#Social Justice Clothing
noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
Excuse Me, I'm Speaking: Kamala Harris Apparel for the Unapologetic Visionary
The phrase "Excuse Me, I'm Speaking" became inextricably linked with Kamala Harris during the 2020 U.S. Vice Presidential debate. This moment not only defined a key part of Harris's public persona but also resonated deeply with many viewers, particularly women and minorities who have faced similar experiences of being interrupted or talked over.
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During the debate with then-Vice President Mike Pence, Harris firmly but politely asserted herself when interrupted, stating, "Mr. Vice President, I'm speaking." She repeated variations of this phrase several times throughout the debate, each time reclaiming her right to finish her thoughts without interruption. This moment quickly went viral, capturing the attention of millions of viewers and sparking widespread discussion on social media platforms.
The phrase struck a chord with many people who have experienced similar situations in professional, academic, or personal settings. It became a rallying cry for those advocating for equal respect and representation in conversations, particularly for women and minorities in male-dominated fields. Many saw Harris's calm yet assertive response as a masterclass in handling interruptions and maintaining composure under pressure.
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Harris's use of this phrase also highlighted the broader issue of "manterrupting," a term coined to describe the tendency of men to interrupt women in professional settings. This moment brought increased attention to gender dynamics in political debates, workplace meetings, and other professional contexts.
The impact of this phrase extended far beyond the debate. It quickly became a cultural touchstone, appearing on merchandise such as t-shirts, mugs, and face masks. Many people, especially women in professional fields, embraced these items as symbols of empowerment and solidarity.
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However, the popularization of this phrase also led to some criticism. Some viewed it as an oversimplification of complex gender dynamics or as the commodification of a serious issue. Others debated whether the focus on this moment detracted from substantive policy discussions.
For Kamala Harris, this phrase became a defining part of her public image during the campaign and beyond. It reinforced her reputation as a strong, assertive leader and resonated with her campaign's themes of breaking barriers and giving voice to the underrepresented.
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As the first woman, first Black person, and first person of South Asian descent to become U.S. Vice President, Harris's use of "Excuse me, I'm speaking" took on additional significance. It symbolized not just her individual assertion in that debate, but also the broader struggle for representation and respect faced by many in politics and beyond.
In essence, "Excuse Me, I'm Speaking" and Kamala Harris became intertwined in the public consciousness, representing a powerful moment of assertiveness, a call for respect, and a symbol of changing dynamics in American politics and society at large.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 5 months
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Sorry not sorry to grannypost again but look at this amazing jacket she made me??? She wove it herself on her loom out of wool, silk, banana fibre and scraps of old cloth. The buttons are made of antler. It took her a year and a half and I love it! It’s not vegan, but it is handmade, largely local and very sustainable. It’s an item of clothing I have a personal connection to because of the story behind it, and it shows that reducing how much cotton and polyester we wear doesn’t have to mean drab or boring clothing. So it feels pretty solarpunk to me! Now to learn how to do this kind of thing myself…
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intersectionalpraxis · 6 months
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eccentricphilosoph · 10 months
Both can be true. Perhaps balance is key.
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There are women who wear a hijab and cover their skin as an act of feminism. There are women who wear next to nothing as an act of feminism.
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fairiedance · 5 months
I run a fundraising shop where I sell Palestine related designs and all income goes to keeping my best friend's family safe. My friend graciously agreed to model the gym shirt I got him from the shop:
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The left is the product mockup, the right is my friend (cropped to protect privacy of course). It's still a little wrinkly from the package here but I think it turned out nicely. The printing is pretty light and thin which I guess is unsurprising for a stretchy exercise shirt, I imagine it will be heavier on the standard clothes. He says it's comfortable and it held up through our workout with no issues.
You can find my full shop here. To see a design on different products click on the display product and scroll down or go here to browse by design. Each design is available on a range of products such as stickers, shirts, pins, bags, puzzles, posters, notebooks and mugs. The selection varies depending on the design.
