#So people just go fairy hunting again lol
mr-squidgy-jr · 1 year
What if fairies don’t just steal names but they can also steal gender/pronouns
Like a fairy can ask you your name, pronouns, or gender and take it.
Some people got all of their pronouns stolen
some people catch themselves before they use the whole —/— and have some left and use whatever’s left/ take other ones to replace the missing ones
some are fairies who look to take others pronouns and gain the full power of gender / trade pronouns with humans who don’t feel as If they had the right ones
some people change which pronouns they use every so often so that fairies have a harder time stealing them
some people volunteer to have them taken to help the fairies
and this could follow the. Same rules as fairies stealing names where the stolen pronouns/ gender are never able to be said or acknowledged verbally by the person who had them or the others around them
Feel free to add on and let me know what you think! Are there any other things I should consider for this headcannon?
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limpfisted · 11 months
Something I think taken for granted for "good and heroic" characters like wyll is
How hard it is to be a hero in settings like this in gen. especially a solo hero.
And then u look at will especially at 17, especially after just losing half of your vision, and now being obligated to hunt devils for mizora, and not being able to tell people who you are or why you have magical powers
Wylls life has been extremely difficult.
Hes not "some rich boy." In fact, he tells you himself, he never really was. His father became grand Duke when he was 17. His father was a Duke before that, but his father was born to a poor blacksmith father and he was the youngest of six, so he worked his way up the ranks. Even as son of a Duke and grandduke---ulder was champion of the poorer "mythical middle class" lower city. All nobles and patriars are from the upper city. There's no way wyll wasn't looked down on by the upper city and then held to a certain untouchable standard as the flaming fist brat by the lower city/outer city people
And yet even at being some "rich boy" he excelled thru hard work and dedication, making things into a competition if nothing else, in which despite his Father's unsurpance to power, he still had PROOF he was the most charming, after all, he held the record for most sarabandes danced in a single evening, much to the exhaustion to the good lords and ladies of the courts.
But even so, with this "cushy life" (where he would get into trouble, mind you! Where his father would encourage him to get into fights, who would train him with a rapier, where he would drink in taverns in the lower city at 14 despite being "a noble rich boy" and hand deliver letters from his father to sharess's caress before he ever knew what went on with the pretty men and handsome ladies behind closed doors.)
Have you ever been camping, like experienced the holy shit, Outside of it all? I dont even like leaving the house without my phone. Wyll, 17, traveled all over the sword coast, with one eye, who knows how many supplies.
While wyll laughs off the trauma of it, losing an eye is a real ass disability that affects your motor skills. It can be difficult to do things like cut food at first, and it can take like 6 months WITH THERAPY for everything to feel "normal" again. Now imagine fending off goblins, and minotaurs, with no therapy, no physical therapy, no doctor. Having to navigate the cold of winter, cursed lands, mountains, all by yourself.
Having to learn to use you sword again, this time without your father. Remembering him every time you pick it up. Remembering the way he looked at you every time you face down a "devil." Spitting the words he would later say to you at them. They stink of avernus, they have brought ruin
Wyll dedicated his life to laboring for the people of the Sword Coast. It's not easy. He makes it look fun, because he's so proud of himself and happy to be helping people
But its actually hard and lonely. And it doesn't come easy, even to Wyll, I think. He had to train himself, it probably took him a long time to figure out what he was doing
I dont think wyll is really as inexperienced and naive as people think. Hes been to avernus, he's fought dragons and minotaurs. He's seen terrible things, he's STOPPED terrible things, and he's going to continue doing so, and choosing to do so, with the full knowledge of what that decision means, and the hard work and sacrifice it requires.
he's fully aware of who he is and what he's capable of, and he's extremely brave and strong and competent
Its good to be good for the sake of being good! And wyll does believe in fairy tales. But his dedication to the blade doesn't come because he's misinformed. Is he as experienced and powerful as he thinks he is? No, he's 24 LOL. But he's still done a lot! Has YOUR muse hunted devils thru avernus? Has ur muse even BEEN to avernus?
Wyll ravengard genuinely is improvising half the time---but more important than simply "being" good and wanting to do good----Wyll has the experience, practice and competence in serving a community to actually BETTER and protect communities.
In fandom spaces we often talk about how certain characters are "just so good" but we like. We forget about the effort it takes to actually commit to acts of doing good, the practice and perservance it takes to competently serve the community.
You can give the people the shirt off ur back but u run out of shirts eventually. Wyll has made himself an important resource on the Sword Coast for its safety. And I think we take that for granted bc its a genre staple, but like. He worked really hard. He dedicated himself to this.
He sold his soul, and he kept living and doing good anyway
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katescribblesabit · 12 days
What happened to Crocker? What was his reaction when Timmy went missing?
Would be be angry that Timmy had disappeared and doesn’t understand what happened? Did he ever worry about Timmy?
Did he come up with theory, thinking if it had to do something with fairies or something?
Just curious because it had been on my mind for a bit.
Also how would Timmy feel and thinks about AJ and his business? How he founded the business, believe that the fairies are dangerous or something?
What about Vicky? Her reaction about what happened? I know she probably doesn’t care, does she?
Did Wanda and Cosmo tell Timmy how they stood up towards Vicky at Dev’s place during his birthday?
My apologies, not sure if you watched those episodes or not.
You don’t have to draw if you want, just something I was wondering. I don’t know why.
ok here we go! thanks for your concern i am drawing as fast as i can lol
first thing first! i gotta say i don't have everything planned out, im mostly going with the flow. i also never expected people to love this au as much as you guys do, i was mostly planning to do like 2 or 3 posts about it haha. (thank you all btw this is nuts i luve uuu <3)
so Crocker! ok thinking about it, he is most definitely pissed his one lead to fairies is gone. after some time had passed and the police stopped looking for Timmy, he suspected something must have happend with magic and his fairly god parents. so he packed up his fairy detective devices and scooped out the turners house for clues but found nothing. when people asked he replied with being worried about the teenager and looking for him himself since the police stopped. perfect cover to hunt for fairies!
i don't think AJ specifically believes in fairies. i thought it was the supernatural in general, seeing as the galax institution is for everything unnatural. also his reaction to Crocker stealing the Trophy says a lot to, he still thinks his former teacher is crazy for believing in fairy tales. as for how Timmy feels, he's happy for his former friend, since AJ is revolving his work around supernatural science, it makes Timmy feel closer to him.
for Vicky, when she heard about Timmys disappearing she didn't care. Timmy went to live in fairy world when he was 16, so Vicky hadn't babysat him for a while now. they didn't see each other anymore, which Timmy was grateful for. Vicky just moved on to other kids to torture. the police did visit her when going around looking for clues but Vicky is a great liar, so she got away with it again.
Devs birthday story was Peris to tell, and well.. i don't think Peri would tell his big brother that his godchild wished him away.. yeahh so Timmy didn't know Vicky was even there.
no worries! i have watched the entire a new wish! so i am caught up with the new stuff haha
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kneelingshadowsalome · 10 months
Hey i just read some of your fics and i can’t lie..IM. IN. LOVE!!!! I absolutely adore your writing style too! When i saw you wrote something that included Roman Empire I screamed lol.
I was curious tho how would König from that au would’ve react to his lover being tired and pregnant carrying his heir. (Pregnancy kink alert) and their sex life looks during pregnancy 👀.
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(This is not a *fic* fic, I just love to do these cute little moodboards! lmao)
Roman!König gets so fussy when his little fairy gets pregnant 🥺
Their new hut is barely even built before she notices that her moonblood no longer arrives. When she tells König the good news, he's already the happiest man in the world but now he's about to burst from joy. All his dreams are finally coming true!
König is so proud of his queen, but he's also proud of himself. He’s been working hard every day – as a man should! – hunting and fishing and building their new home and making love to his woman, basically toiling from sunrise to sunset. Now that there's a baby on the way, he can finally catch his breath and concentrate on taking care of his wife and finishing the roof for their new house ❤️
And lovemaking! There's lots of it in the first months, but when the baby starts to grow, König refuses to "bully" her before the child is born. Says that in his homeland people believe that it can hurt the baby if a man tries to get an already pregnant woman pregnant again. As much as he would love to do his daily duties, he can't risk the health of their child so it will simply have to wait.
Man starts to talk to her belly before even a month has passed, and in his own crude language too. Doesn't see how his fairy queen is rolling her eyes at this – even a mighty warrior turns into a simpleton when they've managed to get a woman pregnant, it seems.
She’s not jealous, per se, she just thinks he’s being a bit silly :/ König likes to ramble to the baby even more than he rambles to her these days, and the baby bump is not even visible yet! And when it is, gods, he gets even more silly. Every morning König gives her a kiss, then goes down to her belly and gives the baby a kiss too, then says Guten Morgen with a wide, cheerful smile.
It’s nice to see that at least someone here is happy, because she’s not having it easy; her back and knees hurt all the time, she wakes up five times during the night, her feet are always sore, she has to pee constantly, and her appetite is gone. König isn't really helping: he tries to feed her all the time “to make the baby strong” and gets worried if she doesn’t eat enough.
So it's a good thing that König has his little building project going on, otherwise he would go mad :/ Man is working hard to build the animal pens before winter, hunt the food, and do some carpentry such as make them a sturdy enough bed (...) that he dozes off in the evening after eating three large bowls of stew. These two lovebirds are soon sleeping under a pile of furs, with König's large hand protectively over Fee's tummy while the embers in the firepit offer them warmth through the night ❤️
And if Fee was treated like a queen before, now she's almost like a goddess. Barely gets to prepare the food because König doesn't want Fee to exert herself. The only thing she's allowed to do is weave (they have this cute little vertical loom), and if she ever looks tired, König will order her to rest and comes to pet her head or massage her feet.
Starts to excitedly talk about how he will teach the child how to run and wrestle and hunt and fight, be it boy or a girl. He has to teach their little wolf cub to fend for itself if need be, right? When Fee cuts in and says that if it’s a girl she can always marry a strong husband, König looks at her in shock. His baby girl, marrying some ugly, big brute who just wants to force his head under her dress?? There's no way he’ll let that happen!
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rayroseu · 10 months
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THE MAJESTIC EXCELLENCY HERSELF 😍😍😍😍💚💚💚💚 also maybe its just me but is it a reach to hope that an ACTUAL Disney villain can cameo in TWST?? 😆 You know like how Mickey randomly appears before us akjdkss
Also i find it interesting how Yuu immediately got up to go to the Maleficent Statue after concluding the dream as "Maleficent is being left out..." She reminded him of One Guy lol 😭 Also Yuu lore crumbs that theyre finally catching up that their dreams is related to the next overblot lol
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ALSO AAAAAHHH SEBEKKKK 💚💚💚✨✨✨ I missed hearing his "human!!" FULLY VOICED✨✨✨ Haruki Ishiya san... thank you 😭💚💚💚
I love his attitude change LMFAO and Silver being the polite person he is insisting Sebek to apologize and Sebek just doesnt lol... SOBS... Also agree with Grim lol Diasomnia literally the most dramatic dorm lol
Also I find it so funny that "Malleus evil smile" expression is his Happiest Expression LMFOAOAOA He's thoroughly AMUSED by Yuu calling him Hornton in front of Sebek (of all people) without hesitance 😭😭
Ohhh Malleus loves chaos alright ✅✅✅💥💥 and his family and friends getting along...😭😭💕💕💕
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Also the part where the npcs talked about him broke my heart aughh...
