#Spanish Language
itgetsbetterproject · 10 months
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FREE downloadable guide to nonbinary language in Spanish - spread the word! 💛🤍💜🖤
How do we take a traditionally gendered language like Spanish and adapt it to be more gender inclusive?
Language is a powerful tool - this new EduGuide is amplifying non-binary voices, dismantling stigmas, and teaching us how to take a traditionally gendered language and adapt it to be more inclusive.
Our pals at It Gets Better Mexico collaborated with Homosensual to address this crucial issue within the language — download their guide for FREE and share it around to friends, family, your school, and your community: itgetsbetter.org/blog/spanish-eduguide-for-the-inclusion-of-nonbinary-people
Education like this helps create a space where every identity is seen and celebrated!
El lenguaje es una herramienta poderosa - esta nueva EduGuide amplifica las voces no binaries, desmantela los estigmas y nos enseña cómo tomar un lenguaje tradicionalmente basado en género y adaptarlo para que sea más inclusivo.
Nuestres amigis de It Gets Better México colaboraron con Homosensual para abordar este tema crucial dentro del idioma — descarga tú guía GRATIS y compártala con amigues, familiares, tú escuela y tú comunidad para participar en estas importantes conversations: itgetsbetter.org/blog/spanish-eduguide-for-the-inclusion-of-nonbinary-people
¡Una educación como esta ayuda a crear un espacio donde se ve y se celebra cada identidad!
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mapsontheweb · 2 months
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Global Languages: Countries that Speak American, Mexican, & Brazilian
Despite Spanish, English, and Portuguese originating in Europe, the countries that have the most native speakers of these languages are not the European origin countries.
by powerfulcountries
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moomin279 · 6 months
*gripping bathroom sink* every foreign accent is a sign of bravery, every foreign accent is a sign of bravery-
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spider-artdump · 1 month
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lemonsprite · 21 days
𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐪𝐮𝐢𝐭𝐨 || 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞 𝐎𝐂 𝐱 𝐌𝐚𝐥𝐞! 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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Summary: you’ve caught Beau’s eye
Word count: 1k
Warnings: Beau’s horny for you but there’s no actual sexual content TT
A/N: reader has he/him pronouns, No use of y/n, reader referred to as Bonito/Chiquito/etc.
cowboy… oc…. 😼😼
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In the distance the sound of galloping hooves could be heard as they stuttered to a stop, a familiar albeit annoying voice following after.
It was the middle of summer and the Californian sun burned the back of your neck as your hands continued to hang up wet laundry to dry.
“Hola bonito~” came the low baritone of non other than Beau Tannen, a cowboy who often came by your home for the sole purpose of attempting to charm and flirt his way into your pants.
“How’s the summer heat been treating you Chiquito?” He asked, and even though you weren’t facing him, you could feel Beau’s eyes trail from your tight fitting shirt to your worn jeans.
Beau was a known flirt in your town, he’s had his fair share of flings with women and if you were to walk into any bar almost all the saloon girls would have their own stories to recall.
However, no one had ever seen him steal glances at another man. Not until you came along, moving into a quaint town house in the middle of the small western community.
“Beau.” You replied flatly, not even turning to face the cowboy as you continued hanging the freshly washed laundry. “What brings you to my little home?”
He laughed at you words as if you’d told a particularly funny joke and brushed a loose strand of curly black hair from his eyes, staring back at you a little longer than necessary.
His eyes trail down to the laundry basket balanced precariously on your hip before snapping back up to the back of your head.
“Am I interrupting something?” He asked, inching his way towards you, the spurs of his boots clinking. He looks into your basket of wet laundry, before looking back up at the side of your face, a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips. “Need any help with all that or are you too busy to talk with me?”
“Will helping me shut you up?” You asked with a teasing smirk, finally turning to fully face Beau. His smile widens at your movement, glad to finally see your features.
“You’re so strong chiquito.” Beau praises, changing the subject in reference to the monstrous load of laundry. “Is this all yours?”
You raise your eyebrow at the strange question, grabbing a sock and hanging it on the clothes line. “I have friends over… they came into town on that new train.” You explained.
“Two of them brought their kids and now I can hardly make my way through my house without bumping into someone.” You complained with a tired sigh, shifting the laundry basket off your hip before shoving it into Beaus’s arms and grabbing a worn jacket from the pile.
