymore. All he did know was that he certainly wouldn’t be opposed to more of this. The scrape of her nails was a surprise and earned a small shiver in response and although he tried to bite his lip a muffled noise of something that wasn’t anything to do with the massage. He grimaced after the tight knot in his back was worked loose kicking his foot a little and turning his face into the bed and only relaxing once she moved from it. “All the best ones that turn out to truly be worth it need a bit of toil to loosen them up… If you work hard enough, who knows I might be willing to give you a bonus... For being such an attentive individual.”
The tickle of her hair wasn't anticipated and there was no helping the pleasant shiver is ran through him. A low hum vibrated in his throat and Fane made no effort to move or do anything other than enjoy and try to relax under Faye’s attentions.
Faye stayed quiet, smirking down at him instead of answering his question. Did she want to? He was certainly pleasing to the eye, even if she did think him a bit of a nerd. Though if she were honest, he was probably a very good lover. The quiet ones always were. That category included Carrington she supposed. Who was quieter than Fane when he wasn’t making acidic, cynical comments.
Maybe she did want to find out what they both harbored beneath the front they put on. Not that they were false with each other, but they weren’t very open at this point. Though more so than at the beginning. And if they were going to be together for awhile, why not reap the benefits as much as they could?
The sounds she was pulling from him made her work a bit more deliberately. So she could hear them again. She knew some of them couldn’t be helped, but a few were more than just the rub of her hands. It had been a long time since she’d had anyone beneath her that wasn’t actively trying to fuck her. So this was a change. And maybe he was trying and she just didn’t know. The line was a fine one, and they were dancing all around it it seemed.
His second question made her grin, and she shifted her hips a bit against him. “Maybe.” It was infuriating, she knew, to answer but not answer. Or at least she assumed. Hell, he might like it. Truth was, this felt good. The banter was easy enough, and they were fairly comfortable with each other by now. Even if it wasn’t physically. They knew the basics about the other. That was more than some people did.
He shivered as her hair brushed against him, and Faye leaned even closer to whisper in his ear. “What kinda bonus you got in mind?”
“Christ Almighty… is she buggering you?” a voice said from behind them. The door slammed as Carrington staggered into the room.
Faye had sat bolt upright when someone spoke, but realizing who it was, she’d gone back to her rubbing. “Get your money back, Winnie?” she said, letting out a small laugh as she worked her thumbs into Fane’s lower back.
Carrington blinked at her before coming over. He leaned in towards her, opened his mouth as he pointed a finger at her (after more than one try) and huffed. “You took it all, you blood harpy.”
Faye snorted with laughter and pushed Carrington’s finger out of her face. “No. You lost it all. To me. Because you can’t play pool for shit.”
“You… you cheated. Bloody… wench.” The words were a bit slurred, stilted, which was very much unlike Carrington. “Give it back…”
“Get bent,” Faye laughed. “You, sir. Need a shower. You stink.” She was completely toying with him, because while he was sweaty and smelled like cheap whiskey, it wasn’t a bad smell. Quite the opposite. And Faye was pointedly ignoring him, even as he stood there glaring at her.
“Again, no denial means you totally do,” he claimed as the silence dragged on and had he been able to see her face (not that he could considering she had him rather well pinned to the bed presently) he would’ve just confirmed that fact. And he wouldn’t be lying to say he hadn’t wondered such things himself, about both her and Carrington but well, anyone with eyes would be lying to say they didn’t wonder to some degree. And just as Faye was thinking, who knew how long they would have together? Why not make the most of it.
Occasionally, Fane couldn’t help but shift and writhe a little under the growing pressure of her hands especially over the more tender areas. His skin where she’d been working by now was a bright red, flushed from the friction of skin on skin bringing blood up below the surface and left him feeling like a furnace. It was nice and he could feel himself relaxing under her, to a degree, but he was also vaguely aware of the fact that she was only doing this because she’d had several drinks. He wondered whether she would’ve done this sober too, and could only hope he might one day learn the answer for himself.