He's just talking with his classmates and everyone is already whispering how "he shouldn't be in this school he's going to curse everyone" (OKAY maybe theyre going to be right about that in a few more updates butksjdjs) But aaa knowing the fact he has superb hearing skills.... I like to imagine he's hearing these rumors while talking to Yuu and the knights but he's just ignoring the rumors since there's a few peopke who are treating him like a normal person right now 😭😭
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I LOVE HOW THIS IMPLIES LILIA RELIES ON SILVER THE MOST TOO!!! He couldve asked Sebek or Malleus since theyre the people with no sleep problems... but nooo he insisted on Silver waking him up!! AUDGAUHS I thought he's a general who focuses on efficiency... 😭😭 He just wants Silver to wake him up... i know you lilia 🔍🔍🔍🤨🤨
I am in good pain... considering!! in Book 7!! Lilia repeatedly appears to be a reliance for Silver whenever he feels hopeless... I CANT. Lilia is just like more lowkey about how much he actually relies on his son 😭😭💚💚
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Imagine them in the ruins and finally Malleus has someone who is enthusiastic about ""boring facts about Gargoyles and Abandoned Ruins"" but its just... got to be THIS GUY Rook Hunt... who once tried to playfully harm Lilia lol
Malleus and Rook Duo is actually so funny though 😂😂 It still cracks me up that Malleus was once invited on Rooks Bday but he didnt attend cuz he's annoying to him and most notably Rook is not even hostile to him??? He just didnt attend bcs he hates his guts omg😭😭💥💥
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This fact is so weird to me... What do you mean that some teeth just becomes an automatic RADIO under the right conditions????😭 Is this a foreshadow to Zigvolts Dentistry??? 😳⚡💚✨✨✨
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Can a fae teeth play Elvis Presley just by opening their mouths...?? You know like Stitch acting as a phonograph... 😂
But I doubt??? They have radio towers at Briar Valley so it probably doesnt happen????? But It'd be pretty funny if Briar Valley radio just play bardcore music and one poor fae was "cursed" to have "magical radio teeth" playing bardcore everytime lol
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My first thought was "Sebek!!!!✨✨✨" here actually 😭💚 Since he's the only freshman we're missing rn...
But I was surprised Yuu thought of Malleus??? That just further implies Yuu recognizes him as a friend that'll help them too 😭😭😭
Its just precious to think that someone finds Malleus reliable, he'll be so happy to assist Yuu if they're having trouble with anything just like how he enthusiastically offered to explain more about the Thorn Fairy since Yuu is curious about it...😭💖💞💖💗💕 I love them to BITS OMFG...
(I'm sad that Yuu is going home too but I'm ignoring that lol🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ Yuu is a self insert theyre supposed to speak MY language of staying with Mal-)
Its devastating that the freshmen are so hyped up to be working together THEY ARE NOT PROCESSING THE IMPLICATIONS OF YUU GOING HOME... 💔😂 if Yuu truly goes home, theres no reason for them to be gathering like this on the cafeteria anymore... 😭😭💔💔 Making myself sad that they'll buy an extra plate for them during lunch break and not even Grim touches that food... just to honor their friend😭😭😭
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Wait so we know that the first night in "sleepover to discover Mickey" consists of Deuce and Ace as Grim and Yuu's companion...
Maybe the next nights (without Malleus' overblot interupption) consisted of Epel and Jack, and then possibly Ortho and Malleus??? (since Ortho is the one who suggested that therell be a fae)
Oh but Im going to cry if at Book 7's ending consisted of Yuu inviting Malleus for a sleepover at Ramshackle despite what happened... 😭😭😭 and and like the stars aligning appears once again but this time he's not at ruined Ramshackle missing his friend... He's at a peaceful sleepover with a friend group auGh... 😭😭😭💖💕💞💗💞💗
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crybaby-bkg · 1 year
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Under Wicked Charm
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Dabi x f!reader
Warnings: smut, no quirks, demon sex, incubus Dabi, succubus reader, blood kink/play, dom/sub undertones (sub leaning Dabi), reverse cowgirl, deep throating, cunnilingus, dick piercing (ofc), aphrodisiacs, 69 position, implied age gap, unprotected sex, mentions of wings tail and horns, a bit of praise, creampies, brief mention of pregnancy. please let me know if I missed anything!
Word count: 4.8k
Notes: I’m so not used to writing a dom top but I’m TRYING okay lmfao I love reading it but don’t write it enough but how will I get better if I don’t write it more!!!! also this has been on my ao3 for a while I just got lazy uploading it here lol but pls enjoy!!
Minors/blank/ageless blogs DNI!
also available on ao3!
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The bar is darkly lit, a strobe effect being casted upon a crowd of people, drunk and high alike. It feels like everyone has been dancing for hours; feet sore, legs cramped, but somehow unable to stop themselves from grinding and groping, singing and screeching, until they drop. 
They don’t know that this is a club for the otherworldly. 
The fairies in the corner all snicker at the people who complain of the aches and pains, going round and round in circles, despite the stabbing pain they must feel in their toes. Dabi is all too familiar with it, after pissing a fae off once when he ghosted her. He can only imagine how the humans feel, being forced to dance this macabre number until they pass out from exhaustion. 
When that bores him, Dabi turns away from the crowd, rests on the bar in front of him. He whistles at the bartender, a witch who knows him all too well and the good stuff that he likes mixed in with his drinks. She nods to him before fixing it, and he catches her dumping something from one of her little vials into his drink, the black fume wallowing up and around her arm before she shakes it away, mixing it all in with a red straw. 
“You remembered,” He nods his head to her with a teasing grin, watches how she rolls her eyes as she pushes his drink over for him to catch. 
“And you never remember to pay your tab.” She quips back, but she can’t help the proud smile on her face when he downs half of it in one sip, groaning when he finally pulls the rim away from his wet lips. He licks the moisture away, before glancing up at her from under dark lashes. 
“What’s a tab again?” Dabi asks playfully, slinking away into the dance floor as she hollers for him to stop playing stupid when already is. He can’t help but snicker under his breath, sipping at his drink as he makes his way through the crowds of people until he finds the steps that lead up to the higher level, where the VIP sections are. He nods his head at Shigaraki, who sits in his section with his feet up and his phone in his hand, and instead of sitting with the boring fuckin’ crowd, Dabi leans on the railing that overlooks the lower section. 
He needs his meal for tonight. He’s gone a couple of days without feeding, mainly because he just didn’t feel like the hunt. It can become tiresome having to look for a potential meal; find someone suitable, desperate enough, flirting with them, convince them to take him home, screw them into their bedsheets, and flee before they could even wake up. He would much rather come in the night when someone is sleeping, but that proves to be a lot of work, too. 
So he looks into the crowd, ignoring the otherworldly people who want to spend a night with an incubus. His charm isn’t even as strong on them, so he doesn’t understand the hype of it all, plus he can’t even feed as well on them, so its really just a waste of time. 
But then, Dabi locks eyes with you. You’re in the middle of the dance floor, body turned, chin held up, as you stare at him from where he leans on the railing above. His eyebrows jump up in surprise, before he neutralizes his expression quickly. You were staring at him with such an intense look, he wondered if you were somehow other-kin that he hadn’t seen before. But you seem human for the most part, with a devilish little grin and tits to die for in your small top. 
Okay, color him intrigued. 
You dance amongst the people, although you don’t seem to be under the same spell as the people that the fae are fucking with. Your moves are sultry, all smooth and sweet and dripping sin off of your swaying hips like a leaky faucet. Dabi feels hypnotized, in a sense, as he watches you, taking another sip from his drink as he doesn’t dare take his eyes off of you. When you see his bright cerulean eyes drag up and down your body slowly, you grin even wider, and he fears he might see canines too sharp for a human mouth. But the imagery is gone before he can clock it, and he blames it on the potion that witch put in his drink. 
Dabi crooks his fingers at you, signaling for you to come to where he’s at, and you cock your head at him in response, a teasing little quirk of your eyebrow directed at him. He points to the stairs below, and feels a shiver rack up his spine with how you lazily drag your eyes from his face, to his hand, to the stairs, and back at his face. 
What the fuck is up with you, and why the fuck are you making him feel like this? Are you human? You look like it for the most part, but something about your allure makes him think that he’s in troubled waters and you’re the alligator ready to lock him tight inside your maw. 
Dabi blinks, and you’re gone. He doesn’t see you anywhere on the dance floor or the steps, and he wonders if he somehow scared you off. But then you tap at his shoulder blade, and it makes his head whip around faster than he thought it could. 
You’re even prettier up close. Your makeup is done up in such a way that your eyes look sharp, all shadowed depths creating dimensions that he feels like he might get lost in, your lips a deep plum color, your bottom lip just waiting to be bitten. 
“You ask me to come up here just to stare at me? I would’ve figured you had better game than this, Dabi.” Your voice is a low sultry tone, quiet despite the loud roars of the speakers in the club and—wait, how did you know his name? Dabi quirks a surprised eyebrow at you, pausing where he went to reach out for you, hand resting midair as he takes you in. 
“Do I know you from somewhere?” You couldn’t have been one of the humans he’s bedded once before; he would remember such an addicting face and voice if he did. You only shrug at him, saddling up to where he was leaning against the railing as now its your turn to overlook the people below. He watches you, follows your movements until your shoulders brush against each others, breath sucking in at the electrical zap that pulses through his body when his flesh skims yours. 
“You don’t know me, but I know you.” You flirt, winking at him and bumping him a little when he can’t take his eyes off of you. Dabi straightens out, clearing his throat a little as he tries to wrack his brain for every encounter he’s ever had where he could’ve seen you before. It’s rare someone knows him and he doesn’t know them in return, as being one who gets around due to his ‘line of work’. You baffle him, and you can tell how much the gears in his head are turning through the concentrated look that has fallen on his face. 
“Nice to formally meet you.” You tell him your name, reaching your hand out for Dabi to shake. He glances at it, and then your face, before he finally takes your hand in his own, squeezing the softness of your palm. He’d love to feel that wrapped around his dick tonight. 
“Tell me; what crazy fucking story have you heard about me to know me?” Dabi asks you, still holding onto your hand, now rubbing the backs of your knuckles with his thumb. Through the contact, he can start to release his pheromones, the shit that drives you humans crazy. While you won’t be able to smell it as much in the heady atmosphere of the club, it’ll sink into your skin, glide through your system until you feel high on the attention from him. And then after that—you’ll be wrapped around his finger and bouncing on his dick in no time. 
You go on speaking to each other for a while, flirtatious banter being exchanged between the two of you. You get closer throughout the night, from Dabi caressing your hand, to your own grazing the hair at his nape, to his chest pressed against yours, to your thigh straddling one of his as you press against each other. He thinks his charm has worked finally, if that hazy look in your eyes has anything to say about it. 
“Wanna get outta here?” Dabi asks you, his head tilted toward your own, his nose brushing against yours. Both of your arms are wrapped around his neck as you slowly sway to the beat, your hips grinding occasionally on his knee slotted in between your thighs. You nod, biting at your bottom lip, the lipstick you have on seemingly never budging and he makes it his mission tonight to smear it all over your face with his thumb and tip. 
“My place or yours?” You whisper to the air between your mouths, his hovering over yours, teasingly so. Dabi grins at that, warm hands squeezing once, twice at your hips. 
“Whatever’s closer.”
You come stumbling into your loft before you know it, clothes flying every which way. His boots are kicked off, and you still have a heel resting haphazardly on your ankle. His shirt rides up to his collarbones, and yours is somewhere left in a trail on the floor. You two can’t even make it to your bed, falling on the couch as Dabi pulls you on top of him, his hands gravitating instantly to your ass. He kneads the flesh in his hands, groaning under his breath when you start to rock your hips to no rhythm in particular, gasping inside of his mouth. 
You’re so intoxicating, so addicting, Dabi almost forgets that he’s the one in charge, that you’re the one under his spell, and not the other way around. It’s hard to remember that though, when his head starts to feel foggy and his limbs start to get too loose for him to not panic. 
Did you drug him? Even if you did, it would’ve burned through his body quicker than it would’ve dissolved in his drink. So why does he feel like this? Why does he feel like he’s the one under his own charm, like he’s a desperate bitch in heat that just wants to cum?
“What did you do to me?” Dabi asks groggily, laying his head down on a throw pillow behind him, disconnecting from your sweet mouth as he groans. He squeezes his eyes shut, starting to freak out internally, as an evil little giggle from you starts to float around the room. He doesn’t see the change happening in front of him, right on his lap, and only snaps his eyes open when your tone is way too devilish than any human should be. 