Here are some examples of other shirt/sweatshirt designs:
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Again visit my shop here if you want to see more. Thank you to everyone who has helped out so far! We really appreciate your help and we hope you are enjoying your purchases!
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itsbansheebitch · 8 months
Anti-Homeless Architecture is a Tax Dollar Black Hole
Why pay for this:
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When we could pay for something more like this:
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Or, you know, HOUSING the HOMELESS. As someone who has done construction, it REALLY doesn't cost that much to build a house. You could probably get volunteers to help, too. This is NOT that hard. Politicians are just greedy and (nonconsensually) sadistic. They use weaponized incompetence and are purposefully obtuse.
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nochd · 1 year
Naturism as social justice
← Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Part 4: Disability (neurodivergence)
This is where the issue touches me personally. I am autistic, and among other things that means I have sensitivities that other people don't. I feel food moving around inside me, I need more anaesthetic than dentists expect, and I have what's called "tactile defensiveness", where light touches to my skin are irritating and uncomfortable. And that includes clothing. All clothing, with the sole exception of hats.
The problem is mild (but never zero) when it's cool; in the winter, I prefer clothes to the cold. When it gets warmer and I start sweating, the discomfort gets very bad very quickly.
This means I can't stand exercising with clothes on. I know perfectly well what not exercising does to my life expectancy and general health, but the feeling is unbearable.
How bad could it be, you ask? Imagine everything you're wearing next to the skin is made of sewn-together burlap sacks, and you're trapped in a slow-cooker.
Notwithstanding the origin of the word "gymnasium", I doubt that nudity is going to fly in any gym in town for more than about thirty seconds. Any physiotherapist would suggest swimming as a solution; trouble is, wet swimming-togs are worst of all. They cross the pain threshold. They feel like knives.
There's a Catch-22 for neurodivergent people when it comes to talking about sensitivities. If you do it often, you're just a whiner and your complaints are dismissed. If you don't do it often, well, it can't be that bad if you didn't say anything before, can it? -- and your complaints are dismissed.
The trick is to find the middle ground where your complaints are dismissed for both reasons at once.
I have exactly two options for dealing with this sensitivity, which are (1) naturism, and (2) shut up complaining about it no-one cares.
As far as what good it does me, any proposed solution which does not allow me to practise naturism amounts to "shut up complaining about it no-one cares." I'm sure people mean well when they express their sympathy, but it's exactly as much help to me as "shut up complaining about it no-one cares."
(Which doesn't mean I think any the worse of you, if that's your primary concern. "Shut up complaining about it no-one cares" is society's default response to autistic sensory issues. At least it's better than "I'm going to trigger you on purpose to teach you not to be a pussy.")
There's this one particular beach in my home town that I go to for nude walks. (There was a time when I was in a naturist walking group, but that's long past now.) It's not an official nude beach because New Zealand doesn't have any because technically there is no law specifically banning public nudity for them to be exceptions to.
What there is is a law against "offensive behaviour", and where and when nudity counts as "offensive behaviour" is complicatedly context-dependent.
(There's also a law, with more serious penalties, against "indecent exposure", but public nudity alone hasn't been the legal definition of "indecent exposure" in New Zealand for over forty years. Since 1981 it must also be "obscene", i.e. done to harass people. Surprisingly few people know that.)
There are thirty years of legal precedent saying beach nudity is not offensive behaviour -- on a beach where it's common practice or can be expected to occur.
This is one of those. Currently. Occasionally. It's had quite a few naturist visitors while I've been going there, but no regulars except me.
Most people ignore me; some are friendly; there have been a handful that were hostile. There's been one particular guy, recently, who kept hanging around where I was. I don't mean like chilling on the beach, I mean he kept kind of walking around and walking past me, making sure I knew he was there.
I came back after my beach walk to my stash of stuff to find the messages "No nudists!" and "Cover up cunt" written in the sand nearby.