“Maybe huh? Well, if you want more you’re going to have to give me a better answer than that, darling,” in a roundabout way, the non-answers to his questions were infuriatingly frustrating but it made the game all the more interesting while she was drunk she wasn’t dumb and he couldn’t bring himself to not enjoy this. Having to work for what he wanted and not be handed it. The banter was comfortable, and Fane was happy to settle into it especially if it led to other things later on. Everyone had their needs after all, and as was discussed earlier, help in that was always more enjoyable he found. “Hm,” he sounded, as though he was debating answering her or not, “why should I tell you? That would ruin the surprise… but, I promise, it’s a-- big one” she could take that however she damn well pleased and Fane was grinning until he almost jumped in surprise (not that he went far considering Faye was ontop of him).
“Jesus fuck--” but then recognising the voice Fane snorted, turning his head to peer across at the man in the doorway who looked more dishevelled than he had on route out and his question made Fane chuckle. “I wish, it’d hurt less than this.”
There was a beat of silence, Carrington surveying the situation before he started laughing, genuinely so until he was practically shaking with it and Fane’s eyes widened in surprise, as did Faye’s. Because-- he never laughed. Never ever. And Fane was struggling to put the pieces he was seeing together.
And then Carrington came over to the edge of the bed to get in Faye’s face, but in the process of leaning by the bed left his groin practically in Fane’s face and a particular deep dig of Faye’s thumbs drew a groan from him. “As much as I like the fit of your trousers, wasn’t expecting to have this close of an inspection tonight” Fane muttered causing Carrington to look down a devious smirk curling his lips.
“You’ll get your answer when I’m ready to give it to you,” Faye said playfully. Her head was muzzy, yes, but she wasn’t devoid of her wits. Despite the amount of liquor she’d had. A lifetime of drinking away your problems had made her tolerance fairly high.
And it wasn’t that she wouldn’t do it sober, it was merely that the alcohol gave Faye courage she wouldn’t normally have. Because people scared her. Climb a mountain? Easy. Jump from a plane? Piece of cake. Talk to a murderous gangbanger about some intel no one else would have? No big deal. But start having intrusive thoughts about people she was with nearly 24/7? Thoughts that weren’t all good. Thoughts that would make a grown man blush - much as Fane had - if she were ever to voice them. But also thoughts about other things. About how much she was growing accustomed to their company. About how it was nice not to be alone all the time. On her own. To actually have someone watch her back. Tentative though that trust was. It was more than she was used to. And Faye wasn’t used to that. She was used to losing. To being left behind when her usefulness ran out. To being worth only what someone could get from her, be it sex or something else.
Did she think this would last? No. Perhaps for a little while. But then one of them would do a runner. And after that, who knew. So she would take what her muddled brain allowed her to take. Contact with another person that seemed to enjoy her company.
“I like surprises,” Faye murmured into Fane’s ear. “Bigger the better.” She’d just dipped her head to allow her mouth to brush his scapula when Carrington made his entrance. Fane’s reply to the other man’s rather crass and out of character - considering he was completely piss drunk - made Faye snort with laughter. But when he started laughing himself, Faye was so shocked that she fell quiet.
It didn’t last long, as the man decided it was a good idea to get in Faye’s face about money she’d won fair and square from him. Faye ignored him, knowing he wouldn’t put hands on her. Even if he did, she could handle him. Or she thought she could.
She kept up her rubbing, pointedly ignoring Carrington as Fane commented on the um… proximity… of certain things.
“Would you like me to take them off, darling?” Carrington commented, swaying a bit on his feet. “I promise you… you’d enjoy it.” He caught himself on the edge of the mattress with one hand, blinking heavily at them both. “You plan on taking up… the whole bloody bed tonight too? We’re both… far larger than you,” he said to Faye. “You could take the floor for once… bloody wench.” With that, he sagged down onto the bed, jostling Faye in her position on Fane’s back.
“For one, I’ve offered. So don’t you fuckin’ tell me otherwise.” She stuck a finger in Carrington’s face. “Second, I am small… I don’t take up much room. So if you’d wanted to not sleep on the fuckin’ floor… you coulda got up anytime.”
