#bakugou katsuki fanfiction
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these-written-reveries · 7 months ago
Selfish (katsuki ver.)
‣ Pairing: Katsuki x GN!Reader
‣ Genre: Flangst, Hurt/Comfort
‣ Summary: Katsuki is convinced that you are in love with Eijirou, and not him. He tries to do what he thinks is right by keeping his feelings suppressed and hidden from you, instead of trying to get between the happiness of the two people he cares about the most. His plan quickly begins to fall apart the moment you confront him, and his selfish urges take over.
‣ Warnings: Angst, Katsuki being sad and having low self-esteem, false unrequited love, making out, Reader uses the “girl’s” elevator (but we can just pretend gender plays no part in the placement of the dorm rooms in this scenario), the word “fuck” is used a lot, repeated use of "noose" metaphor? idk
‣ Word Count: 5,798
‣ A/N: There is a Kiribaku x Reader version of this here, if you’re interested!
Main Masterlist
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Katsuki Bakugou was a selfish man.
He had begrudgingly accepted this truth a long time ago. Despite how it appeared on the surface, he was quite self-aware. Sure, it didn’t require that much self-reflection to figure it out, considering he’d been told this very truth by others around him multiple times throughout his life—at least by the ones that were brave enough to do so—but that’s beside the point. He still came to be aware of it, one way or another.
He could remember the early days of his youth as a spoiled, entitled brat. Even before his quirk developed, he always poised himself as superior to others. He was as selfish as they came. Throwing fits when he didn’t get his way, hurting people around him to ease the raging storm of feelings that were too big for his little body, always stealing the spotlight from others, expecting praise and rewards for every little thing he did. Kids are inherently selfish, to some degree, but little Katsuki blew every kid in his grade out of the water, in this regard.
Things didn’t improve all that much as he grew older, but he did get a little better. At least he no longer threw tantrums over not getting ice cream after school or every time he was told “no.” And he no longer sought praise for merely breathing. He preferred to truly earn his title as “the best” at whatever he decided to do—even if that meant knocking some other kids down to get there faster. A minor improvement, but his selfish nature was still wildly out of control. Even when he did recognize it, he didn’t care enough to fix it. He was already seen as an asshole; what was the point in trying to change the minds of people he saw as below him?
It wasn’t until he broke free of his ass-kissing, follower friends and met you and the other friends “extras” from his class at UA that he finally began to really see and care about his selfish ways—especially how they affected the people he truly respected and cared about. Katsuki wasn’t devoid of a heart, despite what many people believed. He wasn’t incapable of feeling remorse for his actions and of learning how to be a better person. He just never had the proper tools or guidance to be able to grow into the person that he, deep down, wanted to be.
That, and he didn’t have the same motivation before as he suddenly did when you stepped into his life. You pushed him to be better, just by being yourself. Katsuki was inspired by you from the moment he met you. The way you carried yourself and the way you managed to handle him and all that came with being his friend. It only made him respect you more. And as he inevitably began to fall for you, he felt the desire to be a better person for you grow even stronger. He wanted to prove to you that he was worth keeping around, even if he wasn’t always “the best” at everything. The last thing he wanted was to lose you over his problematic ways.
To his luck, you were one of the most tolerant people he had ever met. That didn’t mean you never called him out on his shit, though. Katsuki deeply valued you for that. He had grown to be more open and accepting of critical feedback, specifically if it came from you. How could he become a great hero, never mind a great man, if he refused any and all feedback that wasn’t positive?
That said, it still wasn’t easy for him to so easily accept when he was wrong. And it was even more difficult for him to push past his pride enough to apologize for it. But all it took was one look from you to make him give in and do just that. How you managed to gain such power over him, he’d never understand. If he wasn’t so damn in love with you, he’d hate you for it.
He still hated you for it. But in a “fuck you for making me love you so much” kind of way.
If it wasn't for his internal commitment to be a better person—one that you could be proud to know—he would have given into his selfish urges, stolen your heart, and claimed it as his a long time ago.
Katsuki had quickly come to learn that being a good person sucks.
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“Oh, Eiji texted. He said he’ll be here soon! I invited him. Figured you wouldn’t mind. He said he needs all the help he can get for this upcoming exam,” you said as you began typing a message back to him.
“Fucking hell.”
You looked up at Katsuki after hearing him grumble something unintelligible under his breath. His eyes met yours for only a brief moment before he averted his gaze, gesturing to the open books in front of you.
“Nothing. Get back to studying! Do you wanna pass that exam, or what?”
You threw your head back as you groaned. “Can’t we just take a little break? Eiji’s not even here yet and we have so much time left to work on this!”
Katsuki pointed his pen at you. “You might have time, but I don’t. You’re lucky I’m even using my spare time to help you idiots with this!”
You rolled your eyes. “You wanted to study for this test too. And you’re the one always preaching about how it’s important to take breaks!”
Before he could respond, you shut your book and looked at him inquisitively.
“So…what were you thinking about before? You looked…more annoyed than usual. Am I annoying you?”
“What the hell do you mean? I don’t look like anything!”
He could see you trying to stifle a laugh, though behind it was a glint of concern in your eyes.
“You look like something is really bothering you, is all.”
“Yeah. You are! Shut up and get back to work,” he growled, though you felt no real malice behind it. You had quickly learned long ago not to take the hotheaded blonde’s rude attitude seriously, often times finding it to be more of a protective shield than anything else.
“Okay, whatever you say,” you said, holding your hands up defensively with a slightly amused smirk on your face. Katsuki huffed in response as he looked away.
Giggling at his strange, yet all too familiar behavior, you opened your textbook again, only to be distracted less than a minute later by another ding from your phone. Katsuki could already tell it was another text from Eijirou by the way you smiled at your screen when you read it. You only ever smiled like that when reading the redhead’s messages, much to Katsuki’s chagrin.
“Fuck you,” Katsuki thought as he stared at you from across the table, frustration and hurt bubbling within his chest.
The truth was, you had the strange ability to make his heart flutter and his stomach do flips and his hands sweat like crazy and fill his brain with so many thoughts of you, he couldn’t focus on anything else. You did all this just by existing as your stupidly beautiful, perfect self.