“Oh, little fledgeling, you have so much learning to do.” You purr to him, grinning, waving at him with sharp, black tipped, taloned fingers. 
What. The. Absolute Fuck?
“You’re a—a succubus?” Dabi asks, groaning again and clutching his sides when something pulses through him, something so strong and unwavering, that he has to shift his hips around to make sure he didn’t just cum on himself untouched. Your laugh floats throughout the room as you start rocking your hips against his, ignoring his almost pained groaned as you tilt your head back. 
“I’m a greater succubus, little fledgeling. Older than you could even comprehend.” You moan sweetly, taloned fingers starting to massage your tits from overtop your lacy bra. Dabi can only sit back and watch, dazed and confused and entirely too turned on to function as he takes all of you in. 
Your smile is wide, canines sharp and wicked where they rest just a few centimeter down from your bottom lip. Your irises an unnatural crimson, like stained blood, black horns twisting and twirling from your temples, tipped a dark purple like the stain on your lips. Your skin seems to have some glow underneath, a pulsing rhythm that correlates with the way you grind your hips into his, wings that span as wide as the room flapping and twitching with every little hiccuped gasp that comes up from his throat. They’re leathery and dark, just like the swishing, evil little forked tail that shoots out in front of Dabi’s nose, only to slyly trace the outline of his face, almost lovingly. 
You’re a sight that he’s never witnessed before, and for some reason, he feels blessed to have fallen under the trap of a greater succubus. 
“Why so shy now?” You ask him with a pout, leaning forward until your breast rests against his chest, nose to nose with him, your tail now rubbing the hairs on his eyebrows. Dabi sucks in a shaky breath, trying to regain his composure, the control he never actually had, and swallows thickly. 
“How did you disguise yourself so well?” He mutters, biting back a moan when you suck on the sensitive part under his jaw, hips still a slow rock on top of him. “We can always tell when someone is—when another one of us are—”
His brain is completely fried at the moment. Finds it hard to think, see, hear, and breathe with the way you tongue and nibble at his neck, with the way you put more pressure down on his pelvis with your own weight. He can feel his cock spurt against his thigh, fears he might cum without even directly touching you—but this was why he could never sleep with another succubus, especially not a greater one. 
You things were downright heathens, all tantalizing, all sweet and devilish little smiles, luring people in until you caught them with the honeyed trap between your thighs. But you—you were different. You were sin in and of itself, and Dabi doesn’t think that he could ever be a match for you. 
“That’s the power of being greater. I can disguise myself from anyone that I please, and I wanted to have just a bit of fun with my meal first.” He can hear the bite in your voice, the eery laughter bubbling up from your throat as you trace sharp canines against the flesh of his throat, threatening to bite. Dabi feels himself swallowing thickly before he can stop it, and you outright laugh at him as you sit up. 
“Now, are you gonna be a good boy and let me eat you?” You ask him breathily, tracing a sharp talon up his chest, grinning when he hisses at the trail of black blood you leave on his torso. Dabi glances at the trail, before meeting your blood red eyes, licking his lips as he nods slowly, gripping your hips tightly in his hands. 
“Whatever you want, sweetheart.” Dabi mutters to you, eyes now solely focused on the way your skirt rides up as you sit in his lap. But you demand his full and complete attention, talons gripping his cheeks to make him look you in the eye, as the other hand trails ribbons of black blood down the other side of his stomach. 
“Beg for it.” You demand of him, licking sweetly at the seam of his mouth and pulling away when his tongue darts out to greet yours. “Beg for me to fuck you, fledgeling.”
Dabi downright moans at the tone, at the authority laying in your voice. He’s always been the one in charge, always took control with the little humans he would charm. But you, you’re all power and control and commandment, and he can’t help but fall pray to a demon older than his own ancestors. 
“Fuck me.” Dabi spits at you, letting his own claws extend as he digs them into the skin of your thighs. You glance back at them, chuckling at the little beads of blood that he spills from you, gripping his face harder at the sheer audacity he could have with you. 
“Attitude, I see. A stubborn one.” You muse, turning his face to the side to lick up the blood that you’ve squeezed out from his cheek under your talon. Dabi hisses at the contact, and you can smell his pheromones trying to take over the aroma in the room. How cute, he’s trying so hard to be in control. 
You couldn’t wait to ruin him. 
You pull back quickly, hands reaching down quickly to shred him of his jeans, a big pile of his clothes and your own making a mess of the couch and floor. Dabi can’t even keep up with how quickly you work, your tail flickering out to knick at his boxers, entirely too close to his dick when you expose him. He hisses, before holding his breath when the forked tip of it hovers menacingly over his mushroomed head, sitting up on his elbows as he gets ready to throw you off of him. 
“Scared?” You tease with a smile, watching how his low cerulean eyes narrow at you when your tail soothes over the precum dripping down his shaft, so fake innocent. You knick the side of your panties until they fall into a heap in his naked lap, grinning when his eyes immediately zone in on how your sticky lips split open when you sit on his shaft. 
“Does your pussy have teeth? That would scare me,” Dabi snips at you, his voice low as he grips your hips to start making you grind along his shaft, this time with no barriers in between. But you scoff at him, digging your nails into his hand until he releases you with a hiss, quickly maneuvering your body until your ass is in his face and his cock is in yours. 
“Shut up, and put my pussy in your mouth already.” You throw over your shoulder with a little huff, giving him no time to process the beauty in front of him before you lick a long stripe down from his tip to his balls. Dabi groans hoarsely, head thrown back as he holds onto your ass for dear life. 
“Y’don’t have to keep using your charm on me,” He mutters, damn near miserable with how hard his cock is throbbing in your warm hands. But you only chuckle at him, waving your ass in his face for him to get to work already, as you dip your tongue in his cockhole. 
“Why shouldn’t I?” You ask him in a hum, mouthing at his tip before you suck his mushroom head in your hot mouth. Dabi hisses, holding your cheeks open until he’s greeted by the pretty sight of your sticky lips and twitching hole and cute rim. His eyes go low as he sniffs in the pheromones that drip onto his chest, mingling with the blood that slowly evaporates from his skin, your essence dripping and mingling into his very being. 
“Because I already want you.” Dabi mutters, shoving his face between your cheeks and holding them closed until they swallow his head. He licks at you, feverishly, feeling your charm overtaking him more and more as he’s engulfed in where the scent is strongest. He can’t stop his hips from bucking up into your mouth as your smell surrounds him, licking doggishly at your cunt, making you moan high in your throat. 
“Yeah? Well I want you pliant and susceptible, like the easy little thing you are.” You tell him, reaching a hand back to shove his head even further between your cheeks, grinding back on his face as he starts slurping on your hole, determined to taste every thing slips from you. 
You sigh, ducking down to bob your head on his cock, taking him in easily, like you’ve been sucking cock all of your life. And in a sense, he guesses that you really have. Dabi pulls back for a breath, spitting on your cunt and thumbing it into the arousal that drips from your inner thighs, licking it all back up slowly. 
“Did you just call me a slut?” He grunts, grinding his cock deep into your throat, head falling back momentarily when he realizes that you don’t have a gag reflex. Most sex demons don’t, but he doesn’t sleep with them regularly, and you’re also greater, so it makes the experience all the more euphoric. 
“Well if the slut panties fit,” You tease him, reaching back to shove his face back between your cheeks when you realize that he’s had enough air. Dabi doesn’t complain though, but he does whimper when you start fondling his balls in your hand at the same time you swallow around his shaft, nose buried into the pubes there. 
Dabi suckles at your clit, feeling your hole throb against his skin, reaching a hand up to start gliding a bony finger inside of you. Your sultry moan vibrates around his cock, and it twitches so violently, that he fears it might jump straight from your mouth. But you keep him in, humming around him, soft, warm hands tugging and tugging at his balls until his toes curl and he can only find it in him to lap at your cunt like a dog. 
You’re messy, where you suck him off, all loud slurps and gulps and swallows, the sound of spit dirtying his pubes. He can hear the sticky sounds of your hands jerking off his shaft when you pull off, how your throat closes around him, how you pull his prince Albert piercing with your teeth gently, how your fingers rub at the seam of his balls. It feels like all too much, like he can’t keep up, like he might burst from the inside and spray your entire little loft in cum and black blood. 
Before Dabi can even register that he’s coming, you pull your mouth off of him, moving around too quick for him to catch, and he damn near yelps when he feels another, tighter heat engulfing him. He struggles to peel his eyes open, mouth dropped lewdly at the sight of you riding him reverse cowgirl style while he still cums from you sucking him off. He’s too sensitive, and you’re too tight, and too mean, with how you look over your winged shoulder and laugh maniacally at the pitiful and pained expression on his face. 
“Aww, poor little fledgeling can’t keep up? How fucking pathetic.” You bite at him, hips and ass dropping quickly as you ride him. Dabi tries his damndest to keep up, to slow you down with the pumping of his pheromones, but at the moment, he can’t even tell up from down. Can only lay there as you take him, fuck him the way you said you would, tight and hot cunt clenching down around him with every drop of your hips. 
“This dick only good for little humans, huh? Can’t hang with a succubus, now can you, baby?” You tease, grinning, one hand on your lower back as you fuck yourself down on him, moaning when the pierced head of his cock grazes something soft inside of you. You press down on your lower stomach where you feel him, eyes fluttering shut as you take him for your own pleasure. 
“F-Fuck, slow down s-some,” Dabi stutters uncharacteristically, teeth grit as he can feel his own canines starting to protrude, losing all sense of stability as your cunt clamps down tight around his dick. You’re trying to kill him, aren’t you? With your tail reaching around and under you to keep rubbing over his tightening balls, with your wings fluttering in his face, with your sharp talon reaching back to trail more blood down his bellybutton, pooling in his lap. It creates a wet slapping sound where you drop your hips, and the feeling of his cum and blood now staining your cunt and inner thighs only makes you howl in pleasure. 
“Keep up or shut the fuck up, fledgeling. This is all for me.” You growl at him, your playful energy suddenly gone as you glare at him over your shoulder. It shouldn’t make his cock throb the way it does, but he listens to you. Only because he wants to cum again and feel how tight you’ll get around him, his head hazy and filled only with thoughts of you riding him until he passes out on your couch. 
Dabi does as told, clamping his mouth shut, breathing heavily through his nose as he struggles with keeping up with you. He can only hold onto your hips, and hope that you cum first this time, because he doesn’t think he can handle you still going after he’s cum for the second time. 
Luck seems to be on his side though, as he feels his balls tightening once more, but you start to lose your rhythm, hips stuttering against his, a wet kissing sound every time you drop down. Dabi picks up where you seem to slip off, hands clamped tight around your hips as he starts thrusting up into you, watching the bounce of your ass and how your tail doesn’t know what to do with itself at the height of your pleasure. 
“Fuck me, just like that, baby, just like that. Make me cum on this dick, cmon.” You growl through gritted teeth, eyes clamped shut as you throw your head back, voice staccato and a low growl. Dabi clenches his jaw, focused purely on bringing you over the edge as his orgasm creeps up closer in his lower belly. He reaches around your hip, strumming quickly and messily at your clit, hearing you whimper out before you start clamping down tight around him. 
“Shit!” You yelp, body jerking as you orgasm, cunt suffocating his cock as you keep riding him through the throes of pleasure. Dabi unclenches his jaw, canines scraping his chin as he growls at the feeling, his orgasm not too far behind as he keeps fucking you through it. He stills when the first rope of cum spurts inside of you, back arching off of the couch when evil little you moans and starts rubbing at his balls with every twitch of them. 
“That’s right, little fledgeling. Fill me up, just like that, doing so well,” the praise you sing to him gets to his head as you keep grinding on his lap and rubbing at his balls. He thinks he might’ve cum dry at some point, his cock kicking inside of you despite not feeling any extra leaking from his tip. His eyes are screwed shut, his body pulled taut, finally collapsing into a heap on the couch when you stop riding and fondling him. 