Anything he might otherwise have said in response was lost upon the startle of Carrington’s arrival. His commentary on the scene he found something Fane couldn’t help himself but feel inclined to respond to. Explaining why, Fane, in good faith and humour answered in a similar vein.
That being said, what Fane didn’t anticipate was for the man to come over and get in Faye’s face. Not to mention Fane’s own experience considering he was quite securely trapped with Faye sitting on his back as she was. He started shaking with silent laughter at the man’s response, not entirely sure if he was being all that serious though an awkward glance up at the man’s damning smirk.
“Quite a bold statement that,” Fane countered tone apparently bored as he tucked his face down into his arm “how’d you know I would?”
“Oh, I just know” Fane didn’t need to look to know he was still wearing that devilish grin earning a huff from Fane who was finally starting to feel less tense under Faye’s attentions.
That being said Fane arched a little under Faye, “or we could, you know, share.”
“You suck Locke.”
“Mm, damn right I do, very well-- or so I’m told” Fane fixed Carrington with a look that had him shifting on the spot and wetting his lips his mind clearly plummeting several stories down. This time it was Fane who was left smirking at the turn of the tables. He wouldn’t be able to admit honestly that he wasn’t interested. “How about you darling?” Fane said, attention returning to Faye as he stretched out languidly under her reaching back to touch her thigh “can’t say you aren’t at least somewhat interested in the prospect.”
Faye watched the exchange between the two men with a glassy-eyed smirk. Her hands had stilled on Fane’s back when Carrington came over, flourishing his finger in her face and his… well… in Fane’s. Her gaze turned down to Fane as he mentioned sharing. “And what? Play little spoon, big spoon, pain in the ass spoon?” she said, gesturing to Carrington, who merely glared at her.
His muted response to Fane’s words caught her eye however, and when Fane reached back to touch her leg, she snapped out of it. His touch on her leg, even through the cargo pants that she wore, was like pinpoints of fire. Even through the heat and humidity of the room, Faye could feel it. No one had touched her in… ages. Other than as any normal person would.
Carrington’s eyes had fallen from Faye, settling on the line of Fane’s back where it arched beneath her hips. The ex-soldier was dotted with sweat, skin glistening in the dimness of the lamps. His mouth hung slack, just so… and Faye could see the wet shine of his tongue. A sudden inexplicable thought that wondered what he would taste like sprang into her head. And she didn’t banish it away.
“Probably not… a good idea…” Faye said, but didn’t move from her spot. Her eyes fell to Fane’s hand on her thigh. It felt good, just that little bit of contact. But. “I should prob’ly just…” She moved to get up, but a hand around her wrist - firm but gentle - stopped her.
“Stay,” Carrington said, looking at her intently, even though he was most certainly drunk. “Just… stay.” His eyes shifted, as if he was unsure what he was doing, but couldn’t turn back now. His hand dropped from Faye’s wrist and he turned to untie his boots.
Faye watched from her perch on Fane’s back as Carrington slipped them off and lay down on his side of the bed. He faced away from the both of them, and didn’t seek to touch. He simply lay there, staring at the wall, until his eyes started to close. For her part, Faye wasn’t quite sure what to say. What could she say? After a minute, she slipped onto the opposite side of the bed, sitting there for a bit until she too simply laid down, staring at the wall until her eyes started to feel heavy.
“Just an idea,” Fane’s voice was muffled by the press of his face into his arm as he lay there his eyes closing once again as he relaxed into the spot once more despite having been disturbed by Carrington. His fingers were lazy in their press to her thigh, soft and perhaps a little insistent but much like his general attitude never pressuring. Though it was debatable just what he was talking about, sharing a bed or well… sharing a bed. Unfortunately, due to his positioning Fane was obvious to any other things than their voices considering he couldn’t see either of their expressions.