You even made him feel this way when you looked your “worst”. Beaten up after a bad fight, sleep deprived with bags under your eyes, after—very ungracefully—shoving a giant serving of food into your mouth, just waking up with messy hair and crusty eyes and morning breath, sick with snot constantly leaking out of your nose. All of this, and he was still head over heels, swooning over you like a fool. And dammit, did it piss him off.
Even worse, he knew you had feelings for his redheaded friend and not him. He couldn’t blame you for this. He was a damn lovable idiot. A good guy, all around. The kind of man Katsuki wished he could be more like.
He couldn’t blame Eijirou for loving you either. As far as he was concerned, how could anyone not fall for you?
Katsuki loved your entire personality—even the parts that frustrated him most. Especially those parts. On top of that, you were absolutely gorgeous. When he begrudgingly thought of you and Eijirou together, he couldn’t deny that the two of you would make an amazing couple—looks-wise and personality-wise.
It infuriated him to no end. He wanted to hate you both, push you away, relocate somewhere far away so that he’d no longer have to bear the pain of seeing the two of you flirting together, laughing at each other’s jokes, hugging one another, and inevitably doing all the things that couples do. All the things that Katsuki wanted so desperately to do with you.
But he couldn’t, no matter how hard he tried. There was no way he could bring himself to not only truly hate you, but to go on living life without you. He would likely never admit it, but you had become so interwoven in his life and his heart, that an existence without you just seemed so bleak and empty.
So, as much as it pained him to sit through hangouts and study sessions and the like, all while bearing witness to how close, how touchy, how obviously in love, you were with Eijirou and not him, he chose to stick around and keep his mouth shut. He could have pulled the “dibs” card if he wanted to with Eijirou; tell him he loved you first, so he better back off and let him have you. But that wasn't what a good person would do. So instead, he made a solemn promise to himself not to utter a word about his feelings for you, ever.
For once, he saw exactly what he wanted, right in front of him, and he chose not to take it. He chose not to ruin whatever closeness he did have with you. But more importantly, he chose not to ruin you and Eijirou’s chances at finding the happiness that you both deserved, far more than he did.
It was the most selfless thing he’d ever done. And it was the hardest thing he’d ever done too. He felt his heart break every time he saw the affectionate way you treated Eijirou, but he bit his tongue. He tried to shove his feelings down deeper and deeper, but they kept coming back up, tightening around his throat like a noose until he choked.
The truth became quite apparent to him at one point. Loving you from afar would be his undoing. And maybe he deserved it? Maybe this was his punishment for being an asshole and tearing others down for his own benefit for all those years.
He’d take his punishment. Just so long as he could continue to know you, even if he wanted to know you so much more.
God, he fucking loved hated you.
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After the previous day’s study session, Katsuki needed a break from the two of you. He planned to spend most of the day training and holed up in his dorm, just to avoid you as much as possible; to set his mind straight and get his feelings back where they belonged—locked away in a dark unlabeled box in his mind, along with all of his other unwanted thoughts and feelings. He was starting to lose his composure around you, and when that happened, he always tried to stay out of your way for a few days until he was “fine” again.
“Fine” had lost all its meaning months ago, and yet, he found himself saying it all too often.
“You okay, Kats? You’re not really on your A game today,” you said as you walked over to help him off the ground for the second time that day.
Katsuki scoffed, a low growl brewing in his throat as he spoke. “I’m fuckin’ fine. Wasn’t planning on having you idiots around, distracting me.”
You and Eijirou seemed to have the same idea about working out and training that day. Katsuki ran into you both on his way to the gym. Almost turned around and booked it back to the dorms, but you happened to see him and waved him over to join the two of you. You smiled happily as you greeted him. It pissed him off so much, but he couldn’t say no to you when you looked so damn cute, asking him to join you with those pretty eyes sparkling as they looked up at him.
He wanted to curse you out. Tell you to fuck off and leave him alone.
Get out of his fucking head, already! Stop torturing him with that fucking adorable smile that made his heart clench in his chest! Stop being so fucking nice to him!
But he bit his tongue, salvaged whatever little composure and willpower he had left, and joined you both to train.
And he fucking sucked the whole time. It only added to his inner turmoil even more. He was too distracted. Too focused on you and the way you looked so fucking good when you were focused, when you had sweat dripping down your skin, when you were looking at him with those determined eyes while sparring, when you didn’t hold back against him.
At least you were more focused on him than Eijirou, at the moment. Katsuki had insisted that you both took turns going against him until he kicked both of your asses. He was on round three, at this point. He had lost to you both a total of three times in a row.
He knew that you and Eijirou were starting to question his strange behavior lately. He practically stormed out of his own dorm the day prior during your study session together. He didn’t say a word. Just got up and left.
Because you and Eijirou. That’s why.
When he came back, things were awkward as the two of you tried to ask him about it. He didn’t look at either of you when he told you to leave, not wanting you to see his red, glossy eyes.
It was embarrassing, to feel this weak.
Eijirou knocked on his door later that evening to talk to him. He didn’t answer.
Now the two of you were obviously trying to pretend that everything was normal, for his sake; trying to gently coax whatever was bothering him out of his system in hopes that he’d come around and get out of whatever shitty headspace he was in. You were being good friends, like usual. Always so attentive and thoughtful and caring.
He wanted to scream.
This time, he managed to defeat Eijirou, but he could tell his moves were slightly slower. He was going fucking easy on him. The redhead giving him a pity win only managed to send Katsuki over the edge.
By the time it was your turn, he wasn’t even fully present in his body anymore. All he was focused on was winning one round. Just one solid win was all he needed.
He moved on autopilot, blocking and countering all your attacks swiftly as they came. Thankfully, you weren’t holding back. For a moment, he felt like he was finally winning at something. The suffocating feelings began to dissipate as the adrenaline high began to kick in, filling him with a sense of power and control.
Until you called for a pause.
“What the fuck! Why?!” he barked, smoke wafting off of his hot hands.
Eijirou held a hand out at him, signaling him to back off as he ran towards you. “Chill the fuck out man, they're hurt!”
It was only then that he realized you were holding your weight on one leg, struggling to keep yourself balanced as you tried to stand on your own. Eijirou was quick to catch you before you fell.
You had an ugly burn on your leg from one of his explosions. He thought he had released it far enough away from you to dodge it. He was clearly wrong.
Katsuki’s head was fuzzy as he stared at you, frozen in place. Eijirou inspected your wound, offering you sweet words of comfort and praise as he carefully wrapped it with gauze.