Beau didn’t complain at you shoving the basket into his arms, instead his grin widened- shuffling the laundry basket to get a better view of your face.
“Ah so you’re babysitting?” He chuckled. “Does this mean I’m not going to be entertained for awhile? I might get bored Chiquito.” Beau lectured playfully, leaning in slightly towards you.
He raised an eyebrow, his expression turning more flirtatious. “I know something that’d be far more entertaining than chores…”
“Actually doing your work vaquero?” You asked with a smirk, pinning up another article of clothing as you ignored his innuendo.
Beau huffed teasingly, rolling his eyes. “I’m working as we speak Chiquito. I’m flirting with you aren’t I?” He asked, using a free hand to pair up a two miscellaneous socks in the laundry basket.
Beau folded up the sleeves of his shirt, revealing his muscular forearms as he balances the basket in his hands.
“What could be more work than trying to charm a man with your pretty face, hmm?”
You sighed exasperatedly at Beau’s teasing, running a hand down your face as you surveyed the clothes line in front of you.
“I’m flattered Beau… but with my friends and their families in town I’m much too busy to continue our conversation…” you sighed, taking the basket back from his arms, before pausing. “Unless…”
Beau looks at you intriguingly, crossing his arms. “Unless… what, Chiquito? I don’t like to be teased you know.”
“Prove to me cowboy that I wouldn’t be making a mistake and then maybe- just maybe I’ll give you a chance.” You smirked, hastily hanging up the last of the wet laundry.
He stared at you for a long silent minute, his brain running over the words you’d just said. Was it true? Could you finally bring giving him the slightest chance to court you? “How can I refuse an offer like that bonito?” Beau chuckles, uncrossing his arms, laying his hands to rest next to his belt buckle.
“How bout you come to the ranch tonight? After everyone’s gone to bed…” he smiled, leaning in closer to you so that there was only a mere few inches between you.
You made a show of thinking over his words, biting the inside of your cheek as you thought. Eventually you spoke up.
“I’ll see you then vaquero…~” you smiled with a wave, walking to leave as you approached the steps of your town house. “Don’t disappoint me.”
Beau tipped his hat towards you, his smirk growing as he silently (for once) saddled his horse.
“You’ll be far from disappointed chiquito.” He grinned, flashing a canine as Beau and his horse cantered off.
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So this fic has been sitting in my drafts for a year 💀 I’m not kidding. I might make a second chapter with the events of later that night but that all hinges on wether or not I can finally force myself to finish a smut fic TT
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vashtijoy · 9 months
Idk if you’ve talked about this before, but in the event where ren and akechi are playing that shooting game together there is a very funny interaction and my fellow shuake fans and I are unsure what it means.
In English, Akechi jokes that he’s practicing gunplay to take ren out. Clearly this could either be a murder joke or a date joke. In Spanish, he apparently uses a phrase that can only mean a date.
What does he say in japanese? Was it ambiguous there too or was it clearly a murder joke or date joke? Again, sorry if you already explained it lol
…also this is kinda awkward but was the usage of the term gunplay intentional or does it have multiple meanings and fanfic has just ruined me orrr…
Hello! I am so happy to be able to go over this with you. Many thanks to @platinumdream, @minkhollow42, @somethingpersonarelated and the r/spanish subreddit for verifying this one for me.
This line stands out because the Japanese and English (and also the Spanish) translations are all radically different—different enough that what we have here is a stellar example of "the Xerox effect".
Let's take a look.
the scene in japanese
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Akechi 気付いた? そうだよ、いつか君も懐に忍ばせたこれで⋯ kizuita? sou da yo, itsuka kimi mo futokoro ni shinobaseta kore de... [lit. you noticed? that's right, some day <see below>...]
Let's take a quick look at the grammar of this line, which I think is dual-meaning in Japanese just as it was in English (and if any of this seems like bullshit please get in touch, as it never ends well when I try to produce sentences of my own):
Akechi does not finish this sentence—he's left off the verb. So, as often happens with him, his meaning is ambiguous. Let's take the obvious one first:
いつか君も懐に忍ばせたこれで【ある】 itsuka kimi mo futokoro ni shinobaseta kore de [aru] Some day you, too, will have one of these concealed in your pocket.
