#Soulless Speaks
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midnight-soulless-system · 2 days ago
Hi! I figured i'd clear some things up
Consent and WHAT kids can clnsent on varies. Most kids before the age of 18 are unable to fully understand what they are actually consenting too. While some kids that are younger ARE mature enough, it is important to keep the law high enough to actually protect all kids.
Of course, there are things like the Romeo & Juliet law when it comes to the United States, and often times courts won't actually prosecute an adult for having a relationship where it's something like 17/18 or even 16/18 due to the fact that minors can get emancipated around 16, depending on when minors are allowed to get jobs in each state.
Kids have sex. Like, that's just a fact, and even no matter their age. I mean shit, preschoolers just do whatever the fuck they want, teenagers fool around, etc. but when an ADULT, especially a trusted adult has sex with a minor, it has been shown that it changes people's brain chemistry and often causes them to become hypersexual, same with if kids are exposed to pornography at too young an age.
Yes. Age does not equal maturity, but what you're talking about opens the channel for rape, and also denying disabled people the ability to have sex. You can not measure maturity. You can not measure when someone can TRULY consent or not.
Generally, kids can not consent to sex. Having sex with someone your same age as a kid is not inherently sexual assault. It becomes sexual assault when an ADULT and a minor have sex, unless R&M laws apply.
Please learn about what you're actually talking about and just. Learn the law and learn about psychology.
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Saying minors can't consent is saying that minors don't have the brains or maturity to consent, maturity doesn't come with age and age is something that shouldn't equal to what people can do and can't or can or can't be punished ,we need youth liberation and we need to fight for it. -Silus
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midnight-soulless-system · 4 months ago
Hot take, but everyone should be taught the symptoms and signs of a stroke. This should be a mandatory lesson in school.
Anyone could have a stroke, at any time, including you, the person reading this! If you were having a stroke wouldn't you want someone to be able to quickly identify it and get you help before it got really bad? Brain damage is fucking serious, and yet it's the butt of so many jokes and ehat most people know about it is the "burnt toast smell" which can be caused by many things.
So, as someone who has forced my mother to let me do her annual stroke test assessment to make sure she still knoes the stroke signs and everything, here are some things you can do to try and determine if someone is having a stroke. (Yes I passed the test everytime I did it and my mother would watch it with me)
Has their face drooped? Ask them to smile wide and if one or both sides of their face are drooping, they may be having a stroke. Call 911 or whatever emergency services
After this, ask them if you can touch their arms and legs to see if they can feel it. If they do not say yes or some affirmative DO NOT TOUCH THEM. Consent isn't just for sex, and this person is most likely going through a very traumatic sscenario. If they say yes, have them close their eyes and tell you which body part and or side you are touching them on. Let the 911 operator know your findings, and if they say no move on to the next step.
Test their speech. Have them say "I want my mother/mama" Can they say "a cactus is prickly"? If their speech is slurred then this is a sign of a stroke. Tell the 911 operator how severe the slurring is.
Have them try to raise their arms and legs. Let the operator know if they can or cannot raise any of their limbs, or if they have any difficulty.
Finally, ask them what year it is, what day it is, who's the president, where they are, etc. If they answer any of these questions wrong (especially if it seems like a really random answer) let the operator know.
Hopefully this helps someone. And please, for the love of fuck, treat stroke patients and survivors and people with brain damage like normal fucking people. Don't baby them and shit, and treat then like how you'd treat anyone else.
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soullesscoffee · 3 months ago
hello! hello!
long time no see! my 2025 goal is to get more creative with my outlets and since we have been fed and are continuously being fed, please give me your request! you'll see my previous works on my pinned.
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i am interested in currently writing for:
the lost boys
league of legends: arcane
baldurs gate 3
stranger things
the last of us (games and show)
(idk just shoot me a message and i may or may not have played/seen/watched or whatnot.)
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talk to ya soon!