Damn it.
Katsuki could barely breathe now. The noose growing tight around his throat again.
“Come on, little hero. Let’s get you to Recovery Girl.” Eijirou lifted you up into his arms with ease, carrying you out of sight.
Your little whimper of pain shot straight through his heart.
“Come on, Katsuki!” Eijirou called out to him, slight urgency in his voice.
Katsuki remained frozen where he stood, hands clenched and chest heaving as he tried to fight back the tears that were building in his eyes. A million thoughts and feelings swirled inside of him, threatening to burst through the seams of his being.
“Kats?” Your voice sounded distant. It echoed in the background of his mind before it fully reached him.
“Go on without me,” was all he could say. He cringed at the way his voice wavered when he said it.
“Come on, man. You should-”
“Go!” Katsuki yelled, interrupting Eijirou’s attempt to change his mind.
All he heard after that was the sound of Eijirou’s footsteps as they faded away.
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You and Eijirou had tried to reach out to Katsuki for four days. He somehow managed to avoid the two of you at every turn. He mostly stayed locked up in his dorm when school wasn’t in session. All calls went to voicemail. All texts left on read.
You even went as far as to try to get Sero or Mina to check in on him. Denki offered to give it a shot, but you declined. You knew he’d probably only aggravate him more, despite his best intentions.
Every plan of yours failed.
You missed your best friend. And despite Eijirou’s reassuring comments to you that he would come back soon, that he just needed some space, you were starting to crumble under the fear that maybe he wouldn’t. He had been acting strange lately, even before the most recent event occurred.
What if you had upset him? What if he was tired of being your friend? What if you were holding him back somehow?
Your thoughts spun in circles in your mind until you began to feel dizzy and sick to your stomach. After tossing and turning for hours that night, you headed down to the kitchen to make yourself some tea in hopes that it’d finally help you quiet your mind enough to allow you to get some much-needed sleep.
Thankfully, it did, because by the time Katsuki walked into the room to get some water after he couldn't sleep, you were passed out with your head on the table, your hair sprawled out messily around you and your half-empty mug of cold tea.
You looked beautiful.
“Fuck you,” Katsuki cursed you in his head as he stared down at your hunched over, sleeping form.
The common room was so quiet this late at night, he could clearly hear your little breaths with every rise and fall of your chest. You had drool slightly dripping out of one side of your parted lips and your cute fluffy bunny slippers on your feet—the ones he got for you that one day at the mall.
The sight made his heart flutter.
He huffed in a mixture of sadness and frustration as he turned to walk away, only to stop himself in his tracks after a few steps. He took one look back at you over his shoulder before sighing in defeat.
Walking closer, he worked up the courage to wake you and subsequently face you for the first time in four days. What came out was much more aggressive than he intended.
You jumped and his heart clenched slightly. He bit the inside of his cheek as you looked up at him, sleepy and confused.
“Ka’ski?” your sweet voice, thick with sleep, filled his ears. He clenched his fists, the bitter taste of blood filling his mouth.
“Go to your dorm. You’re gonna end up with a fucked up neck and back sleeping like that, idiot.”
He began to walk away after that, heading towards the elevator at the end of the room. He didn’t get far, though. The unpleasant screech of a chair on the hard floor, followed by the far more pleasant feeling of your hand wrapped around his wrist stopped him right in his tracks.
“Go to bed, Y/N,” Katsuki warned. The last thing he wanted was to have whatever conversation you were attempting to start with him.
“No. I can’t sleep, anyway. I just keep worrying about you. Please. Just tell me what’s wrong and what I can do to fix it,” you implored.
Katsuki was tense under your grip, but he didn’t try to pull away, even as he let out a loud huff of frustration.
“Just fuck off, okay? There’s nothing you can do.”
You stared at the back of his head with so much pain and sadness in your eyes. Katsuki could feel your gaze on him. He knew better than to look back at you. That look alone would break his heart more than anything else could.
“I won’t ever stop trying, Katsuki. I care about you so much. I miss you so badly. Please, just talk to me.” Your voice was starting to waver slightly as you spoke. Katsuki hated himself for being the reason behind your sadness and tears.
Even still, he couldn’t let you in on this. He just needed more time to sort out his feelings and lock them away, where they belonged. But after four days, he was still struggling to get himself back in order. All of it was starting to consume him, distract him, make him perform badly as a student and a hero in training. That part only encouraged him to avoid you even more. He wasn’t going to let stupid feelings ruin everything he had worked so hard for.
His silence only pushed you to speak again.
“No.” He pulled away from your grip, but you reached out to grab him again.
“Katsuki, please!”
He spun around to face you, eyes brimming with tears as he yelled in your face.
“What?! You just can't leave shit alone, can you?! Just fuck off, already!”
You looked at him with heartbroken eyes, biting your lower lip to suppress its quivering as tears began to fall down your face.
Katsuki inhaled sharply as his broken and battered heart shattered to pieces in his chest. Both of you were silent as you stared at one another, unsure of how to progress the conversation without breaking into a fit of tears.
“Fuck, I’m…I’m sorry,” Katsuki mumbled, voice barely audible as he looked down at the ground between you. “Just leave me be, okay? You and Eijirou are better off without me, anyway.”
He pulled away from your grip and this time, you didn’t reach for him again. However, your voice still followed him as he walked further away from you.
“How could you say that? You mean the world to us, Kats! You’re our best friend! We need you. I need you. If this is about the other day, just forget about it. I’m fine. All is forgiven-”
“It’s not just about that.” He stopped in his tracks once more, back facing you.
“Then what is it about? Are you mad at me or Eijirou?”
Katsuki shook his head. Your confusion and desperation drew you closer to him. His feet remained glued to the floor.
“You’re not mad?”
“I-“ Katsuki stopped himself. “Just fuck off, Y/N. I’m not going to talk about it.”
“Why not?”
"BECAUSE I- ugh!" he growled, "because it would be selfish of me to tell you! It’d only make things worse! I'm trying to be...fucking better than that."
You opened your mouth to speak, but he continued.
“It was selfish of me to stick around as long as I did. I should’ve just left the two of you be a long time ago. I thought I could-” He sighed. “Never mind. Point is, it’s gone too far. You even got hurt because of my stupid bullshit.”