Short and sweet: "I carry one of these, concealed, and some day you will too". Note that there's nothing here about practicing, as there is in the English.
But there's another possible meaning here:
いつか君も懐に忍ばせたこれで【撃ってあげる】 itsuka kimi mo futokoro ni shinobaseta kore de [utte ageru] Some day I'll [shoot] you, too, with this thing concealed in my pocket.
WELP. Like I say, I'm not entirely sure, but I do think the strong likelihood is that this dual meaning exists in Japanese.
I should say I don't think there's necessarily a suggestion here that he carries an illegal gun (though since Naoto has one in P4, it's very possible)—I think it's a metaphorical pocket, his inventory in the Metaverse.
Though I don't think this is really what's going on, there are also a startling number of idioms with futokoro that suggest embracing....
but what is the futokoro?
Idiomatically speaking, 懐 futokoro often translates pretty cleanly as "pocket". But something else is going on: your futokoro is explicitly your breast pocket.
Originally, it was the flap in the front of your kimono where you tucked things away. And so it also appears in a lot of idioms relating to the bosom, or the heart. 懐に飛び込む futokoro ni tobikomu is to throw yourself into someone's arms. 懐に入る futokoro ni hairu, for instance, means to worm your way into someone's affections, or to win someone's confidence—sound familiar at all?
But there's something else going on, of course, with Akechi concealing a weapon in his breast pocket:
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Yep. Here's the payoff for this line in rank 5. Akechi tucks that silencer away in his breast pocket—just like he told Joker he would. And then he laughs. So did he know at rank 5 that this was going to happen, or did he bring this up for some other reason? Well, you decide.
By the way, here's Joker's question about gunplay:
Joker 撃ち慣れてる? uchi nareteru? Are you used to gunplay?
The Japanese just means "Are you used to shooting guns?"—I'm not sure it has any of the more, er, fanfic connotations of the English "gunplay". @specterthief agrees there doesn't seem to be any innuendo to the Japanese line.
the scene in english
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Akechi: Ah, you noticed? Well, I'll need as much practice as I can get if I'm going to take you out.
Let's look at what's happening here, because it happens very often. Like much of Akechi's dialogue, this line in rank 5 was originally a double entendre—it has a very obvious, and relatively innocuous, meaning, but if you squint, you can see Akechi is hinting at something far less innocuous.
Wordplay of this kind takes a lot of time, thought and skill to translate. So what happens in practice is that the translator has to choose one meaning to put front and centre. The English translator has decided, very reasonably, that Akechi's implied "I will kill you" is more important than the joke about the concealed weapon.
To be clear, this was probably the right call. I love the relative subtlety of the Japanese and the 11/20 callback, but it's important that people playing the game understand what's going on—even if, over here in blorboland, it's clear that He Would Not Fucking Say That.
the scene in spanish
Do sit down.
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Akechi: ¿Te has dado cuenta? Bueno, tengo que practicar todo lo que pueda si quiero invitarte a salir.
Now, I need to be as up front as I can possibly be about the fact that I do not speak Spanish. But I know a lot of people who do, and they have responded with one voice:
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"Ask you out"? "ASK YOU OUT"?????
This is what is meant by "the Xerox effect".
We start in Japanese, with the relatively subtle "I have a concealed weapon", which becomes "I'm going to shoot you with a concealed weapon" if you think about it a little more. Then, in English, we become more blatant, with "take you out" having the up front meaning that Akechi will shoot Joker; rather than being subtext, it's now the point of what he's saying. And it's introduced something new—the alternate alternate meaning, of "take you out [on a date]".
It is possible that the Japanese line has a third meaning, very similar to this reading of "take you out"—you would have to torture the context here to get dating from the English, in the same way you'd have to torture the Japanese to get embracing from it.
But there's no torture in the Spanish. Oh, no. Spanish Akechi, as they say, just fucking goes for it. and why the hell not.
but what happened here?
The Spanish localisation is an indirect translation, translated not from the Japanese original, but from the existing English translation. It retains any and all errors in the English script because of this. And when the Spanish translator looked at this line of Akechi's, they saw not the original Japanese dual meaning, the one the English translator saw, but the one the English translator introduced—the dual meanings of the English "take you out".
