#Social justice warrior
eternalsailormom · 10 months
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Stick to your rear windshield, your front door, your mailbox, wherever it needs to be seen. I didn't make the original blank template, so if you know who to credit that would be cool. Edit as you like to shout what social justice issue matters to you with the help of the OG SJW magical girl ✨️🌙✨️
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lenbryant · 1 year
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Adieu, Mr. Belafonte.
(NYTimes) Harry Belafonte, who stormed the pop charts and smashed racial barriers in the 1950s with his highly personal brand of folk music, and who went on to become a major force in the civil rights movement, died on Tuesday at his home on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. He was 96.
The cause was congestive heart failure, said Ken Sunshine, his longtime spokesman.
At a time when segregation was still widespread and Black faces were still a rarity on screens large and small, Mr. Belafonte’s ascent to the upper echelon of show business was historic. He was not the first Black entertainer to transcend racial boundaries; Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald and others had achieved stardom before him. But none had made as much of a splash as he did, and for a few years no one in music, Black or white, was bigger.
Born in Harlem to West Indian immigrants, he almost single-handedly ignited a craze for Caribbean music with hit records like “Day-O (The Banana Boat Song)” and “Jamaica Farewell.” His album “Calypso,” which contained both those songs, reached the top of the Billboard album chart shortly after its release in 1956 and stayed there for 31 weeks. Coming just before the breakthrough of Elvis Presley, it was said to be the first album by a single artist to sell more than a million copies.
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emperornorton47 · 8 months
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beviebamm · 1 year
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The start of something new? Check out my youtube channel for the start of some Brilliance & Brutality
(And other social media too while your at it. My links are available through beviebamm.com)
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sassywelder9951 · 2 years
Just found out about Gays Against groomers
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dilettantefish · 2 years
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ayanna-tired · 1 year
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you-belong · 1 year
Two Paths
“Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.”
-George Addair
This week, I made a choice. I observed two paths at my feet. 
Down one, the story went something like this:
She was content. She knew the number on her bi-weekly paycheck. She would trade her integrity for the will of another - humans with power, governing and creating policy in response to vulnerable adults experiencing illness, aging, loneliness/isolation, and addiction. She knew the employer’s expectation of her, so there was little room for error. Her resume was shinier. 
Down the second, the story went along like:
She was content. She was forced to trust the universe, fully believing her mere existence was worthy of a paycheck, attracting abundance, maintaining nonattachment to the material. She was living in flow - existing in complete alignment with her mind, body, and Spirit. She knew nothing, and yet everything. There was both no expectation and complete faith in her abilities to overcome every challenge by the grace of God. Her resume was irrelevant.
Life is a series of choices - small and expansive. 
My skill of consciously taking pause in my body and as a witnessing presence to my mind is a relatively new one. This time, I listened to my body over my mind. 
And because of this, I know there is no failure. There is only what we create. 
So, please, watch me create a masterpiece...
And then join me.
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sweetsynth · 2 years
Fun fact! Supporting “social justice” is actually meaningless in practice unless you can define what your perception of justice is and what social causes you support. Wether something is “socially just” therefor is entirely based on your own perceptions and agendas. This can lead to a lot of conflict in spaces where everyone thinks they are being “socially just”.
To some people, “justice” is restorative, i.e. an offender can work towards repaying their victim or overcoming their offense. This often involves mediated dialogue between an offender and victim.
To others it is retributive, i.e. punishment for action is seen as imperative. This can be seen frequently in western society. Jail time, cancel culture, and concepts of revenge fall under this label.
How you define justice therefor will entirely alter how your “social justice” looks. The second defining factor is your social cause(s).
Rarely will you be pro every social cause, largely because many do not align and/or the time necessary to properly engage with the causes would be soooo consuming. You can have more than one, but the key is usually choosing a few that are central to your beliefs/character. For most people, causes share themes such as;
Person 1: Supports lgbt+ marriage equality, gender affirming care, and women’s reproductive health (theme gender/sexuality equity)
Person 2: Is anti incarceration, supports removing police from schools, and desires cultural competence and bias training for those in the court system (theme justice reform)
Both of these individuals support “social justice” but there actually supporting incredibly different things! Even if you have two people supporting these same causes, their approach to justice may alter how they promote and envision social change.
You know what’s the most fun part of this? No understanding of “social justice” is technically wrong!
No one thinks they are doing the wrong thing, everyone thinks there approach is best, and it can be incredibly difficult to engage with others when you don’t know the perspectives they are bringing to the “social justice” table.