“What has gone too far? Katsuki, stop talking like this. You’re not going anywhere. Let’s just sit down and talk this out.” There was a clear presence of fear in your tone as you reached out to grab his left hand that was clenched in a tight fist at his side.
He ripped himself away from you. “No. This conversation is over.”
The way he spoke, his voice quiet, lacking any of his usual attitude, made your stomach twist in knots. He sounded so sad, so weak, so defeated. It was completely unlike him, and it scared the shit out of you.
“I give you full permission to be selfish! Just fucking look at me! Tell me what’s wrong!” you begged.
At this point, you were seconds away from getting on your knees just to get his attention, or at the very least, pity. You couldn’t let him walk out of this room. You knew the chances of getting him to open up to you again after this were slim to none. This was it. You had to fight harder; show him you weren’t giving up on him, no matter how hard he pushed you away.
Katsuki was silent, but you could see the way his hands trembled at his sides; his head hung low, his chest heaving. You waited with bated breath behind him, praying he wouldn’t walk away.
Surprisingly, after what felt like a millennium, he turned to face you, his eyes still focused on the floor.
You were scared to make the wrong move, as if you were faced with a small, wounded animal that could scurry off if you so much as breathed the wrong way.
“Kats?” you whispered softly. “It’s okay.”
He shook his head. “No. It’s not.”
“Why do you say that? Katsuki, look at me.” You stepped forward and raised your hand, gently lifting his chin up so you could finally meet his eyes. What you saw broke your heart.
Red eyes glossed over with tears, lower lip trembling as he tried and failed to stifle the emotions that seemed to overtake him. Your eyes only filled with more tears of your own as you stared back at him sadly.
“I don’t want to see you happy without me,” he whispered, breaking the silence between the two of you.
Your brow furrowed in confusion. “What?”
“I want to be the reason you are happy. I want to give you everything you deserve and more.”
“Katsuki…You do make me happy. If anything, I am the least happy when you’re not around,” you said, fingers tracing down his wrist and giving his hand a small squeeze once he allowed you to grasp it. He only seemed to grow more upset at this as he looked down at your interlocked hands.
“But you don’t want me, you want him.”
“What are you talking about? Of course, I wa-” You froze as realization hit you. “Wait…”
Katsuki made a tsk sound. "Looks like you finally got it. Took you long enough."
You blinked at him. "I- Kats, if you have something to tell me, you better say it now."
"I think you know. Why don't you tell me?"
He was too scared to say it and you knew it.
"Tell me."
You sighed, suddenly growing nervous as you began to second-guess if what you were about to say was actually correct. Katsuki's hold on your hand grew tighter as he awaited your answer. If he wasn't so focused on what you were about to say, he'd be embarrassed about the growing dampness between your palms.
"I...do you....do you have...feelings....for me?"
Katsuki’s silence was all the confirmation you needed. You let out a breath of relief.
“Do you?” he asked, before clarifying. “Have feelings for me? If the answer is ‘no’, say it now and we’ll never speak about it again.”
You stepped closer to him, slippers touching his as you looked at him with soft eyes.
"What if the answer is ‘yes’?" you whispered.
For a moment, you both exchanged glances between eyes and lips, your hearts racing as you awaited the other’s move.
Finally, Katsuki spoke.
"Do I still have permission to be selfish?"
You nodded, and before you knew it, his hands were on either side of your face, and his lips were crashing against yours.
He pushed you against the nearby wall, never breaking his lips from yours, as he kissed you hungrily, desperately, lovingly. You ran your fingernails up the nape of his neck, weaving your fingers through his messy blond locks and earning a groan from him as he pulled you closer by your hips and deepened the kiss even more.
By the time he came up for air, you were both panting heavily. His grip on your hips didn’t loosen and neither did yours around his neck as you stared at each other speechlessly.
After a moment, your lips formed into a smile.
“Dumbass,” you teased.
Katsuki’s soft smile quickly faded into a bewildered frown. “Hah?”
“Eijirou is like a brother to me. I want you, Katsuki. It’s always been you. I love you.”
Katsuki visibly stopped breathing for a brief moment. You nervously continued to speak.
“I’ve been wanting to tell you, and Eijirou has been encouraging me to, but every time I tried, you stormed off, or were clearly out of it, so I was too nervous to bring it up.”
Katsuki growled. You looked at him, confused.
“What? Just say it,” you said.
“Fuck you!” he cursed.
You gasped. “Hey! Watch it, mister!”
“Fuck you for ruining my life by making me love you so goddamn much! And fuck you for not telling me sooner about your weird sibling dynamic and feelings for me and letting me suffer! Do you have any idea how painful it has been watching the two of you idiots and your stupid cutesy, touchy, flirty bullshit, every single day?!” he ranted, obviously frustrated, but not truly directed at you.
“First of all, we weren’t flirting. Also, I didn’t realize-”
“’Course you didn’t! I always thought you’d never return my feelings because it seemed obvious that you were obsessed with him.”
This time, he sounded sad. You cupped his face with your hands, gently running your thumbs over his soft cheeks.
“I have always been obsessed with you, Kats. Only you. It’s not that I didn’t want to be more forward and obvious with my affections for you, I was just never quite sure about your feelings for me and I didn’t want to cross any lines or make you uncomfortable,” you explained.
He let out a sigh, eyes closing as he relaxed into your touch.
“We should talk more about this tomorrow. Probably let Eijirou in on this too,” you said.
He nodded in agreement, soaking up the feeling of your touch; something he had dreamed of and desperately craved for so long. Finally, his dreams were coming true. He was melting between the palms of your hands, and he couldn't have been happier about it.
Now that he'd had a taste, he'd be damned if he were to ever let you go.
“You’re mine now. Got it?” he said, his hands slightly squeezing your hips as he looked into your eyes.
You smirked amusingly at him. “Woah there, don’t get too selfish now.”
Katsuki narrowed his eyes at you, his lips forming into an angry pout.
“Kidding! Don’t get your panties in a twist,” you said, giggling at the look on his face. You knew he hated it when you said that. You were just asking for trouble.
“That’s it! Get over here!” he said, reaching for your face as he tried to kiss you again.
If this was how he chose to punish you for teasing him, you weren’t complaining.
You laughed into the kiss before melting into him completely, allowing him to pull you even closer against him, his strong arms keeping you locked in place. The kiss quickly grew more tender as he savored every second of your soft lips on his.