Dabi swears he hears you say something about being knocked up with little incubus and succubus babies now thanks to him, but he’s out like a light before the words can even register in his head. 
When Dabi wakes up the next morning, he thinks that it might’ve all been a dream, that his sins are finally starting to catch up with him. But you’re standing in the kitchen across the open layout of your loft, in nothing but a pair of panties, your wings and horns and tail still on display and just as grand as he remembers. He groans, head falling back onto the pillow he slept on, as you perk up at the sound of him. 
“Good morning, little fledgeling.” You singsong, pulling out a few things from the fridge as you smile in his direction when he pokes his bedhead up from over the back of the couch. He looks so adorable like that, you think. 
“Breakfast will be ready in twenty.” You tell him, bringing flame underneath the pan in front of you with a snap of your finger. Dabi squints at you, frowning, as he checks the clock on your kitchen wall that’s framed by a black cat. Hm, cute. 
“I’m not hungry, and plus, I should be getting out of here.” Dabi groans, standing, uncaring of his naked state as you obviously don’t either. You both glance at each others bodies, before you turn from him, tutting under your breath. 
“I don’t think so.” You declare, scrambling the eggs before you, speaking up when Dabi opens his mouth to protest. “You’re going to stay here and eat, because you need your energy.” At that, he quirks a brow, strolling leisurely to you as he scratches his stomach, wrapping a finger around your curious tail when he gets close enough. 
“Energy for what?” He asks, grunting in surprise when your tail suddenly pulls him in, his front against your back as you look at him from over your shoulder with a devilish smile that makes his cock twitch against your ass. 
“Round two.” You say simply with a shrug before going back to the eggs. Dabi can only blink, before he shrugs with a nod. 
“Round two doesn’t sound bad at all.” 
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shmowder · 3 months
I have some more dessert headcanons 🍰 I doubt I can explain but it's just a feeling I have. Daniil would like Turkish Delight. Lara and Artemy both like fruit pies, best is blueberry for Lara and rhubarb (it's a vegetable but whatever) for Artemy (oh god I'm stereotyping based on colors again). Candy corn for Clara. Candy corn is divisive but I actually like it. I think Grief would like candy in general, maybe those little chocolates with liquor inside, and cinnamon flavored things. Big Vlad - mincemeat pie. Rubin - bread. Just bread. Red velvet cake for Katerina, meringues for Eva. For Aspity, those dirt pies made out of oreo crumbs, pudding, and gummy worms lol. I think Grace, Notkin, Sticky, and Murky would like those too :o)
There's probably some obscure dialogue that contradicts something there but oh well~
What do you think of Victor's animal being a tiger? I keep thinking Basset Hound and yes that's almost entirely because they both have a high likelihood of being found sitting on the floor by the clock. He's some kind of scent hound to me - more calm and deliberate than sighthounds, and once they have their mind set on something, focusing on it to the extent that it's nearly impossible to pull them away. But at the same time, I can sort of see the cat thing.
🐿️ anon
Your brain is big and wrinkly all of those fit perfectly omfg. "Rubin = bread" I LOVE IT.
Here's what I think their preference in sweets would be in addition to yours.
Turkish delight, Honey soaked rose baklava, kanafeh with sweer syrups. The intensely sweet desserts are her favourite, think heavy caramel chocolate cakes. She'd sample a lot of desserts from different cultures but those would be her comfort ones.
Victor Kain
The dishes he eats are an acquired taste that wouldn't appeal to most people. Think blue cheese and something along those lines. think bitter chocolate, coffee, and pistachio flavours. Traditional creme burlee and dark chocolate mousse.
I like to think that Khan abhors these flavours and desserts out of rebellion and only demands the most sprinkle filled bubblegum bonbon cupcakes for his birthday.
Maria, however, goes for flavour-rich desserts that explode in the mouth, something with a heavy taste and an aftermath of wine.
Cheesecake, lemon tarts. Subtle sweetness with the spin of something different sate her appetit the most. French Vanilla chiffon cake for special occasions, a blueberry muffin with her morning light cream cappuccino.
He's absolutely not a dessert person, so when the craving strikes, he would rather go for a baked good. Almond bread, rosemary-walnut brow butter cookies and biscuits, English muffins too.
Fairy bread cookies, strawberry shortcake, and orange puddings. Fruit based desserts with cream are her favourite. Peach pie and cherry jello. Sadly, most of these would only be found in the Capital, and exporting them into the town wouldn't come easily. The kin might adjust their recipies to accommodate her sweet tooth and include more fresh fruits.
For Victor's animal, I was surprised to learn it's the same one as Rubin! They both have tiger in their descriptions. Especially when Khan's animal is an adorable hedgehog. Oh my god, so cute. But it fits. He really does go hide in that spiky polyhedron whenever life gets too troubling. He also has the Kains and Capella ready to protect him.
It's because of Victor's animal being a tiger that I add the "predatory" lines in the story. The sharp claws hidden in his clapsed hands.
He's a tiger in the aspect of the danger rather than the ferality. His mind is as sharp as a tiger's tooth and his focus and patience when hunting a prey or a goal is unmatched. You never expect him or hear him, how he'll as stealthy as a tiger when it comes to mind games.
For Rubin, however, I do see the symbolism centring on the ferality instead. He's like a caged tiger, one with filed down claws and broken teeth. He used to be so sharp and had so much potential. He's truly a force to be reckon with, but the cruelty of life stole away his prime. He's overcome with grief and appears as a docile, tired predetor because of it, like a circus tiger not caring anymore and just jumping through the fire hoops of whoever orders him to. Which is why he is so quick to join the army, he needs a purpose, a mentor, an end goal, a firey ring to make him feel useful because nothing is more terrifying to an imprisoned animal than absolute freedom.
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ladystrallan · 1 year
Once Upon a Time season 6B thoughts
I’m rewatching OUAT and I wanted to share some of my opinions on each season!
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- Ooh Ruth pulling the knife
- I was wondering for a second where snow was
- I forgot she was cursed
- Dad???
- “If I wanted advice I doubt I’d take it from a pirate” low blow
- Omg the coin
- “That demon box” not the alarm clock
- Robin coming back is so stupid I can’t believe it
- Hook is going to propose!!!
- The ring is not that fabulous though
- Daddy issues David
- His lucky coin :(
- Yikes Robin
- Aw he did the deal pro bono :(
- Rumple… what a softie
- “The hearts of my enemies” why do you still have those???
- I don’t even care that they’re kissing this is just stupid
- Not them spinning around
- Pleasure Island!!!
- Omg Pinocchio
- “I’m also your father” ok strange man I’ve never met
- Knife fight
- Sad moment for David
- Great acting though
- Awww this is cute
- Omg hook killed david’s dad!!!
- Noooo this is not good
- ‘The first ogres war’ so there’s multiple???
- They need to trip them or something
- Not the wilhelm scream lol
- Slayyyyyy Rumple
- Ogre war redemption arc
- No bae :(
- #bullying
- Rumple :(
- Bae I thought you wanted him to be good
- Giving mixed signals here
- Omg he memory erased him so he wouldn’t turn dark
- Awwww this is so cute
- They’re engaged!
- I am so sick of the EQ just go away
- “I sleep in hay! … which is on dirt” lol
- Oh no
- Emma is really good at finding out things before hook can tell her
- Not the ring coming off…
- I bet the arrow is gonna point at her
- They’re going to sword fight???
- I knew it
- Are they just twins now or what?
- This is stupid
- I thought Regina couldn’t use that wand
- Plot hole alert
- I completely forgot about this
- Oh no
- Gideon no
- Can they not stop the submarine once it goes?
- Kraken hunting time!
- Aladdin and jasmine are back!
- Did he just make him into a sceptre???
- No one remembers achmed I guess
- CGI is looking a little rough
- What is this outfit Regina???
- Ariel! Love her
- That magic carpet cgi… bad
- Drunk snow lol
- Omg it was Jafar!
- “I can see my hovel from here” why does everyone have a hovel in this show???
- Awwwww captainswan
- Of course it was Gideon
- Ok kill the black fairy is not a bad thing to do
- Not the minor miners
- Ooh spooky intro
- Slay
- Nothing beats a good left hook
- “I’m your real mother” okay grandma (literally)
- Is rumbelle back together???
- Yasssss
- Omg Henry is possessed
- “Let’s get my pirate back” awwwww
- Omg I hate this ugly cgi spider
- Nooooo it was Roderick
- Omg not Isaac
- He’s so creepy
- Gideon what the fuck
- Ooh the lost boys are back
- Lots of returning people this season
- I wish hades would return :(
- Rumple slayyyyy
- Why do her guards look like they’re from Star Wars?
- Nooooo she killed Roderick
- “This is on you, Gideon. And my boot.” Good line
- Omg she has his heart
- “Dark one junior” lol
- PTA meeting is getting intense
- Omg she got through!!!
- She has such Coraline other mother vibes
- Lol peace out loser
- Omg tiger lily
- Omg underworld reference??? The flower growing in the crack
- Nice to see long hair rumple again
- Emma’s name was his curse break thingy!!!
- They’re going to burn him at the stake???
- Awwwww this is so cute
- Slay Leroy
- Get a room
- Omg they’re all asleep
- Oh good not for long
- Ooh zelena in the recap
- “Why don’t you practice on my axe” omg
- This is the tin man I know it
- Ooh you’re looking for trouble touching zelena’s baby
- Yikes captainswan keep it PG
- “Am I interrupting something?” Omg
- Omg is that the bassinet that Zelena was abandoned in?
- We love a girlboss that takes things into her own hands
- “I sacrificed hades for you” that was a mistake
- But seriously Regina is not one bit grateful for what Zelena did for her, give up her true love to save her life
- At a time when Regina had Henry and was friends with the Charmings and Zelena had no one
- And Regina even BLAMES her for Robin’s death
- Robin had it coming but that’s another thing
- Snow’s date with Whale…
- Slay zelena
- Like a lion could take her… let’s be real
- “Go back to Oz” LOW BLOW
- That was so unwarranted
- Maybe if you guys weren’t so awful to Zelena then she wouldn’t fall into those traps
- That is so selfless to give up her magic to help everyone
- She is amazing
- That apology is long overdue
- Omg not Malcom
- That pathetic little man
- Baby rumple!
- The perfect name? How did you end up with Rumplestiltskin?
- Omg Rumple was supposed to be the saviour! (I remembered that)
- Rumple smash!
- At least there was no glass involved
- Where did Regina get a green car?
- Zelena 1, black fairy 0
- Twist!!!
- She is the evil omg
- “I need my power” Rumple really had no chance
- Nooo he named him that because he hated him
- Something is suspicious
- Awwww he asked Henry to be his best man
- I knew rumple was up to something
- Why is he doing this???
- I love this episode!
- I know a lot of people don’t like it but I think it makes so much sense for this show to have a musical episode
- Like the Disney movies are musicals
- And the songs slap
- Ooh slay intro
- Omg it’s just so good!!!
- Everyone is amazing but josh dallas has a great voice
- Ooh that neck brake choreo
- I’m not a Regina fan but I have to admit she slayed
- Lana did a great job
- “You’ve come to say goodbye” nooooo
- This is so sad
- Killian’s song might be my second favourite
- It just fits him so well and Colin slayed
- Poison dart!!!
- They should have brought Hades back for this episode
- Greg was in the obc of Assassins
- Rumple should have gotten a song tbh
- Zelena slays so hard!!!
- Wicked always wins is the best song
- Although they should have made a wicked reference
- Rebecca Mader is so awesome
- Rumple why are you being evil???
- It is a little silly that their plan is just sing at her
- Not Henry tossing the book
- That was kinda funny
- Slayyyy
- I love how her song is the OUAT theme
- Captainswan is so cute
- Their vows!!!