Just some fun stuff to think about as you continue on your way through life.
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Ukrainians use fashion to resist Russian invasion
Fashion is more than stylish clothing, it is an industrial business, and part of peoples’ daily lifestyle. Since the war in Ukraine due to the Russian attack in early 2022, the country’s general lifestyle became unstable. Towards the end of 2022 however, the Ukrainians returned to business as usual. In the fashion world, Ukraine has not only resumed fashion as a business and a lifestyle but as a weapon in the war with Russia.
Ukrainian fashion designers, brands and icons have put focus on creating clothes that fashion resilience of Ukrainians amidst the war. Some of these include Ruslan brand, Viktorria Apansenko, Ksenia schaider, Julie Paskal and Ivan Frolov. Russian fashion designers feel sanctions bite.
Viktorria Apansenko, miss Ukraine in the 2023 universe pageant fashioned memorable outfits, displaying the power of her country to the world. The model walked the ramp attiring the 'Warrior of Light' costume. The 'Warrior of Light' costume was a dashing white outfit. She fashioned it as a devote to Ukraine's fight for freedom and the struggle the country has been going through since the Russia’s invasion.
Ruslan Baginskiy designed a traditionally rooted pink headwear that imposes protecting for the country. The pink headwear was worn by the Ukraine first lady, Olena Zelenska. She garbed it to raise awareness about Ukrainian culture and to appreciate the artists of the country who fashioned it in a song to show pride in their country even during the attack from Russia.
read continues here
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xidaer · 1 year
WIP- a Stucky G-rated gift
My cousin, D, is AMAZEBALLS. She’s just as into fandom as me. So for the holidays I said I gifted her a “Coupon” for a story written to her specifications. I’m finally getting around to making it a reality:
The prompt:
Rated G, Captain America - Stucky, with pre or post serum steve, hyper leftist Steve. 3rd person not knowing the main couple is a couple due to their own bias. Couple either leaning into them not knowing and messing with them, or saying HOW DID YOU NOT KNOW???
The plan/outline!!!
Told from the perspective of the news media!!! - Rated G - Stucky, a third person THE MEDIA being oblivious- "BEST FRIENDS" "ROOMMATES" "BROMANCE."
NYTimes - Steve Calling out America's Oligarchy, and ACAB - aka the defenders of the status quo)
20/20 - ADA (skinny Steve, need I say more???), Vaccines and Autism (been around for years and it's NOT because of vaccines- you realize what you're saying anyway? that a dead child is better???),
60 minutes - America's Colonialist War industry, Veteran's Affairs, (and the Sokovia accords. Maybe?)
Washington Post - Running the DC Memorials - Friendship with Sam, marching with BLM (handing the microphone to Sam; but a big proponent of reparations and giving credit to the US Black Panthers)
Smithsonian Magazine- America's History Lesson! like holy crap. uber leftist Steve. learning from primary sources
The View - Abortion, mother was a nurse, Republicans/conservatives/Christofascists saying he's been brainwashed - that freezing him rattled his brain. Calling for the Smithsonian to pull down their exhibit.
The Tonight Show - Book banning/burning, fierce Library supporter, all the neo-Nazis ("didn't I do this already???"), Announcing he's President of Antifa
Good Morning America - America's Champion, causes great and small. NOW at PRIDE and the best ALLY!!! CAPT as king(?) of PRIDE – LIVE TV KISS WITH BUCKY
SNL - "BEST FRIENDS" "ROOMMATES" "BROMANCE", Lil Nas X is the singer (OMG SHOULD THEY KISS???? Like duh, yes), President of Antifa (take two)
PBS The news hour - the media calling Steve the most high-profile ALLY at the PRIDE march (because he's known to go to every protest/march) Kissing Bucky- called a product of a "less toxic" time- ignoring anti-sodomy laws of course. First interview Where bucky has spoken- why? He loves sesame street. AND STUCKY GIVE THEM THE SCOOP OF COMING OUT
OUT Magazine - AND THEY WERE ROOMMATES??? HOW DID WE NOT KNOW??? History, more diverse and queer than most people think
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beviebamm · 1 year
The simplest way to determine if a social cause is just is this simply:
is the person/community asking for the freedom to exist authentically without penalty or are they looking to control the choices of another person? If you are reasonable in your discernment any ill intent is torn apart by this question.
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officialkrubs · 2 years
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kaiyodei · 2 years
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