You placed a hand on his chest at one point, signaling that you needed air. He grunted before reluctantly pulling away.
He pressed his forehead against yours, smirking at the way you grew visibly flustered under his intensely loving gaze.
“It’s late. W-We should get to bed."
He hummed in response. “Fine.”
Taking your hand, he walked you over to the elevator across the room, both of you still silently processing all that had just happened until you finally reached the large metal doorway.
You stepped inside the elevator, bidding him goodnight.
“Night,” he said, turning around and beginning to walk away.
His feet came to a halt when he felt a sudden, familiar urge take over him, and this time, he didn’t fight it. Before he knew it, he had his arm between the metal doors, forcing them to reopen.
He interrupted you by crashing his lips against yours once more, cradling your face in his hands as he kissed you with everything he had. Every skipped beat of his heart, every pang in his stomach, every moment of longing, every loving thought he’d ever had of you flashed through his mind. For once, he wasn’t concerned about ruining anything, of hurting anyone, of losing you. All he cared about was satisfying the insufferable itch of longing and desire he’d carried for you all this time.
Finally, the noose was gone, the bad feelings dissipating while the others became one with his being. He could breathe again.
When he pulled away, he was smiling. He was happy.
And you were too. Happy because of him. Happy with him.
“You should be selfish more often,” you said, still trying to catch your breath.
Katsuki stopped the doors from closing in on him, his eyes still locked on you as he let out a chuckle.
“That’s a first. Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart.”
He backed out of the elevator, finally allowing the doors to close. You stared at him as heat rushed to your face, capturing a glimpse of his growing smirk until he was no longer in sight.
Katsuki Bakugou was a selfish man.
And oh, did you love every bit of him.
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‣ If you enjoyed this fic, please like, comment, and/or reblog! Doing so not only keeps my blog alive, but also lets me know what you like and how to improve!
‣ If you’d like to join the taglist for Katsuki Bakugou, or be tagged in all of my future MHA writings, let me know by sending me an ask/message, or comment on this post!
‣ Taglist: @jslittlebirdie @xkatsukizukux
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sugarlywhispers · 1 year ago
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☆— NSFW DRABBLES | [One] [Two] [Three] [Four]
☆—FLUFF DRABBLES | [One] [Two]
☆—Doctor!wife saves his life | Angst, +16
☆—KOI NO YOKAN | Serie + m.izuku | Trio relationship, +21 | Chapter One / Chapter Two / On going...
☆—Gf gives him a blowjob | NSFW
☆—Making his gf squirt | NSFW
☆—He cheats on his gf + m.izuku | Angst, +18 | [PART I] [PART II] [PART III]
☆—Lava girl!wife | Fluff, +15
☆—Lava girl!wife [2] | Fluff, +15
☆—The Fall | b.katsuki - prohero!reader goes undercover | ANGST, +15
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☆—Size kink | NSFW
☆—Making his gf squirt | NSFW
☆—Halloween special | NSFW, Yandere, +21
☆—Bakugou cheats on his gf + m.izuku | Angst, +18 | [PART I] [PART II] [PART III]
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☆—Makes his gf squirt | NSFW
☆—Sex with gf after a long time mission | NSFW
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☆—Size and praise kink | NSFW
☆—Making his gf squirt | NSFW
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zi-i-think · 5 months ago
MHA x Doctor Strange fanfic???
She's alive!
I know. It's been literally years since posting anything. Anyways, i have a fanfic idea that is essentially a My Hero Academia and Doctor Strange crossover. It's a Bakugou Katsuki x oc (because I can't wait another year to see him alive).
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Odessa Valencia (oc)
It would take place after the time skip, so they're around like 27 years old.
Magic is very much real. Practioners of the Mystic Arts protect the very fabric of reality every single day, yet no one knows. After all, in a world of quirks, no one bats an eye to the strange and peculiar anymore until it gets frightening.
Odessa was born without a quirk. The black sheep of her family, but not just because she doesn't have horns of shoot spiderwebs out of her fingers, from a young age, she could see spirits. The ghosts in the attics and entities in the corners of rooms were always chalked up to a wild imagination and an affinity for anything weird and creepy. Little does anyone else know, but Odessa has a knack for the mystical.
Let me know if anyone is even interested in this???
Little snippet underneath.
The neon-drenched streets of Shinjuku pulsed with an otherworldly energy, the aftermath of their supernatural encounter still thrumming through the air. Bakugo's eyes, blazing with a mixture of fury and bewilderment, locked onto Odessa. His chest heaved, his expression was somewhere between adrenaline high and confused.
"What. The. FUCK," he snarled, each word punctuated by a small explosion crackling at his fingertips. The sudden bursts of light cast eerie shadows across his face, highlighting the intensity of his glare. "Was that?! You better start talking, or I swear I'll-"
Odessa sighed, her shoulders sagging under the weight of her secrets. The kaleidoscopic glow of the surrounding neon signs seemed to dim. She met Bakugo's fierce gaze, her voice soft but resolute. "I'm sorry, Bakugo. I truly am. But I can't explain this to you. It's... it's better if you don't remember any of this."
Before Bakugo could react, Odessa's hands began to move in intricate patterns, leaving faint trails of golden light in the air. Strange, ethereal symbols flickered into existence around her fingers, pulsing with an otherworldly rhythm. "You'll wake up tomorrow thinking this was all just a vivid dream. No harm done, I promise."
Bakugo's eyes widened in disbelief, then narrowed in determination. As Odessa's glowing thumb approached his forehead, he reacted with lightning-fast reflexes. His hand shot out, fingers wrapping around her wrist with an iron grip. The collision of their opposing forces sent a visible ripple through the air, distorting the neon reflections around them.
"Don't you fucking dare," Bakugo growled, his voice low and dangerous. The air crackled with tension, small sparks dancing across his palm where it gripped Odessa's wrist. His crimson eyes bored into hers, a maelstrom of emotions swirling within them – anger, confusion, and beneath it all, a burning curiosity. "You don't get to decide what I remember. Start talking. Now."
They stood frozen in this tableau, the bustling Shinjuku night fading into the background. The neon lights seemed to pulse in sync with their racing heartbeats, casting ever-shifting patterns across their faces. In that moment, as magic and mundane reality collided, Odessa realized that her carefully constructed world of secrets was about to unravel in ways she could never have anticipated.