- I love happy beginning such a good closing number
- This is so beautiful
- “The black fairy’s curse, it’s here!” Slay Leroy we love an iconic line
- Awwww season 1 recap
- You know what I miss?
- Omg this is older Henry
- Oooh curse again
- Archie: Henry, I think you’re crazy
- Not Emma in the mental hospital
- Not Fiona being the new mayor!!!
- How many sons is she going to try and kidnap???
- Gold & Sons that’s kinda cute
- Lost their mother??? What happened to belle???
- Pull ups in the mental hospital lol
- I love a good hook and david team up
- “We fought for our love and we won” awwwww
- “She said she was going to the store and she never came back” noooo
- Deadbeat belle…
- Omg not the EQ
- Awwww he called Killian his son
- “Hmmm. Merlot” LOL
- A dragon… is that maleficent?
- Rumple please tell me you don’t believe this
- Not the falling video
- Omg no don’t burn the book
- I can’t believe she did that
- “Hello there, mummy” KILLIAN
- Omg that is so funny
- She came back!!!
- Slayyy rumple
- Noooo tempting him with Bae
- “All magic comes with a price” slayyyyy
- Omg dead
- Lol slay Henry
- “Some honeymoon, huh?” Lol I love them
- Omg charming swearing now you know it’s serious
- Not his dark one self convincing him
- Yasssss Rumple character development
- Noooo he resisted but it didn’t work
- Wtf
- Omg gideon is a baby again
- A little weird but ok
- Awwwww rumbelle
- Of course Robin proposed gotta do that fan service
- And in the tackiest way too
- Awww this is so cute
- Everyone got their happy ending
- Honestly a perfect finale
- Idk if I’m gonna watch season 7 because I remember hating it and this is such a perfect ending
How I feel about the characters this season
Love: Zelena, Emma, Hook
Like: Rumple, Belle, David, Jasmine, Ariel
Neutral: Henry, Snow, Gideon, Fiona (she’s camp idk), Aladdin, Regina
I honestly can’t hate anyone this season
Season rating: 9/10
Not my favourite season but actually a really solid ending to an amazing show. Some of it was dumb but a lot of it was awesome. I loved the musical episode and the finale! Tbh it should have ended here.
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btsgotjams27 · 2 years
could you do a jk vampire fic where the reader’s family are vampire hunters? possible back story where the reader doesn’t want to participate in the hunting activities, but one day she finds jk in their basements and chooses to go against her family to save him?
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✨ title: unbreakable | one-shot | ✨ pairing: vampire!jk x slayer f!reader ✨ genre: vampire!au, 1800s era ✨ rating: pg-13 | ✨word count: 1.6k ✨ warnings: mentions of killing vampires, mentions of death, mentions of blood ✨ a/n: hi anon! thanks for requesting this. i hope you enjoy it. also, i apologize if the language goes back and forth between old and modern english (lol) i tried my best.
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The eve of your eighteenth birthday was soon arriving. You'd been training with your brother since you were sixteen to become a vampire slayer. It's been instilled in you since you were young to hate vampires. Your mother's bedtime stories were not fairy tales of princesses who lived happily ever after but monsters who go bump in the night. You've always dreamt of living free from this fate, but you knew there was no way out.
“Brother–I am too weak,” you said out of breath. You and your brother have been training for the past two hours. “I am not built to kill.” Your brother came at you again, almost inflicting a wound on your arm.
“This is your destiny. You can’t escape it, even if you wanted to, sister.”
“My destiny?” You scoffed at your brother. “What if I choose to live a life free from all of this? Am I not allowed to choose my own path? Make my own decisions?”
Your brother considered you naive, innocent, or even a fool. “It’s our calling as slayers, and it is in our blood.”
Destiny. Calling. Fate. You've heard it all. You've heard it your whole life and were sick of it. The eve of your eighteenth birthday meant you’d hunt for vampires, making your first kill, setting the slayer’s mark upon your skin, and once you were marked as a slayer, your destiny was unbreakable; you’d hunt for life.
“If it is in my blood, then I’d rather die at the hands of a vampire than choose this life. I don't want to kill people.” You could hardly hurt a fly, but to drive a stake through someone’s heart–you didn’t dare to do so.
Your brother shook his head, laughing at your comment while twirling the dagger in his hand. “They’re not people, sister. They’re monsters. What if they come after our mother or father? Me? Our town? What will you do then? We must be a refuge to those around us.”
You couldn’t bear the thought of your loved ones being hurt, but vampires were once people too. It wasn’t your place to choose whether or not someone died.
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The night was late, and you couldn’t sleep due to a constant, faint clanking below the house. Maybe it was a mouse caught in a trap or an old pipe ready to burst. Either way, you seek the disturbance keeping you awake.
You held the dimly lit oil lamp in one hand and your white nightgown in the other. You tiptoed down the creaky wooden stairs, walking towards the darkened cellar where the noise was coming from.
Holding the lamp up to investigate the faint sound, you could see a hand shackled in chains. As you stepped closer, noticing a man slumped forward, softly clanking the chain against the wall. So he was the one keeping you up at night.
When the man saw a flicker of light, he immediately lifted his head, peering in your direction,  approaching you as close as the chain would allow him to. “Please miss. Do you have any food?” The man begged, “It has been four days since I have eaten.”
Seeing this man in this predicament was awful, but you do not dare cross your brother. “If my brother has locked you in here, it is for a reason.”
“My love–I can see it in you, and I know you have a good heart. Please, I just need a bit of your blood.”
You should’ve known he was a vampire. Who else would your brother keep in the cellar? You should not be one to muck around in your brother’s business. You were not a slayer–yet.
“I should not be here. My brother will have my head if he sees me. I must go,” you quickly apologized to the man before running off.
Upon returning to your room, the chains rattling from the cellar grew thunderous, and at a moment’s notice, you were fearful that it would awaken the rest of your family. You let ten minutes go by, then fifteen to see if the man would stop–but he did not.
Once again, you found yourself downstairs, unsure what to do or say to this vampire to cease his endless disturbance. You peered at the wall of wooden stakes. Although you didn’t want to kill him, it wouldn’t hurt to threaten him.
You paced your steps when approaching the hungry vampire; despite never having to face a vampire directly, you knew to take precautions, to always be on guard. Your family unrelentingly told stories upon stories of vampires and the horrific things they did, ravaging towns, leaving bodies drained of blood, consuming and destroying everything in their path. But again, it was not your place to choose another’s fate.
When you drew near, lamp in one hand, stake in the other, the clanking from the chain suddenly stopped. You could not see the man but only saw darkness. Lifting your lamp, you stepped forward to the cellar, peering in–when suddenly he appeared out of nowhere, grasping onto your wrist, causing you to gasp and drop the lamp. He pulled you towards the gates, your face against the cold, dark iron.
“Have you changed your mind, my love?” The man’s grip was firm, his hands freezing against your skin.
“May I remind you that you are in a house filled with slayers. If you are to kill me, my family will see to it that you will not live to see another day,” you said, squirming underneath his hold.
The man smirked at your confidence. "Even though you’re pointing that stake at me, you’ve yet to drive it into my heart, and I'm starting to doubt your hatred for me."
“I will do it–do not tempt me,” you warned him, knowing it was not true.
“You sure are fierce for someone who doesn’t want to be a slayer,” he declared with a chuckle. The man let go of your wrist. “I know you will do me no harm.”
Being kept in this cellar for four days, he could hear the endless conversations and training with you and your brother. You did not scare him; instead, he felt sympathy for you.
You didn’t want to admit it, but he was correct. You did not have the heart to hurt anyone. “What is your name?” You demanded of the man who seemed to know more about you than you.
“Jeon Jeongguk.”
“May I ask one more thing of you?”
Jeongguk nodded.
“Did you always want to be a vampire?” You knew you shouldn’t have asked that question. Your brother told you countless times not to appeal to their humanity because they were far gone, but you couldn’t help yourself; you were too curious.
Jeongguk shook his head. “I never wanted to be a vampire. The girl I loved was obsessed with the stories she’d heard and befriended a vampire who promised to turn her, but she said she didn’t want to live an eternal life if I wasn’t there.”
“So you turned into a vampire for love?” You thought it was a bit romantic but also a bit morbid. “Where is this girl now?”
Jeongguk shrugged. “She’s long gone; she ran off with the vampire that turned her. So much for love, huh?”
Your mouth twisted at his story, a part of you feeling sorrow for him. It’s not like he chose this life, it was thrust upon him, and it felt very similar to you. Setting your stake down, you began searching for something in the darkness.
Jeongguk knitted his brows together in confusion when you returned with the key, beginning to unlock the cellar, then releasing his wrist from the shackle. “What are you doing?”
“I’m letting you go,” you muttered.
“You’re not afraid of me?” He asked while massaging his wrist, glaring at you, unsure if this was a trick. He wondered if your family was waiting in the shadows, ready to take his life.
“You turned into a vampire for love,” you teased.
“I could kill you in an instant,” Jeongguk threatened.
“Then you would have done it already,” you countered. “Don’t make me regret this.”
And he was gone in an instant. No goodbye, no thank you, a very rude vampire, for saying the least.
Would your brother have your head for this? Maybe, but you were a good liar. You’d tell him the vampire was stronger than you and that you needed more training to avoid receiving the slayer’s mark. You figured you’d better head back into bed before it came to that the vampire had disappeared.
Just as you were going to lay your head down on the feathery pillow, another noise caught your attention. You muttered curses, wondering what it was now; this time, the noise came from the window–a light tapping.
When you arose for the third time tonight, walking to the window, you scoffed at the sight in front of you. “What are you doing? I thought you left,” you said after you opened the window.
“I forgot to say thank you,” Jeongguk expressed with a smirk.
“You’re welcome. Is that all?”
Jeongguk stood with his hands behind his back, legs crossed. It looked like he wanted to ask you something.
“Well…go on. You’ll burn in the sun if we stand here till morning. Spit it out.”
He cleared his throat, “Do you…do you want to come with me?”
The corners of your mouth curved into a smile. An almost vampire slayer and vampire running away together? Your family would have a field day.
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midgarmosquito · 2 years
sooo instead of fantastic beasts 2 and 3 (which sucked) i wish we just got a 10-ep series abt newt going across pre-ww2 europe & cataloguing magical creatures 🤷‍♂️
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maybe he noticed the creatures he had were oddly distrssed and went off to find the cause? maybe they sensed dark forces, aka. grindelwald's rise to power, the way birds can sense a storm
perhaps the creatures further east were more distrssed than those on the west? he couldve noticed that on his usual travels, or read some vague reports in the daily prophet
but ofc, the wizarding world doesnt rly care much abt magical creatures yet at this point. so the reports are pretty nonchalant and borderline joking
yet, they contain details that are pretty alarming to newt. maybe creatures harming themselves? or others? attacking muggle towns? herbivores suddenly hunting other animals? weird hybrids popping up that shouldn't even exist?
maybe its grindelwald experimenting with the idea of using creatures to gain power but psssst we dont know the reason yet ok
so newt sets off eastwards to figure our tf is going on. starting from britain and ending in ep 10 in romania (as we've learned in hp, romania has DRAGONS 🔥🔥🔥)
every ep has a different magical creature as the focus. some we know from hp (hippogriffs?), some are new. dark creatures (stuff from defense the dark arts classes in hp) also show up so there's action lol
and maybe grindelwald's minions are also on newt's tail? trying to stop him from sniffing around?
ofc jacob tags along because due to wizards not giving a fyck abt magical creatures yet, newt's only guides are local muggle rumors and fairy tales. and newt's a very awkward wizard, while jacob is an incredibly likable and normal man to whom villages readily open up
tina tags along too, because she's an american auror and is trying to figure out whatever dark forces could be gathering (but might be doing that in secret from local authorities cause politics).