(I wrote a reply saying "See you in court: Police v. Ceramalus 1991", referring to the court case that proved nudity on a beach is not an offence in New Zealand. But, well, I wasn't getting the vibe that he was threatening legal action.)
There is no other beach that is both clothing-optional by established custom and within reach of public transport from where I live. And I take care to go during school hours so I don't run into kids. And I stay out of people's way and, apart from my walk, I try and stay at the less-populated end where you get about one passer-by per hour on a weekday. And that's apparently not good enough.
Yes, I know. This world has other people in it besides me. I can't ask society to rearrange itself for my sake. I can't expect an entire culture to suddenly overturn all the associations and meanings it puts on the human body, all in a day.
Naturist organizations have to vet new people very carefully to make sure they're not going to behave inappropriately, which just goes to show society at large isn't ready to turn naturist just yet.
All of that is true and none of it is unreasonable. But the consequence of all this reasonableness is that my needs as a neurodivergent person will always come last.
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bijoumikhawal · 10 months
got reminded of the "saying Arabs conquered and colonized North Africa is Zionist because obviously no one saying that coulx possibly draw a distinction between North African Arabs and Palestinian Arabs, and even drawing a distinction between Arabs and Imazighen is colonizer shit" school of thought
#cipher talk#I have seem Zionists co-opt the language of MENA Indigenous groups but MF that doesn't mean we're WRONG#It means they're stealing our talking points to appeal to more left leaning people#How is it you can recognize that they've co-opted the language of social justice and that that doesn't mean social justice is bad#Until the people YOU dispossess are mentioned and suddenly you're doing step 8 of the 8 steps of white settler colonial denial#Just like the Israelis do!#And yeah like. Some people don't draw the distinction. That's a product of intergenerational trauma and how our communities#Get manipulated by the US and shit. I've also met Arabs not from North Africa that refuse to draw a distinction#And see a discussion of how Arabs have hurt Indigenous Africans as an attack on them when it doesn't make sense to do so#I've also met a lot of people who DO clearly draw a distinction because the material conditions of Palestinians are that of Indigenity#Are your material conditions as a postcolonial North African with an Arab name and a mosque and skin that isn't black that of Indigenity?#Do you not have people with your face in the government (regardless of how shifty it is)? Did someone take your land or your churches land?#Do you struggle with employment? Is your tongue not the most common one? Are your cultural clothes looked at with distaste?#Are your girls targeted for kidnapping and rape to force them to not be of your culture? Are your women called whores who WANT rape?#Are you harassed by cops? Does the government try to take your kids because they have bullshit adoption laws?#Do your kids get arrested at 12 or 13 and almost sent a thousand miles away from home before pressure stays the order?#Is your language called feudal? Do people tell you they hope it dies soon? Is your name a barrier in your life?#Did they drown your fucking village?#Because all of these are things Copts and Nubians can say yes to#Before I even start on the shit done in the Maghreb or the fuckery about how Egypt defines 'Amazigh territory' (which is very complicated)
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dazedasian · 5 months
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ne0nwithazero · 2 years
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Host sensory issues momence
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fifthdegreeus · 1 year
How Rastafarian Clothing Empowers the Black Community and Promotes Equality
Rastafarianism is a spiritual movement that originated in Jamaica in the 1930s and is deeply rooted in African culture and the fight for social justice. It is a way of life that centers on love, peace, and equality, and its followers, known as Rastafarians, are known for their distinctive Rastafarian clothes that incorporates bold colors, natural fabrics, and African-inspired designs. Rastafarian clothing
jah rastafari
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
Excuse Me, I’m Speaking: Elevate Your Speaking Skills Today
"Excuse Me, I'm Speaking" is a powerful phrase that has gained prominence in recent years, particularly in the context of gender dynamics and professional discourse. It encapsulates the struggle many individuals, especially women, face when trying to be heard in various settings.