The ethereal glow around Odessa's hand flickered and faded, the arcane symbols dissipating like smoke in the wind. She let out a heavy sigh, her shoulders slumping as the tension drained from her body. The neon lights of Shinjuku seemed to pulse in sympathy, casting ever-shifting patterns across her face.
"Fine," Odessa said, her voice low and laced with a dangerous edge. Her eyes, usually warm and mischievous, now held a cold, steely glint. "I won't erase your memories, Bakugo. But you have to swear - on your life and your honor as a hero - that you won't breathe a word of this to anyone. Not a single soul."
Bakugo scoffed, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. The red glow of a nearby sign caught the sheen of sweat on his brow, making him look almost demonic in the eerie light. "Oh yeah? And what if I don't? You gonna threaten me, little miss secret agent?"
Odessa took a step forward, closing the distance between them. Despite being shorter, she somehow seemed to loom over Bakugo, her presence filling the space around them. The air crackled with an unseen energy, making the hairs on the back of Bakugo's neck stand on end.
"You have no idea what I'm capable of, Katsuki Bakugo," Odessa whispered, her words carrying a weight that seemed to bend the very fabric of reality around them. "There are forces at play here that you can't begin to comprehend. Things that would make your quirk look like a party trick."
For a moment, Bakugo's cocky facade faltered, a flicker of uncertainty passing across his features. But it was gone in an instant, replaced by his usual scowl. "Whatever," he growled, crossing his arms. "I still want to know what the hell is going on. Why are you really in Japan? And don't give me that investigation article bullshit."
Odessa took a step back, the oppressive aura around her dissipating. She shook her head, a sad smile playing on her lips. "I can't answer that, Bakugo. It's not just about me. There's too much at stake." She looked up at him, her eyes pleading. "It's still in your best interest to let me erase your memory of this. You can go back to focusing on being a hero, on saving people from threats you can see and touch. Leave the shadows to those of us who dwell in them."
The bustling nightlife of Shinjuku continued around them, oblivious to the cosmic drama unfolding on the sidewalk. A group of laughing tourists stumbled past, their carefree chatter a stark contrast to the tension between Odessa and Bakugo. In that moment, as neon light and shadow played across their faces, the gap between their worlds seemed insurmountable.
Bakugo opened his mouth to respond, his brow furrowed in a mixture of frustration and curiosity. But before he could utter a word, a sudden gust of wind swept through the street, carrying with it the faint scent of ozone and something otherworldly. The neon lights around them flickered for a split second, as if reality itself had hiccupped.
He blinked, momentarily disoriented by the strange phenomenon. When his eyes refocused, the words he had been about to say died on his lips. Where Odessa had stood just moments ago, there was now nothing but empty space.
Bakugo's eyes widened in disbelief. He spun around, his gaze darting frantically from one neon-drenched corner to another. "What the-" he sputtered, his voice a mixture of anger and bewilderment. The crowded Shinjuku street continued its nocturnal dance around him, oblivious to the impossible vanishing act that had just occurred.
He pushed through a group of giggling tourists, ignoring their protests as he scanned the faces in the crowd. But Odessa was nowhere to be seen. It was as if she had been swallowed by the shadows between the flickering neon signs.
Bakugo stood there, rooted to the spot, his mind reeling. The pulsing lights of a nearby pachinko parlor cast an ever-shifting kaleidoscope of colors across his stunned face. In that moment, as the boundary between the mundane and the mystical blurred before his very eyes, Bakugo realized that his understanding of the world had just been irrevocably shattered.
The night air seemed to whisper with secrets, and for the first time in his life, Katsuki Bakugo felt truly out of his depth. As he stared into the neon-lit abyss of Shinjuku's nightlife, he couldn't shake the feeling that he had just glimpsed the edge of a world far vaster and more mysterious than he had ever imagined.
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secondsineternity · 1 year ago
Chapter Twenty-Seven
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Very excited about this one, hope you enjoy!
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lissdiary · 8 months ago
“oh what’s this?” you lifted katsuki‘s bangs, your hand on his forehead. “lost a fuckin’ bet to shitty hair.. ya’ like it?” he nudged his head into your palm, showing off his fresh new eyebrow piercing. “it suits you baby, makes you look sexier” you giggled kissing his cheek, his new look definitely suited him well. katsuki and his new eyebrow piercing was a match made in heaven, you can’t help but admire him even more than you did before.
“what are ya’ staring at, hm?” you were staring at him for too long you began to zone out, he kissed your temple breaking you out of your daydream. your face flushed, you like staring at him but not for so long you start to daydream. “sorry katsu.. you’re too handsome not to look at” you tilt your head to the side while looking up at him, the one thing katsuki loves.
he loves when you look up at him with doe eyes, it was his weakness. “oh yea?” his hand trailing from your cheek down to your neck, ready to bite. you nod in response, tilting your head to allow him more access. he lowers his head to meet you , giving you the sweetest kiss on your lips before giving you small pecks trailing down from your lips to your neck.
“glad ya’ like it so much, baby.”
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minus-plus-zer0 · 4 months ago
Comparing Hand Sizes
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This was the stupidest love advice Bakugou ever received. But he had to give it a shot.
Bakugou approached you at the house party, steeling himself for the worst. The Bakusquad would have hell to pay if this didn’t work.
“Oi,” Bakugou said. “Wanna compare hand sizes?” 
“Um… sure?” 
He feared that you might’ve already caught onto his little game, but you still held up your hand against his. 
“Guess mine’s bigger,” Bakugou said, as instructed. 
Bakugou didn’t know where to fucking go from here, because the idiots didn’t give him the full instructions for this dumb trick. Bakugou went with his gut instead. His fingers intertwined with yours, letting both your hands drop. His hand still gripped yours firmly. 
You laughed in his face. “Really? This is how you finally make a move on me? You’re such a dork!”
“S-so what? It fucking worked, didn’t it?!”
After that, Bakugou didn’t let go of your hand for almost the entire night. He didn’t endure that embarrassment for nothing. However, he knew he needed more.
“So... ya wanna compare lips too? Wonder whose is better.”
“Wow. You are sooooo dorky!”
“Will you just get over here?!”