theseus is there for the same reason except from the british ministry
we could have a slow burn romance with tina where newt's rly awkward and tina's rly reserved but they clearly care abt each other & over time & experiences, they bond
like newt has no idea how to be in a relationship or show feelings and might even doubt if there's space in his life for another person, considering how long he's been alone and how obsessed he is with his work. he's also kinda always been alone so it's all a strange new situation for him
tina, on the other hand, is incredibly guarded and careful to the point of seeming cold. over time she learns that yes, some people can be trusted.
oh and both learn to actually communicate lol
theseus has actually persuaded the ministry to send him (with some difficulty) because he was worried abt newt and wanted to be around to help. but he doesn't admit this, at first claiming the ministry made him come and that it's even a hassle for him.
he cares abt newt but theseus is a very regular dude who thinks newt's very weird. he loves his brother but struggles to relate to him at all. maybe even infantalizes him a bit? is overbearing?
over time he kinda Gets what newt wants to do and gets a newfound respect for him and learns to accept his weirdness and learns boundaries. and, again, communication lessons for both
i dunno how to shoehorn queenie into this but yeah she could be here too... if i think of a good pretext lol maybe she's just following jacob along
and queenie & jacob are very lovey-dovey but maybe they struggle with the realization that being together might mean being ostractized by their communities
maybe they get rly dramatic and queenie does an Edward Cullen like going "I never loved you" and breaks his heart because she believes he's better off without her
but ofc it horribly backfires and she admits what she did and the whole thing is a mess and they do get back together. but like everyone else, they learn to Communicate
and our merry band of misfits visits both other wizarding schools mentioned in hp (i dont remember their names sorry 😔🤡)
the french school has fairies and half-fairies in it and they have a connection to nature. so they give newt's concerns more attention than anyone else so far. newt's pretty stoked abt that, but there isn't much they can do. maybe the headmaster is too sceptical, despite other staff willing to help newt. maybe grindelwald's dark influence has spread, and the headmaster mistrusts foreigners, muggles, and wizards friendly with muggles as a result
the german school is far less welcoming. maybe they think he's a weirdo too. here grindelwald's influence is even stronger. but perhaps a student or young teacher comes out to help regardless of directive. maybe out of respect for newt's pure guts, wandering dangerous forests and risking everything for his beliefs. after all, their school values being stoic, and this student considers newt to fit this ideal. maybe they help the group find a giant (but i dont think giants are technically magical creatures...?) or an ice monster or something
i've always been fascinated by those other magical school, but we never got a glimpse. so i'd love it if they were very creative and had detailed interiors and exteriors. maybe the french one is an enormous living tree? maybe the german one is entirely underground?
along the way we might also meet other characters, both muggles and wizards, who help or hinder our heroes' journey. maybe we also meets other authors of future hogwarts books, or parents of known characters in hp. neville's parents are an idea, but i dunno if it's possible timeline-wise 🥴
along the way jacob helps a lot using the skills he has (strong social skills, loyalty, a good heart, maybe also knowledge of muggle affairs) and as such is a counterpoint to grindelwald's philosophy of wizard superiority
oh and in ep 1 newt has a near-death experience with a magical creature. rather than blaming the creature, he's understanding and just says the creature was distressed. (other people think he's insane, though.) this does scare him, though - what would happen to his beloved creatures if he was done? what about his body of work? his painstakingly acquired knowledge of magical creatures?
so he starts compiling his notes and writing a book, with doubles as an instruction manual on how to care for magical creatures. but he has no one to pass on his notes to, and it bothers him
maybe he tried to give the notes to dumbledore, but dumbledore smiles and says to give him the book when it's fully done
(dumbledore's lobbying in hogwarts to introduce care of magical creatures as a subject, but wont tell newt yet since its still uncertain)
oh and the eps can start with newt narrating the corresponding parts of his book. the ep's very first shot is always that shaggy, agressive meanace of a book we see in hp. then we see newt's hand carefully patting it, opening it, then reading
over time, he learns to trust his companions, and they begin to understand his work. maybe in like ep 9 he opens up abt his fear of dying and not being able to take care of his menagerie. so they all promise to care abt the creatures using newt's book, should anything happen to him
obv it does, he dies in ep 10 😭 maybe by sacrificing himself while trying to stop grindelwald from enchanting a dragon to do his evil bidding or something
his companions are sad ofc and they do keep caring abt his creatures. we see a montage of all of them doing so, jacob clumsily trying to feed some huge creature, theseus getting bitten, tina sadly stroking the back of some bird-like or horse-like thing
we can have a post-credits scene where, many years later, hagrid's teaching care of magical creatures. maybe fondly talking abt newt and wishing he could've met the man who Understood so deeply why all creatures matter
so yeah thats the kind of fantastic beasts content i crave and think about
and this is how i chose to spend my morning 😃 detailing my imaginary series into the void 😃
jk i regret nothing, this was rlyy fun to brainstorm about ☺🥰
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
list of my favorite once upon a time episodes in each season so tee knows what to look forward to <3 excluding season one and the beginning of 2 because they already watched those duh…
2: child of the moon, idk if you already watched that one or not but i LOVE that episode. slay red!! the miller’s daughter literally slay rose mcgowan. the outsider (belle!!!!). and lacey (again. belle!!!). manhattan (iconic episode. big. huge.). also i personally love the finale although there a pieces of it i don’t vibe with (FLOP villains)
3: the heart of the truest believer (i love you henry….). quite a common fairy slay tinker bell slay soulmates slay regina. good form (i love you killian). going home, episodes that are quite literally burned into my memory forever they affected me so greatly i love you midseason finales i love you memory of frantically rushing home from that goddamn youth group meeting to put this on 20 minutes late i love you season three. witch hunt literally a slay. a curious thing i love you regina. TIME TRAVEL ADVENTURE FINALE I LOVE YOU.
4: white out (a jane classic. she writes all the biggest slays). fall (episodes that make you soooooo excited to see the next one you go crazy insane). shattered sight (episodes that are SO funny and dumb and dramatic and camp). poor unfortunate soul (i love you ursula…). lily (um what if i was the darkness to your light or whatever lol…). operation mongoose is like if a finale was bad but also fantastic and fun and also still kind of bad in a way. its complex
5: siege perilous!!!! (another jane espenson CLASSIC. this it THE episode!). the broken kingdom (slay ouat king arthur i love your well meaning corruption arc swag i love your cuck realness i love how you studied the blade <3 hugeee surprise tumblr user arthurgirl is an apologist for ouat evil king arthur who could ever have seen this coming). NIMUE!! (episodes of all time, also what i always bring up in arguments about the greek mythology stuff coming out of nowhere. she literally reforges excalibur with the flame of prometheus). the bear king (my beloved little filler episode that’s also not filler it’s deathly important). swan song (don’t even talk to me about this one). labor of love (i love you hercules). OUR DECAY. ruby slippers (i love you gay people). firebird (i love you emma). two part finale only you/an untold story is like if a finale was awful and aired on your mom’s birthday which was also mother’s day which was also a sunday and your family went to a marching band related event for your sister and you stayed home because you like hate marching band events and you’re 14 and then you celebrate your mom’s birthday but you’re bummed because this finale was bad but then like six years later you realize it was actually good except it’s also bad
6: the other shoe (what if an episode was bad but it was about your beloved cinderella and also it’s camp actually! another hit from jane!). street rats (what if an episode was good and it was about your friend aladdin…). heartless (i love you snow and charming). ill boding patterns (gideon! what if daddy issues made you insane.) page 23 (i love you regina). mother’s little helper (gideon!! what if mommy issues made you a psychopath). awake (i LOVE you snow and charming!). the song in your heart (musical episode!!). the final battle!!! what if a season finale was the best thing you’d ever seen in your life!!
7: garden of forking paths (what if an episode was kind of bad but your friend cinderella was in it). beauty (slayyy alice!!). wake up call (“sorry i missed your little… avengers assembly” said with sooo much contempt). the eighth witch (it’s like if an episode was a midseason finale but it wasn’t very good but it also slayed). the girl in the tower (i love gay people). breadcrumbs!!! (my episode!!! he doesn’t need a great story he just wants a great life!!!). the guardian (i love gay people!) is this henry mills? (what if an episode did weird time travel and nothing really made sense but it slayed). and then obviously leaving storybrooke is THE finale. what if a series finale was a little bad but it was your favorite show and it aired on your birthday and it made you cry three times.
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thetimelordbatgirl · 1 year
What are your favorite aliens from the Whoniverse? I honestly think the best ones from modern doctor who came from the 9-10th doctor era. After that, I can’t really think of any other iconic ones other than the Silence. I appreciate the modern versions of the Zygons and Sea Devils too. Super excited for Beep the Meep.
Ooh, hmm...if we including Sarah Jane Adventures and Torchwood too...Slitheen definitely near the top of my favorites, as sure, they do devolve a lil from their appearence in Doctor Who when they move over to reguarly appearing in Sarah Jane Adventures, since kids show, but just, they are a pretty good mixture of sillyiness (the farting thing does take a bit to get used to I will admit) but also threatening, especially when you see they literally skin native's on the planets they trying to get shit from, and that includes literally children in Sarah Jane Adventures. And sticking with Sarah Jane Adventures (sorry, I am mentally unwell about this show lol), the Bane were a pretty good species idea. Like yeah, they do kinda have the whole hunting thing like most alien species in the whoiverse, but at the same time, they are pretty terrifying in their first appearence, and Mrs. Wormwood is a pretty good villain character, hers and Sarah's bitch fights being pretty funny to rewatch. And another favorite from SJA is the Xylok, because the idea of an alien species who only have one purpose and once you take it away, they not sure what to do and shit? Perfection, and Mr. Smith was a terrifying villain in Lost Boy. And just one more cause uh, I've been focusing on SJA too much lol- but the Pied Piper was a pretty terrifying alien, talking as someone who hates clowns.
And this is kinda SJA snd doctor who now, but the Trickster is a definite favorite of mine, as who doesn't love the concept of an alien who seeks to cause chaos via seeking people as they about to die and stopping their death via a deal so that the trickster can use them for his plans? He don't even appear in doctor who and yet, I am forever curious still about his brigade we got hinted at in Turn Left when his ally makes an alternate reality via Donna. In terms of Torchwood, off the top of my head as uh, I don't think Torchwood was always heavy on aliens lol: the Fairies cause holy shit, batman, to how they put a twist on fairies, and the 456 are a terrifying alien species, and not fully a favorite but I do find it funny a lil (I am a lil immature, ngl lol): the sex gas alien. Just...what even is that episode lmao?
And in terms of Doctor Who itself, besides the Slitheen I already mentioned, prior to Doctor Who fucking turning them into your villain of the work, Daleks were terrifying and they were really good in their appearences, especially Stolen Earth/Journey's End. Weeping Angels terrified me as a child, so I'd have to add them to my list, and also Steven Moffat, pay for my therapy please with that ending of Blink. The Altons are pretty good as well, again, Doctor Who turning anything you see into aliens, so good luck seeing them outside of Doctor Who. And I do appreciate the Cybermen, but I also have a soft spot for the Cybermats. Terrifying creatures that I also kinda wanna adopt lol. And I do agree about the Silence, but also like, shout out to uh, shout out to the Abzorbalof from Love And Monsters. A mixture of ridiuclous and terrifying in a pretty decent episode (except for the endng...that's just gonna make me weirded out forever). And as someone whose still terrified of the dark at twenty one, the Vastra Nerada are pretty good terrifying aliens. And last one, the Krillitane just for being in one of my favorite episodes of Tenth era...and also being terrifying, cause kid me could not watch these episodes but nowadays I can, though we need to question why so many aliens go after kids in this universe, cause you don't escape aliens no matter the age I guess.
And I have not watched much of Classic Who or read much of its extended lore, so I don't have much so far from Classic Who, but Candyman is funny as shit and I love him and I want him to come back, ridiuclous costume and all. And I fucking have a fear of spiders, but the spiders from third doctor era are just, they good villains and they look ridiculous, so onto the list they go, but its probably a good thing SJA didn't go through with bringing them back, given do not want to see them evolve from their puppet form.