What he did feel was the shift of her, a fraction of something but considering the prior pressure something he could distinctly notice. Not to mention the implication she started about leaving. Only to be-- interrupted? By Carrington and in all honesty Fane wasn’t sure what to make of it. Of the request and… well, the tone of the other man’s voice which was softer than he was certain he’d ever heard it.
Alcohol did bizarre things to people.
And then the bed was dipping nearby, and Fane looked aside at the line of Carrington’s back. Something about it… Fane felt inclined to reach out and touch his spine or just touch him… But Fane caught himself merely closing his eyes for a few moments. Until he felt Faye seem to make her mind up, slipping off of his back to take the other edge leaving him to shift back a bit to make room for her. Ultimately, his back pressed against the reverse of Carrington’s tee, unsure how much space Faye would want or if she’d even want him close to her at all. Even so, he folded his hands and tucked them under the pillow closing his eyes and settling to listen to the sound of both of their breathing in the darkness of the room. Wondering how on earth he’d ended up here, wedged between two people he was growing to like the company of very much, of all places.
Faye didn’t fall asleep quickly. Usually she had no problem drifting off. This time her head was too full of questions for her to relax. What was she doing? What were they doing? Carrington’s shift in demeanor was puzzling, and even slightly troubling. At least in Faye’s mind. Fane was… well, he was Fane. He hasn’t changed all that much over the course that she’s known him. A bit bolder and open, sure, but why?
What did it gain him? What did he want? Other than the obvious. Which if Faye were honest, she was thinking about even now. Her life was lonely. But she preferred it that way. Didn’t she? No one could leave her if there was no one around. Perhaps it wasn’t fair of her to make decisions for others by not letting them in too far. By keeping them at arms length when they wanted to be closer. It simply hurt too much to get her hopes up that maybe this time someone would stay. But it never happened. Why would this time be different? But she still couldn’t make herself move to the floor.
Carrington has closed his eyes the moment he lay down. Fane’s presence at his back was a strange sensation. Not for another person sharing a bed, but for the simple fact of the… simplicity of it. Had he not been drunk, he would never have even entered into conversation with Faye, much less said the things he had. Or been lying here with the both of them. And for Cari, it wasn’t that he didn’t want companionship… or even something more… it’s that he’d never had it. Not since losing the one person he’d ever truly cared about, besides his mother. After that, he’d never let anyone close again. And over time, even as the need for it - the need for other people- crept back in, he realized that he’d forgotten how. And was too scared to try and remember.
So eventually they both fell asleep, on opposite ends of the spectrum, leaving Fane alone in the middle.
Perhaps, it wasn’t that they wanted something -- or maybe they did. More, they all wanted the same thing at a fundamentally base level. Companionship. Theirs was a lonely life, chosen, yes, but still lonely not that any of them would be willing to admit that openly. The changes, in Fane’s opinion came as a consequence of a trust slowly being built amongst their rag-tag group.
Was wanting a friend? Or two? Such a bad thing. Some might say yes, others no; each had their reasons for saying such things but Fane was starting to notice how nice it was not having to look over his shoulder. Having someone (or two) watching your back and looking out for them in turn. Not feeling so inclined (anymore) to sleeping with one eye open because the people around you would stab you in the back without you realising it. Of course, he could be entirely wrong. But if that was what they wanted to do, why hadn’t they done it already instead of bunking down in dingy motel after motel getting piss drunk and passing out before repeating it the very next day?
It didn’t make sense and it was something he’d pondered for a long period of time. Before and during most of the night. He dozed, sleeping fitfully, never quite settling while the pair either side of him drifted off aided by their drinking earlier in the night until he could only lay there staring at the back of Faye’s head pondering over everything that had come to pass between them all. He would have gotten up, had it not been for the awkward fact he was wedged between the two of them. Moving risked waking them. Risked questions he wasn’t sure how to answer. And whatever the future might happen to hold for them, that is if they made it that far without breaking apart on their separate routes. While he knew he should be concerned about Monarch (and he was) a larger part of him feared the day they split more than anything else.
How the hell had that come about?