And the Spanish translator, again, had to choose which of Akechi's seeming dual meanings to keep. Should they keep the line about shooting Joker? Or should they keep the line about taking Joker on a date?
Just like photocopying a photocopy, detail and accuracy are progressively lost, and errors accumulate. Of course, these indirect translations are not without their positives—translating from English allows for a far wider range of translations to be done quicker and more cheaply. Without them, far fewer languages would see official translations at all.
Also, it's really funny and that Spanish translation is a gift.
revision history
click here for the latest version.
v1.1 (2024/01/11)—confirmed no innuendo on uchi nareteru.
v1.0 (2024/01/10)—first posted.
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er-cryptid · 1 year
Emotions (Spanish)
love = amor
worried = preocupado
angry = enojado
sad = triste
embarassed = avergonzada
afraid = asustado
kind = tipo
happy = feliz
amazed = asombrado
delighted = encantado
bored = perforado
tired = cansado
sensitive = doloroso
hate = odio
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ros3ybabe · 6 months
Spanish Media/Input Recommendations?
Can you guys comment me some good media/input recommendations for someone learning Mexican/Spain Spanish? I' talking about any and all that you guys find interesting, whether you learned Spanish on your own or it's your native language!
Tv Shows
Youtube channels
Songs/Musical Artists
Favorite Spanish teachers/tutors on Italki
Literally anything!
Thank you guys <3
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Lol you talking about the players sometimes being slow at switching languages reminds me of the press conference with the NT from last September, where Alexia at one point got asked a question in Catalan. She had slept very little and had enormous bags under her eyes, she looked so tired it took her some seconds to start speaking the language normally
it's one of my all time favourite press conferences that alexia has ever done. not only for the content and the exemplary leadership shown by alexia and irene, but for the memes too 😅
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spanishskulduggery · 18 days
Placeholder Names in Spanish
In Spanish, the word Fulano/a is used in situations where you're like "what's-his-name" or "whoever" or "so-and-so", a situation where you either can't remember or choose not to remember someone's name
Along with Fulano/a you may also see Mengano/a and Zutano/a
The original and most common is fulano/a which comes from Arabic; where Fulano al Fulani is kind of like saying "John Smith" or "John Doe", just used like "this person whose name we don't know"
You'll also see Fulano de Tal and Fulana de Tal as being "what's-their-name from Wherever/Such-and-Such"
The other term is also understood but it's a little more pejorative, as Don/Doña Nadie which is like "Mr/Mrs Nobody", calling somebody a nobody or someone of little importance
I should also mention that there are a handful of ways to say "John Doe", when referring to an unknown person, usually a victim or a perpetrator of a crime
The most common ones that I've seen (aside from Fulano/a) are Juan Pérez and Doña María for women... literally "Juan Pérez" being extremely common first name and extremely common last name, and Doña María as "Mrs. Maria" again the most popular female name
[to be clear though, no one would actually name their kids Fulano/a, Mengano/a or Zutano/a because it would lead to so much legal hassle, plus most Spanish-speaking countries have or have had more strict guidelines regarding names....... however, Juan and María are absolutely commonplace]
Other than that, you might see NN used in some countries
"NN" is a holdover from Latin, nomen nescio literally like "unknown name". In some Spanish countries (primarily Argentina) this is sometimes called Natalia Natalia
Natalia Natalia or NN has nothing to do with female names, and a man can be a Natalia Natalia... it's just that in Argentina's police codes, letters are given as names or common words, like M is María and Z is Zapato. But N is Natalia... so using the Latin idea of NN gets you "Natalia Natalia" in police jargon. The closest equivalent I can think of is like military jargon like Alpha, Bravo, Charlie for ABC etc
But if you happen to see NN for someone's name/file, it means they don't know the name so it's like John/Jane Doe
Let me know if I missed any, but these are my personal experiences from things I've read/seen/heard
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yondiii · 1 year
if you’re writing a miguel story PLEASE don’t use google translate, it’s not very accurate and makes spanish speakers cringe reading
there are many people on here (like me :]) willing to help translate for you, just message us and we’ll get back to you when we can
also please keep in mind that there are different variations of spanish, i speak latin american spanish (argentina) and miguel speaks mexican spanish but i can try help
also there are more accurate ways to translate such as spanishdict
in conclusion you shouldn’t be afraid to reach out for help translating :)
also pls tag me in all your fics ty ❤️❤️❤️
my contribution 🥰
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mapsontheweb · 6 days
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Countries where in Spanish avocado is aguacate or palta (only heathens call it pAlTa)
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pokemonfangame · 3 months
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Pokémon Reminiscencia [Spa/EN]
Pokémon Reminiscencia is a roguelike game made using Pokémon Essentials.