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midnight-soulless-system · 7 months ago
Sometimes being disabled means you can't go to college, can't get a job, have to live with your parents and that's ok. For a lot of us it means not being able to go outside most days, not being able to get up or move at all. It can mean needing someone to wash us or feed us or help us with the bathroom and that is ok. It doesn't mean that we're less than or that we aren't worth anything.
And it's valid for us to be mad about it. Even if we can overcome some of these things with accomodations we're allowed to be mad that we're in this situation, and wish that we weren't disabled because I sure as hell hate this shit.
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midnight-soulless-system · 9 months ago
Being disabled and a person of color is so different to being disabled and white. There's so much extra stigma and prejudice and just shit that us PoC have to go through with doctors and friends and just the world to get what we need and want.
Idk, I just don't see a lot of posts talking about what it's like being a person of color and disabled (especially when you're more dependent upon others) so, feel free to share you stories.
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midnight-soulless-system · 1 year ago
Just told my friend we had a squish on her, but it wasn't a crush because we're aroace and she was like. "Cool, and same on both fronts"
I'm so fucking happy y'all, is this what the allos feel when someone else reciprocates a crush? Cause this is fucking awesome.
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midnight-soulless-system · 1 month ago
its hilarious/sad to me that you cant understand that men are never oppressed for being men. black men are oppressed for being black, disabled men are oppressed for being disabled, trans men are oppressed for being trans. none of it is because they are men- the word you're looking for is not "transandrophobia"- try "transphobia" instead! hope this helps 👍
Black men are oppressed for being black MEN. They are seen as even more dangerous than black women and are treated as rapists and abusers. Disabled men are oppressed for being disabled MEN. Trans men are oppressed for being trans MEN.
You cannot separate the identity. A black man is a black man. A trans man is a trans man. A disabled man is a disabled man.
The word I'm looking for is transandrophobia. Thanks.
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midnight-soulless-system · 6 months ago
[Image ID: A comic with 7 panels about pikachus with tails that are shaped differently than the binary shapes.
Panel 1: At the top it show picacho ears and in between them it says "I'm a pikachu." Underneath that it says "My world is filled with lots of cool stuff. Sometimes it feels like anything is possible!" Underneath that text it shows five types of pokemon, and pikachu looking at them in awe. It says "All sorts of types, all sorts of attacks, all sorts of pokemon."
Panel 2: It says at the top "But only two ways a pikachu's tail could look." Next to the text it show a male pikachu with a tail that is flat, and on the other side it show a female pikachu with a heart shaped tail. Underneath the text and two images it shows the pikachu that is narrating, which has a V-shaped tail. It says "So then, what am I?"
Panel 3: At the top it says "Too pointy to be female, too much of a V to be male. I thought there was something wrong with me." Underneath the text it shows three smalles panels showing the pikachu falling into blue. It says "I felt very, very, very, alone."
Panel 4: At the top of the panel, another pikachu reaches out to hold the other pikachu's hands. It says "But then, something happened." Underneath the text it shows three pikachus. One with a rounded tail, one with a tail stitched together, and the third one with a spiked tail. It says "I found others like me."
Panel 5: Three miniature panels that say "Round tails, scarred tails, spiky tails" with each tail shown above the text. Underneath it shows four pikachus hugging and it says "They told me nothing was wrong with me, and I wasn't alone anymore."
Panel 6: It says "There are many ways a pikachu's tail can look. I've heard there's over 30 different variations." There are two miniature panels and the first one shows the pikachu with a scarred tail. It says "My friend tells me her tail used to look just like mine. It was taken from her." The second mini panel shows the narrador pikachu floating in a sea of male and female symbols, and on it's chest is the intersex symbol. It says "some days are still hard."
Panel 7: The narrator pikachu looks up, and there's text saying "Some trainers won't accept pikachu that aren't male or female. They alter our tails without consent. But things are getting better. We are making change. We're fighting so that our tails will be left alone." Underneath the text it shows the four pikachu running together happily. Underneath it says "We're all on a spectrum. Every tail looks different; anything is possible." Underneath that text is says "this is a comic about intersex people." and in the bottom left corner it says " @postmanic " End ID]
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Not my usual content, but I made something I wanted to share...