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shoyodon · 1 month ago
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who thinks tattoos are “so fuckin’ stupid.” Says its a waste of money just to put toxins in your bloodstream.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who rolls his eyes with a huff and mutters a quiet: “Don’t come complainin’ to me when you regret it.” Under his breath after you ramble on about interesting designs you saw online.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who, as much as he hates tattoos, has an equal if not vastly greater amount of love for his engagement/wedding band. Deep black obsidian band with a ruby red strip running around the center. He scoffed when you handed it to him after the two of you got engaged, told him you got it made specifically for him and said that it reminded you of his eyes. His huffing and puffing was a poorly disguised attempt at not letting the sentimentality make his heart race. You could tell he loved it by the red tinge on the tips of his ears that matched his band.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who gets into a scuffle at work while on patrol. The villain had managed to catch him off guard, and when he lifted his hands to shield himself temporarily they had managed to slice through one of his gauntlets like nothing. The surprise attack was all the leverage they had on him, though. Once he got his bearings it was over in an instant.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who reluctantly is pulled into an ambulance; his left arm and hand cut up badly from the attack. He sat on the stretcher with a bitter look on his face, not caring that his fingers nearly were cut off and were getting stitched up frantically by one of the paramedics, all he cared about was the bent, misshapen ring clenched in his other palm, which had to be cut off of his finger due to the injury.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who denies it vehemently when you ask him if the bad attitude hes had for the past few days is because his ring was ruined, claiming hes “not that sentimental.” but you still see how he keeps the bent piece on his bedside, and how he stays up late at night looking into places he can trust enough to repair it.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who, amongst watching various tiktoks of people repairing rings on his fyp, discovers someone tattooing their partners initials on their ring finger in lieu of a wedding band.
Newlywed husband! Katsuki who shows up home just a day after his doctor said his hand was completely healed with fresh ink on his ring finger. Your initials permanently engraved on his skin. His first and only tattoo.
(Newlywed husband! Katsuki who shrugs, claiming its “safer than having the ring nearly cut my damn finger off,” but still leaps at you when you surprise him with his ring, freshly repaired, on a chain that he can wear under his hero costume.)
((Husband! Katsuki who never removes the chain from around his neck no matter the circumstance, and subtly shows off his tattoo any chance he gets; what could be better than one way to show off that he has the best spouse a man could ask for waiting for him at home? Two!))
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heartkaji · 3 months ago
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currently thinking about bakugo “it’s not that deep” katsuki.
katsuki’s got a temper that makes him more chalant than not, but when it comes to everything else the blonde is relatively…unreactive. it’s not like he tries to be that way, he just has to be. when you’re surrounded by idiots like denki & sero on a daily basis, you eventually learn to choose your fucks & allocate them wisely.
“bakugo, class 1-B’s been hogging the hero equipment—how do we train now ?”
“it’s never that deep, tape face. just go later y’dumbass”
“bakubro, i think my situationship just blocked me—“
“literally just move on. really not that serious.”
the phrase has practically become katsuki’s signature one liner. so it’s a shock when his friends make you realize you’ve never actually heard the words from his lips.
“katsuki ? and nonchalant ? in the same sentence ? you must be joking.”
mina & sero are watching outer banks with your laptop while denki & kiri glance at each other in confusion. “you’re serious? he’s never said stuff like that to you ?”
“like ever?”
“never.” you run a brush through your hair. “though i guess i could imagine him talking to you guys that way.”
“double standards go crazy” mina mumbles. “real.”
“no, guys—all hope is not lost. it could be that y/n is really rational so he never has to say it, you feel me ?”
you scoff, but denki keeps talking, “we can test this out. just get y/n to act really dramatic and see how bakugo reacts.”
sero pauses the episode, ignoring the scowl that graces mina’s lips. “fifty bucks there really is a double standard and bakugo won’t act all nonchalant.”
“fifty bucks ? that’s half my salary!”
“not my fault you work at mcdonald’s dawg. you guys in or what ?”
kiri’s quick to strike the deal on kaminari’s behalf. denki’s about to protest when the fiery blond walks in.
“disgusting. why are you all sitting around like degenerates? not you baby.”
“what happened to ‘hello, how are you?’”
“hi ‘suki.” you purr, ignoring sero. katsuki dips his head to peck your lips, a quiet ‘hey pretty’ mumbled into your cheek.
sero snaps his fingers at the display of affection. “excuse me? in front of my obx?”
“the one you’re watching with my netflix subscription?” bakugo snaps the laptop shut and mina protests with a mouth full of popcorn. you’re about to playfully defend the duo when kirishima nudges your elbow. he cocks his head towards bakugo and you understand immediately.
“katsuki,” you tug at the hem of your boyfriend’s sleeve & look into his eyes with the most tender expression you can muster. “i’m out of lipliner.”
“okay ?”
you hear a snort and you know it’s from sero.
“there’s nothing ‘okay’ about it ‘suki. i need a new one or else i’ll literally die.”
bakugo’s brows knit in confusion. “is this your way of begging me for money?” he begins to dig at his wallet and you swat his arm away.
“beg is insane.”
“i don’t need your money.” you snap. “i need my lipliner. now”
“just order—“ “now.”
“what do you mean now? it’s almost nine pm, where the fuck are you going ?”
“nowhere. i just need it.”
“do you have a fever ?” “katsuki!”
“i need it now ‘suki,” you hug your arms around his body and place your chin on his chest. “if i don’t get it right now i’m literally gonna cry.”
your lips jut into a pout. you can tell he’s about to protest so you take his palm into your own. “it’s not that—fuck. whatever. where the hell are my keys ?”
he gently nudges you off him before grabbing the car keys off the front table, a string of grumbles leaving his lips as he sets out on the side quest regardless. he shuts the door behind him & suddenly the room buzzes back to life.
“y/n your pussy cannot be that good.”
“literally what i’m saying bro.”
“ho did you use rose quartz on him ??”
“i always knew you were a witch for real.”
“this whole interaction just piss me off.”
“i’m going home. denki and kiri, you owe me fifty bucks each.”
“EACH ?”
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( bonus )
it’s nearly half an hour later & katsuki isn’t back so you’re starting to get worried. sero and the gang have already left, leaving you to deal with the growing anxiety by yourself. you finally decided to text your boyfriend only to find he’s sent you several messages already:
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© ─ heartkaji ; do not steal, copy, edit, translate or reupload
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luviisabella · 3 months ago
Bakugou loves when you hold onto his biceps. It’s so intimate, even when it’s not sexually.