Anthony has been living alone on an island with his old partner, Walrein. One day, they find an unconscious person lying by the beach alongisde a talking Phione. This person claims to be someone special and promises to grant a wish to the man in exchange for his help, which involves embarking on a journey across several islands. Anthony looks at his old Poké Ball as he makes a decision...​
All officially released Pokémon, animated!
Lots of custom randomization options
Dungeons with unique events and battles
Fully customize your Pokémon without having to worry about levels or EVs
Story+battle focused game with around 15h+ of content
Replayable mode which jumps directly into gameplay after finishing the main story
Lots of fun and interesting characters
Pretty pixel art​
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nickiisthings · 2 months
does anybody else just mix languages in their brain when speaking? I speak both chinese and spanish and i often do that, my brain LOVES it it’s so convenient it makes so much sense for me 😂😂
eg: 你sabe donde ‘ta mi celular 呢?
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theregretofgod · 5 months
I don’t know why, but learning lanugages always makes me so giddy!
Learning voacbulary in Japanese about the organs in the human? So cool!
Just ordering food in Italian? Rivetting experience!
Finding out whether the sentence I’m translating from Latin is a relative clause or a a result clause? Stress reliever!
Having a conversation with someone who speaks Castellano Spanish and me speaking in my Latin American Spanish? Multiculturalism galore!
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cynicalrosebud · 1 month
By Trust Alone (Part 2)
Part 1 Here
Soap x Mexican!Reader
Well shoot, now I'm invested in my own story. Should I make this a series or end it here?
Spanish in italics
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The ancient wooden doors of the church creaked open, and Soap stepped inside, his senses immediately on high alert. The dark, musty interior was a stark contrast to the chaos outside. His eyes quickly adjusted to the dim light, scanning for any sign of his masked ally.
"LT?" Soap called out in a low voice, keeping his footsteps quiet as he moved forward.
"’Ere," Ghost’s voice emerged from a shadowy corner near the altar. He stepped into the faint light filtering through the stained-glass windows, his imposing figure clad in tactical gear and his signature skull mask covering his face. The eerie visage was enough to send chills down anyone's spine.
Upon seeing him, Y/n gasped softly and instinctively moved closer to Soap, gripping his arm tightly as she partially hid behind him. Her eyes were wide with fear and uncertainty, clearly unsettled by Ghost's menacing appearance.
Noticing her reaction, Soap placed a reassuring hand over hers. "It's alright, lass," he said gently, giving her a small, comforting smile. "He's one of the good guys. A bit scary lookin', I admit, but you can trust him."
Ghost tilted his head slightly, observing Y/n's fearful demeanor. He raised his hands slowly in a non-threatening gesture. "No need to be afraid," he said, his deep voice attempting to sound as reassuring as possible. "We’re here to help."
Y/n's grip on Soap's arm loosened slightly, but she still kept a cautious gaze on Ghost. Soap gave her hand a gentle squeeze before stepping forward. "She’s the reason I’m still breathin’. Name’s Y/n. Local who knows these streets better than anyone. Dunnae speak a lick of English though.”
Ghost nodded, his eyes never leaving Y/n's. "Appreciate your help, Y/n," he said, his tone sincere. "We wouldn't make it out without you."
She swallowed hard, finally nodding back though she remained close to Soap's side. The immediate danger outside outweighed her fear of Ghost's appearance, and she seemed to steel herself for whatever was to come.
Ghost turned his attention back to Soap, his posture shifting into mission mode. "We’ve got to move. Shadows are swarmin’ the area. Our ride’s waitin’, but we’ll need to make a break for it."