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ganet · 3 months
Thoughts on Versus by ONE, Kyoutarou Azuma and bose
So I really wanted to try to finally put into words what I think about this series. This is in no way any serious review of the series or anything like that. Just my personal feelings and thoughts about the story and characters and such.
Now chapter 16 is out. Btw, this series is officially translated in English on K MANGA and it is a simulpub there as well. (However, it is a shame that K MANGA is US region only at the moment, and it appears you have to pay to really see new chapters, unlike on MANGA Plus.)
But enough about that. Just a fair warning: This post is full of spoilers from Versus manga!!
General thoughts
I first read a chapter or two shortly after it was released in Nov 2022. But since it's a monthly release schedule, it kind of made me wait for over a year to check out again. And I am very interested in the story and characters. The whole "isekai" story idea has been done well so far. The story also really doesn't pull back on the gore or death in general. Humans will suffer one way or another, but it forces their natural enemies to deal with each other as well (and I am interested to see how this plays out with certain other natural enemies we have yet to see much of).
It is very enjoyable, and leaves you wanting more. Only negative I could think about is the update schedule, but if it's something that is necessary, since the manga is very well illustrated, I won't whine about it. Other thing I could think of that bothers me is the English translation; its weak official availability.
I like the character designs, albeit certain color choices sometimes surprised me. (I remember reading how people wish that Pakkya's hair color should be something else than red and green. Someone even said it resembles Christmas colors lol. Although, red and green are complementary colors.) But I guess there is explanations for those, since the characters are from different worlds and such.. Oh yeah, Kiva has Boros' colors. It does suit him, though.
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While the image of Boros is not the one in his armor where his skin color is similar with Kiva's, I think this image illustrates the color similarities well enough.
I really like how ONE writes his characters. They all have some kind of motives to act why they act, which makes me wonder what lead to the natural enemies in some of these worlds to hunt humans. Like, when and why did demons start doing it? What is with the nature and why it attacks the humans? What is World Tree, and when did it start taking all life from the planet? When did titans start doing their human hunting? Where did neo-humans come from and when did their sick play with the paleo-humans start? We know that madalans came from outer space one day and started their invasion, though idk if there is more there. We also know about the A.I. robots. A program went rogue and started hunting humans (though, is there more to it as well?).. And we really don't know how trustworthy all the humans actually are to each other.. Currently, there seems to be more going on than meets the eye.
I also see some improvement in the art style of the manga, since if you read the couple first chapters and then the latest chapters, you can see that Azuma is getting comfortable drawing the characters. (There's more certainty in those lines.) Then again, he has to keep up a monthly update schedule and he apparently has other projects to deal with as well. (Good luck, Azuma!) Also, I really like how he uses perspective in this story. Such a good angles from time to time. Makes me really happy. The focus on some of the emotions in the characters' faces is also really to my liking.
A panel here, a panel there
So, random snippets from the story, because why not:
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Chapters 2 & 12: Well, well, well. How the turn tables, huh Kiva.
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Chapter 1: Heroes. Ah, they look so cool. They have cute support fairies as well.
It is a shame we won't be seeing most of the heroes in action since many of them are dead. Macbuk is alive, but brainwashed, so I wonder.. We are going to see him most likely with the demon lord who most likely brainwashed him. There are also heroes like Fecaccio, who was captured as a lab animal, and Alicia, whose mind was broken so he is in some kind of vegetative state I believe. Idk where his body is, though.
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Chapter 1: Macbuk, Fecaccio and Alicia.
Although, I have a feeling we may see some other heroes who are still alive at some point. There was a total of 47 of them after all. (Or maybe not. Maybe I am just hopeful.)
Also, Alicia had a lover who was captured by the demons and he wanted to go save them. Why the lover was captured? Good question. Maybe the lover was eaten, played with first, or so on and then killed/died. Though, I have started to wonder if some demons like to snatch human lovers/spouses for themselves. Or maybe as a slaves.
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Chapter 1: Fascinating choice of words there, Jachi. Miracle, huh.
We really have not seen much about the great demon king, although we do know his name. I wonder what that demon is up to, since even the demon lords have not heard of him (or at least Nyudo and Jachi) after their world went into chaos.
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Chapter 1: Hallow and Zaybi's home, presumably.
So I find this place fascinating. Hallow and Zaybi seem to have been raised in this place. The houses look kind of cute haha. I wonder what happened to their home. I wonder if they remember their parents at all, and I wonder what happened to them and left Zaybi to be the one to take care of Hallow.
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Chapter 7: Sam kills his father against his will since the 19th Demon Lord, Nyudo plays chess with them.
Poor Sam and his dad. We really are introduced what kind of "slimy" bastard Nyudo is. Even Jachi's reaction to his telepathy is interesting..
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Chapter 7: Nyudo contacts Jachi with telepathy.
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Chapter 7: Keila wants Ario to teach her about the flower manners in Sorcerion once he comes back from his mission alive.
This is actually one of the interesting relationships I would think would develop in some way in Versus. It remains to be seen if Ario can keep his promise to show her more about what it means to give a flower to another.
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Chapter 7: Heidi giving a hug to Ario and wishing good luck to him.
This whole thing smells so bad. The moment she hugged him and Ario noticed her shivering, my alarm bells started blaring.
Especially this part caught my attention from this one neo-human:
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Chapter 9: Neo-human telling Ario how paleo-humans stink, and that they can smell him.
I do wonder if this was done deliberately on Heidi's side..
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Chapter 8: Shigeru thinks about those close to him and loses his composure in front of the titans.
This part really hit me when I realized he was thinking about someone important to him, and this was his way of trying to protect them. They seem to be his partner and child, I believe, who he is thinking about. That curly hair on the child is hard not to notice. Well, they won't see him again...
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Chapter 10: Hallow jumps to attack Kiva.
I really like how we got a glimpse of Hallow's true power same time as Kiva did.
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Chapter 10: Hallow and Pakkya attack the demon army together.
One other relationship I really like is the development between these two. It started off a bit rocky, but Pakkya appears far smarter than he lets on. Even though he is still not smart smart, he uses his head still and has beliefs he strongly believes in - like the fact that throwing away your life, after people before you sacrificed theirs so you can live, is an act of betrayal towards those people.
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Chapter 10: Jellyfish demons spotted!
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Chapter 11: Kiva kicking Hallow in the family jewels.
This part always makes me laugh. Poor Hallow. "Fu*k you, hero, and all of your possible offspring." You can tell how evil Kiva is lol. I'm pretty sure Zaybi would love to have some nieces and/or nephews in the future, if their world would give them the chance to live normally. But then there is also adoption...
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Chapter 11: Galua, a madalan/alien yells, and it seems to hurt everyone's ears.
When I saw this page, the first thing I thought about was "Man, that's gotta hurt Kiva, since he has six ears". And then he indeed did explode in anger.
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Chapter 9: Ario decides to fight his own battle.
Ario is actually pretty cool when he shows his hero side. Here is Ario the Hero. The one Hallow really believes in, or what he sees in him.
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Chapter 10: Hallow makes Kiva promise to leave the humans alone if he wins. (Although, Kiva obviously doesn't respect that in the end. He isn't there to duel, he is on a mission, after all.)
I really like this kind of dynamic between these two. There is something about both wanting to beat the living shit out of each other, since its mutual and you know Hallow can kill Kiva this time since he doesn't appear to fear the demons anymore and is very angry. Or at least, he probably has some kind of fear against Jachi, since that's a demon on whole another level.. But I like that Hallow is slowly overcoming this demon fear he had.
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Chapter 10: Spay-s? SPACE?!
I really like how this story sometimes brings up the differences between the knowledge these particular worlds have about space and such. We now know that besides Celestia, The Mecha Ordinance and Sorcerion has a knowledge about space, but The Titan's Crown and Gaia's Wrath worlds seem to be missing this particular information. (We can also presume that worlds such as Parasitica, Land of the Lawless, Extremia, The Cursed Lands, Neo-Terra and The Disastrous Metropolis are also aware of the existence of space.) Dunno about Yggdrasion and Indignia.
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Chapter 12: Bastz with the human king, until he decides to leave.
Oh Bastz. Such a mysterious guy this one is.
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Chapter 12: Galua annihilates demons.
These madalans are really strong, and it is interesting to see how these would go against other natural enemies. Or how they would deal with a demon lord.
Welp, can't insert more images (max 30), so I will probably reblog this and continue a bit more that way, but that's all for this first bunch.
Relationships & such
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Right now she's barely started Proven Guilty
Green: Dead Beat was about fairies and black magic
Green: the next one, Proven Guilty? fairies and black magic
Green: I mean I guess in the Dresdenverse, there's 3 types of shit - fairies, black magic, and vampires
Green: oh I guess there's demons
Green: and Outsiders, which are like demons but organized and more evil, apparently
Green: but harry will probably never encounter any of those
Green: oh wait I maybe remember Harry saying, many books ago, that red vampires are actually a type of fairy?
Green: or, at least, that they're from the Nevernever originally
Green: which, I'm still unclear on whether that means fairy or not
Green: so I guess maybe those three types of things are represented in the three types of vampires - white/demon, red/fairy (maybe?), black/black magic (probably)
Green: or maybe it was just that they had an affinity for the Nevernever
Orange: hmmm
Orange: i'd be sad if cowl was gatekeeper, but cowl is such a great curveball to throw
Orange: so not all of the residents of the nevernever are fae, I think?
Orange: I think they're like, hm
Orange: hmmmm
Orange: because most red vamps are, for lack of a better term, turned humans
Orange: so if they originated from the fae, then the primogenitor vamp may be fae but the rest certainly can't be
Orange: unless there are tribes of humans just freakin' surviving it out hardcore in the nevernever
Orange: i don't know for now
Orange: you might learn about them more in later books, in which case i do expect you to fill me in on the detail
Orange: 😉 no pressure
Orange: i don't think the main bad boss vamp is like, straight up dracula
Orange: i think vlad tepes is like a black courter
Green: lol yeah l can fill you in
Green: and god harry is so stupid
Green: he's like "l don't want to see michael ever again because he might kill me for having a demon in my brain
Green: like, no, actually, Michael did offer to spare all the Denarius men!
Orange: not only did he offer to spare
Orange: he legit refuses to attack an unarmed denarian doesn't he
Green: yeah
Green: something like that
Green: like
Orange: like if a denarian freaking walks up to him arms outstretched, no murderous intent
Orange: michael wouldn't embrace but certainly wouldn't attack
Orange: he is the goodest of freaking boys goffiogreofgjergre
Green: not only would he be not kill harry, he would probably help out???
Green: he would probably be like "yeah let's get this thing out of your brain, harry"
Orange: i stg if butcher hurts michael there will be a reckoning
Orange: you'll tell me if he hurts michael
Orange: i do not spoil
Green: yeah
Orange: but he will have hell to pay
Orange: we will cry out into the night as wolves
Orange: and go on the Hunt
Green: hahahaha
Orange: watch your ass, butcher
Green: oh I guess werewolves was a thing in one book
Orange: yes they are 🙂
Green: so I guess there is more than those 3 types of thing
Orange: they will not go away
Orange: you will see them again
Green: I mean, the kids have been a constant presence
Orange: they're just like, their thing is they're all freaking hot dreamboat types
Green: l was thinking of the big ones and the cop ones
Orange: everyone is hot
Orange: butcher likes describing hot people
Orange: and he doesn't skimp on the dudes too
Green: l noticed
Orange: which i appreciate
Orange: well he skimps a little
Green: yeah, last book had like 2 paragraphs describing thomas
Orange: but the fact that he tries is the good thing
Orange: YEAH
Green: it wasn't even his introduction in the series!
Orange: thomas is "one of the good ones"
Orange: oh of course
Orange: jim has to describe thomas every book
Green: l mean, l usually skip descriptions tbh U_U
Orange: and also have characters noticing how harry is shacking up with the hottest dude ever
Orange: well if you know what they look like
Orange: i mean it's understandable
Green: not really, tbh?