Only realising he’d barely slept when the first rays of light broke through the tattered curtains, Fane winced and slung an arm over his face with a muffled noise of discontent. He felt tired, but even now, didn’t feel like he could settle or get up. Not until the others did. They’d be moving on again today, heading to their rendezvous. Maybe he’d just have to sleep in the car. He’d be better for it.
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ropeman420-blog · 6 years
Michael Mell x reader plz?
-Boi Michael Boi Mell-Precious boio -This dude likes to make you v flustered-He wrote a poem abt u and drugs and practically compared u to them -“I’m addicted to you”-“Very original, Michael”-Getting high in his basement to cheer him bc of Jeremy boio -Michael is the smol spoonin cuddling, fite me -When he gets high or drunk, you are in immediate- M O T H E R M O D E-“NO MORE DRINKS, MICHAEL!”-He legit thought u were his mom omfl-This dood loves you to no end omfg
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thewondersofmorgan · 6 years
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My gay boys #spoonin
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parasiteprojects · 4 years
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Club Matryoshka x Likido x Spoonin Boys x Para://Site Projects
a contemporary art exhibit happening in Minecraft
alongside and within Club Matryoshka's Infinite Summer (a 24hr Online Music Festival) a fundraiser for the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO
Alfred Marasigan
Mariano Batocabe
Joanne Cesario
Mirjam Dalire
W Don Flores
Cos Zicarelli
Mariano Ching
Omnei (US)
Teya Logos (PH)
Pamcy (PH)
Meh Shua (PH)
Shelhiel (MY)
crwn (PH)
DJ Roo Honeychild (IE)
Oceantied (IN)
Emel Rowe (PH)
Hojo (TW)
bod [包家巷] (US)
Jade Statues (CA)
Gabber Modus Operandi (ID) DJ SET
DV-i (US)
Kiernan Laveaux (US)
Sold (US)
Mirin Doja (US)
Ali Berger (US)
MindSpring Memories (US)
Lychee (US)
Anabasine (CA)
Luxe Posh (US)
Mithril (US)
DJ Speedpaint (US)
DJ Voices (US)
Date Sim (US)
Tony Astro (US)
Donkey Milk (US)
Starro (US/JPN)
Tomggg (JPN)
Meishi Smile (US)
Parkgolf (JPN)
Giraffage (US)
Gymternet (US)
DJ House Plants (US)
Seiho (JPN)
Tarsius (PH)
START: APRIL 26 - 6AM (GMT + 8)
END: APRIL 27 - 6 AM (GMT +8)
read more about the COVID-19 Solidarity Response Fund for WHO:
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i need more johnny stuff,,,, nothing in particular just johnny stuff pls
I’ll be posting an imagine later but here’s some headcannons!! thank u!! hope you enjoy💘
- he has a habit of biting his nails- he also has really soft hands and likes rubbing the back of ur hand with his thumb- loves when u wear his clothes omg???? - sticks his tongue out of his mouth when he’s really concentrating and it’s so adorable - Eskimo kisses ,,,- he’s surprisingly a good kisser tbh- constantly giving u compliment!! - it doesn’t matter if fucking Beyoncé walked in the room he’d still be looking at you- 100% the kind of boyfriend to paint your dominant hand or let you do his makeup- brings u flowers all the time!!! - nuzzles his head in ur neck when u hug and likes to slightly lift u up- piggy back rides- he looks so cute when he sleeps aaa,,, bedhead and squinty eyes ,, - platonic ass showers where u play with bubbles and shampoo eachother’s hair- also baths bc yesss- cuddles and spoonin and he loves bein the little spoon aaaahhhh- he’s just an angel and blushed when u do anything - he’s the kind of fucker to slow dance in ur room and spin u around- put glow in the dark stars on ur ceiling and loves to lay down and look at them with u and just talk- such a good listener tbh
johnny is one of my fav boys! I love writing for him tbhhhh thanks sm for requesting! ☺️💘
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nanyoky · 7 years
I forgot to post this on Wednesday because I was tired and never finished but also this episode was very rushed feeling? and I was just exhausted trying to keep up so I stopped
I'm living for this serial killer intro
Of course Alice doing her best to make everything worse
Archie no
Literally every time Hiram and Hermione are on screen together, a soft recording of that sick ES Posthumous remix of “Run This Town” plays in the distance
"So much chaos and confusion" Hiram we already have a resident trickster in town her name is Cheryl maybe Cheryl could stab Hiram in my Little Red Riding Hood fantasy
Oh boy Alice your manipulative mommy vibes are out of control. I love this. I love that she is both 100% sincere in her desire to protect her family and 100% using that sincerity to manipulate her family. Alice is such a great character (i know like five people like her irl and they are all the worst but also very flesh and blood real people) and Mädchen Amick is a shining star.