Y/n glanced between the two men and then toward the church's exit. "No hay otra salida," she whispered, pointing toward the door. "Solo esa."
Soap furrowed his brow, processing her words before responding. "Uh… no other way out," he translated, his limited Spanish just enough to convey the message.
Ghost let out a low sigh. "Of course. We’ll have to make it quick and loud then." He reached into his vest and pulled out a flashbang. Turning to Y/n, he spoke slowly, hoping she would understand. "Cover your ears and close your eyes when this goes off. Entiendes?"
Soap mimicked the instructions for her. Y/n nodded, understanding the gesture even if the words were partially lost on her.
Ghost looked back at Soap. "On my mark, we move fast and stick together. Keep her between us."
"Got it," Soap replied, positioning himself next to Y/n and giving her a reassuring nod.
Ghost moved to the door, pulling the pin from the flashbang. He counted down with his fingers—three, two, one—then cracked the door open just enough to toss the device outside.
A blinding flash and an ear-splitting bang erupted, and Ghost pushed the door wide open. "Move!"
They burst out into the night, the courtyard momentarily thrown into chaos as disoriented Shadows stumbled around, clutching their eyes and ears. Soap took point, guiding Y/n with a firm but gentle hand as Ghost provided covering fire, his shots precise and lethal.
Y/n stayed low between them, her eyes darting around as she did her best to keep up. Despite her fear, she moved swiftly, her survival instincts kicking in.
As they navigated through the maze of streets, more Shadows began converging on their position. Ghost barked orders, his strategic mind calculating the fastest route to the extraction point.
"Down this alley!" he commanded, pointing to a narrow passageway.
Y/n tugged on Soap's sleeve, shaking her head vigorously. "No, es una trampa," she insisted, panic creeping into her voice.
Soap relayed the message. "I got ‘trap’, Ghost."
Ghost cursed under his breath. "Alright, which way then?"
Y/n pointed to a rundown building across the street. "Por aquí, rápido."
"She wants us to go through that building," Soap figured that one out quickly.
Ghost nodded. "Lead the way."
They sprinted across the street, bullets whizzing past them as the Shadows regained their bearings and opened fire. Entering the building, they weaved through dilapidated rooms and out a back door, emerging just a block away from their extraction point. A battered pickup truck waited, engine idling and doors open.
Ghost covered the rear as Soap helped Y/n into the backseat before jumping in himself. Ghost slid into the drivers seat, slamming the door shut. Only taking a pause when a Shadow appeared, leaning back as Soap fired past his face and into the enemy.
He floored the accelerator, and the truck sped off, leaving the Shadows behind in a cloud of dust and gunfire.
As they put distance between themselves and the danger, the tension in the vehicle slowly eased. Y/n leaned back in her seat, exhaling shakily as the adrenaline began to subside. Soap glanced at her, offering a reassuring smile.
"Ye did great back there," he said softly.
She returned the smile, her eyes reflecting gratitude and exhaustion. "Gracias."
A comfortable silence settled over them, broken only by the rumble of the truck's engine and the distant sounds of chaos fading away.
After a few moments, Ghost turned slightly in his seat to look at Y/n in the rearview mirror. His dark eyes softened just a fraction as he spoke. “¿Por qué los esqueletos no pelean entre ellos?"
Y/n looked at him, puzzled. "¿Qué?"
Ghost's voice was deadpan as he delivered the punchline. "Porque no tienen agallas,"
Soap blinked, then let out a surprised laugh. "Did ye just tell a dad joke in Spanish, LT?"
Ghost shrugged nonchalantly. "Figured it was appropriate."
Y/n giggled, covering her mouth with her hand as she looked between the two soldiers. The tension continued to melt away, replaced by a sense of camaraderie and shared relief.
Soap smirked, shaking his head in amusement. "And here I thought you told Alejandro you didn't know any Spanish."
Ghost's eyes glinted with a hint of mischief. "Can’t let ‘im know all my secrets, eh?"
Soap grumbled to himself, "Didn’t need tae embarrass meself playing charades this whole time..."
Ghost simply shrugged.
As the truck sped further away from Las Almas, the unlikely trio found solace in each other's company. The night's horrors were far from over, but for now, they had a moment of peace, a brief respite filled with bad jokes and newfound friendships.
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