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midnight-soulless-system · 5 months ago
"We need generative AI because disabled people! Think of the disabled people that I hate on and am always ableist to, and I use the r slur and call people crippled and schizos!!"
Disabled people are not your gotcha. I can barely write with a pencil, and paintings will take me weeks if not months, but I'd rather do that then use generative AI to mae fake art. Disabled people have to adapt every aspect of their life, and you think we don't adapt how we make art? Some people use their feet to draw, some people have to take breaks a LOT, some people use their mouth, some people create aids to help them draw, and there are so many other things that disabled people do to make art.
You'll catch me dead before I call ai generated shit actual art.
Also I'd like to add that while generative AI is shit, AI is really helpful in the medical field and such, and that not all AI is bad. /lh
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midnight-soulless-system · 11 months ago
:0 aroace, asexual, pansexual, and aromantic is trending? In this economy? How wonderful <3
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midnight-soulless-system · 5 months ago
[Image ID: A picture that says "click here" with an arrow pointing to alt text. The al text says "never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you never gonna make you cry, never gonna say goodbye, never gonna tell a lie and hurt you" End ID]
I realize that this is funny but please don't mess with the image descriptions. It fucks it up for those that actually use them and this is a really assholeish thing to do.
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midnight-soulless-system · 20 days ago
Trump had it wrong guys, they're not doing transgender surgeries on illegal aliens, they're acrually performing hormone therapy on mice.
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midnight-soulless-system · 6 months ago
"Grrr this is bad because it shows how harmful this thing we caused is!! We must get rid of it so that people don't know how bad it is"
Basically what these bitches are saying.
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This is especially frustrating because the only reason we know the wind speed is because NOAA's Hurricane Hunters literally fly into the hurricane and collect vital data. They fly in and out of the storm over and over in 8 hour shifts.
This brave team flies two identical Lockheed P3s called Kermit and Miss Piggy.
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You can see the dangling ornaments in the videos to determine which plane they are in.
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And when I say they fly into the hurricane, I mean they fly *into* the hurricane.
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Here they are in the eye of Milton.
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And here they are in the eye of Irma.
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As you may notice, this flight was in Kermit.
So the next time you see live data about a hurricane's wind speed and pressure, just remember how that was collected and don't be a giant turd about it.
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And please vote because conservatives want to kill NOAA.
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midnight-soulless-system · 7 months ago
"That's so psychotic" "Lol I'm so delusional about him" "Look at the crazy freak" "She's literally insane"
SHUT UP!! SHUT UP SHUT UP!! And fuck you.
If you say you're delusional about someone and then get upset when I say "yeah same" and you freak out because I actually have delusions? Fuck you.
If you call people insane and then think schizophrenics are just mediums and blessed by visions? Fuck you.
If you call people "psychos" or "psychotic" when they're just doing something you disagree with? Double fuck you from both the psychotic and ASPD community.
And if you say "look at that crazy freak"? Fuck you. I hope that one day you get treated like one of those "crazy freaks". I hope you understand what it feels like, and I hope you fucking change.
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midnight-soulless-system · 5 months ago
I ain't in the US but I feel your pain. Why don't you serve em with a 6th of January of your own?
Thank you for this ask anon, because yes. I am now planning a "Jan 6th" of my own, just like. Not treason.
On December 2nd I believe that everyone that can should go to their local government (or DC if you can) and protest Project 2025, Trump's plans for Palestine, and just Trump's policies in general.
Obviously I can't get a permit for everywhere, but you don't need one as long as you don't block the streets.
I realize that I am just some random person in the US that none of you know, and I've literally never organized a protest before and this will likely be stupid and messy, but it can be loud. If there are enough of us, then it can be loud.
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midnight-soulless-system · 8 months ago
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drew @wolfertinger666 's OC salem (sorry for the shitty quality, I really need to clean my phone camera). Also, you said that he was kind of a bitch but also aloof so we tried to capture that.
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