Orange: also you can probably just imagine it yourself your own way
Green: l don't really care what they look like
Orange: that's fair
Orange: i mean i feel like he toes the line between too much detail and too little, and i have room to express my preference
Green: l remember that when Harry met Thomas and his beau, he was like "damn fuck they're both so hot???"
Green: and that's really all l need to know
Orange: ahahaha
Orange: yes
Orange: that is all
Green: like l don't think the color of Thomas' eyes is ever going to be relevant
Orange: oh uhh
Orange: so white court vamp eyes change color depending on how hungry they are i think
Green: hahaha really?
Orange: so that sorta thing is a little relevant i think
Orange: i'm not sure
Orange: don't quote me
Green: haha ok fair
Green: so they're basically exactly twilight vampires
Orange: but i think they also do a thing when they use their stored sexual energy to go on the offensive
Green: oh yeah l remember that
Orange: like if a white court just goes ballistic then they'll have an eye thing
Orange: they're proto twilight vampires
Orange: twilight before twilight
Orange: if you do a primogenitor curse on the white court vamps, somewhere down the line you'll eliminate the Cullens
Orange: this is my take
Green: hahaha
Orange: i really hope
Orange: as you read these books
Orange: there's at least a twilight reference somewhere
Orange: i'll be disappointed
Orange: if there isn't
Green: oh yeah
Orange: and i'll add that to whatever grudges i'll hold against butcher for his crimes against the good boys
Orange: whatever those crimes may be
Green: l don't think l was looking out for any, so there might've been one many books ago?
Orange: i like to see harry suffer though, harry must suffer
Green: yeah
Green: me too
Orange: i don't think twilight was out at the time of book 7? am I way off on the timeline
Green: that's exactly right, actually
Green: or maybe 8
Green: ah, twilight was published in october, but dead beat was published in may
Green: so proven guilty was the first dresden files book published in the post-twilight era
Orange: i look forward to it
Orange: i actually don't know if twilight was ever written in the dresden files universe
Orange: or if it hit too close to home and the white court did some shenanigans to stephanie meyer to keep the book from publishing
Green: lol l bet it was
Orange: sure hope so
Orange: sureee hope so
Green: Bob is 1000000% more relatable since l was last reading these books, since l, too, now have an insatiable hunger for romance novels
Orange: oh absolutely
Orange: gosh
Orange: i can't wait for the next book
Orange: the developments that have occurred in the recent series of books is like, insane
Green: me before: heh a skull that's really horny all the time. That's funny, l guess
Green: me now: l wish my job would pay me in romance novels T_T
Orange: i mean he's horny, but i feel like his choice of romance novels is telling
Green: oh?
Orange: yeah
Orange: it's a very, hm, non-masculine thing
Green: ohh l see what you mean
Orange: so it makes his horniness less.. whatever it is i feel is offputting about the more traditionally masculine forms of sexual expression
Green: l thought you meant the specific novels he reads and l'm like "is it ever mentioned, other than that they're the horny kind?"
Orange: where it isn't even expression it's just like, focused on visual stuff instead of exercising the imagination?
"Yes," I said. "They're rated 'Burning Hot' by some kind of romance society." "Lots of sex and kink!" Bob caroled. "Gimme!"
Orange: I feel like even crappy dime romance novels have more in them than just porn, though i may be corrected
Orange: like i almost read bob's fascination with romance novels as being a weirdly asexual curiosity
Orange: which, to me, makes way more sense but only because that's my thing
Green: l think you're probably pretty right about that
Green: l mean, he has been known to be really into porn, and also to be into terrorizing women's bathrooms
Orange: shOOT
Green: l mean l don't think Dresden ever gave him porn, but he heard the name of one of the guys Dresden was investigating and was like "oh he's a porn director"
Orange: well like, his particular type of spirit is known for the desire to learn everything he can, and i imagine one of the last things you'd want to learn after learning all the useful stuff is sexuality
Green: yeah totally
Orange: and sexuality is very interesting to me, and i have that insatiable curiosity thing where i'll just insist people teach me things if it's a practical skill i think i could acquire in a sitting
Orange: not sexually
Orange: gosh darnit
Orange: gosh darnit why didn't i type that sentence differently
Orange: that looks awful
Green: lol
Green: so, yeah l think l might buy that
Green: yeah l would definitely buy that Bob got fixated on human sexuality
Green: but l looked it up and l was wrong about the women's bathrooms thing
Orange: oh??
Green: as far as l am, he's gone to a "wild party", and visited strip clubs instead of looking for info
Orange: ahhh
Orange: yeee
Orange: bob is definitely more willing to go the extra mile
Orange: i can't do any of the pro-social experiences of sexuality, i'd rather just observe through a screen and make gay jokes
Green: mmm
Orange: i'm not even attracted to men! sad!
Green: also he's constantly talking about Harry's sex life
Orange: well like yeah
Orange: dude is like perpetually sexually frustrated
Orange: i wonder if that's the secret to his power
Green: btw l really like the scene in Summer Knight when a hot fairy gal is hitting on him and he just freaking dumps a glass of ice water on his unmentionables
Orange: wait
Green: like "sorry, not in the mood anymore"
Orange: is that the one where
Orange: she's like
Orange: "gimme ur firstborn"
Green: yeah lol
Orange: HA
Orange: I think of that scene a lot
Orange: friggin maeve
Orange: the one name i remember
Green: ',:) l bet you do
Orange: and it's maeve
Orange: oh you'll hear my thoughts on that scene
Orange: maybe after you finish the round of books
Green: up to changes you mean?
Green: or up to where you are?
Orange: yeah i feel like i'll have to talk about it after you finish changes
Orange: or at least when you're partway through
Green: mhm
Orange: actually
Orange: maybe even later
Green: that was such a fucking chad move
Orange: but maeve is interesting and things get more interesting later
Orange: and harry is, at the least, a freaking boss babe
Orange: harry sometimes is a girlboss
Orange: i think at one point he freaking
Orange: lips off to queen mab right at her introduction
Orange: what a chad
Orange: what a dumb idiot himbo chad
Green: he's like "yeah true that your whole 'seduction' thing is definitely working, but you failed to consider that ice water on my cock is a real turn-off!!!"
Green: it's like a scene straight out of jojo's bizarre adventure
Green: btw
Green: he told billy you shouldn't eat or drink anything there
Orange: this is true
Green: and so, just following that rule, it makes sense that dumping a glass of water on your crotch is fine
Orange: yeah
Orange: totally fine
Orange: fae food can be problematic for people iirc
Orange: just a bad idea to accept gifts from faries
Green: but, like, as l find out more about how fairy bs works, it seems like the principle behind not eating or drinking anything there is that you don't want to take anything as a gift
Green: yeah!
Green: which, it seems like using the water as an arousal dampener is also kind of accepting the water as a gift?
Green: so, idk, that seemed weird
Orange: well you accept it but you twist it to your ends
Orange: that's what the fae do, so you played their own trick on them
Green: l feel like that would still put him in their debt, though
Orange: the fae give gifts to try to twist you to their ends, usually they take transactions or they pretend it isn't a transaction when it is
Orange: jeez i can't wait for you to read the next few books
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ayamisc · 17 years
The Host Club's End
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(c) Bisco Hatori (Ouran High School Host Club)
"In the future when we look back on this, it might be the thing that began the host club's end. Nobody knows about this yet. But that's a story for later." —Hatori Bisco (Ouran High School Host Club, Chapter 56)
… i don't want to believe that. hahaha… ..on the other hand. does that mean people are FINALLY going to graduate? haha..
anyway. i LOVE chapter 56. Kyoya returned from Paris. and he met Tamaki's mom. and. and. well. don't wanna tell you. go read it. ahahaha…. and haruhi blushed (although she's been doing that quite a lot in these past few chapters….) …and it's now HER turn to have "love sick" …oh. and i think it's the first time i saw Kyoya refer to Tamaki as his best friend, too. yeah….uhm..
Naruto……………………………………… …..i don't really have much to say. except maybe Jiraiya will die soon. again. hope not.
…………………………………………….. This thanksgiving break……….. was. boring. [but that's coz i was lazy….] so. i HUNTED for new animes to watch..and maybe new mangas to read too….. i read two more chapter of Fairy Tail… i watched Death Note episodes 1-11 …but i'm not gonna continue…lol…i think it bore me or something… erm… i also watched Clannad.. episodes 1-7… i swear. that is the most random anime ever. more random than Pita Ten… T_T sorry to Andy..but that anime is just TOO random. i can't stand it. i need PLOT. ehm.. and since yesterday.. i've been watching Bleach. i finished the whole save Rukia arc thingy… i decided to skip the next filler arc.. but.. i dunno… maybe i'll read the manga first…
…and that pretty much sums up most of what happened during my thanksgiving break… ..yep……. [well.. not including the stuff like going to the movies, sleeping a LOT, and other stuff…ahahaha………….]
PS. This blog was originally posted on DeviantArt.
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sleeplessrose · 1 year
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Name: Aurora Rose Age: Twenty-six Occupation: None lol Sexuality: Heterosexual Pronouns: She/Her Currently Playing: Enchanted by Taylor Swift Big Three:  Pisces sun, Pisces moon, Aquarius rising
Aurora spent her childhood on Echo Isle, daughter to Stephen Rose, the politician who spent his time trying to infiltrate the Order as a Hunter. Of course, she didn't know any of this as a child, but was instead primarily raised by three older women: Flora, Fauna, and Meriwether. Her parents spent most of their time focused on their jobs, which included ridding the island of its magic. The only people who were allowed in their presence with their powers were the three fairies who raised her, simply because they made raising Aurora easier. Stephen never claimed to be above using magic for his own benefit, which was exactly what he allowed in his own house.
One hunting season, Stephen killed the wife of Mateo Chaneque, a fae whose wings were cut off before being left to bleed out. It was one of his biggest prizes to date, and he was quick to show it off to the rest of the Isle's Council. Once he'd gotten word that someone had told the Chaneque family that he was the one who killed their wife and mother, Stephen started to get threats against Aurora from the fae community. It was then that he decided to send her off the island for protection, right before her tenth birthday. Aurora wasn't to come back until her sixteenth birthday party, and would be raised by the three fairies who had brought her up.
Off of the island, Aurora was quite sheltered, as the fairies were concerned that her location would be discovered. She spent most of her time reading, baking, and dreaming about the day she would be able to return to the Isle on her birthday.
Things didn't quite go as planned on her sweet sixteen, though: Maleficent, the daughter of the woman who her father killed, showed up and placed a curse on her. While she was on the Isle, she would be unable to sleep without terrors filling her dreams, if she was even able to fall asleep, that was. There was no cure disclosed at the time, so Stephen decided to send her off again to live with the fairies until further notice.
Once the news came through that the Isle's borders would be closing, Aurora demanded to go back. She was not going to be stuck outside with no access to her parents, even if she wanted to contact them. The fairies reluctantly allowed her to go back, but only if she were to stay with them and away from her parents, so as to not get anyone in trouble. Her first night back, Aurora's head was filled with terrifying dreams, and she couldn't get them to stop: it was just like Maleficent had promised. The nightmares continued whenever she was able to fall asleep until Aurora decided she'd had enough, and vowed that she wouldn't sleep unless she positively had to.
One of the first people she met when she came back to the Isle was someone she met while on a walk outside town, a boy named Phillip. He seemed so vaguely familiar to her, but unbeknownst to her, he was actually the man she was supposed to marry. Aurora simply thought that she'd seen him in one of her dreams. The two had been arranged since they were young, both of their fathers feeling it beneficial for their families to be connected. Aurora still has no idea that she's technically engaged, or that the boy from her walk is her future husband.
Aurora plans on telling her parents that she's back soon, but wanted to wait until the end of Hunting season to do so: Maleficent had revealed the truth about her father at her sixteenth birthday, and she wants to stay far away from that. Once it dies down, she's planning on returning home.
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