That's not how YouTube works
This gang nonsense seems very reductive
This episode is giving me pause because? I was under the impression that FP was the LEADER of the serpents? But now that I think of it, is that really a thing we know, or did I just assume that because I love me some modern deconstructions of the Shakespearean warrior king trope? So this raises questions: is the reason the gang seems so fuckin messy this season because there is a power vacuum with fp in jail? Why is no one acknowledging that? Are they trying to decide who the next leader is? Are they waiting for sentencing before making any rash decisions? OR: am I wrong? Is FP not the leader of the Southside Serpents? If not him, who is? Or do they not have a leader and run truly democratic? I have so many questions and I feel like they won’t be answered because all we’re getting is this Southside V. Northside nonsense.
Also I really want Sweetpea and Fangs and all the southside kids to at one point meet kevin and be like “OMG YOU’RE KEVIN?! AS IN KEVIN KELLER?! oh god. Oh man.I don’t know what I pictured but- wow. What did you DO to our boy Joaquin because he was a doofy mess after you two met” because I really need a third party to assure kevin of what we all know that joaquin was head over heels for him and also did joaquin not have any friends that are now worried about him since he skipped town? family??? did he go to school? do his teachers notice he’s been absent for several weeks? is no one worried about the safety and wellbeing of this kid? I’m worried about him
What the fuck was that echoey archie quote remix
Archie actin like he didn't think anyone would be upset by this so dumb but at least his eyebrows are great
So I guess Kevin's not mad anymore????
A cipher hello zodiac
Betty babe. This is a terrible plan.
Oh how the tables have turned from just one episode to the next.
Okay so I was being flippant but seriously. SERIOUSLY? Last episode: “Kevin, making out with adult strangers in the woods while a serial killer is on the loose is dangerous- RESPECT YOURSELF.” “You’re coming at this from an outsider’s perspective and I’m hurt and fed up by your meddling but your concern for my safety is valid. I will stop doing the reckless thing.” This episode: “Kevin, don’t tell your dad or my parents, but there’s this serial killer directly contacting me and I don’t want anyone to know about it because I want to go after him myself.” “This seems questionable but okay.” ?????????????????? I don’t know what to say guys.
"He's terrified of me" *open snort* Sheriff Keller is the worst sheriff but I love him.
Doyely is such a premium psycho good God like what is his deal? Right?
"Trust. Right. Got it. " I love this heavy handed trash show
I love how they take so much effort to make the gun shop look sketchy when in reality a high school kid could get a gun at any normal run of the mill outdoors shop in the US because this country is a horror show hahaha i wish i was joking it’s fine I’m moving to Vancouver
Jughead/Cole Sprouse does not for a moment move my furniture, but you would have to be on some kind of meth not to know that BEDHEADJUGHEAD is a certified Good Look(tm)
Jughead you are being awkward about this which is making betty try harder which is what neither of you want
Oh boy this is a mess why so confrontational Toni
I would be so much more on board with this argument if not for two things: the incredible overuse of hot topic buzzwords (flashback to episode three last season with the overuse of “slut shaming”) and for another thing: it’s like both toni and betty are ACTIVELY AVOIDING points that would help them defend/explain their stances? Like if toni were like “hey so maybe the southside is full of drugs but we all just recently found out that is almost singlehandedly the doing of Clifford Blossom, known northside murderer and probable child abuser?” and if Betty were to be like “I understand there’s a huge problem with the high key classism and low key racism involved with the scapegoating of the southside, which is why every time I’ve been given the opportunity to speak up, I’ve brought up this scapegoating, per example: my own school paper and the jubilee speech.” i feel like they could have ended this brief tiff with some respect and understanding that they are two teenagers who can’t do much but they’re doing what they can but no i guess we need girl on girl drama otherwise it’s not a cw teen show. whatever.