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This phrase serves as a firm yet polite assertion of one's right to complete a thought or argument without interruption. It highlights the common occurrence of people, often women or minorities, being talked over, dismissed, or having their ideas appropriated in conversations, meetings, or public forums.
The statement gained widespread attention during the 2020 U.S. Vice Presidential debate when then-candidate Kamala Harris used it to reclaim her speaking time. This moment resonated with many who have experienced similar situations, sparking discussions about respect, equality, and communication etiquette in professional and personal spheres.
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Beyond its literal meaning, "Excuse Me, I'm Speaking" has become a rallying cry for those advocating for equal representation and respect in various fields. It encourages individuals to stand up for themselves and demand the space to express their thoughts fully.
The phrase also invites reflection on conversation dynamics, urging listeners to be more aware of their behavior and to practice active listening. It challenges societal norms that often allow for the interruption or dismissal of certain voices.
The phrase "Funny Kamala Harris Joe Biden Trump" evokes a complex political landscape filled with moments of unintentional comedy and satirical commentary. It refers to the often-humorous interactions, gaffes, and rivalries between these prominent American political figures.
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Vice President Kamala Harris, known for her occasional awkward laughter, President Joe Biden with his tendency for verbal slip-ups, and former President Donald Trump with his unique speaking style and Twitter habits, have all provided ample material for comedians, memes, and political satire.
Their contrasting personalities and communication styles have led to numerous memorable and sometimes absurd moments in American politics. From debate stage confrontations to social media mishaps, these figures have become central characters in the ongoing political theater that often blurs the line between serious policy discussions and unintentional comedy.
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This keyword encapsulates the lighter, more entertaining side of recent U.S. political history, reflecting the public's appetite for humor in the often tense world of politics.
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justalittlesolarpunk · 3 months
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Some visible mending I got done on old clothes at the repair cafe this weekend!
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miuartofficial · 2 years
The reality of fast fashion. 30 cents an hour to work in a factory that could collapse.
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Fashion has become available and cheap. You can get T-shirts for just a few bucks, and the collections in stores change so quickly that it's hard to keep up. However, this colorful and beautiful world of clothes also has a second, much less colorful face...
BEHIND A T-SHIRT from a famous brand for only $5, there is suffering, exploitation and environmental pollution. The factories where summer colorful dresses and comfortable cheap trousers are sewn are located in uncontrolled buildings. Sometimes disaster strikes, the building collapses. Workers die. The same ones who got a maximum of 50 cents for making one t-shirt. For a t-shirt that may have been made of cotton produced by Uyghur slave laborers. Or maybe polyester, which is the most environmentally polluting of all materials, and its production is associated with high CO2 emissions.
This is the real price of fast fashion
What is fast fashion?
Simply put: these are cheap, easily available clothes that correspond to current trends and quickly find their way to stores around the world. The idea for fast fashion is to deliver new collections as soon as possible, as well as to react quickly to the needs of consu(...)
Learn more https://miuart.store/blogs/news/the-reality-of-fast-fashion-30-cents-an-hour-to-work-in-a-factory-that-could-collapse
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digitaldreams04 · 2 months
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Rise Above Hate Classic Tee(via "Rise Above Hate: Spread Love, Not Hate" Classic T-Shirt for Sale by DigitalDreams04)
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pebblegalaxy · 7 months
The Intersection of Fashion and Socio-Political Commentary: Exploring the Impact of Clothing as a Form of Protest and Expression
The Intersection of Fashion and Socio-Political Commentary: Exploring the Impact of Clothing as a Form of Protest and Expression #FashionActivism #ClothingProtest #SocialJusticeFashion #CulturalCommentary #FashionForChange
Fashion Activism: The Power of Clothing in Socio-Political Commentary In recent years, fashion has transcended its traditional role as mere clothing and evolved into a powerful tool for socio-political commentary. From runway shows to streetwear, designers and individuals alike are utilizing fashion as a platform to express their views, challenge societal norms, and advocate for change. This…
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