He used to HATE the winter but when he realized you had a higher tendency to cling onto him and squeeze his bicep so tight he began to grow fond of the season.
Or when you two would go out for hero awards and while walking on the red carpet you’d happily hold onto him and have the biggest smile. Proud of both of you for making it so far and being so lucky.
God what you do to him.
But his favorite thing by far… is when you’re crying and you just let him wrap you up. Letting his arms cage you in and now it’s just the comfort of reminding you that while he may be strong, for you, he knows how to be gentle. 🧡
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these-written-reveries · 7 months ago
Katsuki Bakugou Masterlist
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➼ Main Masterlist ➼ KiriBaku Masterlist
• All UA students are aged up and are intended to be read as adults, even if not explicitly stated in each fic. UA is a college/university in my fics!
• Unless specified, all writings are character x gn!reader (gender-neutral).
• NSFW/Smut writings will be tagged (18+). Minors, please DNI.
• Have an idea for a fic you’d like me to write? Send me a request here. But first, make sure to read my Request Info!
• If you’d like to join the taglist for Katsuki Bakugou, or be tagged in all of my future MHA writings, let me know by sending me an ask/message, or leave a comment on this post!
*Masterlist Created: 7/28/24
*Last Updated: 7/28/24
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F= fluff, A= angst, (18+)= smut/nsfw, C = crack/comedy
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Selfish (katsuki ver.) (F, A)
‣ Summary: Katsuki is convinced that you are in love with Eijirou, and not him. His plan to keep his feelings hidden from you quickly begins to fall apart the moment you confront him, and his selfish urges take over.
Selfish (kiribaku ver.) (F, A)
‣ Summary: Katsuki is convinced that you and Eijirou are in love with each other, but not him. His plan to keep his feelings hidden from you both quickly begins to fall apart the moment you confront him, and his selfish urges take over.
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kinjisroom · 4 months ago
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quirk accident with moms!! de-aging
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tyinghershoe · 4 months ago
Doing the TikTok ‘Hear Me Out’ trend with Bakugo except he crashes out every time you put something down.
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“Okay, my first hear me out is Sans from Undertale.” 
That sends him into a frenzy. Bakugo immediately snatches the paper from you in hopes that it will let him forget what you just said.  
“What the fuck? A skeleton?” Red eyes glare into yours and you swear he looks as if he’s about to kill you.  
You just chuckle, “He won Tumblr Sexyman!” You explain, as if that one sentence justifies everything. It doesn’t. Who still uses Tumblr, anyway? 
Bakugo rolls his eyes and turns back to your phone, now awaiting his turn. 
“My hear me out is my partner, y/n.”  
Your eyes widen at his nonchalance, as if this is the most reasonable thing. As if dating you is that bad for him to include you. 
“Katsuki, you’re supposed to pick someone that’s undesirable!” You explain, hoping that this was just a misunderstanding, he was never the best at TikTok trends anyways. 
He shrugs, “Yeah and I’m sure my choice is justified once everyone hears what you just picked.” 
You scoff and look away, which makes him smile. 
“Also, I don’t have any ‘hear me outs’ so.” He begins softly, a small like forming, “The only one I want is you.”  
You turn to him and gush, “You’re so sweet.” A hand comes up to wipe a fake tear, and he’s almost proud of what he just did 
But that pride is quickly forgotten. 
“Anyways, my next pick is Bill Cipher!” 
“A triangle? Are you fucking joking?” He yells, his quirk activating. It’s safe to say that the cake was quickly destroyed soon after. 
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View my masterlist here!
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shewki · 4 months ago
Katsuki being sad because his wife (his girlfriend) doesn't want to talk to him (she went to shower) she hates him (she just said 'i love you' 5 minutes ago) their marriage (relationship) of a decade (3 years) might end up in a divorce because she doesnt give him time (she spends time with him everyday) and love (she tells him she loves him everyday with a kith) anymore. 😕 his dramatic ahh
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cathnospam · 4 months ago
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Thinking about how canon!Katsuki would definitely be the kind of guy to stare at you.
We all know he has a habit of just looking and being nosey, so I believe he’d be way worse with his crush.
The way he stares is almost like you can feel his deep blood red eyes touch your cheek while you scribble your notes away in your notebook. You’ve notice he has done it a lot, but you were never the type to outwardly call him out on anything, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention and awkwardness.
But he would always stare, his mouth and chin covered by the palm of his hand, right leg jumping in tandem with his pencil he keeps moving back and fourth with his fingers.
You’re just so damn pretty.
It’s not what he thinks, but it’s what he’s showing, his eyelids are narrowed, slight scowl, but not entirely an annoyed look he usually does.
Eyes traveling to your crossed smooth legs, noticing the little small indents of your cellulite on your thighs.
You look so soft.
The little cute expressions you make when you’re focused on solving the problem in front of you.
You look so cuddly.
The different hairstyles you wear almost every other week. This week you decided on boho braids and they flowed off your shoulder almost like a curtain covering your pretty side profile, that’s until you throw the strands in the back of your head again.
You’re ethereal.
Bakugo loves to just look at you. He would rather choke than admit it, but he will be focused on finishing his work early just for some extra time to look back at you again.
If anybody were to point out the fact his pupils are dilated right now he’d blow them across the class.
He just keeps staring at you.
Eventually he will get caught. You will look back with your warm smile and Ironically enough when he does see you he will avoid your eye contact back like the plague.
Damn hypocrite.
But also damn you for being such a beautiful girl to Katsuki.
continuation here
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sansfangirl24 · 6 months ago
what if you were dating Bakugo and your mom hated him, and he hated your mom so whenever he saw you two randomly in public, he would make comments like: "well if it isn't the evil queen and snow white!" and when your mom would you see two in public, she would make comments like: "oh its beauty and the beast!"
and when she would leave, he would mutter under his breathe: "yeah I'm a beast in bed, hag.."
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lycastanne · 5 months ago
imagine pro-hero!bakugou with popstar!reader who writes freaky songs (ex. juno by sabrina carpenter). when you start hitting the "wanna try out some freaky position" lyrics and do your 'pose' position on concert, bakugou starts blushing and covering his face when he's on the big screen. feeling bold, he mouth "later" and the fans there just start screaming bcs who doesn't love this it couple???
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