"I'm gunna go" Kevin once again the character I identify with most
Archie starts tagging in someone else's neighborhood like that's ever acceptable like seriously how can Archie sometimes be SO GOOD and sometimes be SO BAD. Veronica’s explanation of him earlier was so spot on.
Holy shit this is a mess Sweetpea just really wants to hurt someone but like- just hurt them and then walk away and archie is like ONE WILL DIE TONIGHT AND IT’S NOT GUNNA BE ANYONE I CARE ABOUT GET SOME
Are Kevin and Cheryl besties now I want that very much Also i think this is the only time we’ve seen Cheryl in this ep and I miss her
Archie you are being the biggest shit
Fred coming in strong for team Sensible Human as per usual
So Penelope is like all better now???
Oh boy oh boy oh boy
We're going full outsiders where is Joaquin this is his #aesthetic he should be here
Speaking of, in my fantasy meta of FP as the hardened warrior king trope comparable to Henry IV, that would make Jughead our oddly socially awkward Prince Hal and, far too briefly in Season 1, Joaquin a rather cool-headed Hotspur. Does that, then, make Kevin Kate Percy? Discuss. Have discussion points prepared for next week and start thinking of paper proposals for the end of the semester.
Okay I’ll admit I was kinda Worn Out at this point so I might have missed something- but? Did? Premium? Psycho? Dilton? Doyely? Stab? Himself?!?!!?!?!?????????????????
Hahaha this is so great because Dilton and Reggie are going to tell everyone there was no fight and Dilton just got jumped. And if I’m right, Archie SAW that DIlton was the one to draw the knife, if not directly see him self-inflict the wound. BUT. Archie just gained the trust and loyalty of the Bulldogs by not ratting, so to do so now would mean losing his support network. But even he is not dumb enough to think that the witchhunt that will follow the case of “poor helpless Dilton got stabbed by wandering southside trash” is Right or Just. hahahaha archie knowing more than he should and being in moral dilemmas is the glue that holds this show together fuck me i need a drink
Premium Psycho Dilton Doyely fired the shot on the fourth of july. Premium Psycho Dilton Doyely pulled the knife in the rumble. There are Three (3) agents of Chaos in Riverdale, USA.
Also, one thing this show does is this very gothic-y way of being both very subtle and unsubtle in a very tropey way. I can’t quite describe it except in examples. “Where you gunna live now?” “I’ll figure it out, Dad.” is one. The film references in general are another. In this episode: The Zodiac Black Hood saying he’d strike “where it all began” and Betty immediately thinking he meant where she had “inspired” him, then rushing there only to find nothing actually went wrong at the town hall and it was a wild goose chase...... followed by Jughead’s narration (presumably written in the future beyond canon as we know it so far) referring specifically to Sweetwater River as the place “where it all began.” It’s a delicate line they walk but the wild assumptions! We can now make?!? Incredible!!! We can guess that not only will we find out next episode that something went down that night at sweetwater river involving the black hood that betty will probably blame herself for not forseeing. But? Also? does that imply that the black hood murders are in some way connected to jason’s murder? Or does the black hood mean “where it all began” in a general: “this event changed our town and i’m changing it further” kind of way? WHO KNOWS! BUT I LOVE IT!
Episode scorecard:
# of Sick Beat Drop Rhythmic Editing Moments: I don’t think any. ST was kinda lacking in this one.
Do I Still Miss Joaquin and His Astoundingly Pretty Face? Yes.
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